We still have 2 amazing BHRR pups needing a special Secret Santa angel of their very own!
BHRR’s Mr. Albar & Miss Chrissy!
Mr. Albar(one of our Beans) says he has been enjoying the snow after the big storm yesterday/overnight! All of that rain and wet, heavy snow has made for some big mud puddles!
Miss Chrissy is snoozing in our small cubby on one of our fireplaces. We are doing renovations, and had been storing some of the old pieces of tile in the cubby, and she also thought this was a good place to be! All tile pieces have now been removed, so no injuries are possible.
If anyone would be open to spoiling one of them this Christmas, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
AND here are the drop-off dates/times/locations for our 2023 Secret Santa Event!
1) Anytime: Oxford Station – 2425 Totem Ranch Road West
*We have a donation shed at the road across from the mailbox
2) Eagleson Veterinary Clinic – 500 Eagleson Road, Kanata, Ontario
Wednesday, December 6th, 8:45 pm
Thursday, December 7th, 9 am
Thursday, December 7th, 8:45 pm
Friday, December 8th, 8:45 pm
Saturday, December 16th, 8:45 pm
Sunday, December 17th, 9 am
Wednesday, December 20th, 8:45 pm
Thursday, December 21st, 9 am
Thursday, December 21st, 8:45 pm
Friday, December 22nd, 9 am
*Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org to let me know that you are planning on coming/when!
3) For those mailing items: Sean/Gwen Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
Oxford Station, Ontario
If anyone may wish to make a financial donation instead, we can pick up Santa Angel items for them! PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org or Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com
We need to have some time to get all of the pressies to their fosters!
AND BHRR’s Santa list is as follows for those who may consider donations to help the Rescue:
Pinesol, Lysol Wipes, Liquid Fabric Softener, Garbage Bags – all sizes, Paper Towels, Laundry Detergent, Dog Shampoo from PetSmart – Top Paw Oatmeal Baking Soda Shampoo with Aloe, Laundry Baskets(Great for storing toys & dog coats!), $$$ to pay down Vet Bills