We are working on a silent auction to raise much-needed funds to pay for Miss Amy’s Vet Bills.
If you have any items you may like to donate, please email

1) Spring Event: Paint Your Partner FUNraiser for BHRR – Paint your friend, spouse, bf/gf, family member
Date, Time & Location TBD
*A fun plus hilarious night to free paint, then reveal and give your masterpiece to your friend/spouse, bf/gf, or family member!
*Silent auction and draw prizes, too

2) ONGOING – On February 21st, 2013, I received a most delightful and touching email from a woman named Allie MacAlister that is so very active in helping others

She is extremely talented and more lovely than any words can ever be put down on paper and she has wonderfully surprised me with the very stunning and unique artful creation of an Irish Wolfhound, inspired by our Bunker Dude. She is calling it ‘Art For A Cause’.  

The Wolfhound Cù Sìth

10% of sales of her products will come to BHRR!

*You can purchase t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, totes, greeting cards and SO much more! She will be adding products regularly.

The Wolfhound Cù Sìth

Miss Amy’s leg after her March 2nd latest procedure.

Last night, we did another sedated procedure to clean out Miss Amy’s amputation incision site and to re-apply a new sugar bandage.

Since Friday, she has had three sedated procedures to address her infection.

Below are some photos.

She will have to remain at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic for an undetermined amount of time.

We continue to fundraise to pay off her bills.

UPDATE: Miss Amy had her debridement surgery, beginning at 3 AM on Monday, February 24th. It took just over two hours, and I feel truly blessed to have been her surgery technician. The first picture is her incision after surgery, including a Penrose drain.
Unfortunately, by the time she went for her first walk at 8 AM post-op, her incision had re-opened due to the tension on the amputation site – inflammation, swelling, infection, etc.
Eighteen staples and more sutures were added that I do not have a picture of.
Today, Friday, February 28th, I went to pick her up to bring her to her foster. I finished my latest four overnights yesterday morning and stayed up all day so that I would sleep last night, and when I walked in, you could smell the infection.
I went to grab one of the Vets after I was told by one of the team that it started getting bad last night and worse overnight, and as soon as I had taken a look, I asked a Vet to please examine it. The smell plus discharge was terrible. The Vet took a look at it, examined her incision, and stated she could not leave and needed more surgery. Then the owner of the practise came over, took a look at it, and also said she could not leave either, and they put a treatment plan in place. Her ortho specialist also became involved, and the three of them and myself, along with another tech, did her next procedure after I placed her catheter.
This was her leg after we removed the staples and sutures. 
She will now have sugar bandages every two days, have a longer course of Baytril antibiotics dispensed, stay on pain meds, and remain at work while we try to get on top of this infection.
It’s not surprising her weight is down….
She has a wonderful group of people at work surrounding her with much love and support!
We continue to fundraise for her mounting bills. New bills are just under $3,700.
Right now, BHRR is closed for intake as Miss Amy needs her army. I am committed to all of my dogs, and each one will receive everything they need and more.
Please consider donating your Empties, or if you have an item for an online auction for her, do email

February 24th surgery – Miss Amy’s amputation site before and after.

Here is her gofundme link. OR you can donate by PayPal or email transfer to


I am just leaving from visiting with Miss Amy at EVC.
Yesterday and today were to be my two days off before I returned to my next week of overnights as of tomorrow…no rest in sight!
Very graphic photo….
Her amputation incision site.
The decision may be to go in overnight for her subsequent surgery, as the necrosis is increasing exponentially. Waiting until at least tomorrow for more stability may not be an option.
To date, we have received $310 generously donated, and one auction item is up for grabs on the Online Fundraising Auction for Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation page.
Still seeking items to pull together an emergency auction for her, please do email
Thank you! 

As I believe in full disclosure and work to operate BHRR with integrity and accountability, please find attached a copy of the invoice for Miss Amata’s (Amy’s) first surgery. It also includes the two bags of dog food along with the extra Gabapentin and Trazodone for Miss Amy.
I work to keep our community updated, which is why I keep begging for donations to help Miss Amy. I want her to live her best life and that she is such a worthy puppy!
Now, that she is back at EVC, and once things stabilise, going in for a second surgery, I continue to keep her army updated.

Another photo of the dehiscence of the incision site is attached.

Unfortunately, Miss Amy was rushed to EVC yesterday as her incision de-hised.

It is quite unusual at 9 days post-op, yet here we are.

We are running a culture on the site to determine what more potent antibiotics may be needed. What bacteria are we looking at? From her foster home, she went down on her first BM post-op, yet as of Tuesday, the incision appeared to be looking good.

She is back on methadone injections for pain, dispensed further antibiotics – the same type that she had been given post-op, is back on Metacam, and remains on her gabapentin. We also have her trazodone given on an as-needed basis.

She is not eating well, and her weight is down, yet that can also be explained by the fact she lost a leg.

Her eye surgical site looks excellent – yay for some great news.

Once she is stable – the necrosis happening is very real, she will head back into surgery. She will remain at EVC for a few days.

Please do reach out if anyone has anything to donate to an online auction fundraiser. It shall require many more thousands of dollars to get her through this next surgery and rehabilitation.

I met the foster at my work, and now she is all tucked into her run, and her medical treatment board is all set up.

I love this puppy so much…., and my heart is very heavy…. Over the past 29 years, we have done 39 amputations, and I fostered everyone directly myself, so I have felt a bit helpless in my efforts from afar to properly support Miss Amy’s foster home. Thank you to them for bringing her back to my work.

I also cannot wait for her to have a bath…she is so stinky! If anyone has something to donate to an emergency online auction, please email If anyone may consider a financial donation, donations can be made via PayPal or email transfer to or via this, her gofundme account!

Please keep her in your thoughts, and thank you in advance for any consideration of her deserving cause.

UPDATE: 10 doggies left! AND just under 12 hours to go!

Today ONLY – one day Fundraiser!

Our annual Won’t You Be My Valentine Event! We did not run our annual ‘Clothe’ our dogs with new collars event in January, and we have 12 more amazing BHRR doggies hoping that today, a special Secret Valentine may step up to make a donation – for a treat, a new collar, or toy plus a $25-$50 donation towards their vet bills.

Only today – February 14th!

We have the following 12 remaining amazing doggies that will be hoping/dreaming of a Special Valentine’s Secret Admirer! More details in the poster…. 

I am hoping that in one day – the 14th- we can still make 12 more BHRR doggies feel so much love! 

Please help me spoil them today! 

Donations can be made via email transfer or PayPal to or email transfer to the same email address.

We have: Miss Olive, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!



Amata(Amy), Mike and also Genevieve will be her special Valentine!

Maybelle Cutie, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!





Chrissy, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!





Lewis, – Joan Brant will be his special Valentine! &


Thank you for your consideration! 

As always, thank you, Barry, for the amazing poster!

Another photo of Miss Amy! Post-Op!

Miss Amy!
She was in post-op by 6:27 pm last night….due to the caseload at the Hospital – a lot of emergencies, her surgeries did not start until close to 1 pm.
AND I feel that much better about removing that left eye for whatever they hit her with, at some point left a piece of hard foreign body in her eye.
Can you imagine the pain they caused her?!!  I am so happy to have had her on a really great pain management protocol since her arrival into BHRR and that I remained sure that I wanted to have her eye removed. She could not see from it, glaucoma risk was very possible(secondary to trauma) & we needed to investigate that ‘pocket’ underneath.
She did not have the best of nights…two attempts to get her up and moving were not highly successful – three of us the first time and four the second time greatly assisted her – yet, she will get there. We have to get her up and moving and also laying on the amputation side.
She finally began to eat for me around 4-4:30 am and it was her beloved PVD Essential care puppy food wet. She has not had any in some time and so I am very happy that I brought a few cans in to try and entice her to eat.
She had a couple of chicken pill pockets too.
She did not drink for me overnight and she had some bandage complications with her catheter leg – not uncommon.
She was on a fentanyl CRI until early evening and then moved to methadone every four hours. Also on 600 mg of Gabapentin every 8 hours plus Metacam once daily.
She will need to come back in 14 days for her recheck and suture removal.
I was once told decades ago after amputation on one of the rescues that somewhere between midnight and four AM, there will be a ‘turn’….either good or bad…
AND right at 4 AM Miss Amy made a good turn and had her first few small bites of food, was more bright, and gave us some wonderful stretches.
She will remain at work for some time yet for close monitoring, then her foster will pick her up.
I have some very graphic pics, will not share here yet they have and will provide some excellent educational and professional development opportunities for the veterinary community.
More Gabapentin and Trazodone were dispensed to really be sure we have enough for her and she is also on antibiotics.
Once she heals, she can have a bath! We gave her a much-needed nail trim, too.
Her weight was just over 33 kgs heading into surgery yet that is less now with her amputation.
With the additional medical costs for meds and medical boarding in addition to what was still needed, we are short $2,000 to finish covering her vet bills.
If anyone may consider her deserving cause to support, donations can either be made via email transfer or PayPal to or via her gofundme link(they do take a fee).

AND she has now been dropped off for her leg amputation and eye enucleation surgeries.
I was over the moon to see her, as it had been so long….or at least it felt that way. She well remembered me….
I spent some quality time with her before I left work….
We are 52% towards our goal for her vet bills….
Miss Amy….I promised you a life without pain, and thanks to an army, we will make that happen…. 

Donations can be made via PayPal or email transfer to

AND here is her GOFUNDME Link!

$765 raised of a $500 Birthday Wish Goal! THANK YOU for helping me to reach my goal for Miss Amy!
Today is my Birthday (the 3rd) and I have never been one to ask for anything for myself….
This year, I do have one wish that I am hoping from my heart that people on my friends list will help me fulfill. 
I was asked to take in a 5-month-old Rottie puppy who had endured horrific abuse. 
AND despite all that she suffered, she is the sweetest and most precious of puppies. She loves everyone and is such a special girl.
I promised her a life without pain and I need your help to make this happen….
I have worked so hard along with an incredible team of angels – four different ortho specialists to confirm that I am making all of the right decisions for her, putting her on a proper nutrition program since was painfully thin, helping to build up muscle mass and tone, taking care of all of her vetting needs from vaccines to bloodwork to X-rays and more, having some incredible people foster her to allow her to be a puppy, learn to be a dog, work on manners and man, is she ever smart, etc! 
She has an ‘army’ of amazing people I work with who adore her as much as I do.
The next things she needs is to have her back right leg amputated – she was kicked down some cement stairs & she needs to have her left eye removed.
She has surgery date – February 12th & I need to raise $6,000.
My birthday wish is to try and raise $500 today with your generous and caring hearts. I know it is a BIG ask.
Donations can be made via the Gofundme link below(gofundme does take a fee) or you can donate via email transfer to or PayPal to that same email.
I understand very much how tight money is for all of us. I really do. Please consider sharing if you are not able to donate.
I would do anything I could – not above begging and pleading – to help the animals in need.
If anyone would consider making a donation to help Miss Amy, I would be incredibly appreciative. 
My rescue does not receive any government or corporate support. I am a small rescue that is federally registered and has been in operation since 1996. Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) focuses on the giants and special needs that are often the first to be euthanised.
The costs associated with this are enormous. Food alone is 120 pounds a day being consumed.
Thank you in advance for any consideration! $5 is not too little!

Miss Amy has a surgery date – February 12th!
We are still a LONG way from raising all that she needs and I understand very much how tight money is for all of us!
Tomorrow is my Birthday(the 3rd), and I am one to not ask for anything for myself, yet, I would do anything I could – begging and pleading – to help the animals in need.
If anyone would consider making a donation to help Miss Amy, I would be incredibly appreciative.

Thank you in advance for any consideration! Even $5 is not too little!

Here is her GOFUNDME LINK!


Amy’s Army Gofund Me Fundraiser is now LIVE!

Thank you in advance for any consideration to her worthy cause!

We are trying to raise money for her back right leg amputation and her left eye enucleation surgeries.

This photo is off her at PV in Brockville on November 30th for a special event to help raise some much needed funds for her.

She was spoiled with several homes also buying her treats and toys! 

Two more pics from Miss Amy’s one wonderful foster home!

Miss Amy had a fourth person ortho consult on January 9th.
We did another X-ray – last ones done were November 26th – to see where everything stands at this time.
The decision is now confirmed that we are moving forward with a leg amputation and eye enucleation. Date to be determined.
I am going to be creating a gofund me account.
To date with the wonderful fundraising and donations sent her way plus the contributions I have gladly made from my own pocket, we have been able to cover all of her bills to date – this does include her latest January 9th appointment too.
I have bought more Forti Flora – she had plenty still yet I wanted her foster home to be stocked up. I also obtained more gabapentin even though she still had over a month left. She also still has plenty of trazodone for post-op surgery.
I bought her a new 14 kg bag of large breed puppy food and Sara/Jeff plus Gamble also have offered to purchase her another bag which will give her another two+ months of dog food.
She has a bottle of Metacam that has rarely been used that shall be kept on hand for post op use too.
So the biggest focus is ensuring we have enough funds for her surgeries.
Our annual seasonal bottle drive has now ended and I have a few more bottles to return yet it looks like we will have raised almost $100 – so thank you everyone who contributed Empties to help Miss Amy!
At work she now weighed 70.84 pounds at 6 months of age. We are going to lower her food intake to 5 and 3/4’s cups of food a day from 6 cups as she was a wee bit ‘jiggly’. We do not want her too lean either, so as usual it is always a bit of an adjustment for food intake.
She spent the night with us at work and was incredible as usual. She did not drink anything so the battle continues to get her to drink water!
This is Miss Amy and the wonderful boy who tolerated her so well over the last month! 
I cannot thank Sara/Jeff and Gam enough for taking excellent care of her!
She has now been moved to Erica Lee’s care for fostering as we wait for a surgery date.
Donations to her vet bills can be made via:
Email Transfer:
Thanks in advance for any consideration!

Happy New Year!
May 2025 be the best year ever for all of us!
Miss Amata(Amy) is having her move forward ortho surgical consult, possible repeat radiographs on January 9th now that our ortho surgeon at EVC is back. She has now had four trusted ortho specialists across three locations (EVC, Capital City & Dr. Philibert’s Mobile) review her case/situation. I do not make any decisions regarding her back leg lightly. The bottom line remains that only minimal/marginal improvement is likely by trying to ‘repair’ that back right leg.
I cannot thank Sara/Jeff and Gam enough for safe housing her this past almost month, and as of the 10th she will be safely homed in her new foster home.
I cannot wait to see Miss Amy again! I know many at my work shall be equally excited.
AND I want to also thank Sara/Jeff for offering to purchase her next bag of Large Breed Puppy food.
My heart is so warmed by so many kind people in this world!
I am also trying to think of possible fundraisers to raise the remaining thousands and thousands and thousands for her two surgeries.
Our Holiday Bottle Drive ends this weekend also, so please do consider donating your Empties!
Thanks so much!

She is an amazing sweet puppy that went through so much, and many have failed her to date.
She is great with dogs/cats!
She is excellent with humans too!
She has been flourishing with obedience by being provided structure and consistency. She is crate trained, and house-breaking is being worked on.
She is on pain medication, a NSAID and had antibiotics as we treated her for a UTI. She can walk, she does zoom being a puppy and managing her is important – she loves the snow & it warms our hearts to see her so excited!, she loves and needs her strolls.
However, it is important for her to not overdue things both before and after surgery.
First picture is at work, and the second is at a PV Event held at the end of November at PV Brockville to help raise much needed funds for her ever mounting bills. 

Miss Amy’s back right leg x-ray November 26th, 2024.

We did both shoulders too and her other leg for comparison. She has now had three rounds of x-rays to monitor closely the changes and to ensure that she has no missed injuries. 

Three ortho specialists have assured me that it is ONLY her back right leg that is broken, and that he back left is perfectly normal for a young large breed puppy.


It is time! Secret Santa!

2024 marks our 22nd annual BHRR Secret Santa to the BHRR Animals! So many other groups out there are now implementing in their organizations a similar SS event, enabling many deserving animals to be given a very special and spoiling XMAS!

As many know, each year, we do our best to ensure that every animal in our BHRR program receives a Secret Santa gift. If anyone wishes to be a 2024 Secret Santa to the animals in our program, it would be deeply appreciated!!!

We have 0 MORE amazing BHRR Doggies still hoping for a special Secret Santa Angel to spoil them this XMAS!

BHRR’s Olive – Tracey T.!

BHRR’s Knox –  Amy C.!

BHRR’s Dimitri – Julia T.!

BHRR’s Amata(Amy) – Joan B. & also Melody L. (Barrhaven & Area Empties)!

BHRR’s Maybelle Cutie – Sarah B.!

BHRR’s Albar – Heidi G.!

BHRR’s Romeo – Angie S.’s Mom!

BHRR’s Story – Amy C. & Cassy M.!

BHRR’s Aramis – Marion R.!

BHRR’s Chrissy – Trina A.!

BHRR’s Porthos – Emilie P.!

BHRR’s Athos – Emilie P,!

BHRR’s Lilly – Tracey T.!

BHRR’s Giselle – Emilie P.!

BHRR’s Caramel – Angie S.!

BHRR’s Lewis – Trina A.!

BHRR’s Ernie – Leanne & Cameron!

BHRR’s Brooklyn – Caroline!

Please let us know if you are interested in helping to give a dog a very special XMAS! Many of these dogs have never had a day of love until BHRR.

We try to make their XMAS just as memorable and spoil them as we can, and any assistance from any extra Secret Santa’s out there would be so wonderful.

Items can be mailed, dropped off in our donation shed in Oxford Station, or you can meet up with Gwen in Kanata, OR if you prefer to make a monetary donation, donations can be sent via PayPal to OR via email transfer to

For more information, please visit the below link:

Thanks SO in advance for the consideration to help us ensure that all the animals receive a most wonderful XMAS to remember! This shall be their first loving, caring XMAS for many of these dogs.

PS: This is Miss Amata(Amy) – She arrived November 17th. She has two back broken legs, needs to have an eye enucleation, has two horrific scars etc.

This photo is Miss Amy! She is coming out of sedation from her x-rays that I did last adorable is she?!

She will never know another day of hardship or pain or suffering or starvation in her life.

She hopes people may consider stepping up to help us spoil the deserving BHRR animals in 2024!

FOR Miss Amy’s Army Wreath Gift Event Fundraiser, I am hoping to begin on Monday, November 25th 9 PM EST and run through until Sunday, December 15th – tickets shall be $10 each OR 3 for $25

You can secure Tickets by: email transfer to
*We cannot accept any funds via PayPal



Gwen – Bought a pretty wreath which helped another group with their own fundraising – Value: $30
*Picture below
Melody Lachance (Barrhaven Area & Empties) Donated a $50 LCBO Gift Card
Gwen – Donated a $25 Tim’s Gift Card
Pet Valu Brockville – Donated a $50 Gift Card
Wiggle Bumz – Donated a $100 Gift Card
*Can use online

Townhouse Beauty & Bridal in Kanata – Donated a Full colour package with Jessie – Value $150

Total Value: $405

IT is NOT too late to donate a gift card. The more money we raise, the more we can help Miss Amy!

Please email if you would consider donating a Gift Card/Certificate for this Fundraiser!

**Pick up in Oxford Station or Kanata at select dates/time. May possibly be able to do Brockville and would only be on select dates/time.**

Miss Amy had a glorious play date!
Almost 12 hours of love and kindness and got to binge watch Grey’s Anatomy with Mykenzie D.!

Miss Amy sniffed her cat and dogs and other than that left them completely alone. At the shelter she was even housed at one point in the overflow cat ward due to space shortages.

Thank you for giving her this special time!
Thank you also for Cassy M. for offering to give Miss Amy a special play date too! We will figure out a date/time that works!
AND on the 30th, Miss Amy is planning on being the guest of honour at our fundraiser for her at PV Brockville.
I sent a referral to Capital City on Saturday and shall follow up early next week should I not hear back. I will then send one from work. Per Dr. Philibert, her fractures need to be addressed ASAP before they begin to heal improperly as it will be more difficult and harder to repair later. Unfortunately, Dr. Philiberts schedule – away next week and then fully booked for weeks afterwards does not allow him to be her ortho specialist.
Her left side of her face is more swollen now, and that is being addressed.
If anyone else is open to having her/I for a quiet play date/visit to show her how wonderful the world can be for she has known little of pleasure and helping hands before her arrival into rescue, please do let me know.
She is such a dream puppy! 

1) At least one Volunteer that would be open to hanging out at the BHRR table on Saturday, November 30th – 9 AM – 3 PM @ PV Brockville.
*I am hoping to bring Miss Amy, the Rottie puppy with me, and would need some extra loving hands
**Please do email
2) I am ISO: Bakers for this event – please do email
Thank you in advance for any consideration!

I have so much to update on re: Miss Amy etc., and now that Mr. Ernie shall be safe, I can begin to focus back on posting some updates…posting her X-rays, emails with Dr. Philibert, Dr. Ammar and today I will be reaching out to Cap City.
In the meantime – thanks to Mykenzie D., Miss Amy, the 5 month old Rottie pup has been busted out of medical boarding and is having a special play date for several hours today. 
I remain not just disappointed, or upset yet shocked by the events that occurred less than 12 hours after she was put into a foster home, yet my energies must be targeted on moving forward and doing right by her.
I will say again that false words hurt her, not me. I have broad shoulders and have taken a lot on said shoulders over the decades. I have always remained a 24/7 resource and ensure that all adoptive and foster homes are set up with all necessary tools for success – for them and my dogs. To not reach out to me, to not adhere to the advice / paperwork, to dump her – when you signed legal documents promising to do right by her and that she is not yours to try and just dispose like a piece of garbage – is horrific. AND by someone that had been a volunteer for over three years.
AND she has an army to show and is demonstrating daily how false and cruel and wrong said words about her were… 
For me and since the inception of BHRR, back in 1996, I have a zero tolerance policy stance, and that shall never change. The dogs come first. Always. I have sacrificed a lot personally and professionally to ensure that my mandate has never changed. These dogs are entrusted to my care to do right by them, and I take that responsibility seriously.
Have a great play date today Miss Amy!

I am now leaving work to bring Miss Amy to her foster home.
I am so devastated for Miss Amy as she has not one yet both back legs are broken. 
So much to update on, including that we have to removed the left eye….she needs not just a village yet an army.
What this puppy endured….crushing…
What a trooper of a puppy! Such a brave girl.
Never again shall she be harmed….

Miss Amata(Amy) Transport.
She is being crated due to her severe injuries.
She has travelled well, is said to be very sweet yet unfortunately, someone fed her some food and at 1:38 pm, she had a puke. 
Travelling is very stressful, especially when it is a long day and with quite a few different drivers.
Fasting is always done on these transport yet someone gave her food….
We will clean her up upon arrival.
I will see you very soon dear wee one!
You have an army of people waiting to show you all about helping hands and love!

This is a 5-month-old Rottie puppy. I am calling her Amata – meaning blessed in Latin AKA Amy, meaning beloved.

Said to be a lovely Rottie puppy.

From the shelter:

“She is very sweet, typical puppy. Very friendly, wants to meet everyone, wants everyone to pet her or give her treats. Her left eye has been ‘traumatised’ (blind in that eye & her face is now misshapen) & she has an avulsion fracture on a back limb.”

The photo is from the shelter.