BHRR’s Percival!
Love this picture of him!
He is ‘fuzzy’ as he decided to go for a dip in the one spring fed pond and then had a quick bath as he was stinky!. Today, has been such a gorgeous day weather wise. One would think it was spring, not almost neck deep in winter, particularly after the two snow storms we recently had here.
Unfortunately, as he is still in our care, today, he was in for his annual plus we did blood-work to submit to the lab for his 6 month Quant C6 levels, as when he arrived into rescue, we learned that he was Lyme Positive.
He was not due for his next QC6 until January 2nd – technically – yet, with the bad weather pretty much upon us and that I do not yet, know how my future Career plans will be looking; we did it today, almost 5 weeks early.
We had treated him for Lyme disease and now he requires blood-work every 6 months to test his levels and he remains on tick medication year round to limit further exposure to ticks. We keep the dogs on flea/tick/hw meds year round so, not a problem.
He weighed 33.8 kgs(74.36 pounds). This is down slightly from the 77.22 pounds he was in July and he looks MARVELLOUS! He is lean, muscled, toned and looks fabu!
When we first got him, he was an obese out of shape 91.08 pounds. He has lost 16.72 pounds in our care. WTG Mr. Percy!
He can now run and race and zoom and zip and not be out of breath.
He had his vaccines today too plus I obtained more Vanectyl P for his allergies. He still gets 2 EOD.
He is a FAR cry for the swollen, raw, bleeding with anal fistula’s dog that first came into our rescue. We got his allergies under control and he remains on his excellent first food diet too.
He was a good boy! He remains slightly nervous at the Vet yet, truly proud of all of the progress he has made since his arrival.
AND his car anxiety is unbelievably amazing now!! Some whining and pacing yet, he ROCKED it. 1.5 hour round-trip drive and he was a star. GOOD boy!
I want to also thank BHRR’s Giselle’s plus BHRR’s Bursts special Secret Santa’s for meeting me today! AND for the Pinesol gifts to BHRR.
For those Santa elves still outstanding on their own special SS’s, here is my availability this week to meet up. Do email contactbhrr@gmail.com for the exact location.
**I need to have time to get them to then drop off those that need dropping off to their Foster Homes for XMAS**
Monday November 30th 5:30 PM – Nepean
Tuesday December 1st 8:00 AM – Kanata
Wednesday December 2nd 12:30 PM – Kanata
Pet Valu Stittsville -1250 Main Street North, Stittsville – *During their business hours* – Thanks Bre!
Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.
This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.
Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).
Our camera’s are running.
1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.
It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.
We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.
We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.
All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.
We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked. It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.
As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.
We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.
2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.
Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.
This is our home. This is private property.
AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.
YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.
BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.
We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.
If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.
The Boerskins
1) In having a discussion with several members of the BHRR BOD; we shall be open as of Septermber 1st – subject to change if need be – for the intake of completed applications ONLY to consider for approved adoptions.
BHRR ONLY places per right matched personality fits and has an extremely thorough adoption screening process.
2) Unfortunately, again….in 2020 we will not be doing a BHRR Calendar. The cost is too high for what comes out of our personal pockets when that is monies that are desperately needed to keep BHRR open.
3) ISO: Auction Items for our upcoming 9th Annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event. Human, dogs, cat, gift baskets, gift certificates etc. ALL are welcome!
We also need draw prizes!
Please do not post your kind offers here, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
4) It is that time again! Time to think about being a special Secret Santa to the BHRR doggies! 2020 marks our 18th year doing this!!
As of today, we still have 21 deserving BHRR doggies in need of a special SS to call their very own!
To learn more and to sign up, please do visit the link!
5) BHRR is in urgent need of the following items:
Garbage bags – all sizes
Laundry soap
Fabric Softner
Fabric Softner Sheets
Giants Sized Dog Toys
XL Costco Dog Beds
Blankets, Duvets, Towels
Paper Towels
6) Please do reach out if you or someone you know has a Great Dane/Giant Breed Dog in need. We are also a highly/strongly focused special needs rescue so take in other breeds as we can that are also: Deaf and/or Blind, Sick, Senior, Neuro, Injured, Pregnant, Palliative, Nursing, Other Medical, Orphaned & Behavioural
It hurts our hearts to see dogs being put to sleep when there is an organization – we have been around since 1996 – OR to see these dogs end up in disreputable places.
Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you or someone that you know needs assistance.
As we continue to receive inquiries and/or applications re: adoptions, we are making yet another blog post – there is one also made on June 8th AND another one made on July 22nd – on all of our adoptable dogs’ blogs re: our current positioning. Our Facebook page and Petfinder also state our present closure for adoption applications.
Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any new applications for approved adoptions until at least September.
We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.
We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time.
This is for several reasons:
1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.
Additionally, the government has only recently announced that Vet Hospitals can now open up to do non-essential appointments and not only operate on an urgent basis. The backlog to the Vet Hospitals is incredible.
People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for many other reasons. Not for Vet references.
We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.
2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.
Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.
At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….
3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past few months with the vast majority being for the wrong reason(s) from people now wanting to adopt.
On a ‘good’ day, we get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.
These past several months; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.
People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?
Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?
The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.
All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.
If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up.
Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for new applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then.
**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**
Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. Each BHRR dog has an extremely thorough individual blog that dates back to when they first arrived into Rescue. Emailing or calling us asking for more details, what our adoption fees are, wanting to come and see the dogs are not going to be responded to any longer. We have posted many times over that we are not a pound, shelter or facility and no, you cannot just visit a dog or make an appointment to visit a dog. We are an all Volunteer organization that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes.
AND yes, we are not other groups – we are NOT going to take chances that our dogs could be set up for failure – and as it is the prerogative of other groups to adopt out during this brutally difficult time, it remains our prerogative to not do so. Our adoption success rates are second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 24. We will not compromise on our policies, procedures and processes.
We are NOT desperate to adopt out our dogs. All dogs that are deemed adoptable shall ONLY be adopted to right matched personality fit homes that are approved via our thorough adoption screening process.
As we continue to receive inquiries and/or applications re: adoptions, we are making yet another blog post – there is one also made on June 8th – on all of our adoptable dogs’ blogs re: our current positioning. Our Facebook page and Petfinder also state our present closure for adoption applications.
Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any new applications for approved adoptions until at least August.
We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.
We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time.
This is for several reasons:
1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.
Additionally, the government has only recently announced that Vet Hospitals can now open up to do non-essential appointments and not only operate on an urgent basis. The backlog to the Vet Hospitals is incredible.
People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for many other reasons. Not for Vet references.
We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.
2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.
Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.
At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….
3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past few months with the vast majority being for the wrong reason(s) from people now wanting to adopt.
On a ‘good’ day, we get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.
These past several months; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.
People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?
Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?
The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.
All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.
If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up.
Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for new applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then.
**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**
Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility and no, you cannot just visit a dog or make an appointment to visit a dog. We are an all Volunteer organization that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes.
AND yes, we are not other groups – we are NOT going to take chances that our dogs could be set up for failure – and as it is the prerogative of other groups to adopt out during this extremely difficult time, it remains our prerogative to not do so. Our adoption success rates are second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 24. We will not compromise on our policies, procedures and processes.
He will remain on two tablets every second day.
He remains on monthly heartworm/flea/tick protection plus his special prescription fish food.
He weighed a muscled lean solid gorgeous 35.1 kgs(77.22 pounds). We have worked hard building up that muscle mass and to tone his body.
He was fantastic in the car, with all the puppies/kitties he saw at work and with all staff.
BHRR’s Percival, we are so very proud of you!!
He remains under a PENDING ADOPTION status.
Next, Miss Mollie will be in for her own repeat blood-work as she also tested positive for Lymes disease when we first rescued her. She has already had a course of Doxycycline.
Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any applications for approved adoptions until at least August.
We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.
We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time.
This is for several reasons:
1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.
Additionally, the government has announced that Veterinarians can ONLY operate on an urgent basis.
People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for urgent reasons. Not for Vet references.
We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.
2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.
Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.
At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….
3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past couple of weeks.
On a ‘good’ day, I get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.
These past four weeks; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.
People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?
Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?
The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.
All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.
If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up.
Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then.
**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**
Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility. We are an all Volunteer organziation that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes.
AND yes, we are not other groups and as it is their prerogative to adopt out during this extremely difficult time and it remains our perogative to not do so.
Sooooooooooo my last post of my night….
We are moving BHRR’s Percival under a PENDING ADOPTION!
AND before we become flooded with calls, emails and texts, no we remain not approving any adoptions until at least June.
Additionally, we are not accepting to review any other completed applications to consider for approved adoptions until at least June.
As we have posted several times over on facebook, on our websites including PetFinder and have explained many times on the phone to those that now state that they have ‘all of this time on their hands’ and want to adopt; we do not feel that this is the proper time for people to adopt that suddenly have time on their hands when they did not before.
We also remain practising safe social distancing.
The reason why we are moving slowly on this particular application – received back in April yet, we have been in discussion for so much longer than that – for BHRR’s Percival is that this home has taken the time to get to know BHRR, what we do, why we are needed, what we represent etc. and in turn, over time, we have also come to get to know them.
This is not a home that is a stranger to BHRR/us. This is not a home that suddenly has time on their hands and wishes to adopt. This is not a home that does not understand the lifetime commitment that each animal deserves to have. This is not a home that does not understand the extensive medical and food bills that BHRR’s Percival shall require. This is not a home that has not read in depth BHRR’s Percival’s story. They have followed his journey since Day 1. They understand that he is not perfect, that he is only perfect in his imperfections and they want to assist him in helping him reach his full potential, which he has a mountain of!
This is a home that has has been front and present and full of honesty and openness and members of the BHRR BOD have discussed this particular situation/home and we feel 100% comfortable in proceeding further with their application.
Yes, sometimes there can be extremely rare grey area’s to some circumstances and this is a unique situation that we are sincerely looking forward in proceeding further with.
On that amazing note, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters thank you for all that you have done and do for the animals of BHRR and we wish you the warmest of good night wishes!
We shall update on BHRR’s Percival’s status as we can!
BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red Labrador
Today is the day that he comes to bunk down with The Boerskins!
Thanks so much to his kind foster Mama for loving on him.
We have possible wonderful news too re: him. We have received an application for him that may well be that right matched forever loving adoptive home.
We now have to wait – with the COVID-19 situation – until it is safe to proceed further with the application.
What a long yet, truly amazing way you have come sweet boy in your rehabilitation journey to health plus happiness.
Saturday Mornings be like….
BHRR’s Percival, our gorgeous fox red Labrador remains Available for Adoption!
Thank you to his fabulous foster Mama for taking such excellent care of him!
Fox Red Lab
He says it is time!
He is finally ready to make his own special announcement!
He will only be approved to be adopted to a home that is going to be proactive with his seasonal and food allergies.
It has taken close to $4,000 to successfully rehabilitate this gorgeous boy and he needs to remain on a fish based food plus Apoquel.
A home that is going to be committed plus dedicated to ensuring that he never has his health and happiness compromised ever again.
He can go to a home that works part-time, full-time, from home, is semi or even fully retired. Another BHRR versatile dog!
He is crate trained, wiggly to do nails, fine to bathe with his special shampoo and his leash manners have greatly improved yet, he can still be that bulldozing boy. A diamond in the rough!
His amazing foster Mama has been working so diligently on his worry re: stairs and he is so proud of himself when he does them! We are EQUALLY proud of you Mr. Percival!
He can still exhibit some car anxiety and passively ignoring after a reassuring word is so important.
He wants to love everyone yet, still becomes worried over meeting people once in awhile and giving him some space, not looking so tall and offering a treat, then passively ignoring greatly helps him. That he may not take the treat is not what matters. What matters is the positive experience that he is getting and seeing that he is ok.
He is super friendly, affectionate, a true ham of a personality fun filled boy…..he just lacked the proper socialization as a puppy and the home that turns out to be his right matched forever loving home will see that their patience will pay off in huge dividends.
He does not need to be babied. That is setting him up for failure.
His foster mama has been showing him what a wonderful world it can be and he is thriving!
He is great with other dogs plus cats and has come a long way in learning how to play with toys! Such a hoot to watch him in action!
Thank you again to Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for the stunning pictures of this gorgeous boy.
Thank you once more from our hearts to his fabu foster home for all that they have and are doing for him!
We will not adopt him to a home with children under the age of 12. Small children are fast, flighty and unpredictable and he needs stability, consistency plus structure. We want him to be treated like the prince he is.
We would love to see him adopted to a home that has at least one right matched personality fit dog and/or cat residing in it. We will consider homes that do not have any other pets yet, they must have a strong doggie network in place for him to have friends to play plus socialise with. He was so alone prior to rescue and he needs friends just as we do!
He is a healthy happy active plus affectionate boy and settles down in the home when it is time to relax and chill. Great for long walks and in turn, watching movies by the fireplace type of boy.
The healthier he has become, the happier he has become and his Foster Mama has been working on his manners and he is such a good student!
BHRR’s Pervical, we will never regret stepping up to assist you despite the back lashing we took and your successful rehabilitation reinforces why we do what we do and why we need to stand strong for those who have no voice!
Congratulations to you and we are beyond excited for your future!
THIS came on my radar last night!
Nicki is making handmade bracelets to benefit our Giant Breed Rescue & Rehabilitation Programs!
100% comes to BHRR and she is doing this indefinitely!
HOW creative, thoughtful and generous is this?!
I already bought mine!
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & to purchase yours:
“This bracelet is to support the Ottawa Birch Haven giant dog breed Rescue and Rehabilitation centre. (BHRR).
The unakite beads are a stone that is believed to help with feelings of abandonment and separation issues – very fitting as a representation for dogs that have lost their homes for various reasons. The cost of feeding, medicating, and housing giant breed dogs is much higher than rescues for smaller breeds so every little bit helps.
Paw print charm is made of brass”
Stay tuned!
This handsome young man is getting excited for he is close to making his own special announcement! BHRR’s Percival, our gorgeous fox red lab!
We want to extend our biggest and most heartfelt thanks to Josée Lavoie Pet Photography for the stunning pictures!
Also thanks being sent to his lovely foster Mama for all that she remains doing for him!
He was back at the Vet this AM for what we hope is his final visit while under our authority! ? He went in for boosters and to have a recheck on that foot to see if it is healing well after being placed on yet, more antibiotics and also Vanectyl P was added to his Apoquel medication.
Good early AM!
We are posting this request again as unfortunately, due to another cancellation – three now, circumstances being what they have been – weather etc., we are back in need of a Volunteer photographer who may consider taking professional photo’s of BHRR’s Percival!
We are working hard for BHRR’s Percival to be able to make his special announcement and are hoping for someone to be able to commit some time to help with some amazing pictures!
Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thanks in advance!
My last post of my night!
BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red Lab
I so LOVE this photo! Looks like someone had a long hard day and is now crashed out!
As mentioned previously, he was back at the Vet yesterday as his one foot is red and bothering him and when his foster mom told me, I was worried about possible infection. So, got him in immediately to be seen.
Apparently, the Vet believes that it is a contact allergy so there is something – we are thinking possibly? the hay for the rabbits as he does have seasonal allergies – that has caused him to have a flare-up.
He remains on his Apoquel yet, the Vet has now added Vanectyl P plus another round of antibiotics to his medical regime.
I also had another bag of his special food ordered and his foster mom picked it up while she was there.
He weighed 35 KGs and as stated before, anything between 35-37 kgs I am content with.
So, his Vet bills are now close to $3,500 and he is one of the deserving dogs that will benefit from our currently running 7th Annual Breaking Bills Bake Online Auction!
For those asking, no, he has not yet had his professional photo shoot. I am told that they have now had to be rescheduled twice.
BHRR’s Coupe is the other amazing dog that will benefit from this auction.
We currently have 43 WOW items up for grabs! We have cookies, cheesecakes, dog treats, pies, cinnamon buns, pudding shooters, dates with BHRR’s Percival & BHRR’s Coupe and even two tickets up for our annual BHRR DINE WITH THE DOGGIES Event.
To view all of the items and to bid, please visit the below link AND if anyone may have something that they would consider donating to this auction, please do email us with the details, including location for pick-up!
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, stay safe out there wishes are being sent! We are currently in a huge snowstorm right now…expecting 35 cms with snow squalls, so please be careful and make sure that your animals are warm too!
BHRR’s Percival!
Fox Red Lab
ISO: Someone who would be open to donating their time to do some professional photo’s of him. We like to post our requests on facebook so that people can offer if they are able and willing to instead of us reaching out to specific people as we would never wish anyone to feel like they had to take photo’s…
Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you have some time over the next couple of weeks to do his professional photo shoot as he gets that much closer to being able to make his own special announcement!
He was at the Vet today and now weighs 37.10 kgs(81.62 pounds). We love for him to stay within the 35-37 kg range. He was 35.4 kgs at his last Vet visit and so we are working on his food intake to level things out for maintenance now. So, we going to go down to 5.5 cups of kibble per day and 1/2 cup of wet canned food and treats.
When he first arrived, he was almost 92 pounds and lacking muscle mass plus tone.
He looks fantastic and he still hates that scale! Wants to ‘toss his weight around’ yet, we get the job done.
His ears, skin and anal fistula’s have all resolved successfully under the proper fish food regime and the antibiotics plus allergy meds – Apoquel. He remains on the Apoquel every other day. His Lymes treatment of the Doxycycline is now also done.
We are extremely strict re: his diet and as treats he gets the wet form of his D/D Salmon food. He gets it with his pills and we discussed with his wonderful foster Mama(this is her 3rd BHRR Foster dog) picking up some of the Mini Zuk’s Salmon treats to try.
His foster mama says that he just runs to his crate and then sits for his food so adorably.
She has been working so diligently on his worry re: stairs and he is doing it! AND so proud of himself he is from what I am told when he gathers up all of his courage and does the stairs in their home. WTG Team!
Today, he was healthy enough for his DAPP and his Lymes plus Lepto vaccines and will be back in 3 weeks time for his boosters.
Per his very detailed blog, come the spring, he will require not only his regular Heartworm and Tick borne disease testing yet also the Quant 6 bloodwork to be sure that the Lymes disease has been successfully treated.
This boy has a huge fan club and he has been a really treat of a dog to have with BHRR.
Taking this boy in has also taught us once again that by doing the right thing can come at a price of taking some heat. Yet, we will continue to stand tall plus strong that with his Vet Bills now over $3,000, we have continued to go up and beyond in making sure that he along with all of the dogs in our program have lacked for nothing!
This experience has also made us add to our upcoming BHRR BOD & Advisory Board meetings that we will once again re-visit doing the intake of owner surrenders. Many other groups currently no longer do so and we continue to well understand why they do not accept owner surrenders any longer.
BHRR’s Percival, you are worthy and deserving and it was such a pleasure seeing you again today!!
Thank you to your beautiful Foster Mama for bringing you in this AM. She had to have been exhausted working nights and then coming to this apt. and we are so grateful to her!
***UPDATE: we need to sell minimally 3 more tickets!!**
BHRR’s Percival – fox red lab – recently had his overnight play date and it was with his emerge temp foster home when he first came into rescue!!
They were so happy to see him again as were his doggie friends! What a cute pic of the three of them!
His Vet bills are close to $3,000 and to all of his rescue angels thank you for being there for him!! He is back at the Vet for January 3rd, 2020.
We still need to sell minimally 3 more tickets by January 2nd to our custom making sign night on January 16th!
**NOTICE: AND to *sweeten* the pot, we shall be offering up a Bakers Dozen if Boerskins famous cinnamon buns plus Aaron has generously offered up one of his own famous homemade Apple Crumble Pies to all that have already bought and will buy a ticket!
So, draws shall be made for:
1) homemade bakers dozen of Boerkskins famous cinnamon buns
2) a homemade Aaron Maracle Apple Crumble Pie!**
If we do not sell minimally 3 more tickets by January 2nd, 2020, sadly, I shall lose my $100 deposit and the animals shall also miss out on some truly much needed support.
Make Your Own Sign Nite!
January 16th, 2020
Time: 8:00 PM Start
Location: Don Cherry’s in Kanata
$15 for every ticket sold comes to Rescue and we shall be splitting the proceeds with Ottawa Rabbit Rescue.
You can choose a stencil from over 500+ designs OR custom make a sign all of your own.
Joyce shall be our amazing hostess once more AND come early, grab some drinks, snacks or dinner!
Please click on the link below to purchase your own ticket(s)!
Please do consider supporting our cause….2020 promises to be our most needed year to date since our inception in 1996. We already have many new requests for our assistance of dogs plus horses in need of our highly specialised programs.
Thank you in advance for considering to come out to our Sign Night!
He is recovering wonderfully from his neuter and on January 3rd shall be in for his Lepto/Lymes Vaccines. From there, he will be scheduled for professional photo’s and his boosters.
After that, he shall be ready to make his special announcement!
BHRR’s Percival, as with all of our dogs, shall only be adopted to that right matched personality fit home meant for him! He will only go to a home that will ensure that he is not neglected ever again. A home that has the financial means to stay on top of his food and seasonal allergies.
He is now close to $3,000 for us to work on his successful rehabilitation. His skin and ear infections plus anal fistula’s have all be treated and he remains on his Apoquel plus his Doxycycline treatment having also been diagnosed as being Lymes Positive.
Thank you to all that have stood strong by us over the past shy of 24 years, enabling us to do right by each and every dog that has needed us and understanding that r/q Rescue is not ever about winning any popularity contests.
BHRR’s Percival, Merry Christmas to you and thank you to your temp foster Mama for taking such excellent care of you!
He now knows how to play with toys, is still nervous of stairs – will go down yet not up – yet one baby step at a time and the healthier he has become, the even more wonderful he has also become!
You are going to be a true treat to that right matched forever loving home when it is your time, Mr. P.!
BHRR’s Percival (3 year old Fox Red Lab) had his de-twinkle apt. today!
Everything went great, he is such a good boy and now he is recovering by being safely tucked back in with his lovely foster Mama.
I also microchipped him today and in about two weeks time, he will have a recheck and some more vaccines(Lymes/Lepto). 3-4 weeks after that he will have his boosters.
He is doing fantastic on the fish based food and taking his remaining meds of the Doxy plus Apoquel like a champ! He is eating so well now. Runs over to his crate and sits so nicely.
After he obtains his boosters at the end of January, he should be ready to then make his special announcement!
BHRR’s Percival VIDEO – December 15th, 2019
Loving all of the toys in his Foster home!
He shall be scheduled to be neutered shortly and in the New Year be ready to make his special announcement!
His Vetting to date is over $2,500 with all that he has needed to get him healthy.
Doesn’t he look wonderful?!
NOTE: per my post last night, I am now at the airport and heading out of the country.
As mentioned in my post last night, all auction winners have been confirmed in a post made on each auction item.
1) Please do check the items you bid on to see if you won!
2) For all of the lovely winners, please also note the pickup location(s) for your item(s) won and the date(s) if applicable for pickup. I am getting many emails – please take pity on me as all of this is posted in our rules and on each auction item! – asking where and when and people wanting all of their items picked up from one spot. Much time has been spent to make sure all the information needed was posted.
3) Please pay per the posted payment options made in the rules and on each item within the 72 hour time-frame. Once again, I am getting emails from people asking re: payment and do take mercy on me as I am one mere mortal person! Everything needed has been posted.
4) I worked long into the wee hours of the night working on the close of this auction, reaching out to all of the winners and collecting payments and putting winners in touch with the fabu donators etc. and as I am getting on one of two planes shortly – I hope! Delays due to weather, I will not be back online until late tonight to re-visit the auction and to keep working on it.
I do wish to shout out a huge heartfelt and sincere thanks to each and every rescue angel that donated to our auction. It may have been our smallest in 12 years of hosting this annual event, yet, it was filled with so much warmth and generosity thanks to each of you!!
Thank you also to every kind and caring person who shared our auction and/or bid and supported our continued efforts to keep BHRR going strong!
This is BHRR’s Percival who also wanted me to thank you on his and BHRR’s Kenai’s behalf for being there for them in their huge time of need!
May everyone have a safe and wonderful Friday!
Gentle reminder we are here at Pet Valu Hazeldean Road – 457 Hazeldean Road to 4 PM!
We are doing nail trims & ear cleanings! We have merchandise for sale including baked goodies for both humans & dogs! We also have our wine/chocolate raffle basket up for grabs!
This special boy dropped in for a few minutes to say Hello and stole hearts all over! BHRR’S Percival!
This is our last community education and public awareness event of 2019!
Stayed tuned for our 12th JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS Online Auction….will be up and running tonight!
We got him!
BHRR’s Percival – 3 year old fox red Lab – was then seen at EVC. We reviewed his previous Vet Records and can confirm that proper Vet recommendations for his suspected allergies were never followed.
We had received an offensive email last night from his previous home – as he was surrendered direct to a Vet Hospital, where he was placed should have been confidential – stating that they were excellent owners and took care of all of his needs including medical etc.
This has not been the case and we now have the medical records.
At work tonight, we have begun his proper proactive/preventative vetting. We did ear cytologies and then cleaned and treated his horrible ear infections with antibiotics.
His Vet has placed him on antibiotics for his horrible bacterial skin infections – feet, between his toes, chin and head. His anus is also terribly inflamed plus raw. His Vet is hoping that the fistulas are allergy related.
His Vet has him on a special shampoo to be washed monthly for his skin.
His Vet has placed him on Apoquel for his allergies.
We also have put him on a proper fish based food to food trial him for the next 8 weeks.
We did bloodwork in preparation for his neuter for he has not been neutered. We also did bloodwork to test for Heartworm and tickborne diseases.
We shall begin to de-worm him and do a fecal. When he is healthy, we will do his vaccine protocol.
His elbows are full of hard callouses.
We are doing all of his necessary and his required Vetting.
As explained to his previous home that fired us off an email last night, so many organizations no longer step up to help owner surrendered dogs and we continue to understand why. Groups being harassed is not acceptable and this means more dogs are being euthanised as Rescues do not have the time or desire to deal with cyberbullying. BHRR takes a zero tolerance approach to such conduct.
If this dog had been adequately tended to, we would not have had to invest close to $1,000 to begin to get him healthy. This is just the beginning too for him.
He needs to lose weight – weighed 41.4 kgs tonight – and needs to gain muscle mass plus tone. The home had placed him on Trazodone as they were not getting sleep. We have taken him off of Trazodone for with the right physical and emotional stimulation, he is fine.
We were told that he was not being exercised as he should be and that one of the Owners had hip surgery in the summer and uses a cane. Yet, in having two owners, the option to use a dog walker, family, friends and/or neighbours to help etc., his physical needs could be met with a bit of planning.
He is quite chill, friendly and we bought him some squeaky toys as one of his rescue saviours said he began to play with a toy today.
He did perfectly fine around not one yet two cats between grooming at Groomindale’s at Pet Valu Stittsville and EVC. He was fine around all other dogs he has met over the past couple of days since he was surrendered too.
He will need a bit of work with his obedience yet, he is a nice boy that once he becomes healthy – with allergies managed – he is going to feel so much better and be even happier.
He was a bit nervous we were told and we were also informed as to why – he was not handled gently in his past yet, even in the time he had been with his rescue angels, he has settled incredibly well.
BHRR believes in full disclosure and we are here to stand up and speak for those who cannot do so themselves and this is what we are going to do for BHRR’s Percival.
All monies raised tomorrow at our last community education and public awareness event of 2019 will go towards his medical needs. I do wish to say that I am sorry that we will not have any Boerskin baked goodies available for sale as my day/night has been taken up with dear sweet BHRR’S Percival and also the latest with our CVO complaint investigation for BHRR’s Bane. Almost one year and it is still ongoing.
If anyone may like to drop off some baked goodies tomorrow at our event, we would be eternally thankful!!
For anyone that may like to donate to his cause you can via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com or direct to Eagleson Veterinary Hospital 613-383-8381.
Thank you from my heart to his emerge temp fosters – Cassy & John and then Annette!
Thank you to Megan and also to Kathryn for offering to emerge temp foster him too.
From our home to all of our friends and family plus supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
On my way shortly to pick up who shall be named BHRR’s Percival!
He is a special needs 3 year old fox red Labrador.
This AM, he was given a wonderful bath/grooming session thanks to one of his rescue angels – Katy.
Doesn’t he look positively adorable?!
We are still working on an emerge temp foster for him. Dear already BHRR Approved Volunteers, please let us know if you have a soft spot for him to lay his head for even just the next week. ??
I have an appointment scheduled for right after I pick him up to be seen at the Vet. We will be given a copy of his previous vet records when I pick him up which we will then review closely with his Vet.
We have learned that he had not been neutered either so we will be ensuring that this is also done as part of proactive/preventative Vet Care!
We will post an update after his Vet visit as then we will have a better idea of what we are looking for in regards to his medical rehabilitation needs.
Gentle reminder to all that have participated in our annual GIVE IT UP FOR AUTUMN Fundraiser, that it ended last night and all monies you saved can be sent via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
AND it is not too late to donate to our 12th Annual JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS Online Auction. Sadly, we only have about 20 items donated YET to us, that is 20 more items than we once had to help raise much needed funds for the animals in need of our highly specialised programs.
This is a 3 year old male uber handsome fox red coloured Labrador Retriever.
While not a Giant per say, at 40+kgs, he is a big boy and is a special needs situation.
He has allergies and his Owners were planning on having him euthanised as they were not willing to pursue further investigation/diagnostics etc. Therefore, we do not know what is the underlying cause of his allergies at this time.
We were contacted by the Vet Hospital he frequents and the home ended up agreeing to surrender him to the Hospital over having him put to sleep.
He is said to have no other issues/concerns and is a really nice boy and that is why the Hospital fought hard to see him saved.
ETA is Friday November 22nd and we are still working on an approved temp foster home for him.
AND he shall be in need of a special Secret Santa ALL of his very own if anyone may like to step up.
AND please do not forget about our annual ‘GIVE IT UP FOR AUTUMN’ Fundraiser whereby all funds shall come to help BHRR’s Kenai, the special needs German Shepherd in our care. Yes, we will be posting another update on him shortly.
Donations to his continued care can continue to be sent via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
We are also still very much in need of Auction items for our 12th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Onlline Auction.
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent!