BETTY WHITE CHALLENGE: January 17th, 2022!
TO DONATE TO BHRR IN HONOUR OF A TRUE ANIMAL HERO: PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org OR Email Transfer contactbhrr@gmail.com
Even $5 would mean the world to the animals AND us!
Thank you in advance for any consideration to help us in 2022 to continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs!
AND we also wanted to post that yes, we are aware of the brewing situation of a hoarding GD case and we were reached out directly by the authorities involved. We are on standby as needed. With a lot of experience/knowledge working with hoarding plus puppymill situations; we know that that this will be a long drawn out situation as the courts do what they need to do in order to make sure that there are not any loopholes or things missed.
As what was stated in Sean’s end of years statement plus posted on this page, we know that there will be the exception made as we transition BHRR.
In knowing that many of these Danes are also special needs; we are in a stand by mode to help as needed……we will post as more unfolds and waht/if BHRR will be helping out with.
UPDATE on the 3 Musketeers!
*AND BHRR’s Dean & BHRR’s Rocket*
On December 8th, BHRR’s Porthos & BHRR’s Athos were in for their pre-op exams and bloodwork in preparation for being neutered – apt.’s scheduled for January 19th.
*We had already given them their all of their vaccines plus boosters, have them de-wormed monthly plus they are on monthly flea/tick/heartworm meds etc.*
BHRR’s Porthos weighed 44.90 Kgs(98.78 pounds)
BHRR’s Athos weighed 44.20 Kgs(97.24 pounds)
Unfortunately, the blood-work for BHRR’s Athos showed an extremely elevated WBC 27.12
*Reference Range Normal: 5.05 – 16.76 x10^9/L
He was placed on antibiotics for 10 days and two Vets said that normally values like this mean Cancer yet, one step at a time and to do the antibiotics first and repeat blood-work. He is just a puppy. Per his Vet, he clearly had been brewing an infection for a very long time, long before they arrived.
Advised to recheck just his CBC in 10 days time. He was back last night and I stayed in the parking lot waiting for his results and they are now: WBC 14.22
*Refence Range Norma: 5.05 – 16.76 x10^9/L
BHRR’s Aramis was in for their pre-op exam and blood-work on December 10th and she weighed 38 Kgs(83.6 pounds).
Her spay was scheduled for January 22nd yet, with the newest addition of BHRR’s Rocket – he really needs to be neutered – so, he is taking her spot. He is scheduled for his pre-op exam, bloodwork including heartworm/tick borne diseases and vaccines on January 2nd. With him being super skinny – emaciated, I am not keen on neutering him or vaccinating him any sooner than need be.
So, if he is not ready, we may move BHRR’s Aramis back to that spot – the Hospital is booking into March now and the Hospital that I am working at is booking into April – or we will move BHRR’s Dean into that spot. His neuter apt. along with boosters were rescheduled from yesterday – sent in Mason’s Tango instead for his own neuter – as he has a brutal happy tail right now. We asked his own wonderful foster to bring him in to the Vet and he is on antibiotics.
Dean will now be heading in shortly for his own recheck plus boosters. We already did his pre-op exam plus bloodwork (including pre-op and heartworm/tickborne diseases) plus initial vaccines and de-worming.
It is our hope that BHRR’s Athos, BHRR’s Dean and BHRR’s Rocket can all be successfully rehabilitated and placed up for adoption at some point.
Here are the 3 Musketeers(two are deaf/visually impaired and Mr. Athos has a slight visual impairment) enjoying the recently expanded side yard!
BHRR’s Rocket. This is how skinny – emaciated – the poor boy is.
Has anxiety issues and boundary/respect issues with people and dogs.
Came from a substance abuser home. The man is going through a divorce and has room-mates, fed the dog ‘when he could’, when Cassy and I went to pick him upon Sunday December 13th; the dog had not been let outside in 26 hours.
Needs to seriously decompress.
Thank you again to Leanne and her daughter Cameron for stepping up to be his special Secret Santa and giving him a new name for a new beginning!
On December 8th, we were tagged by another Rescue in re: to a special needs Great Dane needing urgent assistance.
~2 – we feel he is more like 15 months. This is a male, unaltered special needs Great Dane that the O. thinks they have had for about a year.
He is being re-homed due to a divorce. The information posted said he is about 120 pound. In the one pic posted he looks quite thin and I would say ~65-70 pounds.
He is also due for vaccines, Rabies – O. says December 25th, yet, there is no prior vaccine history records being handed over as the O. said that they do not have a Veterinarian.
Per the home, the dog has anxiety issues – barking, not like being left alone – along with lack of training and 2 times has made a mouth connection over food. Did not break skin.
Some additional comments by an assessment made by the group that went to see him and posted seeking assistance for him is below:
Our assessment: we believe there are limitations to sight and hearing but was able to have the dog respond to being called by name and hand signals with some patience. NO manners (barks for attention, jumps, nips (no mark or broken skin) when frustrated on leash/restrained. Moderate anxiety (was told he was previously crate trained but not for the last year with the current owner) dog is currently given free roam of the house and property (is allowed to jump through an open porch window to come and go as he pleases- we don’t believe he is walked on leash). We believe anxiety would resolve or greatly improve with proper boundaries/safe place and exercise. The home is not stable or safe (was informed room-mates have substance abuse issues and the environment of the home changes quickly) and he is deteriorating. He needs a very experienced handler who is comfortable providing the structure this boy never had. We don’t feel that he is aggressive just frustrated and pushy, very puppy like but in a Dane body. We were told he has lived with children and a small-med dog in the past, but we would not recommend placement with either, until a structured decompression period has passed and he can be properly assessed.