Babies are fed, all tucked in AND, thanks to Katherine and their loving financial donation of Empties returns – guess what time it is?!!
As promised, for every lifesaving monetary or item(s) donation, a puppy spam pic would be posted in gratitude!
Can be done via PayPal or email transfer to OR an item(s) donation:
1) XL Essential pee pads,
2) Esbilac powdered formula 28 oz.,
3) Gain or Downy liquid fabric softener
4) PVD Essential Care canned puppy food)
5) Pinesol – the larger the bottle the better!
6) Lysol wipes
Dropped off in our donation shed at the road or snail mailed to:
2425 Totem Ranch Road West, Oxford Station
We need many, many, many weeks worth of the above!
This does not even take into consideration the many thousands of dollars it is going to take to vet them to prepare for their special announcements.
These wee Labx beans, found nursing on their mom, that was laying dead under a tractor, two with punctures, are now safe with us. I know that if they could, they would also say THANK you to everyone for this lifesaving assistance.
AND another huge miracle milestone…do you see what I see?!!
Five wee bear cub beans still with us!
Miss Fighter Bean(Miss Nola) is scheduled to see the Vet on Thursday…..that hind end, back legs – especially the right side.
I want to have this investigated ASAP. Hoping it is something we can successfully rehabilitate.
Weights on top from Thursday, August 4th, in emergency, when we first saved them & weights from August 8th below. Four days after I got them.
Puppy 1 – 0.38 kgs – deceased as of 8:49 AM Thursday, August 4th
Puppy 2 (Miss Fighter Bean) – 0.38 kgs as well – Miss Nola
August 8th – 0.62 kgs (1 lb, 6 oz)
Puppy 3 (Miss Explorer Bean) – 0.48 kgs – Miss Bev
August 8th – 0.71 kgs (1 lb, 9 oz)
Puppy 4 (Mr. Warrior Bean) – 0.46 kgs – Mr Albar
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
Puppy 5 (Miss Diva Princess Bean) – 0.56 kgs – Miss Maybelle Cutie
August 8th – 0.99 kgs (2 lbs, 3 oz)
Puppy 6 (Miss Chill Mobile Bean) – 0.64 kgs – MIss Ayla
August 8th – 0.79 kgs (1 lb, 12 oz)
We will shortly set up our popular Name Game Fundraiser to try and raise much-needed funds for vetting – five pups to vaccinate, boosters x 2, exams, 4 spays, 1 neuter, flea/tick/hw meds, bloodwork, further investigating Miss Fighter Beans hind end, etc., not to mention food, formula, pee pads, Pinesol, toys, treats, dog beds, laundry detergent, liquid fabric softener and so on.
Puppies are wee, their needs are enormous!
I am off to bed…a long night of puppy care, an early AM, and another very long work day ahead. Sean did fantastic with two puppy feedings yesterday, all on his own!
He said they slept a lot, yet as soon as I arrived home, just as with Miss Jamila, they smelled me, and it was puppy chorus chaos! 
Good night wishes are being sent out to all of our friends, family & supporters!