We are working on a silent auction to raise much-needed funds to pay for Miss Amy’s Vet Bills.
If you have any items you may like to donate, please email

1) Spring Event: Paint Your Partner FUNraiser for BHRR – Paint your friend, spouse, bf/gf, family member
Date, Time & Location TBD
*A fun plus hilarious night to free paint, then reveal and give your masterpiece to your friend/spouse, bf/gf, or family member!
*Silent auction and draw prizes, too

2) ONGOING – On February 21st, 2013, I received a most delightful and touching email from a woman named Allie MacAlister that is so very active in helping others

She is extremely talented and more lovely than any words can ever be put down on paper and she has wonderfully surprised me with the very stunning and unique artful creation of an Irish Wolfhound, inspired by our Bunker Dude. She is calling it ‘Art For A Cause’.  

The Wolfhound Cù Sìth

10% of sales of her products will come to BHRR!

*You can purchase t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, totes, greeting cards and SO much more! She will be adding products regularly.

The Wolfhound Cù Sìth

UPDATE: 10 doggies left! AND just under 12 hours to go!

Today ONLY – one day Fundraiser!

Our annual Won’t You Be My Valentine Event! We did not run our annual ‘Clothe’ our dogs with new collars event in January, and we have 12 more amazing BHRR doggies hoping that today, a special Secret Valentine may step up to make a donation – for a treat, a new collar, or toy plus a $25-$50 donation towards their vet bills.

Only today – February 14th!

We have the following 12 remaining amazing doggies that will be hoping/dreaming of a Special Valentine’s Secret Admirer! More details in the poster…. 

I am hoping that in one day – the 14th- we can still make 12 more BHRR doggies feel so much love! 

Please help me spoil them today! 

Donations can be made via email transfer or PayPal to or email transfer to the same email address.

We have: Miss Olive, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!



Amata(Amy), Mike and also Genevieve will be her special Valentine!

Maybelle Cutie, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!





Chrissy, – Joan Brant will be her special Valentine!





Lewis, – Joan Brant will be his special Valentine! &


Thank you for your consideration! 

As always, thank you, Barry, for the amazing poster!

***URGENT*** ***URGENT***
As I do the final inventory for 2024, BHRR is in desperate need of the following items, should anyone consider making a donation – either of any of the item(s) or a monetary donation so I can purchase items.
1) Garbage bags of all sizes
2) Pineosol
3) Lysol Wipes
4) Packing blankets, bedspreads, comfortors, duvets, sleeping bags
5) Laundry Detergent
6) Fabric Softener
7) PVD Essential Care Large Breed Puppy kibble – for Miss Story & Miss Amata(Amy)
8. PVD Essential Care puppy wet food
9) Fish based food – Acana, Orijen – For Mr. Knox, Mr. Dimitri, Mr. Ernie
10) Giant stuffies – for Miss Amy and Miss Story. These are their surrogate littermates and mama’s. both are going to be large breed dogs, and they need stuffies suitable to their size. ?
11) Dog beds – Charly beds from Costco(they are the ‘new’ Costco Kirkland brand of dog beds)
Thank you in advance for any consideration.
I understand all too well how tight finances are for so many of us.
I beg on behalf of the animals in need of BHRR, and I have zero pride when it comes to ensuring that they get everything they need.

Our 5th Annual “WON’T YOU BE MY VALENTINE” Fundraiser! February 1st – February 15th, 2024

Please help us give each doggie a special Valentine!

Thank you to everyone who has become a Valentine Angel to date, and to those asking, here is our email transfer address to send the vet bill part of your generous donation:

Please let us know if you would like to be a Secret Valentine!

Thanks in advance for any consideration!

These are the doggies still in need of a Secret Valentine Admirer:

  • Albar – Ronda B. will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Knox  – Amy shall be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Maybelle Cutie – Ronda B. will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Chrissy – Emilie P. will be her SVA  – COMPLETED!
  • Ernie – Leanne Berard McDonell & Cameron will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Leah – Melody Lachance & Barrhaven & Area Empties will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • ‘Fred’ – Melody Lachance & Barrhaven & Area Empties will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Aramis – Anne PB will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Athos – Elaine Giles will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Brooklyn  – Michele shall be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Caramel – Elaine will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Giselle – Leanne & Cameron will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • James  – Rejane shall be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Jamila – Anne PB will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Lewis  – Emilie P. shall be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Lilly – Tanya S. will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Olive – Melody Lachance & Barrhaven & Area Empties will be her SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Porthos – Amanda Gillon shall be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Romeo – Melody Lachance & Barrhaven & Area Empties will be his SVA – COMPLETED!
  • Rosie – Anne PB will be her SVA – COMPLETED!

BHRR’s Miss Lilly
Deaf & Visually Impaired Great Dane
December 25th, 2023

Sean & I cannot believe how she has literally bounced back from the brink of death & is thriving!

AND thank you to her wonderful special SS for the pressies and a super comfy amazing Kirkland dog bed from Costco!

As promised we are sharing some of our annual Xmas photos!

We hope everyone is having a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season & warmest of wishes are being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

We could not do what we do without you! 


My last post of my night.
How I know Miss Lilly(deaf/visually impaired GD) is feeling a lot better….she is back to sleeping with her leg over her head. It makes my heart feel so good! 
Miss Lilly still needs a special Secret Santa angel of her very own. Tomorrow, we shall post all of the doggies that are still in need.
From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!

My ‘work’ supervisor and companion as I work on my computer on two applications tonight.
Miss Lilly (Deaf and Visually Impaired GD) is holding her own… 
We still do not know what her diagnosis is, yet we are taking it day by day. The specialists as do I suspect cancer, yet nothing concrete.
She is eating better, becoming more playful, and back to ‘chomping’ at the water as it comes from the tap. 
While she is not running with abandonment in the yard with her friends, she is way more energetic and back to being a bit bossy in asking for affection. 
We have had $100 generously donated to date for her outstanding vet bills, and I remain deeply humbled to have received such generousity. I am slowly working on paying off the rest with each paycheck.

**UPDATE: $100 generously donated to date**
**$404 raised through Carol’s pop-up auctions**
Total Raised To Date: $504

**UPDATE: $100 generously donated to date**
**$404 raised through Carol’s pop-up auctions**
Total Raised To Date: $504

This is Miss Lilly, who is almost 6 years young.
She is deaf/visually impaired, and Sean plus I continue to shake our heads as to why her forever loving right-matched personality fit home never came along once she was successfully rehabilitated and placed up for adoption. She has been with us since August 1st, 2019.
She was placed up for adoption on May 28th, 2020. In May of 2022, she was moved to our Haven program.
As always, it does not matter, as she is adored beyond measure, and has almost 148 acres of trails to romp and run on, almost 3+ acres safely fenced in to play with her friends, and our family who would do anything for her. She gets to go to so many places, has play-dates, and enjoys her adventures.
On Friday, October 6th, she stopped eating. No other signs that anything was wrong, happy, no vomiting, no diarrhea, and full of life.
When she did not eat again on Saturday, I knew something was very wrong. We rushed off to emerge – and, despite doing x-rays, bloodwork, ultrasounds, examinations, and urinalysis, nothing could be diagnosed.
Right before our eyes, she was fading. She stopped drinking, urination was once a day, then every other day, even with supportive care, including IV fluids. She became very wobbly.
She then could no longer use her back legs and then could not stand. The deterioration was alarming and so fast—the weight loss.
We discussed doing an exploratory surgery, and biopsies of her insides, and knowing that the concern was that we most likely could lose her on the table, our thought process was that if we did not do anything we would lose her anyway.
The specialists did not feel that she was strong enough to survive the surgery, and their recommendation was to seriously consider crossing her over.
Sean & I said that we would give her until Tuesday, October 10th to see if she would make a turn for the better. Not having any diagnosis was devastating. We brought her home to say our goodbyes and to have the dogs say their goodbyes, and for her to do the same.
We also inquired about antibiotics, even though nothing was presenting in her bloodwork and urine re: a possible infection.
Even though her 4dx test was negative, we ran it twice, could she have some form of tickborne disease? The 4dx snap only tests for three tickborne diseases.
The Vets were open to dispensing doxycycline, and by Tuesday, she was getting up on her feet – wobbling, limping yet taking herself to the water bowl to drink, going outside to urinate – concentrated, and her first BM was 5 days after her last known one. Her stool was completely normal and, at the end, soft yet still formed.
Sheer coincidence with the antibiotics and making a good turn, possibly. We do not know.
She began eating a bit – RC LF and some PVD Essential Care puppy, then on to some kibble, began taking a bit of her special treat(PB), and loved her small bits of hotdogs and tiny pieces of cheese.
We fast forward to today, and though she is still not eating 100% normally – she is eating about 3/4’s of her daily intake, gets up for her peanut butter treat time, is back to ‘eating’ the water as it comes from the tap, has more energy, and is also back to sleeping with her leg over the back of her head.
Is she 100%? No, she is not. Do we have any idea what is/was happening, no, we do not. Can she relapse? For sure, she could.
Are we feeling blessed to have her still? We absolutely do.  We are taking things one day at a time.
Her Vet bills are $2,750 and change.
We were going to use the money raised from the pop-up auctions that Carol is hosting for Miss Leah, the newest addition to BHRR, to arrive shortly; yet, we must get on top of Miss Lilly’s vet bills.
She is one of the biggest reasons why things have been very quiet on this page to date. This and that I worked 12 straight long shifts at the Hospital.
Please excuse her hair all over; she is blowing her coat big time with all that she has gone through.
How we love this small yet big personality-filled Dane!
Any donations to her cause can be made via PayPal to or via email transfer to
Thank you for any consideration…..

One more photo for today! 
This is BHRR’s Lilly(deaf/visually impaired Great Dane). A gorgeous Dane that is also in our Haven program.
She first arrived in rescue on August 1st, 2019.
Her previous owner invested much money into a ‘trainer’ who believed in shock plus prong collars. Her neck was raw, and all the punitive training methods made her behaviours worse.
The level of anxiety, stress, confusion, and fear this sweet Dane had was so heartbreaking. She was quite thin upon arrival, yet she was a growing Dane and was under a lot of strain. She was not housebroken upon arrival either, yet it did not take too long!
We successfully rehabbed her with positive, balanced training methods, and she was placed up for adoption on May 28th, 2020. We wanted a transitional adoption for her to ensure a successful outcome.
Unfortunately, there was so little interest in her & no right-matched forever-loving adoption applications came her way. Therefore, after two years of being up for adoption, she was moved to our Haven program, where she lives a grand life! 
When we commit to the next in need of us, it does not matter if they are adoptable, adopted, or not. We commit to them for the rest of their lives.
She is precious to us and a huge fav of so many BHRR supporters!
This is her relaxing in front of one of our fireplaces. All toasty and comfy.

Our 4th Annual ‘Won’t You Be My Valentine’ Fundraiser is live!


Our Annual ‘Won’t You Be My Valentine’ Fundraiser is live!

Running through until the end of the day tomorrow, February 15!

Please help us give each doggie a special Valentine!

Thank you to everyone that has become a Valentine Angel to date, and to those asking, here is our email transfer address to send the vet bill part of your generous donation:

Please let us know if you would like to be a Secret Valentine!

Thanks in advance for any consideration!


Over 200 items!


Post from the wonderful organizers!

“Welcome to the online Fundraiser for Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation.
A HUGE thank you to all of the local businesses and individuals who donated to make this auction possible.
100% of the proceeds raised will go to the rescue.
All the donated businesses have been linked in each item, if you are interested in an item, please consider clicking on their Facebook page and Like/Follow them.
Please read through all of the auction guidelines below.
Auction Guidelines:
1) There is a starting bid on all items
2) Please bid in a minimum $1 increment (just to clarify, you can bid any amount as long as it is a minimum $1 increase, it can be $2, $3, $4, $5 etc.)
3) The auction closes Sunday, October 9th, at 8 PM.
4) The winner will be contacted via Messenger with a pickup location, there are pick-up locations in Brockville (North End), Oxford Station, and Kanata.
5) Payment is due immediately following the end of the auction once notification has been received that you are the successful bidder
6) Payment is due via eTransfer to
No password is required.
Happy Bidding, and thank you for your support!
Please see the album below to bid, thank you for your support and generosity for those currently in the rescue and those to come.”

Mr. Lewis, my Apex, my Zero, Miss Lilly, and Mr. Porthos!
Mr. Lewis is getting more comfortable and settling in!
AND, a gentle reminder:
We still have the following dates open for our 3rd Annual ‘Drive Way Events’ for nails/ear cleaning!
This will be our major source of fundraising again in 2022.
We have some big bills for some really special Giant dogs!
IF you would like to host us in 2022, please do email – We are looking for Saturdays, Sundays up until September.
We just need the use of your driveway, and we do the rest!
*Social distancing is easy to do!
Here are our open dates for June & July if anyone is open to having us hang in their driveway!
We hope to be able to do events all over Ontario and into Gatineau, Quebec, again in 2022!
Saturday, June 18th, 9 AM – 4 PM
Sunday, June 19th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Sunday, July 10th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Saturday, July 16th, 9 AM – 4 PM
Sunday, July 17th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Sunday, July 24th, 10 AM – 3 PM
Saturday, July 30th, 9 AM – 4 PM
Thanks in advance for any consideration!

Miss Lilly!(DEAF/Visually Impaired)

She wants to say that sadly, despite being Available For Adoption since May 28th, 2020, there has been extremely little to no interest in her.

She is an incredible Dane. Just a super special, big personality, active, really affectionate, playful, gentle, caring, good with dogs, people, and not to mention a stunningly beautiful girl.

She needs an experienced, structured, consistent, patient home. She will take a mile if you give her an inch. Do not blame her……she is smart, adorably manipulative if you let her be! 

Therefore, Miss Lilly wishes to say that come to the end of May of this year if she still remains as being Available, her loving fosters – The Boerskins, will be moving her to the BHRR Haven program.

She is cherished, lacks for nothing, and will continue being given every opportunity in experiences, and adventures to help her reach her full potential.

She makes us laugh every day…and at the end of the day, if her right matched personality fit home does not come along, that is ok. She is adored by so many fans, supporters, and us!


BETTY WHITE CHALLENGE: January 17th, 2022!


Even $5 would mean the world to the animals AND us!

Thank you in advance for any consideration to help us in 2022 to continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs!


BHRR’s Miss Lilly!
Deaf/Visually impaired Great Dane.
She will turn 4 years young in January, and remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!
She is super sweet with a side of sassy! She is a higher energy Great Dane and has been a true hoot to have with us!
She has learned to share, have manners, and can be a real lady when she wants to, and a true tomboy when she wants to also!
Adore her! She lives life to the fullest each and every day! No half measures for this big-hearted Dane.
Thank you to Melody & Barrhaven & Area Empties for being her special SS in 2021!
With their incredibly generous/kind donation, we were able to purchase a new XL Costco Dog bed for her, an amazing huge bag of treats, plus some toys for Miss Lilly. 
Heading into 2022, she will require a new Wiggle Bumz collar, and we will be posting over the next week, our annual Collar Angel Event!
Isn’t she stunning?!

BHRR’s Miss Lilly(Deaf/Visually Impaired)

She says dragon stuffies make great pillows!

She also says ‘what couch rule!’ along with Matrix – you can see him!

I apologise for the lack of posts this week.

In being busy ensuring auction items were getting to the winners, preparing to start a new Career position, conversing with the BHRR BOD Team re: some matters and not 1, yet 2 HUGE dog situations along with 6 dogs having gone to the Vet this week; it has been SO busy.

I cannot believe that we are Saturday!

I hope to be able to post more tomorrow and as BHRR has always believed in sharing the good, the bad, the great and the ugly; we shall continue to do so.


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for almost 25 years.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 18th, 2020 to Sunday January 3rd, 2021 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Monday January 4th, 2021!

As always during this time, BHRR is available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need.

We shall also network accordingly for, as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority.

We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team 


My last post of my night!

Time for folks to think about what they plan on giving up for 14 days in our 9th Annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser! 

Starts Thursday November 5th and we already have 4 people signed up to date! Be creative! Some people have even done a swear jar in the past putting money each time they or someone in their office swears and then donating the monies raised at the end of the 14 days.

All money raised shall go towards helping BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe!

More details in the poster and please do email if you would like to be part of our 9th annual event!

Here are the blog links to BHRR’s Symba:

AND for BHRR’s Coupe

For those who wish to consider making a financial donation to their worthy causes, you can do so via PayPal or via email transfer to OR you can do so directly to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

We have many many many thousands of dollars to raise and we are now set back even further as sadly, BHRR’s Oslo has needed emergency care today…..

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!


The Dogs rainy day plans! 
October 13th, 2020


BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve any adoptions from Tuesday October 27th to Monday November 2nd. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many other Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7, as always, for requests for assistance of animals in need.



Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.

This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.

Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).

Our camera’s are running.

1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.

It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.

We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.

We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.

All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.

We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked.  It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.

As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.

We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.

2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.

Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.

This is our home. This is private property.

AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.

YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.

BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.

We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.

If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.

The Boerskins

BHRR’s Lilly!
*DEAF & Visually Impaired GD


Today she was at work for her annual!

She now weighs a beautifully lean muscled 42.2 kgs(92.84 pounds). A gorgeous petite GD that her personality is anything but petite!!

She is such a hoot and goofy! Had to post a derpy pic of her!!

Thank you to work for giving her another fantastic experience!!

For that right matched personality fit forever loving home and per her blog, we will only do a transitional adoption due to the importance of ensuring that stability and consistency is what she needs so that she does not become anxious and self-mutilate. When she first came to us, the damage that she had done and was doing to her body from her past life was horrific.

In the right home, she will remain happy, well balanced, confident and continue to reach her full potential!


1) In having a discussion with several members of the BHRR BOD; we shall be open as of Septermber 1st – subject to change if need be – for the intake of completed applications ONLY to consider for approved adoptions.

BHRR ONLY places per right matched personality fits and has an extremely thorough adoption screening process.

2) Unfortunately, again….in 2020 we will not be doing a BHRR Calendar. The cost is too high for what comes out of our personal pockets when that is monies that are desperately needed to keep BHRR open.

3) ISO: Auction Items for our upcoming 9th Annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event. Human, dogs, cat, gift baskets, gift certificates etc. ALL are welcome!

We also need draw prizes!

Please do not post your kind offers here, please do email

4) It is that time again! Time to think about being a special Secret Santa to the BHRR doggies! 2020 marks our 18th year doing this!!

As of today, we still have 21 deserving BHRR doggies in need of a special SS to call their very own!

To learn more and to sign up, please do visit the link!

5) BHRR is in urgent need of the following items:
Garbage bags – all sizes
Laundry soap
Fabric Softner
Fabric Softner Sheets
Giants Sized Dog Toys
XL Costco Dog Beds
Blankets, Duvets, Towels
Paper Towels

6) Please do reach out if you or someone you know has a Great Dane/Giant Breed Dog in need. We are also a highly/strongly focused special needs rescue so take in other breeds as we can that are also: Deaf and/or Blind, Sick, Senior, Neuro, Injured, Pregnant, Palliative, Nursing, Other Medical, Orphaned & Behavioural

It hurts our hearts to see dogs being put to sleep when there is an organization – we have been around since 1996 – OR to see these dogs end up in disreputable places.

Please do email if you or someone that you know needs assistance.

As we continue to receive inquiries and/or applications re: adoptions, we are making yet another blog post – there is one also made on June 8th AND another one made on July 22nd – on all of our adoptable dogs’ blogs re: our current positioning. Our Facebook page and Petfinder also state our present closure for adoption applications.


Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any new applications for approved adoptions until at least September.

We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.

We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time. 

This is for several reasons:

1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.

Additionally, the government has only recently announced that Vet Hospitals can now open up to do non-essential appointments and not only operate on an urgent basis. The backlog to the Vet Hospitals is incredible.

People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for many other reasons. Not for Vet references.

We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.

2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.

Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….

3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past few months with the vast majority being for the wrong reason(s) from people now wanting to adopt.

On a ‘good’ day, we get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.

These past several months; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.

People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?

Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?

The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.

All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.

If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up. 

Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for new applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then. 

**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**

Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. Each BHRR dog has an extremely thorough individual blog that dates back to when they first arrived into Rescue. Emailing or calling us asking for more details, what our adoption fees are, wanting to come and see the dogs are not going to be responded to any longer. We have posted many times over that we are not a pound, shelter or facility and no, you cannot just visit a dog or make an appointment to visit a dog. We are an all Volunteer organization that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes. 

AND yes, we are not other groups – we are NOT going to take chances that our dogs could be set up for failure – and as it is the prerogative of other groups to adopt out during this brutally difficult time, it remains our prerogative to not do so. Our adoption success rates are second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 24. We will not compromise on our policies, procedures and processes.

We are NOT desperate to adopt out our dogs. All dogs that are deemed adoptable shall ONLY be adopted to right matched personality fit homes that are approved via our thorough adoption screening process.


As we continue to receive inquiries and/or applications re: adoptions, we are making yet another blog post – there is one also made on June 8th – on all of our adoptable dogs’ blogs re: our current positioning. Our Facebook page and Petfinder also state our present closure for adoption applications.


Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any new applications for approved adoptions until at least August.

We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.

We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time. 

This is for several reasons:

1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.

Additionally, the government has only recently announced that Vet Hospitals can now open up to do non-essential appointments and not only operate on an urgent basis. The backlog to the Vet Hospitals is incredible.

People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for many other reasons. Not for Vet references.

We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.

2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.

Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….

3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past few months with the vast majority being for the wrong reason(s) from people now wanting to adopt.

On a ‘good’ day, we get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.

These past several months; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.

People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?

Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?

The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.

All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.

If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up. 

Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for new applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then. 

**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**

Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility and no, you cannot just visit a dog or make an appointment to visit a dog. We are an all Volunteer organization that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes. 

AND yes, we are not other groups – we are NOT going to take chances that our dogs could be set up for failure – and as it is the prerogative of other groups to adopt out during this extremely difficult time, it remains our prerogative to not do so. Our adoption success rates are second to no other group out there – 100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 24. We will not compromise on our policies, procedures and processes.



Please note that we are NOT reviewing nor approving any applications for approved adoptions until at least August.

We will re-evaluate this closer to that date as to if we need to extend that date.

We will not be accepting any applications or any non-refundable applications fees during this time. 

This is for several reasons:

1) BHRR requires a Vet Reference and as someone who works in animal medicine, I know how absolutely insanely busy we are at this time with our staff/hours. We are NOT going to jam up the phone lines doing vet references when people are trying to get through to make urgent appointments, asking for refills of lifesaving meds, needing prescription food etc.

Additionally, the government has announced that Veterinarians can ONLY operate on an urgent basis.

People answering the phones at Vet Hospitals need to be answering the phones for urgent reasons. Not for Vet references.

We need to focus on patient care at the Hospital and we respect and understand that other Hospitals need to do the same. We are an essential service and need to be able to provide that service to the best of our abilities and checking Vet references does not fall under that criteria.

2) We cannot nor will we do home-visits. I put my life and my family’s life at risk every day that I go to work to take care of other people’s pets. Doing a home-visit is not responsible nor does it follow the policy set forth from the government that we need to be practising self-isolating to flatten the curve.

Doing a home-visit is not urgent during this COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, I go to work, utilize the ever dwindling supply of PPE available, I go home, I buy groceries, get gas and that is it for my public appearances. I am thinking NOT only of my dogs, yet, my family and you…I am thinking of all of the other people out there….

3) It does greatly concern us with the number of inquiries coming our way over the past couple of weeks.

On a ‘good’ day, I get almost 1,000 emails and about 50 phone calls.

These past four weeks; we are up to almost 2,000 emails and almost 125 phone calls a day.

People telling us that they now have time on their hands. If you did not have time before you stopped working; what makes you think that you will have time once you go back to work?

Additionally, even with people going on EI; the monies coming in are not the same as if you were working and if you feel that you are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, how do you feel that you can take on the costs of having a Giant Breed dog?

The average cost – and I have been tracking this since 1996 – of owning a giant breed per year, PRIOR to emergencies is $2,400.

All of this to say; we will not be processing any applications until it is ideal plus safe to do so.

If you send us a completed application along with the non-refundable application fee, we will be responding that we are not accepting nor reviewing applications and when we do feel that it is safe to do so, we shall begin to slowly open up. 

Our Petfinder and home websites as posted are kept up to date and all details re: said dogs are on their individual blogs. Once, we do open up again for applications, we will remain ONLY responding to completed applications. You would be welcome to re-submit your application along with the non-refundable application fee at that time for members of the BHRR BOD to consider. We will NOT be holding on to your applications nor the non-refundable application fee from now to then. 

**EXCEPTION: We shall no longer be covering the cost of any banking or PayPal fees should people send this non-refundable fee. In May/June, we were out of pocket almost $100 as people were not be mindful. This is much needed money being taken away from the animals as we are covering the fees out of our own pockets and that is money that we would have used for the BHRR animals.**

Asking us what the cost to adopt is or asking to meet a dog; is all information found on our websites. We are not a pound, shelter or facility. We are an all Volunteer organziation that operates from our own home and that of our approved Foster homes. 

AND yes, we are not other groups and as it is their prerogative to adopt out during this extremely difficult time and it remains our perogative to not do so.


BHRR’s Miss Lilly!
(DEAF & Visually Impaired) Great Dane

She says that she is ready to make her own special announcement!

This girl has made an absolutely amazing and almost miraculous rehabilitation journey since she first arrived into our highly specialised rescue last year.

To say that I am proud of her is a gross understatement.

She came to us doing extreme self mutilation to her body due to her severe level of anxiety which was related to her not having anyone ‘speak’ her language. She was confused, worried and in not understanding what was expected of her, that no one could understand her fears, her wants etc., made her obsessive in trying to self-soothe, self-comfort by hurting herself. She had been man-handled and that was causing further stress to her.

She was obsessive in her behaviour of fly snapping – yes, per her detailed blog, we did consider IS activity yet, that was not the case.

She was so overstimulated in some ways, unders-stimulated in other ways and was not comfortable in her own skin nor surroundings.

We placed her on Trazodone – anyone who knows me, knows how I feel about behavioural modificaion medications and how so many use them as a crutch – yet, she was given just enough to take the edge of her anxiety, to get her to focus and relax and be able to realise that we are here to help her, to show her loving hands, not hurting hands, to show her that we very much ‘speak’ her language and that we do understand her and what she needs and wants and that we are here for her for whatever she needs. We slowly worked to build her back up to being the best of dogs!

Being deaf and visually impaired, she had high anxiety going outside at night. The more that she saw other dogs going out – eventually she relaxed and trusted more and also went outside.

She came to us completely not housebroken. Now, she is 100% housebroken and also crate trained. She travels great in a car, gets along with other dogs and humans too.

What and rather ‘who’ really assisted her with feeling the best going outside at night was when BHRR’s Fred came into our Haven Program. For he, too had a worry about going outside at night and she became the ‘big girl’ and showed him that it was ok! It was so heartwarming and emotional watching her now take someone under her own paw to help!!!

I always say that as much as I do for/with these dogs, it is the dogs that do SO much more for each other than I ever could.

We have weaned her completely off of the Trazodone month ago. Yet, to any right matched personality fit loving home that is so blessed to be approved to adopt this beauty, we will be doing a transitional adoption – therefore, they cannot reside any further than 2 hours from our location – to keep things stable and consistent for her to set her up for success.

She can be approved to be adopted to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR dog!

Any home that is approved to adopt her must also understand that to spend 24/7 with her is a clear set-up for failure. We have worked very hard to set her up for success, to like her own company and in fact, love her own company.

Spending all of your time with any dog is not healthy, and for BHRR’s Lilly, even more so.

We would love to see her go to a home with at least one right matched personality fit dog already residing there. She is playful and higher energy than many Danes and she needs to have her doggie friendships and also that extra dog to dog physical activity connection.

She is great to do nails, easy to bathe, is very eager to please and is so happy when she understands that we ‘get her’ and that she ‘gets us’!

She will need plenty of appropriate giant sized toys to occupy her mouth and to provide great mental stimulation.

She shall not like me to say this yet, she is a ‘toy stealer & hoarder’! Yup, a thief and smuggler of toys! 

She is so happy now, just a big ball of personality into that wonderfully conformed Great Dane body!

New surroundings can make her nervous and how we handle things is how she reacts to things and we treat things as being ‘no big deal’, a calming touch, maybe a treat or two and then passively ignore.

To make a big deal out of anything new or strange – even going to the Vet – is going to set her up for failure.

Having people give her treats when they first meet her will make a friend for life!

She is soooooooo loving and lives every day as if it is her last…she packs the day with all that she can fit in and sleeps soundly – yes, she does snore too….shhh! Do not tell her that as she thinks she is very ladylike….we know her to be a wee bit of a bull in a china shop though! 

She has proven ok with cats, yet, as she is so enthusiastic, she may make cats feel overwhelmed…heck, she made BHRR’s Caramel feel overwhelmed for the longest time; yet, she won…she was determined that they would be bff’s and he really did not have a choice! She can be very determined plus persuasive!

For those early bird risers; this is the Dane to consider! She is up and at ’em between 5 AM – 6:30 AM each and every day….she does like to get in a mid AM and mid afternoon nap if her busy schedule allows for it!

This girl is a ham, a real delight and not for the faint of heart.

Her leash manners have improved significantly and she knows many sign language words. We use a combination of ASL and our made up signs to communicate with her.

She will only go to a home that has had prior special needs canine; not necessarily Great Dane experience. She will only go to a home that has significant prior canine experience for she is not a ‘starter dane’ and deserves to be with a home that can continue to help her reach her full potential and not be ‘learning off of her.’ That is way too much pressure for her to have to bear and take on. She will teach that right matched personality fit home a lot yet, that home needs to have a lot of their own experience and knowledge to bring to the table.

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our home website for anyone that may be interested in being considered for her. Between that and her thoroughly detailed blog, all of your questions should be answered.

Miss silly Lilly, many thought you should have been ‘killed’ and that we were wasting our time. Little did those know in re: to what we do, why we do it, why we are needed and have done for almost 25 years. Furthermore, little did they know about you and just how awesome you really are.

She carries her up head up high and proud now….her tail is happy and wagging now….she is happy and healthy now! Look at all of that muscle mass plus toning on her body!

I could continue to write a massive Gwennie novel on this girl for she is truly special!

You are living your best life every day and we could not be more delighted to help you make your special announcement!

BHRR’s Miss Silly Lily!
(Deaf / Visually Impaired)
May 17th, 2020

Sean & I did a little professional photo shoot ourselves today for this beauty… preparation for her to make her upcoming special announcement.

We must say that we are extremely pleased with our amateur photo efforts! 

This sweet girl has come a LONG way since she first arrived to us and we could not be more proud.

She deserves to be our Cover Girl!

STAY Tuned!

This pretty girl says that she is so close to making her own special announcement!

BHRR’s Miss Silly Lilly(Deaf/Visually Impaired)! 

THIS came on my radar last night!

Nicki is making handmade bracelets to benefit our Giant Breed Rescue & Rehabilitation Programs!

100% comes to BHRR and she is doing this indefinitely!

HOW creative, thoughtful and generous is this?! 

I already bought mine!

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & to purchase yours:


“This bracelet is to support the Ottawa Birch Haven giant dog breed Rescue and Rehabilitation centre. (BHRR).

The unakite beads are a stone that is believed to help with feelings of abandonment and separation issues – very fitting as a representation for dogs that have lost their homes for various reasons. The cost of feeding, medicating, and housing giant breed dogs is much higher than rescues for smaller breeds so every little bit helps.

Paw print charm is made of brass”

Yup! She is having a lot of fun today! 

BHRR’s Miss Lily (Deaf/Visually Impaired Great Dane) enjoying the Winter Wonderland today!

The once under socialised, full of anxiety, could not sleep when it was dark, self-mutilating, not house broken, terrified to go outside Deaf & Visually impaired Great Dane is now living a truly amazing life!

She has overcome SO much and while we are still working on some things – the occasional accident in her crate yet, where once it was many times a day, is now maybe three times a month – she has rehabbed into a really well adjusted full of mischief and loving life to the fullest each day kind of gal! 

She has not had any stress about going outside, especially at night in a very long time.

She has been the best of friend and example to BHRR’s Fred who came in with his own anxiety and worries about going outside, especially at night.

She has taught him that is is ok to not be dignified and to Kanga-Dane and race and as the song goes ‘dance like no one is watching!’ 

He has in turn taught her to ‘try’ harder in being patient, to be calmer and that non everything is on her time schedule. She really is an instant gratification gal in many ways!

I may have a PhD yet, I have always said that the dogs help each other more than I ever could!

In re: to if/when Miss Lily may go up for adoption, that is still a big question mark.

We have been slowly working on play dates and visits with myself present and she is doing beautifully and she is not having any big set backs when we come home yet, she is not ready for more at this time…..

She is such a strong girl in a lot of ways, yet, fragile in others and we must do right by her – do right by all of the dogs in our care – and presently, she is not ready for more.

Will she get there?? That is not a pressure that I am putting on her. There is no timeline. We go at her pace, show and gently work on increasing her boundaries yet, never crossing her tolerance threshold. There are days that she bounces into the car, ready for the next adventure – sometimes with her bff and sometimes without as they both do still work on becoming the best dogs they can be on their own too – and other days she wants to stay close to home. Both are fine. That she wants to go out and explore and take on the world more and more is fabu. That she has days that she wants to be a homebody that is equally cool.

AND while she and BHRR’s Fred are the odd couple in so many ways – he is so funny with his soft grumbling vocal sounds until she gets him warmed up yet, if she does not poke and tease him, he pouts! – yet, they have equally done an unbelievable amount of successful work for each other.

He is like a puppy when she gets him started AND she is working on doing the same with BHRR’s Caramel. She is still a wee bit too much for him yet, he is interested and I can see that she is winning over his own heart!

This girl does not have a mean bone in her body – a bit selfish and adorably manipulative yes!  – for it is often always about her! – yet, her heart is bigger than the universe and she is loyal and affectionate and makes me laugh so much daily with her antics!

Good Friday afternoon!

The nickname I have for my one Dane, Jigsaw that I posted about earlier this week is ‘Elvis’ as ever since he was a wee pup, he always would give me this Elvis type smile….and now he even does it when I ask. 

Well, this is Mr. Fred and he just may give my Jiggie a run for his money with the Elvis lip impression! 

My one sweet story re: him is how Miss Lilly(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD) has taken him under her paws.

As many may recall, she has had issues with confidence plus stress going out at night when it is dark….she has made wonderful progress with that and in her housebreaking.

For some reason, Mr. Fred has also had some worries going outside at night and from the moment they first met, Miss Lily has taken him under her paws….

Her helping him has also helped herself!

She now zips in and out of the open door, showing him that it is ok to go out in the dark and she is really smitten with him…. 

Mr. Fred is quite reserved in situations he is not sure of and Miss Lily has been working her own magic and now he will often ‘Kanga-Dane’ in excitement at the door to go outside.

She is now such a playful girl and is slowly bringing out his inner carefree puppy and their relationship is deeply fascinating to witness.

In turn, he has been helping her get to a point of getting that much more close in being almost 100% housebroken and that we can go out in the rain and/or in the dark and while they do not have to be outside long, to do their business outside.

I have been doing this a long time, have several degrees in psychology and behaviour including a PhD and it never ceases to amaze me to see how much the animals help each other in more ways than I ever could…..

What a humbling beautiful experience these two Danes are giving me right now….incredibly WOW moments daily! 

As I also say so often, while I wish r/q Rescue did not have to exist, to be given experiences such as this is very beautiful…..

Miss Lily!
(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD)This will be a bit of a Gwennie novel! 

Yesterday, she was finally able to be spayed. Her weight is now up to a lean 88.44 pounds and I would still like to see another 5-7 on her for her bone structure and current age.
We had wished to spay her earlier yet, it did not take long after her arrival into our Rescue to realise that she has severe generalized anxiety plus OCD behaviours. There was no way until she was further rehabilitated that spaying her was going to be able to be safely done. Even with myself at the Hospital, she was at huge risk in hurting herself.

Anyone that knows me is aware that with my behavioural clients and own dogs, I am not a med pusher. Yet, for Miss Lily, her anxiety was so severe, I had no choice if I was going to properly be able to assist her.

So, in conversing with her amazing Vet, we put her on a low dose of Trazodone BID. It was enough to get her to ‘come down off of that ledge’, focus more and from there we were back on track with housebreaking and being able to go outside at night with the other dogs – what a confidence booster for her! I say all the time that these dogs teach each other far more than I ever could – lowered her shadow chasing plus fly snapping – we are still not ruling out focal seizures on this front and car startling – sometimes when a vehicle passes her by in the car, she would suddenly jump to attention and race back and forth.

She was not pacing nor chewing at her healing wounds from her previous home so much, could actually not just rest but really sleep at night and was not so intense in these behaviours.

In the month or so since she has been on the lower dose, the weight and muscle mass is coming on for she can settle into to actually eat well, as friendly as she has been to the other dogs and almost all people – tall men still make her nervous! – she is even more relaxed now.

She is deaf and visually impaired and being put in a prong collar and also shock collar and not positively balance trained, she was a behavioural and physical hot mess.

While we are not there yet, with her rehabilitation journey, we are a heck of a lot further along that we have been.

She sits, lays down, stays, checks-in, walks so much better on a leash as she is no longer as stress for she understands more since we took the edge of her strain and worry, what is expected of her. I am open, clean and communicative in my requests of her. I am not forceful. I am repetitive, consistent, patient, understanding, kind and full of so much praise when she demonstrates appropriate displays of behaviour.

She is so messed up in her brain that we are just sticking with learning the solid basics, taking it one baby step at a time and she is responding!

I am not making demands of her. I am not manhandling her, I am not asking of her any more than I know that she can give me at any given time and this beautiful girl is blossoming like the most fragile and precious of flowers – except she is a bit of a bull in a china shop with her enthusiasm and zest for life. For, when she knows that she has done something right or is just plain happy and she makes my heart burst with my own happiness with the joy that she has when she sees me.

We are working through crate training and she has no issues being in her crate yet, she will still have an accident as going outside, especially at night, still stresses her at times.

When I felt she was ready to be spayed, I talked in depth to her Vet and we put a sedative med protocol in place so that she would feel no worries, strain or anxiety.

Sean and I began the day before her spay – and I had worked hard on her crate training so that she would not react to being in one of the runs at work.

She had Trazodone(150 mgs TID) throughout the day before her spay, had some Gabapentin(300 mgs) plus her Deramaxx that night before bed.

First thing yesterday AM, she had another dose of Trazodone and I brought her to work when my own shift started and we pre-med her with ACE/Hydro.

She went down like a lamb – gave us a bit of excitement in the surgical suite – yet, that had nothing to do with her anxiety! 

We did run bloodwork and also then repeated the CBC to be sure all was good and the only worry after her spay that she gave us was her low temp for the longest time.

We even did some skin scrapings to be sure that she did not have any demodectic mange occurring in some of those healing wound area’s that she will sometimes still ‘bother’ with when she is worried. Getting better as she is re-directing well. The skin scrapings were negative.

Once we had her temp closer to normal, got her up on her feet, Sean came to pick her up and she was calm, very much at peace and 100% fantastic for her whole time at EVC!

Could not have asked for a better spay experience for her…us, not so much excitement needed yet, it was all worth it to make things for her to be so smooth and anxiety free!

She is recovering nicely and while she still has a journey to go with her rehabilitation prior to be ready to make her own special announcement, this girl ROCKS!

I adore her…..I love every bit and piece and hair on her…..

The less confused and anxious free she is becoming, her personality – HUGE to begin with – is just emerging more and more and she really is a gift……. 

Thank you to CR, RE plus Dr. G. for being part of her set-up for success team at EVC and thank you to Mason and Sean for coming in to pick her up and take her home so that she did not have to spend another 5 hours there until my own shift ended. Though, per the above, she totally rocked the 7 hours that she was there……


Picture Post #8 Miss Lily 
*Deaf/Minor Visual Impairment

My final picture of her day at the Vet!

She wants to be friends with the dog in the picture on the wall! 

I think she believes that by standing on the stair will get her closer to the dog in the picture and said dog could then see her and be her friend! LOL

She is so proud of herself and I am so proud of her and if you have followed her picture journey today at the Vet and would like to see us re-open our doors to keep helping dogs like Miss Lily, we ask you to please do consider making a donation to our cause.

If you believe that we are making a positive difference to dogs like Miss Lily, please do consider supporting us…..

We are handling some big unexpected bills with dogs like The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher and with everything Miss Penelope the Newf has been going through – we are still awaiting the biopsy results on her ovaries.

We continue to also handle enormous Vet Bills for dogs like BHRR’s Volt and BHRR’s Rion.

Donations can be made via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

OR you can made donations direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

On behalf of Miss Lily and our home, we wish all of our friends, family and supporters a wonderful night! Thank you for following her picture journey at the Vet today! 

Picture #7

This is Miss Lily when the Vet visit was over and she notes a large pic of a dog on the wall! 

Her picture journey of her day at the Vet continues!

Picture #6

Miss Lily – sitting in the chair!

Successful Vet visit had thanks to understanding, patience, time – we were there over an hour between arrival and leaving – consistency, tough love and acceptance! 

This was a fabu training and awesome rehab day for her…..

Yes, she has one blue eye and one brown eye.

She is such a ham! You just have to allow her to get to know you…..for when she decides you are ‘ok’, she will truly want to be your bff!

Picture #5 While we still wait to be seen by the Vet, Miss Lily decides it is ok to lay on her side….keeping those gorgeous peepers on me at all times!

All I am doing is just being there for her, in her sight, quiet, comfortable and having confidence demonstrating in my body language that all will be ok.

When the Vet came in, she was in my lap again and when he crouched down and put his body sideways, she came up for some sniffs and some pats.

This girl had been put into a prong, harsh training methods had been used and while she was nervous she equally showed backbone to me that if she was forced she would mouth gently. She correctly beautifully as I respect her.

As told to the Vet, yes, she is nervous yet she equally is pushing back as she just does not want something to happen. We have to find that balance and so, we did not get her temperature yet her heart was listened to.

We did not do bloodwork yet I do know that we could have done this yet stated I was happy to wait and she had her vaccines. A partial mouth exam was done and the big success was that she knew at the end of it that she survived!

To not have done anything at this Visit, she would have not learned anything and while we did not get all done that she needs, we got some truly important things done and she saw that at the end of it that she not just survived yet thrived!

To me that was a great Vet visit!! 

As more time passes, she shifts to her side to be more comfortable and though she is still posed to jump if I make the slightest movement, she is relaxing a bit more….

She then decides it is ok to lay down…not 100% comfortable yet this is huge going from literally in my lap to being near me….

She is still not going to let me out of her eyesight though…

Picture post #4

Miss Lily then moves away from me to do some de-stressing self-comforting stretches.

The huge thumbs up is seeing her working to provide some reassurance to herself now after I did so…..

She would keep come back to me yet, she is also realising that she, too can help herself.

She is not taking her eyes off me though and that is 100% fine.

We have also been working on her ‘check in’ and she is doing extremely well!

You can see how skinny she is by noting not 1, not 2, not 3 yet four ribs on that one side poking out.

Yet, we will get there!

She still is not sure…..yet, I am and passed along my comfortable calm vibrations through my words as she rested on my Chest.

For those who do not know….she is deaf and visually impaired and the vibrations of my calm voice can be felt by her as she rests her head on my chest for reassurance…

I promised her it would be ok….

Her face tells a thousand things…and my purpose is to give her the best experience possible today to make the second visit even easier on her.

Picture #3

This is Miss Lily coming over for some reassurance and she received some calming touches and a smooch. This is before the Vet even came in……

Her face is very expressive….

You can also see the raw healing wounds from the prong use that had gone on in her previous home.

She now sports a stunning Wiggle Bumz Collar that I bought. 

So, as people can see in the first picture thread post, how Miss Lily was with the people she met today – other than the one tall man and her Vet.

This is Picture #2 – in the exam room. We went into the exam room about half an hour after we arrived.

She had been overall content in the waiting area and other than backing into me and clearly showing some cautious worried body language when the one tall man walked by, she was curious, sitting in my lap, sitting in the chairs and sitting on other people’s laps.

Breaks your heart to then see this.

This is where I then passively ignore and did not make a big deal out of us being there. Calming touch when she sought me out, I sat down and acted like being at the Vet is a perfectly great and ok place to be….answered emails and treated the world as normal.

This body language of hers is not the same as what it was when we first arrived….

So, this shall be a picture story of Miss Lily at Eagleson Veterinary Clinic today.

Picture #1 – Making friends in the waiting room! Not much personal space given by this girl if she decides you are going to be her friend! No matter if you have space issues, she does not care yet, to all the met her today, they had zero issues with her being in their bubble! 

We arrived about 15 minutes early and were there for about 1 hour. I wanted to give her plenty of time to settle in.

On our drive in she does OCD chase the occasional vehicle that passed us. As of yet no pattern found yet documenting it all so I can best assist her moving forward. She was always fine when I passed vehicles and occasionally had an issue with a vehicle that would pass us be it on the highway or local roads.

She weighed a thin 39.2 Kgs(86.24 pounds) and ideally I would like to see her closer to 100 pounds. We shall get there!

The thing that made her most nervous was the one tall man that walked by which in turn the other tall man that she saw today was her Vet.

These photo’s I shall post in separate posts are the different faces of BHRR’s Miss Lily @ the Vet.

Miss Lily!

‘Where are we going now Mama Gwennie?!’

Curious and though a bit cautious at first, once she knows all is ok, she is all in with the body leans and happy tail and loving! 

Good thing she is so adorable for she is in a head lock with me re: crate training! She has worn down her previous home so many times that she is determined to do it with me too.

She does not know me very well….yet…. 

We are also making wonderful progress on the house breaking and her general anxiety.

We are making excellent progress with her car anxiety too. She is learning that there are amazing experiences and caring hands with lots of praise plus treats associated with the car and this girl wants to trust people badly.

Her obedience manners are overall ok and once her puppy brain settles and she is not so overwhelmed with distractions plus stimulation, she is going to rock!

We are getting better with the ‘check in’ looks and she is quite proud of herself when she realises she has done it! The more clear open communication she has the more she relaxes as she learns to become a dog and is not confused about the expectations asked of her.

She is starting to show a playful side and has taken a shine to BHRR’s Juniper and BHRR’s Burst. BHRR’s Juniper being half Wolfie is making Miss Lily work for it and BHRR’s Burst takes play to a level that Miss Lily is not quite ready for yet these are the two that she has connected with and with her charm, she is going to win over BHRR’s Juniper! 

Today, we are off to the Vet and will post an update afterwards……


Good Morning from this ray of sunshine!!

Miss Lily!
*Deaf / Minor Vision Impairment
*~15 months old

She is settling in well….crate training is going so much better then expected.

She has proven with us to not be housebroken but we will get there!

She has some anxiety also about going outside and we are working through that.

She is very confused about what being a dog is about yet baby steps.

She is the sweetest and most precious of gems! She is affectionate and expresses her joyous feelings with her whole wiggly body! 

She loves to flip water bowls and then just look at you! What a ham!! It is like ‘now that I have your attention…..’

I am totally loving this girl and getting to know her!

I got her!

BHRR’s Miss Lily (Deaf/Visually Impaired Great Dane) – AND her vision impairment is quite minor.

She is the most adorable small package! Smaller than Miss Tilly and equally gorgeous!

We have some behavioural OCD things to work through plus the typical training from what her owner has imparted my way. Sadly, this amazing well intentioned home hired a ‘trainer’ for $3,000 that believes in prongs plus shock collars and just as we knew would be the answer, the behaviours for this sweet innocent young thing became worse.

She has understandable anxiety too.

*NOTE: This thread is not open to debate as to whether you may think prongs, chokes and e-collars are great training tools.*

This poor girl’s neck is raw now.

She is skinny yet, she is also a growing maturing Dane and the weight will come on.

I am now making my long drive home with a real gem of a Dane – I already know that she is going to be a hoot, so much personality plus love and affection in this girl! Already covered in the Dane leans! 

She will begin her proactive/preventative vetting on Monday – I want to give her some time to settle in. We will begin her de-worming protocol now though. She will also need to be spayed – per her Owner, she has had one heat already and is due to have another one shortly.

It was such a pleasure meeting Miss Lily’s Owner and I said several times over that they can reach out any time, that Miss Lily has her own blog already etc.

AND I am anticipating a night of no sleep for crate training is on the agenda for this girl. Mannerisms 101 coming up with Gwennie’s doggie boot camp! 

AND as we have posted already, our doors are now indefinitely closed until further notice.

We have had so many unexpected Vet Bills with BHRR’s Fletcher & BHRR’s Miss Penelope being the latest.

For anyone who may consider assisting us in keeping out doors open, donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

This girl is not yet AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and as we have answered more than one home to date, we will not consider a home without a properly safely fenced in yard.

Her previous Owner can attest to the importance of a fenced in yard as they lost one of their Doberman’s from being hit by a transport….. 

Thank you also once more to Tanya of Poet’s Vision in putting this home in touch with us.

This is Miss Lily!
~15 month old Great Dane
*She is Deaf & Visually Impaired

Thank you from our hearts to Tanya of Poet’s Vision for putting the O. in touch with our highly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue.

As I state so often, good owners sometimes have to let go of their dogs and it is an extremely difficult time for them. 

This home is not new to dogs and is not inexperienced yet, having a deaf/visually impaired Dane is new to them. They have worked hard to do right by her and they now want better for her.

BHRR is here to support and to assist where needed and please do join me in providing kindness to her O.

ETA to BHRR Thursday August 1st.

I also wish to thank Tasha for offering to temp foster BHRR’s Oliver so that I can bring this lovely gem direct into my own home!

After her arrival, per a previous post, our doors will be closed as we need to take care of our financial health. With the unexpected expense of BHRR’s Fletcher of not one yet two surgeries this week, our coffers are bare.

BHRR relies on the kindness and support of others via donations to keep BHRR operating to the high standard that we do and BHRR is mostly funded out of the personal pockets of Sean/myself.

We are tapped right taking care of BHRR’s Volt, BHRR’s Rion and now BHRR’s Fletcher plus BHRR’s Penelope, so once BHRR’s Lily arrives; we are sorry to say that we can not help any further dogs for X period of time.

For those that may consider our cause to support, donations can be made direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381

OR via PayPal to

OR via email transfer to

We never will compromise the high level of care each animal deserves and while we wish we could keep our doors open; we cannot without your help.

BHRR has been the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996 and we thank you in advance for any consideration……