BHRR’s Symba’s home visit has been rescheduled for tomorrow!
We will update as we can!
Unfortunately; BHRR’s Symba’s hv scheduled for Sunday has been postponed. The home reached out to say that they have had a member of their family test positive for COVID. We sincerely hope that everyone is ok.
We will update as we can.
BHRR’s Symba’s home visit for a possible approved adoption is scheduled for Sunday, January 23rd.
BETTY WHITE CHALLENGE: January 17th, 2022!
TO DONATE TO BHRR IN HONOUR OF A TRUE ANIMAL HERO: PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org OR Email Transfer contactbhrr@gmail.com
Even $5 would mean the world to the animals AND us!
Thank you in advance for any consideration to help us in 2022 to continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs!
With COVID restrictions slowly loosening up, we are able to now do home-visits once more!
Health Status: HEALTHY!
*He has had two TPLO surgeries so, any right-matched forever loving home MUST understand that he has some arthritis. He is almost a $20,000 dog. He lives a high-quality life and only uses Gabapentin and Deramaxx as necessary. He runs and plays and is quite good about self-monitoring.
Age: 5-year-old, English Mastiff
Type of Home Ideal For Mr. Symba: He can be in a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired, etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog! He will ONLY go to a home that is prepared to ensure that he receives the balance he requires with proper exercise, socialisation, etc. He does not necessarily need to go to a dog-experienced home yet; he does need to go to a home that is prepared to remain committed to his obedience, structure, consistency and be patient, kind, understanding, and are not hermits. He loves home yet; he also likes his pet store and other dog-friendly store visits, plus visiting friends. We are not advocates of dog parks.
Personality/Temperament: Loving, affectionate, calm, quiet, sweet, social, playful, quietly active, gentle, kind, and if not handled properly – he has the propensity to develop SA behaviours. He can be a bit shy in new situations and settings and needs a home that will be patient, understanding while at the same time will not baby him. Just give him a bit of time; he warms up quickly and can quickly become the ‘class clown.’ COVID has made it harder for us to expose the dogs to all that we usually do and to the high level that we do, yet we have worked hard to make it happen for him. He has had playdates plus play visits and LOVES the attention!
Previous Dog Experience: Previous dog experience is not required per the above. We would also prefer him to be in a home that already has that right-matched personality fit dog. It is equally important that he has a strong doggie network as he needs friends too – he is going to be that dog that will have some(# unknown) very close buds and shall be ok having a multitude of hundreds of acquaintances! He has been fantastic with all of the dogs here.
Good With Cats: He has been ok with the cats he has interacted with to date, yet we would feel most comfortable with him being in a home without feline members.
Good with Pocket Pets: Unknown.
Good with Children: He has been good with children, and we will consider homes that have children 10 and up and no more than 2 children in a home.
Grooming: He is good to wash, do nails. We take a soft brush and brush regularly, and this is a great bonding time between us – along with treats!
Car: He is good in the car. We have worked for him to have a positive association with car rides and that it is one of great fun and loving experiences.
Housebroken/Crate Trained: He is housebroken and crate trained.
Obedience: His manners have come a long way. He can still pull if distracted, so a properly fitted and comfortable harness is recommended in addition to his martingale. Overall, his leash manners are excellent!
Activities Suited For Him: He is calm and such a low maintenance, chill dog and would love to be champion of a couch – not that we support couch or bed-sharing!
Loves & Bad Habits: He loves the snow yet does not wish to be outdoors overly long(he tolerates a winter coat!) – walks, short hikes, and strolls, yet, loves home that best. He loves to go shopping for treats and toys yet loves coming home the best. He love to visit others yet loves coming home the best. He is social yet does love coming home the best!
He is an early bird – up around 5:30 AM, does his thing outside comes in, wants a small treat(benny bully liver treat), and tends to go right back to bed until around 8:00 AM and then it is back out, in, breakfast, rest and then his day really starts – with whatever that days adventures the day will bring! He is up to exploring and having some fun!
He loves treats and loves to be around his humans.
As for bad habits – he can be vocal when it comes to dinner time! He can get excited.
He LOVES his giant stuffies, and he loves to be my computer ‘supervisor’ as I work away. He is the best companion!
Like any dog, he is not perfect. He is perfect in all of his imperfections, though! NOT to mention so handsome!
Anxieties/Worries: He has the ability to develop SA behaviours, and we have worked extensively to set him up for success. He has learned to like and love his own company and to know that we are coming home. It is integral that the right matched personality fit home does not spend 24/7 with him. During this pandemic, we still need groceries; we should still go out and walk about; we should still get in our cars and go for a small drive to go somewhere to do something!
He can be bossy and exhibit some rude behaviour when it comes to sharing attention, and he well knows the word ‘share,’ and the words ‘be nice.’
As we have stated for over 25 years now, we will NEVER rush any dogs’ rehabilitation journey, we do not flip dogs, and we are not desperate to adopt them out.
We will always place up for adoption the dogs that are able to be adopted and safe haven any others that, due to medical and/or behavioural reasons, are not able to be placed up for adoption.
We do not take in hundreds of dogs yearly; we only took in 16 dogs in 2020 as it is about helping the next in need of us, giving them top-quality care, and not about taking in numbers. In 2021, we have ONLY taken in 1 dog to date with two more dogs in the pipe.
After 25+ years, we remain knowing that we cannot please everyone, and that means that BHRR is clearly not the rescue to be followed, supported, believed in by everyone. We remain small plus mighty, and as we go through this next transitional stage for BHRR, we shall continue to operate with a zero-tolerance approach, plus providing up and beyond care to the animals.
Our mandates have never changed, and they will remain the same as long as we are around; the animals shall always be done right by as our priority.
Our adoption success rates remain second to no other group out there, and we are excited as we go through this slow transition for BHRR!
Mr Symba!
As he becomes healthier himself, the more happier he is also becoming!!!
Look at this cheeky boy!
AND as get ever closer to Mr. Symba’s 2nd TPLO surgery – February 23rd; these are the items that we remain in urgent need of, should anyone consider his amazing cause to support!
1) Towels
2) A Costco Dog bed
3) Pinesol
4) Lysol Wipes
5) Blankets/Duvets/Sleeping Bags
6) Fabric softener
7) Some Giant sized toys to self-amuse during his post-op recovery
8) Thanks to three generous Symba angels along with BHRR’s Coupe’s adoption fee; we are now short just over $275 for his surgery.
Donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital where Dr. Philibert will be performing his surgery: 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com -please let us know the password
*We do not need any more pillows! Thanks SO much!
Here is our Amazon Wish List!!! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/genericItemsPage/37GY3K4VNX0XX?ref_=wl_share
AND we also wanted to post that yes, we are aware of the brewing situation of a hoarding GD case and we were reached out directly by the authorities involved. We are on standby as needed. With a lot of experience/knowledge working with hoarding plus puppymill situations; we know that that this will be a long drawn out situation as the courts do what they need to do in order to make sure that there are not any loopholes or things missed.
As what was stated in Sean’s end of years statement plus posted on this page, we know that there will be the exception made as we transition BHRR.
In knowing that many of these Danes are also special needs; we are in a stand by mode to help as needed……we will post as more unfolds and waht/if BHRR will be helping out with.
Mr. Symba!
He is having a much deserved snooze after his big day today at LAH.
He had a very busy day! It was a busy and expensive day for BHRR too….
Mr. Symba had his post-op follow-up plus x-rays to see how his leg has healed from his TPLO procedure.
THUMBS UP given! He was such a good boy too….such a good boy getting his x-rays done.
We can now move on getting a surgery date with Dr. Philibert for his right leg TPLO surgery.
Bad news is that his right leg is deteriorating. After he had a thorough check on it, he has not been weight bearing – he is on Gabapentin and Deramaxx. The cold weather and the icy conditions are not helping.
We hope to be able to get a surgery date ASAP.
After being pampered plus spoiled with treats and love, he is now all wonderfully drugged up, including with some Trazodone and snoring away. Rest is best for him tonight.
We also still need to raise another $3,000 for his second TPLO.
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
*we just need to know the password.
This boy continues to just charm all those that meet him. He is such a deam-boat of a personality plus dog!
Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.
Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR.
I will be posting re: BHRR’s Oslo’s own apt. today shortly and we are still seeking a February Sponsor or Sponsors for his bills – with the increase in both Keppra and Gabapentin; his monthly bills are running close to $800
AND Miss Olive still needs her own February Sponsor or Sponsors for her bills – She is now close to $900/month for her bills
We would be deeply and forever grateful for even a $5 donation.
BHRR receives no corporate or government support. Most of our bills are covered out of our own pockets and we truly would be appreciative for any rescue angel donations.
Someone had a lot of careful fun today in the Winter Wonderland and he is now out for the count and snoring up a storm!
On January 25th, he has his post-op recheck including x-rays that Dr. Philibert shall review and hopefully; we can then book the other leg for a TPLO surgery.
BHRR’s Symba is truly a love…..
Almost 1:30 PM in the afternoon and someone is still sleeping!
One would think that he had a really busy New Year’s Eve bash instead of a wonderfully quiet Boerskins Evening!
We really hope that 2021 is an incredible year for all of our friends, family and supporters.
‘Get your bids in before it is too late!
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Symba!
He continues to have an excellent post-op recovery. It has been one week since his TPLO surgery and he is back next Wednesday for his 2 week post-op recheck plus staple removal.
He has been an excellent patient and he continues to just crack me up with is adoration of his Jumbo Stuffies – especially Mr. Grey Bear!
AND a gentle reminder that our 13th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction has started and shall run until Thursday December 3rd @ 9 PM EST
Here is the link – to the 27 WOW items that are currently up for grabs! I added 15 more items today.
Items shall be added daily!
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
This is him now!
BHRR’s Symba!
When you give the goooooooooood drugs!!!
Snoring away……
He is doing amazing! Truly, one of the best post-op patients I have had and recoveries so far!
Just a couple days post op yet, he is doing fantastic!
Super star!
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Symba is now home and settling in…
I will post a copy of the invoice tomorrow – THANKS to so many, we only owe a remainder of $797.70 for this cruciate repair on his left leg.
In 2-4 months, he will then have his right leg done per Dr. Philibert. We will see how his 8 week post op recovery visit goes to get a better idea as to when he can then have the second leg repaired.
This dog is super special…super sweet and super deserving.
He does have an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 if anyone may consider his cause.
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
I am now hunkering down for overnight duty with him and I could not ask for a more lovely patient to tend to!
On behalf of this incredibly amazing boy, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
AND BHRR’s Symba was out of surgery around 4 PM.
He weighed about 61 kgs(134.20 pounds). He is very lean.
Per Dr. Philibert, everything went well and he is in post-op.
I will be picking him up around 7:30 PM.
AND for those that missed the previous update: BHRR’s Symba actually has both back legs blown. Not one.
So, Dr. Philibert fixed the worst one – the left – and when he heals, we will then repair the other leg. When it rains it pours….poor sweet man.
Thank you from my heart to Liston Animal Hospital and to Dr. Philibert for taking excellent care of him today!
We also had his nails done while he was under and a good ear cleaning as he battled ear infections when he first arrived and is still getting better at having me clean them – wiggle monster he can be!
Thank you FROM my heart also to the two rescue angels that made generous donations to his bills today! YOU know who you are and we remain incredibly indebted….
AND thank you to everyone that has sent well wishes his way!!! That touches us deeply!
We have much to figure out re: fundraising for BHRR’s Symba’s current and now even more future bills, BHRR’s Coupe’s own ortho surgeries, BHRR’s Olive’s December and beyond bills, BHRR’s Oslo’s bills etc…..
We finally have our 3 Muskateers arriving this weekend – I have worked on their rescue and in getting them healthy since July and they are finally able to travel. THANK you to their own outstanding emerge temp foster home for being there for them!
Yet, we must keep the faith….
As many are also now aware, our doors are closed again…..we closed them after BHRR’s Oslo’s own orth diagnosis of marked bilateral hip subluxation secondary to hip dysplasia.
UPDATE: Dr. Philibert just called……
Sadly, Mr. Symba has two blown cruciates – very common when one goes, the other can.
The right leg was blown since Winter; long before he came into Rescue.
His left one is apparently also blown and is the worse of the two right now.
So, we will fix the left leg first and then he will have a second surgery to fix the right…
BHRR’s Symba!
On our way this AM!
Focused and looking ahead….to a new leg!
For anyone that may consider his cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password!
You are in excellent hands sweet man….between the amazing staff at Liston AH that I have known plus worked with many myself over the past 16.5+ years and also in the expert care of Dr. Philibert; you got this!
See you later today….
My last post of my night….BHRR’s Symba!
Tomorrow is his BIG day! He is scheduled for his TPLO surgery with Dr. Philibert at Liston Animal Hospital.
We have done all that we can do in preparation for his surgery….do we have all that we urgently need, no; yet, we have enough towels, fabric softener, laundry soap, paper towels, Pinesol, blankets to scrape by for a bit.
AND we have 3 JUMBO stuffies to rotate for him….
We are still short $2,500 of our goal to raise for his bills and Sean/I are working together to figure that out via pulling out some investments.
If anyone may consider his deserving cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
While he is under, he will have his ears cleaned and his nails done too!
When he comes home, he will be on two kinds of pain meds, antibiotics and also sedatives.
BHRR’s Symba, sleep well and have sweet dreams.
Tomorrow you will have a brand new leg…..
The rehab journey ahead will not be an easy nor short one yet, it will lead to a so much better/higher quality filled life for you….we have worked hard to keep you on an excellent pain management regime and after tomorrow; it will be all about the healing….
You are such an amazing dog and as deserving as any other dog and we remain so grateful to all of the rescue angels that have donated to date to help you with your surgery and post op care!
From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent and please keep Mr. Symba in your best thoughts!
My last post of my night!
While I need to post re: BHRR’s Oslo’s Vet visit last night; I am going to hold off until tomorrow……
AND for your nightly bedtme entertainment, BHRR’s Symba’s stuffie saga continues!!!
As I told the kind angel that doubled washed his Jumbo stuffie bear; whomever BHRR’s Symba is adopted to once rehabbed; is going to need to understand his jumbo stuffie needs!
While we wait for Mr. Bear to come back – ETA Friday (please come soon!) – to BHRR’s Symba, this same kind angel that took the ICKY and I mean ICKY Mr. Bear to wash – and put him through the washer twice! – so generously gave him a jumbo Mr. Dino Stuffie.
Well, one would have thought that I was trying to pull some big fast one on him! He refused to even look at it….OR me for the longest time.
Finally, he sat next to it and the look he gave me….first picture…
YET, in the end the charm of a JUMBO stuffie won him over and now he is snuggled, snoozing and snoring with Mr. Dino! Second picture is proof!
He is such a big marshmallow!!!
This dog is a hoot! He cracks me up!!!
AND on that note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
My last post of my night!
A lovely soul so generously took BHRR’s Symba’s jumbo stuffie to wash in an industrial washer.
First picture is BHRR’s Symba when I told him that his icky stuffie was going to leave for a bit and come back shiny and new – well, at least come back sweet smelling.
He was not impressed!!! He takes this thing everywhere and I mean everywhere!!!
I had wondered if giving it a decent burial would be better than attempting to wash it yet, wash it – twice! – this kind soul has done!!
The second picture is of his stuffie being ‘fluffed’!
LOVE it!
From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent…tomorrow is another day!
My last post of my night!
Time for folks to think about what they plan on giving up for 14 days in our 9th Annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser!
Starts Thursday November 5th and we already have 4 people signed up to date! Be creative! Some people have even done a swear jar in the past putting money each time they or someone in their office swears and then donating the monies raised at the end of the 14 days.
All money raised shall go towards helping BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe!
More details in the poster and please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you would like to be part of our 9th annual event!
Here are the blog links to BHRR’s Symba:
AND for BHRR’s Coupe
For those who wish to consider making a financial donation to their worthy causes, you can do so via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com OR you can do so directly to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
We have many many many thousands of dollars to raise and we are now set back even further as sadly, BHRR’s Oslo has needed emergency care today…..
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
BHRR’s Symba!
My last post of my night is a special request on his behalf.
I know that we already made a post seeking urgent items in preparation for his and BHRR’s Coupe’s huge upcoming ortho surgeries; yet; there is one thing that is a specific request for this sweet boy.
As many know, I have posted several times re: his love and comfort of the jumbo stuffie here.
We are now in search of another jumbo stuffie – 4-5 feet in height for him to have post-op.
As we shall have to clean this one; rotating with a new one as needed during his recovery; will mean he would never be without. When we wash this one; his is like the toddler sitting outside the washer plus dryer; being a suck until he gets it back.
We have to restrict his mobility during his recovery and if anyone has a jumbo stuffie they no longer wish to keep; please consider one big Bull Mastiff baby to donate to?
Also here is our Amazon Wish List Link for other items needed:
On that note, from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters; warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
AND yes, we are still working on renovations!
My last post of my night!
We are in URGENT need of the following to prepare for not one but two major surgeries for two of our amazing BHRR dogs!
BHRR’s Coupe(Newfx) pictured below is scheduled – FINALLY- thanks COVID-19! – for his bone debridement and bilateral elbow arthroscopic surgery December 1st. He is also the sweet boy that we shockingly discovered no less than 2 x 9 mm bullets in him – one being in his chest – when we did x-rays plus he had to have an emergency enterotomy surgery. In addition, we have been treating him for heartworm.
BHRR’s Symba(Bull Mastiff) is scheduled for his TPLO surgery on November 18th.
We urgently need the below items to assist with their post-op recoveries.
1) Pinesol or Lysol
2) XL Costco Dog Beds
3) Towels including hand towels
4) Paper Towels – not the scratchy/rough brown kind
5) Sleeping bags/Comforters/Duvets
6) Pillows – Twin/Double/Queen or King
7) Laundry Soap
8. Fabric Softener
9) Dryer Sheets
10) Donations for our upcoming flash online auction to help raise the many thousands upon thousands needed for these surgeries.
11) Financial Donations: We need to put down 50% upon surgery drop-off. Donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-596-0966 OR
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org OR
via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
12) Flannel Sheets – Double or Queen
Thanks as always from our hearts for any consideration to their very worthy causes – both dogs are magnificent!
As many know we have our monitored donation shed on our lane-way at the road by our mailbox and any kind items can be dropped off in it!
AND from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent!
Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.
This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.
Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).
Our camera’s are running.
1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.
It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.
We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.
We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.
All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.
We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked. It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.
As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.
We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.
2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.
Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.
This is our home. This is private property.
AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.
YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.
BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.
We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.
If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.
The Boerskins
On our way!!
Mr. Symba is looking forward to seeing folks @ 37 Dressler Drive in Kanata between 4-6:30 pm for our next Drive-Way Nail Trim & Ear Cleaning Event!
We are collecting donations for our upcoming silent auction too
All monies raised shall go towards paying for Mr. Symba’s cruciate repair!
BHRR’s Symba!
4.5 year old Bull Mastiff
He loves that giant elephant stuffie and BHRR’s Walters bed….
BHRR’s Walter is not too thrilled to share his special bed and I am working on getting Mr. Symba one of his own.
This boy is truly a rock star, in temperament and looks! Sean says every day that he cannot stay !
If all works out, Mr. Symba shall be at our next Drive Way Nail Trim & Ear Cleaning Event on Thursday September 17th to personally thank his fans/supporters for surrounding him with love. Location: 37 Dressler Drive from 4-6:30 pm.
We are still waiting for a surgery date for his cruciate repair surgery and have our brains engaged for creative fundraising ideas as his surgery will be close to $4,000+tx.
On behalf of one sleeping beauty; warmest good night wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!
**Donated To Date: $175**
BHRR’s Symba!
3:30 AM and I look beside me as I working on my computer and this is the scene that greets me. ??
Almost 135 pounds cuddled up with a giant sized elephant stuffie. ?
No matter how old or young, giant stuffies are enjoyed by the dogs – they provide comfort and security and are snuggly soft.
This boy only had a torn blanket sent along with him when he arrived to rescue.
This is the Bull Mastiff that had been scheduled to be put to sleep and a rescue worked with the Owner to see if another group could take him in. We are forever grateful to this rescue for they saved a magnificent dog!!
He was back to work with me on the Monday as with everything he had done on Sunday, he still needed his vaccines.
He seems to love BHRR’s Walter’s ortho bed that had been bought for Mr. Walter so we are going to work on trying to find that bed for Mr. Symba too!
He is settling in so wonderfully and everyone who has met him to date cannot say enough about how awesome of a boy he is!
I am now getting some good welcome tail wags from him and he is such a solid handsome boy.
His x-rays were reviewed by one ortho specialist who felt that BHRR’s Symba’s should have a TPLO procedure over an ex-capsular surgery for his blown cruciate. This was determined to be the best approach due to him being a Giant Breed Dog. The ortho specialist also felt that they were not the ideal surgeon for him and so the x-rays have now been sent over to another ortho surgeon.
With how busy we are at my own work, I cannot get him in there anytime soon and this boy has had this blown cruciate since the spring.
So, we are now waiting patiently, knowing how busy everyone is; to see what Dr. Philibert may have available.
We have been given one estimate of $3,800+ for this surgery and we are looking deep into our couch cushions for spare change, we keep collecting Empties, we have two more Drive-way nail trim events and our Dine with the Doggies Fundraiser.
His bills to date are just under $1,000 and any donations to his care would be beyond appreciated and can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*we just need to know the password
Thank you in advance for the consideration!
BHRR’s Symba
He weighed 61.70 kgs(135.74 pounds).
We sedated him at work today so that he could have a thorough exam on his hips and knees.
We did x-rays on hips and knees and it has been confirmed that he does have a blown cruciate in his back right leg. His hips look ok, so good news there!
We did pre-op bloodwork including testing for heartworm plus tick borne diseases and the results were all normal.
We did ear cytology’s as his ears were yucky and we cleaned them plus put in ear meds as he has infections.
We did a big nail trim on him too as his nails were very overgrown.
He also had a cartrophen injection. He will be on Gabapentin and Deramaxx for pain and inflammation.
He will begin flea/tick & heartworm meds plus be de-wormed.
AND this dog has an incredible temperament!! Just outstanding!
X-rays & bloodwork will be sent off to his ortho specialist and we will schedule his TPLO surgery ASAP
He is the Bull Mastiff that was scheduled to be euthanised by his owner and a group stepped in and asked for time so that another group could be found to help him.
This boy is absolutely heaven and we feel so privileged to help and he will need the BHRR village to surrround him with support as he has a long surgery and rehab journey ahead of him…
He also needs a XL Costco dog bed to call his very own if anyone may help….
Donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please let us know the password!*
Thank you in advance from our hearts for any consideration to his care….
Pouring rain, flooding and thunderstorms did not hold back this rescue!!!
Thanks again Cassy for picking him up and meeting me! Rescue angel!!
He is scheduled to see the Vet tomorrow @ 5 pm and his rehabilitation journey begins now.
Welcome to BHRR Mr. Symba!
Now to get home, get him settled in and get dried up!
AND Cassy now has him!
BHRR’s Symba.
After much stress, this handsome boy(Bull Mastiff) is now safe!
Apparently, he has a blown cruciate – diagnosed in the spring and was recently scheduled to be euthanised as O. cannot afford the medical care. Another rescue worked with the Owner to gain some time to see if another organisation could assist.
O. also had two other dogs(MastiffX) they were seeking to re-home.
It was a worrisome and difficult process yet, we finally have him.
Thank you Cassy for the transport assistance, drive safe!
I shall be hitting the road a bit later to meet up with them…
He will be brought into work shortly to be assessed and to begin his medical rehab journey.
The next in need of us!
4 year old Male Bull Mastiff
Medical: Blown cruciate
Another kind Rescue worked with the O. to get them to cancel the scheduled euthanasia apt. they had made so that they could see if another group could step up to assist.