This is a BHRR's Journey VIDEO – February 5th, 2012 AND though it is dark; you can still see how affectionate, playful and wonderfully confident she has become in such a short period of time! πŸ™‚ THIS was the GD that I brought into BHRR on December 22nd, 2011 that was TERRIFIED of Sean and men in general plus quite skittish of women! LOOK at her! Just LOOK at her! GO JOURNEY GO! SHE is just delightful! πŸ™‚

Sunday's FREEDOM Dane VIDEO moment! πŸ™‚ BHRR's Freedom made a HUGE milestone break through after the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House yesterday. At one point, I am sitting there talking to one of my BHRR BOD members and I look and see BHRR's Freedom PLAYING with a tope toy! I mean playing! WAHOOO!

I tried to get some photos; and of course, he 'froze'; but tonight as we were having our family/friend annual FONDUE for my Birthday; I managed to snap not only a photo of him plaing with one rope toy BUT this video! DOESN'T he look content! OMG! I wanted to squish him! BUT, I did not… πŸ˜‰

In this past 24 hours, for some reason, he has just burst through some of his 'scary' barriers and sigh….it makes my heart feel so good for him! πŸ™‚

AND, I am now convinced that he is most likely around 3 years, not 4 and has that lovely 'masking' gene going on with that face. The playful side of him is OMG! SOOOOOOOOOOOO WOW! He is becoming quite affectionate with myself and youthfully playful. I AM so happy for him! πŸ™‚

The below photo is from last night with my iPhone.

BHRR's Freedom – February 4th, 2012 – FIRST TIME EVER PLAYING with a toy! πŸ™‚

Isn't this VIDEO beautiful? So heartwarming and yesterday at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; BHRR's Journey gave her own most special and lovely of thanks to Anna and fam FOR all they have done for BHRR's Journey!

I have been in these rescues trenches almost 25 years and the support and love extended to BHRR's Journey from SO many has deeply touched and affected me with such warm feelings!

I am still awaiting the link to the interview that I did for BHRR's Journey and shall post when it is received. πŸ™‚

Also, below are two photos from January 29th, 2012. GUESS what she is doing for one of the first times EVER?

*Very limited playing due to her spay recovery BUT she is actually playing! GO JOURNEY GO!

She is now recovering well from her spay and in a few weeks, we shall see about a new re-weigh, exam and possible vaccines.

Unfortunately, this AM; I noticed that the one area of her tail that had been broken is slightly infected. This had healed so well. πŸ™ No one that I have conversed with noticed her hurting it yesterday at the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; so, not sure where she might have banged it and she is back on antibiotics as it is quite swollen in one area and very oozy. πŸ™

BHRR's Journey – January 29th, 2012

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:      $8727 Donated to date      REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME:  A credit of $872.60

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie
Cheryl – PayPal took $1.75 in fees


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR,  all of us are wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd!

As we have done for the last 2 years as a surprise for Gwennie; if you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts.

This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Friday February 3rd, 2012

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness as we have managed to do in the past and we hope that once again, she shall be pleasantly surprised!

You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about always worrying about money for food to help those in need of the BHRR programs. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about coming up with funds for food by either donating a bag of food or making a donation for food to be bought. You can help ease her stress and worries somewhat today about the mounting food bills for BHRR for beside Vet Bills, this is BHRR's biggest expense.

Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to or via PayPal (account OR even bring a bag of food or cash donation to the upcoming BHRR Open House to help BHRR out! As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

Several of us approached Gwennie again this year to ask what she wanted for her birthday and once again never did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or the animals.

Please do help us make a birthday very special today for a very special lady who operates a very special Rescue by making a food donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$905 + 6 bags of food

Gwennie's BHRR BIRTHDAY Food Believers & Supporters:



Lana & Warren of Pet-errific

Paula & Serge













On Saturday January 28th, BHRR's Adele had a small playdate with a couple of Volunteers.

She was great coming out of the house, was a bit unsure going down the hill/stairs and when it came to going into the car, she was a bit worried. So, some minor assistance needed and then we were on our way! She travels great and enjoys looking our the windows.

As mentioned in at least one previous blog, she has an absolute fascination with windows, especially doors that are all windows. She has this 'need' to look out and see the outside and takes immense enjoyment plus pleasure in being able to do that. AND as I also posted, she dervives much pleasure and calmness in knowing that she has 'FREEDOM' to go outside and then come inside and then go outside and be able to come back inside. This is how her past confinement in 'hell' has has made her to be and for me, I am more than happy to oblige her 'need' to know freedom.

Here is a blurb from the Volunteers who took her for a couple of hours for a great experience for her and them! Any home is going to have to understand that all of this is NEW to her, foreign to her and she needs patience and understanding and acceptance. SHE will give you trust and loyalty in turn!

Hello Gwen!!

First and foremost – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for letting us take Her Grace the Lady Adele on a play date today!! What a very special lady!

As you know, this was my first chance to spend some one on one time with Adele since I drove her from the Emergency Shelter to you late last year. All I can say is WOW!!
We had a smooth ride down the road from KAH to Petsmart Kanata and the folks there were most welcoming! Adele had the automatic doors figured out after only a slight startle and made her way up one aisle and down the other. She seemed to enjoy looking at the aquariums and the small animals the most. She walked right by the cats as if they weren't even there.
She had one puppy come tearing up body in full puppy wiggle, and she was most graceful in giving it a quick sniff on the nose but then continued on her tour. She accepted petting from a couple of store employees although to be honest was more interested in looking out the window.

Not wanting to overdue the stimulation in the store we went for a nice walk around all the shops in the area and I lost count of the "oh what a beautiful dog" comments that were sent her way.
She certainly loved being outside! We finished up with another round of the Petsmart. I had to chuckle at myself for being so careful to watch for signs that she had had enough because when the moment came she quite simply turned around and started walking for the door..and that was that!

What a very wonderful day!!

X & X

I just wanted to add a photo of BHRR's Freedom from December 18th, 2011. HAVE to get more photos up of this incredibly gorgeous boy yet cameras plus videos can make him nervous; so I have to do the 'subtle' approach.

BHRR's Freedom – December 18th, 2011 – about 4 years of age

Here is a VIDEO I took earlier tonight of BHRR's Veteran AKA Peter Pan and BHRR's Veteran! On Bleach's couch. πŸ˜‰

I am really loving this video thing! πŸ˜€

BHRR's Goliath has been developing into the BESTEST dog ever! He is superb!

BHRR`s Adele is having a bit of a play date today – for just a couple of hours; so as to not flood her and I am looking forward in obtaining a new weight on her! πŸ™‚

I am so happy that she is going to have some extra special loving time just for her.

Will post an update on how things go for her and the home!

This blog is a LONG time in the making, I know! My priority is always to continue to be hands on with the dogs in need of BHRR and we have several right now in very big need and I do apologize that my blogs and photos take a 'back seat' during such times. πŸ™

Re: BHRR's Veteran; he is doing great! His bff is BHRR's Goliath! A sweetheart that is also awaiting his own forever loving adoptive home still.

They will play so well together and have a lot of fun! He also loves playing with my bluez boyz and my mantle boy these days along with BHRR's Goliath and the 5 of them are a very close group of pals. πŸ™‚

He had a great play date at the end of December and if I do receive any photos from that play date, I shall post some. πŸ™‚

I am going to post three photos below from the community education and awareness event we did at B&F at the beginning of December for their Angel Tree and added quite a few more of those photos to his slideshow.

He is great with kids and his obedience has just come so naturally to him.

The only time I have ever seen him nervous was when we saw a native american walking out of Timmie's one day and by our car and I thought he might actually urinate, he was so worried. I just told him it was 'ok' and he settled down and we continued on our way through the drive through of the bank. Considering where he was taken from, understandable behavour and how I handled it was how he thus responded. He did belong to a drunk person when the 275 dogs were assisted last November by ARC in Quebec in the first nation community and he clearly has memories that still affect him. THIS is the only person I have ever seen him react to and his reaction was fear. Poor thing…..yet, onward and forward we went and he liked the treaties I gave him and the pat plus calming word and settled right back down; trusting that I would not let anything harm him.

His temperament is a very solid and stable one and he continues to reside in harmony with the dogs here and he continues to keep BHRR's Atlas going should BHRR's Atlas have a bad day or moment. GOSH! This dog is amazing!!!

He really is going to make a home a fantabulous addition with his affection, heart and love to give! NOT to mention how handsome of a silver merle GD he is!

December 2nd, 2011 – B&F Community Education & Public Awareness Event




Today's FREEDOM Dane update comes from 'Freedom'. Sean and I have been seriously wondering if some of these dogs have a voice. We have yet to hear a peep from Gretta and Peanut and only recently have we heard a sound from Adele( that was when BHRR's Riley thought she would make a great 'jump' obstacle and had jumped over her once and was headed back to try it again and he tripped in typical Riley fashion and bumped the 'Queen'. She made her first ever grumpy sound).

Well today, I was doing a bit of training with Ms. Dynamite aka Bloom and I heard this sound from the kitchen. Never having heard that voice; I went to investigate and here was Freedom wagging his tail slightly( that is so exciting unto itself!!!) looking at the dishwasher and doing a playbow!!! A real playbow and he was barking! AND just what exactly was he barking at! His reflection in the dishwasher! He was really hoping that the handsome dude he saw was going to play with him!

When I came in, he looked over his shoulder and was happy! Like he found a new friend!
We will work on the barking….BUT he does have a voice and was comfortable enough to use it!!! AND some tail wags AND a playbow. Those are the important things!!!

Another good day at BHRR! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Journey was spayed today.

UPDATE: Journey is now out of surgery from her spay! Everything went great!! In the last week+; the dogs have been showing interest in her; both boys and girls; even those that have already been neutered and spayed and that confirmed more than anything that she had not been spayed. So, Journey is now officially detwinkies! :)-

Sean shall pick her up on his way home from work; around 3 pm and so happy that all went fantastic!!! Have I mentioned lately how awesome those that I work with at KAH are!!! πŸ™‚

UPDATE: #2: She is still hanging around 100 pounds and this bounce-back recovery is going to take her a bit. She is at home, resting with a warm dog bed and a heater. She has had a couple of small spit-ups and is still quite groggy BUT the surgery went well!
The Vet confirmed that she was quite immature and has not had a heat or puppies in her past.

From here, once she has more weight and recovers from her spay; gets some vaccines; she is sooooooo close to being 100%! We have only had her since December 22nd and her 'journey' has been beyond words fantabulous!!! Give her a couple of months and she will NEVER even remotely resemble the dog she once was THANKS to all of your efforts of support from donations and words of belief plus care!!

AND 1,665 dozen 'BHRR's Journey Heart Biscuits' now sold!

Anna's e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738 to order – ONLY 5 days left to order yours!  Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


January 26th, 2012 – post-op from spay

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $6,456 Donated to date        REMAINING OWED ON HER BILLS AT THIS TIME: $1,198.40

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie

I want to publicly send out a BIG warm and deep thanks of the best kind to Laura and The Greyhound Supporters (National Capital Region).
I received a very lovely and touching letter from them in respect to Journey. In addition to their beautiful letter, they sent a check for $250 to go to her rehabilitation bills.
To see so many reach out in support and kindness and belief plus understanding for Journey; has been incredible. THIS is what Rescue is about; working together, not against to make positive differences to animals in need; animals that did not ask to have such cruelty done to them!
THANKS GSNCR for your part of being such a strong link on that chain of success for animals like Journey!
BHRR believes in assisting where and when we can to other people, animals and groups and so does GSNCR! Please, if you have a moment, do email or call them to tell them how special and important they are to the community!!!

BHRR's Shiva has been scheduled to have her annual on February 11th, 2012 and here is an

Update from BHRR's Shiva's Temp Foster Home:

As for the lovely Shiva the Diva, she is doing just grand…like a true Diva, lol.  We are all having such a great time.  She has been granted total freedom when we leave the house.  The first two days of freedom were had a few minor glitches as she decided to investigate 'X's shaving kit by emptying everything within and spreading throughout the house.  I was quite surprised upon the discovery but yet impressed as she did not destroy anything.  She just needed to entertain herself to remedy her SA that day.  The other little event is tearing the head off one of my snowman decorations.  Again, nothing major and I had a little inside chuckle at this.  Since then, nothing.  A perfect house guest!!! πŸ˜‰
Something that is cute about her is that she will not jump up on any furniture in our presence.  BUT, leave her alone and our home becomes her palace!!!!  She's been busted a few times on the couch, the bed and the futon!  She is just hilarious….I have a smirk on my face as I'm writing, lol.
We've been continuing our daily walks and playdates, weather permitting of course.  She is adapting more and more to the sounds of the city and meeting people on the street.  She loooooves her playdates.  We always choose a park or area that we mix up the on and off leash walks.  Everyone we meet is so impressed by her and how she behaves on and off leash.  She sure makes me proud.
Since the weather has been a bit less cooperative lately, we have been cooped up in the house during the cold snaps.  One of her favorite toys here is a orange ball hockey ball.  It's pretty much indestructible and we play fetch with it in the family room.  This is sooooo funny as she is limited in space but we figure it out.  She fetches and returns the ball to me, again….l'm so proud of her.  She galops and trips over herself while throwing the ball around on her own.  This is quite funny to watch.
Also, I due attest that doing her nails is so easy.  She is such a trooper.  She remains calm and shows no tendency to pull away.  Proud! Proud! Proud!  She rocks!!!!!
Well, enough for tonight.  I know that she is missed at BHRR but rest assured that she is she is doing great and very happy in her "palace", lol.
Have a good night Gwen!
PS  X has been home sick for the last 2 days.  These two have become the bestest of friends during my time away.  They've finally bonded and HE is quite taken by her!!!! πŸ˜‰ and vice-versa! HA!

BHRR's Atlas has his first CWW – Canine Water Wellness Session today and I am sooooooooo proud of him!

He came readily out of the house and it was not until we got close to the car that he began to become worried. My safe word for him is 'trust' and with some major trust on his part and a bit of tough love on my part; he got into the car and we had an uneventful trip into CWW; which is about an hour away in good weather.

I deliberately parked far away and we had a nice leisurely stroll to CWW. We passed cars and people and BHRR's Atlas took it all in stride. He even showed off by lifting his leg to pee on a bench! cheeky

When we arrived, he did not want to walk through the door and I used his safe word 'trust' and he then walked into CWW. The trust that he has given me over the short time he has been with us is humbling. Just humbling.

On a side note; he has put on almost 40 pounds of weight plus muscle mass since he first arrived to BHRR last November.

When we arrived, he had the 'rejected' look – head down, averted, tail down and it is his 'If I cannot see them, they cannot see me and hurt me' stance. So, we took about 15 minutes, talked and both Jen and Lianne touched him and we let him relax. When Lianne stopped loving on him, he moved a bit closer and stood still. This is his sign and that he is very quietly hoping that he will be petted some more.

I then used the 'trust' word and he followed me to the swimming area; never minding the two dogs belonging to the owners and he was fitted into a lifejacket and after using the 'trust' word again; up the ramp we went and in the water he went.

No big build up of stress or anxiety for him and it was not long before he found his balance and rhythm.

I was his 'motivation' to want to swim and so my video is not the best…SORRY! I was trying to video tape, go up and down the wet ramp, stay balanced and encourage him PLUS I was just so excited for him!!! πŸ™‚

BUT, here is the short VIDEO! By the end of the session, he was swimming unaided.

He has a long way to go to build up endurance BUT that is one reason why we are here, that and to continue to work on his mental plus emotional state. His next session is Thursday February 2nd and I hope to bring him every 7-10 days. If anyone wishes to assist with his hydrotherapy bills; you can contact Canine Water Wellness directly.

I am also going to post a few pictures below of his session! He showed some interest in their treats plus water bowl yet was not quite ready to take any but by the time we left; he was wagging his tail and taking treats from Lianne!! WTG Atlas!!!

It was a good session. I had no expectations other than that we would arrive and see how things went.

He was so tired at the end that he just was standing on the bench; literally falling asleep as they massaged him!!!

He was very relaxed as we walked back to the car and after a bit of a 'moment' with getting into the car; he then got in and settled down for a good ride home. πŸ™‚

I stopped at McDonald's and he had his own Chicken McNuggets. πŸ™‚

January 24th, 2012 – Canine Water Wellness


BHRR's Journey went on some antibiotics not long after her dental as one of her extraction site's became a bit infected. ALL is much better now though!

She has been scheduled for her second surgery – Thursday January 26th – for her spay.

From there, she will need vaccines and another fecal.

KEEP her in your thoughts and blessings!!! This is one AMAZING girl!!! πŸ™‚


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $5,956 Donated to date                Vet Bills $7,460 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers
Ryan & Andie

Today's FREEDOM Danes update has been so sweet. For the first time since she arrived; Adele is actually showing happiness about me coming home and coming to greet me!!!

AND it happened!!! My patience with bated breath has given me a HUGE reward plus gift!!! Freedom actually took his first not one; but two treats from my hand when he was outside of his 'safe' spot of a crate and ate them right there!!! My heart just melted…..

Their rehab paths are being very slowly travelled at their pace and their steps of beginning to trust and love make me feel honoured and very proud of their bravery!!! One cannot undo a lifetime if neglect and abuse overnight or change their history yet; we can give them a future of warmth, caring and kind spoiling love; that is their right!

AND yes, it was Anna's amazing 'heart' biscuits!!! πŸ™‚

Another great day developing at BHRR thanks to these amazing dogs!!!


From Anna – 1,538 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,538 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

FINALLY! BHRR's Atlas was comfortable enough for me to get a short VIDEO of him AND it was SOOOOOOOOO worth the fall on the ice to get it! cheekyI keep saying it over and over and it is so true, he just makes my heart THROB with love! πŸ™‚ His first CWW hydrotherapy session is this Tuesday as the weather was so bad this past Tuesday and had to be rescheduled. I cannot wait! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Atlas makes me laugh and smile and he is doing some zipping and zomming with that nice wagging tail….it is a great day! πŸ™‚

I hug him every morning and night; along with the others here and whisper in their ears to TELL that they are not only worthy and deserving of the best in love BUT that it is their RIGHT to have all the super things life has to give. πŸ™‚ it is part of my daily regime with the dogs and horses and given with treats and kisses too.

I could scream from the rooftops about his TAIL!! I am just beaming for him. πŸ™‚ Just beaming….

Not even 10:00 AM and I know it is going to be a great day!

Major break through in the treat department with four of the FREEDOM Danes and also BHRR's Atlas!!!

Adele is now actually taking treats from my hand and eating them. With the amazing 'heart biscuits' that Anna made and were donated; Adele is understanding what treats are!!! This is huge!
Freedom is now eating the 'Journey Heart Biscuits' in his crate; he is not yet brave enough to take them from my hand but getting there!
Gretta is now also taking the 'Journey Heart Biscuits' from my hand
Atlas – who has learnt a bit about treats since his arrival but was rare for him to like any one kind; gets very excited over the 'Journey Heart Biscuits'

AND last but not least; Peanut will now follow me around looking for the 'Journey Heart Biscuits'.

For those who know these dogs; this is a huge breakthrough! Time, patience and the right treatie made with extra love; is rehabbing these dogs from their own lives of hell.
NONE of them knew what a kind touch or loving word or what treats and good food were BUT they are learning! The only experience they knew were that hands were for pain and hitting and smacking and rejection and cruelty. NOT any more!!! NEVER again my sweeties shall a hand be raised in anything but care and love.

'Tis a good day indeed! πŸ™‚

From Anna – 1257 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

Here is a VIDEO of BHRR's Bloom as we got ready to head to KAH for her splint removal and re-visit. πŸ™‚

She was a really good passenger, did not help me drive once this time and only rarely decided to voice her opinion of the occasional peson we drove by RIGHT into my ear! She is so social that she is not impressed that she is not being greeted by all!

She weighed 36.1 KGs today ( 79.42 pounds), so slowly getting there. Once she has that opportunity to get the muscle tone and mass on her; she should be around 90 pounds or so. People kept asking at KAH, what is she mixed with and if she will get any bigger and the answer is; she is 100% pure backyard bred dog and nope, she is not going to get much taller. She is that 'teacup' 'Giant' in that wee package of 'dynamite.' We nicknamed her 'Boom Boom', just as dynamite would explode, so can she with the biggest personality!

I wish I had my camera out as she layed sprawled in one of the KAH staff members laps! My dogs just WUVS her!

This poor thing has had to be on enforced crate rest for 6 weeks and has another 2 to go at the minimum(we see Dr. Gatineau on February 8th for more X-rays and another follow-up) and she has been a trooper but that is a lot to ask of anyone, let alone; a young dog. She makes up for lost time when she can be out and it took three people to hold that wiggly body still for the Vet to take off the splint and examine her.

People need to understand that she is not mean, she is full of young puppy energy that has been asked to be contained and to think how frustrated she could actually be and is not; is amazing! Yes, she is a high maintenance dog yet she is also an awesome dog and is going to make a home an awesome addition!

BUT, she is not for the faint of heart, small 'teacup' body or not. She is brilliant and a thinker and so busy!

That will change as her obedience can be more focused on(she was already better for me in the car and in trying to 'walk' with her! LOL) and it will only get better and better. AND she will improve as she matures and also gets proper exercise.

I took some photos of her leg. As the splint was being unwrapped, we could begin to smell what was underneathe. Yes, her toes are a bit swollen and in-between them is very raw – from her licking and the rubbing. The actual surgical incisions look really good and she is healing well but that one area from when she had her cast cut into her leg and though it was healing from the cast; the splint really aggravated it when it was covered by the splint. It is raw and oozing and you can tell that she has managed to snake that tongue of hers down the splint to lick it for it has that lovely raised edge look indicative of lovely doggie salivia! πŸ˜‰

So, she was all cleaned up and I have hibitane cream for her, 1,000 mg of Cephalexin to give BID for 7 days and I left with an empty IV bag for her foot plus a cone. BY the time, I reached the car, the IV bag was off the foot and the cone had been busted…YUP! That is my dynamite girl for you! Sigh…………….

So, the challenge is going to try and keep it dry and from her licking it. We put YUK all around the IV bag and gauze to no avail but I now have the taste of it in my own mouth,..YUK is right!

The Vet had talked about possibly re-splinting it yet with the open sores/areas, it is best to keep it aired and within a couple of days, should look much better…AS long as we can keep her behaving! πŸ˜‰ The Vet felt the leg was healing well and you could feel the pins through her skin. We just need to get on top of the cast/splint complications. I was a bit concerned and with just cause as we took that splint off and now we can be proactive about treating her!

She continues to keep me challenged and on my toes and I LOVE dogs like her. She is honest and open and very clear about what she feels at all times. I could not ask for a dog to communicate better with me.

BHRR's Bloom's right front leg – January 18th, 2012



Today; I am going to tell you all JUST how much I love Journey! I love her as much as I would have my almost 2.5 pound pot roast that she swiped from moments after I put it into my slow cooker!!! I put it in and had just put the timer on and went three feet to grab the peppers, onions and other goodies to go into the pot and I turned back mere seconds later and she had swiped the pot roast clean out of the cooker that was at the back of the counter to boot! I got it back but we have now having pasta tonight instead!! Love you Journey but that was not your pot roast!!! :)- The NO to counter surfing continues to be a work in progress…. πŸ˜‰

I was not angry….she is worth a million pot roasts!!! πŸ™‚

Journey is now very angelically snuggled up to my daughter having a nap, tired are her AM adventure. Kinsley is still quite ill and both are snoring MOST
unladylike! :)- Journey is going to make someone's home a very enriched one….she is that precious!

From Anna – 1257 dozen 'BHRR Journey Heart Biscuits' now ordered. Most humble of thanks being sent to everyone plus Anna…Thank you!!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."

Due to bad weather – 15 cm of snow and freezing rain headed our way; we have rescheduled BHRR's Atlas' CWW session to next Tuesday January 24th @ 2 PM.

Cannot wait!!! A special date for him and I! πŸ™‚

I have been watching the weather very closely this past 24 hours or so for BHRR's Atlas is scheduled for his very first hydrotherapy session at CWW and the forecast has not been looking to positive.

We have gone from a projected forecast of  15-20 cm of snow and 15-20 mm of freezing rain to 20 mm of freezing rain and 1-3 cm of snow. ICK! πŸ™

I have been soooooooooooooo looking forward to this for ages with and for BHRR's Atlas! I am not going to cancel until I have to though. Something may change. I can remain hopeful!

I did a manicure and pedicure on him tonight and WHAT a dream he is!!! WOW! This boy just makes my heart throb with adoration! AND he is so happy when he sees me…he has become a whole butt wagger, not just the tail! I have to get a video of him! I just have to and share with all! πŸ™‚

AND the other break through is treaties! FINALLY, a treatie that he will be excited about; Anna's 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' made with cheese and tons of love! Some were donated our way and he WUVS them! I have put some aside to bring tomorrow as a very special yummy for him.

For those that might consider being an angel for him; he could use monies towards his Canine Water Wellness Hydrotherapy sessions. We are going to see if the harness that was donated for BHRR Apollo's own CWW sessions shall fit him.

If the weather holds out; I want to bring him to KAH afterwards to get a new weight on him. In looking over his records, he was not even 90+ pounds when he first arrived to BHRR.

BHRR's Atlas – November 29th, 2011
JUST 2.5 weeks after arrival to BHRR

**After some baths plus major TLC he is looking so much better! Sadly, physically the results on his hips are not great BUT he shall be moved to our BHRR Haven Program and ADORED for all the time that he shall have with us! May it be for a very long time that he shall grace/bless the lives of those around him! HE has become so very near and dear to my heart this boy!**

BHRR's Atlas – November 29th, 2011 – LOOK at his coat!

*He has been one of my 'doctors' while I have recovered from surgery and in this photo is is watching over all the online auction goodies AND wants to thank everyone for donating, crossposting plus bidding! The monies raised shall help him and others like him in need of BHRR.*

Update 3:39 pm:

Journey is now out of surgery! She actually had all four canines quite badly broken. πŸ™ Two were pulled; at least five other teeth were restored and the Vet was iffy on one; yet; the Vet decided to take a conservative approach and restored it. They would like to see repeat X-Rays in about 6 months to check the viability of that tooth and go from there. She also had a thorough dental cleaning.
I shall bring her home after I do a hv for BHRR tonight and after she recovers; we shall look at spaying and then some vaccines.
Thanks for all the well wishes for Journey!! πŸ™‚
I shall update more as I can!!

Update 11:20 pm:

She was under for over 4 hours today, so is very exhausted. She was sooooooooooooo happy to see me and I her! πŸ™‚
She will need about 10 – 14 days to heal and get some strength back and then we shall look at her second surgery.
In reviewing her x-rays today; she is even younger than 18 months. We went from guessestimating her around 18 months – 2 years and now in looking at those teeth x-rays, 15 months – 18 months is about right.


BHRR's Journey – Post-op January 16th, 2012


Gentle Reminder: Here is a JOURNEY FUNDRAISER that Anna is doing for BHRR's Journey! She is another beautiful angel reaching out with kindness to support BHRR's Journey! Humbled as always by everyone's support!! THANK YOU!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 1,002 dozen orders taken to date!!! Anna also has a Hypo recipe for those that have sensitive tummy doggies!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


On Saturday January 14th, BHRR's Shiva went back for another blast of a time temp foster experience! This time she will be returning around February 2nd, 2012 and we are already missing her! πŸ™‚

I know that she shall immensely enjoy herself! πŸ™‚

As BHRR's Journey rests before her first of two surgeries tomorrow – x-rays, dental, possible extractions, reconstruction etc.; she wanted me to post this short JOURNEY Video of how well she is doing THANKS to each of you!

You are a HUGE part of her survival journey of a thriving future and THANK YOU!

If you can spare her a well wish or thought for tomorrow; all of us would be grateful. I cannot wait to learn of her new weight yet I will be most happy; as always; when I bring her home.

This video is 24 days POST ARRIVAL to BHRR! She needs about another 10 pounds or so in weight/muscle mass but WOW! Looking great sweet Journey!

AND that is Sean that is loving on her and see her tail???!!! WAGGING! πŸ™‚

She has survived SOOOOO much; from starvation to pneumonia to gas bloat to parasites to dehydration and hypotherima, a broken tail, nasty wounds and the list goes on BUT never once has she been anything less than divine as she has had to go through medical and emotional rehab.

This girl is a heavenly creature that has pulled so many kind and like minded people together all across North America and I continue to only think of 'move forward' for her. She deserves great things in her life and I am determined with so many others that also believe and have been touched by her and love her like we do; that she is going to have it. πŸ™‚

She makes my soul sing with her beautiful heart and strength to want to live.

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $4,431 Donated to date                Vet Bills $5,500+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
ANNA & Her 'BHRR's Journey's Heart Biscuits' Fundraising Supporters
The Bakers

BHRR's Barbie is now moving under an ADOPTED STATUS! She is going to her new home on Sunday January 15th!

I have so loved my time with this sweet doll of a girl!

BHRR's Riley is having his one-on-one special date on Saturday! I will be out tomorrow for a wee bit doing picnic shopping! How exciting!

I hope to also obtain a new weight on him.

He continues to be a huge gooberhead in many ways, yet he is so treat and praise motivated that his butt can sit in a nanosecond in attention!

He also felt recently that he wanted to try and do another door jump and this time in the opposite direction and managed to clear all but one foot and down he went and then right back up he went and on his merry way he wanted to go. I had to stop him to go over him to make sure that he did not get any booboos.

He is still a huge ladies man and he loves BHRR's Dana and BHRR's Journey the most. BHRR's Dana has matured a lot since her arrival to us and just gives him the 'look' and then saunters away! HA!

BHRR's Journey can play in short bursts with BHRR's Riley and that thrills him to no end. BUT, it puts BHRR's Goliath into a pouting mood for he wants to be BHRR's Journey's 'main man'…..the soap opera!

He is so much FUN! AND is settling down really well and there are only rare moments of house rumbling between him and BHRR's Lincoln for I just tell them 'take it outside' and off they go! What a pair!

He is thriving under the calm effective leadership here and has so much potential!

I have added photos to his slideshow and am going to add three below. One of his 'true' ham personality and two of how 'serious' he can be for the right motiviation – TREATS AND PRAISE! He is very eager to please and as he better understands more and  more what is and is not appropriate, my goodness; he is such a fantabulous boy all around!!! I never wish to see him lose that ham side of him! It makes him so special. πŸ™‚

The way he leans into me with such affection almost takes me off balance and you have to brace to be able to fully appreciate all the love he has to offer and not end up on your rump! πŸ˜€

BHRR's Riley – December 24th, 2011 – Our traditional Christmas Eve Photos! Isn't he bootiful! πŸ™‚



Journey's Heart Biscuits Fit for the Queen's Dog (see attached link of the Queen's gift of a gorgeous labrador retriever to the RCMP)! Susanna lives at the RCMP Training Academy in Regina and her commanding officer, Assistant Commissioner Roger Brown, has purchased Journey's Heart Biscuits for her to enjoy. Roger is a former dane owner himself and was touched by BHRR Journey's story.

We have received orders for 576 dozen biscuits, including re-orders! You have 20 days left to treat your dog like royalty

ALSO, due to a scheduling change, her dental work is now scheduled for Monday January 16th. I will not stop worrying until she is home again. BUT, I am looking forward to seeing what her new weight is 9 days after her last one was taken.


BHRR's Atlas has a very special date next week!

On Tuesday January 17th, now that he is stronger and healthier; shall have his very first Canine Water Wellness session with some very special women! I cannot speak enough about the benefits of hydrotherapy and in BHRR's Apollo's case, if it were not for his CWW sessions, we know that he would have lost that leg of his.

I am so happy for Atlas and cannot wait for the lovely owners to meet him and for him to have some extra special loving JUST for him! πŸ™‚

As of January 9th, 2012; BHRR's Barbed Wire (Barbie) is under a PENDING ADOPTION!


As of Monday January 9th, 2012; BHRR's Barbie is officially AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She would do well either in a home with no other dogs or in one with another like minded plus personality fit pooch; male or female is of no matter. She is very versatile that way.

She has come a long way during her settling in period here! She is a strong woman as they say and had to learn that we all live in harmony. She seems to have a wee bit of a 'Napoleon' complex for she likes to get on top of BHRR's Lincoln and he just stands there, looks over his shoulder with a 'what? huh?' look. AND she is quickly corrected and taken off him.

She used to do this to BHRR's Beau and BHRR's Maggie May as well yet no longer.

She shares the water bowl without any issues and continues to eat good meals.

She is not a winter snow/cold or rainy outdoor lover though! HA! HA! Not like BHRR's Maggie May, the Pyr; who is more active than I have ever seen her and will spend quite some time tripoding in the almost 2.5+ acre fenced in yard  and laying so delightfully in the snow.

BHRR's Barbie is all 'business' when she goes outside. She does her 'thing', takes a quick jaunt and look around and is right back inside to enjoy the comforts of humans, warmth and soft beds!

She is a bit of a 'princess' that way. She does not look overly impressed when he tootsies get wet and one almost feels 'honoured' to be the one to have to dry her feet! LOL

She is soooooooooooooo affectionate to people. I have never seen a Pyr wag her tail as much and as high as she does in her enjoyment. She is not aloof in that manner at all. She is also not stubborn in the same manner as many Pyrs. Do not get me wrong, she is all Pyr yet not as 'I know you are calling me but I am not ready to listen or come in or do as you say and if I look the other way; you can't make me' kinda 'tude. OR BHRR's Maggie May is notorious of turning around and giving your her rump and tripoding off very methodically in the other direction! OH MY! BHRR's Holden is very Pyr himself in this manner.

BHRR's Barbie is a bit different in that way. Stubborn yet 'softer' and like any Pyr, loyal to a fault. She bonds so strongly and deeply and she would lay her life down for her family, if ever she felt she had to. It is that strong in how she feels about her family. She will give her forever loving home all of her, not half or a part, but all of her love and heart and soul. It is extremely humbling and touching.

She is a bit of a 'dog snob' and is going to always be particular about who is going to feel privileged to be a friend of hers! πŸ˜‰ She will need a good leadership home, one that is firm yet fair and positively continues to guide her in the right direction.

She almost rolls her eyes at the antics of gooberhead's like BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Goliath! HEE!

She does not mind when it is time to brush and is ok with nails. She is completely housebroken, crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy outside of a crate for up to 3 hours at a time. SHE is getting there. Not long now before she has free run of the house.

She is very quiet, low maintenance over all and those beautiful dark eyes of hers, surrounded by the black is STUNNING!

She is a beautiful female Great Pyr and would do well in a home that works from home, works pt, ft, flex hours, semi-retired or even retired.

She has no lingering effects from the cruelty done to her back foot. The dewclaw is no longer in the position it was before she was deliberately wrapped up in barbed wire yet that is no big deal. She is 100% healthy and ready for her new forever loving home!

Her leash manners are really good and she has been flying through obedience here with me. This does not exclude our mandatory obedience sessions per our application contract.

She really is a sweetheart and sooooooooooo soft to touch!

Update January 9th, 2012:

bw back today; HWT = negative( YAY!); other bw indicates she is still battling parasites; which would make sense as she begins her second round of treatment for roundworms later this week. She will then have a fecal re-test.
Other parts of her bw values per the vet seem to confirm that she is battling mouth issues. πŸ™ So, she has now been scheduled for her first of two surgeries -this one for January 18th – for x-rays of her mouth; a cleaning; to look closer at those two broken teeth and see if there are more in there plus possible extractions.

This surgery bill could be as high as $1,500; if not more; depending on how much is needed. BHRR will receive a 20% discount off the grand total.

From there; she will have to recover; before we can consider spaying and the Vet was in support of us not giving her any vaccines, anytime soon.

So much more that she has to go through in order to become healthy and whole and please keep her in your thoughts!!!

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,900 Donated to date                Vet Bills $4,000+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees
Ishie Hilton Hernando
Dorothy – PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Update January 7th, 2012 @ 1:30 PM:

On December 23rd, 2011; BHRR's Journey weighed 74.58 pounds. In being weighed today; 16 days post arrival to BHRR…..94.38 pounds!!! WTG!!! That is 19.8 pounds!!!

She has another 15 -20 to go and so much more in muscle yet YAY!

We did more bw today too. We are awaiting the results.

She was able to meet three of her angels today! Margaret, Caroline and Steve! Hoping to try and connect with one of her godmommies too, Sarah! πŸ™‚
This girl is the bomb!!!
We now need to address her teeth issues for now that her initial starvation hunger is passing; she is finding it painful to eat on the one side. We needed to get her healthy enough to even begin to address her next medical concern and to think about spaying or any vaccines.
I think this girl is beyond inspirational!!! Go Journey Go!
So many are pulling for you and love you!
So much further to go yet look how far you have come in just 16 days!
Her Vet bills are now over $4,000 yet your kind hearts have seen $2,685 donated! It makes me so choke up with emotion for such love to be sent to her!!! She is worth every penny, dime that has been sent and Thank all of you again!!!

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so soon after XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,685 Donated to date                Vet Bills $4,000+ and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

In the wee early AM hours of Friday January 6th, BHRR's Journey had a gas bloat incident. When I arrived home; from doing BHRR's Benjamin's adoption on the 5th; I noticed that Journey's belly seemed not the normal 'round' from after she eats.

Sean also mentioned that for the first time since her arrival to BHRR; she did not eat all of her food. That was the second red flag. She still is at the stage of eating almost 8 small meals a day and is cleaning her plate each time. She is not yet out of the worry of not getting enough food, being fed consistently and that no one else is going to try and take her food. This was not a good sign.

Mason calmly went and got the GasX and Zantac for me and Sean stayed with her while I went to get my lube/tubing from my medical crash kit.

The GasX and Zantac 75 went in and I took her TPR(vitals) including looking at her gums(normal pink) and all was fine. I then began to walk with her. Her behavour was fine and there were no other changes to her condition and if they had downgraded; we were heading in to emerg yet we also know that the stress of going; could also make her condition worsen and/or tort. What many do not realise is that dogs do and can die from Bloat. We wanted to go in if needed and prepared ourselves for just that  possibility.

I also called one of my closest friends who is a Vet. Upon reviewing her condition; it was recommended to tube to assist BHRR's Journey in getting the gas out and not to rely just on the GasX AND Zantac 75 plus walking as she is not 100% healthy. It was also recommended that I have an IV line with fluids ready to go in case.

While, it was a long night of monitoring and no small amount of worrying, Journey proved that she was going to beat this too.

We know that she was at high risk of this to happen and we continue to remain vigilant.

UPDATE: WEE hours of the AM on January 5th, 2012:

14 days post arrival to BHRR

JUST ignore our scuffed floors – we were to redo them over XMAS yet in getting the call to rescue Journey and that she needed round the clock care; WAS more important than sanding and putting a new finish on our floors! πŸ˜‰
**I was able to finally get a really good look in her mouth and she has two badly broken teeth on the left side. That will be addressed ASAP once she is stable.
This Saturday shall bring a re-weigh and a much needed manicure plus pedicure plus bw! I also took her height tonight and she is hovering around 34" at the whithers.

Today, she shall receive her second dose of treatment for her flea infestation and mange. AND next week; she begins her second round of 5 days of treatment for roundworms. She is a real doll! Never complaining!
So much that she still needs yet day by day….as she gets stronger; we can begin to address her other medical concerns that had to take a backseat as we helped her fight to live.
Our hearts are so wrapped up in her adorable self and may each of you have the opportunity to meet her for I know that she shall equally touch your souls like ours!

14 days post arrival to BHRR
*I think she is liking the 'comfy' lifestyle that we expect her to live here! πŸ˜‰

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,485 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,900 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie
Jayne – PayPal took $1.75 in fees

BHRR's Bloom went to the DMV on Tuesday January 3rd, 2012.

She was a really good traveler. She only tried to 'help' me drive a couple of times and also thought it was grand to 'alert' me to a pedestrian or two as we drove to the DMV! πŸ˜‰ Such a social butterfly she is with humans!!

I am going to post photos of her leg from her surgery on December 2nd and then I am going to post 2 photos from her 4 week post-op visit.

She weighed 35.2 KGs( 77.44 pounds) and when she gets her muscle tone and mass back; she should weigh around 90 pounds at her age.

She had her cast removed, new x-rays taken and they were reviewed by one of the surgeons on staff that day(Dr. Gatineau is still away). From there, she was put into a splint and the move forward plan put into place that shall require that this splint remain on her leg until January 17th. Now, she has had some different ideas and we have already had to repalce the elastoplast on her toes. πŸ˜‰

She has a follow-up with Dr. Gatineau on February 8th to take more x-rays, re-examine and from there determine what the next 'best' move forward plan shall be.

She is healing well and at this time, there does not seem to be any concern about her being made available for adoption at some point in the future.

We are limited in the amount of obedience that we are able to do at this time, due to her restrictions and those needs will be further addressed when she is ready.

We know that it would be lovely to see her in a home with a right matched personality fit dog; yet not mandatory as long as her new home has a good strong social network in place via family and friends with dogs that compliment her.

She is fine in a home that someone works pt, ft, semi-retired, retired, flex hours etc.

We do not want a home that will 'baby' her and enable any SA types of behavour. That is not in her best interest.

We also want a home that is going to remain aware of her leg and not to make her into a dog that she is not. She is not a running or jogging partner(we strongly believe Danes are not meant for this purpose as is).

We want a home that is going to keep her safe and this means a suitable sized crate or appropriate dog proofed room until she has proven trustworthy for the full house. She is NOT ready for total freedom and this is not good for her leg either and will not be that way for some time to come.

Too many people misunderstand the importance and benefit of crates and it is is not a punishment. It is a great and safe corrective plus traiing tool/aid plus if ever you dog has to go to the Vet to stay for any length of time; be it a few hours or days; then the dog is not stressing out or stressing other dogs out that are also at the Vets. Additionally, if you dog is sick or injured and needs to be on enforced rest at home.

BHRR will not consider a home that is not like-minded to ourselves on this topic. BHRR's Bloom has had so many people reach out to support her in their belief of how deserving she is; and we are not going to put her in a home that is not going to ensure her continued safety plu;s future welbeing.

She is 100% housebroken and will let you know if she has to go out at a time other than when you are taking her out.

She has been dubbed a piece of 'dynamite' by several and I guess that is as good as expression as any to describe her fireball personality wrapped up into a wee package!  LOL

AND THANK you again extended to Karen, her lovely daugther and my own 8 year old daughter for assisting that day! πŸ™‚ With BHRR's Bloom's lower level of gravity plus her sheer joy/excitement to visit folks; her pulling is whoa right now; and that I am still under a 'weight' restriction(now 15 pounds); the extra loving hands were so appreciated! πŸ™‚

December 2nd, 2011

January 3rd, 2012 – 4 weeks post-op

BHRR’sΒ  BIG BEN(AKA Benjamin) was ADOPTED on January 5th, 2012!


Here is a JOURNEY FUNDRAISER that Anna is doing for BHRR's Journey! She is another beautiful angel reaching out with kindness to support BHRR's Journey! Humbled as always by everyone's support!! THANK YOU!

Her  e-mail or you can call her at 613 993 2738. Up to 105 orders taken to date!!!

A post made by Anna Gray-Henschel on the BHRR FB Fan Page:

"To raise funds for BHRR's Journey, I am baking smokey bacon with cheddar heart shaped dog biscuits at $3/dz. Happy to deliver them in the Ottawa area or bring them to BHHR's open house for those attending. I will also ship them at no charge within Canada. Please let me know before the end of this month so that you'll have them in time for Valentine's Day. Made with love, bought with love and every penny sent to BHRR with love to Journey."


More later today with a blog update and photos! πŸ™‚


More later today with a blog update and photos! πŸ™‚


He has done most wonderfully with his rehab at BHRR.

Any new home MUST understand though that he has had a bad life of hell before he was seized as part of the 547 dogs from PRU in September.

He needs a firm yet gentle hand for guidance. He needs a leader who is fair, keeps up with his obedience and can instill trust and respect and understands that this trust plus respect works two ways. HE does not need corporal correction and we do not tolerate or approve homes that act in such a manner.

He can be vocal in his displeasure of anyone taking his collar to quickly by giving a worried soft sound; so; slow and calm is the way to handle him.

When you ask him to get off a dog bed etc;, he will also be vocal in sassing you back and he will also give a version of this soft gruff sound when he is content(almost purring).

He needs very careful correction – soft yet kindly firm for if you overdue it with him; you shall only terrify him and that will ruin him. He has no need of a strong tone or voice.

He is just a really softie inside who had tried to develop a strong exterior in his efforts to try and survive at PRU. Some of the older boyz here have figured him out pretty fast and want to try and push him and we will not allow that. Even BHRR's Freedom, another FREEDOM DOG will now try to body bump and almost bully him and that is not going to happen. Each dog will be shaped and guided to build up their self-esteem and self-confidence in appropriate manners and behavours; not by being bossy and a 'boob' to other dogs to make themselves feel higher or better.

He is a baby who nobody cared about until he was rescued back in September and  began his rehab journey at the ES. His story is WHY people should not give dogs away for free, WHY they should alter any dog before selling them; WHY homes should be screened and home visits should be done etc. OR surrender your dog to a r/q Rescue if you do not feel that you are able to keep your pet or cannot show due diligence in altering etc. before selling. He is a victim amongst thousands and thousands yearly that fall into the wrong hands. πŸ™

From the moment he was seized in September, caring people have told him how much he means to them and since his arrival to BHRR; we have worked hard on his confusion, fear and sense of loss and belonging in a world that had been most unjust to him to date.

BHRR's Cobalt can be a bit particular about his friends – male in particular. He finds BHRR's Riley a bit too much in goofy and energetic movement plus antics.

He would do wonderful in a home with a like minded and personality fit other dog and it does not have to be a female; and he has loved all ladies to date here. Males from where he came from were competition around all those females in heat and some males; do worry him. He resides in complete harmony here; even with clown head BHRR's Goliath and our Sir Maestro; yet as mentioned BHRR's Riley is a wee bit too much for him and even BHRR's Benjamin causes him to look at him sideways as if to say 'are you for real?' LOL

So, any new home must understand that this about him. We do not want him ever feeling threatened by another dog. We do not want him stressing and worrying about things that he should not be.

We calmly reassure him, redirect and re-focus and passively ignore and our calm and comfortable/confident demeanor makes him realise that dogs like BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Benjamin are harmless, even if they are static, flighty goofy boyz!

BHRR's Cobalt is more of a 'serious' boy and that is tough to see in a way. He is so young and should be romping and running carefree yet he does not. He is a thinker, sometimes too much and needs plenty of exercise and a good strong stable social network of friends both human and canine that are great personality fits to keep him continuing on this excellent journey he has begun.

He has also discovered the joy of cuddling!!! πŸ˜‰ Photos below are from January 1st, 2012 with Sean. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Cobalt – January 1st, 2012


She has done really well with her rehab here. She is eating better – prefers to eat out of the food bin over a bowl in a crate and eats much better that way. She eats out of the bin – just as in the video we posted for BHRR's Gretta – as we fill up the other bowls for the dogs and then she is filled up a bowl at the end and goes into a crate.

If you put her just in a crate to eat, without allowing her to eat out of the food bin; she will not eat.

At her age and what she has gone through in her life; if she wants to eat that way; GO FOR IT! πŸ˜€ As long as she is putting on weight and is eating; it matters naught to me!

Emotionally, spiritually and mentally; she is ready to be placed up for adoption. Physically, I would like to see some more weight on her yet not enough to hold her back from being placed up for adoption. She can continue that weight gain here until her right forever matched loving home finds her. πŸ™‚ I would like about 10 more pounds but she LOOKS so much better than she did when she first arrived.

See a photo below from December 24th, as she waits for this mysterious 'Santa Clause' that she has been hearing so much about! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Adele – Shortly after her arrival to BHRR in November 2011 & then on December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Benjamin's hv for his possible adoption is scheduled for this Thursday!

Below is a photo I took on December 24th of BHRR's Windsor and he just had to get his goofy face in too! πŸ™‚ LOVE him! LOVE HIM! LOVE HIM!

December 24th, 2011

BHRR's Journey is doing quite well! Since her wound was debrided to clean up the edges and in having her antibiotic switched, she is doing better. Slow but sure.

Her best friends are Brick and BHRR's Goliath(she knows he wuvs her and she likes to make him 'work'!) LOL. She has been fully integrated with all the dogs here and BHRR's Dana put her complete 'stamp' of approval on her and once BHRR's Dana does that to a dog; all other dogs know not to tease or poke at the new dog at the house. BHRR's Dana is very motherly and has been watching over BHRR's Journey and does not hesitate to step in to put herself between dogs if she feels that they might want to play a bit rough with her. I cannot believe that BHRR's Dana still has not been adopted!!! She is the best!

Since my last update; she had a very huge puke in her crate and in it contained pieces of tube plastic and small round sizeable chunks of what we and the Vets believe look like a type of small bush branches, twigs or trunks.

When Sean and I first saw it; we knew that there could possibly be more in there from her past of trying to find things to eat and that some things can sit inside of a stomach for awhile before becoming motile. With her emaciated state; her whole digestive system was not working.

X-rays have shown that she has 'debris' still inside of her yet there is no abnormal gas patterns. She is eating and drinking well and the Vets did not feel there was a need to do surgery(I was worried for she is not all that strong as of yet but they felt it was not necessary right now.) and felt that she should pass what remains inside of her at this time. I was worried about more vomiting as I do not want to see her to become dehydrated as she is still not drinking up to norm. I would also hate to see her hurt herself in puking up some things like plastic. πŸ™ I am aware that there is no guarantee that she will not puke yet we will monitor her closely and watch for any signs that she might obstruct. The Vets were not overly concerned, suggested monitoring yet Sean and I are her 'mom' and 'dad' right now and do not want anything bad happening.

So, we have been on 24/7 watch with her between us both(she has become so much better with Sean and wuvs the kids); over the last few days.

She has not puked since and nor have wee discovered any 'surprises' in her poop and is only getting stronger and stronger at this time.

I need to take new photos and within the next couple of weeks; we should be able to look more at her teeth – that one canine in particular; I want the Vet to have a closer look at.

Then we have to figure out this spay situation of if she or is she not and take care of spaying her if it is needed when she is in a much better physical and mental state.

Then we have to begin her vaccines.

She has a long ways to go yet has made it through some of the biggest milestones of survival to date and I am continuing to look forward and not think about her not being here for everyone to love her!

We put her age still between 18 months – 2 years.

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,415 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,500 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Penny – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Marie – Sophie

BHRR's Veteran came with me to work today and had a re-weigh. I went back through his paperwork and his weight when he first arrived was barely 91 pounds.  The documentation in paperwork was a bit mixed up…, based upon today's weight of 53 KS(116.6 pounds); he has put on 25.6 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR!

Several made comments about how much weight he had put on between his arrival to BHRR and the begining of December and then between December 2nd and today.

He still needs more weight; another 10 or so and he had an AWESOME playdate today!!!

These were his final 'tests'; to see if he was 1) at a decent weight be placed up for adoption 2) a social play date test away from us to see how things went.

Things went great!!!

He will be placed up for adoption next week and we also microchipped him today.

He can go to a home that works pt, ft. flex hours, semi-retired, retires or works from home.

He LOVES all people and the only 'quirk' that he still has that has never been an issue here; is sometimes male black dogs worry him. We effectively correct and quickly/calmly re-assure and re-direct.

His one best friend here at BHRR; is BHRR's Goliath; a big black dog and we think that, because BHRR's Lincoln came into our home and these other black/dark dogs are here; BHRR's Goliath, the three GD black beauties, BHRR's Benjamin etc. and he was just very calmly integrated and also was not feeling the best. He just did not have any time to worry for he was busy getting healthy and then he made all these great friends.

This boy is a heart throb and say good-bye when it is his turn; is going to be a bittersweet moment! πŸ™‚

The couple that took him for a play date today; took him to places like B&F and he apparently; decided that while it was great greeting all the people and sniffing the dogs(played with a small shih for a bit); what he MOST enjoyed was going shopping!!! He came back to KAH with a sizeable doggie bag from not only the treaties the kind people at the store sent his way; but what he had also 'helped' himself too! OMG! THE wee ham!!!

I can well imagine the total glee he had walking in and thinking it was heaven and meant ALL for him! HA! HA!

I cannot thank them enough for taking him on this play date and they have asked to take him again in a few weeks; which if he is not adopted by then; is only going to continue to enrich and balance him out more. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Atlas really missed him though…he was very sad all day when he was gone. A bit depressed actually. Their relationship is truly fascinating…..

We are expecting some lovely photos of his play date and shall post some when they come our way. I also have the ones from his continuing education & public awareness op that was done at B&F Barrhaven in early December plus the traditional XMAS eve ones that I still need to post, so lots to post!!! πŸ™‚

People just fall in love with him whereever he goes!!! The one note I want to make is that while I was in the car to go through the drive-through banking on my way home; a native american in hunting attire and lowered hat; walked our way and BHRR's Veteran became quite worried and stressed and nervous. I quickly corrected/assured and passively ignored and while his body still remained a bit tense, he was less on the alert and stopped his very low deep barks. The voice on this boy is HUGE! Just massive and when he and BHRR's Goliath get to playing, one would think that the house would come down with their vocal skills or that they were set out to kill each other!!!

It is just his play style as many Danes can be!!! πŸ™‚

UPDATE: BHRR's Journey:

"What we did for her today is debride the edges to clean them up on that right thigh and changed her to Baytril from Clavamox for antibiotics. Hopefully, this will help promote faster healing and we can avoid sedation or anaesthetic for sutures."

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $2,085 Donated to date                Vet Bills $3,298.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees


BHRR's Benjamin is moving to an under PENDING ADOPTION! YAY

AND on that note; if anyone is open and available to do a hv with myself at a mutually convenient scheduled day/time; please do email. The hv is located 5 hours one way from BHRR; so it would be a long day; but BHRR's Benjamin and I would provide loads of entertainment – I was voted 'best person to take on a trip' back in high school! :)- Thanks in advance for the consideration as always!!!

I have an appointment scheduled to remove BHRR's Bloom's cast on Tuesday January 3rd at the DMV.

It has been a very difficult and complicated process trying to find a cast splitter/cutter in Ottawa!!! AND with the holiday hour schedules, it was impossible to get in with Alta (as I have done in the past) or even OVH. WOW! Talk about not expecting this 'bump'. πŸ˜€

So, I called the DMV and after much conversation, I am headed their way next Tuesday.

TIME to update all of BHRR's Atlas's fans on his progress! πŸ™‚

It is so hard to believe that he has been at BHRR since November 13!!! It feels like he has always been with us; he is just that type of boy. πŸ™‚

Those first three days in particular; after he arrrive to BHRR; I really did not know if he was going to make it…. πŸ™ I really did not and I was in complete fear and worry over him. πŸ™ He really was not 'there'. πŸ™

He has come so far in the time that he has been here. I am posting two photos below from November from when he enountered the same basketball(a dog had moved it back into the almost 2.5 acre fenced in yard) and how he was actually showing some interest in it; instead of being terrifed like he once was PLUS his tail!! It was up a bit more!!!

He was showing some life!!

In bringing him back to the land of the living, I have to give most of the credit to BHRR's Veteran. These two dogs have a past and a history together and there is no major love lost between them. WHICH is very interesting to note as they all interact with the other dogs without these same feelings they have towards each other.

For those that attended our November BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House; they were witnessed two not one but two times that BHRR's Veteran went right up to BHRR's Attas's crate and 'teased' him and got a reaction from him. IT was BHRR's Veteran that brought that spark into BHRR's Atlas's eyes FAR more than anything we believe that we have done. He drew him out of his shell, he teased and bugged him and got a 'rise' out of BHRR's Atlas.

While these two may never be the best buds in the world; they have an understanding of each other. A grudging respect and a 'history' that has made them competitors in their attempts to survive in the conditions they were living and each one wants to try and show up the other one in bluff and guff and snort! However; much that they may act indifferent towards each other; they are always / actually constantly aware of each other and if one is 'down' or not up to snuff; the other will deliberately poke and bug them to get the other moving and to snap out of things. IT has been so fascinating to watch.

So, while they may not love each other; they are dependent on each other and watch out for each other. They do not like it if they feel that another dog may be playing too rough with the other and they remind me a bit of an old married couple at times! LOL They are really in tune with each other, they have shared something very life threatening in abuse, neglect plus cruelty together and their bond runs deep right beside their animal instinct to survive.

Unfortunately, somewhere along their life path; both were at the point where neither would have survived much longer; yet; while BHRR's Veteran still had spirit/life inside of him along with hope; BHRR's Atlas did not. It had been taken away from him and he would have perished very soon.

Even now and it shall be a long time before anything really changes; if he sees an object in your hand; be it a spray bottle or even a bowl of water or food; he can still 'hit the deck' and cower and will turn his head and blink fast or even close his eyes. We have also witnessed him rolling slightly in a very submissive manner and you just want to drop everything and hug him close; yet we know that this is not what he needs.

He needs us to keep to the routine and consistency with continued patience so that he sees that these bowls come out on a regular basis and they carry good yummy things and water and plenty of it and that our hands are meant for loving touches, not hurting mean hits or punches. He needs us to calmly reassure and then passively ignore and for us not to unconciously enable any SA behavours BUT let me be honest; that in almost 25 years of these rescue trenches; I sure do want to fight all the experience, training, degrees and knowledge of proven results and chuck it out the window and do that major scoop up of him in my arms and bury my face in his neck and weep and never let him go from tons of kisses and bear hugs. πŸ™

In the end, all comes back to as it should be within myself of the 'war' of what needs to happen and my heart/soul of 'what' I want to also do for him and we just keep moving forward with the baby steps.

Even today, while, he will take some treats out of my hand; he has no clue what to do with them more often than not. He also will lick at a smoked dino bone or knuckle bone a bit; but has yet; to figure out what to really do with it. πŸ™

He will now zoom and bounce for me outside or for Sean yet; he still does not understand toys.

He still also walks around with a somewhat defensive manner with some dogs; BHRR's Riley – outside great; inside way too much for BHRR's Atlas; BHRR's Hailey and my Sir Maestro are others that he feels a bit defensive towards. He also does not quite comprehend my TAIN! LOL Poor TAIN! The male GD that other males find feminine and so 'not as it should be'. LOL

BUT, considering all that he has gone through, he has made excellent progress on this front. πŸ™‚

Regarding people, WOW! HE cannot get enough of the loving once he knows you are a friend. He wants strangers to love and pet him; but he still fears rejection and will stand a bit by himself with a hopeful wag and look in his eyes AND as soon as he knows that folks want to wuv on him; he gives it back tenfold!! FOR all that was done wrong to him; his heart and desire to want to trust and love and hope and wish is HUGE!

His eyes are no longer 'dead' but more 'wary' and 'guarded' and I can live with that…..for now. Time…time…time…and it is all his, at his pace with gentle encouragement with a firm standing behind him to assure him that he is not alone.

This boy just continues to make my heart thump and patter and pitter…..he is just divine! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Atlas – Saint – November 2011
HE is now looking at the basketball. Another dog brought it back out and LOOK! He is actually not slinking away from it!! He is showing interest…that is a great sign of living! AND see his tail??? It is more up!

I have just added four new photos – taken the evening of December 28th, 2011 to her slideshow and also posted below. They were all taken with my iPhone, so not the best quality or angle in the lighting but you will get an idea of how things look 6 days post arrival to BHRR.

Sadly, we will most likely have to suture that one wound on her right leg. We have given it as long as we can. I really wanted to avoid her having to go through surgery at this stage….but with her lack of strength and energy despite the antibiotics, good food and being able to rest better now that she is in a safe environment; her body is just not healing well.

I am going to at least re-visit this with the Vet first before actually suturing in case; maybe; perhaps; we could try some stronger antibiotics first.

After feeding her supper on the 28th; we saw our first show or resourcing; which was in the kitchen and over some kibble that had split out of BHRR's Peanut's crate during her own supper. BHRR's Journey was beginning to lip curl at my PPSS and we just calmly told her 'no' and moved her out of the kitchen and then passively ignored. PERFECTLY understandable behavour and she was comfortable enough with us that she did not cower or freak when she was corrected. GOOD girl!!!

Friday shall be my first time really away from her since the 24th and it will be good for her. Just as with BHRR's Atlas and so many others; she is my last thought at night when I fall asleep(ok in the AMs when I fall asleep – 7 AM on Wednesday for me!) and my first thought after I get a few hours rest. I have to go and check on all the babies – from BHRR's Adele to BHRR's Freedom to BHRR's Atlas and BHRR's Riley and BHRR's Bloom and BHRR's Journey and…and…and….until I have checked in on all of them and put in some loving; my day is just not ready to be truly begin! πŸ™‚

In the one photo, I let her have a bit of of chomp on a treatie for just one minute. Her body is not used to much and she was very gracious when I went to take it away.

She is now on a 75% mush of hamburger/rice/gastro wet and 25% kibble of gastro/EN. Her drinking consumption remains about 1/3 of what I would like to see but she peed outside three times for us on Wednesday and that ROCKS! πŸ™‚

Have I yet typed today that I am so enamoured with her? πŸ˜€

BHRR's Journey – December 28th, 2011 – 6 days post arrival to BHRR – given 1 min. to chomp on a treat and her right thigh

BHRR's Journey – 6 days post arrival to BHRR – not the best photo of her body but doing better with the veterbrae & left thigh photo

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,785 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees

BHRR's Journey's fecal test came back today. She is also now battling roundworms. We were already proactively deworming her and now we shall just extend the course to 5 days SID and then repeat in two weeks and then do another fecal.

Poor wee thing. All of these medical conditions that have just been making her feel so terrible and how she has managed to survive and also be the sweetest thing in temperament; is a miracle!

My heart is completely invested in her….hook, line and sinker. SHE is sooooooooooooooooo special and what a doll! NOT a mean bone in her body; beginning to 'sass' me if I am late for her meals and I understand her 'bluff' so much more in re: to the small barking and growling in fear.

She would never want to hurt anyone and it was her defensive mechanism to try and protect herself. This I knew but what I am only beginning to understand is how soft and sweet she really is and how much she does not have anything other than sheer love and gentleness in her heart plus spirit. There is no 'edge' to this girl at all. Nothing other than sugar with a dabbling of spice! πŸ™‚

She will now lean into my hands when I go to pet her through her crate and as of last night; she has been given more freedom to walk about and and explore(she likes the kitchen the best! LOL) for about 10 minutes before she had to go lay down again due to her becoming tired.

TODAY, is the first day that she has also not had an accident in her crate, solid BM's are happening! She always hated having an accident in her crate and would try and stay out of  it and what a milestone for her to have her body becoming strong enough to make it outside.

She does not want to stay out for long. She is very worried about being left out and we are still going out with her.

Have I said lately, HOW much I am so enamoured with her? πŸ™‚

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,785 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees


BHRR's Riley shall have his special 1-on-1 date on Saturday January 14th!!! SO excited for him!

I cannot wait to also get a new weight on this man. Come early January, he shall be placed up for adoption.

The most fascinating thing is that his BESTEST of best friends in the whole world is BHRR's Lincoln! WHO would have thunk it!!! They are so different in many ways; yet they are very attached to each other. You have goober head zippy clown man BHRR's Riley and then you have slow methodical calm and rational BHRR's Lincoln! Their play styles are sooooooo different but they make it work and they will spend hours upon hours together playing and snuggling.

Should one of them not be adopted early into the new year; we might have to seriously consider having them adopted as a pair for they are sooooooooooooooooooo bonded to each other already. We have very rarely done this in our almost 16 year history of operating; yet; I can see that this might be a possibility should neither one be adopted in early 2012.

BHRR's Riley also is such a 'ladies' man….just prancing(until he falls flat on his face as he trips on those big ol' clumper feet or long giraffe legs of his!) and proudly(if that is even possibly for goofman to act! AND wait until you see one of his 'takes' for our traditional XMAS photos! HA!) strutting himself around them! AND the girls are very emphatically not impressed! πŸ˜‰

HE is such a HOOT! AND while very similiar to whom we have to believe is a close relative of his BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws; he is his own very distinct boy and has an 'edge' that BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws never had. This boy has a tough side to him, an edge/spine that his past/background has made him to be this way and it is sad. πŸ™

If push comes to shove; he will stand his ground. AND while he may look silly and goofy doing it; we do not allow it to escalate. Any new home must understand that he cannot feel threatened by another dog for it can stress him; depending on the dog. So many people have met my Bleach and my TAIN and both make him a bit worried at times. AND for those that have met my two boyz; they are teddybear marshmallows yet they exude something that when the play gets escalated, that makes him a bit worried at times. AND BHRR's Cobalt and he are always trying to figure out who is going to be top dog of the day. BHRR's Riley keeps forgetting who is higher in the rank and poor BHRR's Cobalt is always having to remind him….that it is not BHRR's Riley and then BHRR's Riley is off running and playing and no worries.

How BHRR's Riley is with BHRR's Cobalt is similar in a way to how BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws was/is with BHRR's Mazda. EVERY day he saw her; it was like seeing a whole new dog and he was just so thrilled and excited to make her acquaintance. AND this is how BHRR's Riley is with BHRR's Cobalt; each and every day; it is like he sees BHRR's Cobalt for the very first time and they start from scratch. I think BHRR's Cobalt thinks BHRR's Riley might be missing a screw or two; in a loveable way of course! πŸ˜‰

He is gently and firmly reassured and re-directed when he has moments of 'edginess' and he is then off doing the next crazy thing on his list…..well, I am not sure he even has a list as he lives so much in the moment and planning is not his strength. I am sure BHRR's Dana just rolls her eyes at him for she is very methodical, thorough and every antic is well thought out and planned! BHRR's Riley is more the 'on the spot' impulsive sort! HA!

He has been sooooooo much flippin' fun to have here! Never a dull moment and full of sweet affectionate loving personality that Sean says that sometimes he feels like he needs protective armor for it does not take much for BHRR's Riley to feel encouraged to play! AND that usually means some major GD leaning and body bumping and pushing and loving! πŸ™‚

We already know that we would like to see BHRR's Riley in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Should the home not already have a dog; then we want to be assured that there is a strong enough network in place for BHRR's Riley to have lots of doggie friends via friends, family and neighbours to be social with.

He will do well in a home that are not couch potatoes themselves. A home that is active yet not overly so; for he likes his quiet in front of the fireplace and relaxing inside moments too.

A home that will be focused and committed to his continued obedience per our mandatory obedience clause.

His future forever loving home can be a pt, ft. flex hour, work from home, semi-retired or retired home. He is very versatile that way and as long as the home integrates well; he will not develop and SA behavours.

At this time, we would not recommend a home with cats or small dogs for he is all puppy love and still learning how to be gentle and not to splat others in his exuberance.

If the home has children, they really should be 8+.

We still crate him for his own safety and that of our home for he still has puppy antics. BUT I am proud of him in that he no longer counter surfs or garbage raids. He will occasionally still put his front feet on the kitchen sink so that he can drink from the tap and every once in a while would like to try and jump on the rare soul he wants to actually face kiss eye-to-eye with. BUT all minor offenses and continued correction is being done.

He is a bit of a kllutz, so; his new home will have to be mindful of BHRR's Riley complete disregard of his own safety as he crashes through bushes and trees; thinking they shall part for him…..uhmmm, no, it does not work that way bud! LOL

HE is such a ham!!!

UPDATE: December 27th, @ 4:30 PM:

"Journey is HOLDING her own thanks to all of her angels and her 2 'godmoms!' She is eating very small meals – 8-10 a day; taking her meds like a trooper; up to drinking about 1/3 of what I would like to see her intake yet is now having two pees a day; two bms a day; and is LOVING the snuggling and cuddling with all of her soft items! She is really coming out of her shell and has an 'imp' side for her crate is beside BHRR's Goliath and she has figured out pretty fast that she can make him bend to her will! LOL She is having more restful sleepies now, not exhaustive naps and as we jumped on the meds for her spiked temp/'productive' breathing – she is doing much better there too. She is showing some energy and wanting to walk about the house for very short spells and just loves rubbing her body and face over anything soft and cushiony! Her one wound is not granulating as we would like to see but she has no reserves to give and she still has a few more days before we need to make that final decision to suture or not. I do not want to see her going under any anaesthetic right now or sedation and may her body continue to fight the good fight! SHE has now made it past several very HUGE and key milestones and while not even remotely to being out of the woods; she is a walking MIRACLE! GO JOURNEY GO!
Journey is making her miracle journey along her path to being happy and healthy! I was able to have a four hour stretch of sleep last night myself for she had her first EVER truly relaxing and restful sleep herself.
This girl is going to be taking numbers and names when she is up to speed!! AND I cannot wait!!! THANK YOU to each one of you for being there for her! I read your well wishes, I tell her all the time that great people do exist and that hands can be loving not hurtful or mean."


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,535 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees
Margaret – PayPal took $1.03 in fees
Debbie – PayPal took $1.03 in fees

THANK you Montreal Dog Bog for your 'A Christmas Eve Wish' post for BHRR's Journey!

Update: Friday December 23rd, 5:04 AM:

"5 AM December 23rd – She just ate a wee bit more for me, was not interested in drinking. I am going to lay down for a couple of hours and see how things are going for her then."

Update: Friday December 23rd, 9:14 AM:

"9:00 AM She ate a bit more for me; was once again not interested in water and has not peed/pooped since all the undigested kibble given to her from her guardian 401 angel shot right out of her.
She is snuggled under lots of towels and blankets from the dryer and is holding her own. The Vet said that if we can get her through the next 72 hours, she has a great shot.
Like all of our special situations; we are taking it just a couple of hours at a time. Small goals and steps.
Back at the Hospital; this time KAH for 6:30 pm tonight.
As I posted in her blog; she has spirit and is a fighter. She is terrified more if she feels cornered; so careful around her crate but when you open the door; she will wag her tail slightly(her tail has been broken in at least one spot at one point) and will not bark or growl.
Sean sets her off badly and so; I am taking exclusive care of her.
With all the snow that came down last night; I am so happy she is inside where it is warm and friendly and safe.
Thanks for all the 'Santa Elves' for what they are doing for her and the angels that have already donated to her cause at Kanata Animal Hospital or via PayPal or Email Transfer. With how close it is to XMAS; the giving of items and $ and sparing so many well wishes her way; is going to save her life!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
Will update later…time to tend to the horses! πŸ™‚

Update Saturday December 24th 1:11 PM:

"The hearts of so many have come together in the efforts to help Journey and thank you!!! Each one of you!!! I am anxious to get home to her. She is still not drinking and so, will be running a line when I get back to see if we can get her to keep pushing forward.
Keep up the great vibes!! Her digestive system is beginning to work for while it is diarrhoea at least the food is mobile. Bad news is that the diarrhoea dehydrated her further….
We have changed our plans over the few days so I can be with her round the clock.
Will keep the updates coming as I can but I can say the more info. has come my way re: this Dane and if we can verify the validity; I am gping after those responsible. Thar it my promise to Journey….

Update Saturday December 24th, 2:03 PM:

"Sean called!!! We had a pee!!! Wahooooo! Her first one!!! We hav continued to try and get her to pee and yay!!!She must have known I was coming home to run a line!!! :)-
Sean say she had a tiny bit to drink; so will continue to try corn syrup and pedialyte."

Update December 26th, 1:12 AM:

"From our home/BHRR; we wish each of you a most wonderful and delightful of holiday seasons!!! Per the tradition at BHRR; we take photos in front of our tree with the doggies and sadly; this year; we did not get all done due to battery woes. πŸ™ We shall post what we have soon and thanks to YOU and you amazing hearts; our 9th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR was a roaring success!!! Our best year to date!!! also so thrilled to say that BHRR's Journey had her second pee today!!! AND; she has had two bm's that look more and more formed! The bad news is that there is a rasp to her lungs… πŸ™ Two Vets were unable to properly exam her when she first arrived – Thursday night and then when I brought her to my Hospital Friday as she was quite skittish and terrified – yet no discernible abnormal breath sounds were noted during those two visits ( mostly by men). BUT I can get near her and do more and more with her and Sean can too…and the worry is pneumonia. Thanks to a special Guest; thanks Dr. F; we now have her also on Doxy. When I noted that her temp began to spike and that there was a bit of a rasp to her breathing, I took out my stethoscope and as Dr. F was dropping by with some more 4 x 4's and gauze for me as I was running out; she was so kind as to listen and give her professional opinion too. Though, no X-rays were done; it is her professional opinion that yes, she is at the beginning stages of battling pneumonia. We will keep her on treatment and monitor.
Your well wishes; donations and caring for her is giving her the best chance possible!!! I nor Journey cannot thank you enough!!
More soon; yet; with her now resting; I; am going to lay my own head down for a wee bit!
Will update as I can and if anyone has any winter booties; we can purchase or borrow; let me know!!! Her Bills are now close to $3,000 BUT your angel hearts have seen $1,005 donated to date!!
Sean and I are counting each of you as Journey's blessings!!! She is soooooo sweet and we are fighting for her with your continued help!!!
Thank you!!!

Journey's 'SANTA ELF' Wish List update:
Ester C
Another one or two dog beds – Costco ones work FAB!
Doggie sweaters for inside the house and to lend her more cushion between her bones/wounds and the dog beds/blankets
Doggie booties
Paper towels
Blankets/Sleeping Bags/Duvets/Comforters
She really needs $$$ donations to her Vet Bills – We are almost $3,000 and rising. You can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 or via PayPal or via email transfer to
Laundry Detergent – we are doing 4 loads for her daily right now
**For those asking about treats – she can only have very easy on the tummy ones – I have been making rice treaties for her**

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfelt and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,435 Donated to date                Vet Bills $2,998.73 and rising

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35 in fees
Erin – PayPal took $6.10 in fees
Audrey – PayPal took $0.74 in fees
Brigitte – PayPal took $0.88 in fees

UPDATE: December 23rd, @ 11:52 PM:
Arrived home from KAH not that long ago. Just posted four new photos that I took of her while I was at KAH tonight of her body condition and one of each of the wounds on her thighs.
*She has now been treated for flea infestation – Capstar and Revolution to then repeat in two weeks
*I will begin to proactively deworm her
*The one wound will be sutured next week should it not granulate – right thigh wound
*I was actually able to get into her mouth a bit and we saw some broken teeth that a more thorough investigation will be needed – one is her left front canine
*She had diarrhea all over the Hospital floor; so we scooped up a sample to test
* Her skin is very itchy and dry
*We have changed antibiotics and she is now on Clavamox for the next 21 days minimum
*We cannot find a spay incision
*Vet believes that at least one of her wounds was cause from being 'clipped' by a car
*He weight was an emaciated 74.58 pounds. She is at least 30 pounds of muscle and weight under where she should be
*The Vet also believes she is between 18 months – 2 years
*She is at a high risk of bloat within the next few days
*We microchipped her after searching one more time for one
*Put on Deramaxx 50 MG SID for 7 days
*She was remarkably social with all woman and was only terrified of one male at the Hospital. I brought rice treats for her and had people give them to her
*She is already bonding to me fast and remains just terrified of Sean
*I will keep feeding her small meals (Hamburger, rice and gastro wet) every 2.5-3 hours
*She showed her spirit and spunk at the Hospital and that is SO important.
*She is still not drinking for me…..watching that closely. I am adding water to her mash of hamburger, rice and gastro.

SOOOOOOO many to thank to date for assisting her!!! I will be putting together a consolidated list of our deepest appreciation of thanks and gratitude!

BHRR's Journey's Santa ELF WISHLIST:
1) Ester C – she has collapsed pasterns
2) She really needs $$$ donations to her Vet Bills – We are almost $2,200 and rising. You can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 or via PayPal or via email transfer to
3) Oatmeal Shampoo
4) Blankets and Towels
5) Another Dog Bed – so that when we wash one for her wounds do ooze plus drain, she has another

6) Pinesol
7) Laundry Detergent

**Will update as I can***

For those seeking to drop off donations – I am at Kanata Animal Hospital on 440 Hazeldean Road on December 24th from 8 AM – Noon – my first paid work shift back since I had major surgery on November 4th!!! πŸ™‚

Tonight, BHRR's Journey had a collar donated to her by a really sweet soul; it has 'turtles' on it and not only is the colour spectacular; yet the meaning behind the turtles; FITS BHRR's Journey to a 'T'.

"Took some time to find the right collar but came across it at Global. It is brightly coloured with sea turtles. I chose it because in 'China the turtle is the symbol for long life, and sea turtles journey far each year, enduring many trials but they never give up.'


If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfetl and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey – December 23rd, 2011 @ KAH – after 8 small meals in her tummy – Body score 2

BHRR's Journey's Angels:             $1,005 Donated to date

Ginnete – Critter Jungle
Karen – PayPal took $3.35


BHRR's Bloom is doing well. I think that she is actually doing very impressively well considering how young she is and how much crate rest we have to keep her on to make sure that she is not tempted to do running or playing or jumping or just being what a young dog should be!

Her surgery was Friday December 2nd and as of the 31st, we shall be 29 days post surgery. Dr. Gatineau is not back until the first week or so of January and he had indicated that he casts could be removed after 4 weeks.

As he shall not be around as per our preference to have him as he is familiar with her case; we are going to have her cast removed at the Hospital I work at on the 30th. I will be making an appointment when I am at KAH tomorrow with BHRR's Journey to have BHRR"s Bloom's cast removed.

From there, she is to have another 4 weeks of post-op recovery and then have x-Rays taken(we hope to have this done with Dr. Gatineau at the DMV yet; he indicated that as long as he saw the X-Rays he would be happy.) I would really like for him to see her one more time and we shall see what his schedule is like closer to that time – around January 27th, 2012.

She has 'tude this one and spunk and personality and I just uploaded some photos from her first night with us. When we put her into her what I call her 'taj mahal' crate! She told me what she thought of that! LOL She is given a very special yummy treat each and every time she has to go into her crate and she settles down well.

On the nicer and warmer days; I can be found sitting bundled up in a blanket and her in a coat; sitting on the front lawn on a pile of blankets; just enjoying the outside. She is really quite good about not wanting to try and zip and zoom and will lay or sit quietly by myself; just soaking up the change of pace of environments for her.

I will also take her for short drives and with each time that we go into the vehicle; she is less worried and tense. She really likes going through the Timmie's as she gets yummy treaties….

I am trying to keep her mind stimulated and busy; so that she is not going stir crazy with her enforced crate rest. She is a good patient yet not so good about being patient! LOL Meals are ALL about 'her' and 'now' and she has no hesitations about letting her know when she has to go outside to pee etc. GOOD girl!

I would like to see some more weight on her. She is lacking muscle tone now that she has had to be quite sedentary yet all that aside, I still would like to see some more actual weight on her. She eats well, nothing wrong with that appetite!

She thinks herself a 'queen' and she likes to look down her nose at the other dogs; especially my three black beauties who; in turn; look at her as if to say 'we are the royalty three…the duchess, the princess and the countess' and just 'WHO are you?' LOL

We are going to have a grand time with full integration here and I am so looking forward to when we can make that happen for her.

She is quite affectionate to humans and we are loving her! I have a bit of a feeling that she is going to be a bit selective about who she wants to call a friend and that is ok!

I also think that we are going to have some 'sharing' issues with her after her being so catered to; yet all that shall come when it is time.

We have had some inquiries on her already; and what we can say at this time is that she would do fine in a home by herself or with at least one other right matched personaity fit dog. If her forever loving home does not have another dog; they must have a network in place via friends, family and neighbours whereby BHRR's Bloom has her own social circle of friends. We want her to keep along this path of great development that she is making. 

She would do fine in a home that work pt, ft, flex hours at home, semi-retired or retired. She is quite 'all around' in that way. She will need a home that will not unconsciously enable any possible SA behavours for when she first arrived; she had the tendency to want to slip into some major whining and crying fits and we had to nip that in the bud pretty fast.

Now, the only time she will whine/cry is when she needs to go out during a time that we are not set in her rotation schedule to go out; or feeding time! πŸ™‚ Sometimes she will whine as she is bored and sad and wants to come out and play and during those times; I give her a puzzle – treats in a toy to have to pull out; frozen treats in yogurt in a KONG or other puzzles to keep her busy and I just give her the special item; tell her she is a good girl and walk away(passively ignore).

I do not want to see a home cater to her 24/7 and she develps major SA behavours. We do not want her to become a barking, whining, crying, destructive mess by any home consciously or unconsciously enabling her. 

She is not to be pitied or have things 'made up to' for that will 'ruin' her…BIG TIME! She lives in the present and one should be focused on her future, not her past for that would be a big mistake.

I have been cleaning the area that her cast has dug into on her leg with betatine and keeping it dry. Sometimes, she will want to lick at it and we say 'Bloom…no licking' and she will stop. We have not found that we have had to put her on antibiotics for it as of yet and I clean and pat dry the area, up to three times a day to stay on top of any brewing infection. There is only one smaller area now that is slightly concerning and we continue to monitor in case antibiotics are necessary.

SHE is a HUGE trooper this one!!

BHRR's Bloom – December 16th, 2011 – TELLING me that she is NOT impressed with this crating thing! ISN'T she lovely?

BHRR's Shiva came home from her special extended Play Date last night!

She left a huge hole in our heart and home when she left for the last wee bit; and it is good to have her back!  πŸ™‚

Should she not be adopted come early January; she shall go back for another Play Date extended visit to the same home.

BHRR's Veteran is going to be having a special treat on December 31st, 2011 for  few hours! HE is going on his first ever PLAY DATE! WAHOO!

I am so excited for him!!! πŸ™‚ AND for the lovely couple going to be spending some special time with him. πŸ™‚



This is BHRR's Journey
We received a call on the night of December 21st about a GD that had been picked up off the 401 in the 15 mm of freezing rain
*BHRR picked her up on the evening of the 22nd
*Emaciated – Body condition given 2/3 out of 10 – 74.58 pounds on December 23rd, 2011
*Numerous infected wounds – four really bad
*Frost bite and/or possible mange on ears
*No chip to be found
*Hair loss over spine, tail, elbows
*Scabs over many areas of her body
*Nails overgrown and curling into her feet
*Tail had been broken
*Unable to process food – kibble that had been given by angel who found her passed completely undigested through her body

December 23rd, 2011

If you want to be a Special Santa Help Elf to BHRR's Journey:

IF anyone wishes to donate to be a BHRR's Journey's Santa Elf '; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and under the name of  'Journey' and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

With all the expenses we have had to date for BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS and holding money in trust for BHRR's Bloom's post-op care; we are very short in funds right now. All monies from our recent Online Auction has been used to assist with the above to date; and we know that we are just days before XMAS; yet we are desperate to try and help BHRR's Journey for she has survived this long and though her body might be wanting to faily her; her spirit is there!!!

AND if she is prepared to fight, I am too! One Vet that saw her last night wanted to just let her go; thought it might be more humane. I feel that I need to try; and with your assistance; I really believe she has a great chance of surviving.

I almost welled up when I first saw her and I did cry some tears when I called Sean to say that I had her and that she was worse than what I had been told – I had been told that she was 'thin'.  SHE is here, because someone cared enough to stop in the dark in rush hour traffic on the 401 in the 15 mm of freezing rain to help her. THEN, they called us.

She has spunk. Her body may be broken down, infected etc., but her heart is there with her mind and soul and Sean & I have discussed that we are not going to be doing any of our last minute XMAS shopping for each other etc.., instead; we are putting those monies as our a Santa's Elf to BHRR's Journey.

I know that I have said this before and I shall say it again; I am not above or below begging and pleading for the animals in need. AND I am doing so now, so close to XMAS; yet I am asking on my knees if need be; for people to consider donating to her vast medical bills.

ALL I can give you in turn at this time; is my deepest and most heartfetl and sincerest of thanks along with those of BHRR's Journey; for she would have died out there; and soon. Be it from a car hitting her; starvation or her wounds or a coyote attack or even from some person shooting her; she would have died and it would not have been long before it happened. There is nothing to her body right now….absolutely nothing but skin and bones. There is not even a lot of hair.

BHRR's Journey's Angels:



I am just home from picking up the GD that was found on the 401 last night in the freezing rain in the Prescott/Brockville area.

Will post updates as I can. She is in bad shape. πŸ™ She is full of healing and open infected wounds(both thighs, sides, front legs, feet plus head. I give her a body condition of 2/3 out of 10. She is a tiny thing, dehydrated, never had pups, age hard to tell right now, cannot confirm if she has been spayed, she is so terrified the poor thing and my attempts at the Vet Hospital to try and scan her did not yield a microchip(my own scanner died); tiny bits of her ear tips missing(could be mange or frostbite) and we are calling her 'JOURNEY'. I have started her on massive doses of antibiotics and am putting her on a feeding regime of five small meals a day.

I am bringing her back to my own Hospital tomorrow night to run more tests and if anyone wants to be a special SS elf to her; she has an account already set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 for your consideration. She will would love a soft bed to call her own, collar, leash and lots and lots and positive wishes/thoughts. THANK you to the person who stopped on the 401 to pick her up!!! YOU are her guardian angel for she would not have lived much longer…. πŸ™

THE best news received today!: FREEDOM DANE's Adele's Histo came back and the masses in her mouth were due to severe gingivitis and not cancer! AND the growth on her belly was also benign! OMG! YES! YES! YES!

This shall be her very first XMAS ever, one of FREEDOM and not just one of the hope of freedom or a better life for that is the commitment all involved with her seizure have made to her. THAT she shall never ever ever ever live a life like she has had.

Until I received the news, I did not quite realise how much I was unconsciously really worrying about her and the results.

YET, we can head into XMAS knowing that she is HEALTHY as she can be at this time and that while she will benefit from some additional cleaning/work in her future; she is moving forwad on her journey to a spoiling, loving and happy future!!!!!


With how well BHRR's Adele is rehabbing; we are thinking that early January shall be the timeline for her to be placed up for adoption.

We would like to see her in a home that has at least one right matched personality fit canine buddy. A home that works part-time, full-time or has flex work days, works from home, semi-retired or retired are all options.

It has to be a home that understands that Adele was born into a puppymill; about 6 years ago(could be older or slightly younger but not likely to be much younger) and that her *mind* has left her in some ways. She is very sweet, accepting yet she is not 'all there' sometimes. it is not that she wanders, has chronic obsessive behavours, barks, howls, digs, scratches or anything like that but she does seem 'lost' in her own mind at times. πŸ™

The only things that she is obsessed about is standing on top of that one door frame to rest and also to see into the sunroom to the outside doors and the other thing that she is absolutely obsessed over is laying at the front doors in the sunroom to look outside(the whole front of our house is windows; built for passive solar heating and the front door is all window panes.)

She also likes and needs to know that she can go outside and come in often. She is becoming very attached to her freedom.

The only time we use a crate for her is to feed her now and she is eating better and better but is still a slower eater than many here and per the Vet will require more dental work in her future; something that her future adoptive home must be aware and committed in dedicating these financial means to Adele's continued welbeing.

If it is found that she requires more dental work here before she is adopted as we wait for her forever loving home to come aong; we will be ensuring that all her needs are covered.

She will sometimes lay in an open crate yet we do not crate her at any other time. She is is fully housebroken AND it did not take long to teach her; so smart girl! She is very quiet and we have often wondered if she even has the ability to bark.

Any future home must understand that that FREEDOM DANE Adele has not spent her life seeing parks and fire hydrants and buses and taxi cabs or the changing of the seasons with first hand exposure and that patience and kindness NEEDS to be given to her. You cannot just take her and expect her to just 'jump' into life as others may know it. We want a quiet home for her, not a busy lifestyle type of home that is hustling and bustling every where all the time.

If a home with children are considering to submit an application for her; we recommend at least 8+.

It is important for her to have a home that is not going to rush and push her and only a home that is going to continue to help her be the best dog she can be AND believe me, she is one very special and fantabulous dog already!!! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Adele – December 13th & December 14th(just home from her spay)

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.  Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 17th, 2011 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2012 inclusive.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

For the many that are not familiar with these two GD's. When they were first seized, we had to carry them in and out of their runs at the ES(Emergency Shelter). They were that traumatized and terrorized and berefit of human contact, a loving touch and kind word. πŸ™ They also then had to be treated for thrush, which delayed them getting to BHRR from when we were first asked to bring them in. AND they had their first heats not long after arrival to the ES. THIS seizure saved them, for; if they had not been rescued; they would have been bred and bred and bred like Adele and so many others. πŸ™

Gretta, like Freedom is terrified of fans. AND both will drop to the ground and cower, if you carry anything that they could feel might hurt them. EVEN food or water bowls. πŸ™

Gretta, like Freedom and Adele can often be found standing on her hind legs, over the one door and will stay that way; if you let her; until she reaches a point of exhaustion and then will rest or sleep in that position. This has been a common thing learnt amongst many of those with the PRU FREEDOM DOGS as they tried to keep themselves out of the filth that was their prison. πŸ™

Here is a post that I made on November 27th, 2011 on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE re: this two littermates. We believe that they are the daughters of Adele; who is the daughter of RIP BHRR's Albert.

"They have a much longer journey to travel than Cobalt does with their rehab and neither are comfortable with lots of people around. They have their own mischievous side and like to 'tag' on Adele, the wee monkeys!
Peanut is the more outgoing one and Gretta relies heavily on her so they need their time together plus time apart and time with other already well adjusted canines. This has deeply aided their progress. They need to learn to be strong where they are weak and not depend on each other to make up for those 'weak' areas. BOTH are survivors of hell personified and each day is baby steps.
Both are at ideal weights now. Peanut is better eating her food when we are around; Gretta much prefers to eat when things are more quiet but tonight FOR first time, she ate all of her food with me sitting near her crate.
Gretta will take treats from my hand; Peanut prefers it to be placed in her crate.
Gretta is more nervous and things on top of her crate ie a blanket for more 'den' like feeling does not make her comfortable and fans terrify her.
Peanut will drink out of our communal water bowls in the house; Gretta still prefers her water in her crate.
Both will come out of their crates on their own now. They did not do that when they first arrived many weeks ago. You had to hook on the leash, be patient and calm yet quietly confident and reassuring.
BOTH love exploring the fenced in yard. Peanut will come back in on her own, the doorway terrifes Gretta.
Peanut has now started coming to me for touching and affection, submissive yet on her own accord and Gretta is more flighty still.
The TV makes both a bit worried.
Gretta understands what to do with a nice smoked Dino bone and will chew it comfortably in her crate, yet Peanut has no clue.
When they first arrived, both were in a HUGE collosal crate together and then I gradually moved them to they were in side by side crates and then from there across from each other and just this past week, Gretta's crate is still in the sunroom and Peanut's is in the main area.
I could go on and on….so much I have learnt about them and they have taught me and both of them when they are ready; and that is a long ways off yet; shall be true treasures to a homes that will understand 'them' and know that they are not the dogs that one just takes some obedience classes, give them some love, soft beds and they are 'poof' ….miraculous over hte night bomb proof dogs. These two have been terribly wronged and in having taken in Danes from this place in the past, their sire to boot; and they are as traumatized as he was. πŸ™

Last night; Sean and Mason assisted me so that I could remove the sutures that Gretta had from her spay and then the staples(14) her littermate Peanut had. Both incisions look good; some minor irritation and just one area that we will continue to monitor as there is some mild reaction going on underneath.

BHRR's Gretta was so terrified and did urinate some plus released some of her anal glands. πŸ™ BHRR's Peanut was more 'shutdown' and just layed there and for both, I felt so bad. I was a bit surprised that both did not receive dissolvable like Adele and the boys' yet each Vet has their preference and both girls had very gentle loving and reassurances done.

FREEDOM DANES – Peanut(front) & Gretta(back) – November 6th, 2011 – shortly after arrival to BHRR


BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

While I was aware of BHRR's Barbie's intake story; actually seeing it written down by another; made me just stop everything and run out and hug BHRR's Barbie and whisper in her ear that NO ONE shall ever ever ever harm her EVER EVER again!

SHAME on them!!! πŸ™

Below are two photos that I took of Sean and BHRR's Barbie upon my arrival home on Sunday with her(THIS was my first transport on my own since before my major surgery on November 4th!). Sean had just arrived home a few moments earlier from curling with the kids and I had to snap some shots of them together with Sean in his festive hat and all! πŸ˜‰

ISN'T she just stunning! Those eyes(YUP! Another 'eye' dog!) and her beauty and personality!

She has already been integrated well with many of the animals here yet I know that she is going to have zero tolerance for anyone that wants to try and be a 'goob/boob' head! πŸ˜€ GOOD for you BHRR's Barbie! I love dogs that will help teach other dogs about manners and respect and being a model asset to home and community.

She is eating well, drinking well and will go outside as long as you go just to the corner of the opening to the almsot 2.5 acres we have fenced in for the dogs. Then, she is comfortable having a bit of a walk about on her own and will come back on her own.

I think I am fast falling more madly in love with the Great Pyr Breed! πŸ˜€

BHRR's Barbie & Sean – Day of arrival to BHRR – December 18th, 2011 – WE DID IT! SHE is here for XMAS! πŸ™‚

Here is what her temp foster mom in KY, USA had to say about her:

"When X said good-bye to her yesterday{Saturday}, he commented that, out of all the pyrs that have passed through here, he'll always remember Barbie because she's so very special.  I know that you'll find her a wonderful home…. We love her that much.
As I told the drivers, she doesn't have a lot of patience for shenanigans — like other dogs jumping on her.  And once she bonds with you, she will be very protective of you.  She will be a totally devoted companion for some lucky person.  Please send pics of my beautiful girl and give her hugs from me and X.


Here is what her overnight foster on the Saturday on the transport had to say about BHRR's Barbie and also sent a photo:

"Barbie is just a big teddy bear who wasn't thrilled with the tiny bit of snow on the ground so it was so funny to see her look at the ground before walking!  She enjoyed her dinner immensely, she ate twice already actually!"

BHRR's Barbed Wire – December 17th, 2011
*Photo courtesy of C. Townsend

I made the drive to connect with the AMAZING Volunteer transporter on Sunday to pick up BHRR's Barbie! PICTURES have not done this beauty any justice! SHE is stunning! Just stunning!!!

She is a very outwardly affectionate Pyr(and those who understand Pyrs, know what I mean!).

She is not a large female Pyr – about 85 – 90 pounds and is now about 3.5 years of age. I could see where that barbed wire had cut deep into her hind right foot and poor her.

Something I want to share with all of  you is the intake description made by the HS in KY.

The date this report was made was May 23rd, 2011:

"There are lots of sad stories to be heard here at the shelter. But Barbie's is almost too sad to put into words. She had to fight battle after battle, never losing her gentle ways. When Barbie arrived at the shelter almost a month ago, we were appalled at what we found when we examined her. Her back right leg had wire tightly around it and it has obviously been like that for quite awhile. Sadly, it looked as it it had been purposefully done that way. An infection had set up underneath the wire and the bone had become exposed.

It was heartbreaking to see her fighting through the pain so quietly. She never once showed any type of aggression, because of the pain that we are so sure she was in. Our Vet and Vet Tech worked so diligently dressing and cleaning her wound and it began healing. But don't think that this injury has stopped Barbie from being her happy self.

Sadly, poor Barbie's troubles would not end here.

We soon found out that she was heartworm positive. we just could not imagine how it could get any worse for Barbie, and then it happened.

She will now have to undergo painful treatments to get rid of them when they could have easily been prevented with a monthly pill.

Honestly, if any animal deserves the most amazing, loving home, it is Barbie. She is the most gentle dog we have ever had. She walks perfectly on a leash and will stay right at your side. She has so much love to give and always tries to show it.

She constantly wants to be next to her person and will either lean against you or lay down where she is able to touch you in some way.

Her energy level is low; she is the type of dog that would be perfect to have as a couch potato. She listens perfectly and is so obedient. We are requiring her to have an indoor home where she will never be mistreated again and can really be a part of a family, something she may never have known.

Her soul is so beautiful and vibrant and we cannot STAND to see her stay here one more day when she has already been through so much.

Please come and meet Barbie today and you will see the true meaning of unconditional love. Doesn't she deserve it!!"


Video #1 of BHRR's Gretta eating from one of our food bins.

Video of BHRR's Gretta – FEEDING time at BHRR! She and BHRR's Adele LOVE to eat out of the food bin as we dole out the bowls! Behind her is BHRR's Riley already waiting patiently in his crate for his meal! THE fantastic news is that other than at feeding time; FREEDOM DANES – Adele, Gretta and Peanut are not using a crate other than to rest in one with the door open on their own will! YAY! Their housebreaking has moved quite well, rarely an accident now and to see that they are comfortable to come out and mingle with us and dogs; is a HUGE rehab step. Gretta, Peanut and Freedom are no where near to interacting with strangers/visitors but Adele and Cobalt are doing much better on that front. πŸ™‚

Video #2 of BHRR's Gretta eating from one of our food bins.

Now that Sean has nicely mixed the food (seen in Video #1 just posted) to FREEDOM DANE Gretta's satisfaction; she can munch a bit more out of it before we close it and she finishes her own meal in her bowl. πŸ™‚
FOR those that had the pleasure of working with her at the ES, doesn't she look great!!! Comfortable enough to just stick her head into the bin without worry that she would be beaten back.

UPDATE: Sent from BHRR's Shiva's FosterMom on December 15th, 2011:

Hi Gwen,
Thought I'd send an update on the lovely Shiva.
She has adapted very well and is now part of our daily routine.  Our daily walks are fun and she is adapting well to the various city sounds (i.e. car, bus, kids playing, etc..).
One thing about her that just cracks us up is our lovely Shiva the Diva snore like a trucker!!!  X finds this most entertaining and hilarious.  I think it's cute, lol!
We had a walk/playdate date last Saturday which went exceptionally well.  We were joined by a doberman (10 months), border collie (3 yrs old) and a gorgeous yorkie (5 yrs old) along with the owners, of course.  We spent a good part of the afternoon at Lac Leamy park here in Gatineau.  Shiva was soooo happy and interacted great with all the dogs.  She was just the bestest gal, as usual!
We are so enjoying our foster experience with Shiva.  Not a day goes by that this beautiful girl doesn't make us laugh.
Have a great evening Gwen!


BHRR's Cobalt was neutered, had a hwt(negative), had other bw, nails, micorchipping plus teeth looked over on the 15th of December. His weight was 42.5 KGS(93.5 pounds).

We believe that once we re-open from our XMAS shutdown period, that BHRR's Cobalt shall be ready to be placed as "AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION". He is doing really so beautifully here! πŸ™‚

In just 10 days, we did 8 spays/neuters…phewww! AND we have two more on zee agenda in the not too distance future. JS & Brick. πŸ˜€

Our Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS have been close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR Cobalt's and BHRR's Adele's heartworm tests have come back as negative.

AND one of my biggest joys is discovering(and I meant to post this earlier!) is that BHRR's Adele's bw was normal! WAHOO! So, we are of the mind that it it has been exclusively her bad mouth issues that have been causing her to be so thin, that and the stress of her past. πŸ™

Here is a short video(MY second ever!) and this is of BHRR's Bloom from last night! She is settling in well. I am slightly worried about the top part of her leg as the cast has dug in and there is quite the cut in her leg. We will monitor and if need be; place her on antibiotics.

I have seen the occasional cast wound call for sutures and we would like to avoid that if at all possible.


I always believe in given credit where it is due and BHRR's Bloom is here today thanks to her guardian angel, Stephanie. Thanks go to the sweet couple who found her in their cornfields and when they realised they could not keep her, Stephanie brought in into not just her own home but heart and family.
BHRR has dealt with many surrenders in our almost 16 year history, yet; none have shown the level of commitment and heart that she has. Many say they will help raise funds for much needed medical and rehab care and will stay in touch or donate and you know….you just know that as soon as you have the dog signed over; they are gone….
Not in this case, Stephanie promised BHRR's Bloom that she would be there for her and do whatever it took and she did. NO dog could ask for better and we look forward in continuing that stellar level in her rehab care now that she he is from her surgery at the DMV.
Biggest task….keep her calm and quiet. Two more weeks before we can take that cast off. Then another 4 weeks very limited exercise before post-op X-Rays to determine if she can then be placed up for Adoption.
One step at a time…
Right now, she is settling in excellently and now telling me it is time to stop typing and give her some love!! :)- Sassy pants!!
Thanks Stephanie for everything! You did a fantabulous job with her and we still feel privileged to have been contacted to assist her.
For those who have never met either Stephanie or BHRR's Bloom; if/when you do; you will be so touched with how aweseome both are!

BHRR's Bloom arrived Friday night to BHRR after a wee bit of an adventure for Sean to meet up with her guardian angel family. Much to update yet she has settled in well. We are using an empty IV bag/gauze to cover her cast to bring her outside(always keep several on hand to use) and she has to be one of the smallest and cutest 'teacup' GD's EVER! AND she has no problem 'sassing' me if I am not paying her enough mind! :)- I think we are going to really adore this wee minx! πŸ™‚

For those that wish to follow the journey/updates of all the PRU seized dogs that I have termed FREEDOM DOGS; there is now a Facebook FAN – Freedom DOGS Unite – page  for those involved in the seizure – Red Rover, MAPAQ, HSI Canada, the Volunteers, the reputable/quality rescue partners, the donaters, the well wishers and the adopters of what I have termed the FREEDOM DOGS! A name that has now gone viral! πŸ™‚

MAY their journey now pave the way for future 'FREEDOM DOGS' and this page is dedicated to the FREEDOM DOGS UNITE! For we know that THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING! πŸ™‚

The saving of all of these hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of dogs from PRU's was the combined effort of so many likeminded folks! This was something so much larger and incredible that has happened for these precious creatures by all these FANTABULOUS folks working together. πŸ™‚

My first attempt at a Video! This one is of BHRR's Freedom on December 14th, 2011 during feeding time at BHRR. He had the courage to enter the one bathroom and do some exploring.

Both BHRR's Freedom and BHRR's Gretta are terrified of fans, so we have to be very careful to make sure they are not on when both are brave enough to venture forth to do some exploring in the house. 

BHRR's Adele weighed 36.9 KGS(81.18 pounds today). She needs at least another 15 more to be where I would like to see her in weight BUT so much better than what she was!!! The muscle tone this girl has developed since her arrival to BHRR has been WOW! Her body type reminds me of a triathlete at this time…solid very lean muscle that ripples with every movement she makes yet in a very feminine manner. πŸ™‚

Her spay went well and all growths from her mouth were removed(the Vet is about 99% sure they are not malignant) and shall be sent off for pathology. There was also a lump around her belly button that was removed and also being sent away.

She had nails and a microchip done and people felt she was a real doll. πŸ™‚

She had a good detailed teeth cleaning yet nothing more thorough was able to be done – ie Xrays or to look really closely for possible extractions(Vet was not convinced that she really needed any but agreed that her mouth/teeth were in rough shape) due to how long she had already been under and that it was not safe for her. With her current physical condition and that she was just spayed plus her age; the Vet believes it would be better to put her back under again later this month or early next month if need be to do more work in her mouth. He was worried that any bacteria released could get into her bloodstream and compromise her. He also did not wish to see her under for another up to 4 hours(she was already under for 1.5 hours or so as is for what was done) and felt that if necessary, she could have any other possible elective work done after she was adopted.

Our focus at BHRR is to take care of all proactive/preventative Vet needs plus any 'urgent' requirements and this was our priority for BHRR's Adele for today.

We shall monitor to determine how well she has benefited from the dental work done today and if she should be going back under. If it is determined that anything more is needed; and it is an 'elective', not an 'urgent any longer, her new forever loving adoptive home can take on that responsiblity.

She should find it so much better to eat and be SOOOO much more comfortable!

Sean is enroute back with her now as I type this blog and CANNOT wait to have her home again. Another sweet creature very dear to my heart and ONLY the best shall do for her and all the BHRR doggies! πŸ™‚


BHRR's Lily Belle was officially adopted to her new home tonight!!!! YAY!

BHRR'S Cobalt(a name befitting a strong surviving beautiful blue boy). We believe he is between 12-15 months yet the more I get to know him, I put him closer to 12 months. He was given his rabies on September 16th and we have given him some Revolution and he was proactively dewormed again.

This FREEDOM DOG boy was not born in to the hell of PRU(Paws R Us); yet had to have been obtained from a 'free' ad posted by someone else or someone else that truly did not care where he ended up for he was rescued from the largest seizure to date in Canada and possibly North America. The word 'hell' cannot even adequately describe what these dogs were put through.

Dogs that when you open up a crate, cowered in the back of their pens, shivering, losing control of their bodily functions, fearful and terrified of receiving the pain they knew and had been taught would come their way. πŸ™

Dogs living in the filth of their urine and feces, not vetted when they are injured or sick, poor ventilated areas, being asked to breed over and over again, never given a loving touch, yelled at and hit(shovels TERRIFY the FREEDOM DOGS here…we have to be careful when taking out shovels to clean the walk way or stairs) and hurt and never allowed to see daylight or have toys or treats and…and…and… πŸ™  Dogs that were not named and others given only a tat number in the name of 'commercial breeding'. WHY is there even such a thing allowed????

There was one report made to the media that in the first few moments when the seizure happened, that no less than 42 rats were seen in the first few minutes the rescuers entered the one building.

BHRR's Cobalt was not there overly long for he had not yet been comptely broken in spirit, heart and soul like so many others. His health was not as bad with the many that had eye infections, respiratory problems, skin and ear issues and the list goes on.

THANK you again to Red Rover, MAPAQ, HSI Canada, the Volunteers, the supporters and those that donated to help save these animals. The saving of all of these hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of dogs from PRU's was the combined effort of so many likeminded folks! BHRR is just a very small part of something so much larger and incredible that has happened for these precious creatures by all these FANTABULOUS folks working together. πŸ™‚

What is of some worry to all the r/q groups out there is we do not want the public forgetting about ALL the other dogs in their programs that are very much in need of loving forever homes themselves. THEY must not be forgotten about. Though, they have not come from the largest puppymill bust in Canada to date; many of them have equally very tragic stories and love to have a special home to call their very own too. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Cobalt shall be neutered on the 15th, have bw done including a HWT and will have nails plus a microchip implanted. We will also check his teeth most thoroughly.

It is estimated that the Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS will be close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

He has been fully integrated with the dogs here and is fast becoming a real sweetly affectionate boy. He is more confident in asking for affection and is a very quiet boy.

He is now one mellow dude now that he has settled in. He was very high strung with pent up energy and becoming frustrated while at the ES. A bit of a gooberhead sometimes yet training, struture plus patience, love and consistency are really guiding him. He is a just a baby still…a big one! cheeky  Blues generally are the more laid back compared to the 'hyper Harles' in Great Danes. I own two blues myself and  also harles.

With the exercise/company of our multi-dog home and on 148 acres with almost 2.5 of it fenced; he has just blossomed and the muscle he is putting on as that weight has has made him one stunning dude! AND I think he knows it! πŸ˜‰
Once he loses those twinkles, obtains some more training; he is going to be ready to be adopted and is going to just be the apple of some homes heart!! πŸ™‚

The one thing that any  home MUST be aware of is that you have to be very careful about correcting him. DO not surprise him, smack him or hit him. WE do not support anything other than positive correction with our dogs. He has been clearly abused at PRU and we do not want him ever being fearful again. Do NOT sneak up behind him or just grab his collar. That will stress him out.

He will need continued patience, time, consistency, obedience and love under a firm guiding hand. A full round of obedience classes per our adoption contract will greatly assist in the bonding between home and him.

I feel that come early January, after our annual XMAS shutdown period; he shall be placed up for adoption.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR's Cobalt – November 11th, 2011 – ~ 12-15 months of age

BHRR's Adele(we have given her a name of grace and beauty with the impression of strength) is to be spayed later today. We shall also be doing bw including a hwt and I am hoping that everything comes back well for while she is putting on some weight, she is still painfully thin. I am looking at seeing what her kidney, liver etc. functions are as I do have a concern that she may have some underlying med condition. Not going to put the cart before the horse yet the amount we can now get her to eat yet there is no significant weight gain is a bit worrisome. We will be doing a dental, removing some growths from her mouth and doing biopsies if necessary. Nails and a micrcochip will also be done.

We had put her on Deramaxx shortly after her arrival to BHRR on November 20th as I could tell that her mouth deeply pained her and her mouth/teeth are in really bad condition, the poor thing. πŸ™ She most likely would have starved to death at some point if she had remained at PRU. πŸ™

We believe that she is around 6 years of age. She was given her rabies on September 16th and we have given her some Revolution and she was proactively dewormed again.

Like many of the FREEDOM DOGS from the PRU Seizure; she has a tendency to want to stand completely upright out of habit to be able to stay out of the filth she was forced to live in of fecal matter and urine for her whole life(she has a 'Paws R Us' tat in her ear so she was born into the hell she was rescued from).  Sean and I have never seen animals be able to stand so upright. This is not good for their joints or back. πŸ™ We are trying to teach her not to go on her back legs to look through the one door and stand until the point of exhaustion and then lay her head on the side of the door frame to sleep. BHRR's Freedom and BHRR's Gretta will also do the same. πŸ™

Despite all of this, she has come out of her shell so nicely and fast; considering how she spent her whole life in hell. πŸ™ She is still quite shut down in many ways but is showing more curiousity. Part of her mind appears to be just 'lost' or 'gone' due to her having to live/survive in the conditions she has.

She has no clue about toys or treats or yummy smoked dino or knuckle bones. πŸ™

If we find that she is healthy, she will be placed up for adoption in early January for her mental progress has been quite smooth in so many ways. She learnt her name within moments and while she has issues being comfortable asking for love; that will come for she is not as 'broken' in the same way as the other girls or BHRR's Freedom. As mentioned, she is shutdown in some ways due to her 'coping' skills of survival in that terrible place she was from, but is really doing well!

She does not like being crated, understandable and we continue to feed her in a crate so that it helps her. Once she is spayed and recovered, she will not be crated any longer other than for meals for we do not want her to worry that another is going to take her food.

Crating is a very important safety and housetraining tool. It also aids in the dogs comfort level should they ever have to visit the Vet Hospital as they understand crating/kenneling or when they come home for a surgery or are ill and need to be on crate rest.

She is fully integrated with all and in time, we hope that she will learn about treats that come separate from her food in her bowl and about toys and dino bones etc.

Keep her in your positive thoughts and send good vibes her way for tomorrow!

It is estimated that the Vet bills for the BHRR FREEDOM DOGS will be close to $5,000 and any assistance would be so appreciated.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

BHRR's Adele – shortly after her arrival to BHRR & BHRR's Adele – December 13th, 2011

Going to the ES anywhere from once to three times a week over the past three months was to lend a helping hand to her and all the 600+ FREEDOM DOGS there.

I have been part of my share of busts and seizures over the years, yet nothing of this sheer magnitude and I am EXTREMELY touched to have been contacted to ask to come out to assist and I have met some of the most amazing like minded individuals EVER through what started out as a tragic experience and has ended as one of the most rewarding of ones!

On January 1, 2011; ARC made a commitment in making 2011 one of compassion. Here is their VIDEO of which BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas are both featured. THANK YOU to such incredible folks doing such wonderful work!!!

The heartworm tests have come back negative for BHRR's Freedom, BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta. YAY! πŸ™‚


BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!


Maggie – For BHRR's Adele

I called for an update today on BHRR's Bloom on Saturday. The first person kept calling her a 'him' and was not even aware that she had also been spayed. This person also told me that there was a bandage over the spay incision. This person then said 'well, if things were not great, we would be calling you.' I asked very politely to talk to someone else familiar with her case as I want a true/real update on her.

I was then told by another person that she is eating great, taking her meds well and they are trying to ensure that she gets out. I asked about her spay incision and was given the information that it was healing well, no redness or swelling and that no, it was not covered by a bandage(that would be a new protocol for me). I was also told that things were looking good post-surgery for her Radius Curvus Syndrome.

I mentioned that I would be calling back again early next week.

I am going to feel the best when she is finally at BHRR. The original plan was for her to come immediately to BHRR post-surgery and this is the first time ever in my history of operating BHRR that a dog has not come home post surgery, be it a leg amputation, spay, neuter, cruciate or for radius curvus syndrome etc. I have to say that I am not very comfortable with some things and will see what my next update is like on her.

BHRR's Lily Belle is moving to an "ADOPTED" status! If all goes well, she shall be placed in her new forever loving home for Wednesday December 14th, 2011

BHRR's Peanut and BHRR's Gretta are two of the 5 Great Danes that BHRR was asked to assist with at the ES after the seizure was done in September from PRU. They are two of 12 dogs / puppies that BHRR has now assisted and I have been a regular Volunteer at the ES since the very first week the seizure happened.  My Disaster Animal Response training has been of deep benefit since I was contacted to Volunteer and continue to Volunteer my time (1-3 times a week) at the ES.

Over 600+ dogs are now in need of forever loving homes and once the court ruling came down on Thursday November 24th, 2011; the move forward was given to allow all these sweet dogs to be altered and then placed up for adoption.

THANK you Red Rover, Anima Quebec, HSI Canda and MAPAQ plus all those that donated, contributed, supported plus Volunteered over these past months to make this happen for these incredible dogs!

FOR ALL THE BHRR's Alberts out there(he came to us at 8.5 years of age and passed away at 10); FREEDOM is now yours! I just wish he was still alive….. :(   This is why I have called them "FREEDOM DOGS" a name that has now gone viral!!!

BHRR's Gretta and BHRR's Peanut are fawn with merle Great Danes, around 11 months of age, female littermates. They were given their rabies on September 16th and we have given them some Revolution and they are being proactively dewormed again.

We believe that they are somehow related to BHRR's Albert.

I will post some photos of them soon, yet you can see photos of them on our BHRR' FB FAN Page. They are both smaller female GD's, well porpotioned and very very very terrifed. They shall not be placed up for adoption for some time.



BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!



We are in the procees of making transport arrangements to bring BHRR's Barbie into BHRR next weekend. We want her here by XMAS and we are moving forward in making it happen!

She has done great in her foster home in KY and here is the latest update sent today on BHRR's Barbie:

"She is the most wonderful dog and has been such a good sport….  I love her so much.  It's going to be tough to say goodbye to her, but much easier knowing that she's going to you.  Thank you so much!"

BHRR's Peanut had her mature spay, nails, microchipping, HWT and presurgical bw done today. He teeth were also checked. She weighed 37.2 KGS(81.84 pounds).

While she did not have to be carried by Sean to the car to go to KAH, she had to be carried into the Hospital. She and her sister, BHRR's Gretta were two Danes for the longest time at the ES that we had to carry in and out.

She has a long journey ahead of her for her rehab.

BHRR's Gretta had her mature spay, nails, microchipping, HWT and presurgical bw done today. He teeth were also checked. She weighed 39.4 KGS(86.68 pounds).

She had a laceration in her mouth that is healing quite well and so it was not sutured and the Vet did not feel required antibiotics.

While she had to be carried by Sean to the car to go to KAH, she walked into the Hospital for the most part on her own. She and her sister, BHRR's Peanut were two Danes for the longest time at the ES that we had to carry in and out.

She has a long journey ahead of her for her rehab.

BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!

The newest PRU BHRR 'FREEDOM DOG' is BHRR's Freedom. He was one of the 5 Great Danes that BHRR was asked to assist with at the ES after the seizure was done in September from PRU. He is one of 12 dogs / puppies that BHRR has now assisted and I have been a regular Volunteer at the ES since the very first week the seizure happened.  My Disaster Animal Response training has been of deep benefit since I was contacted to Volunteer and continue to Volunteer my time (1-3 times a week) at the ES.

Over 600+ dogs are now in need of forever loving homes and once the court ruling came down on Thursday November 24th, 2011; the move forward was given to allow all these sweet dogs to be altered and then placed up for adoption.

THANK you Red Rover, Anima Quebec, HSI Canda and MAPAQ plus all those that donated, contributed, supported plus Volunteered over these past months to make this happen for these incredible dogs!

FOR ALL THE BHRR's Alberts out there(he came to us at 8.5 years of age and passed away at 10); FREEDOM is now yours! I just wish he was still alive….. πŸ™  This is why I have called them "FREEDOM DOGS" a name that has now gone viral!!!

BHRR's Freedom is about 4 years of age(could be younger yet life has been hard on him), Brindle, male and he arrived to BHRR on Tuesday December 6th. He was given his rabies vaccine on September 16th, 2011. We have given him some Revolution and he is being proactively dewormed again.

UPDATE: 'Freedom' is now home after his neutering, dental, bw including HWT, manicure/pedicure and microchip. He weighed 51 KGS(112.20 pounds) and was a star! πŸ™‚ LOVED by all.

I will obtain some photos to post of him. He is a smaller male GD, well porpotioned and very very very terrifed. He will not be placed up for adoption for some time.



BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream to Reality To A Better Future' Cause

IF anyone wishes to donate to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' – Their Dream To Reality To A Better Future' Cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:

(613) 836-2848 under the 'Birch Haven Rescue' account and they will take Visa, M/C or AMEX over the phone.

OR via PayPal –

OR email transfer to

OR Cash in person at Kanata Animal Hospital 440 Hazeldean Road

Gretta & Peanut are having their turn tomorrow – Friday December 9th with mature spays, bw including HWT, chipping, nails and teeth.

Monies raised from our recent online auction will go to BHRR's Atlas, BHRR's Veteran, some in 'trust' for BHRR's Bloom and the rest to the BHRR 'FREEDOM DOGS' yet with several to vet, any additional sponsorship sent their way to assist; would be as always soooooo appreciated!

UPDATE from BHRR's Shiva's temp foster home:

"She is adapting very well and everyday I see a positive difference in her.  She sticks to me like velcro, lol, but yet again everyday she is less and less dependant of me.  She is slowly but surely getting comfortable with her surroundings.  She is beginning to explore our home and feels comfortable enough to wander around by herself.  She seems to have less and less of a need to have me within her sights at all times. 
We've been going on daily walks and these are quite comical.  She walks excellently on leash.  She was quite taken aback by the inflatable Xmas decorations on the frontyards of some homes.  I had quite the chuckle at this, because when she saw the blow up Santa, penguin and snowman, her ears went up and back and she started to walk into to me (opposite direction of the decorations) as if "What the ???".  I reassured her (while laughing inside) and we continued on our adventure.  She kept looking back and to ensure these strange looking creatures weren't following us, lol.
She is eating and sleeping very well.  Her appetite was not disrupted at all.
She has bonded with her very own Costco bed.  She loves it!
We've had a few people drop in throughout the week.  A girlfriend of mine came with her two young girls and she was absolutely excellent with them.  We stop and meet people and dogs on the street.  I've been using the greet with a treat trick you mentioned. She's doing great. It's been a big week for her and in my opinion, she's doing great.

We don't call her Shiva the Diva for nothing. 
In a nutshell, we are having a wonderful time with Shiva.  She sure has brought a bit of life to our home since the passing of X. It wonderful!"

One of the items up for grabs in our 4th annual 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction was a:

1-on-1 Special Date with a BHRR Animal of Choice

The winner of this item has chosen BHRR's Riley to have a very special date with and the monies raised for this winning item $50 will go towards his own rehab bills.

He is looking better and better all the time and we have officially hit 'goob' hood and so we are keeping up with the Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp and NILIF.

Inside the house, he is WAY too much for BHRR's Atlas yet outside, BHRR's Atlas takes him all in stride. AND for those that have been following BHR's Atlas's blog; you will note JUST what progress this has been for both of these dogs!

He likes to 'push' buttons the monkey man(he received a SS 'Monkey' Collar and it could not be more appropriate!) and even my sweet mild mannered Bleach who is ready to rumble at the drop of a pin; finds him at times 'over the top.' He is just craming life into everything he does and like all those other 'survivor's of such terrible things; he has character, personality and backbone. This boy also just OOOOOOOZES charm! I call him a 'flirt'.

I received a call a few weeks back from the person that had contacted us about him and all the coincidences that surrounded his rescue just as it did with BHRR's Parker Paws just makes one tingle. He had the same name as the daughter of who rescued him, he is from the same area that BHRR's Parker is from, he is SOOOOOOOOOO much like BHRR's Parker Paws it is most likely that they are related in some manner. Just how all the stars seemed to align that he ended up at the same place that BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws did, into the same hands that helped BHRR's Parker Paws, the name thing with them both and how much meaning they have to the Chelsea and the list goes on and on.

We are not sure if he shall be officially placed up for adoption by the time we hit our annual XMAS shutdown period. He has a lot more weight to come and we are now working even more on that obedience and 'head in the clouds' syndrome that he has developed! cheeky THIS is a lot of puppy and not a 'faint of heart' kinda dog for sure….at least not right now…. πŸ˜‰

AND wow! As his coat comes back in with proper nutrition, shelter and exercise plus a healthy dose of love; it is so glossy, soft and shiny. Sean keeps saying just how super soft he is and I think that BHRR's Riley is at the point that he might want to roll his eyes for I think it actually might embarrass him(if I were to humanize him that is! ). πŸ˜€



We have been asked to assist an EM – Brindle about 2, male, neutered who was chained up outside and is now residing in a Shelter in Quebec. He has been there for about 3 weeks, owner is in jail and he is beginning to have major kennel stress.

He is about 25-30 pounds underweight, scared and has pus coming from his eyes/they are very droopy.

We have been told that he appears to be both dog and human friendly yet due to the kennel stress, has been moved off the main adoption floor.

Arrangements have been made to bring him to BHRR on Wednesday. Knowing this breed very well(we also own two ourselves); I dearly hope that BHRR can successfully rehab him. πŸ™


Posted in Uncategorized

We are moving BHRR's Lily Belle to an UNDER a  'PENDING ADOPTION' status. We will update as we can.

BHRR's Shiva went to her temp foster home tonight. She will have an extended playdate there until December 22nd and come back to BHRR for the holidays.

She was a bit reluctant to go with her new temp foster mom yet will settle in just fine!

ANOTHER special dog shall be missed!!! When she comes back we shall do our traditional photos under the XMAS tree with her and the other doggies. πŸ™‚

UPDATE: BHRR's Bloom at a good night on Friday. She was weaned throughout the day on Saturday from IV meds to oral and her spay incision also looks great. Will continue to monitor and post updates. πŸ™‚

December 1st, 2011 Interview in NS on CTV Atlantic Morning with ARC!

AMAZING work being done by ARC! Just so incredibly 'right' and such a fantastic emphasis put on education being the key to forward moving positive effective change!

BHRR's Atlas & BHRR's Veteran thank you for saving their lives!!! They had a 'reference' at the very beginning – 'Dane' & 'Saint'. πŸ™‚

UPDATE: Dr. Gatineau called myself yesterday evening and BHRR's Bloom was resting well. She has plates and casts on both of her front legs. Dr. Gatineau and I put together a move forward plan re: her rehab and follow-up over the next 8 weeks.
He said he would call again today to update and I will be in regular contact with their staff until I bring her back to BHRR.
He is going to be going to the USA for training and more certification for the next 4 weeks, so I will have another contact as 'prime' to continue to discuss and monitor her care. Dr. Gatineau was happy if I wanted to move her to another Vet  for her casts removal etc; yet would like to at least view her 8 week post op X-Rays; yet I explained why we kept her going to the DMV and how I would like to keep consistency. He was very appreciative and supported my views/position.

So. I will make the 2.5 hour drive to bring her back to see Dr. Gatineau the first week of January for cast removal and then again a month after that for post-op X-Rays.

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al
Montreal Dog Blog – Nat Lauzon
Sarah as a gift on behalf of K. Virtue

Total Raised To Date: $3,420
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

From her guardian angel Stéphanie who has been so committed to BHRR's Bloom's welfare from the moment she took her in. AND for those that are not yet aware, this turns out to be a very small world for we learnt last Saturday that the woman who found her in her cornfield, works with a wonderful supporter of rescue, including BHRR. They were the couple that Stéphanie then got BHRR's Bloom from and then in October, Stéphanie contacted BHRR.

From Stéphanie regarding BHRR's Bloom(sent December 1st, 2011):

"We dropped Bloom off at the DMV this evening. In true Bloom fashion, she was really happy to meet new friends and happily walked away from us with the vet tech. We are very excited for her yet very nervous. Bloom has stolen the hearts of many people and hopefully her fans will be thinking of her tomorrow as she finally gets the surgery that will change her life."

BHRR's Bloom shall be headed to BHRR after her surgery. She will spend two weeks at the DMV and arrive at BHRR on December 16th, 2011.

Email from a friend of Stéphanie's who has been BHRR's Bloom's dogsitter(Sent November 19th) to Stéphanie:

"I see an amazing "growth" in Bloom since she's been with you. She has confidence, she's way better on leash, she listens better – and she knows what it feels like to be loved. […] She has now gotten her "ya-yas" out (today, Sat. Nov. 19), and I feel, as she leans against me, she is a special dog."

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al
Montreal Dog Blog – Nat Lauzon
Sarah as a gift on behalf of K. Virtue

Total Raised To Date: $3,420
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

BHRR's 4TH ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME' FOR XMAS Online Auction shall begin Saturday November 19th @ 7 AM EST and shall run through until Thursday December 1st @ 9 PM EST.

If anyone has any items they would ike to donate inluding services, gift certificates or gift cards; please EMAIL. We will take donations right up until the day the auction shall end. BHRR only hosts three planned Fundraisers a year and every penny goes back to the animals!

We have many bills coming up for some very special animals including BHRR's Bloom and your support would be so appreciated!

Click on the poster for more information!

PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST and if you would like a poster to put up at your work, local businesses etc., please email us for one!


BHRR's Veteran is DOING amazing!! Below are two photos; one taken after he was here for one week and one taken on November 27th, after he had been here for two weeks.

He is soooooooooooooo affectionate, becoming more confident and playful and as more time goes by, he is becoming 'younger' and younger. I would say that he is closer to 2 years than anything at this time. It is almost as if through time, he is shedding the weight of much worry from his back and shoulders; as cheesy as that may sound.

HE just loves my 16 month old GD Sir Maestro and he is soooooooooooo free with his kisses. He almost will 'hug' you with his head on your shoulder.

His obedience is coming along very nicely. I truly can not get over how gentle he is about taking treats. For a dog so starved and neglected, he is very gentle about taking treats from you and if something falls on the floor, he does not resource.

He has been fully integrated with everyone here other than BHRR's Atlas and they tend to worry each other still. AND he loves to try and 'push' BHRR's Atlas's buttons, knowing that BHRR's Atlas is not so fond of him either. They are soooooooooooo much better around each other yet it still comes across that there is some form of 'history' between them. They sleep in crates near each other, they eat in their crates near each other without any issues yet if one makes any sounds even remotely that could be misconstrued as being anything negative; then the other grumps back. AND BHRR's Veteran LOVES to go up to BHRR's Atlas' crate and 'tease' him which sets off BHRR's Atlas.

BHRR's Veteran has a very deep sound to him and if one did not know him better, one would think that he might be growling but he is all typical GD noises.

He is learning about toys and gosh, rope toys delight him to know end or things that he can toss. The playbows that he makes is so heartwarming.

He still does not quite understand about many things and you have to be careful of flightly movements or hands that come from above wtih items in hand.

I am looking forward in getting a new weight on him yet I do believe that in about three weeks time(our mandate is to keep all animals at BHRR for at least 5 weeks); before placing them up for adoption so that we can really get to know them and learn what type of home is in their best interest.

BHRR's Veteran is just so grateful for the love and attention he is getting and in a way that makes me sad FOR he should have been getting that all along yet that was not what his past held for him.

We are attending a humane education event on Saturday for a few hours and I am thinking of bringing BHRR's Veteran with me. I will see how the rest of this week goes.

BHRR's Veteran had the BEST time at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. It was so wonderful for people to see how far he has come in such a short time! He is a very special boy all unto himself and he is going to make his right matched home a most wonderful addition! We do feel that he should go to a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog, someone experienced with Great Danes is great yet not mandatory; a home that is going to continue to enrich him and be there for him and not only give him love but structure, guidance and consistency with a very patient hand.

BHRR's Veteran November 20th & BHRR's Veteran November 27th, 2011*He loves Sean's earring and will gently nibble it!

NOTE: BHRR's Veteran was being 'known' as 'Kingston' for the short time he was under the expert care of ARC. We changed his name for a couple of reasons – one; we already had a 'Kingston' in our own home. Two; this was around Rememberance Day and that BHRR's Veteran has gone through his own battles/war and bears the scars of his 'time' in the trenches. This could not have been a more perfect choice for him!


From her temp foster home tonight:

"She's indescribable.  She is such a funny and beautiful girl, and everyday she makes us so happy."

Photo below is from our July 31st, GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike at Conroy! It was a really HOT day yet we had her cool coat and she had a blast!

To make a quick post to address a comment or two made on the recent photos posted of BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas on our BHRR FB FAN page. Both of these boys were neutered by the amazing efforts of Animal Rescue Corps(ARC) before they came to BHRR.

The method that the wonderful Vet there chose to use to alter them was using a vasectomy procedure and not neuter them via the actual taking out of their testicles. Yet, you can be assured they were both neutered! Both have gone on antibiotics for when they arrived to BHRR, they both wanted to lick at their incisions/sutures and I have been tending to their surgical sites up to three times daily to make sure they heal properly.

Many times after a dog is neutered; we see it often in Giants; there is a lot of swelling/edema and this will pass.

These dogs would never be placed up for adoption if they were not neutered.

BHRR's Bloom's bw was scheduled for November 21st at the Animal Health Clinic.

Her Surgery has been scheduled for December 2nd, at the DMV.


This boy is going to make a home a VERY special addition!!!

While he did not eat well for us last night, today he had 12 cups of food sans problemo! Let's keep it going!!! Right now he is flaked in the main area all content and sleepy from a very busy day of getting 'back into the BHRR groove!' πŸ™‚

Below are two more photos of him! BHRR's Beau was SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see BHRR's Lincoln come home!

BHRR's Beau & BHRR's Lincoln – November 2011

BHRRs Benjamin went on a roadtrip today with two of BHRR's approved Volunteers to assist in a homevisit for a possible future adoption of one of the GD's in our program.

From what has come my way; he once again BEYOND proved that he has manners and that he could be trained and he has now been dubbed 'Prince Benjamin' by one of the Volunteers. This boy makes my heart throb… he is so very dear to me.

AND per our obedience clase, any new adoptive home shall be required to bring him to a full round of obedience classes; regardless of how much training I have given him during his time at BHRR.

More than one person has pointed out since his arrival to BHRR how much he watches and keeps an eye on myself to know where I am at all times. He is happy to romp and play and yet 'checks in' often with myself. He is one that if I felt he needed me, we would have dearly loved to call one of our own. Yet, he does not need me any longer…he just thinks he does AND perhaps I think I do need him a bit still too! πŸ˜‰ Perfectly normal…. πŸ™‚

I remain patient that his right matched forever loving home shall come along and like all of our dogs, he shall only go to the one meant for him.

The boy was great with the humans, the two cats there and the 80 year old parrot during this hv. He allowed the parrot to peck at his muzzle without any concern or issue.

THANK you again to the two Volunteers who did this hv on my behalf as I still am unable to drive or be driven for yet another week.

We pulled BHRR's Rain out of her temp foster home last night and have moved her to our BHRR HAVEN DOG program at this time. SHE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. 

Sean picked up BHRR's Lincoln this AM from his now former temp foster home to bring to KAH for a re-weigh and a recheck and he weighed….wait for it…..179 pounds!!!!

Everyone thought he looked FANTASTIC! JUST fantastic! No longer is he that emaciated 138.60 pounds(and in fact it was less as he had not been weighed for three days post arrival to BHRR) boy.

He has put on 34.9 pounds since he went to his temp foster home five weeks ago.

This means that he has put on 40.4 pounds since we first weighed him when he came to BHRR!!! AND per my one blog post on July 28th, 2011, I wanted to see him around 175 pounds and per the Vet and in having now gotten my hands on him myself, once he now loses about 5 pounds(I cannot believe that we are saying that he actually needs to lose a few pounds now!!! WHAT a great thing to say!); he shall be the ideal weight for him at this age/time.

As I told his temp foster mom, she gets the 'TEMP FOSTER OF THE YEAR AWARD!'

He was being fed 14 cups a food a day – 7 cups BID and we are going to cut him down to 12 cups – 6 cups BID. 

We shall feed him 75% of FROMM Salmon or FROMM Whitefish and 25% of the D/D Salmon.

He had been switched to eating RAW at his former temp foster home at one point and thriving. So any future adoptive home as that as a great feeding option for him too if they do not wish to feed the only kibble meant for him. πŸ™‚

In regards to his Pred of 25 mg EOD; we obtained some more and we are beginning to wean him off to from 25 mg EOD to 15 mg EOD for 14 days and the work off to zero meds. As mentioned in another blog, BHRR's Lincoln's future adoptive home whomever they shall be will have to realise that he could possibly need a lose dose in the future should he have seasonal allergies. The dose is so low that for a 179 pounds dog; it is virtually non-existent in efficacy level yet we shall wean him off slowly to minimalize any possible side effects.

His coat is Fantabulous! Soft, full and healthy looking and he is SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!

He has come back into our home happy, relaxed and as if he never left! He has been romping in the fenced in yard and he was so happy to see me….that made my heart just thump!

Now, our job is to ensure that he does not lose more than 5-7 pounds and hopefully, this shall not happen as our home is even more busy and full of lots of the most delightful distractions than before he left.

The only thing that did not happen is that he did not receive his second booster for his DAPP. Somehow, that was missed. I shall get him in for that second booster ASAP.

Sean has just taken some stunning photos of him and two are below and BHRR's Lincoln has some very special news to share very soon! πŸ˜‰

Deeply indebted to his temp foster home for taking such great care of him these past 5 weeks. THANK YOU!

BHRR's Lincoln – November 19th @ BHRR


Update sent November 15th, 2011 from her awesome temp foster home:

“As for BHRR's Lily Belle, she is still a goof ball and loving life.  She is not as into playing fetch as X but she does enjoy the squeaky sounds and playing hide the toys under the couch LOL  I'm thinking fall has now become her new favourite season.  Lots of yummy pumpkin, squash and the cool weather is great for running around at the dog park. Such a cutie!“

BHRR`s Lily Belle – November 2011

BHRR's Riley was neutered today and weighed 109.12 pounds(49.6 KGs).

BHRR' Riley's Previous Records

Please find two new photos of him below.

I have a copy of his vaccination history and other medical history now(attached above) and written out below.

September 24th, 2011:

Sept 24/11-1st vaccines/deworming given…DAPP injectable, bordetella intranasal and strongid T

September 28th, 2011:

Sept 28/11 – PE – thin, rec feed BID, rec to rescue; vaccinate Rabies RH SQ EA
Rabvac 1, Serial# 1213194A, Rabies Tag# 11-158

October 4th, 2011:


His vaccines are good for one year and therefore are due September of 2011.

He has been dewormed again at BHRR plus has been given Revolution.

Since his arrival on November 2nd, 2011 to BHRR he has put on 14.12 pounds in just two weeks time. This is very much on track for what we would like to see a dog in his very painfully thin state to be putting on. He needs another 20-25 pounds at this time to go for as he is growing, he is needing to put on more weight to stay in line with what he should be weighing at his age/body structure.

This boy is not going to be a wee thing when he is done maturing.

We still believe he is between 12 months and no more than 15 months of age.


BHRR's Riley – November 2011



Here is a very well put together  VIDEO of the work that ARC has done for the community in Lac Simon and for all the animals there. It is just shy of 10 minutes long yet so worth the viewing.

My deepest respect plus admiration extends immensely out to ARC and their supporters/volunteers for this historical lifechanging event they have done!

They left 'no one behind', educated and saved SOOOO many lives! I am deeply humbled to have been a small part of this HUGE amazing heartwarming experience! KUDOS to the community for taking a 'take charge' forward approach to finding a better resolution to the overpopulation of animals in their community

Thanks for sharing! BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas; some of the dogs feature in the above video; are also very grateful to everyone….they have the gift of life as I have said before thanks to ALL of you!

BHRR's Veteran & Atlas with Karla – from ARC saying her good-byes before they head to their rehab journey @ BHRR

From Karla in respect to BHRR's Veteran posted on a photo of him on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE:

"This gorgeous dog has maintained a steadfast spirit despite his former neglect. I will never forget the Animal Rescue Corps truck driving past him and screeching to a halt when we saw his statuesque figure watching us from 30 feet away. I got out of the truck and walked a few feet slowly towards him. As soon as I kneeled down and extended my hand he came bounding happily towards us. He couldn't believe his luck. He rode with me in the back seat (because we couldn't fit him anywhere else!) on his way to safety and eventual to the exuberant embrace of BHRR. He is destined for greatness."

From Karla in respect to BHRR's Atlas posted on a photo of him on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE:

"I remember the first time I saw Atlas on the streets. Animal Rescue Corps couldn't believe the state he was in. We picked up his hunched, crumbling figure, because he just didn't have the energy to walk, and carried him to transport to our emergency shelter. Within a few days of good food, medical care, some r&r and love, he was bounding around with us in the grass. Atlas is going to make a lucky family wonder what they ever did without him".



To help raise the last funds we need to schedule BHRR's Bloom's surgery, Bloom has some special postcards that she would like to offer to any supporters to consider purchasing!


There will be 30 available of  'Type' 1 and 20 available of 'Type' 2 for a total of 50 for sale!

Update: November 17th, 2011; there is ONLY 24 of 'Type'  1 and 14 of 'Type' 2 LEFT!

Please indicate Type #'1 and/or Type #2 along with how many you would like to purchase.

ONLY $3 each or 3 for $5 and Gwen from BHRR will pay for s&h to anywhere in the world!

You can pay by:

Paypal to or email transfer to or bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)' and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Great to use as a thank you, send that special note to someone while at the same time supporting a great cause for BHRR's Bloom!

Postcard photos are below and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email:

TYPE #1                                                                                                      TYPE #2


"Bloom was found as a stray in Huntington (QC) in September 2011. The couple who found her were not able to keep her so her now temp foster home offered to take her in and take on the task of finding her a good h…ome. Upon meeting Bloom, she discovered that it might be harder to find her a home than she originally thought. It was obvious that something was wrong with her so she took her to see an orthopedist and it was confirmed that she suffers from Radius Curvus Syndrome and will need a $3,800 surgery plus need to be spay for another $150-$200 for a total of $4,000 required."

BHRR was contacted to assist and she was then signed over to BHRR's authority in October 2011.


We cannot schedule her surgery until such time as we have the $80 and we are imploring to our supporters for some support. Please….please help us give her a life without pain.

You can donate by paypal to or email transfer to or bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Expected ETA from her temp foster home to surgery and then direct to BHRR is Monday December 17th, 2011

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – We are donating the funds raised by their October 30th photo and nail trim event that 50% came to BHRR
Genesis Dog Rescue
Alex & Karen
Charles & Sherry
Lynn & Al

Total Raised To Date: $3,370
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

BHRR's Bloom – October 29th, 2011 at the 'Bloom Carnival Fundraiser'
*Photos courtesy of S. O'Bready

November 8th, 2011 UPDATE:

"Bloom is doing well. We are still working on getting her house trained. It has been difficult since she we had to scratch the crate idea because of her anxiety. She is now good when left alone, I guess it's hard to complain when you're sleeping on a bed! πŸ™‚ Also, she is very pushy and tends to keep trying until she gets what she wants. We are trying very hard to set limits but I'm thinking it might take a while as she is a very determined gal!'"

BHRR's Riley is scheduled to be neutered on Friday November 18th. IT is time!

AND the more time I spend with him, the more I think that he is a relation to BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws. The mannerisms the both of them share is so uncanny!

He seems to have a bit more brain power than BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws has but barely. πŸ˜‰

Now, if the day ever comes that he demonstrates BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws famous or rather infamours 'paw' swinging' then I am going to know without a doubt that they are related somehow! LOL

He is such a goof! Better with the humping yet when he gets all excited with the playing(he has been integrated with most of the dogs here); he just starts feeling the 'urge' to love! πŸ˜‰ PPSS and BHRR's Porridge are not very happy to be the recipients of that love and BHRR's Holden has made it VERY clear he is not going to be BHRR's Riley's 'special' friend! LOL

He is corrected each and every time, he acts like a gooberhead.

The most incredible thing that Sean saw him do; that I was not witness too is that he came running into the the sunroom from outside and actually did a flying leap through the other door spot where we used to have a window….HOLY! AND to ruin the whole spectacular event that it could have been with impressiveness; he caught his two back feet on the edge and well, that is a lot of dog to crash to the ground. AND the monkeyman got right up and wanted back out to do it all over again! OMG! Are you kidding me???? I cannot believe he made it through once, let alone trying to do it twice. The precision that took to do what he did….and obviously he was not too precise for he did not quite clear the edge with his back feet/toes.

My 8 year old daughter said she gave him a 9! HA! HA! My 11 year old said that he would give 10 for originality yet a fail for the execution part. OH my!

BHRR's Veteran had a good night.

He has not made a peep in respect to growling, lunging or barking at BHRR's Atlas nor any other dog.

He is eating well yet is now on antibiotics for his neuter incision is slightly infected. I will always remember fondly getting the call from one of the wonderful Volunteers who went to pick him up saying that he and BHRR's Atlas had not yet been neutered. I mentioned that what often can happen is that there is a lot of post-op swelling and the dogs can look very well endowed afterwards. Well, BHRR's Veteran is definitely very swollen and several of his sutures have let go and I am sure that he has done some liking of the area too.

So, he is a 'cone' head and on antibiotics right now. He is taking it all in stride.

In the daylight of Monday, I could see him so much better and his hair is so dry and so lacking in oils. He is missing a lot of hair in many areas too. He needs a bath plus a nail trim and just as with BHRR's Atlas we shall get there.

Just as with BHRR's Atlas, he has had four walkabouts on Monday on his own and has done well. He is weak yet not as weak as BHRR's Atlas and his mental plus emotional state is also better. He tends to not have as much of an 'exhaustion' rest as BHRR's Atlas does.

I feel that he is much closer to 2.5-3 years and am giving things the benefit that as life has treated him so unkindly that he might not even be a bit older. ON the other hand, he could well be closer to 2 and due to it being such a hard life, he looks older. So, we are officially having him listed as 2.5 years of age for now.

For those that have expressed an interest in him, he is not going anywhere for a very long time. We are on his schedule and when/if he is ready to be adopted, he will then be done so. I cannot say for sure that it will be in a month or two months or….or…

He just arrived to BHRR. We are still getting to know him and learning how to best give him what he needs and build him up emotionally and physically. These things cannot be rushed and we won't let them be rushed.

I know that as a 'survivor' this dog is going to have personality and inner strength so when that honeymoon period is over, I am sooooooooo looking forward to experiencing and learning about who is really is inside and how his life experiences have shaped him and yes, even how his genetics will have shaped him to make him 'who' he is today.

Just as with BHRR's Atlas he often can be found in a tight ball with his back to the outside of his crate. If you are with him, he will lay a different way and watch you. He wags his tail more than BHRR's Atlas yet is also quite submissive in many ways.

Below are two photos taken of him. They honestly do not really show how badly his ribs, hips and spine show. He will need a good 35-40 pounds of muscle mass and weight on him.

He is sleeping on a pile of blankets right now and thanks to the generous heart of a special angel an XXL Kuranda bed is headed his way! We shall pile dog beds and blankets on top of that for his joints, elbows and hips plus for pressure sores.

Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

He now has a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Veteran'

BHRR's Veteran – November 13th, 2011

Tracy – Genesis Dog Rescue

We are very dedicated to helping rescues in our area when in need and you are truly amazing as a person and BHRR is
amazing so we take every opportunity we can to help you πŸ™‚

Its been great to spend the little time we have together even if just during a home visit and Dane Walk with my non Danes lol πŸ™‚
We can only strive to be remotely close to how great BHRR is but we are happy to have your support in our new journey.

We are always here if you are in need of transports, home visit help, food donation or funds or even Secret Santa gifts πŸ™‚

Hope you are getting better from surgery and doing well.

Im here if you need anything. I will pass on your thanks to the team, we all love the BHRR team!


BHRR's Atlas had a good night.

He is understandably 'worried' about the other dogs and most specifically BHRR's Veteran. For a dog that has been so neglected, he does not eat his food as fast I had thought he might and there has been no need to put a large stone or object in his bowl to get him to slow down. That is good as in his poor shape, bloat is a concern. The Saint Bernard was #2 behind the Great Dane for bloat statistics.

It also gives me great hope that the minor growling his does over his food or when mostly BHRR's Veteran goes by his crate; will dissipate over time as his 'worry' lessens in respect to him not knowing when he shall be fed next.

He and BHRR's Veteran are being fed three times a day and are eating well. As I got my hands on him more today(yes, out of bed…shhhhhhhhhhhh do not tell Sean..wait, he was here!) I could see in the daylight what I could not see well last night. He hair is virtually non-existent on his inner back legs, belly and lats.

He has scars and healing lacerations over a fair amount of his body and what does worry me a bit is his swollen lymph nodes that I can feel on his neck. Will get that checked out.

He is very submissive to humans and will lower plus turn his head away from me when I pet him. He will wag his tail slightly when he feels a gentle touch and he looks so hopefully and wags his tail a bit more when he sees bowls. It is really sad that he might think that bowls of food/water are not for him. πŸ™

His hair is so dry, coarse and dull. That will change! He is now getting yogurt plus raw eggs/shells in his food.

He is in sore need of a nail trim and a bath and we will get there.

I have started giving him some Deramaxx for the swelling in his neuter site plus for his hips. He is laying on a pile of blankets right now and thanks to a special angel a Kuranda bed is headed his way!!!

When he was doing a walk about in the fenced in yard; he came across a basketball that some of the dogs play with and he had NO idea what it was and it made him a bit nervous. HOW tragic is that. πŸ™ All toys have since been picked up outside and remain on the deck so that he does not feel so nervous doing a walk about. AT least he is comfortable to actually walk the fenced in area and he will come into the house when he is ready. We do not have to go and fetch him. When he is ready, he comes in; allows me to give him a soft pet on his head and very gently on his side and he goes into his crate to rest.

He has had 4 walk abouts on Monday and he was exhausted. So little strength.

His mental health is a deep concern for me. I sit and keep him company as I am not exactly mobile myself and I talk and sometimes he will shift his head and look at me briefly and sigh and half close his eyes. When I get up to leave, his eyes will often become wide and then he will turn his back and put his head into his side into a ball. πŸ™ BHRR's Veteran does the same thing. πŸ™

I cannot wait to be able to get back on my main computer FOR his crate, BHRR's Riley's crate and BHRR's Veteran's crate are in the sunroom and I keep them company and they, I and we 'chat'.

It has only been just over 24 hours…baby steps…or rather, infant steps. I am not GIVING up on him and am trying to find and give him the thing or things that shall get him to want to try and fight to live. Food and water are the first great items. Companionship, calm and stable environment, a safe place to eat and sleep and just the right amount of love that he can stand right now, consistency, patience and I hope he will give me the time that is needed to show him that people care and that people really really really care about him and his happiness, that HE matters and IS important.

Just want him to 'stay' with us….mentally and emotionally; well; actually; I want HIM to be there mentally and emotionally. I know 'he' is in there…I know he is. After almost 25 years of working, owning and rescuing animals, possessing a Master's degree, working on my PHd etc, BHRR's Atlas is up there as being one of the most 'special'.

Two pictures below  from his first AM at BHRR. WELCOME to BHRR my dear man!

Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds, X-rays of his hind end, antibiotics & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft to to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) and mailed to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
c/o Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

now has a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Atlas'

BHRR's Atlas – November 14th, 2011 – you can see the lack of hair on his right ear.

Note: BHRR's Atlas was being known as 'Bernie' during his short time under the expert care of ARC. We changed his name as he is very much carrying the dead weight of the world (of his neglected past) and also survival on his back/shoulders. Every day, he moves forward to a 'new' lighter and happier world/life and it is one that is not heavy upon his shoulders/back yet one that carries him when he needs it and supports him when he needs it and one that is filling his heart plus soul with happiness and health. A 'world' that will lift him up and hold him tight with nuturing love plus care.

Should all go well BHRR's Shiva shall be temp fostered from December 4th to December 22nd, 2011 and then again from January 8th to February 4th, 2012 should she not be adopted. YAY! For her to have some extra time plus spoiling JUSt for her!

BHRR's Atlas has a story of  'hell' inside of him and all the chapters of that story have caused him to be almost completely shut down. πŸ™

I worry really strongly about him right now. He has virtually nothing left to give and you can tell that almost all has been taken away from him.

He is full of scars, healing lacerations and his coat is so coarse, dry and just falling out. He is bald in many places, red hot to the touch on his inner legs and elbows and lats. His body is literally shutting down around him and his mind….god, I look into his eyes and there is such agony in his recessed eyes….if I look really deeply(and I got out of bed to spend some time with all the dogs including him and BHRR's Veteran; the Dane he was picked up with) into those eyes, I think I see a glimmer of hope. He is really drawn into himself and has had so much rejection in his life.

He was given a body score of 4/10 and had been placed on IV fluids and given Baytril. His ARC neck band has the words 'ill' on it. This is one unhealthy boy and is going to require much time in the way of medical and emotional rehabbing. He is so sad….. πŸ™

He has entropion much worse in one eye over the other and you just want to scoop him up and hold him close to tell him that he shall not be neglected again.

When you go to touch him, he lowers his head and is quite submissive. He will wag his tail slightly as I pet him gently on his head. You can tell how much his body pains him. πŸ™

He is not an overly large male Saint yet when he is healthy and it is my determination to make sure he is done right by and become healthy; he will be a glorious handsome man!

He rests as if he was in complete exhaustion. He must have always felt he needed to keep one eye open when he was out there trying to survive and honestly, this dog would not have lasted much longer. He had pretty much given up even trying to live.

I say all of this not for the 'drama' effect but to state the clear reality of what this sweet man is going through. He has had a really bad time in life… bad that he is quite 'broken' in mind, body and spirit and I am truly honoured to have him come to BHRR for we focus on those special needs and my heart is so drawn to this boy.

He would melt the heart of anybody out there who has one iota of feeling in their body. He is a beyond 'urgent' case.

When he is stronger, I shall bathe, do his nails plus clean his ears.

To those that wish to give to his cause, what BHRR's Atlas most needs are the following:

1) Costco Dog beds or a Kuranda (XL) bed  to call his own

2) He needs blankets for cushion. His hair is very thin and nonexistent in many places plus he is literally a rack of skin/bones.

3) He needs a collar 26" and a leash

4) He needs 24" Rawhide bones or Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle bones – I still need to get into his mouth to see how his teeth are doing.

6) Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds, X-rays of his hind end, antibiotics & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft*

He shall also have a file set-up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and people can donate to the 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' account for him under 'Atlas'

Great news for tonight is that he had half his normal ration of food and a full bowl of water. He had no resourcing issues whatsoever BUT it was he that did growl at BHRR's Veteran when BHRR's Veteran walked by his crate a couple of times. That is the most 'alert' he became when he saw BHRR's Lincoln. Maybe, he was not impressed that BHRR's Veteran barked at him earlier as they were loading them up? πŸ˜‰ Only time shall tell how things will fall into place. His crate is beside another Danes and across from yet another and there are no issues.

There is something very wrong with his hind end and not just the lack of muscle mass. It is suspected he might have HD yet until we do X-rays we shall not really know. He has been through enough right now and he needs to get some strength into him and not be moved yet again so soon. He is weak. When he sleeps and breathes, it worries me slightly. I sat with him until Sean pulled me away to get back to my own bed. I did not want to leave him. This is after sitting with BHRR's Veteran for about 30 minutes before sitting with him.

The journey this boy is going to take me on is going to be full of ups and downs with scares for his health and welbeing. I feel it already. I want him to know that I want him to live, that he needs to live, that there are so many rooting for him and to please trust….just one more time…please…just give one more chance to us as humans to show you how wonderful life can and should be for you.

It was felt that this boy was around 3, he could be younger, he could be older….we will better guesstimate when he is healthier and I am not going to think that he is going to get anything but healthier. 

I ask each person to hug their pets today and tell them how much you love them for you might not think they need to hear or feel it; but they do and should hear and feel it.

THANK you to ARC again for everything and to Jennnifer plus Brenda for the trust and to Charles and Sherry for assistance with their transports.

BHRR's Veteran has settled in beautifully. HE has made not one peep other than a few groans to let us know that he had to go outside. He has not growled, barked or lunged at any of the dogs. He shall not be integrated for some time to be sure that he is not contagious in addition to how he is in a weakened state.

In the daylight, we shall get some good body shots of him yet wanted to clarify to those wondering, he is not a Harlequin yet a silver merle. This is often a colour that bybers promote as 'rare' and 'unique' yet it can come with its share of medical issues including deafness and skin problems.

He was fed a half ration for supper and had a good bowl full of water to drink. His crate is beside one other dog and across from BHRR's Riley.

We have begun a de-worming protocol with him and he shall receive his next Multi Advantage on Tuesday November 22nd and then another one on December 22nd.

His elbows are so red and hot and his coat is very dull and coarse. We shall begin putting raw eggs with shells plus plain yogurt into his meals.

BHRR's Veteran is VERY friendly. He is a bit unsure as to how other people are going to react to him yet my initial assessment is a good stable temperament. We shall see what happens when the honeymoon period ends.

For those looking for wish list items for BHRR's Veteran; here are things that he most needs right now:

1) Costco Dog beds or a Kuranda (XXL) bed  to call his own

2) He needs blankets for cushion. His hair is very thin and nonexistent in places plus he is almost literally a rack of skin/bones.

3) He needs a collar 26" and a leash

4) He will need a winter coat

5) He needs 24" Rawhide bones or Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle bones

6) Monetary donations to do bloodwork including a heartworm test, to purchase flea/parasitic/hw preventative meds & food
*One can donate by PayPal or email transfer to or by mailing a bank draft*

He needs about another 40 pounds of weight and muscle mass. The wasting in his hind end is really tragic. Not sure if he has spent quite a bit time tethered for this to be the cause of such wasting, that and the clear lack of proper nutrition.

It is really hard right now to pin down his age as life has treated him most unfairly. He seems like such a 'veteran' in many ways for sure….an 'old' soul yet I think at this time, around 15 months is a good guessestimate. We will see what he is like as he settles and rehabs.

His eyes…I know…back to eyes…BUT they almost haunt you with their sadness and pain revealed in those gorgeous eyes. πŸ™

He needs a lot of TLC and patience, time and surprisingly enough, his leash manners are not that bad.

I was not exactly overjoyed to hear that people had him jumping up with his front legs on their shoulders for a number of reasons! πŸ˜‰ This is not good on his rear end and that is a LOT of dog and he is going to be even more DOG once he is heatlhy and also finishes growing. We do not want Giant Dogs thinking they can jump up on people.

Below is a picture of him taken by his transporters. THANKS again to ARC for entrusting him to us; thanks to Jennifer and Brenda for the vote of confidence in us and thanks to Sherry & Charles for making the drive and meeting up with Sean so that he could bring back to BHRR.

Thanks to ARC for all that they do and for the crate they donated AND for being there for these animals in need. I am just so impressed by your efforts and honoured to be a part of your efforts!!

BHRR's Veteran – November 13th, 2011 -enroute to BHRR
*photo courtesy of C. Barr


Paula L., Quebec

Also, I do want to say thank you for the blogs on Veteran and Atlas today.  Specifically, Atlas' blog was so touching and moving.  Through your words, I could feel their pain but mostly the love that you have for these beautiful dogs.  I am very thankful that they have you in their lives…as pitiful as their lives have been to date.  I am a strong believer that every being has a guardian angel and you are definitely theirs.  Thank you!!!
Have a great night Gwen.

What we know to date on the Great Dane – Male, now neutered, body condition given 3/10, sweet/gentle tempered to all to date yet did bark/lunge at the Saint when loading up – could be stress – not overly worried at this time, mole on back biopsied – benign, skin scraped for possible mange(results inconclusive), alopecia areata, vaccinated on Advantage Multi and weight given as 50 KS(110 pounds) and age believe to be about 12-15 months.

We have been passed along the info. that he was once owned by a man and authorities needed to step in to assure the o/s as his body condition and state is so poor. He most likely would not have survived another winter.

BHRR's Veteran – November 7th, 2011 with ARC Hero Karla & November with ARC Hero Patty

What we know to date on the Saint – Male, now neutered, very poor body condition, age believed to be about 3 years, sweet/gentle temperered with people/dogs, leg wound and other lacerations, skin scraped for possible mange(results inconclusive), alopecia areata, bad hips, vaccinated and on Advantage Multi. Weight given was barely 90+ pounds. πŸ™

Was picked up as a stray. He most likely would not have survived another winter.

BHRR's Atlas – November 7th, 2011 with Scotlund and Karla (ARC Heroes!)

As I type this, BHRR's Veteran and BHRR's Atlas are enroute to BHRR!

Deepest gratitude extended again to Jennifer, Brenda, Karla for everything AND deeply indebted to Sherry & Charles for making the drive to Brome, Quebec to the ES to then meet up with Sean to get these two boyz to BHRR.

Both of these special boys have an album on our BHRR FB FAN PAGE and you are welcome to follow their journey from when they were first rescued by by Animal Rescue Corps(ARC). This Album i the link below shall be dedicated to their rehab journey at BHRR.

ARC has also done a video interview today with one of the BHRR Volunteers – Sherry – when they were there to do the pick-up and they have requested to do a 1 monthly follow-up sucess story on the Great Dane (at the time known as BHRR's Veteran).

Animal Rescue Corps(ARC) – Operation Anishnabe Dogs: A Lasting Solution!

Animal Rescue Corps

Operation Anishnabe Dogs: A Lasting Solution! Video

Their Photo Album on the ARC Page 

BHRR was asked to assist with the GD and the Saint – the Saint was picked up as a stray and the Great Dane was an o/d – over 200 animals have been assisted by this historical and moving event!

We are so grateful for the trust that has been extended our way to have this privilege and opportunity to help these two very special boys.

More Information:

"Operation Anishnabe Dogs: Information is being provided in a number of ways: video, updates, press release, photos and more to come. To answer directly some of the common questions: Animal Rescue Corps is here at the official request of the governing council – Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon. There has been a significant free roaming dog population here for more than 30 years. It …reached a critical point where the suffering among the dog population was massive and a public safety issue for the children and adults of the community. We are providing vaccinations and free sterilization to the claimed dogs and vet care and relocation to placement partners of the unclaimed animals, more information will be provided on the placement partners as soon as it is available. Many dogs have untreated medical conditions, matting and emaciation. All dogs are exposed to the extreme elements here, most with no shelter. There are many dogs living outside that are not appropriate for this climate. ARC is proud to be working with several Canadian groups on this project and our amazing Canadian volunteers. Thanks to ARC’s generous partners and you, our Corps supporters, we are able to bring expertise, equipment, and financial resources to a community that did not possess them – a community that would have resorted to another large “culling” of the dogs, because their previous requests for help with a humane solution had gone unanswered. ARC is here responding to that call for help before the coming winter. We are here because compassion knows no borders. Thanks to our supporters for all the wonderful and supportive comments and feedback."


BHRR's Rain went to her temp foster home yesterday and it did not take her long to settle in at all! New photos added to her slideshow and two of them are below.

She was a bit worried about their hardwood(newer and shinier than ours) and the stairs(we are a bungalow built into a hill with wide sweeping stairs up to the house) yet in taking my suggestion re: treats and then moving forward like it was 'no big deal' – SUCCESS!

Small update from her temp fostermom this AM:

"Rain did so well her first night here, great idea with the treats and getting her up the stairs! She slept in the ensuite bathroom off the master I'm assuming because the floor were cold, when I woke up she was snuggled beside our bed on one of the dog beds!!
Off for a little walk!
Have a great day.

BHRR's Rain – November 12th, 2011 & BHRR's Broker(ADOPTED) with BHRR's Rain November 12th, 2011


This is another blog LONG in the making!


We were originally thinking that he could possibly be ready back in August yet he began to enter a 'goober' stage of not listening and forgetting all the great manners he had learnt! LOL So, we held him here at BHRR and continued to work on NILIF and Gwennie's boot camp! πŸ˜‰

This boy is now back in the game with his brain!!! It seemed to have left him for a wee bit but his brain has now been found again…. πŸ˜‰

ONLY when BHRR's Beau just as with all of our animals; was ready would he be placed up for adoption. NOW, he is ready!

He and his sister have been a real pleasure to have around and this boy is a FAR cry from the one that first came into BHRR! He has just made huge progress in his rehab journey and I am proud of him!!

He LOVES kids of all ages and sizes and all adults and seniors! He gets along with other dogs and no longer has a need of a crate here. Often, he and BHRR's Rain(his sister) could be found resting in a crate together yet he has been eating and sleeping outside of a crate plus when we have to leave the house.

He can be a bit of a mischief maker in his own right. He is not one to 'start' things going rowdy in our home yet he is happy to participate at times and often likes to try and get one last poke or play shove in before the action stops.

He also LOVES when BHRR's Dana decides it is 'ice' time and is one of the first to sit in front of the fridge as she gets the ice maker going.

This boy is FANTABULOUS with puppies! OMG! The abuse he has taken from both JS and some puppy guests we have had here and also Brick as they loved to pull on that gorgeous bushy tail of his and how he has been so patience with them earns him a title of MR. SAINThood indeed!!! Magnificent he has been!!

He is playful when it is time and very well behaved in the house overall. He barely makes a sound and has become such a low maintenance boy.

Sean and I are going to miss this boy and his sister….we still call them our 'SAINT babies' even though they shall soon be one.

BHRR's Beau has made nothing less than a miraculous rehab journey with his mental and emotional rehab. THIS is the boy that took me over 1 hour to even touch when I first went to get him and you show him a treat and he is a friend for life to whomever drops by now. PROUD of you my 'beaubeau'. Just full of oozing pride for the giving of your trust and willingness to let people get close to you. He can be sooooooooooooo affectionate and he is no longer afraid to ask for loving.

He can still be a bit worried with the brushing yet has come to enjoy it for the most part and doing his nails no longer terrifies him. Not his most favourite thing in the world yet he tolerates it well and really enjoys his treats afterwards. There is no issues washing him either. He is very accepting of many things that once frightened him deeply.

I have needed to add photos for some time to his album and please find 5 more photos recently taken of this gorgeous boy!

He will do best in a home that has at least one other right matched personality fit dog(male/female does not matter), responsible / affectionate children are a bonus, a home that is prepared to spend quality time with him to continue him being social and interactive, a home that is going to make him a priority, one that is NOT going to leave him outside as all of our dogs are indoor ones(the amount of times I hear how a Saint Bernard should live outside is incredible….AND wrong…they are pack animals and should be with their families INSIDE), a home that works part-time, semi-retired, works from home, full-time(NO more than 8.5 hours away), a home that likes long nice walks or some hiking and will ensure to his mental stimulation needs.

NOT a lot to ask of the right matched home at all! πŸ˜€

He is good with cats too!

BHRR's Beau – November 11th, 2011

BHRR's Broker was ADOPTED today! Congrats to his new adoptive home and to him!

Should all go well, BHRR's Benjamin shall be going to his temp foster home on Friday November 18th!

BHRR's Riley arrived to BHRR on November 2nd and we were told that he had been given his Rabies at the shelter. Unfortunately, his paperwork did not come with him and we did ask twice to have it faxed over. At this time, we are unaware of what else he received at the shelter yet we shall not be given him any more vaccines or altering him until he is at a much better weight.

He has been given sentinel and has begun a routine deworming protocol that all the dogs that come to BHRR go through with Safeguard or aka Panacur for many.

This boy is at least 25 pounds underweight and I estimate him to be about 15 months of age.

How to sum up his personality, well………..he is a lot like BHRR's Parker Paws and BHRR's Benjamin yet is is very much uniquely BHRR's Riley at the same time! He is a goofy, stick fetching/carrying, thrilled to be digging and humping all the dogs ball of hormones boy! cheekyThere is not one mean bone in this dog's body that I have discovered to date and he has learnt to like his crate. πŸ˜‰ They all do!

NILIF and Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp are in full swing! πŸ˜‰

He is completely housebroken and does not mark in the house. He makes some low whining types of sounds as he is asked to go back into his own crate to learn to love his own company plus to know that his own company is 'ok' in that he does not have to rely on others to comfort and soothe or keep him company. He settles down really well in mere moments.

He is sleeping in a crate at night and we are feeding him up to 5 small meals a day due to his really poor body condition. He has collapsed pasterns and his coat was really dull and flaky upon arrival. Eggs with shells and  some plain white yogurt are serving him very well. He is also getting some wet canned food mixed into his kibble to keep him interested in eating.

He plays a bit rough and has very little manners yet that is because NO one ever spent the time to train him. He will get there.

So much more to update yet after a 15 hour work day, time to get a wee bit of shut eye myself. THANKS for everyone's patience as I recently went through surgery on November 4th and my recovery time over the next 6 weeks minimum shall be time to focus on updating blogs and adding photos. We are still looking into video capabilities to add videos of the dogs to not only our website yet our PetFinder website too. Stay tuned!

We are still plugging away on online adoption and volunteer form options as well plus the ability to view our adoptables on facebook and to download an application. πŸ™‚

Below are two photos to demonstrate JUST how painfully thin this boy really is AND bear in mind that these photos were taken ONE week after his arrival to BHRR. He was much worse upon arrival to BHRR and with other things on our plate; we were unable to get the 'first' photos as we normally try to take of all new arrivals.

Additionally, taking photos of dogs that are dark often do not show up well. This boy is all ribs, hips and spine…. πŸ™

BHRR's Riley – November 9th, 2011 – one week after coming to BHRR



BHRR's Hailey shall go to her temp foster home for a two week playdate beginning on Saurday November 12th. I have much to update on this lovely black beauty plus to add photos and as soon as I can get back on my main computer, she is a top priority to blog about!

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and we remain patient as always!

Should all go well, BHRR's Broker shall be adopted on Saturday November 12th. Will update as I can. This shall make adoption #313 for BHRR.

BHRR's Rain shall be headed to her new temp foster home on Saturday November 12th!

Below is a photo of her and Brick on Bleach's couch.

BHRR's Rain with Brick – November 2011

‘Spare a Loonie for Bloomy’

Hello Everyone!!

We are now launching the ''Spare a Loonie for Bloomy'' campaign, starting November 1st, 2011 (11-1-11) and running until December 1st, 2011 (12-1-11); We would like to encourage everyone to invite their family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. to donate $1.

Even if you think that $1 won't make a difference, one thousand loonies certainly will! You can drop off the money at DögHaus (5671 Sherbrooke West) in Bloom's piggy bank or donate directly to Bloom's file (100861) at by calling the DMV (514-633-8888).

OR you can donate via Paypal ( or by email transfer to (make sure you send the pw) or by mailing a bank draft out to 'Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabiltation Services(BHRR)' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Many places have 'casual' Fridays and considering choosing BHRR's Bloom's cause for one of those office days!

Please share this message with everyone you know, we can use all the help we can get to reach our goal!

Let's make a change with change!!

**Keep in mind that it costs the DMV money every time they process a credit card transaction, and many companies enforce a $5 minimum rule.***

BHRR's Bloom's Angels:

Bloom's Carnival Fundraiser Angels


Total Raised To Date: $965
Total Needed to Raise: $4,000

Robyn Guest, Stratford, ON

Subject: Just a quick thank you…

For doing what you do.

I regularly peruse your rescue, as someday I hope to be able to provide a permanent home to a Saint in need.  We were lucky enough to be home to a rescued Saint Bernard for just under two years before he passed of cancer, but that was long enough that I have fallen in love with the breed, and can't wait to share our home with another. 

I've made a small donation, not much, but hopefully it helps a little.

Thank you again – your work is so important, and so appreciated.


We are moving BHRR's Lincoln from our 'BHRR HAVEN DOG' program to back under our 'Available Canines' program for the last time I saw him at his temp foster home, he definitely was putting on weight and once his temp foster home is down to about 28 tabs of Pheno(getting 25 mg EOD still); we shall do a re-weigh and if his weight is up to where we would like to see it(he is eating up to 13 cups a food a day right now! WAHOO!); then he shall be placed as being available for adoption. πŸ™‚

Update from his temp foster home on October 12th, 2011:
"He now runs up the steps and places his face on my stomach and looks up with the best look ever!!!!! And then when you rub his ears he groannnnssss. Lol."

BHRR's Lincoln – October 12th, 2011 – look at his lovey soft coat and nice ear and elbow!
*photo courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Lincoln is eating 75% FROMM whitefish and salmon right now and 25% D/D Salmon. Too much of the D/D Duck was making his stomach wonky. Good to have some as a bit of variety yet duck cannot be part of his staple. We are going to try and get him to 100% FROMM WhiteFish and FROMM Salmon within the next while and after his next recheck that shall include a new weight; see if we can get him completely off the pred too. My gut tells me that we can do this just as I figured that we could get him on to a high quality kibble from an allergy food once his immune system was boosted.

His temp foster home and I are in complete agreement that this boy needs KIDS in his life! He loves his 'kids'. I have two and the temp foster home has two.

The temp foster home also was able to experience first hand during their own Thanksgiving festivities that when things are really busy, he becomes distracted and loses his focus to eat. So, any new home shall have to be aware of this. He has doubled his food intake from BHRR to his temp foster home and actually looks forward to eating his food and then some more! LOL If he is too interested in all that is going on around him, he loses the desire to eat for he is trying to play and do all the other great things he was deprived of in his past.

So, any future approved adoptive home is going to have to be aware:

1) that he needs a quiet place to eat and watch busy family times – Holidays, Special occasions such that BHRR's Lincoln does not suffer and they do not make an extra effort to get him to keep eating

2) that their home cannot be too busy – he is thriving in a home with two children and one other dog and some cats yet cannot be more busy that this!

3) that their home must have a right matched personality fit dog for him to play with, at least one; no more than two preferably

4) that the home works pt, works from home, sem-retired or has flexibility to work at home some days throughout the week or is gone from home no more than 8-8.5 hours per day.

5) that is going to honour the obedience clause in our adoption contract – bonding is not just about affetion building between O. and dog

6) that is going to understand that BHRR's Lincoln could have a flare up of seasonal allergies in his future

7) that BHRR's Lincoln CANNOT have any food other than FROMM Whitefish or FROMM Salmon or D/D Salmon EVER!

8 ) would be nice to see the home have at least one child for BHRR's Lincoln as he LOVES his kids – no less than 8 years of age should the home not have experience with Saints and over the age of 5, if the home has experience with Saints.

9) THAT he is an indoor dog ONLY and shall never ever ever ever again live the life he was being given in his past.

10) a home that shall brush him daily (he loves being brushed!) and wash his neck and lower jaw so that the drool(yes, he drools when he sees food, treats and after drinking) does not crust up and cause him sores

11) that he will be given many soft beds to lay upon – Cosco or Kuranda


Below is a photo of BHRR's Broker taken at a Fundraiser held at Global Pet Foods – Kanata on Sunday October 30th, 2011. Once we know the final total raised from Global Pet Foods – Kanata, we shall post BUT we want to send out our immense thanks to everyone that showed up for nail trims plus photos! πŸ™‚

New weight taken on BHRR's Broker on Thursday November 3rd, was a slightly plump 58.3 KGs(128.26 pounds). He shall be cutting back on a bit of the food. πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Broker remains under a PENDING ADOPTION at this time. We will update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Broker – October 30th, 2011 – 16 months of age


BHRR’s Rain will be going to her temp foster next week if all goes well!

BHRR’s Harley went to his his new adoptive home on Friday November 4th!

BHRR’s Broker is being placed under a ‘Pending Adoption’. Until such time as it can be best determined if this is/is not the right matched home for him; BHRR shall not be taking on any more inquiries or applications for him.

More info. on BHRR's Bloom – Female, Blue GD, about 15 months of age.

What we know of from her current guardian angel on October 12th, 2011 when BHRR was first contacted to assist:

"Bloom was found as a stray in Huntington (QC) about a month ago. The couple who found her were not able to keep her so I offered to take her in and take on the task of finding her a good home. Upon meeting Bloom, I discovered that it might be harder to find her a home than I originally thought. It was obvious that something was wrong with her so I took her to see an orthopedist  and it was confirmed that she suffers from Radius Curvus Syndrome and will need a $3,800 surgery."

October 16th, 2011 UPDATE:

"Since we've had her, she's looking a lot better. The curve in her spine was really bad at first and I would say it's improved 80%. Bloom wasn't interested in food (kibble) at first so we switched her to a raw diet and she LOVES it! We also take her out for a run in the forest a few times a week and the exercise seems to be good for her even though the vet advised us to minimize her physical activity. She seemed very sore when she first arrived (she would cry when going up and down the stairs or by just getting up from her dog bed) and now we rarely hear her cry.  

We just started raising funds last week so we're probably far from our goal! The article in the NDG Free Press came out today so we're hoping people will donate.

Her surgery date hasn't been set yet as we are still waiting to raise the money. She has been seeing Dr. Gatineau at the DMV and this is where the money is being donated to. 

Bloom is wonderful with other dogs. We've taken her to dog parks (enclosed and off-leash trails) and she's never had any issues. She is very young and silly….. Bloom is also good with EVERYONE she meets. She LOVES people!! She's good with strangers, kids, etc.

Overall, she has amazing potential and I would love to see her reach it. She hasn't been spayed yet."

October 23rd, 2011 UPDATE:

"Dr. Gatineau told me that Bloom should be able to lead a normal life after her surgery and that is what I wish for her. She is SOOOO happy and loves to run and play, I want her to be able to do so without having to take pain medication and still be in pain for a couple of days. I'm convinced you will do an amazing job helping her recuperate from her surgery, your knowledge and experience will make all the difference!"

October 24th, 2011 UPDATE:

"From the moment I picked up Bloom, I made a promise to her that I would do everything to get her the care she needs and I intend to keep my promise no matter how much time and work it takes, she deserves it! I cannot thank you enough for having agreed to take care of Bloom's recovery and adoption, I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect place for her to go to."

NDG Free Press Article on BHRR's Bloom – October 16th, 2011

HELP 'BLOOM' Blossom – 15 month old Great Dane diagnosed with Radius Curvus Syndrome – $4,000 Vet Bills & $805Donated to date

Please consider donating to:

Dr. Gatineau at the DMV in Lachine

Cal 514-633-8888 and donate to the file # 100861 – Bloom
Her surgery is estimate at $3,800 plus we need to spay her


You can donate by email transfer to (just ensure we have the password) or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Bloom in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Service(BHRR)
C/O Gwendiln Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

BHRR's Riley's new ETA is Saturday November 5th! Will update as I can.

BHRR's Harley has now been moved under an ADOPTED status! YAY! That was one of our fastest adoptions yet from the time the dog went as available to be adopted to when they actually were adopted!

We are now just working out the details on actual date to have BHRR's Harley go to his new adoptive forever loving home! Tentative at this time is the weekend after our annual Halloween close down period right after my surgery.


On Sunday October 30th, 2011 – Global Pet Foods – Kanata (AND yes, that is BHRR's Lil Linus on the front page with his tongue! LOL) is hosting Photo Sessions for $10 as well as $10 nail trims and they so very kindly have chosen BHRR as their Animal Rescue of choice whereby 50% of the proceeds raised shall come to BHRR!

Nail trims are by appointment ONLY!

Please contact Global Pet Foods – Kanata directly (613) 599-0660 to reserve your nail spot!


Time: 11 AM – 3 PM
Place: Global Pet Foods – Kanata 700 Eagleson Road



BHRR's Harley weighed 121.22 pounds today.

BHRR's Shiva's weight on Monday October 17th was 88.22 pounds.

Meet BHRR's Riley – about 18 months max., black with some white Great Dane, male and all goofy SWEETHEART!
In a shelter right now….
Below is what we have been told to date from the person – C. Gibson, animal control officer (same lovely person who asked us to assist BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws) AND apparently, they are similar in temperament SO that means BHRR's Riley is one AMAZING BOY in his own right! πŸ˜€

"He's great with other dogs on the leash, and through the kennel. He's just a big dorky puppy (with his testiculars) that wants to play!! He came in as an owner surrender. They bought him off Kijiji, and had him for a week before realizing they hadn't made the best choice in dog breeds. I guess they weren't ready for a big dane puppy. He's really sweet. Needs leash manners, obviously, but he is very workable. He loves Cuzs and Kongs and anything squeaky, and I can stick my whole hand in his mouth for the toy and he gives it up willingly. He reminds me so much of Parker…just a big dork that wants to love."

We have also been informed that he is at least 20+ pounds underweight. πŸ™

I shall be making the drive to bring him to BHRR on October 29th.



BHRR's Riley – October 2011

SOOOOOOOOO much to update on BHRR's Goliath! First of all, he is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! YAY!

He was SUCH a huge hit at the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in September and let me tell you, I was BEYOND proud of him! So many commented on the difference they saw in his behavour from when he had first arrived to BHRR just a mere few weeks before to then! WTG BHRR's Goliath! πŸ˜€ He only tried to jump up on one person and that was not even a full body slam jump up.

In getting to know him even further, I would say 15 months tops is where he is in age right now. He has been bombing along in manners and etiquette!

His best friends since BHRR's Broker went to a temp foster home is BHRR's Benjamin and almost three month old BHRR's Brick! This boy will play bow and be so gentle with the baby. He sometimes drops a KONG on the puppy's head but that is all unintentional. πŸ™‚

He lives in complete harmony with all at BHRR to date and he now runs into his crate for feeding and wants to go there at night. I have not been crating him at night for some time now yet I still crate him during the day if I am gone longer than 1/2 hour. HE is not yet ready to have complete daytime freedom! Getting there though. πŸ™‚

He NEVER climbs on to our human couch any more and when I ask him to get off Bleach's couch; he 99% will listen. The times he does not is more him being 'caught' up in the moment of playing and not 'hearing' me. That is more disctraction training required. πŸ˜‰

AND he will 'sass' me and Sean. If you tell him to not do something and he really wants it…he will take about three steps back and tilt his head and bark about three times! You point your finger at him and he then sometimes goes into a play bow, bounces a bit and then will bark one more time before going 'ok,….fine…I will listen…' LOL

I have no issues taking his collar nor do strangers. He is no longer worried about that. He gives the best wet sloppy kisses!

BHRR's Goliath came to work with me on Monday and drumroll………… weight is 51.2 KGs(112.64 pounds!). YAY! His weight when he first came to BHRR was 98.12 pounds. He has since put on 14.52 pounds. I would like to see another 10 pounds on him at this age and we are getting there. The Vet that first saw him when he arrived to BHRR and saw him again on Monday was very happy with his weight gain.

The comments on his beautiful coat have been incredible! It is so full, thick, lush and amazing. πŸ™‚

On Monday night, BHRR's Goliath came to do a hv along with BHRR's Shiva with me and this was a final test before being placed up for adoption. AND he passed it with flying colours. He clearly demonstrated that with me, he listens, is mindful and respectful and that with others, they have to earn his trust and respect to want him to listen. He did sit well for the BHRR Volunteer who came with me to do the hv. He sat to have his leash come off and on and from there, it was game on!

a) he had no issues wanting to say hello to all in the house
b) he made several attempts to want to jump up yet there were not full hearted attempts
c) he wanted to drink out of their kitchen sink AND was very mindful and respectful waiting until BHRR's Shiva had her fill of the water given to them in a bowl before he drank himself! GOOD BOY! Even 4 month old BHRR's JS can take toys away from BHRR's Goliath without issue.
d) he had fun running outside in their yard
e) he loved getting into their jacuzzi tub….more than once – he does the same here as he likes the sun that comes in from the windows and he lays in the tub enjoying it
f) he loved their yarn and even came back upstairs with a ball in his mouth and stood there while I took it out of his mouth. HE did not damage it, well….ok, he had salivia on it
g) he loved their deep window ledge and wanted up on it behind the plant and table and curtains. He made more than one attempt to climb up on it. This is a ledge that other dogs that have been at this home like to lay upon and watch the outside activity going on – cars, people etc. BHRR's Goliath did not understand WHY he could not also get up on it! LOL
h) he loved brushing and walking around this one plant(same one as above)
i) he finally laid down and relaxed and enjoyed the home

What all this showed and proved what I believed would happen is that he knows the rules in my house and it is time for him to learn the rules in his forever loving home. If one is patient, works with him with a firm yet loving tone with lots of affection; he will lay down his life for you. He is so loyal to me. I do not want his spirit broken and obedience is a MUST between his new home and him. AND all that he did, any normal puppy would do that is exploring and curious etc. HE just happens to be in a bigger 'puppy' body! πŸ˜€

You have to show him that you are not going to hurt him to get him to do what needs to be done. As our BHRR Volunteer pointed out, one quiet word from myself, had him listening beautifully. He did not yank me around on the leash, he did not act like a mischievious goob to me AND he will not to the right matched home.

This boy settles down at home like a model boy and those at our September 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open house saw that for themselves. He is the perfect example of 'life' being lived to its fullest.

Yes, he is active yet he is young and it is not the physical activity that he most needs(so important yes) yet the mental stimulation and he will ROCK in obedience and yes, down the road, I think he would make a fantastic therapy dog.

This boys potential is HUGE! HUGE! HUGE!

I am honoured that I have gone on this journey with him and as per what I posted on the BHRR FB Fan Page under one of his photos; he is NOT meant for everyone. He is ONLY meant for THE one meant for him.

He is going to be a great addition to a new home, one that likes hikes/walks yet one that likes to just have him be with and near you as you work on a computer, read a book, watch a movie, eat your supper and he does not table or counter surf(he looks but he does not do it here); and he takes treats so gently and he will pause on the way in from outside to have his feet wiped from the rain and he loves to have affection and likes Bleach's couch and he is funny, kind, kisses you and the list go on and on……

AND oh, he has not stolen one roll of toilet paper or paper towels in ages! NOR laundry! WAHOO! πŸ˜€

As this boy continues to mature and obtain more and more obedience and continued structure, routine and consistency, he is going to be one EXCEPTIONAL boy. The kind of dog EVERYONE wants yet very few ever have for it takes time and patience to bring a dog and owner to that level of teamwork.

Here is what the BHRR Volunteer wrote in re: to her first home visit experience being a BHRR approved Volunteer. The same hv that BHRR's Shiva and BHRR's Goliath came on:

#1 – Giant hello kisses require only one go to cover you from chin to forehead. When fostering exfoliation may never again be required.

#2 – Gwens first law of boot camp physics – one quiet word is equal and opposite to 120lbs of canine force going in any direction.

#3 – Giant breeds require only two strides to get up a full flight of stairs – have them go first.

#4 – Kitchen counters aren't nearly as high as you think they are.

#5 – BHRRs Shiva can roll over onto her back for a belly rub while still looking as elegant as Queen Cleopatra

#6 – Bathroom sinks are in fact dog bowls which double as a spot for humans to wash their hands.

#7 – BHRRs Goliath would like to take up crotchet

#8 – Ladies drink first

#9 – Even dogs deal with "generation gap"  

#10 – Dogs speak volumes with their eyes, you can have a whole conversation just by looking into them.

Below are two photos from yesterday and I am still in love with those eyes of his….sigh…heaven….

BHRR's Goliath – October 18th, 2011 and BHRR's Goliath with Bleach(1 year old) enjoying fall at BHRR


BHRR"s Harley is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! YAY! His abscess has healed beautifully and he is ready to go! What a great boy!!!

He likes to lay in an open crate here when he wants some 'space' and 'quiet' time as BHRR is a busy place. He is no longer crated at BHRR regardless if we go away for 20 minutes or 5 hours. I know sometimes he likes for me just to make sure the door is fairly closed for privacy at times as we do have BHRR's Brick & BHRR's JS, the two GD puppies and they can get really 'going'! πŸ˜€

ONE of his closest friends right now is BHRR's Brick, the almost 3 month old GD. He plays REALLY well with him! Sometimes he might get a bit rough with the 'thumping' of the front paws but he settles down with a reminder of 'gentle.'

This boy is very special and has been a great addition to BHRR in terms of helping to teach some of the gooberheads some manners! LOL

He has a mischievous side as he KNOWS he is not to horseplay in the house BUT he can be caught rocking the house with our 15 month old GD Sir Maestro. Many would find it hard to believe this boy turned 6 for he is active when he wants and needs to be and a model citizen of mannerisms and behavour when he should be….ok, for the most part for he does get caught up in playing with SIr Maestro at times.

This boy is such a lovely gentleman and may his forever loving home come along soon. DO NOT let the age of 6 turn you away from considering him NOR that he is a big black dog. He is kind, gentle(with treats, food and loving), sweet, affectionate and so special. A very calm, stable temperament and solid with his obedience. I have had two of my own almost live to just under 13, had a friend have one of hers live to 15 and another live to 17. The average lifespan is about 10-12 years, NOT 5-7.

He is happy, healthy and only the right matched home for him shall be considered!

Below are two photos taken on October 18th, 2011 at BHRR, enjoying the fall day. NOT the best due to lighting yet you can see how majestic he is. He also likes to 'pose' butt first. That is his 'signature' style! LOL

BHRR's Harley – October 18th, 2011


From Friday October 21st to Friday November 4th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing.

We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need. 

BHRR's Lincoln went to his temp foster home today! Another one that I am dearly going to miss yet I know that we shall receive lots of updates and pics! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Apollo went to his new adoptive home today! CONGRATS!!!!

BHRR's Broker weighed 54.1 KGs today! A nicely leaned plus muscled boy. He went off to his temp foster home today and I am going to miss you but know that you shall be spoilt and lots of photos plus updates will come our way!!! HAVE a blast!!!

So BHRR's Lincoln had his Vet visit tonight. Great news; up in weight…bad news it was only 5 pounds….BUMMER! πŸ™ He now weighs 65.5 KGs(144.10 pounds). Day by day we shall go. Eat more BHRR's Lincoln, you have to eat more!!!

Everyone marvelled at his lovely soft fur over his belly, elbows, face and ears! His sweet temperament, laid back 'tude and gentle demeanor sure has impressed so many!!! My heart just throbs with love for this man!!!

He is so happy and looks so good and we have mulled over placing him into a temp foster yet as long as he is on Pred, he really needs to go out every 4-5 hours. Though, his dose is only now a mere 20 mg EOD for the next month and then we shall see about weaning him even further off the pred; he is still drinking and urinating copious amounts. The strange thing is that pred ofter makes dogs hungry and BHRR's Lincoln is so busy living life that food is not a huge part of his agenda each day. He is eating sooooooo much better yet still not up to what he needs to be; especially compared to his activity level.

So, the plan is to keep attempting to get him to eat 3-5 smaller meals a day and wean him off the Pred and after that, if need be, we have a wonderful temp foster home lined up to take him in to see if a more quiet home environment will get him to focus more on eating and less on all the other dogs and activities he can do here! πŸ™‚

As BHRR's Lincoln is doing soooooooo much better, he was given his first boosters tonight.

He shall remain under our Haven Program at this time. He needs to put on a lot more weight before he can be placed up for adoption. We do not desire to see him go to a home before he is really ready and he will need to go to a home that is going to be very patient and understanding of his food habits!!! He definitely has much more of an interest in food now than he has had in the past and he sure wants to eat the other dogs food yet that is a no-no.

I am now giving him hypoallergenic treats(YAY!) without issue and once his autoimmune system is even stronger, I want to see if we could try a FROMM Whitefish or FROMM Salmon with him. I think that as long as he is on a super premium quality food and with any seasonal allergies under control, he should fare well yet I am not going to go down that route until he is at a much better weight.


BHRR's Lincoln is doing great! We are finally getting him to eat more and I have him scheduled in for a recheck appointment tomorrow for a re-weigh and if he has put on enough weight(EVERYTHING crossed!), his boosters! If he has put on enough, we shall move him from our BHRR Haven Program back to our BHRR Adoption program to be placed up for adoption once he reaches a weight that we are happy to see him at.

He is on Salmon food and also I switch him up with some Venison for some variety. He is still not eating where we want him to BUT he is better! Much better! He is taking his Pred EOD(such a low dose 25 mg) and has had no case of the itchies!

He was FANTABULOUS at our recent September 'EXPERIENCE BHRR Mini Open House and this boy really does make my heart thud in love!!!! People marvelled at how well the hair has grown back on his body including his elbows, ears plus belly and how soft his hair is coming in! His ears are about 1/2 the thickness they were and his elbows are no longer beat red. He even has hair growing back in those areas.

He even came with me to do a hv last Thursday night and took all in stride. He really liked doing their stairs too! πŸ˜‰ I can wash and do his nails without any fuss and he is laid back when he needs to be and has his playful moments when he wants them.

What I was explaining to those that we were doing a hv at; was that he wants love yet is unsure about asking for it at times, especially with strangers due to all the rejection he has received in the past. If you approach him, which was demonstrated that night; he will gladly roll on his side and loves his belly rubbed and if you really get into it with him, he will roll more on his back and get his tummy rubbed!

I am going on an incredible journey with BHRR's Lincoln and I am soooooooooo close to getting my first kiss from him……..being patient………it will come….I know it shall!

So, since his arrival to BHRR; he has gone to TTP one day in July(the 24th), gone on a GD/Honourary GD walk/hike(is even on a youtube video of such posted by the Ottawa Dog Blog!), had a great BHRR Experience Mini Open House, has come to work with me often to hang out at work and has done one hv with me to date as a great representation of BHRR and his Breed! This has been one busy boy and he is going to make a home a FANTASTIC addition!!! He travels great and his a very kind soul. A big ol' teddybear!

As I am calm and confident, he is calm and confident and comfortable with others. He even climbs onto my bed still here and there for a small cuddle and hugs and then leaves to sleep, most often can be found wanting to lay upon the hard floor AND this leads me to what BHRR's Lincoln could use donated from having his own BHRR Buddy – an XL or an XXL Kuranda bed to call his very own. We are trying to continue to teach him about the comforts of soft bedding and beds and he is always letting others (insert polite cough BHRR's Dana) take any bed he was first laying upon and will move to lay upon the hardwood or slate floor. BHRR is down to only 4 Kuranda beds at this time. The other 5 donated have taken their share of wear and tear over the years and we have had to retire them permanently.

Below is a photo of his left ear just before he came to BHRR and the second photo is of his left ear and side from September 17th, our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. LOOK at him now! WTG BHRR's Lincoln!!!! My promise to you is that NO one shall ever feed you food that does not agree with you or food that is complete crap AND no one shall neglect you otherwise in not giving you enough food and having your immune system so lowered that any seasonal allergies you have run rampant. When you are ill or hurt, you shall receive prompt medical attention and you shall never lack in what is your right to receive including love, shelter, food, toys, treats and more love and training and more love and even more love!

He is happy and as so many have pointed out; is extremely bonded to me. This is what I noticed best about the Saint Bernard breed, they can bond so fast and hard and shall be extremely loyal. AND the home that we will approve BHRR's Lincoln to adopt will not be getting him, because of his massive size BUT because they will appreciate these gifts he has to give. There are so many out there that have been touched by this boy which include his super fans from the USA to across the province of Ontario and we all will keep his best interest first and foremost. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Lincoln Left Ear & Side of Head July 2011 & BHRR's Lincoln's Left Ear, Side of Head and Body September 17th, 2011
*second photo courtesy of J. DeSantis

When BHRR's Harley was at the Vet on September 1st, 2011, he weighed 121.22 pounds (55.1 KGs). The results of his biopsy were: majority of the areas were fat, a lot of ephithelial cells and no cells seen to differentiate. This is a nice relief for the Vet also had a bit of concern when she first felt and touched it! Unless there was just cause to remove it(there was very little to actually drain), we would monitor. There was a high incident of it rupturing or abscsesing due to the 'tampering' of it yet up this did not happen until just two days ago. He is now on a course of antibiotics and we shall go from there.

When I went away for 2 days at the beginning of September, it was perfect for when I came back, BHRR's Hailey from having to depend on Sean, was like a whole new dog! He was having zooming phases and was a lot less quiet!

These days, one would be hard pressed to think that this boy just turned 6 in June. He LOVES LOVES LOVES to play with my Sir Maestro(14 months of age). He can be quite the vocal player too and he has a mischeivous streak for sure the goober!!! LOVE it!!! He has no problem being part of any prank BHRR's Dana begins and is often found 'holding the bag' so to speak!!!

He is doing so well and has built up quite the muscle tone since his arrival. He still has no hair on many parts of his tail and they may or may not come back(believed to be rubbed off).

With the way that he has been doing – social to humans, dogs, kids and utd on vaccines etc., he shall be placed up for adoption most likely within the next week or so! YAY!

BHRR's Harley will do best in a home that have kids no less than age 8(time for him to receive more attention/love from all family members from what he was able to get in his old home), a home that works pt, ft, semit-retired etc. is of no matter, one that is active with liking walks yet also a home that likes snuggle time at home – especially on rainy days!!!! It has taken Mr. Prince Harley a wee bit to understand that he is NOT going to melt if he goes outside to pee! The look on his face the whole time he is peeing though as he watches me is priceless! HA!

He is an affectionate and kind and sensitive boy and would benefit from a home that does have at least one right matched dog for company. We would not decline an application that did not have any other dogs yet they must have a social network in place whereby BHRR's Harley does have continued exposure to other dogs. This will be important for his continued social network maintenance.

His food, treats are all taken with care and he likes to be fed in a crate yet as long as he is fed in a quiet spot, he will be fine and eat well. He likes quiet when he eats and so that he does not have to worry about any other dog bothering him.

He did FANTASTIC at our recent September BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House, flitting and floating from person to person and was calm, comfortable and accepting of all the noise, traffic and treats!

He has been a real pleasure to have had here at BHRR and he is really loving the freedom of our 2+ fenced in acres plus he is thriving under the structure of regular training and rules at BHRR. At night, he prefers to sleep in an open crate and once in awhile, he can be found on our Master bed having a snooze, which is ok as long as we are not the ones trying to snooze in it at the same time! πŸ˜€



BHRR's Broker is going to be temp fostered as of Friday October 7th!

AND he has been doing so well!!!! He was the best boy at our recent BHRR's Experience Mini Open House and I am going to miss this boy when he goes to his temp foster home. πŸ™‚ He will be good for him and give him more exposure to the public re: his availablity to being available for adoption. I am sure that his new temp foster home shall send pics and updates for us to post often! πŸ™‚

To learn more about how you can become a temp foster for BHRR; please visit HERE.

L. Hasenhindl, ON, CDA

Your rescue is amazing and in the future I will contact you to adopt.  (I particularly like Big Ben).  I can’t take a dog at the present time.

BHRR's Apollo had been moved under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall not be taking any more inquiries on BHRR's Apollo at this time. We will update his blog as we can re: his status. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience.

BHRR's Rain ROCKED our Saturday BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. She did a bit of barking with lots of tail wagging at our first two guests yet in giving them some ham to give to her; she was all model behavour and became Miss Social Butterfly!

This was her last 'test' before being placed up for adoption and she PASSED with flying colours and leaps plus bounds!

She is my little 'fireball'. Ms. Fiesty with a feminine twist! πŸ˜€

She has been absolutely a dream with the now 14 week old GD puppy in the house plus the new 8+ week old GD puppy.

Her new home would be advised to keep lots of treats on hand to give strangers when they first meet her so that she continues along this great path of socialibility! πŸ™‚ LOVE this Saint Baby!

Her toe is healing really well and so at this time, she is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!!


BHRR's Rain – September 17th, 2011 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
*Photos courtesy of J. DeSantis

It was just brought to my attention that BHRR's Benjamin could well be a purebred GD. He would be considered a 'black & tan pointed'.

Yet, his nose is something else with that smelling of his! πŸ˜€


Regardless of where he is or is not PB, he is all lovebug and adored! πŸ™‚

BHRR's 4th ANNUAL Dinner Boat Cruise & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser is being held on Saturday October 1st! We ONLY have 7 tickets left AND you can pay via PayPal (; email transfer to (please ensure that we have the pw) OR Bank Draft! The boat is reserved ONLY for BHRR participants and their guests.

BHRR is still looking for items for our Live & Silent Auction for this Fundraiser. BHRR ONLY hosts 3 planned Fundraisers a year and this is our second fundraiser event for 2011.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or federal/provincial government funding.

If you have any items that you would like to donate to BHRR; pleae email! THANKS so much!!!!!


Paula L, Orleans, ON

Boers Family, again, it was a complete pleasure spending the day with you at the BHRR 'Experience' Open House yesterday. The dogs were so well behaved, if not adorable :o). I can honestly say that when I am there, standing among them all, it brings me such happiness to see how happy and content these animals all are. Thank you again for letting share this day with you.

J. DeSantis, NY, USA

Gwen and Sean, what a wonderful open house today! The dogs were beautifully behaved and full of love for everybody, and it was terrific to meet familiar friends and see new faces! It was a perfect way to usher in autumn!

Margaret A, Ottawa, ON

Thank you so much for the lovely day. I am amazed at all you do. All those beautiful Gentle Giants have a wonderful new start in life because of all your love and attention. Can't wait for November.

M. Bird, Orleans, ON

Gwen and Sean – Thank you so much for opening your home and sharing such a wonderful experience. What you do in incredible and I have no doubt that if they could talk, each and every dog that goes through BHRR would thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your compassion, dedication, understanding of their canine needs and your determination to make their lives better.

Lana & Warren, Ottawa, ON

Gwen and Sean, Thank you so much for inviting Warren and I (of Pet-errific) to your open house at your home today. We have been talking all day about the wonderful things you do. We can't believe how well behaved & loved all of your rescues are. It was a tremendously uplifting day for us and makes us even more determined to help out any way we can. Bless you and all of the goodness you bring to this world. Thank you so much. Lana & Warren

~Kirie~ H.

Dear Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation,

First, I would like to express how much respect and appreciation I have for organizations like you.
It is people like you who have always guided my actions with regards to animals.


BHRR's Maggie May weighted 36.6 KGs(82.72 pounds on Saturday. She looks great.

I took her to go on a visit to Kathryn, the wonderful soul who did her grooming when she first arrived. It was a very special reunion between both!

We stayed for 2 hours and the time just flew by!

We shall have to go back soon!!!!

BHRR's Maggie May had a great day herself! πŸ™‚

Dr. Adams, Kanata, ON, CDA

I am glad to have been helpful for your dogs- I think that you are doing a great service with your rescue. It takes an amazing amount of dedication; let alone time & money.


thanks again,


The blog update that I know many have been waiting to see posted! πŸ˜‰ BHRR's Goliath has become one of the all time top fav additions to BHRR for our blog readers to follow! As I have typed back at quite a few people who have messaged, emailed and called me, please do come to BHRR to not only meet him for yourself yet have the 'GOLIATH' experience yourself so that you can then submit a blog for me to post! πŸ˜€

Some think that he was named 'Goliath' because of his size. I like to think that someone named him 'Goliath' due to his GOLIATH personality! LOL I truly cannot believe that I have not been able to grab some time to post another blog before now on this amazing personality plus filled clown character boy! I find it also hard to believe that my last post was on August 24th…so this is a bit overdue.

So, here I go…rolling up my sleeves and preparing to type a Gwennie novel about one very special and incredible IW named Goliath. πŸ˜€

BHRR's Goliath and I have come to a bit of an understanding these days….progress for sure yet still a ways to go! I get to bed most nights/early mornings rather around 3:30 – 4:00 AM.  Before I go to bed, I ensure all the dogs go outside for one final bathroom opportunity.

1) BHRR's Goliath is positively a dream to get into his crate these days. No fuss and he settles down wonderfully.

2) Sean is up by 5:30 AM and then lets all those that want to go out, go and of course, BHRR's Goliath is up and at 'em

3) After BHRR's Goliath goes outside; he likes to come in, drink a big drink of water and then thunder into the master bedroom, jump on the bed and 'share' it with me….I honestly cannot think of a better way to wake up….<rolls eyes!> LOL

4) We have discovered that regardless if the front door is closed(we have an automatic door closer now)…which MAKES no difference whatsoever to dogs that can open the door and thanks to dogs like BHRR's Dana, BHRR's Kingston, PPSS; BHRR"s Goliath also knows how to open the door!

5) So, it was a few lovely AM 'wake-up' calls like this that untiil it was learnt that BHRR's Goliath can open the front door by himself. So, now we close the front door and the door to the sunroom, so that BHRR's Goliath does not have this amazing opportunity to share that water with me…and believe me, he only drinks so much. He likes to take the rest and come share it will me!

6) Once BHRR's Goliath has shared some water with me, he likes to try and climb into the shower with Sean and if he cannot get into the shower, he likes to see who else might like to 'play' at that time of the AM. His two newest best friends in the world is our SN's GD Bleach(1 year on September 12th) and the now 3 month old GD puppy here – JS. LOVELY! For they are still very much in their own training regimes and basically at the drop of a pin are just raring to go and play too! At this point, I am lucky to have had 1.5 hours of sleep and it is such a pleasure to hear them having such a great time! cheeky I just wish they would want to have this great time at a more decent time in the AM. LOL

7) When Sean goes to leave for work, he puts BHRR's Goliath back into his crate with breakfast and he is eating soooooooo much better now! He is being fed three meals a day and I have an appointment scheduled for September 24th as I want to see what his weight is at that time. Depending on how far he comes along with his obedience, he may be ready to be placed up for adoption that weekend. He may not. That will depend on his obedience training and yes, weight gain to date.

8 ) I am up by 8 AM to get the kids ready for school and BHRR's Goliath is out and about with the other dogs and he plays really nicely with all the dogs. He can be a bit too puppy rough as he is still learning to control his own excitement and understand his own strength yet as mentioned above, one of his best of friends is the now 3 month old GD puppy here. He also does still try to hump BHRR's Porridge(every one wants to hump him), and two of my own show boyz (Bronson and Maestro) and he continues to be corrected. He is not humping them out of any sexual urges. He is doing it as he wants to move himself up the hierarchy in our home amongst the dogs. He is very mindful and respectful of the girls…like all smart boyz learn to be! πŸ˜‰ We correct him on the humping behavour as BHRR's Goliath is not anywhere near a mature mental state to be in any position to be a leader. He is still learning correct and proper social communication with dogs and humans. Sometimes when he plays and the play escalates, he will appear to be a bit grumpy yet it is nothing serious. He just needs a bit of space, recollects himself as he tries to understand the situation(and it is usually because he upped the antic in the rough play area and then is confused and takes mild exception when the other dogs say 'ok, let's go!'). So, he is very much learning a lot about proper social communication and manners amongst dogs and that different dogs play in different ways.

9) BHRR's Goliath LOVES toys – Balls of all sizes up to basketball and soccer balls, Kongs, Rope toys and he plays with them by himself, with us and with the other dogs really well! WTG BHRR's Goliath.

10) When I got to put the kids on the bus for school, BHRR's Goliath settles back into his crate for a snooze.

11) It is when I come back, open up his crate and he comes out, sits and gives me this look 'OK, game on!' and I look back at him and go 'OK! Bring it!' AND the day begins in earnest! πŸ˜€

12) BHRR's Goliath takes water bottles, clothing, shoes, leashes and likes to parade them around you to get you up and to try and play chase. He has no intention of destroying them, he just wants the attention. AND anytime I try to sit down for a few moments to do something not related to him, you can see him looking around and around looking for something to take. MONKEY! He knows he is not suppose to do it. I do not chase him. I go and grab a leash and he follows me, sits down and I can gently take the item away from him. He then asks to go into his crate for a time out for a few minutes. He might snooze, he might eat some of his left over breakfast and often he just lays upon the great new Kuranda bed donated to him and watches me type on the computer as his crate is right near where I work.

13) He and I are still working through some couch issues. He can be still found at times sitting on our leather couch and looking so proud of himself. I can more often than not now, just ask him to get off and he will. Sometimes when the 'devilment' grabs him, he just continues to sit there and look at me 'what are you going to do about it?' and well, I go and get his leash and he often is off the couch by the time I come back. Grabbing his collar tended to make him feel threatened, especially by a female when he first arrived. I have learnt that the leash is non threatening to him and it is associated with walks and hikes and car rides and all things good; so leashes have become a huge part of my training aids/tools with him. However; one can hold his collar much more frequently at this time without him feeling a bit worried. That is going to be a time/patience thing for him to overcome. He is so much better with Sean re: the collar holding yet I am catching up. πŸ™‚

14) He does not jump on me as much, mouth me as much, rarely counter surfs, does not drink from the kitchen sinks any longer as well. THIS is great.

15) However, BHRR's Goliath still has a weakness for those kleenex boxes, rolls of paper towels and the joy that BHRR's Dana showed him; how great toilet paper rolls can be. ESPECIALLY if they are on the toilet paper holder! LOL

16) He has become so affectionate. I get regular slobbery kisses, he pushes his head under my arm when I am working on the computer, will put his head through articles of clothing if I am trying to fold cloths or will put his head in my lap if I am sitting reading or watching a movie with the family. It has been a wonderful development to see this and to experience this! That he is comfortable about not being too worried about any possible rejection as he had to have experienced in the past; is a real joy.

17) He loves ice cubes, THANKS BHRR's Dana! cheeky

18) He has also discovered his voice. It is such an amazing mixture between a 'bark' and a 'woof'. I have nicknamed him "WOLFIE" because he is an IW and how wolflike he can sound. It is a very interesting timber sound and he does not use it very often. He does like to hear it 'echo' in the bathroom and will tilt his head and seem most pleased at himself when he makes such sounds. We have been nipping that in the bud! πŸ˜‰

19) He still loves it if you take a spray bottle and spray it at his mouth…he loves trying to catch the water. He has learnt that when I am serious about him not doing something and will use the spray bottle to 'grab' his attention to break his focus on whatever antic he is doing as he is 'nil' with much to do with any sort of serious distraction training right now. Once I have his focus, he is so much more responsive to my tone and voice.

20) I am just waiting for a dog like BHRR's Porridge or PPSS to 'teach' him all about drinking from the toilet bowls…ICK! We keep the lids down and the one bathroom door closed yet with two kids, doors do not always stay closed. I fear that it is only a matter of time!

21) AND boy! Does BHRR's Goliath LOVE helping me strip the bed….OMG! He finds himself all wrapped up in the sheets and blankets and has a grand time. EVEN better, if you let him strip it all by himself and even let him move the bed across the room! πŸ˜€

22) Time is flying with this young man. I cannot believe he has been here as long as he has and he has made so many amazing right direction leaps and bounds. He is so much more respectful, mindful and he really is eager to please…most days! This boy just has never been given all the training and correct guidance he should have have had as a small puppy and now he is this well over 100+ pounds of all puppy, experiencing and soaking up life. He makes me laugh, roll my eyes, throw up my hands in helpless giggles and in turn, he is giving me the best trust and more respect as he learns that I am not going to beat him and that his 'bluff' antics do not intimidate me and that I understand that he needs time, patience and love with a firm guiding hand. I can tell already that when he decides to finally 'give' himself to a human, he is going to be bestowing upon that human or family, a most incredible gift, the gift of his heart and soul. This boy will be loyal and would lay down his life for a loved one. He is just not there yet and that is ok. One step at a time. It is there in his eyes….I see it and I feel it and he makes me earn what I am getting to date and in turn, he is rewarding me very well for all that I am doing 'right' with him.

This boy is very special. He is not a mean dog at all. He has settled down so much here. While he is an active boy and a bit of a clown, he is becoming less and less of that high maintenance type dog. He has no SA behavours and we can watch a movie and not worry about him thundering around the house(except sometimes with our Bleach…they are too much temptation to each other!) and he loves to lay down near you and just watch you. Those eyes….yup, those eyes…..

I just do not want people to think that this boy goes 24/7 with nonstop action. It is not like that….he is not for the dog inexperienced but he is meant for someone that will understand that this dog was held back from living life when he was younger and he just wants to live!

I could write so much more yet it is now almost 4 AM and time for some sleep as 5:30 AM shall come quickly and time to get my 'day' on with BHRR's Goliath and all the dogs here. I live a very charmed and blessed life!  THANKS BHRR's Goliath for gracing my life for as long as it shall be! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Windsor has become one of my top 'training' partners when it comes to working with many of my Behavoural/Training Clients. He is that perfect combination of laid back, mellow and accommodating personality traits to bring to these sessions. His so calm and accepting and does not demonstrate any threatening or dominating behavours.

This is a boy that many said could/would never learn and would not live for very long and look at him now!!!!

His next outing with me to assist with a Client session shall be September 22nd and I am excited about how much he is going to assist in modifying this other dog's behavour and settling that dog down. BHRR's Windsor has many gifts to share with others both animal and human and I have taken much pleasure in being the recipient of some of his gifts since he first came to BHRR. BHRR's Windsor has a very wonderful effect on other dogs and people!

I need to take new photos of him soon.

I had the pleasure of seeing BHRR's Lily Belle last week on September 1st! Thanks to her temp foster mom in bringing her by the Hospital as I had to give her BHRR's Lily Belle's September HW preventative and also more food.

We weighed her when she arrived and she was 61.3 KGs(134.86 pounds). SHE has filled out so much as she matures and is losing that 'puppy' look.

The one comment that I want to make is how impressed I was for both the Saint owned by BHRR's Lily Belle's temp foster mom and BHRR's Lily Belle were very well mannered and layed down quietly in the waiting room. In dividing up my time between both the front and back that night;  I was able to witness first hand how amazingly behaved both were! Now, BHRR's Lily Belle was not so keen to share her weight and her Saint pal was more than eager to stay on the scale yet other than that, she was a model citizen. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Lily Belle plunked her butt right down on one of the seats beside Clients waiting for their own appointment and wanted to befriend every cat, dog and person she met! LOL BHRR's Lily Belle is great with cats and still lives with one at her temp foster home. She is such a social creature!!!

BHRR's Lily Belle sure does like to drink out of toilets and nice to note that she still LOVES to share her drool with all around her!!! cheeky

The photo below is of BHRR's Lily Belle enjoying the 'freedom' of being allowed on her temp foster home's couch! I am loving that look she is giving out of the corner of her eye. πŸ˜€

BHRR's Lily Belle – August 2011
*Photo courtesy of H. Surman

UPDATE: Sent September 7th, 2011 from BHRR's Apollo's Temp Foster Mom –

"Here are some picture of Apollo. Soooo he knows how to turn on the bathroom sink tap πŸ™‚  he can’t turn it off. LOL. He has been socialized with the kittens and has taken quite the shine to X.  She was bullied quite allot last year at school so her first day was stressful for her and he stuck to her like glue.  It have her great comfort to know he was there for her. πŸ˜€  As always feel free to use any of the pictures."

I have added the photos to his slideshow #34 – #38. I have also added four of them below. BHRR's Apollo has always loved coming to the Hospital with me and drinking from the sinks there to the great delight of many! Proof is in the pictures of how he remains great with both children and cats/kittens PLUS drinking from sinks! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Apollo with his Harlie Girlpal & BHRR's Apollo with a kitten – September 2011
*photos courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Apollo and his 'little' girl – September 2011
*Photos courtesy of T. Vaive

BHRR's Maggie May and I are planning to visit a very special person this upcoming weekend! We are going to see Kathryn, the amazing generous and kind person who did her grooming after she arrived to BHRR! Kathryn and BHRR's Maggie May last saw each other at our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser that was held July 17th. πŸ™‚

So, this is going to be a very special and emotional moment for both!!!! Her coat is growing in so soft plus beautiful and I cannot wait for them to be reunited! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Maggi shall hang out with me during my work shift at KAH on Saturday and while we are there, I shall obtain a new weight on her.

She is soooooooooooo low maintenance and is going to make a home an amazing companion! We continue to remain patient that her forever loving home is out there and has yet to find her. Will have to take new pics soon.

A blog post for sweet BHRR's Holden is LONG overdue! Many of our guests that attended our June BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House commented on how gorgeous this boy is and they are right! wink

BHRR's Holden has become so much better in regards to change. He has seen dogs come and go to various play dates, appointments, to foster homes etc. and new dogs come into BHRR and in the beginning he had some 'worry' over all the action and change.

Now, he is so much more comfortable and even a bit curious about things. He did have his nose out of joint somewhat when BHRR's Broker came into BHRR and it did not take long for both to be fast friends! BHRR's Holden has come a long way in understanding dog-to-dog acceptable communication and does not stress or grump or move away as much any longer when things get rowdy! Many a day you can see him in the fray doing some playing yet he prefers one-on-one or two-on-one play. Too many dogs makes him almost roll his eyes and be a bit disgusted over the antics and he will walk away! If play escalates to a certain level, sometimes he can take some exception as then he gets confused yet he is handling and understanding all different sorts and manners of play that dogs can do.

One of the things that BHRR's Holden enjoys soooooooooo much is watching the other dogs. He has a special spot in the fenced in area that he will lay down and just observe and he really does seem to take much enjoyment.

His best friend has to be BHRR's Broker right now BUT he has been seen playing and sleeping(do not tell him that!) ever so gently and nicely with the now almost 3 month GD pup in the house. He is really good with the young ones AND that speaks volumes on his temperament, personality and patience level.

He loves Bleach's couch…..I think many a day it is not Bleach's couch but BHRR's Holden's or BHRR's Benjamin's! OR even the new almost 3 month old GD pup here!

He is so good about minding his manners in the house, only 'loses' his brain here and there with some on the spot playing with BHRR's Broker. He prefers to sleep in his crate at night and gosh, when he comes up to ask for love with those eyes(YUP! Those eyes!) your heart just pools into sheer love!

He is quiet, low maintenance and at our BHRR 'EXPERINCE' Mini open house, he handled all the attention with calmness, a wonderful level of comfort plus maturity. When he was tired, he just took himself to a crate to have a nap or to watch the younger goobers do their 'thing' of greeting the 'fresh meat' when new people arrived to the house.

He is a great dog and will make someone a fantastic, loyal and the best companion ever! We have only had one email inquiry on him and that has been it. The thing about a mixed breed dog is that there shall never ever be another that looks quite like them and that is another so very set apart special thing that BHRR's Holden has.

We remain patient for we take in mixes as much as we take in purebreds and there is no rush as always!

JS with BHRR's Holden on Bleach's couch! – August 2011

BHRR's Rain came to the Take The Plunge Event on Saturday July 23rd to hang out at our tent/booth AND WOW! She ROCKED it! She was so social and in fact, she began to 'bark' and pull WHEN we would not allow her to see other dogs!!! LOL

Picture below is of her that day.

Her toe is very slowly healing and I will bring her back in for a recheck and new X-rays if need be. I would also like to see what her new weight is. πŸ™‚

She is a small feisty package and she LOVES to tease BHRR's Lincoln, who in his emaciated state was still twice her own weight. She does not take a lot of 'guff' from the other dogs and has that mischievous glint in her eyes!!!

Below is a photo taken at the Take the Plunge Event. Her coat is soooooooooooooo amazing now!!! I can brush both of them so much more easily too. Treats is a great reward plus lots of enthusiastic praise.

We are planning another few visits with approved Volunteers and friends with both the BHRR Saint Babies and their final 'test' shall be our upcoming BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House. If both handle that with style and comfort, they shall then be placed up for adoption. Going to miss my 'Rain-Rain" and "Beau-Beau" babies.

We have no expectations of them being adopted together yet both should go to a home where there is at least one other dog that is a right matched personality fit. Both are ok going to homes that work full-time, part-time, retired or semi-retired. What is going to be MOST important are homes that shall continue to socialize them with both people and dogs so that they continue along this fantabulous social path they have taken. They reside in perfect harmony with our multi-dog home and are doing so well with all the human visitors. SOOOOOOO much progress these two have made.

Both ADORE kids and I have not crated either one in some time at night or when we go out. There was one point when I went back to crating as one of them discovered the 'joy' of nibbling shoes and it was back to the crates for awhile!

Each of them has their own 'friend' network yet you can tell that they are extremely close still. It has been excellent for them to have had training together, separately as individual plus in small and larger groups. Their obedience has also been excelling!

BHRR's Rain – July 23rd, 2011 – 9 months of age

The Holmes, ON, CDA

As an aside, I was reading Mackenzie Goliath's updates tonight.  She thought the kleenex story was so funny and told me that she plans to collect donations every year for your organization.  I told her how lucky she was to be a part of something so special.. Just thought I would share.  Your children are learning something so very special and we thank you for helping us teach our children something so valuable.

Adoption Application Revisions

As of September 1st, 2011; the Board of Directors will be implementing some revisions to our BHRR adoption process. These changes involve age of children in homes for a possible BHRR adoption and the expansion of our adoption area to now include parts of New York, USA.

Revision #1:

As of September 1st, 2011; BHRR shall consider adoption applications to NOT only the whole provinces of Ontario and Quebec in Canada yet shall also consider homes in the state of New York, USA that are no more than 3 hours from BHRR. These areas in New York, USA shall include those listed below and all immediate surrounding areas AS long as the potential adoptive home is no more than 3 hours from the physical locale of BHRR in Eastern Ontario, CDA:
Alexandria Bay

Revision #2:

WE DO NOT place any dog with a family with children under the age of 8 unless the below additional conditions/requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the BOD of BHRR. Only then shall the BOD of BHRR consider those homes that have children younger than the age of 8 yet they must be over the age of 5:
a) ONLY homes that have no more than 2 children shall be considered if said children are under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
b) ONLY dogs that BHRR deem most suitable for homes with children within these ages shall be considered
c) ONLY homes that have prior suitable breed type experience ie Great Danes for a Great Dane possible adoption or a Saint Bernard for a Saint Bernard possible adoption shall be considered
d) ONLY homes that have no more than one dog already and that dog must be a right matched personality fit; shall be considered should any children be under the age of 8 and over the age of 5
e) ONLY homes that have all family members in attendance for the home visit and only those same homes that have all family members come to BHRR to meet us shall be considered
BHRR stresses that children and dogs should NEVER be left unsupervised together!
*This is a legal, insurance and moral obligation/responsibility that we will adhere to.

For complete details regarding the BHRR adoption process; please visit our Application & Fees page. BHRR shall continue to ONLY place per best matched personality fit and our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we are heading into our 16th year; our adopton success rates are 99%.

Quick Update! BHRR's Harley ate a small supper but has yet to drink anything. He has been fully integrated with all dogs other than 2 – Sir Maestro is still away and CH. Dyceman and BHRR's Shiva who went into the master bedroom to have a snooze! πŸ™‚

He is doing really well, no issues and already is beginning to want to follow myself around.

BHRR's Goliath and Bleach are 'really' into his space as is BHRR's Lincoln at times in their curiousity and desire to make a 'new' friend and BHRR's Harley is tolerating everything so well. πŸ™‚

He has taken himself out a few times and is now exploring the main area of the house very slowly.

I took his height and he is just over 36" at the whithers. Pretty close to 36.5".

I feel my heart already twanging with deep emotion of love for him! πŸ™‚ DOES not take much and yes, he has those amazing eyes too! Just got to stop looking into these dogs incredible eyes! LOL

AND I got my very first hug and two kisses!!!! OH my….sigh….I am so touched. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Harley has arrived to BHRR! We have his category as Harley(1) as we have had a Harley in the past and cannot have 2 categories exactly the same if I want to add separate slideshows. Glitch part of this blog software that we use for our BHRR Website.

We were contacted on August 20th, 2011 to see if we would assist a Great Dane as the home had a 20 month old child and did not have the time required for BHRR's Harley.

We have since learned that upon his arrival that he is older than what came our way AND it matters not how old or young he was, we would have assisted him regardless. His birth date is listed as July 22nd, 2005 so he just turned 6. He is neutered, and his rabies is not due until September 9th, 2012 and his DAPP + Lepto is due September 9th, 2011. We had been informed that his one vaccine would be updated before his arrival yet no worries that it was not.

We also discovered upon his arrival a lump on his side that we will investigate ASAP. He also has a skin tag on the same side lower on his leg(stifle area). I had scheduled an appointment for September 1st for BHRR's Harley yet upon noticing this lump shall move that up. We shall also give him a much needed manicure/pedicure. The other thing we noted was the bare/bald areas on his tail. We will do some skin scrapings when I bring him into work with me early next week.

The last weight given on his paperwork was 116.40 pounds(from September 2010) and he needs a bit of toning and to lose a few pounds, not too much as he is in really great body condition. For those that follow our blogs, his body type with headpiece is very reminiscent of BHRR's Mindy. That typical byber tall(around 35-36" yet will measure) and lanky body with a smaller snipey headpiece. YET to our eyes, he adds up to one overALLLLLLLL lovely plus ever so handsome boy and we are honoured to have been contacted to assist him!

His last HWT was September 29th, 2010 and he was also on HW preventative at that time. I noticed on his records no results from his HWT or fecals that had been done over the years. The records sent show that he has been a very healthy dog over his life and only on some flagyl and cephalexin back in 2006 yet no documenation sent as to why this was so.

To date, he is settling in well. Still some stress 'drooling' and he is proving himself to be a sweet mature gentleman.

What his previous home had to stay about him on August 20th, 2011:
"He is a great dog we just don't have the time anymore due to a toddler taking up most of our time, We love him but want what is best for him. He is great with children as we have a 20 month old. He does not seem to like cats as he barks at them when he sees them out side but has never lived with one. Also seems to be okay with other dogs but again has never lived with one. He is very friendly but needs a lot of attention. He also needs to go through training again, he needs to learn to ignore people on bicycles as right now he does not seem to like them (he barks and if on a walk seems to lunge toward them but not in a vicious way). He also seems to have some separation anxiety. Hope this helps,"

UPDATE: August 27th, 2011: from the kind person who transported him one leg of his transport:
"I was one of Harley's transporters(in Columbus, OH). What a sweet boy he is! Whoever adopts him will get a real sweetheart! I'm so eager to hear of his progress! GOOD LUCK, HARLEY!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011 from his wonderful overnight temp fostermom:
"‎"He wasn't too much into eating, but he is on his third toilet bowl of water, since he wouldn't drink out of the water bowl the other dogs use. I just have to keep flushing the toilet to bring more water into it. I gave up using those little automatic toilet bowl cleaner thingies since some of the visitor dogs drink out of the toilet too. Perhaps I could rig up an old toilet to be an automatic dog watering bowl? I might better bring him to the little river behind my house and let him drop the water level there a bit. Fair warning to X about potty breaks…… very mellow and good natured and get along just fine with the 2 other old dogs here and all the cats."

"Harley, the great dane, since he stood with his snout out the side hatch window behind me the whole way home I didn't realize that the danes are so drooly!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011 from one of his other amazing transporters:
"He's an absolute charm. He really likes being "part of the pack," and wants to be where you are. I love him to bits!"

UPDATE: August 28th, 2011:
We know that BHRR's Harley is great with other dogs and also cats(see blog post from his overnight temp fostermom). He traveled fantastically from his locale in OH, USA with other dogs, was temp fostered overnight with other dogs and he has already been integrated with the BHRR Saint Babies and BHRR's Windsor without any issues. We can also confirm he is great with kids as we have two. We have found BHRR's Harley to be a mature, quiet and mellow Great Dane and we have been exposed to thousands over the years! We will see what happens when the honeymoon period is over. He settled beautifully into a crate and even now is laying there quietly with the door open. He has demonstrated no separation type of behavours to date. Separation Anxiety is what I am doing my PhD dissertation on.

He can pull on his leash at time and in one photo sent our way he had been seen wearing a halti and that has now been removed. He will learn to walk on a flat buckle collar as they all do! πŸ™‚

We shall test him with horses, bicycles and a whole slew of other things before he is placed up for adoption.


BHRR's Harley – August 28th, 2011 – 6 years of age – Day of arrival to BHRR

AND for those that are wondering, the Great Dane life expectancy is 10-12 years. We have had two live to just under 13 and we have had friends who had one live to 15 and one live to 17. SO, please do not let the young age of 6 deter any home from looking for amazing new addition! A great housebroken, well mannered, well trained, sweet, kind, quiet mature GD, over having the up all hours of the night, destructive, chewing, high energy zipping wild stages of those puppies!

THANK you being sent out to Gillian for the donation of a medium sized Kuranda Bed for BHRR's Goliath!!!! TY! TY! TY! BHRR's Goliath is soooooooooooooo appreciative to have you as his BHRR Buddy!

So, the last 24 hours have seen much with BHRR's Goliath! cheeky

a) He is learning his 'name'

b) He has had two more baths – he was really smelly when he arrived and the second time around saw me and him about 50/50 split on getting wet and then next time he was the one mostly wet and I was not!

c) He LOVES the tub and water…..he lives for water, water and more water to splash and play in and then when he is ready to then drink! He just loves to splash in water. Swimming we have not yet tested this in our spring fed pond or pool as of yet.

d) He loves the game of 'chase' – he grabs an item of clothing from the clean laundry that I put on the couch to fold and loves to try and 'avoid' me as I attempt to get the aricle back. He is learning my 'serious' side and is starting to not do circles around the table or the kitchen island/hutch so much now while I 'ask' him to give the item back.

e) He has been great around my 11 year old son and was somewhat excited to see my 8 year old daughter and in being taught how to greet and interact properly, he is now fine. We watch him closely as he does have a tendency to want to jump on people here and there. Work in progress.

f) BHRR's Dana has now taught him all about the ice maker on the fridge…<rolls eyes>. She is positively delighted with a new 'partner in crime' for her antics!!!

g) He is better at the no counter surfing and trying to climb into the fridge every time we open it.

h) He CANNOT have blankets or a dog bed in his crate. So we have put the only Medium Kuranda Bed that had been donated to BHRR's Potter in the crate and as it is a couple of years old, the vinyl has given out on the one end. πŸ™ So, BHRR's Goliath could use an BHRR Buddy for a donation of another medicum sized Kuranda Bed JUST for him and his crate. He would be so filled with gratitude!

i) He has yet to feel comfortable enough to chomp on a Dino or Smoked Knuckle bone BUT he is taking certain treats and is eating better

j) He is settling down great at night in his crate to sleep wonderfully

h) He is no longer testing me to go into his crate and will go in on his own volition when I open up the door – YAY!

i) I turned around from putting the dishes in the dishwasher and he was sitting on the couch with a look like 'I like it here….what are you going to do about it!' Hmmmmm, he got off not long afterwards! πŸ˜‰

j) I then came out from reading a bedtime story to my daughter and he was back sitting on the couch beside BHRR's Potter and his look was almost 'well, if he is on, I am on.' Both were removed shortly afterwards. πŸ˜€

k) If you use a spray bottle on BHRR's Goliath, you have to be short, effective and purposeful, otherwise he thinks it is a BIG game and will open up his mouth and try to catch the water! πŸ˜‰

l) BHRR's Goliath is eating well and we are also de-worming him.

m) BHRR's Goliath is being very good about not playing in the house and learning how to actually play nicely and gently with the other dogs. He has been introduced to the 10 week old GD pup we have in the house right now and he has been doing great. Not too much 'splatting' going on.

n) He likes to try and play with BHRR's Windsor the most and seems to be most fascinated by my Multi CH. Bronson!

o) BHRR's Goliath has also decided that he likes to re-decorate the place, moving dog beds and blankets to other areas of the house, REGARDLESS if a dog is already laying upon them! LOL That freaked a few out and some really thought it was grand!

p) He now thinks that when I go into the masterbedroom that jumping on the bed and zooming around it and getting the blankets and sheets to fly everywhere is a fun activity! I make the bed, he unmakes the bed, I make the bed and he….well, the doos is now closed to the masterbedroom UNLESS we are in there! πŸ˜‰

q) His leash manners are improving slowly. If he is not distracted 'hey, look at that leaf Gwennie!' or 'What was that over there? Let's go see' and drags me; he is really good. He will walk on a nice loose lead. This boy is packing so much into each day as we often find with some shelter dogs and the more he learns that he is not going to live in a crate and that he is rewarded very well for appropriate displays of behavour, he will settle down more and more. He is so good about not disturbing the house at night with zooming around and crashing into things like some have done in the past! LOL

r) He is learning boundaries with the other dogs and becoming very mindful and respectful and not 'pushing' the issue as much with them. GOOD boy!

This boy is SOOOOOOOOOO much fun and he and I sleep very well each night after our days' adventures together. πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Goliath is that "BIG KID". I brought him to the Vet with me on Monday as I wanted to see his weight and have my own Vet give him a once over and he weighed a very skinny 44.6 KGs(98.12 pounds). πŸ™

He is eating well and I am feeding him 4 smaller meals a day and so that weight will come. My Vet also agrees with me that we find it hard to believe that he is around 2 for he is ALL puppy brain! They also feel that he needs at least 20-25 pounds right now. We are thinking he is 18 months tops. Everyone just loves the big ol' noggin he has. Such a handsome young man.

Monday's adventures with this personality filled pup brought the following:

1) A bath that turned into more of one for me than him
2) drinking from the kitchen sink – it even says in his paperwork about how much he loves to drink from sinks
3) mounting BHRR's Potter who was not impressed
4) mounting BHRR's Porridge was was also not impressed
5) the challenge of the crate going in yet getting better!
6) resting well while he is in the crate
7) drinking water and sharing it with all around him
8 traveled well in the car after pulling me most enthusiastically to the car
9) discovering YET again the squeaky football and sharing all that 'music' in my ear as I drove into work
10) sooooooooooooooo happy to meet everyone he saw  – both male and female and I mean soooooooooooo happy, my poor arm!
11) learning how to sit and boy is this goofy boy treat motivated – ONCE you find the right treats
12) barking off and on for a bit as he was 'worried' about this being a shelter again for him yet got better and better throughout my shift
13) had his share of counter surfing the exam tables
14) trying to drag a 13.5 KG bag of food around as a 'toy'
15) wanting to play with every dog and person he saw
16) drinking from the sinks at the hospital
17) trying to drink from the toilet at the hospital
18) grabbed one roll of paper towels at the hospital and had a grand time spreading that around
19) decided that any towel that I used to try and clean up the water he liked to spread around was a better 'chase me' toy
20) had a good exam! YAY!
21) discovered the new kleenex box I thought I had well hid in the car and re-decorated the whole inside of my car with the pulling out of tissue in sheer delight
22) was soooooooooooooo happy to come home

One of the biggest things I have learnt very fast about BHRR's Goliath is that he is clueless about the name 'Goliath!'


This is one busy and active boy and full of joy, life and complete lack of manners and obedience in so many ways BUT we are getting there….slow and sure and he is beginning to trust me more and in turn, respect me more. He is a bit more respectful of Sean at this time when it comes to going into his crate yet he is getting there.

He gives the BEST kisses and those eyes….OMG! Those amazing eyes of his! That wee beard of his likes to 'collect' the drool and water so that he can share some extra love your way after he drinks!!! LOL

He has been fully integrated with all the dogs and we have been learning about no counter surfing, no jumping, no humping, no whining, no stealing kleenex boxes or toilet paper rolls(THANKS BHRR's Dana for giving him that idea!!!) or papertowels, or clothes or….or…or…AND he is learning about nice loving touches and hugs and kisses and being given love on his terms and on our terms and treats and lots of food and freedom and playing and…and…

This boy is already quickly wrapping himself into my heart…must…resist….do NOT look into those eyes Gwennie! πŸ˜‰

Two pictures of this magnificent boy below. This boy shall not be ready for adoption for at least 4 weeks as per our BHRR protocol in getting to know them and in ensuring they are rehabbing well. He is soooooooooo painfully thin that his hips, ribs and spine are very prominent.

THE other thing that I just love about BHRR's Goliath is how he gracefully lopes…not runs or races, yet lopes. Each stride just eating up the distance as he moves. So graceful.

I want to thank whomever sent along that gorgeous blue leash for him too! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Goliath – August 21st, 2011

BHRR's Goliath is now here safely! THANKS so much to everyone involved in your assistance to transport him to BHRR. I was soooooooo excited when I saw him!!! HIS eyes…I cannot talk enough about those eyes of his….heaven!

He is about 20-25 pounds underweight, so I would like to see him around 120-125 pounds right now. His height was 34" at the whithers. I am not convinced that he is around 2 for he is ALL puppy brain…complete lack of obedience and goofy, friendly, happy and playful – OMG! So playful right now!(he found a squeaky football that I had been trying to find to give back to BHRR's Apollo's temp foster home) and he squeaked it; mostly in my ear all the way home! LOL.

He also loved pulling threads off the show blanket I had on the back seat, dismantling the kleenex box he pulled off the back dashboard and tried to help me drive the car a few times! Gwennie's doggie boot camp has now started! πŸ˜‰

He was completely fine around "Expresso" the small min pin that we also assisted in transporting to his Ottawa Rescue and to date, he has had no issues with any dogs going by his crate.

He had a nice time exploring the 2+ acre fenced in yard and he is not too fond of going into his crate yet, but we will get there…they all do and they all end up loving their crates and run in for their treats!

He had about 4 cups of food for dinnner as we did not want to give him too much and he has been taking treats quite gently; for the most part from my fingers. He can get a bit enthusiastic! πŸ˜‰

He is a ham and you can tell that he has used his strength in the past to get his way for he is stubborn when I want him to do something and he does not want to do it and will sit and get this 'look' as if to say 'nuh huh, I am not moving and you cannot make me…' LOL Gwennie wins in the end though and we will get there. πŸ˜‰

I do not see a mean bone in his body right now and man, I am soooooooooooooo looking forward to the time when the honeymoon period is over for this boy is 'Mr. Puppy Personality Plus'!

He has been fine around my kids yet he was a bit hesitatnt of Sean when he first saw him and I am not sure if that is a 'man' thing for he was sooooooo happy when he met me. Sooooooooooo happy, in fact, that he tried to jump on me a couple of times. Yet, after Sean greeted him, he was fine. So, that calm and confident approach makes him comfortable.

He has done a bit of barking in his crate yet he is corrected and then passively ignored. He will also learn about spray bottles yet right now, I do not want to create any negative seeking attention behavours with him.

Bleach is very interested in him!!! We shall begin the integration with the gang tomorrow.

To date, BHRR's Goliath has been microchipped, neutered, given Rabies, DAPP booster, de-wormed, put on Revolution, had a nail trim, been treated for KC and has had several exams. We had him neutered on Thursday and he seems to be recovering well. He does want to go at his incision here and there yet is responding to correction.

He is not responding to the name of Goliath at all right now. I also plan on touching base with the HS for no prior history was passed our way, so I do not know if he was a stray, o/s etc. It is nice to know where one can, what is their background, if any. πŸ™‚


On August 14th, we were contacted by a Shelter in SWO to assist Irish Wolfhound that has been at their shelter since July. Details given re: this IW were as follows:

"Hello, I'm Goliath. I'm a 2 year old male Irish Wolfhound. I am a happy, playful boy. I know the commands sit and down. I am a very vocal boy, I like to communicate with you when I need something. I would need to go to a home with a yard, that way I can stay active. I would likely do well with respectful children over the age of 12 years, this is because of my strength. I cannot go to a home with cats, I'm just too excited when introduced to cats. My ideal home would have owners who are familiar with my breed and who are active just like me. If you think I would be the perfect boy for you then come in today and visit with me! LIFE OF THE PARTY I think everything is fun, interesting and meant to play, especially you. Anything you do, I'll want to do, too. With my own brand of surprises, life with me will keep you constantly on your toes, and the fun is guaranteed."

In asking him to be temperament tested with other dogs, here is what came my way after several testing evaluations were done:

"The first test we did have to cut short because of the helper dog was intimidated by his size and was reactive and Goliath defended himself.

The second test was much better the helper dog and Goliath sniffed each other and the other dog was jumping on him and Goliath did not react to it. 

Though when he first sees a dog he is very strong and pulling on the leash."

Several more evaluations sent my way:

"I am glad things are working out for him, he is a very nice boy!"

"As well, in my home his body language was excellent in the presence of my dogs.  They did meet through baby gates & there wasn't anything untoward.  Considering the level of stress this dog has been in from his extended kennel stay…"

Latest evaluation sent my way re: another evaluation done on August 17th, 2011:

"I just wanted to let you know that I tried Goliath with two more dogs yesterday evening. And once again, he was great. He did try mounting the one dog after a bit but he was easily corrected."

BHRR's Goliath was neutered on Thursday and is expected to arrive at BHRR on Saturday August 20th. I have an appointment scheduled with my Vet on the Monday for a check-up.


BHRR's Goliath – His weight was given as 105 pounds at that time and his age around 2

For those wondering; here is the averages for height and weight for Irish Wolfhounds:

Height: 28-35 inches (71-90 cm)
Weight: 90-150 pounds (40-69 kg)

BHRR's Lincoln attended our latest GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike that was also featured on the Ottawa Dog Blog – Click here to read the article, view photos and see the video – THANKS again Liz!

He did FANTABULOUS! This boy is extremely well rounded; especially if one thinks about what he has gone through in his very short life. His adoring American Fans/Friends even donated some USD to his cause in his donation coat! YAY!

I also had a two week check-up on BHRR's Lincoln this past Monday August 8th and we have lots of good news to share!

a) Check a peek at the below picture of his ear! This was taken at the Hike on July 31st AND they are even better now! He even has hair growing back all over his body and on his ears

b) His ears and elbows and face are less swollen, less red and more comfortable

c) He has a lot more energy and as a result wants to play and boy, this boy can 'playbow' and bound! LOL

d) As the Pred is working – it has been extended another 30 days for based upon where he had lesions and hair loss plus was so itichy – belly, lower body = seasonal allergies usually & back, ears, rump = food allergies usually; we are keeping him on the pred – very low dose 25 mg SID

e) He is eating better – STILL nowhere where he needs to be and as he is no longer so lethargic and being more active, we are barely maintaining and we want to majorly gain; so this remains a challenge. He is eating up to 5 cups a food a day and he needs to double that at least. He wants to eat. He just wants to eat food that is not his!

f) Until we can better isolate the food allergies, he is on a very strict diet – salmon D/D right now with some wet Salmon thrown in. He was very texture phobe about the tripe…sigh….THANKS Global so much for the donation!!!!

g) He is getting better with the leash manners and thank goodness for this boy can motor along when he wants too! πŸ˜‰

h) He is more comfortable and confident and each night before he settles in for the night, he asks to come up on the bed and he cuddles with me for about 5-10 minutes. THIS is some major 'awwwww' moments going on!

i) I do not crate BHRR's Lincoln any longer. He is 100% trustworthy in the house!

j) He has gotten along with all dogs, people etc. that he has met to date and between the TAKE THE PLUNGE Event, coming to BHRR, the Hike and hanging out at work etc., he sees a lot of action!

k) Trying an appetite stimulator again was ruled out for it really did not make much of a difference the first time around.

l) Until we can figure things out that is in BHRR's Lincoln's best interest, we are moving him to our BHRR Haven Dog program at this time. This may well change that he will be moved back to be placed up for adoption yet right now he is one immensely special needs boy and we have much to do for him for his rehab to make him 100%. He would make an awesome therapy boy this guy, minus the drool!

m) His coat is coming in so soft and healthy looking as he heals

n) AND bath time is less 'wet' for Gwennie & more 'wet' for BHRR's Lincoln! LOL I wash him with a natural oatmeal based shampoo once a week

o) This week I weaned him off the Benadryl as he had a vast need for some around the 8-8:30 PM timeframe. He is strictly just on the pred right now.

p) He is off all antibiotics and all infections have been cleared up

q) He is continuing to drink more as he is on the pred and we have to ensure that he is let out often enough to urinate

BHRR's Lincoln July 31st, 2011 – GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike
*Photos courtesy of C. Desjardins and J.  Rheome DeSantis

Lindsey Ward, TO, ON

This is a message for Gwen, who took the time to call me back in the middle of the night tonight to provide some much needed support. Gwen, thank you for taking the time to call me and providing me support, encouragement, and resources in a time of desperation and uncertainty for me.
Your kind words validated what I was feeling and did not make me feel guilty about making a hard decision under overwhelming circumstances. I am so impressed that someone who doesn't even know me or hasn't had any history with Rocky would call me to support me and to offer guidance and assistance. I am so happy to know that there are people like you out there who are helping dogs in need, including mine, however indirectly.
Thank you again, so much.
Lindsey W.

So, it has been a busy time for BHRR in the last 24+ hours for I brought home both BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Apollo from their temp foster homes. BHRR's Hailey on Saturday and BHRR's Apollo tonight.

BHRR's Hailey had gone to her temp foster home on Friday August 5th and due to circumstances having unexpectedly come up; I brought her back on Saturday. We continue to wish her temp foster family all the best and BHRR's Barbed Wire is not able to be brought in at this time as the spot that BHRR's Hailey had opened up by being temp fostered; was to go to BHRR's Barbed Wire.

BHRR's Apollo had gone to his temp foster home on Friday July 15th and he shall hopefully, return to this foster home in about two weeks time. πŸ™‚

BHRR wants to stress that NEITHER one of these situations involved something a BHRR dog did. Life happens sometimes…..

JUST some exerpts from BHRR's Hailey's foster home:

"and at one point both her and our black boy Oliver were seen sitting at the back sliding door…watching the sun setting together."

"We had some wonderful walks together today…she's enjoying discovering her new neighbourhood."

"The two of us went for a fun run through the park together which she seemed to really enjoy….all in all…IT WAS A BLAST!!!  She's very sweet and honestly, a very respectful girl."

"Hailey has been such a doll and you have trained her so well.  Fostering has been a breeze!"

"I wish that we could have kept her for longer."

BHRR's Shiva was a special request to attend our recent GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike last Sunday. πŸ™‚ She was so thrilled to hook up with BHRR's Hailey who is now in a temp foster home as of last Friday. Though, it had been less than 48 hours since they last saw each other and she was over the moon to see her BHRR black beaut sister! πŸ™‚

She has such a great time and from the posts that I have seen of late on our new BHRR FB FAN PAGE; she is a very popular fan fav! She was so awesome with her obedience, being sure to come back to 'check in' with me on a regular basis and she makes me so burst with feelings of joy! Sean & I remain hopeful just as we did with BHRR's Mazda that her own right matched forever loving home shall come along and if that never does happen, she lives a great quality filled life at BHRR. We will not rush our adoptions and our adoption success rates speak for themselves and that right matched forever home comes along and 'finds' her, that is awesome yet we are not sad or upset if not. We committed to her welbeing when we were asked to take her in and we remain dedicated to all that is in her best interest.

We had one person email us to suggest that as it was 'clear' that no one wanted her or BHRR's Dana; that we should have them put to sleep and focus on rescuing and rehabbing more adoptable dogs. Well, my response is that this is NOT going to happen. To all that have met her, yes, she is a small and BLACK Great Dane and yes, she has been at BHRR a long time and yes, as long as she is here, we can only take in so many other Great Danes to assist BUT she is who was 'next' in need and that is what BHRR is about. AND we are not going to turn out backs on her or the amazing BHRR's Dana just because they have been in our adoption program for as long as they have.

I challenge all to look at the recent photos added to her slideshow AND look at the one below; AND; you tell me if she should be put to sleep! YOU tell me that she is not living a fantastic life. YOU look into her eyes and TELL her that she is not worthy of being alive and happy and healthy and deserving of all that life can offer.

AND let me tell you, that she is NEVER going to be pushed aside for others…….she is as much as a priority to me and my heart as she was when she first arrived at BHRR. She has no need of BHRR any longer and we hope that there is a home out there that she can be her own queen off YET until that day comes along, she is going to be a princess at BHRR.

She got along with all dogs and people as per her usual LOVING self at the walk/hike and most enjoyed teasing BHRR's Hailey when we kept BHRR's Hailey on a leash a bit longer than her before she, too could run and have zoomies! She is a wee monkey this one at times and I LOVE that about her. Sometimes, you just have to watch those silent ones! LOL YET there is nothing silent about her when she plays, vocal goob she can be! From dignified to playful, what a charming young Dane she is. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Shiva – July 31st, 2011 – GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike
*Photos courtesy of C. Desjardins


BHRR's Broker is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! It has been 4 weeks since his arrival to BHRR and he is THRIVING! I would like to see even more muscle mass weight this boy and under the right matched personality fit home environment, this shall come.

He is quite the very laid back, mellow, accepting sort and yes, all Saint Bernard! He sure likes to still 'test' me at times to be sure that I am really serious about what I am asking him to do! LOL He is a bit of a ham and will need the right home that is going to be an effective, positive and patient leader so that he continues along this path of absolute FANTABULOUS!

BHRR's Benjamin attended our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th, 2011. This boy continues to just make me sooooooooooooo proud of him and all that he has accomplished in his short life!!!! He was quite mindful of his 'handler' for that day; one of our BHRR Volunteers. πŸ™‚ I adore this boy!!!! AS did so many others.

He also attended Day 1 of the TAKE THE PLUNGE EVENT on July 23rd, 2011 AND when the organizers of this event issued a 'Rescue Challenge', I KNEW who I would be bringing. Originally, BHRR's Benjamin was to come with me on the 2nd day, the 24th yet with the Challenge happening on the 23rd, I changed things up slightly. I was determined to bring a Giant that had been bounced around in so many homes before the age of 1, lacked training and in just one week with BHRR; he knew his name, sit, lay down etc. I wanted the WORLD to see just what I saw in him re: potential in photos, from the very first moment I knew about him, long before he ever came to BHRR.

This Dane ROCKS! ROCKS! ROCKS! I knew that we had a good chance of winning and this was a big 'test' for him, distraction under major circumstances! πŸ™‚ I also knew that he most likely would be the biggest in the ring and that for him to 'sit' in the musical/sit and stay Rescue Challenge would take him a few more seconds than smaller dogs to process BUT I could not have imagined partnering up with a better team mate for this competition. AND I knew this boy would be so much fun in the ring!!! He would make me smile with his antics and would provide the spectators with some great moments! This boy is so goofy yet so smart, not a mean bone in his body, affectionate, eager to please and I was so honoured to have him as my partner!!! AND for those that have been 'passing' over him as he is a GDX, truly, it is my gain!!!! For while we wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along, I get to be the one to hug, cuddle, kiss him and be blessed by his amazing temperament and those eyes….and he is one GORGEOUS looking boy, nicely porpotioned and I am content to keep remaining patient. This boy is going to make me well up something fierce when it is his time yet I also know that the home that gets him is going to be as super specially wonderful as him FOR he will go to nothing less of a home than what he is so deserving off just as with any of our BHRR animals. πŸ™‚

AND as for the competition, a slideshow below has been put together – photos courtesty of B. Element. We practised before ring time and the focus in one of those photos just catches my breath. HE was 'all on me' and for those who met this boy when he first came in to now, will attest to how far he has come and what an amazing dog he is!!

There were 15+ competitors and BHRR's Benjamim and I were the sole BHRR representatives(all dogs competing had to be in a current Rescue program) and the smallest dog was a CHI about 10 pounds and BHRR's Benjamin was the biggest at just under 150 pounds. πŸ™‚

HE made in the top 5 and I did well up inside for this boy was impressive!!!! He became distracted by a Boxer who wanted to play and well, BHRR's Benjamin lives with a Boxer(BHRR's Potter) AND who would not want to play with such a nice breed! πŸ˜‰ I worked on getting the focus back on me, yet the music stopped before I had 'him' completely back to me and we were the last to sit. THIS was such a fun competition, one that showcased many Rescues and many breeds of dogs out there in need of loving forever homes.

MOST of all, BHRR's Benjamin and I had a BLAST!!! It was $2 to enter per dog and the winning Rescue took the pot. HOW great was that!!!!

People that attended the Take The Plunge Event that visited our booth/tent could not believe that we had not 1, not 2 YET 3 very well behaved Giants there that day. AND on the 24th, I brought 2 Giants.

AND to show what a ham this boy really can be; I am posting a picture below from when I came home from being out one night with some friends back in June! I think he likes Bleach's couch!!! πŸ˜€


June 2011 & July 23rd, 2011 – Take The Plunge @ the R/C Raceway – *photo courtesy of B. Element

BHRR's Broker is doing FANTASTIC! What a social boy he is….his obedience is going well and he is quite the affectionate goofy boy. We have had no more marking incidents and he understands the rule about going outside FIRST before anything else when he gets up from a nap or rest or overnight sleepie or play or drinking etc.

I still crate him to sleep occasionally, just so that he is used to a crate in case if it is ever needed ie- hurt, surgery recovery, having to spend the day at the Vet in a run etc.

He has no issues going in and settles down great at night.

His best friend is now BHRR's Holden!!!

He has healed wonderfully from his neuter and I microchipped him last night. Not even a peep and he did not notice a thing. He felt he was just getting a treatie just 'because' LOL

Within the next week; he shall be placed up for adoption as his obedience manners can be continued on in his new home per the obedience clause in our adoption contract.

His chest booboo has also healed wonderfully and to him, he did not want anything slowing him down and we had to make sure he took things easy!

He is gentle about taking treats, you can handle his food bowl without issue, does not resource over water or other items and even is not a big drooler! LOL He does like to make a bit of a mess when drinking though…typical Saint B. cheeky

Below is a photo that I took of him with my iPhone last night. GOOFY!

We would be seeking a home – previous Saint experience is not necessary even previous Giant Dog experience is not necessary; a home that has another dog that is a right matched personality fit would be ideal yet AS long as the home has a good social network in place with other dogs via friends, that would be ok; a home that works full or part-time; one that is retired; semi-retired; it does not matter. HE is a very versatile boy! He loves kids and all people plus other animals and I will be taking him back to work with me one day next week so that I can get a new weight on him and see how he now is with everyone.

My intent is to do this on Tuesday next week and if all goes well, he will then be placed up for adoption! I find it so hard to believe that he has been with us since July 3rd and we are already July 29th…time has flown by…he has been an absolute pleasure!

BHRR's Broker (on his back) with BHRR's Beau – July 28th, 2011

BHRR's Apollo went to his temp foster home on Friday July 15th and here are some updates from his temp foster mom:

UPDATE: Sent Sunday July 17th from BHRR's Apollo's Temp Foster Mom –

"Another great night. He is all ours now. lol. If this is him unadjusted WOW!!!!! He is testing boundaries to see what he can get away with. The look on his face is priceless when he gets caught or told no way mister that is soooo not allowed. πŸ™‚ He has the "who me" look down pat. He and Temple have gelled so nicely."

UPDATE: Sent Sunday July 27th from BHRR's Apollo's Temp Foster Mom –

"Thought it was time for an update on your “little” man Apollo.  I did have to laugh out loud today as I read his papers ect. 95% of it with the exception of outsourced obedience we are already doing. WHEW! πŸ˜€   He has settled in so well.  He does test as all kids do. Wink, wink. 

I have not had any issues with food at all. In fact both dogs leave some food maybe half a cup  in the dishes and nibble for about 15 minutes if I am not in the room I remove it just in case. But honestly they both respect each other’s space. They have traded bowls on occasion when I turned my back to load the dishwasher but I redirected them back with no fuss or muss.  

We have a bit of grumbling over footballs as they were a fav here before Apollo and he wanted to try to claim them as his own. We had a firm discussion about “manners and sharing”  gentle reminders keep things on track.  He has been exposed to tiny 7 pound terriers with no issues but reminded to be gentle. He plays well with our senior neighbours dog and it would seem we have the communal back yard this year with people, kids and dogs coming and going when we are home and he takes this all in stride.  He does look to me for confirmation that all is ok and being non reactional with him I have found is key. As long as you are relaxed so is he. 

We did a walk about and he and Temple did fab on the split lead.  We practiced in the yard first. LOL.  Hot pavement and sidewalks cut our  walk short as I am now more aware of Birch Haven pads πŸ™‚ I have kept him in a room with Temple when I am not home. He will come for Gray before me. LOL.  He is doing so well and such a sweet treat. Everyone that comes over for a visit can’t believe he has not found his forever home yet. 

Never thought a “blond” would take over part of my heart but this boy sure is something special."

BHRR's Apollo with Temple – HE has a *thing* for those Harle females! – July 2011 & his football! HE loves soccer balls/footballs
*photos courtesy of T. Vaive

IF there had been a ramp at the Take The Plunge this past weekend, I would have brought BHRR's Apollo to compete! He will not do those many stairs. While there was a ramp in the pool for dogs to use to get out and some used it to get in; there were quite a few stairs to actually get up on the dock. BHRR's Apollo would have had no issues launching himself into that pool! There was one 'dock dane' there that competed last year as well and we would have loved to have been the second Dane yet those stairs did not make it possible.

AND to have brought him and for him to have heard, seen and smelt the water and not to have been able to swim; would have been hard on him. So, he remained at his temp foster home.

ANOTHER blog post for BHRR's Lincoln for today as the other one was becoming WAY too long of a Gwennie Novel. cheeky

This way, I can add two more photos of him below from July 24th too! πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Apollo is going to need some dog beds to call his own – preferably the rectangular ones from Costco or an XL Kuranda Bed. He needs lots of soft surfaces to lay upon and as such a big boy(emaciated yet still big); we have to ensure that he is not laying upon hard surfaces. If you want to be a BHRR Buddy to BHRR's Lincoln, I know that he would be very appreciative and grateful for the 'helping hands'. I have once again gone to the two Costco locations near me with no luck on finding any dog beds at those locales and will try to hit up the one in the Innes area when I can. I have been told that they seem to have plenty!

At the Take The Plunge Event; BHRR's Lincoln truly did not understand the concept of a nice comfy bed and it took some time and some persuading before he figured it all out! WTG! Then he used one for his body and one for his head! LOL

On Tuesday, we also gave him a Mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant to try and get him to show more interest in eating. He is eating about 4 cups of food total per day right now and he needs to be eating close to 12. Small, frequent meals.

I am currently in touch with Louise Peterson – and those in the Great Dane world well know who she is. πŸ™‚ I am purchasing 4 pieces of her amazing talented work and she has offered to donate another piece or two plus pay for s&h so that we can raise some much needed funds.

Thank you to Mary for the collar and leash for BHRR's Lincoln!

BHRR's Lincoln  – July 24th, 2011 – Take The Plunge – His ears…..his poor sweet ears….


BHRR's Lincoln was picked up last Friday by BHRR BOD member M. Leung, temp fostered overnight and then they met Sean on their way in to assist myself at Take the Plunge last weekend. Below are two photos from Take the Plunge on July 24th as BHRR's Broker attended on the Sunday with us.

He learnt that being outdoors can be a good experience and that the hands that touch him can be helping and loving ones, not hurting ones. He was a BIG hit and did awesome! He was only slightly nervous of one person, a large man from another rescue who approached him very head on. The next time they met, all was fine and the man said 'looks like he is more comfortable' to which I replied 'it was how you approached him, he has been fine with everyone and every dog.' Goes to show that even those in Rescue do not always do the 'right' thing when it comes to some situations. No one is perfect!

He was on 1/2 tablet of Pred 50 mg SID for three days and then was suppose to go to Pred 50 Mg 1/2 tablet EOD for 5 days and so on yet in attempting to do that by the time it was evening on Tuesday; he was clearly shaking and scratching. The Vet that we saw recommended giving him a 5 mg Pred to get him through the night and we are back up to 1/2 tablet  SID for the next 20 days or so.

He is on 1500 mg of Cephalexin 500 mg BID and though his face, elbows, legs and eyes are still swollen, it is SOOOOOOOOO much better and as of Sunday, he could actually see again.

He was on Surolan for his ears yet the inside of them are looking really good at this time.

He is washed with an oatmeal based shampoo and THANK you to M. Leung for taking him to her groomer for a shampoo plus to have the tips of his nails trimmed. He was towel dried due to how thin he is and how thin his hair is, what little he has and all the bald raw areas on his body.

He did not like the Hypo Dry that was tried and barely touched the Hypo Wet
He DOES NOT like the Z/D wet or dry
He is now eating the D/D Salmon Wet & Dry and has tried the D/D and does not appear to mind that as well.

We are waiting for some tripe to come in and also possibly to start him on RAW.

He is resting better and is a lot more comfortable. He has been fully integrated with everyone and what a SWEET boy!

His weight at the Vet Hospital was an emaciated 63 KGs( 138.60 pounds) AND it is all relative as his bone structure is massive and he is about 36" at the whithers. He should be weighing 175 if not more with weight and muscle tone.

It is believed by my own Vet that he does have food allergies that were left untreated and he developed lesions, ear infections and as he was not treated for fleas; developed FAD and also due to being fed Ol Roy dog food; clearly was not getting enough to meet his nutritional needs. His body is so painful and hot to the touch. The weight and heaviness of his ears due to his condition is brutal. They are drying up those and the deep scabs are forming. He sometimes opens a few of the lesions up on his ears and body from scratching, rubbing or shaking….but, better and better!

This was not something that happened overnight and it breaks my heart to see the clear neglect of this boy.

In addition to the food allergies, my Vet believes he could also have some seasonal allergies yet one step at a time and one day at a time.

He is being fed 4-5 small meals a day and much prefers to eat at night when it is cooler. A/C or not in our home, it is hot out there!

The skin scrapings taken have indicated that there are not any demodectic mange and the bw that we did has come back showing results indicative of what he is going through with food allergies. His HWT was negative and he is on Revolution at this time and will receive another dose next week – 2 weeks after the first dose and from there we shall go monthly to Sentinel, our preferred method for heartworm preventative and that it protects against hook worms of which Revolution does not.

NOTICE: Gentle Reminder: HELP Crystal Foschia HELP BHRR & in particular BHRR's Lincoln!

She has entered the "The Dog No One Wanted's Photos – CAPTION CONTEST FOR ANIMAL CHARITY" – AND she is NOW in 1st place due to your help! If her caption wins: she has chosen BHRR as her charity & $500 comes to BHRR – see below for more details on how to help her and BHRR! CONTEST ends July 31st!

Crystal is NOW in first place – 80 votes up from 11 votes; second place has 37 votes yet do not rule them out yet – their Fan Page is over 600 strong!!

Just a few clicks from you can help Crystal win monies for BHRR and all FUNDS would be used towards our newest addition BHRR's Lincoln – the severely neglected Saint Bernard!

FOR those that met him on Sunday; YOU will agree with me that though his rehab is going to be a long and expensive one; he is deserving of it!

Step 1: Go to 'THE DOG NO ONE WANTED FB Fan Page –
Step 2: 'Like' their page
Step 3: GO to this link:
*This is the actual contest link on their FB FAN PAGE
Step 4: Find Crystal Foschia's comment – Hers is number 38 on the list – Crystal Foschia A dog's LOVE can take you anywhere!!!
Step 5: Click on the "LIKE' button to like her commen

Everyone at worked LOVED him on Tuesday and he hung out up at reception! I have some photos I will post soon. I even brought his own drool towel for he makes BHRR's Lily Belle look dainty when he drinks! LOL

BHRR's Lincoln – July 24th, 2011 – Take The Plunge Event – see his poor ears….
*Photos courtesy of C. Desjardins

With BHRR's Hailey scheduled to go to her temp foster home now on Friday July 29th, we can now move on bringing in BHRR's Barbed Wire(Barbie). We are looking at Sunday August 7th at this time.

Update from her amazing temp Foster Mom in KY, USA sent July 26th, 2011:

Barbie seems to be feeling better all the time.  She was skipping around the yard today, acting like a puppy.  It was very cute.  She is a little over a month post-HW treatment, so I gave her the first preventive on Sunday.  She had no issues with it, so I think she's in good shape. 

Update from her amazing temp Foster Mom in KY, USA sent July 18th, 2011:

Barbie seems to be feeling better every day.  She never even coughed, with the HW treatment, so I think she was extremely low antigen positive.  She is totally devoted to me and follows me everywhere.  She loves to put her paws on my shoulders so I can hug her.  She is such an affectionate girl. 

She and the hound mix, Buddy, get along famously.  She lets him jump all over her and doesn't mind a bit.  She is not protective against other dogs unless she feels that her person is being threatened.  She is otherwise rather indifferent to other dogs, but she may be inclined to play, as she starts feeling better and better.

Barbie is a really funny girl.  She does not like the grass, especially if it's wet.  She will only potty on dirt — or the deck or patio.  When she walks in the grass, she acts like she's walking on hot coals.  It's too funny.


BHRR's Maggie May attended our 4th Annual BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on July 17th and what a smash hit she was!!!

She then came with myself to attend the TAKE THE PLUNGE Event at the R/C Raceway on July 23rd and when I was getting ready to leave for the second day, July 24th; she was waiting right at the gate, determined to come back for the second day! SO, she came. She was the 'lady of the hour' and thanks being extended once again to BHRR BOD member M. Leung for putting together a $200 basket to help raise funds. For a minimum donation of $5, ballots were handed out for supporters to win the basket. Congratulations extended again to Laura of Adopt-A-Greyhound for being having the winning donation ballot!

BHRR's Maggie May was sooooooooooo happy during these events and though she might be older, she was a sprite thing as she went out and about. She taught many a person how 'normal' a dog can be with only three legs and that one should not feel sorry for her. She won over many hearts and this was her final test(social, training and also for her strength) before being placed up for adoption since she first came into Rescue and then had her leg amputated on May 10th, 2011.

It is hard to believe that this we are at this point in our journey together and once again, I am full of mixed feelings. SOOOOOOOOOO happy and thrilled that she survived and is thriving and having the best quality filled life ever and sad as I am quite smitten by her and she has been one of the best ever dogs to have had here. She is a Pyr through and through and she is smart and loyal and as with any of our dogs, she shall ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home. One that is going to be patient, understanding that she is older, that it was a front leg that was amputated and that understands her breed traits.

I do not want to see her pushed beyond her comfort or ability limits. She is so much stronger than she was yet we are not talking about a 1 year old dog here. She is older than 2, 3, 4 and possibly even 5 YET her teeth indicate a younger dog – less than 4, life has been so hard on her before she came into Rescue……

We want her a home to NOT feel sorry for her, overfeed her and 'baby' her either.

She will do well in a home that works from home, works part-time, semi-retired, retired. One that is not going to expect her to hike a km 5 times daily. One that will give her plenty of soft beds to lay upon, a home that is not going to have lots of stairs – a few is ok and as long as they are not steep. She likes the Kuranda beds too which will be great on her joints and bones as she ages.

Someone that is going to take care of her coat as it continues to grow in. We do not want to see her continually shaved as this will toughen up that undercoat of hers.

Yes, we have our usual high expectations and standards yet that home is out there! One that is seeking a loyal, affectionate(give her time, she is all Pyr and when she warms up and trusts you, this dog will give you all of her heart and soul), kind, gentle, low maintenance BEST tripod female Pyr ever! A home with a fully fenced in backyard that is going to ensure that she does not stay out too long, has some freedom to explore and a home that is moderately active yet not going to expect too much out of her re: exercise.

Her best friend her is my daughters almsot 160 pound female English Mastiff and as long as her future adoptive home has a right matched personality fit, this would be good for her mental and even for some added physicall stimulation. She likes to play a bit, rest, play some more and then snooze.

She does great in cars and enjoys looking out the window before laying down comfortably.

Below are two photos taken of her from July 24th at the TAKE THE PLUNGE EVENT at the R/C Raceway this past weekend.

BHRR's Maggie May – Take The Plunge Event – July 24th, 2011
*photos courtesy of C. Desjardins

BHRR's Rain did so well at KAH last Tuesday -July 19th – for her spay. She did not do any barking and was so social and accepting. While she was under sedation, it was amazing how much hair was able to be taken of her and she had a nice manicure/pedicure!

Her weight was 30.5 KGs(67.10 pounds). She is gaining very slowly yet as with BHRR's Beau, the amount of hair that has come off her was quite heavy in poundage. She also tends to not eat as well as her brother.

She is my little dynamo of energy and loving affection.

The sad news is that yes, she does have a fracture of the P3 on her right front foot – one toe. X-Ray photo below. We tried to splint it with the expectation that it most likely would be futile and yup, by the time I took her home that night; as she stretched in the car; off came the splint…sigh…I tried to put it on again at home and that was an exercise in futility. She was very proud and content once she had it off.

She is on 50 mg of Deramaxx as needed and we are going to see if we can get this to heal – it is a relatively clean break, not like BHRR's Dana's smashed bone fragments in her own toe that we had to amputate. We are going to 'try' to remain hopeful that we can get her toe to heal, yet broken toes are brutal things……

As she is never going to be your 'average' female Saint Bernard size, that is in her favour to heal this toe. We have to work on keeping her quiet due to her spay and this toe. This little girl just wants to get up and go she is so bursting with the joy of life yet when it is bed time, she settles down beautifully.

In fact, both her and brother are now only crated to eat – no resourcing issues whatsoever and man, do they both love kids! They sleep out of their crates at night and if we have to go out; they are not crated either. IMPRESSIVE, fast learners these two are. They are both bombing along their path of rehab and I am very proud of them!

I even took BHRR's Rain to the Take The Plunge Event for the Sunday and she has gone from taking a long time with lots of treats to feel 'safe' with people; to now sometimes wanting to bark, lunge and wag that tail furiously *if* she does not get her way to greet other dogs and people. She was Miss Social Butterfly and now needs to learn that we see and greet dogs and people on 'our' terms not hers! LOL

This is one stunning wee Saint Baby Female! HOLY! Her body is in great propotion and I call her my 'pocket Saint'. Her face is so softly feminine and I have the best photo to post and shall do on another blog as the two photos I wish to post here are off her after her spay plus her toe bobo. The Vet that helped me splint her foot; put a lightening bolt patch on her splint as I had a bit of a scare being electrocuted on July 17th when the whole storm came in that evening and ended spending some time having my heart monitored. She also put an 'ouchie' patch on her splint. LOVE my Vets! It was nice having it so quiet so that I could be proactively active in her plus BHRR's Beau care that day and not having to multi split my time. πŸ™‚

We are still looking for some more dates with approved Volunteers for both of them yet at the rate she is now going with her own rehab; I would say in another month; she is going to be able to be placed up for adoption.

We are not seeking to adopt her and her brother together yet both will do best in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit canine. Both are good with dogs of all sizes and cats and now that BHRR's Rain is here; she has learnt gentle and not playing so rough and her true inner beauty is coming out….if allowed, she can be a bit of a bossy bit of goods yet in the right leadership home with the right guidance between other dogs and humans; she is a genteel lady! Most of the time! She is going to need a 'job' – obedience, agility etc. for her mind is very sharp and she has such a soul that burns like a bright flame. πŸ™‚ She just crams all she can into each day and appears to almost be always 'smiling' – yes, humanizing her! πŸ˜€

Each night, I can do more and more time grooming her and she is no longer so scared and has not done a submissive pee in quite some time. I do not push her boundaries but I test them plus slowly am increasing them and she loves those treats! I want to see another 10 pounds on her at this age yet this is one Saint B. that is never going to make it to 100 and NEVER should. I can only keep stressing enough to our adoptive homes and foster homes; DO not overfeed these Giants. You are only creating problems that we have worked so hard to prevent. It really distresses me to see them overweight and some even brought to the obese state and to see this happening really does 'gets' to Sean & I.

We are still working on her leash manners too…. πŸ˜‰

BHRR's Rain – July 19th, 2011 – 8 months of age & X-Ray of right front foot – second toe on end P3 fracture

2 more updates on BHRR's Lincoln's overnight/temp foster home on Friday July 22nd:

First Update:

Lincoln is a lovebug, very friendly and inquisitive.  He walks really nicely on a leash, but I'm not sure whether it's because he's just been in unfamiliar environments with me and wants to stick close.  He squeaks when he's anxious and has barked a few times in the yard with X and Y.  All three barked at the muscial ice cream truck when it circled the court, and no, I did not buy them any LOL!

That's the one thing that I noticed is that he sleeps alot.  It could be just because of his poor condition and he lacks energy, but I remember you also said that it was a way for them to deal with stress.  I brought Lincoln back in first, put him in the crate with his water bowl and food before letting the boys in to be fed.  When all were done, I put up the food bowls and let Lincoln out.  He explored a bit with X following him then he went to sleep and the other two followed suit.

Second Update:

Forgot the most important part. Except for his terrible, terrible ears, Lincoln's head is huge and oh so gorgeous and sweet now that he's clean.  He'sshaken his head a couple of timesand started the raw patches bleeding.

His body condition is poor and his fur is very thin -you can see through to his skin in some places.  Body is very thin with no muscle tonei the hind end.

Large bald patches on his elbowsprobably from lyingon hard surfaces.

And no surprise, he;s a drooler.

Can't wait for you to meet him – you'll fall in love in an instant.  I sure did, and so did a lot of other people today. 

A couple even wanted to adopt him.  I told them it would be a while before he would be available and gave them the BHRR site info to read up on the adoption procedures and invited them to fill in an application if they felt they met the qualifications.

Picture below is from his arrival to BHRR on Saturday July 23rd. Sean took a photo and sent it to me as I was at the TAKE THE PLUNGE Event that day. Everyone at our booth had to have a looksy at the boy that stole the hearts of many as we tried so hard to save him!

BHRR's Lincoln – July 23rd, 2011 – DAY of arrival to BHRR – 2.5 years of age

BHRR's Beau's neuter went well. His weight was 37.10 KGs(81.62 pounds), so a slight gain. He most likely actually has put on more yet with all the hair and matts that were taken off him while he was under; that added up to quite the poundage! HE looks so much better and every night, I am able to groom him a bit to pull more and more out of him.

He had a really great mani/pedi while he was under too. πŸ˜€

He is doing so well! He was calm, accepting and quite open to the attention given to him at the Hospital. YAY!

After only one accident in the house, he has been completely fine and also proven to be 100% trustworthy. I crate him at night still as he is learning that his own company is ok and that he does not need to rely on his sister to be there and stand up for him. They still like to flop and drop together yet both happily go into separate crates at night and settle down beautifully. I have not heard a bark or peep out of this boy since that first 48 hours. He is the 'strong silent' type now! πŸ™‚

HE LOVES kids and all the dogs here and is a great car traveller. We are working on leash manners and his 'sit' is quite solid now.

We did not go on our 'date' last Thursday as the temps were close to 115 and we shall still have our date on Monday with Volunteers.

I would say that within a month, this fast becoming outwardly happy boy is going to be ready for adoption! Fast flightly movements make him unsure and loud noises but HUGE progress in such a short time!!!

He is healthy, becoming so much more comfortable and confident in his own skin and SOOOOOOOOOOO handsome underneathe all the hair, matts and dirt he had!

BHRR's Beau – July 20th, 2011 – 8 months of age

UPDATE just sent on BHRR's Lincoln from his temp/overnight Foster Home:

"He was an excellent traveller and spent most of the tirip sleeping or looking out the windows. There was nary a peep out of him except for a bit of anxious squeaking at the beginning, but he settled down well as I continued to reassure him that he was good boy and that he was safe. I told him my Lincoln was squeaking and needed to be oiled.

He has been to my boys' groomer, X, who made a special trip back to the store with her husband to bathe him, work out the mats on his poor ears, clean them and do his nails. X said they gave Lincoln a second bath as the rinse water ran off him like a river of mud. They did not blow dry him because of his skin condition, but vigorously towel dried him instead. It took four towels :-). His white parts are now snowy. On our way out eight people commented on what a nice boy he was and asked about his background story.

He has been fully integrated with X and Y. Of course, I had to tell X that Lincoln was a "puppy".

Lincoln has been given his meds and is eating some dinner at this moment. He has drunk a bowl and a half of water, peed three times and had a small bowel movement.

Gwen – I will email you separately about tomorrow."

BHRR's Lincoln – Almost 3 years of age, Saint Bernard, Male, neutered, family surrendered to the SPCA that they had adopted him from about 1-1.5 years ago previously. Terrible ear infections, hair loss and painful lesions on body. O. was actually an animal welfare employee at one time themselves. This continues to prove my position that it MATTERS not one bit what ones career, race, colour, age, sex is etc.; animal cruelty/neglect crosses all over! πŸ™

Family was being evicted and going 'camping' was reason for surrender. Family had been advised back in May of 2011 to do a food trial to determine if Lincoln had food allergies yet continued to feed him Ol' Roy.

After seeing two Vets plus a skin specialist; BHRR's Lincoln is now on Prednisone, an allergy food , antibiotics – Cephalexin, given Revolution. In addition to his chronic ear infections, he has demodectic mange as his auto-immune system had been so weakened.

BHRR was contacted to see if we could step up to assist as no other place had to date. After a stressful almost 24 hours, we have had an approved home step up to temp foster – They are going to temp foster BHRR's Benjamin for BHRR. This enable us to commit to assisting BHRR's Lincoln.

He will be picked up from the SPCA later today, temp fostered overnight and met by Sean on Saturday for him to bring back to BHRR. I have an appointment set up with one of my Vets on Tuesday to evaluate him again – do a HWT if needed etc.

The SPCA Branch Manager sent us the following on BHRR's Lincoln:

"Lincoln is a wonderfully nice dog. Gets a long with kids of all ages and other dogs. "


BHRR's Lincoln – left ear & swollen face – July 2011

BHRR's Broker did not end up attending our 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser. He had been playing in the 2+ acre fenced in yard on the Friday and ended up putting a stick into the side of his chest. MAJOR antibiotics, tons of love and lots of rest on his agend for the next bit. AND to him, he was not fazed and just wanted to keep playing! Happy boy he is!

I will see how he is later this week and might bring him to one of the days of TAKE THE PLUNGE on either Jluly 23rd or July 24th. If not then, then most likley the GD Walk/Hike as this will be his last 'test' before being placed up for adoption.

He has healed well from his neuter and his obedience is flowing along nicely. Typical Saint in many ways yet such a goober nut(just as BHRR's Frank became before he was adopted!) as he is such a social butterfly! LOL

HUGE milestone reached tonight!!!! I was able to not only run a soft bristle brush over their coats YET also a fine needle grooming comb! NOT for very long yet talk about HUGE progress and HUGE HUGE HUGE success! Both were really good!

They started off a bit unsure, then became curious and as I 'played' it up and gave lots of praise, they became excited and even more happy(AND believe me when you meet BHRR's Rain and 'win' her over; her tail is NONstop wagging and BHRR's Beau's tail is not all that far behind!) and allowed me to do a couple of minutes each on them.

SOOOOOOOOOO, I was able to pull out tons of dead hair and a few matts and though, we have a long ways to go, progress!!! YAY! Lots of treats afterwards!

They are in tomorrow for their alters and they are heading in with tons of treats in hand!

I am also going to have their Vet take a peek at one of BHRR's Rain's front feet/legs. As the dogs were running, she tripped and went down hard the poor thing…..she has been limping a bit since then.

LOVING my 'Saint Babies' as I call them.

Their first 'date' is this Thursday and looking foward to it. That will give me a better idea if both should/could possibly head out one day to TAKE THE PLUNGE this upcoming weekend or better off holding until our next GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike or even later.

Thanks so much for trusting me my babies! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Rain & BHRR's Beau are doing well. I am able to touch and do more and more with them each day.

BHRR's Beau has had just one accident in the house and both have settled into BHRR life beautifully. For those that have been asking, no, I shall not be bringing them to our upcoming 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th at Kanata Animal Hospital.

They still require a lot of rehab and I still have not been able to handle them enough to take those matts out or do those brutally long nails. That shall be done at their alters on Tuesday while under anaesthetic. I am now able to brush them more and they are very treat motivated. They still act like they have not eaten in ages when you feed them yet it is much better than it was. I am looking forward in seeing what their new weights are! AND still not one bit of resourcing EVER being done by either one!

Their coats are better than they were yet no where near where they should be but we shall get there! With their puppy coats shedding, being kept outside etc.; they have a lot to get rid off.

BHRR's Rain barely barks now. She is more calm and confident and in turn, that make BHRR's Beau not 'feed' off any of her high energy. She does not try to 'rule' BHRR's Beau and step up to take care of him as much and that shall continue to change as time goes on. She is visibly more relaxed and happy. That tail of hers goes a mile a minute and even BHRR's tail is wagging more and more and higher too! AND with tons of exercise daily here; both are no longer 'rangy'. Each night, they happily go to their crates and sleep really well! πŸ˜‰

They are still close, very close yet each are making their own circle of friends and BOTH love BHRR's Holden.

AND for those that were also wondering, no, we never did receive that donation that we were informed we would be receiving last Thursday. As indicated, we were still going to assist them, regardless as that is what a r/q Rescue does and the monies will come out of our own pockets and from support sent their way by their fans! Both could use a BHRR Buddy; and both could use their own dog beds. Currently, I have piles of comfy blankets for them to sleep upon. I do not want to 'tempt' them with possible shredding as they exit their honeymoon period and become more comfortable and confident without worry of any negative repercussions. They have a lot to learn as of yet and they will get there….baby steps.

Their deworming protocol has brought out quite the explosive diarrhea as their bodies rid themselves of parasites. They are both on Sentinel as well right now.

As we are into the final countdown for our Fundraiser this Sunday; blogs and photos are going to have to wait. SORRY!

I also have two dates now lined up for the BHRR Saint Babies and myself to visit two different BHRR Volunteer Homes! YAY! First date is next Thursday and the next one is on Monday July 25th.

Still looking for more dates for us to visit some friends and Volunteers for an hour or so; hand out treats to them and socialize plus train them more. It would be too easy for us to just keep them here on our 148 acre property yet that is not in their best interest NOR what we do at BHRR. As we do with all of the animals, they, too; shall be giving proper training and social opportunities. We want them assets to their future adoptive homes AND to their communities. AND there is no reason given enough rehab that both of these Saints will not make excellent additions to home and community. The more time I spent with them and work with them; the more amazing they both get! Each has their own 'work' to be done and each has the same 'work' to be done in some areas.

AND to answer the question many have been asking; we do not think we shall be adopting them out together. This is for their best interest and for their future adoptive homes. We have had two successful adoptions of a pair of Great Danes to two separate homes at the same time YET that was a rare exception and those Danes complimented each other. Furthermore, in BHRR's Cletus's case; BHRR's Samari had to be adopted with him. They are great dogs together absolutely; yet; they will be great dogs in homes of their own with their own new families. We do know that we would prefer them to be adopted to homes that have at least one right personality fit canine for them too.

Both are great with dogs of all sizes and with cats.

If they continue to bloom the way they are right now; I am thinking of bringing both to our next GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike on July 31st! Local Media L. Bradley of the Ottawa Dog Blog shall be in attendance to do a story on the largest group of its kind in the area plus how we promote responsible dog ownership awareness to the community during our fun walks/hikes. If interested in being added to our almost 125 member list; please email.


JUST two SLEEPIES until the 4th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being held at Kanata Animal Hospital – 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario on Sunday July 17th, 2011

Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


There will also be Pet Photos, Caricatures, Face Painting, Free Draws, Human Bake Table, Doggie Treats, Leashes, Collars, BHRR Bracelets, Tug Ropes and more!

Microchips$40 – For Cats & Dogs
Nail Trims$10 – For Cats, Dogs, Guinea Pigs & Rabbits

The Rogers Community Cruiser shall be on hand from 10:00 AM – Noon with free timbits & coffee

Complimentary Behavoural/Training Consult Sessions to be had with the Founder of BHRR & Animal Behavoural Student G. Boers

The microchips are from 24PetWatch and they meet the requirements of the revised Canadian standard for electronic identification of companion animals. These microchips are also accepted by the CKC. Animal microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are typically implanted just beneath the skin between the shoulder blades.

Every year millions of lost and abandoned animals are taken in by shelters, pounds, humane societies, SPCA's and rescue organizations. Of these animals only about 15% of dogs and 5% of the cats (estimated numbers) are ever returned to their homes. The primary reason that the statistics are so low is, because the pets are unidentifiable. Microchipping provides the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet(dogs and cats-especially outdoor one's!) and networking the animal back to their owners. If you want to improve your cat or dog's chances of getting home; microchipping is your best option.

Out of 20 dogs gone missing in our area, only 7 have been found to date; of which 4 were microchipped.

This is the largest Mircochip Fundraiser in CANADA!

Below is a photo of BHRR's Maggie May from our June 25th BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House! SHE is so adorable in her 'peach fuzz' fashion! I just love her eyes….

She is doing really well and as time goes on, it becomes more and more apparent that she is much older than 2 or 3. She has had a tough life for sure, this doll. πŸ™

It is our intent to bring her to our upcoming KAH/BHRR 4th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th. To all that are intending to come out; your support means that we can continue to give amazing dogs like BHRR's Maggie May a better future. AND thank you so much in advance for that support!

She remains just terrified of storms and this summer has seen its share. πŸ™ We continue to work on a calming touch/word and passively ignoring. She is better than she was in that she is no longer launching herself over furniture to hide and will now lay down in a corner and enjoy Kinsley wrapping her up in a blanket.

Our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House shall not be until September and to date, we only have 6 spaces left. Please email if you would like to register to attend.

BHRR's Maggie May – June 25th, 2011 @ our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House
*Photo courtesy of J. Rheome DeSantis

BHRR's Beau & BHRR's Rain had a good first night. I am typing this update at almost 2 AM on Tuesday the 12th! I worked on their manners and both have a nice solid sit for sure! Treats help…. πŸ˜‰ I brought both of them to work with me and when I walked into the door; I told everyone to just passively ignore them and gave out bits of hotdog for people to hand out. BHRR's Rain had a bit of barking yet settled down and it was not long before both were quite comfortable and settled.

They were AWESOME in the back run and BHRR's Rain had some submissive peeing when I was trying to weigh her or when a few people were giving her treats.

The only other time that she barked and then got BHRR's Beau to bark was one time that I took them outside and they saw strangers walking by on the sidewalk and then one person who was arriving at KAH with their own Beagle pup. They really wanted to play with the pup.

With every new person they met after that, there was no barking, more confident and comfortable body posture and tons of happy tail wagging, especially from BHRR's Rain. BHRR's Beau 'feeds' of her and she is more high strung and energy filled. He is much more relaxed and accepting yet when she is on 'alert', he goes on alert and with his 'stand back and size up the situation' comfort zone, a treat is all that is needed to make him relax.

The 360 these two have taken in less than 24 hours is AWESOME! They traveled great in the car and they were a bit unsure when I took them out of the car and loud noises make them slink a bit yet I passively ignored, gave them a calming word and we moved forward as if it was no big deal.

ALL the staff at KAH was AMAZING! As I fed treats, we were able to give both their Rabies and DAPP shots plus microchip them. The Vet was able to listen to their hearts and lungs and she and I were even able to look at teeth plus BHRR's Beau's eyes; one eye more than the other was quite red and as of this AM, lots of discharge, more than last night. Between the two of us, we were even able to get the ointment into his eyes! WOOHOO!

LOTS of treats, praise and passing of the puppies to all!

I have posted on our BHRR FaceBook FAN Page; a request to our BHRR Volunteers and friends re: some dates and times for them to consider so that I could perhaps drop by for an hour with them and have more people meet them, give them treats and learn that stranger danger is nothing to fret about and that the hands that touch them are kind. Please email!

They were very respectful when others asked them to sit and everything they did that was appropriate was filled with praise and treats and anything inappropriate was corrected with a matter-of-fact tone of authority and then passively ignored.

They have not had an accident in the house and tonight, I shall move them to a colossal crate for this sleep for more space and room and then as of tonight's sleepie, separate crates.

BHRR's Beau is actually more adventurous than BHRR's Rain and she is very rough in her play; I witnessed that first hand when I went to pick them up and so, she needs to learn manners. She needs to be corrected with such rough play yet interesting to note, that when she wants to get in on the play, especially between BHRR's Broker and Caffrey, she is not happy that they get rough back with her. She does not like getting her own medicine back and having others call the shots yet she is much calmer already with myself and Sean stepping up to take control of the leader roles here.

Both love kids and all dogs and both have huge diluted pees when they do go and we shall monitor.

Both were given a tube of Revolution and I have Panacur to de-worm them.

We shall do their bw(we wanted to ensure this visit was all positive for them and no restraining or situation where they might panic was created); nails and to shave those matts when they are under sedation for their altering on the 19th of July. I will continue to work on being able to handle them to brush out what dead hair that I can until then. They are blowing a ton of hair and have puppy coats that are trying to shed, winter coat and just that being kept outside tough coat that we need to now shed. With their hair type, they need regular grooming to stay on top of it.

I am very tempted to bring both to the Microchip Clinic with how much forward direction both have taken YET I might wait until TAKE THE PLUNGE to give them another 6 days.

BHRR's Rain's weight was a thin 30.2 KGs(66.44 pounds)
BHRR's Beau's weight was a thin 35.9 KGs(78.98 pounds)

With the leaps and bounds they have made in less than 24 hours; I am still very confident about BHRR's Rain's progress and as I have begun some separation from her with BHRR's Beau's; feeling so much more comfortable about his own rehab. She truly 'feeds' him and both need to learn to be calm and confident in their own right and she needs direction and manners with affection and he needs direction and time to get some attention on his own terms. πŸ™‚

Will update more and take more pictures as I can. This week is a busy one with our upcoming 4th ANNUAL BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th! Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM and RAIN OR SHINE! This is the largest Microchip Fundraiser in Canada!!!

After some more discussion with this one temp foster home, we are going to place BHRR's Apollo with them instead of BHRR's Benjamin. For a variety of reasons, including that BHRR's Apollo has had more training as he has been here at BHRR longer plus he no longer requires a crate.

We both believe that the age plus energy level of BHRR's Benjamin would be a better fit for their curent Dane in some ways yet with BHRR's Ava Marie having been adopted, BHRR's Apollo has been a bit lonely(I KNOW! Hard to believe at BHRR) and he is just now starting to become super fast friends with BHRR's Holden. Perhaps, while he will be providing amazing company and exercise to their current Dane; in turn, perhaps; she might make his step become a bit lighter again AND for sure; she is going to exercise him in turn.

AND BHRR's Apollo is much more settled with cats than BHRR's Benjamin. He is good with them yet can still be a bit curious.

BHRR's Apollo has been up for adoption longer and moving to a bigger place will give him more exposure to the public as well. πŸ˜‰ We know that right matched home is out there for him….they just have not found him yet. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Benjamin has many fast friends here and has not been going through an adjustment with one of his beds buds having been adopted and we are going to see how it works out. BHRR's Apollo shall go to his temp foster home on Friday July 15th! πŸ™‚



They are HERE! I feel like I am forever on the roads of late making drives to pick up animals in need. πŸ™

They are full of matts, need extensive grooming, she is more thin than he and their lack of socialization is extensive. One was tied up to a bumper of a truck during the day and one to a nearby tree during the day. They were brought in at night and shared this crate. NOT much room for two in there….

I changed their names……they are now 'Rain' & 'Beau'. For their new beginning….very rarely do we do that….

Ever since that one beer commercial came out about a year ago, the run on Saints has been brutal. πŸ™

They shall not be placed up for adoption for a long time…. πŸ™ That will depend on their rehab progress. She has a lot of potential. I am more cautiously optimistic about him at this time yet I am going to give it my all to make the world 'right' for them both. Once they are separated…the true hard rehab work shall begin…she is stepping up to 'take care' of him just as Lexi did with BHRR's Hailey. That is not her role, it is ours as the human leaders and she is going to be fine in time….he needs to be given the opportunity to see if he can fully blossom. They are now also entering into 'stranger danger' stage.

Everything frightens them….

It was quite some time before I could touch when I went to get them either yet now they are WELCOMED TO BHRR and one step at a time.

I have known about them for almost 3 weeks and finally I got the call from the O. directly asking us to assist. The one O. who contacted me directly, did the right thing. She surrendered them. She wanted better for them. I have talked to her extensively. Sometimes when one loves, they truly do have to let something go.

I have added one photo to their slideshow right after their arrival. They have now been fully integrated with everyone without issue.

The O. also donated their crate and gave me their two leashes. She said that she would make a donation to their care after her pay day on Thursday. Regardless if she is going to do this or not, BHRR still took them in. They need assistance and a lot of socialization. They need a nail trim and their coats are going to take some time to get normal. They are both rough coat Saints.

Additionally, Sean and I are looking at them and they are byb Saints indeed in looks. Both are very small for their Breed and quite 'snipey'. I will post weights after their Vet Visit. YET regardless of their history and pedigree(lack thereof); we know that we are going to LOVE them!!!

I had Sean feed them as I did the drive by myself and they had already gotten to 'know' me a bit on the almost 5 hour drive. Sean's word when he fed them were 'ravenous'.  They did not resource over their bowls with each other and ate in the same crate and had no issues with humans also handling their bowls. I can handfed them treats without any issue.

She is such a wee ham and going to keep me on my toes for sure! BHRR's Beau is more reserved and we shall see what time brings his way in self-confidence, comfort zoning and acceptance.

WELCOME TO BHRR you two wee beauties!

BHRR's Beau(standing) & BHRR's Rain – July 10th, 2011 – Day of Arrival to BHRR



Here is what BHRR's Broker's Temp Foster home had to say about him as we waited to transport him to BHRR:

Broker had a good night.  He got restless around 3AM, so we went outside for a bit, and then he finally ate.  He settled fairly well after that until X got us all up for his breakfast a couple of hours later.

He and X did play together this morning for a bit as well.  He and Y are now close.  They both seem to like the game they are playing, where she gets to correct him over and over for humping or trying too.  They will do this for a bit then both go lie down together. 

Broker ate some lunch – he much preferred Y's food and she his so it all worked out πŸ™‚ He is a huge drinker as well.  He was getting wet and dry mixed, but I don’t think he likes the wet/canned food much at all.

He is asking for attention form both 'of us' at every opportunity now too.

He knows some basic commands and is respectful of 'us'.

The moment he walked into our own home; he had marked three times. He made some attempts to hump. Since he has been neutered, he has not tried to hump one dog yet he continues to have some marking moments; yesterday none; today; two. We will continue to nip that in the bud. Until he stops marking and is solid in his obedience, he shall not go up for adoption.

He is fully crate trained now and his best bud remains Bleach!

He bonds fast to humans this boy!

Added two photos from his post-op recovery of his neuter and putting one below. LOVE the tongue! Ignore the one shaved leg, the vein was not easy to hit on this boy, so we had to use the other front leg.

BHRR's Broker – post-op recovery from neuter – July 4th, 2011

BHRR's 'Rain' & 'Beau' shall be arriving to BHRR on Sunday. I will go to pick them up after an event ends that has been planned at my house. They are 2 x 8 month old Saint Bernard puppies – littermates – female and male – and are being surrendered due to a dissolve in a marriage plus the home has 4 children. They are crated at night in the house and spend their days outside.

In talking to the one O.(lovely woman!) she mentioned that at the time we were conversing, they were tied up to a bumper of a truck.

The will be altered and apparently require one booster still at this time.

Their names have been changed and what we know about them are:

1) Rain – more dominant, more outgoing

2) Beau – more shy, takes time to warm up to people yet is an affectionate boy once he does

They both require obedience training.

Will update as I learn more.

BHRR's Broker's weight was 53.5 KGs(117.70 pounds) today. He is still very young and once he acquires a lot more muscle tone/mass; he is going to better match that big gorgeous head/mug of his!

We did a HWT, bw(normal) and he was neutered today.

LOVED by all that met him today! πŸ˜‰ I took a couple of post-op recovery photos and shall post soon.

His Vet Bills today was just under $300 and this does not include his Heartworm preventative.

If anyone would like to sponsor or virtually foster BHRR's Broker to be his BHRR Buddy:

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

You can also call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 and pay a donation by M/C, Visa or AMEX.

More later BUT I just had to say so excitedly that BHRR's Maggie May TOOK her very first treat today and ate it!!!! WOOHOOOO! I have been offering her treats yet she was not comfortable and today, when I offered her one as she was laying in her open crate; she took it and ate it and YAY! YAY! YAY! πŸ™‚

UPDATE: At this time, BHRR's Hailey is still at BHRR and has not yet gone to the temp foster home. The same goes for BHRR's Benjamin. This greatly hinders us in our plans to have brought in BHRR's Barbed Wire at the end of June from KY, USA yet circumstances are what they are and it is what it is!

BHRR's Broker – 11 months(born July 8th, 2010), smooth coat male Saint Bernard. Utd on Vaccines and shall be having a HWT and neutered on Monday July 4th, 2011. Surrendered due to a dissolve of marriage and Owner moving. Good with dogs and all humans to date. Will get a weight on him tomorrow as well. THANKS to everyone who pulled together to make this rescue happen.

BHRR's Broker has been integrated already with 6 dogs to date without issue and he reminds me a bit of BHRR's Bean – large gorgeous head, smaller body and needing some muscle tone. He is quite straight in the hind end, especially left knee/hip and we shall have the examined. He moves well and does not appear to be in any discomfort. He is playful!

THANKS so much to his temp foster home who gave him a manicure/pedicure plus bath. Will update as I can.

BHRR's Broker  – July 3rd, 2011 – Day of Arrival to BHRR

I have added three photos to BHRR's Maggie May's slideshow. Two are below. They are from June 21st, 2011. She is slowing getting stronger and has good days with eating plus drinking and bad days. Yesterday was a bad day. πŸ™ We also discovered that Thunderstorms terrify her. She actually jumped our coffee table and wedged herself between both couches near the plants. Sean called me at work to let me know. Poor thing…..

I have yet to wash her for after her grooming/shaving, she was so exhausted that it took days to recover but she showed more perk and energy than she first did upon arrival. You could tell she felt so much better. I am hoping that within the next day or so, I can wash her. Her coat is already growing back in and is so soft….we call it her 'peach fuzz' fashion!

Her best of friends is our Caffrey yet yesterday AM, you could see that she wanted to play with Sir Maestro and well, he was a bit too much for her. She is so much happier now and her tail wags higher up in the air and more often. πŸ™‚

She handled our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House with her usual dignity and calm yet not long after the first folks arrived, she jumped the couch corner to escape the 'triage' area and asked to go in her crate. She came out a bit later for a drink, some loving and a rest on one of the dog beds.

She truly is so sweet, kind, gentle, patient and those eyes of hers…gosh, I could almost drown in them. There is less sadness in them yet she is still hesitant about asking for affection and is quite submissive, raising a paw and half rolling on her back sometimes when you approach.

At this time, she is going to remain unavailable for adoption and we shall see if she is ever ready. She is older than what was she was first believed to be. We were given 2.5 – 4 years, which seemed very fair; yet I think she is older. Does not matter….she is what she is and is perfection with all of her faults…of which she has few!!!

Her amputation site continues to pain her and she had some crying out this AM when she attempted to turn on to her other side when she was laying down. Her scapulae was left upon the amputation and the bones are protruding. Hopefully, with more weight and muscle, this will aid her.

She is completely lacking in muscle tone in the hind end and does appear to have something 'affected' in her hind end – hip? knee? This is unknown as of yet, but I suspect as did the one Vet she saw that it is more than just learning how to balance and move as a tripod. YET, no putting the cart before the horse….one step at a time.

As she becomes stronger, we will continue to move forward. She cannot take on much at this time and we are not going to push her and weaken her by things that can wait a bit longer. She is not in any discernible discomfort or pain or duress with her hind end. So, we are not going to make any diagnosis without proper vetting. I also wish to obtain an updated weight on her yet, I am sure we took off close to 15 pounds of hair and debris when she was groomed, the poor thing. The things that were in that fur that came off, was none too pleasant. πŸ™

On behalf of BHRR's Maggie May, THANK YOU so much for all the donations that came her way. We will continue to accept donations for her Vet & Rehab care including I hope some Canine Water Wellness Sessions when she is stronger.

She has a pretty set AM routine now – bed by 2:30 AM or so; up around 6:00 AM – out and about; a small drink, a small bite if we are lucky; back to bed until 8:00 AM and then a walk about around the property for about half an hour; in – a small drink and a bite if we are lucky; a bit of a play and then off to her crate for a snooze for a few hours. Up and out again by 12:30 PM yet more quiet for the rest of the day. She might eat a bit around 2:30 PM or 4 PM with a bit more water and then is napping until around 8 PM. She likes to take this nap outside of Kinsley's door and a few nights ago, she decided she was not going to sleep in her crate; she went right into our masterbedroom and slept on a Costco dog bed. YAY! That was the only night she did that though. Every other night, she has asked to go to her crate.

Her Canadian Bills to date: $200+

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

BHRR's Maggie May & her bff – Caffrey – June 21st, 2011

BHRR's Holden is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Our recent BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House was his 'final' test and he passed with flying colours! He was social, comfortable and quietly accepting of all that happened that day!

BHRR's Holden is not an 'in your face' kind of dog. He has faced much rejection in his life and we would love to see him go to a home that will be patient, understanding and continue building him up in social situations without setting him up for failure.

We would love for him to go to a home with a compatible dog; male or female is of no importance. His best friends here are BHRR's Benjamin, Bleach and Caffrey. His newest of bff's is BHRR's Apollo. He is playing and having a blast with the dogs.

He is very gentle in taking treats, is mindful of his manners and his leash manners are a dream! He is very smart and many a compliment came his way on Saturday re: his looks and temperament. When he had had enough of all the attention and activity, he just went calmly to his open crate and laid down. He was the one that was often in the background waiting for someone to notice him as he just let the others dogs mob and mill around the people. KUDOS to all that have read his blogs and understood that he really wants love too and make gentle, patient plus small gestures his way to give him love.

BHRR's Holden can give the appearance of being aloof or reserved yet if you understood Pyr's; you would understand that while they might 'appear' to be that way, they are actually quite affectionate to their families. He is extremely loyal to myself now that I have earned his trust and acceptance plus respect. This boy suffered so much in the way of how many people turned him away when he was a stray before he came across one or two that would throw him a scrap or two of food. Then when all the other dogs came to the abandoned property, it is clear to see from his body condition, that BHRR's Holden was not the one getting it all. He would have surely perished there if he was left and then when they were picked up by animal control, he was within one day of being pts before he was rescued.

So, it is now our responsibility to do right by him and a home that works part-time, is semi-retired or even that right full-time home would be a good match. He loves being around his humans and is still learning about asking for love when he wants it and not on humans terms. He is still hesitant more about men than women yet has made leaps and bounds in that area.

We hope that his right forever matched home can see beyond the 'facade' he has built up to handle rejection and get to know the 'real' him to the soft, kind, gentle, super sweet adorable boy he is inside. He really was a boy that when I first saw him, that I wanted to snatch him up and hug him close and reassure him that all would be ok now.

His eyes connect to a soul that has seen much and experienced much and it is clearly not all good….

The honeymoon period is now over at BHRR for him and it is good to see him stand up and push his friends around and not worry about being corrected in a manner any more than a tone of  voice. He has an impish side this boy and to me is a WOW DOG!

We would recommend being careful with stuffies around him!

I shall be bringing him in again soon to see how his weight is going but he is getting better and better!

Below is one picture from June 5th and one from June 21st of BHRR's Holden.

BHRR's Holden with BHRR's Cherokee & Bleach – June 5th, 2011 & BHRR's Holden – June 21st, 2011

BHRR's Hailey's temp fostering date has been pushed to Saturday July 2nd, 2011. So excited for her and her temp foster family BUT I am sure going to miss her!

To learn about how to become a BHRR Approved Volunteer or Foster Home; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Page. BHRR can always use more wonderful temp foster homes within 2.5 hours of our location.

Here is a picture of BHRR's Potter with just one of the 27 amazing registered attendees from our June 25th BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open Houses! Our next one shall be in September and if you are interested, please email to register. We only take 30 registratrants and we are already 9!

June 25th, 2011 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
*Photo courtesy of J. Rheome DeSantis

P. Lirette – Ottawa, ON

Holy macaroni! Spending a day within BHRR was amazing! I'm left speechless at how much time, dedication and love goes into every rescued and rehabed dog. All this shows through every single dog. They are so happy! My hat goes off to the Boers family….you are very special people! :o)

Meet BHRR's 'Barbie' AKA Barbed Wire – 3 year old female spayed Pyr(b. 2008); spayed and was surrendered to a shelter in KY, USA due to 'escapes fence'. She was surrendered HW positive and she had barbed wire wrapped around her rear right foot. It cut right to the bone yet miraculously, she has not lost the foot. It was recently checked by a Vet on Saturday and the Vet indicated that it has healed amazingly well.

She just finished her Heartworm treatments today and had a little bit of panting both days yet otherwsie, no side effects were noted. She had no microfilaria, so she was in the very early stages. She did not have any coughing either. She is being temp fostered by the same amazing woman in KY, USA until such time she is stronger and we have a spot at BHRR.

From her intake records:

BHRR's Barbie was microchipped on May 5th, 2011 and also given a 1 year Rabies on the same day. On May 1st, she was given a DAPP and on May 4th, Bordetella.  Her HWT was done on May 5th.

On May 6th, she was put on Cephalexin, Clindamycin and Rimadyl for her back right foot.

On May 28th, she was given her DAPP Booster.

I noted that she was on Doxycline for 10 days and have inquired if this was for Ehrlichiosis treatment. Normally, we treat for at least 28 days.

Until such time as we have space at BHRR via an adoption or another temp foster home; she shall have to stay in her temp foster home in KY, USA. If you are interested in temp fostering for BHRR; please visit our FOSTER/VOLUNTEER page.

RE: Her Temperament: This is what has been sent my way to date from her temp foster mom(the amazing woman who saved her life and BHRR's Holden and BHRR's Maggie May as well as BHRR's Moose:

"pyr girl who is also very special.  Her name is Barbie, and she came from Bowling Green KY.  She was there for over a month, and everyone loved her; but she was going to be PTS because no one would take her because she was HW+.  I got her out of there on Friday and brought her to my house.  I love her so much!  She is so sweet, and exceptionally beautiful.  She's got the heavy eyeliner thing going on.  She's just lovely."

BHRR's Barbed Wire – AKA 'Barbie' May 2011 – about 3 years old

BHRR wants to stress the following:

All of our adoption mandates, processes plus policies are clearly posted on both our PetFinder and Home Website. Additionally, our application is very detailed in respect to the same and each animals' blog on both PetFinder and on our Home Website; advises to become familar with our adoption criteria, before submitting an application to be reviewed.

If for any reason you do not agree to what BHRR requires of a BHRR adoptive home; pleae do not apply. This includes not being in support of our non-refundable application fee, our mandatory obedience clause, requiring a signed letter of permission from a landperson if renting,  no adoptions to homes with children under the age of 9, that we are a Special Needs focused based Rescue, that you refuse to keep pets safe, refuse to alter any non-show pets etc.

BHRR's requirements are written very specifically and are explicit in detail for anyone visiting our sites. We are always most happy to answer any questions, yet will only do so to those that are courteous in their manner plus approach.

BHRR is a highly reputable/quality registered NPO operated by an ALL Volunteer team, without any salaried employees and many of us have families plus full time Careers and other commitments outside of Rescue. I am deeply disturbed by what members of the BOD of BHRR had to address recently over an application that was submitted for review.  I feel for those BHRR members that took on the responsibility to continue to try and educate and be professional when this application was declined. Here I was sitting in emerg waiting to address clearly broken bones and am most unappreciative to witness what was sent BHRR's way after this application was declined in a professional manner with much explanation as to the reasons why their application could not proceed.

If they had just read and respected what was clearly posted, they would be well aware that we are not going to make ANY EXCEPTIONS on very important clauses, clauses that has given BHRR a second to none adoption success rate of 100% in over 10 years of operating and now is 99% as we are in our 15+ year.

In addition, your occupation as what has been stated before, is no indication that you are going to take proper care of an animal. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey both came from a very bad domestic abuse situation where they were sorely mistreated and the one Owner is a promimant member of his own community. Abuse is not limited to specific Careers, race, colour or creed. It knows no boundaries. πŸ™

You might believe you are a wonderful home yet the application process is our way of getting to know you and to determine if your home would qualify for a BHRR animal. All members of BHRR are part of our extended family and we are always seeking to have new approved Volunteers and Homes join us!

Please refer to:


In summary; PLEASE DO NOT apply to be considered if you do not meet these very detailed and visible mandates plus clauses and respect them.

Rescue is hard enough in trying to save animals in need and their wellbeing remains one of our top priorities.



Kenda C., Ottawa, ON

Hey you,


You are so very welcome.  I wish that I could do more.  BHRR is a wonderful organization run by an amazing family!!  See you at the microchip clinic.  I look forward to meeting Maggie May.


Luv Kenda


LAST Gentle Reminder: The FACEBOOK BHRR Discussion Group has MOVED to! –


This is just a last gentle reminder that our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Group has moved!


With the 'upgrade' and 'archiving' of the current discussion groups on Facebook, we believe that the needs of our Rescue & Rehab organization cannot sufficiently be met any longer and hence the change to a BHRR FAN PAGE Format.

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP had all members deleted and then the group was permanently disabled and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account! We already have had some good discussions with insightful comments happening!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other reputable/quality organizations/groups, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE –

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! πŸ™ is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 226 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! πŸ™‚

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!

The BHRR Team

I brought BHRR's Porridge in for nails today and some social time and his weight was 78.5 KGs(172.70 pounds). SOLID muscle boy he is! πŸ˜€

BHRR's Maggie May was groomed today and by that, I mean she was shaved right down. Her ear hair was trimmed and nails were also done. You could tell that she felt soooooooooo much better afterwards yet it truly wore her out. She came home, had a pee, pooped and ate a bit. Was not interested in drinking and has spent the rest of the day resting.

We started our grooming session outside as we felt it would be in BHRR's Maggie May's best interest to not do the stairs down to Kathyrn's(Talking Tails) grooming room. Once it began to rain, we moved inside.

Kathryn is compassionate, dedicated, personable, knowledgeable, kind and patient! We were there for 2.5 hours grooming Maggie May & Kathryn was still trying to find things to 'beautify' BHRR's Maggie May! There was not a thing we could not do with Maggie May – ears, nails and coat all done and not even a peep, struggle or sign of distress……she was quite content and boy, was she ever in bad shape. She felt so much better afterwards and had a some burst of energy before heading home. Kathyrn gave up part of her day off to assist BHRR's Maggie May and the mutual liking between these two was very apparent to see! Kathyrn wanted to keep her, talked about what a great Therapy dog Maggie May would make.

THANK YOU Kathryn for everything!!!! FROM my heart! πŸ™‚

A slideshow below of BHRR's Maggie May's spa day of grooming….

As we enter in to the final 3 days of the 'MONEY MARATHON MOVEMENT' for Maggie May Fundraiser; whereby all monetary donations that come to BHRR over the next week will go directly to her USA bills incurred to date; we are entering into a bit of a desperation mode and are truly pleading for any consideration of assistance to please come her way….

Fundraiser began Monday June 13th @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end Monday June 20th @ 8:00 AM EST. All monies raised will be used to pay for the $400+ bill in TN, USA and then her $3,000+ bill in KY for her leg amputation. We are setting a tough high goal of $1,000 and plead to our supporters, followers, fans and believers to donate even $5.00 to her cause!  No amount is too little!

Her Canadian Bills to date: $200+

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0



As we enter in to the final 3 days of the 'MONEY MARATHON MOVEMENT' for Maggie May Fundraiser; whereby all monetary donations that come to BHRR over the next week will go directly to her USA bills incurred to date; we are entering into a bit of a desperation mode and are truly pleading for any consideration of assistance to please come her way….

Fundraiser began Monday June 13th @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end Monday June 20th @ 8:00 AM EST. All monies raised will be used to pay for the $400+ bill in TN, USA and then her $3,000+ bill in KY for her leg amputation. We are setting a tough high goal of $1,000 and plead to our supporters, followers, fans and believers to donate even $5.00 to her cause!  No amount is too little!

Her Canadian Bills to date: $200+

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Here is a photo taken just 7 hours before we head to grooming. I am worried about her. I am worried about how well her strength shall hold up. She needs a nail trim as well and I do not want to stress her out any more than necessary. She is barely eating and though, I have managed to encourage her to drink water up to 3 times a day now; it is no where near at a normal level.

I go to bed around 3:30 AM each night and I am up by 8:00 AM at the latest and every moment I have is spent trying to get her up on her feet and moving forward……the dogs are being so very respectful of her space and she has been fully integrated with everyone. She is much like our 12+ year old NewfX Kona at this time. Sleeping most of her days/nights away yet it is not an easy rest, lots of panting. πŸ™

Please, please, please think about donating to her cause…..she is so deserving…..I cannot wait for those attending our upcoming BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House to meet her. I hope that she looks into your souls as deep as she has done mine and touches you immensely.

I truly am not above begging, groveling and pleading to help any animal and BHRR's Maggie May is no exception. Her Vet Bills are immense and they will only continue to grow before she is fully healthy and we are committed to her welbeing. I have picked up every extra shift I can and all monies from my most recent added Behavoural/Training Client has also been put towards her care.

Please just look into those eyes…..look deeply….please….help….us…help….her!

BHRR's Magie May – June 17th, 2011 – 7 hours pre-grooming


Before I went to bed Tuesday AM, I managed to get BHRR's Maggie May to pee and drink a bit. I could not interest her in eating any more food. Other than that she has not eaten or drank a thing until just now(2:00 AM Wednesday). I was able to get her up and outside just now where she peed once more and encouraged her to drink some. I also handfed her some wet food and got her to eat about 1/4 can.

I had talked to the Vet I saw on Monday when I was working on Tuesday as I was worried that perhaps due to complications from the Ehrlichiosis and that the records I had indicated a 10 day course treatment, not 28 or longer as per usual recommended protocol, this could be somewhat responsible for her current condition. I explained that i am very worried about BHRR's Maggie as something is just not  'normal' and the Vet agreed that even on Monday, she would pant after the slightest exertion.

So, we are going to do more bw and a urinalysis and start with that. I have fluids at home so that I can subq if needed. I will bring in some blood when I am working next at KAH or most likely have Sean bring it in as I am now not scheduled to work at KAH until Saturday.

I also emailed her fostermom in KY and was told that in fact, she was on Doxycycline for a few weeks and that she also handfed BHRR's Maggie May to get her to begin to eat and from there she tended to finish her bowl of food.

BHRR's Maggie May was just wiped all day today from her visit at KAH on Monday and I truly am so worried about her. πŸ™ She is lethargic and more than the normal 'depressed' state we see many rescues arrive at BHRR with.

I promised to keep her fostermom updated and BHRR's Maggie May would welcome a sponsor or a BHRR Buddy to enable us to purchase more wet dog food to try and entice her to eat. She will not even eat boiled hamburger and rice. πŸ™

Since she has arrive to BHRR, her Vet Bills have been over $200.

We are doing a 'MONEY MARATHON MOVEMENT' for Maggie May Fundraiser; whereby all monetary donations that come to BHRR over the next week will go directly to her USA bills incurred to date –

Fundraiser begins Monday June 13th @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end Monday June 20th @ 8:00 AM EST. All monies raised will be used to pay for the $400+ bill in TN, USA and then her $3,000+ bill in KY for her leg amputation. We are setting a tough high goal of $1,000 and plead to our supporters, followers, fans and believers to donate even $5.00 to her cause!  No amount is too little!

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


She finally began to drink a bit around 2 AM Monday and ate a bit around 12:45 PM Monday.

BHRR's Maggie May weighted 36.9 KGs(81.18 pounds) when I had her at the Vets. AND yes, to all that have emailed me, she would weigh more if she had that fourth leg… πŸ˜‰ She needs more weight and more muscle tone for sure and after she is shaved, she will be even less.

We gave Maggie May some Drontal Plus as it was noted that she had tapeworm traces in the fur around her rump. She was still very weak and rested a lot at the Hospital. She was loving, sweet, wagged her tail and was an angel in the back large run. She allowed the Vet and I to shave her in various spots to look at her skin and it was noted that she has some bacterial lesions around her amputation site, some seroma pockets(nothing deemed necessary for antibiotics or draining) and we are going to be watching her hind end as she becomes more healthy to better determine if how she is moving is due to her not being strong as of yet, learning to be a tripod, the floor, needing a nail trim etc.

I have an appointment booked for Friday to have her completely shaved down as the Vet agreed with me that it is the best thing for her to begin to start over in getting her coat white and back to being well groomed. She had a very busy day and was exhausted. She was very happy to come home, travelled awesome in the car and ate a bit once we arrived home. I could tell that she was happy to be back!

AND even on the drive into KAH, she actually placed her head on my shoulder…now, didn't that just make my heart melt….she is sooooooooooo sweet! AND yet not hesitant about showing her Pyr side when she does not want to do something! LOL

She is not anywhere near an energy level to interact on any real level with the dogs here and so, we are keeping her quiet and only allowing the more mature dogs around her.

I have 2 hours blocked off on Friday to be there for her grooming and we shall go slow and easy and the groomer has been made aware AND was just awesome to talk to re: that BHRR's Maggie May cannot stand for any length of time.

I also called CWW(Canine Water Wellness) today to have a referral form faxed to KAH to have the Vet sign and fax back to set up some swim therapy sessions for her.

We shall be doing a 'MONEY MARATHON MOVEMENT' for Maggie May Fundraiser; whereby all monetary donations that come to BHRR over the next week will go directly to her USA bills incurred to date –

Fundraiser begins Monday June 13th @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end Monday June 20th @ 8:00 AM EST. All monies raised will be used to pay for the $400+ bill in TN, USA and then her $3,000+ bill in KY for her leg amputation. We are setting a tough high goal of $1,000 and plead to our supporters, followers, fans and believers to donate even $5.00 to her cause!  No amount is too little!

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


So, BHRR's Apollo and BHRR's Hailey came with me on Saturday to do a hv and I brought BHRR's Apollo as he is good with cats and well, who does not love him! I also brought BHRR's Hailey for I felt she out of all the dogs at BHRR would be the best matched personality fit for this possible future temp foster home and this was clearly a case of the 'dog choosing the home' indeed when she met them!

While BHRR's Apollo was clearly not himself, BHRR's Hailey walked right up and claimed the family as her own! She made herself right at home and even decided that drinking from my water glass was much preferable to the doggie bowl laid out for her. BHRR's Apollo then followed suit! πŸ˜‰ The family was very kind as to offer up another glass of water just for me! LOL

It is times like this that I just sit back in 'awe' and watch magic unfold!

So, should all go well, BHRR's Hailey will be going to this now approved temp foster home after our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House on Saturday June 25th!

To learn more about how to be a BHRR Approved Volunteer/Temp Foster Home; please click here.

The more approved temp foster homes and the more approved adoptive homes that BHRR has, the more animals in need we can assist with your help!

I hope that they have a fantabulous foster experience and I also hope that BHRR's Hailey continues along her path of social networking, great experiences, making new friends, continuing with her solid foundation in obedience etc.

Going to miss this black beauty AND special thanks to the home that 'saw' past her colour to HER!

As for BHRR's Apollo, he needed some 'tough' love to enter their main area and to all that know who BHRR's Apollo is, how he was at their home; would have surprised you. It reminded me of when I adopted out DBB BHRR's Jenni. The home was interested in BHRR's Abbi yet I felt the right matched personality fit would be BHRR's Jenni and she proved that to be so very valid and true! Walked right in and made herself at home while BHRR's Abbi wanted to be anywhere but there. PROOF in point that yes, the dog often does choose the home! πŸ˜‰


SHE is here!!!!! I have BHRR's Maggie May scheduled to come to KAH with me tomorrow night to just do a check-up and get an updated weight. Her ears also seem to be bothering her a bit. I shall also ask to have a referral form faxed over to Canine Water Wellness(same place that BHRR's Apollo goes to) for some additional therapy for we are still trying to open up our own pool.

She has been integrated with PPSS, Bleach, Potter(who thinks she is the next best thing EVER! LOL) and Kona to date. She is a very sweet Pyr and we are trying to make arrangements to get her groomed ASAP. I am thinking she needs to be shaved right down and our clippers here are just not going to be able to do that. If you know of any recommendations on grooming places that would be rescue friendly in the Ottawa, Kanata, Kemptville, Brockville or Kingston, please email us!

She has been settling in well. She has yet to eat or drink a thing but that is understandable. I have posted several photos in her slideshow and am adding two below from when she arrived earlier today.

Her surgical site looks AWESOME and she is still learning how to be balanced and most effective when moving and she will get there! She has a light in her eyes that speaks of being a survivor and one of determination. She oozes strength in a quiet calm manner and looking into her eyes makes it feel like in turn she is seeing into your own soul…….

You can tell that this girl has seen much and experienced more and is very world wise, very sad to say yet true…..

The vet records that came with her have given her a great bill of health beyond that right front leg(2 different Vets tried fixing the leg before it was determined that it was just too painful and far gone to be saved).

We shall be doing a 'MONEY MARATHON MOVEMENT' for Maggie May Fundraiser; whereby all monetary donations that come to BHRR over the next week will go directly to her USA bills incurred to date –

Fundraiser begins Monday June 13th @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end Monday June 20th @ 8:00 AM EST. All monies raised will be used to pay for the $400+ bill in TN, USA and then her $3,000+ bill in KY for her leg amputation. We are setting a tough high goal of $1,000 and plead to our supporters, followers, fans and believers to donate even $5.00 to her cause!  No amount is too little!

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for her Vet Bills with BHRR’s Maggie May in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Maggie May was spayed, had a fecal test, was HWT(negative), had presurgical bloodwork, given her DAPP + Rabies Vaccines, treated for Ehrlichiosis and was on Doxycycline for 10 days in addition to having had her front right leg amputated. She will be put on Sentinel and proactively/preventatively dewormed. She will also be groomed as she is in dire need of a good shampoo, cut and blowdry. πŸ™‚

She still needs to be microchipped and shall require her own Kuranda Dog Bed or Costco Dog Bed if anyone wishes to sponsor or virtual foster her.

WELCOME TO BHRR Maggie May and I cannot wait to get to take this rehab journey with you!

BHRR's Maggie May – DAY of arrival to BHRR – June 12th, 2011 – Great Pyr – about 2.5 years of age – right front leg amputated


On behalf of BHRR's Maggie May, I deeply and most humbly THANK you!

Heading out soon to make the drive to get BHRR's Maggie May! Here is a note posted below from the wonderful angel who fostered her overnight for BHRR!

Hi all:

    Lovely Maggie has had a quiet and hopefully restful night. She was friendly and curious about my 2 older dogs and all the cats. My older rescue, Moses (who visually looks as his name suggests) seems to have a knack for sticking close, but not crowding, the overnighters; as if he is reassuring them that things are cool here and going to be OK down the road. Her amputation site looks perfect–the vet did a beautiful job there; it's just too bad it had to happen, but at least she's still alive. It's beyond me that she was brought in as a stray…but don't let the missing leg fool you: she's as strong as an ox and very fast if she's on a mission, so hang on tight. She's had a good appetite but doesn't seem prone to overeating, since she hasn't been moving around much. I would imagine she would need some pain meds still or maybe some Cosequin to help her feel more comfortable. She's sweet and gentle and friendly, doesn't seem to have any food issues (at least with moving her plate around when she's already eating) and will seek you out for some petting and interaction; just a charming and beautiful soul, esp.

given all she's been through. I applaud all the folks involved in her rescue and subsequent care. I read that the vets who were trying to reestablish her knee joint spent 1 1/2 hrs. just doing that part the first time, and then tried again a few days later! Bless all the vets and their teams who work so hard and so well for these animals. All the range of folks involved in these rescues have such an important part to play as they help them on their way to new lives. OOH-RAH! Way to go and keep on going…So, enjoy the present of this wonderful new dog and I know she's already enjoying the cooler weather. She says she wants a buzz-cut for her summer 'do when we get around to it, too, if it's not too much trouble. She'll be great for someone who's ready for her, Take care, D

BHRR's Apollo and BHRR's Hailey are with me today to do a hv for BHRR.

BHRR's Apollo weight was 68.2 KGs(150.04 pounds) and BHRR's Hailey's weight was 46.7 KGs(102.34 pounds).

Will update more after the hv! πŸ™‚

We now have the transport arrangements for BHRR's Maggie May and she shall be travelling to BHRR this weekend. I shall be picking her up on Sunday around 3 PM. CANNOT wait to meet you! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Holden weighed 40.7 KGs (89.54 pounds) today and so many AWESOME compliments on what a nicely behaved and sweet boy he is was given! I think he weighs a bit more as he was leaning a bit. πŸ˜‰

He had his DAPP Booster and a recheck done on his lungs, ears, teeth/gum, heart etc and was given a thumbs up!

Once he has a bit more weight on him, he shall be placed up for adoption.  πŸ˜€

He is still finding car rides a bit depressing as he worries about what is in store for him yet he was much better this time than last and I was sure to bring him out often to visit and hang out with the staff.

The more he goes in cars and goes home again, the more confident he shall become. Depending on how fast he puts on the weight plus how comfortable he becomes in social settings – he is still quite quiet; he might be one of the BHRR dogs to come to the Microchip / Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on Sunday July 17th. πŸ™‚

I took BHRR's Benjamin to todays' GD & Honorary GD Walk/Hike and WOW! GREAT job bud! He was most curious about the two Doxies there yet was most respectful!!!! This was his first BIG huge social test offleash with strangers and dogs other than our own and WOW again! He recalled quite well, was extremely friendly, social and treat plus praise motivated. Lots of compliments on his temperament, obedience and how handsome he is. πŸ™‚ Two pictures below from today. If you are interested in joining our over 100+ member distribution list for these walks/hikes, please email to be placed on our member list.

We have been hosting them for over 15+ years and we are all very responsible/accountable dog owners! Locales are switched up with each walk/hike and out next one is planned for Sunday June 24th!

BHRR's Benjamin has proven that with the proper integration; his 'play' drive is just fine with cats and very small dogs. He has also discovered that he likes to splash in the water!!! With enough time, he is going to figure out that swimming part. πŸ˜€ He is going to make a home out there one day very blessed!

BHRR's Benjamin – Limerick Forest June 5th, 2011

Meet BHRR's Maggie May – Great Pyr about 2+ years of age. She was pulled from a terrible shelter in Macon County, TN. She had a brutal injury to her right front leg/elbow and was in terrible pain just waiting to die in this shelter – she was only given 3 days to live. Her leg was amputated on May 10th, 2011 & she is currently residing in a temp foster home in KY waiting to come to BHRR.

She was saved due to how sweet she is and is still putting on weight at 85 pounds. BHRR's Benjamin is scheduled to be temp fostered as of the end of June, which shall enable us to have an opening direct at BHRR for BHRR's Maggie May.

BHRR's Benjamin is going to have a blast with all the adventures and experiences he is going to have and also give his temp foster home! πŸ˜‰


BHRR's Maggie May  – May 2011 
Photos courtesy of Rhonda

Tail Wagging – Happy?

I am actually writing a article to be published on this very topic.

A wagging tail can be most complicated in its meanings. Dog behavior is complex and signals that dogs send are often very subtle. A dog’s tail can tell us many things about their feelings. The dogs’ tail is an important method of communication and in combination with their other body language signals; are cues to help tell what our animal(s) are trying to say to us. Most people believe that a wagging tail means a happy dog.

Confidence/Fear/Dominance/Submission/Play and Play Invitations/Aggression/Relaxed/Alert/Excitement/Anticipation/Insecurity are all possible 'emotions' with a wagging tail.

A dog's tail is just one tool that the dog uses for communicatino. The dog also uses vocalization, scents and other aspects of body language such as eye and ear movements, pupil dilation and general body positions. Therefore, the dog ha to be taken as a whole to best determine what they are saying instead of just focusing on the tail position and/or level of wagging being done.

Wagging also spreads pheromones which are hormones produced in glands near the anus of the dog. The pheromones can be detected by other dogs and enable them to determine each other's sex and social status. It serves as another aspect of canine communication.

Tail language actually has three different channels of information: position, shape and movement. Movement is a very key and important aspect of the signal; since dog's eyes are much more sensitive to movement than they are to details or colours. This makes a waving or wagging tail quite visible to other dogs.

A new workship that I am adding to my programs this fall shall be on 'WHAT IS YOUR DOG TRYING TO TELL YOU' – Reading Body Language.

We also have to be very careful about not 'humanizing' our dogs for while they are capable of a wide variety of feelings/emotions, they are not humans…. πŸ˜‰

Here are two photos from May 23rd of BHRR's Holden on Bleach's couch! I think he is settling in well! πŸ˜‰ He is finally eating a more normal ration per feeding and I am feeding him three times a day at the moment. Cannot wait to get a new weight on him!!!

Other than a rare accident here and there, he has proven himself to be well housebroken and for a dog that had lived outside for 2 years; WOW! πŸ™‚

One BHRR's Holden gets up to a more normal weight and has his boosters; it shall not be long before he is ready for adoption. This boy is AWESOME!!! He still does not understand the tape on Sir Maestro's ears LOL yet is more accepting of him. It is not Sir Maestro himself that makes BHRR's Holden not adore him, it is the tape on his ears!!!! Don't blame you Holden! We have finally figured that out.

He has a special little sound he makes when I come home from work and it is ADORABLE! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Holden May 23rd, 2011

BHRR's Holden did great at the Vet's on Tuesday! He weighed 87.34 pounds! WOOHOO! Slow but sure with the weight gain and we gave him more Drontal just to be assured that all the tapeworms were gone. AND I received his fecal results back yesterday and it is negative! We remove the final suture or two from his neuter and did a skin scraping on his elbows just to be assured that it is only dry skin and callouses. WHICH they are. πŸ™‚ VERY healthy boy despite being so painfully skinny. I have him booked to come back in early June for his final DAPP Booster, once he is at a more healthy weight.

He was loved on by many and what a superb dog he is!!!! His leash manners are a DREAM and he has 'sit' almost perfected now. Smart and handsome boy….

His best buds are my daughters; EM Caffrey and our Bleach! He has also played some with BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Benjamin.

He has only had one accident in the house since he has been here and he was so happy to come home with me. I know he was worried when we went into the car that he would not be coming back. BHRR's Holden is already coming out of his shell and asking for love and his energy level is becoming stronger and more longer lasting. Last night, was the first time he finished the food offered to him. I am still feeding him every 4-5 hours and his system is quickly becoming used to getting food and he is more able to eat for longer periods of time.

Sean took some great pictures of him on Bleach's couch and I shall try to post them soon. πŸ™‚ It truly feels like he has always been here with us.

The only bump in everything is now that Sir Maestro is back from showing, for some reason BHRR's Holden is not so smitten with him and wants to try and push him around. Something about Sir Maestro must remind BHRR's Holden of a dog in his past.  AND the fact that Sir Maestro is only a 10 month old puppy tells me that BHRR's Holden has a long way to go re: social communication with other dogs. Each day is a new opportunity to learn and train and rehab and we are in no rush…..

BHRR's Holden is fully integrated with all the dogs and doing great!!!

THANKS being extended to Sarah for being a BHRR Buddy to BHRR's Holden and donating a Papasan Chair Cushion for him. πŸ™‚

We are moving BHRR's Apollo BACK AS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!! The wonderful home that was under pending for him is going through some exciting times/changes in their own home at this time and all of us have agreed that we need to be most fair to their home and to BHRR's Apollo! This gives BHRR's Apollo the opportunity to be 'found' by his right matched forever loving home. πŸ™‚

Thanks to everyone for their patience and understanding as we went through this process.

BHRR's Apollo – Feb. 9th, 2011 – After a session at CWW and enjoying a donated Antler at KAH! – Thanks Rusty Dawg Products!

Update on BHRR's Holden from 3:38 AM today:

"BHRR's Holden has now been integrated with half the pack here and WOW! What an amazing boy….for all the bad out there in the world, being able to be part of something so important and precious of helping another in need and seeing them travel along their journey of rehab to a better quality filled future makes me feel so thankful to so many that help save these incredible creatures."

Update on BHRR's Holden from 2:14 PM today:

"BHRR's Holden is now integrated with everyone and has made himself at home! He has decided that 'Bleach's' couch is a great place to lounge…. cheeky He finally ate something for me around 3:45 AM today and had a good night. This AM he decided he was going to play with Kinsley's EM Caffrey and that got the house rockin'!!! Sadly, that is when we heard the first coughs so on to RAW honey. His neuter incision is also bothering him so tending to that to maximise his comfort. It really feels like he has always been here and sigh….what a real sweetie!!!"

I have added four more pictures to his slideshow – 2 from his transport to BHRR and 2 from when BHRR's Holden first arrived – and we had the other dogs crated or in the bedroom so that he could settle in at his own pace. What is most interesting from those two photos is that BHRR's Hailey; who reminds me quite a bit of BHRR's Mindy; is not a 'fan' of dogs being near a crate when she is laying in it as it just upsets her sense of interpersonal space and what she believes who can and can not be near her. She is like a royal princess some days, that one! LOL YET, in these photos, she not only has no 'snobby' 'tude at BHRR's Holden laying next to her and would have with the other dogs just turned her back to them LOL, she actually moved herself so that she was touching him through the crate!!! It was awesome!!!! I sooooooooooo love BHRR's Hailey!

I am feeding BHRR's Holden 5 smaller meals a day right now and he is eating some wet food yet not fond of the kibble(most likely was fed scrap human food while he was on that abandoned property) and has not drank anything today. He is weak yet he will wag his tail and he is already following Sean around….I keep saying 'what about me!!$*&%%?' and BHRR's Holden will look at me, wag his tail slightly and then keep plodding along after Sean! There is a HAM inside this boy and I cannot wait until he comes all the way out!!!! πŸ˜€ He has slept a lot today or just has layed down on Bleach's couch watching the other dogs play and  move about. He seems to take enjoyment out of just being 'around' others. He is a pack animal for sure!!!! Is it too soon to say that when this boy is adopted, that my heart is going to thump??? He is a 'gift' and we will ensure that his new adoptive home realises that…..He had one day before he was going to be pts in KY and to think that the world would be missing out on such a 'gift' would be a shame….. πŸ™

He also is 'ok' about asking for love…very calm, quiet and unobtrusive…just will stand by you; almost afraid of rejection yet drawing up the courage to at least ask for some affection…sigh…makes my heart just wrench to see that hesitation YET in time, he will learn that he will get all the love he can handle!

He is also fed in a crate as he is somewhat stressed with any other dog thinking about getting his food. To his new adoptive home when he is placed up for adoption and they come along; he will need to be fed in a quiet place away from other animals as this boy has had to fend for himself for 2 years(at least!) and it is plain to see that he did not fare well; with how scary thin he is. πŸ™ Once the bowl is out of his crate, he no longer makes any small low rumbling sounds in his chest. He will learn that he shall always be fed enough, on time and that no other dog is going to take his food away. As for humans, you can touch his bowl and him and his food no issues at all. AND considering how much it would be understandable to think he would be a food recourcer or guarder, he is extremely mild. No lunging, barking, snarling; just some low rumbling. He is fed in a very public area; which his crate is in the sunroom; where my BHRR office is and he has had no issues at all with dogs walking by his crate or himself as long as he does not have a food bowl.

BHRR's Holden with another dog doing to another Rescue – Transport to BHRR & BHRR's Holden with BHRR's Hailey – May 22, 2011
*First photo courtesy of R. Woods

BHRR's HOLDEN could use a Sponsor/Virtual Foster. He will need more vetting and lots of TLC to rehab him. He will need Giant Sized Smoked Dino and Knuckle bones, a dog bed to call his own, a new collar and I look forward to so many people getting to meet him!!! To those that are registered and planning to attend our June BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House; you are in for a real TREAT!!!

You can donate via PayPal(account name or by email transfer is the account(please ensure we have the password) or you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX or Debit in person – account name is 'Holden' under Birch Haven Rescue or you can mail a Bank Draft or M.O. to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have just arrived home from the 3+ hour roundtrip to pick up BHRR's Holden from the last Volunteer to transport him. As soon as I saw him, I just wanted to scoop him up, hug him close and promise him that all was going to be 'Ok'. He was so sad and I had already been sent an email last night from someone in Ohio that said he was very sad. πŸ™ The other thing I noted when I first saw him was how GORGEOUS he truly is! OMG! He is going to do his share of heart stealing!!!! His eyes….his colour, that head, his temperament, I am just instantly smitten with him. πŸ™‚

He has not eaten anything from his bowl yet has taken a couple of tiny treats from my hand and was so gentle.

From the wonderfully kind temp foster Volunteer who housed BHRR's Holden last night:

"Dear Gwen,

     I am pleased to hear that he is in such capable hands. He stole my heart in just hours while he stayed overnight here with us. He is a grand dog and if you wouldn't mind and can find time I would love to hear how he progresses. Thank you so much for your work.


In going over his paperwork , he was given a body condition score of 3/4 out of 9!!!! πŸ™ His hair/coat hide much regarding how scary thin he actually is. πŸ™ I have an appointment set up for Tuesday to have one of my own Vets also check him over. The paperwork that also came with him shows that he had a HWT on May 4th and it was negative. Rabies was given on May 5th, 2011 and he was given DHPPV on May 4th, 2011. I will give him a booster in June.

The Grant Country Veterinary Clinic indicated that his eyes, ears, circulatory plus respiratory systems are normal. Also checked off as being normal during his thorough exam on May 18th; were his abdomen, gastrointestinal system, urogenital system, lymph nodes, musculo-skeletal system, skin and nervous system were all also normal.

I shall be bringing in a fecal sample on Tuesday for testing. I have given him a Sentinel and have placed a bowl with some yummy food and Panacur in his crate. He went into the crate no problem, layed down for about 5 minutes and then wanted out and had a nice pee. I have been told that he is almost housebroken and I was delighted that he let me know he had to go! πŸ™‚ Sean says that he reminds him of our own 12+ year old Newfx Kona and I can well believe now that he is a Newf/Pyr X. He needs to put on about 20-25 pounds of muscle and mass and that will bring him to over 100 pounds. He weight on May 18th was 79.8 pounds.

The most common word used to describe BHRR's Holden during his transport is 'sweet', the exact same word we have been told since he was first rescued.

Feedback from another wonderfully kind Volunteer on BHRR's Holden:

"I found Holden to be a very young dog, with an older dog`s eyes.  He has seen a lot, and I don`t think the world has been very kind to him. He has a quiet maturity about him, and he seems very wise. He is trusting and loving and very quiet. He stood with his head and skinny little shoulders between my knees while I hugged him. He stood like that for nearly 5 minutes straight. I had given him a drink of water. He had had enough of all the car swapping.  He jumped back into my van onto a comforter he quite enjoyed and didn`t want to get out. It was all I could do not to bring him home with me. THANK YOU for taking this affectionate and very, very special dog into your care. He is definitely òne of the extra special ones`.


Below are two photos that I took of him when he first arrived and went into his crate. He still smells a bit ‘skunky’ yet in time that coat of his will become less coarse and so healthy looking.

BHRR's Holden – Day of Arrival to BHRR – May 22nd, 2011 – Almost 80 pounds and should be another 20-25 pounds heavier.

Since we have launched our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE , (see below blog); BHRR is going to be implementing some changes to our blog posts currently being made on here, our home website. With how wonderfully interactive plus informatively laid out our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE is, we shall no longer be doing as many posts on the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services home website blogs yet instead posting on our BHRR FAN PAGE almost exclusively! Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other organizations, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR FAN PAGE and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 132 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!



Two Updates on BHRR's Holden – He is neutered, about 2.5-3 years of age, has had his rabies and weighs about 75 pounds(so a small 'Giant').

Kentucky seems to have a lot of Pyrs and PyrX's in need and I cannot wait to meet BHRR's Holden for at 75 pounds; I am not 100% convinced of his 'mix'. I can well believe that he has Pyrenees in him with that face and hind dewclaws yet no matter, he looks gorgeous and he is going to be welcomed at BHRR with open arms! In understanding that he has had poor nutrition his whole life and is a byber dog, for sure he could be a Newf/PyrX! AND at this time, I do not know how much underweight he is either…..

When he is ready for adoption, I know that his right forever matched loving home shall come along and 'see' him for the dog he really is and I am excited about the journey, he is going to take me on as he rehabs at BHRR. πŸ™‚

For Pyrs – Average height is between 25 and 32 inches. Average weight is between 100 and 130 pounds.
For Newfs – Average for males is around 28" and for weight; male averages are between 130 -150 pounds.

First Update – Sent Today at 1:49 PM –

"Gwen —

I took Holden to the vet last night to get his health certificate.  The vet proclaimed him healthy, but noticed some tapeworm segments; so he's being wormed tonight with Drontal Plus. 

Holden is a very sweet boy and is really starting to come around, with his foster mom Cindy.  She says that he meets her at the door now, tail wagging, and has been sleeping on the bed, with all the cats.  He doesn't quite have the potty-training down yet, but he's getting there.  Considering the fact that he lived on an abandoned property by himself for 2 years, I think he's doing pretty well. 

Thank you again for taking this sweet boy.  I think you're really going to like him."

Second Update – Sent Today at 8:08 PM –

Gwen —

He has some tartar on his back teeth, but some of it could be from eating bad food.  Holden made friends with a little mop-dog at the vet yesterday.  He's so easy-going, I'm sure he'll get along with everyone.  Cindy says she's going to miss him.  She feels like they're starting to build a relationship, and he's coming out of his shell.  But I'm sure he'll adjust, once he's in at bHRR witwonderful people who will give him lots of love and attention.

I'm very grateful that I could send you Holden."

UPDATE on BHRR's Holden just sent:

"Fostermom took Holden to the spa last night to get him all cleaned up and smelling better.  He was a little skunky.  Cindy called last night to say that he is settling in nicely and has actually started to wag his tail.  He pays no mind to the cats and just wants to be petted and hugged.  She says he's exceptionally sweet.

I heard his story when I spoke with the Owensboro shelter yesterday.  He had been living on an abandoned property for about 2 years.  The neighbors all fed him and looked out for him, but he was pretty much on his own.  Everything was fine until some other dogs showed up and took up residence too.  Then the complaints started, and the shelter was called to pick up all of the dogs.  The neighbors must have interacted with him a lot because he is not the least bit skittish or unfriendly.  He comes right up to everyone to get petted.  He's a really good boy."

BHRR's Holden – NewfX(possibly with Pyr) pulled from a shelter in KY. Male and we have been informed:"He's a beautiful boy and exceptionally gentle and sweet."   He was being boarded up until Saturday after being pulled from the KY Shelter a week previously and is now in a foster home of the person who wanted to know if BHRR would assist him. Should all go well, he will arrive the May long weekend in Canada. At this time, we do not know age or history yet have confirmed that he does not have a known human bite history. We will update as we can. Below is a photo that was sent of BHRR's Holden. LOOKING forward in getting to know you BHRR's Holden!

BHRR's Holden – May 2011 – In Kentucky, USA

Sara & Mar, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen!


Whatever we can do to help you, please let us know.  There's a community garage sale at the end of this month here and we will be participating.  

Whatever we are fortunate to sell and the money that we will raise, will go to our favourite cause and that is to help man's and woman's best friend.

It may sound corny but you are a wonderful, caring human being who has all the best intentions at heart and who really does make a difference in this


Sara and Mar.

My water bottle went MIA this AM. Hmmmmmm, guess who took it????!!

BHRR's Potter – Doesn't he look MARVELOUS!

BHRR's Benjamin weighed 65.5 KGs(144.10) pounds tonight at his annual!! YAY!

WHAT a huge hit he was and such a gentleman!!! He did not pull on the leash, sat and layed down upon request and was quiet as a mouse when he had to stay in one of the runs!

The compliments on this boy has been AWESOME from all that met him today!!! The Vet also thought his coat was so nice and shiny plus how great his body condition was. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Lily Belle weight today was 60 KGs(132 pounds)! WTG BHRR's Lily Belle!!!! YAY! She is now off having a blast of a time at a play date with an approved BHRR Volunteer and I get to work! cheeky

BHRR's Ava Marie shall be going to her new forever loving adoptive home on Friday May 27th!!!! This shall be the #310th adoption for BHRR! πŸ™‚

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP shall have all members deleted and then the group permanently disabled/deleted.

Since the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) 'Like' FAN PAGE format instead.

The current DISCUSSION groups are going to be archived & even for those that qualify to 'upgrade', groups shall lose the ability to 'interact' with all members. We depend on that important function to save animals in need through our posts for urgent requests and to update our supporting members on BHRR news.

All 256 members of our current BHRR DISCUSSION Group have now been notified of the change to our NEW Facebook BHRR 'LIKE' FAN PAGE FORMAT and we shall send out another notice as a gentle reminder a couple of days before deleting all members from the old Discussion 'GROUP'.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! :( is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 96 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! :)

Please inform those you know that follow us on the BHRR DISCUSSION GROUP that this GROUP will be deleted as of June 1st, 2011. We have so many that still have not moved over, so please help us get the word out! Please re-direct them to our NEW FACEBOOK BHRR FAN PAGE! Please come on over and 'LIKE' us!

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!


We are moving BHRR's Ava Marie to an ADOPTED status!!!! The actual adoption date is still being determined yet it shall be within the next few weeks. GOSH! I am going to well up something fierce over this one!!!! I know that I shall see her here and there and I wish her and her newly approved forever loving home that absolute best! This sweetheart has fans all across the world and her adoption is a HUGE deal to so many.

BHRR's Lily Belle is now booked for a play date on Tuesday May 10th! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Benjamin's annual has been scheduled for May 11th. Looking forward in seeing how much he now weighs and to have him hang out with the staff at KAH!

Oh, Mr. BHRR's Benjamin proved this AM (around 5:30 AM in fact) that he truly thinks that all should be his friend….sigh…LOL

Somehow a porcupine got into our 2+ acre fenced in yard and instead of being most respectful LIKE all the other dogs and heed the call to come back, oh no…..BHRR's Benjamin(just like BHRR's Boba and BHRR's Parker would have done) decided that he just has to go and greet who he perceived for sure is going to be a great new best bud. From there, our amost 7 year old very maternal Cherokee, 'saved' him and took the 'hit' herself. AND through it all, I could almost feel BHRR's Benjamin's sadness that 'he' missed out and was not the one to get to actually greet the newcomer to the BHRR property!!!

Sean and I were able to take about 30+ quills ourselves and I took her in to sedate to remove the final few – about 10 – that just were not possible or safe to remove without sedation. She still had two in her mouth and some deeply imbedded in her nose and muzzle and lower lip. She then was able to hang out all day up at reception at KAH, pouting and sleeping it off.

BHRR's Benjamin has NO clue that this could have been 'him' and that our Cherokee literally saved him a very painful experience. It was almost like a light switch going from 'must make a new friend to play with' to 'hey, time for breakfast…must get back to the house!' What a goob!!!!

Never a dull moment with BHRR's Benjamin and we continue to work on that obedience recall of his! I do not think he has the 'emergency recall' or 'emergency stop' down so pat right now! cheeky HOWEVER; MAN! talk about being proud of all the other dogs and yes, even Cherokee for she is gently protective of her pack and stepped in to assist. As one of the three acting 'leader females' here at this time, she took her role very seriously.

So, not exactly a day that was planned for but all worked out well in the end. Now, to hope to NOT see that porcupine again….. πŸ˜‰

At this time, we are placing BHRR's Ava Marie under a 'PENDING ADOPTION'.

Until such time as we can best determine if this is the right matched home for her; we will not be accepting any more inquiries or applications. Thank you for your patience plus understanding and we hope to be able to update her status shortly.

BHRR's Apollo has now been booked for one CWW(Canine Water Wellness) Session for Saturday May 21st! We are seeking extra assistance with just one more session in May for him! πŸ™‚



In addition to the other blog post(see below) re: play dates, day trips and play trips for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider bringing the BHRR dogs out for extra FUN; here are the dates for our approved Volunteers to consider for BHRR's Apollo 'SWIM' time sessions at CWW! If interested, please email. I know that he would not only love to re-visit with old friends yet add more fans to his corner! ;)

I am hoping for some assistance in giving him two extra 'splashing & laughing' sessions for the month of May and thanks so much in advance to all for considering.

Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 9 AM – 3 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 3 PM – 6 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 9 AM – 3 PM*BOOKED
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 3 PM –6 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 3 PM or 4 PM

Here are two photos of BHRR's Apollo when had a playdate on Sunday April 17th! I have also added them to his slideshow.

GONE is that poor boy who almost lost his leg!!!

HE was so coated in mud that I had to not only wash my car yet him when we arrived home later that day!!! LOL

BHRR's Apollo – April 17th, 2011 & BHRR's Apollo with his new play buddy on April 17th, 2011
*Photos courtesy of M. Kampman


Here are the May availability dates/times for play dates, day trips and play trips for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider.

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Monday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 2nd – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 4th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 10th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 11th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 13th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 14th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday May 16th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Tuesday May 17th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Friday May 20th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Saturday May 21st – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday May 24th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday May 25th – Anytime between 2 PM – 8 PM

When we arrived back home from Vacation on March 22nd, we noticed that BHRR's Potter's one eye was not looking so good, was oozing plus red and that he had an eye infection and from there; we have now had to treat BHRR's Hailey, BHRR's Windsor, BHRR's Benjamin and Bleach in quick succession who have also ended up with eye infections. Thank goodness for well stocked animal first aid kits!

As soon as we noticed BHRR's Potter's eye that night we arrived home; we have been able to properly contain it and ensure minimal contamination/infection.  Now that things look pretty much back to normal for us having to treat the animals – TID daily for up to 10 days with eye medication plus antibtioics BID and cleaning eyes – time can be spent on updating pictures and blogs! πŸ™‚

Sara B, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I hope everything is well with you and the dogs.  I wanted to keep in touch and remind you to let us know of the next walk which I hope to attend with my mom and Tobey.  Thank you very much for the lovely things you said in your email.  Whatever we can do to make dogs' lives better, we're glad to do and it comes from our hearts.


Keep in touch, and if there is anything you need and we can provide it, please let us know.



BHRR's Lily Belle already has a special request for a Playdate! She is very loved by so many, the wee ham!!! Therefore, tomorrow she is off to have some fun while I get to work! LOL πŸ˜€

BHRR's Lily Belle is ONCE more AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. The home that had applied to adopt her is planning on moving in with a partner that has three children, two of which are currently under the age of 9 and per BHRR's adoption mandates; we do not adopt to homes with kids under the age of 9.

Our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and now is over 99% in our 15+ year and BHRR remains patient that her right forever loving home shall come along. We shall not rush anything for the best interest of our sweet, playful and silly BHRR's Lily Belle plus her future forever loving home!

Marilyn Miller, Peterborough, ON

Dear Gwen,


I just read about Albert.  Please accept my deepest sympathy.  I had the honour and privilege of meeting Albert last June at your open house.  He couldn't deal with coming out of his crate but I think he enjoyed seeing and meeting people.  The March 4 picture of him running is wonderful….to think back when he arrived at Birch Haven to being able to run and have fun is wonderful.  By the sounds of it, he had a quite the sense of humour. 


Just know Gwen that because of your love, commitment and devotion, his last 15 months were the best.  I know how hard it is to lose a "bestest friend" but I am sure your other fur-family members will help to heal that huge hole in your heart.


Thinking of you,

Marilyn Miller


Melissa K., Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

You're awesome and think of everything and that's why I love what you do so much! These dogs are so lucky to have you!

BHRR's Apollo had his annual tonight and was given an A+! He weighed 68.3 KGs(150.26 pounds) and I do not desire to see any more weight on this boy at this time. His Vet concurs. I always find it very difficult to see some of our previous adopted dogs with how fat they had become in their new homes. As I have blogged about more than once, they are not being done any favours in being fat. One should always be able to faintly see that last TWO ribs on their Great Dane and their Dane should have a clear waistline.

BHRR's Apollo made everyone giggle as he drank right from one of the sinks in the prep room more than once! He is always such a HUGE hit at KAH and even had a play session with his Vet's Dobie.

There was more than one comment about how happy he is and what a great dog he is! AND more than one person also indicated how much they would love to have if their own circumstances were different.

His Rabies + DAPP are now good until 2014 and in 2012, he shall require another HWT.

Saturday is his next CWW swim session and then after a rest, he and I are going for a walk/hike with some of our wonderful BHRR Volunteers. He is going to have such a grand day and I am really looking forward to this social human and canine interaction myself.

Lynn B, Pembroke, ON


Just to say a thanks for taking Albert in and giving him a very dignified and loving fifteen months. We never met him, but mourn with you. He loved you and loved what you gave him. I know how hard this is, but may your memories give you comfort. You are a good person with a great heart.

Take care of yourself

BHRR's Benjamin is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! We now wait patiently for his right matched forever loving home to come along! πŸ™‚

Until such time as we determine if this home is a right matched fit for them and for BHRR's Apollo, we are placing him under a 'PENDING ADOPTION'. During this time we shall not be taking in any more inquiries or applications on him. We will update his blog as we can and thanks in advance for your patience as we go through this process.

RIP my dear sweet BHRR's Albert ( ? – April 11th, 2011). My heart is so heavy with pain and heart ache. You have given me almost 15 months of the most precious gifts possible and I am indebted. There are no words to tell the world just how much you have meant to us…… πŸ™ πŸ™

Who is going to trot down the laneway with me now to get the mail and the kids off the bus? Who is going to 'trip' me each morning in their excitement in seeing me and having the front door open to begin the AM exploration? Who is going to skip and bounce outside the front gate when I come home from work? Who is going to 'scold' me if I am even seconds late giving you supper? Who is going to give me my ever so gentle 'Albert' hugs every AM and night? Who is going to be there by my side as I type on the computer to 3:30 AM trying to save all 'Alberts' of the world that I can? Who is going to steal my shoe or sock or sweater and hoard them in their 'safe' spot crate? Who is going to sneak up on me while I am folding laundry to grab something of mine and run to their crate and wag their tail at me as I race after them AND who is going to do it all over again and again as I continue to fold laundry? Who….WHO…WHO… πŸ™ πŸ™

Today, was one of the longest days I have ever worked knowing that we would have to say our good-byes and my heart is screaming over the unfairness of such a great boy being lost to the world. I miss you so much already my dear sweet 'Ol Alberts' and today is a day that I HATE my job… is just not fair… heart is bleeding….I cannot believe you are gone and I can no longer hug and touch and kiss you.

You have given me so much these past 15 months and I can only hope that in turn, I gave you the quality of life and experiences you were so deserving of. I wish I could have fixed everything for you Albert. I am sorry that I could not.

Thank you for the gift of 'trust' you have bestowed upon me. Something so special and precious that I treated it like one of my most cherished valuables. I know how hard it was to trust again and I am beyond humbled by your show of faith in me.

One of my favourite memories of you shall forever be the one I captured on March 4th, 2011 of you running with the sheer love and joy of living! That is how I am going to remember you Albert. That is how I am going to honour your memory in my heart.

BHRR's Albert – April 11th, 2011 – His last day with us at BHRR – THANK you for being there for/with me these past 15 months

Oh, BHRR's Benjamin. What to say about such a happy goober monkey! πŸ˜€ I decided to hold off placing him up for adoption before we left on my first ever vacation in almost 6 years to see how he fared with the BHRR Volunteer who stayed here during our absence. He was very close to being placed up for adoption and I just wanted to see how things went.

Upon returning, it was clear that he needed some more 'Gwennie's Doggie Boot Camp' re: obedience for he was somewhat back to not wanting to listen when asked to do something the first or second time! LOL So, he and I have had some really good training sessions upon my return and he is almost back to where he was before I left. This has reinforced to me that he shall only be adopted to a very experienced dog home. BHRR's Benjamin is NOT for a first time dog owner. There is not a mean bone in his body yet he is high maintenance with his energy level and needs including having someone to ensure that he is corrected positively plus patiently each and every time he decides he would rather do things 'Benjamin's way' today instead of Gwennie's way! cheeky

He shall have to go to a home that has at least one other dog that has an endurance plus energy level similar to himself for only having walks/hikes and networking with the dogs in his community is not going to be enough for this young man. Maybe, when he is 5 but now now! LOL

He is less likely to 'rock' the inside of the house in play as he gets enough training plus exercise daily here. He has his moments and can be heard first, then seen, smashing & crashing with Sir Maestro and Bleach…sigh…goobers! πŸ˜€

He is so young at heart and in spirit and just cramming so much into each day of living. He is not meant for a home with a couch potato that is for sure!

I also noted upon my return that he has some 'excitement' tendencies and will want to push and mouth at the other dogs in his expression of how excited he is. So, he continues to sit before everything – before leash on or off, before being fed, before going into the car etc. Self-control exercises that help make his mind think and not just react. Continued training will keep him focused in the right direction.

The one other thing I experienced after coming back from vacation was that Benjamin was no longer as gentle in the taking of treats, so some major work has been done in that area and he is now back to be the 'lamb' and not the 'cookie monster' when offered treats!

In the 'nail trimming' awards though, I would say that BHRR's Benjamin is still top of that list, if not #1. GO BEN GO! He would be rivaling BHRR's Albert for that honour at this time.

When watching Westminster earlier this year; I saw the Plott Hound gaiting in the ring and I looked at Sean and said 'OMG! That is so similar to the colour of Benjamin's legs!' LOL So, upon doing more research, the markings on BHRR's Benjamin's legs and around his muzzle/neck can be considered very similar to a Saddleback Plott Hound. Truly, as mentioned previously, it is of no matter AND he is one gorgeous dog; whatever his genetic breed make-up is!!!! I just thought it was an interesting aside.

His best friends remain our Sir Maestro(now 8 months) and Bleach(now 6 months). The three of them are like the mischief making muskateers making BHRR's Dana so proud with her corruption of all! LOL

In conclusion, BHRR's Benjamin should be ready for adoption within the next week or so. That depends on him. ;) As always, no rush. This also gives me more time with him…..AND I wuvs him tons!

BHRR's Apollo is now booked with an approved BHRR Volunteer for Saturday April 16th for a session at CWW & then after a rest will be headed on a small walk with them plus myself!

His other CWW 'splashing & laughing' swim dates/times available are:

Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between 1 PM  -6 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday April 26th – Anytime between 1 PM – 6 PM*NEW DATE AVAILABLE
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 1 PM  – 3 PM*NEW DATE AVAILABLE
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 9 AM -2 PM

His other Play Date, Day Trip and Play Trip available are:

Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 26th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if you are interested in taking BHRR''s Apollo out for new experiences and fun!

Heather Mann, SWO, ON

Thank you kindly for the response…I thank you again and commend you for all  of the work you do for the many many creatures that you come in contact with. Thank God for people like you.Thanks again and all the best to you.


God Bless,


Heather Mann

BHRR's Lily Belle's hv has been postponed from tonight and we will update her blog as we can re: her 'PENDING ADOPTION' status.

Below is a photo of Sunday's GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike! Some of us are behind cameras taking the group shot. πŸ™‚ We were 14 in attendance! With 4 others also 'there' yet were very late and were unable to find the 'herd' of us. So, just under 20 that came out on such a glorious spring day!

BHRR's Lily Belle & BHRR's Porridge were in attendance from BHRR and one of our already adopted Great Dane's; BHRR's Koop also showed up with his new forever loving family! Our next walk/hike is scheduled for May 15th and if you are interested in being put on our 100+ member invitee list; please email. We have been organizing these walks for over 15+ years now and they are always a blast. What makes it this way is that everyone attending are responsible/accountable dog owners. We change locations throughout the Ottawa region including going to Limerick Forest in Kemptville plus to Contstance Bay Beach in the summer. πŸ™‚


In addition to the other blog post(see below) re: play dates, day trips and play trips for the approved BHRR Volunteers to consider bringing the BHRR dogs out for extra FUN; here are the dates for our approved Volunteers to consider for BHRR's Apollo 'SWIM' time sessions at CWW! If interested, please email. I know that he would not only love to re-visit with old friends yet add more fans to his corner! πŸ˜‰

Friday April 1st – Anytime between 1 PM  – 3 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between 1 PM  -6 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 9 AM -2 PM

Here is a video posted below of BHRR's Apollo's incredible journey/progress at Canine Water Wellness. My continued and deepest of grateful thanks being extended to both Jen & Lianne of CWW for all that they do! I honestly know that if it were not for them coming on board my/BHRR's Apollo 'Team for/of Success' that he would have lost his leg. He challenged my almost 25 years in medicine & rehab and taught me so MUCH! When this boy is adopted, so many are going to well up and bawl; myself included!

My continued heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our BHRR Volunteers that have assisted me in taking BHRR's Apollo to these leg saving sessions. With your generous hearts, you are equally as important as a part of the "CHAIN OF SUCCESS" making those links that much stronger! I am indebted. Going back to one of my common phrases and it holds no less weight now; 'there are not enough words in the dictionary to express the word of thanks!' To his current CWW ANGEL 'team' of Don, Allison, Amélie, Holly & Melissa plus Raine; I THANK you! AND I know BHRR's Apollo THANKS you too. He loves his sessions and he loves the loving and I am sure even he would admit the ice cream treaties you buy for him after he works so hard is not too shabby either! πŸ˜‰ Your dedication, belief in not just BHRR BUT BHRR's Apollo touches my soul deeply. If I have missed  anyone, my deepest apologizes and please please please let me know!

To EVERYONE that has donated funds, time, blankets, his new swim vest, a comforting word and the list goes on and on; YOU also are part of that "CHAIN" and I am humbled by the unselfishness of your hearts! You truly are all of 'BHRR's Apollo's Angels':


Karen & Alex
Don & Allison
Martin & Michelle
Suzanne & Chuck
Alex & Karen
Vicki & Lorna – Donation towards his Canine Water Wellness Sessions

One can only do so much on their own, but together we have ALL saved a life and I think in turn, BHRR's Apollo has saved a few of us!

For those who have not yet read his whole blog(start from the bottom up), it is believed that he had been hit or kicked with extreme blunt force trauma(shovel or steel toe boat for example) for his PCL(Posterior Cruciate Ligament) & Meniscus to be torn with the meniscus completely shredded per the surgeon.


Here are the April availability dates for play dates, day trips and play dates for the BHRR dogs for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider. BHRR's Lily Belle is not on this list as she is currently under a "PENDING ADOPTION" and we should know by end of Monday April 4th, that status of her application. Thanks everyone for your continued patience!


Friday April 1st – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday April 2nd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday April 6th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Monday April 11th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 13th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 15th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 16th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 18th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday April 19th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 20th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 23rd – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday April 25th – Anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday April 27th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Friday April 29th – Anytime between 4 PM – 8 PM
Saturday April 30th – Anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM

Please email if interested in giving a BHRR animal extra BLAST of a time social/training experiences!

Back in September of 2010, I decided to add this running blog based upon the numerous emails, letters, stopped on the street discussions and phone calls I receive re: everything from nutrition, exercise, vetting and training of Giant Breeds to owning more than one, or littermates, how to find a reputable/quality Breeder or Rescue and the list goes on and on.

I also wish to utilize this blog for my 'comment thoughts' of the day and/or other 'impact' situations that arise such as 'deaf' or 'senior' or other 'special needs' experiences re: BHRR and the animals under our care or even my own. Feedback and comments from the public are always more than welcome.

Hoping that this blog will provide some really good indepth further community awareness / education plus to just share a common love of Giants AND/OR the Special Needs with others and to impart the knowledge, experience and professional plus personal views of myself who posseses almost 25 years in 'these trenches' of rescue, training, medical and behavoural rescue plus rehabilitation of the Giants/Equines with the focus on the Special Needs.

To learn more about myself, please visit my Biography Page.

The Gwennie! Comment of the Day:

'No animal is perfect….we can only make them as perfect as they can be'
-Remember behavour cannot be changed, only modified to make it the best behavour possible!


Many will say, myself included that it is easier on a dog to 'lose' a back leg over a front leg based upon balance, weight distribution when getting up/walking etc., co-ordination and that when most dogs do run, it is a three-beat run.

We do a lot of leg amputations at BHRR as we focus on the SN's in our program(s). We have done both front and back leg amputations and all dogs have gone on to lead wonderful and quality filled lives; regardless if it was a front or a back leg.

We even have a tripod, BHRR's Potter; in our BHRR Haven Program at this time having removed his one hind leg due to an aggressive MCT. He was given an 85% chance of having Cancer return within one year post-amputation and he celebrated his one year survival anniversary last November!!!

Prong Collars

I am also not a fan of a prong collar for many reasons and in almost 25 years of working in Rescue plus in Training/Behavour; I can count on one hand the number of times I have ever used one and twice was on my own Goldens, my own – brothers and then only used for couple of times and the dogs 'got' it and I then could move to a flat buckle collar as should the be goal of any one to be able to walk on loose lead with your dog in a flat or side release collar. I have not used a prong since 1996 in my own programs.

So many Trainers(and I use that term loosely for as many know, this area is a pet peeve of mine due to the complete lack of regulation surrounding the profession) do not teach the owners how to properly utilize a Prong and then there are the owners and also trainers that use the prong as a 'crutch' or 'quick fix' instead of a temp measure(and that really should be defined) as the owners do not work towards the ultimate goal of moving away from what I call a 'teaching tool/aid' of the prong to the flat/side release collar.

I see so many Giant Breeds in prongs and many of them puppies and I continue to try and educate plus make that difference where I can to those that ask or would listen. In working in Rescue, we often get those 11 month, 18 month old, 2 year or 3 year old untrained, jumping, pulling, yanking, jerking etc. Great Danes and all have learnt through time, effort, patience, consistency with positive training/guidance and leadership to become assets to not only their home yet the community and this sans the use of a Prong collar. Additionally, as part of our adoption contract, there is an obedience clause whereby each home must take their new adoptive addition to a full round/session of obedience classes to carry on this training, creating a great bonding opportunity PLUS it is a great social network for both dog/human. Lack of training is one of the top reasons why we have Great Danes surrendered to BHRR and when many people realise they can no long 'man'handle these dogs, they look to myself as a Rescuer or as the trainer/behavoural expert to assist them.

Trainers need to train the owners how to continue the training at home and outside of class or training sessions.

I have seen much damage caused by the improper use of prongs in not only Rescue yet at the Hospital.

Choke chains can and do cause its own share of damage to a dog.

Nothing should be used as a quick fix or a crutch in place of a proper training regime and program. In March of 2010, we had an addition to our BHRR program of a very obese 191.80 pound 2 year old female Great Dane(with two blown cruciates) and when she first arrived if she wanted to go somewhere, she took me along for the ride. Even with her 2 blown cruciates she just walked off with me attached to the lead(what little walking she was capable of doing with her weight/cruciates). Less than a week later and she was walking wonderfully on her flat buckle with me. My time, consistency, routine, repetition, commitment to her training has made the difference. I use both treats and praise and through time, weed out the treats or toy and while they still get them here and there, they never know yet praise is always present.

One thing that I learnt very early on is that 'common' sense to me is not to others and all of us could and do benefit from going to a proper and certified trainer. I know I still do with some of my dogs just because and even with the training plus education that I have; I still learn things, good things when I do! AND I live quite rural and it is not unknown for me to drive up to 1.5 hours or so one way in good weather to attend classes taught by others! As has been mentioned previously, 'IT is that important'.

I also will say that what will work with one dog will NOT always work with every dog. One has to be resourceful and if one method that has been truly tried does not work, another method might. Yet you have to give that method a good shot first. I find some dogs do better with their show collars over a flat and others work better in a martingale yet prongs nor choke chains are not used in the classes I teach nor with my private training and/or behavoural clients.

The term 'correction' has often been related to 'punishment' for many people and trainers yet I always use the word 'correction' as being positive based.

JMHO FWIW as always.

We are placing BHRR's Lily Belle under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' until such time as we can best determine if the application we have recently received is the right match best personality fit for her and this home. Until this dermination can be made, BHRR shall not be accepting any more applications on BHRR's Lily Belle. We thank you in advance for your patience and it should not be too long before we can post an update.



Thank you to all that helped raise much needed monies for both of our Rescues!



Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DiD) have come together to host this 2011 High Bid "War" to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row C and are fantabulous seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.


The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY hig' Bid 'War' began on Wednesday March 23rd @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Tuesday March 29th @ 9:00 PM EST.

Tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To bid on the Sens vs. Leafs tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, and please indicate your bid amount.

Bidding shall start at $100 and the website shall be updated regularly.

Note: Payment for the winning bidder must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept a payment of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DiD) shall NOT be accepting any payment for these Hockey bid tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payment made direct to DiD shall be considered a donation and not as payment for these Hockey tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept any PayPal payment per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will make arrangements to get your winning tickets to you ASAP.

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DiD continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!

  • The BHRR Auction will begin at 8:00 AM EST on Wednesday March 23rd, 2011. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
  • The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Tuesday March 29nd, 2011. The highest bid on these tickets will be determined based on the time of the email sent as recorded by the time marked by our ISP.
  • High bidders will be identified each day ONLY by their first name and last initial.
  • All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
  • Bids must be done in $5.00 or Greater increments.
  • When bidding please include your first and last name plus a phone number that you can be reached at if necessary.
  • All Bidders must be at LEAST 18 years of age or older.
  • All bids are considered final and binding, please do not bid if you do not intend to follow through on payment. Also, please do not bid on behalf of anyone else without their explicit written permission. The owner of the email will be considered the bidder and responsible/accountable for the bid/payment should their email be the winning bidder.
  • High Bidder will be posted every day of the BHRR Auction and on the final Auction day; the bids shall be updated with postings made regularly until the BHRR Auction closes.
  • If you wish to leave a "maximum" bid as you will not be around to monitor the auction closely yourself, please indicate that in your email when making your bid. Only emailed bids will be accepted.
  • FULL payment is required within 24 hours of being notified of being the winner.
  • Should you be in default of not honouring your bid(which really affects the animals the most), the next person with the highest bid shall be offered the Tickets as the winner.
  • There are NO Returns or Exchanges and BHRR is not responsible for the condition of the Hockey Tickets upon receipt to the winner(s).

About Taxes: You are not actually buying these tickets in this online auction. What you are doing is making a donation and then receiving the item in turn as a thank you. All taxes have been paid on the items you are bidding on.


The BHRR & DiD Teams

BHRR's Apollo shall have his annual on April 13th. He was sooooooooo happy to see BHRR's Ava Marie after I picked her back up from her fun time at her temp fosters!

In over 15 years of operating, BHRR has only ever placed 2 animals at one time in 2 homes yet if the right matched home did come along; we would seriously consider placing both BHRR's Apollo & BHRR's Ava Marie in the same home. They are the best of best of friends. They will also be fine on their own in separate homes with at least one other dog already in that home; so; this is not a necessary requirement. Just something that we have noted that both of them are so very close to each other.


The ‘BHRR’ Experience – One Volunteers Blog

Below is a note that the approved BHRR Volunteer wrote on her fb wall about her BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' in taking care of BHRR/our home while I had my first family vacation in almost 6 years. With her permission, it has been posted below. As I say so often to others plus posted this as a response to her fb wall post:

"AND I would love to 'share' your note with others interested in BHRR – either by adopting, volunteering, learning more about our stellar programs etc. – with your permission. I could never say any words better than what those themselves that are involved could say about the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE'. It is all of you that are the 'voice' making that 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' so strong…"


Day 12 – Novice in Rescue , My Adventure at BHRR – Home coming for all

by Suzanne Desjardins on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 9:13pm


Is there ever anything sweeter than being home ???? I am very certain Gwen,Sean and kids feel the same…I have made some personal journeys in life but this is one for the bucket list 4sure …

I  will never think of rescue in another way except wow, the work involved is just staggering ….and i wasn't even training or rehabbing…..just reinforcing.  BUT the REWARDS are PRICELESS………

If anyone reading this note or my prior notes wonders how they too could be involved…DONATE DONATE DONATE…The amount of food that i fed over the 12 days was mind boggling …FOOD is life for this small respectable,reputable ONE OF A KIND rescue ….so the next time time you are in the pet store or grocery store , buy a bag and and let Gwen know you have food……..Towels, sheets, comforters, pinesol, treats, ALL very much needed …………..

I had tears in my eyes as I left today… there are several that I loved prior to this, and they have cemeted themselves in my heart forever…Potter, Soul and Albert, his trust in me was moving….Bleach is AMAZING for a deaf/blind puppy ….the way he motors around is nothin short of WOW………

 Gwen…. I thank you …………

N. Graveline, Port Colbourne, ON

Hi Gwen ,

My name is Nicole Graveline .

I was just wondering if I could be eligible to foster if I live in port Colborne , Ontario, it's about 30-45 minutes away from niagara falls.

Regardless of the answer it makes me so happy to know there are people like you and your team to care for animals in need, and if possible I would love to help you foster any dog or animal in need.

What you and your team go for these animals is amazing. It takes someone with a lot of love, patience , courage and trust to do what you do, and I like you believe we can make a loving world for animals that get over looked everyday. Again I just wanted to say thank you and I am excited for your reply.

P.s- my heart goes out to Potter, may he have a safe and wonderful recovery.

And hope all the animals find loving homes.


Thank you

Nicole Graveline



'HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS' HOCKEY RAFFLE – ONLY 350 Tickets available – *ENDS Wednesday @ 9:00 PM EST

*CONGRATULATIONS TO D. Harbin of Ottawa, ON & to all in participating to raise funds for GD Rescue!*

Two Ontario Great Dane Rescues – Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) & Danes in Distress(DID) have come together to host this 2011 Hockey Raffle to benefit animals in need of both of our programs.

These amazing pair of Hockey Tickets are to the Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Ottawa Senators game being held on Saturday April 2nd, 2011 at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa starting at 7:00 PM.

These seats are in the 100L- Section 109 Row O and are excellent seats! The value on these pair of tickets are $400+ CDA.

Furthermore, a Parking Voucher for free regular parking is included for the winner's added bonus!

Furthermore, Linda @ PJ Quigley's located @ 250 Greenbank Road donated a pre-game dinner for 2 (up to $25) to the winner!


We shall ONLY be selling 350 tickets and they are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00.

The ‘HELP SCORE FOR THE BHRR & DID ANIMALS HOCKEY RAFFLE’ ticket sales began on Monday February 21st @ 8:00 AM EST and shall end on Wednesday March 9th @ 9:00 PM EST.

The draw shall take place on Thursday March 10th @ 8:00 AM EST and the tickets can be couriered at no cost to the winner for their convenience to their place of business or home.

To purchase your raffle tickets, please email with your full name, address, phone number including area code, number of tickets you would like to buy and please indicate your method of payment.

Note: All payments for raffle tickets must come direct to BHRR and BHRR will ONLY accept payments of M/C OR VISA OR AMEX OR email transfer to (please ensure that we have the password).

Danes in Distress(DID) shall NOT be accepting any payments for these Hockey raffle tickets and will be directing all interest to BHRR. Any payments made direct to DID shall be considered a donation and not as payment for Hockey raffle tickets for this Fundraiser.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept PayPal payments per their rules & regulations. Any monies sent via that method will be considered a donation.

Note: BHRR shall NOT accept personal checks.


Note: Odds of winning are based upon total number of raffle tickets sold.

After confirmation of receipt of payment sent to BHRR, BHRR will email a copy of your raffle ticket(s) in a pdf format with your individual raffle tracking ticket number(s).

Our deepest thanks being sent out in advance to everyone for your consideration in participating to help both BHRR and DID continue to save animals in need of assistance! By showing your support, you are representing a wonderful effort to a great cause!



The BHRR & DID Teams

BHRR's Ava Marie's weight today was 69 KGs(151.80 pounds), so she is maintaining beautifully!!! πŸ˜€

OK! As promised, BHRR's Albert PHOTOS for 'HOCKEY TICKET RAFFLE Sales'. πŸ˜‰ These two were taken today and BHRR's Albert is actually running and airborne in one. NOT one foot is touching the ground and to think that when he first arrived to BHRR, he could barely stand let alone walk!!!! GO BHRR's Albert GO!

BHRR's Albert whispered in my ear, that he would be happy to allow me to take some more pictures if others might consider purchasing tickets to our current SENS VS LEAFS Hockey Ticket Raffle going on now! ONLY 5 days left for ticket sales SO do not miss out! – Excellent seats for 2, a Parking Voucher & Pre-Dinner for 2 at P.J. Quigley's on Bank Street! This is a $450+ value!!!!

Each day is a blessing to be had with BHRR's Albert and we continue to thank all the ANGELS that have donated items/funds his way as his days with us are limited. πŸ™ You can contribute via PayPal(you do not need an account to pay by credit card either) or email transfer or send a M.O/Bank Draft to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


Albert's Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Albert – RUNNING! WOOHOO! & BHRR's Albert with BHRR's Hailey & BHRR's Potter – LOOK at that reach as he drives!

BHRR's Lily Belle & BHRR's Ava Marie are going to be temp fostered for some extra fun up until March 23rd, 2011! Going to miss these two beauties yet experiences like this shall only continue to enrich them plus expose them to new people, places sans myself and one never knows if their future forever adoptive home might meet them out and about! πŸ™‚


BHRR can always use more approved foster homes & Volunteers for play dates, day trips, extra hands at fundraiser and please visit our Foster/Volunteer page for more information.

BHRR's Porridge weighed 72.4 KGs(159.28 pounds) today when I brought him in to sedate for nail trimming!

BHRR mourns the February 18th, 2011 loss of a treasured friend to many – Victim to Bloat/Tort.
Trice, beloved best friend of BHRR Board of Director member Barry.
As per Barry's wishes, Trice has been laid to eternal rest at BHRR, missed by all.
May all those that have been touched by Trice, cherish the incredible gifts that he has bestowed upon them.

Though Barry has requested that any donations in honour of Trice's memory be sent to BHRR; I would like to respectfully ask of each and every person that has had the special pleasure of being blessed to be touched by Trice; to share a photo and/or memory Barry's way. AND to please pass along your support of heart plus caring.

This was not the week it should have been for either one of them when they travelled up from the east coast earier that day. Trice was to come to BHRR for training/tweaking and the week was to be full of fun GD/Human hikes/walks, good training sessions, fantastic play dates, lots of laughter and tons of great memories with friends to warm the heart plus soul. 

I am blessed myself to have been called and upon directing all to meet me at AVAH; to have had the 'gift' of opportunity to pass along my good-byes and tears of heart ache on the night of his passing. This is a dog that I very much adored, has made me a better behavoural expert/trainer plus person and he has touched me very deeply since he plus Barry first crossed my path many years ago. To say that I love the 'Trices' of the world is putting it lightly. I live with a "Trice", I understand/accept the 'Trices' of the world and I feel truly fortunate to have had my life touched by this special Trice!

His loss has affected so many and I know that CH. Dyceman is completely crushed not to have had the opportunity and experiences that should have been theirs during the week that Trice was to be at BHRR. Trice was truly Dyce's best of friends and it has been a week of deep mourning for all……

A portrait of Trice by Barclay Guinn Fine Arts (an example of Barclay's work that had been shown at our 2009 BHRR Boat Cruise Fundraiser)
& BHRR's Kingston with Trice – August 28th, 2009(one of my fav pictures).

I have posted 'recent' updated pictures on all canines other than BHRR's Albert. AND I know that if anyone is truly serious about supporting BHRR be it through the Hockey Raffle Ticket Fundraiser OR in general with a monetary donation via email transfer to or PayPal (account is; that BHRR's Albert would step up to the plate and show off his best side(of which all sides are his best sides!) for all! πŸ˜€

So, I am going to hold off posting his pictures as a possible temptation to others to please please please consider suporting GD rescue be it through our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Ticket Fundraiser or by making a monetary donation. Our bills are over $10,000 at this time and truly, each penny donated makes a difference!!!! I know that DiD is also in desperate need of monetary support, hence why I approached Jim at DiD to extend our support in donating 50% of the funds raised in this Hockey Ticket Raffle Fundraiser to send their way in way of contributing back to a cause dear to us; GD rescue and to support what we believe is another reputable/quality rescue organization out there. AND for those that know me, I do not say that lightly. We take our stellar reputation seriously and do not associate or affiliate lightly with other groups/organizations as we believe that the animals need to come first, it is not about 'making money' when rescuing/rehabbing animals and it is about always taking in the NEXT one in need – not discriminating against colour, age, health or injury. Deaf, blind, sick, injured, senior, dying or not; BHRR always will take the next one in need into our program(s).

If you believe in what we do at BHRR, please do think of opening up your heart to send something! BHRR would like to be around for many years to come to continue to assist those in need of a helping hand and times are very tough. πŸ™

Albert's Angels:

Alex & Karen

Honouring my 'promise!' Here are 2 pictures of BHRR's Lily Belle from her temp foster mom during her recent stay with them!!!

BHRR's Lily Belle

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Dana from February 2nd, 2011. Her facial expressions continue to just 'crack' me up! πŸ˜€ She is not yet 3 years of age and look at that 'masking gene' colouring her face so delightfully white!

BHRR's Miss Dana with our Cherokee, BHRR's Frank's head and BHRR's Ava Marie

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Shiva from February 2nd, 2011.

BHRR's Shiva with BHRR's Benjamin – Isn't she so pretty!

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Ava Marie from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR! DOESN'T she just look awesome!

BHRR's Ava Marie(the 'not another picture' look!) & BHRR's Potter

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Apollo from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Apollo with BHRR's Benjamin

Honouring my 'promise!' 1 Picture of BHRR's Hamilton The Newf from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Hamilton The Newf – YUP! That is 'snail tail' drool on his face!

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Hailey from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Hailey & BHRR's Benjamin with BHRR's Hailey

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Porridge from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Hailey with BHRR's Windsor with BHRR's Porridge

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Big Ben AKA BHRR's Benjamin from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Benjamin & BHRR's Hailey with BHRR's Benjamin

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Potter from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Potter

Honouring my 'promise!' 2 Pictures of BHRR's Windsor from February 2nd, 2011 – 'WINTER WONDERLAND DAY' @ BHRR!

BHRR's Windsor

I have had not one, not two but THREE people email me to 'make' a deal! LOL AND that deal is that they will purchase tickets to our currently running BHRR/DiD Hockey Raffle Fundraiser in exchange for me posting new pictures of the dogs! Let me think about this…..UHMMMM! OK! YOU are on!!! Let the picture posting and raffle tickets sales go on! πŸ˜€

Perhaps, it might make others consider participating such that we can raise much needed funds NOT just for BHRR yet also for another Ontario GD Rescue – DiD(the oldest operating GD Rescue in Ontario at that!). Each penny that is raised is so desperately needed by both of our organizations and please, please, please do consider participating. Even if you are not  a Hockey Fan or would be able to attend the game on April 2nd yourself, purchasing a raffle ticket or two or three; MAKES a great gift for another!

These are fantastic tickets – 100 L, a Parking Voucher is included PLUS a very generous $25 pre-dinner for 2 at P.J's Quigley's on Greenbank in Ontario has been donated by Linda Price. We shall be selling Raffle Tickets until March 9th, 2011 @ 9:00 PM EST.



Let’s Talk About Bloat…

Let's talk about Bloat….

Sean called me at work tonight and the first thing he said was 'I know I might be being paranoid (not only have we had our own terrible experiences with Bloat/Tort yet we know many that have also had dear ones fall victim) yet I am worried…' and before he could finish the sentence I finished it for him. I asked 'who' did he think is bloating – Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus ("GDV").

He then proceeded to tell me that one of the dogs had vomited with foam at least 3 times in a short span of time and that he had narrowed it down to BHRR's Porridge based upon his behavour. He said that BHRR's Porridge was acting cranky(AND for those that know BHRR's Porridge – he is anything but cranky except when it comes to nail trimming!) plus was not keen on having his belly touched. Sean told me that he did not see any distended belly and then I went through the gamut of questions – there was no restlessness, biting at sides, dark red or pale gums, rapid breathing, panting, pacing, whining, temperature/pulse/heart rate(had not yet been taken), hunching or arching, drooling, weakness etc. BHRR's Porridge wanted to be comforted yet did not want to be touched and would 'bark' at Sean if he did go near his belly. THIS is not his normal behavour.

AND what I told Sean is what I keep telling so many that contact me re: bloat; time = life and better to be safe than sorry and to go to the Vet PLUS that I will not diagnose, especially over the phone. What some people do not realise that bloat can kill regardless if there is tort / twisting (volvulus) involved.

I am always happy to meet people at the emergency or their own Vet Hospital and tell people it is better to look 'silly' and be told nothing is wrong than to wait too long and then there is little to no chance of survival.

Not being there to see and not being able to get my hands on BHRR's Porridge, I was not going to make a decision that could cost any dog their life, so, I advised Sean to pump GasX in to BHRR's Porridge and to head over ASAP. I gave the head's up to all that Sean was on his way and should be at KAH by 7:10 PM . In hearing the sounds that BHRR's Porridge was making in the background while Sean was trying to feel his stomach, I knew that he was very uncomfortable and for sure something was wrong and I believe he was filled up with gas and if not already actually bloating, well on his way.

GasX & Zantac Dosages Information Chart that I have put together for the BHRR website.

I called Sean about 12 or so minutes later to get an update and Sean said that that the GasX sure was doing its thing for  BHRR's Porridge was having 'gas' coming out both ends, and that was putting it mildly. BHRR's Porridge began to instantly feel better and was asking for full body snuggles and cuddles and wanting to zip and zoom(to which Sean put a stop to that part!).

I told Sean to give more GasX and also some Zantac(will help with pain too) to BHRR's Porridge and updated plus cancelled the alert to those working with me at KAH. The Vet asked if I needed anything to bring home and I felt I was ok with all that I did have in medications plus have tubing on hand if needed. I thanked the Vet for her time plus willingness to have see BHRR's Porridge on such short notice. The reality is and something I said to the Vet and they concurred is that now the risk is much higher for BHRR's Porridge to go through this again.

Our PPSS, lives on GasX with every meal he has. You can visibly see his tummy swell up with gas as he is eating and even more so, after eating. Due to his immature digestive system, he is not very effective in getting air out and it is getting worse as he ages(5 years in April).

I have also updated the Bloat Information that I had put together for the BHRR website under 'other places to visit' and then 'animal health'.

One of the lessons that can be learnt from this experience is that do not just look for 'physical' signs/symptoms of bloat/torting; look for behavoural changes. There was very little in regards to physical changes with BHRR's Porridge and the same could be said for our RIP beloved BLK's Maggi. Know your dog and know when he/she is not acting right.

As for why *I* think this happened to BHRR's Porridge – I can only answer with one word –  'stress' of which excitement is also a form of stress.

BHRR's Ava Marie shall be temp fostered from March 9th – March 23rd for if all goes well, I shall be headed on my first vacation in almost 6 years!

BHRR's Lily Belle shall be temp fostered from March 9th – March 23rd for if all goes well, I shall be headed on my first vacation in almost 6 years!

ISO: Temp Foster Homes from March 9th, 2011 – March 23rd, 2011 for if all goes well, I might be able to have my first vacation in almost 6 years. Please email if any of our approved foster homes are available and interested in assisting. Sean plus wee ones go on vacation twice a year while I stay here to love on dogs plus horses and this could be my first opportunity to not only have a vacation yet a family vacation in almost 6 years myself!

Renee, Montreal, Quebec

Hi Gwen,
First, my apologies for taking so long to respond. And second, thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into the advice you gave me. I really did not expect you to give me such a wealth of information and it is appreciated.  Few people take on this breed because of their size and the expense, etc, so there aren't alot of people out there who can give 'dane-specific' advice.  I have been practising with Wyatt and his recall is improving thanks to  increased effort on the part of his 'mommy' and the purchase of some freeze dried liver and duck and sweet potato treats. Yummers!  I am looking more interesting to him by the minute! LOL  I find that I have been getting better  leash behaviour too. It's still a work in progress, but when I see him put himself in heel postion when we are crossing the street without my having to prompt him, I see that things are sinking in.

Unfortunately I am in Montreal so it would be a bit of a trek to get to your walks πŸ™

But thank you SO MUCH for your time and help.

Take care,

Denise, N.S., CDA

Gwen I was talking to Barry today and I was so shocked & sad to hear about Trice. They were very lucky to have each other even though it was for a short time.
I was so glad to hear that you were with Barry and that you took Trice back to BHRR to lay him to rest.
Thank you for being there!! Thank you for everything you do!!
My heart just aches.

BHRR's Albert went back to having accidents as of last Saturday February 12th, despite us even trying to get him out more often. Poor sweet boy. πŸ™  On the amazing note, he actually ate the treatie that was brought to him from 2 of our approved BHRR Volunteers while people were here that day!! THAT is huge re: his comfort level. BIG step in his rehab.

AND AND AND, he actually came out of his crate  went outside to pee and then came in to take a drink of water when it was just us and a few strangers here. OMG! I just wanted to hug him! AND AND AND, both my kids had play dates/sleep overs that day/night and he LOVED Kinsley's friend. I was just so filled with happiness and to have it tinged with such sadness over his loss of muscle control, is just so heartwrenching.

BUT, we are still going day by day of quality for him!

If you want to be a BHRR's Albert Angel, please feel free to contact us. We do not know how much more time he has but we can guarantee that the time he does have shall be the BEST!


Albert's Angels:


Natasha Pinsent, Serge Rivard Photography, ON

Good Day Gwen,
This is Natasha (Serge's wife and assistant), we were the photographers that worked with Lucie and Fromm to raise money for your rescue last year.  We were wondering if we could link to your BirchHaven site? 
Having 4 pets also from rescues we are huge supporters, so it would be our pleasure to help spread the word about your organization!  Be sure to keep us in mind for any other fundraising events you think we may be able to help with!
Thanks a million for your fantastic work!

Have a wonderful day!


BHRR's Frank has been ADOPTED!

BHRR's Apollo weighed 64.3 KGs(141.46 pounds) today. WAHOOO! WTG!!!

He had another fantastic session at CWW and now has a few more 'fans' to his credit. πŸ˜€ He was also taken out for an ice cream treatie after his session and then to Starbuck's! Mr. Social Butterfly.

As per even the Volunteers that took him today to his session, they, too; cannot believe that he has not yet been adopted. We remain patient.

AND BHRR's Apollo sure took a shine to these two BHRR Volunteers!!! He did not want to leave them.

L. Benson, Pembroke, ON

I have to tell you that I was very upset to read Albert's blog on Monday, as I was sure you must have been 10 times more devasted to write it. I knew one day, I would
see something like this, but just wasn't prepared. Al and I both agreed that it is funny that we haven't even met this wonderful 'Old Man', but have been so taken by him and his story. We also know that if he were one of our dogs, we would do the same thing. It's really quite sad and the dogs absolutely hate to be that way.
You have given Albert the very best time of his life. I wish he could have known his whole life this way. What ever I can help with, I would be glad to try to assist. I do know that he loves you in his own way. You are the Mom he has waited for his whole life, just like all these other poor souls. 
In the meantime, please give Albert a big hug from us.
Best wishes

My son and his wife adopted Koop! So he is my official Grand-doggy. What joy and love he has brought to our families . My husband and I have a 16 year old dog that we adopted from the humane society when he was 4 months old and Koop is just so wonderful when he comes to visit. God bless you Gwennie and Thanks.

BHRR's Apollo is having his 'date' tomorrow and shall be headed to CWW for a swim session!  I will also obtain a new weight on him as he shall be coming to KAH with me.

Current donation update stats for BHRR's Potter are below. We owe almost another $1,000 to completely pay off his current bills. Please consider supporting him and thank you so much in advance!!!


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,363.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,400 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $844.53

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle
Gwen personally paid to date – $1,161.55

Another update from BHRR's Lily Belle's Temp Foster Mom:

Lily Belle is still doing amazing.  She just gets more cuddly everyday and oh my gosh does she love to be brushed.  Have been taking lots of pictures too, will send a few your way soon.

I shall be bringing BHRR's Lily Belle back to BHRR later this week so that she can be here for the BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House this weekend. For anyone interested in attending, please email for details and to register.  Our next BHRR' EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House shall not be until June of 2011.

Today was a good day for BHRR's Albert. It was the first day in over a week that he did not have an accident. One day at a time…..quality, quality and more quality shall remain our number one focus and priority in our commitment to BHRR"s Albert.

For those that have asked what can they can possibly do to make BHRR's Albert's time as special as possible, be it weeks or days or if we are so blessed, months etc.; sadly, BHRR's Albert has not yet experienced so many of the delights that the world has to offer. Due to his terrible past; many things can completely overwhelm him and we have been taking things very slowly in the integration of the big world to him. However; we do know that he enjoys the following:

1) Soft blankets, lots and lots of soft blankets, duvets, comforters and sleeping bags that he likes to use his legs to rumple up into a big thick pile to lay upon and hide in
2) Vanilla Ice Cream – especially the Nestle Drumsticks πŸ˜€ – this compliments of a 7 year old daughter!!!
3) Peanut Butter – NO nuts – he will now take it off a spoon from me!
4) His one Costco Dog bed that is his and his alone. He will only lay upon the one that was donated to him as a SS(Secret Santa) pressie for we do not allow it to be communal. We know that he will not lay upon beds that have many other smells on it from the other dogs. It makes him uncomfortable and not as secure.
5) Big Smoked Dino Bones or Smoked Knuckle Bones – He might not have the best teeth but he sure loves to try and chew on them
6) He loves treats and we have plenty of those on hand for him at this time

BHRR's Albert's pleasures are simple and he/I take a morning jaunt through the fenced in yard or to get the mail and he loves to trot. I wish he was not so camera shy for as soon as you take out the camera, he freezes like a deer in the headlights.

So, thank you in advance to those that are thinking of sending him a special 'care' package or making a monetary donation for us to purchase items for him and for keeping him in your thoughts, blessings and well wishes. My heart is going to break into a million shards when it is time to hold him in my arms and kiss that sweet face of his and watch the light in his eyes of the life he has finally begun to experience fade away…….

Albert's Angels:


I do not have the best news for BHRR's Albert. As of last week, he began to have at least two bm accidents in his crate or on himself daily; despite being out as often as he might wish. In taking him to the Vet and then referred to a specialist, it is believed that he is most likely even older than 8+ and as with some dogs(humans too) as they age, his sphincter muscles are no longer working normally and have 'loosened'. πŸ™

He is embarrassed when he finds himself pooping himself. πŸ™  He will even 'freeze' as he almost scares himself that he is doing this.

So, Sean & I have had to make a very tough decision and we will be spending this next while, giving him as many of his special memorable experiences as possible. We believe that each person and animal deserves a quality filled live and to BHRR's Albert, he clearly does not feel he is having any dignity in having this happen to him.

BHRR's Big Ben weighed 59.3 KGs(130.46 pounds) today. The Vet feels that he is also putting on the weight very nicely. He has been an absolute ROCKSTAR here at KAH. He was a bit worried in getting into the car as the last car ride was when he was handed over to myself yet he settled down well.

He is a great car traveller! AND I will so have to try and get a picture BUT he is walking on a loose lead with just his flat buckle collar! ONLY here one week and he sits, lay downs and walks so beautifully!!!

I have taken him up from the back run several times and each time he relaxed more and WHAT a social butterfly!!! He wants to greet every person and figured out how to open one of the exam room doors! HOLY! Smart boy. He has also just loved every cat and dog he has met.

The Vet feels that his frostbite is healing well and his seborrhea is also doing much better. You can see how shiny his coat is becoming as he sheds all the dead hair/skin. He does have one area on his muzzle that is still frostbitten and no one is really sure if the hair shall even grow back. Only time shall tell.

It is believed that his limping was from his frostbite and the pads of his feet are still peeling, the poor thing. He lays down, sits very square/even plus upon manipulation, his ROM and flexibility was great. He was happy, no signs of pain and just ate the liver treats I was feeding him while the Vet pulled and pushed and prodded. The Vet was very impressed with his teeth and his heart, lungs, eyes, ears are normal! He does have some slight hygromas, more on the right elbow than the left but that will resolve now that he is sleeping on soft bedding. Great check-up!!!

I took some pictures of him laying down eating a donated antler from Luanne of Rusty Dawg Products and will post them later.

Have I mentioned lately how GLORIOUS I think this boy is!!!! πŸ™‚ AND I am so excited to report that I got my first kiss from BHRR's Big Ben today! All the gals at the Hospital went 'awwwwwww' and it sure was an 'awwwwww…….sigh' moment indeed! πŸ™‚

AND I have to be totally honest that this boy is certainly grabbing hard at my heart.

I have scheduled BHRR's Big Ben to come into work with me tomorrow for a check-up and to see what the Vet thinks of his hind end, especially the left knee/hip.  Perhaps, it is just the frost bite healing on his feet/pads but I want to ensure that he has his Vet sign-off before he goes up for adoption. This shall not happen for some time yet but we want/require all of our dogs to have a Vet check-up before any animal is placed up for adoption. I will also scan him for a microchip at that time.

His frost bite is healing great though and he is doing awesome! Much more to update in pictures and notes soon.


In honor of Gwennie, the Founder of BHRR, wishing her a most wonderful and special of birthdays today – February 3rd, 2011

If you believe in BHRR; enjoy all the blog updates, pictures, open houses, GD hikes, Gwennie novel posts, her educational articles plus links; please make a donation in support of her rescue efforts. This fundraiser shall run through until 11:59 PM today – Thursday February 3rd, 2011

This blog post was made without Gwennie's awareness, so imagine her surprise when she sees this later today!

You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about always worrying about money to save those in need of the programs she has worked so hard for. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about coming up with funds for food and other essentials for the animals. You can help ease her stress and concerns a bit today about the mounting bills for BHRR. Together let's make that BHRR 'chain of success' for Gwennie even more strong today!

Email transfer to, PayPal (account or even call Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and make a donation on to the Birch Haven Rescue account with your Visa, Mastercard or Amex. A receipt will be mailed to your attention. As Gwennie states so often, there is no amount too small.

I recently asked Gwennie what she wanted for her birthday and not once did she mention anything for herself. Always her family, friends or animals. Help us make a birthday very special today for Gwennie by making a donation to BHRR.

Total Raised to Date$385 & 14 Days of Dog Food & New Logo for Behavoural/Training/Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp Programs
*PayPal took $1.03 in fees

Gwennie's BHRR Believers & Supporters:

Mason*donated his bi-weekly allowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Alex & Karen
Global Pet Foods – Kanata – 10 Days of Dog Food
Simone – On BHRR's Potter Bills @ Kanata Animal Hospital
Lisa – 13 KG bag of Natural Balance Dog Food
James – Bag of Dog Food
Jan & Her Boyz
Luanne of Rusty Dawg Pet Products

Current donation update stats for BHRR's Potter are below. We owe almost another $1,000 to completely pay off his current bills. Please consider supporting him and thank you so much in advance!!!


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,303.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,300 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $932.37

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle
Gwen personally paid to date – $1,161.55

BHRR's Frank turned 1 TODAY! YAY! Happy WOOFDAY BHRR's Frank. Additionally, we should know by Saturday February 12th if this home is a right matched personality fit for BHRR's Frank. We thank everyone for being so patient as we have been going through the application process for his possible adoption. Below are two pictures from today and isn't he just so handsome! We will post an update on his status as soon as we can.

BHRR's Frank's 1st WOOFDAY! – February 2nd, 2011

Here is an update from BHRR's Lily Belle's Temp Foster Mom:

Just thought I'd send a quick update on how Lily Belle is doing πŸ™‚  She is quite the social butterfly, we had an awesome trip to Bruce Pit on Saturday.  She was her adorable goofy self and had a blast playing in the snow.
Her and Neffie have been having a great time together in the backyard playing, cuddling on the dog bed and being sure to give me lots of kisses πŸ™‚  They were two very happy snow covered puppies today with all the fresh 20+cm snow.
Loving having her here,

Today was 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day at BHRR on our almost 148 acres after receiving 20 cm of snow and 10 more cm on the way! Below are two pictures! I will post all the individual pictures on the dog's own blogs ASAP. I was out with them myself on three different occasions for about an hour each time. WHAT a blast of a day! Now, that nighttime has come, the temperatures are dropping and the snow is turning more to ice pellets. Time for some nice warmth in front of the fireplaces and snuggles!

BHRR's 'WINTER WONDERLAND' Day! – February 2nd, 2011 – Name the dogs? LOL

Crystal F., USA

"Hi Gwen, I will catch up with you in a few days,always a pleasure talking to you! You know how much I respect you and Birch Haven!!!!! I just wish the world was full of "Gwennie's" !!!!!! You are the BEST!!!!!!"

Tuesday's adventures brought BHRR's Big Ben learning to solidify a 'sit'! YAY! Of course, a tiny bit of vanilla ice cream has greatly assisted in this area plus he is now associating that 'Gwennie' is interesting and carries good things with her and is wanting to listen more and stay close. He is eating and drinking well and we just came in from being outside for almost an hour walking and playing in our almost 2+ acre fenced in yard.

He also has the 'perfect' sad/cute face in thinking that if he 'uses' it, he will be allowed on the master bed. Picture of his face is in his slideshow #6. All rewards are earned here and all dogs are very well rewarded for appropriate demonstrations of behavour and BHRR's Big Ben is well on his way to earn that 'privilege', yet he is not quite there. We do not desire to be creating any SA type of behavours.

Today was the first day, I left him all alone for three hours while I attend an appointment for my eyes. HE did superb. Went right into his crate, took the yummy treat and settled down. He was very happy to see me when I arrived home and I passively ignored him and let some of the other dogs out first and then came back to let him out.

I also took a height and BHRR's Big Ben is 34" at the whithers with another year of growing 'up' to do and then one more year after that filling out.

He is doing great and it is felt that perhaps the frost -bite is causing him some distress more on the one back leg than the other. However; I shall be bringing him with me when I work on Saturday to have the Vet exam him plus to get a current weight on him.

Though, he has a ways to go in the obedience, physical plus mental rehab areas; I already know that he would fit in any number of homes; he is just that versatile and 'accepting'. FT, PT, Semi-Retired, Retired and will excel in being a therapy dog or in obedience. Someone that is going to remain committed to his continued growth in a positive reinforcement manner.

I have added many  new pictures to his slideshow from today and am also putting two below.

His newest close play buds are BHRR's Shiva & BHRR's Apollo AND he so badly wants to be Multi CH. TAIN's close friend yet TAIN is a loyal best bud to Multi CH. Bronson first and foremost. πŸ˜‰

Have I mentioned yet that I think this boy is simply GLORIOUS! πŸ˜€

BHRR's Big Ben & with Multi CH. TAIN, Multi CH. Bronson & Sir Maestro in BHRR's 2+ acre fenced in play yard – February 1st, 2011

Monday's adventures brought us the following: BHRR's Big Ben felt he could recline on leather sofas and discovered that barking at whatever was outside the ensuite windows was worth expressing his opinion at. Additionally, when I arrived home Monday night, he thought that jumping on me was a great thing. So…………he was introduced to the word of a firm 'no' and the world of spray bottles. The look on his face when the word 'no' had to be associated with a squirt from the bottle on his rump was priceless. This boy is most assuredly not used to having to follow many rules and welcome to the world of 'Gwennie's Dog Boot Camp' Big Ben. πŸ˜‰ He is very quick to learn and it did not take him long to associate that I when I said 'no' or Sean said 'no' that we would follow through with enforcing the rules of the house. The spray bottle grabs his attention and we repeat the command wih his name so that he will associate what we are asking of him. He has been a great one for just walking away from us when we talk and LOL that shall also change….LOVING this boy! Now, to get him to actually focus those smarts of his on doing what we want him to do when we want him to do it. He is goofy and puppy stubborn and is not doing what he is doing to be deliberately obtuse, he clearly just does not 'get it' in the understanding that we have clear set out expectations re: behavour BUT he will! πŸ˜‰ AND I am proud of how fast he is learning things. I believe he is smarter than he lets on for the persona that he gives….well, is not the brightest tool in the shed, the loveable lug!

He has felt that if we said 'no', it meant that he could still do whatever it was that he wanted to do and nope, that is not going to happen. Harmony…we live in harmony here and that means rules, rules and rules. Lots of well earned rewards for following those rules and listening and he already knows where the treat bins are!

He was quite happy to see me when I arrived home and that was nice. He is truly GLORIOUS!

Looking forward to Tuesday's adventures with him!

As I posted on the BHRR FB Group, seeing Ben when he was dropped off at KAH yesterday was like having that feeling of 'coming home'. It felt just so right and I literally welled up with tears that he is now here! He was a great car traveller home and the first dog he was integrated with was BHRR's Hailey. If ever there was a dog that could get another to play it was going to be her or my PPSS and as I was told that he played super rough, I did not want PPSS exposed to having his poor hip/knee hurt. However BHRR's Big Ben is not a 'rough' player, especially when it comes next to dogs like BHRR's Hailey! LOL I think he was not aware at one point what 'hit' him for he was almost dizzy with her zipping and zooming and zagging all around him outside with the occasional 'tag' on his body to play!!! He had a few play moments, then I took him in, settled him into a crate(AND this is where I noted the need for obedience, for he layed upon the tiled floor in the sunroom and would not budge). It was like he felt that 'hey, I weigh X and I am not moving and you cannot make me.'  BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. πŸ˜‰ LOL In just a few moments, he was setting into that crate eating a yummy treatie! He had a snooze and by the time I went to bed around 1:30 AM or so, he had been fully integrated with all the dogs. This dog's personality is GLORIOUS!

I switched him up to another crate(for practise) for his dinner and this time, instead of laying down; he decided he was going to back up to avoid doing what I wanted him to do. BHRR's Big Ben does not know me very well at this point. πŸ˜‰ LOL In just a few moments….again, he was in the crate and having dinner. This time, what I did was that I got a leash, hooked it on; walked him to the masterbedroom door and then walked with confidence and purpose to the crate and the intent was for him to go in and he went right in. No hesitation and complete co-operation. Today, I have had no crate issues. πŸ˜‰ I think BHRR's Big Ben is getting to know me a little bit better. πŸ˜‰ LOL I do not believe in negative reinforcement, corporal punishment etc. in the training of ANY dog. I also do not believe in prongs or chokes and the choke that came with him has been removed.

On to some of the history of BHRR's Big Ben.

I have seen his ad on Kijiji since December of 2010; have known one of the previous homes he was in, and despite many passing along BHRR's contact info. plus BHRR stepping up on our own; the person who had him(a RVT to boot) refused rescue assisance. Their words were that they wanted to 'place' him on their own and had told others that they minimally wanted to make $$ back for at least rescuing him and having neutered him. That is not rescue, especially in that he was kept outside in this weather plus fed crap food and had untreated diarrhea issues. In December, an email was also sent out from this person who wanted GD Rescue to send already screened homes her way so that she could sell this Dane to them without much effort on her part to make $$. BHRR is not in the business of helping others 'sell' dogs, especially in situations like this.

Apparently, this boy has been kept outside in this weather, had frostbite on feet and ears and also chronic diarrhea. NOT to mention being frightened, confused and lacking proper social interaction. I keep telling people that NO matter the profession, abusers come in all shapes, professions and sizes. I am often told in reference checks, 'well so and so is a nurse, a RVT, a Vet' and it matters naught to me. Your profession is not validation that you will take proper care of your dogs. BHRR's Lexi and BHRR's Hailey, the domestic abuse case GD's came from one of the wealthiest homes out there and look at what happened to them.

We fast forward to last Monday when I received a phone call from another group who had brought in this Dane two weeks previously and needed some help for the foster home could not handle him. Loved him dearly yet was too much in size, they have a small house, full of puppy antics, lacking in obedience and wanted to play rough plus was so curious about their cat. I had suspected that it was this same GD(the world is small, the GD world even smaller and I have been in theses trenches almost 25 years now) and waited for the detailed information to come my way. I committed on the phone to assist when I could(we do have a pending adoption for BHRR's Frank at this time). Upon receiving the information that confirmed that yes, it was the exact same GD that I have worried about since last fall; I just had to have BHRR step up to assist ASAP. I sent much info. to this foster home re: this past history/background of this GD, including that he is not a PB; including the Kijiji ad etc. for the RVT had told this group that GD rescue was not interested in him. The group was also told by this person that the RVT was not trying to sell him at all. Yet, the truth has now come out and as I always believe in my heart that  the truth does prevail in time and many more people have had their eyes open re: this boy boy's tragic past.

I know of at least 5 HOMES and at least 3 NAMES this poor boy has had and he only just turned 1. It really upsets me to see situations like this. A name is an identity, a very important identity and it is so confusing to a dog to be uprooted to new homes and then to another name. Then people wonder why the dog is 'not listening' and thinks the dog is being stubborn or defiant. It makes the training curve so much longer and difficult in many situations. LORD knows how many names he really has had and if I am aware of 5 homes, I am sure there might be others that I am not aware of. NO dog deserves this.

Knowing that all of this has now come full circle and we can now assist this GDx that I have lost much sleep over, has me just filled with relief and joy!!!!

At this time, BHRR's Big Ben's frost bite is healing well, his diarrhea is much better, he has been put on Sentinel by BHRR; we are proactively de-worming him with Panacur, his flaking skin is much better(we have been giving him raw eggs/shells plus plain yogurt); he has had a bath plus nail trimming. His skin is already less itchy. He also needs more weight. His spine is bony and you can see more of his ribs than I desire to.

Additionally, I would love to do a DNA test on BHRR's Big Ben and I might just drum up some personal money to do that as I am doubting that he has Rottie in him(could be wrong for when it comes to mixes, they do not always visibly show signs of all breeds) but I see more Black & Tan in him(that nose of his was going a mile a minute on the way home!) than Rottie. YET no matter what he is, he is gorgeous, safe and will be done 'right by'.

Public thanks being sent out from the home that was temp fostering him for the other group for she donated a dog bed, a kong and a small bag of dog food for him. SO appreciative and it was such a pleasure meeting you. πŸ™‚ She was so sad to see him go and as many know I have my own interpersonal space issues πŸ˜‰ ; yet;  I just had to give her a hug of comfort. I also invited her to come out to our February BHRR's "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House to visit and see first hand what we do here and to love on BHRR's Big Ben.

BHRR's Big Ben's fast and closest friends already are Sir Maestro and Bleach. He will spend hours and hours playing with them. He is loving the 2+ acre fenced in yard yet what he is loving most is that he is allowed inside when he wants to come in. He is still pacing a lot but is now wanting to lay down more and more and he had a GREAT sleep last night. Only some very mild SA whining but I popped another treat into his crate and then he was good for the night.

He has proven himself to be housebroken to date and as of this afternoon was finally more comfortable about drinking water and though he is nervous about drinking when other dogs are also drinking, he will get there. We 'share' in our home. We were told that he had toy resourcing issues yet to date, none of that has been seen, but it is very early on and I cannot wait to have this rehab journey with this boy. He is SWEET, gentle about taking treats(though will not eat them in front of you), so honest about his not wanting to listen and there is a big personality just waiting to pop out of this one and I am excited to learn all about him! AND gosh, he is one nice boy!

I cannot wait for the day when he is comfortable about asking for love and knowing that he is not going to be hurt in the asking for it. Those moments in the rehab process always just melts my heart. πŸ™‚

Below are two photos from today. Not the best for he is alway on the go right now. BUT when he naps, he is napping really well. πŸ˜‰

Sooooooooooo much to write re: much about this boy yet I shall save that for another blog. cheekyI am going to summarize this blog by saying that even though he has only been here since Saturday, I feel like he has always been here and it feels 'right' and 'good' and Sean feels the same! He has just settled in perfectly and meshes with everyone. He also reminds me somewhat of BHRR's Mr. Parker Paws and apparently also does for Sean for both us us have called him 'Parker' by mistake.

BHRR's 'Big Ben' – January 30th, 2011 – 1 year of age(b. January 7th, 2011)




Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are willing to take a BHRR animal for a Playdate, day trip or play day; here are the February 2011 Dates/times available:

Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*DO YOU WANT TO BE A BHRR Animals' 'Valentine' today! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM


*Note: BHRR's 'Big' Ben is NOT AVAILALBLE at this time for Playdates. New Arrival to BHRR on January 29th, 2011*

Please email if you are interested in helping give a BHRR animal more social experiences plus a great time!

BHRR's Dana is at work with me today at KAH. She weighed a very solid, muscled with each rib defined in muscle 57.30 KGs(126.06 pounds). That is a 61.82 pound weight gain since she first arrived at BHRR exptremely emaciated.YOU GO BHRR's Dana!!!

She is such a social creature and her 'happy butt/tail' is a nonstop 'hazard' for all here! LOL She has loved interacting with every human she has met PLUS 2 pugs that belong to another staff member at KAH. It is hard to believe that BHRR's Dana is still with us. She is so friendly, yes, busy and active and mischievous yet so AWESOME!

She passed her annual with flying colours and received her DAPP 3 year booster.

In order for us to assist BHRR's Big Ben, we had to send out an 'URGENT" on the BHRR Network that included our BHRR FB Group for a temp foster home for one of our current 'AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION' animals and within minutes, the response again was heartwarming by our supporters! THANK YOU!

BHRR's Lily Belle shall be going back to the same temp foster she had before XMAS for some fun, games and extra special social time and in turn, this shall enable us to bring in BHRR's Big Ben direct to BHRR to take care of his much needed/required rehab needs. Truly, cannot believe that she has not yet been adopted yet I know that her temp foster mom/dog love having her and I know that Sean/I love having her here too, so we remain patient. πŸ™‚


Meet BHRR's 'Big' Ben – Male, black/brindle, neutered(November 26th, 2010), one year of age(born: January 7th, 2010), utd on vaccines(Due May 10th, 2011), Great DaneX(one previous home was told with Rottie). Last weight was 59.5 KGs(130.9 pds) on November 11th, 2010 @ 10 months of age. He is a big boy with another 2 years of maturing/developing ahead of him! He shall be arriving to BHRR on Saturday January 29th, 2011. Will update his blog as I can as there is a LOT of history/background on this boy as BHRR has been aware of him for several months now. He has had at least FIVE homes and at least THREE different names that BHRR is aware of and he only just turned 1! πŸ™ NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR's 'Big' Ben – 10 months in these pictures – November 2010
*photos courtesy of L. McConomy

On Friday January 21st, while Sean/I were watching BHRR's Potter outside doing a little playing(more just standing and doing some mouth wrestling as his back and neck are still quite stiff) with a couple of the dogs; he made a bit of  a cry and layed down. He did not desire to get up. In concern,  Sean carried him inside and we looked him all over. We saw a bit of swelling surrounding his stump and penis/ groin area yet no marks which we knew we would not find anyway as we were both right there watching things and there was no rough play grabbing etc. to BHRR's Potter whatsover by any of the other dogs. He was also not bumped nor did any dog run into him.

We took him into the Hospital and the Vet diagnosed BHRR's Potter with 'latent' or delayed trauma exhibition. They feel that all the deep trauma that was inside of BHRR's Potter from when he was attacked(livers/kidneys) is now just starting to come out. We were told that the playing etc. that he did do was not a factor for BHRR's Potter has been doing some mouth playing with other dogs and also has trotted himself in the fenced in yard without previous concern as he was healing from his attack back in December. We also drained another 5 cc's from his seroma and I picked up more Amoxicillin on Saturday from LAH for him.

Below are two pictures from Sunday January 23rd of his stump and groin area. The bruising began to come out in full force as of the Saturday. The Vet assures us that as long as BHRR's Potter is eating, drinking, his last urine results came back normal, pooping fine; no fever , vomiting etc.; that he will be ok. If for any reason, it will be necessary, we shall do an ultrasound, more X-Rays and the Vet said extreme would be an exporatory. πŸ™

His Vet Bills are extensive and to us, plus so many; BHRR's Potter worth is priceless and we can only hope that people shall consider to donate. BHRR is not in a great financial position(YET we shall continue helping with your support) to assist more dogs as our total bills at this time is almost $10,000. Please consider making a donation.

We also would like to extend an invitation to people that are thinking about helping BHRR's Potter or even BHRR; to contact us about attending our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in February so that dogs like BHRR's Potter can express to you themselves what it would mean to have your support. I do not think I could ever be as passionate as the dogs themselves when people meet them and see just how important their donations are in their lives. Your donations make a difference and that difference can and does mean LIFE. That truly is a great 'gift' and even $5.00 is not too little and if you have already donated, and would like to do so again; we are humbly thankful and BHRR's Potter would probably bestow upon you some kisses(I tend to be the ONLY one that he is stingy with and makes *me* work for them! LOL) of eternal gratitude.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,120
Vet Bills to Date: $3,300 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital: $984.54

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – Stump/Groin Area & inside leg of his stump – January 23rd, 2011

BHRR's Apollo is now booked for a time on February 9th at CWW AND another approved BHRR Volunteer has reserved a 'date' with BHRR's Apollo for Saturday February 26th to take him to CWW! Just waiting to confirm a time for that day. YAY! For BHRR's Apollo. Below are two pictures from his December 29th, 2010 session that I took him to. As mentioned in a previous blog or two, I am going to book him in for sessions here and there until he is adopted as he LOVES the water, the attention, the special loving from all and it is only going to provide additional benefit(our pool and spring fed pond are obviously closed for the winter! LOL) to his knee/leg. He is ready for his forever loving home, much to the dismay of many that wanted Sean/I to keep BHRR's Apollo as one of our own! BUT, he does not need us any longer and we need to continue to adopt out those that no longer need us to continue to help those that do. πŸ™‚ I am just going to well up when it is time to hug him and let him go to his new forever loving home BUT the good news is that in having had almost 310 adoptions, almost all those homes are in regular contact with BHRR and remain happily part of the BHRR extended family….so, it is not a forever good-bye, it is a new beginning for him and we cannot wait to watch him continuet to flourish(he will make a great therapy dog!) in his great loving forever home!

This boy is POPULAR yet sadly, the right matched personality fit inquiry/application has not yet come in for him. One person even wanted to know if it would be really expensive to dye him lilac as they felt it would be a great colour to match his black muzzle!!!! Needless, to say, that was one inquiry we declined to proceed further with.


BHRR's Apollo at CWW – December 29th, 2010 – HE LOVES it & Jen/Lianne LOVE him!


Hello Gwen,

When I was in the market for a Dane I came across your blog and I still read it quite often just because I enjoy hearing about the success you have with nursing Danes back to health.  I am contacting you because you really know this breed in particular.



Now, that things are becoming a bit more settled at BHRR, if any of our approved BHRR approved Volunteers are willing to take BHRR's Apollo to a 'maintenance' swim session at CWW(Canine Water Wellness): here are the dates/times to consider! While we are awaiting his forever loving adoptve home, we would like to take him to some extra sessions AS he just loves them and he can only continue to benefit from more time spent swimming. πŸ™‚

Friday February 4th – Between 5 PM & 6 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 9 AM & 2 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between 1 PM  & 6 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 10 AM & 2 PM*RESERVED
Friday February 18th – Between 1 PM & 6 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 10 AM & 2 PM
Friday February 25th – Between 1 PM & 6 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 9 AM & 2 PM*RESERVED

Please email if you are interested in helping to take BHRR's Apollo to some extra sessions.

BHRR's Ava Marie is now booked for a Playdate for Valentine's Day! :) The rest of her availability for February 2011 is listed below for our approved BHRR Volunteer(s) to consider taking her for a Playdate, day trip or play day. Please email.


Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*BHRR's Ava Marie BOOKED
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM

BHRR's Apollo is now reserved with a BHRR approved Volunteer for a CWW 'fun/play' swim session for February 9th, time yet to be determined. This shall be Session #1 of 5 more planned sessions should his right matched forever loving home not come along! Many more dates still available for February and please email if you are open to assisting BHRR's Apollo!

We are moving BHRR's Frank under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' until such time as we can best dermine if the application we are currently reviewing is a right matched personality fit for their home, current dog and also for BHRR's Frank. It should not be too long before we can post a status update and until such time as we do so; we shall not be taking any further inquiries/applications on him. Thanks so much in advance for everyone's patience!

BHRR's Lily Belle is now booked for a Playdate for Valentine's Day! πŸ™‚ The rest of her availability for February 2011 is listed below for our approved BHRR Volunteer(s) to consider taking her for a Playdate, day trip or play day. Please email.


Friday February 4th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM
Saturday February 5th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 7th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Tuesday February 8th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 9th – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Monday February 14th – Between 4 PM & 8 PM*BHRR's Lily Belle BOOKED
Friday February 18th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Monday February 22nd – Between Noon & 8 PM
Wednesday February 23rd – Between 9 AM & 4 PM
Friday February 25th – Between Noon & 8 PM
Saturday February 26th – Between 8 AM & 4 PM

I have added photos #18 to #21 to BHRR's Albert's slideshow. I am also adding two below from when I had him at KAH last night. He is doing SOOOO well overall. His heart and lungs are good, teeth are not so great and if there is any reason why he might ever have a need to go back under an anaesthetic; we shall clean his teeth again; his ears are only surface waxy  now as opposed to the deep gunk of filth they were when he first arrived to BHRR; his toe nails are no longer imbedded into his feet because of the regular nail trimming we do at BHRR; his eyes are less runny due to not being exposed to constant outside irritants, just a little bit of a yeast infection between a couple of his back toes and his fur is very soft to the touch except for the one area on his back along his spine that has seborrhea that we keep under control with access to sunlight plus washing with Head & Shoulders shampoo. BHRR's Albert is in remarkable good health considering everything that he had gone through when he was chained up outside for all of his life before coming to BHRR a mere year ago. Some of the staff (those who met him a year ago when he first arrived to BHRR) marveled at how much tone and strength he now has in his back end and though he was still a bit unsure about things at KAH; they commented on how bonded he was to me. This boy makes my heart just beat with such protective and caring feelings of love for him. May he live a long filled quality of life now that he is safe with us. AND his leash manners are impeccable along with his obedience. I am sooooooooooo proud of you BHRR's Albert! You are an amazing boy. πŸ™‚

While he was not 100% comfortable with all the attention given to him at KAH, he was 'accepting' and only tried to 'hide' behind me a few times. He even 'smiled' – I swear a couple of times! πŸ˜‰

What made people sad was again seeing all of his 'scars' from his past. They clearly show that BHRR's Albert had a really tough life before being rescued. πŸ™

He was unsure about getting into the car when leaving BHRR and I had to help him get in yet on the way home, NO issues whatsoever! He was in my car in a flash! πŸ™‚ He is a great traveler in the car and was more curious than worried with the trucks plus transports passing us.

AND you can see in the second photo that he is actually on a Costco Dog bed! SUCCESS! This was a SS(Secret Santa) pressie given to him this past XMAS, his first real Christmas EVER and he was surrounded by love and warmth and lots of spoiling!

BHRR's Albert – January 18th, 2011 @ KAH – @ Reception & then in one of the XXL Runs hanging out for a bit while I worked

Below are two photos from when I had BHRR's Hailey at the Vet on January 17th! Isn't she just precious!!!! No picture shall ever really capture her beauty plus lovely spirit! Her eyes….I keep going back to her eyes. AND her ears are so soft. Almost as soft as BHRR's Ava Marie. πŸ™‚ AND….BHRR's Hailey is now officially AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! She is one Great Dane that I am going to miss very much. She has travelled a very long way in such a short time and her potential is unlimited. Thank you BHRR's Hailey for touching me so deeply and wonderfully. πŸ™‚

AND how could I forget to post just how much she loves her back scratches plus tush massages! LOL

Re: her obedience, she is just flying by! She also knows to give 'one paw' and then 'give the other paw'. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Hailey – January 17th, 2011 @ KAH – 3 years of age


BHRR's Albert had his annual tonight and he weighed a nicely toned 44.8 KGs(98.56 pounds). He was another BIG HIT!!! We took some pictures with my phone and will post them ASAP.

He is in as great as shape as one can hope for for a boy that went through all that he did before coming to BHRR. He has some dry skin issues yet overall, he is in fantastic shape for a GD that is at least 8+ years of age and went through hell.

I brought BHRR's Hailey to work with me today and now that I am on a break, I am going to update her blog! πŸ™‚ She weighed a lean, muscled and lovely toned 45.4 KGs(99.88 pounds).

There have been so many great comments about how glossy and shiny her coat is, how social and friendly she is. BIG hit!

She was also microchipped today.

Her Vet visit went awesome, a very healthy plus happy girl! I took some pictures with my phone and will post ASAP.

Luanne P., Ottawa, ON

I'm glad you liked it Gwen! You really do amazing work and more people need to know about it.

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual for Friday January 28th for 7:50 PM and we shall also do a recheck on her back at that time.

BHRR's Lily Belle had her annual exam/visit tonight and BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 56.4 KGs(124.08) pounds – very wiggly to boot yet eager to please! LOL She was AWESOME in the car and at KAH! WHAT a love bug, so filled with happiness! She is most like going to be one of the dogs that I shall be bringing to our upcoming GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike on Sunday! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to over 100!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Our next planned walk is this Sunday January 16th. :)

BHRR BOD Member Barry's 'Special 30th Birthday Request for BHRR' –

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services Board of Director Member, Barry Cole is celebrating his 30th Birthday today. Here is his posted request:

"Can't believe I'm 30 today!! Not that im expecting presents but would appreciate Donations to help a GREAT rescue continue to do their amazing work!!"

Will keep a running public total of all monies raised in his honour to continue to help animals in need of BHRR!

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

Total Raised to Date: $165 – PayPal took $2.34 in fees


Barry's Birthday BHRR Buddies:


Mason*donated his bi-weekly alllowance
Kinsley*donated her bi-weekly allowance
Suzanne & Chuck
LT & Lil Linus(Jan)

Due to BHRR`s Dana giving herself a `play' injury, I have had to postpone her annual. BHRR's Dana was running like her usual happy full of life self and went under one of the tree branches in the fenced in area and managed to 'skin' herself between her shoulder blades. She took all the hair off and a few layers of skin about 3" long and 1" wide and is now on antibiotics. Did not phaze her at all!!! Will re-schedule when she is fully healthy.

BHRR's Hailey has a Vet Appointment set-up for January 17th. I would like a final medical sign-off on her before officially placing her up for adoption as early as January 18th, 2011. She has been AWESOME to have here!!!! Fully integrated, playful when it is time/ok to be and calm when needed. Gentle, trustworthy in the house and has been a true pleasure to get to know! She is so versatile that she will do great in a home that is ft, pt, semi-retired, retired etc. She is now confidently expressive in the appropriate manner and has just flourished under the guidance, structure and leadership given to her at BHRR. She is quick and effective about her 'correction' to other dogs and her interpersonal 'diva/princess' space issues have long since left the building! She would do best in a home with another dog; sex is not important. Right personality fit as always for our BHRR animals is what is most important.

I have added pictures #7 – #9 to her slideshow. Pictures just do not do this black beauty any justice! Her coat is so glossy and shiny, and her eyes are incredible!

H. Kimery, Lethbridge, AB

Hi Gwen  – I wanted to thank you for taking the time to chat with me on the phone today  – it was just lovely meeting someone like you  – a giant breed lover  – who puts her heart and soul in to saving these dogs! I so admire that  – and only wish we were closer so I could visit you and all your beautiful dogs and perhaps get to know you better.
I am thinking and hoping that there might still be a way for me to adopt from you  – please, please keep me in mind for the future and also if you hear about a Dane or a Saint closer to me. I am now going back to your site to drool over the dogs  – and dream that one of them could be mine πŸ™‚ Thank you for your honesty, your sense of humour  – and most of all for what you do! The world needs more people like you. I will leave you with all my info and hope we will be in touch again some day soon. Give the saints a big hug for me okay?
Helle Kimery

Pat W., ON, CDA

Hi Gwen:  Just wanted to thank you for a lovely day at the open house.  It was great to meet you and Sean – tell him the hot dogs were great.  So enjoyed talking with you – my head was full with questions I wanted to ask you.  Real nice to get my "fix" and lots of "big dog leans".  Once again, if I can help out in anyway – i.e. home visits etc, calling prospective adoptive homes or foster homes, don't hesitate to let me know, or any other help, for that matter.  It's hard in today's world, with our economic situation to take on the care of the "giant dogs".  Shake my head always at the people who get them as cute puppies but refuse to look after them once they reach adults.  So glad there are caring people like your family and volunteers.  Love my "anklebiters"(small dogs) but there is something about the danes that reach inside your heart and don't leave.
Take care, Pat.

Lindsay – Ottawa, ON, CDA

It is so nice to hear from you. You are truly deserving of the support and encouragement you receive for your good work. I am glad I could warm your day, as you did mine.

I will continue to support your work, and I have forwarded your site to a doggy-loving friend so she too could see the good work you are doing and donate what she can.

I would LOVE to come visit you and your animals. I have told her about your work and we'd both enjoy meeting you and the animals you care for. Thank you so much for the invitation!!!!

I also appreciate your encouragement. I would love to own a dog and share my life and love with a deserving lil pup. There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about being a doggy-mum… especially as I see so many dogs walking about the city with their owners.

Thank you so much for your letter!



Below are two pictures from one of his CWW sessions(November 20th, 2010) that one of our approved BHRR Volunteers took. He LOVES their two soccer stuffies!

BHRR's Apollo – November 20th, 2010 @ Canine Water Wellness
*Photos courtesy of H. Surman

I brought BHRR's Potter back into KAH today. Another almost 5 cc's was drained from his seroma and his antibiotics have been changed to Clavamox 375 mg BID for another week of treatment. His weight was 28.4 KGs(62.48 pounds) and so we are a bit down from his last weight. He is eating fairly well and is much more active than he has been, so perhaps just a 'wiggly' scale moment.

I also talked to a neurologist surrounding his seizures and they assured me that they do not believe them to be related to his 'trauma'. They stated that if this was the case, he should have been having seizures much closer to the time after his attack. Yet, there is no 'for sure' answer either way. He has not had another one to date and we continue to monitor plus journal at this time.

He had a playful moment last night, this time with BHRR's Hailey and this is his second playful moment since his attack. His first was with PPSS. πŸ™‚

AND as fyi to everyone that has been wondering if the GD that attacked him has been put down by the Breeder/Owner, the answer is that the last I had heard was 'no'. πŸ™


Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to We still have a very steep bill to pay off and BHRR is not in a position to assist any other animals until such time as our bills are greatly lowered.

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt. They will take Debit or Cash in person.

Total Raised to Date: $1,143.97
Vet Bills to Date: $3,100 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $1,024.27

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

I have rescheduled BHRR's Dana's annual to January 11th as I had to bring BHRR's Potter back in to see one of his Vets tonight.

As of the evening of December 30th, 2010; BHRR's Potter has begun to have seizures. He had one on that evening and then another one the evening of December 31st, 2010. In conversing with one of his Vets, the plan is to monitor for now. I shall also be bringing him in next week as we will need to drain that seroma again. He is around that age (almost 2.5 years now) that I often begin to see SN's begin to seize.

Suzanne, Orleans, ON

Hi there,

I wanted to email and thank you once again for allowing my life to be enriched for another year by BHRR. In all the success that has been celebrated and the tears that have been shed over the losses, I would not change one experience I have had as a Volunteer/Adopter.

I pray that 2011 is an awesome Year for BHRR, the dogs in the Haven and Rescue, may their right matched homes come soon,  and the Boers family, Big, Little and Fur skinned


Love Jenni, Mudslide, Dexter and of course,  Myself and Chuck


BHRR's Ava Marie came with me along with Sir Maestro and Mason to meet up with a couple of friends today for a 2 hour walk/hike. AND boy, was she fiesty, full of beans and it was SOOOOOOO awesome to see! Everyone kept making comments about how muscled and solid she was and how mobile! YAY! We varied up the walk between open fields and forest such that we could get her to slow down a bit and this temperature is perfect for her knees! NOT too hot or cold! AND she was feeling her 'oats' so we had to regulate her such that she did not overdue things.AND she was still going strong after 2 hours. We even took various opportunities to stop and chat with other dog owners and lovers so that she could be made to 'rest'. BHRR's Ava Marie just did not want to stop! LOL She had such a great time and as one person stated, the last time she saw BHRR's Ava Marie at this locale walking; only one of her cruciates had been repaired and her mobility had its limitations. It made my heart just soar with how great all the feedback was about BHRR's Ava Marie in temperament, mobility, body condition and social skills with both humans/dogs etc. GO BHRR's Ava Marie GO!

One person we ran into, was really interested in her and we shall see if an application comes our way for us to review. BHRR's Ava Marie played with dogs of all sizes from labs to goldens to a berner to a boston terrier and everything in-between! As I have stated over and over again, she is just perfect to be a Therapy Dog and come the new year, while we await her forever loving home; I shall begin her CGN and TT training towards her Therapy Certification.

I am hoping and I am sure that some pictures from today shall be sent our way… πŸ˜‰ and I shall be sure to post a few!

From the walk, we headed over to KAH for BHRR's Ava Marie's 'annual' and she weighed….drumroll……. a wiggly 69.2 KGs(152.24 pounds). ALL SOLID MUSCLE! WOOHOOOO! That makes a 39.56 pound loss since her arrival to BHRR! WTG GIRL! So many came out to love on her and to visit with her and were so impressed with the journey she has made since her arrival to BHRR. I am soooooooooo proud of this girl! The Vet had a lot of complimentary words as well regarding her calm and loving disposition and what great shape she was in. πŸ™‚ Her left knee was a bit swollen at this time and she was a bit stiff doing to lay down and get up yet HOLY! BIG BIG BIG change from the dog that could hardly even walk when they arrived to BHRR. Upon arriving home, we gave her a Deramaxx and she is very happily snoozing on a Kuranda bed. πŸ™‚

At this time, I do not wish to see her weigh any less than she does and if she puts on more muscle that is fine! Not sure where the muscle would go though! SHE Is rock solid. πŸ™‚

I am adding a photo below from our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House no November 13th, 2010.

BHRR"s Ava Marie – November 13th, 2010 – BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House
*Photo courtesy A. Bennett

BHRR's Apollo had his last session at CWW today. He shall go up for adoption in January of 2011. Until his right matched home comes along, I shall be bringing him to CWW here and there as it is so good for his leg and he also just LOVES it. At KAH today, he weighed 62.6 KGS(137.72 pounds). GO BHRR's Apollo GO! I took some pictures today and also have some from when one of our Volunteers took him at the end of November. I will add them soon.

BHRR's Ava Marie's Annual Appointment has been booked for December 30th, 2010.

I brought BHRR's Potter into work with me today to have that 'lump' looked at and the Vet also agreed that she did not feel it was very seroma like and doubted that they would get any fluid out of it. BUT, over 20ccs was able to be taken out and the rest is a hard lump believed to be 'delayed' trauma. BHRR's Potter shall be on another extended round of Amoxicillin for the Vet stated that as long as he is getting these seroma/lumps; he needs to be on antibiotics. So, he will be on another 4 days after this current dose ends tomorrow.

BHRR's Potter weighed 28.7 KGs(63.14 pounds), so he is almost back up to his 'normal' weight range! YAY!

We also did another UA on BHRR's Potter and initial outlook appears to show some elevated white blood cells, did a HWT plus a manicure/pedicure. I will post the final results on his UA when I have them all.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,120
Vet Bills to Date: $3,000 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $932.02

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – December 23rd – right side of chest & December 24th with Mason(10) &  Kinsley (7)

BHRR's Dana's annual appointment is booked for January 3rd, 2011.

BHRR's Albert's annual appointment has been booked for January 18th, 2011.

Here is a photo of BHRR's Porridge from December 24th, 2010. You can see just how much of a 'big' boy he is in relation to the floor rug he is laying upon! This is a candid shot taken of him as we saw him laying there. He must also be thinking that it was getting close to Santa to come pay him a visit! The angle is not the best as we did not desire to disturb him. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Porridge – December 24th, 2010

It is our 'traditional' XMAS picture posting time for the BHRR animals and here is one of BHRR's Lily Belle from December 25th, 2010! She is one G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S dog!

Per our 'tradition' at BHRR/Home; we like to take pictures of the kids and/or dogs in front of our XMAS tree or just 'candids' and I have added some for December 24th & December 25th to his slideshow with a couple also posted below.

The unfortunate thing is that he has developed a large lump on the right side(the same side that we had the seroma drained from last week) and it is bothering him. He shall be heading back to the Vet to have this rechecked. This lump has come up quite fast yet it is not strictly fluid filled but quite hard and very irregularly shaped.

Please do continue to him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to

KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

December 24th(left) & December 25th(right) – HOW he slept with his SS Stocking! It was hard sneaking his goodies in but we did it!

BHRR's Windsor's HWT came back negative and he remains on Sentinel year round. I am also attaching below a picture of him from December 24th, 2010. It is 'tradition' at BHRR for Sean plus I to try and take pictures of kids and/or dogs in front of the XMAS tree. BHRR's Windsor did not need any 'posing' at all. We just found him laying there, most likely dreaming of Santa coming to visit!!!

BHRR's Windsor – December 24th, 2010

Below is a picture from December 23rd, 2010 of BHRR's Potters throat & also a photo from December 24th of the back of BHRR's Potter's head, left ear etc. Though, he will possess some nasty scars, he is healing nicely from his attack 2 weeks ago. As per what we posted on the BHRR FB Group today; Sean & I are so emotionally filled over having BHRR's Potter here to celebrate XMAS and I know that BHRR's Potter is eternally grateful for all the support shown during his fight to survive after being viciously attacked.


Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter – December 23rd, 2010 – Photo of throat & December 24th, 2010 Photo of back of head, neck and left ear

I brought BHRR's Porridge into work with me today and he weighed 71 KGs(156.2 pounds). We also did a HWT today for him.

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of a new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many. Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 18th, 2010 to Monday January 3rd, 2011 inclusive.



I've been saving my Sobey's points and found that I had $25.00 in free groceries!  YAY!  I thought that the best thing to do was to pass it on to BHRR, so I just sent you a donation.  I didn't think to add a note, but you can put it towards Potter's vet bill.  He is one tough little dude! πŸ™‚

We have an angel that I made for the top of our Christmas tree…..and we call her 'Gwen'. πŸ˜‰

Please say a Merry Christmas to Sean and your children from us….and lots of slobbery mooshies from Ze Boyz! πŸ™‚




OK! New pictures of BHRR's Hailey! Thanks to 'most' people LOL for being so patient! Pictures #2 – #6 have now been added to her slideshow and these are from December 5th, 2010. She is a lovely almost completely black female Great Dane(yes, she looks lab like with those natural ears etc. and we are very aware of the byber she comes from) and so very soft to the touch. BHRR's Hailey is fully housebroken, crate trained, has been totally integrated with all but 4 of our Great Danes – Tain, Bronson, Maestro and Bleach and this shall come as we have been very busy with BHRR's Storm and BHRR's Potter, not to mention getting Lexy back to her Breeder plus other rescue, family and career matters.

She is very playful, possesses excellent manners – recall is almost solid, takes treats quite nicely and though I would still like to see more weight plus muscle tone on her; she is getting there! Her birthdate is listed as October 22nd, 2007; so she has just turned 3 years of age. We had been originally told that she and Lexy were 2. No matter to us! She could be 9 years of age or 9 months, makes no difference to BHRR.

I have to obtain a current height on her and her vaccines were given on May 14th, 2010 – Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella plus Lepto. BHRR no longer gives Bordetella or Lepto and has not in many years and her Rabies plus DAPP are not due until May 14th, 2013 as BHRR gives these vaccines every 3 years once dogs reach her age. She also had a HWT done and is now on Sentinel. I am enjoying getting to know her and it should not be too long before she can be placed up for adoption as to date, she is proven to be quite the well rounded Great Dane. We shall see what I learn as she ends her honeymoon period. πŸ˜€

She has a bit of a 'couch' getting on fetish and we have been working on the 'no leather rule!'. She is a very happy girl, despite all that she has gone through and she LOVES LOVES LOVES her outside 'play' and 'free' time. She can be seen running and running and playing! In the house, she understands the 'no play' and is quite the charming lady! Her coat is becoming so shiny and she rarely makes a sound. AND those eyes….sigh…as I tell so many of my Behavoural/Training Clients and Adopters…"DO NOT LOOK INTO THE EYES" LOL For you can become quite lost and sigh….BHRR's Hailey's brown eyes are GORGEOUS!

I know that she misses Lexy yet she is kept very busy here with training and by the other dogs and she is settling in well. She is a great car traveller too. To date, this girl is showing a ton of potential. She can be a bit 'flighty' when it comes to affection yet that is understandable based upon the abuse of her former home. She is a stronger personality than Lexy in many ways and derived 'power' from telling Lexy what to do and when to do it yet when Lexy was not around; BHRR's Hailey was a bit lost. Interesting relationship the two of them had and I separated them often so that they could both learn to stand on their own two feet and that Lexy could also eat and drink at will and that Hailey could also learn to love her own company and that it is ok to have 'alone' time. What was happening is that BHRR's Hailey 'felt' she had to step up on her own home to take care of those that she could and like all dogs that try to do this; was not being very effective. She is much happier with rules, routine, guidance, consistency and a firm, understanding, guiding plus loving manner/hand at BHRR under the correct human leadership roles that Sean plus I give her. She does not try to dom over any of the other dogs here yet she is also not a wall flower and will not allow others to run all over her. NICE balance!  She has clear expectations given to her with clear communication without the fear of any negative reaction should she do something inappropriate. She is just blossoming under this leadership plus bonding relationship that we are creating at BHRR for her. She is learning sharing and that it is ok to make a mistake. If my gut tells me right, this is a very special girl with tons of potential. I want to see what else lays beneathe her surface for she has many layers……..I am only scratching that surface with her right now.

BHRR's Hailey – December 5th, 2010 – 3 years of age

Update: December 22nd, 2010 @ 10:23 AM: I have scheduled BHRR's Potter to go back to LAH(Liston Animal Hospital) today as he has developed(possible seroma) a pocket of fluid around part of his right side(chest) quite suddenly. The worry is that it could be a pocket of internal bleeding that has drained from what we saw in one of his latest X-Ray. Sean and I are going to continue to stay 'real' and calm and the fact that he is eating, drinking and sleeping much better are all positive signs. I also wish to have a recheck just before XMAS and to see if they want to extend him on his antibiotics. He has not co-operated as of yet to allow me to bring in a new UA sample to be tested. 'SHY' bladder syndrome! We are also going to get a current weight on him to see how he is faring. Keep him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to KAH (Kanata Animal Hospital) by calling (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to KAH will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone and will then mail you a receipt.

Sean plus I are all indebted to everyone that has given off themselves in donations, kind words and caring hearts during this very tenuous time.

Picture below is of BHRR's Potter & Sean having a nap together on December 19th, 2010.

Update: December 22nd, 2010 @ 5:33 PM: The Vet confirmed that it is a seroma(phewwwww!) and they drained 11 ccs. She believes that perhaps BHRR's Potter bumped himself or was a wee bit too active and that is why he developed a seroma. She also extended his antibiotics of Amoxicillin another week. His weight was 27.7 KGS(60.94 pounds) so we are still thin. Should the seroma come back, I will bring him back to work with me when I am at KAH on Friday December 24th to have it drained again. It shall be good going into the XMAS holidays on a positive note and hoping that he just keeps getting better! Miracle boy and one that is so very special to SOOOOOOOO many!

Total Raised to Date: $1,010
Vet Bills to Date: $2,700 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $912

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen
Dan & Isabelle

BHRR's Potter & Sean – December 19th – You can see how thin he still his

I am going to add two pictures below from December 15th shortly after I took his IV out. I also wanted to post what BHRR's Potter's CPK levels were re: kidney damage and high range is listed as being 595 and BHRR's Potter's was over 176,000. His Vet at KAH had this re-analyzed as it was so 'off' the charts and the levels came back the same. If BHRR's Potter will co-operate with me tomorrow AM, I shall bring in another UA now that he has been off fluids for a few days to see what we are looking at re: levels etc. Now, that we are in the 'cautiously' optimistic category with him, I now have a bit more free time to post the following re: his situation.

1) BHRR's Potter was attacked by an almost 115 pound Great Dane
2) This Great Dane was not one of ours
3) This Great Dane is not a behavoural or training Client of mine either
4) The person who owns/bred this Great Dane donated $50 towards his Vet Care

There is still some question as to whether or not he does have some underlying liver and/or kidney issues that have developed since his last bw(when his leg was amputated) for the results we seem to be getting do not all appear to lead towards what one would find from just trauma

Injuries / Diagnosis:

2 x 1 cm deep wounds – one to his chest and one to his neck; which the Vet decided not to suture
1 broken rib
Bite marks mostly to left ear, chest, belly, side and neck with some on his stump
Severely shaken
Neck injury/trauma
Throat injury/trauma
LIver injury/trauma
Kidney injury/trauma
Internal bleeding
Fluid compressing his lungs
At least one tooth knocked out – lower front
Upon presentation to LAH – suspected pneumothorax
Developed Sepsis, Rhabdomyolysis, became Hypothermic, presenting as if having advanced liver disease, allergic reaction to tuna

*Long term damage to his liver, kidneys and neck is as of yet unknown.

Total Raised to Date: $815
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $889

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 15th, 2010

On December 2nd, 2010; BHRR's Hailey weighed 45.9 KGs(100.98 pounds).

BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 55.80 KGs(122.76 pounds) today and is off with me later tonight with BHRR's Windsor to do a home visit for BHRR tonight. πŸ™‚ I was soooooooooo happy to see her! πŸ™‚

BHRR's Windsor weighed 43.2 KGs(95.04 pounds) today at his annual. We also did a HWT and he had a manicure/pedicure for him. I find him to be just a tad on the thin side still and the Vet agreed. He is a much better eater than he was though! πŸ™‚ He and BHRR's Lily Belle are both coming to do a hv tonight for BHRR. πŸ™‚

Jan, SWO

I'm SO happy that Potter is doing better!  If he had been with anyone else, I'm certain that they would have given up.  You and Sean are truly Potter's angels.

BHRR's Koop went to his new forever loving adoptive home on Sunday December 12th! This marks the #308th adoption at BHRR. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Lily Belle is coming back to BHRR on Saturday December 18th. We could not be more appreciative to her temp foster home for taking her for a bit!!!! I have added three pictures to her slideshow #18 – #20 and have put one below. It is going to be soooooooooooo good to see her again!!! She looks like she has grown from her pictures. πŸ™‚

Update: December 16th, 2010 @ 6:20 PM: As of last night, I was able to pull his IV line and I am adding 2 photos below from December 14th, 2010. One thing that Dr. Liston did point out that I have not yet posted was that in the one X-Ray taken of BHRR's Potter; you can see arthritis in his spine. Dr. Liston says that this is very common in Boxers and that he has seen some Boxers whose spines are completely fused. I was able to see this X-Ray for myself when I was at LAH on Tuesday.

Last night BHRR's Potter slept in our bedroom. THIS was the first time since Thursday that he has been able to go into our master bedroom. All I can say was that it FELT so good!!!!


Total Raised to Date: $765
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $700+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 14th, 2010 – Mobile with his IV bag & then also eating plus drinking some!

Sean ended up making the drive to meet Lexy's Breeders today. I stayed home to take care of BHRR's Potter. In a show of their appreciation, they donated two bags of Dog Food – FROMM and $50. THANK YOU! As mentioned to them via email;

"It is what we do here, help heal Great Danes, physically, emotionally, behaviourally and spiritually if needed. JAND help get those back to those Breeders that stand by their dogs. πŸ™‚ " Two pictures of Lexy from December 13th, 2010 are posted below. She has put on even more weight plus muscle mass and has been really coming out of her shell. You can see how much more confident her head plus body posture is and she is actually running/playing! I have been separating her from BHRR's Bailey, the oher Dane that came into BHRR from the same home to give them both the best chances of avoiding SA behavours in that avenue and BHRR's Hailey seems to be handling it ok at this time. YET, BHRR's Hailey is also very busy with the other dogs at BHRR as both a mental plus physical source of stimulation.

Lexy – December 13th, 2010



Update: December 14th @ 10:46 PM: BHRR's Potter had a bit of a setback and he is now on fluids until tomorrow and we shall have a recheck with Dr. Liston tomorrow AM. We will re-assess then and determine the next step. His Vet at KAH recommended another UA to be done once he is off fluids for a couple of days to see what his kidney function is like and all three of his Vets feel that his liver should be 'ok'. Only time shall tell. In being at LAH today – I went in an paid off the balance remaining at LAH so if anyone still wishes to make a donation; you can do so direct at KAH (613) 836-2848 or by PayPal or by email transfer to About $700+ is left remaining between donations and what Sean & I have paid off with our own savings. He is still eating and peeing and drinking every 2 hours and we are stil lin desperate need of duvets, comforters and towels. Please email if you can assist us!


Total Raised to Date: $745
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills at Kanata Animal Hospital ONLY: $700+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 13th, 2010

Vicki, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen, I sent the dogs secret Santa package out today via purolator. Hopefully they enjoy their treats and I look forward to coming to an openhouse in the spring or summer and bringing you the cage.  So sorry to hear about Storm, she was sweet, and glad to hear that Potter is feeling better.  I really don't know how your heart holds out when these things happen.  I think mine would have been broken beyond repair, but I am so glad that you are as strong as you are and that you keep doing what you do.

Take care,  and have a very Merry Christmas.



Plans have been made for myself to drive partway to meet Lexy's Breeders on Wednesday December 15th around noon.

Update: December 13th @ 12:20 AM: HE ate! He ate! Not much. Only about 1/2 -1/3 of a small dessert plate of boiled hamburger and rice BUT he ate! He much preferred the hamburger over the rice and then he became tired for this was after going outside, urinating, being carried back inside, standing and then drinking some water and then standing some more. Being up for almost a hour is very exhausting for BHRR's Potter right now yet I could have almost cried I was sooooooooooooo happy! Sean and Mason were grinning like fools from ear to ear(do not tell them I said this! LOL). I am just getting ready to change his bag of fluids once again and take him outside as we take him out every 2 hours. We are in a routine and tag teaming mode that is running like a well oiled machine. BHRR's Potter will then be up for an hour after urinating, having a drink, standing for a bit and we shall see if he will eat again and then he will rest for an hour and we begin the routine all over again. Other than some stool being passed while we were collecting urine by cysto on Saturday, he has not had a bm since Thursday. The x-rays yesterday showed he had some stool and if he is eating, hopefully, we can get his bowels to begin to work again. He had his Amoxicillin at just past 10 PM and keep those prayers coming! He is very clinical yet Sean and I feel like a small miracle has just happened! Will update more as I can. I have some pictures from Friday night to also post.

Update: December 13th, @ 2:32 PM:  Dr. Liston is amazed at how well he is doing!!! πŸ™‚ Dr. Liston thought it could take a week or more to see these kinds of results *if* BHRR's Potter even had lived that long. He was given a 20% survival rate at one point. πŸ™  Dr. Liston thought his lungs still sound pretty harsh. PCV is 35(normal!), temp is 38. Repeated X-rays, got a new pain patch to change for tomorrow. Xrays look good with just some fluid showing under the skin on his chest as we already knew. Wants him on fluids for another 24 hours as he was not sure if he was looking a bit jaundiced or was it just from the fluids draining.  He was not convinced BHRR's Potter is actually jaundiced.  Rate is 40 ml/hour until tomorrow.  Between drinking and the IV fluids feels that should help flush more. Changed his IV to his other front leg. We did not offer him anything to eat or drink just before going to Steve. Honestly, I truly believe that the corn syrup helped!!! He was more perky and from there he began to eat!!! Dr. Liston does not want him on Deramaxx due to the condition of his liver and kidneys. Colour of urine is pretty much normal. Some sneezing since his allergic reaction and Steve believes this to be from his allergic reaction and post nasal drip. Happens mostly after drinking. Still no bowel movement yet that will come. πŸ™‚ We have begun to offer him softened kibble with hamburger/rice mixed in and he ate some. We shall do a recheck tomorrow with Dr. Liston. We have to see how things play out in the longer term yet we can now go from hourly goals to 12 hour goals!!!! BHRR's Potter is taking another journey in becoming another miracle. Between donations and what we have put down at LAH; we only owe another $530.02 at LAH. The balance owing is at KAH(Kanata Animal Hospital). We owe almost $700 at this time still at Kanata Animal Hospital(KAH). THANKS so much everyone for the prayers, thoughts, donations and caring. Sean and I have discussed with family and friends who have been most understanding that instead of gifts to them, we shall be using those monies to pay for BHRR's Potter bills. As our children compromise and have made their own share of sacrifices in order for BHRR to operate to the stellar level it is; Sean plus I will be giving them the XMAS that we still planned on given them. Sean has delayed his trip to N.B. (was suppose to be leave around 3 AM on either Sunday or Monday AM depending on weather) and we are taking it one day at a time as to how his bi-annual trip to visit his parents with the kids will go. Sean and I have also agreed that we will use whatever monies we would put towards a small gift to each other at XMAS for BHRR's Potter, so we can begin to really pay down his bills ASAP. Until we pay down the bills that we currently have, BHRR is not in a position to assist any more animals in need.

Donations can be made in the following ways:

LAH directly (613) 591-0966 to donate by M/C or Visa; KAH directly (613) 836-2848  to donate by Via or M/C or AMEX; PayPal or by email transfer to


Total Raised to Date: $745
Vet Bills to Date: $2,500 and Rising
Remaining OWING on Bills: $1,200+

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

BHRR's Potter – December 10th, 2010

Update December 12th @ 7:08 PM: Some of BHRR's workup from yesterday – PCV was 55 when presented on Friday, now 40 ie 24 hours on iv fluids, No change in these results post 24 hours- intravenous fluids, baytril and ampicillin. Hydromorphone given as analgesic iv. Red tinged urine- wine like ie not resembling hematuria running the urinalysis. more X-rays done on both chest & also abdomen.

Latest diagnosis is that he has rhabdomyolysis. He is presenting as if he has advanced liver disease yet is not jaundiced. As of today, he is drinking and he is out urinating every 2 hours and the colour is more a concentrated yellow instead of a port wine colour. All day yesterday at KAH and last night until about 7:30 AM today; he was at 155 ml/hour on his pump and I lowered him to 100 this AM. He is walking on his own to go outside and then back inside(we carry him up the stairs) and is drinking every two hours(he has had a few accidents in his sleep) yet he has shown no signs of eating. He is losing weight fast – 27.2 KGs as of yesterday down from being over 30 KS and is looking more anorexic. His respiration level is now at 24 which is down from the 42 from yesterday. I was taking his body temp almost every hour at KAH yesterday and by the time we left; it was 38 degrees and we have done well in maintaining that temp throughout the night and day(two heaters, blankets, towels, comforters, duvets being put into the dryer as well as heating pads/bottles). We are washing duvets/comforters round the clock and he is going through them faster than we can keep up with the demand and we are reaching out to see if anybody out there has any to spare to donate to BHRR's Potter. We will drive to meet you if need be so that you are not inconvenienced in any way. is our email.

In offering him up some canned tuna per a Vets recommendation(something super smelly) – BHRR's Potter reacted to the juice that we used to ensure that his latest antibiotic washed down and his one side of his lip and face swelled up – the side that I had put the syringe of tuna juice in. He has not had any reaction in the past to fish yet we are not going to go down that route again. Due to his clinical state, we did give him Benadryl which his Vet agreed was not a good idea due to the sedation effect it can have in addition to some reports of vomiting and diarrhea in some patients. In talking to one of his Vets(she called and emailed today), she recommended to put honey or corn syrup in his water for his sugar levels. Dried electrolyte powder was also suggested in addition to what he is getting through his IV fluids. Boiled hamburger/rice and canned gastro food to not avail. HE has to eat……he is getting weaker. We are still treating him aggressively for sepsis and he is just so critical.

HE is alive and has surpassed all odds to date….miracle making boy yet again. Keep those thoughts coming and if anyone can spare even $5.00 both LAH (613)591-0966 and KAH (613) 836-2848 will be more than happy to take your call or see you in person. PayPal or email transfer to are other options. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

He is back at LAH(Liston Animal Hospital) tomorrow AM for 9:30 AM. Should his liver and kidney levels not have made any change or have increased, Sean plus I will have to make a heartwrenching decision re: his quality of life and that his prognosis shall not be positive. We will not allow him to die from renal system failure, severe cluster seizures, cardiac arrest and just 'waste' away in not eating as a form of any death sentences for him. We love him too much and have tried to do all that we can to give him the best fighting chance possible. Quality of life…..quality of life.

Total Raised to Date: $745.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen


Leanne & Nicole – Sandy Hill, Ottawa, ON

Perhaps we could continue to communicate in 2011 about possible suitable candidates for adoption etc.We currently live in a one bedroom apartment in an environmental co-op in the sandy hill area of Ottawa.  We have a park really close by and would be able to get permission from the co-op's board to fence in our small yard.

We wish you all the best with everything – your own health & that of our furry friends.  We both very much appreciate the love, time and efforts that you and Sean put into helping these sweethearts to get better.


Happy holidays and warm wishes,

Leanne & Nicole

Eva, Ottawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I speak for Rose and I when I say that it was nice to meet you today, even though for a short while. We figured that there had been some sort of pup emergency. And there is absolutely no need to apologize – we know where that your heart is with the pups.


I do hope we meet again. Even though it was very rewarding for the pups for us to be a part of this (I couldn't stop shopping!!), it was very rewarding for us too, so we thank you for the opportunity.


With all that said, BHRR will continue to be top of mind to me and I will continue to do what I can. Keep up the great work, have a Merry Christmas, and a great new year. You are amazinng, and you make a difference in this world of ours. I hope Potter gets better soon. Tell him I wish him Merry Christmas too!


Take care,


BHRR`s Koop had his annual today(yes, a bit early) yet I wanted a current weight on him, to have him checked out one more time before he was adopted. He weighed a wiggly 49.4 KGS(108.68 pounds). So, probably weighs more. Sean was very helpful in driving BHRR's Koop to KAH in the truck as I was at KAH since 9 AM working and also attending to BHRR's Potter. Sean also was awesome about driving around town a wee bit with the kids as we were running behind at work due to emergencies and also the care that we were giving BHRR's Potter. Though, we close at 4 PM on Saturdays, we were there until almost 5:30 PM. Sean then took BHRR's Koop home in the truck while I stayed behind working on BHRR's Potter. Unfortunately, I had wanted to do BHRR's Koop's nails at home tonight and wash him yet that is going to be impossible as Sean plus I are tag teaming with BHRR's Potter's round the clock care. πŸ™ The great news is that BHRR's Potter made it through the day, the incredible fighter and once I grab a bite to eat plus a cuddle with both four and two legged here; I shall update his blog. It has been 48 hours since either Sean or I have had any sleep, only some mild nodding off here and there but I promise to update ASAP.

Update: December 11th @12:22 AM: I am just back as Sean called me to say that BHRR's Potter stood up on his own. We managed to get him outside yet he was too weak to stand long on his own and did not pee. THOUGHT, he might yet sadly not and it is so cold outside. Carried him back in(WHAT an incredibly brave and awesome boy Potter is) and got him settled. He wants to go into the masterbedroom. This is his 'safe' spot and 'den'. It was the same when he had his leg amputated. He spent one night in the triage area and that was it. He was determined that he was going on our kingsize bed and we debated about doing this for him tonight yet felt that he really should stay where he is, even if we took all the other dogs out of the room. I know he might rest better and feel more comfortable, mentally yet we want him quiet and completely undisturbed as possible. In fact, we do not even have him in our usual 'triage' area. We have him in the rec room downstairs. A place he likes to visit yet not stay long. We made the next hour and we are on to the 1:00 AM goal. Please pray that he will feel better come the AM and want to eat a little something……I have both his Baytril and Amoxicillin in pill format and they are to be given with food. If he shall not eat, I will see at KAH about giving him his meds via his IV.

Total Raised to Date: $695.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

Due to the emergency with BHRR's Potter, I have canceled BHRR's Ava Marie's annual for tomorrow. I shall reschedule ASAP.

**URGENT**BHRR's Potter rushed to Liston Animal Hospital this AM – Friday Dec. 10 – Need to raise $500 as 'good' faith deposit

**All monies from our ONLINE AUCTION plus BHRR's Koops' Adoption fee have been going towards BHRR's Storms Bloat Bills & though we know it is XMAS & that we truly have no 'right' asking for help at this time; we are urging with tears in our eyes for you to consider calling LAH directly (613) 591-0966 to donate by M/C or Visa; or PayPal or to email transfer to

**Though we know we can have a payment plan, we need to put down something as a 'good' faith deposit.

***PLEASE Keep him in your hearts and thoughts.


I will update as we can…..

Update: December 10th @ 9:00 AM – BHRR's Potter is in for X-Rays, has been put on fluids, antibitotics and his prognosis is not looking optimistic at this time. Talked to KAH as well and they are on 'alert' in case we have to transfer him. His bills could easily be in the thousands and thousands and we will gladly pay every last penny. Will continue to update as I can.

Update: December 10th @ 9:22 AMWaiting on results from X-Rays and also have talked to Alta Vista plus left a message on their internal specialist line re: estimates.

Update: December 10th @ 10:21 AM – BHRR's Potter is in the beginnings of septic shock, high doses of Baytril and fluids are being given, X-Rays were clear other than some fluid in the chest which is believed to have drained from his neck. His kidney and liver levels are also very elevated. His PCV(Packed Cell Volume) was 55. At this time, he shall be staying at LAH until 5:30 PM and we shall re-do bw and I shall be taking home bags of fluid plus an IV pump from KAH and the plan at this time is to bring him home later tonight. He will be monitored at home, round the clock as there are no staff 24/7 at LAH or KAH. He shall not have need to head to an emergency hospital at this time and surgery does not look like it is needed right now but we are well aware that this could change. Prognosis is still not great for him yet better than what it was since we have the results of his X-Rays. I am scheduled to bring him back to LAH for 9:30 AM on Monday for a re-evaluation, a repeat of bw and X-Rays. Keep him in your thoughts and I shall update as I can and thank you extended as well to every one that is considering contributing to his Care at LAH. (613) 591-0966. They will take M/C and Visa over the phone.

Update: December 10th @ 4:12 AM – BHRR's Potter's prognosis is still listed as critical. He is now on two types of heavy doses of antibiotics – Amoxicillin & Baytril and due to his dehydration level plus sepsis; up to 3 times maintenance – 120. I have put Alta Vista on 'alert' that I might need to bring him in at any point during the night and shall also be bringing him back with me to KAH tomorrow for monitoring throughout the day and if we need to go back up to 120 maintenance plus do another PCV and  more X-Rays. The key is that we need him to begin to eat a bit and tomorrow we can begin anti-imflamm(50 mg) SID. I am at home ill today with Mason who is also sick and have been setting up all that Sean brought home to prepare for BHRR's Potter to come home. He did try to get up on his feet as I was talking to the Vet around 4 PM despite having been given lots of hydro. His body temp is very low and heating pads are been used to try and regulate him to a more normal temperature. For anyone wishing to make a donation direct to LAH (613) 591-0966, they are open to 6 PM tonight and open to 2 PM tomorrow plus closed on Sunday. As he shall be coming back to KAH with me tomorrow AM – we are taking it hour by hour; you can also donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 by Visa or M/C or AMEX. Kanata Animal Hospital is open until 8 PM tonight and then Saturday 8:30 AM  – 4 PM.

Update: December 10th @ 6:33 PM – Sean is on his way home with BHRR's Potter right now. His is more stable yet very groggy from the hydro and praying that we can make each hour a 'good' one and that he will bounce back. Tomorrow AM; we can begin to try and offer him some food, he needs to eat and at 9:30 AM he is scheduled in at KAH for a repeat PCV(Packed Cell Volume) and full CBC, recheck and possible X-Rays. He shall then remain at KAH for the day and come home after my shift ends at 4 PM. Please please please keep him in your thoughts and donations can still be made to LAH (613) 591-0966 as there is still monies outstanding and donations can also be made to KAH (613) 836-2848 for he shall be under their care tomorrow. On Monday, god willing, BHRR's Potter shall still be alive and we are scheduled back at LAH for 9:30 AM for another recheck and more bw – PCV and X-Rays; so donations can continue via LAH or PayPal or to email transfer of Today, I feel like one of the most blessed people in the world by the demonstation of kindness from others that truly have given so much of themselves in time, donations, thoughts, supporting words and blessings for BHRR's Potter. We are grateful and indebted to EACH one of you. Special thanks extended to LAH at this time and Dr. McKenna for everything plus their wonderful staff in getting us in so fast and taking such great care of BHRR's Potter. BAKED goodies galore next week headed their way!

Update: December 10th @ 7:13 PM: BHRR's Potter is now home. He is more pink and stable than when he left here this AM yet his breathing is so laboured. Will be monitoring closely and if he deteriotes in any way, I shall head to Alta Vista's 24 hour Emergency Clinic. I have him all hooked up with a maintenance flow x 2 – 80 ml/hour. Though he is groggy on the hydro; his eyes follow myself and Sean. My heart is heavy with such worry and pain over his condition. We are taking it one hour at a time. Sean and I put a new coat of finish down on our floors twice a year and we generally do this before Sean goes to N.B. with the kids(Summer & December) and this December we shall not be doing them for that money about $200 will be put towards BHRR's Potter's Vet Care. Sean and the kids are scheduled to leave around 3 AM on Monday and we will play all of this by ear at this time. Flying solo, it will be hard to give all the animals what they need plus deserve plus BHRR's Potter. I also wish to try and limit my exposure to BHRR's Potter(AS much as I want to do otherwise) as I am riddled with germs from being ill as is Mason at this time. There are no words for each one of you for your kind hearts, generous nature and caring manners…..I shall never be able to repay each of you in turn for all that you are doing for BHRR's Potter. ALL of you are amazing!

Update: December 10th @ 11:50 PM: I have just 'tag teamed' with Sean so that I can spend some time with the rest of our wonderful canines and to check on my sleeping kids. Mason is still not feeling great himself and I am not far behind him in the 'ick' department. We have made the last '4' goals of an hour each yet BHRR's Potter is not faring well at all. πŸ™ It has been quite the effort to try and keep his temp regulated. I changed his bag of fluids a couple of hours ago. Though, his gums are pinker than they were this AM, I still find them pale. YET, what melted my heart is that what BHRR's Potter likes to do best is lay his head in your lap and put a least one paw on your(believe we have a picture posted of this from February) and I know that he does not love his face and head touched overly much(past abuse). So, when I stopped petting his shoulder and leg(which he loves BUT not those toes so much! LOL); he actually batted me with his paw and his tail gave one lift and drop. My heart just melted. He did the same for Sean as we transitioned. Next goal, midnight, goal after that 1:00 AM, goal after that 2:00 AM. When I am at KAH tomorrow, we shall pull this line out and put another one in on his other front leg to help minimize swelling to the one leg etc. Sean and I are honestly terrified about his prognosis YET he has fought this far and I have to be real in saying that I am concerned about what his PCV, CBC and X-rays will say tomorrow. Dr. Liston feels that the sooner we can try to get him up and moving the better yet other than pulling himself into a more comfortable position, he has been prone. I know that part of his current discomfort is also related to him most likely having to pee and as he is housebroken, this is causing him distress. Yet, we tried once to see if we could get him up to no avail and that is hard unto itself for he is pain all over and I even had to cut off his collar earlier due to edema. What is most troublesome is his breathing and how it is up and down and Sean and I are prepared at a moment's notice to rush him into Alta Vista Emerg. Please hug all your loved ones tonight and say a special prayer for a very special boy named Potter. We do not know what tomorrow may bring and he might well have seen his last sunrise and set…….

All additional posts on updates on BHRR's Potter shall be made solely on his own blog.

Total Raised to Date: $645.00
Vet Bills to Date: $2,000 and Rising

Potters Angels:

Alex & Karen

Candy, FL, USA

You are so much more than welcome…..wish it could be more.  My heart melts at all you do for these precious babies….wish I were closer and could be more involved.  Continuing to pray for that sweet, sweet boy.



Lynsie and Ximmy Pierce, USA

I am more than happy to help anyway I can.  And I will be delighted to participate next year as well.

You and everyone at BHRR deserves a big Thank You for all you do.  And I hope that every one of you has a happy holidays.

With the loss of BHRR's Storm, BHRR's Koop's pending adoption and that I managed to track down BHRR's Lexy's Breeder; we shall have room once more at BHRR. So, BHRR's Lily Belle shall be leaving her temp foster home on Satudray December 18th and coming back to BHRR. I cannot thank her temp foster mom enough for taking such awesome care of her while we worked things around at BHRR to accomodate the arrival of BHRR's Lexy  & BHRR's Hailey.


Short update sent this AM on BHRR's Lily Belle:

The dogs are getting along great.  Lily Belle seems fully adjusted to the house rules and routine.  I'm loving the extra cuddles and kisses.  She's so sweet!

I took BHRR's Ava Marie with me when I did the hv for BHRR's Koop's possible adoption and my dogs make me so proud when I take them out in public! BOTH were amazing and BHRR's Koop is moving to an ADOPTED status. Should all go well(weather depending) he shall be adopted on Sunday. As we are expecting 63 cm of snow; we will have to play this one by ear. ADOPTED!

I took BHRR's Ava Marie with me tonight when I was doing a hv for BHRR's Koop's possible adoption. She is such a great dog!!!! πŸ™‚

Made contact with Lexy's Breeder and we shall be making arrangements such that we can meetup with them partway(they live quite a distance from us) to return her to them. The tentative plan is to do this early next week – Tuesday yet more likely Wednesday with all the snow expected our way. Though we are aware that some GD rescues shall not work with GD Breeders; BHRR believes wherever possible we shall do so with what we believe to be reputable/quality Great Dane Breeders. I have to say that I am going to miss her though! I have already developed quite the spot for her! πŸ™‚

In the below photo, you can see that she is already putting on weight…..slow and gradual.

Lexy – December 8th, 2010 – Fawn Great Dane – Born May 15th, 2007

Now that BHRR's Lexy is settling in a bit better, her comfort level is getting much better and in being able to handle/love and touch her much more and all over; I noticed a tattoo. In doing some researching, I have managed to locate her Breeders. I am aware of these Breeders from also being part of the GD Show World and have been trying to make contact with them. Their contract states that they do take their 'dogs' back and as I told Sean, BHRR's Lexy has a 'look' about her that is not the typical 'byber type'. When I have tried to call them, the line has no vm and it 'hangs' up. I have since emailed them plus posted a 'request for contact' on one of the exclusive GD boards that we both happen to belong to. Will update as I can and took more pictures today! I have only two of BHRR's Lexy that I took last Friday and did post one on our BHRR FB Group and they are now on here!. πŸ™‚

BHRR's Lily Belle's annual appointment has been booked for January 14th, 2011.

BHRR's Windsor's annual appointment has been booked for December 18th, 2010.

Rose, Ottawa, ON

Your big hearts go a long way to helping these puppies…. (new and mature J)

I take my hat off to you.

Btw.. I really like all your large dogs…. However Windsor’s eyes got me…… and I would like to be his friend.. J 

Thank You and Merry Christmas


Rose Pigeon


Due to an availability in scheduling, BHRR's Koop's annual has now been scheduled for Saturday December 11th. So curious to see how much the long legged cutie weighs now!

Melissa D., Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I am so sorry about Storm :o( I've been following all the dogs on the website and was showing Raine who might be coming for a home visit and we were shocked to read what happened to poor Storm! You all must be devastated (we shed some tears and we didn't even meet Storm!). Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Please let me know if there's anything you need or I could help with in the mean time.



UPDATE Sent today on BHRR's Lily Belle from her Temp Foster Mom:

Hi Gwen,
Everything is going great, both girls are currently fast asleep on the floor at my feet.  They had a busy morning playing in the fresh snow.
Lily Belle is eating well, drinking lots of water and slept great through the night.  She is so sweet and super cuddly πŸ™‚
I'll also be coming to the walk on the 12th, all three of us if Lily Belle is still here.

Melissa, Orleans, ON

Hi Gwen,

I just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I am so sorry about Storm :o( I've been following all the dogs on the website and was showing Raine who might be coming for a home visit and we were shocked to read what happened to poor Storm! You all must be devastated (we shed some tears and we didn't even meet Storm!). Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Please let me know if there's anything you need or I could help with in the mean time.


In the AM of Wednesday December 1st, we were contacted by a person from Golden Retriever Rescue, Quebec who also works for several women's shelters. Two Great Danes were in need of urgent help to enable a woman to be able to leave a very dangerous and violent domestic abuse situation. All I can truly say that what happened next was nothing short of incredible. There are studies that have indicated that up to 48% of women will not leave an abusive relationship due to their concern about their animals. πŸ™ So, we mobilized immediately to see if BHRR could step up to assist.

We sent word out through our BHRR network that includes our BHRR FB Group and it was only 28 minutes later that we were able to commit to these Great Danes. 28 Minutes!!!! We had two approved Temp Foster homes(and so many other people sending supporting words, emails, voice messages, offering to cross-post and willing to go through the application process to become a BHRR approved home) on board to help these Danes plus their previous Owner. We received 7 offers just in that time frame alone from such kind and caring people offering to temp foster. AND at this time, we had no idea where these Danes were as in distance or their medical plus emotional state, their colour etc. FOR at the end of the day, what we are known to say is, 'IT DOES NOT MATTER'! Reputable/quality rescue is about helping the next one in need. We knew what was most important – that they needed help; that their previous Owner needed help; that if we did not help; they plus their previous Owner were in a very dangerous situation or that they also could have been pts. We were made aware that they were 2(turns out that they are 3 yet no matter!), spayed, female and had demonstrated sweet calm temerperaments with no known human bite history. What BHRR prefers to do wherever possible(not always feasible due to distance sometimes of these requests and that we would then have to organize transport to BHRR) is bring any new addition direct to BHRR so that we can formally behavourally/emotionally and medically assess/evaluate the animals. Our protocol does state that all new additions ASAP must come to BHRR.

The person that contacted us was so worried about this situation(space in women's shelters are not easily come by) that she offered to make a donation if we could commit. I wrote them back saying that while BHRR appreciates monetary assistance(we receive no corporate, provincial nor federally support); we are assisting because we just have to and that her offer stressed to us just how urgent this is and HOW caring she also was. BHRR declined to take any form of monetary donation in this matter.

So, what was planned is that BHRR's Lily Belle and BHRR's Ava Marie would go to BHRR approved temp foster homes and BHRR's Lexy plus BHRR's Hailey would come to BHRR. Due to the urgency of this situation; we needed to get the animals and the woman out as quick as possible; so the person from rescue went to get the animals yet the police had to then be called for the man kicked BHRR's Lexy in the head and the woman then became undecided about leaving herself. What then ensued was a very stressful and worrisome time to try and get all out safely.

By 2 AM on the Thursday AM, Danes plus the woman were safely removed and by 4 PM on Thursday December 2nd, I had both Great Danes in my arms. Also, during this time, it was the closing day of our 3RD Annual 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction, I worked a 7:30 AM – 4 PM Hospital shift and was dealing with several other matters on my plate including a BHRR Pending Adoption and doing a hv for another Rescue plus a hv for BHRR! YET, it all came together and this is one of the best examples EVER of that 'chain of success' of people pulling together to make the difference in the lives of others!!!! THANK YOU! THANK all of you!!!!

Early on Saturday December 4th, BHRR's Lily Belle went to her temp foster home – miss her yet she is going to have a blast for she already knows this home – and unfortunately, due to the tragic loss of BHRR's Storm on Saturday; we no longer had need of BHRR's Ava Marie to be temp fostered as we had that 'one' spot now at BHRR. πŸ™


Due to the loss of BHRR's Storm this evening, BHRR's Ava Marie shall be staying at BHRR. We will not have a need of a temp foster home at this time now.

BHRR's Storm –  ? – December 4th, 2010

Since BHRR's Storm had her vaccines and after the Home visit, she was not quite feeling herself. She did not eat her supper Wednesday night(she has always had a good appetite) and she even had diarrhea at the home visit outside a few times. BHRR's Storm is not one to ingest things she should not and so the likelihood of her eating something inappropriate was low during this hv. Vaccine reation(another dog with the same rabies series recently had a vaccine reaction as well), perhaps and she was interested in drinking yet would then vomit, so we were monitoring her fluid intake closely. I took her to see a Vet on Friday as she was now lethargic, dehydrated and she was given subq fluids and a Deramaxx and we were told to 'monitor' and give it some more time. When Friday night rolled around, I told Sean that I was now worried about a possible bloat in addition to *if* this could be a possible vaccine reaction and/or did she possibly ingest something and did not feel comfortable waiting much longer as she was clearly not improving and most likely need more intervention for I was not 'ok' inside with what little had already been done at this one Vet's office. I began to give her GasX and brought her into my own Hospital today. Sadly, after 5.5 hours of working on her; we were unable to save her. She just kept filling up with gas and became more sore and more weak/tired in our efforts to get her to to bounce back. In having seen this pattern before, in particular with our own GD Dragon; it was just a matter of time that she would deteriorate to the point of torting. To see a once very energetic, bubbly, happy, special,  friendly sweet creature the way she was today was just crushing. There were 6 of us including Sean that were working on BHRR's Storm and we are shock filled, devastated and when I saw that first X-Ray; my heart sunk. The second X-Ray was better, the third X-Ray showed that the gas was moving yet she had more gas and each X-Ray after that just was not improving and was reaching the point of her continuing to fill up with gas. She went through 4 bags of IV Fluids, her bw was very poor, her vitals did get better by the time the third X-Ray was done(temp, pulse), the Sulcrate Suspension and other meds just were not getting her to go on the 'good' side of recovering and you could see just how uncomfortable, in pain and exhausted she was, even despite giving her pain medications. As long as she was showing signs of improving and had that 'will'; we were there with her yet we turned the 'bad' corner and it was the most humane and best thing for her to say our good-byes and let her cross over. I told Sean that I could not look at him(he has not been with me for an euthanasia since BHRR's Spirit) and that he could not look at me for I would have just bawled……

This evening saw one of the most gentlest, easy going with a sweetly stubborn streak, kind, loving, affectionate, bubbly, happy creature be called back to heaven and Sean and I feel like we are wandering aimlessly with all those 'what ifs' going through our minds……..

I wish to publicly thank each and every one of the staff members of KAH that stayed and worked so dedicatedly to save her……

We shall never know if it was the vacines for sure that brought her down this road and I will be haunted by her loss for the rest of my days…………

My last 'own' picture of BHRR's Storm – June 14th, 2010


BHRR's Ava Marie is heading to her temp foster home on Sunday December 5th and just as with BHRR's Lily Belle, I am going to miss her BUT she shall have a blast in having new experiences and making new friends!

To learn more about how to become an approved BHRR Foster/Volunteer home please visit our appropriate page here.

BHRR's Lily Belle went to her temp foster home today. Going to miss her yet what an exciting time for her to have this wee 'mini' vacation away from BHRR. πŸ™‚ She weighed 52.6 KGS(115.72 pounds today). SO, YAY! She has put on another 2.42 pounds in one week. πŸ™‚

To learn more about how to become an approved BHRR Foster/Volunteer home please visit our appropriate page here.

Leslie, Orleans, ON

I know I've said it a million times and I'm honestly not sucking up but I am just so amazed by the work you do. It's incredible. Those dogs are lucky to have you!

I have scheduled 2 more CWW sessions for BHRR's Apollo – Tuesday December 14th & Thursday December 16th. This will make his last two planned sessions and after that, he should be ready to be placed up for adoption yet as we do not adopt out during the Holiday season; we shall not place him up as 'available' until January of 2011. This will give us a couple more weeks to ensure that he truly is ready. We shall keep his blog updated. So many mixed feelings as we reach this stage of his journey!

In order for BHRR to assist the extremely 'urgent' situation of 2 Great Danes and their former owner in a domestic abuse situation; BHRR's Lily Belle and BHRR's Ava Marie are going to temp foster homes! THANKS to everyone that stepped up so fast and for all the encouraging plus supportive emails, voice messages etc. From the point of notification of this situation from one of the most wonderful of people I have met to date(she is involved with animal rescue herself plus works with women's shelters) to the point of actual mobilization of these two Great Danes of BHRR's Hailey and BHRR's Lexy  to arriving under BHRR's authority it was less than 36 hours! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Will update the blogs of our newest additions ASAP yet they are both LOVELY! Just lovely girls!

BHRR's Storm had her annual tonight and weighed 44.4 KGs(97.68 pounds). CLEAN bill of heath and she was all puppy love to everyone! πŸ™‚ She also came with me along with BHRR's Ava Marie to do a home viisit tonight and ROCKED as per her usual awesome self in the car and with every one she met!!!! BHRR's Storm was doing her 'KangaDane' routine in the back run at KAH with BHRR's Ava Marie! LOL Just so happy and friendly. πŸ™‚



The BHRR ONLINE Auction shall END on Thursday December 2nd, 2010 @ 9 PM EST

This is BHRR's last organized Fundraiser of 2010 and our next planned organized Fundraiser at this time is not until July of 2011, so each penny raised will be desperately needed to allow us to keep helping animals in need of our BHRR programs.

*To donate gift certificates, baskets, handmade crafts or any other items – Email BHRR (

*We have 153 Items to date!!!!

Permission to Cross Post is given!

Theresa, NY, USA

thank you so much for what you do , i was so sad to hear about to read about storm my heart go's to you all. theresa

We are moving BHRR's Koop under a 'PENDING ADOPTION' at this time. We will update his blog as soon as we can best determine if this home is the right matched personality fit for him.

I have scheduled BHRR's Koop's Annual for Tuesday December 21st.

Due to a family situation, BHRR's Ava Marie's Annual was rescheduled. I have her Vet appointment now scheduled for Saturday December 11th.

BHRR's Lily Belle weighed 51.5 KGs(113.3 pounds) today. πŸ™‚ She has put on 14.08 pounds since she arrived to BHRR. Very slow but sure with her weight gain.

Our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House was held on Saturday November 13th and I wanted to share one of those photos taken of BHRR's Koop that day by one of our approved BHRR Volunteers who attended. So many cannot believe that he has not yet been adopted and so many can also not believe that it is due to his slightly different facial features THAT most of us actually do not find all that different!! πŸ™ YET, it just means that his right matched forever loving home has not yet come along. I cannot wait to get a new weight on this boy and will have to take a new height for he has spurted legs  again! LOL

BHRR's Koop is now also coming into his own with confidence and now has his 'goob' moments! YET, to see him have the confidence to act that way is very heartwarming, even if I do not like to see my toilet paper roll strewn all about the house or the blankets taken off the bed as he zoomies across/around it and YES, Great Danes of all sizes can make themselves quite compact and zoom quite effectively on beds! <rolls eyes> LOL

Our next BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House has been scheduled for Sunday February 12th, 2011 – first of 2011! – and if you are interested in attending, please email. We are 14 registered to date, so this is going to fill up fast. The one after February shall not be until June of 2011.

We run regular BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open Houses as BHRR feels it is important for those that do support us and those that do wish to support us(Volunteer, Adopt etc.) to have the opportunity to come out and experience firsthand what BHRR is all about, visit with us and the animals plus to talk to others that come out that are already part of the BHRR ‘chain of success’ or wish to become part of BHRR. We want people to know exactly what they are supporting when they give of themselves in time and/or money. AND it is great for the dogs and horses to have so many extra hands for loving. πŸ™‚


BHRR's Koop with Don – Photo courtesy of A. Bennett – November 13th, 2010 – BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House

BHRR's Porridge was one of three dogs that I brought to our last regular GD & Honourary GD Walk/Hike! We had at least 20 people plus all their wonderful canines! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to almost 100!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Our next planned walk is on December 12th. πŸ™‚

I am attaching a photo below of some of us that attended that day. Several had to leave early and so we are about half of the group that actually were in attendance that day. BHRR's Porridge was a huge hit as always and he was Mr. Friendly and Gentle as usual.  AND this walk provided an excellent opportunity to provide educational awareness re: what I call the 'pillars' or responsible/quality breeding of which dogs are bred for temperament, health, conformation and longevity. It also gave us the chance to talk about rescue in general plus some of the BHRR animals up for adoption, what BHRR does etc. AND the walk provided an excellent venue to train and socialise for/with my dogs! Our youngest dog was not yet 16 weeks – my Sir Maestro and the oldest was 19 years old – Jingles, the deaf beagle that belongs to a friend!

BHRR's Porridge is another 'walking' miracle for his lifespan was estimated to be around 18 months and he shall be celebrating 3 years of incredible living come the end of March! WOOHOO! YOU GO BHRR's Porridge. πŸ™‚

Photo courtesy of C. Desjardins – Sunday November 14th, 2010


BHRR's Apollo shall be going with one of our BHRR Approved Volunteers on Saturday November 27th for his 3rd of 5 extra CWW Sessions in what we have called 'round 2' with his rehab. We will be doing his last 2 in December and from there evaluating (AND things look good!) as to whether he shall be ready to be placed up for adoption! Exciting times yet also I am a bit sad for like so many others, the journey that BHRR's Apollo has taken me on has been one of amazing lessons plus I have met and been touched by so many incredible 'angels' reaching out in their efforts to assist us in making BHRR's Apollo the best healthy dog that he can be!

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

Today, BHRR was also contacted to see if we would be participants along with BHRR's Apollo at Canine Water Wellness within the next couple of weeks at their locale when Regional Contact shall be filming. Will post day/time for our BHRR approved Volunteers to consider should they be interested in attending that day! This is a great Media & Commnuity Opportunity for BHRR!

BHRR's Lily Belle is going on a playdate this Saturday November 27th with one of our BHRR Approved Volunteers and I also cannot wait to get a new weight on her!!!!

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

BHRR's Frank is going on a playdate this Friday November 26th with one of our approved BHRR Volunteers and I am sooooooooo excited for him to have this extra special time out and about! It will also be lovely to see just how much more weight he has put on.

To learn more about how to become a BHRR approved Volunteer; please visit our Foster/Volunteer Section.

BHRR's Apollo is off today for a CWW extra swim session & his weight today was 61.3 KGs(134.86 pounds).  πŸ™‚

I brought BHRR's Bean with me today to one of our regulat GD & 'Honourary' GD Walks/Hikes – we were almost 20 people and our wonderful dogs @ Conroy Pit – and this was his final 'social' test before deciding if he was ready to be placed up for adoption and BHRR's Frank passed with ACES, FLYING COLOURS, NO PROBLEM! YAY! YAY! YAY! πŸ™‚ He was excellent from the moment I left the house! Fantastic car traveller and he was in the backseat with both BHRR's Porridge and Sir Maestro. Mr. Social Frank was just awesome and as I knew that he still had a ways to go with his obedience(he has only been here since September and has spent quite a bit of time recovering from his neuter); that is something that can continue to be worked on per our adoption contract in his new forever loving adoptive home! BHRR's Frank on more than one occasion had his 'head in the clouds' and just happily would go and follow people and dogs here and there and everywhere and THANK you to everyone for helping me to keep an 'eye' on him! LOL He was fantastic, wonderful, a HUGE hit to all that met him and goodness, my heart was just full of the best feelings of warmth and pride and happiness! FOR him!!!! Can you tell I am excited? BHRR's Frank proved that he could stand on all four of his own feet and interact with all humans plus dogs fantabulously. THIS boy would make an excellent Therapy dog for sure. I have added three new photos from today on to his slideshow #10 – #12 and am also posting two of them below. This boy is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR's Frank – November 14th, 2010 – 9 months of age
*Photos compliments of C. Desjardins

Don & Allison, Ottawa, ON

Gwen and Sean,

We had such a wonderful time at the Open House today, as always! We have posted the photos we took on Facebook with captions……. We hope you enjoy the results as much as we enjoyed our time with you, your family and your dogs.

Don and Allison

P. Dawson, Global Pet Foods – Ancaster

"That was really hard to watch as it brought back memories of when we put our "Harley" to sleep.  I sobbed as I watched the video and held each of my cats afterwards.  Bean was such a brave boy and so lucky to have you in his life, as short as it was.  Thinking of you Gwen.  RIP Bean oxo"

I hope you've been doing ok since Bean's last breath was taken.  I haven't cried like that in a long time.  Poor baby boy.  You did all you could for him.  He loved you no matter what.  Animals are amazing that way aren't they?  


Hang in there Gwen.  Sending hugs your way.


Pam, Sally & Hope =^_^=

L. Price – P.J.’s Quigley’s, Ottawa

I saw your tweet about Bean and watched the clip, his story and that whole page really affected me deeply. I so admire your strength and commitment to the animals; who would care for the unwanted if there were not people like you and your volunteers? Any small part my business can play to help them and you is our honour!

I have added 2 new photos from September 23rd, 2010 to BHRR's Lily Belle's slideshow and am putting them both below. She is doing GREAT and I wish I had more hands for I would have also loved to plan to bring her to our next regular GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike on Sunday. I so need to get a new weight on her! She is still very tall and has packed on some weight plus lots of muscle and we are still working on getting her to put on even a few more pounds. She is eating so well these days and is just thriving in this cooler weather! She is missing BHRR's Bean something fierce and as with BHRR's Frank, I would like to get her out and about for some extra play dates, day trips and play trips. SO, if any of our approved BHRR Volunteers would be interested; here are the dates/times below for your consideration. BHRR's Lily Belle is super sweet and we remain amazed that she has not yet been adopted. Yet, we are verfy patient and will await for that right forever matched loving home made just for her. πŸ™‚ She is coming into her own with confidence and has realised that she is not so 'tiny' and can take other dogs 'off balance' by bumping them and just loves doing it as a 'surprise/sneak' thing. She thinks this is a grand game yet BHRR's Ava Marie is not impressed FOR that has been her own 'monkey trick game of amusement'! LOL

Friday November 19th – anytime between 10 AM – 8 PM
Monday November 22nd – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday November 29th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM

BHRR's Lily Belle – September 23rd, 2010 – 1 year of age

BHRR's Frank has healed well from his neuter. I removed the few sutures not that long ago and he has settled in most well here. I have added photos #6 – #9 to his slideshow and am putting two below. One is from October 25th & one is from November 5th(the night before we let BHRR' Bean go) – just ignore all the brown/green as it was with my iPhone. It is my intent to bring him out to our upcoming regularly organized GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike this Sunday and should all goes as I anticipate it shall go for he is Mr. Social; he will then be placed up for adoption. While we wait for his forever loving home to come; I would like to have him brought out for some extra playdates, day trips and play trips for he is very much missing his brother BHRR's Bean. πŸ™  If any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are interested plus open in assisting me in getting BHRR's Bean out and about to help him move forward in his mourning, please email. Here are the proposed dates/times for your consideration. We still have to 'watch' BHRR's Frank quite closely for he will still attempt to 'swallow' socks, underwear, stuffies etc. He is never forever loving home will have to be very vigilant.

Friday November 19th – anytime between 10 AM – 8 PM
Monday November 22nd – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 8 AM – 4 PM
Monday November 29th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between Noon – 8 PM

BHRR's Frank – October 25th, 2010 & BHRR's Bean(Left) & BHRR's Frank (Right) – November 5th, 2010


Some many photos to add of the dogs! So, let me first start with BHRR's Ava Marie and some photos from June 13th, 2010 from our screened in porch around the pool. A couple of these photos were added to our BHRR FB Group back in June yet wanted to also add them to her slideshow #38 – #45 and have put two below. With the cooler weather(AND that it is not yet too cold) BHRR's Ava Marie has been super mobile and full of 'spunk'! Within the last couple of weeks, she has also begun to get back up on our bed and is most content to stetch out and  'hog' as much as she can from the other dogs! cheekyJUST LOVING this girl to bits! DOESN'T she look so happy!!!!!

BHRR"s Ava Marie – June 13th, 2010 – 2.5 years of age

K. Tarrington, ON, CDA

"Gwen: Always I have admired what you do and will continue to stand behind you 100% as I don't think that I would ever be able to stand in front and keep a brave and strong face that you do dealing with all that you do."

Dr. Zak, Kanata, ON

love the photo of Bean and Sean…. stay strong Gwen. You gave him your very best (as always). He got to know what

a great home is all about.   



'BHRR's Bean's Final Breaths' Slideshow Story with Music:
**When you click the link, you shall be brought to a new window and shall receive a message. A copy of that message is below. YOU do not have to do anything other than click on the "Click here when you have installed Flash 6" when you are in that window. You do not have to download or install anything. You shall then be able to watch BHRR's Bean's Last Breaths' Community Education/Awareness Impact Slideshow**

Incorrect Flash player detected

Click here to get the correct Flash plugin.

Click here when you have installed Flash 6. –THIS is the message in the new window that you need to 'click' on
(if you still can't see the show, try closing all of
your browser windows and re-opening the show)

Sean & I are still trying to work out this 'error' bug yet you can now at least watch the video by following the above instructions. Please email if you are having problems and wish to view BHRR's Story.

I hope that BHRR's Bean's story will have as strong as an emotional impact on you as he has had on our lives. EDUCATION is key and may people NOT support bybers or puppymills or purchase from petstores AND may each person become a better owner in having watched BHRR's Bean's story in having lost his own life at just 9 months of age.

ONE of the absolute hardest things I ever had to do………AND you are so very much missed BHRR's Bean! πŸ™

BHRR's Bean November 5th, 2010 – 9 months of age
February 2nd, 2010 – November 6th, 2010
Weight almost 135 pounds as of Nov. 6, 2010  – almost 20 pounds of muscle mass put on during his 6.5+ weeks at BHRR


"BHRR’s Bean's Final Breaths" -Slideshow without 'story' or music

My Response to a Cesar Millan Fanatic

For the hundreds of supportive and in agreement emails, notes etc. that have been received regarding my 'CM Experience Blog' post; I would like to share what was sent my way by someone that is very pro-CM.

Just before going to bed in the wee hours of today, I was checking my email and I came across a submission entry to our BHRR Guest Book from one Ms. Bebenek. This person was very quick to fire off accusations and some erroneous comments not to mention an insult or two made about my Blog post re: CM; such as CM having more experience. Well, in fact; as someone that is not even 6 months younger than CM; my Career is to work with dogs all day, every day. πŸ˜‰ AND I have almost 25 years of hands on direct experience to date. This person was very strong in stating that Cesar Millan never uses 'fear, anger, exhaustion, or treats as a means of training dogs'. I particularly loved the comments about how *I* was not providing my name?? Hmmmmm, is it not all over the BHRR Website, the BHRR FB Group and on our BHRR Twitter Page plus in the biography section about who I am? πŸ˜‰

This person defended CM's use of a treadmill and found it acceptable that if a person cannot get out to walk them, it is ok to treadmill them. 

I also found it very interesting regarding their comments about the Saint Bernard named Riley and for the benefit of Ms. Bebenek; please do let me post this video linkAND in fact, this is an 11 month old Saint Bernard being 'choked' with a choke chain. I would like Ms. Bebenek to show me and others who have watched this video 1) WHERE is he NOT using the metal choke hardware around the Saints neck? 2) WHERE is CM not running this dog outside first and not once yet the video indicates 3 times? 3) WHERE is CM not using force to drag this dog up the stairs? Ms. Bebenek is 100% convinced that only positive training methods are being used here and that they 'have 'never seen CM use a prong or choke collar'.

AND they state that CM does not use the world 'loyalty'….hmmmm, lets see 7,500 people in Kanata alone that night and the word 'loyalty' was actually on his presentation slides and gosh, how many times did he mention that word. On another note, what is wrong with CM using that word anyway??

Something else I found quite amusing was that they felt that I had spent thousands of dollars in my education and was 'frustrated' because of that whereas CM learnt all he did for free in Mexico……OMG! Seriously?? Clearly proper Education is of no import to Ms. Bebenek.

I am so glad that Ms. Bebenek is going to send their child to the person who's been taking care of children for 40 years and not the one who's read about them in books. I am so glad that they are going to hire the gardener who's been gardening for years as opposed to the one who's been educated on all the varieties of plants through books. Furthermore, I am also SO lost as to how these words of theirs applies to myself when I possess not only 10+ years of current formal education(and another few+ more years to come re: my Ph.D.) but almost 25 years of experience in the behavoural and training trenches that so many others will never even touch because of the type of the cases that I do.

AND another part I loved in this person's message was that how CM is successful every time, another CM fanatic out there for sure you are Ms. Bebenek! πŸ˜‰

Yet here is more food for thought, can you please explain to myself and so many others out there how CM is NOT choking Shadow(in more metal hardware – choke chain) in the attached video link? The poor dog is on the ground opening and closing its mouth gasping for air, it has been so deprived of Oxygen. AND here is input on this Cesar Millan video by Debra F. Horwitz, DVM, ACBD, a board-certified veterinary behavourist. Some of which I am posting here –

"I admit, it was a difficult video to watch. In this video, Cesar Millan uses a choke collar to subdue an aggressive dog, finally pinning it on the ground. Millan is bit several times in the process, and I question the health of the dog during this clip (blue tongue). Within the first 5 seconds, the handler kicks the dog in the abdomen.  When the dog turns toward him he is jerked off his feet.  A struggle ensues where the handler gets bitten several times and the dog is seen to be struggling for air. Finally he gets the dog onto the ground and the dogs tongue is blue and the dog is gasping for breath.  When he finally gets the dog up it appears that there might be urine on the ground and that the dog voided his bladder in distress. What you have witnessed is not dog training but abuse.  Not only does the dog suffer, but clients are at risk if they attempt these interventions themselves.  These are not appropriate measures and compromise the welfare of the dog and the safety of people.  His explanations are false and not based on science as we know it. '

Here is a Website for you Ms. Bebenek – Beyond Cesar Millan

AND in my very short email summary response to Ms. Bebenek, I typed; 'How unfortunate it is that the importance of what was being written about in my earlier Blog has been completely lost on yourself.'

My original Blog post is 'my' own personal and professional positioning and one that is not only shared by other professionals in the same areas of expertise yet many on a personal level too. A message to everyone, 'love' the Man or not; that is each person's choice; yet with everything; I would hope/recommend that people would make their decision based upon that decision being a a well informed one at the end of the day.

I am so affected by the impending loss of BHRR's Bean that I am going to create a 'diary' of his last moments and I do this not to be 'dramatic' or 'over the top' BUT I do want to make a very public and openly graphic compelling statement about his death at ONLY 9 months of age. AND I am doing this because I LOVE this dog sooooo much and he has been sooooo wrong done by that I hope that part of the legacy he leaves behind is a very powerful, huge and forever lasting impacting educational awareness lesson that I can only pray that people will 'listen' to and research! RESEARCH! RESEARCH before supporting bybers AND I can only hope that just one irresponsible dog owner sees the final journey of steps and breaths that BHRR's Bean had to take and might 'listen' to become more responsible in their own care plus treatment of their own animals. I can hope….

I am gong to call this 'BHRR's Bean's Final Breaths' and it shall be a slideshow of our last moments together and I shall be posting it here and on our BHRR's Reality Page.

AND after this, I shall post the final pictures that Sean helped me take of HOW we are going to remember BHRR's Bean in our hearts and souls….the LIVING BHRR's Bean and about the quality filled LIFE we gave him yet it was not long enough….never ever ever long enough.



BHRR's Bean & BHRR's Frank – BROTHERS – HOW they slept for most of last night…excuse all the 'green' and 'yellow'  and 'brown' colours for my iPhone takes crappy indoor pics! BHRR's Bean and BHRR's Frank either snuggled on the cooler slate floor or in the softly bedded triage area(no room for SEAN!) for most of last night. Just barely 9 months of age!

BHRR's Bean(left) & BHRR's Frank(right) November 5th, 2010

BHRR's Bean with Sean October 29th, 2010 sleeping in the 'triage' area. They have spent many a night sleeping there together……

Mary – Oshawa, ON

Hi Gwen,


I am just so sad and heartbroken to read that dear sweet Bean will be crossing over to the bridge this afternoon.


I will be on the road to Bathurst, NB when it happens, but I will be thinking of Bean and you.


You've done all you can for Bean, and now you are giving him the last gift possible to freee him from pain.


You've also given Frank the tools to survive without his brother as a crutch.


Huge hugs to you, Bean, Sean, Mason, Kinsley and Frank today.



Please send a prayer for BHRR's Bean. On Saturday November 6th, 2010; I shall be bringing him with me to let him cross over to a world free of pain. Our appointment is for 3:50 PM and it is going to be a very long and yet short night and all I want to do is cry and almost scream out in anger and frustration over how SO NOT RIGHT BHRR's Bean has been done by….. πŸ™

My Cesar Millan Experience

As someone who possesses their Masters in Animal Behavour/Development and is currently working on their PhD and does a lot of behavoural consulting; last night I had the opportunity to witness Cesar Millan firsthand at the Scotiabank place in Kanata, Ontario. THANKS so much to Dr. Wright for the amazing 107 level tickets for myself and my son and we were 12 strong from KAH with 5 more of my own behavoural clients in attendance. KAH was also the hospital in attendance on hand in case there was a cause for medical intervention. Contrary to what I have seen posted on at least one board; KAH did not 'choose' the dogs that were in attendance at the show. I even ran into my handler plus her family there! BIG social time! πŸ™‚

While I deeply disagree with many of his techniques and have always been so honest about my viewpoint and professional plus personal positioning when asked – His use of force, intimidation, fear & exhaustion techniques such as treadmilling plus that he has had no formal training is a cause of deep concern for many of the behavoural and training experts in the world –  he did present a few good basic core messages to the dog owners out there. AND that was so surprisingly wonderful to experience him doing so. πŸ™‚

Before attending the show last night; I had read yet two more anti-CM articles sent my way along with a disturbing video of CM running a young Saint Bernard until they were heavily panting and then literally dragging and choking it (it was wearing either a choke or a prong collar; hard to tell for all I could do is mostly focus my eyes in horror upon this poor animal with what was being done to them) up a flight of stairs. Positive training methods????

However; last night; he was quite general and as I have said over and over again, training is one of the least regulated professions out there and many are self-taught or do a 1 month online course and then call themselves trainers. WORSE, so many of them now consider themselves behavoural experts and truly, after 10+ years of formal education in this area and another almost 25 years of experience AND another 3+ more years of formal education to finish off my PhD to come; I am still learning!!!! RESEARCH! RESEARCH! RESEARCH before taking on a 'trainer' or 'behavoural' expert. So many will also want to push one 'training registry' over another as being the best and only 'true' training registry in all of Canada and that is not necessarily true either. I tend to sit back and only input when I do feel absolutely necessary when this debate gets very controversial on the boards for like many other topics, there is not one easy answer BUT I do know that by all of these people 'fighting' instead of working together; it is only going to continue to drag on without effective resolution. I fear that not in my lifetime will something that I am so passionate about and try to educate and fight so hard for shall ever become properly regulated. πŸ™

One should have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Animal Behavour to be considered part of the behavoural consulting/expert world and there are so few of us in Canada yet many would like to lead you to believe otherwise. I ONLY know of 12-15 of us in ALL of Canada yet is seems they are on every street corner. AND while those of us in the behavoural trenches are also or were trainers – VERY VERY VERY few trainers are behavoural experts. KNOW the difference! Once you start delving into the trenches of aggression, fear, separation anxiety; you are no longer on the surface of the basics of 'sit', 'down' and 'stay' training. I receive hundreds of emails every day from people that have used X Trainer or X so called Behavoural Expert for help with their dog but now the dog is either not better and in many cases much worse and can I please fix the dog. I do not work just with dogs, I work with the owners so that they are properly armed with all the tools/aids needed to be not just good owners but great responsible/accountable owners so that they can be a team with their dog(s) to be assets to not just home yet their community. My job is easy as I tell them for I have rules from the moment I begin to work with them and their dog(s). I do not let the dogs take a mile from day one; whereas they now have to be retrained as do their dog(s) on what is appropriate and acceptable behavour. While having someone such as myself working with you and your dog(s) is not cheap, it is also can be one of the best investments out there so that your dog can be the best he/she can be and for the owner(s) to be the best that they can be. NO dog is perfect, you can only make them as perfect as they can be and behavour is not changed, it is modified! That is something so many people do not understand….. So many want that quick fix solution and if you are not dedicated, committed, responsible, patient and consistent, failure is destined to happen. People need to stop trying to make the dog into something the dog can never be…..people need to make their dogs the absolute BEST they can be!

Now back to Cesar Millan – He talked about respect, leadership, trust, education, calmness(that I also interchange with the words 'control' and 'settled' in my own programs), humanizing(what I term the 'projecting too many human emotions upon') plus common mistakes made by owners and he used one of the best kept secrets that my handler and I were even talking about in the foyer before the show last night; SHOW COLLARS as a great training aid/tool! BUT what he did not talk about was using this tool/aid to do a transition to a flat/side release buckle collar as that should be the common goal of any training program.

He used words like 'assertive energy' whereas I use the words 'calm, settled and controlled leadership' with my dog(s) and in working with Clients and their dogs. He uses the word 'loyalty' and I use the word 'bonding' in a similar context. He also talked about 'excitement' mistakes people make plus what I term 'passive ignoring' and 'carrying on/moving forward as if it was nothing big'.

What also was interesting to note that as two puppies he was demonstrating with were no longer food motivated(they had eaten before they came to the show); he lost some patience and interest in trying to find other means to 'motivate' them to listen and be trained. Many dogs are not treat or food motivated and you have to be resourceful in finding other tools/aids to get them to be motivated for at the end of the day; YOU have to be the most exciting, important and interesting thing to them to then WANT to listen to you. OR in his words; to be that 'PACK LEADER'  πŸ˜‰ Yet to CM, if they were simply not interested in the food in the dish he had, forget it re: training them to do what he wanted them to do.

He also talked about how people make the common mistake of giving to much affection and not enough training and discipline in working with their dogs and this has also be a huge core message of mine with clients, especially with those that either adopt from us or rescue from other means. DOGS live in the 'moment' and making a past of abuse 'up to them' is not in their best interest. You can truly kill by 'kindness' and I have posted many a blog post re: seeing Danes and other dogs as just heads and stick legs on a whale of a body due to obesity. HOW does this 'help' your dog besides shortening their life span, increasing their chances of many health problems etc. Not to mention about the resourcing and separation anxiety behavoural issues that can develop with this type of spoiling affection that I term using 'ruination' affection!

I also did very much like his words surrounding 'breed' bans and that banning a breed does not solve the problem, the importance of rescuing animals, not supporting puppymills and that we need to target the 'humans' behind the dogs.

AND what I was not in agreement either were his views that the 'name' of a dog being last on his list of importance. Living in a multi-dog household and that many of my own clients have multi-animal households, the name as an 'identity' is very important as is associating a 'command' with the 'action' being requested of that one specific dog or more than one dog out of many that may be present in a home or park or other training environment by using that very important name(s) ie their identity(ies).

Cesar Millan is very much a HUGE entertainer(lots of laughs last night!) and boy, does he have a 'cult' following. It was almost surreal watching how hypnotized and glazed over so many were at the show. It was almost like being at a rock concert – wait, he did have rock music at several points last night! cheeky !

AND for me, while I am still not a 'fan' of CM, I can honestly state when others say 'well, you have not watched his show, read what he has written, you have not seen him in person' that….I HAVE in fact watched him AND was extremely close to him last night! I am further enlightened re: his methodologies and mindset re: training and some behavour positioning and am much more prepared to have further indepth conversations with my Clients, on some of the boards I belong to or am a Board of Director Member of or Behavoural Advisor of and also in my discussion groups for my PhD etc.

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much again Dr. Wright for presenting this wonderful opportunity with the free tickets to myself and also to my son to be part and witness to CM LIVE and in PERSON! I truly had a very entertaining time – Perhaps CM should do comedy in his spare time πŸ™‚ and I not only hope yet think so many have come away from his show with more to think about and much to talk about!!!!

BHRR's Bean has been very much enjoying his early SS's pressies from Jan, Patricia, Mary and Suzanne! THANK all of you so much for helping to ensure that what time he has left is full of the best experiences possible! 2 new pictures added to his slideshow and also added below.

He is not doing very well and we know that we are nearing the end of our very special time with him. For all those that you can assist, truly, it is the ones like BHRR's Bean that really make you feel the impact of that there is only so much one can do AND if Breeders would breed responsibly (health, longevity, conformation and temperament) AND if Owners would research before purchasing from Breeders AND if Owners would be responsible, the BHRR's Bean's of the world would not ever experience what BHRR's Bean is currently nor that his life will end before it ever really had a chance to begin. AND that is who my tears of frustration, anger, pain, loss are for……BHRR's Bean and the unfairness of that while I can almost guarantee that his Breeder has not spared him a further thought other than how much $$$$ they would see in selling him AND that while his Owners(who btw had given what turned out to be a bounced check owner surrender fee of $50 to BHRR for BHRR's Bean and BHRR's Frank and all 3 of their phone numbers are now disconnected and/or out of service) also most assuredly sleep well at night knowing they no longer have to throw some food here and there to their two dogs that had been tied outside or worry about neighbours complaining about barking dogs or that they were not being properly taken care of; IT is I, ME, MYSELF and Sean and my kids and all those that have fallen in love with the BHRR's Bean's of the world that it will take so much longer for us to be able to close our eyes at night and only see his amazing self, those incredible eyes of his despite being pain filled, the way he now feels more confident and willing to trust to ask for affection(SOMETHING that should have been his given right to have received before) and I am ANGRY!!!! It is I that will be holding him in my arms and washing him in the love of my tears as I cross him over. IT is I that shall make that long hard drive into the Hospital, trying to tell BHRR"s Bean that it is because I love him so much that I must let him go…..IT is I that shall be looking deep into his eyes as the light shall fade from those beautiful orbs and no matter how peaceful we shall try to make it; he will be confused, slightly nervous and then with that final deep sigh, he shall be free from all that pain and hurt that once plagued him in life. IT is I along with my compassionate co-workers who shall help carry him to my car and lay him so tenderly upon the seat so that I can then make that long and hard drive back home and then it is I along with my husband, whose heart and soul is second to none out there in support, heart and soul that shall help me carry BHRR's Bean to his final resting place along with others that have had to make this journey……

FOR those that think that it is so easy to just put an animal to sleep, let me tell you it is not……I never get 'used' to it, I never stop 'feeling' and I agonize and feel sick and weak and shed so many tears that I have tried so hard to choke back with each and every one that we lose at BHRR or even one of our own. SO, yes, I am angry, so angry for the BHRR's Bean's of the world that people do not educate themselves before purchasing a dog and for all those Breeders out there just wanting to make a fast buck and that is it I, along with our fantabulous supporters that work tirelessly trying to give each animal that we can a better life……we are just a bunch of dedicated Volunteers trying to make a difference to animals in need yet; unfortunately, we cannot always give each dog what we know they should have and at the age of only 9 months, BHRR's Bean shall be having his last meal, making his last walk, his last car ride, having his last treat and experiencing his last touches of adoration before he is laid in eternal rest………

I ADORE you BHRR's Bean and I am sorry…..I am so very sorry……so very sorry for all the wrong so many did to you and that I am so very sorry for all that I can not make things right for you. πŸ™


BHRR's Bean with Sean – October 29th, 2010 – 2nd picture has a tiny bit of Sir Maestro's muzzle!

Jan – SWO, ON

At least Bean has had tons of love and cuddles from you, even though his life has been so brief. 

Hugs back to you for being the caring person that you are…….and some gentle ones for Bean.


I have scheduled BHRR's Storm's annual for December 1st, 2010. Looking forward in seeing how much she weighs! We also remain patient that someone shall see past her 'smaller' Great Dane stature to her real beauty of heart and soul and wish to apply to adopt her. πŸ™‚

Alex & Karen, SWO, ON

We are both very saddened to read about Bean.  It’s hardest to be in a place where nothing you can do will help, other than let them go to a better place.  We understand how hard this is for you and will keep all of you in our thoughts. For however long his time will be, he is in the best place and the best care.

Jan Bethune, SWO, ON

I just finished reading the latest Gwennie novel on the BHRR site. HUGE KUDOS to you Gwen! There's great info there for everyone and you made so many important points…….especially about deafies having a name!! πŸ™‚ After living with 2 deafies (I have the honour to be mom to BHRR'S Little Tyke and BHRR'S Lil Linus),… I just can't find enough words to say how truly special they are and how lucky I am.

Another deepest public thanks being sent out and this time to Mary for being another 'early' SS Friend to BHRR's Bean.

Training Special Needs Dogs

I currently own four deaf and blind Great Danes – Ice, Zero, Salt & Summit and we are also a Rescue that focuses on the special needs that includes those that are deaf and/or blind and we can have any number of deafies etc. with us at any given time.

My biggest piece of feedback when it comes to owning a deaf dog; is that one CANNOT be lazy. You cannot just `call out` to ask your dog to get their nose out of the garbage or to put that shoe down that they are walking off with. That is why it is so important to teach them the `watch me` or ‘look at me’ command. I even have used a squirt bottle to ‘alert’ to get their attention during training times with some dogs. I have also used a gentle finger on the rump or under the chin to get them to take the focus off what is they are doing and to look at me. I will point at the β€˜garbage’ for example and then use the β€˜dogs name’ and then the β€˜No’ command and then re-direct to an appropriate thing for them to be doing.

I train my dogs as individuals, in pairs and in small groups to maximize their training and bonding experiences with me. Lots of body language plus facial expression really assists with in training a deafie. AND I also talk to my deafies all the time. My special needs Danes love to cuddle with me and just ‘feel’ the vibrations as I talk to him.

I can honestly say that our deafies often ‘listen’ better than many hearing dogs I know. I teach all our hearing dogs the same thing for I believe it to be equally as important for them too(and many will lose quality of hearing and eyes sight as they age as is) and use a combination of ASL and made up hand signals. One has to be very consistent about the signal they are using to associate ‘what’ command to ‘what’ action is being requested. I use touch training, light training(flicking lights on and off when they are outside in the fenced in yard at night for example), scent training and vibration training(we do not do vibration or shock collars here) but use our floors and door jambs.

At one time, I greatly immersed myself in β€˜clicker’ training with deafies yet, I am still out on the jury on this one at this time.

I also teach a regular course that is specifically designed for owners and their deaf and/or blind dogs.

The one other thing I have found in relation to deaf dogs is that many do not feel it necessary to ‘name’ them. I am not sure why people feel that a β€˜deaf’ dog does not need a need a name, because they are deaf. To me, that is like saying, we should not name our deaf children or address our hard of hearing or deaf elders anymore by name etc. A name is an identity and if one is living in a home with multi dogs; especially deaf one’s(we live with 8 at the present between our own and the Rescue); using a dog’s name is very important. If I am doing recall training in my almost 3+ acre fenced in yard; if I want X or Y to come to me, I use their β€˜names’. If I want Y or X ; I signal their name. I am not in agreement with those that say that it is not important to name your deaf dog. Their names are no less important to them or to me. When I signal X’s name, their tail wags and the same applies to Y and each knows when I am `speaking` to them over the other or if I am communicating to both or more at the same time. They are proud of their own identities and how it makes them feel unique and special just as each hearing dog feels unique and special with their own names. To me, it is also a huge safety thing in regards to teaching emergency stops, recalls etc. They learn their names as much as they learn the `watch me` or ‘check in’ command; right from the get go.

I also highly recommend working on the β€˜startle’ reflex while they are sleeping or napping.

One more thing to note is that many Special Needs will ‘stare’ at other dogs as they try to figure out what is being communicated. They are not doing this to be confrontational. As they are deaf/hearing impaired and/or are limited in sight; they will rely  more heavily on other senses and can often be seen really looking at other dogs without any ill intent whatsoever. I liken it to how us Canadians would call a ‘stare’ in Canada is no more than a ‘glance’ in Europe. Many dogs can and do take some exception to this and you have to be careful that nothing escalates.

Deaf dogs will also often get really ‘up’ into another dogs’ face in order to understand what the other dog is ‘communicating’ or is like. Many dogs can and do take offense at this when none is being given and so you have to be careful to ensure that your special needs dog is safe from harm. They are only trying to read the other dog with their other senses. Many deaf dogs also have some form of visual impairment. Could be minor, could be major. Another reason why they get close up to other dogs and people too just to make sense of what is around them.

I teach everything from:

Their Name – I use the first letter of ASL of their name

Watch Me and Check In – I use a toy or a treat to begin and have them follow it to my face – general eye/nose area to look at me and reward – this changes to praise only through time where I then use just two fingers index and middle, slightly bent. I want them looking at me, not looking for the treat. I do not ask them to β€˜look’ me in the eye. Behaviourally many dogs are not comfortable doing this and they will look at me from the corner of their eye or have eyes slightly averted yet they are watching me and I can see when I avert my own eyes a bit, that they will look more fully at me. There is a difference between having them look and watch you and having them stare at you. Dogs that have self-esteem issues and confidence plus trust issues, do not feel 100% comfortable, at least at the beginning to understand that it is ok to look at me at me eyes and that I am not asking them to stare or seeking conflict.

Off – Finger pointing off for example, the furniture

Up – Finger pointing up

No – ASL sign for no or shake finger sideways a couple of times and can include head shaking in a ‘no’ manner

Lay Down – Finger pointed towards floor or touch the floor/ground

Shhhhhhhhhhh – Finger to the mouth with lips

Quiet – Pretty much like SHHHH

Enough – One palm flat and the other hand makes a firm chopping motion up and down a couple of times

Get out of there – the thumb and hand position of someone hitchhiking, tilted on a slight angle and wiggled a few times

Now – One finger firmly pointing down right in front of me

Come – Waving motion towards me and can be one hand or both

Sit – I use one hand, two fingers curled down and motion up and down a couple of times

Stay or Wait – One finger pointed at them and then flat palm facing them for a second or two

Heel – point to my heel

Close – two fingers pointed down by my side

Kiss – make a kissing face with lips

Good – Big smile, clapping, head nodding up and down or thumbs up and variations on this with how β€˜good’ they have been! I have even jumped up and down I wanted them to know how happy I was.

Yes – Same as above

Boy – ASL sign

Girl – ASL sign

In – Four fingers bent motion wave towards the direction I want – as β€˜in the car’

Out – Same thing with motion to come out

Eat or Meal Time – Slightly open mouth and motion either with or without treat towards mouth

Gentle – ASL sign for gentle

Whoa/Easy – One hand palm out towards them and slow back and forth a couple of times motion

Thank you – ASL sign

Check Back with me – I motion them over during training and social times and when they come, I do a palms up, then a thumbs up and a double pat to their sides or chest as praise and sometimes also reward with a treat….through time, though it starts off as a β€˜fun’ game for them, they learn to quickly come back and often to β€˜check with me.’

Go There – Point at where I want them to go such as when we have visitors and I want them to lay on their dog beds until people get settled

Release or Go Play – Both hands motioning outwards from my body on an angle

Bed time or what we call sleepie time – hands placed together on one side of head and resting

With each command, I use their β€˜name’ sign and the command as much as possible. I tend to try and use many signals that require only one hand use for I am often holding something in the other hand – treats, toys, their leash, bag, tote, purse, more than one dog, etc.

They know quite a few more signs too and what works for one dog might not work best for another, so being resourceful is important….yet, I have written a HUGE Gwennie novel!

It never ceases to amaze me when people learn that any of our dogs or those in our Rescue program are SN’s. So many get this ‘pity’ or ‘sorry’ look on their faces and think I am doing them a disservice keeping them alive or they think the dogs are dumb or stupid…which could not be further from the truth. Two of mine are also Certified Therapy Dogs. Education and awareness has been key in communicating to a lot of people. Yet, with anything in the world, there are idiots.

Deafies have been a weakness of mine for almost 30 years now and LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

BHRR's Bean has yet another very kind angel going to donate a small special something his way as an 'early' SS – THANKS Patricia!!!! My heart is just so welled up in the best feelings of emotion over everyone's support of him to give him all that the can have in quality! THANK YOU!

I want to also publicly send out my heartfelt appreciation to Jan for also offering to be an 'early' Secret Santa to BHRR's Bean. BHRR is so blessed to have the people they do that believe in what we do here and reach out in support and compassion!

I want to thank Suzanne for offering to be an 'early ' Secret Santa(SS) for BHRR's Bean! It is so appreciated and we are touched by your love and care for him. For anyone else thinking of being a 2010 SS for BHRR's Bean; the following items are ones that he would take great pleasure in receiving –

Costco Sherpa Blankets
Huge Smoked Dinosaur Bones
Huge Smoked Dinosaur Knuckle Bones

*Unfortunately, he is unable to really run and play and zip around with toys, but he does lay in one of the collosal crates with some of the Giant Rope Tire Toys, Giant Sized Ball Rope Toys and the squeaky Good 'Cuz' Toys.

I have added new pictures taken with my phone to his slideshow #7 and #8 and I have added them below. The 'grain' is not the best due to the flash but you can still see his lovely mug! That is his brother, BHRR's Frank laying the background and you can also see part of BHRR's Lily Belle's back!

BHRR's Bean – Saturday October 23rd, 2010 – 8 months of age

All monies raised to date for BHRR's Bean have all gone to his care in paying for his Vet Bills including exams, bw, sentinel, tramadol, deramaxx and clavamox, Massage treatments, any CWW sessions, Glucosamine and any comfort things such as blankets, duvets and Dino bones to give him the best quality filled life he can have. He is being fed FROMM Salmon and alternating that with FROMM Whitefish; high quality food that also carries glucosamine and chronditin to help him.

I am also really trying to keep BHRR's Bean 'mentally' busy plus stimulated with puzzle games and 'hide & seek' games etc. He is a very bright boy!

BHRR's Bean weighed 55.2 KGS(121.44 pounds) today when I brought him in to have a consult and exam with Dr. Philibert. At this time, tonight I am going to snuggle and cuddle with BHRR's Bean and we are going to create more wonderful memories and experiences for him. I am also going to have a big box of Kleenex on hand. After spending almost $2,000 of my own monies AS I so wanted to dot all 'i's' and cross all 't's' before reaching this point; to see 2 Vets and 3 Othro Specialists; all are pretty much in align with each other. Dr. Philibert also believes that his knee is this way due to the HD and this is why he is walking 'toes' out and therefore 'popped' the knee. It is not a birth defect and his hips are only going to get worse in time and with how complex everything is, it is not great. Dr. Philibert felt that BHRR's Bean's front end was super strong and full of muscle yet his hind end is so poorly conformed and lacking tone. Dr. Philibert stated that he could most likely give BHRR's Bean some improvement in the knee yet it would not be aligned straight and with his hips the way they are; he will most likely(short term yet maybe longer) 'pop' it out again and that it is only a matter of time before the other knee also becomes affected. Dr. Philibert was also more worried about the left side over the right side right now, which was interesting to note. Dr. Philibert believes that the knee cap most likely is already very worn on the one side from wear and tear and it will also be a contributing factor to the knee not staying where it should. He felt that he perhaps could 'shave' off some bone in the leg and look at smoothing the knee cap yet the prognosis is really not great over all. Per Dr. Philibert straight up you cannot leave him like this and this is a very complicated case and that though he is pretty sure about 70% that he can give him some improvement yet no one knows how long that will last (big giant breed growing puppy) before he runs into the same issues and most likely the same and even more issues involving the other leg. Dr. Philibert did say that the surgery could be a complete failure from the start too. Dr. Philibert recommended to keep up with the anti-imflammatories, glucosamine and we discussed the worry that with all the pain BHRR's Bean is in; that he will continue to decrease in mobility, decrease in his appetite and that he will increase in his 'crankiness' with that pain. NO one wants to see BHRR's Bean or any dog set up for failure by living in such pain that should someone(imagine a child) accidentally 'hurting' him and him just 'reacting' due to his level of discomfort. I write this blog with such sickness in my gut and no matter how many we have saved over the past year with amputations, cruciates and obstructions surgeries, it is the BHRR's Bean's and BHRR's Jaxson's of the world that just rip me up inside and tear at me with the feelings of that I have somehow failed them……….. All those 'what ifs' are running through my mind…'what if' we knew about him earlier and when he was super younger…..'what if' this….'what if' that… many 'what ifs'…..What I do know for sure is that when it is time and I know that time is limited and I have known that in my gut for awhile now; that BHRR's Bean will be held tightly in my caring and adoring arms and I shall wash him in the love of my tears as I cross him over into a world of no pain. That is my final act of promise of ensuring that he shall be done right by. No more suffering other than what shall linger in my own heart and gut and soul for the rest of my life. Is is the ones that we cannot save that I remember so vividly and am so deeply afffected by for even though I am well aware that you cannot 'save' them all and that sometimes the kindest thing one can do is to let them go; it still just seems so unfair that that all cannot live long quality filled and cherished lives. We shall also give BHRR's Bean an 'early' XMAS here for he is deserving of all the pleasures that life can be given to him during the time we have left! If anyone wishes to contribute early to our 8th ANNUAL SECRET SANTA TO THE BHRR ANIMALS EVENT by choosing BHRR's Bean as a recipient; please do email

Many thanks to a wonderful BHRR Volunteer that shall be assisting BHRR's Apollo to extra CWW sessions on November 20th, November 27th & November 30th! I shall then do a session in early December and after that BHRR's Apollo, IF everything goes as I am seeing with him now; he shall be placed up for adoption!!!! THANKS so much to all that have stepped up to help me with BHRR's Apollo in getting him healthy to have that opportunity to have a right forever matched loving home for the rest of his life!!!!

Upate: October 21st: 3:03 PM: I have been told that BHRR's Frank has been a good receptionist and that he wants 'joint' custody with those at KAH! LOL He weighed 46 KGS(101.2 pounds), so has not put on a heck of a lot since his arrival to BHRR yet all feel, including myself that he is looking marvelous! He was out of surgery around 12:30 PM and all went great. The Vet said that he is "ONE VERY HAPPY BOY" and was really good!!!! This boy is just so social and I want to post that one of his new best of friends here at BHRR is our own new addition Maestro. SOOOOOOO, this means he is becoming less wary of strange dogs and as indicated before, he is living in complete harmony with 22 others right now at BHRR. He still prefers(like a lot of Saints) to just sit back and observe before feeling comfortable about interating with strange dogs yet when it comes to people, his is Mr. Social Butterfly! We will be bringing him home later tonight and cannot wait to get him all set up into our 'triage' area here. He is really going to enjoy his extra special cuddle time with Sean as Sean takes the responsibility of 'nighttime' triage snuggle partner very seriously! wink

Update: October 21st: 9:51 AM: BHRR's Frank was dropped off by Sean this AM for his neuter and I received a text from a friend of mine just past 7:30 AM that works at KAH saying that she is 'keeping him' as she 'LOVES him' (she had not yet had the pleasure of meeting  him!) and that he was currently playing 'receptionist'! cheeky This boy is going to make a home very happy!!!! He is wonderful. Will update his blog as I can.

New Canine Water Wellness Dates for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider if they are interested in assisting me in getting BHRR's Apollo to some extra sessions.

Saturday November 20th – anytime between 9 AM and 2 PM
Wednesday November 24th – anytime between Noon – 2 PM
Friday November 26th – anytime between 9 AM and 3 PM
Saturday November 27th – anytime between 9 AM and 2 PM
Tuesday November 30th – anytime between 1 PM and 7 PM

Please email if you can assist!

BHRR's Bean has an appointment on Friday with Dr. P at 11:30 AM. I left a vm with Dr. P. last night asking to have a consult ASAP for BHRR's Bean's condition is worsening as he grows. The Deramaxx and Tramadol are only so effective and he is not a small boy. I shall get a new weight on him on Friday. Please keep him in your thoughts for no one was to know when he first arrived how bad of shape he really was in for X-Rays had not been done prior to BHRR being contacted to assist and in us bringing him into BHRR.

Please consider assisting with his Bills including his Canine Water Wellness Sessions! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have a tentative date scheduled for a neuter for BHRR's Bean – November 30th yet if Dr. P's prognosis is the same as the other 4 Vets that have reviewed his case to date; we shall cancel. The priority shall remain to give him the best quality filled life we can for as long as we can and at only 8 months of age; it is so tragic to think that he is very limited in time. broken heart

BHRR's Shiva is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. By collective agreement, this home is not yet ready for any animal addition, let alone a Great Dane. We have worked hard in trying to give this home some positive experiences with Giant Breeds as they have had some past bad experiences with a previous pet, not a Giant Breed, before contacting BHRR. May the time come that this home be ready for a new addition to their home, be it a Giant Breed or other size canine for having an animal in ones life is one of the truest pleasures and experiences ever to be had! It is not fair to BHRR's Shiva to remain on 'hold' any longer than necessary and for her to possibly miss out on that potential 'right' matched inquiry or application to come her way. We remain strong that should her forever loving home never come along, that she has a great place with us. This is our commitment to any animal that comes into BHRR. We accept that they might never be adopted and we are not desperate to place the animals here. She lives a grand live at BHRR and we love her as much as any other dog that has blessed our home. We wish this home the very best in the future.

BHRR's Shiva came today on one of our regular GD Walk/Hikes & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes and SHE had so much fun! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to 83!!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Pictures below are of some that attended the walk plus one of BHRR's Shiva. BHRR's Ava Marie was also there! BHRR's Shiva remains under a "PENDING ADOPTION" at this time and things should be determined within the next couple of weeks. We know that we have put further inquiries and applications on hold at this time and we will not delay a decision on this much longer. We want what is in her best interest and we do not desire to miss out on that 'right' matched home by taking any longer than necessary in making that final decision should this not be the right personality fit home for her. This has been one of our longer 'pending' and we thank people for their patience and understanding. By the time we lift our "From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs." closing we will post whether she has been adopted or if she shall be placed back up for adoption. This should be made by Saturday November 6th, 2010.

BHRR's Shiva – Sunday October 17th, 2010 – Great Dane Walk/Honourary Great Dane Walk

BHRR's Ava Marie came today on one of our regular GD Walk/Hikes & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes and SHE had such a blast! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to 83!!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up in the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Many commented on how mobile plus fit  Ava Marie looked today! Her leash manners were a little 'out' there here and there yet overall, so proud of her working on her flat buckle collar in such an exciting venue. Considering that we have not been able to do a lot of serious obedience training for very long to day due to all that she has had to overcome – weight loss, 2 surgeries and pneumonia so YAY for her! Picture below is of some that attended the walk. BHRR's Shiva was also there! As BHRR's Ava Marie is due for some vaccines in November, I have scheduled an appointment for November 24th. I am sooooooooo excited to see what she weighs now!!!

GD Walk/Hike & Honourary GD Walk/Hike – October 17th, 2010 – Some that attended

Kim T., ON, CDA

If anyone, I lookup to you and admire what you do as I don't know if I could handle the situations that you deal with on a constant basis.  I have learned a lot from you also and wish to continue to do so.  You really are a terrific person Gwen,

BHRR's Frank new neuter date shall be on Thursday October 21st, 2010 and within about a month after that, he should be ready for placement for adoption. He is a really nice well rounded boy and in the right home – Saint experience would be wonderful yet is not necessary; a home that has at least one other dog – male or female not of import as long as there is a great personality fit; a home that is either full-time; part-time, a work from home type, semi-retired home are all fine; one that is going to be careful about items laying around as he will eat things – he has  fetish for u.wear and socks right now and we do not want to see a possible obstruction situation. A home that is going to be committed to his obedience for he is a Saint through and through! One that is 'ok' with the drooling, gas and is patient, kind, firm and loving. He is a lovebug and has done so much better in his own area of feeling more confident around strange dogs and he still does a little bit of 'leader' humping at BHRR here and there. He has also been very patient with our new addition Maestro and has been wonderful about providing corrections to him. He needs to be in a home that is going to continue to get him out and about in public and continue his social network of doggie friends. We want to see him continue on this right path and I love how he will look at me when I ask him to not do something and he will just then turn his head and do it anyway!!!! That is still a big of a work in progress with the 'listen' to me now skills. cheekyHe is such a ham this one! His counter surfing is so much better and he is now completely housebroken.

BHRR is still looking for some more approved BHRR Volunteers to assist in getting BHRR's Apollo to another round of extra sessions at Canine Water Wellness. Please email if you can assist. I am hoping that after this latest round he might be ready to be placed up for adoption. We are hoping for 10 sessions yet as we are splitting funds between both BHRR's Bean & BHRR's Apollo right now from what was raised at our last fundraiser; we still could use some more donations for their Canine Water Wellness sessions funds.

I am also adding below a picture of BHRR's Apollo from August 26th, 2010 in his new assist vest that was donated so kindly by A. & K. Twaddle. Doesn''t he look so handsome!

Please consider assisting! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to 'Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0


BHRR's Apollo – August 26th, 2010

I did a follow-up with the Vet re: a consult with Dr. P and to date still am waiting for that yet I have been back in touch wtih the two ortho specialists I have worked with in the USA and Dr. Liston and all three are on board that they are more worried about the HD than the luxating patella at this time, especially as the worst one is on the same side as the luxating patella. No one is thrilled with the luxating patella yet the first concern for them at this time remains the HD and does BHRR's Bean require or even qualify for hip replacement surgery to then look a fixing his luxating patella. Additionally, it is still a back and forth on the best move forward treatment plan for BHRR's Bean for while they would like to wait until he is more grown(growth plates etc.); with how much discomfort he is in and the swelling(he is on Deramaxx plus Tramadol) and how through time, his mobility is decreasing with the discomfort increasing ; time is definitely not on Bean's side. Additionally, with how big he is going to be, the success of any procedure, in particular longterm is a huge question. I am going to be leaving my own vm with Dr. P for as I told the Vet last night, if I have to go to the States I will yet I wish to discuss with Dr. P and understand he is very busy; before proceeding at this time. The Vet that I did talk to last night said that Dr. P did have an initial look at the x-rays for they too, made the comment about the HD vs the luxating patella. In the meantime, I will also schedule his neuter for due to all accounts; *if* surgery is going to be done; it most likely will have to wait now until he is a bit older and there is no reason for him to remain intact for a 'questionable' amount of time. Also, I am going to move BHRR's Bean to our Haven Dog program in the meantime for if he does not have have a great prognosis with or without surgery, he will remain having as much quality filled time as possible. All monies raised for BHRR's Bean have been used for his special care – X-rays, bw, Sentinel, Tramadol, Deramaxx, exams, massage, and any additionally monies raised remaain 'held' for his bills as per our intent. I am also going to touch base with CWW for as we are now into October at BHRR; our own pool is 'shut' for the year. I am going to see if doing some floating around in the water would be ok with them. He will not be doing specific hydro or rehab for that is not going to be in his best interest. I am just looking at getting him into the pool and floating around to get that weight off his hips and knee for a bit here and there. He is deeply enjoying his massage and he is much more himself after those sessions. His bills to date have been over $1,500

BHRR's Bean's first Canine Water Wellness session shall be Tuesday October 26th @ 2:00 PM and if anyone is interested in assisting me in getting him to extra sessions, please do email.


Please consider assisting with is Bills! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR's Shiva is going under a 'Pending Adoption' at this time and we shall not be taking any more inquiries on her until such time as we determine if she is a right matched fit for this home. Thank you for your patience and understanding and we should know relatively soon.

BHRR's Shiva came with me to PetSmart in Kanata Centrum last night to hang out with myself, Sir Maestro(our own new GD addition) and to interact/train and socialize with someone we met up with. FANTASTIC job BHRR's Shiva!!!! She knows her 'right' and 'left' turns, focus, walking nicely, sit, loved all people – adults – men, women, hats too and kids and dogs. While I 'trust' my dogs, I do not trust all the other dogs out there and so, always tell people to proceed with caution when introducing/integrating with strange dogs. BHRR's Shiva provided this person with an excellent opportunity to work on their 'inner voice of strength' such that it comes out with authority – not bellowing, not screaming, not in a punishment type of manner but authoriatitve. Natural leaders are what dogs need and respond to and the difference was demonstrated to this individual last night. If you give a dog a reason to trust and respect you without fear and negative punishment techniques, they will respond. How we handle ourselves in situations can really travel down to the dog and they will respond to such. We want calm, in control and leadership style of approach and handling in a positive manner and the dogs will just 'give you the world' with their trust and listening abilities. BHRR's Shiva at her training level was given the opportunity to make 'good choices' and knows the '3 time' rule very well and so, she is moved to the '2 time' rule! wink BHRR's Shiva's tail was wagging and she was very excited to be back at PetSmart as it has been a very long while since she has last been there. She became even more excited when I asked her if she wanted to go and pick out her own 'toy' or 'treatie!' BHRR's Shiva LOVED the homemade Liver Treats that two of our Volunteers make so kindly for the animals here once in a awhile and I could not be more proud of my Shiva 'DIVA' in how she proved herself yet a 'well rounded girl' again! Thank you so much to this person for meeting up with me in the rain and also in buying BHRR's Shiva her own special goodie item. BHRR's Shiva shall have another play date this upcoming Sunday for a few hours and this shall be another fantabulous oppportunity for all involved.

BHRR’s Shiva came to work with me on September 30th, I was doing a hv that night and she weighed 39.7 KGS(87.34 pounds) yet was a wee bit wiggly on the scale; so is actually a bit more.

BHRR’s Storm came to work with me on September 30th – I was doing a hv that night and she weighed 46.3 KGs(101.86 pounds).

K. Coffin, ON, CDA

Hi Gwen,I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful evening on Saturday. I know there is a lot or preparation that goes into planning an event of this nature. You pulled it off without a hitch with the help of your husband, Sean and children.

I am really pleased that the fundraiser was so successful. It is nice to support such a wonderful organization and the work that you do at BHRR.

Looking forward to next year!


S. Coffin, ON

Hi Gwen

I just wanted to congratulate you on your heartfelt efforts in saving these forgotten and abused puppies. I had wonderful time meeting you and so many animal lovers, that greatly support this worthwhile cause.See you next year,

New CWW(Canine Water Wellness) Dates for our approved BHRR Volunteers to consider taking BHRR’s Apollo for a session if you are interested! Please email if you can assist! With our recent 3rd ANNUAL BHRR’s Boat Cruise/Dinner & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser; we can now afford to do another 5 -10 sessions for BHRR’s Apollo!!! YAY! If you would like to contribute to his CWW fund:

PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

Saturday October 9th – between 9 AM – 2 PM
Tuesday October 12th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Tuesday October 19th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Wednesday October 20th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Friday October 22nd – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Saturday October 23rd – between 9 AM – 2 PM
Monday October 25th – between 1 PM – 6 PM
Friday October 29th – between 1 PM – 6 PM

Due to an emergency with one of our own on Sunday/Monday – our EM Guinness; BHRR’s Frank’s neuter has been postponed from the 4th of October at this time. I will reschedule a new date when I am back at KAH which is Saturday. He just turned 8 months and there is no rush.

BHRR’s Bean’s bw came back from when we took it upon his arrival to BHRR and he is also battling an infection, the poor thing. He has now been put on Clavamox 375 mg 2 tablets BID for 7 days.Β  I have talked to one other Vet and two ortho specialists that I have utilized in the past in the USA and am still awaiting to discuss Bean’s case with Dr. Philibert. When I went to bed that night after his Vet appointment, I had many thoughts going through myΒ mind and my main focus and determination is to keep ‘objective’ about his case to ensure that what is best for him is done. I have been discussing quality of life, prognosis of surgery, his age, medical conditions etc. etc. etc. Thank you to everyone that has stepped up to donate to his cause!
WE ONLY NEED $270.00 MORE WITHIN THE NEXT 16 HOURS!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider donating to Bean’s cause!

*Saints* For Bean Fundraiser Page

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ OR to β€˜Gwendilin & Sean Boers’ for his Vet Bills with BHRR’s Apollo in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospital at (613) 836-2848 to pay on Bean’s Bill directly by Visa, AMEX or M/C – Bean’s bill is under the account name of β€˜ Birch Haven Rescue.’ Even $5.00 is not too little.

Luanne – Rusty-Dawg Pet Products

I’m sorry to hear about Bean’s diagnosis. But, I know he’ll do great because he’s with you! Hugs to Bean and to you for all your hard work and dedication! You’re great!

BHRR’s Frank came with me to work last night and weighed 44.6 KGs(98.12 pounds). He received a manicure/pedicure, was microchipped and had his last DAPP booster in addition to an exam and having presurgical bw done for his neuter. I have booked his neuter surgery for Monday October 4th, 2010 and should all go well, I believe that BHRR’s Frank shall be ready for adoption by the end of October 2010. I want quite a bit more time with him to best determine what home he would do best in yet right now, a home with at least one other dog for sure as he needs to become more in ‘tune’ with other dogs communication and not relying on BHRR’s Bean on that part and then being BHRR’s Bean’s crutch for Bean when it comes to ‘humans’. Frank is SOOOOOOOOOOOO social with humans and already better at coming out of his shell to be good about playing with the other dogs, yet BHRR’s Bean is still his main squeeze! He is still a bit unsure and reserved in instigating play with other dogs. IT is OK BHRR’s Frank….we will get there! They will not hurt you. Just as with his brother BHRR’s Bean, Frank is an awesome car traveller, did fantastic at KAH and was soooooooooo social with all. He lay upon his side as he received his DAPP booster just wagging his tail and doing his nails went great! His heart sounded great and his hips and joints were in excellent shape. Also, as with BHRR’s Bean, Frank has proven himself to not be 100% housebroken at this time and likes to go outside, pee a bit and then come in and find Sean’s shoes and finish the ‘job’. πŸ˜› BHRR’s Frank likes to climb on my leather furniture and so we are working on that! Frank also likes to counter surf and that is another thing in progress with his training. I do wish to say that both boys are excelling at their obedience and they are walking beautifully already on flat collars. I had no issues loading them up into the car and then out and then into the Hospital and then returning home with both. Until they came to BHRR, they were on prong collars and I was also told tied up outside. I only brought one ‘drool’ towel with me tonight and I should have made it a bath towel! LOL I am sooooooo enjoying having these Saint boyz at BHRR!

BHRR’s Frank – September 18th, 2010 – Day of arrival to BHRR

Here is BHRR's Bean's blog update post as of September 23rd, 2010 – Please consider helping!

The *SAINTS* For Bean Fundraiser page shall be dedicated to the ongoing fundraiser to assist us with raising the necessary funds to pay for Bean's Vet plus Rehab Bills. One estimate was $5,000.

You can donate by email transfer to or by PayPal(account is OR you can write a check/MO or Bank Draft out to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services' OR to ‘Gwendilin & Sean Boers' for his Vet Bills with BHRR's Apollo in the memo section and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospital at (613) 836-2848 to pay on Bean's Bill directly by Visa, AMEX or M/C – Bean's bill is under the account name of ‘ Birch Haven Rescue.' Even $5.00 is not too little.

In addition to what was written in the attached link, I wanted to say that BHRR's Bean is an awesome car traveller! At night he sleeps with his brother BHRR's Frank in our master bedroom without issue and has done crate with crate training too for he is not yet ready to be 'trusted' with full run of the house. He has also proven himself that he is not quite 100% housebroken for he will pee outside and then has been known to come in and do a 'walking' pee over as many dog beds as he can!  πŸ˜› He and BHRR's Lily Belle have become fast friends and BHRR's Lily Belle is so much more happy now for she has a new admirer! LOL

BHRR's Bean – September 19th, 2010

BHRR’s Albert is now feeling so much more comfortable around Sean plus the kids and that makes me so happy! He remains very much bonded to me and he is such a joy! What remains a ‘scary’ experience for him is when strangers come to BHRR. We did manage to see him come out for about 45 seconds or so late last night for a pee while BOD of BHRR member Mary was here and then he promptly scurried into his open crate again. I am going to post a picture below of Albert from June 14th, 2010. I love this boy! He will now respond to his ‘name’ more consistently and will even come outside for a very brief time when I call him and not just on his own volition. I truly wish people could see Albert as he is with me and now pretty much with my husband and kids yet he is not yet ready and so we continue with the baby steps. He will now also come out of his open crate when the TV is on and walk about the main floor area a bit!!!! HUGE! HUGE! HUGE! WTG Albert!

BHRR’s Albert – June 14th, 2010Β 

BHRR’s Frank and Bean arrived safely yesterday to BHRR. THANKS to BHRR BOD member Mary for transporting them from her area to BHRR on her way to the BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House. By the time I went to bed at 2:00 AM, they both had been fully intergrated with all the dogs here, 20 and did great. They are definitely attached to each other and it is BHRR’s Bean’s right hind leg that is the ‘concern’ and I have an appointment set up on Thursday September 23rd with one of my Vets to discuss. Both need to be neutered, micrcohipped(THANKS Mary for the donation of her ‘Ava Marie ONLINE Auction’ micrcochip winning) plus donating funds towards another micrcohip so that both will be chipped! They are a most interesting and delightful pair. They are soooooooooooo sweet and lovable. Both have their areas of confidence and both have their areas of insecurity. BHRR’s Frank is very human oriented and BHRR’s Bean is more quiet/bit reserved/unsure around humans. Franks tail wags nonstop and Bean’s is more half mast wagging. So, Bean needs a bit more confidence in that area. BHRR’s Bean is the more ‘Dora Explorer’ type whereas BHRR’s Frank much prefers to have a ‘human’ come along for the exploration with him. BHRR’s Bean loves loves loves playing with BHRR’s Lily Belle and she is already smitten with him for she senses the ‘conquest’ of another adoring Saint her way! LOL BHRR’s Frank prefers to more play with his sibling and both decided to ‘rock’ my house at 2 AM today with their spontaneous zooming throughout the main floor, moving my table and chairs every which way! πŸ˜› Both were very taken with Mary and though Mary spent the night here; I took both boyz into the masterbedroom with me and after only a brief time or two working on ‘convincing’ Frank that he is not to sleep on the bed and a couple of whines out of Bean, both had a superb night! They have proven themselves to date to be housebroken and BHRR’s Bean is much more comfortable peeing and it takes BHRR’s Frank a bit more time to ‘warm’ up to the idea outside. BHRR’s Bean had the better appetite and BHRR’s Frank is more picky and slow. No resourcing issues at this time either and BHRR’s Potter was excited about ‘fresh meat’ coming to BHRR as he just loves new friends! Multi CH. TAIN pouted as he was getting lower on the ‘baby’ list. BHRR’s Frank has tendencies towards miner SA behavours, so efforts are being made to not ‘enable’ him. They are both SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sweet though! BHRR’s Bean is taller and both have a slightly different coat type from each other as BHRR’s Frank is not quite smooth or rough coat. BHRR’s Bean is a smooth coat. Their colours and faces are also quite distinct from each other and within seconds I could tell them apart yet there were still about 10 people here from yesterday BHRR’s ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House when the Saints arrived that had some trouble remembering who was who! THANKS Chuck in helping us get them into the house!!!! Thanks as well to Mary in donating collars(red for Frank and black for Bean) to BHRR along with leashes AND the dog bed. THESE are already two very loved and spoiled Saints at BHRR. I konw it was hard for Mary to say good-bye and as I assured Mary, they will remember her when she is back in November, we are planning out last BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House which shall also be our 8th Secret Santa Event for the BHRR animals too! The other thing that I am going to be doing very soon is separating them for playdates for one cannot guarantee that they shall be adopted together – in fact, BHRR has only TWICE in its almost 15 years history adopted two animals together for we do not believe this to be a common ‘best interest’ practise for the animals and that it is a ‘rare’ event yet twice we have done it for we felt strongly that it was in those dogs best interest. We shall see what transpires as these two settle into BHRR. They also need nail trims badly and that is on zee agenda. We I shall be doing is posting playdates for anyone of our approved BHRR adopters to take one of them out on their own to get some time away from the other for they are way to dependent on each other right now. I have nothing wrong with close relationships yet they ‘lean’ on each other a bit too much to ‘boost’ them in their own areas of insecurity and we need to work on those areas independently to make them the best dogs they can be.Β  πŸ™‚ They are soooooooooooooo precious though! I cannot wait for the honeymoon period to be over for I can already see that each has their ‘own’ leader traits and goober personalities! Let the journey begin boyz!!! Welcome to BHRR! Between Sean & I, we have taken quite a few pictures yesterday and today and for now, I am going to post some in their slideshows as I am having some issue getting them inbeded into their blogs posts right now. LOVING these boyz…….AND oh…they are nowhere near as large as we were told they are……ball parking around 110 – 115 tops and I shall get weights when I have them in later this week. They are just babies…..and shall be bigger enough soon enough……let’s not rush things. AND, BHRR’s Frank could afford to lose a few pounds and BHRR’s Bean can afford to put on about 5-7 pounds right now. We will work on that.

BHRR is in its 3rd food crisis of 2010. We only have about 30 days worth of dog food left and we currently have 23 dogs under our authority between our BHRR Rescue/Rehabilitation Program, BHRR Adoption Program, BHRR Haven Dog Program & BHRR Foster/Perma-Foster Program.
BHRR is currently going through 600 pounds of dog food a month at a cost of a minimum of $825.00+ tax for the food.
Please consider donating to assist…. PayPal( or email transfer or check to ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

September 19th, 2010$262.24 Donated to Date & 1,422.50 pounds of dog food since August 2010

BHRR’s Lily Belle is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again as I am taking off the ‘PENDING HOLD.’ It was discovered that during the adoption application process that this home that had applied to adopt BHRR’s Lily Belle is not doing any routine regular veterinary care on their own current almost 7 year old dog and has not had any vaccines since 2006(4 years ago) or is even doing any titer testing, has not had a any heartworm testing nor has their dog ever been on heartworm preventative in their life. The last time the Vets had even examined their dog was in September of 2008(2 years ago) and BHRR cannot be assurd that if the home is not doing regular, routine and what we believe necesesary proactive and preventative vet care on their current dog; that we are going to be comfortable/confident that they shall be with one of ours. BHRR works very hard to place not only per best matched personality fit yet also to homes that are online with what we believe to be in the best interest of the dog(s) re: nutrition, vet care, training and exercise. This is why we have a very thorough application process and one of our questions specifically surrounds regular plus routine vet care with the animals. This situation is a great example of how a ‘home’ can appear to be one way on paper yet in going through the process, it is determined that what has been put on the application is not what is in fact acutally happening. May Lily Belle’s right forever loving home come along soon yet in the meantime, she shall remain with us at BHRR living the ‘high’ life and I know she is going to soooooooooo enjoy two more Saint Bernard puppies coming in to be her playmates for she deeply misses her two best friends BHRR’s Moose and Frost. AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION AGAIN!

BHRR’s Frank – 7 month old (born February 2nd, 2010) Saint Bernard Male. BHRR’s Frank is the littermate brother to BHRR’s Bean and both are expected to arrive to BHRR on Saturday September 18th. They are owner surrenders as their owners due to their owners finding themselves in a financial position of not being able to continue to care for them and to give BHRR’s Bean the Vet attention needed for that knee. The home was also not able to provide BHRR’s Frank with his last boosters. We have been told that Frank has proven to be good with children, women and men and likes to steal toilet paper rolls(he will fit right in with dogs like BHRR’s Dana, BHRR’s Potter & BHRR’s Porridge here!). Frank apparently likes to jump and loves to be with people. He has been living with a cat and wants to play and chase it. He has been good with his brother and plays with a Shih Tzu friend just fine as well. He does not have any resourcing issues and has no bite history. As I learn more I will update and add photos. Looking forward to meeting you BHRR’s Frank. I have an appointment set up for September 23rd for both boyz to come to KAH with me for exams etc. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!!

BHRR’s Bean – 7 month old (born February 2nd, 2010) Saint Bernard Male. We have been told that he has a bad right knee concern and at one point we were told it was a birth defect. BHRR’s Bean is the littermate brother to BHRR’s Frank and both are expected to arrive to BHRR on Saturday September 18th. They are owner surrenders as their owners due to their owners finding themselves in a financial position of not being able to continue to care for them and to give BHRR’s Bean the Vet attention needed for that knee. We have been told that he has proven to be good with children, women and men and likes to steal toilet paper rolls(he will fit right in with dogs like BHRR’s Dana, BHRR’s Potter & BHRR’s Porridge here!). He has been living with a cat and wants to play and chase it. He has been good with his brother and plays with a Shih Tzu friend just fine as well. He does not have any resourcing issues and has no bite history. As I learn more I will update and add photos. Looking forward to meeting you BHRR’s Bean. I have an appointment set up for September 23rd for both boyz to come to KAH with me for exams etc.

‘Bean’s *SAINTS*’ Fundraiser shall be created to assist us in raising the much needed support and funds to help him become healthy again. More details to come. We shall also be using funds raised during our 3rd Annual BHRR Boat Cruise/Dinner & Live/Silent Auction Fundraiser coming up on Saturday October 2nd (ONLY 6 tickets left!) to assist both BHRR’s Apollo with his CWW ‘Angels’ sessions and for BHRR’s Bean’s *SAINTS* Fundraiser.


T. Penfield, USA

i am so glad to see ava is ready for her forever home but i am going to cry my self to sleep when she dose i know it is best for her but i can’t help getting all choked up at the thought of not hearing about her and seeing new photos each week . i don’t know how you do it hat off to you for all you do


I came across your website and happen to read the “Reality” page. I can honestly tell you that I cried. Your organization is gold. I have a 3 year old GD female and I look at her and cannot even imagine how someone could treat an animal that way ? Those people should be punished to the full extent of the law and never allowed within 30 feet of an animal again. If it weren’t for organizations like yours these beautiful creatures would never have a chance at life. THANK YOU, you’re angels.

Names & Deaf Dogs

This is a post that I made on August 1st, 2009 on the blogs of the animals that were in our BHRR programs at that time. I feel compelled to re-post it here as a 'education and public awareness' opportunity.

I feel almost compelled to write this blog post for BHRR's Lil Linus and BHRR's Potter. I am not sure why people feel that a ‘deaf' dog does not need a need a name, because they are deaf. To me, that is like saying, we should not name our deaf children or address our hard of hearing or deaf elders anymore by name etc. A name is an identity and if one is living in a home with multi dogs; especially deaf one's(we live with 3 right at the present and our now almost 10.5+ year old Kona is almost deaf); using a dog's name is very important. When I do training, I train the dogs as individuals, small groups and in larger groups. If I am doing recall training, even in my larged fenced in yard; if I want Lil Linus or Soul to come to me, I use their ‘name'. If I want Potter(he is working on his name) to come over Soul or Linus; I signal his name. I am not in agreement with those that say that it is not important to name your deaf dog. While my dogs might have chosen different names if they could πŸ˜‰ ; their names are no less important to them or to me. When I signal Lil Linus`s name, his tail wags and the same applies to Soul and each knows when I am `speaking`to them over the other or if I am communicating to both. They are proud of their own identities and how it makes them feel unique and special just as each hearing dog feels unique and special with their own names. I find it hard to understand why people, especially those that say they are knowledgeable about deaf dogs etc., would feel that it means nothing to give a deaf dog a name and so a name is not important. To me, it is also a huge safety thing in regards to teaching emergency stops, recalls etc. They learn their names as much as they learn the `watch me`command; right from the get go. The other thing that I wish to address in regards to `deaf dogs`is that they do not HAVE to always go to a home that already has a hearing dog. That is also not necessarily true. Just as many hearing dogs do well in a home by themselves as the only dog; the same goes with deaf dogs. We have placed many a deaf dog as the only dog in the home and we have also placed many a deaf dog in a home that already has a deaf dog as their only dog. OWNING a deaf dog is not necessarily any harder than owning a hearing dog. My biggest piece of feedback when it comes to owning a deaf dog; is that one CANNOT be lazy. You cannot just `call out` to ask your dog to get their nose out of the garbage or to put that shoe down that they are walking off with it. That is why it is so important to teach them the `watch me`command. Deaf dogs learn equally as fast, if not faster than some hearing dogs and they are not dumb, stupid and not all deafies have visual impairments or health issues either. When it comes to Boxers; just as with Great Danes; `white`is not albino; that does not exist in these breeds. It is estimated that about 18-20% of all Boxers are white and they can be hearing or deaf and they make just as lovely and wonderful of pets as does their hearing counterparts. Each parent must carry for the `white`gene for it to be passed on to create a `white`boxer. As with Great Danes, many deaf boxers can be found having a lot of white about the face, head and ears. What bothers humans about dogs being deaf; does not bother the deaf dog. Dogs that are born deaf, do not know any different and dogs that lose their hearing as they are older, can also be taught hand signals(I teach them at all ages); touch training, light training, scent training and vibration training(we do not do vibration collars here) but use floors and door jams in order to continue to have a great quality of life in a world that no longer is `hearing`to them. 😎 I also teach a regular course that is specifically for owners and their deaf dogs; and just as I do in that course; I am going to state it here; education is key. 

The Gwennie! Comment of the Day:
"Ignorance is truly not bliss"

I am moving BHRR’s Lily Belle under a ‘PENDING ADOPTION’ until we determine if the application we are currently reviewing is the right matched home for her. Until we can ascertain if this is a best matched fit; BHRR will not be taking in any more applications nor inquiries on BHRR’s Lily Belle at this time. Thank you for your understanding and it should not take too long before a decision can be made. I am also adding two pictures taken from September 1st, 2010 of BHRR’s Lily Belle and her best of friends Frost, a GD pup around BHRR’s Lily Belle’s age that we were temp loving on for 5+ months and who left on Friday September 3rd after transport was arranged to send her back to her Breeder in the USA. Frost is missed very much at BHRR and is the great granddaughter of my own beloved RIP Maggi and great niece to my own beloved RIP Phantom. We were very blessed to have had the time we had with her. My intent is to bring BHRR’s Lily Belle into work with me one day next week to obtain a new weight on her. She is eating marvelously and is taller yet is still about 5-7 pounds less than I would like to see on her at this moment. She is quite active, drinking wonderfully, eating as mentioned marvelously and no diarrhea etc. and that weight shall continue to come. Her coat is just so soft and she is one affectionate girl and that ‘tongue’ protuding on her is simply adorable!

BHRR’s Lily Belle with Frost, 9+ month old GD & BHRR’s Lily Belle, BHRR’s Windsor & Frost – September 1st, 2010

BHRR’s Ava Marie had a great recheck appointment at LAH on Thursday. Thanks being publicly extended again to Barry for the assistance in getting her to her Vet appointment! The Vet thought her knee was good as is her other knee that was repaired on May 21s, 2010 and he did do a bit of draining on both knees and upon looking under the microscope, all was well, serum and soooooooooooooo, BHRR’s Ava Marie is now in the ‘all clear’ to not only have her *date* with the person who won this item as part of Ava Marie’s recent ONLINE Auction BUT….she is now officially ready to be placed as ‘AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION’. I literally find myself choked up with mixed feelings in reaching this point in her journey for the lessons, experiences, wisdom etc. that BHRR’s Ava Marie has extended my way during her time her at BHRR has just been incredible. This girl is full of the best heart, soul, acceptance, tolerance, patience, kindness and love that I have ever had the pleasure of encountering and of course, CANNOT forget those amazing velvety ears of hers! As with all the animals at BHRR, we are very protective of BHRR’s Ava Marie and she shall ONLY go to a home that is going to understand that she is my literal $10,000+ dollar girl yet in reality truly ‘priceless’. That she has had two very extensive surgeries on her knees, has battled an amazing weight loss, has significant arthritis in both of her knees and is not going to go to a home that is going to ‘pound’ the pavement with her, that is going to give time to icing her knees and massaging helps too(this part from Ava Marie!) and that her weight is going to be managed properly, that truly *sees* BHRR’s Ava Marie for who she is and not this ‘big ol’ Great Dane’ or a ‘broken’ dog for she is anything BUT! BHRR’s Ava Marie will make an incredible Therapy Dog and companion to almost any home. We would love to see her go to a home with one other dog(her best friend here is BHRR’s Apollo), yet a dog that is not going to be too much for her yet on the other hand, not a ‘pushover’ for BHRR’s Ava Marie has personality herself. This home must also understand that she might need more draining done on her knees in time and probably more than once. We are going to be very patient as we are with all of our adoptions for that right matched home for her and I am going to cherish each moment I have with her until it is her time to be adopted as this is one very incredibly special Great Dane. I truly do feel welled up inside that the time has come to think about us having to part ways and it is such a good thing for her and going to be a very very very sad time for me. Even one of the Vets tonight that I work with was just amazed at how fantastic she looked and how well she has done…GO BHRR’s AVA MARIE GO! Below is a picture that I took on September 1st, 2010. DOES she look marvelous! A waistline, muscle, toning and she can move! When I went to go to bed the other night, I was looking around for her as I say goodnight to each and every dog before I call it quits for the night myself and I could not find her! AND then I look closer on our king size bed, I thought it was Dyce’s rump yet it was hers. FOR those that have seen our master bedroom, this is no small feat to get up on that bed and here she was, laying on her side, snoring away(do not tell her that she snores!) and as comfortable as can be. She was not so pleased to see me ‘get her off the bed’ as there was not going to be room for me BUT to thinkg that she was able to get up on it in the first place is awesome! SOMETHING that would have been considered the ‘impossible’ back in March when she first arrived to BHRR. Now, she has not gone back up since for she was most ‘put out’ by my actions.Β  πŸ˜› AND when I try to encourage her to come up for a cuddle, she turns her head aside in a pout and slowly turns away to lay with great effort and many loud sighs on one of the dog beds…LOL What a character! I just adore her…..

BHRR’s Ava Marie & BHRR’s Ava Marie with BHRR’s Potter – September 1st, 2010

A deep heartfelt thank you being sent out to Barry, one of BHRR’s BOD members for offering to take BHRR’s Ava Marie to her recheck appointment with Dr. Liston tomorrow for 2:30 PM. Barry is visiting from the east coast and it shall be my only quick opportunity to say a personal hello to him in passing during his time here as we meet up to send BHRR’s Ava Marie off with him for her appointment.

ISO: BHRR Volunteer(s) to assist me in getting BHRR’s Ava Marie to a recheck Vet Appointment plus to have both of her knees drained at LAH – Liston Animal Hospital on Thursday September 9th – can schedule anytime between 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Please email:

Unfortunately, both of her knees shall need to be drained and should we have a ‘great’ recheck appointment, within the next couple of weeks; BHRR’s Ava Marie should be ready to be placed up for adoption!

ISO: BHRR Volunteer(s) to assist me in getting BHRR’s Apollo to extra CWW sessions on any of the following dates/times:

Thursday September 9th – Anytime between 3 PM – 7:00 PM
Monday September 13th – Anytime between 10 AM – 2 PM
Thursday September 16th – Anytime between 3 PM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday September 21st – Anytime between 3 PM – 7:00 PM
Thursday September 23rd – Anytime between 3 PM – 7:00 PM
Saturday September 25th – Anytime between 9 AM – 2 PM

Please email if you can assist!

Diane, Ottawa, ON, CDA

Hello Gwen,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly and for your kind invitation which I will so gladly accept.I look forward to seeing you and to actually meet your Danes that I have read about on your site – from the mischievous “Diva” Shiva to the quiet Storm – you write so well that I feel as though I already know them.

Thank you again for your time.

Kindest regards,

Diane, Ottawa, ON, CDA

Good Evening Gwen,

I was wondering if you have any plans on having another open house in the next little while? If yes, I would be very interested in stopping by and meeting with you and your beautiful ‘brood’.

I would also like to say that the work and the effort and the love you put into these sweet and gentle dogs is almost overwhelming to read. Any dog that is unfortunate enough to find him or herself without a home, would be so fortunate to find their way to yours…..

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards,

Adopting vs Buying – Definitions

The Gwennie! Comment of the Day:

One does not 'ADOPT' from a Breeder, one BUYS/PURCHASES and one 'ADOPTS' from a Rescue
-Please do ensure that you are doing your research so that you are supporting ONLY reputable/quality rescue organizations/Breeders. There is no excuse for 'ignorance' in this day and age of such amazing technology to knowingly be aware of what 'right' over 'wrong' is and then to still go out there and purchase or adopt from a disreputable place.

For more information on researching and 'red' flags; please visit my Marmaduke Effect Blog.

With the wonderful support of two wonderful Volunteers, I am able to get in 2 extra sessions at CWW this week for BHRR’s Apollo! THANK YOU! We have had $315.00 donated to date to assist us at BHRR in paying for his sessions at Canine Water Wellness and we are planning at least 2 more at this time. BHRR will do as many sessions as required to help us in ensuring that we do not have to amputate that leg and we might have to do as many as 20 or more for the momentum derived from attending these sessions has greatly assisted Apollo’s β€˜AT BHRR’ rehabilitation program with the obstacle work, Hydro work, sand and hill work in addition to his massage plus chiropractic treatments we are doing here with/for him.
Regular Pricing For 10 HydroTherapy Sessions at CWW is: $599.99+tx

Please consider assisting! PayPal(account or email transfer to or a check to β€˜Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ and mail to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

I have also added photos #18 – #25 to his slideshow and am putting two of them below. These are from August 21st, 2010 after one of his extra CWW sessions and he was back hanging out with myself and my fellow staff members. He also got to play with one of the Vets Doberman and one of the most amazing cats I have ever met, Romeo!

August 21st, 2010 – Romeo the Cat & BHRR’s Apollo

I am also looking for BHRR Approved Volunteers to assist me with taking BHRR’s Apollo to an extra session during the following date/times:

Tuesday September 7th – Anytime between 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

I brought BHRR’s Ava Marie in to work with me today at KAH. Around 1:30 AM – 2:00 AM today; I noticed that her ‘good’ leg – the right one that had the ACL repair surgery back on May 21st, 2010 have a large odd shaped lump. I felt it and it looked almost like a really bad blown vein yet I knew that was not it and thought at one point it could have been an allergic reaction to something like a spider bite yet that did not seem right either and checked her temperature and it was normal and she was acting herself. I made an appointment first thing today for her and by the time we got to KAH; the large odd shaped lump was no longer ‘squishy’ yet very hard to the touch. That indicated to me that it is most likely fluid of some sort and the Vet confirmed this by doing an aspirate. It was synovial fluid and looked clear and did not appear to be infected yet the Vet had it spun down and looked more closely at it. The diagnosis is that by all the compensation that BHRR’s Ava Marie has had to do on this leg due to recovering from her leg leg ACL repair surgery(and we took the sutures out today while we were there…what a great girl!); that she developed a small tear and it was leaking. The Vet was not concerned that this would indicate any impact on her ACL and we discussed that most likely that Ava Marie will need to have this drained again in the future and possibly more than once. This is the leg that Dr. Liston drained a seroma from when I brought her in for a recheck and to remove her staples. The odd thing was as per the blog post that I made that the seroma was below the knee and it occured many days after her surgery. I am soooooooooooo relieved that we are not looking at anything more serious and the Vet felt so bad for Ava Marie with her very swollen knees with the arthritis. The Vet also could not believe that Ava Marie was 2 years old as she is so calm, well mannered and quiet. πŸ˜€ NOR with how amazing she was with all that poking, prodding that had to be done on her knees. I cannot stress enough about how incredible this Dane is!!!! Every time I took Ava Marie outside or when another person did, she just wanted to get into my truck to come home…..she just has been at the Vets far too many times and she just wanted to come home. WELL, we are home now and she is resting comfortably in the triage area and I will take her to LAH when Dr. Liston is back from holidays for a final ‘sign off’ on that leg and we will monitor her closely in case she needs more drainage. At this time, she will not be going up for adoption when we first anticipated she would as we want her as healthy as possible. Her weight today was 70.3 KGS(154.66 pounds) and she looked PERFECT for her size/age at this time. She is going to do some more filling out over the next year but she is right where I want her to be for the moment and gosh, she is stunning!

I have added a new picture to BHRR’s Koop’s slideshow #22 and it was taken on August 23rd, 2010. I measured him tonight and he was 34″ at the whithers. I need to get an updated weight on him! He is tall, lanky, lean and so muscled. AND his skin feels so silky smooth to the touch. In just a few days, he shall be turning 1 and so many find it hard to believe that he is still at BHRR. There was just a recent discussion about this on my FB wall and there has been many a comment in regards to what has come BHRR’s way in inquiries about Koop over this very topic. We receive quite a few inquires on BHRR’s Koop and often they follow these lines ‘I would be so interested in Koop if it were not for his eyes’. AND then when I respond back asking for them to elaborate; I am told that it is the ‘spacing’ between his eyes that makes them ‘freaked out’ and ‘scared.’ I am like “HALLO?” ‘HUH”? ‘What about his lovely eyes?’ Well, that just means that BHRR’s Koop is not meant for them and in fact, it means that NO BHRR animal is meant for them and we will not even entertain the idea of accepting an application once that has been brought to our attention. Just when one thinks they have ‘heard’ it all and I have been in these trenches almost 25 years now….OMG! Well, BHRR’s Koop, we love your eyes and your eye spacing is just fine and we remain patient of that right matched forever loving home to see you for WHO you are and when that day comes; we will be so joyous for you! His closest friends are my Bluez Boyz…the three muskateers of mishief makers! LOL He is soooooooooooo affectionate now and no longer that half wild creature that came to BHRR.

BHRR’s Koop and his WONDERFUL Eyes/Eye Spacing – August 23, 2010

BHRR’s Ava Marie had a bit of a set back on Tuesday. She was feeling a bit fiesty and tried to ‘trot’ from the master bedroom to the main floor area and did not quite make the corner and hit her healing knee on the wall frame. She went down and the sounds she was making just ripped through my heart. I initially thought she had caused herself serious damage.Β  πŸ˜₯ I was right behind her yet had not been quick enough to get her collar to ‘force’ her to slow down. Idid manage to get her to the triage area – just a few feet away and she did not weight bear on the leg at all. I gave her a Deramaxx 100 mg, monitored her closely and looked the leg over and was one step away from calling one of her Vets as she was still whimpering a bit and I realised that she ‘scared’ herself more than anything else. For sure, it had to have hurt like the dickens yet the whole thing scared her more than it hurt and after much loving and some rest; she was all up for her breakfast(when Ava Marie does not eat, YOU know something is wrong) and had her antibiotics(we have kept her on a longer course and moved her to Clavamox 375 mg) and she was up to going out for a pee. I spent a good part of my AM, watching her and in a heartbeat I would have brought her in if I suspected anything wrong and will continue to monitor yet things seem back to norm. It shall be two weeks on Friday since her surgery and I shall remove her sutures at that time and bring her in next week for a recheck at LAH(Dr. Liston himself is away on vacation until September 7th or so) and I might wait until he is back to get his official ‘sign off’ on her leg. After that, a couple more weeks of rehab work at BHRR and then BHRR’s Ava Marie should be ready to be placed up for adoption AND even saying those words just ‘catches’ at me BUT it is what we do here and I know so many are going to miss her, so whomever adopts her; please stay in touch! πŸ˜€ This amazing dream of a Great Dane has touched the hearts of many across the world. I am adding a photo below of her leg from August 23rd and shall also add it to her ‘Ava’s Action Assistance Fundraiser‘ Page. We are still awaiting the collection on ONE item from her ONLINE Auction and when we have that sorted out; we will post the grand total raised between her ONLINE Auction and donations made direct to her account during that time. Ava Marie also decided about three nights ago that she was SO DONE with the triage area for sleeping at night and made her way to the master bedroom, settled herself on one of the dog beds and turned her head to the wall, refusing to look at me in case I was going to ask her to go back to the triage area! LOL No, you do not have too Ava Marie! AND, when I came home from dropping the wee ones at daycamp, who was all snuggled on one of our leather couches with BHRR’s Potter??? NONE other than Ava Marie herself! AND she looked very settled in and was making no move to get off in a hurry! LOL Silly girl! NO LEATHER RULE here at BHRR Missy!Β  πŸ˜›

BHRR’s Ava Marie – August 23rd, 2010 – 10 days post-op

BHRR’s Apollo had his 6th session yesterday with me at CWW and I hoping that we can get at least another 4 sessions in, possibly up to another 14, whatever Apollo needs and I am looking at the following dates at this time should any of our BHRR approved Volunteers might be willing to step up and help me bring him to some extra sessions.

Monday August 30th – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Tuesday August 31st – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Friday September 3rd – A time between 3 PM – 5 PM
Saturday September 4th – A time between 8 AM – 2 PM

The other thing that I am looking for are BHRR approved homes that have carpeted stairs – not a steep angle or slope that we can get BHRR’s Apollo doing some ‘stair’ work. We are a bungalow built into a hill and we have some wide sweeping steps going up the outside to our home yet not what I am looking for and also only have a few steps into the entrance way to the house. So, if anyone has this type of set-up and would be open to having BHRR’s Apollo(I am optional! LOL) to come and visit to do some controlled stair rehab/therapy; please do email. Any of the dates above would be ideal. THANKS!

Deby, NewMarket, ON

My complete respect to you and your family for the work you are doing, perhaps I can visit you at some point. I am just completing a dog training certification and will volunteer my services in whatever area you need as an experienced Dane owner.PS I love Dana’s energy!

All the best,

BHRR’s Truman is expected to arrive to BHRR the week of August 23rd, 2010. He is about 10.5 months of age, neutered, utd on shots and a Merlequin GD. I am told that he is destroying plus chewing things. The home is also expecting a baby. As I learn more, I shall update his bog. NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR’s Truman – 10.5 months of age

BHRR’s Apollo had another great session at CWW today! He has another session tomorrow and thank you to the Volunteers that have offered to take him on August 28th for another session. That means he shall have two at CWW next week and YAY!