We have made the decision that BHRR’s Skye shall be moving to our BHRR Haven Program. We believe this to be in her best interest.

We have made the decision that BHRR’s Big Ben is going to move to our BHRR Haven Program. We feel it is in his best interest.

Here is a photo of BHRR’s Rubble and one of his ‘fav’ humans, Gail at our 5th ANNUAL ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS THANK YOU POTLUCK’ for Pooch/People yesterday!

Another amazing event! Almost 40 people in attendance and great times, memories, food plus conversations!


BHRR’s Maple’s histio/pathology report

AND then there were none!

Today was our last BHRR approved adoption of 2016 and it was for the last of our BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 born April 14th, 2016!

BHRR’s Corbin, aka ‘Corbie’ aka Mason’s ‘Care-Bear’ was ADOPTED today!

Thank you to his wonderful new forever loving Adoptive family for going through our thorough adoption process and opening up your lovely home today for this home-visit. Thank you to Gail for assisting Mason & I at this home-visit.

Makes such drives as this – 5 hours on the way down and much longer as we plug our way through some pretty nasty snow and traffic – so worthwhile!

BHRR’s Corbin, we shall miss you as we do all of your now adopted siblings yet, we look forward to updates and pictures as you go through these next chapters of your most beautiful life!

This is ‘George’, BHRR’s Corbin’s new ‘big brother’ and Corbie also has two cat siblings, rabbits and birds also.

Tears of missing you shed yet tears of happiness also……letting go is never easy….for we adore all of our BHRR dogs!

The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 now live from Edward to Richmond Hill, Ontario. In our hearts always they shall be and Mama Marbles also.

Mason, you should feel so proud! I know I am of you and this litter that you helped whelp.



WOW! What a day!!

Will make a separate ‘Gwennie Novel’ post re: the most incredible and amazing Santa Paws Event today at Pet Valu Stittsville THANKS to so many! Just so heartwarmed by today’s blast of an event!

This post is to say that we are now all settled into our room for the night after a long though mostly pleasant traffic drive of almost 5 hours!

BHRR’s Puppy Pile Corbin has settled back into hotel life like a charm! Suppose he remembers his October travel trip when his brother BHRR’s Ross was adopted

Tomorrow is our last home-visit of the year(our annual shutdown begins on the 16th for adoption approvals) for a possible approved adoption and we shall update all as we can!

Good night wishes from us to all of our friends and family!



Please keep this sweet beauty in your best wishes today!

BHRR’s Maple is in for an urgent surgery this AM for a sudden mass biopsy and possible removal(Her vet may wait to see the histio/pathology results first of the biopsy).

She weighed 113.52 pounds when I had her in for a needle biopsy, exam and bloodwork late last night. 10 cc’s drained until BHRR’s Maple became too uncomfortable. Acellular results.

Her approved foster home reached out to us last weekend to say that she had a small lump and were going to take her to their own Vet for addressing later that week.

I then received a call on Tuesday night to say that the ‘lump’ was much bigger. I drove immediately after work to pick BHRR’s Maple up and then had her in to see one of our Vets.

This was not a lump. It is a substantial mass – measured at over 4″ in length and it is along her mammary chain.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is also here today as his ortho specialist(unfortunately, they had to cancel his last two apt.) is going to re-examine his leg again as part of his continued follow-up plan with Kaos. His ortho specialist was last leaning towards more surgery to scope that knee again and possibly do a TPLO yet one step at a time!

Will update as we can……

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Someone is now 6 MONTHS of age!

Thank you Andrea and Maira!

We remain working hard behind the scenes on this…do not want to jinx anything…..hoping for some serious confirmation on things….and soon….

Will follow-up again tomorrow on this…..

Happy 6 month Birthday *Jack*!


Someone had an awesome play date today!!! BHRR’s Abby (7.5 years old) on the right.  

Thank you Steev for being such a good boy and sharing your humans with BHRR’s Abby today!!

From what I have been told, she had a good run at a dog park  , may or may not have had a piece of ‘bacon’  , watched a movie and had a nice snooze!! Sounds like such a wonderful day!

I am truly forever indebted to those that have taken her out on play dates over the past few weeks! This is her third date in the last month and I think they are going to her head for boy was she ever feisty this AM!!  Steev was just happy to have a friend and BHRR’s Abby was at first a crotchety vocal gal wanting all the human attention on her yet she settled down nicely!!

Got to love her spunk!



BHRR’s Giselle!
December 2nd, 2016

Not the best photo yet it is so dark and gets dark early these days! 🙁

She had her latest recheck tonight and is up another 3 kgs! WTG! She weighs just over 110 pounds now.

Each time we go in, she is better and better and more relaxed and stable. SO proud of her!

Tonight, she even walked on to the scale herself!

Her back feet are so much better…her front feet are better yet still red/raw and a bit swollen.

Her coat is coming in so nice and shiny! Her Vet made a lovely comment re: that! She still has some big area’s on the back of her neck and head that are still quite bald and pink and her Vet is putting her back on Ketoconazole 200 mg – 1.5 tablets SID for another 3 weeks.

So much more could be done to her this time around….she was so much happier and more comfortable and also in feeling better, her tail wags so much more – more than one comment about how strong and like a whip it is!

We were able to draw blood without issues for her Accuplex(Heartworm/Tickborne disease testing) and pre-op bw to spay her.

When she is spayed, we will do biopsies on some of the countless 1 mm bumps she has between her toes on the underside.

Both ears were able to be so much better and thoroughly looked at this time and her right ear is looking good…the left ear required more antibiotics.

Both eyes also were able to be more thoroughly looked at – fluroscein eye stain was once again applied to the left eye and this time also to the right eye as she was so good about allowing things to happen!

Both eyes do not have ulcers and she does have entropion that we will look into further for possible surgical intervention. When she is sedated for her spay, a much better look can be made on them.

She also remains on a fish based food to help her skin.

Whatever she needs….she will have….

She is a gorgeous ‘hot mess’ yet less of one than she was the day that she first arrived and at her last recheck.

This girl once she is ready – her obedience is coming along nicely and she is trusting more and more – is going to make a right matched forever loving home the best of additions!

She is full of personality as noted again by the staff tonight, a woman who knows her own mind, opinionated, strong willed, affectionate, a real ham, a bit of a comedienne, a no half measure kind of gal, uber loyal, quirky and will keep anyone on their toes!

She will need an experienced home full of that right positive balanced consistency, structure, obedience and a big dosing of love! She has so much still to learn about helping hands, not neglectful hands…..

AND, the Vet admired just how much more muscle mass and strength that she has in her hind end now….even from her last recheck visit!

While we have a long way still to go with this beautiful gal, she is making so much progress…

Changing a lifetime of neglect and undersocializing will not happen overnight….



BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 16th, 2016 to Tuesday January 3rd, 2017 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Wednesday January 4th, 2017!

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

BHRR’s Steam had her annual tonight and was a wee bit plump at 11.3 kgs( 24.86 pounds). Miss Steam likes to scrounge for food dropped or missed by the ‘big dawgs’. I would like to see her lose 1-2 pounds.

We have a new protocol in place that she has to stay in a crate until not only is she done eating yet all the other dogs are finished and we ensure that all missed kibbles are picked up!

All of us remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find her!

She is a HUGE hit with all that meet her!!! Miss Social! 😀

My last post of my night!

On behalf of BHRR’s Eragon, he wishes to say to all that he is settling in so well…. 🙂

He is eating better than when he first arrived and taking his de-worming medication like a pro! He has also been placed on Revolution and has been such a good boy in so many ways!

He wags his tail when he sees me first thing each AM and that melts my heart. His crate training has been awesome!

His muzzle and mouth are scabbing over nicely from the damage of the muzzle and in this picture you can see the special Secret Santa gift that was mailed to him! True Canadian Love! 😀 A second picture of the collar is in the thread. 🙂

His anxiety / stress levels are still ever present yet now brewing right under the surface, not spilling over any longer and we are so careful to make sure that it does not overflow…we are working on teaching him that his own company is ok, that he can self-soothe and comfort himself without a human doing it for him and he is responding wonderfully!

He gets his alone time and he gets plenty of time with us and he has made friends with BHRR’s Ani, Jigsaw and BHRR’s Bell to date. 🙂

He has shown zero issues towards any of the dogs here and we are taking it slow and easy with him. We take our cues from him….

What I love so much about him is how he digs and pushes his head right into you…..he leans and leans and leans some more!

I cannot wait for the time to come that his eyes no longer carry fear, confusion and uncertainty and carry mischief, confidence and happiness. He has given me so much in trust and acceptance in such a short time already. Thank you Eragon! We have so much to show you in helping hands over hurting hands….

No new auction items to be added today to our 9th ANNUAL ‘Just In Time For Xmas’ online auction yet BHRR’s Eragon is hoping that many will consider checking out link below to view the 94 items we currently do have up for grabs!!!

Auction ends Thursday December 1st @ 9 PM EST! I will work on adding the final 4-5 items that we have tomorrow!

Best night wishes from our home to all of yours!


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BHRR’s Baby Kaos really was a crowd drawer yesterday at our last Community Education & Public Awareness Event of 2016! He was literally bringing people into the store and stopping traffic! LOL

Thank you to Aaron for the photo’s!

He has had two recent appointments scheduled with his ortho specialist re: that leg/knee and twice unfortunately, they had to cancel them.

We are trying to determine is ‘this the best’ that it is going to for BHRR’s Kaos and place him up for adoption or does his ortho team wish to do more surgery. His ortho specialist has wanted him to grow and mature first being a Giant Breed Dog before making that final determination and now at this point, his ortho specialist has said this November 10th.

“I think ultimately we should re scope his knee to assess the cruciates and the rest of the joint and possibly do a tplo since we are not making much progress.  But lets have another look at him first.”  

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I hope that everyone shall understand that no new auction items shall be added tonight to our 9th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction. The link is below for those wishing to view and possibly bid on the great 74 items currently up for grabs!

*Eragon* has to be my priority right now and he wishes all of his supporters and fans a good night!!!

He wants to say that he is a bit stressed and worried yet is going to the bathroom and has even explored part of the 3+ fenced in yard with BHRR’s Ani by his side He says that he is being brave and is a really good boy….

He wants to thank all of you for being so kind and supportive to him and his previous O.

The muzzle has left some deep and slightly infected marks on his muzzle and mouth. They are all cleaned up and in conversing with one of our Vets, they recommended to see how things go over the next 24 hours or so.

He is also now in a Peachy Keen collar that one of our other BHRR doggies was happy to lend him until he has his own comes in the mail thanks to Margaret G.!



I have him!

Just leaving now…

Yes, he is in a prong collar and a muzzle that his Owner had on him when I came to meet them. What was and is most important is minimising the stress on him and the Owner during this rescue.

These two items are what he is used to and what his ‘comfort’ zone is for him right now due to his high level of anxiety and past set up for failure history….

BHRR is not here to judge anyone and believe me when I say that good people have to give up their dogs sometimes, that they are truly often only trying to do the best they can and that this Owner loved him this much to give him a better life touches me deeply….

This is truly a tough and rough situation on several fronts and only posts of support and kindness are encouraged and needed…

When we are home, we will transition out of the prong and muzzle and get him settled in.

Welcome to BHRR *Eragon*

Additional Information:
He is visually impaired….noted that first thing in one of his photo’s sent my way….he sees more than than well enough though. As for hearing, he hears yet will determine how much etc….

This is the Dane that was abused by the O.’s ex-landlord – taunted, poked/hit was sticks, punched – and even punched in the face and yelled/screamed at.

That is just one part of this boys sad past…

We may give him a new name for a new beginning.

The O. moved a couple of months ago and is in a new place, an apartment with three giants. The ex landlord is only one of two rough/tough situations that this sweet boy has gone through….

This boy cannot be failed again….there is already a court order that he remain on leash in public and no one less than 16 handles him. I am awaiting the court paperwork for him. So, he shall remain a BHRR Haven dog.

He comes from a home with two children – one is a wonderful autistic teen and the other a small adorable munchkin and *Eragon* was amazing with them both….amazing.

He was great with me from the moment I met him….and has been fine with Sean also.

A truly tragic series of things have happened that he is now with us….

He needs manners/obedience and to feel safe and his O. has done all she could to make it happen for him…he has a high level of anxiety and he needs time to just relax….de-stress and we will work to build him back up…

He will have distractions of other doggie friends here, an outlet of trails and three plus acres to play and run in and that will also help him release a lot of pent up emotions/energy…

He is a lovely boy….and quirky and we are blessed to be here to help him become the best dog he can be…he is mighty fine in his own right already!

Consistency, structure, routine, obedience, stability and a big huge dosing of love…

We will work on him learning about helping caring hands and not hurting hands…

Our journey is just beginning together…

No human is perfect, no dog either and as someone who has worked in these rescue trenches for decades, we are not here to judge…we are here to help and this O. made a huge sacrifice in letting *Eragon* go…to give him this new life.

Until we walk in the shoes of this O., we have no right to judge….for those who know me, I have a big interpersonal human space bubble and when I left, I actually hugged the O.

That speaks volumes…


Gentle Reminder!

We are at Pet Valu Hazdeldean this Saturday November 26th from 10 AM – 4 PM for our last community education and public awareness event of 2016!

We are looking at bringing BHRR’s Kaos, BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Whisper for our famous Red Carpet Pooch Smooch Sessions!

We will be doing nails, ear cleanings and dog baths – ALL inside too!

More details in poster!



Today was the day that I was suppose to do the evaluation/assessment on the brindlequin male *Eragon* yet Sean was moving the car so he could plow after the 25 cms of snow was received and it slid right into the fence…. 🙁

We are rescheduled for tomorrow…..


BHRR’s Abby had another wonderful spoiling play date today – with the same lovely home that took her out last weekend!


They bought her a new collar (the purple one!) and she got to visit with Santa at one of the Pet Valu’s! She went for a lovely stroll and also visited a Global Pet Foods. Thank you to this home for their time, and love given to her! Every time I offer to pay for things, they decline…so generous of them.

BHRR’s Abby saw rabbits at Pet Valu as New Moon Rescue was in attendance and the once prey driven Dane was curious only.

She took a long time in our own home yet she did become good with the guinea pigs we had.

We still highly recommend a NO Cat home though for her!

As a side note, this girl and like all of our other BHRR dogs do NOT reside in a kennel or cage. They are loved and treated as beloved cherished members of our home and those of our approved temp foster homes.

She and all of our BHRR dogs will only be adopted to an approved right matched fit home only.

Just because she has waited patiently for so long, us too, does not mean that we are desperate to adopt her out.

This amazing home has indicated that they are open to taking her out again on December 3rd for some more special time.
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This is *Eragon*. He is an unaltered Brindlequin Male Great Dane. ~2 years of age.

Circumstances have recently risen that has put his O. into the tough position of having to re-home him.

We have been informed that he was abused by a past landlord of the O. – poked with sticks, taunted and yelled at. An understandable nervous/fearful boy, Eragon is.

We have also been told about an incident that happened with him about three months ago and we have been trying to learn as much as we can….

His O. wants what is best for him and we were contacted to see if we could assist.

We will update as we know more.

Pictures sent from his current O.


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Someone went on a special spoiling play date today! I heard that PetSmart was just one of the lovely places BHRR’s Abby visited today! She also was at Cocomutts. With the cold temps this AM, she did not get a bath and so as she loves ‘overseeing’ the horses being fed grain and hay, this home had her groom zoomed and wiped down on one of her adventures today.

Thank you to this amazing home for taking her out AND to all that have been sharing her from my post earlier this week!!

Her weight today was 111.10 pounds. Which is awesome! Still a wee bit plump but we are getting there. That means she has lost 6.6 pounds since she was last weighed. Too many treats being given at her approved temp foster and when she came back to us, it was a weight loss program/regime for her.

This home is going to take her out again for another spoiling outing next Saturday too. Thank you!

No applications yet received for this BBBBB yet her photo has now been shared 57 times from our post earlier this week!


I would like to post about BHRR’s Abby! She is one of our absolutely gorgeous BBBBB’s.

Abby is also extra special as November is Adopt A Senior Month. We are hi-lighting her in the hopes that people may share her photo/story and that her forever loving adoptive home finds her!

She is a stunning 7 year old Great Dane that unfortunately is still awaiting so patiently as we are too, for her forever loving adoptive home to find her…she has been waiting since July of 2013 and we have not had one single adoption application received for her…. Not a single one.

Sadly, Abby has several deeply misplaced myths about her….she is a big black dog so the BBDS( Big Black Dog Syndrome) follows her wherever she goes. How unfortunate. Black is such a beautiful colour, big is beautiful also and she is anything but ‘common’.

She is also now a Senior and so many people have such wrong misconceptions about Senior dogs, especially giant Senior dogs. Just because she is 7 does not mean she is on her deathbed. She is active and healthy. My own Senior Great Dane is going strong at almost 9.5 years of age and BHRR’s Abby could well live to she is 10, 11 or older. Yes, Danes can and do live longer than what so many erroneously believe….I have had three live to almost 13.

You do not know love until you have had the love of a Senior dog…she is excellent with her house & leash manners, housebroken, obedient, affectionate, playful, kind, great with other dogs(NO cats!) and where once she did not like smaller dogs, she lives in complete harmony with 23 pound BHRR’s Steam and 10 pound Sir-Bounce-A-Lots. She travels great in a car, loves walks on the beach, sunrises and sunsets, cottage life, watching movies on the couch and likes people of all ages. She is kind, quiet and gentle and I adore the *frosting* on her face!

To learn more about BHRR’s Abby, here is her detailed blog. Please scroll to the very bottom and read upwards, skipping over any posts not related to her journey, ie fundraising posts

AND here is a small testimonial from a home who had a special picnic play date with her.

“Abby is wonderful, gentle and affectionate. I can’t believe she is not adopted. Abby’s leash manners are fantastic, she is such a pleasure to take for a walk ????

Thanks to all who may consider sharing BHRR’s Abby’s picture….

21 degrees out today and someone is having a nice snooze after a great walk/hike! Or rather on our walk/hike!! 😀

BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff you make my heart melt, you are such a a mushball to all you trust!!

Could not ask for a better dog in how he gets along with the other dogs…he is so awesome!! No issues with the horses either.

He is even superb with my three month old wolfie, Brogan. He continues to learn ‘gentle’ and ‘baby’ and his self-control is coming along wonderfully! He has really started to play with me these last few days and what a ham!!

AND I continue to have to dodge those big club paws to avoid further fat lips, crooked glasses etc! LOL He is a real character and so sad that strangers shall never experience this side of him….

He is now almost 11 months of age and his breeding is ever present with strangers. As he has learned more obedience with positive balanced structure, with that has also come a more relaxed attitude from him.

He remains extremely territorial over our home and just instinctively doing what he was bred to do.

He is also more affectionate with Sean yet still cautiously wary where Mason is concerned.

He is such a good boy, and we focus on what he needs, work to help him reach his full potential and never set him up for failure…

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BHRR’s Giselle was at the Vet last night for her recheck appointment. October 21st, 2016.

She travelled wonderfully in the car!

She has been putting on much needed muscle mass and weight. Her Vet commented so nicely on her stacked muscles in her thighs and hind end now!

She was a lot easier to handle to get a weight on for this is one strong minded girl and what Giselle does not want to do, Giselle makes it very clear she does not want to do it! We have to compromise on some things, yet for others we have to *work* through for if she *wins*, it will be only harder moving forward. She is not scared….she just does not wish to do things unless it is her idea….so, it was a very long appointment last night but she had treats and praise and even a nap during the exam/visit and she wagged her tail and kept us on our toes also!! This visit was so much better and more thorough than her last one and the next one shall be even better.

She no longer has issues going in her crate – she loves it! – or putting a leash on or off and does not try to lip curl or mouth. We have worked through so much with her and while we have a long journey still ahead, really proud of her!!

She has clearly used intimidation in the past and thrown her weight around and huffed and puffed to make sure that she was not touched. She is still very sensitive around her head and face and I wish she could talk to tell me what happened to her prior to rescue. The better her ears and skin and eyes feel, make it also easier to touch plus handle her.

We have been able to give her, her very first nail earlier this week and get a good ear cleaning in too.

Last night at the Vet her eyes are still infected so we are continuing treatment with them and went home with two more medications for them. The Vet also did a fluroscein eye stain to rule out an ulcer in the left eye. The right eye could not be properly examined and we will re-visit. She is so good at closing those eyes shut tight and getting her head into a position making it difficult to examine them yet, the Vet had an excellent look into the left eye to start.

Her one ear (left) is very yeasty and KT ear treatment was used over having to stress her out applying not just eyes meds yet also daily ear meds. We were able to get an ear cytology done on this ear. The right ear has just been filled with so much wax when she arrived into rescue and is now super clean with all of the efforts made since she arrived.

She has come a long way from her first Vet visit in being able to handle her and we got a really great look at her sore feet/pads. This was not fully possible when she first arrived. They are raw and swollen and red.

Her bacterial skin infection has now been resolved! Yay! She has new hair growth in many places on her body and now we have to tackle the big yeast problem her body is experiencing. Her Vet is ordering in a special product for her to help. I had never heard of it and this is the first time her Vet is going to use it and when I am back to work, I will look it up in her file.

Her UTI has also resolved plus the suspected sarcoptic mange has been treated and all of the urine burns have healed!

She remains on a special diet to ensure that none of her problems are due to food allergies. We will trial other foods when she is no longer battling all of the other medical issues she is.

She had been proactively / preventatively treated and de-wormed and will bring in a fresh stool sample to be tested.

She went through a lot last night – Her Vet, myself and Ashley also who helped hold! – and as we cannot spay her soon as is, we are holding off doing her pre-op bloodwork and heartworm/tick borne testing for next time.

We keep moving forward one day at a time and I know I said this above, yet I am proud of her!! Her leash manners are coming along nicely and she was calm, relaxed and quiet while I stayed for a bit after her visit chatting with members of the Vet team.

I know right now that she will have to be adopted to a home that is experienced….very experienced or BHRR’s Giselle will walk all over them….she is a survivor! So she has backbone.

She is giving us more and more trust and as she relaxes plus becomes healthier, is such a happy, affectionate and goofy gal! She loves to dig her head right into your stomach, thigh or side.


This is a VIDEO of Jack & Nala playing with their first ever toys in Brazil! Can you imagine? Being 4.5 months of age and never having had toys to play with….

Donations for their care can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We have to pay for boarding up to November 16th at the earliest (we are paying an amazing rate of $20 CDA/day) and continue to pay for Vetting and high quality kibble for them.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is getting ready for Halloween! Not Yet Available For Adoption!

Remember to have safe Halloween practises for a happy Halloween for pets & kids!

NOTE: BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve adoptions from Monday the 24th of October to Tuesday November 1st inclusive.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.


This is *Jack* & *Nala*, the two surviving(out of 4) deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Babies that we picked up on Friday October 14th and finally were able to bring to safety. This is them on their liberation ride in Brazil. After learning of *Safira’s* needless death last week, we promised to go legal and we able to then go in and pick up *Jack* & *Nala*.

We have been continuing to work behind the scenes in preparation for their arrival to Canada.

In order to do so, we are still fundraising and are in need of $1,415 more to make this miracle happen for them. They will die if they are left in Brazil. One of their deaf/blind siblings was killed by dogs before we knew about them and *Safira*, their other deaf/blind sibling died a completely terrible and unnecessary death from pneumonia. We begged to have her brought to the Vet and kept there on IV meds/fluids etc., and offered to pay for it all….to no avail. She died outside…alone, cold, hungry, unable to breathe properly. We knew after learning that she died(last we were told she was getting a bit better) that we had to do more and promised legal intervention to get the other two safe.

Thanks to Bre of Pet Valu Stittsville – 1250 Main Street – they are donating all monies this week & weekend from their DIY(Do It Yourself) dog wash!! So if you have a dirty dog or more, your monies would be given to this wonderful cause! No appointments necessary!

They have also so kindly offered to put out a donation jar to help. How thankful we are to them and quite a few others what we are calling Brazilian Rescue Angels in helping us raise the last amount we need to make this happen for two very sweet Dane babies.

They do not know borders or countries….and they are the next in need of our specialised programs. We want to bring them here to live quality filled happy lives and not worry about the next meal, or being killed by dogs or humans and not cared for when they are ill or injured. We do not want them being cold, afraid and confused. We want them loved and warm, healthy and well fed.

We had them brought to the Vet on Monday and both are being treated for terrible diarrhea. They have a severe infestation of tapeworms. They are on Drontal, Panacur, given Revolution, Bravecto and we did fecals.

As *Nala* was running a fever, we also did blood-work and learned that she is tickborne disease positive and so is on Doxy for the next month.

They are being boarded at a safe place and receiving excellent care. Thank you again to Maira for the donation to help me pay for boarding them and for high quality kibble for them to eat.

Thank you to Andreia for buying them their very first toys ever in the lives to play with. They are now 4.5 months old and so sad to think they never had their own toys….

I will post our gofundme page. if anyone may consider making a donation!

For those supporters of our continued efforts to save *Nala* and *Jack*, here is our Facebook GROUP to join. We will post our updates on that page.

We can also take email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal(friend & family) option to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thanks on behalf of *Jack* & *Nala*!


BHRR’s Skye had her annual and forgot to post her two adorable Halloween photo’s that were taken by a fellow staff member that night!

She had a SUPERB Vet Visit and so proud of all that this amazing girl has accomplished since her arrival to BHRR!

She is such a great sport!

*Safira* – Deaf/Blind Great Dane Puppy – 1 of the 3 Brazilian Babies
Born: June 4th, 2016 – October 11th, 2016

Our hearts are just crushed to learn of the passing of this 4 month old beautiful baby.

This journey to save three deaf/blind Dane puppies has been wrought with so much pain and stress plus worry…..

Prior to our knowledge of these three puppies, she had been spayed at the beginning of September in a not so good *place* and developed pneumonia.

An angel named Maira who has been working closely with me on saving these three deaf/blind Dane babies, helped me and we both made donations for medical care, good food and beds etc., to try and help Safira.

Sadly, the care is not always as great in other places and she passed away. Animals’ are often not looked upon in the same manner and she was also kept outside.

The feelings of helplessness plus honestly, frustration has been all consuming over knowing that if she has been here in Canada, we most likely could have saved her.

I never got to meet you Safira, yet Maira and I tried so hard from afar to have you done right by….

I have lost sleep, cried many tears during this journey of trying to help you and your remaining two deaf/blind siblings. I was so saddened to think that you even had a fourth sibling killed by dogs before we were contacted.

It is so bittersweet to feel that I am happy to say that as of this AM we now have your brother and sister safe and sound with wonderful trusted people until we can get their proper vetting plus paperwork and flights in order to travel. Yet, you should have been with them Safira. You also were suppose to be saved.

You died a horrible needless death, pretty much alone, hungry and most likely confused and scared. That breaks my heart…..so much.

You are deserving to have this memorial of your sweet precious gentle personality that never had the chance to blossom….

I loved and adored you even though thousands of miles separated us and I so regret that we were not aware of you and your siblings before you got sick and your one sibling was killed.

I regret never having had the chance to stroke those gorgeous ears of yours Safira, they look so soft.

I regret that I never will get the chance to smooch on those great wonderful lips of yours Safira.

I regret never having the chance to hold you in comfort and have you feel my heart beating strongly with so much love for you.

I regret not having had the chance to make you feel safe and cherished.

Being deaf/blind was normal to you and I regret never having the chance to help you live up to your full potential.

I regret so much Safira that others failed you….

I promise that we remain determined to see your two surviving siblings come to Canada and we will make it happen….we will beg, plead and grovel in their names for the assistance we need.

Dear sweet Safira, may you rest in peace with a full tummy, lungs that allow you to run with such joy and you will never have to have another cold night shivering and feeling alone.

For those supporters of our continued efforts to save *Nala* and *Jack*, here is our Facebook GROUP to join. We will post our updates on that page.

We are short $2,542 to make this miracle happen for them.

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option) and I here is our gofundme page.

Dogs do not know borders or countries and these deaf/blind Dane babies are deserving of so much. Even $5.00 is not too little.

Thank you to all of our Angels to date in believing in them and BHRR. Jack & Nala need all the angels they can….please consider their cause.


BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff wishes a Happy Thanksgiving Monday to all!

He is doing so well!! This is him having a small break today during a lovely fall day walk through our trails. 🙂 Sean just finished cutting a new 3 km loop trail called the ‘Waggin’ Tail’ for the dogs/humans to enjoy. 🙂

BHRR’s Baron is now almost 10 months of age and a real love to all he knows and trusts. He has been great with every dog he has met to date and even wants to play with our three month old Irish Wolfhound, Brogan. 🙂 He just has to be reminded at times to be gentle…he has big club paws and can get excited and forget himself and as he is only a mere puppy himself, understandable.

We are still not sure if we will ever place him up for adoption yet, there is no rush. He is thriving with us, is safe, happy and learning a lot re: manners and self-control. He is very much *instinctual* in quite a few ways and as with any dog, in the wrong hands, would be seriously set up for failure.

If we do decide that he will remain part of our coveted BHRR Haven program he will have a cherished life and lack for nothing.


UPDATE: Between Donations & BHRR’s Flame’s Adoption fee: $1,580 raised to date!
STILL NEED: $5,362 more to help these 3 sweet deaf/blind Dane Babies. Please consider their cause!

On September 9th, 2016, Gwen received an email in regards to three deaf/blind Great Dane babies in need. Born June 4th, 2016 and we learned that a 4th sibling had been killed by dogs.

This then began BHRR’s biggest rescue effort to date……

We have been working hard behind the scenes to see if we could even make this happen and we are now at the point of reaching out to our BHRR village as we need your help to be able to assist them.

You see, they are located in Brazil and we are working with two amazing Pet Transport companies to ensure that nothing is missed and doing complete vetting(one pup is also battling pneumonia), obtaining all the required paperwork, crates, airfare, is going to require a lot of money to save these three deserving puppies.

So far, we have been making regular donations for dog beds, blankets, medications, treating the one pup for pneumonia, and vetting for de-worming, heartworm/tick/flea and also upcoming vaccines.Another kind angel, Maira has also made donations to help ensure they have better food.

We are still in need of $5,362 to save all three of these Dane babies and to bring them safely to Canada.

It is our position that we are here to help the dogs when we have space here in Canada and that dogs also do not know countries, boundaries or borders.

The quality of life for these three special needs Dane puppies is slim to none unless we can get them to our Haven.

Here is our gofundme page that we just sent up and we also have a group and we will post that later for people to join in support and assistance for these three special Dane pups. If you use gofundme over donating via PayPal or email transfer, they will keep 9.12% in fees.

We can take email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal *friends & family* option to gwen@birchhaven.org also.

Our goal is to get them here within the month and before the weather embargo takes place – December 1st.

Thank you in advance to any and all that may consider their cause as a worthy one….


BHRR’s Flame(GDx) was ADOPTED tonight!

As I have said it before it only takes one application, the right one for an approved adoption to occur and in the 5+ months we have been waiting patiently for her right matched forever loving home to find her, she had not one application….

Well, she finally had one recently and it was the right one!!

Thank you Julie and Sean for assisting me with this home-visit and thank you to this lovely home in opening up their hearts to a BHRR dog in need of a home to call her very own.

Wonderful home and another heartwarming experience….

BHRR’s Flame, I am so going to miss you….I really am yet the tears in my eyes are ones of not sadness yet deep happiness for you and your new family!!

You are adored and always shall be and now your new family will continue on where we started and give you so many future chapters in your story of love, happiness, great experiences and memories.

I know your Mama GD BHRR’s Eve’s own special home is out there also and we remain patient….

BHRR’s Flames adoption fee shall go towards our hope/goal of raising the $5,000 more we need to bring the three deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Babies to our Haven Program. Please do consider their worthy cause and help us…


BHRR did its 390th approved adoption today! 🙂

One of our BBBBB’s was ADOPTED today!

BHRR’s Ross(5.5 months old), one of the Great Dane Puppy Pile cuties. 🙂

Thank you so very much to this lovely home for all of their patience and understanding throughout our detailed adoption process. A true pleasure in working with your home!

Your hospitality was really warm and both boyz had a blast! Your stairs soon became a fav *game* for them. 😀 They found that table particularly *delicious* also! :p

Proud of both of these boyz with their overall Cat manners too. Really proud of them. 🙂

Both boys really had a great time at this home-visit and BHRR’s Ross *edged* out his brother for being the best matched fit for this home. BHRR’s Ross so quickly developed an affinity to them both and it was truly sweet to watch.

BHRR’s Corbin, your own special and wonderful home is out there….we remain patient and in the mean-time you are living a grand life with us. 🙂 Your brother BHRR’s Haven Dog Granite and your sister Dynamo were excited to see you when we arrived home today. 🙂

For me, this was a touching home-visit as this home is related to a home that was approved to adopt another one of the BHRR Puppy Pile Great Dane babies in July. 🙂

I cannot thank Gail and Mason enough in doing this home-visit with me and we are so delighted to see another outstanding home become part of the *BHRR Fam*. 😀

On Wednesday, it is BHRR’s Flame’s home-visit for her own possible approved adoption.



Not sure where I sleep tonight!!


We are all tucked in safe & sound in our hotel room for the night!

Tomorrow is a home-visit to see if one of our remaining two BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile pups are a right match personality fit!

BHRR’s Ross had his first hang out experience in a hotel last Sunday when he had a special picnic snack play date with BHRR BOD member Mary. 🙂 Mary was up visiting from Oshawa for our annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies event. 🙂

Mary also clearly showed him the comfort of a human bed! 😉

Both boyz, are doing fabu!! Many compliments on how well behaved and stunning they are… 🙂

The Puppy Pile are now 5 months of age.

First pictures is of BHRR’s Corbin & second is of BHRR’s Ross

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BHRR’s Ethel – 2009? – September 26th, 2016

I have the most heartwarming post to make from our 9th Annual BHRR Dine Event on Saturday yet, I hope many will excuse my *radio* silence over the last while as we prepared to cross over a beloved BHRR Haven lovely who more than earned her angel wings on earth and now in heaven….

We almost said good-bye to dear BHRR’s Ethel on Friday yet I knew we could give her a few more days of absolute quality in life and it gave 40 people on Saturday to also say their own heart touching good-byes…

Tears from many of us on Saturday…..so much emotion….

This fine grand dame had a terrible life before coming into rescue. That she even survived as she did on the roads in a First Nation community that believes in culling, almost blind and deaf battling one of the worst UTI’s we have ever treated in our history of operating since 1996, is a true miracle. She had super bad hips and terrible bad knees to match.

It showed that she had spunk and she sure was a crotchety old gal! People quickly learned not to feel sorry for her for she did not survive all she had by being a wall flower. She was not shy about expressing to all that it was ‘her’ human or ‘her’ bed or ‘her space’. 😀 She had a backbone of steel this one.

She was taught scent training and learned words to help her know when we were approaching steps or a door and when we were getting into the car. She was such an independent soul that fast became a Fav for so many during her over 2.5 years with us….

A few felt it would have been better to have just crossed her over after she came into rescue….well, we disagree and so did BHRR’s Ethel!

Anyone who met this truly special creature of heaven was inspired by her and BHRR’s Ethel was not hesitant about wrapping her paws around many a heart!

Fiesty and spicy she was yet a most affectionate sweet grand dame she also was. She soft and sweet in so many ways and great with every human and dog she ever met!! She was so fascinated by the BHRR Puppy Pile when they were born….totally enamoured with them and a great *grandma* she was to them….always worrying about the safety yet, spoiling them with so much attention and love!

She learned to take treats gently so I could keep my fingers another day! :p She loved the wind blowing her sweet ears (damaged by fleas and more than one crunch from her past history of trying to fight for her own right to survive ) about.

I swear if ever a dog could smile it was BHRR’s Ethel!

She had strained her eyes so bad trying to see during her time all alone on the roads, she literally *popped them*. We saw the specialist and were assured that she was not in pain and her eyes were as distinctive and unique as the rest of her.

Loved her frosting and she was small yet mighty!

When BHRR’s Ethel entered a room, everyone knew! 😀

BHRR’s Ethel we wanted to give you many more years of happiness, special dates, wonderful experiences and to have you teach more people that to be special needs does not equate no quality of life! I am so sorry that your body so broken upon arrival could never be 100% repaired….

Yet what never was broken was your incredible spirit and beautiful heart!! You ruled BHRR’s Ethel and may heaven be prepared for you as the party is going to start!!

My home and heart is feeling so lost and empty….I miss your snoring and talking in your sleep. I miss how you could express more feelings in one look than most humans could do in words!! Never any doubt how you felt!

I miss how you *told* us off if you felt dinner was late or that you were outside a nano second longer than what you wanted! You and BHRR’s Potter sure have that in common! LOL

Your obedience and leash manners became a dream and your trust of me brought me to my knees.

I am a better person in having been touch by your gift of you being you BHRR’s Ethel. Thank you for blessing me and so many with your grace, your charm and your heart that was as big and kind as the world…you knew no limits BHRR’s Ethel.

You proved many times over if there was a will, there was a way and thank you for re-inforcing to me why BHRR needs to be here and why we exist!!

RIP my angel…we will see each other in my dreams until we meet again….


BHRR’s Flame is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We promise to keep you updated as we can.


BHRR’s Ross had a special snack picnic play date today! Thanks to BHRR BOD Mary for having him! This is a photo I took when I went to pick him up and we sat for a bit and visited in her hotel room. 🙂


Someone fell asleep before the guests have even arrived! BHRR’s Steam aka Steam Boat has been hearing the other dogs talking about our unique one of a kind Event and all the excitement of anticipation wore her out! :p

T- 2.5 hours to go!


BHRR’s Limerick is ready to make her own special announcement!


Many will remember this blue beauty for back in May of this year, she was posted all over social media as people came together sharing her in the hopes that her loving owner(s) were out there looking for her.

In the meantime, BHRR was asked to assist her and I committed immediately and picked her up May 29th.

She was scared, no doubt about it. Anxious, stressed and needing muscle toning, muscle mass and suspected strongly of recently having had puppies. She had *rub marks on tail and rump almost indicative of being in a crate for prolonged periods and her elbows had not seen many soft surfaces.

Well, no one stepped forward and we fast forward through months of rehab of building up her confidence, not encouraging any SA behaviours for she clearly had a feeling of abandonment about her and keeping her in *check* when the *turkey bullying* came out.

For she learned quite fast that if she pushed and shoved her way around some of the other dogs, that they gave into her and this encouraged her to keep doing it. Then she found her voice…and the inappropriate attention seeking began. She wanted it all on her terms and that is not how it works. 😉

She then learned that not all dogs were going to let her push them around, ie BHRR’s Maple and with BHRR’s Maple standing and just looking at her did more to positively correct her in an instant than us humans did in days of training. :p BHRR’s Limerick quickly began to respect the space and boundaries of others. BHRR’s Limerick still gets jealous yet she has come a long way in manners, obedience and sharing!

She will always be a bit quirky, and that is ok! In that right matched forever loving home, an experienced one, not necessarily a Dane one, BHRR’s Limerick shall continue to blossom and flourish. She is such a ham! A true gal of sassy and sugar!

She is great with other dogs, people – just give her a couple of moments to check things out yet at her professional photo shoot on the 14th, she was out of the car and right up to Julie and into her space wanting love! LOL

As long as BHRR’s Limerick has her friend network of dogs to interact with to keep her being social that is what is important.

She travels wonderfully in a car, is housebroken, crate trained and can go to a home with or without another right matched personality fit dog. She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired etc. for she is yet another versatile BHRR dog!

Cats are unknown.

If movements are fast and flighty, she does get nervous and will step back and sometimes give a bark….she is not sure about what is happening and when you say ‘you are ok’ or ‘you are just fine’, she comes right up to you and tail wags more confidently and with happiness. She needs someone to not baby her yet understand that she is unsure at times and how we handle it is how she reacts. If we are ok and good with it and demonstrate that, so is she. We treat everything as no big deal and so does she as she responds beautifully to our reactions.

We are family of *hand talkers* and she has come a long way with fast flighty hand movements with that! 😀

I have a soft spot for this beautiful blue…..she truly deserved so much better than being dumped in a remote area of a forest, in the scorching heat of a long weekend time frame. 🙁

I will forever be grateful to the people that remained patient plus persistent in making sure that she was caught……she would have otherwise died out there. That is no drama filled statement. She was already dehydrating and losing weight.

She is another diamond in the rough….her loyalty once you have her trust is humbling. The way that she looks at me, makes me feel like I am doing right by her…..and my promise to her and all the dogs is that I will continue to do right by them.

Ms. Personality Plus Filled BHRR’s Limerick, you did it girl! You are ready for that right matched forever loving home to find you!

Thank you to Liz for the stunning photo’s and to Julie for the extra loving hands at this photo shoot! BHRR’s Limerick, that one flying nun ear of yours makes me smile so much!

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BHRR’s Rubble is ready to make his special announcement!!


This young gorgeous blue with white Dane boy has put on over 25 pounds of much needed muscle mass/weight since he first arrived in January 2016. He is now almost 145 pounds and when I say he is solid and rippling, he is solid and just rippling…..he is a positively handsome Dane. Vibrant with health now!

He had been dumped at a shelter by his Owner who ran a daycare and felt it was perfectly fine to allow the kids to treat him as a horse and at one point a 13 year old was left alone with him.

The owner felt that this beautiful boy had something wrong with him and it was ok for for a dog to be climbed all over, pulled and grabbed and pushed. Well, it is not ok….not one bit….

When BHRR’s Rubble came to me he was scared…..scared of being hurt. Scared of being man handled. He had a *bluffy* attitude of force and bullying on the outside throwing around his body weight and inside he was not very brave and insecure and a mushball.

It took some time before he relaxed enough to truly sleep and now instead of light and restless he is deep and snoring.

He learned that while we have rules and structure and obedience, we are fair and consistent and there was no guessing about what was expected of him. He learned that we do not use hurting, rough or mean hands and words. We used loving, kind and caring hands plus words filled with praise. AND treats!

Leashes worried him for awhile and now when a leash comes out he is so happy and cannot wait to see what adventure we are going on next!

His is so incredibly affectionate and playful!! Man! Body armour needs to be worn when he gets going and he is filled with such happiness now. He does not just push his head into you, he grinds it in! LOL

He is not afraid any longer to ask for love and many a time I can feel his hot breath on my elbow and I turn to peek and he is looking at me not with worry and stress now but mischief and happiness. 🙂 He is not an intrusive Dane, he loves being around his humans….simply being near/by to his humans makes him feel good. He is often laying near my computer while I work.

AND so much credit needs to go to BHRR’s Benjamin for there is something about Benjamin The Gentleman, something super special that has calmed and settled BHRR’s Rubble more since BHRR’s Benjamin arrived in August than in the months before he came…..they are good friends.

He brings out some of the very best in BHRR’s Rubble. It is almost magical. He has given BHRR’s Rubble a proper direction of confidence that is really wonderful to see. So when it came time to do their professional photo shoots, I just had to book them together so they could travel and hang out just the two of them! 🙂

BHRR’s Rubble is good with dogs of all sizes, was fantastic at the shelter with cats and once you get over his quirkiness – for he is quirky now and then again, he will want to be your best friend!

Travels great in a car, housebroken, crate trained and uber obedient! One of my star pupils.

On the other hand, he remains sensitive to having his feet touched – he was this way at the shelter and while he has greatly improved, nail trimmings are carefully done.

He is a gem and it has been such an honour walking this journey beside him in support plus guidance for him to become the amazing boy he is. He is no longer shut down….he is living life to the fullest!!

Another I am so freakin’ proud of you dog!! So incredibly proud!! You did it!! You trusted enough to walk down a path to discover so much in great discoveries and experiences and I cannot wait for the next chapters to be written in your amazing story BHRR’s Rubble!

Thank you Liz for the WOW photo’s and to Gracie for her hands at his photo shoot on September 15th! He was a Mac truck when he saw me again after taking BHRR’s Benjamin’s photo’s yet Gracie held her own and did not face plant! 😀

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BHRR’s Baron says that this is a great position to begin to fall asleep in!! LOL
*that is BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite and BHRR’s Ross with him. 🙂

He has been doing so well in so many ways. There is no doubt that this is a breed that would be a ticking time bomb in the wrong hands. If what we have researched on his pedigree *lines* can be believed – they never answered inquiries when reached out to by his emerge temp foster home and myself(yet there is a picture very similar to him with an exact birthmark that he also has) – he was bred for Xenophobia. They were so proud of their videos demonstrating their training with their dogs. 🙁 We have reached out to our r/q resources in the Fila community and feel confident with what we have determined to be as much of his story prior to rescue as we can.

We have been working on recall off leash these last two days and he is not too bad….yet, it is still often on his terms. He will come *around* or by me yet we are about 90% coming direct to me. Much progress has been made in just a couple of days.

He is close to 115 pounds now at almost 9 months of age. He is a powerhouse of a boy. When he decides he wants to move, he can go from 0 to *Baron speed* in a flash – which is much faster than people may think for a Brazilian Mastiff! 😀

We are working on playing a bit more gentle still for he plays rough, especially when he forgets himself and the BHRR Puppy Pile has taught him a lot about manners and respecting space and social skills. 🙂 He is more calm and confident with them by his side yet learning to stand on his own four feet more comfortably as time goes on.

He is quite mindful of me and has bonded strongly. There is no doubt that he would lay his life down for his family, canine and human.

He has been watchful yet good with the people he has seen here to date and the one thing that does worry him the most is when strangers turn their back on him. He has shown, even in his emerge temp foster home that he does not like this. As he cannot see their faces, it stresses him. He is slowly becoming more relaxed when this happens. Change is also not something that he likes. He loves his routine and structure and consistency. He likes knowing what is being asked of him. This is his comfort zone.

He is quiet and rarely *alerts* with a bark.

He is quite predictable with his excitement level. As it goes up, he become that much more fixated and if something runs, he is *off* in what Mason calls his *hunt* mode. Once he catches up to whatever was running ie a puppy pile pup, he will body bump. He then immediately stops, looks at me and sits and waits. He is not quite sure what he should be doing at that point yet is acting quite instinctively with his behaviour of wanting to chase and catch.

He makes these small sounds of being so happy when I come home from work or doing errands. He has worked through almost all of his small amount of SA and learning his own company is ok.

Those ears of his….sigh…I could rub them and squeeze those lips of his all day!! He humours me!!

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BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat is generating interest again and some of the same questions are being asked that are answered in her very detailed blog.

We work hard to keep our blogs up to date. We try to be so detailed and to provide as much information as possible so that people can best determine if their home is going to qualify to adopt her. All of our adoption processes plus policies can also be found on both of our websites. We will only approve a right matched personality fit forever loving home for her.

BHRR is not desperate to adopt our dogs, never have been. She is not desperate to be adopted. She is normal to her and to all that love her. She is not to be felt sorry for or pitied. She lives an amazing life with us in our home – not boarded or in an outside kennel. She has three plus acres fenced in for her enjoyment.

We are going to write the following blog post to pull together various information found in her blog for a *one stop* reading blog post. Perhaps, this shall assist some that have been thinking about her. 🙂

1) BHRR’s Steam is DEAF – she has not been BAER tested and could she possibly *hear* something 1-2% or a bit more, who knows. For all intents and purposes she is deaf. She does not respond to the typical deaf tests  – ie sleeping and clapping hands behind her head – not too close as to generate a *breeze*.  Dropping pots and pans – not too close or the vibration will be felt. Calling her name when she is asleep or looking elsewhere elicits zero response etc.
2) BHRR’s Steam is not BLIND – She is visually impaired. There is not a medical test that exists to date that will test the percentage of eyesight that a dog has. Eyesight is the weakest sense in a dog. Does she see up to 30%? Perhaps. She responds like a pro to both ASL signs, basic obedience signs plus our custom signs as when you own a deaf dog, you have to learn to communicate with one hand for often you are something in your other hand – leash, groceries, purse, keys, etc. She also knows touch plus scent training as she is brilliant and loves her obedience work.
3) BHRR’s Steam was born this way due to her genetics. She was not injured or abused in any manner that *caused* her to be deaf/visually impaired.
4) BHRR will not consider a home that will just let her run loose in fields, parks etc. – The photo below is from a special picnic snack play date that she had and she was put on a harness and a long lead so that she could enjoy splashing in the water. She needs to be kept safe.
5) BHRR’s Steam is healthy and happy. If she had any known medical conditions, they would have been fully disclosed in her blog. A copy of her medical records will be given to any right matched forever loving adoptive home and we bring them to a home-visit for said records to be reviewed by the possible approved adoptive home.

If a home is serious about applying to adopt, please do take the time to read her thorough blog – from the very bottom up – and read our FAQ and adoption processes plus policies.


BHRR’s Maple is ready to make her own special announcement!


This was the extreme fear aggressive Dane that we were asked to assist in August of 2015. She is now about 22 months of age.

Yes, August of 2015. It took 6 months before I could even make her comfortable enough to be touched and handled and then get all of her vetting done. Her trust, once hard won has helped her to relax and enjoy life as a dog instead of feeling like she only had herself to rely on and had to step up to *show the world* that she wants to just be left alone.

Never any rush….we work at the dogs’ pace with their rehabilitation.

She has learned about helping, caring, loving hands, not hurting or cruel hands.

Many have now met this goofy, affectionate, quirky, loves to counter surf stunning beauty and have witnessed how far she has come along in her journey down a road of learning that she will not be hurt, manhandled or neglected.

She was extremely undersocialised and she feels so much more confident plus comfortable in social settings now and exhibits much better dog to dog communication in meeting new dogs. Before she was stressed and intimidated and it was a rush up and *I must body bump them and demonstrate that I am the boss and they will leave me alone* attitude.

Now, she shows interest in any new dog, and she is much more likely – no issues here with any new dog interactions as she knows that we will take care of all – to show curiosity and friendliness.

She was never a mean dog and most certainly not a bad dog…she was a clearly misunderstood dog and once someone understood her, her worries, her stressors, her triggers and gave her space, time, patience and understanding with structure plus routine(so she never had to *guess* what was expected of her), not to mention love and quite a few treats in the beginning!; she has revealed how truly loving, and wonderful she really is and has been hiding deep inside her.

She needs an experienced dog home, not necessarily an experienced Dane home that will show her boundaries, not cross them yet continue to give her life experiences to show her that the world is a big oyster of so much joy, happiness and fun!

She is housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, and once she trusts a human, that trust is solid. When her trusted humans are not around – ie when she was dropped off to be spayed – where first she was an uber loving goof to the staff – she was then worried and nervous. That is ok! Slow and steady she goes….

She can go to a home with or without a right personality matched fit other dog already in the home. She enjoys the company of other dogs and when she plays, *game on!*. As long as she has her network of friends that is what is most important to keep her being this truly magnificent dog that she is.

We have noted that transports on the highway tend to make her sit up and while she is not showing fear and does not bark, you can tell that every once in a while, a semi will make her feel a bit uneasy. I just give her a calming word, she looks at me and then lays back down. Nothing major, just a notation. 🙂

I shall never forget when I went to pick her up and she was in the run….she was terrified and barking at me….she was completely and utterly scared.

Those days are long gone and she has met so many great people both here and out and about and people marvel at how far she has come. I am proud of you BHRR’s Maple. So proud…..

Your quirkiness is a part of you and makes you that amazing dog you are and that right matched forever loving home will *get it* and continue to build upon the strong foundations we have built here.

BHRR’s Maple has now *told me* that she is ready…ready to have that home meant for her to find her! 🙂

She is such a mixture of spice and sugar this one! 😀

Thank you Liz again for the beautiful photo’s and to Julie for the extra loving hands at this professional photo session on September 14th.

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BHRR’s Benjamin The Gentleman is ready to make his special announcement!


This grand man is now 6.5 years of age and is great with dogs, cats and kids! He is a Black and Tan Great Dane. Housebroken, great leash manners, travels wonderfully in a car, and has been an absolute delight to have with us. Easy going, charming and affectionate.

He is so cute as he gets so excited when the leash comes out and his butt bobs up and down as he works to control that sit & stay prior to the leash going on!

After a proper regime of exercise and diet, he has lost much needed weight and he has had all proactive and preventative vet care done. He has built up great muscle mass and tone and his cost is glossy with health now that he is in shape.

He is the first dog in our almost 21 years of operating that we took back – after being in this home 4 years and 7 months – due to a divorce. He is the 8th dog that we have now brought back to BHRR.

Sadly, his vet care was not kept upt and he was severely overweight. The home also allowed the two children that they eventually had to ride / treat him as a horse.

As thorough as any adoption process is…..nothing is perfect… 🙁

He has been through a lot in his life and we debated about keeping him as a Haven dog yet he is so highly adoptable and to a right matched forever loving home, he is going to be a gift….

He was my obedience champ in a rescue obedience competition years ago and I chose him to take into the ring as the home that had him prior to coming into rescue said he was not trainable.

He blew the obedience apart in that competition and we came top 5! If it were not for a playful boxer and BHRR’s Ben thinking that the boxer had to be BHRR’s Potter, I know we could have taken the competition! LOL The boxer looked at Ben and it was all play on! 😀

He is wonderfully obedient and active, fit and has been an incredible influence on BHRR’s Rubble! Almost magical to witness…He has calmed BHRR’s Rubble, softened BHRR’s Rubble’s *diamond in the rough* edge and they are best friends. He has given BHRR’s Rubble proper direction for his confidence and comfort level. Amazing! Thank you BHRR’s Benjamin for being you!

Love this boy!!!

Thank you Liz Bradley for the fabu pictures and to Grace for the extra hands at this photo shoot on September 15th. 🙂

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Today is BHRR’s Benjamin the Gentleman’s professional photo shoot and also BHRR’s Rubble!

Thank you again Gracie for the extra hands – you did so well working / handling BHRR’s Rubble, the powerhouse while I had BHRR’s Ben’s pictures taken. 🙂

Once their professional photo’s are in, they will both be ready to make their own special announcements. Should be within the week or so! 🙂

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Today, we have two BHRR lovelies getting their professional photo’s done!

This is BHRR’s Maple and also BHRR’s Limerick!

Once their professional photo’s are then in, they shall be ready to make their special announcements!

BHRR’s Maple on the left and BHRR’s Limerick on the right!

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We are here at Pet Valu Richmond 5919 Perth Street until 4 pm today!

BHRR’s Corbin and BHRR’s Ross, two of the BHRR Puppy Pile are here today also to smooch you!!

We are doing nails, microchips, ear cleanings and have some merchandise for sale!


UPDATE: she had a great vet visit! 🙂 Her vet had many lovely comments on how shiny and glossy plus healthy her coat looked!! 🙂

We did her regular Heartworm and tickborne testing and her vaccines are now up to date for another three years at which point we will then begin to do titre testing instead.

Her heart and lungs sounds great and though her mouth growths are slowly growing back – her last surgery was March 2016 – when it is time we will have them removed and cut back again. 🙂

She is such a happy and healthy 6 year old!

Posted in Ani

Many will recognise this gorgeous Haven BBBBB!!

This is BHRR’s Ani and we are on our way for her annual vet visit!

Will update more later!


Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Dyson’s *new tail* 🙂

He is going to feel so much better!

He was having a big pee in this picture, so the rest of him is cut off for his privacy sake! :p I could tell he really had to go when I picked him up. Kept pulling me to the door.

On our way home now!

Thank you LAH!

Dyson’s Angels: Donations made to date: $500 & Bills To Date: $696.13
Margaret – New Collar
Alex & Karen


UPDATE: his surgery is now done and I will pick him up for around 3:30 pm. 🙂

Dr. Liston planned on only taking about 2″ or so off his tail to help with his chronic refused to ever heal happy and sorely damaged tail issue…..

AND this ever so handsome and chill boy who loves to lean on people was dropped off this AM for his partial tail amputation at Liston Animal Hospital. 🙂

Weight today is 129.58 pounds!

BHRR’s Dyson sure has come a long way since he first arrived to BHRR!

See you soon you sweet man!

He is still available for adoption to a right matched forever loving home once his tail heals up. 🙂

Not the best pictures yet what a lovely man he is!

The second picture shows his goofy side!!

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This blog is dedicated to this pretty female ~2 year old Great Dane who was surrendered to a shelter because her O. could not afford to take care of her.

I picked her up September 7th and went straight to Kanata Animal Hospital as she has clear skin issues.

Diagnosis to date and as we could only handle her so much so as to not stress her out further, we will do pre-op bloodwork and her tickborne testing later as well as when she is healthy to spay her plus do her vaccines. A fecal test will be done once I have a sample.

1) Big skin issues – suspected sarcoptic mange – will rule out démodétic mange when we can do skin scrapings as her Vet felt we should treat for sarcoptic first. – On Revolution
2) Skin infections – on Antiobiotics – picked up 168 pills! 4 BID
3) Possible sunburn
4) Could have seasonal allergies and will wait a couple of days to see if the Antiobiotics are sufficient alone
5) Is not presenting as typical food allergies yet we will feed her a fish based kibble
6) Could not due an ear cytology today with her stress level yet other than tons of wax, her ears were not presenting as obviously infected. Could have ear mites and the Revolution will help with any eat more issues. As she settles will clean ears and do a cytology as needed.
7) The shelter gave her Revolution on September 1st and we will give her one does every two weeks for three more doses.
8) Overgrown nails yet with her stress level they can wait
8) Her weight was 48.2 kgs for us today(106.04 pounds) – she is sorely in need of muscle mass/weight and to build up strength
9) Suspected UTI as she strained to urinate and went in several small spots in small amounts -on antibiotics now and will do a UA when she is more settled if needed
10) Needs training -pulls and has a mind of her own and not hesitant to mouth to *warn* when she does not want to do something.
11) Some barrier aggression in the car to a Golden Retriever leaving KAH and the male Owner. Was completely fine with the male volunteer driver that was at the same location as me picking up a dog himself to go to another rescue. Showed barrier aggressive to a woman walking on the sidewalk with her rolling shopping bag and to another man with a helmet in his hand walking to his parked motor cycle. Had no issues with the man at the drive through that I went to in order buy another bottle of water. No issues with anyone at KAH either. It was not fear based. She took an instant dislike to them. No issues with anyone at KAH either. It was not fear based. She took an instant dislike to them. This is NOT necessarily indicative of her *norm* temperament/personality. She had already had a stressful time being in a shelter, and then on a transport of three legs and then at KAH etc. She is great with Sean/Mason & Kinsley. In fact, she ADORES Mason!
12) Was told by the shelter that the O. said that she had been attacked by a small dog and did not retaliate yet now does not like small dogs. The shelter said she was good with the dogs at the shelter…at KAH she showed inappropriate interest in two dogs there – JRT and another small dog. Corrected well
13) Has eye infections and is on antibiotics
14) We were told that she does not like to be in a run or crated and that is so true – kennelled her at KAH for a bit while I made up meds and now she is crated in our house. She made it clear that she did not and was not wanting to go in…same as being weighed and she & I had some *conversation* about this and she was weighed and is now calm in her crate here.
15) She will be proactively & preventatively de-wormed
16) She has had so many babies… 🙁 Her poor body. When she is healthy, she shall be spayed
17) The Vet feels that some of her feet issues – swelling, bleeding are from constant urine exposure

She is a *hot mess* and lots of physical and emotional plus behavioural work ahead yet she looses so much potential!!

Two more photo’s of BHRR’s Giselle’s body:

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Some photo’s of BHRR’s Giselle’s body:

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Got her!

Photo from our ride to Kanata Animal Hospital!

Smaller in height female Great Dane, mind of her own, sweet overall, manners uhmmmm….we will work on that! Shelter had her at 48.9 kgs(107.58 pounds).

More from her Vet visit soon…the poor thing….


She is now on her way!! Photo compliments of Andreanne.

I am doing the last leg and am leaving in a few minutes to make the drive.

I am then hoping to get her into the Hospital today to be seen. The transport times came out late last night and so I could not make an appointment in advance. With her skin issues, want her seen ASAP. 🙂

Isn’t she truly lovely?!

Still nameless and we will meet her first to get a better idea of name for her and great suggestions to date!!

Please feel free to post more name idea’s!

Soon lovely lady….soon you shall be in my arms and you have no idea yet how much love from the BHRR village that is ready to be showered upon you!!


Happy Labour Day Monday to all!

With the approved adoption of BHRR’s Gentle Jake yesterday, we have a spot and this young lady is next in need of us.


This special ~2 year old Dane is who I have been working quietly on behind the scenes over this last week (September 1st) with some truly amazing women.

She is why BHRR exists. To be there for Dogs like her.

She ended up at a shelter as the Owner could not afford to take care of her, especially with her skin issues. She had little chance of being adopted and per the shelter that reached out to us, they were so worried that they would have to put her to sleep.

No only did the shelter reach out to us yet a person who works with a wonderful volunteer network plus with this shelter also contacted us.

Without hesitation, we want to help her…she is BHRR’s Herbie-licious(now successfully rehabbed and adopted!) all over again with that poor skin…her feet look incredibly painful. Is it seasonal and/or food related? We shall find out. Her auto immune system is clearly run down.

She needs a name….currently she is being called a name by the shelter that we have had two Danes over the past 20.5 years be called, and one of those Danes is presently in our adoptive programs and also living with us, so, a new name this beauty will need. A new name for a new wonderful beginning, fresh with all the care and love she needs and deserves!

Name guru’s! HELP?!

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AND BHRR’s Gentle Jake is now in his forever loving adoptive home! ADOPTED!

Took over four months of patience as there were so many wrong inquiries and a couple of wrong apps sent our way for him yet here we are today!

That is *Jewel* , a foster with NSD(National Service Dog – their third). 🙂

Thank you so much to Mason, Alex and Karen for helping to do this home-visit. Thank you to this home for going through our thorough adoption process and being so wonderful to work with!!

BHRR’s Bell you rocked it beautifully and your own right matched forever loving home is out there! 🙂

We are now working our way home through tons of traffic yet another glorious weather driving day!

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So as to let the sun also shine on this beautiful beauty, here is a photo of BHRR’s Bell from the home-visit today. 🙂

Karen and I are convinced that she was posing and also wanted her picture taken where we did BHRR’s Gentle Jakes’ approved adoption ones.🙂 She kept going back and standing by the hostas. 😀 So I pulled out my phone and went to snap my pictures and I got this one before the foster dog of the home photo bombed the rest! :p

BHRR’s Bell had a strong connection to their foster dog with NSD(National Service Dog) and was as playful as we have ever seen her to be yet she did not have connection with the people in the home.

The longer we were there the more she wanted to sit on my lap or lay at my feet and began to show she was further not comfortable and not wishing to leave my side much except to play off and on with their foster dog.

She made it clear that this was not the right matched forever loving him for her and that is completely fine. 🙂 Her own right matched personality fit home is out there and we all remain patient….we are so patient. 🙂

Doesn’t she look gorgeous!!!???!


After a long day between work and then a 5+ hour drive, we are finally in our motel room for the night!

Blows my mind every time we come to the SWO area how fast people drive the closer to the TO area I get!!! Eeek! 😀

Tomorrow is the home-visit in Waterloo for a possible approved adoption for either BHRR’s Bell or BHRR’s Gentle Jake.

Would be wonderful if this is the right matched forever loving home for one of them yet if not, both will have had another great travel and people visit experience. All of these experiences make them so much more well balanced and rounded.

Both are fabu travel companions – once BHRR’s Gentle Jake was a gentleman and shared the backseat of the car :p – he got in the car and just splayed all out at first!

They are excellent motel buds also and have made many new friends here already!! A crowd they both drew as we checked in. 🙂

We hope all of our friends and family are enjoying this beautiful long weekend and we will post an update as soon as we can as to how the home-visit goes!

I am not one for dogs on beds and couches as many know and BHRR’s Gentle Jake feels the same for he totally completely respected the bed space. Quick few pics and he was off comfy on one of the Costco Dog beds we brought. 🙂

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After a long day between work and then a 5+ hour drive, we are finally in our motel room for the night!

Blows my mind every time we come to the SWO area how fast people drive the closer to the TO area I get!!! Eeek! 😀

Tomorrow is the home-visit in Waterloo for a possible approved adoption for either BHRR’s Bell or BHRR’s Gentle Jake.

Would be wonderful if this is the right matched forever loving home for one of them yet if not, both will have had another great travel and people visit experience. All of these experiences make them so much more well balanced and rounded.

Both are fabu travel companions – once BHRR’s Gentle Jake was a gentleman and shared the backseat of the car :p – he got in the car and just splayed all out at first!

They are excellent motel buds also and have made many new friends here already!! A crowd they both drew as we checked in. 🙂

We hope all of our friends and family are enjoying this beautiful long weekend and we will post an update as soon as we can as to how the home-visit goes!

I am not one for dogs on beds and couches as many know and BHRR’s Gentle Jake/BHRR’s Bell feel the same for they totally completely respected the bed space. Quick few pics and they were off comfy on the Costco Dog beds we brought. 🙂



A great photo of BHRR’s Steam from her picnic snack play date on June 18th!


*CORRECTION: Location Address is: 5919 PERTH STREET, Richmond, Ontario*

Our next microchip clinic is being hosted with Dr. Zak at Pet Valu Richmond on Saturday September 10th!

Dr. Zak has now been with us for 8 microchip clinics to date and this is #9!
*No appointments necessary
*We are inside so rain or shine!
*10 AM – 4 PM

Our accreditation per CVO requirements to host this microchip clinic shall also be posted.

We shall also be doing dog baths, ear cleanings, nails for cats & dogs and will have some merchandise for sale! Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! More details in poster.

All monies raised shall go towards helping to pay off the bills for BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation that is scheduled for September 8th.

BHRR has been precedent setting/instrumental over the past almost 10 years with our Microchip Clinics in our efforts of having more dogs/cats hopefully find their way home should they become lost or stolen by being chipped.

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My two surgical patients last night. 🙂

BHRR’s Potter is doing so well! The histiopathology should be back next week as to what type of soft tissue sarcoma this is. He has now had $845.00 donated extremely generously and kindly to his bills at KAH.

There really are no words meaningful enough to tell all of his angels what their beautiful hearts of well wishes, caring words and the financial donations have meant! We feel truly privileged to walk among such really inspirational people….thank you!

Kanata Animal Hospital is open again to 8 pm if anyone may consider a donation towards his bills. I will post the new total of those shortly. 613-836-2848 or donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org. We remain deeply touched and humbled by so many. Potter you are one loved dude!!!

In this picture, BHRR’s Potter is here with one of my own Danes, my Big Blue Bronson, and he was diagnosed as some now know, shortly before his 9th Birthday at the beginning of June with an oral mass squamous cell carcinoma. Long story that is still being written yet he went in for his own surgery yesterday and had a good post op first night…. 🙂

Next week, BHRR’s Dyson is having his partial tail amputation so our recovery area at BHRR is a busy one right now.

Both the Potterman and Bronson are enjoying the two fish tanks, the couch, the futon bed and the wall to wall windows, not to mention all the hands of love and laps to rest on by the Boerskins as they heal. 😀 Sean and I took turns resting/sleeping with them last night. 🙂

Happy Friday from us to you!


BHRR’s Potter’s leg post-op.


After some *excitement* BHRR’s Potter is now in his emergency surgery…..

He is in excellent hands and on behalf of him and Sean, please accept our deepest thanks for all of the well wishes, thoughts and blessings plus financial donations to his cause.

The good news is that his lungs are clear in the x-Ray’s!

Will post an update as soon as I can.

Kanata Animal Hospital is open to 8 pm if anyone wishes to call them directly to make a donation over the phone to his increasing bills. 613-836-2848.

Email transfers can be sent to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Going to breathe easier when he is home again….

BHRR’s Potters’ Angels: Donated to Date: $845.00 Vet Bills To Date: $1,292.90
Ms. Milne
The Maracle Family
Kerchak’s Gma


BHRR’s Dyson is scheduled for his partial tail amputation on September 8th at Liston Animal Hospital.

If anyone may consider his cause, you can call 613-591-0966 (Liston Animal Hospital) directly and make a donation on his account. *Dyson*

Or you can make a donation via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thanks from our hearts and on behalf of BHRR’s Dyson in advance!

Dyson’s Angels: Donations made to date: $100

BHRR’s Potter’s lab report diagnosis of a soft tissue sarcoma


If has been a tough afternoon here…. 🙁 🙁

BHRR’s Potter’s biopsy results are back….when I was told at work, I felt the tears well up, spill over and felt such pain over the news. Telling Sean was heartbreaking…..the sun rises and sets on this one of a kind BHRR Haven Dog for Sean.

The Pathologist has diagnosed a soft tissue sarcoma for our miracle boxer boy BHRR’s Potter 🙁 🙁 Very devastating news to us and I know to all that equally love this amazing special needs Boxer. Per his Vet this is an *unpredictable* cancer and while it excises well, it can behave in any manner of ways….we are going to keep taking it one step at a time.

He is now scheduled for emergency surgery on Wednesday at Kanata Animal Hospital. We will also do pre-op bloodwork and x-Ray his lungs to see if it there is any metastasis.

This boy beat the most unbelievable odds almost 7 years ago when his back left leg had to be removed due to an aggressive MCT and to think that Cancer is now trying to tear him away again from his fans, friends & fam is crushing.

It has been an afternoon of many tears and now with swollen eyes, I am pushing aside all of my fears for him and know that as always we have no right to ask of anyone to consider making a donation to help with his continuing Vet Bills yet our coffers are so tight…..we have BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation coming up also on September 8th.

If anyone may consider a kind donation, no amount too small to help the Potterman, you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly at 613-836-2848 and make a donation over the phone via Amex, Visa or MasterCard. In person they will take cash or debit.

He has an account under *Potter* under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. I am posting his cytology results in the comment section.

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org are other venues to make a donation.

I cannot imagine a world without this personality filled Dog and Sean/I are hoping that some may consider his upcoming battle one that is worthy/deserving of support…..

If anyone could beat Cancer a second time, I know it would be BHRR’s Potter!!!

I am hoping, wishing, begging and pleading on bended knees for the love to shine Potter’s way.

Thank you in advance for reading our plea…..BHRR’s Potter -we posted an update on him here on Friday also thanks you so very much….

AND what is equally important are thoughts of well wishes and blessings to come his way too! He is a one of a kind deaf tripod Boxer who makes so many laugh daily with his antics…..


Guess who?!

This is BHRR’s Baron, the now 8 month old Brazilian Mastiff when I went to pick him up earlier today.

On August 24th, he was up to 98 pounds from the 71.94 pounds he was upon intake to the shelter in July. Great job emerge temp foster home in helping him! Still a wee bit thin yet looks so wonderful overall! The rest shall come, he is a young growing boy.

Thank you to his emerge temp foster home in taking such great care of him over the past month!

The BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile love him and he is thinking they are mighty fine right back! We went on a small walk this evening and he deeply enjoyed it. He is now resting comfortably in his colossal crate.

More to come…..


Many will recognise this big personality filled face!!! We were at the Vet last night for his annual and to check out a mass he has on his left front leg.
*that is one of my own deaf/visually impaired Danes head in the pic – Salt* 😀This is BHRR’s Potter, the miracle deaf boxer we were asked to assist just over 7 years ago due to our expertise with special needs dogs. Shortly after coming to us, we had to do a leg amputation due to cancer(back left) and this young man at only the age of barely 1 was given an 85% chance of the cancer coming back within 8 months post amputation….

Well, Potterman has something to say about that and he is now 8 years young!! Yup! 8 years!!

He has remained in our Haven program as after he arrived, we learned of a bite history – not his fault – he was neglected and abused and left to run loose at will on the I-81 in New York. He was called *dummy* and *stupid* and no one realised or cared that he was simply deaf and confused plus scared.

Well, this handsome Boxer’s life is now one of sneaking on couches, full of Potter ‘tude to the other dogs during events here, and where once vehicles truly terrified him, he would do anything to get out on one of his walk-abouts for a car ride! He has gone to many a soccer game and played soccer at the end of the games with all the kids and happily popped his share of soccer balls! :p

This boy brought me to tears when he first arrived….I watched three people work to get him into my truck when I went to pick him up and it broke my heart and for the first month, he had this look on his face that I knew that if I did not do things right, any trust he may give would never happen. I knew he was brilliant – he completely dismantled a crate within half an hour of arriving home with me, even folding the crate nicely!

In typical bully breed style he was strong minded and opinionated yet I knew that he was full of such love and heart and a real comedian also.

In that first month, I knew he had come to learn many hands signals as I own deafies myself and we have our share in rescue at any given time – it is one of our areas of expertise – yet, I never pushed or forced and was patient.

Almost one month to the day he arrived, I felt eyes staring at me and I look over and Potterman was sitting by the treat bin and looking at me. I felt the tears well up for in that moment I knew that I had been given a gift….he had given me trust that he felt I would not hurt him or force him and it was beautiful!!

Fast forward to his Vet visit last night and he continues to weigh a solid lean muscled consistent 64.9 pounds!

We are also not going to put the cart before the horse and are going to wait to see what comes back on the needle biopsies we did last night. We may have to do tissue biopsies for not much could be obtained on the fine needles and we are going to take it one step at a time. Cancer cannot be ruled out yet baby steps….

His spondylosis is getting slowly worse over the years yet, even as an 8 year old tripod, he can still run circles around most of the other dogs here!! 😀

He is happy and so loved!

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BHRR’s Puppy Pile Ross
August 19th, 2016
4 months of age – b. April 14th, 2016

Great with kids of age ages, adults and loves other dogs and he takes absolute joy in carrying sticks like his brother!

Housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, bomb proof as he is so well balanced/sound, fully vetted including microchipped and he is one of two remaining BHRR Puppy Pile puppies that we are hoping to place into a right matched foregver loving home!( 7 were born).

This litter and their emaciated mom has truly been an absolute delight to have assisted…..

Thank you Liz Bradley, Heather Hunter & Mason Ross Boers for all of the assistance with these gorgeous photo’s!


BHRR’s Puppy Pile Corbin
August 19th, 2016
4 months of age – b. April 14th, 2016Great with kids of age ages – he ADORES kids, adults and loves other dogs and he takes absolute joy in carrying sticks like his brother!

Housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, bomb proof as he is so well balanced/sound, fully vetted inuding microchipped and he is one of two remaining BHRR Puppy Pile puppies that we are hoping to place into a right matched foregver loving home!( 7 were born).

This litter and their emaciated mom has truly been an absolute delight to have assisted…..

Thank you again Liz Bradley & Heather Hunter and Mason Ross Boers for the help getting these fabu pictures!!!



Guess who?!! This gorgeous special needs Great Dane has a home-visit coming up soon for a possible approved adoption! 🙂

This is BHRR’s Bell!

She hung out at KAH today and was totally awesome! Many did not even know she was there she was so quiet…. 🙂

She had her annual and now weighs a wonderfully fit 48.10 kgs(105.82 pounds). Lean and solid muscle. She has put on 8.16 kgs(17.952 pounds) since she arrived into rescue! 🙂

A real love plus sweetheart of a lady and she is going to make a right matched forever loving home a most wonderful addition! 🙂

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What a most wonderful weekend!!

My heart remains glowing with such humbled warmth from so many that came together to make this weekend even possible!

A grand total of $703.50 was raised this weekend to help the Vet bills of the BHRR Puppy Pile!

Thank you again to Pet Valu Stittsville for your incredible hospitality again!! You make us feel truly welcomed and are so lovely!

Thank you to Cherie, Aaron, Serena, Sean, Dawn and Kinsley for your hands, hearts and time this weekend! I watched many times over how each of you were so helpful to visitors plus their pets and your knowledge of BHRR plus your belief in what this organization does, is a true blessing for the animals’ in need of our programs! Thank you for everything each of you do!

To every visitor this last weekend – one touching hi-light for me was seeing BHRR’s Lizzy adopted November 9th, 2012 – thank you very much! So many incredible human and dogs we met!! We loved spending time with you!

This photo is of BHRR’s Salem, a GD/Mastiffx who is available for adoption and BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite, one of our Haven Dogs. Both had a super day and won many hearts as did BHRR’s Corbin and BHRR’s Ross yesterday!! 🙂

As we wind down for the night at BHRR, we promised to post the date again of our next microchip clinic – accredited by the CVO – September 10th at Pet Valu Richmond from 10-4 pm! We will make sure the poster is put up tomorrow. 🙂 🙂

All funds from that event will go towards BHRR’s Dyson’s Partial Tail Amputation bills.

Thank you again to so many amazing souls for being those strong links on BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ 🙂 We remain deeply grateful……


Look who continues to do well in his emerge temp foster home!

BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff pup! NOT Yet Available For Adoption.

He is having a snooze with FREEDOM Dane, BHRR’s Peanut – adopted herself September 13th, 2012!


Two lovely young ladies and two lovely young BHRR Dane pups – Ross & Corbin – today at our Pet Valu Stittsville Event! 😀



This handsome Great Dane dude is BBBBB’s Ross – 16 weeks of age and he plus his equally handsome brother Corbin had their latest professional photo’s today thanks to the help of Liz, Heather plus Mason!

Corbin blew it out of the water with his great manners and obedience taking photo’s and well…..what can I say, 😀 BHRR’s Ross was spot on until a leaf blew, a blade of grass bent, saw the camera, was hoping for a treat, saw Mason, saw Corbin and well, in general any distraction that could pose fun and all manners were *off* and he then broke his sit/stay and the lay down/stay! 😛 What fun he is!!

Distraction training is the hardest to get through and overall even BHRR’s Ross did fabu, the ham!

For 16 weeks old puppies, their leash and collar manners are great. BHRR’s Corbin per Heather was self-correcting beautifully and neither cars, squealing tires or brakes, lawn mowers and buses etc., phased my babies one bit as we walked on sidewalks, crossed the roads etc.

Heather even commented so kindly about how wonderfully social both boyz are…thank you for such lovely praise!

It was great to see Liz plus Heather again and thank you all for your time and caring hands to give these two still available for adoption pups yet another amazing experience.

Liz thinks she can get these prof photo’s to us next week and we will update their blogs plus the Facebook adoptable album at that time, plus their Petfinder bio’s! So appreciative for the assistance in capturing these two amazing Boyz in their latest professional photo’s!

Both of these BHRR Puppy Pile puppies shall also be at Pet Valu Stittsville tomorrow between 10 am – 4 pm!! 🙂

Heather thank you for your sweet heart for the toys, meds and that adorable bow tie!

BHRR’s Ross(first photo), BHRR’s Corbin(second photo)

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VIDEO: Of my 9+ year old blue Great Dane Bronson with four of the BHRR Puppy Pile! 🙂 They are now 16 weeks of age.

The BBBBB’s of Corbin and Ross are still available for adoption! Both of them shall also be with us at Pet Valu Stittsville on Saturday August 20th @ our first community education event since May!


Update Sent Our Way:

“All is still well with Baron, we have had good days working on manners, listening and

learning right from wrong, as each day goes by, Baron is feeling more confident and sure

of himself.

He absolutely enjoys our adventurous outings with both structured walks and free playtime

with dog friends (playtime when not at home is always on a 30′ lunge lead).  I personally don’t

think he’d run away, his need for human (female) contact is too strong.  Recall is great with a

treat and huge praise as his reward.  He listens well most of the time, if caught doing something

he shouldn’t be doing, a firm gentle reprimand with touch seems to be effective.

He appears to have no food aggression or resource guarding, and there have been plenty of 

opportunities for him to have shown this negative behaviour although he has no problem stealing 

other dogs treats or food (we’re working on that).   I think the dino bones give him diarreah and 

gas as they are so greasy.  I did give him raw beef bones of comparable size and they seemed to be 

much more “tummy tolerant”.

Baron hasn’t made much progress with men, he becomes unsettled, guarded and very attentive

although it does seem to be worse in and around the house as opposed to outside or walking on leash.

As for meeting new females, he is cautious and shy at first but is easily won over with a treat.

Baron is very playful, rather clumsy and most definately doesn’t know his own size, trips on things,

slips on stuff and crashes into everything.  He is so very affectionate, loveable and happy, everyday

brings something new for him to explore.” 

Well, this afternoon we braved the terrible rain/wind with poor visibility for the BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile’s 16 week old Vet Visit and Boosters etc. 🙂

BHRR’s Corbin – Available for Adoption – weighed 27 Kgs(59.4 pounds)
BHRR’s Ross – Available for Adoption – weighed 26.2 kgs(57.64 pounds)
Cookie Dough Dynamo – Adopted – weighed 27.8 kgs(61.16 pounds)
BHRR’s Granite – BHRR Haven Dog – weighed 28 kgs(61.6 pounds)

All are lean, muscled and healthy plus so happy, not to mention social!

Later this week, the BBBBB’s of Ross & Corbin, will have their next professional photo’s done to help their right matched forever loving adoptive homes find them!!

I have also heard recent news from two of the three other BHRR puppy pile pups that were adopted in July and both are doing well plus both have started their mandatory obedience classes. 🙂

Thank you Rebecca for this great photo of the BHRR Puppy pile that were at Liston Animal Hospital today!



Update Sent Our Way – We moved BHRR’s Baron for one week to another emerge temp foster home – one he has gotten to know and loves since his time with the first emerge temp foster home. He is back with his first home as of Thursday the 18th. He is scheduled to arrive to BHRR on August 28th.


all is well with baron, he has made himself quite at home.

with me, my daughter and kato (6 month old lab) and any other dog friends

that come over to play he is a gentle giant.

he feels comfort in knowing, at all times where i am.  he listens when i say no, 

 and does not steal food from the kitchen anymore!!!  when put in his crate, he eats,

 barks for about 10 minutes then settles down. 

baron will now sit for a treat before being asked!!!

very cautious and guarded when there is a human male near, he will bark and want

to get between us, reassurance that all is ok seems to work.

baron thrives on gentle kind words of encouragement to calm a situation where

he feels threatened or ill as ease.

we go to the water everyday to cool off and have playtime, he swims, fetches sticks 

(doesn’t retrieve) digs in the sand and wrestles with kato, he loves it!!

i have been noticing his right eye seems to get a bit redder when he is tired.

baron is a big boy with a big appetite and a big heart!!

i thank you for putting your trust in me  with watching this lovely boy,”


BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin’s) Angels: $25 donated to date & Bills $206.90
*before paypal fees
*Jan in honour of BHRR’s L.T.’s 10th Birthday

This photo is of 4 – Corbin, Ross, Cookie Dough Dynamo and Granite – of the 7 BHRR Puppy Pile today exploring a new area of our almost 148 acre property discovering new trail/hiking territory!

BBBBB’s Corbin and Ross are still Available for Adoption!


UPDATE: heartworm and Lymes testing now back and is negative and sure enough, his T4 is normal so he has been overfed and not appropriately exercised 🙁

So much time is spent educating people on the proper weight for Danes/dogs in our adoption / temp foster info packages and the extra burden Big Ben’s joints and heart plus lungs have been having to take on because, of all of this excess weight is upsetting. 🙁

Over $200 has been spent and gladly so as we want all of our dogs proactively/preventatively vetted – to get Big Ben back on track with proper vetting yet it should never have been this way…..

This is BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin). His adoptive parents were getting divorced and after 4 years, 7 months to the day that he was adopted, Ben came back to us on August 5th. This is the first time we have taken a dog back due to a divorce in our almost 21 years of operating….. 🙁

Today, I had Big Ben at the Vet for he was overdue for vaccines, had not had any heartworm/Lymes testing done since 2014 nor was he on heartworm preventative since 2014 per the records we received.

He is also seriously overweight at 69.4 kgs(152.68 pounds) today at work.

I am running a T4 to rule out thyroid.

He had a thorough exam, bloodwork done for heartworm/Lymes testing plus thyroid, had revolution, a much needed nail trim – we will work on training those quicks back again – and we updated his vaccines. He will be proactively/preventatively de-wormed also.

He was such a good boy, always was…..

When we adopt our dogs out we try to be so thorough and detailed in the process. BHRR stands by all of our dogs and our contract states that if for any reason a home cannot keep their adoptive BHRR dog, they are to come back to BHRR.

We were sad to see this home get divorced, passed along how sorry we were and we were also sad to learn that prior to reaching out to us the home tried to place Big Ben on their own first, forgetting about their signed contract with us.

Additionally, in asking for a write up on Big Ben to post on his blog, we read that when the home had children, they were allowed to *ride* Ben as if he was a pony. His lips and ears were pulled and our adoption package clearly states that Danes are dogs, not equines. A true testament to Ben’s amazing temperament is that he never reacted negatively to this inappropriate handling.

Big Ben is now 6.5 years of age and as he settles in more, we will make the determination if we will place him up for adoption again or have him remain as a cherished member of our Haven program. He has gone through so much prior to his rescue to BHRR and now he is back after over 4.5 years….

I am sad in so many ways……


BHRR’s Dyson(Available for Adoption!) had his annual last night and a recheck on his perpetual happy tail…..

After years, yes years of treating this tail off and on, we are going to amputate a portion of it off. I am not one for taking off body parts unnecessarily yet we have reached a point that this is in his best interest. We did his heartworm/Lymes testing along with pre-op bw and vaccines. He is such a goof!

He has always been a lean muscled boy once we got past the beyond skinny state upon his arrival into rescue and last night, he was down a bit from his last weigh-in so we will re-evaluate his food intake plus it is time to proactively de-worm again – we like to do that twice a year even if a dog is not symptomatic.

All of us, and BHRR’s Dyson also continue wait patiently for that right matched forever loving home to find him!!

In the meantime, he romps in 3+ acres of fenced in yard, hikes in almost 148 acres of land, gets to sunbathe as he wishes on the brick deck and is loved beyond measure!

BHRR’s Salem had her own special picnic snack date yesterday and was spoiled!! Thank you to this lovely home for having her into their home! She also remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home.

BHRR’s Big Ben came back to BHRR yesterday after over 4.5 years in his adoptive home due to a divorce(Adopted January 5th, 2012). He was so excited to see me and I him. I now have a Vet appointment on Monday for him as he is seriously overweight, long overdue for vaccines, has not had Lymes/heartworm testing nor been on preventative since 2014. 🙁

Welcome home my beautiful boy….

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I think someone is settling in wonderfully into their emerge temp foster home! One week today from when he first arrived to them.

BHRR’s Baron, the 7 month old Brazilian Mastiff!

Thank you from my heart to this awesome home in sending all of these detailed daily updates. So appreciative!

He is doing so well! Great leash manners, does love to counter surf :p, has made some fabu canine friends to play with and he is also learning all about what is and is not acceptable to chew on!! 😀

Thank you so much amazing home for being there in his time of need!!


Guess who?! This uber handsome blue Great Dane is BHRR’s Rubble!

He came to work today to be de-twinkled! Sean dropped BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Maple off earlier in the day for their own spays.

BHRR’s Rubble has put on another 22 pounds of awesome solid muscle mass and weight!! Well done!! He looks incredible!! He now weighs 140.80 pounds. 🙂

BHRR’s Maple has put on another 6 plus pounds herself!

All their spays and his neuter went well and BHRR’s Rubble had one testicle that was underdeveloped yet nothing abnormal that the Vet felt it needed to be sent off to histiopathology.

Great news for BHRR’s Limerick, her knees look good! Her hips seem to be the source of her gaiting the way she is and she shall be monitored as she builds up more muscle mass plus strength. 🙂

All are now at home resting!

In a couple of weeks time, they all should be ready to make their special announcements! They have all come so far since they came into rescue and all three will need those right matched adoptive homes that shall continue to build upon the strong foundations we have been laying here for them. Each of these dogs are a true gift!!

Good night wishes from our home to yours!



Another awesome photo of this handsome dude!


BHRR News Update:

It has been and still is a busy week here!

On Friday July 29th, BHRR’s Whisper(deaf/visually) impaired Great Dane – Available for Adoption! – had her own overnight picnic play date.

On Saturday, after driving to Orleans to pick her up – she loved their cats also! She loves everyone and everything – we had our next BHRR ‘PRIVATE’ Experience at BHRR. We had the farrier come for the horses, picked up hay for the horses, took the remaining Puppy Pile babies(4) for a walk and had many laughs over the afternoon plus evening. Thank you for coming!

Supper was steak dinner, homemade garlic toast, whipped potatoes, corn and for dessert homemade lemon merengue pie! 🙂 We hope our guests deeply enjoyed themselves. This is the second private experience that they have had with us. 🙂

Sunday was our son’s 16th Birthday and cannot believe how fast time is going. So proud of Mason and how he is growing up.

I have been receiving daily updates(thanks to the amazing emerge temp foster home!) on who the home has begun to call BHRR’s Baron, the Brazilian Mastiff. He is doing so well!

Tomorrow we have three Danes heading in for their spays/neuters. BHRR’s Maple, BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Rubble. BHRR’s Limerick shall also have her hips/knees checked out more thoroughly under sedation and we will do x-Ray’s if required.

Friday, BHRR’s Dyson is having his annual and a recheck on his chronic ‘happy tail’. Silly goof!

Next week is equally wonderfully busy!! We hope all are enjoying this glorious sunshine! 🙂

Please remember to use proper safe hot weather practises for your pets/kids and that includes on the hot pavement.

Happy Wednesday!

Editing to add that BHRR’s Salem also has her own special picnic snack date on Friday!!!


We have been thinking of moving BHRR’s Dune to an approved Temp Foster home, a home a bit more quieter than ours.

He shall be heading that way shortly!

On Saturday July 23rd, I received a voice message to call one of BHRR’s Big Ben’s owners. It sounded serious.

In talking to the one O. I learned that sadly the home was getting divorced and that neither partner would be keeping BHRR’s Big Ben. I thank the O. for calling us as our signed contact states that if for any reason one of our dogs cannot be kept by an adoptive home, that they must come back to BHRR.

The O. did say that they had tried friends/family first prior to contacting us and apologized that they had forgotten this part of their



Quietly in the background, two extremely important/sensitive situations have been worked on……

AND this handsome sweet boy is going to know just how special he is and in time, may he come to understand how caring plus loving hands can be and not hurtful or unkind.

On July 19th, I was asked if we could step up and assist this 7 month old Brazilian Mastiff and with angels by our side, he is heading into an emerge temp foster spot with a truly amazing home today……

He is going to need/have a new name for a new wonderful beginning and Name Guru’s, help?!!! I have also asked his emerge temp foster home for assistance/suggestions in naming him. 🙂

BHRR has not been able to assist any additional dogs since May 29th (BHRR’s Limerick) and we can only help those next in need of us as we have spots.

We adopted three BHRR dogs the week of July 11th and have another pending adoption – home-visit is this Sunday – and also, most sadly, we have for the very first time ever in our 20.5 year existence, a BHRR dog coming back August 5th, after over 4.5 years since he was adopted, due to a divorce. 🙁

I look forward in hearing more about this precious Fila after he arrives to his destination….thank you to his angels for stepping up to give him a beautiful safe haven.

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This gorgeous BBBBB is Raven!

Still Available for Adoption and still a loveable goofy nut!! 😀

She had her annual today at KAH and I am also running a T4 as she is quite plump. Could be all the treats in her truly lovely foster home 😉 ….and still being fed the same yet I want to rule out a thyroid issue. The home did tell me that she was putting on some weight and we want to be proactive to make sure that all is normal with her thyroid.

She has put on 5.3 Kgs since she began to be fostered.

She had a manicure/pedicure, I cleaned her ears and she rocked her exam! So friendly and social and curious!! Her Vet even commented on how great her coat looked. 🙂

This is the emaciated puppymill Great Dane mama that we were asked to assist and she needed a mastectomy as she was full of mammary masses and we sent everything off to histio for analysis. All came back a thumbs up and she has done extremely well since her arrival into our programs. 🙂

We all remain patient as we do with others in our adoptable program for that right matched personality fit home to find her!

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Everyone’s Fav ‘gimpy’ boy is at work with me today. 🙂 Not the best photo….

His wonderful ortho specialist wanted us to wait until BHRR’s Baby Kaos was at least a year before re-visiting that leg of his.

Someone had asked me recently how much did I think he now weighs and I said between 100-110 pounds and today he was 102.08 pounds! So good guess-estimate on my part! 🙂

Per his specialist, after examining him today and watching him outside, he now wishes to wait until September before seeing if he should go back in to look at that knee again and check the cruciate.

He reviewed Kaos’ last x-Ray’s from March again and also told me that for sure he feels the arthritis that we knew he would one day develop in that knee.

What we do not yet know is if the limping and toe touching is Kaos’ ‘norm’ and as he is still growing – 13 months, his specialist has asked to wait a few more months and maintain the status quo on what we are currently doing with him.

So, for all of his fans plus followers, he is not yet going to be placed up for adoption and may never depending on what the future findings may be and that is ok. We are committed to life to him and have our BHRR Haven Program for a reason. 🙂

One step at a time for now though and it means more waiting as he grows plus matures with those growth plates. Thank goodness as I have said many times over, that he is a small male Great Dane. That is in his huge benefit!

Per his specialist, his personality is as delightful as it has always been! 🙂


BHRR’s Limerick, BHRR’s Rubble & BHRR’s Maple are all scheduled to be altered on August 4th.

From there, we will see how BHRR’s Limerick’s knees and hips are doing.

AND not long after these alters, BHRR’s Rubble and BHRR’s Maple should be ready to make their special announcements!

BHRR’s Ross – BHRR GD Puppy Pile
July 10th, 2016
*11 weeks old in this photo – KAH/BHRR’s 9th Annual Fundraiser!

STILL Available For Adoption – turned 12 weeks of age July 14th!

Weight on July 13th – 16.2 Kgs(35.64 pounds)

*There is nothing wrong with his skin – that is fawn colouring! All puppies have some amounts of fawn in their coats. 🙂

BHRR’s continues to just shine! Social, outgoing, a real ham and so sweet! 🙂



AND BHRR Puppy Pile BHRR’s Slate is ADOPTED!

Three of the seven puppies have been adopted this week and that now makes four babies in their forever loving adoptive homes to date. 🙂

We still have BBBBB’s Ross & Corbin Available for Adoption – new 11 week old pictures from July 10th – thanks to Melissa! – posted on their blogs and in the Facebook adoptable album!

I want to thank BHRR’s Slate’s new home so much for such a delight of an application process. It really has been a true pleasure going through this detailed adoption process with your home.

All three puppies that came tonight had a great visit and made me so proud of their leash manners and made me so giggly with the two BBBBB’s puppy antics with this homes ottoman! Like their own personal comfy couch!! 😀

Thank you to this lovely couple for allowing us into their home and for their patience plus kindness as three puppies thundered like wee hippies throughout it!! :p

BHRR’s Slate, you are in the exact type of home we wanted for you and thank you to your new parents in opening up their hearts plus home to a rescue dog!

Parting was emotional in watching Mason say good-bye and I am equally proud of you Mason for helping to whelp this litter and in helping to raise them, all the puppy washing you have done :p and being such a fabu role model!

Thank you again Aaron for doing this visit with me!

Congrats again to BHRR’s Slate & his new wonderful family!! I go to bed tonight after a very long yet rewarding week……

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BHRR’s Corbin – BHRR GD Puppy Pile
July 10th, 2016
*11 weeks old in this photo – KAH/BHRR’s 9th Annual Fundraiser!

STILL Available For Adoption – turned 12 weeks of age July 14th!

Weight on July 13th – 18 Kgs(39.6 pounds)


Many thanks being sent out to BHRR BOD member Mary for the extra puppy wrangler hands yesterday!!

Mary lives in Oshawa and was still in town from our incredibly successful – 9th Annual KAH/BHRR Fundraiser on the 10th, humbling $5,300+ raised and still counting as the silent auction funds come in. Final total will be announced. 🙂

I said to Mary that if she wanted more puppy time we would be at LAH yesterday and thank goodness for her experienced loving hands! 😀

The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 are now 5 – two approved adoptions this week – and while their leash manners are really quite good – when one puts on the brakes or wants to change direction, so does another and sometimes another! :p

We made quite the wonderful scene walking into the Hospital stopping cars and bystanders alike as these truly beautiful and special rescue litter skipped, hopped, walked, trotted plus pranced and bounced their way in! 🙂

BHRR’s Slate weighed 19.1 Kgs
Cookie Dough Dynamo weighed 18.3 Kgs
BHRR’s Granite weighed 18 Kgs
BHRR’s Corbin weighed 18 Kgs
BHRR’s Ross weighed 16.2 Kgs

We are still accepting applications on two of our Puppy Pile babies(Ross & Corbin), who are 12 weeks old today!

BHRR’s Slate is under a pending adoption at this time. His home-visit, of which we are truly excited about is tomorrow.

Those familiar with our adoption processes and as openly explained to anyone that asks, BHRR only places per right matched personality fit.

We believe that each reputable/quality rescue out in the world operates in the manner that they feel is in the right/best interest of those in their care. Great Organisations will share similar processes and they will/may also have different procedures plus requirements, and we will all share the common goal of making sure that those we are entrusted to do right by are done right by, each and every time.

For BHRR, we do not entertain many applications on any one dog and then review to choose what we feel may be ‘best’ out of those applications. We take each application as they arrive in the order they arrive and the application is thoroughly reviewed in our detailed adoption process to then determine if said home is the right matched personality fit for our dogs.

Our approach to application processing in addition to our assessment/evaluation/rehab programs, enables us, to continue to have such extreme high adoption success. We were 100% in over 10 years of operating and now we are 98% as we go through year 20. In 20.5 years, we have only ever taken back 7 adoptions. While we sincerely wish we could still have had a 100% success rate, we know that no matter how thorough an adoption process can be, it is not perfect. 🙁

However, we remain proud and thrilled with this high number in success stories for our dogs/homes since our inception in 1996!


AND we are on our way!

BHRR’s Slate(BHRR’s Granite can also be seen!) – the litter shall be 12 weeks old tomorrow!

The remaining of the BHRR Puppy Pile x 7, five of them are on their way with Sean/I to LAH for their next exams, boosters and weights!

I have been asked several times, why if BHRR’s Slate is under a pending adoption and that his home/visit is Friday, am I doing his next boosters/exams and not letting his new possible home pay for them.

This is because he is still under BHRR’s care, has not yet been approved to be adopted and it is time for his next boosters and this is part of our proactive/preventative Vet protocol. 🙂

We do not cut corners at BHRR. Just as it is about always having the right matched home be approved to adopt any of our dogs, it is always about doing it right in vet care, training plus rehab for every dog we are entrusted with. 🙂

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AND the third BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 is now in her forever loving adoptive ‘home!’

This is BBBBB’s Flower(11.5 weeks)! 🙂 She spoke up in her own special way and said this was the home for her!

This wee beauty makes my heart almost burst from my chest with how freakin’ proud I am of her!! This was the Dane baby that had to learn to like herself, learn that she was equally worthy of attention and love and she has become super social, curious, a bit of a monkey and even more affectionate and outgoing!! I am truly so full of such happiness over her progress.

She stepped out of my car and was literally feeling at home. 🙂

Not in this picture is 19 year old Mac the cat and Guinness the Berner. Camera shy. 🙂

Thank you to this wonderful home in going through our thorough adoption process and in opening up their own hearts to a rescue pup!!

Thank you so much Aaron for doing this home visit with me!


A small update from BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ Special Date Today:

“Baby Kaos has settled in pretty good. He does self regulate in his play with Sally and right now, he is enjoying an ice cube on the Dane bed in the living room while Sally watches.  He is very curious about Sally and constantly engages in play with her. When she misses his play bow, Kaos thinks it is perfectly acceptable to paw her. He has gotten lots of love and rubs so far. He is not one to sit still or lay down for too long. He is constantly exploring the main floor of the house. Our neighbours were taken with him and marveled at his affectionate nature.”


Another Update and it is so true, under the right positive balanced leadership, his leash manners are impeccable!

“He’s been a dream. He watched patiently as I put baked goods onto plates for the ladies at the front desk then walked obediently beside me (no pulling whatsoever) to deliver everything. Best delivery dog ever! 😀 “

UPDATE from his special picnic snack date when I responded to her post about how much of a blast they were having and what a huge hit he is every place they go. The more dates he has without me, the more he is dealing with self-comforting and relaxing and becoming more confident as he learns he is going to be ok and that I am coming back. 🙂 He did not have terrible SA yet, he latched on to the stability, routine, structure, and no end of love here of a well balanced home, and I have been working on showing him that many other homes/people are equally kind, and full of consistency for him. 🙂

“Absolutely, we just did another tour of the grounds, and we sat in the lobby for half an hour. He greeted all who came in calmly and gently as his name implies. He was so very carefully saying hello to one woman with a walker and stretching out his neck so she could pet him – wasn’t fazed at all by it – then greeted companions when she was done. Definitely a therapy dog in the making! The rest of the time he snoozed on the carpet runner.”


We have so much to post in thanks plus heart warming appreciation for a great and another truly successful year yesterday at Kanata Animal Hospital’s 9th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim plus BBQ Fundraiser.

I remain incredibly humbled plus indebted to so many that shared our event, donated items and/or Volunteered plus attended yesterday. Words truly almost fail me to express the eternal thanks that is felt deep in my soul to so many!! I have a few candid photo’s I took while we wait for Melissa’s much more professional ones to share!

I will share that we do know that over $5,000 was raised and still counting! Tears….many tears of gratitude….this is our biggest fundraiser of the year and ten months of the year is spent working to try and organise an event that will be worthy of the public and fun plus uniquely BHRR! We only host very few fundraisers each year and this one is looked forward to by so many! Thank you everyone!!

At this time, while I work to formulate the proper words, no time for rest as we have two more special picnic snack dates today – BHRR’s Gentle Jake(massive hit at our event yesterday!) and BHRR’s not so baby Kaos!

AND tonight, BHRR’s Great Dane Puppy Pile Sapphire goes to her forever loving adoptive home!

Hoping that this is a wonderful Monday for all of our friends, family and supporters!!


AND the second(First is Cookie Dough Dynamo) of the BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 is now ‘home’. This is BHRR’s Sapphire (11.5 weeks old) and her new forever loving adoptive family! 🙂

This home has also been incredible approved Volunteers of BHRR for quite some time now.

Parting was emotional for Mason and the rest of the Boerskins yet we know she will do well! The dogs of BHRR place huge pawprints on our hearts and remain forever imprinted in our souls!!

As I left I picked her up, told her how much I loved her and was proud of her….this whole litter has been outstanding…..

Congrats to all!! Going to love watching you grow up you stunning BBBBB!!


BBBBB’s Corbin – One of the BHRR Puppy Pile x 7
July 10th, 2016 at our 9th Annual KAH/BHRR Fundraiser
Almost 2.5 months of age!


Thanks Melissa Roy for this great photo of him! I have one that is so similar from a Pet Valu event we were at in May. 🙂 He has always slept this way! 🙂

BHRR’s Corbin continues to just love people, and really connects with kids! He loves all dogs and is truly one really special boy that is active, curious and outgoing. If there are arms to snuggle him, he is so happy!

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This is the POSTER boy of our 9th Annual KAH/BHRR Event today! 🙂

BHRR’s Gentle Jake as expected BLEW everyone out of the water with how fabu he was! 🙂 Big or small, he loves all the dogs and kids and people and treats! 🙂

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched personality fit home.

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BHRR’s Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 – BHRR’s Granite
11 weeks of age – July 10th, 2016
He is one of our Haven Dogs.

This picture has quickly captured my heart!

Taken by Elizabeth White and WOW! Love it!

He had a great day!

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Another of the BHRR Puppy Pile pups would like to make their own announcement!

BHRR’s Slate has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can! This week has sure been a crazy busy awesome one in quite a few ways!

This photo was from the 8 week old professional photo’s on June 16th that Melissa and some pretty fabu puppy wranglers helped me with!!

We are still taking applications for approved adoption consideration on BHRR’s Ross and BHRR’s Corbin. BHRR’s Flower remains under a pending at this time and we will update as we can on that status.

BHRR’s Sapphire heads to her own new forever loving home on Monday July 11th. Parting shall be such sweet sorrow for my family, and especially Mason.


We are just 5 SLEEPIES away to our biggest Fundraiser Event of the year. 🙂 July 10th!

Thank you to everyone that is making this a most promising and exciting event again for 2016!

What has traditionally been the largest microchip fundraiser in Canada!

Kanata Animal Hospital’s 9th ANNUAL Microchip, Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser!

There shall also be ear cleaning, a silent auction table, baked goodies for humans, doggie treats, Canine Water Wellness shall be there, Pet Valu shall have our dog cooling/treat station again in 2016, Pet photography, Face-painting and so much more!

Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! 😀

No appointments necessary!
Rain or Shine!
9 AM – 4 PM
440 Hazeldean Road

Here is an update on what we are still needing:

BHRR is in search of the following items for our event for 2016!!!
Thank you in advance for any consideration!!
1) Volunteers to put up posters in their local community including training facilities, work, friends, family, neighbours etc. Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
2) Donations of pop, bottled water, & small bags of chips.
3) NEED DRAW PRIZES! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
4) Bags of ICE! ICE! ICE!
5) Silent Auction Items
6) Human Bakers
7) Dog Treat Bakers
8) Gift cards – please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
9) Coolers to borrow for pop/juice/ice
10) Tables
11) Chairs
12) 1 more Tent – I have three, PV Stittville will have one, CWW will have one, Doogie will have one, The Maracle Family will have one.
***This event is such a great time!***

Here is the Facebook Event Page to join and stay updated! 🙂

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This BBBBB has something she would like to say: She is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 

This is the lovely and truly precious BHRR’s Flower!!

She is now 10 weeks of age and please keep her in your best wishes! We shall update as we can!

Happy Sunday to all!!!

The BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 and Sean :p plus one of my own Danes, my Big Blue Bronson are checking out the new yard area being constructed for the puppies who are now 10 weeks old!

They have their own almost 1/2+ acre fenced yard with direct access to the house and the rec room with couch, futon bed, TV, two fish tanks and soft dog beds, toys and more! Until they are big enough to run with zee big dawgs, this is their new digs! They were weaned off all pee pads almost a week ago and rarely an accident being had. They ask to go out and take themselves out when we are hanging with them and the door is open. 🙂 Sun and shade and lots of items to stimulate them physically plus mentally.

Today, they were active and awake for over 4 straight hours and finally are all crashed out for a power snooze, some even snoring loud enough to compete with the bigger Danes! 😀

This picture was taken before Sean laid down the T-posts and we expanded the area outward.

We hope all are enjoying this weekend safely with loved ones!!


BHRR’s Flower – June 16th, 2016
8 weeks of age


Weight on June 14th @ 8 weeks of age: 9.6 kgs(21.13 pounds)
Weight on June 30th @ 10 weeks of age: 12.9 Kgs(28.38 pounds)

She absolutely blew everyone away at her 8 week of professional photo shoot! Outgoing, curious and comfortable. So proud of her!!













BHRR’s Corbin – June 16th, 2016
8 weeks of age


Weight on June 29th @ 10 weeks of age: 14.9 Kgs(32.78 pounds)












BHRR’s Granite weighed 14.8 Kgs (32.56 pounds) on June 29th @ 10 weeks of age

Photo is from June 16th @ 8 weeks of age.

He had a great 8 week Vet Visit on June 14th and while still not menacing normally, the Vet found that when he ‘touched’ the outside of his right eye, on that side he would almost be ‘reminded’ to menace on that side only.

BHRR’s Slate – June 16th, 2016
Pic @ 8 weeks of age


Weight on June 14th @ 8 weeks of age: 10.9 Kgs(23.98 pounds)
Weight on June 29th @ 10 weeks of age: 15.5 Kgs(34.10 pounds)





















BHRR’s Ross – June 16th, 2016

8 weeks of age


Weight on June 29th @ 10 weeks – 13 kgs(28.6 pounds)

Does anybody recognise this blue beauty!? She arrived to BHRR May 29th!

This is BHRR’s Limerick!

She and BHRR’s Gentle Jake were at KAH tonight.

BHRR’s Gentle Jake had his updated rabies done and is up another 11 pounds!! 129.14 pounds now. Wtg! The scale still makes him want to ‘throw’ his weight around and we worked through it and he learned that he is ok still. 🙂 He remains Available For Adoption!

BHRR’s Limerick had her second booster, re-visited her skin which her coat is looking much more shiny and glossy, had her ears looked at closely, heart and lungs checked out again, and we did an u/s probe to see if she was pregnant or still a possible false pregnancy. No babies seen in the ultrasound. Her weight was up also and we were able to get a better exam on hips, knees and that toe of hers.

When she is able to be spayed, we will do x-Ray’s and get an even better exam yet I strongly suspect HD and cruciate issues, the poor thing and her one back toe may need to be amputated due to past trauma.

We remain committed and dedicated to her care and what she needs she will have!

On a side note, she blew everyone out of the water at our June 26th, Mini ‘EXPERIENCE’ open house!!! She was more than ready to mix and mingle and I let her tell me how she felt. She made it clear she wanted to be with the 31 people in attendance and while a bit unsure here and there, one butt scratch and rub from people and she was like ‘oh yeah, we are totally going to be great friends!’

This extremely fear reactive Dane that first arrived to BHRR was ruling the day and she is only going to get better! People approached her properly and were so kind and loving!

BHRR’s Mama Great Dane Eve also blew it out of the park!! She made it clear that she also wanted to socialise and OMG! That terrified Dane from December when she first arrived and also in February is no longer! She gracefully went from person to person and when she got her own rump rubs, she was ‘won’ over!

AND BHRR’s Skye, was chilling and relaxing herself!! Not one fear growl or anxiety shown.

So so so so proud of my girls……they have been smokin’ their individualised rehab programs and I literally had tears in my eyes with how fabu they were and the great day they had and seeing how much the world does have to offer in gentle caring spoiling hands and experiences!

We want to thank everyone that came out on Sunday and for all the donations and for making our last ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house for 2016 the best! AND man! Despite two a/c’s pumping, it was HOT! 😀 24 tired yet happy dogs also that night!


A photo sent our way from Becca of the Boys’ post neuters(court ordered to be done by the time they were 6 weeks of age) and due to my long standing excellent relationship with AC, allowed them to be done at 10+ weeks instead.


Someone had his annual / vaccines exam today – BHRR’s Baby Griffin, who is not so baby in size any more!! 😀

Still AVAILABLE For Adoption!

He weighed 48 Kgs(105.6 pounds)! He is a Great Dane mixed with breeds such as Rottie and Newf plus Boxer. Handsome boy. 🙂

He did so well!! Only became fear reactive with a bit of barking when someone (Antec pick up man) showed fear of him and then he had some ‘tude with negative seeking attention for a bit after that yet, he was corrected when required and passively ignored when needed and rewarded when he showed appropriate displays of proper behaviour.

He was great with his nails and was not phased one iota when he had his vaccines. His lungs and heart are excellent and an A+ he got for health. 🙂 He even received a compliment on his obedience plus white teethies!

We hung out chatting for a bit with the staff afterwards and he chilled and relaxed over all so well!

On our way home, Mason and I deliberately went to three different drive-through places to pick up food goodie items so that BHRR’s Griffin could get continued regular exposure to different people and places and not even a blink made, two of the places had males in the drive-through window and other than some natural wonderful curiosity shown, BHRR’s Griffin was calm and relaxed and the sweetheart he is almost 98% of the time now. One of the drive through young men kept commenting on how stunning BHRR’s Griffin is!

He needs that very experienced dog savvy home, one that is going to be ‘on him’ in the positive and kindly firm balanced structured manner he needs. He is so eager to please, and cannot get enough of kids. Kinsley has been ‘claimed’ by him and he needs to be reminded that we share and we do not resource.

He is beyond loyal when you have earned his trust, affectionate, a ham and so smart!

He will make that right matched forever loving home laugh and keep them on their toes that 2% of the time that he ‘forgets’ himself and his manners. He is a far cry from the unstable, fear wracked lacking confidence boy that first arrived to BHRR and he just keeps reaching his potential more and more with every training session and social outing and exposure to so many new and now ‘old’ to him things.

He travels beautifully in a car and I cannot say enough about how awesome he is. Playful yet loves to cuddle and snuggle – great tv/movie buddy. To us, he is so low maintenance compared to some dogs in our program yet, we also are not your typical dog owners. 😉

I am so freakin’ proud of all of your accomplishments to date my ‘baby’ Griffin!! We adore you!

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This stunning inside and out BBBBB from our BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 (born April 14th) has her wonderful special announcement to make. 🙂

She has a fabu approved future adoptive home that she will be adopted to when older and ready!!

This litter turned 8 weeks of age on June 14th and had their 8 week old professional photo shoot on June 16th. Thank you’s extended again to Melissa Roy for everything she has done to capture this incredible Dane litter as they have been growing!!

I love the photo’s taken below of this truly solid, social, affectionate, outgoing, curious, well balanced, great mixture of sass and sweetness, bomb proof puppy! She is so smart, kind and gentle and truly gorgeous inside and out….

We are still taking applications for possible future approved homes on four(4) of this litter now. Three more BBBBB’s and one handsome Merle!

Congratulations to BHRR’s Sapphire and to her future approved forever loving home!!

BHRR’s Sapphire’s weight on June 14th, 2016 @ 8 weeks of age: 9.7 kgs(21.34 pounds)
BHRR’s Sapphire’s weight on June 30th @ 10 weeks of age: 13.2 kgs(29.04 pounds)


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Here is a photo of BHRR’s Whisper special picnic snack play date today and then a photo of her on our way home! 🙂

This was her first play date without me and she ROCKED it! 🙂

Some updates from her play date home:

“Whisper had a quick lay down while I stepped out with Teia, but she has been spoiled with lots of play since she got here. After Sally needed a lay down, Whisper started to play fetch with the girls. This game has turned into “catch” inside: she brings the girls a toy, drops it and waits for them to toss it at her to catch. Very happy girl who has a lot of energy. Sally seems to really like her!

Six beds and she takes a pug sized one in the window.”

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BHRR’s Steam had her special picnic play date today! She remains available for adoption and per yet another recent experience from someone who emailed us wanting to submit an application for her, stated they were so serious, had read her blog, was prepared to make the drive to visit, do whatever was needed etc., please do not waste our time should you not be 100% serious.

We are all Volunteers of BHRR and only will place per right matched personality fit for any of our dogs.

Yet on a more pleasant note, this photo and words are from BHRR’s Steam’s wonderful ‘date’ home today:

“Molly and Steam resting after a day of swimming and playing”


A little blurb on BHRR’s Flame from her date home. Thank you for the pictures and in giving her this wonderful experience!

“We decided to go about our business and normal stuff at home and suddenly she was beside us in the kitchen! I have taken her for a very gentle walk around the block now that the rain has stopped and wish I could have snapped a picture of her cocking her head trying to figure out what the sewer/rain water noise was all about near our park! She is still feeling timid and unsure but has started exploring the house slowly. A bit of counter surfing which we are correcting quickly, her obedience and leash manners are lovely!!”


Two photo’s sent our way from BHRR’s Bell’s play date! 🙂

She had a lovely stroll and a great nap! That is ‘Mavis’ her canine hostesss for this special date! 🙂 Thanks SO much Gracie for being her date again!

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Though the weather outside is truly made for ducks today and our neighbours’ ducks are having a grand time, we have two lovely BHRR doggies on their special picnic dates today!

BHRR’s Flame(Available for Adoption – 6 months of age and is a GDx. She will never be a giant in size- takes after whatever her sire was for is nothing like her GD mama in size, or even be a large dog yet she is giant in heart, personality and soul.) – shown in this awesome photo taken by her date home! Her mama GD Eve is also available for adoption!

Many may remember when she came to BHRR with her one remaining surviving sibling, BHRR’s Ember at just 2 weeks of age with their mama GD BHRR’s Eve.


BHRR’s Bell(Available for Adoption) – picture is one, I took on the drive in on my iPhone. Quality not the best…..yet still a good shot of this lovely gal! She is blind/deaf on one side and has come a long way she she arrived to BHRR. Incredible social and affectionate girl. Not to mention how beautiful she is. 🙂

That makes four special dates out of 16 done this week and another six are already booked for later this month. 🙂

Thank you again to all participating homes for giving these amazing BHRR dogs these positive experiences and for the photo’s and the write-ups for their blogs!!

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Some more pictures of BHRR’s Gentle Jake’s overnight picnic last night!

Thanks again Megan and Phoebe for giving him this experience! That is also NOT a scar underneath his eye in the one pic Megan took, it is an eye booger….

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BHRR’s Hercules on his date! 🙂 Wonderful compliments being sent our way on him!

Thank you to this home – Elizabeth – for bidding and winning this date! Some feedback from Elizabeth re: him:

“He is SUCH a good boy omg. What an amazing happy go lucky dog”


BHRR’s Hercules’ turn! He has now been dropped off for his own special day date with special picnic snack! Bit of a blurry photo and still damp from a fresh bath this AM!

I have already received a message from the home that he is a HUGE hit, yet, we already know that as he is such a WOW dog! BHRR’s Hercules has always been a happy boy, even with that terrible leg injury plus chronic pain that no one ever treated him for yet he is now so much more happy, healthier and mobile since his amputation and he is also available for adoption!!

We remain patient as does he for that right matched forever loving home to find him. He is a rare bomb proof dog….incredibly well balanced and sound!

Since I posted about BHRR’s Gentle Jake’s own overnight picnic play date yesterday, people have been asking if they too can have dates. 15 out of 16 of these particular dates are part of an incredibly unique and one of a kind creative fundraiser that BHRR has been doing hosting for over 5 years now. 🙂

Other dates that we have are for any of our BHRR approved Volunteers. We do not have dates for the general public as part of our regular rehab programs. There is screening and waivers involved also.

I have now picked up BHRR’s Gentle Jake from his own overnight date and getting ready to make the drive home. Yup! I commit a lot of my time and personal pocket money on gas plus picnic groceries for these special picnics yet so worth it….these dogs deserve so much and we are determined to give it to them!!


BHRR’s Gentle Jake(Available for Adoption) was dropped off for his overnight play date tonight! This is the home’s picnic. 🙂

His is the first of 16 of dates happening – day or overnight – and day dates get a special picnic snack and overnight dates get a special picnic meal, yet truly they are almost identical as the picnics are my contribution to this amazing unique and creative BHRR idea to help make our dogs more well rounded and balanced plus to show them more caring loving hands…..

Thank you to all that are participating and tomorrow BHRR’s Hercules has his day date and BHRR’s Fire gal Flame plus BHRR’s Bell have theirs on Sunday.

I am still working on booking at least another four of these dates in June!

Busy and wonderful times for these WOW BHRR dogs!

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UPDATE: This blue Great Dane that was picked up on May 26th in Limerick Forest and shared across many social media outlets, is now safe in our Great Dane Rescue. One of the Angels that found her reached out to our Great Dane Rescue again Saturday, this time asking for further assistance. This Dane has clear fear aggression issues and anxiety issues right now.

Proper due diligence will continued to be shown in the hopes that she has a loving owner looking for her. In the mean-time our Great Dane Rescue will proactively and preventatively de-worm her and do a fecal which is always part of our protocols.

She was at my Vet Hospital tonight and weighed about 42 Kgs(92.4 pounds)….she was nervous of the scale. She needs a good 10-15 pounds of muscle mass and weight to be put on. When she was first picked up she was dehydrated and all signs of dehydration are now gone thanks to her rescue Angels…Lisa, Tanya and the others that they work with – it was the Ministry of Forestry that found her as they were working in that area…..

She was placed on Revolution tonight. She had pre-op bloodwork done including a heartworm / tickborne disease testing – so we can be sure she is healthy and also in Prep should she not have a loving owner out there – a spay and skin tag removal if necessary and further possible surgical investigation on a possible area around her one teat(we were told she had been taken to one vet who looked at it and was not concerned and neither is her Vet at KAH right now) and microchip her as we do with all of the BHRR dogs. We also began her vaccines. She had a thorough exam and did so well! Any and all medical care she needs she will get as with any of our dogs. Under anaesthetic we will better exam and x-Ray if need be, her hips and knees as there is a ‘clicking’ sound when she walks and is a bit stiff in her hind end. This will improve as she gains strength and muscle.

They were calling her ‘Limerick’ so she is BHRR’s Limerick now. 🙂

She will have a detailed blog telling her story of her wonderful rescue by such kind people and her journey…..

We are not giving up hope yet, that she truly does have a loving owner. Her body tells us one story – babies fairly recently or a false pregnancy – calloused elbows and also sizeable callouses found on the sides of her back feet, needs a bit of weight, probably 2/2.5 years of age, was kept in a confined space for some time due to the rub marks and lack of hair on tail and top of head and had lack of soft bedding……quite fearful more of men than women. She has all of these scabs on her chest too.

She is a well proportioned beautiful blue female Great Dane, smaller than many females yet no ‘teacup’ Dane either…..and her ears are da bomb!! Love her ears!!

I had to loop the leash around her neck when I picked her up on Sunday as the beautiful collar Lisa gave for her, was too loose and she was at high risk of slipping it.

She and I are good friends now, she follows me and watches me and like many Danes has bonded fast…..where when she first met me Sunday – she was in the house, naturally reactive with her fear and I arrived and was first seen on the other side of the screen door, she wanted to eat me…half an hour in Lisa’s backyard with treats and patience and she gave me trust.

My clothes are now covered in her awesome slobber!

This picture is from our ride home from Kanata Animal Hospital tonight. She is so lovely….

For anyone wishes to donate to her Vet bills, she has an account set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under ‘Limerick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services account.

OR you can email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


On May 28th, I received an email from one of her rescue angels asking if our local Great Dane Rescue could bring her into our program. We were more than happy to step-up to assist. Arrangements were made for me to pick her up on Sunday the 29th of May.


BHRR’s Granite – 5 weeks and 3 days – weight was 12 pounds and 8 oz

Picture is from May 26th at 5 weeks of age

NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. BHRR’s Granite shall remain in our BHRR Haven Program. He is our ‘Neuro’ Boy.

BHRR’s Granite was born quite sluggish and took some time to get ‘going’. Per his Vet, it is believed that he was possibly deprived of O2.

We also found out that at 4 weeks of age that he has some vision problems and does not menace normally. He is doing fantastic.



BHRR’s Ross – (BBBBB) Black Male #1 – Third Born. Born 4:50 AM on Thursday April 14th.

Birth Weight: 1 pound 8 oz
Weight at 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds 13 oz
Weight at 5 weeks and 3 days of age: 11 pounds and 8 oz

*picture taken at almost 6 weeks of age.*

Social, playful, outgoing and a real love. He will charm your socks off!!

BHRR’s Ross – playful, social, outgoing, calmly active, curious, a bit of a monkey. A real HAM! 😀Likes to sneak up on you and play attack your heels! 😀 So sweet and gentle. NOT to mention such a happy boy!

He is so versatile! Solid sound boy.

Tons of potential for therapy work in his future for this amazing boy!

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BHRR’s Sapphire – Black with White Female #2 – Seventh Born. Born 7:08 AM on April 14th.

Birth Weight: 1 pound 5 oz
Weight at 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds and 8 oz
Weight at 5 weeks and 3 days: 12 pounds and 8 oz

*picture taken at almost 6 week of age*

Sweet, playful, uber happy. outgoing, loving, calm, social and kind. Is she ever a bomb proof pup, sweet, playful with a perfect mischievous side. She is BUSY at times! So curious and we say that she is an explorer…..things to do, places to go, people to see. 🙂

She is the one that I am always telling ‘no’ do not go for my walls, my hutch, do not take that tea towel please, do not snatch that shoe that someone did not put on the shelf, or that what we thought was awell puppy proofed computer cord!

She has so much potential to do many types of disciplines!

She is a smart cookie and solid, solid, solid in personality. Yet, despite how busy she can be when awake at times, she cuddles and snuggles along with the best of them



BHRR’s Corbin – Black with White Male #2 – Sixth Born. Born 6:03 AM on April 14th

Birth Weight: 1 pound 8 oz
Weight at 2 weeks: 2 pounds. 12 oz
Weight at 5 weeks and 3 days: 12 pounds

*picture taken at almost 6 weeks of age.*

Social, so happy, and when about 3.5 weeks of age has become quite the ‘please love me, pick me up, snuggle me, do not leave me’ sucky baby.

Affectionate, playful, calm and loving. He is a bit of a loveable turkey! He loves plants and will look right at you when you ask him to stop going to chew the flowers and then race to more plants to destroy them! 😛

Loves his siblings and playing with them yet is so human oriented and adores people! Bonds fast and fierce this sweet boy!

A great movie and tv snuggle companion he would be at night. 🙂

He loves his toys and the more noise they make, the happier he tends to be! LOL

Yet, he is active and a ‘man on the go’ outside. A bit of a Christopher Columbus! 😀

We will never approve a home that would seek to cater to his ‘sucky’ side to the point that it would damage his outgoing, social curious side…..



BHRR’s Flower – (BBBBB) Black Female #1 – Second born. Born 4:05 AM on Thursday April 14th.

Birth Weight: 1 pound 6 oz.
Weight at 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds 7.5 oz
Weight at 4 weeks and 1 day: 7 pounds and 10 oz
Weight at 5 weeks and 3 days: 11 pounds and 4 oz

*picture was taken almost 6 weeks of age*

She is so quiet until she is familiar and comfotable in her surroundings and the people she is with, totally sweet, happy and incredibly precious. She tends to let all of her siblings take the limelight and we have been encouraging her to show her that it is ok that she is equally deserving for affectoin. She tends to sit back and watch the world yet when she is ready, game on! Playful and while overlooked by some when they have seen this litter, many others that really ‘see’ her are a HUGE fan.

BHRR’s Flower – she remains more quiet, a bit unsure and less outgoing than her siblings yet, so so so uber sweet and she took so well to Sandra and that was her safe spot when she had enough running and playing and of pictures. We will not baby her, that is not in her best interest, we give her opportunities and encouragement and not over the top praise so she has the right balance and her comfort level being by herself is greatly improving. While I knew she wanted me to pick her up at her almost 6 week photo shoot as she felt all were too far away from her, instead I sat down and talked to her and while she whimpered at first, she got up and with each step she was more confident and proud of herself….and most of all, she was so happy to be in my arms. She needs a home that is going to continue our work here….she is so sweet, asks for love now and still remains happy to allow others to be in the lime-light yet, she has strength….she just does not realise it all yet…..but we see the glimmers and shines in there!! Love her….she has so much potential!!

She will not go to a home that treats her in thinking that she is fearful. She is somewhat shy, she is not fearful. She is a real character with us and with those that she has come to know and she is only going to get better and better in the right hands!



BHRR’s Slate – Merle Male #1(MM1) – First born. Born 2:35 AM on Thursday April 14th.

Birth Weight: 1 pound, 10 oz
Weight at 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds 11 oz
Weight at 3 weeks of age: 5.203 pounds
Weight at 4 weeks and 1 day: 7 pounds and 2 oz
Weight at 5 weeks and 3 days: 13 pounds

*picture was taken at almost 6 weeks of age – May 26th, 2016*

He is a ‘tank’ of a boy, sweet, happy with a bit of an ‘edge’. Outgoing and affectionate. BHRR’s Slate – handsome, outgoing, social, calm, smart, a thinker, so well balanced in temperament and a strong boy with an edge if pushed past his immense patience which is usually by his strong willed bossy sister Cookie Dough Dynamo! :p Such a chill boy…..

He is going to be a BIG boy. He wil be approved to a home that is NEVER going to man handle him. Danes are so easily trained and want to please. Being a giant does not mean using force or anything less than postiive balanced training to have them be amazing assets to home and community.


BHRR’s Slate’s 4 week old professional photo!

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BHRR’s Sapphire’s 4 week old professional photo!


On May 26th, I was alerted to a post on a local Vet Hospital’s facebook page re: a blue female GD found in Limerick.

Later that day, I was contacted by one of the angels that found her and then again later that day by another angel that found her.

Limerick is one of the fav places that our 20.5+ year well established GD/Giant Walking/Hiking Group frequents and as the local Great Dane Rescue, we networked far and wide to help get the word out in case this lovely gem had a owner looking for her.

She had no chip, no collar and no tat. She was mildly dehydrated, a bit thin yet overall in good physical health.

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BHRR’s Flower 4 week old professional photo!


BHRR’s Mama Great Dane Eve!

She is ready! She is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She is an almost 6.5 year old Great Dane and is a truly special girl!

She has come SO SO SO far since her arrival to BHRR on December 7th, 2015.

She can go to a home that works full time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR Dane!

She is 100% Housebroken, and has proven to be 100% trustworthy in our home(we never recommend too much freedom to start!). She can often be found in the AM’s lounging on one of our couches….

She is a great traveller in the car – still has a small bit of worry that she may be left behind yet that has diminished greatly since her arrival and the more great experiences she has had out and about, the more relaxed and comfortable she becomes.

She had a fabu photo session! She is a stunning girl, loyal and playful and age is but a number!

She is extremely affectionate plus faithful to those that earn her trust and when you become part of her ‘circle of success’ she will be your friend forever.

She needs patience, understanding and time plus structure, obedience and not to mention TONS of love! If you do that for her, there is nothing that she would not do for you in turn.

She has captured a huge part of my heart and I promised her from the day that she arrived that she would NEVER be bred again – like all of our dogs, she has been spayed and I also pexied here – she would never lack for kindness, loving touches or caring arms to be there for her AND that she would forever be safe…..

Her social skills have come a LONG way and a home that is not overly actively social would suit her best. A home that will not hide her away from the world yet would not thrust her into the middle of 100’s of people.

Just as not all people are confident and comfortable around tons of other people, neither is she. She is more the intimate small gathering sort, long walks on the beach, quiet AM or evenings strolls, backyard BBQ’s with friends/family and no small children for she has more than raised her share of babies in her 6+ years….it is time for her to be the ‘baby’ of her own home…

Long weekend drives, country hikes and she would be in heaven! She is quiet and patient and gorgeous.

A home with or without a right matched companion dog is fine. She loves the company of other dogs and in the past couple of months has even been seen playing with some of the BHRR doggies!

She reminds of a dog that has had only herself to rely on in many ways and has found it hard to just ‘let go’ and be a dog and live life as she always should have….BUT, she is getting there in so many ways! She takes much enjoyment from things that one made her worried/nervous and has even been seen to ask others for affection and not fear rejection. She has always wanted loved, she just did not know how to ask for it nor did she probably feel deserving.

Yet, she is! AND, for that right matched forever loving home, she is going to make the best family companion, perfect in all of her perfections.

I know that I will cry the best of tears when that right home comes along for her for I see not just her outer beauty, yet her inner beauty, her big beautiful heart, her huge soul and her loving, gentle, kind, affectionate plus playful nature…..I ADORE her!

Congratulations my stunning lovely….you DID it!

Thank you Melissa Roy for your time, talent and kindness again! Love the photo’s!

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Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Mama GD Eve had her professional photo shoot tonight and I was so so so proud of her!

Melissa’s patience plus kind heart had Mama Eve, not once yet twice go to Melissa for some love.

This was such a positive experience for Mama GD Eve who has come such a long long way from when she first arrived at BHRR December 7th. Her confidence is stronger and she is more comfortable around people and is taking so much enjoyment in things that once made her worried and stressed. She lacked a lot in socialization and my heart is bursting with so much pride for her right now!

Here is a photo on our way home from the photo shoot! Cannot wait to see her professional pictures and then she is going to have a special announcement to make.

You can see that Mama GD Eve is equally proud of her bravery! She even was loved on by a kind employee at the Quickie also in Kemptville. All of these positive experiences shall continue to help her learn more and more about all the kind loving hands that the world has to offer!!

This beautiful soon to be Senior(7 this year) Dane has a massive part of my heart…..I absolutely adore her…..


Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Coach was brought to the Vet on Friday May 6th as he began to have the same thing that happened twice to my own special boy, my now RIP Soul(DEAF/Severely Visually Impaired), his one eye began to fill up with blood. In Soul’s case thank goodness it never had the underlying cause of glaucoma and his Vet team never did find out why this did occur to Soul.

By the time we got to the Vet, his other eye was beginning to fill up.

The biggest concern with dogs that are Blind or Severely Visually Impaired is Glaucoma. 🙁 Purse Puppy Coach also has always had Nystagmus.

We are using Pred drops in his eyes up to four times a day and will monitor pressure for if BHRR’s Coach develops Glaucoma we are in a very terrible position for BHRR’s Coach also has a heart condition. With this heart condition he does not yet have the need for medications(may never) but even neutering him(thank goodness he was not a spay as that would have been a much more involved discussion with even more specialists/vets) was a bit worrisome. Yet, neuters done by experienced knowledgeable great vets can be done so fast and safely and that is what we did for BHRR’s Coach when he was little.

However, Enucleation is a completely different story, especially a bi-lateral one. 🙁 He would never survive one surgery let alone two to remove both eyes. 🙁

Glaucoma is extremely painful. Extremely so……….

At this time, we have moved BHRR’s Coach to our HAVEN Program and here he shall remain……at least for now, quite likely for the rest of his life of which for any of our dogs, shall be quality first and foremost.

He is eating, drinking, and even per his Vet at KAH, was so happy and affectionate on Friday. He is playful and doing quite well right now yet his eyes are going to be monitored extremely closely as is his behaviour for as we know, animals’ are so stoic when they are in pain.

We shall not see him suffer and we are going to do all that we can along with his dedicated, devoted Vet Team that we shall also include a specialist at Alta Vista AH.

His weight was just shy of 24 KGS(52.8 pounds).

She has had a good day! No vomiting, eating her small meals of food, taking her meds and though still not 100% herself, doing well.  Still no fever and while I would like to see her drink a bit more, she is truly doing a bit better.

I am seeing her Vet tonight with another BHRR dog and we will touch base re: her.

Someone is not feeling very well.

BHRR’s Whisper was in to the Vet tonight for some bloody diarrhoea and two episodes of vomiting. PCV is 48% and the worry for me and her Vet is HGE yet, after exam, fecal smear, temp taking, bloodwork, for now she is back home with meds and on bland food and if she vomits further, she will go back in for IV fluid treatment.

She ate her supper great, has moist pink membranes, no fever yet clearly is not running at her 100% warp speed known to be zippy zoomy BHRR’s Whisper.

Will be monitoring closely….one of my own dogs Cherokee (she will be 12 soon) has had two bouts of HGE and I well know how serious it is.


BHRR’s Scooby – 2008 – May 3rd, 2016

These posts never get any easier to make and so they should not……each loss just rips my heart to shreds and devastates my soul…..20+ years later and it each loss hurts brutally.

BHRR’s Scooby’s temp foster home(he had been with me from November to March and then March – May in temp foster care) called me to say that he was not breathing well, and they were rushing him into the Hospital. I said I am leaving now and on my way. Per his foster home, he had no signs or symptoms of being ill…maybe a rare cough or two over the previous couple of days they said. Was eating and drinking and nothing abnormal that they noted. He was perhaps a bit more quiet they said, yet nothing that worried them….BHRR’s Scooby has always been a chill boy.

Got a call en-route that his breathing was really bad, x-rays and u/s not good and I made the immediate decision that my selfish heart in wanting to be there for him had to take a big back seat for his well being was the most important.

I said do not have him suffer, please hold him tight in your loving arms and tell him how much he is loved by so m any, including me and to cross him over in comfort and security…..

AND he was……and I got there too late and had to say my own good-byes afterwards. I can count on one hand the number of BHRR dogs that I have not been there to help cross over – two…BHRR’s Scooby is #2 in 20.5 years….

It crushed me so much, yet it was the right thing to do and this boy who turned 8 this year, really should have had more quality time in his life.

To lose his young(early 30’s) O. to Cancer and then his own life less than a year later is heart-wrenching.

BHRR’s Scooby was a big hit at the Community Education Event that we were at and such a solid, sound boy. He lost weight, developed muscle tone/mass and such an affectionate, caring, gentle, loving soul he was…..

Looked over by many when he was ready to be placed up for adoption December 24th, 2015, – he arrived to BHRR November 21st, 2015 – those that knew him, knew him to be the handsome precious gem he was and was a big fav at our BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open Houses, Annual ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS” Potluck etc.

He would have been an amazing therapy dog. Age was but a number…he was fit, happy and loved his walks/hikes and made a real great snuggle companion.

He did not meet a cat, dog, person and even horse that he did not like and the world has lost a HUGE gorgeous soul…..his presence is solely missed.

As with all of those that leave us too soon, BHRR’s Scooby, I shall continue to see and visit you in my dreams…hearing those adorable sounds of yours and seeing the way that you would tilt your head with so much sage wisdom with a spark of humour and monkey side in those stunning eyes…..

BHRR’s Scooby is now laid to rest with all those that have crossed before him at BHRR….he lays near BHRR’s Bloom and the wee merle male boy that did stillborn April 14th when Mama GD Marbles had her Puppy Pile.

RIP you dear boy……..

Puppy Pile Photo – April 24th, 2016
10 days of age(born April 14th, 2016) – Mama GD Marbles Litter – She had 8 puppies yet sadly, one lovely merle male boy was stillborn and almost 30 minutes of working on him could not revive him. 🙁

All were weighed again yesterday and all are gaining well.

The one dark merle male boy that was born quite sluggish, continues to have some aspiration issues. He has been into see the Vet once already and we are monitoring him and all the puppies closely.

There are 4 boys and 3 girls and even the wee BBBBB runt female has caught up to the rest of the ‘gang’. She is feisty! 🙂

The puppies are back to see the Vet on Saturday AM as they will then be 2 weeks of age and time to begin their de-worming protocol.

AND, yes, for those that keep asking, this is a single breed GD litter of puppies AND NO, they are not yet ready for adoption AND shall not be for a long time to come.




In going through Vet references on this latest application, everything was solid, yet in closing off on the personal references, it came to light that another pet had been owned by the home that was not disclosed on the application and then we also learned that said pet had not been proactively/preventatively vetted. Rabies Vaccine is also a legal requirement for cats and dogs.

Our application process is very clear and as we appreciate your time please show us equal courtesy also in that our own time is precious. If all previous and past pets have not been properly proactively and preventatatively vetted, we cannot approve your home. BHRR spends thousands upon thousands of dollars out of not only our own pockets yet donations from our supporters to ensure that all of our animals’ are healthy and happy, physically, emotionally and behaviourally. We cannot send our dogs’ to homes that are not going to do the same.


First Born: Merle male. 1 pound, 10 oz. Nice healthy size


All BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 in the same canvas basket, the same one I used to bring 14 day old BHRR’s Ember and Flame to BHRR in back on December 7th, 2015.

Within 5 days, only two could fit comfortably into it! 🙂


6:03 AM Puppy #6 – Black with white Male – 1 pound 8 oz


4:50 AM puppy #3 Black male – 1 pound 8 oz. Another great weight.


5:30 AM -puppy #4 – Dark Merle Boy. 1 pound 7 oz


Labour stalled so mom walked a bit and 4:05 AM Black female pup – second born – 1 pound 6 oz.


7:08 AM Puppy #7 Black Female 1 pound 5 oz


BHRR;s Gentle Jake – ~14 months of age
April 10th, 2106He is ready to make his own announcement today – April 11th, 2016!

This boy, when he first came to BHRR was beyond skinny – has put on almost 40 pounds, had some post-neuter complications – hematoma and yet, his personality was as solid and as well balanced as any dog we have ever assisted or even owned over the past almost 28 years!

He is still young and maturing and the weight plus muscle mass shall continue to be put on.

His one and only quirk and it is not really a quirk is that he likes to take your arm or hand in his mouth…he is fairly gently and we discourage it as he does it to try and keep the attention on him over seeing it go to another dog. Typical puppy attention wanting behaviour. As long as he is not being dominant, which he is not, it is relatively harmless and he corrects easily.

He is so sound and well balanced and would make a great therapy dog once he matures more.

He is obedient, kind, affectionate, puppy clumsy when he plays and shall be a true giant when he is done growing. I see him topping off close to ~145 when he is done. Once again, a great lean fit weight, not a fat weight.

He can go to a home that has another right matched personality fit dog as he needs and loves his friends or to an approved home that has a strong doggie social network for him. It shall continue to keep him learning and keeping great manners.

He is crate trained, housebroken and so very kind.

He can go to a home that works pt, ft. from home, semi retired or retired and a home that shall remain committed to his obedience for he is so awesome yet, his leash manners upon distractions can bring out the ‘china shop pulling bull’ at times.

Considering he has only been with us since February 21st, the progress he has made has been WOW!

He already had a wonderful temperament template and we just helped to mold and shape it to help direct him in the right direction to be asset to home and community.

He is going to make that right matched home a truly WOW fabu addition! We know people get ‘caught’ up in his looks yet what I adore most is his rare as close to bomb proof personality as any dog can be. AND his personality is what is going to be most important to that right fit matched home also!

He is positively magnificent….

That right matched home will ‘see’ him for him and the true greatness that he shall bring to their heats and home!

Having come from Tenn, he for sure travels great in a car and is a quiet boy. Only makes sounds is when I come home from being out and sometimes at dinner!

We are not 100% sure how he is with cats yet I know he had some puppy play excitement interest in both BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Flame yet, he learned fast and has been so respectful of being asked to be ‘gentle. He plays so well with both of them now!

He is gentle about taking treats, someone trained him to sit and lift that one front leg of his for treats also…he almost always ‘defaults’ to that position when being offered a treat.

There is not a dog that he has met that he does not like and thank you Karen for entrusting him to us and to Jane for the assistance also in helping him to get to us.

He is a dream boat boy…..and he has forged his own special place in my own heart!

Thank you Melissa for the stunning photo’s and to Sandra for the helping hands at his prof photo shoot!

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Someone says guess what? She has some special news to share?!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat(DEAF/Visually Impaired) says that she is moving under a ‘PENDING ADOPTION’.

We will keep everyone updated as we can.

Keep her in your thoughts! She is a HUGE HUGE HUGE fav for many BHRR fans.

Thank you to Melissa for this awesome ‘tongue’ photo!

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BHRR’s Flame – April 10th, 2016 – GDx

Today, she is ready to make her big special announcement!


She did it! She beat so many odds and she is truly a miracle baby! She is ~4.5 months of age now and she has had regular exams – ~ every 2 weeks – since she first arrived to BHRR at 2 weeks of age.

She has had the proper de-worming protocol since 2 weeks of age, fecals, her three round of puppy vaccines (we do not just give one round and then let our approved adoptive homes do the rest), had pre-op blood-work done and was spayed. We also microchipped her.

She is going to need a dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home for she is a big personality filled gal!

We are not sure what breed her ‘dad’ is, yet she takes after him in size and a lot of in personality for she is incredibly headstrong – no fear! – brilliant to a fault, feisty and she needs a home that is going to give her the continued proper structure and obedience she needs to keep her being such a great gal yet at the same time a home that shall never break that incredible BIG heart and HUGE spirit of hers!

She is loyal, extremely so…win her trust and she would do anything for you….well, as long as she thought it was a good thing to dog!

She thinks, and is great at problem and puzzle solving. An active home, yet, one that is not too crazy busy that she would be flooded or over stimulated. She deserves to have so much time and focus spent on her and giving her the great future she deserves!

She is housebroken – yet, thinks she may melt in rain or snow! She would be fine as an only puppy in the home as long as she has a great social network of her own AS she needs it to keep her minding her p’s and q’s plus friends are important!

She sleeps through out the whole night and has since she was so wee. Crate trained and is so good about only chewing on things that she should…you just have to show her at times what is and is not ok…she is still very much a baby….so, patience, time, consistency and not only oodles of love are needed.

She has proven fine with cats and her BFF here is BHRR’s Steam so, a right matched personality fit dog in the same home would be great….

She is playful, excellent recall, has that sit down to a perfection and her leash manners are really quite fine.

She is quiet and will only tend to ‘woof’ a bit if she hears other dogs and corrects beautifully.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi retired or retired etc. She is another amazing BHRR versatile dog.

She can be a bit of a bossy bit of goods and once again, corrects well. It is that strength and backbone that has made her a survivor. She was only two pups to survive to make it out of the shelter and her sister, BHRR’s Ember fought the great battle for 6 days and then passed away…I think her sister would be proud of her sister.

She will never be a ‘giant’ breed dog in size, she is just over 40 pounds now yet, ~75 without a home getting her fat is a quite reasonable expectation to how she may end up…one never knows with this stunning mixes. She may end up ~ 65 she may end up 80….who knows yet, as long as she is not fat – a BIG pet peeve of mine in seeing dogs overfed when they had been adopted, lean, full of muscle mass and looking incredible. We have in our adoption packages great detail re: proper weight and yet, we still end up seeing fat dogs. OK! Off my soapbox!

BHRR’s Flame has gone to community education and public awareness events since she was healthy and even has had some special play visits. She is well balanced and rounded and she makes me SOOOOOOO proud!

Also, she keeps me on my toes! AND, I love that about her…..

When that right matched home comes along and finds her, this journey with BHRR’s Flame shall end in my home yet the tears I shall shed will be the best ones for she DID it! SHE DID IT!

GO BHRR’S Flame GO! You are incredible! You are inspirational and thank you to the KHS for entrusted her and her Mama GD Eve and her sister to us…..

Thank you Melissa for the gorgeous photo’s of her and for Sandra for the loving hands yesterday for this photo shoot!

As a fyi, the shaved patch on her leg is from her IV line when she was spayed. 🙂

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AND while BHRR’s Gentle Jake snoozed in the rare to be seen of late sun on our way home from the professional photo’s, this was BHRR’s Flame’s face as we were driving! She was now all ‘revved’ up and ready to go!! LOL

She is such a character!!

Special announcements to be made once their prof photo’s come in!

Thank you again Melissa for your time plus talent and to Sandra for the extra hands!!


Someone has literally fallen asleep in the sun as we drove home from our professional photo shoot today!!

Huge huge huge hit with all that saw and met him today!

What a big amazing solid puppy BHRR’s Gentle Jake is.

AND it is always amazes me how irresponsible other dog owners can be just opening up their car/truck doors and turning their backs and letting their dogs run around the Parking lot….

Thank goodness BHRR’s Jake and BHRR’s Flame are well balanced and rounded pups!

Over the next day or so, both of these wonderful dogs will have their special announcements to make!

Soon BHRR’s Mama GD Eve will also….she is doing so well…..never going to be a crowd lovely yet her circle of set up for success gets slowly bigger and stronger.

Happy Sunday from our home to yours!


Here is a photo of the whelping/nursing box. 6 x 5 x 2 feet. AND we put an Xpen with a door also along the side. Whole section beside the box for room for mom to leave pups and eat/drink and get some alone time….



1) Pee Pads
2) Someone had a wading pool and trying to remember who from a previous thread. Wondering if we can borrow it?
3) Towels
4) Blankets
5) Puppy food – for Mom right now
6) Soft Bath Mats – the ones from Pet Valu are fabu
7) Pinesol
8) Very Large Garbage Bags
9) Esbilac – Powder, not liquid

BHRR has been working on a cruelty/neglect case for the last week. All of the Danes are now in r/q care with other GD groups that we network with except for the one that ACO really wanted to send our way.

Today, this Dane was brought to see Dr. Liston at LAH.

As you can see, BHRR is having puppies. At least 8 were counted by Dr. Liston. Mom is so skinny herself and as we specialize in the emaciation cases, we were specifically asked to take her in, even, if we could not take the others that we then found other great places for.

We are calling her BHRR’s Marbles and one of the ACO officers wants to adopt the mom when she is ready. That is touching news.

Mom is due within the week and we are working to prepare all that we need beforehand.

If anyone has any of the above items and would not mind sharing or donating, we would be so appreciative. contactbhrr@gmail.com

BHRR has only helped three dogs to date in 2016 and this mama to be is the next in need of us…urgently so….

Thanks in advance!

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BHRR’s Bloom AKA BOOM-BOOM AKA Ms. Dynamite
2010 – April 1st, 2016

For all those that have followed this dynamo of a girl since her arrival to BHRR in the fall of 2011, you would have fallen in love with her spirit, heart and personality as much as we have! She was a HUGE presence in a ‘small’ package!

This girl was not a half measure kind of girl at all! She was brilliant, not above manipulating all that she could to get what she wanted and affectionate beyond words.

When this girl gave you her heart plus trust, you would be extremely humbled for she would have laid down her life for you.

She was a beautiful diamond…very much in the ‘ruff’ when she first arrived to BHRR. Anxiety issues, leash and other manners leaving much to be desired and she became a ‘lady’ in time!

Her radius curvus syndrome was addressed, a bloat survivor and nothing ever held her back!

She charmed, bullied and squeezed her way into the hearts of so many.

While those that seemed to want her had cats and/or exotics – she was NOT good with them – that right matched home for her never came along yet as it was with BHRR’s Dana, we wanted her, we adored her and we understood BHRR’s Boom.

For 4.5 years she lived with us moving from our rehab program to our adoptable program and then as her spondylosis worsened, she was moved to our BHRR Haven Program.

We updated her blogs for her fan club to be kept in the loop and I was so happy that she had an amazing BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house in January.

Come March, she did not have the best of PRIVATE BHRR EXPERIENCE, and on March 20th, at the get together for Sean, I was so happy that many could pass along their good-byes for we knew that her time was drawing ever sadly nearer….

She could not run like she once did, she did her wobble bobble trot and her balance began to not be as sound and so many commented on March 20th about how they could also see that while she was still having quality, that quality was diminishing….breaking so many hearts that day….

When her appetite, always a most healthy one! began to also decline, it was a big sign also.

BHRR’s Bloom, we adored you from Day 1 and I held you in my arms, loving on you and stroking your gorgeous blue fur as you were crossed over Friday night…almost in disbelief that this was the end….

An era has ended with the passing of BHRR’s Bloom. An enormous hole has been left behind….

You were so great with all the youngsters that came to BHRR and my own over the years. Could not have had a better dog watch over them and teach them manners and lessons. Incredible mentor and teacher you were to so many.

You had a huge mischievous side along with a no nonsense, ‘enough is enough’ side and we spent Friday driving to so many of your fav places so others could say their own good-byes and we stayed up all night Thursday so you and I could have one last sunrise together….one last small walk together and I worked so hard to keep my heart/soul from crumbling into million of pieces….

We took one final car ride together and this i the last photo I have of you….

After you were crossed over, we took our final drive home and you are now laid to rest beside BHRR’s Porridge and BHRR’s Ember at our Rainbow Bridge…when the weather gets warmer, we will plant a flowering bush in your honour….

I could not possibly count high enough the number of ways that I am going to miss you…you taught me so much, you gave me so much and I so wish we could have fixed your spine to have given you many more years of being YOU!

See you in my dreams…..until we meet again…

Thank you Stéphanie O’Bready for entrusting us with this magnificent creature….


Someone was so sad yesterday when I went to pick her up…..then when she saw me, she was so happy.

BHRR’s Flame had her ‘big girl’ day yesterday (pic taken at the Hospital is not the best for once she saw me, she wanted out!). She was spayed and microchipped.

She weighed 13.6 Kgs so has not yet even crossed 30 pounds at four months of age and so a ‘wee’ giant who is not taking after her GD Mama Eve at all! At this rate of growing, she may make 70-75 pounds and 100% feisty!

In about a week or so, she will have her own special announcement to make and I am going to feel like such a proud ‘parent’! Hard to believe that she once was 2 weeks of age being held plus tube fed in my hands….

She had a quiet yet a really good night and took her Tramadol like a champ with a small amount of food and lots of gentle cuddles…even fell asleep in my arms as we pulled her iv line out last night…


This morning, Miss Flame had her Xpen door open and it did not take long to find out where she decided to finish out the rest of her sleep….

Smartie pants at four months of age has now figured out how to slide the pins on the door of her Xpen!

BHRR’s Flame(GDx) shall be spayed and microchipped on Thursday and shortly after, will have her special announcement to make!

She says Happy sleepy Tuesday to all!


This AM, I woke up to a cold nose on the back of my neck….rolled over and guess who?!

Does any one know who this gorgeous, Blue beauty is?

From so fear aggressive, she could barely be touched to one of the best snugglers and affectionate Danes ever to her circle of set up for success.

Strangers and crowds of people still make her worried yet, what progress she has made in being willing to trust……


Two more of BHRR’s Kaos’ x-rays from March 11th. I could not get them to post right in the previous blog post.

So, he shall not be making his special announcement any time soon. Yet, for that right matched home, it is not going to matter! They shall wait patiently for him!

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**UPDATE: X-rays from March 11th, just added***

Per his ortho specialist, he wants to wait until BHRR’s Kaos is between 12-18 months and re-visit. He would have hoped that BHRR’s Kaos’ *presented* better and feels that he would like to wait until Kaos is older.

Per his ortho specialist:

“There is effusion in the stifle but I think there will always be some.  He probably will be at increased risk for ruptured cruciate in the future but there is not much we can do about that. Once he is fully mature, 12 to 18 months, if he is still lame, then I would consider re-scope to re-assess his cruciate ligament, see if he is possible candidate for TPLO. Let’s see how he does as he continues to grow”

So, we maintain the status quo for now re: exercise, glucosamine supplements etc.

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***UPDATE: 27 NEW Items Added Tuesday March 22nd to the Facebook Silent Auction***

The detailed rules of this Silent Auction are posted in the first photo in this album.

As many are now aware, Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.

The current size of it is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.

A short medical summary:

His third CT scan, this one on his chest has come back at this time clear of any enlarged lymph nodes and metastasis. His MRI not only confirmed that this was a complex surgery yet was even more complicated than once thought – ONLY two surgeries like he needs has ever been done to date by his two expert surgical oncologists.

His surgical team shall be upwards to 20 people now including his two surgical oncologists, his urologist and his ortho specialist plus supporting nursing team. His surgery is expected to be ~10-12 hours in length.

We now have a surgery date set of March 23rd.

We know that his one ureter is compromised, and that he may lose his one kidney. We know that he will have part of his colon removed and that his femoral nerve is at high risk of damage and./or removal. He will need to have his Psoas muscle completely removed and his Iliacus muscle will be partially removed.

He will also need to have the hernia repaired – the mass/tumour has herniated down his thigh and into his groin area.

They will send the whole mass/tumour off to histiopathology.

While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.

All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.

Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.

One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.

*The BHRR Auction will begin NOW
*The BHRR Auction will end at 9 PM EST on Sunday March 27th, 2016
*All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
*Bids must be done in $2.00 or Greater increments.

Any questions, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org or call (613) 725-4279

BHRR’s Gentle Jake was at the Vet today.

He is now up another just shy of 10 pounds! A long way still to go yet, slow but sure….

He had his tickborne disease bw done, nails, was microchipped and had his final booster plus a thorough exam.

A big hit with all the people that met him today.

When the time comes, he is going to make that right matched home an absolutely incredible addition!



Someone is going to be temp fostered soon!! BHRR’s Miller

The wonderful home that is going to be temp fostering him has already fostered four dogs over the last ~5 years for BHRR!

BHRR’s Miller remains Available For Adoption!!


BHRR’s Flame had her final boosters tonight!

She was 12.3 KGs(27.06 pounds) tonight and was SOOOOO good! She is 3.5 months old now.

She showed everyone her lovely manners and was great other than one ‘moment’ when doing her nails….bossy bit of goods!

So, she has slowed down even further with her growing and so, taking after her sire even more now, whatever breed(s) he is! At the rate that she is now growing, she may make 70/75 pounds.

Mama GD Eve is doing well herself. s

Her spay is scheduled for the end of March and from there she shall be ready to make her special announcement!

In this picture as Sean/Kinsley ran into Costco, she and I hung out in the car tonight and she decided that she was going to ‘hold down’ the driver’s seat while we waited for Sean/Kinsley to return.

She has been an absolute treasure to have here….in so many ways!


As many know, BHRR is a Great Dane & Giant Breed Rescue that focuses strongly on the special needs and has been around since 1996. We are federally registered and are an all Volunteer Rescue. We also work with Equines.

We have a second to none adoption success rate and also provide a safe haven for animals that are deemed unadoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons. BHRR also has a program that works with the homeless and their pets each XMAS – Operation D.O.G. – Donating our Goodness plus we have a Helping Haven of Hope and Happiness that works with women/children and their pets in domestic abuse situations. We have been operating these two programs for over 15 years as part of our way of continuing to help animals and people in our community.

We are a unique one of a kind program out there like none other.

While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.

With our wish to ensure that every penny that comes to BHRR goes direct to them for food and Vet bills or items of comfort like dog beds, Sean & I have been covering 100% exclusively all the rescue hydro bills -$1,040/month, Phone, Gas for transports, home-visits and vet visits etc. We cover almost 50% of all the food bills out of our own pockets – BHRR goes through almost 120 pounds of dog food a day. Vet Bills are the same.

As some are now aware, in September of 2015, my husband Sean was found to have a mass. It took until January of 2016 for the experts to diagnose said mass for he has an extremely rare cancer.

Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.

The current size of his mass is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.

To further complicate matters, this mass has herniated down into his thigh and groin severely compromising his ureter and femoral nerve. He has had three CT scans of which his latest has shown that to date his chest remains clear of metastasis and his lymph nodes are not enlarged. His MRI has shown that his case is extremely complicated and the surgery he shall specifically require, scheduled for March 23rd has ONLY ever been done twice before by the two expert surgical oncologists assigned to him.

All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.

Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.

One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.

Since Sean’s mass was first discovered in September, BHRR has remained operating with top notch quality hosting successful events such as our annual creative ‘Dine with the Dogs’, BHRR mini Open Houses, BHRR ‘Private’ Experiences, community education and public awareness events and even our annual XMAS ‘Chain of Success’ Potluck.

We have successfully rehabbed and adopted quite a few dogs and assisted many other groups also during this time.

The quality and stellar standard of care of the animals’ in our care has continued without interruption and as the date nears for Sean and I to stop work as he prepares to head into his 10-12 hour surgery on the 23rd of March, it is time to now ask the BHRR village and our community to please consider helping us continue to help those in need of our programs so that we can get through the next 12 weeks.

We want BHRR to be around another 20 years and we hope that people will consider a donation to help with the expenses of the next three months.

BHRR has only taken in three new deserving dogs since January 2016 and hopes to continue with assisting more dogs once Sean’s surgery is over etc.

Thank you in advance for reading this novel….

This is a picture of my husband Sean….BHRR would not be here today without him and please do keep him in your best wishes.

We sincerely hope we can host a couple of successful auctions on with your help!!


BHRR’s Whisper! (DEAF / Visually Impaired Great Dane) – ~ 18 months of age


She says that she is ready! She is so happy to say that she has done SO well in her rehabilitation!

She is completely housebroken, she loves her comforts of our couch, our XL Ottoman and I am happy that she has found plus enjoyed the delights that love and kindness that should have always been hers brings!

She derives much pleasure from our fireplace also!

She is happy, affectionate, playful – watch those zoomies!, great with all dogs of all sizes and her one vice is still doing some mild resourcing over what she believes to be high value items – some of the toys yet she now shares the communal water bowls like a ‘lady’.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired, or retired…once again, another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

I would love to see her in a home with another right matched personality fit dog yet that is not a must…as long as she has a strong well balanced doggie social network, she will be fine. You like having friends, so does she!

Her leash manners has also greatly improved!

She does not need to go to a Dane nor a highly dog experienced home. She does need a home, like any dog, that is going to be be committed to her proper welfare and be consistent, patience, kind and do positive balanced training to keep her being that incredible girl she is……

She really does make my heart melt…..she has been such a delight and a hoot to have with us!!!

She is going to make that right matched forever loving home laugh every day.

She is so easy to work with. Her startle reflex is a dream now and she is obedient and gentle UNLESS in crazy zoomy happy mode.

I really cannot say enough great things about this girl. She is solid….and has made an incredible asset to our home.

BHRR’s Steam still wuvs BHRR’s Whisper and ‘watches’ over her! AND BHRR’s Wisper ‘humours’ her.

BHRR’s Whisper is intelligent, senstive, intuitive and immensely patient.

BHRR’s Whisper has come SO far in her anxiety level in the car and with continued trips out and passively ignoring she is really beginning to enjoy her time in the vehicle.

She loves sleeping in open crates and no longer has anxiety in being left alone. In fact, in our home, she no longer is in a crate at night, for eating or sleeping or even when we go out. YET, we do not recommend that to any right matched forever loving home to start.

This dog had the potential to have terrible SA and she has entrusted me to guide her and help her learn that she is a good dog and it is ok to not only like herself yet trust herself that she is going to be ok if left alone for a period of time – up to 8 hours. She can self-amuse and self-soothe plus comfort herself and has not had to that in a very long time as she is so comfortable in her own skin now.

She is mischievous and has the best ‘I am innocent’ face/eyes ever!!!

I am filled with so many emotions ‘helping’ BHRR’s Whisper type her ‘I am ready to be placed up for adoption’ blog!

LOVE love love her!

BHRR’s Flame – 3 months of age
March 12th, 2016

Her St. Patty’s Day ‘bow’ is too big for her!

She had a marvelous day on Saturday at PV Stittsville at our 2nd community education / public awareness event of 2016!

She is heading in for her final boosters this Wednesday and her spay is being rescheduled until most likely next week. From there, she will have her special announcement to make!

Thank you to Melissa of Bella Photography for this beautiful photo of this gorgeous GDx puppy!

Miracle baby….

Booth Photos (1) (Medium)

Day 2 @ PV Stittsville!

We started at 11 AM and we have already done two microchips, 1 nails and three dog baths!!

BHRR’s Hercules is on hand to love on you, pooch smooch on the red carpet for a $5 donation and we are here doing nails, dog washes, ear cleanings and chips to 4 pm!

We have some delicious baked goodies plus merchandise for sale!!

We hope to see many folks today!


My last post of my night….

We promise to post an update plus incredible thanks on today’s beautiful Day 2 at PV Stittsville, yet wanted to update folks first re: BHRR’s Steam.

As some are aware we received some messages / calls from our son this afternoon about BHRR’s Steam having some health problems.

Turns out that wee Miss Steam strained her one leg/hip(right side) and to assure all, she is on NSAIDs, rest and doing great!

Probably, hurt herself in doing one of her crazy leaps that we wish she would not do off the back of our couch.

She is eating and drinking well and wants to play. Crate rest is going to be hard on her!

Photo below is from Melissa of Bella Photography taken yesterday at PV Stitsville. Miss Steam Boat is on Serena’s lap, one of the lovely Volunteers that came out to lend a hand yesterday!!

A day full of excitement and stress for sure…..

Happy Sunday night to all of our friends and family!

BHRR St Pattys Day Event (candids) (19) (Medium)


WOW! What a day 1 at PV Stittsville for our 2nd Community Education plus Public Awareness Event of 2016!

BHRR’s Baby Kaos now says – ‘time for a relaxing evening of immense comfort at home’ grin emoticon BHRR’s Ani is flaked out behind BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

My heart is still soaring. my hands are still trembling and my knees are still feeling weak in learning today what was raised for the animals in need of our programs at BHRR!

I want to express to each and every Volunteer, to each and every staff member at PV Stittsville, to Manon of Groomindale’s who donated the nail trims she also did today our way, and to each and every caring, giving and wonderful visitor that came out to visit us, HOW much in thanks that I am filled with!

Thanks also must be shouted out to our fabu photography Melissa of Bella Photography!

I am extremely grateful plus appreciative!

A grand total of $818.00 was raised in Day 1 at PV Stittsville today!!! Oh my! Just oh my word….heart-warming….so so so heart-warming!

Aaron, Cherie, Serena, Kinsley, Sean, Dawn, Doogie and Margaret, thank you for giving up what was a truly tremendous weather day today to spend it helping out!

There were times that we were literally all hands on deck with people waiting patiently in the wings for nails, ears, dog washing and microchipping…..

A truly special moment for me today was with a terribly nervous Staffie. Stella was incredibly nervous about her nails and we gave her a positive experience and then her Mom came back and wanted us to microchip her and with how we had set-up Stella for success when her nails had been done, she was a rock star for her chip and took yummy treats from me afterwards.  A really special hi-light for me!

We had people that came to visit specifically with each of the BHRR dogs we brought and we shall see if an application comes our way!

Tomorrow, we are back for Day 2 and BHRR’s Hercules shall be joining us. Should there be another BHRR approved Volunteer that can attend tomorrow, let me know for then we can bring a second BHRR doggie!

Tomorrow, Sunday, we shall be doing more microchips, nails, ear cleanings, dog washes and will have home-made baked goodies plus some merchandise for sale again!

A truly beautiful day had today ……lots of laughs, the best cupcakes ever!, and to see friends come together in the name of animal welfare and to meet so many new supporters of BHRR, made the day an emotional one for me!!

Thank you everyone!!!



BHRR’s Ani, one of our BBBBB’s was our third Dane at the Vet today!

She is one of our treasured BHRR Haven Dogs. Photo below is not the best…..sorry!

She had her latest surgery for her fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament today. It was noted that she now has three growths. She had two in 2015.

These are benign tumours. We had a histio/pathology done on them in 2015 to diagnose what exactly we were looking at.

It was also noted that one fibromatous epulides is growing into her palate. However, her Vet was not overly worried right now.

Her Vet cauterized the fibromatous epulides back and then cauterized them to stop them from bleeding. These are extremely vascular.

I had a detailed conversation re: BHRR’s Ani’s quality of life and was assured that she is a happy, healthy Great Dane and that continuing to address these fibromatous epulides surgically as needed is not a problem at this time. I was assured that her QOL with us is top notch and not to stress.

BHRR’s Ani is a lean muscled almost 95 pounds and is eating well, quite affectionate and can be quite playful when she wants to be. She will be 6 this summer.

She received many compliments by her Vet today! What is not to love?!



Posted in Ani


BHRR shall be closed from Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 to Sunday April 3rd, 2016 inclusive to the intake of adoption applications for processing.

Any applications received during that time will be reviewed in the order that they were received as of Monday April 4th, 2016.

Thanks for your understanding!

BHRR’s Kaos – March 11th, 2016

Everyone’s fav ‘Gimpy’ GD Puppy!

Today was his de-twinkling day! We also did repeat x-rays on his leg and they have been sent off to his ortho specialists to advise.

His knee is still ‘clicking’ and his surgeon today reviewed the x-rays and we are now going to wait to see what the ortho specialists have to say re: if he is ready to be placed up for adoption or needs further exams/work-up/surgeries etc. She is not sure if part of what she is seeing is ‘normal’ for a growing giant.

He does favour it still and we know that he will most likely always shall.

He is happy, eats well, playful, affectionate, loving and as healthy as can be.

He weighed 43.7 Kgs(96.14 pounds today) at 8.5 months of age. So, in his favour still is that he shall not be a ‘huge’ average male Great Dane when done growing.

He was a love today at the Hospital – and, he still has car sickness. He can make it about 40 minutes before his stomach decides that is enough…so pretty much when Sean was drving into the Hospital parking lot, he turfed his cookies this AM….

AND, my Salt plus BHRR’s Ani were also in the vehicle at the same time….

We hope to hear within the next week re: his x-rays and from there we shall know more re: next steps ie is he finally ready to be placed up for adoption, or does he need more ortho work etc.

This photo below was taken when he just arrived home today!

Thank you to the amazing team at KAH for all they did for him, BHRR’s Ani and my Salt today! It was a busy day!!!

Missed you today BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

After his surgery I will post the invoice of what shall be remaining left to be paid and people are welcome to still make donations direct to his account 613-591-0966 at Liston and Becca is there to about 4:30 pm to help you!!

Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $2,742.28 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $4,909.80
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue
Mrs. Hickford
Mrs. Eaglesham


BHRR’s Flame is now passed out from today’s BHRR’s Private ‘EXPERIENCE’!

She charmed her way even deeper into the hearts of the folks here today!

She is now crashed as is the wee fireball of BHRR’s Steam!


BHRR’s Flame – March 6th, 2016
3 months of age

She is waiting for our guests to arrive for their BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”!

She promises to be on her best behaviour *cough* and what a great day for this Private EXPERIENCE!

-2 degrees under almost complete sunny skies!

We have lots of great things planned for the home that is coming out today!

Happy Sunday to all!


On March 11th, not only is BHRR’s Baby Kaos having his neuter plus latest x-rays, BHRR’s Ani is having her next surgery for her fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. It will be a busy day as one of my own Great Danes, Salt will be old enough for his own neuter. 🙂

What many may remember from her official diagnosis blog post made May 1st, 2015,

“The condition is called fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. Basically a growth of the periodontal ligament that can also displace the teeth.”

In learning more re: the treatment of this – complete resection of these – is not as good/positive as we once were informed it could be. BHRR’s Ani is an ‘older’ 5.5+ year old Great Dane.  To get complete resection however we’re likely to require excision of some of the bone, so removal of part of her mandible. With the support of her one Vet at KAH, this was not believed to be in her best interest in the end to do this procedure.

So, when the growths reach a point of them interfering with her quality of eating and comfort of well-being, we have her sedated and the growths excised.

She has more than put back all the weight that she had lost during her time in her foster home, when all of this began in spring 2015 and we monitor her closely. Her wonderful past temp foster home was not comfortable in taking her back as they worried that they would miss something and she would drop weight dramatically again etc. We understand and they are now temp fostering another amazing BHRR animal for us instead and doing a fabu job!

Her enjoyment plus quality of life – soft cushy dog beds, fireplaces, being grumpy/bossy to some of the other dogs – is top notch in her books! She also greatly loves her walks/hikes on our almost 148 acres and then having her feet all cleaned up and patted dry(princess!), getting a treat and snoring up a tune with a nap afterwards!

She is a loveable hoot!

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Flame – 3 months of age!
Someone found the couch….*cough*

BHRR’s Flame has one final round of boosters to have(BHRR ensures that every canine under our care receives the full round of booster series prior to being placed up for adoption) and is scheduled for a pediatric spay – March 17th.

As she is not a single bred Great Dane and is beginning to take more and more after her sire – leaning towards possible GS – in size(will be a large not giant dog when done growing), we are comfortable spaying her at 4 months of age…..

At that time, she will then be ready to make her special announcement and we shall begin to take applications for homes to adopt her.

Like all of our BHRR dogs, she will only be placed with that right matched forever loving home.

She has been an absolute special girl to have had with us…..she is going to make me bawl many tears of such joy….and some sadness. Having had her in my hands at just 2 weeks of age and seeing her now, what a heart-warming and also heart-wrenching journey it has been.

She is the lone survivor of her litter and my heart is going to feel so much happiness to see her in that right home meant for her!

At this time, she shall also be gracing us at PV Stittsville either the Saturday March 12th or the Sunday March 13th – NOT yet determined.

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BHRR’s Rubble was at the Vet tonight!(Sorry, no photo’s to post…not sure why they are MIA on my phone now! )

He weighed just under 55 KGs(121 pounds) and is still putting on much needed weight. He is solid lean muscle, just rippling. His Vet was quite impressed.

We had his eyes thoroughly examined as they have been a bit runny and he does have some mild Entropion(nothing that requires any surgical intervention at this time). He has been placed on some eye medications – Fucithalmic- for both eyes.

He was a really good boy…..he did smack his almost fully healed happy tip of his tail on the set of doors into the Hospital and opened it up slightly. Poor boy.

He had his boosters, a thorough exam and we did an Accuplex (heartworm and tick borne diseases) and also pre-op blood work in preparation for his neuter.

I was really proud of him….

He even was so good natured to allow my Skor, also brought in for her own annual to hog most of the back seat of my car!

He liked to rest his head on my shoulder while I was driving.

His leash manners continue to improve and he is one powerhouse of a boy.

In the right home, when he is ready, this sometime quirky yet uber affectionate playful super wonderful boy shall make a fabu addition!

The BHRR + Our Own dogs are SOOOOOOOO smart!

Or are they?!

They are waiting for the kids to come home from school…..

However…………it is a Snow Day today and the kids have spent the whole day with them at home!

The sure do love their routine!


It is a SNOW Dane! BHRR’s Hercules – our fabu Blue Tripod Great Dane
AVAILABLE for Adoption

He is loving the Winter Wonderland Day at BHRR!


My last post of my night is to share another photo of this lovely new BHRR boy! Thanks Jane again!

This is him with ‘Ernest’, also headed to rescue this weekend. They did a lot of travelling together on this transport.

Now that I have him in my hands, though some photo’s may look like he has a medical concern with his eye, per my op on him, it is actually HAWS. That was what I had wondered at one point and then when I saw the transport list stating he had ‘cherry eye’, I was like, ‘ok, we will get that addressed’.

He does not have cherry eye. He has HAWS. HAWS is a layman’s term for when the nictating membrane, the third eyelid is visible. He does not need or require any corrective surgery. It is considered a minor fault in Danes for dog showing purposes. It does not pose any health concern for him.

He is settling in well. Skinny, still quite quiet(yet, that can be for a number of reasons, he has had some minor post op neuter complications), and appears super soft and sweet.  Typical Dane with those mega leans of his! Soft curious eyes and he sure is going to be laying claim to his fair share of hearts.

He is going to need a BHRR name befitting his beautiful nature……



UPDATE: Sean has him!! Thanks Jane for the photo!

He is on his way home! I am so excited and am going to also be so relieved once I have him in my own hands to touch him, assess him and talk to him and tell him how many people have surrounded him with so much warmth this weekend and will also be there for him moving forward!

We have already done some vetting on him prior to transport and once he arrives, we shall ensure that the rest of his medical needs are met.

Karen and Jane, thank you again!!



He is now on his last leg before Sean snags him for the last drive and brings him home! Small change up that Sean is going to be meeting him as I prepare to bring him in to be seen by a Vet if need be today over tomorrow. Will know more once he is in my actual hands…..

He has continued to be quiet (often the way Danes are on transports) and be a really sweet great boy. Good with all dogs, cats and wanting love plus to give love.

Soon, dear boy, very soon now…..you shall be here!

So many people have come together to make this and many other rescues possible this weekend and each of you are Angels!! Thanks!


So, after a quite ‘eventful’ and a bit of a stressful day(more for us humans!) of traveling, this handsome man is now tucked safely into his temp foster for the night.

I will meet the transport tomorrow to bring him to BHRR.

I am hearing that that he is sweet, calm( we will see once he settles in!) and I am grateful beyond words to all that have showed him care, kindness and patience today and also yesterday as we work to get him to me.

From my home to all of yours, sleep well!

Fwd FRIDAY RUN SHEET-PLEASE CONFIRM RECEIPT - Message (HTML) _2016-02-20_22-58-11

AND he is on his way! Since yesterday.

Thank you Jane for sending the pics from his first part of his journey.

Thank you to all the transport angels for helping him and so many others get to Rescue. Drive safe everyone!

Cannot wait to meet him!


Someone had her booster tonight! BHRR’s Flame is now 12 weeks of age!

She weighed 10.2 kgs(22.44 pounds!). So her growth has really slowed down and at the rate that she is now growing she may reach 70-75 pounds yet, no matter how big or small this gorgeous GDx baby is going to be, she is 100% special. 

She rocked her exam, aced her latest nail trim and charmed quite a few folks. So many of those at KAH have watched her grow up from 14 days of age onward. 

Sorry for the poor photo quality, dark outside! She is watching for Mason to come out of the fish store we went to after her Vet visit. She and I stayed in the car and she kept a close look-out for her ‘kid’



BHRR’s Mama Great Dane Eve was spayed plus pexied today. She weighed 50.60 Kgs(111.32 pounds).

I was really proud of her. She is so stressed in strange situations and with strangers and though, I ended up handling her for her sedation and helping to carry her to the surgical table, I am proud of the progress that she has made since her arrival in December.

Baby steps…..

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Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Whisper was spayed today. She weighed 39 Kgs(85.8 pounds). 🙂

In a couple of weeks she will be ready to make her special announcement! This girl is going to make a lucky home a truly marvelous addition!

IMG_0088 IMG_0089

Today, I received this update on the boy that we asked a home that had lost their own BHRR GD(adopted in December 2009) in January of osteosarcoma to name him, about his temperament. 🙂 The home suggested three names and then settled on ‘Jake’ and we then added the ‘Gentle’ part yet after he arrived to BHRR, some days we wondered about the ‘gentle’ part! 😀

“One of the ladies at the clinic that is a friend of mine said he was the first dog there she has fell in love with. She said he just wants to be with you and gets his feelings hurt easy.”

BHRR’s Latest Winter Wonderful Land VIDEO #1 in today’s crazy 50+ cm of snow! This is VIDEO #1.

Many other dogs are in VIDEO #2 and that will be on those dogs blogs and stated as VIDEO #2

On behalf of the BHRR dogs, we want to THANK all that came out this weekend to Pet Valu Kanata Centrum. Talk about a COLD weather weekend yet quite a few in true Canadian style, took on the brutal cold to spend some time with us and the dogs of BHRR!

A grand total of $548.10 was raised and that included my own personal donation to contribute to help those in need of our programs of BHRR.

This was our first community education and public awareness event of 2016 and thank you SO much everyone for making it as wonderful as it was.

Regan, and your staff at PV continued to welcome us, be patient as the BIG DAWGS in true ‘you cannot miss me style’ sprawled in really public places!

BHRR’s Whisper worked through her small amount of initial worry/anxiety about being left behind to deeply enjoy herself today. She took Cherie shopping! She took Aaron for runs and races around the store! She charmed, she educated and proved to all those that met her that she is ‘normal’ and happy, social and deserving of a great future AND she made all of us laugh and laugh some more!

It did not take her long to figure out what the opening of the front door of the store meant!

BHRR’s Salem, what can I say?! She continues to melt people’s hearts, make people shake their heads that she has not yet had the right application come in for her, to gently watch out for those she trusts, and parked herself more than once in the best places possible like in front of the cash counter or front door to get maximum exposure to all that came in!

Very proud of these gorgeous BHRR ladies!

Thank you to Dawn, Xandria, Cherie, Sean and Aaron for spending the day with me in the name of promoting responsible dog ownership, reputable/quality dog rescue AND talking all about the BIG DAWGS of BHRR.

To the person that showed up yesterday(I was talking to visitors elsewhere in the store) with many $100 bills in his hands wanting to ‘get a dog’, hopefully you left with the awareness of how a proper adoption process shall work. Sadly, from what I have been told by the wonderful BHRR Volunteers, you will find a group somewhere out there that will just take your money and hand over a dog that deserved better.

To the woman who lost her car key, the pleasure was all ours in helping you and talking to you plus with the young lady with you. We are so happy that they were found……

Each time we go out, I leave these events feeling so privileged to be part of such a great animal loving and caring community. I am honoured to be part of the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” team with true, sincere, honest to good caring folks that believe as strongly plus passionately as I, in what BHRR works so hard to do for those in need of our programs.

Thank you again to all the amazing folks that took time out of their own busy plus wonderful weekends to hang!

May all have a lovely evening! My heart is just floating from such a lovely weekend……

We are not back out for our next community event until March now! Stay tuned!

*Thanks Aaron for this photo of BHRR’s Whisper*


Day #2 of our mini-microchip clinic and community education event has dawned sunny and bright and practically balmy compared to yesterday!

We are back at Pet Valu Kanata CENTRUM (300 Earl Grey Drive) from 11 am – 4 pm.

Microchips – $40 includes registration (cats/dogs)
Nails – $10 (cats/dogs)
Ear Cleaning $10 (dogs only)

Red Carpet Pooch Smooch Sessions $5.00 min donation
Some merchandise for sale

AND on hand to be smooched and loved on by their fans will be BHRR’s Whisper (her first public appearance!) and BHRR’s Salem. BHRR’s Hercules, is going to stay at home for there is not a close spot for him to have a washroom break in this cold at the event and being a tripod, a bit too risky on all the ice we saw yesterday outside the stores. 

We look forward to another wonderful day of great visitors, great times, lots of laughs and great memories plus experiences had for humans and dogs alike!

BHRR’s Whisper is all snuggled up in her borrowed coat and is excited!

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BHRR’s Steam says THANK you to all the brave folks that came out to visit us at Pet Valu Kanata Centrum today! It may have been cold outside(apparently colder than the North Pole today! OUCH!), but, it was nothing but warmth inside!

Our mini-microchip clinic saw three more amazing animals chipped – one gorgeous cat and two stunning dogs – to help them get back home should they become lost or stolen.

We did 6 nail trims and 1 ear cleaning on one beautiful Newf!  Total $70

We had donations of $150.40 that included our red carpet pooch smooch sessions and $10 in merchandise was sold. 

We gave out roses and chocolate bunnies and thank you Dawn for the brownies! Aaron immensely enjoyed the candy hearts we brought too! 

Final total raised today was $350.40 and we are back at Pet Valu Kanata CENTRUM (300 Early Grey Drive) tomorrow from 11 AM – 4 PM

Tomorrow, we are planning on bringing BHRR’s Whisper(her début), BHRR’s Salem and quite possibly BHRR’s Hercules(tripod extraordinare) to smooch and snuggle with their fans! 

We will be doing Nails, Ear Cleaning and Microchipping again tomorrow and our famous red carpet pooch smooch sessions shall be in full swing! 

Thank you to Aaron, Cherie, Grace, Dawn and Sean for the extra hands! We are NOTHING without our fabu Volunteers.

Thank you to Regan and her outstanding staff for welcoming us with such openness plus kindness. Thank you also again for the donations of food!

Thank you to all that believe in what we do, came out to hang – BHRR’s Steam had several visitors that took on the cold to see her!, talk BIG DAWGS, came together in friendship, and to support the animals of BHRR! We are so filled with appreciation!

BHRR’s Flame ROCKED her own début today!

BRING on tomorrow, the BHRR and Boerskins are ready for another special day!

*This photo of BHRR’s Steam is courtesy of The Maracle Family*


BHRR’s Pearl went to her new forever loving adoptive home tonight!
February 12th, 2016

This photo is of a moment between BHRR’s Pearl and her new adoptive mom when we did the home-visit for her possible adoption. Peanut butter makes the world an awesome one!

It always brings me so much happiness and some tears in seeing one of BHRR doggies leave…

This girl sure went on an amazing journey of rehab at BHRR and I am the better person in having been touched by such a ‘gift’ of a Dane.

From a dog that lacked so much in confidence, did not even know how to like herself, was terrified of the simplest of kindness and touch, she is now a hyper social harle which so many can once again attest to at our latest BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house (January 31st).

What a far cry from the ‘shadow’ of the dog she once was. BHRR’s Pearl more than lives life now, she brings life to the hearts of all those that are blessed to be touched by her…..

Parting with her tonight was truly a ‘sweet sorrow’ as they say….yet, this is what we must do, adopt out those we can, so we can help the next in need. For a Dane that we once wondered if she could even be placed up for adoption and may have remained a treasured BHRR Haven dog, this is an incredible reward to see her be adopted…..

Thinking of her new home and her and all that life will bring them with so many amazing experiences……time, patience, consistency, obedience plus a big measure of love are going to keep this fabu Harlie building upon the strong foundation built at BHRR.

I will miss you…..so much beautiful Pearl.


On our way to the Vet!!

BHRR’s Whisper(DEAF & Visually Impaired) Recheck and booster time. Her skin is SO much better yet she still has raw spots and a few scabs. AND still has a bit of that ‘yeast’ stinky smell, not much yet some.

She is scheduled already for her spay for February 18th.

BHRR’s Whisper still has some mild anxiety when she is first in the car. She gets into the car without and worries and then, as we begin to drive, after a few moments she has some anxiety sounds. It lasts about 5 minutes right now and then she will lay down and relax.

Sometimes she will go into sleep over relaxing and looking around and Danes are notorious for sleeping when stressed. We continue to work with her to show her that she is not going to ever be abandoned again.

Her startle reflex is amazing now! She tends to stretch and open her eyes at eyes and then stretch more so she can get more of her rubbed gently. 🙂

From a behaviour perspective, the ‘chewing’ that she still does from time to time(NOTHING like it was) is more OCD and habitual plus SA related. We are working through her learning more and more about stability with patience, consistency, obedience, time and lots of love. 🙂

She is a real joy! When she gets her zoomies! LOL


Today, I received a request to help a Male Great Dane – Owner Surrender, turned 1 in January, very skinny, not yet neutered, O.’s traveling too much and there was another Dane, a neutered Male yet, the home found a spot for him.

We absolutely committed and then I was sent photo’s. We commit regards of what the Dane looks like…it is about helping the ‘next in need’, not taking in the colours that would be highly adoptable, or by age, sex etc.

We then put into place a plan to have him neutered and heart-worm tested, given any necessary vaccines, begin to de-worm him and proactively/ preventatively treat for any possible flea’s prior to transport. We will do the tickborne testing and microchipping after he arrives to BHRR.

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COMING up in four sleepies! Saturday February 13th & Sunday February 14th!

BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Flame shall be with us on Saturday and Sunday’s BIG DAWGS are as of yet TBA!

This is our FIRST Community Education and Public Awareness event of 2016! We have not been out since November of 2015!

No appointments are necessary and we are microchipping Saturday and Sunday and more details can be found in the poster below.

Cats and Dogs have to be minimally 8 weeks of age.

Thanks Regan and PV Kanata for hosting us that weekend! So touched as always to have your support!

BHRR Poster (Medium)


BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat(AVAILABLE For Adoption) and one of my own Deaf/Visually Impaired GD’s Salt wish all a good-night!

They are already snuggled up and making the cutest sounds in their sleep!

From our home to all of yours, sweet dreams!


BHRR’s Griffin’s DNA Test: They spelt his name wrong. 🙁

DNA Guessing Game time! BHRR’s Griffin’s DNA results are finally in!

ALL in fun!

He is a mixture of 4(FOUR) lovely breeds! I was right about one of them!

What do you think he is mixed with?!

I shall edit this post as the correct guesses come in!


Katrie guessed Great Dane correctly as one of BHRR’s Griffin’s breeds. He is a Level 2 Great Dane.
Definition below.

Faye has correctly guessed Rottie. BHRR’s Griffin is a Level 3 Rottie.
Definition below.

Rachel has correctly guessed Boxer. BHRR’s Griffin is a Level 4 Boxer. Definition below

Courtney correctly guessed Newf. BHRR’s Griffin is also a Level 4 Newf.
Definition below

Level 2 Great Dane
Level 2
This category reports breeds that may be easily recognizable in your dog. Each breed listed makes up between 37%-74% of your dog’s breeds. Dogs with a large mixed ancestry will not normally have breeds reporting at this level.

He is a Level 3 Rottie:
Level 3
This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s).

Level 4 Boxer & a Level 4 Newf
This category represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA. Dogs with large mixes may have a number of breeds in this category.

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HRR’s Flame says that with all the excitement of the DNA game, that she is pooped…..she will make her announcement tomorrow…

Great time to build up that exciting anticipation! 😀

Someone says ‘pssst….come close…..no, closer still….even closer….smooch!’

BHRR’s Flame (11 weeks of age!) wants to say that she has an exciting announcement to make later tonight…..

Stay tuned…….


Nap-time is always better with a snuggle buddy!

BHRR’s Flame(10 weeks of age!) and BHRR’s Steam AKA Steamboat(1 year).



BHRR’s Crème Brûlée’ – ~85 pounds and still some growing to do.

She is ready to make her own special announcement!


So, she is a Boston Terrier and a Bulldog(Level 3). – 20-36% Breed Representation
AND she is a Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff(Level 4) – 10-20% Breed Representation
AND she is a Great Pyr(Level 5) – 9% or less Breed Representation

She came in extremely fearful, and once she settled in, her ‘strong’ willed side has been more than happy to emerge with a huge measure of sweetness mixed in!

She has been great with all the dogs here yet, I would not recommend any homes with dogs less than 20 pounds for she exhibits some interest, more than I would like when she has been around BHRR’s Steam and even BHRR’s Flame(10 weeks of age).

She does best with a quiet integration with any strange dogs for they can excite her and another dog may take exception to some of her still lack of proper dog to dog social greeting skills.

She travels great in the car, is so loving and affectionate to those she knows and trusts and can appear to be a bit aloof to others….yet, when she warms up and relaxes, she is a big goofy gal!

She is quiet, and only makes sounds when you arrive home to say ‘yay! you are back!’

I would not recommend homes that have cats and no homes with small children.

She is quite a mixture of breeds and personalities and her eyes, those eyes are liquid pools of softness that just bring you right into her….

They can look worried at times and a soft calming word/touch of assurance, settles those eyes back to wanting to trust and show everyone how truly lovely she is.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. She is another extremely versatile BHRR dog.

She is crate trained and has also proven 100% trustworthy in our home for up to 2-3 hours. Being young still – not even 15 months of age, she has done so well in this area!

When she begins to wag that tail of hers, you cannot help but smile along!

She a gorgeous girl…..really gorgeous!

She should go to a home that has dog experience for in the wrong hands, she will be set up for failure, as would the home. She can go to a home that either has no other dogs or with a home that has a right matched personality fit dog already.

If another dog is too dominant, she will stand her ground. She corrects wonderfully under a balanced positive leader.

She is not a high maintenance dog and a home that does not frequent dog parks (most dogs and their owners do not belong in dogs parks as is!) yet takes long country strolls, hikes of various lengths and enjoys cuddles by a fireplace or watching TV, will make this gal a great right matched fit family!

You have been a joy my lovely gal…..a real joy to have had here…… 

BHRR - High Res (watermark) (2) (Medium) BHRR - High Res (watermark) (5) (Medium)

My last post for my night is all about BHRR’s Maple! Gwennie novel time! 

BHRR’s Maple was finally after almost 6 months of in-depth rehabilitation ready to go to the Vet last night!

This was the extremely fear aggressive Great Dane that we were asked to assist last August. She was so scared. We had wondered at one point would we be able to even place her up for adoption, she was that fear aggressive. She would have been a cherished BHRR Haven dog if she could not be placed up for adoption.

Yet, time, patience, consistency, structure, soft caring hands, loving touches, obedience and even more time has seen her blossom slowly….she did really well at our private BHRR “EXPERIENCES” and totally rocked our December annual “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” Potluck…..

At that point, I knew for sure that we were getting closer to seeing her go to the Vet to get blood-work, update on vaccines and to get ready to spay her for she was really sexually immature looking. She could not go in any earlier for she could not be safely handled. I did not want any bad experiences for her either. Set-up for success always…..

Now she could have had paediatric spay or was much younger than the shelter thought(they thought ~2-3 years) and I thought no more than a year and had not yet had a heat.

I had said to Sean in August, watch February come and her have a heat…and yup, after we had our latest BHRR “EXPRERIENCE” Mini open house at the end of January, I knew that she was really ready for this next brave step into the world of so much in great experiences plus kindnesses!

I get her to KAH, we get a very wiggly over 47 KGs (103.4 pounds) and she is more than that – lean, putting the weight still on yet was wiggly.

Someone asks did she chip a nail for there were a few spots of blood on the floor….looked her over, nope, no nails cracked or chipped.

Then, ten minutes later, some more blood on the flood and take her to the back and the blood has increased to more steady drips….Mason looks at her inner leg and sure enough, she is now in heat…..so, that answers the question for sure if she was a paediatric spay or not.

So, we still ran bloodwork for her future spay(4-6 weeks post heat) and for her Heartworm plus Tickborne diseas panel and she received her Rabies plus DAPP. She had been de-wormed back in August and placed on revolution.

The Vet examined her including heart plus lungs and throughout it all, only one fear growl and it was more of a ‘I do not want to be restrained any longer’ over true fear.

She was SO friendly and socially interactive with all that she met, she showed people how well she could sit and give a paw and give the other paw and her gorgeous ears were admired plus loved on a lot! She loves her treats!

I was so proud of her!!! The journey she has traveled since August, massive! MASSIVE! OMG! Wow!

She is going to make that right matched forever loving home that eventually finds her when she is ready to be placed up for adoption, a fabu addition.

That right matched fit home will also be more than prepared to take on her strong personality and remind her in a balanced positive way to mind her ‘p’s’ and ‘q’s’ for she is a strong willed lovely. She corrects wonderfully yet, you have to be aware of her tendencies to be a ‘gooberhead’.

Hard to believe that this photo is of her in February! No snow, leaves found on the ground! Looks more like fall!


After much hassle BOO! I finally have Crème Brûlée’s DNA Results!

ALL for fun and now that I have the results, she shall be making her special announcement soon!

As a fyi, she is about 85 pounds right now and not yet 18 months of age.

UPDATE: Ellie correctly guessed that she is a Boston Terrier and Rachel has correctly guessed that she is a Bulldog. She is a Level 3 Boston Terrier AND a Level 3 Bulldog and that definition is below.

As several have mentioned Greyhound and Nancy has correctly guessed Mastiff and Rachel has correctly guessed Akita, we can say that 3 (THREE) of her 6(SIX) breeds include Greyhound, Mastiff and Akita. She is a Level 4 on all three of these breeds, Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff. Definition of Level 4 is below.

Ellie correctly guessed that she is also a Great Pyr. A Level 5. Definition of Level 5 is below.

So, she is a Boston Terrier and a Bulldog(Level 3).
AND she is a Greyhound, Akita and Mastiff(Level 4)
AND she is a Great Pyr(Level 5)

Level 3
This category identifies breeds that have between 20%-36% of the listed breed(s).

Level 4
This category represents 10%-20% of the breed DNA. Dogs with large mixes may have a number of breeds in this category.

Level 5
This category represents the lowest level of breed in your dog occurring at 9% or less. These breeds still appear at a low and measurable amount in your pet’s DNA and were likely carried over from several generations.

So, to recap, She is a Level 3 Boston Terrier and a Level 3 Bulldog, a Level 4 Greyhound and a Level 4 Mastiff and a Level 4 Akita and a Level 5 Great Pyr.

She is a mixture of 6 lovely Breeds! Thanks for playing!

BHRR’s Griffin’s will be up next week!

BHRR’s Flame loving the gorgeous weather day today! AND helping me bring the groceries in.

10 weeks of age now and every day I fall in love further!


My last post of my night is to wish all those having to be on the road tomorrow a safe drive. The weather is suppose to be icky!

BHRR’s Potter(our BHRR Haven Tripod, Deaf Boxer) recommends to all if they can to stay at home and snuggle!

These photo’s were taken by the Maracle family at our recent first BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House of 2016. Thank you!

He will be turning 8 miracle years old this year for he has made it clear to all of his Vet team that Cancer is NOT going to steal him away from all those that adore him and his ‘tude!

He was not expected to live to see his 2nd Birthday…and we are so grateful and blessed that he is still here keeping all on their toes!

His own spondylosis has been wrecking some havoc on his body and some arthritis also yet, he continues to go strong.

He wishes everyone a good night!


Someone is crashed……finally from all the excitement of our first BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house of 2016!!

BHRR’s Flame at her first EXPERIENCE herself! 9 weeks of age and a huge hit!

Another great day being had!


My last post for today is a BIG THANKS post being sent out to each and every wonderful attendee that had registered for our first BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house of 2016.

We had a total of 26 dogs mixing and mingling with 25 people today! 🙂 Another SUCCESSFUL event! Even BHRR’s Potter had only a few ‘tude moments and no ‘walk-about’ this time around! 😀

Lots of work goes into these experiences and each one just warms my heart with how wonderful they turn out to be!

We want to thank people from our hearts for the much needed donations of food, pinesol, mats, fabric softener etc. We are truly immensely grateful for your support!

We want to thank everyone that brought snacks and drink items from fruit to cookies, to squares and pop! You made the day truly fabu.

Today’s mini experience also raised $340 for BHRR’s Mavie!!! So filled with warmth.

The 50/50 – $80 won by Elizabeth was donated back to BHRR – THANK YOU! Thank you! So, a total of $160 came to BHRR’s Mavie

$70 was raised by Kathy selling her awesome doggie biscuits prior to visiting today. Biggest thanks being sent!!

AND thank you to those that told me that they made ‘birthday’ donations in our donation box to BHRR on my behalf. Though, I no longer have Birthdays, I do thank you!!! :p AND, no today is not my Birthday!

This photo was taken by Aaron(TY!) of BHRR’s Bloom have a great nap – she is now almost 5.5 years of age and her Spondylosis has been taking its toll. 🙁

Per a blog post made on December 27th, we had made the decision to move her to our Haven Program. Quality of life always for every blessed day we have with her and she had a truly great day……she was loved on and cuddled and snuggled and she got to ‘grump’ a couple of times at a few dogs in typical Boom Boom style :p and also to steal some of BHRR’s Flame’s kibble as per her ‘gift’ of being stealthy.

Thank you to each person that took some time to sit with her and tell her how special and precious she is. Many commented on how much more frail she now looks/acts over seeing here even at our XMAS Annual Chain of Success Potluck yet saw that true BOOM BOOM Spark explode at times.

For those already asking about our annual April BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house, we are not hosting an April one in 2016 yet do plan on hosting our annual June experience. We will post when we are open for registration for that one….it is a glorious gorgeous time at BHRR in June! 🙂

THANK you again everyone for such a beautiful day had…..


AND another photo from BHRR’s Ethel’s awesome picnic play date!


Some pictures taken from BHRR’s Ethel’s date of her time with them! I think she had a great day! 😉

Blankets were even warmed up in the dryer for her! 🙂

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BHRR’s Ethel is heading for a special picnic play date today!! She even helped me make the picnic. 

Well, she shall most likely sleep over playing. 

I was so so so touched when she was chosen for a date for an extremely and unique popular auction BHRR item we auctioned off at our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ auction.

She may be almost blind and deaf, and an older Dane yet, she ‘sees’ so much with her heart, ‘hears’ so much with her soul and age is but a number! When she is playing, she is an absolutely hoot to watch! Her hobbly bobbly trots are adorable!

Thank you to this home in giving her this beautiful experience!

AND a photo of the picnic that BHRR’s Ethel helped me make and she did a fine job! 🙂

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BHRR’s Maple was to go in tonight for her pre-op bloodwork and exam prior to being spayed. We will reschedule when it can be just her going in so that I can have both hands to reassure her gently that she is ok……

She is doing so well….hard to believe that she was once this extreme fear aggressive Dane yet, she is still nervous in strange settings and so, I made the decision to change her appointment when it can be just her and I going in(tonight BHRR’s Flame was also scheduled)……so, she can have all of me and my attention and all the time necessary.

BHRR’s Flame weighs 8.15 Kgs(17.93 pounds) at 9 weeks of age. A small girl she shall not be…though, she does not resemble Mama Great Dane Eve in looks and shall not be her size(almost 115 pounds and still putting on some weight Mama is), BHRR’s Flame is not going to be a medium size dog…she may well top 90-95 pounds at the rate she is growing. I have many other blogs to update in her history and shall continue to do so over time.

What is she mixed with?! One of the biggest questions I get and I do not know…the shelter did not know and the O. that dumped Mom and babies at the shelter ‘thought’ GS or Hound yet, they did not even know. Well, I see possible GS in this cutie patootie yet, she is what she is….and, it does not matter. We may do a DNA test for ‘fun’, we may not. Does not matter at the end of the day and nor shall it matter to her right matched forever loving home.

She is beautifully in proportion and continues to show all how brill she is, sitting for treats and not even being prompted to sit and demonstrating her ‘check in’ abilities also.

She would make an excellent obedience dog and she sure loves to climb! I think she may well be part ‘goat’ 😀

She was extremely well behaved, great with obedience(recall etc.) and truly melts my heart….from 14 days to 9 weeks in a blink!!

One her bloodwork comes back, and we anticipate all as being normal – she has also been de-wormed to date per proper Veterinary protocols at 2, 4,6, and 8 weeks so far and her fecal was negative – we will be making a notification re: her about when she will be placed up for adoption and the intake of applications for her.

At this time, we continue to NOT take any applications on her for any home to be considered as a right matched personality fit for her.

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BHRR’s Flame is on her way to KAH! Booster and blood work time!

She is now 9 weeks of age and doing well!


I want to give a bit of a definition as to why Sean narrowed down all the great name suggestions to four and chose this one……sometimes, he picks a recommended name and sometimes, he comes up with one on his own.

The reasons why BHRR has named this amazing boy BHRR’s Rubble are:

1) By definition: “any solid substance” – and this boy is solid and not just in body but in spirit and heart and in heart and soul and in mind plus his determination and patience. AND he shall become more and more so in time…….

2) By definition: : “broken fragments resulting from destruction” – and as solid as this boy is, he has some broken fragments plus pieces that need ‘re-building’ through healing plus rehabilitation. He is a product of his past. 🙁 We will work on his confidence plus comfort level at his pace, we will work hard to earn his trust and to build it back up. We will work to heal wounds, physically his tail and nose will heal, yet emotionally and behaviourally with what he was expected to put up with in silence and continued tolerance despite discomfort and pain to his own body in having kids climb all over him, ride him, sleep on him etc. shall take a lot longer. He will put that weight back on – he had to have been once emaciated for he is uber skinny still now and in just his first 5 days had put on 5 KGS at the shelter. He was given a poor body score upon intake.

3) By definition: “a miscellaneous confused mass or group of usually broken things.” – Confused he is. Not sure what is expected of him. Worried.

4) By definition:  “a mass crumbled by natural or human forces.” – That is almost what happened to him. He was almost completely destroyed at the forceful hands other humans – from the adult that should have been there protecting him to the kids that forced him to do things he never should have had to endure. If it were not for the shelter ‘seeing’ him for the worthy boy he is and the deserving dog he is, he would have been literally ‘destroyed’ by euthanasia.

5) By definition – Rubble is used to fill in cavities and holes in walls, making them stronger and solid and looking beautiful plus well balanced…….That is who you are, you are beautiful, you are solid, you will make those around your stronger as you gain you own emotional plus mental strength, and you are more well balanced than you realise BHRR’s Rubble and shall only become more so!

BHRR’s Rubble you shall rise up and be glorious!

Welcome to BHRR!!!

Due to a mix-up in scheduling, BHRR’s Eve was not spayed/pexied today. 🙁

We will get her rescheduled ASAP.

Posted in Eve

My only post for today AND also my last post for my night!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat – one of our honourary Giants of BHRR (She is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION) has discovered the XL gorgeous soft and plush dog bed that someone donated at PV Stittsville for BHRR. THANK you so much!!!

I think she is quite comfy! She loves it so much that she has completely discarded her huge yellow ducky(small bit of the duck seen in the bottom left corner) that a doll donated her way back in November. 

WHO would have thought a 22 pound wee thing could take up so much space! Well, we know firsthand that they can take up as much if not more space than the Danes!

She wishes all of our friends, family and extended family a most wonderful restful night….

Tomorrow is a big day for both Mama Eve’s surviving puppy, BHRR’s Flame(miracle 9 weeks now) and also BHRR’s Maple(WOW! Has she ever made amazing progress since her arrival as an extremely fear aggressive lovely) – KAH time to visit the Vets!


Good Night!

My last post of my night!

The BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house package has now been sent! If you believe that you have registered and have not yet received your detailed info. package, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org ASAP! Promises to be another fabu time! The weather is expected to be 4 degrees, and mainly cloudy.

I am now going to spend the rest of my night with the newest addition to BHRR! Not the best photo yet, that is how close he wants to be with me right now…..and that is ok….we have tons of time for him to gain confidence.

He is understandably nervous/scared and it pains my heart to see him cringe and slink around Sean. Poor boy……I am going to hang out with him tonight and tell him so many wonderful stories about the BHRR doggies.

Dog who are going to love playing with him and showing him all the ‘ropes’ plus to tell him all about the great people in his BHRR Community that cannot wait to shower him with caring, loving arms and touches.

AND my promise to him is that he shall NEVER ever again have anyone say it is ok to have children ride him, crawl all over him, sleep on him etc………he will not be set-up for failure and then dumped at a shelter discarded, and then replaced with a new dog and forgotten about.

He is also more skinny then I first thought when I picked him up. Yet, that weight will come. He already put on significant weight at the shelter. In his first 5 days there, he had put on 5 kgs.

He will learn that he is important, valued, cherished, loved and heard….he will not be ignored, he will not be forced, he will be respected. WELCOME to BHRR dear man!

From my home to all of our friends and family plus extended family, may all have a good night!


Look who I now have in my hands……

He has waited long enough for rescue assistance and though he is skinny and has some happy tail plus nose scrapes – not uncommon in kennel environments – and gave me a big bark upon greeting – he really does appear to be a nice boy.

We are just sitting in the parking lot at the shelter getting him used to be in the car as he is understandably a bit nervous…..

The shelter has been calling him ‘Bruce’ and we will see what Sean thinks. Final name choices are always his!

Thank you all the amazing staff at the shelter for taking such incredible care of him and in reaching out to BHRR.

Welcome to BHRR!


UPDATE: we are on our way home.

This is not the right matched fit home for BHRR’s Dune. BHRR’s Dune’s proper mental/physical stimulation needs plus continued training requirements are not a good fit for this home. BHRR’s Dune is a young happy, healthy and active boy.

That right matched dog for this home is out there and that right matched fit home for BHRR’s Dune is out there!

BHRR’s Dune had another good experience and that is so important.

Thank you to the home for having us do this home-visit.

I knew going in that with almost complete certainty that an adoption would not be approved, yet as it was not 100% going in, the home-visit was a must.

Happy Sunday to all!

PS: our 3rd annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction ends tonight @ 9 pm EST! Get your bids in!!


So, I go to check on Mason and BHRR’s Dune and I think they are all tucked in for the night!!

Good night to all of our friends and family…..

More soon…..


We are here!! Safe!

Now at our fave haunt in this area for hotels and pets. They treat us really well and once again they did not charge me a ‘pet fee’.

They even opened up the room for me so I did not have to go inside to open up the patio doors and then outside to get the car and back inside etc.! The lovely person even put the heat on and stayed there until I got the car to the room.

BHRR’s Dune had a great drive down and is a bit unsure right now yet being a pro in the room. He is thinking Mason’s bed is a good place to feel comfortable……

I have promised BHRR’s Dune that if this is not the right matched home for him, then he will not stay. Only the best fit home for you my ‘Dune Duney’

He will tell us if he is feeling ‘home’ tomorrow at the home-visit.

Thank you to Sean and Kinsley for holding down the fort while I am away. So so so appreciative!!

We hope all our friends and family are having a safe, happy and healthy weekend as always!

Please do consider bidding in our 3RD Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction. It ends tomorrow at 9 pm EST. Your consideration would be so meaningful to BHRR’s Mavie!

Will update as we can tomorrow!


AND we are on our way!!!

Will update once we reach our hotel! Just at a pit stop right now….

Keep BHRR’s Dune in your best thoughts!! The home-visit for a possible approved adoption for him is tomorrow.


BHRR’s Ethel is going to have a special picnic play date on the 30th! So happy for her!!!

BHRR’s Whisper!
*She has sure taken a shine to that XL Ottoman of ours in front of the fireplace!

She had a good Vet visit on Tuesday January 19th, so much better than I thought. The Vet believes most of her issues are stemming from FAD(Flea Allergy Dermatitis). With her diet change to a high quality kibble that should also immensely help her skin. I also have special shampoo and if in two weeks, no improvement we will look at further treatment.

None of her numerous wounds are infected and they are healing well.

I had given her a Revolution on the Sunday and we shall repeat in two weeks time. We did a full blood-work-up that has come back normal(some mild elevated levels of Globulin that her Vet was not worried about right now) plus her Accuplex(Heartworm and Tickborne Disease) panel has also come back negative. YAY!

Her weight was 39.6 KGS(87.12 pounds) and that was not far off what I thought. I was thinking 90-95 pounds tops! As she gets more muscle mass plus tone, she will move up a bit in weight. She is a ‘wee’ giant! Beautifully proportioned and 100% gorgeous!

She is sleeping a ton for she had to have been so exhausted, the poor thing…. Her sleeps are more and more relaxed and restful.

As of the third night with us, she has been sleeping in her crate beautifully, no more SA and she only gets mildly worried outside of her crate when she feels she cannot get to me anytime she wishes. Bathrooms are always scary for Danes as they always think I am going to sneak out of some imaginary door! She is learning to relax, become more confident plus comfortable and to self-soothe. PROUD of you BHRR’s Whisper!

She only very rarely licks or chews at herself now for she is realizing with stability and structure that she is ‘ok’ and that she will not be abandoned again. A lot of that obsessiveness appears to be shared between the FAD, poor diet and stress. Passively ignoring undesirable behavours and rewarding proper acceptable behaviours is seeing her respond with such happiness! Clear and open communication has made her feel safe and not guessing nor confused as to what is expected of her.

She is making amazing progress and so fast!

AND she is picking up the sign language plus touch and scent training like a pro! WOW! Her startle reflex has greatly evolved too since her arrival.

Her playful side is coming out and what a goofy girl she can be!

While we can confirm that she has not had puppies recently, and, that she is not in heat right now or a false pregnancy, we cannot rule out at this time if she is getting ready to go into a heat(we may do slides to determine where she is in her cycle yet not pressing) or if she is already pregnant. We are monitoring…….

When she is able to be spayed, she shall be.

She is truly a lovely ‘wee’ giant………getting to know her is such a pleasure.

She loves the company of the other dogs yet as of yet, has not played with them, only began to play with us tonight.

She has been fully integrated with almost all the dogs also and it is like she has always been here! Hard to believe that she has not even been here a week!

THANK you again to all and any that are considering her cause to support and that Kanata Animal Hospital can be contacted directly at 613-836-2848 for any donations to her bills. She has an account ‘Whisper’ under the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) file there.

Already her skin is looking better! 🙂

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Per the previous blog post, BHRR’s Raven is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again…..

BHRR did their first approved adoption for 2016 tonight!

BHRR’s Pearl! She was the best right matched fit for the home and it has to be about set up for success for home and dog. Always….

Not the best photo yet we will try again at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house.

BHRR’s Pearl will remain with us to around February 12th as the home readies itself for her arrival.

Congrats to this most wonderful of homes and also thanks to Aaron for helping at this home-visit. Invaluable you are!!

BHRR’s Pearl your journey from catatonic terrified skinny, SA lacking in confidence mush to a happy, healthy hyper social Harlie has been a most beautiful transformation. I have the best of tears for you….

BHRR’s Raven – you were so loved by this home that was so apparent to see and you loved them in turn and if the home had more dog experience and/or you had had more obedience and manners under your belt, it would have been a much harder choice for the best matched fit AND your time shall come……….AND, you will only get better and better with your manners and training in the mean-time! YOU are a hoot! 😀

BHRR’s Raven, your own right matched forever loving home is out there and you gave everyone many laughs tonight!! You are honest and true….and all of us love you!


AND we are on our way!

This is the home-visit for a possible Great Dane adoption for either BHRR’s Raven or BHRR’s Pearl.

We will update as we can.

BHRR’s Steam keeps close watch over her new friend, BHRR’s Whisper, who is also DEAF and Visually Impaired herself…..

BHRR’s Whisper is new to our rescue program and has had a terrible start to life…..


Someone is settling in better than night #1. Our XL Ottoman makes a great bed….
AND with the fireplace on behind her, what comfort she is now experiencing, especially on a -30 night….inside and safe for the first time….

Sean has named her BHRR’s Whisper. For her ‘whispers’ for help are being heard and answered….

As much as I wanted to bring her to work with me yesterday for that skin especially, her stress plus anxiety levels were through the roof. So, Sean worked from home and I spent most of the evening into the wee hours with her and you could see her relaxing more and more.

What confusion and fear she must be feeling….always sleeping literally with one eye open.

Per my other post, she is not just Deaf, yet also visually impaired, and what a survivor she is to have survived on an abandoned farm…..poor thing….

She had her first pee around 1 am today and is now drinking water and eating more.

She has to learn to like herself and obtain some confidence so she is comfortable and knows she is going to be ‘OK’. She goes readily into her crate and then becomes anxious and we passively ignore and every time is better and last night when I went to bed around 3:00 am or so, she went in, cried only for about five minutes or so and settled for almost three hours. What a good girl!!

Separation anxiety can be so successfully dealt with and that is what my PhD dissertation is on yet many people ‘give in’ and that is only a set up for failure for the dog and them. Yup….I got zero sleep Sunday night and last night I had 2.5 great hours and right now, she has been having a really great rest since breakfast…not a peep.

You could tell when she finally just let it all go and really slept…..and while my heart wants to fight with common sense – yup, even 28 years later – I do not feel sorry for her – that is the worst thing I could do – and I am not going to hold her close to my chest and squeeze her tight etc….

What I am going to do is give her all the tools she needs to rehabilitate successfully and develop into that beautiful girl that is there yet, quite a bit of her is hidden inside. Do not misunderstand me, she receives tons of love, yet, it is not all about her….she is having to learn to share me – she bonded fast and fierce to me – and, that she can amuse herself and comfort herself and stimulate herself without me there all the time. We will teach her to like herself.

Physically and I have been taking pictures, full of bite wounds and old scars and scabs. That neck of hers is heart breaking. A nasty skin infection is going on and her body is quite bald in places and being white can be hard to see in photo’s. Her rump, lower back, under her tail and parts of her belly are the worst. Raw, some bloody area’s and red….she is licking plus chewing herself and we will rule out an UTI also. Her body shows much neglect and has taken a pounding more than once from teeth. We will look into mange and allergies and whatever she shall require to get her healthy….

She has had puppies at some point and being around 18 months herself, babies having babies. We shall also monitor to see if she is pregnant now. Per my other post it was said that she was pregnant yet no one saw any babies….

We will look into allergies and do skin scrapings and blood-work and all that she needs…she is also no longer on Ol Roy food. AND she is no longer sleeping in a garage and she will lack for nothing….

We are off to see the Vet tonight and I will post more afterwards….any considerations to her bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under the name of ‘Whisper’ under the Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services account.

Welcome to BHRR our newest ‘wee’ Great Dane – she is about the height of BHRR’s Raven.

BHRR’s Steam(Deaf/Visually Impaired herself AND Available For Adoption) watches over BHRR’s Whisper as she sleeps!

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ISO: Bakers! Our 3rd Annual “Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction begins Saturday January 16th, 2016 and shall run through until Sunday January 24th, 2016!

We are in search of bakers for human and/or doggie treats for this unique online auction!

All items do not need to be baked until the end of the auction to ensure freshness!

Last year we had 41 amazing goodies up for grabs! We are hoping for an equally wonderfully successful fundraiser to help a most deserving dog in our Great Dane Rescue.

If anyone may consider donating a baked goodie to our creative fundraiser, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do NOT post on this thread for your kind and generous offer may be missed!

All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’ Mavie’s Vet Bills. He was back at KAH on the 14th of December for a post op recheck and to exam the swelling that has begun to develop again on that left front leg of his.  He was back to not eating as well and dropping weight again. Clear signs that something is brewing…..

His had swollen lymph nodes yet was not demonstrating a fever. He is back on the Baytril 150 mg – 3 Tablets BID and that is a cost of almost $300 for just over 8 days. We are also running more bloodwork.

So, our Iron Man is not yet out of the woods………..

Thanks in advance for any consideration………

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We asked, you answered and so today we did the DNA testing for BHRR’s Griffin!

When the results come in, we shall post….ALL for fun!!!


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So, I took a poll recently in fun regarding which dog people may like to see a DNA test on and BHRR’s Griffin was top runner. So, we will be running for fun a DNA test and shall post the results when they are back.

I now have the test kit in my hand and just need to take two swabs and mail off!

Hanging at the Shelter he is. Truly, in excellent hands until I get there on Friday.

He thanks his Auntie Lianne so much for his very own dog bed!!! 🙂 He cannot wait to use it!


UPDATE: This girl is in my hands right now…..my heart is so heavy and pained for the poor shape she is in and I will make a separate post all about her tomorrow on a new thread….

She is a small ‘wee’ Great Dane…….with zero manners!

I can confirm that she is not only DEAF yet Visually Impaired…..to be running loose as such a special needs dog, had to be a feat in survival for her.

This dog is so red, bloody plus raw all over her rump, lower back and private parts plus tail, bald is putting it lightly, this dog is full of bite marks plus scabs and she has so many old bite wounds/scars on her that it makes my heart cry out in such sadness……

When she was picked up, a slightly different story was told than what was sent my way in email…..

I have to look closer at her body tomorrow, did she have babies at one point? The one story was that she was pregnant at one point yet no one saw babies, is she pregnant again now? Is she getting ready to have a heat? A false pregnancy? Does she have a UTI as she is licking and chewing herself raw? Does she have allergies? Mange? All things we will investigate further.

We were told that she was allowed to sleep in someone’s garage….well, tonight and tomorrow and onward she sleeps in MY home on her own soft dog bed and will lack for nothing…

Her nails are brutal, she lacks so much in muscle and my promise to her like all those that have come before, she will NEVER EVER have another day in her future as she has had in her past…….

Thank you to her transport angels that agreed to meet up with me(Rachel & Bernie) for the assistance with her!

Sean has named her ‘Whisper’ for he sure wishes that she would! 😉

Yet, also that shall be her name on a more serious note for her ‘whispers’ for help are being heard LOUD and Clear…..

She is also a ‘whisper’ of a Great Dane – small and compact.

Thank you to Rachel & Bernie for the photo – those ‘pink’ area’s are all red and hairless area’s on her face and body. I am trying to capture photo’s of her poor hind end etc. 🙁 On her muzzle those are all old scars. 🙁 The sides of her face has so many scabs and wounds. Her neck looks like a battle field.

BHRR’s Eve Whisper’s Helping Angels: $0 donated to date & Bills $790.78
*before paypal fees
*Rachel & Bernie – Dog Bed, Benny Bully Treats



He is ready to make his own special announcement!

This boy came to BHRR beyond skinny, yes, emaciated and with ‘tude issues. Especially with any human adult female that he believed to be in a position of authority.

Someone sure did handle him wrong in his past.

This gorgeous boy also tested positive for a chronic Lymes Disease infection and when he was neutered in December we did a UPC by cysto collection.

It came back negative. So, in conversing with two of his Vets, we tried to figure out why he was not putting on the weight for they believe that he was actually a false positive for Lymes. He is not symptomatic for Lymes.

The recommendation is to re-test his UPC in 6 months time and if he is adopted by then, this is in his medical records plus in his detailed blog on our home website.

He had no shifting lameness, no lethargic, no pain yet the weight issue which can also be a part of being Lymes positive was ever present.

So, what I did over this past week is change up where he eats…..and, well, uhmmmmm, man, does he like to eat now……

So, mental note, eats ok in the crate where he sleeps yet, in feeding him in an X-pen, likes to eat really well. GOTCHA BHRR’s Miller!  All you had to do is say so!

So,considering that he is NOT Lymes Positive AND that he is putting on the weight even better now……he is ready!

Behaviourally, he is going to need an experienced home, not necessary a Dane experienced home, yet an experienced home that is going to be positive method and balanced in training with him.

I believe in full disclosure on all of our dogs and while this boy is fabu ‘eye candy’, he has had a lot of work on his emotional plus behavioural state NOT to mention obedience(HOLY! He is still like a freight train at times on leash!!). He must continue with the obedience and that is part of our adoption contract with any dog.

I am still careful about when to take his collar and sometimes so as to not stress him out, I just take the leash, hook it gently onto his collar and off we go.

We have negotiated and compromised our way through Gwennie’s Boot Camp and he is now reliably trusting me about 95% of the time and only once in awhile does he ‘forget’ himself and will bark and get a bit woofy and goes to softly mouth and he never makes contact and corrects himself really well.

He no longer tries to eat me……..he was so fearful in the beginning, the poor boy……I seriously wondered at one point could he ever be ready to be placed up for adoption and if he would be a BHRR Haven Dog yet, he has done it!

He had overcome so bravely some of the demons from whatever was in his past…..and I am uber proud of him!!!

We are thorough with all of our applicants and in his case, we will be the same……has to be that right matched forever loving home and one that will have tons of patience, structure, consistency, take him to obedience and not force him.

To force BHRR’s Miller would be a huge set-up for failure. He is a lamb almost all the time now…..

He is the best foot warmer anybody could ask for! AND when he sits – he loves sitting right on your feet!, his head comes right up to my chest. A tall, gorgeous boy and as time passes at BHRR, his inner beautiful self continues to develop and show itself……..

I have earned his trust almost 100% now and the issues he has had with adult females – the shelter and with me, he has never had with males….or kids….

As time also has passed, he shows his goofy, playful self and MAN, body armor time when he gets into play mode.

Being so young still, he is clumsy and gangly and makes me smile so much when he trots and runs with such happiness.

The muscle mass plus tone that he has developed has been impressive as he becomes healthier and healthier….

He is good with dogs big and small, he was fine with the cat at the shelter, has never had an issue meeting people both in and out of our home….

His only worry and stress that he has still is fear of being manhandled and hurt…..

I continue to show him that this is never going to happen again and he is rewarding me with so much trust and we each have mutual respect for each other.

These days he is more bluff and sauceyness and we need to make sure that any home that he goes to continues to build up his circle of success……..

I really love this boy. He is honest and true and a real ham of a dog! He is something very special, as I have said about many a dog before, he is a gift…..

His right matched forever loving home will be so willing to keep working with him and building upon the strong foundation built up at BHRR and continuing to make him the best dog he can be. AND, WOW, he is one really great boy already!

YOU did it BHRR’s Miller!! Thank you for all the gifts and lessons you have bestowed upon me during your rehab at BHRR.

Thank you Melissa again for the gorgeous photo’s and to Bernie and Rachel Ng for the help with picture taking!

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BHRR’s Dune’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is now scheduled for Sunday January 24th. We will update as we can!

BHRR’s Raven’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is now scheduled for Wednesday January 20th. We shall update as we can!

On January 15th, I received the following email and we mobilized fast to make arrangements to get her to BHRR by the 17th. I did not know if this GD was also visually impaired yet, I strongly suspected such.

“I have recieved a 1 1/2 year old great dane. She was abandoned at a farm that a friend of mine rented, i have had her for just over 2 months now. totally deaf but knows hand gestures and listens very well.

 She is gaining weight and we have gotten rid of a bad flea infestation that had her almost bald. She looks great now. I have had a few people interested in her but I am afraid to rehome her because she is deaf. She is great on my farm she loves every animal horses, dogs, cats , chickens and goats. I just cant keep her because I already have three dogs of my own that are getting older and my landlord is upset about 4 big dogs. If I owned my own property I would keep her but I cant . Another issue is that she is not spayed and I cant afford to spay her at this point. So I am hoping that you will take her and find her a proper home where she will be safe. I dont think it would be good for her to live in a busy area or even in the town because if she gets loose she will never never hear the cars coming. I need help to find her the right place. i dont have the time it requires to do this, I am afraid I will be rushed into the wrong situation for her. Please help”


feed time lola1

Our gorgeous BBBBB BHRR’s Raven is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Please keep her in your best wishes and thoughts!

This once puppymill GD Mama, neglected and emaciated is no longer!

She is so full of personality and heart plus soul!!! Glossy shiny healthy coat, perfect weight and a beautiful happy girl she is now after her successful rehabilitation

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BHRR’s Mama GD Eve is hanging at work with me today and her weight was a wonderful 52 KGs(114.4 pounds). Maybe another few more pounds to go and she will be perfect!

She will be having a thorough exam today and bloodwork for heartworm, tick borne diseases plus pre-op in preparation for her spay. She will also have her vaccine boosters.

She has a couple of growths/warts to be looked at more thoroughly and the shelter had also looked at them and there did not appear to be much of a concern. One of them is practically gone now – under her tail.

She will also receive a very thorough ear cleaning as with the extra hands, we will be able to get them squeaky clean now! Wiggle worm she can be at home. 🙂

I will chip her when she is spayed and we will do a good nail trim then.

This girl is a miracle girl and I am hard pressed to think that she is 6! Her best friend is BHRR’s Maple(who is an amazing turnaround lovely herself!!) and to watch those two romp!! Makes my heart feel so happy.

Here is a photo of BHRR’s Mama Eve on our way in to work.

Isn’t she just stunning!!!


Posted in Eve

So, we did the swabs tonight for BHRR’s Crème Brûlée’s DNA test. 🙂 Will drop off in the mail tomorrow and when the results come back, she will be ready to make her own special announcement! 🙂

I continue to see zero Great Dane in her, yet, one never really knows! Even after 28 years with Danes, I could be surprised. 😉

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BHRR’s Rain’s Accuplex – Tick Borne Disease panel came back negative as did her Heartworm test! 🙂 We keep the dogs on Sentinel or Revolution year round yet we still do proactive testing every 2 years just to be sure. 🙂

I asked the Shelter if there was any SAFER test results or other behavioural assessment results done on this boy and today, I received the assessment and the notes.

“absolutely lovely!”

The only thing of note was his paws….he escalated quickly from:

Dog gently pulls back and whimpers to Dog freezes and/or tries to bite. – NO CONTACT MADE

Many dogs have issues with their feet/paws…..something that does not deter us from still being committed in bringing him in.

Our first adoption application of 2016 received January 1st was for BHRR’s Dune!

Now that we are open and processing applications again (as of January 6th) after the Holiday Season, we have been working on BHRR’s Dune’s adoption application and he is now moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Keep him in your best wishes and thoughts!

BHRR’s Rain had her annual tonight! I cannot believe that she is now 5!!!

She weighed 92.4 pounds – Her Vet thought she looked good! 🙂 I think she is just beginning to lose her waistline and losing even a pound or two will make her look better in the waistline department. 🙂 So, we will monitor her treats and food intake a bit more closely to ensure that at least she does not put on any more weight and loses a tiny bit.

She was a super star at the Vet Hospital! We also did a Accuplex – HWT and Tick Borne disease testing.

She has some mild yeast in one ear and moderate in the other and we are going to have her on some Burrow’s for the next 10 days or so.

She was such a great girl at KAH! 🙂

A lovely play date summary from the home!

“I wanted to take a minute to tell you how absolutely lovely Kaos was on his overnight with us. He was cautious for the first 2 hours or so but very quickly warmed up to all of us, our 2 dogs and the rhythm of our house. You can see how much he loves the company of other dogs yet REALLY adores the company of people and sought all of us out for snuggles and attention. His manners were impeccable, especially given that he is only a 6 month old puppy. Your hard work and effort really shows, he is such an amazing puppy!!”

Update #3 sent from his overnight play date home:

“The boys have emptied the toy bin 🙂 “

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BHRR’s Waffle – ~ 2.5 years of age –
Suddenly passed away January 2nd, 2016

2016 was to be a better year…..

I am in complete shock writing this post…..

She had been a beautiful part of BHRR since August 29th, 2015. She passed all her Vet exams etc. with thumbs up, rehabbed beautifully at BHRR, put on much needed weight, learned manners and had become a HUGE fav at BHRR. When she was ready, she was placed up for adoption on November 12th, 2015.

She was so funny, affectionate when in ‘Bloodhound’ mode, developed confidence with walking on floors(So proud of her!!), could drool along with the best of any dog!, and, was so gorgeous inside and out…..

While Mason and I were on our way to drop off BHRR’s Baby Kaos to his overnight play date, I received a call from Sean.

I knew from his tone, something bad had happened. I fought down the panic and listened…..

BHRR’s Waffle was out running – she was not bumped, tripped by another dog, did not trip on anything and she suddenly went head over heels going down one of the smaller hills and Sean was right there.

She was dead………

We are doing a necropsy. She was an extremely fit, healthy and happy dog.

The whole time I was with the home that was having the play date with Baby Kaos, I was fighting down the gasping pain and trying to breathe. Before Mason and I even went into this home, we both looked at each other and gave a quick hug of comfort to one another……

I had even brought BHRR’s wee Flame to meet their daughters and to thank one of them as that young lady – Maddie and her friends had raised much in donations(previous post made on this beautiful story) to help BHRR’s GD Mama Eve etc.

I went to the Vet’s that are doing the necropsy on BHRR’s Waffle and said my good-byes. Once the necropsy is done, she will be brought home and laid to rest.

I am in shock……she was so precious, loved her big character personality SO freakin’ much. She loved laying under our bench in the sunroom and we even moved her Costco dog bed under there for her….now, that spot is empty with such a big presence missing….

I am at a loss for further words at this time……totally broken is one of the feelings I feel….

She is an angel now…….a stunning angel….

Update #2 from his overnight play date:

“Belly rubs before the kids go to bed. Such a wiggly happy tail boy!”


Update #1 Sent from his overnight play date home:

“Isaac and Kaos became buddies fast and have had two great running sessions in the yard, couldn’t post the video on BHRR’s page but posted it on your Facebook page. He pawed the door to ask to go out and has had a big pee and bm. He is even picking up the dog toys in the house and is running around with them 🙂 “

BHRR’s Baby Kaos – January 2nd, 2016

Everyone’s favourite ‘gimpy’ GD puppy is growing up!

On the 2nd, he had the first of two special overnight picnic play dates and this is a photo of him at his first overnight play date having a blast!

He settled in well and had a great experience! Thank you to the home for winning this auction item and choosing him to have this incredible time to keep him becoming the wonderful well balanced and rounded boy that he is!

He is scheduled for his neuter(his one testicle did finally drop!) and repeat x-rays plus thorough exam under anesthetic on March 11th.

Should those x-rays show that he has continued to be healing well, we will be taking the next big step of him making his special announcement! We just have to wait for his two ortho specialists to give the thumbs up!  If it is not yet his time, then that is ok too…patience….we shall remain patient.

He has been on an incredible rehab journey and when that time comes that he is ready to be placed up for adoption(we do not take applications on dogs prior to them being placed up for adoption) that right matched forever loving home is going to be getting a BIG gem!

He is awesome!



Blurry picture yet we are on our way to BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ overnight play date! 🙂


Today, I received an email in respect to the following:

BHRR’s ??? – Male blue with white GD, intact and “had no issues with him in the shelter. He’s been an easy keeper and is a good boy for staff to handle”

He will have a new name for a new beginning.

This is the special boy that we have been working on since the 29th of December. Age not yet known and does not matter. His nose is raw right now due to stress…

What we do know is that the owner used to allow her grandchildren(one is 13) to lay on him, sleep on him, climb all over him and ride him like a horse – yes, totally unacceptable and at one point he was unsupervised with the teenager and an incident happened. No adult was present at the time and what is the real story??

According to the shelter, he is an easy keeper, no signs of any aggression, and a good boy to handle.

AND, during the time this boy has been at the shelter – the home got themselves a new dog and yes, the O. allows the grandchildren to do all the same things to the new dog.

The Shelter believes that he deserves a chance in an experienced GD Rescue/home and we have worked with this shelter several times in the past and we are more than happy to step up….

We are working on a temp foster for either BHRR’s Dyson, BHRR’s Ivy, BHRR’s Leroy per our request posted earlier for approved temp fosters and we have one application received for a possible approved adoption and so, we have committed to assisting this boy.

ETA is as of yet not known BUT we are working on it!


We have made the decision that BHRR’s Bloom shall be moving to our Haven Program. She has had some very very very mild spondylosis since she first arrived into rescue yet over the past several months, her condition has greatly deteriorated. Quality of life always for her and all the BHRR dogs.

She is on Deramaxx daily and she receives canine massage which like the Diva Queen she is, loves! 🙂 At this time, CWW is not an option with hydrotherapy yet, could be in the future. 🙂

She continues to go on Play Dates and Play Visits and remains a HUGE presence to all at BHRR! 🙂

BHRR’s Dune(AVAILABLE For Adoption) & Kinsley(12)
December 24th, 2015

A photo from our traditional XMAS Eve Photo shoot here at BHRR!

He adores her and her him! LOVE this photo!

We hope Santa is spoiling all rotten this holiday season!


BHRR’s Potter’s Annual Christmas Eve XMAS Photo with Mason.


Christmas Eve traditional photo shoot! What a nut-bar she now is! 🙂


BHRR’s Steam’s XMAS Eve Candid Photo’s! 🙂

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BHRR’s Miller traditional XMAS Eve Candid Photo!


BHRR’s Waffle
December 24th, 2015

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Two lovely photo’s of BHRR’s Mama GD Eve!

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Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ Traditional XMAS Eve Photo Shoot!

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BHRR’s Scooby – 7 year old stunning Merle Male Great Dane

He is ready to make his own special announcement!

What an incredible dog!! My heart still pours out to his owner(31 year old man dying of cancer ) for he did an amazing job with this Dane.

DO not let Scooby’s ‘young’ age of 7 fool you! He is very active, loves hikes/walks, he really loves the outdoors yet also the great comfort of our fireplace, plays like a puppy more than half his age, loves toys, and with the loss of over 15 pounds and the gaining of so much needed muscle mass plus tone, he is strong, healthy and incredibly happy!

He is now hanging around 145 pounds and is 37″ at the whithers. Many have felt he was as tall as our now RIP BHRR’s Porridge yet, that amazing Dane was almost 41″ at the whithers, himself.

BHRR’s Scooby can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR Dog!

He is housebroken, can be trusted in our house to be a good boy – other than trying to climb on the couch – when unsupervised. We always recommend that no new addition be given too much freedom to start!

He is good with cats, dogs of all shapes and sizes and loves humans, including kids.

He has a Dane lean that will take you right off your feet if you are not braced and when he buries his head into your lap, he can move your chair a few steps back!

He is one of the most well balanced plus bomb proofed doggies that BHRR has had come in for a long time and when his honeymoon period ended, we began to see some bossiness with ‘tude and Gwennie’s Boot Camp has structured that into the right direction.

WIth the right loving, kind yet positive firm instruction that includes continued obedience, this boy is going to continue to be a rock star!

His leash manners have come a long way and will continue to improve and BHRR’s Scooby Do you have been such a pleasure plus delight to have at BHRR!

You are going to make that right matched home home know that they have a GEM of a dog and they will have won the lottery…..

You are deserving of so much greatness and spoiling love and I am so sorry that you lost your previous home……yet, you were loved enough for people to want to do right by you and your future will be full of so much happiness, adventures, caring hands and spoiling!

Love you!!!

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BHRR’s Bell’s December 24th Christmas Eve Photo Shoot!
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BHRR’s Crème Brûlée’s December 24th Christmas Eve Traditional Photo Shoot!
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BHRR’s Hercules
Our fabu gorgeous male Tripod Great Dane

He had his very first visit to Santa Clause recently with his approved temp foster home!

I think he LIKED Santa!

Thank you to his temp foster family for sharing this great photo!

Herc & Santa

Both BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée were altered on Thursday December 17th.

We also did the UPC Urine by cysto collection on BHRR’s Miller as per my previous post, he tested positive for chronic Lymes Disease. Poor boy.

Both are recovering well. BHRR’s Miller managed to open up his neuter incision slightly and is now on antibiotics and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée has been bouncing back so well from her spay.

Per her surgeon, she has NEVER had a litter(the shelter thought she recently had had a litter prior to arriving in the shelter) and it was confirmed that she has had a heat, so it was a mature spay. So, she most likely had a false pregnancy or was finishing up the tail end of a heat. She is believed to be no more than 15 months of age.

She is looking fabu in the weight plus muscle department and she will be making her own special announcement in about 2 weeks time! 🙂

BHRR’s Bell
**DEAF in one ear, hearing impaired in the other and Blind in one eye and visually impaired in the other**
I am so excited and thrilled that BHRR’s Bell is finally ready to make her own special announcement!

She battled a lot since her arrival into rescue. She has put on much needed weight, came into rescue with a really low platelet count(94) – she has had two repeat blood-work on her platelets – (154 and then 170 on December 14th) since then and she is a THUMBS up!

She tested positive for Anaplasmosis and we had to do a PCR Panel to find out whether she was a false positive,was truly positive or had had exposure to Anaplasmosis yet did not develop it etc.

AND in November she survived a coyote grab – and had a recheck this week and huge thumbs up on her ear booboo!

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired etc. Amazing versatile girl!

She is housebroken, travels wonderfully in a car, proven 100% trustworthy in our home – never recommended to give too much freedom to start!, great with dogs of all sizes and cats unknown right now.

She can get excited and has to be reminded to play gently.

She is smart, beautiful and can be an only dog in a home or with another right matched personality fit dog or dogs! Most important is that she has a network of doggie friends! She loves her canine friends…..

She is so affectionate, knows hand and touch signals and I have also trained her in scent training!


I am so in love with this big personality filled girl!

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This amazing girl is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again.

Unfortunately, we could not process the application to full completion to then be able to approve this home to adopt BHRR’s Skye. We were unable to successfully close off on their Vet reference.

Her right matched home is out there! All of us remain patient. 🙂

BHRR’s Ember
3 weeks of age – Passed away Sunday December 13th, 2015

I am still in utter shock over the loss of this precious baby.

For 6 days she fought the great fight and truly was winning. Sunday she had a great day…I even have a video of her and her sister BHRR’s Flame eating during their 1 AM feed. Posted in a previous blog. 🙁

She was stronger and playful and loved cuddling more and more each day……..her real ‘self’ becoming apparent as she felt better and also was developing.

She had an evening feed around 8:30 PM, Kinsley helped me feed the babies….they peed, pooped, played a wee bit and then fell asleep for a nap not long after.

I checked on babies at 9:30 pm and she was laying on her back, completely unresponsive and I was unable to revive her.  She had just recently passed away……

I screamed for Sean, and have been bawling like a baby ever since. I am so heartbroken, sick with grief and I cannot even truly grieve as I have Mama Eve and BHRR’s Flame that still need me to keep fighting with them for their own lives right now…..

I am full of so many strong emotions, none of them positive and truly, screaming with the unfairness of seeing a 3 week old puppy stolen away from a great life ahead, that makes me so upset…….

She was gaining weight also. She was up to 1.82 Kgs when we weighed the puppies on Sunday afternoon. She remained on antibiotics and her URI was really improving….

If she had passed away Monday, Tuesday, or even Wednesday, her Vet team and I could understand better….would not be any easier to accept yet, she was improving so much…..

Thank you to all of her Vet Team at KAH for being there for her and I.

I am truly inconsolable at this time……I really am.

I am so sorry yet there shall be no further posts on our facebook page for the next while…I really am filled with total anguish plus pain over her loss……

Please light a candle for one of the sweetest, most precious babies ever……

I do not understand why she had to be taken away yet heaven, if there is one has a beautiful angel among them now.

AND, Sean and I made the decision to lay her to rest beside BHRR’s Porridge….whose own loss in October was crippling. He would have loved her….all would have. She was so sweet. We like to think that he is showing her all the ropes of the joy of toilet paper rolls, de-stuffing pillows, how great newf tails are for puppy tug of war and being pulled along the floor, the delights of counter surfing, happy tails and dane leans plus the best way to sit on a human for maxium comfort to her tush. We cannot forget about how great it is to bed hog!

RIP BHRR’s Ember….your life was snuffed out way too fast and I will never understand why…….

AND, I feel most sorry for her mama Eve and her one remaining sibling, BHRR’s Flame….only two survived from this litter to come into BHRR and now she is a singleton puppy. She had a bad night…..it was only when I gave her the red ‘woof’ pillow(both of them LOVE this pillow) that had the scent of her sister on it that she crawled up on it and whimpered herself to sleep. She will never experience the joys of having her sister grow up with her….. I am so sorry wee one……I tried so hard to save your sister….and, I shall continue to try hard to save you and your Mama Eve….

Thank you to everyone’s understanding that I just do not have the heart to make any more posts on this page for a bit………my strength is wrapped up trying keep my heart from shattering further as it is in a million pieces right now……

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It is puppy weigh day, December 13th, 2015. They are a miraculous 3 weeks now.

BHRR’s Flame is bombing along now and BHRR’s Ember, while still on antibiotics herself is catching up. What a roller coaster 6 days it has been….

Mama Great Dane, BHRR’s Eve still is struggling. Ups and downs with her still. 

BHRR’s Flame is now 2 Kgs(4.4 pounds)
BHRR’s Ember is now 1.82 Kgs(4.004 pounds)

This is BHRR’s Flame in the weighing ‘pot’ on the scale on the left and BHRR’s Ember on the right! BHRR’s Ember, she is not a ‘camera stealer’ kind of gal. She much prefers her sister get the lime-light…a bit camera shy. She was always moving away from Sean’s phone.

We call them our ‘Girls ON Fire’ or ‘Fire Girls’

For those that have offered up items to help us with this ‘wee’ Rescue Family, and are asking where to drop them off:

Kanata Animal Hospital – 440 Hazeldean Road – 
3:30 PM Monday December 14th
8:00 PM Tuesday December 15th
8:00 PM Thursday December 17th

Birch Haven Rescue –
2:00 PM Saturday December 19th 

Our most urgent needs are:
1) Pee Pads
2) PVD Essential Care CANNED Puppy Food
3) Esbilac Milk Replacer – Mom is producing little milk and only able to nurse them now a couple of times a day – puppies are currently being tube fed and eating a small amount of a ‘gruel’ mixture of milk replacer/corn syrup + water 1:10 ratio/PVD Essential Care Canned Puppy Food
4) Towels
5) Soft Blankets
6) As they age, small appropriate puppy toys
7) All three have an account at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 – ‘Eve’, ‘Puppy A’ and ‘Puppy B’ all are under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account and the bills are mounting up fast. It is close to XMAS and we know we really do not have any right to ask for monetary donations.
We know that times are tough for so many and, if anyone does have $5.00 to spare, please perhaps consider donating to help this 6 year old Mama Great Dane and her 2 surviving babies. Must have been so hard for her to lose her other babies.
8) Prayers, blessings and well wishes….they need them….



VIDEO of BHRR’s Ember and BHRR’s Flame having their 1 AM feed!

They are 100% adorable and so different in personality. So young yet those temperaments are quite apparent. As BHRR’s Ember becomes healthy, it shall be great to see the ‘true’ her also.

BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée were at the Vet on Thursday December 10th.

BHRR’s Miller is slowly putting on the weight. A bit more slower than I would like to see. I did his boosters plus a Heartworm and Tickborne disease panel on him and also pre-op bloodwork in preparation for his neuter – scheduled for December 15th.

Sadly, his bloodwork came back that he has a chronic Lymes Disease infection – he is from an area that tick borne disease is high. The next step per his Vet is a UPC by cysto collection and that will be done the day of his neuter. So, he will not be available for adoption anytime soon. He does not present with lethargic, shifting lamenes etc. ‘typical’ of Lymes Disease and poor boy. 🙁

BHRR’s Brûlée, weighed just under 80 pounds and her Vet believes as I do that she is more likely around 15 months of age and that she has not had any litters prior to coming to BHRR(we will confirm during spay) and that she most likely had a false pregnancy or a heat.

She has lost some much needed weight, toned up amazingly well and she looks fabu! As she ages, she may reach a healthy 85 pounds or so. I think that we may also do a DNA test on her. So suspicious of what her breed combo could be. This would be the second time in our almost 20 year history that we have done this. We did a DNA on BHRR’s Bloom and it came back confirmed for her being 100% single bred Great Dane! Was surprised and goes to show that after almost 28 years with Danes, when not bred to standard, they come in all shapes, sizes, colours plus conformation. We want to make sure that we are being proactive about her adoption placement when it is her time to be adopted. 🙂

I am hard pressed to find the ‘DANE’ in her looks and personality. She is 100% lovely and uniquely her though! 🙂

She is also scheduled for her own alter surgery on December 15th.  Her Accuplex as negative for Heartworm and Tickborne diseases and her pre-op was normal! YAY!

BHRR’s Skye, our gorgeous Neo who owner was killed and then this scared, confused, undersociliased Neo was dumped at a pound by the woman’s boyfriend, has some exciting news to share….

She says that she is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can!

Please keep her in your best good luck wishes! She needs that special home that will be patient, understanding and keep her going on this fabu track built here at BHRR!

All I could possibly dream for her is the hope for her to have a forever loving home of her very own, possibly even for XMAS.


Passed out after a visit to the milk bar – BHRR’s Flame!
20 days of age!


Great news! Mama Eve got to have her IV line pulled today!!! As long as Mama keeps eating and drinking more and more, she can stay of the IV.

Here is Mama Eve and BHRR’s Flame and BHRR’s Ember.

BHRR’s Eve and BHRR’s Flame and BHRR’s Ember’s  Miracle Angels: $1,225 donated to date & Bills $4,509.93
*before paypal fees
Lianne – Dog Bed for Mama GD Eve
Gracie – IKEA Pillows, two towels and some wool blend packing blankets
Julie B.
Christine – Some puppy toys
Lianne – Donation towards a case of PVD Essential Care Puppy
Maddie – Case of PVD Essential Care Puppy, 3 cans of Esbilac milk replacer, PV Valu Paw Print Mat 60″ x 30″


Babies now have names!

I picked them and Gwennie filled in their description of the why they are named such.  🙂

Puppy A – BHRR’s Flame – she is feisty, strong and quick to ‘combust’ to action and melts your heart. Ever-changing, independent and beautiful.

Puppy B – BHRR’s Ember – never rule out the importance of the slow burning embers of a fire…..slow and steady she goes, determined, possessing her own inner strength, not easily ‘snuffed’ and fills your heart with such warmth. Not to meantime the beauty of the embers of a fire!

BHRR’s Ivy had her annual visit yesterday. She is hanging just under 110 pounds at 20 months of age, with the cooler weather approaching, she could welcome another few pounds. She is lean, incredibly muscled (Her Vet and some of my fellow staff member were in awe of her muscled butt and thighs! LOL) and looks great yet, another few pounds would not hurt.

We are always adjusting the food for the Danes, depending on weather, season, age, health, activity level etc.!

She had her annual vaccines, a thorough exam, a nail trim, we did bloodwork for heartworm and tickborne diseases and we sedated her to get a good look at her eyes, her right eye has been ‘running’ a bit and is a bit swollen.  Her foster mom has told me that she has also been blinking a bit more. Being such a spastic, happy, affectionate uber active gal, it was the only safe way(for our noses and glasses with her loving!) to safely exam them. She had a flourescein eye stain and she has some entropion that has developed in the right eye. Her left eye is even less affected. She is now on some eye medications and we shall be monitoring for if she does require any eye surgery, we will make sure that she has it.

Posted in Ivy

Here are our current needs as promised and as requested by several angels wanting to step up to help us with the 6 year old Mama Great Dane, now named BHRR’s Eve and her 2 x 2 week old babies, both girls.

BHRR’s Flame – has a fiery and feisty personality
BHRR’s Ember – is full of inner strength and determination

1) Pee Pads
2) PVD Essential Care CANNED Puppy Food
3) Esbilac Milk Replacer – Mom is producing little milk and only able to nurse them now a couple of times a day – puppies are currently being tube fed and eating a small amount of a ‘gruel’ mixture of milk replacer/PVD Essential Care Canned Puppy Food
4) Towels
5) Soft Blankets
6) As they age, small appropriate puppy toys
7) All three have an account at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 – ‘Eve’, ‘Puppy A’ and ‘Puppy B’ all are under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account and the bills are mounting up fast. It is close to XMAS and we know we really do not have any right to ask for monetary donations.
We know that times are tough for so many and, if anyone does have $5.00 to spare, please perhaps consider donating to help this 6 year old Mama Great Dane and her 2 surviving babies. Must have been so hard for her to lose her other babies. 🙁
8) Prayers, blessings and well wishes….they need them….

Both puppies were at high risk as was mom to die earlier this week…….we are taking each day as it comes and I am becoming an expert in 20-30 minute power naps!

One of the Vets on this case said to me yesterday that she would not have been surprised to have seen one, if not both puppies and also mom die(stress bloated) between Tuesday and Wednesday, they were that critical. Whatever Puppy B(BHRR’s Ember) had developed at the shelter, Puppy A(BHRR’s Flame) picked up.

Puppy B(BHRR’s Ember) also remains on liquid Clavamox antibiotics at this time.

Thank you everyone for reading this post.

Welcome to BHRR our beautiful rescue family……you are surrounded by so much love, heart plus soul and a village that is mighty, supportive and so caring……

As many are now aware, BHRR was contacted on Sunday December 6th re: a request to assist a 6 year old Great Dane Mama(bit unstable and somewhat unpredictable) and her 2 week old Puppies at a shelter we have worked with in the past.

We mobilised fast and picked up Mama Dane(now named BHRR’s Eve) and what we then learned remained of her litter – just two puppies on Monday December 7th. Both remaining puppies are wee girls.

It has been a really long, busy, stressful and roller coaster few days with Vet visits etc. and an album shall be created so we can share in detail their story plus journey.

Mama Great Dane, BHRR’s Eve has had two stress bloats. Critical state.

Puppy B(BHRR’s Ember) – had been sent off to the shelter vet shortly before we arrived on Sunday for bloody nasal discharge and congestion. Prognosis is now up to a 60%+ chance of survival. Has moved from a critical status to cautious.

Puppy A(BHRR’s Flame) – began to shortly develop the same symptoms en route to BHRR. Has moved from a cautious status to a good to great chance of survival.

We do plan on posting their needs ASAP also…..

Our Facebook page has naturally been quiet as my time/priority has been spent on trying to ensure the survival of these lives, our newest rescue family…..

Puppy A(BHRR’s Flame) – prognosis is an excellent one now…..hope no relapse

Puppy B(BHRR’s Ember)  – prognosis of survival rate increased from 50/50 to almost 60%!!! Go baby go!

Mama Eve – is showing me the strength plus heart she passed on to her babies. She is drinking more for me, not quite enough to pull her line, yet getting there!

She is eating better and sigh of relief……and some tears for all three!

She has moved to a 50/50 chance now of survival……

Description of why the puppies are named the way they are:

Puppy A – BHRR’s Flame – she is feisty, strong and quick to ‘combust’ to action and melts your heart. Ever-changing, independent and beautiful.

Puppy B – BHRR’s Ember – never rule out the importance of the slow burning embers of a fire…..slow and steady she goes, determined, possessing her own inner strength, not easily ‘snuffed’ and fills your heart with such warmth. Not to meantime the beauty of the embers of a fire!

BHRR’s Eve and BHRR’s Flame and BHRR’s Ember’s  Miracle Angels: $225 donated to date & Bills $3,851.09
*before paypal fees
Lianne – Dog Bed for Mama GD Eve
Gracie – IKEA Pillows, two towels and some wool blend packing blankets
Julie B.
Christine – Some puppy toys

BHRR’s Ember does not stray far from Mama Eve.


If you are going to be a ‘giant’, one must learn at a very early age – 19 days – the art of bed hogging in a giant way! She is smack right in the middle of mama Eve’s bed.

BHRR’s Flame


Mama is eating a bit and drinking some and no further stress bloats. While not ‘stable’ she is better than what she was at the shelter and since she first arrivedl to BHRR Monday night.

She plus pups had a rough time in the shelter from what Gwen was told by several shelter staff when she picked up the ‘wee’ family, super skinny, terribly stressed, unstable etc.

She wags her tail for Gwen and Gwen spends special quality time just with mom to help her relax and feel safe and to let mom know that she is important and loved.

Her prognosis is still not great. She remains on IV fluid treatment.

Gwen is working magic over here.

One of the Vets on this case, today told Gwen that she felt felt 100% sure that one if not both puppies would have died between Tuesday and Wednesday, not to mention mom.

Posted in Eve

Update: new weights on the piggies. Good news for their weight gain. They are now 18 days old.

Tuesday: Piggie 1 (BHRR’s Flame) was 3 pounds and is now 1.57 Kgs(3.45 pounds)
Tuesday: Piggie 2 (BHRR’s Ember) was 2.8 pounds and is now 1.45 Kgs(3.19 pounds)

So, they are gaining!

Wee piggie #1(BHRR’s Flame) is going strong right now!
Wee Pigge #2(BHRR’s Ember) survival rate has been increased to a 50/50 chance now
Mom’s prognosis is still not good.

Mom has had two stress bloats now. One yesterday and one this afternoon. She cannot stay in emerge. She has been sent home both times now as Gwen brought her in both times as we are not equipped here obviously to do more than immediate essential care.
She is at a higher risk to tort if she stays in emerge. Gwen is the one that had to run the IV lines to treat for shock, administer IV meds and tube her to decompress the stomach both times.
No one can get near Mom other than Gwen.
Mom is too unstable to sedate and x-rays are not possible in her current state.
Gwen is monitoring her closely and as soon as she becomes stable an emergency spay/pexy is planned.

Posted in Eve

Wee piggie #2(BHRR’s Ember) – the more critical ill pup

17 days old


Gwen is my hero is all I can say. Mom will not allow me near her or the pups. So, I am not much help in that way.
The round the clock care Gwennie is giving them is top notch as always, incredible amazing care, still working her schedule shifts yesterday and today, and all the other full plates she handles so expertly. Sleep is never part of her routine! She has had no time to post on the BHRR fb page with her priority being to seeing all three survive. She promises to post needs and updates as possible. Gwennie’s will power alone should make them thrive!

Tera, Gwen was going to message you today re: using your nursing mom and one of the Vets(shows Dobermans) that she works with was in today. They had a conversation with her re: food options and Gwen came home and both puppies are now eating. Not getting much milk off mom as Mom had her second stress bloat this afternoon yet both pups are eating right now.

The more critical pup has moved to a cautious status with the antibiotics greatly helping and has more energy than we have seen since all came into rescue late Monday night. The second pup is bouncing to health considerably well. Yet, no one is singing great news as of yet.
Mom is not doing well – has not eaten much since late Monday night. Drinking is minimal. She loves Gwennie.

So, none of them are out of the woods yet, ups with pups for today and still downs with Mom. Tomorrow, is another day.
Here is a photo of the wee piggie #1(BHRR’s Flame)

17 days old today.


Both remaining Babies are ill, one critically so(BHRR’s Ember) with something picked up at the shelter and Mom was not faring well herself there.
It is going to be so tragic if there is further loss of life.

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Both remaining Babies are ill, one critically so with something picked up at the shelter and Mom was not faring well herself there.
It is going to be so tragic if there is further loss of life.


Gwen has sent a message that Mama is holding her own right now. She is extremely stressed and no one other than Gwen can get near her.
They are loathe to emergency pexy and spay her in her current state as long as she does not tort.
As soon as she is stable, Gwen will move to a spay/pexy on her.

Posted in Eve

UPDATE: it has been a rough and tough day.
We cannot get either pup to latch to a bottle(different nipples of shapes and sizes tried) and they are fighting tube feeding and Mama being stressed refused to nurse. She has pretty much ignored them, even stepping on them in her indifference. 🙁 The longer she does not nurse, the less milk she shall have and increases her own risk of mastitis.
The one puppy actually has a pus discharge now(cytology done) and has been placed on Clavamox drops.
Both puppies are wanting to feed yet are not able to figure things out and the fighting with the tube feeding is tough.
The sicker puppy actually had lost weight since they saw the shelter vet yesterday and that is not good. She is so congested now. 🙁 Hard to suckle when you cannot breathe. 🙁
Now, I am on my way to emerge as mama stress bloated not long after I got home with her. 🙁 Poor girl, the stress of the day caught up to her.
Keep all in your blessings…..

Puppy A(Flame) is nursing well. Puppy B(Ember) is not and I have mom and pups at KAH with me now. They will be seen first thing this AM.
I do not like that I had to disrupt mom as she was nursing last night and settling in yet, I have to make sure mom and babies are ok.
Mom is already bonding with me and that is a good sign.
Will update as I know more..


Here is my last post for now….
Mom finally laid down to allow pups to nurse. I and Mason had to hold them in the air before this to nurse as mom was so stressed and would not lay down yet, was calm with the standing to nurse. She is terrified of Sean and ‘quirky’. He has been hand-feeding her some treats which she is taking gently.
She drank twice for me, ate a tiny bit and is resting uneasily.
Per the shelter, babies were premies as is and so tiny.

We are going to call Mama Dane BHRR’s Eve. I dreamt of that name all last night…..and, I did not even have a clue what she looked like yet that name just called out to me. Sean was ‘good’ with it. smile emoticon
Babies, well, we have to wait for Sean to decide!

Gwen has all emerge hospitals on alert right now in case she has to rush them in. Unless absolutely necessary, it was believed by the Vets that they stay with mom and nurse and stay away from the sickness of a Vet Hospital.
The Vet that the shelter sent the one pup to this afternoon before Gwen/Mason arrived gave a list of possibilities that it ‘could’ be. He did not know. He mentioned ‘sinuitis’, ‘distemper’, ‘milk inhalation’, ‘virus’.

That both pups now have signs(bloody nasal discharge etc.) is doubly distressing plus concerning. Aspiration pneumonia concerns us.



I am now home….long trip home.
Sadly, the second pup has turned for the worse also. 🙁
I am going to be with them throughout the night and we shall post on our BHRR fb page tomorrow, to go publicly to all about the new additions! smile emoticon
We may well end up in emerge.
Hoping it shall be good news….
The sicker puppy is in the collar…..

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Here is mama at the shelter. We are hanging getting to know each other. 🙂
One baby had to rushed off to the Vet as there was some bloody nasal discharge and is now back and we are doing the paperwork.
Sadly, only two puppies have survived from her litter. 🙁


My last post of my night is a sneak preview of what BHRR has been urgently working on behind the scenes since Sunday.

On Sunday, we were contacted by a shelter that we have such a pleasure working with re: a Great Dane Mama and her 2 week old pups. We mobilized fast and they were picked up earlier this evening for mom was really not doing well in the shelter.

Sadly, we also learned that only 2 of her pups survived and we shall share more re: these pups, their medical status and mom on Monday. The Shelter also believes that these pups were premies.

We will say that we are calling Mama Great Dane, BHRR’s Eve, the two surviving pups(both girls’) will need names. Sean has his thinking cap on and name guru’s, please feel free to throw out suggestions!

They are safe at BHRR right now and settling in……

It has been a very long day for me personally and now that Mom and babies are safely here, I am glad that this day is almost over…..

They will need special Secret Santa’s if anyone is interested! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

We shall also post our needs such a pee pads and gently used human pillows etc. tomorrow if anyone may consider a donation to them!

Welcome to BHRR wee one’s and Mama Great Dane Eve!

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Thank you SO much to all that are bidding and for the bid wars happening in our 8th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction that will end tonight at 8 pm EST! Just under three(3) hours to go!

What all of you angels are doing is so generous plus wonderful in raising much needed funds for BHRR’s Mavie.

Here is a photo of his leg from Saturday November 28th after I took his bandages off and before I cleaned it.

His surgery to remove the implant on his left front leg after a sudden rejection/infection with the plate screws was on September 24th. This is his fourth leg surgery. He had two surgeries on his front legs which were deformed when he first arrived to BHRR and then now he has had to have two more surgeries due to reacting to the Implants.

Thank you to all that are helping to pay off his now over $21,000 that have accumulated.

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $13,940.58 donated to date & Bills 21,609.87
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo’s PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR’s Merlin, BHRR’s Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo’s PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra’s MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR’s Stafford)
2nd Annual “BREAKING BILLS BAKING’ Online Auction – $1,025.00
BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House – November
PV Stittville – $590.25
Kim T


BHRR’s Scooby had his Vet visit on December 3rd. He weighed a wonderful almost 145 pounds. He has lost significant fat and much needed weight.

He had his vaccines, did a Heartworm test plus tickborne disease testing and also a detailed T4 to see how his thyroid was.

His thyroid panel came back as 18, so normal range.

He is building up much needed muscle mass plus weight and strength in that hind end and has been toning up well. At the age of 7, he has these really spastic uber playful ‘try and catch me if you can’ moments! LOL He loves his rope toys…..and that Dane lean of his! Watch out!

He is such a wonderful boy that ROCKED our last community education and public awareness event of 2015 on November 28th at PV Hazeldean. He even raised $60 in donations all by himself that day for his pay BHRR’s Mavie, who had to have a fourth leg surgery as his body rejected the implant on his left front leg.

I am doing his professional photo shoot on December 13th and it shall not be long after that and he will make his own special announcement! LOVE this boy! 🙂

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat!(DEAF/Visually Impaired Mini Aussie)

We can count on one hand the number of dogs that proved to be ready to be placed up for adoption this quickly over the past almost 20 years. Just 16 days post arrival to BHRR, she is ready! Our protocols are a minimum of 5 weeks, yet she is more than ready.

This honourary Great Dane/Giant of BHRR is ready to make her announcement!

She has handled learning all about the startle reflex like a pro, picked up scent, touch and hand signals like an expert AND the weight shall continue to come on her skinny wee body.

She really does not need me anymore…though, my heart and the hearts of my home think we NEED her!

She blew everyone away at our recent Community Education event on the 28th of November at the wonderful PV Hazeldean(Thanks Marg and team for hosting us again!)

She is curious and outgoing and a ‘risk’ taker now that her confidence has been encouraged and she is more comfortable with her ability to communicate and understand the world around her so much better!

She is independent now and her leash manners are coming along nicely and she can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc.

She will NOT go to a home that will encourage her to use pee pads. She is housebroken and absolutely LOVES the outdoors!

She would excel in obedience, agility and even Therapy work. She is that much of a WOW girl! Brilliant and she loves her stuffies – XL ones from Value Village to snuggle with(she has a yellow duck donated to her that she adores!) and some of the medium size ones make great wrestle partners for her. 🙂

She is going to be a big hoot in the snow! I can see it now!!

She is excellent with all dogs – is playing wonderfully with her bff’s here – my GD Salt(DEAF/Visually Impaired) & BHRR’s Baby Kaos.

It would be great to see her in a home that has at least one right matched personality fit dog yet, would be ok on her own as long as she has a strong network of doggie friends to interact with.

She is social and we want to keep her that way with people and dogs.

She was fine with her exposure to cats to date also.

She loves car rides! She keeps wanting to ride shotgun when she first gets in , so we keep having conversations about where she should be riding for her safety.

She is so affectionate and kind and gentle and adore her!!!

Thanks in advance to those that may share her photo in the hopes that her right matched personality fit home finds her!

Here is her individual Blog:


Thank you to Karen and to Jane for entrusting her to BHRR! She has been a real gem and true delight to have in our programs!

Thank you to Rachel and Bernie for the assistance (Sean too!) the day of her prof photo shoot! AND, thank you to Melissa for the gorgeous photo’s of her!

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My last post of my night as I have much still left to prepare for what we hope is a wonderfully busy day at PV Hazeldean – Our last community education event of 2015!!!

This is BHRR’s Potter, one of our BHRR Haven Dogs – our DEAF tripod Honourary GD/Giant of BHRR! He has not only survived yet thrived against all odds and is now a miraculous 6 years of age!

He wants to thank his super special Secret Santa’s – Annette and Cathy – for spoiling him this Christmas!

Sean could not wait until XMAS before giving him his pressies!

THANK you again to everyone that is participating in our 13th year of hosting this wildly successful AND deeply touching program!



BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Thursday December 17th, 2015 to Tuesday January 5th, 2016 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 6th, 2016!

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

We are receiving some inquiries on BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat and we are making this blog post so that everyone who is following her story can be made aware again that she is NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION at this time. It clearly states in her first blog post made on November 9th, 2015 that she is not yet available.

When she is available, we will make her announcement blog post per our standard protocols and practises of the last almost 20 years of operating.

BHRR NEVER takes on inquiries or accepts applications on dogs not yet made available for adoption.

Unfortunately, we have received over the past 24 hours some extremely aggressive voice messages re: BHRR’s Steam.  This is deeply disturbing.

We take a lot of effort ensuring that blogs are as up to date as possible and detailed instructions are posted on every dogs’ blog and also on their PetFinder bio’s when they are made available for adoption as to how to read the dogs’ blog. Every dogs’ blog will answer almost all the questions you will have re: age plus history.

AND, when the dog is made available for adoption, the blog will clearly state what type of home that we are seeking to place our dogs into.

BHRR is not desperate to adopt our dogs and we shall only place per that right matched personality fit. Our adoption success rates were 100% for over 10 years of operating and as we come close to entering year 20, we are now 98%.

We are all Volunteers at BHRR and please do take the time to read all information plus details that we have taken such precious time to make readily available at your fingertips re: each of our dogs.

Someone is not so keen on beginning the day!!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam-Boat, one of our honorary Giants, is enjoying BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ Value Village XL stuffie. She would love to have some of her very own as they help comfort her at night and keep her warm.

If anyone is going to be near a Value Village and would not mind picking up a couple of the super huge giant sized stuffed dogs and/or bears, do let me know. I am so happy to reimburse!!! There is not one near me and my schedule right now does not allow me to get to one in the Ottawa area right now….

Miss Steam shall be with us on Saturday November 28th at Pet Valu Hazeldean(457 Hazeldean Road) from 10 am – 4 pm to visit and give out some kisses on our famous red carpet for a pooch smooch donation!

Thanks in advance and Happy Thursday!!


We are now home!

Surgery started late yet all is done and The Mavie, our true Iron Man has his ‘new’ leg!

Everything went great for BHRR’s Maverick. His temp is low yet rising and the initial thought was to send him home on IV fluids yet, the end decision was to take him off as he is doing very well.

He had a tiny bite to eat earlier and I just gave him his Hydromorphone and then I pulled his IV line.

He is settling in for the night and he makes my heart burst full with so much love……he is truly one of my hero’s!

What an incredible boy and thank you from my heart for all the best wishes for him and to the angel that donated a most generous amount to his Vet bill tonight, you have my eternal gratitude! I almost burst into tears when I was told of your beautiful heart…..

We shall continue to fundraise to pay off his thousands of dollars in bills and I will sleep well tonight knowing that he is safely out of surgery and home!

Thanks must be extended hugely to his ortho specialist that has been by his side since summer of 2013 and to my fellow team-mates at KAH, you are so wonderful!!! I am full of so much appreciation and gratitude for all that you have done!

If anyone still wishes to donate to his bills, you can call Kanata at 613-836-2848 and he has a file under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. We will be paying off his bills for some time to come and he is beyond worth every nickel and dime!

Good night from my home and The Mavie to all of our friends, family, supporters, believers plus extended family!!


AND someone was not happy to be asked to leave a warm bed to come into work with me!

Today is the day!

BHRR’s Mavie is having that front left leg implant removed. He developed a sudden infection and rejection of the plate/screws.

He will be in excellent hands as always and his surgery was scheduled for 1 pm yet has been moved to 3:30 pm.

If anyone may consider his cause and a donation to his mounting Vet Bills you can contact Kanata AH directly at 613-836-2848.

He has an account set up there under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account.

We will update as we can!

Keep him in your best of thoughts!



C. Currie, ON

Hi Gwen:

Thank you for all the wonderful work you do for the big pups.  You give a better life to our “best friends”.

God bless you and your family.

Best regards,

BHRR’s Scooby is such a solid, stable plus well balanced Dane that he was fully integrated with all the dogs by the time our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House(our last one of 2015) happened today!

Such a WOW dog! Incredible! Made so many fans and stole quite a few hearts today! He is even fabu with our honourary GD/Giant, BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat. All 19 pounds of her!

He is going to make a home an outstanding addition!

He is coming to work with me on the 3rd of December to do bloodwork – T4 plus Accuplex(HWT and Tickborne Disease Testing), microchip him, exam him and give him boosters. He is already being de-wormed and is on revolution as part of our proactive plus preventative vetting done at BHRR.

Super dog….he is also going to be coming to our last BHRR Community Education and Public Awareness Event on Saturday November 28th at PV Hazeldean.

What an absolute dream boy!

Two more pictures of BHRR’s Scooby Do(we are keeping the name that he has always had and he knows this name also) on his transport to BHRR.

Isn’t he gorgeous?! He is a tall and big boy(even without the excess weight that he will lose at BHRR, he will still be a big boy).

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Here are two photo’s of BHRR’s Scooby on his transport to BHRR! He traveled with 20 cats and a Rabbit!

I am hearing how amazing he is! Cannot wait to meet him!

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BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat loves her new coat thanks to Auntie Rachel and Auntie Bernie! She looks so adorable!

AND, thank you to you both for the extra hands today for the prof photo session with her, BHRR’s Miller and BHRR’s Crème Brûlée!

I think Sean also has a final appreciation for all the training that goes into the dogs prior to being placed up for adoption!

Thank you to Melissa for her precious time again in taking some prof photo’s of these dogs in preparation for some time in the future when they are ready to be placed up for adoption!

BHRR’s Steam also was at work with me on Thursday and is now 18.26 pounds! So up a wee bit! Charmed the whole Hospital and did so well there for the day!!!

Happy Saturday to all! May it be happy safe and healthy!


BHRR’s 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction has now begun!

Runs through to Thursday December 3rd @ 8 PM EST!

Over 50 items listed to date and some more to come!

Please consider helping us help BHRR’s Mavie!

If anyone has any items that they would like to donate, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org FOR we would be so appreciative. We only host 5 planned Fundraisers a year and BHRR’s Mavie is going to deeply benefit from all money raised in this auction.

He has his surgery scheduled to remove that left front leg implant on Tuesday November 24th with his wonderful ortho specialist. He had a sudden rejection/infection to that left implant recently and now that the Baytril(almost $600 for 16 days worth of treatment) has worked its magic on the infection, he is ‘good to go’ for surgery!

On Friday November 20th, we were asked to take in a Merle Male GD, age 7 whose 31 year old Owner was dying of cancer and had brought him to a high kill shelter.

In watching the video’s sent, he is quite overweight(we will do a T4) and also have him on a proper diet/exercise regime. He is lacking muscle tone / mass in the hind end yet, that could be, because he Owner may not have been able to give him proper exercise lately with his terminal illness. I was told how sweet he is and an angel took him home overnight from the shelter so that he did not have to stay there until we could get him to us. THANK YOU!

His nails are also quite long yet, with continued regular nail trims, he is going to be fine.

My heart goes out to his dying owner…..this had to have been so hard on him. 🙁

We of course, stepped up to assist and transport is arranged for tomorrow.


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BHRR’s Bell was grabbed by a coyote today. Thanks to my Big Blue Bronson and to BHRR’s Oakley, they saved her. BHRR’s Oakley received some marks on his face yet is going to be completely fine and my Big Blue killed the coyote by grabbing it by the back of the neck and gave a big shake.

I was at work at the time and Sean called me to let me know….this is the second coyote Big Blue Bronson – he is now 8.5 years himself – has killed over the past several years.

BHRR’s Bell is also going to be fine. She is on heavy pain meds and antibiotics including Baytril. We have not had any big issues with coyotes in a couple of years. 🙁

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BHRR’s Skye!
~2-3 year old Neo

She is ready to make her own special announcement!

She has walked an incredible journey of rehabilitation during her time with us.

With a patient, kind and understanding hand, she has relaxed so much since she came into Rescue. No longer confused, scared or feeling lost, she has come out of her shell and is affectionate, playful, goofy and a real ham!

She is eager to please, and sometimes a bit too eager with her mouth taking treats!

She has to be reminded sometimes to be gentle as she does become excited and then will want to ‘mouth’ the other dogs.

With careful and patient integration, she does not feel stressed or worried about other dogs and gets along in complete harmony plus balance.

She has many good friends and besties at BHRR!

Strangers of both dogs and people, can still stress her out sometimes yet treats and a calming word/touch settle her wonderfully!

All she needs is a home that shall continue to build on the strong foundation that we are building here and keep giving her structure, consistency, obedience with so much love and heart and caring loving hands.

She will continue to thrive as she learns more and more about helping hands and that they are not there to hurt her.

She can go to a home that works ft. pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. as she is so versatile!

She is a hoot to wash, eats well, sings a song when it is dinner time – yours or hers! and is crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy in our home alone up to 2 hours.

She is no longer worried about car rides the way she once was, loves walks and hikes and her leash manners are slowly but surely coming along!

She can go to a home as an only dog yet, would do wonderfully in a home with one or two other right personality dogs as they will keep showing her that life has so many awesome things to experience plus enjoy!

Her coat is so soft to touch and I am always ‘loving’ on those ears….

She perfect in all her imperfections and for that right matched personality matched home, she will be appreciated and enjoyed!

I am very proud of this lovely beauty…to go from losing her owner – she was killed by a truck while on her phone – to being poled in the shelter, further scaring an already lacking in socialization dog that had been uprooted from all she knew and was so confused – to entering our rehabilitation program and blossoming like a beautiful flower…..just a couple of thorns here and there!

Thank you to all the angels involved in getting her saved from Karen and Jane to all her transport lovelies!

Thanks to Wendi and Melissa also for the help getting this fabu prof photo!

Please consider sharing this post in the hopes that her right matched forever loving home is out there waiting to find her!

GOOD for you lovely lady! You did it!!

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My last post of my night!

Someone is settling in extremely well!

Sean has chosen a name: BHRR’s Steam AKA “Steam Boat”

AND, one young human lady is also loving her!

BHRR’s Steam began playing for the first time last night, with one of my own special needs Great Danes – “Salt”.

She is eating well, and we are ISO: the following items if anyone may have something they may consider donating.

1) Durable toys – KONGS, Rope Toys etc. suitable for an 18 pound 11 month old pup
2) XL Stuffies from Value Village as she does some crying in her crate and she loves to snuggle with ‘Salt’s’ and ‘BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ yet, they use theirs at night also.
3) A small leash for an 18 pound dog – she came with one yet I always like to have a back-up
4) a dog coat – she is so skinny and in these quickly cooling temps
5) a soft bristle brush for an 18 pound dog – mine are uber huge!

Thanks so much in advance!


My heart is so full of so much happiness!!

Today, BHRR saw BHRR’s Bishop, The Bish be ADOPTED!!

My heart is just bursting……

He is another absolutely amazing Great Dane that has waited so patiently for so long, all of us also for that that right matched home to find him!

He was overlooked for so many reasons, being a Merle – some are as equally scared if not more so of the Merle Giants, others were ‘scared’ off as he is an ‘old’ in body Great Dane even though he is 4-5 years of age, others were not interested as he did come to BHRR very ill and it took thousands of dollars to figure things out for him. Then, you had the people that did not even ‘notice’ him at our open houses etc….while being a dog that ached and craved and wanted love and attention, The Bish always was not sure how to go about asking strangers for it and was worried about being hurt by them….a more quiet and shy guy, the strong silent kind, he lacked confidence for so long in letting people he was not sure of know he had such a big heart inside and wanted them to ‘see’ him….

When he was successfully rehabbed, he was placed up for adoption in 2013 and he waited and waited and so did we…..

Well, the tears did well up yet, I held them in check for today, he is now ‘home’…..where he is meant to be and while my journey and final chapter of such a beautiful emotional book comes to a close with him, his new book is now going to begin with the future of a wonderful life with a really nice couple.

Love you Bish…..so much….sleeping at night shall never be quite the same without your cold wet nose mischievously nuzzling me under the blankets to get my attention! 

Typing on my computer will have less spelling errors as your head will no longer be there to bump me telling me it is time to take a break and go for a walk or snuggle!

I am going to miss so much about our time together yet, I could not happier with the home you ended up with…..

Thank you to this home for ‘seeing’ him and believing in him and falling in love with him long before you even actually met him.

Thank you Alex for the extra eyes, hands – especially with BHRR’s Raven….the giggles!! – and for your valuable input and insight as not only a BHRR Volunteer yet as a BHRR adoptive home yourself. Priceless input imparted….

BHRR’s Raven was a great fit also…..yet, their current home set-up is better suited to The Bish and he was their first heart choice from the very beginning of this adoptive process. BHRR’s Raven, how much farther you have come since the last home-visit you helped with in September!!

Your own forever loving home is out there and, you are a precious gem that will be forever cherished when that home does come along…….

Now for the drive home!!

Happy gorgeous Sunday to all!!


AND, she is here! Sean picked her up while I was in Cambridge doing BHRR’s Bishop’s, The Bish’s adoption home-visit. He teased me all day with photo’s and tidbits about how lovely she is.

BHRR’s ????
*Sean is still thinking! What incredible name suggestions made to date! WOW!*

AND, I concur with what everyone that has met her has said to date, she is awesome! A wee firecracker indeed yet sweet and so portable!

AND I also concur with what has already been said about her, she is painfully thin, quite underweight. Hips, ribs and spine protruding under her fur.. She probably weighs 60-70% of what she should be weighing…..18 pounds is way too little for her….that will change though!

Sean has already fallen head over heels in love! Photo below is blurry yet it is of Mason and her……….I think he is already in love also!

Welcome to BHRR our honourary Great Dane/Giant! She may not be a Great Dane in size, yet her spirit and heart, watch out, she is ‘bigger’ than the world! She is going to be taking names!!! She is a bit hand shy and flinchy yet, she is going to settle in just fine. We will work on her startle reflex.

Thank you to Karen and Jane in having her entrusted to our rescue that has a huge focus on the special needs. For those not yet aware, she is DEAF and Visually Impaired. Yet, none of that holds her back and that is what I love about these incredible dogs, this is her ‘normal’ and she is living life, taking it by storm!

Cannot wait until I see her real personality blossom and come out……she is going to be a hoot! Watch out world!

Thank you to all that helped get her to BHRR safely and also to Elizabeth White in being her Special Secret Santa. With BHRR’s Bishop, her current SS being adopted today, she is being so kind and wonderful to be this little cutie’s SS!

She is also going to need some Value Village XL stuffies to call her own to snuggle with! We are down to only three here now…..BOO!


Testimonial from the one angel that overnight her November 13th on her transport:

“I overnighted this darling on Friday night, she is sooo sweet, got up in my lap on the sofa and fell sound asleep.  She was a delight to have for the evening. I knew she was going to make someone very happy.


Testimonial from someone who saw her on one of the transport legs:

“That Fergie is a little firecracker !  I saw Fergie at one of the transfer points, wow, what a great looking and social dog, was very curious about the other dogs, and was walking around the stop etc… like it was nothing!  Maybe a bit overwhelming for her due to limited sight and hearing, but seemed to be doing great!”

Testimonial from another one of her transport angels:

“Hi! We transported X and Fergi tonight. Such quiet and lovely girls, both were sweethearts. If I didn’t have 3 dogs already, I might have kidnapped them for me! Whomever adopts these two beauties will be very lucky indeed.”

Testimonial from the angel that overnight her on November 14th on her transport:

“Fergi is with me for the night.  She had a good explore of the backyard. 
She is skittish, was very unsure of the bubbles in my bubble bath. She would come forward to explore
and as soon as the bubbles moved, she would jump back.
Wants to be with people,
 she is thin but did not dive into her dinner bowl.
She took her treat around the corner out of sight of the other dogs
(even though they are gated outside Fergi’s area)
She took her treat very gently.
very curious and will rise up on her back legs to check things out.
She had not gotten over the regular height baby gates yet, but I think she could if she put her mind to it.
Definitely has some sight, maybe some hearing of certain pitches.  I thought she reacted to the 4 doxies barking at her tonight.
A really sweet girl

Here is a photo of her on today’s transport legs….we hear that she is a firecracker!! Love it!
Photo courtesy of her transport angel Kim. 🙂

UPDATE: Her overnight mom said that she seems unsure, needs weight and we can understand how she may be nervous….


Phewwwwwww….we are finally here!! Tucked into our ‘usual’ hotel haunt in Cambridge when we head this way to do home-visits!

What a long, busy yet wonderful day in so many ways…..worked to 2 pm, our gorgeous BBBBB Senior Great Dane, Hailey went to her forever loving adoptive home AND I did not bawl…. and then drove home, picked up BHRR’s Bishop and our beautiful BBBBB Raven and then Mason and I made the drive to SWO.

The dogs traveled so well! BHRR’s Raven can sometimes be a curious George when we travel and she looked out the window and then had a great nap! I shall never tell her that she snores though….

‘The Bish’ as we affectionately call him, so so so proud of him! He is a home body and though a bit nervous getting into the car, he readily went in and I think BHRR’s Raven’s uber outgoing personality relaxed him and he enjoyed looking out the window.

He was calm and relaxed everywhere we stopped – gas, pee breaks and even through the drive-thru as both Wendy’s and Timmie’s – I think the timbits handed to him by the lovely staff ‘won’ his heart over big time!!

Such an ‘old’ soul he is, so affectionate and attentive to his circle of success network and I was really proud of him coming out of his comfort zone and showing interest and enjoying himself. Strangers can worry him, especially men in baseball caps and he is a very brave boy!

Thank you Alex for stepping up to assist me at the home-visit we are doing tomorrow for a possible Great Dane adoption!! See you then ….

We are now going to settle in, snuggle – BHRR’s Raven has figured out Mason’s bed already! – and try to go to bed early….

We will update as we can and gentle reminder that the flash auction ends tomorrow night at 9 pm EST! All monies raised to go towards the $1,200 surgery deposit needed to remove BHRR’s Mavie’s left front leg implant that he developed an infection/rejection in…..

BBBBB Raven! A puppymill GD Mama no longer!! She is so gorgeous!! She has had a miraculous transformation in rehab.
She has a great spot on Mason’s bed at the hotel and loves her comforts!

Goodnight wishes to all!!


Phewwwwwww….we are finally here!! Tucked into our ‘usual’ hotel haunt in Cambridge when we head this way to do home-visits!

What a long, busy yet wonderful day in so many ways…..worked to 2 pm, our gorgeous BBBBB Senior Great Dane, Hailey went to her forever loving adoptive home AND I did not bawl….  and then drove home, picked up BHRR’s Bishop and our beautiful BBBBB Raven and then Mason and I made the drive to SWO. 

The dogs travelled so well! BHRR’s Raven can sometimes be a curious George when we travel and she looked out the window and then had a great nap! I shall never tell her that she snores though…. 

‘The Bish’ as we affectionately call him, so so so proud of him! He is a home body and though a bit nervous getting into the car, he readily went in and I think BHRR’s Raven’s uber outgoing personality relaxed him and he enjoyed looking out the window and this photo is of him after he had a drink of water and was settled with great comfort on the centre console…. 

He was calm and relaxed everywhere we stopped – gas, pee breaks and even through the drive-thru as both Wendy’s and Timmie’s – I think the timbits handed to him by the lovely staff ‘won’ his heart over big time!! 

Such an ‘old’ soul he is, so affectionate and attentive to his circle of success network and I was really proud of him coming out of his comfort zone and showing interest and enjoying himself. Strangers can worry him, especially men in baseball caps and he is a very brave boy!

Thank you Alex for stepping up to assist me at the home-visit we are doing tomorrow for a possible Great Dane adoption!! See you then ….

We are now going to settle in, snuggle – BHRR’s Raven has figured out Mason’s bed already!  – and try to go to bed early….

We will update as we can and gentle reminder that the flash auction ends tomorrow night at 9 pm EST! All monies raised to go towards the $1,200 surgery deposit needed to remove BHRR’s Mavie’s left front leg implant that he developed an infection/rejection in…..

Goodnight wishes to all!!


My last post of my night as I am going to spend the rest of it loving on and cuddling our BBBBB Hailey as it is our last sleepie together! This stunning Senior GD shall be heading to her forever loving adoptive home tomorrow! My heart is so happy yet, I am also going to well up in letting her go…..

Gentle Reminder that the Flash Auction of the one-of-a-kind limited edition BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ Key Chain to help raise the $1,200 we need for a surgery deposit for BHRR’s Maverick to have the implant removed from his front left leg(he developed an infection and rejection of the plate), ENDS Sunday November 15th @ 9 PM EST

To view the details of this beautiful item, the auction rules and to bid, please scroll down this page to the item…should be three posts down the page!

Current High bid is to Annette for $50!

Good luck, good night and the BHRR and Boerskins Clan are keeping Paris in our hearts tonight……

UPDATE: so she was taken to the Vet earlier this week in prep for her transport and her flea infestation has now been treated and her weight at 11 months of age is only 18 pounds. She is quite underweight. She has also begun to be de-wormed, had a Heartworm plus tickborne panel done etc….

We will have a copy of all of her Vet records for documentation of her medical status, receipts for payment made and all proactive plus preventative medicine that has been done.

If all goes well, she shall be at BHRR Sunday!


BHRR’s Waffle – Bloodhound/Great Pyr

She is ready to make her special announcement!

This dog has made immense progress during her time at BHRR.

She came to BHRR with serious social issues with other dogs and now lives in complete harmony will all the dogs here!

She will require a home that will do careful integration with strange dogs for the feeling of not being in control and safe makes her stressed.

If you just let her take her time to ‘warm’ up, relax and feel things out, she is totally wonderful with strange dogs.

Her first reaction to feeling worried, is to keep her distance, yet, if a dog ‘pushes’ the issue, she will communicate that she is not comfortable.

With patience, consistency, and with a calming word/touch, she settles quite well.

She can go to a home as an only dog or with a right matched personality fit dog. She enjoys the company of other dogs and can be quite playful…a bit rough at times and has to be reminded of her manners.

She is loving plus goofy to all humans when she is in her ‘bloodhound’ mode. When she decides to be a Pyr, she is more aloof, independent and will make people work for her attention. Have to love her honesty!

She has come a long way also with her comfort level on floors that are wood over being tile. Very proud of her for conquering that fear!

She is 100% housebroken, unknown with how she is with cats, can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, semi-retired, retired etc.

She has also come miles with her obedience and leash manners. She can still pull when she loses focus yet, that is getting better and better.

She is both crate trained and has proven 100% trustworthy in our home.

This does not stop her from taking advantage of an opportunity if one presents itself! The honest thief! Very rare and far between.

She is a gorgeous girl, loyal and vocal at times to express her feelings of ‘yay, you are home!’ or ‘YES! DINNER time!’ 

I could look into her eyes forever…really gorgeous…..

Pictures are never really going to capture how magnificent she looks yet, Melissa, you should did a fabu job! Thank you again for this amazing photo’s of her!

BHRR’s Waffle! YOU did it! Now, for that right matched forever loving home to find you!

Please consider sharing her photo so that others may find her and perhaps, one of those people may end up being her forever loving right home!

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Today’s post of immense thanks is extended to Lianne for continuing to be the Doggies bed angel! She donated a Costco Dog bed for Ms. Creme Brûlée and Mr. Miller! Thank you so much and also for the Pinesol!!

Thanks has to also be shouted out to the Maracle Family, Uta, Kim and Lianne for the offer of auction items to our upcoming – starts November 21st! – 8th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online Auction.

All monies raised shall go to help our dear BHRR’s Maverick, who is back again to KAH today to visit with his ortho specialist who emailed me last night(so appreciate him) saying that it does sound like an infection / rejection from the implant put in July 2013 and wants to see Mavie today.

If anyone else may consider making a donation for our auction, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

Thanks in advance!

Feeling truly blessed to know such kind and considerate people that love these dogs of BHRR as much as we do!!


Sean and BHRR’s Mavie ‘hamming’ it up at KAH while we wait for our appointment!

Two special ‘men’ in my life!

Weight today is 51.5 KGs! Yes….we are back up….

UPDATE: he has now started Baytril 3 x 150 mg Every 12 hours and is in tomorrow to see an ortho specialist and I will update his regular ortho specialist tomorrow with the findings of tonights’ visit to KAH.

It does appear that I may well be correct t
hat after 2 years and four months plus from first having the original leg surgery, he is now rejecting this implant. He had this leg first operated on in July 2013. frown emoticon

Here is a photo of his foot tonight. The edema is all over the leg, into his chest and his one lymph node is huge. The vet reviewed his x-Rays taken on Friday and saw a darker area on the one bone, not the one with the plate/screws and wants the ortho specialist to take a closer look. 

He will move up to a higher dose of Tramadol 100 mg x 2 TID and throughout everything he was goofy and being a ham with Sean! AND, the Vet found that he had a swollen area on his other foot in one of his toe areas. We are also running bloodwork and thankfully, he still does not have a fever.

If anyone wishes to consider donating to his bills, please do contact the wonderful folks at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848. His antibiotics alone are close to $300 and he will need more. 

We are also still in search of auction items for our last planned fundraiser of 2015, our ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction and all monies raised shall go direct to BHRR’s Mavie. Please do email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com

We would be so appreciative……beyond appreciative! 

AND we are also using BHRR’s Haileys’ adoption fee of $250 to go towards his rising vet bills. 

AND so important is our wish to all to keep him in their best wishes!

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ISO: Auction Items! For our last planned Fundraiser of 2015!

Our 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!

Begins Saturday November 21st!

All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Mavie’s, our true Iron Man’s Vet Bills, that are accumulating rapidly again.

He is back tomorrow to the Vets tomorrow as his leg is much worse. Everything has also been sent to his ortho specialist for review and advisement.

Picture in the thread below of how his leg currently looks……..he remains on his medications and is back to eating well, no fever yet is not weight bearing on that leg and it is even more swollen….

BHRR’s Mavie, for those who are not familiar with his journey has had two surgeries on his front legs, ended up reacting to the fixator on the left front leg, then last November rejected the implant in the right front leg and now, is having symptoms very similar on the left front leg.

His Vet Bills are close to $17,000 and rising and to all that know this incredible Great Dane, they shall also state how worthy, deserving and wonderful he is……..

Any consideration of items for our Annual Fundraiser would be deeply appreciated….we only host 5 planned fundraisers each year and we have faced some unexpected emergencies such as almost $6,000 in bills trying to save BHRR’s Porridge in October.

If you may consider a donation of a dog, cat, human item, gift certificate etc., please do email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com

We humbly thank everyone for reading this post……….

AND, please keep this incredible BBBBB in your thoughts and well wishes……

Photo’s of his foot and leg just taken now.

He is back at KAH tomorrow for a 4:10 PM appointment.

If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)

Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

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On November 8th, we received a request to assist this wee cutie – mini aussie, female, 11 months of age, not yet spayed, not utd on vaccines, needs de-worming etc., has a flea infestation, super skinny and is also DEAF / VISUALLY IMPAIRED.

As we approved BHRR’s Hailey’s Adoption and being a special needs rescue, we stepped up immediately to assist.

She was on her way to an uncertain future and being sent to a shelter by her Owner and a kind angel intervened, contacted another beautiful angel that then reached out to us asking if we could take her into our programs.

BHRR is a Great Dane and Giant Breed plus Equine Rescue and, our focus since our inception in 1996 has been on the special needs and with BHRR’s Hailey’s approved adoption, we were so happy to step up to assist this wee honourary soon to be Giant of BHRR. We have assisted a number of Aussie’s over the past shy of 20 years and are excited to meet her!

ETA to BHRR November 15th, 2015.



BHRR did an extremely wonderful and emotional APPROVED ADOPTION today!!

BBBBB Hailey, our senior black gorgeous Great Dane that we posted about earlier this week will be heading to her forever loving adoptive home next week.

I am so so so so happy for her. She and we have waited so patiently for that right matched forever loving home to find her and ‘see’ her for who she is and I am welled up with tears I am so happy…..the best of tears possible…..

This stunning inside and out gal has waited since May of 2013 to be adopted yet, no more…..you are going to have such a beautiful life!!

She may be 8 in years yet she has so many gifts to give others and lessons to teach so many….

Never enough thanks and appreciation being sent to this wonderful home, who has also adopted from us in the past for opening up their hearts and home to her….

They called her a ‘sweetheart’ and they are so right!!

Congratulations to her new family and to her!!!

BHRR’s Hailey, you are going to have what I always wanted for you, a special amazing home to call your very own…..

Going to go grab another tissue now…..all my fellow team-mates working with me at KAH today are equally so thrilled!


Someone is heading for a play date today!

BHRR’s Hailey! Our senior stunning BBBBB!

Not the best photo!

She weighed 50.7 kgs (111.54 pounds) today at KAH and we also did an Accuplex – Heartworm and TickBorne Panel as she was due this year. 🙂


BHRR’s Mavie – Everyone’s fav ‘Iron Man’
November 6th, 2015

Sadly, BHRR’s Maverick began to suddenly favour the left front leg that has the remaining implant in it last night. As of this AM, he was not weight bearing and though he did not have a fever, it was a bit warm and swollen and he was brought into KAH.

As many are aware, in November of 2014, BHRR’s Maverick, had a violent aggressive reaction to the implant in his right front leg and had to spend several months on strong antibiotics, had to have an emergency surgery to remove the plate/screws and was treated for a terrible abscess from reacting to the implant. His ortho specialist even cultured the implant to see what may be brewing on it…..

How it started with his right leg is how his left leg is now ‘appearing’ to be.

Needless to say, I was and am worried and a thorough exam was done, x-rays under sedation – HENCE, this lovely snoring sleepy photo of BHRR’s Mavie on the x-ray table!

At this time the integrity of the plate and leg look good, he is stil not running a fever and he will be on Tramadol and Deramaxx for pain and inflammation.

The concern for all is ‘if’ there is something possibly brewing in the leg….for he is favouring it and at times not even weight bearing at all.

Also, he was down 4.2 kgs from the last weight I had on him…. Poor man cannot afford to lose any weight. He was 103.84 pounds today. The last weight I had for him was over 51 KGS and gaining….

If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)

Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

He is our over $16,000 BHRR boy and rising.

Any consideration to his bills would be so appreciated……..

We also did ears and nails while he was under.

Love this boy….just love him….

Please keep him in your best wishes plus thoughts….


BHRR’s Salem had her annual tonight and she truly charmed the pants off everyone! What a difference time, patience, obedience, consistency and lots of love have helped her blossom into the dog she now is!

Social is such a beautiful word to describe her now!

Unfortunately, her weight has ballooned up and she is now 63.1 KGS(138.82 pounds) and so, she is now eating back in a crate for clearly she is sneaking others food! Sneaky opportunistic girl!

I knew her waistline had disappeared somewhat and losing 10 pounds is going to be a good start for her!

She is young and still maturing yet this is too much weight for her at this time/age.

All of us continue to wait patiently(HER also!) for that right matched forever loving home to find her.

BHRR’s Skye(Neo) – October 31st, 2015

It is her turn to be our Cover Girl!

On October 30th, she weighed 106.48 pounds.

On October 31st, she had her professional photo shoot and thank you again to Wendi for the extra hands to give her more positive experiences and thanks to Melissa for the great talented photo’s of this stunning gal!

BHRR’s Skye felt so comfortable with Wendi, just as she did with all the staff, at KAH on the Friday.

She was worried of the photographer at first, even before the camera came out yet by the end of the session, she was sitting, focused, intent and happy to be friends with Melissa! Treats are a great ‘ice breaker’.

She will always need careful integration with strange dogs as they can and do worry and stress her out yet, she lives in complete harmony at BHRR with all the dogs thanks to the patience, and understanding of her fear. AND, the more that she has careful integration, the less time she is going to need each time for that integration to become fast friends with other dogs……

If she just has a bit of time to soak up all the sounds, sights, smells etc. around her, she relaxes and is so affectionate, playful, loving, kind, will sing you a song if you are lucky! and when she gives you her heart and trust…..you will feel so humbled…….

I love this photo so much for she is looking at me as Melissa is taking her photo….she makes me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world….she has given me her trust and loyalty and I would never betray that…..

She knows that I would never hurt her, put her in a situation of harm and in turn, she has gifted me so much…..those eyes of hers, have so many untold stories behind them and incredibly gorgeous they are!

She has a ways to go yet before she is ready to be placed up for adoption yet for a dog that lacked so much in socialization with both humans and dogs, she is a ROCK star……..one just has to understand that she is scared about being hurt…..she was poled in the shelter she came from and that did not help at all….yet, she is leaps and bounds away from the broken, confused, scared girl that first arrived to BHRR……

She is getting more and more comfortable in her own skin and learning to love herself and gosh, she makes me beam with so much pride and warmth over how awesome she is!!!

Obedience with leash manners…..well, we are still working on that!

You humble me BHRR’s Skye….you make me a better person, owner, trainer and behavioural person……thank you for your gifts…

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I have been promising BHRR’s Oakley’s previous home photo’s for a LONG time! It is so hard to snag photo’s of him…he is one active busy blurry dude outside in trying to capture him in film! Video is not much better!

Yet, here are two from today!

Still wanting to see more weight on him(those hip should be a bit more rounded) yet, I am pleased with how he is eating. He was one of the dogs deeply affected by the contaminated food donated our way in January by another group and he is monitored closely and continually.

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November is ADOPT-A-SENIOR-Month!

Meet BHRR’s Hailey, one of our BBBBB’s – she turned 8 years young in October.
*Please consider sharing her photo/blog*

National Adopt a Senior Pet Month, which runs through the end of November, has so many rescues hoping that those looking to adopt a new canine companion will consider adding a senior pet to their home.

Senior pets tend to spend the longest amount of time at a shelter or rescue before finding their forever home — if they find one at all, that is. Older canines and felines of advanced age have higher euthanasia rates than their younger counterparts.

BHRR’s Hailey has been patiently waiting since May 23rd, 2013, as have we and all of her fans for her right matched forever loving home to find her. BHRR’s Hailey has a sad added disadvantage, she is also black….the Big Black Dog Syndrome, a well known phenomena comes into play for her also. While we love our BBBBB’s – black dogs, especially BIG or Giant black dogs, are the hardest colour to adopt.

She is affectionate, patient, kind, loving, calm yet more than active/energetic enough for wonderful walks and strolls and has had many years to perfect that Dane Lean and Bed Hogger plus Foot warming skills!

When people meet her, they are quite surprised to know that this gorgeous BBBBB is now 8. Age is but a number, really….senior pets have so much to give and share in loyalty, love, heart plus soul. You can truly be saving a life that someone else turned away from…..

When you adopt an older pet, you know pretty much what to expect. Senior cats and dogs are already fully grown/mature, their personalities have developed, and many are already trained. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Senior dogs are often easier to train than puppies due to their calm demeanor and prior interactions with human companions. Older pets can be great matches for so many homes.

Here is what one of person who had a special picnic play date had to say about BHRR’s Hailey:

” She has wowed everyone she has met today. Just got back from another walk and she is snoozing away again 😀 ”

Here is a testimonial from M. Wright from her experience with  BHRR’s Hailey at the end of September 2015:

“When I met her at Dine with the Dogs I completely fell in love with her! She came to quietly sit in front of me during all the excitement and would softly put her paw on my leg if I stopped petting her, asking for more loving 🙂 . She would be the perfect dog to cuddle with on the couch for a movie 🙂 “

I think someone is a wee bit excited to go for a car ride!!

I have a sign for ‘car’ and BHRR’s Bell LOVES her car rides now!! Loves!! She is hearing and visually impaired.

AND I love her!!

Not yet Available for Adoption….


BHRR’s Waffle and BHRR’s Skye had their prof photo shoot this AM.

Thank you to Wendi for the extra hands and this was our first time having photo’s with Melissa. Nice to meet you! Elizabeth, who has done all our rescue pawtraits to date, is now on maternity leave, expecting her first baby in November and congratulations again!

It was a glorious sunny morning to have these photo’s taken and BHRR’s Waffle, you have shown just how close you are now in being ready to make your special announcement!

Relaxed, playful, affectionate, ‘ok’ to go with Wendi while I had BHRR’s Skye’s own photo’s done and, even took treats from strangers! You shall always require careful integration with strange dogs yet, nothing wrong with that!! My heart is bursting with such happiness over your rehab journey!! s Your photo’s are going to be a hoot to see!

BHRR’s Skye, you are light years away from the extremely fearful and reactive dog that arrived to us. You are no longer as confused, scared, defensive plus stressed with quite a few humans and dogs…..you came out of my car connecting with Wendi like you had known her for some time.  Just like at the Hospital yesterday, with all staff plus dogs, you were calm and accepting and wagging your tail with Wendi.

I was a bit concerned about being in such a public area (first time taking photo’s here!) yet, there was a quiet section that we could take photo’s and BHRR’s Skye, I wish you could tell us why you were so worried about the photographer at first….she had not even used her camera yet and from the moment she saw Melissa, BHRR’s Skye was ‘woofy’ and ‘barky’.

However, by the end of the photo session, one gorgeous Neo was sitting, focused and attentive to Melissa, taking treats from her and making it hard for Melissa to get far enough away to take good photo’s!

Time…..you need more time of which I have so much to give you, patience, that continued obedience and structure and consistency…..yet, you shall get there BHRR’s Skye. Look where you once were?! When you are ready, you will let me know….Even your anxiety in the car(singing me a song!) was less than yesterday and you laid down and were content to soak up the rays of sunshine streaming in from the windows.  You never could have done what you are doing now with your level of learned comfort, security and happiness when you first arrived and so freakin’ proud of you!! Your photo’s are going to reveal a dog that once was so lost that is now finding her way along a path of so much promise!!

Thank you Wendi and Melissa for taking time out of their own busy day and spending a bit of time with these beauties this AM. You have given them more positive experiences and touches with caring hands and that keeps them moving forward on their great plus wonderful path of rehab!

Time to now get one excited little girl prepared for Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! Be safe!!


BHRR’s Skye(Neo) and BHRR’s Waffle(Bloodhound/Great Pyr) had their final vet visits today! If all comes back well with the remaining bloodwork I am doing, they will be ready to make their special announcements in a couple more weeks for they are both still working on social skills and obedience also with those leash manners.

Yet, both of them ROCKED their Vet visits!

BHRR’s Skye has anxiety in the car and BHRR’s Waffle does not and BHRR’s Waffle has anxiety in a run and BHRR‘s Skye does not as much and so having them together was really good today for the one showed the other it was ‘ok’ 

BHRR’s Waffle weighed a lean muscled 36.7 Kgs and could use a bit more weight still.

BHRR’s Skye weighed a wee bit plump 48.4 Kgs and I was already cutting her back a bit on her food…..

Both are now chipped and had a good day at KAH!

Tomorrow, they are getting their professional photo’s done in prep for their big announcements when they are ready!!

I am beyond proud of both of these girls! They were excellent with all people they met and no issues with any dogs they met. Both have overcome a lot of fear issues, with both humans and dogs and made excellent choices today!!

I was so thrilled to see how much their tails wagged and that they were quite relaxed etc….

BHRR’s Skye says it is time to go home now! It has been a long day for me and them!


BHRR’s Miller, our newest BBBBB says hello to all of his new fans, friends, family plus extended family!

Another photo of him on our ride home today.

He is setting in really well and will need some big TLC as he is so skinny, collapsed in the pasterns, flat footed, has battled some infections with ears and skin and needs some manners/handling 101 yet has received excellent care to date with the shelter and we shall continue with that proper proactive and preventative vetting etc. His records also showed he had an eye injury. Poor boy….

When he is healthy, he shall also be de-twinkled.

We thank the shelter so much for reaching out to our Great Dane Rescue to assist and always feel so touched by the trust placed in our programs…….



Due to a change in situations, I was able to pick up who we are now calling BHRR’s Miller today.

He is more like 15 months max…..definitely lacks obedience and social skills. Skinny, to borderline emaciated also. I will post more of my observations in another post.

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It SOON shall be time! You have been asking and patiently waiting…..get your thinking caps on! 

It shall soon be time to sign-up for our 4th(FOURTH) ANNUAL GIVE it ‘UP’ 4 Autumn Event!

The deserving BHRR doggie in 2015 to benefit from this one-of-a-kind unique Fundraiser is BHRR’s Baby Kaos. Past years have seen BHRR’s Lord Stafford, BHRR’s Breen and of course, BHRR’s Autumn benefit from the kindness of others!

This Fundraiser shall run from Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 @ 12:01 AM to Tuesday November 17th, 2015 @ 11:59 PM.

WHAT will you consider to ‘give up’ for 14 days to help BHRR’s Baby Kaos?’

Please do EMAIL us contactbhrr@gmail.com with what you are ‘giving up’ to participate! We hope you may join us in ‘giving something up’ to help raise monies for BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

In the past some have given up treats or coffee and put that money away to donate, others are giving up what the money they would have spent on lessons such as riding or tennis(or putting the equivalent in a jar to donate!) AND, others have put in their jar, donations for cravings that they have – chocolate, cigarettes etc. Feel free to be creative!

More information to be found on the poster below and here is the link with all the details!

Thank you Barry for this outstanding poster!

give it up for autumn - 2015 (Medium)

On October 23rd, I received the following request for assistance. I was online at the time and responded back within moments of receiving the email that yes, absolutely, BHRR could assist this Great Dane as we had a spot and he was the next in need of our programs. ETA was scheduled for Halloween weekend.

“We are currently looking for a rescue placement for a giant guy in our care. X is approximately 1.5 years old, black, intact, and approximately 120lbs. He still seems a bit underweight, but we are working on that slowly.

We have had X in our care for almost two weeks. He has been a pretty standard Dane-in-a-shelter type. He was standoffish initially with most staff. He would display the typical barking, growling, stiff body behaviours. He did air snap twice in his first few days while staff were taking his leash off. However, no contact was made.

He has since settled in better, but we still feel that a foster placement and Dane-educated group are in his best interest. He doesn’t seem to mind the company of other dogs, and was quite tolerant of a boisterous lab mix friend. He has bonded with a few of our staff members, and he will act like his silly, goofy self with them outside. He loves stuffed toys. He is very eager for attention outside of his kennel.”



Got her! 

The beautiful DaneX is now in my hands and we are making the drive home!! 

Thank you Judy for helping me SO much with transport! You are an angel!! AND thank you for the extra donations of a collar for her, the KONGS, the dino knuckle bone and paper towels!!

I was told by Judy that the shelter ‘thought that she had puppies recently.’ In looking at her, I am wondering if it was recently or if she is pregnant now. She is quite plump and she does have ‘boobs’. We will have to get her in to KAH soon to investigate further.


First night report from BHRR’s Hercules approved temp foster home!

“Hi Gwen:

…..we wanted to give you a report of Hercules first night.

It went well. Actually, very well. Much like Ivy, Hercules did challenge the rules within 30 seconds of Sean leaving (couches mostly). The entire family was firm and gentle on enforcing the rules and he was very respectful. Easier than Ivy, actually. Once he settled, Sally and him spent quite a bit out time together. It was a nice night to let them chase and explore the backyard. He had his lite supper at 8 and began to sleep in his crate nicely. The new house and Sally obviously tired him out. We were worried that at eleven he would want to play again, but another quick romp and pee outside and then he was ready to sleep again.

This morning, him and Sally were great. They made sure all the children got kisses at 5 30 🙂 and went out for a pee together. They got their morning rubs and are with Cherie while she gets ready for the day.

Gwen, he is truly a treasure. He seems to have settled in well and has infinite patience with Sally when she gets goofy. We will continue to give him structure and be consistent with our training and of course, our love.”


BHRR’s Hercules is heading to his own approved Temp Foster home tomorrow night! This is going to be an excellent experience for him!

Our fabu, not to mention uber handsome amputee blue Great Dane is going to really benefit from this temp foster experience and thank you to the Maracle Family for offering to love on him!

He is going to be dearly missed here! He is a BIG personality and incredibly affectionate….you have to brace yourself when BHRR’s Hercules comes in for the ‘dane lean’.

Here is a photo of BHRR’s Hercules with his soon to be temp foster dad. 🙂 It is from our July 12th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Event!

BHRR’s Hercules is still Available For Adoption!



BHRR’s Bishop is moving under a PENDING Adoption!

The home is most interested in him and BHRR’s Raven is their second choice.

Their application was received prior to our Annual Halloween Safety Shutdown and a home-visit shall be scheduled right as we re-open again for the processing of applications.

Please keep him in your best wishes for like BBBBB’s beauties Cherry and Jersey, not to mention BHRR’s Angel Noelle – all successfully adopted in 2015, he also has been so patiently waiting for his own forever loving adoptive home for a long time…..as have we!

We will update as we can!

On October 16th, I received the following email and we committed to assisting her.


“Hi there,

We have a young 2-3yr old female great dane X type dog in our shelter that needs help! She was found on Durham 57 just south of Blackstock 3 weeks ago, absolutely terrified. She spent 2 weeks shaking and whining and growling in her kennel before she would finally respond to our staff and show some interest in coming out. I kept repeating “let’s go for a walk” while showing a leash to her until she finally responded and wagged her tail. She knows several commands, appears to like other dogs and is quite affectionate and silly with myself and one other staff member. She still barks, growls and hides from anyone she doesn’t know so will need a lot of socializing with an experienced handler before she would be safe to adopt out. Photo attached. She weighs 89lbs.

Thank you,”

great dane mix

Come VISIT us at PV Stittsville(1250 Main Street, Stittsville) for some HOWL-O-Ween Fun!

Saturday October 24th 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM & 
Sunday October 25th 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Dog Baths $15, 
Nails $10, 
Ear Cleaning $10, 
Microchips $40 including registration – Cats/Dogs must be minimally 8 weeks of age
Merchandise for Sale! 
Visit some of the ‘big dawgs’ of BHRR! Dogs TBA
*No Appointments necessary! 

**BHRR is still in search of a few approved Volunteers to lend a hand Saturday and/or Sunday! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you can help!**

All monies raised shall go towards paying off our current accumulated Vet Bills for amazing deserving dogs like BHRR’s Kaos, BHRR’s Raven and just this past week BHRR’s Porridge.

howlween (Medium)


From Monday October 19th to Monday November 2nd, 2015 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.


We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

BHRR’s Dune – GDx(Possible Rhodesian Ridgeback) – 100% handsome! (~14 months of age)

He has his own special announcement to make!


He is a smaller ‘giant’, hanging around 85-90 pounds right now. So unique, beautiful temperament, rock solid and an extremely balanced dog. He is such a hoot! A big ham! 

He is 100% housebroken, another pair of gorgeous eyes on this boy!, he has learned to share nicely and is crate trained.

His obedience has come a LONG way and he is getting better and better. His recall is excellent!

Good with all people and dogs and has had limited exposure to cats. Was ok, yet, as always, integration was key and so important.

His vice is jumping still. Not as much as he once did yet, he will sometimes still ‘forget’ himself and jump up to say ‘hello.’.

The only thing that has made him nervous is the camera lens. This was a common theme on his transport to BHRR and during this professional photo session, compliments of the ever talented and generous Liz Bradley!

He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired or is retired. Another incredible versatile BHRR dog!

He loves to travel in the car and stick his nose out the window when it is open a bit. No full windows open for us!

He would excel in obedience or agility for he is always jumping the half door we have in our home.

He is so flashy when he moves….so lovely to watch him!

A dog that once was emaciated and slated for death in a very high kill shelter now has an amazing full of potential future ahead of him…..the way he always should have had from the beginning!

Proud of you DUNE! So very much……you have been a true treat to have with us!

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BHRR’s Raven has her special announcement to make!

This stunning BBBBB, our puppymill Great Dane Mama(~2) is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She looks and acts NOTHING like the almost completely broken, emaciated, filled with mammary masses/tumours that she arrived into rescue with!

She is so social, loving, affectionate and her BIG vice still is that she will want to jump up on some people to say ‘hello’….that is a work in progress still!

She is obedient – her leash manners are still working its way up to a A+ and she is great with all dogs of all sizes and people of all ages and those eyes of hers, just reach right deep into your soul!

She is housebroken, crate trained yet has proven 100% successful in our home for months now.

She travels great in a car and is such a big personality filled girl and for me, I have a big soft spot for she is the ONLY other dog that we have had that can operate the ice cube maker on the fridge – it was like seeing our beloved BHRR’s Dana, our dollface back in action!

The dogs that remembered BHRR’s Dana either run to the fridge for ‘ice cube time’ or got off their dog beds for many remember how BHRR’s Dana, another BBBBB would just sit on their heads to ‘get the bed’!

She can also bed hog along with the best of them. A smaller GD she may be in size yet in personality plus heart, she is massive!!!

She can be adopted to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired, retired etc. She is another extremely versatile BHRR Great Dane!

She has been fine with all cats she has met to date yet, integration is key and so important.

Such a big soft spot in my heart for this gem!!!

GOOD for you BHRR’s Raven….you did it!!!

Thank you as always to the incredibly talented Liz Bradley for the gorgeous photo’s!

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Here is a copy of BHRR’s baby Kaos’ Pathology Report from his leg surgery done on September 1st, 2015


AND, here is an update on one of our other BHRR dogs currently under rehabilitation.

This is BHRR’s Waffle! She is our Great Pyr/Bloodhoundx! Stunning gal!

She has equally been doing well. She no longer wants to ‘eat’ other dogs. Integration has been careful plus slow with lots of structure, consistency plus obedience. She is a bit of a bossy bit of goods at times and wants to play and do things on her terms yet, she is learning to compromise. 

She has a good solid circle set-up for success friends now that include BHRR’s Skye, BHRR’s Maple – who are two other quite strong females, BHRR’s baby Kaos, my Salt, my Multi Ch. Bronson, my Bunker, BHRR’s Lion King Pumbaa, BHRR’s Dune, BHRR’s Potter, BHRR’s Ethel, BHRR’s Porridge and BHRR’s Ani to date……

So, TONS of progress being made and she will continue to get better and better!

She is terrified of the hardwood floors. She does well on the porcelain tile and it has been a patient work in progress to try and build up her comfort level, the poor thing…..

She is not the best of eaters and that has also been a work in progress.

She is crate trained plus is also 100% trustworthy in our sunroom when we go out. Her leash manners are slowly getting better…man, were they brutal!

She is quite vocal and we have been working on that we do not need to ‘talk’ as much as she is doing. 

She is so pretty…..at times, extremely affectionate and at other times, aloof and Ms. Independent.

Those ears of hers….soft as can be…….

She is a long way herself from being placed up for adoption yet, she also will get there and we will be so happy for her when she is ready to make her own special announcement!

She will need an experienced home and one filled with patience.

She has tons of potential and this journey with her has been a wondrous one to date!

This photo is a bit blurry yet, her standing still as she loves to explore outside is asking for a lot right now! LOL

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March 30th, 2007 – October 7th, 2015

May the day come that I can properly, honour this amazing dog…………..right now, all I can do is focus on is keeping my heart from just being blasting into a billion pieces of sorrow. 🙁

This photo embodies his gentle, big beautiful personality with one of the people that deeply adored him….this was at our PV Stittsville Event in 2015.

RIP our dear Papaya!


Another photo of this gorgeous lady!


Look who is relaxing and feeling more comfortable plus settled in?!

BHRR’s Skye, our Neapolitan Mastiff – she is the Neo, whose O. was killed by a truck and then the boyfriend dumped her and another dog at the pound. BHRR’s Skye has a long road ahead of her with emotional plus behavioural rehab BUT she will get there!

She also LOVES to sing songs…..sings a song if the water bowl is empty and reminds me a bit of HQD in the way that she looks at us as if we are idjits for not noticing that the water bowls need to be filled up!  She sings a song if dinner is late or she is not fed her bowl as fast as she may want etc. 

She is full of soft grumbles and rumbles and squeaks and songs! We are quickly being ‘trained’ by her with what means what!

She had some resourcing when she first arrived plus some fear issues in seeing the other dogs and slow careful integration along with consistency and patience not to mention tons of understanding and obedience, has made her realise that she will not do without food or water or love etc. The stability and soundness plus well balance of the other dogs has taught her much.

We call her ‘Princess Skye’ for she is a bit of a ‘tudey lady! LOL She wanted to lay claim to the couch ALL to herself and well, that is not how we roll at BHRR.

She is loving and playful and so affectionate to those she has developed trust plus a bond with. Her circle of success grows ever wider as she is exposed to more stimuli and situations plus places.

She has personality plus and when she forgets her troubles plus worries, she is such a ham!

She acts more like 3 years of age max these days and she is developing much needed muscle mass/tone. She has had her share of litters in her past and her body is really looking so much better these days as her coat comes in such a glossy soft blue brindle. We are watching that waist line!  She loves her food and has been putting on much needed weight beautifully.

She is crate trained yet, has also proven 100% trustworthy in our sunroom when we are away.

She is such a pretty ‘wee’ giant and loving the time that we are having with her.

When she is ready to make her special announcement, she will let us know……no rush, ever….

She is going to make a wonderful right matched fit home, an incredible special addition…she will melt your heart……she is that precious!


Here is an update received from BHRR’s Mavericks’ approved temp foster home. He is coming back to BHRR next week as his foster home is going away. We have missed him!

‘Good morning Gwen,

We would like to provide you an update on BHRR Maverick.

Things are going well. He is eating great, still the 6 cps morning and night, getting along still with the cats. He has learnt that they let him know when he gets to close or they are done being sniffed 🙂

One thing that we have noticed with Maverick is that we think Maverick is resourcing. His prized possession is ME!!

Another quick update, Mav is currently barking at the second Great Dane in the house. Yes he is barking at himself in the mirror.


BHRR’s Baby Kaos!
October 1st, 2015

Everyones’ favourite ‘wee’ gimp Great Dane puppy is NOW 16 weeks of age…..

He had a very busy AM on Thursday….
He came to work with me and, his ortho specialist saw him for 8:30 AM for a recheck on that right leg, to also exam the left leg that he has begun to limp a bit on and to go over his pathology report(will post a copy in his album here and on his blog).

The surgery on September 1st, has give him marked improvement. YAY! However, the bigger he gets, the more that leg is showing its ‘bowed’ tendency due to the break and his lack of 100% comfort level.

Dr. Phlibert also told me that out of the two meniscus dogs have, the one that ‘never’ tears was the one that Kaos had torn. He said that it was clear trauma that caused his leg to have these serious injuries. Poor wee boy…..

The next plan of action is to keep monitoring and re-evaluate/assess in one months time for he has a LOT of growing still to do. It is too early to tell about his hips and what/if there are any issues stemming from there. We have to let him grow/mature more and keep assessing.

He is not comfortable upon examination on his back right knee/leg, more so over the left side.

He shall remain on Deramaxx(our NSAID of choice, he was having diarrhea on the Metacam when he was on it when he came into rescue) and on Tramadol.

Still no running for him….leash walking, restricted exercise and Dr. Philibert asked if we knew any contacts in alternative medicine. I mentioned one of my favs, Canine Water Wellness and deep support was given to put Kaos in the water to help try and build up some muscle mass/tone in his hind end.

So, as he grows that tibia shall be watched and the left leg also now with the intermittent limping and when he is also old enough, neutered. Many may remember that he is also cryptorchid.

Swelling is minimal on the right knee and warmth also since his first surgery on September 1st. YAY!

I also now have his CWW referral form completed by his one Vet at KAH and lovely ladies, we are looking forward to being back in your expert hands!

After he had his first appointment, Auntie Margaret who had a picnic play date with BHRR’s Ethel on Thursday(moved from Monday) was so sweet and kind to also take him so he did not have to spend the rest of the day hanging in a run at KAH.

At 3:30 PM he had his second Vet appointment and he now weighs 20 KGs(44 pounds). At the rate he is growing, he ‘may’ top off at 115 pounds, so a smaller male. We will see. The leaner he is, the better he shall also be on his body/legs.

He had his rabies vaccine, his next dose of revolution, tons of loving and on his way into KAH yesterday, he had his first bout of car sickness and then a small one on the way home. Many puppies out grow it yet, he has never had this before.

He remains so social, curious, a bit of a busy/nosy body LOL and so affectionate…..anything he is not sure off, you tell him it is ‘ok’ and ‘go see’ and ‘make a friend’ and he is off and exploring!

He is such a happy boy despite all that he has been through and continues to have to go through and today’s BIG thanks is extended to Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue AND Wendi’s supporters for enough money was raised to pay off the rest of his current bill at LAH and then $100 went to his is almost $500.00 bill remaining at KAH at this time.

We remain totally honoured, privileged and humbled plus forever indebted to every one of his angels, fans and our believers in what we work so hard to do for the animals of BHRR. YOU are such strong links on BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS!

Thank you! Thank you!



BHRR’s Kricket went home with her new forever loving family today!

What a beautiful experience to have been part off. Wonderful family, wonderful dog and BHRR’s Kricket is going to have a wonderful life!!!

Another one of our BBBBB’s is now ‘home’! YAY!

I know all are waiting patiently for the grand total from last night’s Annual Fundraiser at BHRR!

So are we! We are still waiting payment from several re: their auction times. Normally, we only take check or cash yet, we allowed Interac also last night and as soon as all send in their monies, we can announce the final total! So, please do pay promptly if you have not already.

Another amazing night at BHRR with both old and new friends!!

For those asking already for when the 2016 ticket sales shall come available, that is tomorrow!! We shall make a post announcing the sales! This is always a SOLD out event and we feel deeply blessed by the popularity and the support of our one of a kind event!!

In the meantime, BHRR’s purse puppy Coach(Blind and has a heart condition that does not as of yet require meds and may never) had his own special picnic date today and auntie Mary spoiled him rotten! A new harness, a new dog bed just his size, a toy, dino bone and treats!! Not to mention the walks, meeting people at her hotel and the special loving he got!!

He remains AVAILABLE for adoption and impressed everyone he met with how happy, and well behaved he is. Well, we already knew that!!!

BHRR’s Ethel has her own special picnic date is on Thursday!



I received an email yesterday that stated that one partner was not yet ready to add a new dog to the home. Our application even has a question that asks if all members of the home are in agreement in adding a new addition to the home.

We can only hope that BHRR’s Salem has not missed out on her right matched home being under a PENDING adoption on this home.

NOTICE: BHRR shall be closed from today to Wednesday September 23rd, inclusive. Our facebook page shall also be unpublished during that time for thanks to an incredible angel dream team network of our solid top notch beautiful strong village and community, we are making a dream come true for an extremely special young lady.

Any adoption applications that come in during this time shall be processed in the order they arrive upon the re-opening of BHRR.

ONLY urgent requests for assistance shall be replied to as we are here 24/7 to help the Danes and other Giants in need! All non urgent matters will be addressed upon the re-opening of BHRR.

Requests can be emailed to gwen@birchhaven.org or contactbhrr@gmail.com or text to 613-725-4279 or calls can be made to the same number.

For any offers of items for our September 26th Annual Dine With THE BHRR DOGGIES Event, – looking for brochures, pens, pencils, key chains, promo materials for 40 Loot bags – AND more auction items, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org We would be beyond grateful for any consideration to our cause.

We are a small group and host very few planned fundraisers a year and would embrace any gift certificates or other items for human, animal – cat, dog, horse, bird etc. – with such sincere gratitude plus appreciation. Thank you from our hearts in advance!

We are also going to stop our unique 2016 BHRR calendar sales at this time. If you have not yet ordered yours, we shall see if we have any left when we re-open to be purchased.

I leave all with this great photo of BHRR’s Salem below from her special picnic play date with the Maracle family! Thank you for the photo!


BHRR’s Griffin has his own special announcement to make!
Breeds Unknown – a x between what breeds – Bouv? Giant Sch.? Catahoula? Dane? No matter, he is 100% gorgeous, a unique one of a kind boy and he did it!

He is about 80-85 pounds now and still filling out. He is about 9+ months of age now.

While he is NOT going to be a giant, he is giant at heart and in personality!

His biggest thing is still that negative seeking attention behaviour barking. Not as often now and he shall need a very experienced home that shall continue to be that balanced leader he needs. Positive yet firm, lots of structure, obedience and consistency with a healthy dosing of love!

One has to passively ignore the behaviour and yet, as soon as someone gives him a treat to ‘shut him up; it only encourages the behaviour more.

He has a bit of stranger danger and, same thing, appropriate displays of behaviour is rewarded ONLY. He almost enjoys barking at times to see the reaction he gets.

He is also a BIG bed hog, fabu cuddler and snuggler and to all those in his circle of set-up of success, he is silly, goofy, a ham and he would be the class clown at school….and, the one that would be always found in detention! LOL

I love him in all of his honesty and manipulative charm and he is so darn handsome that my heart just thumps with adoration for him!

He truly has tested me from day one and as I said before it is dogs like him that make me a better trainer, behavioural expert, owner and rescuer….

To us at home, he is a walk in the park now as he knows and respects(I respect him also!) the rules and boundaries.

You cannot get in his face, that will worry and stress him and, that has also been an issue as people want to just squeeze his cheeks and love on those cute whiskers on his face!

AND, his eyes…..one could drown in them…as I tell people often ‘DO not LOOK into the eyes!’ LOL

He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired and he can be an only dog yet, my heart would love to see him in a home with another right matched personality fit dog as he so enjoys their company and playing and they are good for him if they are well balanced plus sound as it continues to build upon the strong foundation he is getting here.

He is crate trained yet has proven 100% trustworthy in our home – loves the master bedroom unsupervised.

He would excel in obedience, agility and truly needs a ‘job’. He is intelligent and has a michievious streak! Love love love this boy!

WTG ‘Baby’ Griffin’…*sniff* you are growing up!

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BHRR’s Salem has a special announcement to make…..
She says that she is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 

The home submitted their application prior to leaving for vacation so any home-visit shall not be done until after their return towards the end of this month, yet, their application has been processed to the point that we are going to move this gorgeous Dane/Mastiff to a pending adoption status as we determine if this is that right matched forever loving home for her!

Keep her in your best thoughts and wishes. This is another extremely special BHRR dog that means the world to so many of us!

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On September 10th, BHRR’s Kaos went in for a recheck on his leg and deemed healthy, he had his booster shot. He was 15.20 KGs(33.44 pounds)! Always a big hit not matter where he goes!

His sutures from his September 1st leg surgery were also removed today.

Still waiting for the pathology report from his surgery on September 1st.

Here is some information on the Neo Breed. I posted this on BHRR’s Flint’s(Now ADOPTED!) own blog when he arrived to BHRR.


nee-uh-PAH-luh-tuhn MAS-tif


The Neapolitan Mastiff is a serious, powerful dog. The body of this massive, rather rectangular looking dog has abundant, hanging wrinkles and folds on the head and a very large dewlap. The wide, flat head is large in comparison to the rest of the body. The muzzle is 1/3 the length of the head and is as broad as it is long with a well-defined stop. The large nose has well-open nostrils and a color that coordinates with the coat. The teeth meet in a scissors, pincer or slight undershot bite. The deep-set eyes are almost covered by the dropping upper lids and come in amber to brown, depending on the coat color. Puppies begin life with blue eyes, which later darken. The ears may be cropped or left natural. Many owners opt out of docking and cropping, preferring the natural look, as it is painful for the dog. The tail is carried straight up and curves over the back. In dogs that are shown in the AKC front dewclaws are not removed. The round feet are large with well-arched toes. The straight, dense, short coat comes in gray, blue, black, chocolate, mahogany and tawny, sometimes with brindle and white markings. A little white is permitted on the chest and toes. No white should be on the face. Chocolate dogs are rare.


The Neapolitan Mastiff is not a breed for everyone. This breed looks a bit intimidating, but is actually affectionate, calm, peaceful and loving. They enjoy family and friends. This breed is a heavy drooler, particularly in hot weather or after getting a drink. Males may drool more than females. They are very keen to their owners’ commands. Intelligent, very protective, courageous, serious and mild-mannered. Generally quiet, they tend to only bark when necessary. They can be reserved with strangers; socialize them well with people, places, sounds and animals. These dogs are usually very loving with children, provided the children know how to display leadership skills. A Neo can get along well with non-canine pets if raised with them from puppyhood and/or properly socialized. Obedience training is very important. Teach them to heel on a lead and to go in and out door and gateways after the humans. This breed needs a dominant owner who understands and is capable of controlling them properly. They will be easiest if this is established when the dog is still a puppy, but it is still possible to communicate with an adult Neo that the human is in charge. Children should be taught how to be pack leaders. Socialize this breed while they are young. This is a natural guard dog and protection training is not necessary. You cannot breed out the guard in the dog, no matter how submissive they become. If they sense there is a threat to the home they will react unless the owner is there and tells them everything is OK. Be sure you are consistent in approach and do not keep repeating commands the dog has failed to obey. If they are not listening, try a different approach, making sure you are in a confident state of mind. Neos will not listen to meek owners. These are not dogs for beginners, but it is an exaggeration to describe them as difficult in their association with others. A calm handler with natural leadership will achieve the best results. With comprehensive training and an experienced, dominant owner, the Neapolitan Mastiff can be a wonderful family pet. This breed has a high pain tolerance. Neos that do not have a firm, confident, consistent owner who provides them with daily pack walks to release mental and physical exercise will become willful, over-protective and dog aggressive. When correcting this dog, the owner’s correction must match the dog’s level of intensity, and the timing of the correction must be precise.

Height, Weight

Height: Males 26 – 30 inches (65 – 75 cm) Females 24 – 28 inches (60 – 70 cm)
Weight: Up to 165 pounds (74 kg)
The largest male Neapolitans may be nearly 200 pounds (90 kg)

Health Problems

Prone to cherry eye, hip dysplasia, bloat, pano-ostiosis (joint pain from growth can occur at 4-18 months and usually goes away on its own). Pups are usually born via caesarian section.

Living Conditions

The Neo will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It is relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will do. Take extra caution in warm weather to provide shade, water and a cool place to lie.


They should be taken on daily walks at least twice a day.

Life Expectancy

Up to 10 years.


These giant, shorthaired dogs are easy to groom. Remove loose, dead hair with a rubber brush. This breed is an average shedder.


All European mastiffs are descended from the Tibetan Mastiff, the most ancient member of the canine species. The first Asian mastiffs were probably brought to Greece from India by Alexander the Great around 300 BC. The Greeks introduced the dogs to the Romans, who adopted them enthusiastically and used them in circus combats. The word “mastiff” derives from the Latin word “masssivus,” meaning massive. English experts, however, have another theory. They contend that the mastiff was brought to Britain by the Phoenicians in about 500 BC and spread from there to the rest of Europe. In any case, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a direct descendant of the Roman Molossus. While the breed became extinct throughout the rest of Europe, it continued to survive in Campania, despite the perils of weather and war. One can therefore say that the Neapolitan Mastiff has existed in Campania for two thousand years, even though it was not officially recognized until 1946, and its standard was not set until 1949. The Neapolitan Mastiff was bred for use in war and in bloody Roman arena spectacles. Today this powerful breed has a well-deserved reputation as a formidable guard dog. Neos have been used by the Italian police and army and by that country’s farmers, business establishment and estate owners to protect people and property. Though the Neapolitan Mastiff was first shown in Italy in 1946, the breed is still quite rare in the United States. The Neapolitan Mastiff was recognized by the AKC in 2004.





NOT Available For Adoption yet
Thank you to Liz Bradley for another gorgeous Rescue PAWTRAIT photo shoot!

She tested positive for anaplasmosis on August 8th and her platelet count was only 94 on August 18th.

Further testing, was equally confusing to her medical team for while the CBC came back in support of a positive anaplasmosis result, the PCR Panel was negative.

Repeat bloodwork on her platelet count on August 28th showed an increase to 153 yet still lower than norm.

We are going to continue to rehab her per the recommendation of her Vet and do a repeat Platelet count later on to see what we are looking at…..she has battled an ear problem since she arrived and a bit of a bacterial skin infection on her back also.

Once quite skittish, she is such a ham and affectionate now….loves to sit on me!! Love her so much already! Does not take long…..

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BHRR’s Maverick is going to his own approved temp foster home tomorrow! This is going to be SOOOOOOOOO great for him!

This wonderful approved home has temp fostered three other dogs for us over the years.

Here is a photo of his soon-to-be foster dad and BHRR’s Mavie at our 8th annual Microchip Event held on July 12th!


BHRR’s Pearl is ready to make her own special announcement….she is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

She did it! She did it! She did it!

She will never be that huge crowd social butterfly gal. She is meant for a home with small intimate gatherings, quiet evenings, visiting doggie friends’ homes and vice versa, small outings to pet stores, socializing even at the Vet for good experiences and BHRR’s Pearl….you have come a LONG way baby!

No young children, for as much as she adores them, they can make her a bit worried with the unpredictable spastic movements they can make. Older children 10+ as long as they are responsible is fine.

She is good with other dogs, loves all the humans that are part of her set-up circle for success of trust and, she makes my heart almost burst from my chest with how absolutely delightful she is and how far she has come….

She is one that we will also do a transitional adoption with…we have done it for quite a few dogs over the past almost 20 years including BHRR’s Reese, Freedom Dane BHRR’s Adele, and BHRR’s Angel Noelle.

For that right matched forever loving home, their patience will pay of hugely….for this girl is loyal, affectionate, playful and will give you all of her heart plus soul once you earn her trust and respect……

She is so beautiful, inside and out and, crawling on her belly is a thing of her past….she raises her head up high, is curious and is almost excited these days to get into the car and see ‘what is around the corner’ to greet her with helping hands and caring hearts!

100% housebroken, crate trained yet has now proven 100% trustworthy in our home, excellent with dogs of all sizes and a heart that is so kind and loving……

Look how she holds her head up now, her body is relaxed, she is happy! Happy and comfortable and she has learned to like herself!!

I do not want her hidden away from the world yet, as so many know, I am NOT a fan of busy dog parks and she is not meant for big crowds. Just as not every human feels comfortable or safe in a huge crowd, she does not either. Yet, in her element of small groups, she is a real ham!! 🙂

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired or retired. Another very versatile BHRR dog!

HUGE thanks extended to Liz Bradley for these gorgeous Rescue Pawtraits!!! Thank you!

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BHRR did its 380th adoption since our inception in 1996!

BHRR’s Kricket is NOW ADOPTED!! – on the left in this photo! (BHRR’s Raven is on the right)
September 7th, 2015

We went to the home-visit with BHRR’s Ivy, BHRR’s Raven(who is not quite ready to be placed up for adoption yet close in case she could be a future right match fit) and BHRR’s Kricket.

It was clear within moments that BHRR’s Ivy was not the best matched fit. She had a great visit, loved the toys plus treats and loving yet, she was not really engaged with any member of the home. Her home is out there!

Then, it came down to BHRR’s Raven and BHRR’s Kricket and it was close in many ways, yet, for the home, BHRR’s Kricket, edged out to be the better right matched fit for this home.

It was so touching to see how BHRR’s Raven sought contact and was so affectionate, with both, yet in particular the lady of the home. Her time shall come….she is not quite ready to be placed up for adoption and that showed BUT we knew that going in. She needs a bit more weight and a bit more obedience. She is bombing along on her rehab beautifully though! Very proud of her! VERY! She had a great experience with more helping hands and caring hearts showering love on this fabu once puppymill Great Dane Mama.

For those who may remember our gorgeous BBBBB Krickets’ story –
*She arrived to BHRR last December at barely 67 pounds, picked up as a stray and was seen for weeks eating scraps on the roads prior to someone picking her up.
*She was ready to be placed up for adoption on April 30th, 2015 and her weight was almost 110 pounds
*Her weight is ~ 120 pounds right now and she has put on over 53 pounds of much needed muscle mass and weight. Her coat is shiny, soft and black now, not brown, dull and coarse.

Tammie, another one of your shelter babies has her forever loving adoptive home now!!!! Thank you for entrusting her to our care again…..

BHRR’s Kricket shall go to her home on Monday September 28th as the home gets ready for her arrival and was honest in letting us know last night at the home-visit that they were going away for a bit. They wanted to be sure that we could keep her until then. Of course we would for the right matched home!

CONGRATS to all!

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AND we are on our way!! Three of our stunning BBBBB’s are heading off for a home-visit for a possible Great Dane adoption!

BHRR’s Ivy, BHRR’s Raven(not yet available yet coming in case she is a future great matched fit) and BHRR’s Kricket!

Please keep good vibes coming and we shall update as we can!

Dr. Philibert’s report for BHRR’s Kaos’ stifle arthorscopic surgery done on Tuesday September 1st.

Diagnosis: Meniscal tears right stifle joint

Treatment: Arthoscopy of the stifle and debridement meniscal tears and biopsies joint capsule.

Per Dr. P. – In 25 years he has never had a case like BHRR’s Kaos. He said that to see this kind of severe damage to the meniscus without the cruciate also being affected(as far as he could tell at the time yesterday and is doing biopsies) is not something he has ever seen before.

He also told me that he has never seen the ‘debris’ that he found in the joint capsule and could not determine if it was bone, tissue etc. and he has not found any textbook that also can describe, diagnosis what he found. Hence, why he wanted the biopsies done.

Dr. P. suspects that the pathology report will not say that baby Kaos has a tumour for he feels he is way too young still and suspects that most likely it will come back as infectious. Yet, we have to wait and see.

He is pleased that the measurement of BHRR’s Kaos’ legs continue to be quite even and so the injury to the proximal tibia seems to be doing well. The x-rays from 6 weeks ago were very ’rounded’ and the ones take on the 27th of August were less rounded. His growth plate fracture shall be re-assessed again in a couple more weeks and BHRR’s Kaos shall be re-evaluated again once the pathology results are back in.

Per Dr. Philibert, he did not take out all the tears as he did not want to take out too much and affect the stifle and compromise the meniscus further.

I apologise for the delay again. I was most under the weather myself yesterday and even dropped of BHRR’s Baby Kaos much later than originally I wanted to so that I could rest at home for part of the AM.

Then, Dr. Philibert and I did not connect until this AM to discuss BHRR’s Kaos surgery in depth. I was given a small debrief by the wonderful LAH staff until then.

Dr, P. was honest and said that he does not know if the procedure yesterday is going to be successful for Kaos and we need to monitor and keep assessing as he heals from this surgery and grows.

Benig a giant breed is quite complicated in the growing department, as all of us know.

Total Bills – $1,814.69 after we were given an incredible rescue good client discount of $800*so humbled and appreciative.
Total Donations at LAH: $1,618.58
Remaining Amount Owed Presently at LAH: $196.11

Remaining Owed Presently at KAH: $290.13

We cannot THANK his angel network enough for helping us help him!!! We feel so privileged and honoured and blessed. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

He had an ‘ok’ night. I ended up crashing myself past 3 AM for a bit after the pain medications kicked in. He was not weight bearing for most of last night and today he is toe touching, drank some and ate his breakfast.

The day this boy is completely off his food, we need to worry!

The pain he feels now is nothing compared to the pain that he had to have felt for most of his life. He was so stoic and I said to the staff at LAH, he honestly did not know life without pain if you think about it….6 weeks of age is when all of us become ‘first’ aware of any issue.

How long was it going on before that?

Whatever he needs, Baby Kaos will receive and I have gently hugged him so many times to tell him that his has one mighty fine, truly amazing and fabu strong village surrounding him!!!!


I shall be adding more photo’s to Baby Kaos’ album yet, here is one of his knee from last night after his arthroscopic surgery. One of the photo’s shows how bruised/swollen he was already becoming post-op.

He is such a great wee man and a trooper!! He has had a really good day.

I never cease to be amazed at how stoic and brave animals can be. I would be crying begging for more pain meds and Baby Kaos wants to try and run (this healing type of pain has to feel so good compared to what he was feeling before) and he wants to eat! Food is a passion of his! He eats out of different food puzzles to keep him stimulated and remains lean and strong. He definitely lacks some muscle tone due to his medical conditions yet is doing so well.

He would rather skip the whole pain med regime totally!

He is truly one of my heroes also!!

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BHRR’s Baby Kaos was dropped off this AM(just past noon actually!) to Liston Animal Hospital for his first leg surgery with Dr. Philibert. Please keep him in your best of blessings and thoughts…..he was 13.9 KGs today at 12 weeks. 

I will breathe easier once he is out and up.

As always he is in excellent hands and that gives me much comfort!

Thank you ALL of his angels that have stood by our side and his as he goes through his rehab journey. To all that have met him, I know they shall agree that he is one amazing wee boy deserving of the wonderful future he was always meant to have!! 

AND, with my hands truly trembling, his angel network have helped raise the surgery deposit we were hoping for with everything crossed and wishing with our hearts……

Becca, at LAH has kept track of all the names and donations sent direct to Liston Animal Hospital and I have all names and totals raised via email transfer and PayPal. 

We had a small credit still on our account prior to the donations and THANKS to all of you for making this happen for him!! We are such a small group, assisting the Giants and focusing on the special needs and doing reputable/quality rescue is always about doing it the right way and is never about a popularity contest and we are here for the animals always and so are many others!! Thank you!! 

AND the BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ is strong and alive thanks to all of those that believe in our efforts and are there for the animals plus understand why we do what we do and why BHRR is needed in the community. Together, we are all the voices speaking up and helping those that cannot speak for themselves.

Thank you! Thank you! $1,598.58 now stands on BHRR’s Kaos’ account at Liston Animal Hospita for his first leg surgery today.

After his surgery I will post the invoice of what shall be remaining left to be paid and people are welcome to still make donations direct to his account 613-591-0966 at Liston and Becca is there to about 4:30 pm to help you!! 

Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org 

Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org

Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $2,742.28 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,228.52
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue
Mrs. Hickford
Mrs. Eaglesham


Female Neo, ~4 years of age, spayed, weight ~102 pounds

O. was tragically killed – hit by a truck while walking and talking on the phone with her bf making arrangements for him to pick her up.

She came from a home with three dogs and a child – two of the dogs were sent to the shelter the day after the woman was killed….one dog was kept by the home and both shelter dogs have rescue commitment placement.

We were contacted to assist by another wonderful r/q group – Just Paws – Thanks Jane – we remain honoured and privileged to assist….

We do not as of yet know what her name is or further details and, she was not faring well in the shelter environment so has been pulled and is in boarding right now until arrangements can be made to get her to BHRR. She is so confused and scared.

She is doing so much better now that she is being boarded and is out of the shelter.

ETA: Being worked on right now……..

Such a tragic situation.


Tracy and BHRR’s Porridge having a moment at our latest BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”.

This home won this amazing opportunity in an auction we hosted earlier this year.

We have hosted these days for well over 15 years now and it gives people the opportunity to come out and not just witness firsthand what it is that we do yet get hands on in the trenches with us.

Each EXPERIENCE turns out customised to each visit – some want more time with the horses, others want the dogs, some want both and some want more the administration side, others want to help clean stalls, repair fencing etc…..

Others just want to sit and be surrounded by the sounds of country life, sit by the pool and to see deer, other wildlife and watch all live in harmony and balance…..some want to learn more about training, especially with the special needs, or working with a ‘pack’!

We have even done bonfires plus marshmallow/weenie roasts! We feed each home a nice big dinner also including homemade dessert. 🙂

Always so much to do and never enough time!

From all of us to all of you, as always, may your Sunday be filled with friends, family plus health and happiness!

AND her feedback about her EXPERIENCE:
“I had an amazing time as always. Love everything about BHRR and your family!! Thanks for the amazing experience! Thanks Sean for the tractor ride and the awesome dinner! I would be more than happy to come out anytime to help fix whatever you need help with  Mason desert was great too! Thank you to all for a really great day that I will always cherish”

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Shawna and BHRR’s Raven having a moment at our latest BHRR Private “EXPERIENCE”. Second photo is of Tracy and her ‘moment’ with BHRR’s Raven – her own testimonial is on the BHRR’s Porridge blog. 🙂

This home won this amazing opportunity in an auction we hosted earlier this year. 

We have hosted these days for well over 15 years now and it gives people the opportunity to come out and not just witness firsthand what it is that we do yet get hands on in the trenches with us.

Each EXPERIENCE turns out customised to each visit – some want more time with the horses, others want the dogs, some want both and some want more the administration side, others want to help clean stalls, repair fencing etc…..

Others just want to sit and be surrounded by the sounds of country life, sit by the pool and to see deer, other wildlife and watch all live in harmony and balance…..some want to learn more about training, especially with the special needs, or working with a ‘pack’!

We have even done bonfires plus marshmallow/weenie roasts! We feed each home a nice big dinner also including homemade dessert. 🙂

Always so much to do and never enough time!

From all of us to all of you, as always, may your Sunday be filled with friends, family plus health and happiness!

From Shawna: “It was love at first sight!”

AND her feedback about her EXPERIENCE:
“Overall GREAT experience! Love the family, animals, food and the workout too! 🙂


Got her! The newest addition to BHRR!

A very late start to her transport this AM yet, she is in my hands!

She is a Bloodhound/Pyrx, about 90 plus pounds – needs muscle mass and is anxious which is understandable…..

We are calling her BHRR’s Waffle – great name suggestion Margaret!

Welcome to BHRR!

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Someone is having a great special picnic experience! 

BHRR’s Ivy, one of our gorgeous BBBBB’s who remains available for adoption!

Photo’s & Two Video’s courtesy of the Maracle Family!

BHRR’s Ivy Video #1
BHRR’s Ivy Video #2

AND here is their testimonial from their special picnic play date! 🙂

“Hi Gwen:

Just a quick note to let you know how things are going.

Ivy settled down well for the ride and it was all of five minutes before Sally and Ivy began to wrestle. They go in spurts with their play and seem to have a lot of fun.

We took them for a walk to the park to burn off a tad bit of energy. Ivy settled into a nice leash manner about ten minutes into it. She met several strange dogs and people, but was amazing with them. She did not react to any of the barking or hostile dogs and greeted the friendly ones very nicely.

She loves toys and has been cleaning out Sally’s toy bin every hour or so. She is such a goof! Sally tries to play tug a war with her, but it only lasts one tug!

She loves all the kids and guests and can be quiet calm at times. Hard to get a picture because Ivy has to check out everything.

Ivy did begin to bleed from one of her nails, so we put flour on it and that stopped it. Looks like just too much play.

She is so lovable! Lots of kisses and lap sits on the floor.

Having a wonderful time.”

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Posted in Ivy

As BHRR prepares for another big beautiful day, everyone’s fav ‘gimp’ Great Dane Puppy BHRR’s Kaos asked me to post this message to all!! 

Donations can continue to be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 *They are open today from 9-2 pm and Becca is there to help you!

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org(please consider using the friend and family option so that we do not pay fees)

He saw Dr. Philibert on Thursday and has his first leg surgery now scheduled for September 1st. We are trying to ensure that we have a fair surgery deposit put down on his account at Liston Animal Hospital under his name ‘KAOS’.

Thank you all angels for being there for him!! He is such a wonderful wee boy!! So many tears of gratitude for all that people are trying to make happen for him!


***URGENT*** ***URGENT***

BHRR’s Kaos is reaching out to all of his fans, aunties, supporters plus village…..he needs all of us more than ever now….

He has been scheduled for his first leg surgery with Dr. Philibert on Tuesday September 1st and that only gives us a few days to raise a surgery deposit for his account at Liston Animal Hospital.

I have $300 that I have put aside from my own latest pay check from my part-time work at the Hospital and we are trying to raise another $1,200 so that we have a fair surgery deposit put down on his account prior to his surgery.

We do not have enough time to throw together an urgent fundraiser and, though we know we can be considered for a payment plan, we do have to put down a deposit.

His current bills to date prior to this surgery have been close to $1,500 and, we have paid off over $1,000 of that so far between donations and last weekends mini microchip clinic. Thank you! Moving forward, we planned for monies raised from our end of September Fundraiser to go towards his bills, BHRR’s Raven’s(our puppymill Great Dane mama) and BHRR’s Bell’s(her platelet count was only 94 and she is back for more testing today).

Nothing, I would not do for the animals of BHRR and with our next event not being held until the end of September, I am bending down on my knees asking with my hands outstretched to our community, begging on BHRR’s Kaos’ behalf for any consideration to his vet bills. Just begging….BHRR has been around since 1996, we focus on the special needs for we believe that dogs like Kaos are equally deserving of a great future. At a mere 6 weeks of age, if he had been put to sleep, his life would have been over before it had even begun…..it is not his fault his leg was broken. 

AND, to all that have met him to date, I know you would agree and stand beside me to say that he is worthy of the love and consideration to help him.

You can make a donation, any amount directly to Liston Animal Hospital( Becca is so wonderful to deal with!) 613-591-0966 or in person there. The account is under his name ‘KAOS’

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use the friend & family option so we do not pay fees)

$5 is not too little….everything adds up together and I am so appreciative plus grateful for any consideration to his cause…..please and thank you….

Please and thank you again on behalf of the Great Dane puppy that came to us at 6 weeks of age with a broken leg…..and, then diagnosed that he also has a knee concern.

Thank you…..thank you everyone…..

For those who are also not yet aware, BHRR’s Kaos is cyptorchid which shall make his neutering more expensive and complex. Poor baby. 🙁 Let’s hope that the second testicle is just under the skin.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $1,123.73 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,413.83
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
August 22nd Mini Microchip Clinic at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg $876.25



This is BHRR’s Bells’ face when I told her as we snuggled in bed this AM that we had to go back to KAH today to repeat her blood-work for her platelet count!


I think someone is having a great vet visit!! Now, is that Becca or is that BHRR’s Kaos! 

X-Rays are done and waiting for Dr. P. to review once he is out of surgery.

Sleepy boy!


Purse Puppy BHRR’s Coco Chanel (Blind) appears to be having a lovely special picnic play date!

Sent my way from the home earlier was that she was a bit upset when I left and so they took her for a walk and were quite impressed with her leash manners. 

The home remarked on how much she loves the outdoors and she sure does!

She likes hiking and walking and just laying on the brick deck enjoying the wonderful weather. She also loves bed cuddles and for an honorary giant, she sure can bed hog for something ‘wee’! 

She has done some playing with their own dog and I am now on my way to get her as I leave work myself.

Yes, she has a mark on her head in this photo from running headlong into a branch on one of the trails…….

She is a fearless, risk taking, grab the world by the tail and run kind of explorer! 
She is so precious to my soul!

I am so happy that she had this special day and she does remain AVAILABLE for adoption!

Photo is courtesy of The Maracle Family

Note: One must never allow a brilliant dog like BHRR’s Chanel to get into a position of ‘power’. This means no allowing on the couches etc. for she will not want to share with other than who she feels is her ‘flavour’ at that time. She is a fabu dog. She needs her boundaries and structure and, she will be so respectful plus mindful.


Today is another big busy day for BHRR!

Purse Puppy BHRR’s Coco Chanel has now been dropped off for her own very special picnic play date!! Have a blast!! This home is really taken with her. What is not to love though!! She is beautiful, brilliant, inspirational, a real personality plus filled lovely girl!

She also remains so surprisingly to so many of us as still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

AND, I have just dropped off BHRR’s Kaos at LAH to see Dr. Philibert for more x-Rays under sedation and an exam to help determine what the next step may be for that broken leg of his and the knee concern……he is now 11 weeks of age and 12.9 KGs (28.38 pounds) today!

In this photo he thinks he is going to ride shotgun! 

He just delights all that meet him!

We will post updates as we have them…..



UPDATE: We have been working on a transitional adoption with BHRR’s Angel Noelle, one of our incredible honorary Giants plus tripdods and to date she has had a play date with me at the home, one play date without me for a few hours which was a bit of a ‘tough love’ for her.

Then on Saturday August 15th she did an overnight date and on Friday August 21st she did a three night date….

I asked the home to please let her have some alone time to bond with him and not just her and it is working.

She is making the transition of bonding much more easily from Sean to them yet, with me she hunkers down and is quite resistive in ‘letting go’. I remain so humbled by her trust and honesty and heart plus soul that she has given me and, we want to make sure that we set all up for success so, in many ways, she is making this transition at a quicker pace than anyone may have thought yet, in a couple of other ways, she remains as I knew she would be so determined to stay ‘latched’ to me, next step, I want to try five nights and, have her come back again and, see if she is ready for the final move forever…..

I am so proud of her…..love her and I know that if I continue to do my job right, she will see me as a pleasant positive memory and experience and not feel her trust has been betrayed and that she has been abandoned….

Steps have been put into place since she became available for adoption to make her that well rounded plus balanced dog and she is showing her future community just how fabu she truly is! Leash manners, social skills, being a ham and so affectionate when she trusts…..

She is so dear to so many of us and patience is going to pay off…. 

Photo below is courtesy of her new forever loving adoptive home…..


I have many updates to post and quite a few blogs to update and so this page is going to be flying for a bit…. 

This is BHRR’s Maple, the untrained, fear and barrier aggressive Great Dane that was dumped at a shelter. Ignore the reno’s…..new baseboards are coming!!

She has been settling in well herself. I have a short video of the night I picked her up and, she is a far cry from that terrified dog….yet, she also likes to try to bully her way about things and that has also been a work in progress.

She bonded to Sean fast and took a day or so longer to be the same with me yet, Sean is still a clear fav for her. 

She has zero manners, like a beautiful Mack truck in a China store and is reactive if she feels a dog is posing a challenge yet also wants to make sure that she establishes herself as Queen B quick right from the start, especially with any girls. She is not a ‘dainty’ gal! 

She has not been integrated with many dogs and shall not be for some time and she is being mindful to back away and step down when told to and, she is going to be in Rehab a long time. She is totally fine with Lion King Pumbaa, BHRR’s Mavie, BHRR’s Comet, BHRR’s Pearl and BHRR’s Bell. She was a bit ‘off’ with BHRR’s Angel Noelle at first and also with my own 11 year old Female Cherokee. BHRR’s Hercules, she thinks is a loveable nut I am sure!  We remind her firmly at times to ‘be nice’ and she throws off the bully Cape and is great.

She does not know how to properly communicate, seriously lacks some social dog to dog proper skills and, yet, in just the short period of time she has been with us, she has made remarkable progress. With clear effective guidance and learning that no one is going to hurt or manhandle her – dog or human – boy, has she been coming around. 

As she understands more about what is expected of her and that we are gong to be very supportive, positive yet, balanced with her training with consistency, patience, time, understanding and lots of structure that includes obedience, she is responding. SO well.

Sean and I can both pretty much touch her anywhere now and she is sporting a rash on her lower belly that will be medically addressed.

She is a strong big gorgeous Dane and she is listening better and her true bestest of friends is BHRR’s Dune! Those two are a hoot!!

She and he are bff’s!!!

She lacks confidence in some ways and so we have been working with a calming word and signal(touch). She is relaxing more and we are seeing less hackles when strangers come by and barking also.

Her hackles go up yet no barking occurs around strange or new dogs.

She is eating well and drinking and is 100% housebroken. She is about 12 months of age and loves to ‘nest’ and ‘baby’ this one toy. She is not yet spayed and shall be as soon as we can get her comfortably able to handle the Vet visit.

Quite affectionate now to both Sean and I and thinks Mason is quite the teenager. 

She has a lot of potential yet, she has her fair share of triggers right now that ‘set’ her off with hackles right now and one day at a time….one baby step at a time.

Her beautiful face reminds me so much of our FREEDOM Dane, BHRR’s Gretta.

So much I could write here yet, mini Gwennie novel I shall end for now. 

Welcome to BHRR, beautiful young lady!


Someone is settling in well, BHRR’s Dune! Here he is with Lion King BHRR’s Pumbaa, an awesome DDB in our Haven program.

He will receive his boosters within the next couple of weeks, we will do his bloodwork for heart-worm plus tick borne diseases and with a bit more training, he will be ready to make his own special announcement. Yay!

He has learned that we do not lift our leg in the house… He has learned that we share water bowls and also to share Gwennie…  AND, the jumping is to a minimum now. The muscle tone that he has been developing! He is one lean muscled stunning boy. 

For those who know the size of my four month old Great Dane ‘Salt’, BHRR’s Dune is the same height. He is a gorgeous, nicely in proportion boy and a poorly bred single breed Dane I think not at all, possibly Rhodesian Ridgeback in there also with the Dane yet, as always, it does not matter….he is affectionate, happy, loves everyone and, is bombing along his rehab!

He is hanging around 70 pounds right now and putting the weight on well and, maybe he top off around 80 pounds. He is about 18 months or so and truly has been a treat to have here!!

Any right matched forever loving home that applies to adopt him is going to be getting one heck of an awesome dog!



Here is the lovely Manager of Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg – Amanda with BHRR’s Kaos. He says THANK YOU for hosting us to help raise monies for my leg!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $1,123.70 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,413.83
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again
Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg  – Mini Microchip Chip Clinic


All of us at BHRR wish to extend a big and deep thank you to Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for the really special opportunity to be at their lovely location yesterday to have one of our popular mini microchip clinics!

From the wonderful helpful staff to our incredible approved Volunteers to all of our WOW visitors of humans, dogs and cats, the day was one filled with true warmth!

So much gratitude is felt in my heart for how a community can be so kind and generous to help a dog in need. Yesterday, we gathered together to make sure more dogs and cats were microchipped, a cause extremely deep plus personal to my own heart.

AND, BHRR’s baby Kaos, was the really lucky and fortunate blessed wee soul that is going to benefit from all the love shown yesterday.

We did 9 microchips – majority were cats also! Just so great to see!, 10 nail trims and 2 ear cleanings! We had donations of just shy of $240 placed in our donation box on the table and, the kisses plus smooches that BHRR’s Kaos gave in thanks, made his pooch smooch red carpet sessions a big hit!

Doogies’ face-painting and feathers are becoming famous and not just beautiful and so many were sporting fashionable accessories!! 

I need to send out BIG thanks to Dawn, Margaret(our treasurer fabu!), Sean, Doogie and Chelsea again for spending the day with me!! Chelsea, you did an incredible job educating plus informing the public in so many ways re: BHRR’s Kaos’ journey!! 

Lianne and Dawn and Mason plus Sean, thank you for making some baked goodies also! 

BHRR does not do many public events per year and when we do, we never cease to be amazed by how unbelievably outstanding people and their pets are!! So many people came out to talk BHRR, responsible dog rescue plus ownership, Danes, big dawgs, to hang, share some laughs, great conversation, Dane puppy snuggles and cuddles and, come together in a shared goal of camaraderie and wanting to help a wee pup in need! 

We met so many new people wanting to know more about our group that has now been around for just shy of 20 years and, others that have followed us for years and wanted to come out to meet us in person and give us such sweet words of support, goodness and heart!! 

The total raised yesterday to help BHRR’s Baby Kaos is $776.25 and I then also threw in my personal donation of $100 making a grand total of $876.25 raised for his ever increasing Vet Bills!

He is back at LAH on Thursday August 27th for more x-Rays under sedation, exams etc., and we will keep all of his fan club updated!!

Thank you from my heart and soul to so many that once again made yesterday possible. From sharing the poster creatively made by Global, to posting a word or two wishing us a successful day to donations of a baked goodie, to giving up a truly wonderful Saturday to volunteer, to visiting us etc. 

All of you made magic happen again for a BHRR dog in need!!! I am eternally indebted….

BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS lives strong!

This photo is of BHRR’s Baby Kaos thanking Auntie Margaret for all of her help yesterday being the treasurer……he wuvs her! We do too!


BHRR’s Kaos – 10 weeks now! WOW!

He has such a tough life…..

I am getting the ‘evil’ eye as it is time to do his nails and he wants to keep ‘lounging’. I like to do them weekly. 

BHRR’s Kaos’ would prefer that I do not do his nails at all!

He is seeing Dr. Philibert on Thursday August 27th for further xrays, exams and to help best determine that next step for him for that leg (growth plate fracture) and knee(suspected meniscus damage or an OCD lesion). 

Any considerations for his bills can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
OR via PayPal ‘friends and family option’ to gwen@birchhaven.org 
OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

He will be hanging with us at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg in his famous xpen on Saturday August 22nd from 10 AM – 4 PM! 

He has told me that he will do a special pooch smooch session per person for a $5.00 for all monies raised on Saturday will go to his ever increasing Vet Bills.

The weather is going to be glorious!

We are doing one of our ever popular microchip mini clinics, nails, ear cleaning, some merchandise shall be for sale, a few baked goodies shall be offered up AND, come visit us to talk Danes, Big DAWGS, BHRR, responsible dog ownership, and animal welfare issues plus more!

THANK you again Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for this event!!! We are excited and feel privileged.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 27th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $247.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,101.65
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies
Nairn Again


BHRR’s ???? Needs a name!
**Edited to add that we are aware of what she had been called at one point and she shall have a new name for a new beginning.**
It is official, BHRR is bringing her in! 
ETA Weekend of August 29th, 2015
This lovely lady is a 2 year old Brindle with white Bloodhound/Great PyrX. She was owner surrendered to the shelter and then was adopted by a farmer who then returned her as his other dog was beating her up. 
She is good with people, dogs and is submissive and very sweet. Weight at shelter was 92 pounds.
She is not trained and has a ‘barking’ problem at the shelter as she is bored. 
So thankful that we can assist her………just so thankful…….

7707_SADIE Bloodhound Great Pyr mix altered female_92 lbs SURRENDER

This Saturday!

Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg very kindly asked if we would do one of our popular mini microchip clinics at their location and we shall be at their lovely location

Saturday August 22nd from 10 am – 4 pm!
*No appointments necessary

*Microchips $40 includes registration
*Nails $10
*Ear Cleaning $10
*Face Painting and Feathers by the ever talented and kind Dee Dick
*Famous Pooch Smooch Red Carpet Sessions $5
*Merchandise from sale
*Some baked goodies

We are still ISO: Three approved BHRR Volunteers to help out this day! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if interested!

THANK you Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for this great opportunity to see more cats/dogs(minimum 8 weeks of age) microchipped!

All monies raised shall go to BHRR’s Kaos’ mounting Vet Bills. He is the 6 week old Great Dane puppy that we were asked to assist that has a growth plate fracture and a knee concern.

AND here is the event page to join!


BHRR’s Raven’s Pathology report is in! YES! YES! YES!

They made a typo in the report and said she was ‘adopted’ yet, is recently into rescue! She has now had her booster and once she has put on more weight, she will have a special announcement to make! I am so relieved! SO so so relieved!!! Very detailed report…….

She is going to make a home an wonderful addition. She can be a wee bit ‘worried’ at first yet, settles so fast and is full of affection!!! With not having had much love in her live prior to rescue, this is understandable yet, she is learning BIG time about the great things life has to offer!

She is gorgeous and is the FIRST dog since we lost BHRR’s Dana – a legend of BHRR – that has figured out the ice cube maker! The looks on the dogs faces that knew that amazing dollface Dane. 😀

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BHRR’s Raven and I are back for a recheck to see how things are going! I am hoping we can do her booster today also!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $1,305.25 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $2,389.03
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed
August 8th’s Critter Jungle’s Dirty DAWG Wash – $1,165.25!

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Someone is getting sleepy as he floats in the pool with Mason. BHRR’s Kaos! The eyes are closing and the head is starting to nod……
A great weather day to do some floating……no swimming,  just floating.


BHRR’s Oakley is doing well!

That startle reflex is eons better than it was and his space issues are better and he has so much more self-control.

He has been off all medications since he arrived to me and doing well.

Still like to see him fill out more yet that will come, he is so young still.

He is personality plus!

Here is a small video of BHRR’s Maple when I went to get her tonight at KAH.

You can see how fearful she is….she had huge barrier aggression at the shelter.

Patience, treats and time enabled me to be able to put her on a leash and take her home.

I look forward to posting a video of when she is much less fearful and more comfortable.

VIDEO – BHRR’s Maple August 12th, 2015

So, Nancy so generously and wonderfully has picked up the female Fawn with Merle & White Great Dane! STILL nameless!

She says that she is a ‘sweetheart’, traveled well and I am on my way shortly……..

Nancy would not even accept any gas money from me. I am beyond grateful for the fast stepping up to assist us with getting this GD out of the shelter as she was so urgent and, I could not even get Nancy to take one dime for all of her time, effort, gas and kindness. She asked me to put any donation I would give her way to this Dane’s Vet Bills and I shall do so!

Nancy, never could I thank you enough for helping me to mobilize so fast to get this girl safe into rescue. I am truly one lucky person to know you……..THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Soon……..she will be at BHRR soon………..

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BHRR’s Bell’s bloodwork has come back and while she is negative for Heartworm, Lymes and Ehrlichiosis, she tested positive for Anaplasmosis. The importance of heartworm plus flea/tick preventative cannot be emphasized enough. Where there are mosquitoes’ there is heartworm. Where there are fleas, there are flea problems, where there are ticks, there are tick borne diseases. All so easily preventable with monthly medication. We know prior to coming to BHRR she was not on any preventative medication.

BHRR keeps all the dogs on preventative yearly, not just the standard May – November, just to be extra cautious.

Now, we are going to be doing a Anaplasma PCR plus a full CBC to see if she was a ‘false positive’ on the snap test or is truly positive for Anaplasmosis. We will also see if she is anaemic, a big sign of Anaplasmosis. If she is positive, her special announcement shall have to be delayed while treatment is commenced and until she tests ‘negative’.

Keep her in your best thoughts………..

Some photo’s sent our way by Georgy on August 9th. You can see that one nasty scar on his head.

“Hi Gwen These pics aren’t the greatest but the best I could do at 6 am. LOL.  hates the camera. This boy is MAGNIFICENT ~~~~  I love him to bits !  He loves EVERYBODY~  What a fabulous boy !!!  I envy the lucky recipient of this fella!  Can’t say enough good things about him.  He was an absolute pleasure to spend time with.

Big sigh …….”

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BHRR’s Raven is in for a recheck – she has quite the seroma and edema in the one mass removal area. Not the area that has the drain. That is looking great.

Per the Vet, took out the drain and will keep the sutures in for a few more days and recheck. The Vet tried to drain some of the fluid yet it was quite difficult to remove much of anything.

BHRR’s Raven was amazing! As always!

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Needs a name!!! 
Female fawn with merle Great Dane.
She is arriving tomorrow or the next day. Poor girl has been in at least three homes to date, is only 12-18 months of age, extremely fearful, no training and, needed out of the shelter ASAP. 
Thank you to Nancy for her help in driving this transport as I am at CHEO all day tomorrow with my daughter and cannot drive to get her myself.


And note from a transport angel re: BHRR’s Dune:

“Man, I was in love with sweet Dodger. Can’t imagine how someone let him go! Thank you for taking the big lug!


“I only met briefly as he jumped up on Margaret to give her a kiss and a hug with enthusiasm!  Took a picture of this handsome boy with Helen.  He is easy to love!”

This photo and blurb above is from Leslie

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An update Georgy sent to the transport center about her experience with BHRR’s Dune;

“She says he is the very best dog she has ever had.  Someone is going to get one amazing furbaby.”


An update on BHRR’s Dune from Georgy who overnighted him the second night on his way to BHRR.

“My overnight couldn’t have gone better.  He is beyond adorable and well behaved.  He knows to go to the door when he needs out.  Cuddly, loving, sweetheart of a boy.  The recipient of this Angel is one lucky person – he is going to make an amazing family addition. An
He is very thin and has multiple small scars on his body.  A sizeable scar above his right eye.  Almost as if he had been cut pretty deeply and never been stitched?  But none of that stops his incredible personality and gentle nature.
He has a fabulous appetite.  I allowed him to eat until he was full.  I handled both and his food while he ate … had my hand right inside the food bowl and he didn’t think anything of it.
travels well in a car and seems to like joy riding. 
loves everyone that he meets.  He is extremely camera shy which makes it difficult to get his pic but I think I got a few of him while he languished in bed.  I will download them later and send them along.
Honestly Gwen I have yet to overnight a dog that is this easy to live with.  Despite arriving home from the transport last night only to find fireworks going off in the ravine behind my house – where they literally sprayed and boomed directly over my backyard …. which naturally terrified.  But we just stayed in my van until they were over and then we scooted indoors.  He was fine after that.  He has been an absolute pleasure to spend too brief of a time together.  We haven’t even left the house yet and I miss him already !  What a wonderful boy !
So, we are just about to get on the road so will leave this here.  Will send pics (if they turn out) later this afternoon.
My absolute congrats and envy of new family.  He is remarkable !
Thanks !”

Transport Update from Georgy who over-nighted BHRR’s Dune on his way to us:

“…..curled up on the floor behind my seat on the drive home but wouldn’t you just know it – as I pulled into my driveway there were HUGE fireworks going off in the ravine behind my house – spraying directly over my backyard.  Poor was terrified and I had to keep him in the van until the idiots quit setting off the fireworks.  He is afraid to go outside now but I will give him some time to chill out – he is laying on my bdrm floor – eyes closed.  I think he is pretty pooped.  What a good boy he is !!!!
Hugs galore, great appetite.  I handled him and his food without any problem at all.  GREAT DAWG !!!
Lucky recipient of this boy tomorrow !”

A couple of photo’s from Molly and an update who helped transport BHRR’s Dune to us and overnighted him – the first night.

“Here are a couple of photos. 

He wasn’t easy to get to hold still for a photo but what a handsome dog!

I think he is pretty much a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. That’s what he looks like to me. Knows how the command to Sit, so he has had some training. that is how I got a couple of good photos. I had trouble with him being overly affectionate and wanting to stand up and hug me, and almost knock me down. He is a super dog, just gorgeous, and I am sure with just a little bit of training to correct that wanting to jump on people, he will be great.

I was needlessly worried that he might go after the cats, but he was perfect with them. In fact, I think he tried to avoid them, knowing how cats can be.

He was very good about house manners, always peeing and pooping outside. I hope finds a happy home, gets some training, and has a good life.”

Dune1 Dune2




BHRR’s Kaos and BHRR approved Volunteer Sandra at the Critter Jungle Dirty Dawg Wash!

Oh my word!! Oh my……what a day! We are just driving home, well Sean is!

AND, I wanted to post HUGE thanks to each person that shared this event that Critter Jungle hosted, to Barry for the poster, to all that came out to visit, had nails, ear cleanings, baths, microchips, bought some merchandise, talked ‘dawgs’ with us etc.

To each BHRR Volunteer that spent the day with us, THANK you! Today, could not have been possible without so many coming together!

The laughter, the new friendships formed, the unscheduled ‘human’ baths(insert Bruce and Sean! LOL) the dogs from chi’s to pei’s to Danes and more, their humans, the one gorgeous well behaved cat, to the wonderful helpful staff at Critter Jungle, to every generous caring animal loving person that showed up, THANK you!!

You are what makes BHRR, your local Great Dane/Giant Breed & Equine Rescue stand so strong plus united almost 20 years later! BHRR CHAIN OF SUCCESS!!

We washed 30 gorgeous dogs, did 26 nail trims, 8 ear cleanings, 2 microchips, heart warming independent donations of $260.25 were received, $35 in merchandise was sold and, as our lovely treasurer, Margaret for the day told me as she and Bruce were adding and re-adding the monies, ‘walk away Gwennie from the table’ as my eyes welled up more and more with every kind generous bill, change counted….

For the grand total that I had to digest and read over and over again that each of you beautiful angels made happen for a very special Great Dane puppymill mama named BHRR’s Raven is $1,165.25!!!!!

This money is going to make such a difference in the bills that are mounting for this so deserving special Great Dane!!! I am going home to hug her and whisper in her ear that she is loved, that she is important and that so many are there for her!!

I am so grateful to so many and Ginnette & the rest of the amazing staff at Critter Jungle what you do for the community is humbling…..thank you for letting us have this day of memories and experiences that bring so much warmth to my soul!

Margaret, Cherie, Mason, Sandra, Sean, Dawn, Serena and Bruce, thank you for giving up your Saturday to spend the day with me!

Glorious weather and BHRR’s Kaos had a fabu day also!!

What a day!!! WOW! Just WOW…..love this event…….just love it! What an honour bestowed upon BHRR to have had this opportunity.

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BHRR’s Salma – April 2004 – August 8th, 2015
HQD(Her Queenship Divine)

As many know, BHRR is a rehabilitation and haven program. We work to make each dog the best that they can be and, we always take in the next dog in need of us. 

We adopt out those that we can and our focus is on making each dog the best dog they can be and adoptions are wonderful yet, if a dog is deemed not adoptable for medical and/or behavioural reasons, they remain in our Haven Program for life. We focus on the special needs and assist all those that we can, giving them quality of life from the moment they arrive…….. 

We have our ever popular and long-standing Visitation and Play Date program that enables each dog to experience the world in so many different fabu and beautiful ways, up and beyond what we do daily at BHRR. 

The hard part of rescue and in reality in general, is when a dog needs to be humanely crossed over…….the devastation, the overwhelming depth of pain over the hearbreaking loss of any dog or horse in our programs, is the part of the world that I would rather wished we did not have to experience or go through….for the animal and for the humans that love them…..

We live in a place that we can humanely cross over those we love, cradled warmly with so much adoration in our arms, blessing them in the fall of the teardrops filled with so much heartfelt emotion…..

BHRR’s Salma, HQD was one of the last dogs still fighting the good battle over contaminated donated by another group back in January. 

A Dogo and dog LIKE none other, boy, did she keep me rocking on my toes! 

She showed Cancer who was boss, and a dog that was expected to die shortly after her arrival into Rescue(February 2013) after being diagnosed with a MCT and having an emergency surgery, she took the medical world by storm…..

She took no prisoners this one…..she ruled the world and each day, took me on a journey of lessons that I will never forget, hands being thrown up in helpless laughter over and over due to her antics and the constant ‘selective hearing!.’

She was the best doctor/nurse any dog or person could have, she demonstrated to me many a time how to ‘properly’ tuck in a dog with one of her special blankets, how a dog bowl could never have even a drop of dog drool on it, how if a nano second went by and the dog bowls were not filled up, one would be dropped  at my feet as a ‘gentle’ reminder! 

The way that she would just sit there and look at me with that facial expression that screamed ‘ok, human, I know you have some potential and are NOT that stupid…..you will ‘get this’ make me feel more grounded than anything else I have ever experienced. I could always just picture her as if she had her arms crossed, eyes rolling and the one foot tapping as my brain frantically worked through all the options as to what HQD was trying to tell me.

No amount of formal education of degrees or work experience will ever have taught me more than this amazing Dogo did during her time with us…..

A Mama to the end………she taught these dogs in our programs more about trust, learning to live, being a dog, that it was ok to not be perfect, that mistakes are going to happen and you will not be beaten, screamed at or hurt…….than I could ever have done…..

Having lost our Dollface and main leader female dog, BHRR’s Dana is December of 2012, HQD coming in February of 2013 was what my home and programs needed…..she was the bomb……I knew as I was driving home and someone had called me on my drive home the day she arrived and was asking me about her and how I felt she woudl fit in and I said BHRR’s Salma is what was so dearly needed in my home….she would right order, help the confused, the worried, the stressed and the hurting……….she would be the perfect fit for what had been missing since BHRR’s Dana’s own tragic loss and bring her own flair, style and touch.

AND boy, did she ever!!! 

HQD, my heart shattered into a million pieces when it was your time to cross-over yet, I know you will always be there on my shoulder, that voice in my head and your legacy in memories, lessons and so much more shall live on forever….

You touched a world……..you came from the darkest of pasts and yet, your shining beautiful light was never squashed by any of that……

I miss you so much……..as I find myself sadly saying too much in 2015, I will see you in my dreams…….

RIP the one and ONLY HQD


BHRR’s Bell went in for her heartworm and tickborne bloodwork testing today. She weighed 40.4 Kgs(88.88 pounds). She still needs more weight and we are hoping that in a few more weeks, that she shall be ready to make a special announcement!

She did great overall with the exam, we even got a super great clean on her ears(she has let me do them fairly well at home), took treats gently and is getting much better about car travelling. She keeps wanting to either go out a window or into the front seat and tethering has been super important for safety for all.

I was able to do her nails yesterday without it being too stressful on her……..and me!

She is now rarely having any accidents in the house, her leash manners are improving and she is quite playful and affectionate. 🙂

She even pawed me today for the first time in play.

BHRR`s Kaos had a very busy day! It has been a very busy week at BHRR and today in particular, with three dogs alone today seeing Vets.

BHRR`s Kaos now weighs 9.1 Kgs(20.02 pounds) and just turned 9 weeks of age.

He is thriving and looking so handsome. Fit and a loving boy. We were at both LAH and KAH today and, so many had their noses stuck into his fur, loving the softness of it and how great he smells.

He is growing as Great Danes do, right before our eyes!

The Vet is pleased with the progress of his fractured leg at this time. Both of his back legs are growing fairly evenly and yes, he limps and at times, does not use it yet, his Vets biggest concern remains the knee and he left a voice message with Dr. Philibert, while we were there. He is hoping that Dr. P. may be able to scope that knee. The ‘clicking’ and ‘crunching’ of that knee, the discomfort upon manipulation plus exam on that knee, the inability to fully flex it, and the swelling, makes his Vet feel that the knee needs to be the first medical concern to address surgically and that we need to keep monitoring closely with continued regular evaluations plus assessments that growth plate fracture.

So, we are hoping to hear back from Dr. P. early next week as to the next steps for baby Kaos.

His Vet believes that baby Kaos could have a torn meniscus or an OCD lesion in that knee. He feels that his bad days is when the ‘flap’ gets pinched.

His Vet is now on holidays for the next month and so baby Kaos shall be in excellent hands with Dr. P and at KAH still.

He is fast asleep in my arms at reception in the photo below, as I spent a bit of time visiting with the staff before leaving LAH today.

He had his first boosters today also. We did discuss his stool again and, we are going to look at switching over NSAIDs in the next week.

He is doing great on his food, I have his increased dosing for Tramadol for him, he is beginning his second round of de-worming and, he LOVED all the attention he received today.

He impressed so many with his sit and stay manners.

So, overall a ‘fair’ progress report and, we will continue to update as we can.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 7th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $237.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $934.09
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies


This album is dedicated to the young Great Dane Puppy Mill mama (about 18 months) that we have in our care.

She is not only skinny, recently had puppies, yet was dumped at a kill shelter with some very aggressive mammary turmours/growths/masses that we had no idea about until we picked her up. The poor thing………

She went in for surgery on Thursday August 6th for a spay and to have a mastectomy on the one mammary – gland is also now completely removed(per her Vet), remove all growths, masses plus tumours and to have them sent off for pathology.

She has had pre-op bloodwork including heartworm testing plus for tickborne diseases. She has been dewormed, microchipped, placed on revolution and is now on Deramaxx plus Tramadol for comfort.

We are all anxiously waiting fo the results of her tumours.

She has a drain installed in the one area and we are back in on Monday for a re-assessment/exam

All monies raised from the August 8th , Critter Jungle Dirty DAWG Wash shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills.

DONATIONS can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital – in person @ 440 Hazeldean Road or over the phone:
(613) 836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

She is so sweet, deserves so much more than what she was given in life prior to rescue and, please consider helping us help her……..

The top of the drain from the whole mammary gland and massive tumour growth removal
August 6th, 2015
Surgeon’s Notes:
“Two discrete sq round firm, hyperpigmented mammary masses removed from left caudal mammary gland area- 1cm diameter.
right caudal mammary gland- similar discrete firm round 6-8mm diameter sq mammary
2–0 vetafil interrupted skin sutures.
Left anterior mammary gland:: round firm, round multi-lobed approx 3 1/2 to 4 inches in length by 2 inches in width, mammary tissue.- excised, several vessels ligated ie very
vascular tissue, penrose drain applied, three simple interrupted 2-0 vicryl sq sutures to
tack down and approach skin edges, 2-0 vetafil simple interrupted sutures.
To remove drain in 4-5 days, pending amount of drainage.”


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $130 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,898.70
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed

IMG_8051 IMG_8052 IMG_8053 IMG_8054

BHRR’s ??? – NEEDS a name!
Young Great Dane male, quite likely a X at that light ‘giant’ weight!
He is on our waiting list to come into BHRR!
NEW INFO Sent Our Way: 
“…..very friendly, but he is a jumper. He loves to take a running leap into your arms or to jump up and give hugs. He was 66 lbs on our scale at the shelter, but he is tall and leggy. I don’t have a single bad thing to say about him…he’s a great boy.”


Today, our puppymill Great Dane Mama, BHRR’s Raven is having her surgeries – biopsies, growth removals plus spay. Then they shall be sent off to pathology.

Her Vet will do x-rays of her lungs should she feel they are required. Whatever she needs I have said to please do for her.

All the growths, except this one(photo below) have not changed. This one has gotten bigger yet, we had to wait until BHRR’s Raven was healthier to even undergo surgery.

Once we have her bills from today, we shall have a better idea re: fundraising needs for her plus once the pathology report comes back. All proceeds from this Saturday(HOPE to see many of you there!) at Critter Jungle for the dirty dog wash(we are also microchipping, doing nails plus cleaning ears and will have some merchandise for sale!) shall go to her care.

She is so sweet, young – no more than 18 months herself, affectionate and deserved a much better life than she received prior to her rescue.

If anyone wishes to contribute to her mounting vet bills, you can contact the wonderful Kanata Animal Hospital directly at 613-836-2848 or visit them in person – 440 Hazeldean Road, Kanata.

Please keep her in your best thoughts…..


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $30 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $347.90
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars
Lianne/Cliff – Dog Bed


AND we are on our way! Secret mission time!
BHRR’s Pearl and BHRR’s Bell(Deaf/Visually Impaired) are waiting to go!
What a glorious weather day to be out for a drive and other great stuff!
Both of these beautiful Danes are not yet Available for Adoption!
*BHRR’s Bell looks quite small next to BHRR’s Pearl yet she is not. She has her head down lower.


So after a late night(I know all my nights are late!) and an earlier AM, this was my sight when I got up!
BHRR’s Kaos is clearly on summer vacation time and sleeping in!
After I had showered, he was up for some breaky and then was back snuggled in for a snooze.
I so wanted to join him!
I have to operate on his one stuffie tonight, his fav one has somehow, his head split open in a tiny spot and, cannot have anything happen to that teddy bear! BHRR’s Kaos adores that one the most!
He is back on Friday for his re-check and we will continue to update on his journey as we can….


BHRR’s Angel Noelle had a great home-visit and we shall be doing a transitional adoption to this home. She is NOW ADOPTED!
After patiently waiting for 16 months, that right matched forever loving home has come along and how I feel this to be the case is the peace I have in my heart plus soul.
I knew this adoption, when the time came of a right matched forever loving home to find this beautiful girl, that it would be so hard…..on her and me and yet, while my voice did break a few times tonight, I had so much peace, more than I thought I would ever feel and that makes it ‘right’.
It is hard to put into words…..
This girl means the world to so many of us….she went through absolute hell in her past, she has inspired a village, a community, hers on her resilience, her proving that she is perfectly normal as a tripod as we had to remove her leg from the prior abuse she had received.
She has made a world fall in love with her and, she is going to be fine. So many have asked me why do you not keep her, she is so bonded to you and yes, BHRR’s Angel Noelle would lay her life down for me, she has gifted me with her trust, her heart and her life.
Yet, she does not need me….I want a life for this incredible wee dog that is so full of potential, to be one that I have always prepared her for.
I have so much happiness in my heart right now…..yes, there is sadness over the journey ended for her and I yet, wow…..look at the chapters she is going to have in her future!
I can now help another in need of me, thanks to this amazing honourary giant and to the wonderful home that is going to adopt her…..
That BHRR special CHAIN OF SUCCESS lives on strong…..
Our patience and hers waiting for that right matched forever loving home will ensure that BHRR’s Angel Noelle is going to go where she belongs…..
We will always be connected and if I continue to do my ‘job’ right, this transitional adoption will be one of great memories, experiences and a smooth adjustment for home and her!
I am at peace….
Thank you Filomena and Julie for being her first Angels….I sincerely wish you could have been at this hv with me. You would be so proud of her!!! So proud! The compliments on her manners and demeanour and personality were so touching.
Karen thank you again for being her transport angel to me! This incredible dog has brought so many people together!
Aaron, thank you for doing this beautiful home-visit with me!
Thank you to all of her fans, supporters, friends and more for being there for her in her darkest hour and biggest time of need and helping us raise the money needed for her emergency care!
We are truly blessed!
It was hard to get a great photo and we may try for another one later! Thanks Aaron for this lovely shot though!!


AND we are on our way! BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s, one of our honourary Giants, home-visit time for her possible approved Adoption! We will post an update as we can!
Thanks again Aaron for doing this hv with me!
Someone thinks she is going to ride shotgun!
Keep positive thoughts in mind please!


BHRR’s Porridge was at the Vet with me today as he has been really struggling in this heat with his inflammatory nasal disease (extreme heat and extreme cold are so hard on him….) and losing weight.
His heart and lungs remain so strong plus healthy…..he just cannot breathe right the IND in the extreme weather.
Sadly, he has dropped 21.12 pounds since he was last at the Vet, exactly 3 months ago. When it is harder for him to breathe, it is harder for him to eat. Now, that the weather is breaking, he is eating better…..
I bring him in every 10-12 weeks for a recheck.
He now weighs 141.90 pounds and after his episode with the food contamination back in January with food donated to our group, he had dropped over 20 pounds then and we never quite got it back up to the 178 pounds he was of lean muscled boy. He is a very tall boy, almost 41″ at the whithers. We had gotten him back up close to 165 pounds.
We made the decision with his Vet that we will increase his prednisone on the really hot days. He was getting 50 mg SID.
We discussed quality of life in depth and know that this miracle Dane that was once not expected to see past his 18 month birthday and is now almost 7.5 years is on limited quality time, especially if we hit another extreme heat or cold spell, which is inevitable in our climate.
So, tears all around for his vet and I today and, I am praying for cooler weather to stay…..
Day by day and lots of love!


BHRR’s Kaos – August 2015 by our pool deck as the evening draws near……
No matter how many years I am involved with this amazing breed, the Great Dane – almost 28 years now! – they can look so regal(other times NOT!) no matter their age.
8 weeks of age and he says a sweet good-night to all his fans!


Today’s ‘model’ session with BHRR’s Kaos, the now 8 week old Great Dane puppy with the growth plate fracture and also suspected damage to his meniscus.

He has had a small float in the pool, ‘stole’ Salt’s CET Dental Chew – we purchase ours from KAH – and had a small nibble and fell asleep still nibbling….. Rather than snooze on one of the dog beds I brought out, he seems to prefer the sun warmed wooden deck.

He is now having a sweet afternoon nap on the porch by the pool with birds chirping, deer drinking from the spring fed pond, the wind rustling the leaves of the trees, and the water sounds of the pool are making his rest a sweet one.

Have to lovely a lazy hazy summer day! Even I stopped for half an hour to enjoy the fresh soft breeze and the clouds floating by…..

Sean and kids are finally back today from being away since the 25th of July, visiting his parents in N.B.

It has been a great week solo manning BHRR, busy and longer days plus nights!

AND, I missed them and I also dearly missed being with Mason to celebrate his 15th birthday on the 31st with him being away.

So, that is why there were few posts throughout the week, except for the one night!

Duty called me overtime these past 8 days with everything!

Happy long weekend from our home to all of you!! As always, may your time be filled with happiness, health and people you love!


For all those posting wanting to see more of BHRR’s Kaos, here is another one from yesterday! 8 weeks of age now.

Relaxing in the shade of a wonderful soon to be evening at BHRR by the pool.

He is such a hoot!


AND, my last post of my night! Lots of posts today!
This is a video showing how amazing our honourary giant tripod BHRR’s Angel Noelle is(Salt is doing a cameo!)….she is not treated differently than any of my four legged dogs and, she is not pitied or felt sorry for or spoiled or babied.
We have done a lot of necessary amputations over the past almost 20 years for BHRR focuses on the special needs and people really need to realise that these tripod dogs live amazing quality filled lives….
To put down a dog that could have lived many amazing years if their leg had been amputated, seems like such a shame and, while tripods are not meant for everyone…please do not think that they should have been put to sleep. You should meet them first and they will show you better than any words I could possibly say about how much they are loving life and deserve to live the best that life has to offer!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle is an extremely happy and well adjusted plus balanced young lady and, this video shows that she is more than capable on grass and sand to zip and zoom!
AND she remains under a PENDING ADOPTION with the home-visit scheduled for next Wednesday.
This is on our way back from the horse barn tonight.
LOVE this dog…and I mean LOVE! So much!
No one ever told her that she could not do something and, I am not about to start! She has proven over and over again that she is perfectly normal…..she just may have to problem solve in a different way or be resourceful, yet, she is more than capable of much!
I will post the other video tomorrow…I think I have bombed the BHRR fb page enough today! 

BHRR’s Angel Noelle with my Salt(Deaf & Visually Impaired GD) July 31st VIDEO

AND, BHRR’s Riot is now with his new forever loving ‘mom’. Proud of me and of him!

I did not even sniffle(saved that for later!) and BHRR’s Riot showed impeccable manners with no barking for attention, laid down nicely and, minded his leash manners ‘ok’ considering a stranger, yet will not be for long was walking him.

Here is a video of BHRR’s Riot and one of his bff’s forever, one of my own Great Danes ‘Salt’, one last play and a good-bye for them both……….

One must never say never and perhaps one day their paths shall cross again….we can always hope.

Both of them have the same ‘mental/emotional’ age right now!

Already so much more quiet and calm at home and missing the big excitement known as BHRR’s Riot! Dogs like him make people better owners, trainers and behavioural experts and thank you Riot for letting me experience and learn from all your gifts during your time with us.

BHRR’s Riot with my Salt(Deaf & Visually Impaired GD) VIDEO

Tired of Baby BHRR’s Kaos pics yet?
He is now all crashed out amongst his three stuffies and also Salts’!
NOT YET AVAILABLE for Adoption to all those emailing and pming.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

He has been to both KAH and LAH already to date and is back at LAH on the 7th of August.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $887.90
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket
Tracy/Shawna – 2 x Large Stuffies


BHRR’s Kaos, everyone’s fav wee ‘gimpy’ Great Dane puppy! He is now 8 weeks old and we are back to the Vets next week for a progress visit and exam.
He has great days( is almost 100% house broken already also!) and has not so good days (his Tramadol dose has been increased for his comfort and remains on the NSAIDs) and this was his face when I asked him if he wanted to have another float in the pool! His fur is still wet from his first dip in…..
I have carried him into the pool three times over the last three days and, he will fall asleep in my arms just being held……relaxed and soothed to nap…..
He is such a delight…feisty to the core!!
That is Salt beside him, close friends…..yet, they are not allowed to play…..Kaos is on strict rest….


AND we are on our way……..shortly!
Today is the day, BHRR’s Riot goes to his new forever loving adoptive home!
Another BIG, and I mean BIG personality that shall be dearly missed.
This once catatonic terrified anorexic boy is no more! Social vocal playful goofy puppy brain all the way for him!!
Going to miss you BHRR’s Riot. I am going to miss your big amazing heart that gets bigger every day and, your zest for life, the way you cross your front legs and can appear to be so regal(yet, we all know the real goober you actually are!), your ‘telling me off’ if I am too slow making your food, your bouncing, and prancing(gosh, you have gorgeous movement – you practically float across the ground), your willing to take a mile with anyone who does not make you mind your manners as they are laughing too hard at your antics.
I am going to miss your always so happy, affectionate, never a half measure type of guy attitude towards life.
May you continue to flourish and blossom in the direction you need to go and, may your gorgeous spirit never be broken – just harnessed in the right ways!
Love you, adore you and yup, the tears are going to flow……
BHRR’s Riot is the fourth of my fosters to be adopted in July and each one has left their own inspirational heart-warming stamp upon my heart and soul………


Here are the x-rays that I am LONG overdue posting from when BHRR’s Angel Noelle went to KAH on an emergency basis back in April 2015.

April 15th, 2015

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UPDATE: BHRR’s Raven, our puppymill GD mama has been with us for a little over 2 weeks now and was scheduled today for her mammary biopsies and spay.
Unfortunately, yesterday she began to have some sniffles and a bit of a clear nasal discharge……knowing that coming from this pound environment into our home, she has been exposed to KC, we are going to play it safe and, reschedule.
While these surgeries are extremely important for her to have, we want to do what is in her best interest and also in the interest of all other dogs visiting the Hospital today.
So, we are going to postpone her surgeries at this time…..
We need to think health and safety first for all……..

BHRR’s Angel Noelle, one of our amazing tripods plus honourary Giants is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep her in your best thoughts!
We will update as we can…..

This shall also be a transitional adoption with how bonded, loyal and strongly so, this amazing wee honourary giant is to me.
She is so much better wih going with others and I have different handlers on her at each public awareness event plus she has had her special picnic play dates….

She bonded fiercely as per her breedx’s and her individual temperament. I was the first big true kindness that she knew and she rewarded me with trust, her heart and would lay her life down for me.
I never once felt sorry for h
er or pitied her. She was never spoiled or babied. 
When it is her time to be adopted, my heart will rip out with so much happiness for her and I will bawl like a baby in private as I adore her, respect her and am inspired by her.

Today, we have two BHRR doggies on their special overnight dates this afternoon!
Our remaining wonderful Lion King Pumbaa and BHRR’s Kaden, two of our Haven Dogs!
BHRR’s Kaden is leap years away from when he first arrived and this is a huge step for him…..very proud of him!!!
He is an extremely nervous and shy Dane, in new situations, around strangers plus crowds yet a total goof-ball to all those in his tight trusted circle of set-up for success. This will be a good experience for him………
Love both of these dogs……

The Lion King, Pumbaa on his date!!! Isn’t handsome!

11217993_10153077194172993_5044941465003260115_o 11796204_882312291835603_4353025171818780469_n

BHRR’s Kaos(7 weeks) snuggling in for a nap with one of my own Great Danes, ‘Salt'(13 weeks) after dinner……
Now that we have added Tramadol to his comfort level regime in addition to the NSAIDs, he is resting and eating so much better.
July 24th, 2015


My last post of my night…..cuteness factor for today!
BHRR’s Bell with my Salt(now 13 weeks) both incredible special needs Great Danes
BHRR’s Bell is NOT YET AVAILABLE for adoption.


Everyone’s fav wee ‘gimp’ Dane pup, BHRR’s Kaos was at his first consult tonight.
He weighed 5.5 kgs(12.1 pounds) and turned 7 weeks old today.

Always a big hit wherever he goes! On the way home through the Timmie’s in Kemptville, all the staff had to look out the drive-through window to ooooooohh and awwwww as he slept secure in the back seat.

We are heading back August 7th to keep close tabs on that leg. His Vet was feeling and hearing clicking in the right knee and is wondering about meniscus damage. Something he feels that arthroscopic surgery could readily fix once he is older.

There is definite swelling in the knee area and some discomfort upon examination yet seemed more bothered(insert Kaos being impatient!) with the exam/manipulation on the left side.

He does favour the leg and almost ‘shoots’ it our sideways when he walks.
The Vet said that out of all the possible growth plate fractures, this would be the ‘best’ to have and we are going to re-evaluate and re-assess his growth, that leg, his comfort level in 2+ weeks and repeat x-Rays to continue to get a better idea of where we should head for that leg.

The Vet agrees with this being a giant breed puppy there is much to bear in mind for his future quality of life with that leg and as he is now just turned 7 weeks, we will closely monitor and re-visit on August 7th. Love our Vets! They listen to all of my questions and concerns with patience plus understanding, they appreciate and trust my own knowledge and experience with almost 28 years rescuing, rehabbing and owning Giants and work with us with their wonderful compassion and expertise. Our Vet teams are solid gold with the high quality in standard of care provided to each animal in our programs. Thank you to all of our Vets at several great Hospitals in the community that make miracles possible for so many of our dogs as we strongly focus on the special needs.

At this time, he says BHRR’s Kaos is doing really well.

I also had his eyes looked at for when we picked him up last Friday, one eye had stains on his fur more than the other and, the Vet believes he could have had some conjunctivitis. His third eyelids etc., look good.

I did his nails and, I also discussed the diarrhoea he is having and could be the Panacur, could be coccidia(very liquid poops) and/or could be the Metacam.

We are going to proactively treat just in case and, continue NSAIDs. His Vet said we could also add Tramadol if needed for comfort.

Lots of compliments on what a nice boy and he pottied before we went in and pottied outside after we left! What a big boy!!

AND this photo was taken as I was paying the bill…..being adorable is a tough job and exhausting!!

We shall continue to post updates as we can and, he will not be vaccinated until he is a bit older. He is only 7 weeks right now….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $700.02
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Small Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Large Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket


Everyone’s fav wee ‘gimpy’ GD puppy, BHRR’s Kaos(6 weeks old) was deeply spoiled today!
NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and shall not be for a long time.

Thank you to the lovely sweet angel that donated a leash(for when he is older, we will use a collar and leash) and an extra leash for BHRR PLUS his very own big stuffie to snuggle with!

Thank you to the beautiful angel that donated the fleece blanket they won in our annual 8th annual KAH/BHRR silent auction as part of a lovely basket! It means a lot to me as that basket was put together by a friend and now former staff member at KAH!

AND, that same special angel donated a sizeable extremely generous donation that we are going to split between BHRR’s Raven, our puppymill momma who is having her surgeries next week and for BHRR’s Kaos and his future Vet Bills!

AND thanks to another generous and full of heart angel that donated items to BHRR that they had when their own beloved dog passed away recently…..we feel privileged….your Molly was such a wonderful girl.

The village of BHRR is so strong and mighty, even though we are such a small group!
We are blessed and honoured to have such Angels walk amongst us…..thank you!

This photo was taken of BHRR’s Kaos July 18th, 2015.

He has a Vet appointment tomorrow night and I shall update after that.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $227.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $376.91
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Stuffie
Megan – Leash, Stuffie
Karen – + Fleece Blanket


BHRR’s Hercules – one of our gorgeous Blue GD’s!
Has his own very special announcement to make!
He did it! He did it! He did it!
After overcoming a terrible past that included him having to lose close to 50 pounds plus having to have his right front leg amputated, he is ready to say he is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!
Thank you Liz for this great photo taken July 9th and all the others that I will add to his blog. You are so talented!
Thank you Aaron for the incredible testimonial on him from you handling him at our recent 8th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Fundraiser! I shall also add that to his blog!
He is a WOW dog….just a WOW dog and, his future is as bright and happy and wonderful as his personality plus temperament are!
WTG Hercules!
Thank you Tammie for sending him to us…..it was a real treat and honour having him at BHRR!
Thank you Karen Starkie for the transport assistance as always!
To all of his angel village and community, THANK you for being there for him, helping us with donations of comfort, words of encouragement plus support AND the financial support that makes us still well up!

He taught SO many a valuable important lesson or two at our annual event….he is not ‘handicapped’, he is not be be felt sorry for, he is more than capable of having a perfectly normal happy healthy life and it is even more happy now that he is free of the chronic pain he had to live with for an extremely long time with that untreated broken leg plus being horrifically obese….AND he taught people that he deserves to live…..that is is no less worthy than any other dog that needed assistance.
BHRR’s Angel Noelle and BHRR’s Potter teach many people those same lessons as have all the other tripods before them!

He cannot go to a home that does a lot of pavement walking. He is great on grass and sand for short distances and self-regulates when he wishes to rest. He is active and fit.
A bungalow or a home with very few stairs is required. We are a bungalow built into a hill and live on a grass and sand foundation.
He is great with kids (no children under 8 is our preference for him though), all other dogs of all sizes(have photo’s from our July 12th event even with a senior yorkie), cats he is still a wee bit fascinated with.
He is fine in a home as the only dog or a right matched personality fit dog already in the home is equally fine.
A home that is not going to ‘baby’ him or feel sorry for him.
He needs structure, obedience, routine, consistency and not just love.
We do not adopt to homes that are away daily for lengthy hours. We understand people need to work in order to provide for their families and pay bills.
A quieter home for him, not an crazy busy active home.
He likes laying in the grass in the shade watching the other dogs play and, enjoys watching all the life around him….
He loves car rides, cottage life, visiting people as he is uber social and a home that is going to keep giving him all these amazing experiences plus memories that were denied him prior to rescue. PV Stittsville is one of his fav places, he likes their attention and treats! grin emoticon

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BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug has his next announcement to make!!
He is now ADOPTED!!!
July 20th, 2015
Congrats to his forever loving adoptive home! They were the same home that was going to temp foster him to then possibly adopt once he was ready yet, he is ready to be adopted and they are ready to adopt!!
Gosh, the tears of such happiness and also some sadness today at KAH for he and I have taken a beautiful incredible journey with this truly one of a kind special Dane and, he is outstanding!!
Thank you Herbie for every gift and lesson you have given me since you came into my home and heart back in February 2015!
You are a treasure and so many love you!
Congrats to you and your wonderful adoptive approved home!

The home first submitted their app in April and was waiting for the right matched Dane and, they came to our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house in June and, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug was ‘the one’.
The one person in the family did first met hi
m at our PAW event in April at PV Stittsville yet the rest family did not meet him for the first time to June. They have now met him several times including at the required home-visit.
So it may seem fast for some yet, guaranteed for this home having to wait until he was healthy since he first came on their radar – three months ago- seemed like an eternity to them. wink emoticon

This is our 4th approved adoption in July for BHRR.


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug wants to make his next announcement!!
He is now under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Thanks Lesley for this fabu photo!


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Lovebug did it!!! He has a very special announcement to make!
He has made an incredible recovery from severe generalised mange and emaciation in such a short time!! We have had him since February.
He now weighs 48.7 kgs(107.14 pounds) as of today and that means that he has put on 38.50 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR!
His latest skin scraping today was also negative and you did it sweet boy!! I am so proud of you!!!
I had some prof photo’s taken of him for when he made this announcement yet, they have not arrived, so this one from today shall have to do.
This boy is going to make many cry when it is his turn to be adopted!
Thank you Tammie again for asking us to help and to Karen for helping to transport him closer to me for BHRR to successfully rehab for adoption!!


He has a name! BHRR’s Kaos is his name!
Tracy thanks for the extra hands today @ Doogie’s! He does not like his crate rest yet, is being a trooper.
Photo taken at Doogie’s today.
Ortho consults coming up this week for him and that leg.


Got him!! Needs a name.
Thank you Karen for meeting me for your auction item and loving on him for a bit! Liam also.
I do not think she wanted to let him go!
Now for the busy long drive home! He is quite active and vocal!
We will take/send all reports plus x-rays to his two ortho consults next week yet, the initial thoughts from discussion are possible amputation with this being a giant puppy……..something we are very experienced at BHRR in rehabbing
We will do what is in his best interest plus recommended by the experts. As always, for any dog under our care.
Thank you Annie for contacting BHRR and thank you Melanie for being his angel!
*Edited the above post as there seems to be some conflicting information that was imparted our way.


I am on my way to Montreal! I shall update when I can and for those wondering ‘who’ I am picking up, it is this 6 week old cutie Dane pup. Yes, just 6 weeks. This Byber Breeder will sell puppies as young as 4 weeks.
I was approached yesterday re: him and we mobilised fast. He was suspected as having a fractured knee, then septic arthritis and after seeing the ortho specialist this am, looks like a growth plate fracture.
He was on IV antibiotics and, I have an appointment already set-up with one of the ortho specialists we work with to re-evaluate and determine what is in his best interest.
Growth plate fractures can be nasty things, especially in a giant.
This is why I wanted a travel buddy…..to snuggle him while I drove!


On Thursday July 16th, I received an urgent request to assist a 6 week old GD that was originally suspected as having a fractured knee, then it was suspected that he could have septic arthritis and, we stepped up without hesitation to assist as the special needs are our focus/specialty and, I paid personally for his Vet Bills at one Hospital, $249.43. He had been brought in to be put to sleep.

His Vet bill at another Vet Hospital was $127.48 and it was covered by a staff member at that Hospital. They had originally mentioned that there it would be a free consult and, in the end the bill was thoughtfully greatly discounted.

I mobilized fast to pick him up on the 17th.

We were also told that the Breeder of this puppy tends to sell the pups at 4 weeks of age. 🙁

Appears that this suspected knee fracture was being ruled out and that the possible septic arthritis was not likely (though we went home with antibiotics). Cytology, we had been told had been done on both knees and, we have that report also. Per one report below:

“Forte suspicion d’une ancienne fracture du tibia proximal SH en cours de guérison”

Considérant l’examen clinique d’aujourd’hui, une arthrite septique est peu probable et les
radiographies laissent suspectées davantage une ancienne fracture physaire (SH par
compression ou type 2). Nous avons une impression de début de difformité angulaire du tibia
proximal qui pourrait être compatible avec une ancienne fracture de physe. Cette difformité sera
à suivre dans le temps et pourrait s’empirer. Une arthrocenthèse pourrait être réalisée pour
exclure la possibilité d’une arthrite septique même si peu probable. Afin de ne prendre aucune
chance, il st recommandée d’administrer du Clavaseptin pour les 2 à 4 prochaines semaines en
fonction de son évolution clinique si aucune arthrocentèse n’est réalisée.

We have two wonderful ortho Vets that we deal with in Ontario and he has an appointment with the first one on Wednesday night and an email with everything to date sent our way has been forwarded on to both Vets that we would to have their expert input. Two other Vets have reviewed all reports and x-rays done to date also. These are the Vets that he is going to see on a regular basis and, it is important for them to have all that we have received to date…..

We shall see what the Vets feel is to be in his best interest with him being a giant breed puppy.

As with any BHRR dog, he will not lack for the high standard of proper proactive and preventative Vet Care that the BHRR doggies all receive. He already has an amazing Vet team on his side! 🙂


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Kaos under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

OR to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 over the phone or in person. He also has a file set-up there.

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Kaos’ Great Angels:  $127.48 donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $376.91
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – Collar, Stuffie,

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Here is a testimonial sent our way of BHRR’s Salem! Thank you Maracle Family.

“My family and I have been blessed with no less than four opportunities to spend some significant time with this wonderful lady. When I first got aquatinted with her at an event in April 2015, I could not believe that Salem had been labelled in the past as aggressive. This gorgeous female was so timid that she would just sit down suddenly if she was spooked or nervous. As the day went on and we won her trust, it became obvious that Salem has a wonderful personality and a lot of love to give. She was very curious with the children who approached her and patiently waited for them to pet her. While she may have been unsure about new people, Salem did not hesitate to take a treat or two from a strange hand. If someone ran out of treats or were not quick enough, Salem attempted to give them a paw in hopes of being rewarded. When she came to our home for a special visit in June 2015, I was amazed at how much confidence Salem had found. Gone was the shy girl who wanted to just lay in a corner quietly and in her place was a lovely lady who went looking for attention. She quite enjoyed my daughters and my wife and there were several times when she was content to offer her belly for some rubs. I would also consider this lady a bit smarter than your average dog. It took her all of five minutes to figure out if you stepped on the garbage can pedal, the lid would open and she never forgot that no matter where we moved the can. We were also very blessed to watch her play with our little pug mix. When Gwennie came to pick her up, Salem was so happy to see her that she broke into full play mode in our backyard. She would play bow, chase and play tag with our pug mix, who was not afraid of Salem at all. Watching the two of them interact made it even harder for me to understand how this wonderful dog could be labelled aggressive. I hope there is a forever home out there who will give this girl a chance.”

AND here is another photo’ from her special picnic play date that was on June 24th and one more from her professional photo shoot on July 9th!

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My last post of my night……I know many are wishing to have updates on BHRR’s Raven and BHRR’s Bell, the two newest additions to BHRR.

BHRR’s Raven(puppmill mama) has her Vet appointment on Thursday to address her mammary issues and to get a thorough exam, Accuplex and pre-op bw etc. Will update more afterwards…Thank you Elizabeth for the collar, leash and bone for her!

BHRR’s Bell(DEAF/Visually Impaired) – photo taken just now. Collar is generous compliments of Elizabeth as well. She bought two for BHRR’s Raven and was gracious to allow us to use it for BHRR’s Bell, our latest special needs to BHRR.

She is settling in slowly yet well. She is eating and drinking well and has not yet proven housebroken and we are working on it.
She is warming up bit by bit and now looks for me and will even seek me out. She is very nervous and flighty about her face and LOVES her butt and and back end sides rubbed.

She is looking me more at my face and eyes and I am encouraging her that it is ‘ok’. She knows little in sign language and we are working on signs and touch training for now. Scent training shall come along with lights – turning on and off our lights – plus vibration training – NOT vibration collars – using the door and floors to communicate.

She loves stuffies and will fetch them and play with them YET is a big resourcer at this time. She also will resource over the communal water bowls. We are working on ‘manners.’
She is excellent in her crate and has been fully integrated with everyone.

She has begun to slowly play with a few of the other dogs – BHRR’s Raven – who really is a baby herself – maybe 18 months now that I am assessing her deeper with her arrival – has rally built up her confidence plus comfort level. NOT sure if that is a great thing as BHRR’s Raven is just as I thought she would be….a mini BHRR’s Dana(RIP) and no surprise that BHRR’s Ivy is a bff already! Someone help me! LOL

She can play rough and get a bit ‘lost’ and become rough and, so we are working on gentle and stopping things before she flattens Salt for example.

She is becoming more and more bonded to me…BHRR’s Raven is another shadow for me now…much to BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s disgust! LOL

BHRR’s Bell makes the smallest, cutest sounds when wanting to play and how she gets on the couch – yes, HQD has been busy herself! – she backs up, puts one leg on, then the other back leg and then next thing you know she is sitting straight up! LOL

There is no reason at this time to think that she cannot be adoptable…yet, she has much to learn, startle reflex included before that day comes and, watching her begin to enjoy life and be happy is really a gift……

Good night from BHRR to all of our friends, family and fans!

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BHRR’s Riot has moved to an ADOPTED status!
Our third approved adoption over the last 8 days. Wonderful!! 
He shall be going to his right matched forever loving home at the end of the month as the home gets ready for his arrival.
Thank you SO much Bruce for helping to do this hv with me!
Thank you again Tammie for this amazing Dane and thank you Karen again for helping to transport to BHRR for us to successfully rehab and then adopt to that right matched forever loving home!
This once catatonic terrified Great Dane is no longer!!! 
Congrats to all! He is going to be a huge personality missed in our home!! Incredible dog……nothing is half measure for this handsome blue Great Dane. Lives life to the fullest!! He is so affectionate, playful and even a bit of a monkey!


AND we are on our way!
To BHRR’s Riot’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption! 
Keep all in your best wishes!
Will update as we can!


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug is now on his special picnic play date! 
I took this picture just as we arrived for his date and parked…..he loves his head out the window….so rolled it down, and then snapped his wonderful mug! 
His date came all the way up from Oshawa to have this wonderful afternoon with him!!
His next vet appointment is July 20th and if that skin scraping is negative also, he can have his booster and then go to his approved temp foster family!


BHRR’s Angel Noelle had an AMAZING time at our annual KAH/BHRR event today!!! She ROCKED it!


Here are two more photo’s of BHRR’s Hercules from July 12th!

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BHRR’s Hercules had a GREAT day at our 8th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Fundraiser! A fabu day!
Here is a testimonial of his human ‘handler’ for that day. 🙂

Hi Gwen:

Here is my blurb for Herc. I really fell in love with this guy.



“I was a little surprised and a bit nervous when I was told that I would be partnered with Hercules at the July 2015 Nail Trip and BBQ event in Kanata. I was worried about what I would have to do to make sure this three legged fellow would be comfortable for the day. Would I have to avoid the pavement? Would I have to make sure he rested regularly to ease the burden on his remaining legs? How hard would it be for him to navigate tight spaces? Those concerns vanished after about five minutes of handling this strong and social boy. Right from the time I met him, Hercules’ attitude was “let’s meet new people and explore”. I did not get much time to sit for the first few hours of the event as Hercules was intent on seeing every display and every person there. Any cluttered or tight spaces he encountered were not a problem for Hercules as he navigated them with ease and grace. Another foolishly thought I had was that with only three legs, Hercules would not be as strong or energetic as most Danes his size. That thought went out the window when he nearly blew me off my feet to go see someone he knew who had called him. I wasn’t expecting him to show such power and that is when I started to call him “Mr. Hercules” because he had earned my respect. This guy is also quite the charmer. Hercules quickly discovered that the ladies in one tent had treats and made an hourly visit to them like clockwork to get a snack and lots of attention. His attitude and looks melted their hearts and I think he knew it. I could tell Hercules was enjoying the social interaction because of his tail. The only times it stopped wagging was when he laid down for the occasional rest in the sun and even then, Hercules wagged it a bit. I was very impressed with his social skills and he was wonderful with everyone he met, especially small children. I watched a small four year old girl approach him and stop a few steps away from him. Hercules got up, wandered over and sat down with his head resting over the little girl’s head. I helped her pet the big fellow and I could tell both of them were very happy with the result. I was also impressed about his reaction to other dogs that were vocal towards him. A few times, some of the smaller dogs who had come to visit the event barked at him because he had wandered too close to their owner or one of the kiddie pools that the smaller dog was in. Mr. Hercules merely paused and moved on without a hint of retaliatory bark or action. The only time I heard him grumble was if another dog rolled into him while he was lying down. It was a short, low “push off, please” grumble that let the other dog know that Mr. Hercules was trying to relax. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience with this fellow. Strong, social and energetic, Hercules has the patience of a saint and has this special kind of charm that can win anyone over. I found it really hard to leave this fellow at the end of the day and it broke my heart to have to load him up for his ride back to Birch Haven because I have become quite fond of this wonderful, amazing guy.”

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BHRR’s Kricket is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. The home that was scheduled to have their home-visit on Wednesday July 15th to see if this was a right matched personality fit to approve for a possible adoption, sent us an email today asking us to close their application due to an ill family member. We wish them all the best.

I GOT her! We are going to call her BHRR’s Raven and, she has a very sad story…..
She is a puppymiller dog, dumped while still nursing a litter and her body is a terrible documentation of her past.
I am not sure pictures are going to really show her poor body with the many litters she has had and she is more like 2-3 years of age – will get a better idea soon.
She also has concerning mammary growths.
She also needs more weight…..
I was a bit shocked for how bad she looks and so was her Rescuer Rose for what was imparted her way to me is not what is the case. Even more reason why I am so happy she is with us……
I will have her into KAH ASAP for exam, biospsies etc……I have to be honest, I am worried….
This photo is of Rose and ‘Raven’ – and, I am not one for Danes jumping on people yet, as we were getting ready to say good-bye, she jumped up and kissed Rose and both Rose and I agree that we feel ‘Raven’ was thanking Rose for saving her…..
She is going to need a collar(she is in a choke right now) and a dog bed to call her own and we will make it happen for her!
Her eyes are the most incredible shade of amber and so soft and sweet…..
Welcome to BHRR BBBBB!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Raven’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Raven’s Great Angels:  $* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $
*Before PayPal fees
Elizabeth – 2 x Collars

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On Friday July 10th, we received notification that a GD was in need, ~1 and ~100 pounds. No questions asked, we stepped up to assist. ETA to BHRR Saturday July 11th, 2015

We then received a separate email to say that she was timid and great with other dogs.

5996_ORI Great Dane 1 yr female unaltered 100 lbs SURRENDER

Here are some professional photo’s that I had taken of BHRR’s Salem on July 9th to hopefully help that right matched forever loving home find her. She is such a gorgeous girl…….I was never able to capture her beauty as it always should have been captured……Thank Liz!!

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HERE is the poster! To our 8th Annual KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser being hosted at Kanata Animal Hospital on Sunday July 12th from 8 AM – 4 PM.
*No Appointments necessary
*Dogs/Cats need to be minimally 8 weeks to be microchipped
*Bake table
*Silent Auction
*Face-Painting & MORE!

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Got her!!! Skittish and 100% lovely……
She is stressed, panting a lot and, will need socialization, training and more handling.
We are calling her BHRR’s Bell – she makes this very tiny sweet ‘bell’ sound.

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Margaret and I are on the road later today to pick up this beautiful young lady – She is deaf and visually impaired. She is 3 years of age.
We have been working on her rescue since June 21st and, our hearts go out to her Owner as she is battling cancer and, has been trying for a year to find a spot for her beloved Dane.
It was brought to our attention(thanks Julie!) as we are experts not only with Danes yet with the special needs(I own three deaf/visually impaired Danes myself) and, without hesitation we stepped up to be there for the Owner during what is an extremely difficult time.
We shall update as we can……..


LOVE this photo!
BHRR’s Griffin discovered an extremely handsome dude in the side mirror!
So handsome, he had to get closer for a better look!
He is a wonderful big personality filled boy!
It is dogs like Griffin that truly make me a better Rescuer, trainer, behavioural expert and even owner of my own dogs! He is 100% awesome!


So, we are on our way home from a special secret mission today!!

Back tomorrow with three more BHRR doggies for their own secret mission!

One of them has been waiting so patiently to make their special announcement and a big thanks to extend and, cannot wait!

This photo is of BHRR’s Griffin who has decided that riding shotgun in my front seat is the best ever! He was not happy to be relegated back to the back seat and tethered safely.

AND, he has proven yet again that under the right guidance and expert hands, he is a model canine. He did a bit of negative seeking attention behaviour when I first pulled up, I advised all involved to please ignore him and, he stopped.

He does not like being passively ignored and then to get your attention, he will begin to do appropriate displays of behaviour and, literally is mush in your hands. He was even sitting and laying down plus staying on command with one of the people there, someone that was a complete stranger to him. He is rewarded hugely for all the right reasons….and he responds!

The problem comes, just as it happened at the Open House, that people give him the wrong type and kind of attention, further enabling him and then, in trying to correct him, make him fearful.

He is a bit of a bully in some ways yet, a fearful young man mostly inside and, he is making leaps and bounds and, our hardest challenge remains in his rehab program is to get people to ‘listen’. AND, as long as people react and act in the wrong way – Give treats when he barks, talking to him when he barks, getting physical with correction on collar grabbing – he is going to remain with us in our rehab program.

We are not going to set him up for failure and, today was a perfect example of how outstanding this young dog is…..in the right hands, stellar! Absolutely, fabu.

AND, so we are going to keep working on increasing his circle of success and, when he is ready he will make his own special announcement. He runs hot and cold depending on who is interacting with him and, we just need more people to get with his program and, slowly it is happening! More and more people we see on the streets, out and about are helping to build him up correctly and reinforce all the right behaviours!

Yay! So grateful to the two Elizabeth’s today that helped make him shine like the amazing dog he truly is. Thank you!


BHRR’s Victory has been ADOPTED! Photo’s shall never do this gorgeous blue GD justice!
I liked this photo best!
She will go to their home on Friday July 10th which gives the home a few more days to get ready and it shall be the weekend.
Another home that fell in love with her at our latest BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’
Julie/Ben – I held on to that gorgeous leash(never used it, wanted to give it to the home that was the right matched forever loving fit) you gave to her as a gift and have passed it along to her new forever loving home.
This is such a superb dog and, full of personality and, another massive hole that shall be left in our hearts plus homes!
Thanks Tammie immensely for entrusting her to our care and thanks again Karen for helping to get her to BHRR to then successfully rehab for adoption!
‘Victory’ to ‘Victory’!! Could not have picked a better name for this beauty.
I am also going to miss her something fierce yet, she is ready for this next chapter of her wonderful future!!


AND, we are on our way!
BHRR’s Victory(one of our beautiful Blue GD’s) home-visit for a possible adoption!
We will update as we can!
So many exciting announcements coming up!


BHRR’s Pearl learning to enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Like the wind in her hair!
July 5th, 2015
*NOT yet available for adoption
*She had a good experience today at the home-visit for BHRR’s Jersey’s adoption and one day BHRR’S Pearl shall be where BHRR’s Jersey is now. BHRR’s Pearl did so well coming out and having more helping hands show her love and care plus kindness….in time, when she is ready, she will make her own special announcement. For now, her rehab is coming along nicely!
Both Danes came to BHRR crawling on their bellies. BHRR’s Jersey is now confident, has learned to love herself, happy, bouncy, affectionate, curious, social and such a fabu special BBBBB!
BHRR’s Pearl, one day, your own inner beauty will shine to the surface and burst forth and that right matched special home shall also find you!
You are doing so well with your rehabilitation!
Proud of both BHRR beauties today!


BHRR’s Jersey, almost 7 now, one of our stunning BBBBB’s was ADOPTED today!
It was a wonderful moment yet, wow, the tears of both unbelievable incredible happiness yet also sadness (small part) as she has been such a big plus beautiful part of our family for so long!
This amazing girl did not have one application in the whole two+ years she had been waiting patiently, us too, for that right matched home to find her…..well, it only takes one application, the right one for a dog and, it came!
They fell in love with her at the BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ last Sunday and, I am so happy…..
BHRR’s Pearl did so well coming out and having more helping hands show her love and care plus kindness….in time, when she is ready, she will make her own special announcement. For now, her rehab is coming along nicely!
BHRR’s Jersey did not want to leave me yet, that is understandable and distractions aided greatly for us to leave…..was not the smoothest of exits and she saw us as they walked her by my car that I had parked way down on a side street as I am typing this update but, she will be ok….she kept pulling and turning to come to my car and I do not think it was realised that it was me in the car….that was so hard on me to just be very still and quiet and, let the person walking her figure it out….
She does not need me any longer….she is where she is suppose to be for the next chapter of her FABU life!
Love you Jersey Girl!! So much…..completely bursting with joy!

What some people have never cared to understand it was ‘never’ about us turning away homes, some of the dogs have never had one application come in. No interest, no inquiries, nothing…..
Yet, we continue to be patient and only shall we adopt to that
right matched forever loving home. smile emoticon
BHRR’s Jersey was living a grand life with us and we loved and wanted her, even if others did not. AND, now she has her special adoptive family!!
My home shall have a huge hole in it yet, we can help another Dane when we are needed. We are here regardless of age or colour or sex and love the special needs!


AND big stretch…..
We are on our way!!! BHRR’s Jersey’s home-visit for her possible approved adoption is today.
Will post an update as we can!


AND, BHRR’s Jersey, one of our lovely BBBBB’s also has a special announcement to make!
BHRR’s Jersey is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
She weighed a wonderful 103.4 pounds tonight. 47kgs yet most likely a bit more as she was bouncy, affectionate and happy! LOL
That makes four BHRR amazing dogs pending now for possible adoptions and, two more announcements hopefully to make shortly!


BHRR’s Jersey, one of our gorgeous BBBBB’s is in her way with me to get her Accuplex(Hwt and tickborne testing done for the year). We keep the dogs on preventative year long yet, we still do regular bloodwork testing. 
I am also going to get a current weight on her. She had a great BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house last Sunday.


Somone is hanging at KAH today AND is full of so much in good news that he is bursting!

BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug!

He has put on just shy of another 4 kgs and now weighs 101.64 pounds. He has now put on 33 pounds since he first arrived emaciated to BHRR.

AND…..he has now had his first démodéctic mite free skin scraping today!! Yes!!

He is healthy enough to receive his Rabies and DAPP and, in three weeks he shall repeat the skin scraping and if he is still all clear on the mange, he will be given his boosters and, be ready to make a special announcement.

The Vet has taken him off the Ivomec and he is going to have a chewable tablet of Bravecto that lasts 3 months instead as studies have proven that there is a great efficacy level for the continued treatment after the negative skin scraping. We could have kept him on the traditional method of the Ivomec yet, it tastes bad and he has been such a trooper since February when he began it.

He is off with me tonight to do a home-visit as a great experience for him and, he wants to thank Wendi for the loving when you came to KAH!

He has come so far in such a short time and his journey with me is quickly coming to a close…he is a huge fav at KAH and many of us are going to well up with the best of tears when it is his time to go to his right matched forever loving adoptive home!

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BHRR’s Kricket is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please also keep her in your best wishes and thought!
We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR’s Victory, one of our stunning blue female Great Danes has now moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep her in your best of wishes plus thoughts!
We are still processing applications and hopefully, we can make more exciting news announcements shortly!
We shall update her blog as we can.

BHRR’s Riot (Blue Male GD) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please keep him in your best wishes and thoughts!
We are hoping to announce several more great news announcements soon! 

Cute photo of the day!
BHRR’s Pearl does not look too impressed to be disturbed by a foot in the face by Salt(Deaf/Visually Impaired GD)!


BHRR’s Salem (Great Dane/Mastiff) had a good play date! The family is one that she has been developing a relationship with at our two community education plus public awareness events of 2015.

This home of BHRR Volunteers have been helping me – the goal is to get our BHRR dogs into other people’s helping hands to continue making them the best dogs they can be in balance and roundness -to bring her to the next step of comfort and balance and, I thank them for that!

She was super excited to see me and, after a goofy playful greeting(she is usually such an ‘old’ dignified soul) that almost took me off balance, she was happy to run and play a bit and even did a play bow or two with this home’s own dog.

She is such a great dog. With continued patience and understanding, this girl will continue to take on all new things in her life with more confidence and social undertaking. She is still a bit unsure in strange situations yet, she has come so far in leaps and bounds in trusting people she does not know and we are so proud of her!!! At our second public awareness event she was practically a social butterfly! Nothing phased her and she took on the day with happiness and wonder at all the fabu things the world has to offer her.

She loved the kids at this play date and, proved how smart she was by using her foot to open their garbage pail.
This girl has carved a deep trench into a huge part of my heart with her courage, her willingness to trust and her vulnerability plus her sweetness would melt even the most hardened of hearts out there!

She is a truly amazing dog inside in out in gorgeous beauty!

Thank you to the home for this photo. It is SO hard to get a proper picture of her to show off how lovely she really is. I have her scheduled for some professional photo’s in early July(the earliest I could get in) to hopefully with the combo of all her wonderful blog posts, will help that right matched personality fit adoptive home find her!

Thank you to the home for everything PLUS the donations to BHRR!! Deeply moved by your hearts!

I also learned today that being around tons of transports on the highway makes her a bit worried. I got her to focus back on the yummy knuckle bone and, she settled down well. By the time I reached the home for the play date(over an hour away), when we passed a transport, she would get up, look at it and then turn and lay back down. Wonderful!

AVAILABLE For Adoption!


Yet more wonderful testimony sent our way re: BHRR’s Victory.

“Hi Gwen,

 Thank you doesn’t feel like the right words, it doesn’t convey the deep feeling of gratitude that lingers as day turns to night.

 When we came to your Open House months back we met the lovely Victory. She chose my husband as the recepient of her affections and the two spent the afternoon on your sofa (violating the “no sofa” rules!). We talked a lot about Victory on that car ride home, and about how she displayed none of the reasons given for why she was surrendered to a shelter (supposedly aggressive, over protective and fearful of men). My husband is 6 foot 2 and Victory snuggled up to him as if she was an 8 pound lap dog!

 When the Picnic Date Auction rolled around I knew that a “date” with Victory would make my husband’s Father’s Day perfect! We bid on her, all fingers crossed…and we won the auction.

 The excitement level at our house climbed as the day with Victory grew closer and closer. Upon her arrival at our place it was clear to see Victory was excited too, makes me wonder if she remembered us!

 We took Victory immediately on a short walk around our neighbourhood so that she could get to know the 1 year old lab retriever Guide Dog puppy we are raising. It was immediately clear there would be no issues between the dogs so we brought them home to investigate the backyard.

 Both dogs took a few minutes to get familiar and began romping across the yard in a game of chase 🙂 Our lab can be a bit silly but Victory took that in stride and indulged him for a few minutes, loping across the yard after him.

 We brought both big dogs in, so that Victory could meet our tiny but mighty 8 pound Havanese. Victory barely batted an eye at her, both dogs immediately recognized that they were the older and wiser dogs compared to our lab 🙂

 Victory headed straight for the dog toys, chose the smallest one and settled onto a dog bed. She absolutely adored the attention from our 7 and 9 year old girls (and their friends!), rolling onto her back so the kids could rub her belly.

 She was ever so gentle when we gave her tiny bits of treats and walked like a dream on a leash.

 We were amazed all day by how easily she settled into a new (and busy) household, never once showing signs of stress or anxiety.

 This gorgeous Dane was the picture of a well-mannered dog…she was interested in the food we were preparing in the kitchen but never tried to take any of it, even from the kids who are eye level to her! She was respectful of our two dogs and carefully told our lab she was done playing with a quiet growl.

 We took her to our neighbourhood pet store where she immediately charmed staff and customers with her personality. We brought her home to enjoy her new smoked bone on our lawn. Gwen had cautioned me that it was a “high value item” and she would be protective of it. She enjoyed that bone and when it was time to take it away she did growl at us but quickly dropped it when we offered her a tiny treat in exchange. Listening to Gwen speak has been an education in its own right for us, dogs are dogs in the end, and we need to respect that. If I were eating my favourite meal and someone swooped in and took it away from me I would be mad, no different for dogs. We need to remember to be respectful of the signals our dogs are using to communicate with us.

 All of us flopped on our front lawn for a bit as various neighbours and friends stopped by to meet Victory. Again, as she had all day, Victory was happy to greet everyone and would quickly demonstrate what a gentle giant she was, offering full body snuggles to whomever wanted one 🙂

 Victory was VERY happy to see Gwen at the end of the day. She is such an amazing dog and SO deserving of a home (with kids!) that will adore her and appreciate this lovely girl.

 Thank you Gwen, for recognizing her potential, for rescuing her, and for sharing her with us.”

AND it is BHRR’s Salem’s turn! Special picnic play date time!!!
Dropped her off before work today and, though wanting to follow me, she was overall fairly ok settled with me leaving.
She is AVAILABLE For Adoption!
She such a superstar and has come a long way on her path to successful rehab.
Patience and, showing her loving helping hands has taught her so much about being more confident and, she is as sweet as can be!

Someone is being so brave at Kanata AH today! BHRR’s Pearl!

She is a bit lighter in weight than I would like to see, yet, nothing awful. Very lean plus muscled.

I may go back to feeding her three times a day. She was 100.1 pounds today. 

She was amazing for her Heartworm/Tickborne bloodwork. She rocked her nails also!

She is having an exam later tonight with the Vet and, then she will be up to date on everything.

Once she is more comfortable plus confident, she will be ready to make her special announcement.

There was no way when she first arrived that she would have been ok having this visit and, it shows how far she has come!!

She even was sitting plus taking treats from the staff once she settled in.

Very proud of you BHRR’s Pearl! This rehab journey with you has touched my heart deeply…….


More testimony from the home that had the special picnic play date with BHRR’s Victory:

“An email to follow…but first the pictures of our AMAZING day with the lovely Victory 🙂 “

Someone had a great special picnic play date today!! One of their lovely daughters is missing in the family photo as she left before the photo for a sleepover.
Thank you again to the home for the present of the ‘girly’ leash for her and for giving BHRR’s Victory this wonderful time!!
She is AVAILABLE for adoption!!
A gorgeous blue Great Dane.

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One Testimonial of BHRR’s Victory from her special picnic play date family!

“She is an INCREDIBLE dog, we have all fallen even more in love with her (so has her admirer Isaac). Her manners have been nothing short of lovely, she has welcomed everyone who has dropped by to take a peek at her and is now dozing away on a dog bed in the family room (all three pups are asleep, nothing short of a miracle!). Our 2 girls (7 and 9) marvel at her size but she is truly a gentle giant, takes a tiny treat ever so gently, is so nice to walk on a leash and a generally all around GREAT dog!!!”

Another Testimonial of BHRR’s Victory from this home that had the special picnic play date with her:

“Victory walked like a dream on the leash, found the puppy toy box quickly and has even had a rest on the living room floor quickly putting her belly up so that Ben could scratch it 🙂

 She has been amazing with the kids, we are keeping a very close eye on everyone, but as you said, she is a well balanced girl 🙂

 The picnic looks INCREDIBLE, thank you for making it, and trusting us with Victory.”

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Someone was dropped off for their own special picnic play date bright and early today! 
BHRR’s Victory! She is a gorgeous Blue GD and AVAILABLE For Adoption!
*Thank you to the home for this lovely photo!
Looks like she has a huge admirer in Isaac the lab!


BHRR’s Pearl wishes all a good night!
All of these renovations at BHRR are making her sooooooooooo sleepy!


Someone had an incredible special picnic play date!

Gorgeous BBBBB Abby!

Thank you to the amazing home for giving her this amazing experience.

Thank you for all the photo’s and in loving her as much as we do! AND, thank you for the lovely gift for her also!!! So sweet!

BHRR’s Abby remains Available For Adoption and here are some words from the lovely home who had the date with her yesterday……

“Abby is wonderful, gentle and affectionate. I can’t believe she is not adopted. Abby’s leash manners are fantastic, she is such a pleasure to take for a walk 🙂 ”

To demonstrate how wonderful BHRR’s Abby is with manners, their beautiful young daughter walked her to the car when I left to go home. All BHRR dogs receive extensive obedience training prior to being placed up for adoption…..we want our dogs to be assets to home plus community.

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BBBBB Abby has now been dropped off for her special picnic play date and I am jealous!
I am on my way to work and she is going to have a FABU day!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday!!


BHRR’s Liberty – 8+ years of age
June 13th, 2015

Cancer took her in the end….we managed to give her 11 weeks of quality of life and love and spoiling care…..
Was not even close enough of time to be able to show you the world how special and kind plus loving it could be.
You made a huge impression on our hearts plus souls and forever you shall live on in our memories.

You DESERVED so much more than what you were given and, we are so sorry that you came into our lives too late for us to save you in the end….. 
Photo’s when she first arrived to BHRR and the last photo is how we are going to remember her…..I am so sorry that you were neglected so horrifically.

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Someone had his recheck today!

On May 15th, BHRR’s Hercules had his leg amputation and, Dr. Liston wanted to give some areas of his amputation site a longer time for the healing process was being quite slow. When we were last in, Dr. Liston took out what staples he could and today, he felt that all remaining staples plus sutures could be removed!

He has one area – that corner with lots of scabbing yet, underneath everything looks healthy and pink per Dr. Liston!

He was an incredible patient laying down on his side while Dr. Liston removed all the sutures plus staples, part of his one big scab and, Dr. Liston also examined his other legs to see how they were doing. I had been hearing some clicking yet, Dr. Liston could elicit none and, Herc was so at ease through the whole exam…..

He was more curious as to why the people in the other room were not coming in to see him! He is so social and loving and, gives all of his heart when cuddles…..all of his body also!

We did a T4 today to see how his levels are doing since he started the thyro-tabs and, tons of compliments on his coat plus body condition. I was a bit worried as his weight was down yet, his does look great and Dr. Liston feels that fluid etc., could be responsible. He has lost over 50 pounds since he arrived to BHRR so obese.

He was given the thumbs up and had his first vaccines. We will give him boosters in about three-four weeks and, from there he should be ready to make his special announcement!

This boy is going to make me well up immensely when his right matched forever loving home finds him….he is truly one outstanding dog….incredible!

Way to go Hercules!! You have made this rehab journey with you one of honour plus privilege!

AND, thanks to all of his angels we ONLY owe $303.20 on his bill at Dr. Liston now, after I paid for today’s visit plus put down more money on his amputation bills! Almost completely paid off now!!

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $4,430.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $4,733.20
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean
McGrath Family
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue Again
PV Stittsville PAW Event

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My last post of my night is a photo of a yummy dessert being packed in the special picnic lunch that BHRR’s Abby is helping me make for the family she is having her own date with tomorrow!
Thank you to everyone that has been making our annual Fundraiser a massive success!
On Saturday June 20th, it is BHRR’s Victory’s turn!
On Sunday June 21st, it is BHRR’s Riot’s turn! s
On Tuesday, June 23rd, it is BHRR’s Salem’s turn! 


I think someone is recovering well from his neuter and is no longer feeling traumatized!
BHRR’s Griffin, you are one exceptional special one of a kind boy!
Our time together is going to be over way too soon for if he shines at our upcoming BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, he will then be making his special announcement!
He is absolutely spectacular! 
BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug also seen in the photo has had some post-op complications from his own neuter and, is on antibiotics right now.
AND, BHRR’s Angel Noelle is also in this photo – taking up as much room, if not more than the big dawgs! 


BHRR’s Griffin says now that he has a good pillow place on my GD Zero(also neutered today), we can drive home!!
HE is still not impressed with me for his de-twinkling today! 


BHRR’s Griffin had his own de-twinkling today(neuter) and, he was so good from what I was told with everyone!! Very proud of him…..
He was so happy to see me…. 
That barking for attention from strangers has been his biggest obstacle to over come. Negative seeking attention behaviours can be so difficult to modify yet, we are getting there.
So, once he heals and, after our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ coming up is over, depending on how well he does, he should be ready to make a special announcement in about three weeks!!
We are on our way home and he is none too thrilled!
He and my Zero were both neutered today.
Next week is Koffee and Ice’s(Zero’s brother) turn


AND, one BHRR’s Porridge has been dropped off for his own special play date! He has already had a staff member at the Comfort Inn come out to give him a treat, greeted many in the parking lot of the grocery store in Brockville and, all before his date even began!! 

He is going to have a super time and I am so happy that he is still with all of us to be spoiled and pampered….over 7 years young and going strong!! Miracle Boy!

Time to pick up some last minute items for the BHRR private ‘EXPERIENCE’ later today and, bake some cinn buns!

Happy sunny Sunday everyone!


Two of our fabu BBBBB’s had their special dates today!

BHRR’s Mavie and BHRR’s Ani!

They were spoiled and, both of them were given brand new collars and leashes….

Thank you so much to their Angels today that gave them this wonderful experience!

In the hands of such loving people, the BHRR dogs continue becoming that much more well rounded and balanced! Love our visitation program and special dates!

This is BHRR’s Ani! Doesn’t she look wonderful?!??

Unfortunately, she is not a great candidate for the growths with partial mandible removal and, we have a Plan B to keep giving her the best quality of life possible. The growths cannot 100% be successfully removed and, the risk is too high for her to go through a removal of part of her jaw and, the prognosis is ‘fair’ at best for survival. She is not a spring chicken either….

As needed, she will have a mild sedation to cut back the growths so she can continue to have a big quality of life.

She has put on all the weight she lost and, in fact, could actually afford to lose a pound or two and is happy, affectionate and playful!!

Tomorrow is BHRR’s Porridge’s date and the private BHRR EXPERIENCE.



My last post for tonight is on behalf of BHRR’s Griffin!
He is wishing (us too!) a most wonderful weekend of happiness, health and safety to all!
It is a busy one at BHRR….we have three special dates for three special dogs planned – BHRR’s Maverick, BHRR’s Ani and BHRR’s Porridge(his shall be small and quiet)
We also have our first of four planned private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’!
Not to mention, The Boerskins are still working like crazy busy worker bees with the final parts of our renovations for 2015 of new flooring on the main level, a new kitchen and, a wonderful tiled drinking station for dogs plus two more sides of our home will have new siding and windows…..
Great weekend wishes being sent out to all our friends, supporters plus family!
BHRR’s Griffin is exhausted just watching us work…..


BHRR’s Griffin was at the Vet tonight and weighed 72.82 pounds. He has put on almost 20 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR, 3.5 weeks ago.
He is a wonderful honorary giant of BHRR and, he had a thorough exam, did a heartworm plus tick borne panel including his pre-op blood work and, his Vet agrees he is about 8 months of age. Well less than a year yet, over 6 months.
Not the best photo yet, he is a cutie no matter what!
His vet noted the vulgrus in the one front leg and, he is not limping, sore, no heat and, we will examine further under sedation and do x-rays if his Vets feel necessary.
We were advised after he arrived that someone on his transport noted ‘swelling’ in one front leg and, it was looked at the day he arrived and, nothing has changed since then.
He was quite a good boy overall at the Vet.
He had his boosters tonight also.
Still had moments where he barked to get attention and people had to be asked not to give him treats to reward this negative seeking attention behaviour. It is a big bark on a little dude!
He made friends fast and, his leash manners are coming along! Many folks were so enraptured by his stunning markings and wire hair spread throughout his body.
He is going to be neutered next week along with one of my Texans, ‘Zero’.


BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug had his neuter today! He was slightly down in weight and, so, we may go back to three meals a day.
When he was under sedation, his Vet did a really thorough exam of both hips and knees and feels things are a thumbs up!
I was asked to monitor closely for another week and, if Herbie is still limping we will then proceed with further diagnostics.
So, good news so far. He will go back in for more skin scrapings in a few more weeks and, from there, if all is great with the resolution of the démodéctic mange, begin his vaccine protocol.
So, we know it shall be at least another 8 weeks minimum before he is going to be ready for adoption. Yet, getting closer!!
He is a big hit with all that love him!



I have been following your blog — these are lucky dogs who come under your care. Thank you for the work you do, and for sharing the stories of these amazing dogs.

Speedy recovery wishes for Herc!




Per Dr. Liston, there is no infection at this time. I got BHRR’s Hercules in before anything nasty truly brewed. Yay!

The first fine needle aspirate had normal results. The second fine needle aspirate – you can see in the first photo posted below the small trickle of blood where they both were taken – showed a slightly higher than normal white blood cell count yet, per Dr. Liston was still not at the infection stage.

In his expert opinion, the redness/purple colour(there is no heat and is not hard etc.) is lots of bruising that has happened as BHRR’s Hercules has been healing and naturally moving and, the seroma in that area is now draining again.

Dr. Liston recommended to wrap up that area again for the next two days to help provide some support.

As BHRR’s Hercules finished up his antibiotics on Monday, and, it was after that, when his incision site began to then worsen, Dr. Liston would like to see him back on antibiotics for the next ten days.

Dr. Liston also removed what staples he could, yet, as Hercules is healing so slowly, he is leaving the rest of the staples plus sutures in for up to another ten days. He asked me to email him photo’s to keep him updated on how things look to help determine when the rest can come out.

Dr. Liston was so pleased with how almost all of the incision site looked and, mentioned more than once how amazing and what a good boy Hercules was. I did not even have to hold him while the staples were being removed. All of Dr. Listons’ staff made a point of visiting him today!

There was another area – in the corner that Dr. Liston expressed a mild concern over. One side was great yet, the other, being that it was a corner, was not healing as well as he would like for being 12 days post-op. He told me that this spot can be harder to heal on many front leg amputations, and, with all the amputations we have done on the front to date, I have been blessed that they have done so well!

He is worried that everything in that area if not careful and, he removed the staples too soon, the incision would rip open like thin paper. I have actually seen this once in the past at a place I worked, when sutures and staples had been removed – everything appeared to the Vet staff to be healed well – and, the owner came back half an hour later and the whole incision site was completely open. So, I do understand what Dr. Liston is referring to and, why even if we are now day 12, that he wants to wait another ten days (unless the healing comes sooner) before removing any other staples or sutures.

AND, I want to send out the biggest thanks to BHRR’s Hercules two newest Angels – Darcie and Judy! We had a total of $70 in new donations come in today for his Vet Bills!! Thank you both!!!

In the photo – the one side of his cone came loose and, opened up – so, it is hanging down….all fixed now!

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $1,520.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,790.53
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean
McGrath Family

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BHRR’s Hercules and I are hanging at Liston Animal Hospital with their great staff!
Unfortunately, one part of his amputation site began to take a sudden turn for the worse and I brought him in. We are now 12 days post leg amputation.

Not the best pictures….

He is eating and drinking well, no vomiting or diarrhea and his personality remains full and happy!

Dr. Liston took his temperature and, no fever. He is doing some needle biospsies plus a thorough exam.

If anyone may still consider his cause – his total vet bills are over $3,700 at this time – you can donate directly to his amputation and post-op bills at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966. He is an incredible dog that has overcome so much in his neglected life prior to Rescue!

We will take donations via email transfer and PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org also.

Will update with Dr. Liston’s findings and treatment as soon as we can. Please keep him in your best wishes…..

Love this dog so very much!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $1,425.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.
Community Education & Public Awareness Event at PV Hazeldean

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I think BHRR’s Porridge has settled in nicely for his special overnight picnic play date!
Thanks to his wonderful ‘date’ in sharing this photo!
His special date rented a hotel room with a king size bed for this!


BHRR’s Porridge is off for his special overnight picnic play date!
After a bit of an ‘eventful’ beginning , things should be fabu wonderful!
Have fun, do not hog the bed and, see you tomorrow BHRR’s Papaya Boy!
The photo’s below are of him drinking from the sink at KAH this AM!

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Here are two photo’s – one of BHRR’s Herbie-licious and one of BHRR’s Salem from Saturday May 24th at our community education plus public awareness event at PV Stittsville. 🙂

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My last post of the weekend is one of so many thanks being sent out to so many!

Our second community education event of 2015 was outstanding! AND, as always, none of the success of having people come out to learn not just about BHRR or meet some of our dogs, yet, being able to see more animals microchipped, having the opportunity to talk about altering, pexies, correct nutrition and proper collars for Giants, r/q breeders plus r/q rescues etc., would not have been possible without PV Hazeldean and their incredible staff! We really enjoy being at your location!

The success of the day would not have been possible without Chrissy’s assistance with the lovely poster, the Volunteers that gave up their Saturday to be there for BHRR – Margaret( our incredible treasurer at most of these events), Aaron, Cherie, Serena and, also Stephanie!

Thank you! A million thank you’s!

AND, no event could be successful without the supporters – old and new – that came out with and without pets and talked with us, shared with us and, laughed plus yup, even welled up with some tears with us!!!

Everyone together has made another strong link on the BHRR Chain Of Success happen for over $520 was raised to help BHRR’s Hercules and, the portion that Declan your donation of your allowance shall go towards BHRR’s Herbie, The Love Bug just as you wish.

Below is a photo of BHRR’s Griffin who did so well at his first event with Stephanie!

Now, I know he ‘may’ look’ big yet, let me put it into perspective.  That is part of the Herbie-licious snoozing on the red carpet also!

He weighs about 60 pounds now, is about 8 months of age and, is closer to my camera than Stephanie is. Additionally, Stephanie is a petite soul weighing just over 100 pounds herself. So, BHRR’s Griffin looks much bigger to some than he really is.

BHRR’s Herbie-licious now has to work on his distraction leash manners when being held by volunteers/strangers and, BHRR’s Salem, your second event appearance was a super star one!!

As the weekend comes to a wonderful close, thank you to everyone that stands by the work that we do with sincerity plus heart, and, is always there with a kind word, caring hands of help plus goodness for the dogs and, in making it possible for us to carry through with success in our 19th year of operation!

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BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug weighed 44.3 Kgs(97.46 pounds) today! Yippppeee! When he first arrived to BHRR, he was barely 68 pounds! WTG!

We did several skin scrapings – between toes, side, elbow and neck and ONLY half of a démodéctic mite was found! Yes! Yes!

My wonderful fellow co-workers remarked on his HAIR! OH yeah!! He has lots of hair now – still coming in on belly, sides and elbows plus between his toes BUT, yes, he has tons of glorious gorgeous hair now.

So, one more month of the ivermectin – 3 mls for now as the new dose – and, a recheck in one month with updated weights during that time to be sure, he is being dosed correctly.

We took blood for a heartworm test and, also for testing for tickborne diseases plus for his pre-op Bloodwork in prep for a de-twinkling!

With his Vet’s support and agreement, he will not begin any vaccine protocol until he is démodéctic mange free, so at least one more month before that can even be considered.

AND, they took a good close look at that back right leg again for he has limped since he arrived and, in the beginning it could have been due to all the allergies plus mange. He was in so much pain and discomfort and his feet were so raw, his whole body was.

Suspected partial cruciate at this time yet, his Vet would also like to rule out hips. He is not painful in the hips. He is uncomfortable in exam on that knee though. There is no swelling, no heat and nothing to indicate it is his Cruciate but he clearly is limping.

He will have x-days when neutered and, all the cyst like spots between his toes are gone having had antibiotic treatment. the Vet had researched that with the mites being really deep this is not impossible to have those types of cysts like marks. A biopsy was not done due to the successful resolution of them!

Getting there Love Bug! You are going to make a home an absolutely delightful addition!

He will be at PV Hazeldean with us on Saturday May 23rd from 10-4 pm for anyone who would like to experience some Herbie-licious love!

Here is another photo from Canine Water Wellness today! He kept BHRR’s Gretta company while she had her 8th session


Someone was lucky to hang out at CWW today with the lovelies while, BHRR’s Gretta had her 8th hydrotherapy session!
It is everyone’s favourite Love Bug! – Herbie-licious!
We are now on our way to KAH for his latest weight plus recheck appointment!


BHRR’s Hercules’ incision! 6 days post-amputation.
Some have asked me how many staples and sutures he has….I have not yet counted.
UPDATED: to say that I stopped counting when I reached 70 staples and 10 sutures……with each one I counted, I gave him a kiss……and, he gave me a tail thump wag. When I reached that total, I just stopped…confirms just how incredibly courageous he is…
He is doing SO well…still some drainage, very little now and, it shall be 1 week tomorrow that he had his surgery.
He is such a brave and strong boy!
Once he is ready, he will be headed to Canine Water Wellness to benefit from their expertise, talent, heart and, kindness.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $775.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.

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Bandage is now off!

Photo’s are not the best yet, incision looks really good. Really good!
Some swelling and bruising, absolutely and, we did manage to keep the bandage on to today. I was able to take a peek under yesterday and, things were fine. He does have some seroma area’s also. Not abnormal.

The photo is after we took the bandages off, picked up the towels we had on the floor and, was giving him a break before cleaning the incision area. He was such a brave boy!!! Super star patient!

He has one area where he is having quite a bit seepage and draining and, I took a small video and, sent off for two of his Vet Team to take a peek to confirm all is ok. Thumbs up!! Thank you!

Being that there was more than I have ever seen on an amputee in the past BHRR has done and knowing that he had a higher than ‘norm’ blood loss during his amputation surgery plus post-op, (hence all the packing), I want to be sure all was ok.

AND, at this time, he has had no more draining. Walked him for a bit and, that seemed to help things settle……

Edited to say: that we are back having some draining as he was laying down and got back up….

He is eating and, drinking well – his urine is a bit more concentrated than I would like to see still, taking his meds and, now wearing his fashionable lampshade for as we were taking the bandages off and cleaning him up and, then afterwards – that elastoplast tape residue is going to be around for awhile! – he was trying to lick and scratch.

He is none to impressed with me at this time!

Treats are helping make the world a ‘good place’ again though!

He has now had his pain meds for the night and, is chilling…….|

AND, we want to thank his newest angels of Heather W. and also, Wendi of Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue for the consideration of donations to his mounting Vet Bills. Truly, humbled…..as always….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $775.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.
Maggie P.
Jennifer H.

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Look who is enjoying some Vitamin D on our front lawn?!
Looking mighty fine BHRR’s Hercules! 48 hours post op amputation….
I will be removing his bandages later tonight for unfortunately the bleeding has come through the thick packing padding and Elastoplast.
I need to take a look under there and, see…..
Having lived with such terrible chronic pain for so long with the untreated broken leg, he is feeling like a million bucks in many ways!
He is doing extremely well.

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(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $730.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.

My last post for my night, is about BHRR’s Pretty Pearl! I know people have been waiting with bated breath to see her next rehab journey instalment….
Well, it is WORTH the wait…..
Here is a video of her three weeks to the day that she arrived to BHRR!
Look who is not ONLY up on my bed yet, playing with me! First time! 
She has come light years from when she first arrived and, though she still has a long journey ahead, this was a huge leap. 
Still flighty, nervous, head will come down, tail tucked up to the belly at times, hand-shy and, startles at quite a few things yet, those bricks of a strong foundation are being laid with her comfort, confidence and being able to begin to like herself and her own company!

BHRR’S Pearl VIDEO MAY 17th, 2015

This morning on my way into work at KAH, I dropped off The Lion King Pumbaa for his special picnic and overnight date! Not the best photo of the picnic that he helped me make but, a photo!
To also update all on BHRR’s Hercules, he took all of his meds like a trooper this AM, had a small bite to eat of wet food and, ate with enthusiasm and, I then left him in Sean’s more than capable hands while I left for work with Pumbaa.
Sean was going to drop him off to stay with me at the Hospital later this AM yet, Herc is doing so well. Truly, one of the best recovery post-op amputees that we have had in our 19+ history to date. May it continue for him… Absolutely, amazing how he is bouncing…..such a brave boy!
I am off to home myself now to check on him, get him to eat some more, drink something if possible also and, take his temp. He was high normal when I left this AM.
If he is a thumbs up, after myself now having been up over 24 hours straight, I am headed to la la land myself for a bit!
Hope as always, everyone is having a happy and safe enjoyable weekend!!


Big stretch, yawn and, posting a GOOD morning to all! Look who is up!
Made that good turn so far around 5 AM and, has been up and outside – wobbly bobbly as we are still weak and a bit doped plus have to figure out the three legged thing a bit better.
He did not do anything yet, he was able to stand and then sit with Sean as I cleaned up his crate for he had peed in there, which is also not uncommon.
We are now all cleaned up, and, though panting from some discomfort – more Meds coming soon his way – he is wagging his tail more to see me and, is more perky!
Oh! Hercules you make me feel so happy with how FABU you are!
I am off for a quick shower now and then, heading into work….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $730.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom
Heather W.


Midnight Update to all of the late night vampires out there!
He is resting well, a low grade fever has emerged – not abnormal – and he is being monitored closely…..infections can spring up in a blip….pulse and respiration normal and, he is hanging strong. Brave boy!
He even wagged his tail for me………..
Wishing all a restful and safe night….from myself and BHRR’s Hercules, a star patient!


BHRR’s Hercules
We are all settled in his 54″ colossal crate and, he is being so stoic. Watching his temperature closely and, understandably weak…..
Will be a long night yet, that is why I am here! For him……for whatever he needs…….
Thank you Dr. Liston and staff again for the amazing care, the donation of the blanket and, helping me get him into my car.
THANKS to Mason and Sean for helping me get him into the house – he is not mobile at all as we keep him sedated.
Now, we take it in stages….first one is 4 hours, then another 4 and, then another 4 to get to 12 hours…..
Feeling so blessed to have been entrusted with him to do right by…….
Keep him in your thoughts and, his current vet bills stand at $3,513.72

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom


I got him! So happy to touch him and, give him a smooch.
We are now on our way home. He was such a good boy per Dr. Liston.
If anyone else wishes to consider his cause, you can donate directly to his leg amputation bills at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via paypal to gwen@birchhaven.org
I will remove the bandages in three days and, I have two injections of hydromorphone for him to help him over the next 12 hours – he is still doped from his last injection at LAH so, even though he is ‘due’ for one around 6 pm, we will hold off for a bit. He had a lot of blood loss yet, pulled through well.
Dr. Liston said he is very happy with the surgery and his incision site.
Antibiotics in hand plus he can also have Deramaxx 100 mg and Tramadol 100 mg TID. We are going to make sure he is feeling no discomfort.
He has a mixture of staples(they used two boxes and ran out) and so, also sutures.
Today, is the first of a new life for you my dear sweet man…..I am so excited for what life shall bring your way.
Go Hercules!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom

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UDPATE: BHRR’s Hercules is out of surgery! It went well and, I am on my way shortly to get him……

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes and, also the consideration of donations to his bills. People can call direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966! So grateful.

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.or or via PayPal is equally fine and, deeply embraced with sincerest of appreciation……

Will post an update when I have him. It has been a long day……yet, he was in the best of hands!!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Liston Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone 613-591-0966 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: “Hercules”

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $680.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $3,513.72
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF
Nairn Again
Sally Freedom


AND, Sean is off with BHRR’s Hercules!

I almost cannot believe that the day has finally come….eagerly waiting yet, also nervous in a way…..does not matter how many needed amputations we do in our special needs programs, they all make me a bit worried until I have them home plus settled.

What a journey to date with getting him healthy – over 45 pounds lost, gorgeous muscle mass and, muscle tone gained – to the point that we can now remove that terribly affected leg…..

For those who may not remember his story, he is the handsome blue GD that we were contacted to assist that was dumped at a kill shelter, with an untreated broken leg.

He is headed to Liston Animal Hospital with Sean now for the leg amputation and, if anyone would like to donate direct to his bills – shall be in the several thousands and, deserving plus worthy of every nickel! – you can contact Liston Animal Hospital directly 613-591-0966. We continue to be deeply honored by each piece of support sent to those in need of our programs at BHRR. He has an account ‘Hercules’.

We ended up short where we hoped/wished/suppose to be on a surgical deposit yet, we are an all go.

Donations can also be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

This amputation is his only chance at having a proper quality filled life moving forward and, to all that have met this personality filled, ever so talkative sweetie, they would agree that while his past was so painful and hard, that his future is full of so much potential!!!

Please keep him in your thoughts……I spent the night having extra body slammed cuddles(he is so affectionate!!!) and, loving…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $580.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,590.53
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF

I want to take some time to show a most appreciative and deeply indebted post of thanks to Global Pet Foods – Bank Street – Fran and, her incredible staff plus the community in making their annual ‘Show Us Your Heart’ Campaign such a success!
We were contacted by Fran asking if we would be ok having BHRR chosen as the benefactors in this annual heart-warming event.
We were honoured and, all monies that would be raised – be it $5, $50 or more, would go to BHRR’s Gretta’s emergency surgery bills for her leg surgery.
When Fran contacted myself to say that the check had arrived and, what the total raised by so many angels was, I immediately burst into tears…yup….I did!
BHRR’s Gretta’s bills at that time were $4,874.09 and, we had managed with small fundraisers and donations from her village to raise: $1,078.65.
Global Pet Foods – Bank Street and, the supportive village raised: $1,600.11 in their annual Show US Your Heart Event for BHRR’s Gretta.
A grand total to date of $2,678.76 has now been raised for BHRR’s Gretta!
NONE of this would have been possible without each of you believing in our efforts AND, Fran, you and your lovely staff have equally blessed us SO much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The sad news is that BHRR’s Gretta has to go back to see Dr. Liston for, she has not recovered as well as should be expected from her surgery.
She has also had 7 Hydrotherapy sessions also and her progress of improvement has been minimal. 🙁
We will continue to update as we learn more and whatever she needs, she will receive…….
Our annual event at Kanata Animal Hospital on July 12th shall see BHRR’s Gretta benefit from monies raised to continue to help her with her mounting Vet Bills.
Please keep her in your best wishes plus thoughts……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston’s office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $2,678.76* donated to date & current bills are $5,252.90
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta
The Janzen Family
Lianne’s Neighbour
Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser – $650.65
Global Pet Foods – Bank Street – $1,600.11

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A few wonderful words from the home that shall be having a special picnic play date with BHRR’s Coco Chanel.

“We are looking forward to having Coco Chanel for a picnic date! She is such a sweet pup with no fear. You quickly forget she is vision impaired after interacting with her for a few minutes. Coach is also great and his logical reasoning amazes me!”


From Lynne:
“We drove the Sudbury to Mattawa leg and he was a great traveller but moving him from car to car was difficult. He was very frightened and I don’t think had much experience riding in cars.”

From Cheryl:
“I’ve heard from Nancy and Dan that their leg went well.”

From Lori-Anne
“Hi Lynne, I’m so glad your leg of the trip went well with that sweet “little” boy-pup, Griffin. To see his fear was so heart-wrenching, but knowing this is all contributing to a new beginning for him helped make up for it. I’ll bet he has never had so much love shown to him by so many people in one day! I’ll be looking forward to hearing that he arrives at his destination safe and sound. Be blessed today!”

From Margaret:
“Griffin is a beautiful and gentle baby.  I got a few kisses from him..  He arrived at KAH at about 2:20.  He is on his way to BHRR and more love than he can imagine.”

From Lianne:
“Meet Griffin this afternoon, we can verify he is 100% sweetie.”

From Gwen:
“Have lots of photo’s and, he came out of the car no issues at KAH. 🙂 Had a large poop and, drank a bit of water at the Hospital and, we took some time just to chill in the hospital…  

 He is a lovely mixture of a number of breeds, Schx possible. Now, an honorary giant of BHRR. 

 Thank you everyone for helping to get him to us!!! 

 Will send photo’s when we are home and settled…. “

From Rose:
“Thank you so much to everyone involved in getting GRIFFIN out of the Pound and into the arms of Gwen at Birch Haven. I just spoke with Gwen and GRIFFIN is doing wonderfully.

Have a great weekend everyone.”

From Lynne:
“Thank you so much everyone. He was so stressed this morning that I was really worried about him. Now I can relax!!
He is going to be a wonderful companion for some lucky person/family.
Thanks everyone. We did a really good thing today!!!”

From Nora:
“Hello all
While Griffin seemed apprehensive getting into my car, he laid down in the hatch and didn’t make a sound the entire way.  He poked his head up once to look around when we went over a rough patch of pavement, then went down again.  You would never know there was a dog onboard.  I talked to him enroute in what I hoped was a soothing, upbeat voice, hoping to reassure him somewhat.  The transfer went smoothly.  Griffin’s eyes are limpid pools filled with sad stories; he touched my heart.”

From Nora when the two below photo’s were forwarded onward to everyone who helped make his rescue possible:
“Delightful!  In the first pic, I can see a glimmer of hope in Griffin’s eyes.  I do love the second pic of him leaning against Margaret, which shows that in spite of his sad, young life, he is still willing to take a chance and trust, and his need for affection.  It’s heartening to see a happy ending to Griffin’s story.  Well done, all!”


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BHRR’s Ichabod Crane
~11 months of age
May 6th, 2015 lost to us…..
Another amazing Great Dane that had been affected by the contaminated food that had been sent our way in January 2015 by another group…..
The heartbreak, the continued pain has made us just raw with grief…….

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So, as I went to lay down for a bit – hard day on the heart – I am just answering some emails and, I see this pretty Harlie head and, then, a front foot, another front foot and, then I began holding my breath…..

Up came a body and, then, tentatively, a back leg and, by now, I am just staring at my phone, trying to be casual, acting normal while inside, I am like ‘OMG! OMG! WOW!’

Sean has said over the last two nights I worked that BHRR’s Pretty Pearl has been pining for me and, looking for me…..and, has been sad.

It is so good for her to be with other people without me and, when I come home, while I have been getting those low tail wags, she still keeps hovering and, floats around me for the most part, which is fine. She has only been with me less than two weeks. Rome was not built in a day!

Well, today she decided that as long as I made no big deal and, pretty much ignored her, she was climbing up on the bed to be near me.

Holy! What a gift!!

After she settled……I waited a few more minutes and, then very nonchalantly reached out a hand…..and, though, she tensed a bit, she did not fly away in fear…..

For the next few moments, though, she was not confident or comfortable to look at me, she kept an eye on me out of the corner of her eye, I stroked her soft fur……said a couple soft words of calm and, then, soaked up the moment!

I then took my hand away and just let her be……

We sat l, both almost holding our breath – for different reasons – for several seconds – and, like a flitting butterfly she was gone….

BUT, I did manage to snag a photo at one point during this extremely private leap of trust and, connection…..

Though, my heart is heavy from today, it is almost like this beautiful creature ‘knew’ and, gave me comfort this time……

All I can say is that, even after almost 28 years, interactions had with animals keep inspiring me and make me feel that something deeply special and magical happens when, there is a break through…..no matter how small….

Thanks for a moment in time I shall always cherish, BHRR’s Pearl!

Looking forward to the next life lesson and/or gift she graces me with!


BHRR’s Porridge was at the Vet with me on Monday. So, wish I had snagged a photo!
He had a recheck and, then his manicure/pedicure.
So, pleased to say that his weight is now 73.10 KGs(163.02 pounds). 
That is up from the 155.10 pounds he was on January 27th from recovering from food contamination of food sent our way on January 17th. He is still a far cry from his normal 178 lean body machine weight yet, we are slowly getting it back up. YES!
He had lost almost 22 pounds due to the food…and, the long-term effects of that contamination is still being felt with several of the BHRR dogs.
Sadly, he is developing hind end muscle wasting from the pred., yet, he needs to be on it, on 50 mg daily – yet, he needs it for his inflammatory nasal disease that he was diagnosed with in March of 2014. 
This miracle boy reached age 7 in March and, he is determined that he is going to stay with all that love him for as long as possible! 

Someone got me up WAY too early yet, it was so worth it!
Look at her tail and body plus head position now. Yes!!!!! It does not happen often, yet, to see her head no longer inches from the ground, tail no longer tucked right up to her belly, body posed in tenseness ready for flight, is lovely.
We will have more and more moments like these as time passes…..
As of this afternoon, it shall be one week since this beautiful special creature came into our lives……her progress has been absolutely heart-warming!
BHRR’s Pearl, when you look at me now, it is not with the same level of terror, confusion and fear…..you look at me with hope and, traces of the budding humbling beginnings of trust…..thank you for those gifts….
She now looks around my face area instead of complete avoidance and, I keep encouraging her, calmly, quietly and patiently……
She lacks so much in self-confidence and, has no clue how to like herself or her own company……yet, we will get there, brick by brick.
She will now put a paw on me when she feels I have been on the computer long enough and, as long as I remain casual, do not look at her, I can drop a hand down and rub her chest gently for a few seconds…..then, like a flitting butterfly she flutters away to hover around me…..
Yup, she has forged so fast her own well entrenched wonderful spot in my heart…
Happy Sunday to all!!


On May 3rd, I received the following additional information on “Griffin.” We still did/do not believe that he has any part Dane, let alone IW. 🙂 Transport organized for Saturday May 9th.

Photo’s are from April 30th.

“I think Griffin is a Great Dane / Irish Wolfhound mix.  I have appended a picture of him.  He is about 6 months, weighing about 55 lbs.”

GRIFFIN_April 30...2 GRIFFIN_April 30

All of us at BHRR would like to make this public post of the most sincerest plus filled with appreciative THANKS to two extremely generous, thoughtful, kind and, amazing homes.

Recently, we hosted our flash auction item of one of our extremely popular and, private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ to help with BHRR’s Ani’s, one of our lovely BBBBB emergency bills. She had been rushed into KAH and had Blood-work, x-rays under sedation, one mass removed and, another punctured biopsy with both being sent to pathology. 
While her results have not come back for Cancer, her diagnosis came back as:

The condition is called fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament. Basically a growth of the periodontal ligament that can also displace the teeth. Apparently the prognosis following complete resection of these is good. To get complete resection however we’re likely to require excision of some of the bone, so removal of part of her mandible. Dr. Thatcher at Alta Vista Animal Hospital is who we are being referred to.
Additionally, as she is still spitting out food, a scope of her throat with possible further biopsies is also being scheduled and, at this time, I do not know at this time, the name of that specialist that she shall see.

With the removal of the one mass, she is at least eating better. 
With having just come off an emergency with BHRR’s Angel Noelle(who is doing so well!), we did a flash auction to help raise funds for some of BHRR’s Ani’s Vet Bills.
The balance remaining(after a rescue discount and, having received most generous $50 donation at KAH) at the time of the flash auction at KAH was $699.87.

In the last few hours of what turned out to be a historical moment for BHRR, one filled with excitement, nerves( by the end I was making a cup of tea & feeling sick to my stomach!) and, so many tears, a bid war erupted.

See, BHRR is the small Organization out there. We may assist giant breed dogs and horses and focus on the special needs – and, have since 1996 – we are still small. Almost 20 years later since we first opened our doors, we remain small with our priority on quality, patience and doing it right each and every time for each animal we are entrusted with. Therefore, being small,(we also do not receive any corporate or government assistance), we do not bring in large donations of monetary funds. So, to us $5 is truly huge, $50 massive and, anything larger than that makes my hands tremble and my knees weak……

What these two homes raised with their bidding to help this beautiful dog has never happened in our 19 plus years of existence. We may not be a huge group, we may not be the most well known group out there, but, let me say, we have some of the biggest hearts and, souls in our village, to be found anywhere!!

What these two angel homes have done for BHRR’s Ani, makes me really fail at finding the right words to express my thanks…..the love shown to this once abandoned, forgotten about Dane, has been beyond special.

Between the two of them, they have guaranteed that all of her bills at KAH have been taken care of and, that her initial bills that shall be incurred at Alta Vista Animal Hospital with the specialists shall also be paid for. BHRR’s Ani has the best of wonderful safety net, financially and emotionally that surrounds her as we move forward and, THANKS to these two unbelievably kind women/homes!

I have hugged BHRR’s Ani so many times to tell her that she is not to worry, that Angels surround her and, she is so loved……..

Thank you again to these two magnificent ladies/homes for making it this happen!

Sorry for the Gwennie Novel and, our next flash auction item shall be posted shortly. BHRR’s Hercules, the sweet Great Dane, now that he is healthy is scheduled for his leg amputation on May 15th at Liston AH. We are still short for a deposit for that surgery and, hope that this item will help raise some much needed funds.

All monies when they come in(June time-frame) from the PAW month that PV Stittsville so kindly chose BHRR – and, specifically BHRR’s Hercules for – shall go towards his amputation bills also.

Posted in Ani

On April 30th, I received the following email:

“Hi Gwen

Griffin came back to the pound…the new owner just didn’t have time for him and found him too big for her place.

He is available.  It was confirmed that he is a Great Dane mix.  He does have Terrier hair on his face and feet (coarse) but otherwise he is quite the puppy….loves people and is great with other dogs.

Let me know if you’re still willing to rescue him.



We did not do an approved adoption last night.

Two members of the home were a really good match fit for BHRR’s Riot. The third member, is clearly not comfortable around dogs and, that is not in the best interest of BHRR’s Riot nor the home to consider placing a dog into that environment.

He has proven that he is cat safe for the home has three cats and, they batted at his paws, walked past him, teased him and, he was such an amazing boy! If they had wanted to play, he would have been all for it! Just needs to be gently reminded to be gentle.

Very proud of him!


My last post for ‘my’ tonight is to re-post on the BHRR’s Purse Puppies amazing Annual Vet Visit on the 30th of April!
BHRR’s Coach weighed 24.3 kgs(53.46 pounds)
BHRR’s Coco Chanel weighed 21.7 kgs(47.74 pounds)
Both received a huge wonderful thumbs up in health and, behaviour from the Vet!
Chanel amazed all with her brains and tracking skills and Coach charmed all with his soft and sweet personality.
Both doggies have had no changes with their eyes – so, great news that they do not have cataracts and, BHRR’s Coach’s heart condition also has zero changes and, so no medication required at this time still!
AND, I am so excited that both of these amazing special young dogs have picnic play dates coming up. They are as cared about by others as they are by us!
They are normal to themselves, to us and, to all that adore them! 

BHRR’s Coco Chanel is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. She came back to me one week post-adoption. Our 7th return in over 19 years of operating BHRR.
She bonded wonderfully to the female of the home, yet, the male that she had once was bonded to, she began to play ‘hard to get’ and, would then want nothing to do with him.
The Home came to our February 1st BHRR “EXPERIENCE” and, could see that she was the same BHRR’s Chanel as always.  She did have a minor moment of wanting to bark at the male adult and, that was nipped in the bud by Sean.
We had done a very careful transition adoption and, worked to try and ensure that she would bond equally to the female in the home, she loved the kids and, not just bond to the male adult. For that was her initial attraction.
BHRR’s Coco Chanel has settled well back into our home and, continues to impress everyone with how amazing she is.

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BHRR’s Kricket is ready to make her special announcement!

After putting on over 33 pounds, learning manners and, receiving lots of social training and exposure, she is ready!


Another gorgeous BBBBB!

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, semi-retired, is retired, or works from home etc. She is once again another very versatile BHRR dog! She has proven 100% trustworthy in the house unsupervised.

She can either be the only dog in the home or, with a right matched personality fit dog. Either is fine.

Cats are unknown.

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My last post for today!
I got my very first tail wag from BHRR’s Pearl when I arrived home tonight from the home-visit and, that was like winning the lottery….it was not a big wag, yet, a wag nonetheless and, more than once.
Here is a BHRR’s Pearl VIDEO taken from earlier today!
Another really good day had at BHRR and, as always, from my home to yours, may all have a wonderful good night……

BHRR’s Pearl – April 29th, 2015

She is doing well….still pacing, checking that fence line closely yet, her tail is now in a more relaxed position, less tense in the body………

She will still approach me when she comes near me with head down and, still body shakes yet, less than Sunday….
No pressure being given to her, just being patient, letting her know that I am around and, encouraging her.

She remains completely indifferent to the dogs – today, she met HQD who wanted to mother her(no surprise there!), and BHRR’s Bloom who wanted BHRR’s Pearl to run with her(HOW unusual of BHRR’s Bloom!!!)

We just spent a glorious hour outside in the sun and shade and, I know BHRR’s Herbie-icious the Lovebug and BHRR’s Salem really loved the outdoor.time also! .
So peaceful and almost a magical moment spent!

AND, for anyone that might be wondering, Sean and I cut off the red stiff and quite snug vinyl collar she was wearing and, she is safely wearing a material martingale that has a small chain loop. Much safer as she is a massive flight risk.

She is NOT wearing a choke or a prong collar. We do not believe in using those types of collars in our Behavioural, Training and Rehabilitation Programs.


Please keep BHRR’s Riot in your best wishes!
Tonight, is his home-visit for a possible Approved Adoption!
Yet, even if this is not the right matched fit for him, he will have had another wonderful experience continuing to make him the best dog he can be, in balance plus soundness.
Thank you Margaret for helping me to do this home-visit tonight also!

Two of our lovelies enjoying the nice weather today!

BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug & BHRR’s Salem

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My last post for tonight…..AND, as so many are wrapped up on BHRR’s Pearl’s story/journey, I will make this one about her also. smile emoticon This is a Gwennie novel bedtime story post though…..it may make you very sleepy!

Today, as I left to take BHRR’s Gretta to her next CWW hydrotherapy session, Sean the, wonderful man he is, worked form home to have quality ‘alone’ time with BHRR’s Pearl to work on the next infant steps of their own relationship building of trust and, kindness. Sean was able to take her outside and, bring her back in – she did not do anything for him – yet, that was huge to be able to take her out and in. She lets him take her collar now.

When I came home, I went outside with her and Sean and, I watched her closely. She was following us both and, we had BHRR’s Herbie-licious The Love Bug, BHRR’s Salem and my Drift with us to see if it helped a bit with her confidence and, truly, she was mostly indifferent to them. We will see how things go moving forward. Everything is new, confusing and strange and, most likely a bit overwhelming. She neither seemed to enjoy them, was not afraid of them nor was she reactive in any manner. She simply ‘existed’ with them.

She is likely seeing more dogs at my home than she has in her whole life being kept so sheltered at her previous home and, only going out for any Vet visits. We were told she was dominant over the other Dane she used to live with and, in the relative’s home that also took her, to their own dog, yet, absolutely nothing to date that demonstrates that but , the days are early!

When she was done exploring, she had a good pee outside(YAY!) and, from the colour and, how she peed/stopped/peed/stopped and looked uncomfortable, moved a step or two and strained to urinate again she has a clear UTI. The smell was not pretty either. AND, when she strained to pee, she would have bits of diarrhea also. Her poop last night was very gross. As she is eating well fairly well now(would not eat breakfast this AM), drinking and snorkeling without any issues now, we have begun to de-worm her. She has not pooped today yet, what came out of her last night was substantial. TOO much info. I know!

At one point, I sat down outside again and, watched Sean and her together. She would stop and listen to him and start to come back to him(he is using that ‘doggie’ voice used by men with dogs and babies! LOL) and, then she would turn and, go back to the house and, when he called her again, she would start to come to him again.

The Video below was taken after being outside for almost an hour…..saying little, just being there….now, Sean was using his voice and talking to her…..maybe, a wee bit too much yet, that is ok…..no rush…she is not ready….. She is responding, which is wonderful….yet, she is not ready to come all the way….and, that is fine…..she feels safe in the house now and, in her crate or in the sizeable kitchen area – that we have both sides of the hutch blocked off to give her, her own space – MUCH to BHRR’s Riot’s chagrin for his is SOOOOOOOOO smitten with her!

He had a brief moment outside with her tonight and, gosh, if he could, he would be bringing her flowers and, chocolates(if she was a human!) and, taking her to dinner and a movie or out dancing! Even now, he is whining on the other side of the xpens, imparting his undying love to her.

She on the other hand, would rather keep her head by my elbow, watching me type and, every so often, I stop typing and, gently reach out to pet her. Sometimes she stays, other times she walks away but she, always comes back to be near or around me. So much progress in such a short time and, so much further to go yet, she will get there……she is ok with Kinsley yet, my son still scares her and, he is one of the biggest animal lovers out there. At 14, he is 6 feet and, no small pumpkin. It is intimidating to her and, he remains patient and understanding.

She still even runs extremely hot and cold with Sean but, compared to the fear growling when she first arrived, to him being able to take her collar and, she is ok/calm with it, is huge. Her tail positioning has gone from tucked up tight to the belly to laying flat with me. That is also a big step.

The way that she looks at me is different also. No longer in confused terror…..she is most certainly still scared, she is still confused, she is still worried, she is still stressed but, she is no longer as tense and, even now is exploring the rubbermaids sniffing out the one with the kibble in the kitchen. smile emoticon

So, ends another wonderful day with her……….. From our home to all of yours, may you have a most wonderful night!


AND, we have now cleaned up our bowl……she was given a 1/3 ration of kibble as she has not eaten since she came to BHRR yesterday afternoon.
So happy…….these are the break-throughs that we love to see. 🙂

OOOOH! We have just had a few bites of food eaten now! WAHOOOOO!!!
Just a few yet, YAY! 🙂

My last post of tonight……
BHRR’s Pearl has peed, pooped and drank finally!
AND, the eating shall come…….she is interested….first step.
All in the house BUT she did it!
Per her o/s form, she was said to have accidents in the house….we will work on ‘outside’ good, ‘inside’ not so good!
Good night wishes from our home to all of yours!

On April 27th, I received the following email:

“Hi Gwen

Looks like a pound staff is adopting GRIFFIN. If she decides not too, or adopts him and returns him at a later time, I will let you know.  Griffin is a Great Dane mix pup, age no sure yet.  

Thanks Gwen”


So, I am sitting patiently in our fenced in three acres and, look who has decided to come and be right beside me?! BHRR’s Pearl.
Yesterday, she was terrified in the yard and, even ran into the fence at one point. I sat down and, eventually she came to me, bent her head and leaned it into my lap and, we went inside after just sitting for a bit.
Today, she is following me more, still scared of things from leaves blowing, birds chirping the frogs and turtles in the spring fed pond and, even my daughters bike as she came home from school – was not even close to her. 
We are now just chilling on one of the sand hills, watching the wind blow rustling our Canadian flag and, making noises in the trees…..
While not exactly 100% comfortable, she is giving me some trust, you can see that she wants to trust and love and, as we now know that she lacked socialization, living the life she had being ‘sheltered'(the words of her previous home – other than going to the Vet, home was where she was) her rehab program is going to be one of so much discovery and learning in infant steps and, as she is ready for it.
We have to teach her to like herself and, that she is ok and build up her confidence slowly.
She is completely wrapping herself in my heart and, I know she is full of so many gifts to share my way!! Lessons also to teach me……
She had a good night and day and, she will even slowly approach Sean if he is sitting, and, as we do to not appear threatening, turned slightly sideways. 
Even now, she will get up from near me, explore a bit and, then come back when she feels she has gone too far from me. 
She still shakes yet, is calming a bit more easily for me.
She has an extremely nervous disposition. We know that should she ever be ready to be adopted, that she will not go to a home with children or young teenagers.
We also know that should the time come that she is ready to be adopted, that we would like to see her in a home with a dog that is a right matched personality fit for her.
Now, we have to get her to eat and drink. She is showing some interest in water and, we will get there….. 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $50.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $o.oo
*Before PayPal fees
Lianne & Cliff – Costco Dog Bed
Previous Home – $50


Guess who is hanging at KAH today?!! One of our lovely BBBBB’s!

She is now 99.66 pounds(45.3 Kgs)! She has put on over 30 pounds(32.66 pounds) since she first arrived to BHRR…..she still needs a good 10 or so more pounds yet, she is getting there! This is nothing that will hold her back from making her special announcement shortly!

Her elbows are looking so much better, the right one is still quite calloused but, so much better! A lot of soft surfaces to lay on! 🙂

She had some many compliments on her lovely feminine head. She is truly beautiful!

She is finally ready for her Vaccines, and, she had a thorough exam plus, we did her HWT including testing for Lymes disease – Lymes, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis.

We scanned her for she had a chip tag from the Shelter on her collar yet, we were unable to find a chip and, we scanned all over her back and, down her legs, not just her shoulders. Then, the Vet decided to scan the back of her head/neck, and, sure enough, there was her chip. We will make sure that it is documented as an alert in her file at the Hospital and, it is here in her blog also. I have never in all the years we have been chipping, since 1996, ever seen a chip placed in the back of the head/neck area.

She is doing really well! Within a couple days, she should be ready to make her special announcement! She is an incredible dog. So, full of personality.

She can be a bit worried still of some sudden flight movements yet, OMG! She has rocked her rehab!!! She was curious, outgoing, dug her head in the lap of the Vet for loving, and, so social today!!!

AND, many remarked that she sounds like a ‘cricket’ when she was in the back, protesting softly about being in a run. She did not make many sounds at KAH, she was so good but, when she did, it was so soft and like a ‘cricket’. 🙂


On April 26th, I received the following:

“Hi Gwen

I hope this email finds you well.

The X Pound has a Great Dane mix named GRIFFIN.  I haven’t seen him yet but will get more info on him.  Are you interested?   I have appended his picture.”

We stepped up to assist and were told that he weighed approximately 53 pounds. He did not look GDx to us yet, we had a spot and, he was the next in need of us! 🙂

6995_GRIFFIN Great Dane mix male pup 49 lbs STRAY

I have BHRR’s Pearl!
She was surrendered with halti(we will remove as it is ill fitting), collar, leash, dog bed, bowl, dog food and, the home gave BHRR a $50 kind donation for gas. We will use it for ‘Pearl’. 
For those that still feel in their hearts to judge, do remember that instead of surrendering her to a high kill pound or shelter, putting her to sleep, putting her up on kijiji, giving her to someone without screening etc., the home made the right decision in contacting experts with the Dane breed and, a r/q experienced plus knowledgeable group that is educated in rehabilitation of behavioural issues(she has resource guarding) and, is an organization that has a very thorough adoption screening process.
This Dane is also extremely nervous, lacks confidence and, in the wrong hands, a clear set-up for failure would happen. 
She is a victim to divorce and, the home has tried for the past year to make things work, even having a family member take ‘Pearl’, which in the end was not successful.
Unless we walk in the shoes of others, we truly do not know the whole story and, I bore witness today as to how hard it was for this home to say good-bye to her.
‘Pearl’ is sad, confused, scared and, this was a hard owner surrender……
I had offered up my behavioural services to assist also to try and help the home keep her yet, they felt it was in the best interest of this Great Dane to surrender her.
It has been a sad drive towards home over the last couple of hours and, I want to thank Lianne and Cliff again for the donation of a Costco Dog Bed for her and, for bringing it to KAH yesterday! Rescue Angels!!
Welcome to BHRR, ‘Pearl’…….

We will do Heartworm testing, put her on heartworm preventative, de-worm her, do a fecal and, per her previous Vet records, she has a heart arrhythmia that shall require further investigation. She did see a cardiologist in 2012 – her birthday is in September and, I will make copies to post in from her file sent my way.

We are home and, in almost 28 years doing Great Dane Rescue, I have never had a GD actually poop in fear, she was so scared when she saw Sean and Mason and Kinsley. They were not even near her.
AND, BHRR deals with fear and terror on levels
most groups will not and/or cannot.
She is that scared…..and, worried….
Temperament is not just environment, it is genetic and, the ‘shyness’ gene is a trait that cannot be changed. Behaviour is not changed, it is modified to be made the best that it can be……
She will be with us for a long time….yet, we are not ever in a rush……patience is one of my middle names!
So, starts our journey together and, this shall be one I know that will make me feel many emotions……she is that terrified and confused….
Baby steps…..something we know a lot about……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $50.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $o.oo
*Before PayPal fees
Lianne & Cliff – Costco Dog Bed
Previous Home – $50


BHRR’s Riot is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can.

Here are Ani’s X-rays from April 20th, 2015

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Posted in Ani


Now, on to the sharing the hard news for BHRR today…..  It is important for our members and, extended family to know all the ups and downs and greats and, pits that make up life in the trenches of a r/q Rescue…..

Last week it was BHRR’s Angel Noelle scaring the pants of so many of us – she continues to improve and, is talking back to me big time about her feelings of crate rest!

Today, it was BHRR’s Ani’s turn.  She will be approximately 5 years of age come July.
BHRR’s Ani has always loved food and, ever since she became successfully rehabbed at BHRR, getting her to keep her girlish figure has been a work of art.

At one point she weighed just shy of 50 KGs and yikes! Weight loss tme! She was a pleasantly plump weight at 46.90 Kgs and, suddenly she began dropping weight. Her foster home thought it was orginally because they were more active now that winter was over.

Today at KAH, as I brought her in, she weighed a terrble thin 40.7 Kgs…..and, that was 13.64 pounds down. frown emoticon AND, this was a sudden weight loss.

She was raveneous and, she would eat and, almost spit up her food – had blood suddenly in it SUNDAY AM and some Sunday evening – and, her foster mom then called me.

I drove to check her out as I asked her approved temp foster home if she had checked for any broken teeth, abscesses in the mouth etc., the answer was no and, I was on my way!

As soon as I arrived, I was so taken back by the thinness of BHRR’s Ani.

I carefully lifted up her lips and, she winced slightly and, I saw a terrible mass.
I put down her lips and then took them up again and, she winced again. I was once again greeted by a terrible looking mass.

I looked at her foster mom and, asked for a few kibbles and, witnessed for myself how BHRR’s Ani was so hungry and, wanted to eat yet, could not and, as she tried and, would ‘crunch’ on the mass, would hurt, it would bleed, and, she would spit the food out and try to eat it again. My heart began to really break.

I said to her foster home, I had to take her in immediately and, took her to work with me today. They do not do well in Hospitals of any kind. That is when I found her weight confirmed as being way down – to 40.7 Kgs.

I knew we were going to have to sedate her for her Vet to get a proper look at that mass and, see what else was going on in the mouth. The smell was awful.

Yet, she was happy bubbly affectionate BHRR’s Ani despite being so skinny and, with this obvious painful mass in her mouth.

After sedation, the one large mass was examined and found to be barely attached to the gum and was removed and, sent off for pathology.

Then the second mass was found. I have photo’s of both masses – one in the jar and one, that remains in her mouth at this time. The masses were quite close together.

This mass is growing around no less than two of teeth right now.

A puncture biopsy was taken and, it, has also been sent away for pathology. Her Vet was so compassionate and, gave her freezing in her mouth to make things even more comfortable for her. Thank you!

The Vet and I discussed x-days of her chest/lungs for her Vet was not comfortable with the looks of that remaining mass. frown emoticon Nor, with this sudden huge weight loss.

I was so worried gowning up to help with the x-Rays……

Her Vet is worried about a possible firbrosarcoma and, also has deep concern how this second mass is going to even be able to be removed, ‘if’ it even can be. f

The good news is that her lungs, at this time have shown no signs of anything that has metastisized.

I have her x-Rays to post on her blog, photo’s of her masses and, one of a recovering sweet BHRR’s Ani from sedation. She also received a lovely mani/pedi!

We have no right to ask our extended BHRR Fam for financial assistance consideration and, I know that……yet, for the dogs in need of us, any consideration would be embraced with such humbled gratitude.

We would ask that people contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly and they can donate to ‘Ani’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. 613-836-2848

Below is a photo of the one mass……the one that was removed.

BHRR’s Ani is back staying with me until we receive the results of her bloodwork and, Histio. Her foster home is equally concerned and worried and, please join us in keeping BHRR’s Ani in the best of thoughts!

Next week has to be a better week…..

The first picture of her mouth with the second mass, after the first mass(in photo below in jar was removed), the puncture biopsy was done on the second mass and, the sutures were placed.
You can see where the first mass was removed also.
If you click on the photo, you can see it enlarged….

Please keep this lovely BBBBB in your thoughts!

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IMG_7017BHRR’s Ani recovering from sedation

Posted in Ani

Here are two photo’s of BHRR’s Salem, courtesy of The Maracle Family from Sunday April 19th at the PAW Event at PV Stittsville!

Isn’t she gorgeous!!!

She had a great event! She did not think she was ready at first, yet, we knew she was and, it did not take too long before she realised that she was also.

Such a sweet, gentle loving lady. Just needs more confidence.

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AND, so brings Day 2 of the PV Stittsville PAW Event!
Another stunning weather day is here and, BHRR’s Riot(who was with us yesterday) is standing attention with flipped ear at PV showing people the way!
*Thanks to the Maracle Family for the photo!*
He garnered lots of interest yesterday, well, all three wonderful BHRR doggies did, so, perhaps an application may come his way.
Come join us today for nail trims, microchips, ear cleaning, make a donation to have a PAW placed up with honor on the wall at PV, we have balloon pops, cotton candy, popcorn, draws, a raffle basket that includes pounds and pounds of dog treats, merchandise for sale, our famous red carpet pooch smooch sessions AND, to visit the BIG Dawgs of BHRR and us too!
We would love to visit and speak with you!
We are at PV Stittsville from 11 AM – 4 PM!
PV awesome staff, the BHRR family invasion is almost on the road to hang with you again!


AND so ends Day 2 of a truly superb weekend at PV Stittsville!!
Under sunny blue skies, the BHRR doggies – BHRR’s Salem ROCKED it, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The LoveBug was his ever usual heart melting self and, Skor had the great opportunity to learn more about social manners!
The laughter, the stories, the friendships formed and, the store was filled with total goodness plus kindness today!!
At one point, I look around and, each BHRR Volunteer was talking to wonderful people that came to visit and, I felt such pride in knowing such amazing people and, blessed that they would choose BHRR to spend their time with today! I love being a small part of such a magnificent team!!
Aaron, Cherie, Tracy, Serena, Kinsley, Elizabeth, Stephanie and Bre(cannot forget you!) Thank you!!
Thank you for helping to make BHRR better and, for all your assistance! Nothing is possible without incredible volunteers and, together, it makes almost anything feel possible!
Stephanie – extra thanks for being our treasurer today!! Aaron, thank you for handling the draw money!
Brian Element – you win the Raffle basket!!! Congrats!!
Regan – you and your team at PV Stittsville deserve a big stand up ovation! All of you have outdone yourselves this weekend and, thank you again for taking this BHRR family into your store for the weekend and making us feel like part of your PV family!!
While we have a long way still to go to raise all needed for BHRR’s Hercules leg amputation, to every supporter, believer and, caring soul that helped promote this event, came out, donated, visited, put a loving patient hand on a dog, talk to us, passed along words of encouragement and, positiveness this weekend, you have made an massive impact on us!! Thank you from my heart!
As Sean said today to several, it is times like this, that confirms just how much good is in the world!!!
Below is a photo of Skor and BHRR’s Herbie crashed in the car on the way home….
From my home to all of yours, I hope everyone had a safe, happy and healthy weekend as always!


How to describe Day 1 of the amazing PAW weekend at PV Stittsville?!
WOW, Incredible, Humbling, Touching, Outstanding, Beautiful and, Special?! Just a few words…….
The weather was absolutely glorious! The people and animals were beyond lovely and, here is just one of our most wonderful of guests that came out to visit with us today!
BHRR’s Herbie-licious, the Love Bug, BHRR’s Riot and BHRR’s Angel Noelle were the BHRR Guests of Honour today!
There were just so many powerful, emotional, great moments of my day!
Putting faces to names, meeting and talking ‘dogs’ and, ‘BHRR’ and, ‘r/q Rescue’ and, promoting responsible dog ownership etc. was a huge important part of our public awareness day.
People’s hearts were as kind as their hands and, PV Stittsville, YOU sure know how to host an event!
We felt so welcomed and, there was always an extra hand to hold a BHRR doggie so, I could do nails or microchips or ear cleaning etc.
To the Volunteers that came to lend hands and, knowledge and love and understanding and patience and, explain why a group like BHRR is needed and, why we exist, THANK YOU!
To give up such a gorgeous Saturday to spend it with the BIG Dawgs of BHRR, means the world to me! Those strong links on that BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’
This is our first community education event for 2015, we have not been out since November of 2014, and, to say that we are looking forward to tomorrow with excitement, is putting it lightly!
What a grand day……just grand……
I am going to rest well tonight….my heart is so warmed……just so warmed by all!
The BHRR doggies coming tomorrow are: BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug(by popular demand!) and, I am going to bring my Skor. She has not been out since February to an event, and, this shall be really great for the miracle seizure GD pup!
Both photo’s below are courtesy of The Maracle Family and, are of BHRR’s Angel Noelle

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Microchips $40 includes registration – for cats, dogs – minimum age is 8 weeks
Nails $10
Ear Cleaning 410

Saturday: BHRR Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug, BHRR’s Angel Noelle and BHRR’s Riot
Sunday: BHRR’s Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Liberty and possibly BHRR’s Hercules – the third dog is not yet 100% determined.

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BHRR’s Hercules, one of our lovely blue Great Danes, weighed a lean mean handsome machine 54.8 KGs today! That is down from the over 75 KGS, he arrived to BHRR weighing in January. He has lost over 45 pounds! WTG!!!
Proper diet and, the right exercise wins!
So many compliments between KAH and LAH on his coat and body condition…..
Dr. Liston did feel today that he may have heard a small heart murmur yet, nothing that stressed him out. His vet team at KAH have not heard one yet, this will be re-visited when he is in for his leg amputation.
Dr. Liston examined the x-Rays taken when BHRR’s Hercules had first arrived to KAH and, also examined Herc.
A thumbs up has been given and, he has been scheduled for his amputation on the 15th of May. Gives us a bit more time to figure out that surgery deposit.
He is a photo I was able to take today of his legs.
Any consideration to his Vet bills can be made at Liston Animal Hospital under ‘Hercules’ for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.
He is such a sweet dog and, how could anyone leave a broken leg(we do not even know how it was broken) untreated, is so heart wrenching. BHRR’s Angel Noelle understands how he feels though…..she had her own untreated broken leg from being picked up and thrown against a wall….she lived for over three months with her leg untreated. BHRR amputated her leg and, she has never looked back.
Soon BHRR’s Hercules! Soon! You will be completely pain-free so soon!
He has also been on thyro-tabs now as, we decided, even though, he was very low normal, to try and, his hair is coming back in on those patches on his hips and tail. 🙂

VIDEO BHRR’s Hercules @ Liston AH April 17th, 2015

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $580.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,390.98
*Before PayPal fees
Cupcakes To The Rescue
12 Days of Thanksgiving EF

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BHRR’s Liberty – April 16th, 2015
Today, while someone ‘me’ was working and, then taking BHRR’s Gretta to CWW, another person ‘Sean’ was sunbathing and snoozing with an extremely special Great Dane!
This most likely is her very first time, ever truly relaxing and enjoying spring plus the good life………
Sean said at first she would not lay down on the Costco Dog Beds(comfort is foreign to her BUT we are teaching her!) he put out on the cottage shed porch and, so, he grabbed some more doggie beds and, lay next to her and, they both had a few hours of peace and, relaxation and loving each other’s company…..
She absolutely ADORES him! I do too.
She is one senior Great Dane that is never going to want or lack in goodness, comfort, kindness and love EVER in her life again……….
We are so smitten with her and, the people that met her at our recent BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House have been also!
So, wish I could have spent some time with them today also……Yup, jealous!

The second photo is of one of the growths that we biopsied at her Vet Appointment on April 2nd.

The next two photo’s are of a special blanket that I sent money to a friend of mine to purchase just for BHRR’s Liberty. 🙂

AND, here is a video from her Vet Visit on April 2nd, as well.

VIDEO April 2nd at Kanata Animal Hospital

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $520.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $690.67
*Before PayPal fees
Wendi – Dog Bed
Help Ottawa Fur Kids

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Everyone’s BHRR’s Angel Noelle has given all a bad scare this afternoon……

I was almost home from work plus errands and, on the laneway when Sean called. He said something was not right with BHRR’s Angel Noelle. I asked what happened and, Sean said he did not know. He said all the dogs were laying enjoying the sun on the brick deck and, in the yard and, when they heard the car engine, they all jumped up…..all but one……BHRR’s Angel Noelle.

He said she was shaking and, panting and, urinating nonstop.
I hung up and drove those last 25-30 m’s down the laneway as if I was off roading.

When she saw me, she almost tried to roll her way to me and, was urinating and, in clear discomfort. She could not stand. She tried but she could not. I quickly checked her over and no obvious breaks, bites, wounds, overt signs of any kind to tell me what was wrong.

I asked Sean to wrap her up, and, I called work asking if there was an emerge slot and, I keep saying this over and over in the past 11 plus years, I work truly with some of the best of the best. I was encouraged to come right in and, I made the drive in a time maybe faster than I should have yet, felt like an eternity.

To give her more space, Sean had laid her on the back seat and, it was odd not seeing her in her usual shotgun spot beside. I checked on her many times on my way in and, though in pain and not able to move her lower body, she would wag her tail, and pee. 
She would lick my fingers and, I assured her calmly and softly several times over that she was heading into a great place that would do all they could to help her.

As soon as I arrived to KAH, I was ushered to the back and, things out in motion. She was so stressed, the Diarrhea then started. All involved in her case were so kind, compassionate and, caring. They think she is a special tripod also.

No clear breaks found by her Vet – and, thank you to him and to the clients in the exam room that understood – he did not feel her cruciates were affected and, her back felt aligned well. No major pain response given. She still could not stand yet, tried so hard.

At one point, she was wobbly bobbly on her feet yet, keeling over on her left side.

Sedation and x-days done – no trauma, breaks, hips were not dislocated, cruciates look good and, were examined again. No disc disease etc….

No temperature, heart was good and, her Vet feels that somehow she developed a soft tissue injury – we all hope – and, she had the hydro when she was there for sedation and will have Deramaxx starting tonight plus metro for the diarrhea. She had had a normal stool that AM.

She was soaked in urine and, per her Vet, he felt perhaps bruising occurred that affected her urethera sphincter.

If she does not improve by tomorrow, we are back in.  There is no obvious reason as to why she is not walking. 

For anyone wishing to contribute to her mounting vet bills, as always, we do appreciate any consideration, and, this wee angel is worth every dime, nickel plus, may we ask people to contact Kanata Animal Hospital directly? 613-836-2848

Her file is under her name ‘Angel Noelle’ with Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services.

Most importantly, please keep this amazing miracle dog in your best wishes…..it is going to be a long night….she always sleeps in a crate beside me and, tonight, she sleeps with me.

*Feeling good on Hydromorphone sedation medication and, then, they really set in and, down she went…..*

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Look who is hanging out at KAH today!
BHRR’s Leroy Brown!
Since he first arrived to BHRR, emaciated, filled with severe separation anxiety, he has put on 45.84 pounds!
AND, a SA victim he is no longer!
Today’s weight is 132.22 and, in the photo is is being shown with our co-op student at KAH(with permission!)
Today, is his annual appointment.
He is AVAILABLE For Adoption! 


BHRR’s Braveheart…… ? – April 8th, 2015
HOW we are going to remember you!
Becoming more confident and, comfortable and, playing with one of your best of friends, BHRR’s Purse Puppy Coach(special needs yet does not hold him back! – Blind & Heart Condition)…..
Full of personality, vocal and, when he trusted you, quite affectionate, that body armor would have been of benefit! 
Not a half measure kind of dude….all in or all out for him…..
Honest, was learning self-control and, to make good choices……..
It took a long time to get within his circle of trust, yet, if you did earn such a privilege, it was a gift…..to be cherished and, treated carefully.
Quirky boy who moved with little grace or style and, yet, had much heart!
He was also one of our BHRR dogs greatly affected by the contaminated food sent our way in January……..

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On April 6th, I received the following email and, we committed to bringing her into BHRR and, to work on her resource issues yet, around any high value item, animals get get protective.

“Hello there,

 A relative of mine has a 4 yr old FS Great Dane named Pearl. The owner is going through a tough divorce, and while she is now on her own, has found herself physically unable to care for Pearl anymore and was hoping to find a placement for her. Pearl is fully vetted, healthy and has lived with another female Great Dane her whole life. Pearl spent some time with another family member last week. In this home there are 2 – 4-6yr old kids and some toys around the house as well as another dog visiting. There was a small altercation between the 2 dogs over a toy and the other dog’s ( a lab) ear was bitten – one puncture- as a result. So probably best in a placement with no young kids or dogs.. She has never bitten a person.

The owner has never surrendered a dog before and does love Pearl very much. Just wondered what your thoughts were on this situation , and if you might have some advice or consider a placement for her.

Thank you

Kind Regards”




So, the BHRR doggies have been telling The Love Bug all about BHRR “EXPERIENCES” and, so, one Herbie-licious is waiting patiently and, with anticipation for his very first one!
Please drive carefully, and, to all that are registered to attend – we know who you are!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Herbie’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $595.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,809.17
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


We want thank everyone that has come out AND, also to those that are still here from our latest BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house. 🙂
April is such an icky time here yet, the day has turned out lovely in weather and folks!
The 50/50 was won by you Clifford Chan! $132.50! There was no phone number on the ticket yet, we have Lianne’s! 🙂
People and dogs did great in the space and, only one moment of excitement that quickly was gotten under control and, what is an ‘EXPERIENCE’ without that!
Full moon per the calendar!!!
Dogs are flaked out and, grand total to be announced later of what was raised today once Mary counts all yet, the loving hands and caring hearts were felt all over!
AND, the food!! AMAZING!
We want to thank everyone for coming and, spending time here and, registration shall open up for our June ‘EXPERIENCE’ shortly. Love BHRR in June!
Tonight I get to enjoy all the doggies together before 21 of them head back to their approved temp fosters AND, we can then dismantle all the crates!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle says thank you also!!


BHRR’s Liberty – the 8 year old Great Dane was at the Vet with me tonight. She weighed 87.78 pounds. She needs another 20+ easily of muscle mass/weight. This new weight is almost 8 pounds from when she first arrived to us on March 28th. GOOD for her!
She had FNA’s of all her lumps, bumps and growths.
She is battling a UTI.
Her Vet was saddened to see all the extremely bad callouses on her body from laying on really hard surfaces and, how emaciated she was, not to mention all the scars on her face and head.
Her coat while better than what it was upon her first arrival is still quite icky yet, we shall get there! Dry and dull with dander etc. will become a thing of the past!
Her heart and lungs were thumbs up!!! YAY!
There were no notable concerns with her eyes and, the swelling on her muzzle, healing wounds etc. were all examined closely.
Her Vet remarked on how weak her hind end was and, I mentioned that she is SO much better than she was on the 28th. She really is…….Not great yet, progress comes in baby steps.
We drew blood for a heartworm test and, wellness screen and, we microchipped her.
Her mouth is brutal. She will need a good dental, the poor thing and, when she is healthy, we will take care of what needs to be done. No vaccines from us until she is healthier also.
She was not as dehydrated either.
She will be dewormed again in two weeks time and, shall remain on the metro. She did not provide me with a fecal sample yet, yesterday her stool was no longer bloody watery diarrhea. It was soft yet, formed.
She was such an amazing patient!!!! Loving and, affectionate and, definitely wanted to do what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it. She was gentle about taking treats and, in this below picture, you can see how much happier she is than when she first arrived on the 28th of March.
She went through enough tonight and, there was no immediate need for x-rays etc. to be done at this time.
She is such a beautiful girl and, while she sure does have a long road of rehab ahead of her, she is a survivor and, we are going to be there with her by her side, supporting her!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $356.09
*Before PayPal fees


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BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug
April 2nd, 2015
At the Vet for a recheck, re-weigh and, to check out some sudden appearing of growths/cysts between his toes
He has now put on 17.16 pounds since he first arrived emaciated!!!
He was barely 68 pounds when he first arrived to BHRR.
AND, look! He has some hair!!!
Still quite bald, yet, the hair is coming in and, he is no longer a red raw wound, bleeding even at a soft touch.
We did FNA’s of what was between his toes and, only blood was found and, his Vet would like to do some puncture biopsies to send off.
He wants to lick them and, as we were heading into the holiday weekend, I will draw blood at home and bring it in for processing instead of it waiting in the fridge on Good Friday and, not going out until the Saturday.
We also microchipped him.
The Vet did some research and, sometimes the demodectic mange can be so severe and run deep that, these cyst like growths can pop up.
Yet, to be sure that it is nothing more sinister, we will biopsy and send off to pathology.
I cannot wait for the world to meet this young man…………
He remains on his Ivermectin daily and, we are holding off on another round of antibiotics so that it does not affect the results of his bloodwork.
Isn’t he handsome?! HIs personality is equally amazing!
He shall also never know another day of having to live in -40 C degree temperatures, being neglected and abused.
He will still scream when Mason takes his empty food bowl away when he is in a crate and, will back away. Yet, he is fine with me and Sean and Kinsley in that manner. We still have Mason continuing to feed him and, building up the trust and, that hands can be kind….
He is so loving………..so soft, gentle and kind.

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AND The Lord Stafford has been ADOPTED!!! We knew this home was a strong application and, all of us – thanks Kathy and Terry for the assistance today – are in agreement, he is ‘Home’. 
He really is…….
Great feeling in the heart and, hard also, yet, the great is what it is about!!!
So happy for him and, the home!!! 
Congratulations to all! 
The adoption fee will go towards BHRR’s Hercules, the GD that had the untreated broken leg prior to coming into rescue and requires a leg amputation.
Thank you to the home for the donation of some amazing harnesses also.

This adoption was hard….OMG! 
So hard this adoption yet, I had my private good-bye as he had to come into the bathroom with me….was not letting me go too far out of his sight….. 😉
I was stronger than I thought I would be…..Kathy as
ked me if I was ok when I was leaving, and, I was….   🙂 🙂
Almost everyone will not know that the home who adopted him, is the same home that who contacted us to assist our now BBBBB, BHRR’s Mavie. 
There were two Danes in that high kill pound, and, we took the one that needed us the most, the one with the two front deformed legs – BHRR’s Mavie with his now three major leg surgeries and, $16,000 plus Bills and the Ironman is truly worth it all!! Why we are here!! I could not imagine not saving The Mavie!
AND, the other Dane, DiD took and, so two more lives saved.
It was nice putting a face to the name and, they said they would have also loved BHRR’s Flint yet, he was adopted by the time they found him.

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I cannot let today go by without wishing a truly incredible, miraculous amazing BHRR Haven Dog, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
BHRR’s Porridge turns a miracle 7 years young today! 
This boy has beaten the odds! 
Born outside in the freezing cold, One of 9 pups…..I first was told about them when there were about 2 weeks of age….I made the 3+ hour drive to try to educate, beg, and plead for the O. to at least bring mom and puppies inside, if she would not surrender them. To no avail….
I left blankets and towels and food and, had a very heavy heart…..
It took one month before I could get what I needed to be able to legally get back to the property and seize mom/pups. 
Sadly by then, all pups but five had died and two of those pups plus mom had to be let go on site. 
The owner was feeding the puppies combined; only a total of 1/4 cup of food, two or three times a day(she could not remember how often she fed them.).
Out of ten precious creatures, I could only save three and, two had parvo. A local Vet took in those two to assist and, he ended up adopting our parvo pups when healthy – ‘Fiona and Tinka’ who also are wished a very Happy Birthday today! 🙂
I took the third, he was named ‘BHRR’s Porridge’ by my son, who was 7 at the time and, he was diagnosed with MegaE and, even being a group/home experienced with MegaE, his prognosis was given as poor and, we were told he would not live to 12 months, and, 18 months was a pipe dream…..
Well, that first year, we battled aspiration pneumonia more than once as he and we figured out the whole feeding regiment. 
The hardest part is that BHRR’s Porridge grew to a very impressive almost 41″ at the whithers, and, then you have to add, neck and head!
While not the tallest Dane ever had here, he is the second tallest.
Moving forward through the years, this boy continued to thrive and, steal the hearts of so many around him! 
In 2009, he took on a new challenge – Seizures
In the fall of 2009, he then had his first gas bloat
In February of 2011, he then had his second gas bloat
In May of 2013, he had to have a puncture biopsy of a suspicious growth on his muzzle – all turned out great
In March of 2014, he had to be rushed into KAH for breathing difficulties. We were told a possible nasal tumour was the concern. Much testing and traveling was done and, in the end, it is Inflammatory Nasal Disease that he has and, he is on Pred daily.
In January of 2015 he then battled food contamination from food donated our way by another group and he dropped almost 20 pounds. That was a very scary time.
We fast forward to end of March 2015 and, the GD that was said to not live to 12-18 months has now turned 7!!!
His weight is back up, not the lean 178 pounds he once was, yet close and he is happy, as healthy as can be and, while his body may move slower, his heart and brain are as youthful as ever!
When he is ready to rumble, body armor time it is!
His full blog can be read here: 
SO, from all of us to you our ‘Giraffe’, our ‘Papaya’ Boy, HAPPY Birthday!!! 
All of yours specialists are loving that you are proving them wrong! 🙂

The newest BBBBB has a name now!! The suggestions made from when we first posted her to today when she arrived to us have been incredible!! Just WOW!
Yet, as soon as Lois posted ‘Liberty’, I just knew it was meant for her….
It holds so many meaningful messages that I made in her March 28th, blog post.
AND, this photo below from March 28th does not really show the level of emaciation she does have. Every rib, her hip bones, all the vetebrae on her back are visible.
AND, yes that is poop over her back, rump and all over her sides.
First order of business when she arrived home with me, was clean-up.
Sean tells me that she is eating the small hamburger/rice meals well. She is going to be fed a bit, every three hours to start.
I learned that at one point before coming to us, she had also stopped eating and was getting very weak…..
A Vet has prescribed dosages of some meds for her that include metro and panacur and, I will bring her into work with me on Monday. She has a long road ahead of her and, we are with her every step of the way…..
She really is a grand ol’ Dame! 8 years young and, uber affectionate!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $389.32
*Before PayPal fees

Another one of The Lord Stafford before we head off for the home-visit!


Someone getting some more cuddles in before we hit the road for the home-visit!
He did not have a great night, my snorts…..
Despite asking for and booking a room with no carpet, we had carpet and, he is stuffed up and, itchy. 🙁
We are leaving shortly and, everything crossed for The Lord Stafford’s home-visit.


We are here and guess who is back sleeping?!! 
The Lord Stafford did NOT like not having his shotgun spot on the drive down….the glares! 
He has had a bit of a romp, some supper, water and, now is chilling! 
How can something so small take up SO much room in my bed at the hotel!!
The staff here are head over heels in love with him and, he is working it!! LOL
We hope all have a good, safe, happy plus healthy weekend.
We shall post more tomorrow, especially after the home-visit.
I am trying not to think that this is possibly my last night with him….makes my heart feel tight and my stomach clench…..


We are on our way!!! The Lord Stafford is none too happy that he does not get his shotgun seat with heat! Isn’t he awesome!! You just want to smooch him!! 
We shall update after we are settled into our Hotel!!
At a pit stop on our way to SWO – Newmarket OnRoute


I got her! The newest BBBBB! The 8 year old Great Dane. 
Still nameless. Small female GD, typical backyard crop, emaciation, covered in feces, watery bloody diarrhea, weak muscled wasted hind end, several growths and lumps that shall need attention and, she is going to give HQD a run for her money! 
I 100% agree with you in that one Karen! 
She clearly has been in a recent scrap with the healing wounds and, she is full of lots of old scars.
AND, her breath……whoa….
She is affectionate, strong minded also dehydrated and, on our way home now.
She is going to need a name that is worthy of such a strong survivor!

I am going to call her ‘Liberty’ – there are so many meaningful messages in that name!

1. The condition of being free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by other powers.
3. A right to engage in certain actions without control or interference or other powers.
4. Not in confinement or under constraint; free.
5.  Entitled or permitted to do something

VIDEO OF BHRR’s Liberty March 28th, 2015

*You can see some of her emaciation yet, you can also see how the one side of her is coated in dog feces. It is all over her back, rump and legs too. On the back right hip/thigh area is one growth that needs to be addressed.

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(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $0.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees


The home-visit for BHRR’s Stafford’s possible approved adoption is this Sunday. We shall update as we can!

UPDATE: The home-visit is done! We did not do an approved adoption. If I could hand pick a right match personality fit dog to match theirs(a lovely Dane himself), it was as I did, BHRR’s Ivy.
They bonded strong, hard and fast…..right from hello…..he is a strong male, she is a strong female, both full of personality and, life plus character. Equal in energy and, immediate friends…..
Yet, BHRR’s a Ivy is not a right match for the humans in the home. She liked them, well, she loves everyone!!!
She needs a home that will commit to her needing that job, continued obedience and tons of patience as she keeps becoming the best dog she can be. She will keep one on their toes.
She is full of so much potential and, like BHRR’s Dana(for those who had the pleasure of knowing her, you will understand what I mean), she needs a home that accepts she is going to be a delightful handful for the rest of her life and, not break her spirit. She needs guidance, a sense of humour and, along with the structure plus consistency.
The home is a lovely home and, they feel the same way as Kathy and I do. No one wants to see a home fail or see a dog set up for failure.
They asked if we had another one for them in our program to be considered for, and, we do not. What works best for their current dog is not what works best for them and, I recommended to try DiD(which they have been looking at also) and, to keep searching.
They are going to be great parents to another dog when that time is right and, my heart is only sad for the two Danes for the two dogs, were such a perfect hit. I have been doing this almost 28 years and, they really were perfect.
BHRR is not desperate to place our dogs, our second to none success adoption statistics prove how careful we are about approving adoptions and, it has to be ‘right’ for home and dog…..
BHRR’s Ivy has had another amazing experience and, she has shown me again why I adore her so much! Honest, brilliant, loving, social, happy and, nothing is half measure for her…..
Best wishes to the home and, thank you for opening up your home to us today!!
Thanks Kathy for the hands today with the hv and see you in a couple of weeks!!

Posted in Ivy

Someone is STILL hogging the pillows and, not exactly a ‘morning dog’ this AM!!!
BHRR’s Ivy has been a fabu hotel companion!!! Great in the car and, we are off shortly to make the drive to Guelph.
Even, if this does not turn out to be her right matched personality fit home, she will have had another excellent experience that continues to make her that much more of a well balanced plus adjusted dog!
Though, she is pretty well balanced already through her rehab. journey at BHRR.
We shall update as we can.


Posted in Ivy

We have arrived safely at the hotel in Cambridge and, I think one BHRR’s Ivy could get used to the pampered life of her own bed and, room service!
Tomorrow is the big day in Guelph, Ontario for the home visit for her possible adoption! 
Keep her in your best wishes!!
Time for Mason and I to settle in ourselves and relax a bit!!
It has been an extremely busy day.


Posted in Ivy

Tonight’s CUTENESS Factor!
Skor(miracle 4.5 months!) & Herbie-Licious, The Love Bug(7 months), both GD’s are the best of buds……
After playing and pulling no less than 6 toys into an open crate, they crashed for a much needed snooze…both, still are gaining strength…..
AND, as we all know, Skor just loves snuggling and cuddling with her doggie friends!
BHRR’s Herbie is back on Monday for a re-weigh and to get a recheck and, to see what his new dose of the Ivermectin shall be. He is doing SOOOOOOOOOO well!
They are wishing everyone a lovely weekend! May it be safe, happy and surrounded by loved ones!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Herbie’s under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $295.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,279.92
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


My last post for tonight is another exciting one………
The Lord Stafford has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!
We knew it would not take long…..only three days since he made his exciting announcement!
He has been a fabu honourary Giant for BHRR to have assisted…..as we do focus on those special needs, how could we not have stepped up to help him?!
Keep everything crossed!!!
As you can tell, he is excited himself…..snoring away! 


BHRR’s Riot(male blue GD) says he is also ready to make his special announcement!
He is great with dogs of all shapes and sizes, people he also adores – from kids to seniors, his manners are almost perfect as a gentleman, travels great in a car, friendly, social, outgoing and, a really personality filled ‘riot’.
This was the GD that was terrified and catatonic and, a proper evaluation was not able to be done by the shelter. He had a really terrible bronchial infection and, was skinny.
NOT any longer! He has been successfully rehabbed and, he is going to steal so many hearts for he has most certainly stolen mine!
He is going to make a home a positively WOW addition!!!
Congratulations you silly, smiling making, clown boy!

Here is a Testimonial from the family that he visited for a play visit on March 7th, when we picked up The Lord Stafford from his own special picnic date.

“This guy is a wonderful Blue. Had the honor of having the fellow stop by for a quick visit. After quickly exploring the house, Mr. Riot took some time to pay attention to our pug/JRT mix Sally. Wrestling soon began and we quickly ushered them out to our backyard. Riot was very gentle with Sally and listened when asked to mind his manners. Sally, on the other hand, held nothing back and tugged at his ears and everything in reach to keep the play going. Ever the gentleman, Riot maintained his gentle play (patience of saint). They both settled down to explore the yard, looking like Yogi and Boo Boo going off on adventure. You would never know that this outgoing, curious fellow was once terrified and catatonic. It was a real joy to have him visit and play with our fur baby.”

Someone else, BHRR’s Riot, one of our handsome blue Great Danes in rescue, has some extremely exciting news to share later tonight!!
The photo below is of BHRR’s Riot and one of his new besties – Sally, the pug/JRT!
He says please stayed tuned!

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BHRR’s The Lord Stafford
He has done it! It has been a very long road to health(as healthy as bulldogs can get!) for this amazing wee giant of BHRR!
He truly has been one of the most amazing, impacting special needs dogs that BHRR has ever been truly blessed to have been contacted to assist and, he is ready to say his exciting announcement!
We would love to see him in a home that has kids, he is great with all dogs and, cats and, even horses!
He cannot go to a home that has a lot of carpeting. That will only set off his allergies and, then you are going to be dealing with skin, eye and ear infections. 
A home must understand that, he is going to always have these issues and, they must be so diligent about ensuring that he continues to receive top notch Vet care, the best of food(he is on a fish diet) and, of course, keeps letting him be the social magnificent boy that he is!
This photo is courtesy of the Maracle Family when he had a special picnic date with them recently!
I am so happy for this boy! I am going to be so sad for all of us, when, his right matched forever loving home finds him!
You did it BHRR’s Stafford!!! AND, throughout everything you had to go through to become healthy – well other than those nails, squirming worm – you have been so happy, gentle, loving and, precious……..
He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog!
We want to stress that he can ONLY go to a home that has zero to very minimal carpeting due to his reaction to carpets in both of his temp foster home when he was with her and, also on his one picnic play date.
A home that has a dog that is a great personality fit is great yet, not required.
We also really want to say again that, we would like to see him in a home with children or, where he is going to have lots of exposure to kids. He loves them.
Another important point is a home that is not going to make him obese and, think that is ‘normal’ for a bulldog. He has a waistline, he is suppose to have a waistline and, we are going to be quite strict about any future adoptive home being very mindful that his weight needs to stay between 19.8 and 20.5 KGs.
This breed has breathing issues to begin with……let’s not make it worse by adding unnecessary weight.

Here are two more photo’s from earlier today of The Lord at KAH. Taken by L. Smith. He adores her! AND, he loves to eat snow. 😀

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Someone says stay tuned! He has an extremely special and exciting thing to announce later today!!
Right now, he is catching up on some zzzzzzz’s after a busy day of hanging at KAH!!
He has his ‘shotgun’ seat, heat on and, asleep before I left the parking lot!!
The Lord Stafford!

His new weight was higher than I want, so, talking to some kids tonight re: his treat intake as, he needs to be monitored so closely. 21.5 Kgs(47.3 pounds). He should be no more than 20.5 kgs.
He is still recovering from his exposure at his his play date to carpet. He is back on eye medication plus, fuciderm for between his toes. We did another KT ear treatment on that left ear of his. Any future approved adopted home is going to have to understand that skin, eye and ear issues are part and parcel of the territory of owning a bulldog.
None of these things are anything that would take him away from being placed up for adoption shortly. He is always going to battle skin, ear and eye issues.


BHRR’s Ivy has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall post updates as we can.

Posted in Ivy

In early March, I was contacted upon a place receiving a referral to contact us about a Senior, 8 year old female GD, having been surrendered. We were told that the owners were giving her up as they were moving, had her all her life.

On March 17th, I was then informed that she was having bowel incontinence and, if we were still interested and, that her previous owners had said that she was also this way. I was wondering if it was parasites, stress, anxiety, lack of proper nutrition, was it something more serious, old age related etc. I was told that they would see how she was the next day.

I was told the next day that she was great and, all seemed to have resolved itself. She was presenting well with other dogs, was affectionate to the staff and, we moved forward to having her come to BHRR. We were told that she would be given DAPP and Bord and, that they would prefer to wait a week or so to be sure that all was good. We planned tentatively for her to come the weekend of March 28th.

I followed up on March 24th to be sure all was in place for the weekend and, all was good! She was to be transported to a safe spot SPCA on the Friday and, we would snag her on the Saturday.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to her account: She is under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

Her Great Angels:  $0.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees


The new dosing for BHRR’s Herbie’s The Love Bugs’ Ivermectin is now 2.1 ml SID. He is going to remain on the Cephalexin for another 3 weeks at a new dosing of 1000 mg’s BID. I will give him his next dose of Revolution later today.

We shall continue to re-weigh weekly and, then do a recheck in 3 weeks time.

We will do bloodwork when his skin is better(he bleeds quite easily still with his poor skin 🙁 ) and, vaccines when he is healthy plus neuter him.

Look who is hanging out at KAH today!!
BHRR’s Herbie – The Love Bug! He is up another 4.5 kgs(9.9 pounds) since February 19th. Yay!! Still quite thin but getting there!  He now weighs 78.1 pounds(35.5 kgs).
He just makes my heart skips beats, he is just so special and, sweet and, kind and gentle and, so loving. He is always happy and, you just want to scoop him up and smooch him all day long!
We will find out his new dosing for the Ivermectin today as his weight has gone up and, he will have another dose of Revolution, determine if he needs to continue with the Antibiotics(has been on since Feb 5, beginning at the shelter). 
His hair is beginning to come in and, he is quite patchy yet, no longer raw red, more a bright pink and, while he still scratches, a lot less now. His ears and feet are a lot less swollen also. 
Today, despite being dewormed at the shelter and, already having a three day course treatment of de-worming upon arrival to BHRR and, just finishing up his next three day course of de-worming, I saw a roundworm this AM, so another fecal is being run.
The photo below is of him with our lovely co-op student and, she wanted some photo’s of her and him. Posted with her permission.

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $120.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $990.78
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug and one of my Deaf/Visually Impaired GD boyz, Ice
Sunday March 8th, 2015
This is a great comparison for people to see a white dog with proper healthy hair and, how naked, patchy and pink BHRR’s Herbie is from the severe generalized Demodectic Mange.
He really is almost 90% naked or barely patched with hair right now….
BUT, we are getting there!!!  He is no longer a RED RAW oozing swollen massive wound from head to tail and toes.  Progress!
He is up to 2.1 mls of Ivermectin Daily and up to 1,000 mg of antibiotics daily and, he just becomes more happy and, delightful daily!
AND, the wee beastie is still battling parasites…..stubborn eastie beasties….


Someone is hanging at KAH today for a recheck! BHRR’s Riot! How he prefers to drink.
He is up another 5.72 pounds! So, he now weighs 45.4 KGS(99.88 pounds). He still needs another 15 or so, for his current age/body conformation and, it will come.
Today, we did a manicure/pedicure, microchipped him and, he will receive his DAPP Booster plus Rabies.
Then, in about another week or so, he will have a very special announcement to make!
The Vet loves the muscle tone and mass that he has developed, especially in his hind end.  She also loved how his blue coat is becoming more and more healthy plus soft.
His obedience is doing wonderfully and, he is another BHRR dog that is going to make one lucky right matched forever loving home A FABU addition!! Adore him!!!

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This is the second BHRR beauty that had her annual today at KAH. BHRR’s Angel Noelle AKA my spoiled ‘rotten baby’! Today, she weighed a quite plump 22.4 KGS(49.28 pounds). While, I know she is still young and shall do some filling out, that is way too much for her. She is significantly up from last year, regardless if she is still growing/maturing some. She was just over 17 Kgs last year. I would like to see her lose about 2.5 kgs to start.
So, in conversing with her wonderful approved temp foster mom, I learned that though kibble portions were great, a bit more treats than we would like to see had been going into BHRR’s Angel Noelle. So, a lot less treats, and, more praise shall be heading this wee delights way moving forward!
She traveled great in the car, was fantastic until we hit the exam room and, then, she was FABU for all of about ten minutes and, as soon as it was vaccine time, the first one, super trooper…..the second one, the wiggles started…..
By the time it came to doing her Heartworm test, it was all hands on deck for the wiggle monkey!
Her heart and lungs are a thumbs up! Her healthy soft coat received two thumbs up and, she sure charmed all with those eyes of hers, if the number of treats that headed her way was any indication…..I am giving praise and, her kind Vet is giving her treats….
She is going to be staying back with me until the end of March now as her lovely approved temp foster home is headed south for the March Break plus.
We will work on the exercise and food/treat balance.
Her leg amputation site looks great and, she remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home.
She has continued to garner interest yet, the wrong kind. She is more than capable(we reside on almost 148 acres) of playing, walking and yes, she runs very well plus does stairs….BUT, we reside on sand and grass and, have lots of snow right now.
She is not meant to pound the pavement and, she will not go to a home that will make her move on pavement for any extended period of time. That is way too hard on her.
You give her sand and grass and snow and, then just watch her go!
She is not meant to be placed in a glass bubble yet, at the same time, I do not want her poor body ruined as someone wanted to walk her on pavement 5 km’s or more each day. Her heart is so big, that she would do anything her loved ones asked of her, regardless of how it would ruin her body….
When I am out hacking for a short bit on the property, this incredible girl comes with me….she is fit(well, a little less right now with some pudge!), active and, healthy. She needs the right foundation to walk and run on.
I cannot believe that she remains up for adoption yet, we are patient and, she lacks for nothing as she has a great big special fan club and, many friends!
This photo is after her busy day!!


This is the first of two posts for two BHRR beauties that had their annual at KAH today!
BHRR’s Bloom AKA BOOM BOOM weighed a perfect 36.8 kgs(80.96 pounds)! She has lost quite a bit of weight over this past year and, is looking awesome! Last year at this time, she was actually over 40 KGs….ouch!
The Vet loved her gorgeous shiny blue coat, how friendly she was and, that she was quite the character from laying on her back with four feet in the air while on the weight scale to, practically sitting on my lap in the waiting room and, being a ham in the exam room.
Her heart and lungs sound great and, she was fantastic with her vaccines and only some minor wiggling with her Heartworm test.
Her leg that had surgery for radius curvus syndrome remains strong and, solid!
She has a bit of tartar on her teeth, nothing significant and, she made me so proud of her manners!!
She remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home! She needs not necessarily a Dane experienced home, yet, she needs a very experienced dog home that will be patient, consistent, keep on their toes to not be manipulated by the charm of this brilliant dog for she knows what she wants and, she will work her magic to get it…..
While not as high maintenance as she once was, she does best with a job like obedience and, the expression that training never ends, is so applied to her.
She travels fantastic in the car and, only very small sounds here and there of excitement made.
I love this dog so much and, we accept that she may be with us for her whole life for she is a larger than life dog and, we never want to see anyone lose the patience for she will keep you on your toes from sun up to sundown!
I admire her that while she trusts and respects me and, listens great that this does not stop her from testing me each and every day to see what she can get away with for that day.
You cannot give her one inch yet, this girl gives you everything she is, in everything she does and, that backbone has helped her be a survivor prior to being rescued….
While others many overlook you, stunning girl as you are small and, not the best in conformation, all of your fans and friends think you truly are THE BOOM BOOM BOMB and adore you!
We want you and, we will always be your number one fans!


Tonight’s Bedtime story……
Once upon a time there was this GD named BHRR’s Kaden, and, he had a HUGE fetish for human pillows…..(evidence posted in one of our albums!). AND, only my pillows! I have to pick them up each morning.
I think one handsome merle dude discovered a whole new pleasure!
BHRR’s Kaden’s new record is 3 Costco dog beds in a few hours
AND, I should have known something was up for HQD was sitting right in front of him, just almost ‘daring’ me to blame him for the bed guts all over the bedroom and ensuite. I think I am going to be finding stuffing for some time to come!
Who would have guessed all the different colours of stuffing to be found in any given Costco dog bed.
Now, I do not blame BHRR’s Kaden, I want to have a chat with whomever decided to open up his crate while I was out and, let him do his thing…..
I know that my PPSS could and would open crates yet, with his very sad passing in August of 2014(I miss him so much….), we have not had to use as many carabeeners on crates…..
As I am standing in the master bedroom looking around – it is 240 square feet and the ensuite is 243 square feet – marvelling at just how far bedding can go, I hear a crate open behind me….I turn and, it is BHRR’s Ivy!!!!
She was letting out BHRR’s Bishop who was sitting so patiently and, nicely waiting to be freed!
That monkey! I swear she is related to BHRR’s Dana….with all that I am….those two are so like!
So, one mystery solved as to who was opening the crates yet, as I then, went to sit down and, have a conversation with BHRR’s Kaden about why we should not be destroying dog beds, this is the face he gave me….
His eyes are bloodshot as he is so exhausted from all of his fun! He had climbed up on the master bed and, was getting nicely settled in for a well earned sleepie!
NOW, is that a face, one could ever be wishing to scold?!
I whispered in his ear that we shall talk later and, let him go off to la-la land….
I mean being a Costco dog bed destroyer and, stuffing ‘scatter to the wind’ dog expert is a very tiring job!
AND, yes, HQD, once she realised that, all was fine, walks by me with head in air and, not a glance at me…..


After BHRR’s Gretta had her third CWW session yesterday, she and I headed over to visit one of our fav peeps at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg – Amanda!
We also met some other very lovely folks that it was great to put a face to the name.
As some may remember, BHRR was nominated – such a warm surprise! – without our knowledge for a Pet Expo contest – 1st place was a booth at their summer festival(now postponed to 2016) and, then a draw was made of the remaining nominees(AND there were some great ones!).
BHRR’s name was chosen for $100 in gift cards donated generously by Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg!
We went in yesterday for a visit and to pick up th cards and, we snapped some photo’s with the gift cards( These FREEDOM Danes of ours have come a long way with pictures being taken and, in life in general!!).
She had a really great experience even though her coat got snagged on a display at one point. She handled it with class and, grace!!
Thank you lovelies at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for such a wonderful visit!
Wish we lived closer to visit more often.


BHRR’s Ethel and BHRR’s Braveheart have been moved to our BHRR Haven program due to the severe internal organ damage that has occurred due to food contamination. They are a number of dogs that have been terribly affected by food donated our way by another group on January 17th, 2015.

BHRR’s Merlin was the first death that occurred on January 21st, 2015 and, then we lost one of our own, our EM Caffrey(she was not fed the rescue donated food yet, she eats vomit and, sometimes poop and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 piles of diarrhea and vomit. With her advanced kidney disease(AND, she was doing great…and, had been for years!), her body could not handle the toxins.

BHRR’s Porridge, BHRR’s Braveheart, BHRR’s Salma and BHRR’s Ethel were also severely affected and, more minorly BHRR’s Oakley. I will update his own blog later for he also has been moved to the Haven Program yet, not due to food contamination. Here is a copy of the blog post that was made on BHRR’s Blog. We made the exact same post on our BHRR Fb page under his memorial photo. All the other dogs have already bounced back or, are still doing so.

BHRR’s Merlin – ? – January 21st, 2015
*Victim to Food Contamination*

Tragically, he is the first of several dogs deeply affected at BHRR by food sent our way by a group.

We have learned a lot more than we ever did before about food contamination and, how easy food can be contaminated once it leaves a manufaturer’s hands and, the more hands it touches plus transfers from, the higher the risk of problems occuring.

This memorial posting is only being made now for a number of reasons.

1) I wanted to touch base with the animal control person that I have worked with for well over a decade saving amazing dogs such as BHRR’s Licorice, BHRR’s Thor, BHRR’s Ava Marie, BHRR’s Potter etc….they entrusted this amazing GD to our care and, it was important to converse with them directly and, not for them to find out on a blog or a fb post that he was no longer with us. Many tears were shared over his loss…

2) I and the control officer finally made contact on Monday February 16th after much tagging back and forth and, it was like ripping a fresh scab off a very raw enormous wound and, I needed a few more days.

3) We have been in contact with two food testing and analysis companies – both in Mississauga and, it has been extremely informative plus educational. One could have a 1,000 bags of food, it only takes one bag to be contaminated to affect a life and, a whole bag also does not need to be contaminated for a life to be negatively affected…

We had been told that no other org.’s donated this food by this group, were affected. Then a group did reach out to us to say that they also had dogs affected.

We do sincerely hope that no more deaths or even vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, excessive gas etc. occur to any of the groups involved. No one should go through our experience.

We went through 72 hours of the worst hell imaginable with vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, gas and, now loss.

We are even now still trying to get weight back on, after purging their systems and, re-introducing food slowly – many witnessed at our February 1st BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, the new thinness of many of the dogs.

Each day is better and better for most of them now. Thank goodness…..

Yet, sadly, we have a number of other dogs including BHRR’s Porridge, BHRR’s Braveheart, BHRR’s Oakley, BHRR’s Salma(HQD), not to mention one of our own Caffrey(though she was not fed any of this food, she does like to eat vomit and sometimes dog poop) and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 bouts of diarrhea/vomit – lost count after that – inside and out of the house) adversely affected.

We have spent much money on exams, blood-work and UA’s to see how the internal organ functions have been affected and, how much if so.

At our recent BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, it was so sad to learn of not one but two other groups that were in attendance that have experienced their own losses over the years due to contaminated food – it is so easy for food to become contaminated – how it is stored, how it is transported/transferred, mouse droppings, moisture, birds, freezing and thawing etc. No one’s intentions were ill with the donation of this food, yet, the results have been devastating to BHRR.

We began to feed the food the same day it was donated – January 17th and, it was mixed appropriately and, the food bags were stored properly.

Since learning even more about food contamination, we are taking even more precautions on our end re: food donations and storing and, handling.

We have operated BHRR for over 19 years and, we have never gone through an experience like this and, may we never do so again.

Our wish would be for no organization or group to do so.

We did inform the group that donated the food – they originally wanted us to take food back in December, we did decline as we had just bought food and, had some donations sent our way – SS etc. and, we never wished to see another group do without.

In January, we were contacted again and, this person was quite insistent to assist our group with food for they did not wish to see it go to waster/bad and, we then accepted with our grateful appreciation 8 bags.

We also had two dogs in foster care also affected and, not just the rescues residing here at BHRR.

We showed the proper due diligence in informing this group about the food as were were aware others had also received some.

We respectfully request that any posts made in this thread be made in BHRR’s Merlin’s honour plus memory…..

If only we could turn back time…….we tried so hard to save you, you were getting healthy day by day, putting on the weight slowly, your skin issues were resolving, did blood-work and UA’s and, we even saw a specialist for your eye, biopsied all your lumps and bumps and, yet, your poor special needs neglected broken abused body just could not handle the food………

BHRR deals with extremely compromised immune and digestive system medical cases such as severe emaciation and, these special needs dogs could not deal with the food.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and, the BHRR BOD can be reached at contactbhrr@gmail.com

RIP BHRR’s Merlin……..we will miss your special ‘purring’….

BHRR’s Bloom and BHRR’s Angel Noelle are scheduled for their annuals on Friday March 6th. 🙂

We continue to be patient that their right matched forever loving homes shall find them.

BHRR’s Salem and BHRR’s Victory are coming to do a visit with me on Thursday March 5th. BHRR’s Salem has already been to one visit to this approved BHRR home already in January and, this time, she will get to meet their cat, with a personality that is uber huge! BHRR’s Victory has not been to this home as of yet, so, we shall see how she does herself.

This home is looking at possibly temp fostering for BHRR, they are previous adopters and, regardless if these lovely BHRR Beauties do not prove to be cat ‘worthy’, they, will both have a great visit continuing to make them the best dogs they can be, assets to home and community. 🙂

BHRR’s Ivy and BHRR’s Salem came with me to do a hv on Saturday February 28th. BHRR’s Salem is getting better and better in strange situations and surroundings and, if people are not fast and flighty and, loud, she is settled and more comfortable. She has a lot more confidence when other dogs are around and, the more people that are part of her already set-up for success trust circle, the more comfortable and confident she is. She is not a dominant dog by any means and, we all agree that she is one stunning looking lady. I am very proud of her! She travels so well in the car and her leash manners are almost perfection now. She is going to continue to blossom and, become more confident and comfortable in that right match personality fit home. The home at this hv made a comment that if she is still a bit skittish, that perhaps she is not ready to be placed up for adoption and, I said that, while she is only going to continue to get better and better in my  hands, she does not need me to keep bringing her to these next level and steps.

She needs a home that shall carry on and continue to build upon the strong foundation I have given her at BHRR. She does not ‘need’ me any longer. She just thinks she does. She is more than ready for that right matched forever loving home to find her. AND, that scared, timid, shy, submissive almost broken creature that first arrived to BHRR is no more. AND, she is going to keep shining in the right hands. She has TONS of potential. She is so loving, playful and affectionate and, if you earn her trust and respect, she is going to lay her life down for you.

One needs to be patience, kind, loving, consistent and, committed. She is a fabu dog and, while it would be nice to see her in a home with another right matched personality fit dog, as long as she has her doggie friends and network, she shall be fine. 🙂 One has to remember that she is a Mastiff/Dane and, that her personality is not as easily trustworthy considering all that she has gone through. She is a flight dog, not a fight. She has not one mean bone in her gorgeous body.

BHRR’s Ivy on the other hand, she is a firecracker! LOL Personality like BHRR’s Dana that just beams from every gorgeous black hair! She is busy, active, curious, outgoing, mischievous and, like a two year old, into everything! I giggled and smiled and laughed at the number of times a member of the house at this home-visit found themselves getting up and finding just what has she gotten into next. If it was not mittens, it was barbells or the couch and, on and on. This dog is meant to do agility or obedience titles and, she makes me laugh so much! She is a high maintenance ball of fire and, I just love her! She can easily have a home with another dog or two. She is an absolute hoot! She is a diva! BUSY! BUSY! BUSY!

They both had a great experience at this hv and, that experience with more loving and helping hands, has helped make that much more well rounded and balanced.

My last post for tonight is tonight’s CUTENESS factor alert.
BHRR”s Herbie – The Love Bug
One flexible baby.
He does a lot of sleeping as his body has had a terrible past and, he needs to get healthy.
Yet, each day, he has a bit more energy, becomes a bit more comfortable and confident and, becomes a LOT more happy, handsome and, amazing! Not, to also mention healthier.
His skin is slowly healing. We will get on top of that nasty generalized demodectic mange and, those skin infections and, one day, he will not be so uber skinny either. Day by day!
He is a true gem!
He wishes all of his fans and friends, a good night, sleep tight and, that he cannot wait to meet as many folks as possible when he is healthier!


BHRR’s latest BBBBB to be adopted!
BHRR’s Cherry – ADOPTED!
February 28th, 2015
She waited so patiently, as all of us did for so long for her right matched home to find her!
She originally arrived to BHRR barely 65 pounds, emaciated and terrified….
She is now ~100+ pounds and, fit, social butterfly, wonderful glossy black coat and, healthy plus happy! ”
Due to the privacy nature of the family, their faces are taken out, in respect of them.
Joy, it took a long time, but her time has come!!! We are so missing her already…..
Congratulations, Cherry-BOMB!


Tonight's CUTENESS Factor!
February 26th, 2015
Skor & BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug – Two very special Great Danes!
They are having a post-dinner snooze.
You can see BHRR's Gretta behind in the crate relaxing after her own busy afternoon at CWW.
The Vet said last night that he did not look as red/raw as he did when he first arrived and, that was wonderful to hear….
I will bring him in weekly.
We switched him from FROMM Whitefish(did not like) to the FROMM Salmon. He is eating it so much better.


BHRR’s Gretta had her second CWW session today!
Love this place and, the lovelies that work there!!
Since we were last there on Sunday February 22nd, she is doing a bit more than the toe touching(tons of praise when she follows the ‘use your leg’ words) and, going to and, from the car from our home and, to and from CWW, she is improving!
Yet, in the water, she stills wants to tuck it right up and, yet, she is getting better and better…Bambi Babe she is!
She is just so uncoordinated just like baby bambi and, still trying to figure her balance out……
Fergie the pug provided much morale support on the side of the pool to her today!
Right now, we are still trying to break through the mental part of her resistance…she is strong minded(like all the FREEDOM Danes we have assisted over 15 years from this byber) and, aso knows her own mind….
Trust is hard for her, understandably and, she shall get there…..
We are back on Tuesday March 3rd…I am trying to get her there at least twice a week.
At home, she will use it outside, if you walk her on a leash, yet, inside the house, barely toe touches….we continue to keep working on the mental behavioural barrier…..we have been down this road in 2010 with BHRR’s Apollo and, she will get there…..we are right there by her side, encouraging her, supporting her and loving her along with some ‘tough love’ necessary to keep her moving forward…..
So proud of her….gosh…she just makes me so proud of all of her accomplishments since she was first busted from hell…..
I have photo’s and video’s to update on her blog from Sunday and, again today…..I hope to get that all done tomorrow.

VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #1 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #2 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #3 CWW
VIDEO BHRR’s Gretta #4 CWW

IMG_6635 IMG_6637 IMG_6641

AND, the story goes on…… tongue emoticon
I took Mr. Bubbles AKA Lord Cambridge to his annual tonight and, BHRR's Herbie – The Love Big came with me to get a new weight( he was down .2 of a kg…BOO!frown emoticon YET, he is more active here and, eating was great yet, now he is distracted and would rather play…and hog the couch! tongue emoticon ) to KAH.
When we got back, and, all kids plus dogs were fed and tucked into bed(kids, not dogs yet…..), I thought, 'Hey, here is my chance! Grabbed a fresh hot cup of mint tea' and, are you kidding me! LOL
By the time I got to the loveseat, Skor had BHRR's Herbie the Love Bug already up and snuggled and snoozing! 
My NO Couch rule is being seriously challenged by HQD and, clearly all of her fans! tongue emoticon grin emoticon
So, here I sit at my computer, and, the story continues!grin emoticon
AREN'T they precious though? Makes all the bad things in the world just fade away……….if, only for a wee bit of time…… 


To carry on the story…….. wink emoticon
So, after getting pushed out of bed, I think, well, ok…..I will go grab a nice cup of mint tea and, sit on the loveseat for a wee bit and, 'wake up'….
Well, by the time my tea was made, I head to the loveseat and, THIS is my sight! LOL tongue emoticon
Ice and Skor have moved from the bed, collected BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug on their way and, all are nicely settled and, having a nap…..I mean afterall it is god awful x time in the AM. I have the lights on as it is so dark inside the house…even, the sun is still sleeping!
I am then off to find a new place to sit….and, wake up properly myself! grin emoticon
THANKS HQD!!! Your bootcamp is really effective with the Gwennie's NO couch rule! tongue emoticon


BHRR's Oakley(Deaf) decided that he was not 'just' a Great Dane and tall enough on his own. tongue emoticon He had to be the tallest greatest of Danes today and, stand on our bench and view the world from that perspective! grin emoticon

What a character!


It is official now as HQD says so! tongue emoticon
HQD, BHRR's Salma showed him the couch, she tried to cover him with a blanket and, BHRR's Herbie, The Love Bug has officially been welcomed to the BHRR Fam as HQD clearly has put her stamp of approval on him! 
HQD's boot camp is clearly alive and well…..mine is struggling! LOL
I think he liked his HQD care and 'initiation' into the BHRR fam! wink emoticon
This boy has never known a kind word or hand or the comfort and softness of spoiling until he was liberated…..
AND, his personality is just as Sean called him 'The Love Bug'
He is going to melt so many hearts……..
Welcome to BHRR Herbie! 
smile emotico

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals' office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON


**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Herbie’s Great Angels:  $70.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $790.67
*Before PayPal fees
Joan – Costco Dog Bed


BHRR's Merlin – ? – January 21st, 2015

*Victim to Food Contamination*

Tragically, he is the first of several dogs deeply affected at BHRR by food sent our way by a group. 

We have learned a lot more than we ever did before about food contamination and, how easy food can be contaminated once it leaves a manufaturer's hands and, the more hands it touches plus transfers from, the higher the risk of problems occuring. 

This memorial posting is only being made now for a number of reasons. 

1) I wanted to touch base with the animal control person that I have worked with for well over a decade saving amazing dogs such as BHRR's Licorice, BHRR's Thor, BHRR's Ava Marie, BHRR's Potter etc….they entrusted this amazing GD to our care and, it was important to converse with them directly and, not for them to find out on a blog or a fb post that he was no longer with us. Many tears were shared over his loss… frown emoticon

2) I and the control officer finally made contact on Monday February 16th after much tagging back and forth and, it was like ripping a fresh scab off a very raw enormous wound and, I needed a few more days.

3) We have been in contact with two food testing and analysis companies – both in Mississauga and, it has been extremely informative plus educational. One could have a 1,000 bags of food, it only takes one bag to be contaminated to affect a life and, a whole bag also does not need to be contaminated for a life to be negatively affected…

We had been told that no other org.'s donated this food by this group, were affected. Then a group did reach out to us to say that they also had dogs affected. 

We do sincerely hope that no more deaths or even vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, excessive gas etc. occur to any of the groups involved. No one should go through our experience. 

We went through 72 hours of the worst hell imaginable with vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, gas and, now loss. 

We are even now still trying to get weight back on, after purging their systems and, re-introducing food slowly – many witnessed at our February 1st BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house, the new thinness of many of the dogs.

Each day is better and better for most of them now. Thank goodness…..

Yet, sadly, we have a number of other dogs including BHRR's Porridge, BHRR's Braveheart, BHRR's Oakley, BHRR's Salma(HQD), not to mention one of our own Caffrey(though she was not fed any of this food, she does like to eat vomit and sometimes dog poop) and, at one point we were cleaning up over 52 bouts of diarrhea/vomit – lost count after that – inside and out of the house) adversely affected.

We have spent much money on exams, blood-work and UA's to see how the internal organ functions have been affected and, how much if so. 

At our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house, it was so sad to learn of not one but two other groups that were in attendance that have experienced their own losses over the years due to contaminated food – it is so easy for food to become contaminated – how it is stored, how it is transported/transferred, mouse droppings, moisture, birds, freezing and thawing etc. No one's intentions were ill with the donation of this food, yet, the results have been devastating to BHRR.

We began to feed the food the same day it was donated – January 17th and, it was mixed appropriately and, the food bags were stored properly.

Since learning even more about food contamination, we are taking even more precautions on our end re: food donations and storing and, handling.

We have operated BHRR for over 19 years and, we have never gone through an experience like this and, may we never do so again. 

Our wish would be for no organization or group to do so. frown emoticon

We did inform the group that donated the food – they originally wanted us to take food back in December, we did decline as we had just bought food and, had some donations sent our way – SS etc. and, we never wished to see another group do without. 

In January, we were contacted again and, this person was quite insistent to assist our group with food for they did not wish to see it go to waster/bad and, we then accepted with our grateful appreciation 8 bags. 

We also had two dogs in foster care also affected and, not just the rescues residing here at BHRR. 

We showed the proper due diligence in informing this group about the food as were were aware others had also received some. 

We respectfully request that any posts made in this thread be made in BHRR's Merlin's honour plus memory…..

If only we could turn back time…….we tried so hard to save you, you were getting healthy day by day, putting on the weight slowly, your skin issues were resolving, did blood-work and UA's and, we even saw a specialist for your eye, biopsied all your lumps and bumps and, yet, your poor special needs neglected broken abused body just could not handle the food………

BHRR deals with extremely compromised immune and digestive system medical cases such as severe emaciation and, these special needs dogs could not deal with the food.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and, the BHRR BOD can be reached at contactbhrr@gmail.com

RIP BHRR's Merlin……..we will miss your special 'purring'….


~ 6 month old Merlequin Great Dane Puppy with severe skins issues – Skinny, Demodectic Mange and Skin Infections.
He was an investigation case and, then was 'liberated'. A severe neglect and cruelty case.
It breaks my heart to see him so scared to go outside as he worries if he is going to be allowed to come back in. Door-ways and doors make him so stressed. When he first arrived, you had to go out with him for he would not go to the bathroom alone. 
He had a skin scraping at the shelter and, we did another one upon arrival to BHRR – February 19th and, he is extremely positive. frown emoticon
At his Vet Visit On February 19th:
Temperature was normal, lungs normal, heart normal. Weight 31.2 KGs(68.64 pounds)
Took 2 more weeks of Cephalexin for his skin infections(total of 19 days in meds as the Shelter kindly provided 5 days).
Special ordered more 10 mg/ml Ivermectin to carry on his medications – We will re-visit around March 5th
**The Shelter has also had him on medications since February 5th, 2015**
He will be on medications for at least 12 weeks. 
He will be de-wormed on Panacur for his paperwork mentioned parasites(the shelter kindly began his de-worming protocol). 
He is a very small, neglected Great Dane boy, still skinny
Very affetionate, wants to please, already knows sit 
When his skin is better, we will do bloodwork(to learn more about if there is any underlying auto-immune disorder and not just neglect/cruelty for his conditions) and nails. He is like a RAW wound right now. frown emoticon Bleeds easily….
He is a Merlequin and, they 'can be' prone to skin issues and, if not properly cared for, develop skin issues. 
No picture will really show how bad his skin is, he is bald on at least 50%-60% off his body, small patches of hair elsewhere. Feet and ears very swollen along with his muzzle. It is so hot to the touch.
I took a couple of video's also….
He will go on a proper diet of FROMM Fish as, he could well have food allergies also. 
He is lacking in muscle and, has bleeding areas's plus scabs all over his body. He is so itchy.
Yet, he remains so happy and, I do not find him a bull in a china shop at all.
He is also terrifed about being left outside. He is so reluctant to go outside.
I will put him in a dog coat and, when it is warmer, give him a nice soothing medicated plus oatmeal shampoo.
Even his wee butt is raw….
When he is healthy, he will receive the proper vaccines – we follow Dr. Jean Dodds Protocols and, be neutered.

IMG_6601 IMG_6608 IMG_6609BHRR's Herbie – The Love Bug – February 19th, 2015

Now, that BHRR's Ivy is still long enough to get some sort of photo that resembles a BBBBB and not a black blur, tongue emoticon, she is ready to make her special announcement…..
She is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!! grin emoticon
She is spicy and sassy and, saucy and, a delightful handful! She is about 8 months of age now.
She reminds me so much of BHRR's Dana – minus the sitting on heads(Drift carries on that legacy!) and, Dana's famous 'Ice Time'.
She gives all of herself to everything she feels is important – and, then if you have her trust, she would lay down her life for you….affectionate and, loving, smart and, a thinker!
She is not a half measure girl…she needs an active lifestyle home and a job and, to be properly mentally plus physically stimulated. 
She needs patience, continued obedience and consistency and, even a home with a like minded dog or two and, this was a pup that came to me on meds for SA and was destructive and, I pulled her off all meds and, she does not require any drugs….she requires that right match forever loving home. She has never broken out of one crate and, loves her crate and, even takes herself to bed….
She is a very special girl…..
She would also do well in a home with children 8 and up….no young kids for this bouncy baby!
Cats unknown and, she is an absolute ball of fire of fun!
She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc., as she is another versatile BHRR dog!

BHRR's Ivy with Skor(NOT Available For Adoption)

Img_6504 Img_6559

Posted in Ivy

February 15th, 2015 – Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser!
Thank you SHOUTED out to every single person who shared, cross-posted, donated baked goodies(Wendi & Margaret!), gave up their Sunday to come help out for we are nothing without our strong links of Success Of Beautiful Volunteers – Ashley, Wendi, Cliff, Margaret, Sean and Bruce! – AND, to each visitor, fan, supporter and, friend that came out to help us help BHRR's Gretta!

We could not have had a successful event without so many people, caring and sharing and, being there for this gorgeous Dane.
We had a line-up MORE than once and, people were so patient as they waited for their nails and/or washes etc. smile emoticon
Thank you also to Shannon from Chew-That for the Bag of FROMM!

Thank you's extended to Lianne/Cliff for the cleaning supplies and the dog bed!
Thank you Bre and Pet Valu Manotick for hosting us at your lovely location – all of you are WONDERFUL! 
Thank you to The Lord for well, being THE LORD!

AND, Skor, you took a few names and hearts yourself, you now miracle 15 week old GD baby!

I so look forward to going into LAH and, putting down the heart-warming, knee trembling, finger shaking, tear welling up $650.65 on to her Vet Bills. What a dent that shall make in what is still owed on her bills!

With my total sincerity plus appreciation THANK YOU again everyone!!! smile emoticon
Forever indebted to so many…………

$75.25 was in our donation box
Absolutely so generous of Gretta's Village!
All money was handled by Wendi and Margaret and, counted, re-counted and sealed in an envelope and off to the bank!

$575.40 was raised with nail trims(I did two complimentary, two others snuck in their donation anyway! :D), dog baths( I believe we did 5), 1 adorable frenchie was microchipped, 2 ear cleanings and, merchandies sold that including a SELL OUT bake sale!

I donated $78 and, Wendi also had raised $50 from previous cupcake sales that she gave for Gretta's cause. 

All money was handled by Wendi and Margaret and, counted, re-counted and then sealed in an envelope and, off to the bank!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $1,078.65* donated to date & current bills are $4,874.09
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family
Lianne's Neighbour
Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa Fundraiser – $650.65

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The Lord had a GREAT day at the ‘Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa’ Fundraiser that PV Manotick helped us host on Sunday February 15th! Thanks to the BHRR village/community $650.65 was raised to go towards her cruciate surgery bills!

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I picked up The Lord today from his temp foster mom and, he was sooooooooooo excited to see me! I also was with him!

I took a look over his eyes and, they look fine. I looked at his chin and feet and, yes, they are definitely not great. I also looked at the one fold his temp foster wanted me to check and, it is slightly infected. 

I told his temp foster mom that, my plan was to take him back for about 10 days, heal him up  and, then bring him back. Should he react again, then we know for sure that the carpet, perhaps even laundry detergent, fabric softener, and, I did not even ask if they use anything like Febreeze, could well be the problem. We will know for sure then, that we do not want to see him in an approved adoptive home that has any carpets and, would have to be careful about other products used around him. 

Per his Foster mom, he went to her healthy and, as I said back to her, this may help us figure out even further what type of home he CANNOT go to and, that she is not a failure! 

It shall be good to get him back on nothing even close to salt or sand either.

His last nail trim was January 24th before he went to his temp foster home and, he really needs his nails done every 2 weeks yet, with his raw feet, they are too painful. So, all the work we did to get his nails looking great, will just have to see slide a bit for now. 

I took him to KAH as I wanted to get an updated weight on him for he had dropped down to 19 kgs and, he was back up to 20 kgs, so giving him the extra 1.5 cups daily as his body fought these infections etc., has helped. He was 20.2 kgs the day he went to his temp foster home. 

I cannot stress enough about how I want to see him between 19.8 kgs and 20.5 kgs. He is not to become obese and, of course, we do not want him skinny. Lean and healthy! He is so fit and, looking like a Bulldog should, not what people' 'think' bulldogs should look like – rotund with stomachs protuding. 

Even per his Vet at KAH, that he is on Baytril and, that he is battling these infections, is a bit concerning. 

He has not had any incontinent issues since he was temp fostered as he is on the Baytril and that is wonderful news!!! 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,768.32* donated to date & Bills are $4,566.73
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We may not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.12(split with BHRR's Maverick)


When I was at LAH today, I showed Dr. Liston, the x-rays and, what his Vet at KAH said re: their findings. He presented his own professional opinion that there was a growth plate issue that clearly experienced some form of trauma that caused the breaks. 

He agrees that amputation is a very viable option once BHRR's Hercules loses more weight. 

I am going to email over the x-rays for him to view in more depth.


BHRR's Gretta has her post-op check today and, her suture removal at LAH. smile emoticon

Photo is of her leg on the way into LAH. 

She is down a bit in weight yet, that is not surprising and, Dr. Liston agrees with me, her not using her leg is behavioural. JUST like it was with BHRR's Apollo.
Her leg got a big and wonderful thumbs up in the healing department and, looks and feels great according to Dr. Liston! smile emoticon
Last Thursday, in preparation that I want to nip this not using her leg in the bud, I left some messages with CWW. A few sessions should greatly assist her in realising that this is not a 'hurty' pain any longer and, it is safe to use it.
She is no longer tucking it right up underneath her belly yet, she is extremely rarely even toe touching. She has been like this from Day 1 and, I just knew she was going to be headstrong about it.
I keep saying that these dogs are survivors and, what has helped make them a survivor is their inner strength plus backbone. She is stubborn. smile emoticon
She was so awesome during her exam and suture removal. I just stroked her ever so soft face and ears and talked softly to her while Dr. Liston did his magic smile emoticon
She is doing so much better going to and from the car and, travels like a rock star and, what can I say about her leash manners?!
A typical BHRR dog. AMAZING! This was a dog that never even knew what a collar and leash really were until she was close to 1 year of age. 
So proud of this beauty!!!
Please do not forget her Fundraiser coming up this Sunday February 15th at PV Barrhaven PLUS the special Global Pet Foods – Bank Street "Show Us Your Heart' Campaign that ends this weekend. 
ALL funds raised in both events shall go direct to BHRR's Gretta's Vet Bills at Liston Animal Hospital. 
We are also still ISO: Two more approved BHRR Volunteers to help out on Sunday. smile emoticon Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you can lend a hand or two!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $428.00* donated to date & current bills are $4,874.09
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family
Lianne's Neighbour


Tonight's post of my immense thanks of warmth felt is first sent out to Rachel for giving me notice at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house that they were some new Rupert Wraps available. wink emoticon

Then, I must send out my biggest and sincerest warmth of thanks plus appreciation to Fiona and Her mummy!

For, I had wanted to pay for this wrap and, they insisted on giving it as a gift to the BHRR palliative dog I wanted it for, BHRR's Porridge.
It is so important to me to give back when I can and, to help others and, long before these awesome Rupert Wraps became a 'hot' item smile emoticon, quite a few of the BHRR doggies benefited from gifts sent to them by Fiona and her Mummy – HQD and My Lion Kings just to name some….
Even more reason that I wanted to pay for this one…..we have been given a lot of kindness already in the past…
There are truly never enough words in a dictionary to tell some people what their generous, giving and caring selfless gifts/actions mean to me…..and, the animals of BHRR.
As soon as I saw this particular wrap, it just screamed out his name! Even though he is almost a miracle 7 years soon, his reminds me very much of a kid that loves playing construction games and demolishing also! smile emoticon
Fiona and her Mummy do a lot for the community far and wide and, please join me in thanking them for their big hearts, amazing talent and, this gorgeous special gift!
From the wrapping to the sticker of 'adopt' to the beautiful folding plus presentation of the wrap, these wraps are made with such heart and love…..
Thank you both again!!! I really am so thankful and, touched……so, is BHRR's Porridge!
It may only cover a section of him, because he is almost 41" at the whithers but, to him as long as his head is covered, he feels safe and protected. grin emoticon
Now to make sure HQD does not steal it! tongue emoticon
The world is full of such goodness and, I feel so lucky and blessed that the BHRR doggies have Angels amongst them….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $985.50* donated to date & Bills are: $5,439.44
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again


Introducing BHRR's Riot – OMG! He is lovely!! His personality is not one of terror or being catatonic at all. He is a goofy, pushy, no manners, loveable, happy tail whacking, affectionate, barky hunk of love! 🙂
He weighed just over 42 KGs and, though, he is quite skinny, border emaciated and, he will fill out in time. Proper nutrition, exercise and keeping him growing nice and slow will assist.
He has a slightly raw right back foot and, we did a thorough exam and normal temp, lungs are clear and, as he is doing some snot flinging plus coughing, he will remain on Doxy for at least another week. He does not have pneumonia at this time.
His coat needs a good washing and grooming as it has dander plus dead hair yet, he is almost quite silver in areas on his body. Not a true steel blue GD.
He had a manicure plus pedicure and, he is playful, mouthy, jumps and, is almost borderline rude with his lack of manners. He will bark for negative seeking attention behaviour also.
Welcome to Gwennie's Boot Camp!
I would say around 12 months of age and, he does have some tartar on those teeth. Nothing that is urgent to address while at BHRR.
Karen said that loud noises tended to set him off with some barking also.
I can already tell that he is going to be a riot!!
When he is healthy, we will do his vaccines.
This boy is 100% awesome already and, in five weeks or so, he should have no issues making his special announcement!
Welcome to BHRR MR. Xl
Thank you again Karen!! You are a transporter angel!!

In the second photo, you can see his hip bones more than you like and, the lighting / his blue coat does not show just how ribby he is yet, as mentioned above, a bit skinny, yet, no longer anorexic like he was at the shelter and, not emaciated. 🙂


I received a call from Lord Stafford's temp foster mom tonight. Unfortunately, it may be the carpet, the laundry detergent, fabric softener or, any other number of things yet, the boy that was dropped off raring to go on January 24th to be temp fostered is now battling skin issues. 🙁 He is clearly reacting to something or some things in their home. These possible allergens were discussed during his first week with her and, we did a recheck last week, and, she is worried that he is even worse. The Vet said last week, that his eyes were finally fine and, that it was just his normal 'haws' showing up red – third eyelid. Yet, his temp foster mom told me tonight that one of his eyes is now running.

AND, his feet that were hurt in the salt, sand and cold after he arrived to his temp foster home, have gotten worse and, that compounded with allergy flare-up is making for an uncomfortable boy.

With him being on such a strong antibiotic as is, Baytril, this is not good. His foster mom and I only want what is in his best interest.

This affirms plus confirms that we do not want him adopted to a home that has carpeting. His foster mom has tried to be so proactive and do all they could for him and, you know that they truly love him and care for him when they, call and, discuss his situation with myself and, do agree that perhaps it is best that he come back to my home.

I am going to pick him up on my way home from BHRR's Gretta's suture removal and post-op recheck tomorrow and bring back to BHRR.

I know he is going to miss her!!!

SAVE the Date!
Saturday March 28th, 2015 5:30 pm onward!
FOR the "Helping Hercules: Games For A Special Dane' Fundraiser to help raise much needed funds for his upcoming leg amputation. He is the GD that has the untreated broken leg.
Thanks to an extremely creative and wonderful angel, Stephanie who has now become a partner in crime grin emoticon, plans are in motion behind the scenes organizing a wonderfully special and, fabu evening for BHRR's Hercules AND YOU!
This is a limited registration event – maximum of 40 folks ONLY and, more details to come shortly!
THANKS also being extended to BHRR BOD Barry for working with me on yet, another poster to promote this event in honour of a super magnificent Great Dane, BHRR's Hercules!
AND, yes, the man of the hour will be present at this event!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals' office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON


**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercule’s Great Angels:  $105.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,190.71
*Before PayPal fees


On February 10th, I received the following and how severely neglected and abused he had been. 🙁
"I got a six month old dane with wicked demodex, an inspection case that was liberated.'

We stepped up to assist and plans were made to bring him to BHRR on the 14th. Unfortunately, with the terrible weather that day, we had to reschedule(safety for all is so important to me) and, he then was schedule to come in on the 19th of February.

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BHRR's Maverick wants to say a BIG Thank You for helping to raise a hand tremling, amazingly generous and caring $1,025.00 in our recent 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKE' Online Auction!

We had 41 delightful items up for grabs and, thanks to everyone that shared, donated, participated and, sent notes/words of encouragement plus support, we have this unbelievable total to go towards his current Vet Bills that stand at over: $15,700.00

I sound like a broken record when I say that $5 is huge to us, what all of you have done for BHRR's Maverick in now raising over: $10,600 total to go towards his vetting that include three major leg surgeries, is beyond huge….
It touches us to our souls and, we are extremely filled with appreciation plus gratitude…..
Next year, we will host our 3rd ANNUAL one-of-a kind plus creative BHRR Breaking Bills Online Auction to assist another deserving dog at that time in need of an extra helping hand…..
I go to bed tonight, filled with so much warmth and light in my soul plus extreme thanks to ALL of you for making this happen for him!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)


People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $10,640.58 donated to date & Bills 15,712.82
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)
2nd Annual "BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction – $1,025.00


GENTLE Reminder:
BHRR's Gretta's angels have been working quietly plus hard behind the scenes on a special Fundraiser event to help raise some much needed monies to help her with the bills from her cruciate repair surgery and rehab journey.
Thanks is appreciatively extended to Pet Valu – Manotick for helping us, AND, for hosting this event on Sunday February 15th, 2015 from 10 AM – 4 PM
This is the 'Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa' Fundraiser!
No APPOINTMENTS necessary!
BHRR is still ISO: two more approved BHRR Volunteers willing and open to helping lend a hand that day! 
This is not a community education or public awareness event for BHRR yet, we will have some merchandise for sale such as our signature leash sleeves plus magnets. smile emoticon
Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
THANKS once again MUST be shouted out to BHRR BOD member B. Cole for such an amazing poster!

sweetheart spa (Medium)

This AM, I was so hoping to be able to sleep in, a rare treat and, then I feel my side of the bed dip down and, sounds of snuffling along with a very cold wet nose……

I roll over and, to my absolute delight and surprise, it is BHRR's Kaden!

It has taken how long for him to finally feel comfortable to climb up on the bed and not just ask for attention but 'demand'?!

Very very quietly and carefully, I reached over and grabbed my home to snap a photo of who is truly one of the softest Danes I have ever felt…..many of us who know him will agree!
We have made the decision that, he shall also become a Haven dog. This is where he feels safe, this is where his circle of success and chain of set up for success begins and, we always say 'should' that right match forever loving home find him, we would consider adopting out one of our Haven dogs.
He has had all the wrong folks interested in him.
To his family plus friends, he can be almost lethal in his affection – he also loves snuffling people's heads and, re-arranging their hair! In Sean's case, he is fascinated with his baldness…. smile emoticon
This is a boy that one can never rush…..when he is ready and feels you are not a threat, he will be one of your most loyal of friends. It is all about patience and trust and time with this super sensitive and gentle young man.
We had been thinking about this for awhile and, he will continue to mature and develop into the best dog he can be and, he shall do it with the strong foundation of support, encouragement, consistency, patience, structure and obedience that have seen him make huge strides and progress since his arrival.
Back on topic though, 'who' could ever resist this face and, so, my day began at 5 am, for snow romping and, rolling and, I could not think of a better way to spend my day!
Tomorrow, we shall do some more famous BHRR WinterWonderland Photo's and, Video!
We have another one of our well established(the oldest in the area!) and signature one of a kind BHRR & Friends GD & Honorary GD get togethers also planned! We have been hosting this for over 19 years now, never an incident as we are all responsible dog owners that believe in positive support, reinforcement and, we have such a blast in sharing, learning from each other and, spending time with other like minded folks! We are almost 200 amazing members on our email distribution list to date!
Happy Saturday to all and, as always, no matter what you are doing this weekend, may you be happy, safe and surrounded by loved ones. smile emoticon


BHRR’s Hercules was at KAH with me today. I picked up a last minute shift to help out a team-mate. 
He weighed 63.60 Kgs! When he arrived on January 12th, 2015 he weighed 71.60 KGs and that was down from the 75 Kgs when he was dumped at the kill shelter. 
Way to go!!! I need him to lose another 15-20 pounds before we can consider amputating that leg yet, if he leans down but also builds up in more muscle mass/tone, we would be on the shorter end on that weight loss.
He is developing some beautiful muscle in his body, especially hind end! His hair is starting to come in softer and be that gorgeous blue colour, not brown.
We gave him his final DAPP booster and I re-visited some marks he has on both sides of his rump(he does have one pimple) and, talked to the Vet about the happy tail injury he gave himself at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house on Sunday. frown emoticon
He is so happy and affectionate! We call him our Hubba Bubba Boy! smile emoticon
His posture is so much better as he is healthy and, his feet less splayed and collapsed in the pasterns and, his leg postioning is stronger with balance as he now has core strength appearing.
He is doing well with his SA and, still no cats or very small dogs in his future….way too interested!!
We are now working to figure out a special and creative Fundraiser so we can do his leg amputation……any ideas, throw them out!
As we were getting ready to leave KAH, I sat down in the car and wanted to get a new photo of him and, he smooched me and I him!
Wonderful boy….just so wonderful!!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Hercules under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON

**IF I am forgetting any of his ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Hercules’ Great Angels:  $30.00* donated to date & Current Vet Bills are: $1,190.71
*Before PayPal fees


Though, BHRR's Gretta's leg is healing beautifully, she is still refusing to use it. I have made an recheck appointment plus to have her sutures removed on Wednesday February 11th and, I have also, given them a heads up that I would like a referral form to CWW(Canine Water Wellness). Just as BHRR's Apollo, many years ago refused to do for behavioural reasons, BHRR's Gretta is doing the same thing. We need to 're-program' her and, to get new people on her team for set-up for success.

I left a voice message plus sent a message to CWW via their fb page, asking to have a referral form sent over to Liston Animal Hospital.

Below are two photo's from 1:21 AM on January 30th and, then the next two, below those, are from today of her leg.

IMG_6431 IMG_6432
Img_6506 Img_6507

BHRR's Stafford was in at KAH today for his recheck for his eyes. They are thumbs up! However, a few other things were discovered. 

His weight was way down to only 19 KGS, so advised his temp foster home to up his food per day by an extra cup. We want to see him between 19.8 to 20.5 Kgs. The day he was temp fostered he was 20.2 kgs.

Also, his feet have taken a hit on the salt/sand plus extreme cold in their area, and, so, he has some raw pads. He will have some anti-bacterial soap to clean them and, some Fuciderm cream to use.

Additionally, as this home does have two areas of carpeting(stairs and one room), he has been rubbing and rolling and, he has a flare-up going on with his skin. He will be washed again with his medicated shampoo. In conversing with his approved temp foster home, as, we do not have carpet here, and, they do, we both agree, that any future approved adoptive home, should not have carpet. With his seasonal and food allergies, it sounds like he reacts to things like dust mites and carpet fibres also. 

He LOVED seeing the girls' at KAH and, he had a good experience. If, his feet were great, I would have had the home get him a nail trim also. 

He still is having ZERO incontinent issues and, that is YAY! YAY! YAY! 

We are still on track for him to be placed up as 'Available For Adoption' in early to mid-March. Any future approved adoptive home is going to have to understand that he has those breed specific issues that will always be in the side wings, possibly ready to flare-up…..

Thank you to his approved temp foster home in really trying to do right by him and, loving him. 

BHRR’s Salem – says ‘pssssst, come closer….no, closer still……’
She has a special announcement to make!
She is a Great Dane/Mastiffx and, 100% amazing!

Her CBC and Anaplasma PCR results are back and, she is negative for any infection for Anaplasma plus Lymes & Ehrlichia. She does have antibodies towards the Anaplasma which means that she did have exposure to it at one point where she came from YET, does not have it, NOR is she infected and,she is 100% perfectly healthy! 🙂

We would like to see her in a home that is not necessarily Dane or Mastiff experienced, yet, a home that is dog experienced. A home that is calm and has routine, consistency, patience and, time to continue to to keep building up her trust and confidence. When you win her over, she is so affectionate and loving. She is so calm, and gentle and, her obedience has come along fabulously!

She so badly wants to love and be loved and, she is wonderfully affectionate. She had another great BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house and, as long as there were not major fast and flighty movements, she did not startle and step away quickly. She is a ‘flight’ sort of dog in uncomfortable situations, not a fight.

Treats really help show her that, people are helping and caring, not hurtful AND, as I keep telling people, it is not about her taking the treat, it is about her being shown that a friendly, kind gesture is being done and, not mean or cruel.

We really do not know how she is with cats, yet, she had no major prey or fixated drive when she came with me to do a hv fairly recently. Integration shall be key.

She is fine to be an only dog in a home yet, as, I also say so often, it is important for her to have her own dog social network and friends. Just as we humans do, it is also important for dogs. It shall also continue to remind her to share and, keep up her great dog-to-dog communication and social skills. She resides in a large multi-dog household and, she is has been totally super. Yet, we have rules and, we are positive effective leaders in enforcing them.

She will NOT go to a home that believes in prongs or choke collars, the way outdated and, completely inappropriate cruel method of alpha rolling, a home that wants a guard dog or a status symbol. YOU will NOT be considered.

She can be in a home with older children – 8 and up. She has had NO problems with younger children yet, she is an ‘old soul’ gal in some ways and, we also want her to be the focus in the home, which can be done with older children. NOT too much attention that SA is created yet, just that right amount between her having enough time to keep loving her own company and, independence and, quiet down time and, yet, still be active with walks/hikes, visit friends and, she is great in the car! She came all the way from KY, USA and, does wonderfully in a vehicle.

She has had free run in our home, while we are out without any problems for some time yet, we do strongly believe in crate training AND, we cannot stress enough the importance of crate-training for if she was sick or injured and required crate rest, she would not stress and, would also not panic in a Vet setting. We also do not believe in any dog receiving too much freedom to start.

As with all of the dogs that are successfully rehabbed to the point of being placed up for adoption, we are not about being desperate to place them. We are all about putting each and, every dog into their right matched forever loving homes, each and, every time.

To know ALL about her journey, scroll to the bottom of her blog and, read from the bottom up, skipping over any fundraising posts. All of our adoption policies and procedures plus processes are also found on both our home website plus PetFinder website.



Flowers sent my way by The Lord Stafford for my Birthday!

Whomever is 'adopted' by this amazing wee giant is going to be one loved home! wink emoticon

Was talking to his approved temp foster mommy(she calls herself his foster auntie!) today, and, we have scheduled a recheck for his eyes tomorrow and, it shall be good to get a re-weigh on him now that he is in foster care and, the great news is that the Baytril is working! 
Those two micro-organisms from his prostate wash and culture are sensitive to Baytril and, so, hopefully by the beginning of March, he will have a very special announcement to make!
LOVE my Birthday Flowers my 'snort'!
AND, thank you to his ever kind, thoughtful and generous foster auntie for delivering them on his behalf – he is not old enough to drive yet and, he cannot reach the pedals! 



Everyone together now….Jumping UP and DOWN…AND, Jumping UP higher and DOWN! 


BHRR's Maverick got the all thumbs up just now from his recheck and, he can now come off 'Medical Hold' and be made AVAILABLE for Adoption again! 

Today's bills $142.38

Receiving the Official News That He is Healthy Again: PRICELESS!

He is a big fav to many at KAH and, he will be missed….

He first began to suddenly reject the plate/screws in his right front leg on November 26th, 2014 and, it has been another long journey for him(this is his third leg surgery….)
NOW, we remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him….. smile emoticon 
If a smile could truly lighten up a room, mine would be lighting up a whole building right now!
Though, we still have over $6,000 in bills left to pay in his overall medical rehab, GOSH, I would not trade one hair on his head if it meant that he would have been pts over, us being able to assist him! 
YOU did it BHRR's Maverick!!! AGAIN!!!! 
Jumping up and down….up and down….. grin emoticon

On February 4th, I received the following:
'I have another Dane in need too. The Dane has wicked kennel cough but healthy other than that. Very stressed and skittish, no aggression but not for adoption….he was really stressed, lots of freezing, but no aggression noted..'

We stepped up and, he is scheduled to arrive February 10th, 2015. Worried about pneumonia. He is on Doxy at the shelter right now. Though, the photo does not show it, the shelter vet has him also listed as anorexic. 


Someone is hanging with me at KAH today! BHRR's Mavie!
He has put back on another 6.38 pounds since his last weigh-in and, though, we still are a long way off from where he was from that one front leg pre-plate rejection, we are making the good fight back!
His other leg – the worse one that was done first remains solid and strong! smile emoticon
Today, I am hoping we can get the final sign-off on that leg to take him off medical hold and be placed back up for adoption!
If he is deemed healthy enough, he will have his vaccines updated and, regular HWT as he is due again for another. We will also do another manicure/pedicure.
Keep him in your thoughts and, everything crossed!
He is doing so well and, I remain so proud of our true Iron Man!!
His Vet Bills to date have been over $15,500.00 and, such a deserving dog!! All of his fans and village would so agree. smile emoticon
If it were not for what BHRR stands for and why we were founded, this amazing dog would never have have been rescued and, the world would have missed out on one magnificent personality filled Kanga-Dane!
He also would like to thank Bruce for the short visit this AM at KAH, the loving and, for taking him out for a pee! 😀


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,615.58 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)


Winter Wonderland At BHRR
February 3rd, 2015
It was time for a new and updated Photo!
All of them are waiting for the kids to come home from school – what they do not seem to realize is Mason was already home! 😉
Part of how I got to spend my Birthday….many of our approved temp fosters have come to spend the day to play and visit – my own car would not start – darn cold! – and, so, instead of meeting at a local 'best kept secret' walking place, they came here to play on our 148 acres!


February 1st, 2015
She really loved Ben and also loved Steve!
AND, she loved that that I also looked away and pretended NOT to see her snuggled up on the couch! tongue emoticon
Thank you to our 50/50 winner Regan for donating her portion back to BHRR and, $30 went to BHRR's Gretta's bills! So kind!
$166.25 was raised in other donations to help with BHRR's Maverick's and BHRR's Stafford's own bills! SO generous!!!
It was a great day!
AND, here is an email sent my way of what one home had to say about their own experience! I said I would keep it anonymous and, they can reveal themselves if they want…. wink emoticon
"I am still trying to process everything we saw and heard today, I feel like
we were so fortunate to witness the love, hard work and discipline that goes
into those dogs every single day.
When I have my head together about the whole experience I will write a
proper thank you but believe me when I say we feel nothing but privileged to
have been allowed to share a few hours with your family and the dogs."
We host these EXPERIENCES for the benefit of those seeking to possibly support BHRR by Volunteering at some point in the future, provide material or financial donations or even by adopting and, we make a true commitment when we host these events to make them as positive and enjoyable as possible.
It is so important to us for people to witness firsthand what we do, why we do it and, why BHRR is needed in the community……


I brought BHRR's Salem to work with me today to do a CBC and a Anasplasma PCR to see where we stand with that positive result she pulled. 

Will post results as soon as I have them. 

Here are two photo's taken by a wonderful soul from our February 1st, BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House:
*Photo's courtesy of Dee Dick

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BHRR's Hercules(Blue Male GD with the untreated broken leg) soaking up the radiant floor heating in our sunroom!
February 1st, 2015
This is his first BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House and, he is not sure what it is all about, yet, the other dogs have been telling him lots of great stories! smile emoticon
We are continuing to get him as healthy as possible, so we can amputate that right front leg.
*Sorry, the picture is dark…with the sun streaming in behind him, he is showing up dark…BUT, you can be assured, that he is one handsome dude!*


Back in December, Fran from Global Pet Foods Bank Street (1176 Bank Street) phoned plus emailed us to inquire as to our thoughts in being the rescue to benefit from the annual Global 'Show Us Your Heart' Campaign.https://www.facebook.com/GlobalPetsBank
Fran said that they have been following some of the great work that BHRR has been doing and, wanted to direct funds raised during their annual campaign in 2015, our way. 
To say that we felt humbled and deeply honoured, was putting it lightly. We feel so privileged to have been chosen by Global Pet Foods Bank Street, out of so many out there in the community doing such much needed and essential work helping animals…….
This exciting campaign begins January 31st and shall run through to February 14th, 2015
If you visit their store, you can make a donation in any amount you desire, and, you can write your name or that of your beloved pet(s) on a beautiful red heart and, it will be displayed with such pride and thanks at their store!
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR's Gretta's Vet Bills – she took a bad fall at her approved temp foster home and, we have to now repair the cruciate in her back left leg. Her surgery is January 29th at Liston Animal Hospital. It was the first surgical date we could get…….
Thank you Global Pet Foods Bank Street AGAIN for selecting our small r/q Rescue to support……be it $5 or $50 or more that is raised during your annual campaign, it will mean the world to us!!! AND, to BHRR's Gretta!
Barry, thank you SO much again for working with me on this poster. It is gorgeous!

showusyourheart - new (Medium)

Someone decided to go into BHRR's Gretta's colossal crate to help play 'nursemaid' and, I guess fell asleep in the process! wink emoticon
January 30th, 2015
BHRR's Gretta had a good day…she is still barely putting those toes down and, we are working with her to encourage her to toe touch(she wants to keep that leg tucked up close to her belly….not good) and, do a small amount of weight bearing to start….we are massaging and, icing. The incision looks good and, the swelling is to be expected plus the bruising. I am monitoring closely……….
She is eating well, had a small accident pee in her crate(totally fine as she is slightly doped up!) and, then had her first poop outside with another large pee tonight. 
She is drinking well and, wants to stay close to Sean…she and her sister FREEDOM DANE BHRR's Peanut(adopted September 13th, 2012 ) were always so attached to Sean. smile emoticon His book-ends he called them!
She is taking all of her medications like a pro – I added Tramadol to her pain regime today to help make her more comfortable. 
We have a small area blocked off in the kitchen and, she has limited/restricted room to move around some on her own under our supervision(my computer is right there) and, also has access to her crate. 
Skor(now a miracle 12 weeks herself!) who eats her own 6 smaller meals a day, in the kitchen, had her supper and, then decided that a snooze was in order next to BHRR's Gretta. She gets tired fairly quickly and, nothing like a nice caring and warm fellow Dane to lay up against!
Gretta was snoozing also yet, camera's can still make her uncomfortable, and, she lifted her head up….
Still a lovely photo……. smile emoticon
Two very special needs girls' that are truly very special to many of us! smile emoticon


She and Sean arrived safe and sound around 7 pm last night due to traffic and weather! BHRR's Gretta had a really good night overall. She took her antibiotics and pain meds like the brave girl she is AND, rested fairly well. She had a small bite to eat a couple of hours ago and, is being such a wonderful patient. smile emoticon
There is a small area, when she arrived home where her sutures are really pulled yet, still are 'ok' at this time and, we shall monitor. 
She would not go out to pee etc. before I went to bed for 1.5 hours yet, just now she finally had a huge pee and, is back in her colossal crate relaxing…..
Today, we work on her getting to put her toes down to start. She is tucking up that leg right to her belly at this time. 
Thank you to everyone that sent her best wishes and, caring thoughts!! Thanks also to those who considered her cause and, made a donation to her own mounting Vet Bills. 
Another really loved BHRR beauty that means the world to so many of us! 


UPDATE: ~ 2 PM: Per Dr. Liston, everything went well with no complications! Yes!! I hope Sean & BHRR's Gretta are home safe and sound before the snowstorm really hits…..10-15 cm heading our way and, suppose to begin anytime now….

UPDATE: ~ 1 PM: Surgery is done. Phewwwww! She is just being woken up and, we will wait to hear what her surgeon Dr. Liston has to say. Sean is picking her up for 5:30 pm…..Thanks for the text update Becca!!

7:00 AM: BHRR's Gretta is on her way to Liston Animal Hospital with Sean right now to have her Cruciate Repair Surgery on her back left leg…..people may remember her taking a really bad fall in her approved temp foster home on ice….frown emoticon

One wishes that they could explain to such a sweet shy girl that everything will be better soon….. unsure emoticon
She was so worried……AND, in turn, I always worry about our dogs until they are safe at home again…YET, as always, she could not be in better hands……
We have been contacted by a few folks asking if they could make donations to her impending bills and, why we have not posted asking for monies.
We feel that having asked for help with BHRR's Stafford's $500 deposit in November for his own airway assessment/evaluation and urgent Neuter and, having just come off our first annual Fundraiser(this year was to help BHRR's Mavie, our IronMan who began to suddenly reject one of the plates in his legs), that we should not put any pressure on our amazing village/community by begging for yet, more donations to help another one of our special needs Great Danes.
It was then pointed out to myself by quite a few that, we should be leaving that decision to donate or not, to each person that reads our blogs and posts on fb and, that asking never hurts………
We have two events coming up(Global Pet Foods Bank Street approached us to see if we would be beneficiaries in their annual 'Show Us Your Heart' Campaign) AND, we are working on another unique, creative Fundraiser to try and help her own bills that shall run into the several thousands……
For those that may consider her cause, here is Dr. Liston's contact information. They will take credit card over the phone and, credit card, debit and cash in person.
We have enough in our BHRR coffers to put down a $800 deposit today for her to even have this cruciate repair surgery and, $1, $2 or even $5 would be embraced by anyone that may wish to consider her cause!
Liston Animal Hospital
4055 Carling Avenue, Kanata, ON K2K 2A4
(613) 591-0966
We promise to update as we can……ASAP!
Keep her in your best of wishes and thoughts and blessings today!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $380.00* donated to date & final Bills are going to be over $5,000(includes cruciate repair)
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta

The Janzen Family


BHRR's Salem's bw came back and her HWT is negative 🙂

The BIG surprise to all, and, this is why we are so proactive and preventative in our Vet Care, while she tested negative for Lymes & Ehrlichia, she did test positive for Anaplasma. Shocking! She came to us overweight(not indicative of a dog that is positive for Anasplasmosis), she has had zero problems clotting(another sign of Anasplasmosis)  and, she has zero other clinical signs.

In talking in more depth with her Vet at KAH, she could have just been exposed to it as opposed to actually having it OR, she could have had it at one point and, no longer does. We discussed putting her on Doxycycline as the proactive treatment and, her Vet recommended to do a CBC and and Anaplasma PCR first to determine if this is even warranted. 

Someone says 'I'z sleepies'……zzzzzzzzz….
BHRR's Porridge(Miracle DOG supreme!) was with me at work today for a recheck. 
His weight was down to 70.5 KGS(155.10 pounds) – we weighed him twice and, he was rock solid on the scale – from the 172.04 pounds that he was at his last check up(he goes in every three months or so) and, as he was one of the rescues that became sick from eating some dog food that came our way last week from another group, we are running blood-work and, a UA. THAT is a big weight loss.
I am also doing his yearly HWT as we were already sucking blood form him. 
He had a manicure, pedicure and, though, his ears are squeaky clean, I touched them up….. smile emoticon
Always a huge hit at KAH! 
This boy was not expected to live to see 18 months of age yet, he showed that MegaE would not get the upper hand AND, that seizures were not going to take him over AND, when he became quite sick last March, we were advised that he many only live a matter of weeks yet, he has more than fought the great battle with the then finally diagnosed Inflammatory Nasal Disease and, his 50 mg of Pred SID is working wonders….
He will be celebrating his 7th Birthday at the end of March!!! You keep it up buddy!!! smile emoticon
He looks forward to seeing many of his fans soon at our upcoming BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House!


Someone is very tired after an extremely busy day! smile emoticon
She crawled into an open crate with a towel and, is getting ready to have a well deserved snooze now that we are home…..
BHRR's Salem came to work with me today and, her new weight is 52.8 KGs(116.16 pounds). MUCH better than the 58.3 kgs that she first arrived to BHRR weighing. She looks great! 
Her Vet remarked on her nice shiny glossy coat and, her great body tone and muscle mass. smile emoticon 
She did really well! She was a little unsure and, did only minor sounds of fear growling a few times here and there yet, made friends fairly fast and, loves the treats!!! wink emoticon
She had a manicure plus pedicure, her final DAPP booster and, I am doing not just a HWT yet, testing for three tick borne diseases as well, considering where she came from. I am not worried that any results will be positive….this is just part of our proactive and preventative vetting protocol that we like to do.
This is the last of her medical work-up(she is utd on all vaccines, already on heartworm preventative, has been de-wormed etc.) and, once she is more emotionally rehabbed, she is going to be ready to make her exciting special announcement! 
Her obedience was just heavenly with me today…..manners befitting a young lady! 
After work, she came with me to do a home-visit and, they won her over quite wonderfully with patience, kindness and, yes, treats to start….she was leaning into them not long after and, even layed down by their sides for a bit. We even saw a tummy flip into the air later on!
She made herself right at home in their beautiful home by drinking the water laid out and, sharing it across the floor, on top of a magazine and, their one coffee table. tongue emoticon
There shall never be enough words to express to the lovelies I work with plus this caring home, what their kindness in taking some time to give her more great experiences and, memories means…….
It is a wonderful gift and, each time, she receives one, make her more willing to trust and, becomes faster to trust and, it was pitch black outside and, she was so brave conquering her worries…….
She could smell their cat, yet, showed no interest in knocking down any doors to get at their feline and, she rocked those stairs once she figured them out! 
We shall see what our upcoming BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House is like for her and, I am incredibly proud of this gorgeous beauty!!!


AND, The Lord has passed hands! smile emoticon He is safe with Auntie Margaret for his temp foster experience!! smile emoticon

He was really mad at me for he knew something was up yet, he will be totally fine….

AND, I did not bawl like a baby myself! tongue emoticon Only a very mild welling up and maybe a sniffle…. wink emoticon

So excited for both of them!! We will share updates and photo's on his foster journey and adventures as they come in. smile emoticon

I have one very sad daughter at home also missing him…..yet, she understands why we do what we do! 

Happy Foster Day Margaret and Lord Stafford!

We hope that within 6 weeks he wi be ready to make another exciting announcement!

I have been saving this short video from November 6th, 2014 when this kind lady(one of our valued approved volunteers) came with me to Alta Vista AH for The Lord Stafford's specialist consult with Dr. Bruce. 🙂
I was saving it to post for when BHRR's Stafford was ready to make a special announcement…AND, it is now that time! 
The Lord is going to his approved temp foster home tomorrow! 😀
He has to remain on Baytril for the next 6 weeks, for the Prostatitis as, the prostate flush revealed two micro-organisms that the Clavamox nor Doxy, that he was on, were not sensitive to. AND, he is on meds for yet, another eye infection, the poor wee boo YET, nothing that would hold him up for going to his approved temp foster home! 🙂
He will be sorely missed around our home yet, it is time….this is the next step towards his rehab and, eventually being placed up for adoption! 
Great experience for him and, for his wonderful temp foster mom! 🙂
We hope that within the next 6 weeks or so, he will be making another exciting announcement! 😉


Here are BHRR's Stafford's abdominal x-rays from January 14th, 2015

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BHRR's Stafford's Prostate Wash Results from January 14th, 2015
He has two micro-organisms
1) Proteus Mirabilis
2) Beta Hemolytic Streptococci

**They are sensitive to Baytril. So, The Lord is on Baytril 100 mg SID for the next 6 WEEKS. 
So, he is not going to be available for adoption until after then…we want to be sure that, we are finally getting this resolved.
The Clavamox resolves some of his issues, the Doxy others and, now, we are on to the next eastie beasties……
Being Neutered helped with the prostatitis and, over the next 6 months, this should be the END of his issues….everything crossed!

We are also treating another eye infection(Fucithalmic) and, an ear infection(KT Ear Treatment).

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BHRR's Stafford – 

Dr. Crews, X-ray and u/s interpretation report from his procedures done at KAH on January 14th, 2015

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Someone says that he had a pretty good play day overall! Lion King Pumbaa was understandably not quite himself yet, he was in familiar hands and, a familiar home with loving goodness. Thank you wonderful home of angels for doing this for him!!
After his play visit, Sean & I picked him up, and, we went off to visit his friends at PV Stittsville and, we know for sure that NO cats are in his future! Way too excited……did not help that the kitty was teasing him!
So, Calypso Farm and, also Brent's home, sadly, that rules out your amazing places for additional great experiences. Boo! 🙁
I want to really express from my heart what this means to me that so many are being there for him!
The photo below is of him telling me to stop trying to take his photo while we were at PV Stittsville!
The only thing that is so hard is seeing that incredible sadness in his eyes in this photo that I cannot simply make better for him…..


BHRR's Hercules Front Legs

January 17th, 2015

The Vet's Interpretation on the X-Rays:

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

*So hard to get a good photo of that untreated broken leg


Our 2nd ANNUAL 'Breaking Bills Baking' Online Auction' starts TODAY – Saturday January 17th, @ 7 AM EST!

We will have 40 extremely generously donated and, delicious items. THANKS to all the baking angels that are making this annual event possible!!!
All monies raised in this Annual Fundraiser shall go towards BHRR's Maverick's Vet Bills. His current Bills are over $15,300.00 which includes three leg surgeries.
To read more details about the auction(those darn rules!) and, to view the items up for grabs so far….please visit the below link and scroll down the page…….Our latest new delectable array of items include Rice Krispies, Macaroons and, at least 5 l of the special pasta sauce that we served at our annual September "DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES' event.

If anyone else would like to donate a baked goodie or goodies, it is NOT too late…all items do not have to be made until the auction is over to ensure freshness for the winner(s), please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

Already 2015 is shaping up to be another extremely busy year for the special animals in need of us, as we have the Male Blue GD with the untreated broken leg and, have another Dane – BHRR's Gretta that will require a cruciate repair(Surgery is on January 29th) NOT to mention The Lord Stafford and his continued mounting Vet Bills.

We were able to assist 16 dogs in 2014, and, 24 dogs in 2013. We will assist as many as we can responsibly take on with quality and, resources in 2015.

THANK you Barry for working with me on this gorgeous poster!!!!
bakingbills (Medium)

BHRR's Hercules Blood-work results from January 12th, 2015

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The Lord!
January 14th, 2015
Trying his best to stay awake at Kana(Kanata AH)
Today is the big day! Abdominal U/S, More X-rays and, a prostate flush plus another UA with Culture.
Per the previous photo in this album – his estimate is close to $1,000 before taxes.
Anyone that may consider his cause, can donate directly to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848
They will take credit cards over the phone and, in person plus cash and debit in person. 
We are not giving up! We will keep working hard to figure out what is happening and, to do out best to make him better!
Always a HUGE hit at work!!!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,685.20* donated to date & Bills are $4,409.34
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


Lion King BHRR's Timon – ? – January 14th, 2015

Victim to SAS

Dr. Javinksky, his cardiologist said when he did his cardiac u/s and exam on Februay 26th, 2013, that, we would be so lucky to have this boy for two weeks and, that with how bad his SAS was(Severe Subaortic Stenosis) and that he also had, aortic insufficiency plus mild pulmonic insufficiency – cardiologist report posted on his blog March 1st, 2013 – that he would not have the 'typical' fainting spells to 'warn' us that it was time to let him go.
He said that he would most likely just drop dead one day and, we worked to give this wonderful M&M the best that life could offer!
He had play dates and visits and, travelled to Montreal, New York, TO and even SWO. 
I am so glad that so many of his fans were able to visit with him at our annual 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' potluck on December 20th, 2014.
I am also so happy that all could follow his last few days journey with cuddling and snuggling with Skor, Oatmeal plus basking in the sunbeams on the bench in our sunroom…..
This extreme cold weather has been very hard on him….he would go outside, do his thing, come back in and, at times, need to take a few moments to collect his breath and, then his world would be right again…..
He was having a bit harder time eating and breathing at the same time and, it took him a smidge longer to eat and, he dropped a bit of weight yet, nothing worrisome. 
He was still so affectionate, playful and, though, at times a bit more quieter than usual, he was having such wonderful experiences still of quality and love…..we knew though, that his time was coming.,….every night and AM, I told Timon, it was 'ok'…if he had to go, that all of us would see him again….that, he is so inspirational, a miracle, and, that he was a blessing to all that knew and loved him…..I told him how much he meant to so many….
His brother Lion King Pumbaa began to stay closer to his side, HQD also on Wednesday January 14th. 
Sean worked from home that day as, I was doing a 7:30 – 3:30 at KAH and, he reported nothing out of the ordinary. Timon had an excellent day!
He was having the best of days!!!!
I arrived home, all was normal, he had a perfectly normal dinner and, from 9:50 PM – 10:15 PM, he and, I had snuggles and cuddles and, loving….
The house was quiet, everyone was in bed and, I watched Lion King Timon get up from laying by his brother and, HQD and, he went from dog to dog to dog and, then around 10:30 PM, he walked to the water bowl – was not stumbling, off-balance or anything and, within inches of the water bowl, he dropped….
I almost screamed his name and, ran to him and, he was, as Dr. Javinsky tried to prepare us for, over the past 1 year, 11 months and, ~ 12 hours, dead……
I picked up his head, carefully and, gently and cradled him to my chest as the tears began to well up, spill over and, fall down my face, soaking me and him….
His brother, Pumbaa was right by my side…he sniffed his brother, he then stood over him and, cried such a mournful cry of such pain, that my heart just shattered all over again……
HQD lay by his side and, put her head on his feet….
After some private time with Timon, telling him what a gift he was, thanking him for all the experiences, kindnesses, lessons and, joy, not to mention the laughter, the happiness……I said, that he was a blessing like no other….that I would, as, I do with all those that crossed before him, see him in my dreams. 
I told him how much I was going miss him and, I went to get Sean. 
He was wearing an extremely special collar that had belonged to my own RIP CH. Dyceman and, I took it off him……
I want to thank everyone again for respecting our need for time and space, for stepping up on a moment's notice to help give his devastated brother, play dates and visits….as, the once confident, unshakable, Pumbaa is now depressed, unsure and clinging to me like a lifeline…..
I know I did the right thing in letting him say good-bye to his brother and, he can visit Timon any time he wants……
Joy and Debbie, thank you for my Lion Kings….1 year, 11 months and ~ 12 hours was NOT enough time with Timon….I do not care if he lived so much longer than the expected 2 weeks. I do not care if he was said to be a miracle….I want him back… frown emoticon frown emoticon
I want to be selfish and greedy and, I wanted more time….I wanted more days, weeks, months and years with him AND, I wanted Pumbaa to have the same with his brother…I have never met a much nicer, well bonded pair of dogs….in almost 30 years of my behavioural, training, rescue work etc. with dogs……
I wanted others to have more time with him also….
Sorry for the Gwennie novel….how does one express in words, what an amazing dog Timon and his brother, Pumbaa are and, what a loss to the world, that Timon is no longer with us………
RIP, my Timony!!!! I am so going to miss you smacking me around with that leg of yours….
You never felt sorry for yourself, you never lived a day any less to the fullest, you were always so happy and, mischievous and, you never met a dog you did not like! 
RIP……until we meet again……I will see you tonight in my dreams……..


Here are BHRR's Hercules X-Rays from January 12th, 2015
 We took 15 and, I am not going to post them all for the total picture can be clearly seen in several. We did both right and left legs for comparison and to see what may be happening in the left front leg. He is in excellent shaped considering how bad that right front leg is. Amazingly so! If you click on an x-rays, it will enlarge in another window for more detailed viewing.

Per his one Vet:

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

file_13 file_12 file_11 file_10  file_2 file_6file_3 file_4 file_5 file_8

BHRR's Lion King Timon 
January 13th, 2015
How Sean found him today at one point just basking in the sunbeams streaming in from the windows in our sunroom. smile emoticon
AND, no, he is NOT tethered to that leash…that is used to keep our door remaining open when we want it as, Sean took the stopper out for the winter. 
We are facing reality with him and, this terrible cold weather is 'killing' him…..he has one to two breathing struggles throughout each day that, just break my heart and, it really is bothering the arthritis in his leg that had been broken in the car accident and, never was treated before he was rescued. AND, by the time he was rescued, it was too late to be able to do anything for that leg AND, even if we could, his diagnosed heart condition(Severe SAS) prevents him from being able to have surgery. frown emoticon 
It has affected his eating a bit and, as a result, he has dropped some weight…
Yet, other than that, he remains playful, eating is overall ok, will smack you over and over with that leg of his to get your attention, affectionate, active and, himself…..
Please pray for warmer weather………
We work on quality of life for each day…..
I know he is already an amazing plus inspirational miracle boy YET, we want to give him even more life to live….it will be two years on February 14th, 2015 since he first came to be part of our BHRR Haven Program and, we were then told, we would be lucky to have two weeks with him and, he would just drop dead at some point……


AND, Skor says, if she gets the opportunity, snuggling and cuddling with BOTH big 'sis' and, The Lion King of BHRR's Timon is even better than snuggling with just one when it is brutally cold!
*That is my finger in the top left hand corner in the photo…it was hard to sneak up and get a photo without getting noticed!*
Monday January 12th, 2015


Purse Puppy BHRR's Coco Chanel (BLIND) AND her new forever loving Mommy!
ADOPTED!!! January 12th, 2015
Our first adoption of 2015!
**She promised to send me a full family photo with Chanel's two new human siblings, her new Dad and, Canine 'big' sister!**
**It was in BHRR's Chanel's best interest to have her picked up from KAH again and, yup…I welled up!
Sean carried her to the car this AM(as if she did not have four capable legs) in his housecoat and slippers, with wetness on his cheeks…he says it was because of the falling snow!
We are so happy for all of them…this was a hard approved adoption in the letting go yet, we must….
We need to help the next one in need of us and, Purse Puppy Chanel YOU do not need us any longer!!!
So, looking forward to seeing how you ROCK your obedience classes (no matter how much obedience a dog receives at BHRR, we have a mandatory clause that all approved homes must go through a full round of classes) at the end of the month at FF. Highly recommend Cheryl Smith to so many!

BHRR's Hercules – Blue Male GD – ~4 years of age
*Owner Dump at Kill Shelter
*Obese – Was 75 Kgs(165 pounds) at Shelter Intake
January 12th, 2015 71.60 Kgs(157.52 pounds) upon arrival to BHRR 
*Untreated Broken Leg – Will Require A Leg Amputation – Per O. leg had been broken and, cast had not been put on correctly…..yet, clearly, *if* they did bring him in for the broken leg, they never brought him BACK in to get the cast issue resolved. 🙁

*Chronic pain from that untreated broken leg 
*Severe arthritis in that untreated broken leg
* Collapsed pasterns and splayed feet 
*Borderline Hypothyroid yet, has not required medications at this time and, may never – We did a T4(10) and a Free T4(9) – low normal
His Vet's Interpretation From The X-Rays We Did The Same Day He Arrived – Jan. 12th, 2015

"RF – Severe radius curvus and carpal valgus. Elbow joint is incongruent – there appear to be two radiolucent joint spaces? Suspect fracture of proximal radial growth plate. Severe osteophyte formation along the caudal olecranon and dorsal joint space. Severe osteophyte formation in the carpal joint."

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When your 'big sis' is not around to cuddle and snuggle with, a handsome DDB Lion King MAKES a great pillow and snooze buddy!
BHRR's Timon – he is not doing so well himself these days with the terrible cold with his heart(breathing and leg) yet, he is determined to live each day with quality and appreciation of what it may bring! As long as he can keep fighting and is happy, not in pain etc., we are going to be there fighting right by his side!
A TRUE miracle! He was not expected to live past two weeks when he first arrived to BHRR on February 14th, 2013! He has not just beaten the odds, he has blown them right out of the ballpark and, smashed them to smithereens!
His Cardiologist and Vet Team are not just in awe, yet deeply inspired……
January 11th, 2015


This is the next step for BHRR's Lord Stafford for his occasional incontinent issues. Estimate(before taxes) posted below.
His Vet at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) did a lot of research and, the most common thing that he 'could' have is Chronic Prostatitis.
It could resolve on it's own up to 6 months post neuter OR with specific antibiotic medications(if bacterial) yet, we need to be sure that this is what we are looking at instead of some of the other possibilities discussed with myself by his one Vet at KAH.
He is scheduled for these procedures on Wednesday January 14th, 2015 at Kanata AH.
As he was always leaking since he arrived to BHRR, and, he has been on antibiotics(however, neither the Clavamox or the Doxycyline treats Prostatitis), been treated for UTI's, had an urgent neuter to treat the enlarged prostate, we are resolving each medical issue as they are diagnosed. 
So, he remains NOT yet available for temp fostering nor for adoption…..
AND, this could come down to him just being born this way as we DO not know his history.  
Medications could or could not assist in that case……
AND, the x-rays(he is going to have been x-rayed from head to tail at this rate!), plus u/s should help us determine if there is a malformation or tumor(benign or malignant)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,650.20* donated to date & Bills are $3,401.13
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$1,076 – (FINAL TOTAL As of January 9th, 2015)
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


UPDATE: BHRR will shortly be doing our first approved adoption of 2015!
Play date was an amazing success and, all of us feel that another visit(last night was #3) is not required.
We are just figuring out best timeline as they have family arriving tomorrow for the weekend. Should be sometime early next week and, transitional adoptions are so important for that right set-up for success for many dogs and homes!
BHRR shall have one less purse puppy shortly….Coco Chanel, the best things in life are so worth waiting for and, our patience and yours has paid off!
Your future forever loving home is absolutely wonderful!!!
Beaming for all involved right now…..

AND, her HWT is negative(not that we were worried!)

So we are just leaving Liston Animal Hospital now and, confirmation given by the ortho specialist that yes, FREEDOM Dane BHRR's Gretta's back left leg cruciate is blown after she took a bad fall on the ice at her approved temp foster home. 

All bloodwork was done( she had bloodwork in March of 2014 yet, I repeated it to be sure she was still normal) when I had her in at Kanata on Saturday January 3rd and is normal and her latest heartworm test is also negative. Her weight on January 3rd was 45.30 KGS(99.66 pounds).
She is now scheduled for her cruciate repair on January 29th(first opening available) and, as always, we will figure out some way to cover her bills….she will remain on Deramaxx 100mg SID for now. 
The x-Ray showed some arthritis, development of some extra bone production yet, deep relief that there are not any bone tumours indicating osteosarcoma concerns. 
2015 has not been very kind to date……yet, we shall prevail!! 

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

OR you can call Dr. Liston's office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 591-0966 OR in person at Liston AH with cash, debit or credit card
4055 Carling Avenue,
Kanata, ON
K2K 2A4

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $95.00* donated to date & final Bills are going to be over $5,000(includes cruciate repair)
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta


**Photo is at Liston Animal Hospital today**


BHRR's Coco Chanel (BLIND)
January 8th, 2015
NAP time at her play date with her possible future adoptive home! It is so exhausting being so adorable and beautiful AND, after having some play, showing of her talents in being a pro of how to master their stairs and doorways again etc…., NOT to mention I know eating a number of the mini natural bit treats, she is settled in for a much deserving nap….
That pink harness was my one gift to her this Christmas…..it was time for her to have a new one and, she rocks it! 
*Photo courtesy of her future possible adoptive home!*


BHRR's Coco Chanel! – She is BLIND & 100% Gorgeous! 
January 8th, 2015
She is currently having a play date at her possible future forever adoptive home!
This is her third time there…this time without me and, per my recommendation, they took her without me this time(she kept wanting to track and focus on me the last time we were there) and, I think she is having a blast!
She weighed 50.16 pounds today at KAH!
WHAT nice white teeth you have our lovely Purse Puppy! 
THANK you so much to the home for sending me this photo! 

photo 1

Keep our delightful special needs(she is blind) Purse Puppy BHRR's Coco Chanel in your thoughts! 

She has now been picked up from Kanata AH for a play date with her possible future adoptive home. 

Her weight today was 22.8 KGS (50.16 pounds)! 

She will spend several hours with the home and, I will pick her up after work. 

I am sure all will have a really wonderful time!


We would love to see her in a home with another right matched fit personality dog. Male or female does not matter. She is a great dog yet, she does have backbone plus strength. She lives in complete harmony with the dogs in our home and, we have ONLY ever run into one dog in the public that she did not like – more that she did not understand as it was all matted and hard to even really tell it was a dog – at one of the animal hospitals. 

She barked and, was very focused on the dog and, though her tail was wagging, she was quite alert/intensive. She corrected quite well and, we left the Hospital after paying our Vet bill. I had no worries staying while I paid the Vet bill. I let her get a good look at the medium size dog and, observed her closely. 

We want any right matched forever loving home to understand that just as not every person likes all other people, not every dog can like other dogs and, very few dogs in the world are bomb proof. Could it have just been that one dog as it did not appear to be a dog? Could it be, that she may not like other dogs? To date, she has been around over 50+ dogs, resides in a large multi-dog home and, not one issue with any other than this one she saw. 

She is fully housebroken, crate trained(AND, we cannot stress enough the importance of crate-training for if she was sick or injured and required crate rest, she would not stress and, would also not panic in a Vet setting) yet, as she has proven herself 100% reliable in our home now, she has full run of the main floor when we go out or, even stays in the masterbedroom/ensuite of ours. 

She is quite quiet, extremely affectionate and, loves her food. She will resource over her food to other dogs if one is not vigilant. We have zero issues taking any items away from her. We make sure she is aware that we are approaching as, we do not ever want to set any dog up for failure. They are animals at the end of the day. 

She can be so playful when she wants to be and, is at that age, where she has respect for house rules.

He obedience has come a long way and, per our adoption contract, she will be required to go through a full round of obedience from an accredited positive reinforcement facility/program. Training is one of the least regulated professions out there and, as someone that is qualified and educated(A Masters's and recently defended my PhD), we do not want to see our dogs ruined by getting into the wrong hands.

She can go to a home with older children – 10+, we may consider 8 – depending on the home/kids.

She is a great care traveler and, we have deeply enjoyed having her. 

We will not entertain applications or inquires interested only in her colour 'blue'. She is more than a colour. She has a personality, needs, wants and, deserves to go to a right matched home that cares about HER and, not the colour of her fur. 

On January 5th, I received an email from one of the shelters we work closely with that, they just got in a Dane – in fact, the intake was happening while I was on the phone with one of the Supervisors – and, they ended up running after the Owner as the Owner had not given any history. What we then got was: 

"intact male ears cropped, malformation on front leg. Owner says he broke his foot as a baby and the cast was not applied properly. No medical history, no documents."

We immediately stepped up to assist and, transport was arranged for the 12th of January to bring him into BHRR. 


UPDATE: The Lord Stafford went to Kana(Kanata AH) today to discuss his urinary issues further. His one specialist said to wait about 6 weeks post neuter before re-visiting this. 

This wee flirt had a great time – well, other than doing his nails!!  His nails are finally getting to a nice short length – even the one on his deformed toe. This will make walking and yes, he does run – especially to call shotgun in the car!! – so much better for him.

He was loved on royally by the lovelies there! I always know that when any of the dogs are at Kanata, they are going to be treated so kindly. 

As I was in the exam room with BHRR's Gretta(will make a separate post for her), he had no less than three beauties spoiling him! 

He weighed 19.8 KGs(we do not want to see him get over 20.5 kgs) and, the Vet remarked on how fantastic he looked.  

I explained that when we were at our last community education plus public awareness event in November, that some of us spent a considerable amount of time informing the amazing people that came out, that he is how a bulldog should look like. They should have waistlines, they should not be fat or obese and, here's hoping that there will be less obese dogs out there! It does them no favours being so fat….  

The Vet examined his prostate and while large, it was no longer enlarged(he had an urgent neuter in November), it was not abnormal and caused him no pain or discomfort upon examination. He happily munched on treats the whole time!!!

I was told how wonderful his skin looked and, how nice his coat now was and, him having his dental sure has made him more comfortable with eating! We really have to monitor now Mr. Snorts intake for he will try to sneak others food…. 

The Vet told me that incontinence in males is not as common as in females and, can be testosterone related, yet, that is seen in older dogs and, not dogs that were recently altered.

They are going to do some research on the product Propalin to see if it is safe for his breed. He does not have another UTI either.

If we can just figure out this sleeping dribbling of urine that he does, he will then be ready to go to his approved temp foster home and, also, go up for adoption.

All other medical issues that are treatable have been successfully resolved!

Getting closer! 

He will sure be missed at BHRR!! 

The more healthy he becomes, the happy he is and the younger he is appearing! 

He is suspected to be no more than 3 right now. 

A big fav for so many of us!

Here is BHRR's Ivy's Santa Paws Photo at PV Innes & Belcourt on December 7th, 2014. A bit blurry.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy".

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $110.00* donated to date & Bills are $189.67

30BHRR1-X2 (1)

Posted in Ivy

This is a photo of BHRR"s Mav's plate and screws from his plate removal surgery on December 16th, 2014.
It was put into the autoclave to be cleaned as, no one knew just what micro-organisms may be growing on it.
We are still getting the final touches put together on our 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction that starts Saturday January 17th, 2015!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,531.45 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL


UPDATE: BHRR's Mav was back for a recheck today as it is the 14 day post-op mark. 
The swelling is less(I did not grab a photo sorry….was busy….yet, will take a photo ASAP) yet, still quite marked in the one area.
His latest culture results came back negative for growth yet, having been on anitibiotics, a false reading is quite possible. 
He has clear calcification on his joint and, while most of the area is now hard, he still has a soft section and is radiating heat. Everyone is concerned for yet, another brewing abscess – he has had two so far. 
All staples but 6 were removed earlier today after his first check up and, after his Vets(2) took a much closer look the final 6 were then taken out as they felt comfortable. 
He will remain on Baytril, 300 mg BID(normally given SID) for at least another week and, then have another recheck. He also remains on his Deramaxx 100 mg SID(as many know, we are not a huge fan of Metacam as an NSAIDS). 
AND, his weight was down again….. 
He is eating well three times a day and, he is still losing weight. 
He has been such a trooper about his enforced crate rest and very short leash walks. 
He has been such a great patient and, we hope to raise enough funds in our upcoming 2ND ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' online auction to make a dent in his mounting bills. Since his arrival into our programs, and, having three leg surgeries amongst all of his other medical rehab, his Vet Bills are over $15,000. 
AND, as I keep saying, he is worth every dime. We committed to him and, we are dedicated to giving him all that he needs and deserves as a BHRR dog.
Those that have met him and have become instantly smitten with him, would all also agree!
If anyone else may like to sign up with an offer to make a baked goodie or goodies, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
No items have to be made until the online auction is over in mid-January so, that all items are fresh and delicious for the winnner(s)!
For me, as we head into a new year shortly, I feel extremely blessed that the new year will include BHRR's Mavie in the lives of so many of us!!! To think otherwise, is not a possibility I am going to even contemplate…..

BHRR's Oakley's Traditional Christmas Eve Photo! NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR's Leroy's traditional Christmas Eve Photo! He is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR`s Mavie – A Real plus True Ironman!
December 24th.2014
We are heading in for another recheck this week and staple removal.
He has felt so much love this XMAS and, all proceeds from our upcoming 2nd ANNUAL `BREAKING BILLS BAKING` Online Auction shall go towards his mounting Vet Bills.

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Mason(14) with BHRR's Braveheart
Male Heavily Marked Harle GD
December 24th, 2014
That amazing painting was from Bridget and Charley and their beloved RIP GD Ella. They collected $300 for him in lieu of Birthday gifts and, brought him some much needed items and showered him with so much love!
This very special painting will go into his file and, be given to his right matched forever loving home when it is his time….
This is his first XMAS and, shall have a bed to call his own, toys, treats etc….
As a r/q Rescue, we do not have many excess items to share with all the dogs and, this is what makes our successful SS program so wonderful….dogs get nice collars and leashes and, beds, bowls and, items, that we otherwise, rarely can afford to provide for the dogs on a regular basis….even dog food donations are a winning lottery item for many groups out there, and, especially for BHRR!
They get to be spoiled!
We remain so humbled by all of you…..

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BHRR's Victory – Female Blue Great Dane
December 24th, 2014 
***She was drooling big time for the treat! LOL***
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BHRR's Salem
Female GD/Mastiffx
December 24th, 2014
Thank you Brent/Whitney for being her very special SS!

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The Lord Stafford!
Male Olde English BullDog – One of our honorary GIANTS of BHRR! 
December 24th, 2014
He was not happy being woken up from a very important nap in his special new SS dog bed and, had no issues showing us how he truly felt!!! LOL
We are hoping that we can figure out why he is still having incontinent issues…..his urgent neuter for the enlarged prostate solved many of his urinary concerns yet, he will dribble in his sleep now…..

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BHRR's Rain – Traditional XMAS Eve Photo Shoot
Female Saint Bernard
December 24th, 2014
BHRR Haven Dog
She was not happy being woken up from her nap! With the warmer weather, she does not like to be too active in these temperatures….

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BHRR's Comet – AKA JAWS!
Blue Female Great Dane
*NO, this is not BHRR's Bloom!
December 24th, 2014
In 2015, she will officially in our BHRR Haven Program. She has done so well in her rehab at BHRR and, this is the best decision made for set-up for lifetime success of quality of life for her!
She has a great circle of success that already surrounds her and, it shall only increase.
This is why we have our Haven Program. 🙂

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BHRR's Ethel's Traditional XMAS Eve Photo's! She is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

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BHRR's Maverick was at Kana(Kanata AH) today for a recheck, 7 days post-op as, I wanted him looked over before XMAS.
I could have removed the bandages five days post-op or kept the bandage on for the 14 days, yet, really wanted to keep the bandages on for a wee bit longer and, yet, have it looked sooner than 14 days.
He had put on a smidge of the almost 24 pounds he had lost and, from the moment we walked into KAH, he was surrounded by so many friendly caring faces!
Bruce and Margaret were there when I arrived, not to mention some of the best folks I work with!
Throughout the day, he had more loving visitors! Caren, Wendi & Cliff plus Lynn & Al!
All of these kind folks have given him such a good experience and, for a dog that has had so many not so pleasant vet hospital experiences, it was invaluable what these sweet people did for him today! Thank you!!!
The second culture(this one post-plate removal) came back without any growth yet, we are aware that having been on antibiotics, that this could affect his results.
Below is a photo of his leg after the bandages came off and, it was cleaned up.
While it is certainly better than it once looked, his Vet (all of us actually) were hoping/wishing that it would have looked better than it did.
Pictures will be sent to his ortho specialist to review.
Discussion was held in respect to doing another culture and, at this time, we will hold off.
An impression smear was done and, there are signs of eastie beasties for sure…..
We shall carry on with the Baytril and Deramaxx and, see what Dr. Philibert says and, keep monitoring the leg…..
Poor brave BHRR's Maverick……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $9,271.45 donated to date & Bills $14,109.60
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan


BHRR's Canvas – ? – December 22nd, 2014
**Victim to Bloat and Tort**
Our 7th precious dog since we opened our doors in 1996.   Each one has been like a devastating train wreck. Crushing to our hearts and, to all those that love these amazing dogs as much as we do. 
Typing this post, makes my stomach just roll with nausea. 
He was perfectly fine and, in fact, we have a great testimonial from BHRR BOD M. Leung from our annual "CHAIN OF SUCCESS' potluck that was hosted on December 20th, at our home about how awesome he was doing. 
I went to bed around 3:30 AM on the morning of the 22nd after tucking everyone in and, saying my routine 'love you and have a good sleepie' to all the dogs.
Sean was up around 5 AM and, he ran to get me to say there was an emergency.
Just as with my beloved RIP Maggi,(who bloated/torted herself on July 17th, 2009), there was nothing 'wrong' with how BHRR's Canvas was laying……yet, he never layed on his side like that(Same with Maggi)……I knew something was wrong.
I knew he had bloated – I go back to my article I wrote about "KNOW YOUR DOG" – 
Sadly, he torted so severely and, he passed in my arms before 8:30 AM as we worked to save him at the Hospital….
I told him how much I loved him, what a brave boy he was and, that it was ok to let go if he had to….I told him that he was such a good boy and, thanked him so much for being such a gift in my life and, that of all that met and adored him like us.
He went from being such a terrified(who could ever forget the video's of him cowering in terror under a table at the shelter) and, being so emaciated. He put on over 50 pounds in his successful rehab at BHRR. 
The hole he has left is like a bomb went off…shattered our hearts and soul are….
I miss his windmill tail wags of such vigorous happiness….
I miss those special sounds of his when he 'told me off' that it was time to begin the day and, partake in all of the adventures and fun for that day!
I almost do not want to fix the front of my brand new stove now as, it was he and BHRR's Bishop that smashed the front of it horsing around as, I told them to 'take it outside' and, they gave each other one last body bump as they ran in happiness outside….
The memories are many of this miraculous dog…..yet, that the opportunities for more memories have been stolen from him, rips me up….each and every bloat, we have caught in time….it tears me to shreds that, despite that, we have lost 7 now to this terrible condition….
He was the fastest tort I have ever witnessed.  
RIP my Canvy Wanvy…..
I will visit you in my dreams with all the others that have blessed me over the many years….
I am so sorry that I could not save you in the end…. 

BHRR's Stafford had his two lower incisors extracted, some excess gum removed, plus a good clean and a polish! 🙂

I hated waking up The Lord this AM, so Sean could drop him off for his dental with possible extractions at Liston Animal Hospital today! 
He was all nicely snuggled into me as, I snatched some extra cuddles before they left. 
For anyone who may wish to donate to his mounting bills, you can call Liston Animal Hospital directly at 613-591-0966! He has an account set up there.
I know it is XMAS and, money is tight for everyone and, we understand that people may not be able to assist with a donation. 
Please send him your best of thoughts for they are equally as important! 
Once, BHRR's Stafford recovers from today's procedure, we will be re-visiting his urine issues….as, they have not resolved the way all hoped after neutering him due to an enlarged prostate. 


Santa & BHRR's M&M Salma!
December 7th, 2014
Thank you again PV Innes & Belcourt & Chuck & Suzanne of Chuck Desjardins Photography!
No one would have ever imagined that this incredible Dogo, almost 11 years young would still be around RULING as only the HQD can!
Her special blanket is one made with love by Debi C!
$406 was sent to BHRR to help with BHRR's Stafford and BHRR's Merlin and BHRR's Mavie's Bills!
HOW generous and, heart-warming…..
We are filled with eternal gratitude….to be one of two out, of so many organizations( r/q ) in the community, to have been chosen to benefit, is really special.


Santa & BHRR's Kricket!
December 7th, 2014
Thank you again PV Innes & Belcourt & Chuck & Suzanne of Chuck Desjardins Photography!
This photo was taken one week after her arrival to BHRR and, my wish for this photo was NOT for the camera to capture her utterly poor body condition, yet, to capture her overall amazing beauty!
AND, she is one stunning girl!
$406 was sent to BHRR to help with BHRR's Stafford and BHRR's Merlin and BHRR's Mavie's Bills!
HOW generous and, heart-warming…..
We are filled with eternal gratitude….to be one of two out, of so many organizations( r/q 😉 ) in the community, to have been chosen to benefit, is really special!

BHRR's Mavie
December 16th, 2014
Post-op…waiting to breathe on his own to then be extubated. 
His weight has now dropped to 108.24 pounds.  
Another culture is being done for the first one showed that the micro-organism of Beta Hemolytic Streptococci was sensitive to Clavamox.
Another culture is being done for the abscess had returned plus his infection worsened(DP removed dead tissue) despite being on Clavamox 375 mg BID and, on it since November 26th, 2014
Dr. Philibert also had to chisel the bone away from part of the plate as it had healed around the plate. 
He is now going to be on Tramadol 100 mg TID, Baytril 300 mg BID and, also I have Buprenorphine 1 mg/ml (0.49 ml) per syringe TID for three days as extra comfort for him.
The plate/screws were put into the autoclave as no one knows what micro-organism may be on it and, I also have the plate/screws now!
He is resting well…..
I will be taking him home later tonight and will have him back in for a recheck in 5 days and, to take off the bandage – we could leave the bandage on until the staples come out yet, I want to be proactive and, make sure that his incision etc. can be checked before 10-14 days is up.
ANY considerations for donations – his bills today were $1,406.69 can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and, they will take CC over the phone or, in person as well as cash/debit in person.


From the home that had the special play date with BHRR's Ichabod Crane on December 15th, 2014

"Absolutely nothing beats the love of a Great Dane!!! Big thank you to Gwen for giving us the opportunity to mend our hearts a little bit with this silly boys kisses!! We had a wonderful time together!!!"


BHRR"s Mavie's leg 
This AM – December 15th, 2014
I am SO glad his emergency urgent surgery is tomorrow with DP.
It has swelled so bad,again since the drain came out, that it has actually split along his old incision line. 
The antibiotics and Deramaxx are barely holding things at bay and, it is now a losing battle. Nothing is going to help other than trying to get that plate/screws out NOW!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $8,961.45 donated to date & Bills $13,920.23
*before paypal fees

Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken


Someone is off for a special play date this AM!  BHRR's Ichabod Crane. He was not overly thrilled about the 5 AM wake-up call BUT, I think he is going to have a blast! 
So hard to get a great photo of him and, cannot wait for his Santa PawsPhoto's from Saturday at PV Stittsville!  
His weight today is 33.5 KGs(73.70 pounds). Still a bit thin, yet, not by much and, nicely muscled and, gosh, is his a social bean! LOL
He is battling an infection that we are trying to isolate as, he has been de-wormed(this is his third round) and, we are not going to give him any boosters of neuter him until he is healthy. 
I will repeat his bw in the New Year to see where we stand at that time. 
He is eating well, playing(HQD WUVS him!) and, becoming a wonderfully well adjusted puppy.  
He has become a fast fav for many that have met him to date.  So much to love AND, OMG! Is he ever soft!
For a male ~6 month GD puppy, he is small yet, when you deal with byb dogs, you get all shapes and sizes and, for that right matched home, they are not going to care one bit! His personality is big and, he will make that right matched home smile every day. He is so happy!
NO more days of neglect and emaciation for you my lovely young man!


Here is BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s XMAS photo with Santa! 🙂

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BHRR's Zayna – December 13th, 2014 with SantaMartin Cruikshank) at PV Stittsville. 
Photo by Ashley Beland of ABM AMB Photography
One of BHRR's very special M&M's. 
A victim to poor breeding and greed, she had severe HD etc. and, we were asked by another r/q group, to consider her for our special Haven Program back on April 28th, 2014.
We had a spot open up on June 22nd, 2014 and, I think our own Fawn with black mask EM, RIP Guinness would have loved her! 
We knew time was limited and, we packed each day with great memories, experiences, laughter, play visits/dates and, loving hands with tons of spoiling love!
SHE rocked our 7th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail & BBQ Fundraiser, she charmed each person at every event held at BHRR from our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open houses to our Annual DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES event!
We made December 13th, 2014, a day as special and as wonderful as her!
A trip to Timimie's for her own Bacon on Bagel, tummy rubs and, shopping and, drooling and, caring hands at PV Stittsville, lunch at A&W – chicken strips and, a drive later that night to all of her favourite friends and family…..
She left us peacefully, surrounded by all those that loved her and adored her and, she may have been a victim of greed by her Breeder yet, to us, she was a gift…………cherished and, I so wish we could have given her more than almost 6 months of the best days of her life……
She should have been bred for proper conformation, health, temperament plus longevity. What I call the 'four' important pillars of r/q Breeding. 

This poor dog had severe HD, not just 'only' hip problems. Her hips were so bad that she was not even a candidate for alternative therapy such as hydrotherapy nor was she a surgical candidate by an expert group of three Ortho specialists part of her vet team. She had DJD, Osteoarthritis that had already begun to cause some spinal fusion and, her straight knees plus stifles were also affected. Her elbows were also beginning to show negative effects. She had extreme muscle wasting in her hind end and, for a younger giant breed dog, still growing, we created a personalized rehab program that had her develop what muscle tone, mass and strength that we could. We have videos and photo's and, many a testimonial in the great quality of life she had in our Haven Program. We committed to her 100% as we do with every dog under our authority.
BHRR believes in quality of life and, though this dog may have been orginally said to be behaviourally unsound when the other wonderful group first had her, it did not take long for them to realise her issues were medical. 
As she matured and, even in keeping her lean, there was added natural weight on already heavily burdened poor bones plus body and, the colder weather was not helping one bit.
We will not keep a dog alive for our own selfish reasons…..

THANK you to her incredible SS's……for dropping them off at the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house in November…….she had an early XMAS and, she had stuffing and turkey also as part of a delicious dinner!
RIP my gorgeous girl……..I shall visit you as I visit all the others that have crossed before you over the many years…..in my dreams and, in my heart….


BHRR's Ichabod Crane with Santa
*While he is still a wee bit on the thin side, he is NO longer emaciated! YAY! 
Saturday December 13th, 2014 @ PV Stittsville!
So many people to THANK deeply from my heart for making this day so wonderful!
We have to thank the amazing SantaMartin Cruikshank), his precious helper ElfDee Dick), the talented photographerAshley Beland) AND, Breanne JacklinRegan Giggal,Kelly Garlough and, the rest of the amazing staff at PV Stittsville!
Thank you to Andrea McCoy for the extra hands, and to your dad also Kelly!
THANK you to each very wonderful and giving person AND their human, who came to visit(We dropped by for about 1.5 hours ourselves!), get a photo with Santa and, to make this day a really special one of almost $319.12 raised to help BHRR's Mavie!
BHRR's Zayna, BHRR's Ichabod Crane and BHRR's Angel Noelle had their own Santa Paws Photo's done!
AND, thank you to the beautiful Melissa Gingras-Lepage for doing BHRR's Ichabod's nails for me to help give him yet, another great experience in the hands of a stranger as we keep working towards the goal of making him that much more well rounded plus well adjusted AND, boy, had he come a long way! Mr. Social Butterfly…..  
Thank you to the elf named 'Cheers' that took care of his nail trimming bill!  Santa better spoil you rotten for such a touching RAOK!
Later, I shall share why it was so important for me to get a really special photo of BHRR's Zanya. Ashley, if you have others of her, like when Santa rubbed her belly, would loved to have them……


BHRR's Braveheart with company! 🙂
LESS than 48 hours at BHRR.
December 10th, 2014
(BHRR's Oakley, BHRR's Ichabod, BHRR's Potter, BHRR's Bloom!)
Thank you Tammie Jackson & Karen Starkie for being his angels….

VIDEO BHRR's Braveheart Dcember 10th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Braveheart’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Braveheart's Angels  $15.00* donated to date & Bills are $0.00
A. Biggley



This is BHRR's Braveheart – not the greatest photo yet, he was looking at our 13 gallon freshwater tank in the sun-room and, the best I could snag.

In less than 12 hours, he was already integrated with some of the dogs, doing wonderfully, had eaten some food, wagging his tail some and, boy does BHRR's Kricket ADORE him!
Less than 24 hours later, he has been almost fully integrated with all, eaten some more food, making a couple of friends, beginning to become even more affectionate and, just now, he asked me for love for the very first time! He has been settling in much faster, than anyone would have thought or predicted and, he will continue to call the 'pace' as we work on providing all the set-up for success opportunities that he deserves. 
He and BHRR's Kricket have something really special going on….she was determined to 'win' him over. THE only other dog that she has connected and loved instantly so much to date, has been BHRR's Ivy. She likes all the dogs yet, she has a really special relationship with BHRR's Ivy and, even now, she is 'showing' BHRR's Braveheart what fun it can be to race around my house at almost midnight! 
AND, HQD is just laying upon her 'throne' looking upon them with approval and looking upon me with her usual disapproval as I want the 'no running in the house' rule enforced!  
To think that less than a week ago, he was 'poled' to get out of his run at the shelter, people were afraid of him, and, he was described as being severely aggressive to dogs, and people and not just extremely undersocialised etc. 
AND, if it were not for his shelter angel, Tammie, he would have been pts on Friday…..she advocated so strongly for him, contacted us and, the rest is history. LOVE working with this shelter….amazing people. 
Honored and privileged as I have said previously to be a rescue partner of theirs.
I cannot wait until I get home from work tomorrow and do one of our famous Winter Wonderful Video's for people to 'see' just who this boy is and, the potential he has!
He is a heavier marked Harle, young – maybe 18 months and, such clean markings….
AND, while some have found his eyes to be intimidating…to me, they are lovely…..
So, ends the first 24 hours with this magnificent creature that is starting to trust and believe and, accept hands of help and love over hurt and rejection…..
Yes, he has a path for sure that he needs to walk of healing and rehab and confidence building and acceptance of there never being another day of bad things in his life again…..yet, I will walk this journey with him, each step of the way…..right by his side!
Encouraging him, supporting him and, believing in him!
BHRR's Braveheart is just one of the many specialized reasons why BHRR exists…..why, our programs are needed…..


We will be out to visit around 11 AM on Saturday ourselves to get some photos' and, I am hoping to bring BHRR's Ichabod Crane, BHRR's Zayna and BHRR's Salem for their very first XMAS photo's!
I heard a rumor that BHRR's Mav 'could' also put in a celebrity appearance!

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UPDATE: I got him and, after careful transitioning – two leashes, two people, he is in my car and I am getting ready to make the push home!
Dogs like him, really need two collars and two leashes as they are a huge flight risk…
He is a bit skinny, nothing terrible and, has the softest chin ever! BHRR's Canvas and BHRR's Kaden were far worse in fear and, we shall see how things go in seeing more dogs. No integration until he is more settled and…..
Thank you Tammie and Karen and, welcome to the BHRR fam, Braveheart!

UPDATE: Karen now has the Harle GD male in her safe plus loving arms and, I will be driving out to meet her later.

We have named him BHRR's Braveheart – my family tree actually traces back to William Wallace, being one of my relatives.

He is understandably very nervous right now and, while a night transport is not the best for many of these extremely fearful dogs, it is not our first rodeo as they say, and, he is in experienced hands…..

Here is an update I sent this AM to the Animal Hospital that has been such an important part of her 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' Story!


Ivy wants to say that she weighs 43.9 KGs today(96.58 pounds). She has her staples removed today and, while you can see the underlaying sutures, all looks good. She wears her lovely lampshade as needed. She is sleeping a good 5.5 hours each night before having to go out and zero SA issues. She is hanging out at work with me today and, other
than some initial whining and barking, has settled down for a nap.

I chipped her today and picked up a dose of Revolution for I keep the dogs in year round
as we are a rescue. We did her nails and she rocked starred that also.

I am just waiting for a fresh fecal sample to test.

She is doing really well with her obedience and, is a busy active plus smart girl.

While she loves playing with my own 5 month old Deaf/visually impaired Dane pups, she has made a fast
friend with an emaciated GD that we brought in on the 30th, that we named Kricket. One of her other best friends is a Haven dog we have, an almost 11 year old Dogo!

Already, I know she shall do best in a home that is active yet, not too busy for over stimulation and, flooding to occur and, then she just would love to focus and, become a bit overwhelmed. A home with at least one other right match personality
fit dog(male or female does not matter as long as it is a great fit), older kids are fine – 8 plus years of age and, a home that will give her a job – obedience, rally, or, even as she matures, therapy work.

She will love to have a good sized hard, plenty of dog friends and, love nice steady long walks. She is going to make a home an incredible addition as long as they understand to ensure that she needs her 'own' time to keep liking herself and, to learn to self-soothe and amuse when needed.

She has been off all SA meds since her arrival plus the 'bits' and, is thriving. I, professionally, truly do not feel that she requires any medication and, any right matched home will do 'right' by her also. 

Great puppy!!!

She wants me to tell all of you at the hospital, thanks for saving her and, being so kind and generous.

No picture I can take will ever do this girl justice on how absolutely lovely she is!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy"

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $189.67


Posted in Ivy

We were contacted at the end of November re: a severely under socialised and fearful Male, Harle, 'similar' in colour to our BHRR's Treasure and, asking if, we may wish to assist as we were told that he really needs us….

While we did not have a photo of what we knew to be a Harlequin GD(if the colouring was similar to BHRR's Treasure), we committed. As he was just recently o/s to the high kill shelter, he had not yet been evaluated/assessed. 

I sent a courtesy follow-up on Wednesday December 3rd to check the status as, I had not heard back(I understand how busy everyone is!).

We were then passed along some very unfortunate news. They were not able to handle him at the Shelter and, could not assess him as they were scared of him and, the staff refused to vet him. 

He is extremely undersocialized and staff at the shelter were not comfortable working with him and, he had to be 'poled' to be handled. 
Said to be aggressive with humans and other dogs. Was slated to be pts on Friday December 5th and, we were able to get in to do an assessment/evaluation Friday AM and, he was able to be walked without concern. He was relaxed when he saw other dogs in runs and, appears that men more than women make him scared. 

He is deserving of a chance and, we are going to give it to him………

We do not profess to be miracle workers yet, we understand fear aggression, how dogs do not present well in a shelter environment and, that if people are not comfortable or are scared, dogs can 'mimic' and 'react' to that…..We know that not all dogs can be saved yet, we are prepared to give him what he deserves…the opportunities and structure and best set up for success that we can!

We understand and are experts with Danes, and, this is one of the big reasons why BHRR exists! 

ETA to BHRR Monday December 8th, 2014

He would love a SS of his very own if anyone is interested…guaranteed that this dog has not had ONE moment of love or kindness in his life to date……

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Braveheart’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Braveheart's Angels  $o.oo* donated to date & Bills are $0.00



BHRR's Stafford's X-Rays Below from December 5th, 2014
He had had a recheck appointment on the 4th plus was updated on all outstanding boosters and, was given the clear for his dental on the 5th. The Vet he saw felt he was great to go…..h
However, on the 5th, another Vet, that was to do his actual dental was not comfortable and, felt, that he was demonstrating some signs of increased congestion and, took x-rays of his chest.
His chest x-rays showed up clear with no signs of pneumonia and, the Vet recommended that, The Lord stay on the Doxy for another 10 days or so as a precaution, and, then do the procedure.
He is now scheduled for his Dental at Dr. Liston's office on Thursday December 18th
After he recovers, he will go into an approved Temp Foster and, in the New Year, make his special announcement! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $3,401.13
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25

 {030D07C1-492A-41BE-B287-818035973F1E} (Medium){B965FC0C-2D66-4029-A961-A8C044D41F27} (Medium)

BHRR's Stafford was at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) with me today. His weight was 19 KGs(41.8 pounds). He looks great between 19.1 KGS and 20.5 KGS, so, we shall up his food just a tad. On Saturday at PV Hazeldean, some time was spent with a few people educating them properly on what a Bulldog, any dog really, should look like as an 'ideal' weight. Dr. Bruce in his consult report marked BHRR's Stafford's body condition down as 'ideal' and said, that he is one of the most fit and great looking weight-wise bulldogs he has ever seen.

So many think that they need to have stomachs as wide or wider than the dogs hips. This is of no benefit and in fact, shall worsen and breathing issues and, leg problems for a dog. I asked these same people if they saw ribs on BHRR's Stafford and, very faintly they could barely see his last two ribs, barely…and,to be at a proper weight, the last two ribs on non-hairy dogs should be faintly seen. To whomever adopts this magnificent boy, his weight will be monitored so, that he does not become obese(we as humans control their dog food and treat intake). Fat dogs are one of my pet peeves. We address it on our detailed adoption info. packages.

The Vet looked over him closely and, says his lungs sound good and clear and, he will be ok'd for his dental with possible extractions tomorrow at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital). He had his DAPP Booster plus his Rabies and, once he heals from his dental, he shall be ready to be placed up for adoption! 

Both of his Vets at Kana reviewed the report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH, of his airway evaluation/assessment.and concur that, there is nothing urgent from a r/q rescue perspective that we should be doing prior to him being placed up for adoption. The report clearly indicates that no more than a 5.5 size endotracheal tube is to be used. Dr. Bruce felt that a 7 or a 7.5 initially would fit for the evaluation for a dog his size and, it turns out that the size that is often used for a large cat, is what BHRR's Stafford requires.

For anyone that wishes to donate to his dental with possible extraction procedure at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) tomorrow, you can do so via the contact info. found below. We are looking at another ~$1,500 yet, we will post a final total when we know what is actually found in his mouth.

We also microchipped his Lord tonight!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $2,000.00 in bills alone at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $3,010.71
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25

BHRR's Ichabod Crane was at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) with me today – he ended up not going last week with BHRR's Maverick's sudden reaction to the one plate/screws in his right leg.. He weighed 33.1 KGs(72.82 pounds). He had his pre-surgical bw done in preparation for his neuter when he is more healthy. His hiops appeared fine and, they will be investigated further when he is under anesthetic for his neuter.

He is on Doxycycline 1.5 tablets of the 100 mg BID for the next week and, then shall be recheck, re-weighed and, the dosing adjusted as, tonight, he began to pass some lovely nasal discharge. 

We also microchipped him today!

He will get his DAPP booster and rabies(was done prior to coming to BHRR) when he is more healthy also. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabod's Angels  $155.00* donated to date & Bills are $289.78

We continue to be patient, as does BHRR's Cherry for her right matched forever loving home to find her!
She is such a ham! Full of personality and remains a big fav BBBBB for many here! She is great with all dogs she has met to date(and, she has met many! 😉 ), good with cats, children and, all people she has also met to date. She has proven to be 100% trustworthy in our home yet, as always, we do not recommend that for any right matched approved home to give any dog too much freedom to start in a new environment.
This gorgeuos photo below was taken by BHRR approved Volunteer M. Aris when we went off on a road trip to do a hv in November 2013 with her and BHRR's Jetta!


Testamonial from BHRR BOD Member B. Cole:

"She really did steal a piece of my heart….

During my recent visit to BHRR I had the honor of meeting many of the new additions (since I had last visited – a few years back) as well as getting reacquainted with some of the older dogs.  One dog that just stood out a little more then all the others was Gretta.  When I first met Gretta a couple years back she was very shy and aloof.  I remember her just curling up and really not engaging with me.  Oh how things have changed!! 

As all the dogs were inspecting the 'fresh meat' Gretta was right there along side poking her head in and seeking attention.  Throughout the following two nights she would come over to me and just love interacting with me!  Gone was the shy, fearful dane that first came to BHRR she was confident and brave – not even hesitating to see me and asking for attention.  Boy is she gonna make the right matched home complete! Gretta has come so far and I can't wait to see her continue to grow and bloom once that right matched forever home finds her! They are gonna be one lucky home and a part of me will be jealous at them receiving all she has to give!"

BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.
Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Monday December 15th, 2014 to Tuesday January 6th 2015 inclusive.
Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 7th, 2015!
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

So many to thank for making our last community education and public awareness event of 2014 so successful!
Thank you to PV Hazeldean for being so gracious, accommodating and wonderful to us!
Thank you to Bruce, Doogie and Margaret for being extra hands and arms and, voices!
Thank you to Tracy for lending her loving arms to BHRR's Mav as needed!! He is just a wee bit bonded to me….. 
Thank you to all that came to visit and chat and, spoil The Lord and made donations for the other animals in need of BHRR.
Thank you Sasha for the surprise visit from Costa Rica! 
Lord Stafford's smooch pooch sessions on his red carpet raised $160.85! He had a line up at times. He was such a flirt and, thank goodness his chaperone of Doogie was there to make sure he behaved himself!!  I got to be his slave and hand out the pretty roses!
We did two microchips, ensuring that one more cat(the beautiful Athena) and, one more dog(the gorgeous GD Gambit) would have the best of chances finding their way back to their loving homes should they go MIA.
Thank you to Nevenka for the bag of FROMM and, so sorry that your SS (BHRR's Treasure) was adopted and, you missed out in spoiling him, this XMAS. Yet, his forever loving adoptive home shall instead.
Thank you to Sabrina for her own kind and generous donation of two bags of dog food!
Thank you for the SS gifts Lianne and Cliff for BHRR's Gretta and BHRR's Merlin. They are going to be out in public in style!
Thank you to the Savages for your donations that Margaret has in her great care and, I will connect with her later to collect. You are so giving! 
Thank you to Bob for visting us with BHRR's Holden and BHRR's Torque to many(his new special name is now Neo!).
Thank you to all the great people that took time out of their own precious weekend to come and spend some time with us!
Noelle, seeing you again was really nice and, knowing that even almost 6 years later, your son still loves Danes from being so captivated by my now RIP CH. TAIN, CGN when he met him, touches me deeply….
Any and, all omissions made for any appreciative thanks that should be sent, all totally mine and, please forgive me….. 
The photo below is of FREEDOM volunteer Cindy who drove all the way from Metcalfe to smooch with the Lord! Some may remember her as she assisted in getting BHRR's Triumph to me this last summer when we were contacted to assist him. 
As exhausted as I was from several really stressful and worrisome days and virtually zero sleep with The Mavie, Saturday's warmth brings home to me, as to why I do what I do and, that each and every animal under our care is done right by. Thank you all for discreetly looking the other way as the tears welled up and some spilled over when we were talking about him and, how close it came to losing him….thanks Margaret for your touching my knee in strength as I worked to collect myself….. 
To all our strong links in that BHRR CHAIN OF SUCCESS, you have helped raise $446.25 for BHRR's Stafford's Vet Bills on Saturday!
We are still working on fundraising for The Mav and, as things fall into place, we will post! 
Gwennie Novel!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $2,154.25* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014
PV Hazeldean 'Pooch Smooch' with Rose/Red Carpet & Community Education & Public Awareness Event $446.25


Introducing BHRR's Kricket! 
December 1st, 2014
Thank you SO much to Karen and Sean for helping to get her to BHRR as, I ran into a time conflict on Sunday with the hv for BHRR's Treasure possible(and now approved!) adoption having to be scheduled then.  
This was the ONLY photo I could get of her early this AM before I headed into work….
To think that she has been off the roads for two weeks and, looks this emaciated, brings home JUST how emaciated she had to have once been when she was first saved.  
For those who may not remember her story…she was dumped by her owners on the streets and, she was feeding off scraps as she could for many weeks before someone decided to pick her up…………
She is a real delight! Just as I knew she would be…I giggled so much in watching her evaluation video! 
I will try to get body shots later today and, thank you to all her rescue angels and, it remains an absolute privilege to continue to be a rescue partner to this shelter, helping to save animals in need!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Kricket’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Kricket's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $89.00


BHRR's Angel Noelle, BHRR's Gretta & BHRR's Bloom

November 23rd, 2014

Our last BHRR "EXPERIENCE' of 2014!

Original photo by S. Dowler and, I revised the colouring. 

HQD's rules of the 'couch' continue to be followed quite closely by the dogs! Sigh…. LOL

These three beauties are still AVAILABLE for adoption!

BHRR fun Nov 23, 2014 059

BHRR's Treasure was adopted!! – Sunday November 30th!
After over 12 hours on the road in addition to a four hour hv, this amazing dog has now moved to an adopted status!
Going to miss you 'Trouble!'
Thank you again Bruce for coming with me to do this hv and being a great go-pilot!
Congrats to his new MOM!


BHRR's Mav UPDATE: Here is a photo I took last night(December 2nd) of his leg. He is back on Friday December 5th for a recheck at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) and, we will remove the penrose drain at that time. 
The antibiotics are working their magic….for now, and, we will be booking that plate/screw removal in about another 2.5 weeks time. 
For anyone that is seeking to donate to his mountingVet Bills: We are a grand total of $13,920.23 since his arrival into Rescue and SO, worth every penny! AND, for all of his fans, they will equally agree he is very deserving. We will be pulling him off the 'AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION' status at this time, until he has been successfully rehabbed…again…. 

AND, his bills shall continue to rise as we move towards his next surgery for his body has begun to reject the one plate in his leg. 

We are committed to him and, shall be for life as we are with each of our BHRR dogs! 
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ or 'friends & family' option)


Here is the response I received back from the very lovely Vet that I had been conversing with and, met in Kingston last Monday:

"Thank you so much for the wonderful update!  It made me smile this morning to know that Ivy (beautiful name, by the way) is in such loving and capable hands!  I have passed along your e-mail to the girls I work with, along with your thanks.  

All of us at the clinic immediately knew what a special girl Ivy is, and it makes us so happy to hear that she is doing so well already!  We feel blessed to have found your rescue and we are beyond grateful to you for taking Ivy into your home.

It was a pleasure meeting you, and we look forward to following Ivy's progress on your blog!

Thank you so much again!


Posted in Ivy

Here is an update that I sent off to the Acton Vet Hospital that took such great care of her!

She is doing great! Making friends after being carefully integrated with a few dogs – including two of my own – my five month old deaf/visually Impaired Danes 🙂

She has romped and stomped and raced and zoomed and, had a blast and, I had her two separate times into two separate crates and, she did wonderfully. 

She is now settled down for the night in yet another crate in a different spot to assess/evaluate her levels of SA and, she is snoozing away.

One of the crates I only put a carabeener on to see what she would do and, she lay there most calmly.

I am not going to use the adaptil collar yet thank you and, I shall keep the clomicalm on hand yet, I am pulling her off the meds to really get to know her and, to see if she really needs it as we work to get her to love her own company and to, enjoy her alone time and be able to amuse herself in appropriate ways. 

I am not getting any vibe at this time that with the correct level of exercise and mental stimulation that also includes structure of obedience, consistency, patience and time with stability that she shall require any medication. She is just not presenting as a dog that will require it under the right set of set up for success.

We shall see how things fall into place as she settles in and the honeymoon period ends. 🙂

She is a love and a real character! 

Thank you so much for entrusting her to us and, please tell all of your staff what an amazing group of people they are!! Thank them for the bssket and donations that includes the Pinesol and laundry detergent! 

I feel truly honored to have been asked to assist her by all of you.

Each of you are really special people!

What a pleasure to have met you and your husband and thanks for everything! 

PS: she is called 'Ivy' after a very special woman no longer with us….

Posted in Ivy

BHRR's Ivy is now in the HOUSE! Named after a very beautiful lady, no longer with us….
Thank you's extended to Dr. Butzke and her lovely husband for meeting me in Kingston tonight. 
Wish I felt better! Been ill all day. 
Thank you's must also be sent out to her previous Owner for loving her so much to let her go. 
For those not familiar with her story…..she was picked up as a stray after trying to fend for herself and, was then adopted out.
Unfortunately, the home was not aware of prepared for the severe level of this Danes SA(she is about 7.5 months). She also had a tail injury that was not healing and, underwent a partial amputation. 
She was surrendered to the Vet in Acton and, the amazing staff there continued to take the absolute best care of her with the assistance of her previous owner contributing to her mounting vet bills. The staff there deeply loved her and, generously donated a gorgeous basket of goodies for her plus, a large bottle of Pinesol and Laundry Detergent.
Thank you has to also be extended to Lorraine of Speaking of Dogs for referring the Hospital our way. We are not only a GD Rescue yet, experts in the handling successfully of severe SA issues. 
We shall remove her staples later this week….
We are always so humbled when entrusted with an animal to do right by……our promise to her is to equally do right by her….
I just love seeing a community come together to help an animal in need!
Not the best photo yet one taken as she settled into our sunroom before entering the special world that is known as BHRR!
Welcome and Elizabeth this is your SS!

What is extremely special about this photo is that the Dane greeting her(now has had his own nails nicely trimmed short as of last night!  ) is my own piece of 'Ivy'. That is one of my DEAF Danes, Drift. 

He was the very first to greet her…it was a very goosebumply moment! Very special! 

For all that know my Drfit, this is so NOT in his character…he 'knew'…this was a really special dog in honour of a beautiful lady, that he once knew himself….. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘’Ivy". He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ivy's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $89.00


Posted in Ivy

How blessed are we that Chuck Desjardins Photography and, Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt(3838 Innes Road, Orleans, Ontario) chose our group as one of the two(Collie Rescue Network is the other r/q group) to benefit from their Christmas Photo's Fundraiser!
Photo's $15 Each OR 2 for $20
Date: Sunday December 7th, 2014
Time: 11 AM – 4 PM
***This is not a community education event yet, we shall be heading on our to just hang and bring some of the BHRR dawgs to thank people!

Xmas Photo Campaign 2014 brochure final

BHRR's Stafford will be ready on his red carpet with roses in paw to hand out to his first 24 smoochers! I even heard that he may wear a bow tie!
BHRR's Maverick and BHRR's Ichabod Crane are also coming.

pet valu poster - stafford (Medium)

Just leaving Kana now! This is a photo of his right front leg after his surgical procedure today. Dr. Philibert put in a penrose drain for the next week and, he will remain on antibiotics for three weeks and, then he will have his next surgery.
Dr. P took out a whole bowl full of fluid including copious amounts of pus and, it contains to drain now with the assistance of the penrose drain. Dr. P said he had a massive sudden onset abscess from reacting / rejecting the plate / screws in his leg  
We were looking at either Cancer and/or a plate rejection as all the x-Rays showed no trauma that compromised the plate/screws or bones.
We also sent off a sample for culture and, did bloodwork last night including calcium levels. 
Dr. P believes that the leg will be strong enough without the plate/screws and, that his other iron leg will not be compromised…..
More updates on the past 48 hours soon…
Dr. P. did not understand and, was my question also as to how this abscess could have been missed when he was in emerge. *IF* I had waited three weeks to see if the inflammation let and, if not, follow-up with his othro specialist, he could be dead. 🙁
I am so happy that I brought him back to my own hospital the next day, did the bw and, emailed Dr. P.!




November 26th, 2014

Due to the nature of the career that his new forever loving adoptive mom has, the respect for privacy has been noted and, her face has been blacked out. 

Thanks Rachel for assisting in the HV with me and, to Bernie also in helping to bring him to begin this new chapter in his wonderful future! 
I am so glad 40+ people were able to visit with him one last time on Sunday at our last 'BHRR' EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014, prior to him being officially adopted!
I am also glad that he had one more GREAT 'FRESH Meat' experience himself! 😀


BHRR's Maverick's X-Rays under sedation from last night. Nothing is broken. The fact that he may have pawed at the crate as, he almost always does prior to going into to eat, we sheer coincidence.  There is absolutely no trauma to be found on the x-rays. The swelling also did not occur to the next afternoon. It was so sudden. 
The Emerge Vet feels 1) Plate/Screw rejection or 2) Cancer
He also said that he could be 'maybe' missing a cracked screw and if the inflammation does not dissipate within the next 3 weeks discuss with BHRR's Mav's ortho specialist Dr. Philibert. 
He added Clavamox 375 mg BID to his med protocol in addition to continuing to use the Deramaxx 100 mg. 
We discussed bw and, I will bring BHRR's Mav to KAH later today for the bw (possible UA if the Vet also believes) and, for my own comfort, send off the x-rays to Dr. Philibert to review as, I do not want to wait three weeks. *IF* this is Cancer or a plate/screw rejection, NO way am I waiting. 
His weight was 54.3 KGs(119.46 pounds). Still quite lean and still working to put on the weight! Fever was around 40 degrees. He is clearly fighting off some infection and, the emerge Vet is worried that if he is on Deramaxx and, that this leg looks this bad…. 🙁 Plus, that he would have such a high fever while on the Deramaxx. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)

BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels  $7,294.12 donated to date & Bills $13,920.23
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS

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BHRR's Mavie being SO good while we wait for the Vet! Letting me ice his leg and, a HUGE hit at Alta Vista AH!

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BHRR's Mav being such a brave and good boy as I ice his leg and, we waited for the Vet. 
He is now in the back being sedated for X-Rays. I asked for the sedation as it is safer for everyone involved as this is going to hurt his leg to stretch it out to get the x-Rays done the best. The nice emerge Vet agreed and felt that was best. I believe he is seeing Dr. James….
He has now been taken to the back and, letting him go was tough….sigh…. 
I am going to grab a mint tea and come back and, that shall be equally difficult for the last time I was at the Timmie's near here was the day we lost BHRR's Dana. 
Was such a great day up to a point…..
Please pray for good news…..the emerge vet is equally worried that when he wrenched his leg when he pawed to go into his crate for dinner, that something happened to the plate to affect his leg this badly…..
One step at a time….one breath at a time and…..I shall update as I can….
Thanks to all that called and texted with offers to be with me or bring me something.  Touches me immensely….  I am good for now yet, THANKS!
To those that offered to make a donation at Alta Vista, I have the current estimate covered out of my recent pay check, and, if more is necessary, we will go from there. THANK you's being shouted out though!!
This Dane has touched so many and, I know in my heart that his village will be there in his time of need, if necessary. 
Freak accident…..  His legs have rehabbed so well….His Ortho specialist has marvelled at the strength of the legs and, his incredible healing rehab. journey.


UPDATE: we just had our initial assessment and was there any doubt that BHRR's Maverick would not charm all!! 
Now, we wait for the Doctor and I asked for X-Rays….
A quick photo I snapped of his front legs….that right one is terrible….. 
They treat us so wonderfully here….such good caring staff….


Please say a prayer for BHRR's Maverick. I am on my way to emerge at Alta Vista AH with him….he hurt his right front leg…and, bad.  
He has had both front legs operated on since his arrival to BHRR and, I am sick to my stomach with stress and worry.  
I am just home with BHRR's Victory, dropped her off and, am now heading out with Mav…..
Keep him in your best thoughts….. 

UPDATE: BHRR's Victory does not have a blown cruciate. Sean and I did not think she did yet, we do not profess to be Vets and, if that is what we had been told prior to her coming to BHRR, that she 'possibly' had a blown Cruciate then, we needed to be proactive and, investigate for her best care. 

I have in my possession the findings by the ortho specialist, thank you Dr. Liston and, zero concerns at this time of a diagnosis of any cruciate problems.
If anything, she may have some mild HD, which does not surprise us and, if we wanted to, we could x-Ray the hips to confirm yet, he felt we could better spend our money on other more important things. 
SO, this amazing dog, once she obtains some more manners with obedience, will be ready to be placed up for adoption within the next month! 
So happy for her!!!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Victory’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Victory's Angels  $5.00* donated to date & Bills are $397.40
*before PayPal fees


Today is the DAY! BHRR's Miss Victory is off to see the ortho specialist to see about that possible blown cruciate. 
AND, she is now a much more svelte 54.3 Kgs (119.46 pounds today)…a few more pounds of fat to go and, to tone plus muscle up a bit. 
She was absolutely solid at our recent BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open house! Quickly became a fav to many and, at work today, she is also taking names and, winning hearts! 
This Dane is a DREAM….so scary that she had been said to be aggressive and, if she did not end up in a place with such good people there that promote/support rescue partnerships, she would have been destroyed…..
She is social, affectionate, friendly, amazing house manners, housebroken, leash manners are coming along, attentive, great with all dogs, people and kids!
I will also be doing a HWT today for her and chip. 
THE only thing that is hard is trying to get a good photo of her!!!! LOL

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Victory’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Victory's Angels  $5.00* donated to date & Bills are $237.90
*before PayPal fees



The Home-Visit for BHRR's Treasure's possible adoption is scheduled for Sunday November 30th, 2014
We shall update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Ichabod Crane is scheduled to see the Vet on Thursday. He has been putting on the weight fairly well, is eating, been de-wormed, has been placed on revolution and, my only concern is that now that you can actually handle the 'wild' child a bit more 😉 is around his hip area.

When one touches his hip area, he will almost scream, more of a yelp. I am trying to isolate it further and, to see if one is worse than the other or, if we are only looking at one side. I know with me, he has had two episodes to date and, one for Mason yet, all other times, he is great. He made need sedation for the Vet to best determine what is going on……

He plays and, is doing all the wonderful and joyous things that puppies do – chewing….destroying, jumping and more! He is absolutely being that puppy I want and expect and, we are working on that obedience also. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabod's Angels  $135.00* donated to date & Bills are $67.00

The BHRR Purse puppies from our November 23rd BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House! Thanks Dee for the photo!

They remain AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and, they continue to just blow people's minds away with how awesome they both are..all of our visitors cannot believe that they are blind and, motor around in the 3+ fenced in yard and, more than hold their own with the other dogs…yet, they still are with us…..we are patient…..


BHRR's Salem did SO well at the BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House held on Sunday! We let her out when there were about 15-20 people left and, she just floated around, without any major issues at all….It always helps, when people are mindful plus respectful of all the information provided to them in their participation packages. 

We ONLY had one home that was not respectful of what was carefully imparted their way both via the attendee package and, during their time at our home and, no further dogs were let out until they left and, even though they asked about the 'Mastiff Dog'(their words), I said, she would be out later. I was not going to see any more of my dogs set-up for failure than what they had already done in damage. Many BHRR Approved Volunteers, and supporters were upset and even, angry at the manner in which they conducted themselves, and, I myself was witness to them showing complete disregard when it came to BHRR's Canvas. A BHRR Volunteer grabbed me and, I had to step in.
They had been clearly told to leave him alone and yet, they practically cornered him and, stressed him out so bad, that he became even scared of those he trusted. We open up our home for others to come and visit and, give up precious coveted family time to do so, as it is so important to have people see what we do firsthand. In no way, was I going to see any more of my dogs, be in their presence and, we began to put dogs into their safe places so, less were out until they left….they will not be welcomed back…..As I tell many people, it can take moments to ruin months of rehab work and, thank you to all those that remained to help give the dogs that they set-up for failure extra positive experiences. If we have not had such a strong just shy of 15 year history hosting these events, we would have not wanted to host any further 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House events, because of people like that.

Back to BHRR's Salem though! Sean and I were watching closely to see if she would be skittish to men.,…or even, women yet, she was quite solid. She has been fully integrated with all the dogs of BHRR for some time and, was very much ready for this next big step….and, she handled it like a pro! 🙂

She has a special SS and, when her SS is ready, we are going to go over to their home for a visit and, they can give her their SS in person…this will be good for her to get out and about and, on to the next steps of her rehab journey. 

Below is a photo taken of her with a wonderful soul, and the photo is courtesy of them also. Thanks Dee!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Salem’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Salem's Angels  $50* donated to date & Bills are $156.24
*Before PayPal fees
The Maracle Family – Halloween 2014 and bottle reimbursement

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BHRR's Oakley is doing great in his crate now….zero whining, no digging and, Friday the 21st was the first night, I was able to leave a nice thick towel in his crate and, other than bunching it up, into a pile he felt was comfy, zero shredding. GOOD BOY!

He goes in without any issues and, I give him a treat, maybe, one out of five times when he goes in now.

His startle reflex is getting much better also. My son, used to our own deafies and, how far other deafies have come in our programs, almost made a very dangerous mistake a few nights ago. BHRR's Oakley was sleeping and, we were getting to lock up for the night, and, my son offered to help and, he reached down and, I managed to catch him in time for, he was going to lightly touch BHRR's Oakley's side to wake him up.

I told him 'no' and, reminded him as to why he was not to touch him, when he was sleeping and demonstrated. I took my foot and gently rubbed his rump and, after a few strokes, BHRR's Oakley woke up and whipped his head around and, did a bit of a snap and, when he fully 'woke' up, he jumped up and ran a few steps away for he realised what he had done was not what he should have done.

I was not angry or upset and gave him the 'calming' sign that I use for the dogs……to tell them that it is 'ok'. He came over to me and did one of his awesome leans…..I gently stroked his head towards the back and on his upper neck, just twice in the 'calming' touch style that I use.

I looked over to my son and, said, remember the 'new dog; rule please.

It is going to take awhile for BHRR's Oakley to be 'ok' with his startle reflex and to have trust….that is ok…..I am not in a rush….

As of the night of the 23rd, I put a blanket again into his crate and YAY! No touchies! He has now had a blanket in his crate for two nights, sans issue.

He is bright eyed, fully integrated with all the dogs, had a great time for the two nights our BHRR BOD member B. Cole was visiting and, he had an absolutely fabu first BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open house! Each of our 40+ attendees receives an detailed info. package prior to participating in this event and, I reminded all again to passively ignore(some, did not realise what that meant and, that it did not mean ignore him forever!) and, OMG! Other than, one space moment that was NOT his fault, good ol' BHRR's Ethel and her 'old woman ways', not one moment of anything less than perfection! GOSH! I was so proud of him!!

He is becoming more playful, eating better, having more energy, is more properly physically and mentally tired at the end of each day and, his eyes are clear and focused…he is beginning to show me some spunk in trotting away when I want to give him a 'rest' time in his crate and, he is not yet ready! LOL LOVE it! He does not do it out of meanness, just young boy 'I am not ready to come in yet Mom' 'tudeness.

Even as I type this, he is laying behind my computer chair.

He is wagging his tail more, much more steady on his feet, still has 'space' issues and, we are working on having self-control and, walking away and, not being so reactive……being more in touch with his emotions and, feeling like he has some control, he is making better choices. I am really proud of how far he has come to date….a LONG way to go, yet, a really nice boy!

AND, his previous home is correct, he LOVES LOVES LOVES kids! 😀

He is also learning to 'share'. He has learned that if he tries to resource one of the two massive water bowls, he has to sit and 'wait' for his turn.

Honestly, he backs down quite quickly in the face of a more dominant dog and, with the proper positive human leadership, he is trusting me more and, that what I ask of him, is in his best interest and, that my role is to protect him and, his role is to be a dog…..a young one….

He does not like to share a crate though or a blanket and, he has no boundaries against acting equally strong against my 16 week old GD puppy as he would one of the 3 year old adults. He has much to learn……………

I am also extremely careful that he does not begin to resource over myself…..

I am so enjoying this journey with him…….I really am…my heart is quite proud of him!

BHRR's Treasure is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Keep him in your best wishes and blessings!
My 'Trouble' may have had his right matched forever loving home find him…..

We shall update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Last 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014!
November 23rd, 2014
*photo courtesy of Dee Dick
We cannot thank the 40+ attendees that came out to spend the day and, part of the evening with us!
These are just a few of the amazing BHRR dogs all lined up waiting for the latest 'fresh meat' arrivals to arrive to love on, lean on, drool on, sit on and, be spoiled in turn!
THANKS to all those that came, $628 was raised in donations and our 50/50(Thanks again to Terry for donating his winnings back $87 to help us with BHRR's Stafford's care!).
$204 of those monies raised came from Kathy Rader-Cahill's surprise! She sold dog treats in her home town and, yup, tears welled up……
So proud of all the dogs! The comments and compliments continue to roll in with how social, well behaved, trained and outstanding these dogs are – AND, to think many of them were *labeled* aggressive prior to r/q rescue….So unfortunate….
Even, our newest additions of BHRR's Oakley, BHRR's Victory, BHRR's Ichabod Crane, BHRR's Salem, BHRR's Merlin and BHRR's Stafford ROCKED it!
Thanks everyone for the support, kindness, those that dropped off their SS.'s Plus ALL the yummy food/drink items to help us host another fabu event AND, for understanding the importance of why BHRR exists and, that we, value you as each of our strong LINKS on our 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS'!

I told his Lordship that there are about 40 people coming to visit him(I did not tell him that they were coming to also visit others though ) and, he says, he is not sure what all of this 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House stuff is about yet, he is eagerly waiting to find out!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $1,708.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$580 and counting – 8 participates left to donate their pledges
BHRR's last "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014


This is BHRR's Flint with BHRR approved Volunteer R. Ng and her sister (they came to our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house) on his way back to the place, we did a hv with on November 21st. We are going to do a trial transition for three nights and, then touch base again to see how things are going.

This is a great home. We are just not sure if it is the right home for BHRR's Flint. This is for several reasons that we have discussed in length – 3.5 hours at the hv on Friday, with the home.

We will continue to post updates as we can.


BHRR's Ichabod is figuring out the 'fresh meat' of our BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open Houses well! LOL You can see how emaciated he still is. BUT, we are working on it!!
His friends(The Lion Kings, BHRR's Flint & BHRR's Potter) are showing him 'how' it is done yet, we will have to work on the jumping! 😉
AND, the 'fresh meat' in this photo coming up the steps is BHRR Approved Volunteer, Bruce M.
Photo courtesy of S. Dowler

BHRR fun Nov 23, 2014 027 (Medium)

AND, we are on our way!! Safe driving Rachel and, I will see you there!
BHRR's Flint is being a great co-pilot, per usual. Keep up those best wishes that this could be that right matched forever loving home for him.


A photo's of BHRR's Merlin's hips bones, rump and back legs from tonight. Yes, those 'peaks' at the top are really his hip bones…. 🙁 He has virtually zero hair.

I pull up all the rugs from the floor etc. and, then have him stand on towels, so I can sponge bathe him in warm water with medicated plus oatmeal shampoo in our rec room with heat blasting. The poor thing….day by day….

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Merlin’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Salem's Angels  $130.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,991.46
Theresa – donation of some vetting – Rabies, DAPP, Heartworm test, 1 weeks worth of Doxcycline for his Lymes treatment
*He will need another 7 weeks worth of Doxycycline to start for his treatment and have another tick borne panel done
Theresa's friend – Dog Collar

Lord Stafford update! I know many are also worrying about him.
He is drinking on his own, ate a little bit more for me and, even had a pee on his own. So, off the IV fluids and, back giving him his meds orally. His temp is back up closer to normal and, I got some small snuggles!
While he is not operating back up to 100%, he is making another good turn….
Love this wee dude so much……he really had me concerned throughout last night and today……
His status per the Vet is now at a critical stable and, while it is going to be a long night…..my heart tells me it shall be a better night.
We are monitoring for aspiration pneumonia as as post op complication also…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $1,080.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids
3rd ANNUAL 'GIVE It UP 4' Autumn -$555 and counting – 9 participates left to donate their pledges

Small update on Lord Stafford also….he is a bit better this AM. Put him on some fluids and Iv pain meds over oral and, was not until about 6 AM today, that he made a better turn….
Before I left, he ate a tiny bit of food – which is huge. That he showed some interest.
His throat and, obviously privates are understandably traumatized from his two procedures on Wednesday….
He is being closely monitored and, will post updates as we can….

BHRR's Stafford's neuter report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH

November 19th, 2014

*We are sincerely hoping that this will resolve all of his urination issues(blood, frequent urination, straining to urinate etc.) for his UA results & C&S results do not support any further UTI. The diagnosis was enlarged prostate that neutering will resolve.
Should his issues persist, we will then proceed to an abdominal u/s to look for anatomical reasons or medical concerns such as Cancer.



BHRR's Stafford's airway evaluation/assessment report from Dr. Bruce at Alta Vista AH

November 19th, 2014

*We are waiting confirmation that no further procedures are necessary for him or, if he does require further surgical intervention.

His condition of hypoplastic trachea is a congenital one.
Many bulldogs live great quality filled lives without further surgical intervention if proper diet, proper weight, and extreme weather management is maintained.
We already were aware of the narrowing of the trachea as we had done x-rays on October 22nd, that were reviewed / interpreted by the specialist of Dr. Crews.


UPDATE: Auntie Margaret is on her way to pick up Lord Stafford for me and, love on him for a few hours until I can snag him later tonight! 
Thank you again Margaret for being there and, this will be another great step for you and him in getting to know each other better for when he is temp fostered with you. 
Really excited about this match-up for temp fostering!

Will post details of his procedures ASAP! 

From my heart and, on behalf of the Lord himself, thank you's being shouted out for the help in getting him taken care of by Dr. Bruce today!! Humbled as always by such generous and giving and loving people out there!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $1,080.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids

Lord Stafford was not impressed by the 5 am wake up call to make our way to Alta Vista Animal Hospital this AM! AND yes, that IS his hind leg in that position! 

He wants to send out a big thanks to all of his supporters and fans in helpingus get a deposit together for his two procedures today. I am very humbled by how much people really value and, believe in the work we do at BHRR! Thank you!

Today, he is having an urgent neuter to address his urinary issues – blood, frequent urination, straining to pee, enlarged prostrate etc. plus Dr. Bruce is doing an airway assessment under anesthetic. 

BHRR's Stafford's bills to date since his arrival to BHRR have been over $2,800 and, this is before his possible dental and, any airway surgery – depending on what Dr. Bruce finds. 

Today's bill procedures are over $1,030.00 and, he is worth every penny! 

The estimate put together should he need the larynx surgery is over $3,000.

Donations can still be made direct to Alta Vista Animal Hospital under 'Stafford' or under our rescue number of 613-725-4279 or the account number is #032738

Our honorary giant is incurring giant bills! 

He could not be in more expert hands today and, I shall update as I can.

AND, our 3rd ANNUAL 'Give It Up 4 Autumn' Fundraiser ended last night and, all monies raised will go towards his bills also. I am beginning to contact our 26 participants later today! Thanks to all that 'played' 

My last but never least thanks is sent to Lesley of KAH for covering me until I can arrive for my shift. With having to drop off Lord Stafford for 7 AM, I was not able to make my 7:30 am shift and, I keep saying it, I work with some of the best of the best! 

He even met a wonderful man that was dropping off his Shar Pei for eye surgery and, has owned two Bulldogs in the past. He sat on the ground and the both of them loved on each other for some time! He took our website info. to follow Lord Stafford's journey!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $1,005.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,807.15
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom
Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids


We have to 7 AM on Wednesday November 19th to raise it. Thanks for any consideration! Even $5 is not too little, it is huge!
The below photo is of BHRR's Stafford and, one of the amazing ladies I work with! She says that she is in love with him and, he says he loves her and ALL of you that are his fans and supporters!

BHRR's Stafford is scheduled for his airway evaluation plus neuter(he has an enlarged prostate causing his urinary issues and, so the neuter is a higher priority than his teeth right now) at Alta Vista Animal Hospital on Wednesday November 19th with Dr. Bruce and, we are short another $75.00 for a deposit to put down for this surgery/assessment with the specialist.

We had hoped to be able to pay for all of his bills via Fundraising yet, we will not begin to collect the GIVE it up funds to Wednesday, and our 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction does not begin to Saturday, the 22nd.

So, I am at this time, begging with some tears in my eyes if people may consider making a donation to help us continue to give him the best care possible. His bills to date are close to $1,800 and, we have a long way still to go in his rehab journey.

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or you can call Alta Vista AH direct at 613-731-6851 to make a donation by credit card over the phone or in person with credit cards, plus they will also take cash or debit. The file is under 'Stafford'. Account #032738 or they can also pull up under the BHRR phone number 613-725-4279 THANK you so much for any consideration!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $1,005.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,798.04
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom

Several Anonymous Donators – We make not know who you are, BUT, we thank you SO much for being there!
Micheline of Helping Ottawa FurKids

BHRR's Gretta's annual is scheduled for November 20th! I have also asked BHRR BOD Member B. Cole who was here recently for a visit, dog loving and some wonderful home-made dinners 🙂 , to do a testimonial for her after he made a beautiful comment about how far she has come since her arrival to BHRR!

He mentioned how comfortable plus confident she has become. She will always be worried about certain things if the triggers line up – overhead fans still spook her at times, doorways are the same thing…placing a bowl in her crate to eat will also still worry her.

Yet, she is a FAR cry from the broken, catatonic Dane that first arrived to BHRR. I look forward in receiving this testimonial and posting it!

Donations can be made via PayPal ‘gift or ‘family and friends’ option or by email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees.

**IF I am forgetting any of her ANGELS, it is completely unintentional and please EMAIL me**

BHRR’s Gretta’s Great Angels:  $70.00* donated to date & final Bills are over $2,000
*Before PayPal fees
Maggie on behalf of FREEDOM DANE BHRR’s Adele – Mama to BHRR’s Gretta


BHRR's Ichabod Crane(5 months) with Kajun Koffee(15 weeks)
November 17th, 2014
All tuckered out after a long day of playing plus some Gwennie's Bootcamp…HQD's Bootcamp also!
That is Ice's rump in the background!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabod's Angels  $25.00* donated to date & Bills are $67.00



I cannot believe that I never got HQD's December 14th, 2013 Santa PAWS photo posted! HOLY! Here it is! 🙂 Doesn't she look oh, so impressed! 😀 She is with one of her very special made with such love 'HQD Blankets'.

AND, I consider it a wonderful miracle to still have her with us. I was worried that she may not make our last BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House of 2014, yet, she is determined to keep trying to kick Cancer's butt! YOU go girl! So many cannot wait to see you again!

She has been losing some weight and, I thought I may lose her about 10 days ago, yet, she rallied back strong and feisty and, is keeping me in her bootcamp strong and true to her style! LOL

BHRR - 10-3 (Medium)

BHRR's Victory has an appointment scheduled with Dr. Liston, the ortho specialist on Wednesday November 26th @ 3 PM. We will see what he says re: her leg and, we will also do a hwt. She is utd on vaccines and, has been spayed and, is being proactively de-wormed plus has been put on revolution. She has also been microchipped.

I will also do a fecal on her when she co-operates and, pre-surgical bloodwork should she require surgery.

She has been fully integrated and what a love! No issues AT all with dogs or humans or resourcing. She was only sightly skittish when she saw Mason and Sean for the first time. She is a wonderful dog!

We shall see what happens once the honeymoon period ends.

I do not think that she likes being on a food regime either! cheeky


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Victory’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Victory's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $237.90

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IMG_6003Photo's are from November 16th, 2014

We have to 7 AM on Wednesday November 19th to raise it. Thanks for any consideration! Even $5 is not too little, it is huge!
The below photo is of BHRR's Stafford and, one of the amazing ladies I work with! She says that she is in love with him and, he says he loves her and ALL of you that are his fans and supporters!

BHRR's Stafford is scheduled for his airway evaluation plus neuter(he has an enlarged prostate causing his urinary issues and, so the neuter is a higher priority than his teeth right now) at Alta Vista Animal Hospital on Wednesday November 19th with Dr. Bruce and, we are short another $175.00 for a deposit to put down for this surgery/assessment with the specialist.

We had hoped to be able to pay for all of his bills via Fundraising yet, we will not begin to collect the GIVE it up funds to Wednesday, and our 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction does not begin to Saturday, the 22nd.

So, I am at this time, begging with some tears in my eyes if people may consider making a donation to help us continue to give him the best care possible. His bills to date are close to $1,800 and, we have a long way still to go in his rehab journey.

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or you can call Alta Vista AH direct at 613-731-6851 to make a donation by credit card over the phone or in person with credit cards, plus they will also take cash or debit. The file is under 'Stafford'. Account #032738 or they can also pull up under the BHRR phone number 613-725-4279 THANK you so much for any consideration!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. He has almost $1800.00 in bills alone at KAH right now.

They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $735.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,798.04
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom


BHRR's Merlin's Cytology & skin scraping results from November 17th, 2014


Page 1 – BHRR's Merlin's Bloodwork results from November 17th, 2014


Page 2 – BHRR's Merlin's Bloodwork results from November 17th, 2014


BHRR's Stafford is scheduled for his airway evaluation plus neuter (he has an enlarged prostate causing his urinary issues and, so the neuter is a higher priority than his teeth right now) at Alta Vista Animal Hospital on Wednesday November 19th with Dr. Bruce and, we are short another $515 for a deposit to put down for this surgery/assessment with the specialist.  
We had hoped to be able to pay for all of his bills via Fundraising yet, we will not begin to collect the GIVE it up funds to Wednesday, and our 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction does not begin to Saturday, the 22nd.  
So, I am at this time, begging with some tears in my eyes if people may consider making a donation to help us continue to give him the best care possible. His bills to date are close to $1,800 and, we have a long way still to go in his rehab journey. 
Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or you can call Alta Vista AH direct at 613-731-6851 to make a donation by credit card over the phone or in person with credit cards, plus they will also take cash or debit. The file is under 'Stafford'. Account #032738 or they can also pull up under the BHRR phone number 613-725-4279

THANK you so much for any consideration!

I got her! What a stunning Blue she is!   She is actually a smaller Great Dane as far as height and, once she loses weight, she shall be much better in proportion to her conformation.

She will need to shed a few pounds which will also help that leg the Vet she saw at the shelter believes has a ruptured cruciate. Uber sweet and, other than some snow flurries out this way, a great drive! Snow at home is up to our ankles now….Ick! 

We are now going to make our way home and, in time integrate for one of the reasons she was sent to the pound by her previous home was due to dog aggression, especially being protective around kids. Another reason we are told she was dumped is that the home is having a baby. 

She was not skittish one bit to Karen or myself and, her evaluation said she was more so with men. 
Looking forward in learning from her and about her and, welcome to the BHRR family, BHRR's Victory!!

Named in honor of Remembrance Day and, that Canada shall stand united in strength and be victorious against terrorism.

Thank you Karen for all of your help! Thank you Tammie for entrusting her to us!

Thank you to the Pound for being so kind as to spay her for us on Friday November 15th. We now have begun to de-worm her and, she is on revolution. I will be making her an appointment with Dr. Liston for a consult on that leg ASAP. 


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Victory’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Victory's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $237.90



It is very hard with BHRR's Ichabod's coat color to show just how emaciated he still is. Yet, here are two photo's from today.

He is laying on his right side, his back end is to your left as you look at the photo's.

He did not get to go on a play date yesterday after all….I left for work and, left him snoozing at home! OOOOPS! We shall re-schedule!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabod's Angels  $25.00* donated to date & Bills are $67.00

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The Home-Visit for BHRR's Flint's possible future adoption is on Friday November 21st, 2014. We will update his blog as we can.

Today, BHRR did adoption #369!
BHRR's Triumph with his new forever loving Daddy. Someone I have known for many many many years! Best of Congratulations to you both!
From the moment this sweet, amazing emaciated, terrified, broken hurt pup came into our program, I *knew* where I would love to see him adopted to.
As always, I never said a word. We do not believe in pressuring or pushing and, when the home approached myself seeking a new addition, I then brought forth who, I thought would be a great match fit.
AND, it is….
We did a slow transitional careful adoption process and, with patience, understanding under a kind, consistent hand, this wonderful boy will more than flourish in his new home as he has in my own.
Many tears this AM – great ones….some, tough ones for I will not see this boy for a long time due to distance BUT, I know that he is where he is meant to be!
Many years of happiness and laughter, memories and, joy being wished for them both.
This is another one of those extremely special adoptions to my heart……
Here is BHRR's Triumph's blog……….for those that may not remember his story, he was found in an abandoned apartment building after cries/screams were heard for several days and, someone finally went to investigate.
He had been tied up and, was tortured and, starved….
YET, that chapter is long closed….after a successful rehab, he is now beautifully adopted!

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BHRR BOD member B. Cole has spent some time with us during his recent trip back to Ontario and, BHRR's Comet has been totally fine in his company and, so proud of her!!! She is doing so well! Still on the fence some days as to if we should move her to our Haven program FOR I do not want to ever see her set-up for failure FOR in the right set of circumstances of triggers, she will bite. That is a reality! Almost any dog in the world would if pushed…that is also a reality…..

She was even putting her head in his lap and, leaning and bumping for love!

With our upcoming BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House coming up, when there are less folks around, I will let her out. She is such amazing dog yet, she needs management of her manners and, reminders given of acceptable displays of behaviour. She is a HUGE talker and, a lot of bluff yet, an edgy girl when it comes down to it.

I am so so so proud of her!!! Just so proud!

Should she reach a point of being able to be placed up for adoption, an experienced home only will be approved. She is great with the other dogs yet, she does need to be reminded to stop being a bossy bit of goods at times. At other times, she is completely submissive to the other dogs yet, it almost always depends on her own mood! 😀

BHRR's Ichabod Crane already has a special play date scheduled! He will come to work with me tomorrow, get a new weight, get a much needed nail trim now that he has settled in – want to get lots of hand son him, and, he will be off for a few hours on a special play date!

He has MORE than settled in at BHRR! LOL

BHRR's Flint has moved under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can.

I picked up the emaciated merle GD today. Thanks Theresa for meeting me! It was one of the worst drives there and back for me yet, in the end, I have him and, we are safe back at BHRR.
No picture that we tried to take can really captures how terrible this boy is. 🙁 🙁
His ears are so thickened from scar tissue from untreated rampant infections and, when he was picked up he was covered all over his body with biting flies and, his skin is missing hair in so many places, he is so itchy, the brutal dry flaking skin, dull coat, and, he has tested positive for Lymes disease and, is on treatment. You can see every rib, all of his spine and his hip bones are protruding so much…. 🙁
I know he has put on weight since he was rescued – for those who do not remember his story, he was abandoned by his owners many weeks ago, and, some people were just throwing him scraps of food until he was saved……
His nails are so long, he has growths, lumps and bumps and, yet, when you look into those eyes just begging to be loved…….you melt…you forget about the 'hot mess' he appears on the outside for all, you see is the gorgeous boy on the inside wanting to be loved and, you want to fight all the urges to scoop him up, hold him close and, tell him over and over and over again, that his life will never be like this again….
He is urinating so much also…..we will do a UA on him….
Theresa thank you for being one of his rescue angels. Thank you for your friend donating that collar for him and, thank you for your donation of some of his much needed vetting for him, a weeks' worth of Doxcycline and, thank you for being YOU!
It is always such a delight seeing you!
Below is a short video of who we are calling BHRR's Merlin

He will start de-worming and be placed on Revolution tonight.
His heartworm test was negative. We will do detailed blood-work on Monday when he comes to KAH with me and also a UA.
He will begin having 8 small meals a day to start as we get his body kick started into having proper nourishment again….

BHRR's Merlin November 14th, 2014 VIDEO

The photo's below show how dry is skin is – THAT is not white dog fur on his back…. 🙁 You can see where his waistline SHOULD be and, how much his hips are sticking out and, those ribs. His coat colour makes it very hard to see how emaciated he is. 🙁

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(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Merlin’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Salem's Angels  $10.00* donated to date & Bills are $389.87
Theresa – donation of some vetting – Rabies, DAPP, Heartworm test, 1 weeks worth of Doxcycline for his Lymes treatment
*He will need another 7 weeks worth of Doxycycline to start for his treatment and have another tick borne panel done
Theresa's friend – Dog Collar

On November 14th, I was contacted and advised re: 2 more Great Danes in need. As we were no longer going to be receiving the one 'skinny' black with white female unspayed GD, that had been an o/s as that place's policy is that despite asking for rescue assistance and, obtaining rescue commitment, they will still adopt out a dog if someone comes in. Unfortunately, someone came in and, got her. They have a male GD at home already from what I was told. All we can do is hope that she is right done by.

So, in receiving the information about two more Great Danes in need, we asked for more information. With two pending adoptions and, with one of my own dying and, BHRR Haven Dog BHRR's Salma(HQD) not faring well, AND, that the one GD that we had committed to was no longer coming to us, we offered to take the the one most in need.

So, the one that we are taking(I have been told the other one is more of a GDx – and, she appears quite obese and, could well have a thyroid problem if so….I was not worried about her…she would be a much easier Dog to assist by another), is the emaciated female GD that was dumped on the streets by her O.(known by others) She then lived off the streets for many weeks eating scraps until she was picked up as a stray. 🙁

Emaciation we are experts in dealing with…….

This photo is taken one week after she was picked up. I knew we were going to commit to her before, looking at any evaluation report or seeing a photo.

Yet, when I did receive the information, it has been a very long time since I giggled so much watching an evaluation! OMG! She is hilarious…all puppy…no more than 11 months of age TOPS….happy, playful and, I called her 'spastic'. NO manners, bouncing and jumping and zipping and zooming…no focus at all! LOVE it! Despite all the neglect and abuse and cruelty, she was so friendly, affectionate and, so happy!

We are going to call her BHRR's Kricket…..from the sounds she makes to a Fun Fact that many may not be aware of re: Crickets: In many parts of the world, crickets are thought to bring good luck AND, she is sure going to bring someone special some really great luck!!!

ETA to BHRR: November 30th, 2014


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Today, his previous home emailed me asking for an update and possibly some photo's. BHRR's Oakley is full of anxiety for sure…he has ripped up everything that was placed in his crate and, he will 'dig' constantly in his crate and, whine and cry.

Gwennie's bootcamp is in full swing. In many ways, he is doing great. AND, that night, he was to meet one of our BHRR BOD members B. Cole.

Here is what I sent back to his previous home:

He is doing really well. He has lots of anxiety related to his crate yet, we are working through that.

I have him off the meds for, in almost 27 years as a behavioural expert, there are only two dogs – one Dane and one x, that I really felt should be on meds. He is doing well and, we will take it one day at a time. 

He is being mentally plus physically stimulated and, also loves to destroy blankets and beds in his crate.

He already has a blog started on our www.birchhaven.org website and, we will post regular updates including photo's and video. 🙂

I have not taken any to date as we, have been busy with integration and, settling him in. He is making friends and, is quite the leaner in typical Great Dane style in a show of affection. 

Thank you so much in entrusting him to us….

Tonight, he shall meet his first outside the home stranger and, we shall see how that goes…..

On the 11th I received the following….and, ETA for this boy was scheduled for Friday November 14th:

"hi gwen i went back to the  vet today and got him 7 days of med's…..it is a start. i just can't wait for you to meet he is so sweet, i just know he will fit right in up there. thanks"

Today, I picked up Oakley after my work shift. I received the following email in respect to him after I arrived home:

"Hi, I forgot to mention we filled his prescription of fluoxetine (it's in the back bag), he gets 3 pills and one glucosamine in the morning on an empty stomach."

I replied asking them what was the medication for as it can be used to treat OCD, Anxiety as well as Aggression issues. I then received the following:

"Hello, it was prescribed for his over all anxiety."

In learning that he was on this medication, it made sense some of how it was 'harder' to read him when I picked him up. He was there yet, not there.

I was not going to give him any medication…at least, until I 'knew' him and, what the issues are with him. He as quite reactive to the dogs upon arrival back home this night yet, that is not surprising. Lots of stress, was at night, dark night and, lots of change going on.

Per a previous blog post, I have ONLY have recommended two dogs to go on medication. Maybe, BHRR's Oakley would be the third yet, I was not convinced he would need any.

I had spent considerable amount of time on the phone talking to one of the O.'s re: him when we were first contacted. I had offered to give of myself any assistance possible, should they wish to keep him. They were such a caring couple that really worked hard to do right by their dog and, right from the start, he had these issues…I learned that the one sibling they knew about, was 'worse' than he was. The home was honest with me. They thought this behaviour was 'cute' at first, the shyness etc. and, then quickly realised and learned it was not.

They sought help, find it really hard to find a place that would work with a DEAF dog(oh, how I wish they had found me then!!!) and, as he loved to be boarded at this one place, he was spending time there also.

What they were not given was all the proper tools and aid plus resources they needed to work on his startle reflex, clear genetic disposition of shyness and anxiety that was exasperated as he aged. He had a few really close calls with that mouth of his and, when the home felt they could no longer trust him, they were at the point that they felt that he had to be surrendered.

My heart supports them 150% in the decision, that I know did not come lightly to them and, my heart is heavy for the road they were now on.

As I keep saying, good people have to give up dogs….. 🙁

In turn, I was 100% honest back. I said I was NOT a miracle worker, that I would properly assess/evaluate him and, if he was not deemed adoptable once we were through the honeymoon period and beyond, that he would be moved to our Haven Program AND, 'if' it came to him being found to be truly aggressive(most aggression is fear based), that we would have to do the 'right' and humane thing.

A dog can be great in many ways, yet, if one of the ways they are not great is a danger to themselves and/or others, we have to bear that in mind…..

He had no issues making direct eye contact with me and, I came armed with treats to get him and, I had the home load him up. He was not quite 'there' and, the eye contact was very forward yet, absent in some ways. I now realise why, it was not 'right'…he was on this anxiety medication.

Even on the way home, I had called Sean and, I kept saying there was something not 'normal' about him and, could not quite put my finger on as to why he was feeling 'off' to me……I know now!

The home so very kindly made a very generous monetary donation to his care, provided food, supplements, his harness, offered us two crates etc. also.

The home asked to be kept updated and, I said that he would have a blog and, we would keep it updated regularly as we could and, that they could always call or email…..

The only thing that we cannot do is if/when the time came for him to be adopted, we could not share due to the Canadian Privacy Act laws, where and, who he went to. Many homes also do not want people who once had the dog they since adopted to also know. Others are open…that, would have to be left up to the parties involved.


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What another great year going out and visiting friends, putting faces to lovely folks, making new friends it was again this year at Pet Expo!
BHRR never sets up a booth at this event yet, we try to make it out every year on the Sunday in a show of support to others, by walking around, talking, laughing and, yes, socializing dogs! AND, as usual always a few welling up a tears!
From the moment we parked, Kinsley and I were almost mobbed!
I decided to leave the really big dawgs at home this year and, though, we could not connect as originally planned with friends in the AM to roam and scope; we were still able to get there by early afternoon and, gosh, what fun!!
Some recognised us as being BHRR folk by seeing BHRR's Angel Noelle and, the photo below is of a lovely women that I have known for a couple of years yet, we had yet, had the opportunity to meet face-to-face! She came over and, like a responsible dog owner(most were very responsible today!) asked if she could play with the dogs.
I told her who the dogs were and light bulbs went up on both of our sides and, it was like seeing an old friend!
Thank you again Janice for the gorgeous 'ADOPT ME' collar you bought for BHRR's Angel Noelle!
Thank you G. from New Beginnings for the donation of a 'I Need Space' collar to match the leash I bought! I was so happy that you had some left! AND, thank you for helping me to place it on my body so, people would 'respect' my personal space!! LOL
So many people that we saw!!! I know I am going to miss some!
Thanks has to be sent out to Regan and Marg of New Moon Rabbit Rescue for the great space to chill and relax and, talk.
Allie of Allie Pets, always a blast seeing you!
I was able to get waves in to Karla, Maggie with her gorgeous Aria, Dr. McKenna, Penny, Julie, France, Laurie short chat with Andrea and others of ODR plus with Brigitte of GDR, saw Sara L from a distance as she was doing her magic with the dogs with Flyball and, the time flew by!
I even got to do some loving on BHRR's Freedom(now known as Duncan) when his mom and dad stopped me. He left drool on me that I then managed to leave back on him!!
Only two moments that made me shake my head – Kajun Koffee decided that despite two visits outside to pee, he felt the cement by the Flyball was a great spot! Ooops!
AND, as someone that has been in these rescue trenches almost 27 years and, that Danes are very much my breed PLUS have 'just' a few years of behavioural education under my belt – 14 and counting, not to mention 27 in experience – just as not all dogs should be at a dog park, for behavioural and/or physical reasons, same as with events like this….. Still shaking my head over that one moment experienced……
Another great year had with so many awesome people and dogs and, looking forward to head out again in 2015 to show our support to other groups plus businesses there!


We got him and now making our way home! What a sweet soul…..
So many to thank that helped save his life!! You know who you are and, I am forever appreciative!
Lynn L., thank you for the blanket for him AND, thanks to Theresa for offering to be his special SS.
Welcome to the BHRR fam Ichabod Crane!
The five month old emaciated GD pup is safe!
He has really dry skin, is very collapsed in the pasterns, flat footed, and, yes, emaciated.  Photo's are not going to do this boy justice as, he is black with white with how emaciated he is.
He was 57 pounds at the shelter as of late last week.
Proper diet, exercise will greatly help those feet and pasterns. His nails are crazy long. You can see how long they they are in the photo below. 🙁

For those that maybe looking at him for items to donate, he really could use an oatmeal based shampoo.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ichabod Crane’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ichabods's Angels  $10.00* donated to date & Bills are $67.00


BHRR's Ichabod Crane, the emaciated 5 month Great Dane puppy began his journey to BHRR around 8 am today!
I am leaving soon with Mason and we shall do the last leg together.
The puppy has put on 7 pounds so far and, has had runny stools yet, is doing much better today.
AND one of my own, fighting cancer that I had scheduled to cross over today is doing so much better and, so, we have more quality time with him. So more good news!
AND BHRR's Salma, the one and only HQD, who has been dropping weight, getting more wobbly bobbly with her own miracle fight with Cancer is also having one of the best days, from her last few days so, this is also wonderful news!
Today, I am feeling really really really blessed!
We hope everyone is having a safe, happy and always surrounded by loved ones, weekend!!

The home-visit for BHRR's Triumphs' possible approved adoption is on Thursday November 13th. We shall update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Cancun is ADOPTED! Thank you Bre for doing this hv with me(Kinsley also!) and, he is going to be loved by such a special family……
So so so so happy for him and them right now!
I shall miss you Mr. Mexico yet, this is a great part -link – of that 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS'
Thank you AGAIN being sent to Ottawa Dog Rescue for the referral to the home to go through the application process with BHRR….


On November 6th, I responded that yes, we would assist and, on November 7th, I received the following:

"hi Gwen well we went to the vets and now have his dhpp and rabies 1 yr. as well as a neg. hwt. he had a lyme test and was + but the vet did a urinalysis and it was high in protein, but she thinks that has a lot to do with how under weight he is poor baby only waded in at 103. about 50+ lb. underweight. she said it should be redone when he has more weight on him. i have all of the paper work and a copy of her notes as well as his heath papers. he was soooo good for the vet he even let her clip his toe nails , he was such a big boy and so good for everything. thank for doing this for this poor boy. he very lovely i can not wait for you to meet him. thanks"

BHRR's 3rd ANNUAL unique 'GIVE IT UP 4 AUTUMN' Fundraiser shall benefit BHRR's Stafford!

WHAT will you 'give up' for 14 days to help BHRR's Stafford?'
Please do EMAIL us with what you are 'giving up' to participate! Some are giving up chips, wine, coffee, another is giving up chocolate, AND, one person is going to even put in their jar, donations for cravings that they have for the chocolate they are giving up. Feel free to be creative! 🙂

UPDATE: We have 21 participants so far!
Starts November 4th! Please consider 'giving something up' for a 14 day period and, then donating the funds saved to BHRR's Stafford's bills!


A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees

give it up for autumn - stafford (Medium)

On November 6th, I received the following email:

"gwen i picked this poor boy up when his owner left him behind he was by him shelf for about two weeks with people leaving him out scraps. a case worker found out and called me i was able to get someone from the family to sign him over to me. also this boy is said to be 9 or 10 years old but i don't know about that he seems more to be 5 or 6. he seems to be ok with people but afraid if people come up to him fast. i hope you can help me thanks"

20141105_171346 (Medium) 20141105_171436 (2) (Medium)

In early November, I was contacted about a Blue Great Dane, an o/s as the home was having a baby, said she was aggressive to other dogs as she was protective of kids and, the shelter Vet physical assessment indicated that she possibly has a blown cruciate. She was said to be quite skittish with men and, preferred women. Homes having children are one of the top reasons why dogs, especially giants are dumped.

In reviewing all of the evaluation video plus notes and, the Vet records, I did not see any demonstration of behaviour that would warrant any label as being aggressive. She was not evaluated with other dogs and, I asked how was she when dogs past her kennel or she walked by other dogs and, was told there was no issues.

I had zero concerns re: her temperament in asking more questions and in reviewing the video plus notes over and over again. Many times, a home will say one thing to almost 'justify' why a dog is being surrendered. Yet, when those things are not the truth, dogs can and are put to sleep and, I am very grateful to the Shelter in reaching out to us as one of their rescue partners to aid this girl.

We committed to her as, we had a spot and, she was special needs and, she was the next in need of us. She is ONLY the 13th dog that BHRR has assisted in 2014. In 2013, we were able to assist 24 dogs.

Transport has been organized for Sunday November 16th.

Calla (2)

The Home-visit for BHRR's Cancun's possible adoption is on Friday November 7th. We will continue to post updates on his blog as we can. 🙂

We received word that BHRR's Ichabod Crane has put on 7 POUNDS so far and, is headed our way on Saturday. I will be making a three hour drive to meet the transport. 🙂 

In asking for a bit more information re: the leash and dogs, this is the response I received and also received some photo's. This home really wanted what was best for their dog. I feel that they received some not so great recommendations and advise. They were advised to use a shock collar and, I found out after I got him, to also have him on medication. This will be addressed in another blog post.
My note is that when we do have him arrive to BHRR, we will not have him lay down to meet other dogs – this can be very threatening to a dog that has anxiety issues. We will also take him off the medication. In almost 27 years, I know of ONLY 2 dogs that I felt needed to be on medication – both Client dogs of mine – one a GD and the other a Colliex.

"Good evening, he is not very good on leash with other dogs we have been laying him down in a relaxed position (lying on his hip) an keeping him down as other dogs approach and that seems to help. Off leash we have no complaints whatsoever."



Here are a few more details re: this Great Dane, that his lovely home had named 'Oakley'.

DOB: August 12th, 2013

Is the dog ok on a leash?
Yes if there are no other dogs around


Prefers men or women?

Good with children?

List Bad Habits:
Will try to get table food right off your plate

Is the dog ok around cats?

Is the dog ok around other dogs?
Off leash he is perfect, very well socialized

Is the dog ok with their food being touched?

If the dog has bitten a human being or animal, give particulars:
Never bitten but has snapped and made contact twice

Reason(s) for surrendering this dog:
We do not trust him anymore and are anxious to bring him around new friends and family

UPDATE: BHRR's Salem, the newest addition to BHRR – only our 9th dog that we could assist to date in 2014 – had a good night overall.
Men scare her, sudden movement and sudden noises scares her, cars make her skittish and she is a flight risk right now.
Yet, she wags her tail for me low and wants to love and trust and be loved…..
Her fear growling is all a front to express her unease and, stress and, she is so sweet.
She had a pee and pooped recently and, drank some water and, is eating a bit. I do not think she likes the de-worming… I do not blame her. I put her on revolution last night and, her overall body condition is really good.
In fact, she should lose some pounds and, she is severely lacking in muscle tone.
Cannot say enough about those gorgeous expressive brown eyes that she has.
I so look forward in getting to know her and, BHRR's Stafford is so enamoured with her! He is literally doing back flips when he sees her! The big flirt!
She is in isolation right now in her very own 600 square feet, with two fish tanks, a double bed, wall to wall windows and, her own gated patio/yard! Loving the renovations we are getting done here at the house. Sean slept in the same room with her last night and, she was crated.
When we walk, she can see and smell the other dogs and, she has shown no signs of aggression or strain.
Photo from a walk today. Her leash manners are fair, not great and she knows sit.
She is estimated to be no more than 2 years of age and, I agree with that.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Salem’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Salem's Angels  $40* donated to date & Bills are $101.00
*Before PayPal fees
The Maracle Family – Halloween 2014 and bottle reimbursement


UPDATE From the other Transport Co-ordinators on this transport, Andrea as of 8:11 today per my request to ensure that this dog is double leashed:
"This dog is magnificent and just as sweet as they come but very frightened and leery of the whole transport thing.  She will need everyone to be extra kind to her and address her in soft loving voices.  She gets spooked easily but treats do seem to be a motivator just make sure there are no other dogs around to compete for the treats so as not to complicate the situation.  For the sake of caution, please use 2 SLIP LEADS on her.  I know that all of you will do everything you can to love this girl on to her new, happy life at Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation and our thanks for the extra care and attention you give to dogs like her."

AND, here is a photo from one of the amazing volunteers, Rebecca of this girl. We have now named her per my one blog BHRR's Salem. 🙂

I know many wonder how we come up with the names that we do for the dogs. We try to make each one special and unique with lots of meaning.

I am calling this girl BHRR's Salem and for a number of reasons, 1) Salem Witch Trials and 2) that we are around Halloween and, 'witches' are very much part of the vocabulary during this time also.

The Salem witch hunt began in January 1692 and many were “trying to survive". Starting from that moment when the group of young girls accused three women of bewitching them, the Salem witch trials left a long paper trail, including transcriptions of dramatic examinations; false confessions, after people realized that confessing was the only way to avoid the gallows; indictments and death warrants; and petitions by friends and family members of the accused. With the additional recent small pox epidemic and the threat of attack by warring tribes, this created a fertile ground for fear and suspicion.

BHRR's Salem's own story can run a parallel journey to the above:
1) She was just trying to survive herself
2) She was falsely accused of being aggressive and, then convicted of said crime by being placed in a terrible rural high kill shelter
3) She was being sentenced to death for a crime that she did not commit
4) She was the one wrongly labeled as the 'witch' in this witch-hunt of trying to pass on to others, what her O.(s) should have been held accountable for
5) She was given this false label and death sentence for her byber to save face with friends and family
6) The fear and suspicion of dark dogs being evil and, mean was being kept alive with her falling under the BBDS
7) She was abandoned by the very system and people that should have been there for her, protecting her, taking care of her
8) Her basic needs were neglected and, she was abused….and tortured.


**The court was disbanded by Governor William Phipps in October of that year. The Superior Court of Judicature, formed to replace the "witchcraft" court, did not allow spectral evidence. The new court released those awaiting trial and pardoned those awaiting execution. In effect, the Salem witch trials were over.**
1) BHRR's Salem's 'witch trial' is now over thanks to her angels and, she was 'pardoned' by the shelter.

***As years passed, apologies were offered, and restitution was made to the victims' families***
1) It is my commitment to BHRR's Salem that I offer for the duration of her whole life my apologizes for how she was treated and kept her past – the victim of greed and neglect and abuse.
2) It is this same commitment plus dedication to BHRR's Salem that I will spend my life making restitution to her and, to all those I can that are equal victims plus their families(pups, siblings, parents, grand-parents etc.)

****The parallels between the Salem witch trials and more modern examples of "witch hunting" like the McCarthy hearings of the 1950's, are remarkable.****
1) AND, there are equal similarities through history of dogs over and over and over again, being falsely accused of being vicious, evil, aggressive and, labels also attached to their colour or size.
2) AND, there are equal similarities through history of dogs over and over and over again, being used for greed and, what should be their fundamental rights of deserving proper food, shelter, protection, love instead of neglect, abuse and deprivation.

BHRR's Salem's name is one of strength, survival, remembrance of what truly should be a priority in our lives, to seek, question and search out the truth, not to blindly follow or simply believe the accusations that are made by others. AND, that said truth be garnered through proper means, and, that said truth to be the real truth, and, nothing but the truth. That appearances are not indicative of the real nature of one. That prejudices against colour, age, size, race, religion is wrong……..

I could keep writing a Gwennie Novel on this one, yet, I think and hope, that people 'get it'.

On November 1st, Danes in Distress contacted myself re: a Deaf GD, 1 year of age that they were going to refer the O.'s to BHRR. They were operating over capacity at that time and, did not have a deaf experienced GD home open. They wanted to ensure that this boy ended up in a r/q program. We stepped up to assist as, the special needs are one of our big loves and, focuses at BHRR.

This is the update from Jeff her overnight angel foster for her:
"She is a very sweet girl that growls. Growls a lot. It is not a threatening growl, and she has not shown any aggression at all. It is more of an “I am scared of you and this whole transport thing, so I want you to be scared of me” growl. It seems to reassure her and comfort her if you talk to her in a calm, quiet voice. She really is a sweetheart, and once she is given some stability and shown some love, I am sure she will show that love back a million times over.
Right now she is just scared and confused, so please show her a little extra TLC and understanding this weekend. We did cover her crate with a towel, and that seemed to help a little bit, so if you are crating her, it may be a good idea to bring along a towel. She is very calm, so I think she would be fine tethered. She rode home in a 42” crate, and had enough room. For those of you that are cramped for space, you will be happy to know that she is only 128Lbs, not 180Lbs. She walks fine on a slip lead. She does not pull, and walks at your pace. She does get spooked every now and then and will stop suddenly. She also seems skittish of cars when they drive by. She drank some water and  ate all of her food. She goes in and out of the crate with no problem, and jumped right into the back of the truck tonight. She is going to make someone a very good companion when she learns to trust again, and all that should take is a little love. She is going to Canada, and her paperwork appears to be in order."

This girl wen to the Vet today and, weighed 128 pounds and here is what Karen T., the lovely Volunteer had to say about her. THANK her as well for not only taking her to the Vet on my behalf(I called in my CC number to the Hospital to pay for all the bills incurred), yet, for the two additional photo's of her!

"She was a good girl at the vet"

AND, here some final instructions left with the amazing transport team by the transport co-ordinator:
"She was surrendered to the shelter and was very frightened there.  She was starting to come out of her shell but will likely be traumatized by the transport experience.  Please be patient with her.  Move slowly and speak softly to her.  I have tried to assign her to a driver with a van so that it will be easier to get her in/out of vehicles.  I really don't want anyone getting a hernia, trying to lift her.  It might be wise to bring along some yummy treats if you are transporting her to try to lure her into (or out of) your vehicle."

02 03

BHRR's Cancun has an exciting announcement! He is NOT only wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween BUT, he is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
Please think of him and, I want to thank Ottawa Dog Rescue for the referral to BHRR for this possible saint adoption.
We will update his blog as we can with the status of his application!

We were contacted about a 'quite emaciated'(description sent our way) almost 5 month old male 'sweet' black with white GD pup. Was an owner surrender.
As we specialise in the emaciated Great Danes, there was no question about assisting him and, we have mobilized fast and, we are currently working on transport to BHRR.

We are going to call him BHRR's Ichabod Crane. 🙂


Below is a copy of the information that went out to the transport team re: this girl. Most transports do not see dogs as giant as this Great Dane/Mastiff and, she was being said to be 180 pounds yet, I did not feel that was accurate. She was scheduled to see the Vet on October 31st, to get her rabies, exam and health certificate in order. I called the Vet, gave them my credit card information and, asked them to ensure that a correct weight was taken.
I am also told that she has worms and fleas. That will be proactively treated upon arrival to BHRR with all of her other needs such a heartworm testing, monthly Revolution or Sentinel etc.
She will start her journey on Friday October 31st(we are getting her pulled, she is seeing the Vet and then overnighting with a wonderful Volunteer). She will then begin her drive to my neck of the woods and, I will drive to Prescott, Ontario to get her.

"I believe she may be the largest dog we've ever transported.  She was surrendered to the Spencer County shelter and was very frightened there.  She was starting to come out of her shell but will likely be traumatized by the transport experience.  Please be patient with her.  Move slowly and speak softly to her.  I have tried to assign her to a driver with a van so that it will be easier to get her in/out of vehicles.  I really don't want anyone getting a hernia, trying to lift her.  It might be wise to bring along some yummy treats if you are transporting her to try to lure her into (or out of) your vehicle.".

On Thursday Oct 30, 2014 at 8:10 AM the shelter sent the following to my contact in the USA (they had inquired on the 29th how she was doing with other dogs) and, they forwarded to myself:
"She has not even growled at the dogs. She has played tug of war with the other pups. and one other doggie through the kennel.  She seems scared of louder aggressively barking dogs she instantly tucks her tail and moves towards the back of her run. She is going to do good I think and feel she was set up to be failed and I really believe she is an amazingly sweet dog.  Last evening she was full of greeted kisses and licks for me and walked great on leash.  She wants to please."


On Wednesday, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:10 PM, the shelter sent the following to my contact in the USA and, they forwarded to myself:
"She is doing so much better and more relaxed and giving kisses and playing with us but she is still very nervous with new people.
Thank you for helping this angel thank you so much."


BHRR's Ani wanted to post a public thank you to her guardian angels that continue to send monies to virtually temp foster her!

She LOVES you both and, I hug her every night telling her how much she is loved! THANK YOU!

She remains available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home!

Posted in Ani

On Sunday October 26th, @ 11:11 AM, I received the following:
"Gwen —
I've now got the mastiff mix "puppy" — He is well under a year old and 76 lbs.  He is, however, very puppy-like, with a very sweet temperament.  He's strikingly beautiful and gets along well with other dogs.  In fact, I pulled a small spaniel mix at the same time and later learned that they were surrendered together, along with several others, who all lived together.  They are both in excellent shape, except for worms and fleas, which is easily corrected.  I took them to my vet yesterday, and he thinks the boy is a mastiff/boxer mix.

The female is still at the shelter and now urgent.  X spoke further with the workers there and learned that the dog-aggressive label on this girl is because she didn't get along with a female weimeraner at her house, after the weim was bred.  Prior to that, they played together.  And there were numerous other dogs with whom she also got along.  It's a damn shame when people label dogs as aggressive without providing all of the information available.  I don't even want to think how many die in our shelters as a result of this kind of misinformation.  It's very sad.  I am going to contact the shelter tomorrow and try to pry more info out of them and get them to test her, one-on-one, with other dogs.  X saw her yesterday but didn't have time to work with her at all because the shelter workers couldn't meet her until 9 A.M. and she had to pick up the 2 dogs and meet me an hour's drive later so I could make my vet appointment.  I'll let you know what else I learn, but I have a feeling this is a nice girl who deserves a chance."

**AND, the reason, why I(Gwen) am posting info. re: this Mastiffx puppy is that we have been monitoring to make sure that he did not slip through the cracks and, be pts.**

On Sunday Oct 26, 2014 at 2:50 PM, I said we would commit for she is the next in need of BHRR.

On Sunday October 26th 2014 @ 3:41 PM, I received the following with the information that this pup was NOT one from this Dane/Mastiffx female:
"She was an owner surrender from a different owner.   X said she's absolutely gorgeous"

This is BHRR's Ethel's REALITY Slide
She came to us at barely 64 pounds and has put on over 36 pounds in her successful rehab journey with BHRR!
All medical concerns were addressed, which included being spayed, having bloodwork done, de-wormed, specialist consults for her eyes, mirochipped, fecal, put on revolution, having urine cultures, vaccines and all other necessary plus proactive preventative procedures done.
She went through emotional and behavioural rehab at BHRR and she has also learned leash and house manners and, is a real personality filled classy lady!
She is currently AVAILABLE for adoption for that right matched forever loving home!
**BHRR has a huge expertise in the emaciated cases and, BHRR's Ethel is just one of almost 25 emaciated Great Danes that BHRR has been asked to assist over the last 18+ months.**
THIS is what your support enables us to do!!


Thursday October 23rd @ 12:01 AM: I sent an email asking if there were any details in respect to how she reacts to other confident dogs etc.

On Thursday October 23rd @ 8:35 AM:, I received the following:
"My contact is going to the shelter this Saturday to pick up another puppy for me and I've asked her to assess this girl while she's there.  She is with X and is very dog-savvy, so I would trust her assessment.  But it's always kind of a crap-shoot if the dog is being assessed while at the shelter.  Shelters definitely bring out the worst in most dogs. 
The pup is about 6 months old."


On Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 @ 3:37 PM, I received the following:
"Any mastiff fosters open up?"

On Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 @ 3:41 PM, I then received:
"I just looked closer at the post, and she's a mastiff/Dane mix?  She's alpha but OK with submissive dogs.  She's at a really bad, really rural shelter in the middle of KY.  There is also a mastiff mix puppy there — probably her pup."

Photo below is of her in the shelter, October 2014


Please consider going to the Helping Ottawa Fur Kids Facebook Page and, 'liking' our photo and, then putting in the comment section 'this amazing rescue gets my vote!' Contest ENDS Wednesday October 22nd at NOON and, each of the 6 rescues participating will receive a monetary donation, based upon where they rank upon the close of the contest. THANKS in advance for your consideration!


From Monday October 20th to Monday November 3rd, 2014 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.

I picked up BHRR' Stafford today from the OHS and, we headed straight over to KAH for the beginning of his rehab journey. 

I had him into KAH within 2 hours and, it was over an hour long.  His HWT and BW is back from Thursday and, I want to discuss with the Vet his globulin level. His HWT is negative.  He has yet to give me a fecal to bring in that works with my schedule but he is being de-wormed, is on Revolution, I have his special shampoo, Clavamox for his ear infections plus URI(that we hope does not deteriorate to pneumonia  ) and, Burrows for his ears also. 

His heart is a beautiful thumbs up and, his Vet at KAH says that his nostril size is great even if he is all smushed face. If his nostril size was small, this poor dog would have had a very limited quality of life. 

He will see a specialist for that throat/larynx and, see about surgery to assist him with breathing better. 

The Vet also said that though his front teeth are awful, his side and back teeth are actually in good condition. 
AND, he needs to lose those twinkles…. 

We are hoping that when he is in surgery for his breathing – we will see what the specialist says for, we have no idea if he had any surgeries in his past and, that nothing more may be possible for him OR, even if it was botched past job OR, if her had anything done in the past – that we can also do those teeth and twinkles…most likely the dental shall be a separate surgery. 

I do not want him going under any more than necessary…..

His ear cytology done on both ears showed debris, yeast, some rods and rare cocci. The OHS had him on meds prior to us getting him and, so, his ear infections are greatly improved.

Wipes picked up for those folds and between his poor raw toes…he has seborrhea and, dermatitis. 
He has a toe on his right foot that is not normal and, terribly long nails. 

His weight was a fair 20.6 kgs( 45.32 pounds). He could afford a bit more weight being a wee thin yet, do not want a chunky monkey…

The OHS did a such a wonderful job with him and, I am forever indebted in being entrusted with this gorgeous boy! 

So, a hot mess for sure and, happy, affectionate and, such a love!!!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Stafford's Angels  $510.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,798.04
Vegan Cupcakes to the Rescue(Wendi)
The Twaddles
Gracie Honalulu's Mom

BHRR's Stafford being busted out of OHS!

BHRR's Moncton ?? – October 15th, 2014

There is no easy way to make a post of this type and, my whole family plus the approved temp foster home(they had BHRR's Moncton since October 6th) are all reeling in shock right now.

The Vet Hospital that saw BHRR's Moncton has offered to do a necropsy for us. We hope that we can be given some closure. As they were trying to figure things out, he suddenly passed away as he was resting.

He had overcome so many medical obstacles and, was finally learning to trust and play with people and other dogs and, learn all about toys and, had the confidence to begin to sleep in our bedroom and ask for love AND, I cannot believe he is suddenly gone…..
His personality was really beginning to shine as he blossomed like a lovely flower from a previous life of neglect, cruelty and unkindness to, one of structure, obedience, consistency, patience, proper nutrition, exercise and, so much adoring love, not to mention a fabu Vet Team that included specialists.

There was even a home waiting so patiently in the wings to submit an application to adopt him when he was finally ready to be placed up for adoption.

He touched my life and heart incredibly so since I was first contacted about him on June 9th, 2014 and, he lived with us as a cherished member of our heart and home from June 17th to October 6th, when he was finally healthy in body and spirit to be temp fostered.

He almost floated when he moved, so calm and, an 'ol soul' type of boy and, gentle as can be unless he was in one of his spunky moods and, then 'bring it on' and, we were working on the 'must not try to chomp off Gwennie's arm or leg' or take her pant leg off! So many of my scrubs and, P.J's. bottoms have BHRR's Moncton's teeth marks or are missing a piece of material……..he could be so goofy when, he was caught up in the moment of living and, forgot about all those things that had made him such a serious boy….

He was even at PV Stittsville on October 5th as part of their 'THANKS FOR GIVING' Event and, was perfectly fine in health.
I am just reeling in stunned silence and, I already let Joy and Tammie know first thing this AM, a few hours after he had passed away…..
There are no words….nothing I can say or do is going to bring him back and, nothing I can say or do is going to answer all the questions I have and, make my heart stop bleeding….

He was so special……..so amazing and what a beautiful monkey inside he truly was………

This photo was from his special professional photo shoot that Liz Bradley did for him on September 12th, 2014. A picture of gorgeous health and, head up in curiosity plus comfortableness in his environment……

I just cannot believe he is gone………RIP my stunning boy….I am so sorry…….so sorry……I did not even get a chance to say good-bye. 🙁 🙁

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BHRR's Flint (AKA The Elephant!) is at KAH today for his annual! He was a very wiggly happy boy weighing in at a lovely 62.1 KGS(136.62 pounds) and, most likely weighs quite a bit more as he was leaning on the wall. :p

Small video of him with Dr. Zak on the grass today. He did not want me too far away from him! LOL
He was such a flirt and, wanted to see every person he met….that tail non-stop wagging and, not one brain cell to be found when it came to trying to get him to stay focused! LOL 
All loveable big mushball of love! Such a good boy in his run. 
He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home. 🙂

BHRR's FLINT – VIDEO October 14th, 2014

I received a call from BHRR's Moncton's temp foster mom today. Apparently, over the long weekend, BHRR's Moncton began to pick at his food(he had been doing so well! 🙁 ) and, then did not eat at all on Monday. He is drinking she said, and, I inquired about vomiting plus diarrhea and energy level and temperature, was he painful to palpate, did something happen to his neuter incision(it was great prior to temp fostering and, did not think this was the problem) and a million other questions, that his amazing temp foster mom answered with patience and detail. 🙂

She had not noted any diarrhea and, no vomiting except late on Monday once time(yet, she could not be 100% sure it was him over one of their other dogs) and, energy level was down yet, not lethargic. She said he did not have a temperature nor was it low. I said I supported getting him into the Vet immediately and, the temp foster home said, that she agrees that he should be seen yet Tuesday would be fine. They think perhaps the hustle and bustle of their own Thanksgiving weekend stressed him. BHRR's Moncton has seen two Open Houses and, a Dine With The BHRR Doggies event and, his eating habits did not change yet, he has only been in this home since October 6th, 2014, so possible.

I am worried though and, the temp foster home will contact me ASAP if anything changes and, rush him into emerge and, I will meet her there. This boy cannot afford to lose ANY weight. I am worried about dehydration and, what 'could 'be causing this change in him as he was doing quite well in the approved temp foster home up to now, and, like a mama bear am concerned. It is hard when you do not have your hands on the dogs yet, I trust the home and, will post an update when I can.

Keep him in your thoughts!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,554.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
50/50 at 7th ANNUAL Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event

BHRR is having an "HONORARY GIANT" come our way!  Olde English BullDog. 
As he is special needs and, we were contacted to assist on October 10th, WHO could resist that face!  
We are going to call him BHRR's Stafford and, he is ONLY the 8th dog that BHRR will have assisted to date in 2014…..
What we know of BHRR's Stafford to date:
"He is approximately 6 years old and was left behind in an apartment without food or water. 
He has very breed typical medical needs….
He has periodontal disease which he would require a good dentistry and may require extraction, he has ear infections that could be chronic and he has abnormal throat sounds which could be breed related but our vet believes is may need surgical intervention to clear his air way.
He is the most lovely dog, very cuddly, likes to jump up and goofy. He barks but it sounds more like a turkey and not so loud. He is good with dogs likes to jump around them. With cats he ignored through the kennel doors." 
BHRR will also ensure that he is de-twinkled…..  
We are working on making transport arrangements and, welcome to the BHRR Family BHRR's Stafford!



Some very happy/excited doggies now that their 'kids' are home from school! They love their 'wee boerskins'


UPDATE: BHRR's Dyson had his annual today and, he weighs a very fit, svelte, muscled 59.50 KGS(130.90 pounds) and, is most likely a smidge more as, he wiggled.
A++++ all around on his exam and, his 'new' happy tail injury does not seem to require antibiotics this time around, yet, he will be on Deramaxx for the next few days. Some bw done and, a nail trim and tons of loving! He was such a good boy….really brave and, wagging that tail!!! I also gave him his October Revolution. 🙂
He and all of his fans remain patient that his right matched forever loving home shall find him!

Another amazing day for the BHRR animals at PV's Stittsville 'THANKS FOR GIVING' Event
BHRR's Angel Noelle – October 5th, 2014
To the fabu team extraordinary staff at PV, thank you for making us feel like we were part of your family this past weekend! Thank you for inviting us back in 2014!
THANKS must be extended to all the great folks that came to visit us today and, for our Sunday Volunteers, supporters and fans that gave a helping hand with dogs and, talking up r/q Rescue, responsible dog ownership AND, to all those that expressed their biggest plus deepest thanks to the Ottawa plus surrounding area Great Dane plus Giant Breed Rescue that continues to work so hard since our inception in 1996 filling a GIANT need!
We keep saying that we are nothing without our village/community and ONCE again, you have proven that we can keep going strong with you by our sides recommending BHRR to shelters, pounds, rescues and homes needing much needed assistance with their Giants, supporting us with kindness of words, and, hugs of caring and, donations from finances to materials much needed that includes cleaning supplies and dog beds and lifesaving food!
Thank you to the Maracle Family for hanging with us on Sunday and, Sarah Dowler for those extra hands when needed and, to Andrea McCoy, my husband Sean Birch Haven, daughter Kinsley AND, to all of our Visitors that included Miss Trinity from PVAR and, she brought along Tanya MacAllister & Tracy to hang also for a wee bit.
Marg McIlree was so lovely to see you for a bit!
Regan, Kelly, Emily, Breanne Jacklin, Melissa Gingras-Lepage you really are outstanding!
Ashley of AMB Photography, what a doll you continue to be! So thankful that you are part of our lives!
Two more photo's of BHRR's Angel Noelle! She seems to love the PV Stittsville front desk as, we have another blog post of her in being spoiled at their front desk from many months ago! Thank you to Andrea who was her 'handler' for part of the day and, then to the Maracle Family for doing such a superb job with her! She is such a dream dog!

AngelNoelleOctober52 NoelleOctober52014


BHRR's Porridge – MIRACLE BOY Supreme!
Sunday October 5th, 2014
Another amazing day for the BHRR animals at PV's Stittsville 'THANKS FOR GIVING' Event
To the fabu team extraordinary staff at PV, thank you for making us feel like we were part of your family this past weekend! Thank you for inviting us back in 2014!
THANKS must be extended to all the great folks that came to visit us today and, for our Sunday Volunteers, supporters and fans that gave a helping hand with dogs and, talking up r/q Rescue, responsible dog ownership AND, to all those that expressed their biggest plus deepest thanks to the Ottawa plus surrounding area Great Dane plus Giant Breed Rescue that continues to work so hard since our inception in 1996 filling a GIANT need!
We keep saying that we are nothing without our village/community and ONCE again, you have proven that we can keep going strong with you by our sides recommending BHRR to shelters, pounds, rescues and homes needing much needed assistance with their Giants, supporting us with kindness of words, and, hugs of caring and, donations from finances to materials much needed that includes cleaning supplies and dog beds and lifesaving food!
Thank you to the Maracle Family for hanging with us on Sunday and, Sarah Dowler for those extra hands when needed and, to Andrea McCoy, my husband Sean Birch Haven, daughter Kinsley AND, to all of our Visitors that included Miss Trinity from PVAR and, she brought along Tanya MacAllister & Tracy to hang also for a wee bit.
Marg McIlree was so lovely to see you for a bit!
Regan, Kelly, Emily, Breanne Jacklin, Melissa Gingras-Lepage you really are outstanding!
Ashley of AMB Photography, what a doll you continue to be! So thankful that you are part of our lives!
Amy Hache-Cameron & Elizabeth White, BHRR's Porridge feels uber spoiled and, cherished with all of your special love!!!
For all those that I did not catch names, that came to visit us, KNOW that we appreciate EACH one of you from the earth to the moon and stars and beyond!
We microchipped four animals over the two days and, that is a cause SO big and dear to my heart!!!
The monies from Sunday were counted and doubled counted by Cherie and Aaron and, then sealed in an envelope and signed and, then put with the Friday/Saturday Fund envelope that had been counted, double counted and triple counted by Bruce J. Moquin, Aaron and Breanne and all sealed, signed for a GRAND TOTAL deposited THANKS to the army of each of you:
My cup is not just running over in warmth, it is spilling over in copious amounts!
THANK you for making our THIRD public awareness opportunity a successful one and, our last one of 2014, our fourth, shall be at the end of November – Saturday November 29th at PV Hazeldean – ANOTHER store that we absolutely are in love with!!!
As always, remember if you know of a Great Dane or Giant in need, please do keep r/q Rescues like Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) in mind! Back in 1996, there was no organization like us out there and, we continue today, filling that need because of each of you being part of our CHAIN OF SUCCESS Story!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $985.50* donated to date & Bills are: $5,379.90
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again


BHRR's Flint with 'Lisa', a 12 week old kitten from OHS that arrived while we were at PV Stittsville
October 4th, 2014
She was fascinated by BHRR's Flint!!!! She kept batting his face and, jumping over to see him……is this the face of a 'vicious, fear aggressive dog? 😉 He saw almost a hundred people on Saturday AND, no problems or issues with humans of all shapes and sizes and ages NOR with dogs and, here is the proof that he is amazing with cats! 😀 His fan club continues to grow and, we all remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him and, to realise that 'he' is a fabu dog! He goes out to as many community education events as possible for we have zero concerns! He is a very solid and happy, healthy and wonderful Neo! 🙂
AND, he had a FANTASTIC time with the 40 guests we had last Saturday September 27th at our 7th ANNUAL BHRR 'DINE WITH THE DOGGIES' Event at our home.
We are back at PV Stittsville again TODAY and, hope to see many of our friends and, meet new faces!
We are microchipping, doing nails, have photography, merchandise for sale and, BHRR's Porridge, BHRR's Angel Noelle AND, BHRR's Moncton shall be present!
This is ONLY our 3rd public appearance in 2014 for community awareness and, we only out one more time for 2014, and, that is in November!
The weather looks glorious and, thanks to ALL that came to visit yesterday plus for the extra hands, Bruce J. Moquin, Margaret Aris, Aaron & your gorgeous daughter AND, Ashley Beland, Breanne Jacklin, Regan, Melissa Gingras-Lepage AND, all the rest of the amazing staff at PV for making our day so wonderful!
We had lots of incredible visitors and, made many new friends AND, "Fergus" the woflie and his mom have signed up to join our walking/hiking group! Please EMAIL if you want to join our GD & 'GIANT AT HEART' hiking/walking group of over 250 members! We have been around almost 19 years now! 🙂
Excited for what today holds! There is at least one home coming out to visit BHRR"s Moncton that is interested in possibly submitting an application for him when he is ready to be placed up for adoption also!

THANKS to everyone for a beautiful Saturday once again!

photo 2 photo 3

BHRR's Moncton at the Pet Valu Stittsville's 'THANKS FOR GIVING EVENT' He did really really really well! By the end of the day, he was exploring the store! 🙂 He is not yet ready to be placed up for adoption and, as he did well today(still, very quiet around people he did not know and, things like the bells on the door to the store made him nervous, including fast, flighty children), he will go to his temp foster home tomorrow.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,554.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
50/50 at 7th ANNUAL Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event

First photo is courtesy of S. Dowler and the second is courtesy of A. Beland

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BHRR's Dyson's annual is scheduled for October 7th.

BHRR's Triumph is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will post updates as we can. This will be a very gradual adoption process and, so heads up that, there will not be any final announcement made, until at least November. 😉

BHRR shall be attending our THIRD of ONLY four community education & public awareness events for this year, on October 4th & October 5th! The last community education/public awareness event that we attended was in May!
Pet Valu Stittsville so very kindly has invited us back in 2014 to be at their locale on October 4th & October 5th for their 'THANKS FOR GIVING' Event and, shall help us host some great activities!
AND, we will have BHRR doggies in attendance! Please visit the below link to find out which amazing BHRR doggies are coming which day!
From October 1st – October 16th, Pet Valu Stittsville will be selling 'Paper Pumpkins' for a donation and, your name and/or that of your pet(s), will be proudly displayed on said pumpkin put up at Pet Valu! Pet Valu will also be collecting material donations for BHRR during this time – we are in need of xpens(36" & 48"), Pinesol, Paper Towels, Lysol Wipes, Costco Dog Beds and, bath mats!
BHRR is still seeking 1 BHRR approved Volunteers to hang with us and zee big dawgs on the Saturday and one to hang with us on the Sunday! Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thank you's must be extended from my heart to Bre and her fabu staff at Pet Valu Stittsville, to Melissa of Groomingdale's who is donated all nail trims and grinds(Friday/Saturday/Sunday) to BHRR AND, also to Ashley of AMB Photography!
AND, last but never least, thank you again to BHRR BOD member Barry for working with me on this great poster!

Thanksgiving1 (Medium)

I wanted to post a really quick 'I AM so freakin' proud of you' post on BHRR's Comet's blog. When most of our amazing guests had already left our 7th ANNUAL 'Dine With The BHRR Dogs' Event on Saturday, we let out all the dogs en masse and, yes, even JAWS and she ROCKED it! 🙂 She was even going up to people asking for pets and was calm and, only mildly 'chatty' and, that was mostly to the other dogs. AND, not in a mean way. She is quite rock solid with other dogs.

At one point, she had her head right in one persons' lap!

OMG! I was so so so so proud of her!!!! WTG! WTG! Still beaming over here! 🙂

BHRR's August made her last drive with me today………. 🙁 🙁 I had asked the specialist that if she had come to BHRR sooner – she waited in a shelter for 6 weeks before we were contacted to assist – could she have been saved. The specialist told me that I most likely would not believe them even, if they said 'no',(they were right as I always think that 'if' we got to some of these dogs sooner, perhaps, we could have saved them.)

The specialist did tell me that in their honest opinion 'no' there could have been nothing done based upon her particular circumstances and, placement of the mass. 🙁

So, we loved her and, gave her memories and experiences that make her happy and, us too…………..and, took things one day at a time.

When she woke up today, she was not normal in her balance and, she was having trouble focusing. 🙁 🙁 We were warned about possible seizures and, quirky behaviour happening, even suddenly or sporadically yet, none of that was present. She was 'there' yet, not there………

15 minutes later, she was no better and, so, it was time……………

During my drive, there were flashes or moments of time where BHRR's August was normal and, I said to myself…'it is not yet time'…..yet, she would then lapse back into a place I could not reach and, she could not hear. 🙁 She lost control of her bladder and, I knew I was more than doing the right thing yet, that is, as always, not the easiest thing to do.

BHRR's August, you were such a delight…..full of life and personality and, gorgeous inside and out. Another huge hole has been made with your passing and, you are now laid to rest in eternal peace at home, BHRR.

BHRR';s August VIDEO

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HERE is our poster for our NEXT Microchip Clinic! PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans contacted us months ago to see if we would host one of our established Microchip Clinics at their locale. Honored again to be able to have the opportunity to chip more dogs & cats to help ensure they have a better chance of finding their way home if they are lost or stolen. SO important to microchip!

PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans, Microchip & Nail Trim happening on Sunday September 21st, 2014!
*NO appointments Necessary
**Cats & Dogs – as long as they can comfortably be held
*RAIN OR SHINE – We are indoors that day!

BHRR PV Sept 21 Lg

Anonymous – Nomination #10 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I nominate Gwen Boers of Birch Haven Rescue (www.birchhaven.org) for the Heroic Heart Award. Gwen personifies both words Heroic and Heart. She has championed and saved hundreds of broken, abused, and neglected giant (and a few small) breed dogs over her almost 20 years ‘in the trenches’. She is the Hero to hundreds of animals and thousands of friends, family and volunteers. She gives her Heart completely over to every new animal, 100% without exception or compromise. It doesn’t matter if they are a puppy with a full life ahead of them or a senior; all are given the chance to find (many for the first time) the loving family they may not have ever had otherwise. Gwen doesn’t like to take much credit for her deeds, she likes to say we are all ‘links in the chain of success’ – but it is Gwen who organizes those links, forges them together, makes them strong, and does all the heavy lifting behind the scenes through the good and the heartache. There are many worthy people on your list already, but I hope you will give the small rescue, that does big things a chance. You see, many of the dogs Gwen takes in are not in good shape, physically and emotionally. These are not easily fixed and many cost thousands of dollars in vetting and rehabilitation, be it surgery, diet, exercise or medications. They all get whatever they need, no question. It is more important for Birch Haven to adopt a dog to the right home not any home, I think this is one of the best things about her program. Gwen also runs a Haven program, a palliative care hospice if you will. Dogs who have been deemed unsuitable for adoption (many due to severe medical problems) are given a wonderful home for the rest of their lives, no mater how long or short they have, they are all loved. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart        

Anonymous – Nomination #9 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen and her family/team are angels to animals. While a lot of rescues pride themselves in the number of animals they rehome, the BHRR team focuses on making sure the animal is 110% ready to even think about going to a new home before considering it – no matter how long that may take. They focus on the animals that most people would pass up knowing that it'll be tiresome and expensive rehabbing them. Special needs animals that a lot of people would euthanize are the animals they focus on and make these animals have amazing lives and they also provide to everybody that just because a dog is blind and/or deaf and/or has other issues, they can still be amazing family members. the price doesn't matter to them, the quality does. They even often pay for things out of their own pockets! I believe that nobody deserves this more than them! Nobody has a bigger heart than Gwen, after all, she rescues the Giants who have had their hearts hurt.       http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart             

BHRR’s Cosette’s Mom – Nomination #8 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen tirelessly works with giant breed dogs. She is just amazing in her work rehabilitating and finding the right matched homes for these wonderful creatures. Once a dog arrives at Birch Haven they are given everything they need including palliative care if that is what is necessary. Gwen is meticulous in making sure her dogs are placed in the perfect home. I have been fortunate to have one of these Birch Haven dogs. She has been with me a year and a half and came so well trained and mannered. This was a skinny dog who lived in a one room apartment and then abandoned at a shelter. Today she thrives and did so as soon as Gwen worked her magic. She is one of the good people out there. It is all about the dogs. I have participated in having special dates with a wonderful dog who could not be saved but had the best last few months being loved and knowing people care. Gwen took her on dates to visit people and other dogs, she received so much love and she flourished. It was wonderful to see and be a part of. It is not about being popular it is about doing what is right for the dogs and Gwen is a miracle worker. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart  

The Bethunes – Nomination #6 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

Gwen Boers goes above and beyond each and every day of the year. She rescues giant breed dogs and dogs with special needs (deaf, blind, senior, ill or injured) that other places don't take in for one reason or another. When a dog comes into her care, they get whatever they need, no matter if it's major surgery (such as a limb amputation) or simply a proper vet check-up and then spay/neuter. She is also a trainer and behaviourist and any dog that comes to her also gets complete emotional rehabilitation, as much as they need, for as long as they need. Gwen constantly gives of herself to all the dogs that come into BHRR. She has a HUGE heart and gives each and every dog all the love and care they need. Any dog that comes to her is very lucky indeed!   http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart              

K. Boers – Nomination #3 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I am 11 and would like to nominate my mom, Gwen. To all the animals’ she has helped, she is their heroic heart hero. My mom is sincere, humble, full of integrity, selfless, a volunteer who works tirelessly and she is not only there for the animals and people of BHRR, yet, also for others. Gwen has said often, 'it is not about my rescue or their rescue, it is about all of us rescuing together and by doing so, more animals can be saved, making a bigger positive difference.’ My mom tells me that everyone involved is part of that *chain of success*. Another thing is that Gwen lives by quality over quantity. My mom leads by wonderful example, has operated, BHRR – a Giant Breed dog and Horse Rescue – since 1996, and, is quite respected. Gwen is passionate and, she focuses on the special needs. Yet, she will always, take in the next in need, no matter size, age, colour, sex, breed, medical condition if she has a spot. She even has an amazing BHRR Haven program for animals that are deemed not adoptable. I am proud of my mom for she is here 24/7 for all of her Volunteers and helps others outside of BHRR. She makes every person and animal feel valued. My mom takes in the animals that many others will not or cannot and these animals can often have bills up to $10,000. She stands strong for animal welfare such as trying to help a dog in a car left in a store parking lot back in 2013, that received much publicity. She is also the creator of the ‘Freedom Dogs Unite’ Fb page, founded when the PRU puppymill bust happened and, still volunteers at the emergency shelter, yet, also wanted an educational support page to keep creating awareness. While others sleep, my mom is answering requests trying to find spots for dogs in other programs when her own group has none. She does not just say *no*. Gwen works hard on educating the public to do the right things. She visits schools and she has a walking group that brings other responsible dogs lovers together, to support each other plus network. The adoption success rates for BHRR are paralleled by none. 100% for over 10 years and now 99%. It is about each and every animal that comes my mom's way getting everything done the right way each time. She has a Masters degree, is finishing up her Doctorate and she belongs to many organizations including doing animal disaster relief efforts and does this to help improve animals’ lives. She has also been to places like Mexico to volunteer after being invited to lend her expert hands and is now invited to Costa Rica and DR. Hero’s can wear many hats and sometimes the most heroic ones in rescue are the quiet ones that are also great mom's plus inspiring role models to little girls like me.  http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart              

Anonymous – Nomination #2 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I would like to nominate Gwendilin Boers. There is much on the website that talks about all the wonderful plus much needed things done daily at BHRR. I would like to talk about some of the things that people may not commonly know that this wonderful woman does in addition to all of the special needs dogs plus horses others either can or will not assist over the past close to 19 years with BHRR, including in their Haven Program, a real heaven sanctuary for animals for life. For over 15 years now, she has helped women in domestic abuse situations, by taking in their pets free of charge, providing food, shelter, complimentary training, love and even pays for Vet Bills, so that women can leave(often with their children) abusive situations. A staggering number of women will not leave these home situations as they have pets. Gwen steps up to the plate, all behind the scenes, quietly doing what needs to be done and, she will even drive through the night to help. She will bring hot meals to these women/kids, drop off clothing and, brings the dogs for visits so that the family can stay connected. She even circulates resumes to help these women find work. She has also helped more than one animal, right out of her own pocket whose Owners who could not afford to vet their pets, just so that the homes could keep their cats or dogs or horses and, even exotics. She helps other rescue organizations with transport, vet bills, free behavioural consults, home-visits, company in the middle of the night be it at home or in an emergency animal hospital and cross-posting etc.. She helps people who take in animals on their own, who are not affiliated with any registered rescue with Vet Bills making sure that they are vetted including altered. Over 7 years ago, Gwen created, what has now become the largest microchip clinic in Canada due to the importance of trying to see more cats and dogs find their way home if lost or stolen. She takes in dying dogs that owners will say they will shoot or hang as they think that is the best way to put them to sleep, and, Gwen will humanely let them go and, pay all of the bills. These are some of the things that one may not find on the BHRR website or be aware that Gwen does in addition to all the rest of the Volunteer duties she fulfills with her rescue work as the Founder plus President at Birch Haven. She is a rescue angel…a true hero. Doing what needs to be done, as hard as it has to be. She saves animals yet, she also saves people. http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart       

Anonymous – Nomination #1 For Global Pet Foods Heoric Heart

I have only known Gwen for a short time yet I have yet to see a woman with so much love in her heart both for humans and animals. She founded Birch Haven Rescue in 1996, a rescue for giant breed canines and equines, with a special focus on special needs, such as blind, deaf, abused, and injured. Dogs that are not deemed adoptable have found their forever home in her haven program and have a safe place to live out their lives. Last fall, my husband and I had the absolute pleasure of attending one of the many in house events and got to meet some of the most beautiful, well behaved dogs we have ever seen. We fully expected to be led to a kennel outside the house to meet the dogs but we're totally astounded to find that they all lived in the house and were part of the Boers family. We were totally humbled by the fact that this wonderful Boers family had sacrificed so much to be able to save these beautiful animals. It humbles me to no end to see that her lovely children are the first to make sacrifices by giving up their allowances to help a dog in rescue. Gwen never ceases to amaze me at how far she will go to obtain an animal she thinks is worth rescuing regardless of how injured or abused it might be. She fights tooth and nail to be heard and there are no limits to how far she will go to save a dog in trouble. She has a big support team behind her as well that are willing to help when needed. Gwen is also involved in educating the public about responsible ownership. This is such an important part of the Birch Haven program. So many dogs are returned because their owners have no idea of how to handle them or what is needed to make their pets the best they can be and not set them up for failure. Gwendilin Boers is a friend to all, whether it be human, or animal. She is a voice for the voiceless and in my opinion, she deserves this heroic heart nomination for all the wonderful work she has done and continues to do for rescue.http://www.globalpetfoods.com/heroicheart

I am thankful that BHRR's Porridge is still with us, miracle dog and weighed a good solid 78.2 kgs(172.04 pounds) at KAH today and, had a great recheck exam. On a side note, I am thankful that when he threw his head back during sedation that he did not break poor Lesley's nose!! He owes you baked goodies!!

He needs to put on about another 6 pounds to be back up to where he once was and, the Vet marveled at how amazing he is doing! Just 50 mg of Pred SID is what he is getting and, I cannot tell everyone enough how happy I am that fall is here with cooler weather!

Some days in rescue are just not 'good' ones….some are great and some are less than good….
Today, has been a really bad day and, this is the first of three posts I will be making….
I am so sad to say that 'Hubert' the brain injured neuro puppy is no longer coming to us.
I had sent a follow-up email to confirm the date of October 11th and, that we had an approved Volunteer wonderfully offer to help with transport – thanks again Bruce! – and, I received a response earlier this afternoon that the place he was at was working on transport to send him to THS this week.
Unbeknown to myself, I was not aware that once we had committed(and, we worked round the clock to find a spot at BHRR for him as, we knew he was a real special needs & had suspected behavioural issues possibly related to his neuro sitaution), they were still looking for a place behind the scenes to take him sooner. In committing to take Hubert, that meant we could not assist another and a dog dies….that is a sad hard reality.
We support any r/q rescue assisting a dog in need, and, we have worked in the past with the THS yet, we were surprised to learn that a place was still be sought for him after we stepped up when contacted, and, I do honestly believe BHRR would have been a great rehab r/q rescue and choice for him….. My humble opinion.
Have to admit, was really looking forward to meeting him! I know others were too!
AND, even more reason why I am so happy that we did not take any donations for his care prior to his arrival to BHRR.
We will assist another dog as needed and, do our very best for him/her as always. Our program spots are always in high demand.
Please join me in saying Good luck Hubert!!

BHRR's August is moving to our Haven Program. When I first picked her up from the shelter, I strongly suspected that something could be 'up' with her eyes and, once she settled in, she had a Vet Visit and then, recently a specialist visit and, sadly, I was more right than I realised. Sadly, and, very tragically, she has a mass behind her one eye.

We are currently discussing, possible treatments for her and, the risk is that we could lose her on the table, should we operate. 🙁 Yet, to not do something, we are going to lose her anyway. 🙁 We are also discussing to see if we can somehow 'shrink' the mass.

She remains a very loving affectionate and obedient dog with us and, the specialists warned that her behaviour could become quirky and sporadic as the pressure and pain builds. We will not see her suffer. QUALITY always. She is still woofy off and on with Sean yet, that has always been that way. She loves Kinsley and is fine with Mason and, with me, the only time she wants to 'mouth' – NOT bite – is when I take her collar and lead her somewhere she does not want to go….nothing more or less than many other dogs can and have done and, were trained to not do so in time.

She continues to not be so thrilled with BHRR's Ethel and, the only new change is that she did resource guard over me to BHRR's Abby and, to all those that know and love BHRR's August, she is not a very forgiving gal. She really harbors a grudge and for people to think that this is not possible, you would be sorely incorrect.

She lives in complete harmony with all of the dogs otherwise and, with us. I see zero signs of aggression and, we will be monitoring her extremely closely for any signs of pain(she eats – still a bit thin yet, she was in a shelter for over 6 weeks, drinks, urinates and has good bm's). She sleeps like a log as many Deafies can!

I am truly heartbroken for her….she is an amazing dog! She is so easy to love……..

I want to thank Liz Bradley of The Ottawa Dog Blog who offered to do a candid photo session of BHRR's August to have as a memorial and foreve piece of her. We will be scheduling that soon as, I do not know how much time we have left with this incredible dog.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $165.00* donated to date & Bills are: $789.90
*Before PayPal fees
Raina – Bark for Rescue Challenge

On September 12th, BHRR's Moncton had a very special photo session! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,244.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
 Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-03-52Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-24_16-04-23

Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-05-32 Moncton's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-27_02-04-43 - Copy 

BHRR's Moncton – September 11th, 2014 was the day of his neuter. It was pushed back a couple of days.
Bills today: $815.25+ Tax
He weighed 37 KGs(81.40 pounds)
Getting prepped for his neuter – he is cryptorchid. We also did nails, a good ear cleaning and, trimmed up the final two spots on his elbows that had some small mats left. The one picture of his incision does not show the whole row of sutures(I stopped counting after 12) along the whole other side of his penis from the exploratory to find the one testicle.
Under anesthetic, his jaw was thoroughly examined again and, with his maturing/developing with is bones etc., all is a thumbs up!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,244.00* donated to date & Bills are $2,512.14
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

11septemberMoncton Moncton3september14photo 1 Monctonseptember1120147

BHRR's Comet – September 6th, 2014
'JAWS' is doing great!
She is now completely wonderful with the fam and, all those that she knows as part of her trusted 'circle set-up for success' team and, we are still working on the 'we do not eat strangers' rules.
For the record, she has not bitten anyone.
We had been emailed by several asking us why were we not putting her to sleep with her clear fear aggression and, our response remains the same as always 'we were asked to assist, we are committed to her welfare and, she is deserving of the best opportunity for rehab and, if she has to be a BHRR Haven dog, she shall…if we have to make the tough decision to let her go, we shall…yet, we will give her the best chance possible and, she is doing well….'
We have ruled out anything medical and, so, we continue to make her the best dog she can be with emotional and behavioural rehab. I possess a Master's in this area and, finishing up my PhD and, she is in great hands at BHRR! We are not new to the world of giants with issues….almost 27 years and counting
AND, she is one mighty fine young lady and, loves all of her doggie friends here. She also is quite the 'talker.'  😀

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $40.00 & Bills To Date: $389.56
*Before PayPal fees


BHRR's Moncton is scheduled for his neuter on September 9th. We are hoping that the one testicle is right under the skin and, we will re-visit that jaw while he is under anesthetic. He is eating SOOOOO much better now, and, I love that! Still quite thin, yet, this is also due to him growing. 🙂

He is still so uber small for a true 'giant' 😉 and, quite long and, he has decided that each night, our bedroom is where is now feels brave enough to sleep. HE loves being outside n the cooler weather and, I have to almost drag him back in. He still loves digging holes to China – in fact, I think he has past China and, is circling back to home with his digging! 😉 Any right matched forever loving home has got to know that he LOVES to dig. I have such a great son and husband, for as fast as he digs the holes, they fill them up and, he digs again and, on and on…. 😀

He has a secret mission special trip scheduled on September 12th(with BHRR's August) and, we shall see when he is ready for the big reveal.

He needs a quiet home, yet, not one that is going to keep him hidden from the world, yet, one that will present opportunities to him, but not push him past his comfort zone boundaries.

He is still nervous and a bit worried and, wants to go to a quick catatonic state and, then a hurried retreat, when strangers are around, yet, he is more and more staying in the same room and, not retreating to a distance in the house, as opposed to outside, or going into an open crate and, sleeping(stress) or, going to a corner to almost hide.

Baby steps…patience, time, consistency, structure, obedience and, love…..he will become the dog he can be. AND, as he is mighty fine now, WOW, look at his future!

We shall see how he does at our 7th ANNUAL 'DINE' Event at BHRR at the end of the month.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,144.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,590.91
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

BHRR's August is having her eye exam consult on Saturday!

We will also do her heartworm test etc. then also. I am still wanting to see a bit more weight on her. She is quite tall for a female and, still filling out.

She is still a bit soft 'woofy' with Sean yet, settles down well. If Sean wears his work boots, that really sets her off and, she will actually bark at him. I wish so often that the dogs could talk to us and, tell us, what went on and, how they are feeling and, what can we do to help them better. 🙁 She LOVES the kids and, is awesome with me now. Her recall is bang on and, the only dog that she remains not so sure about is BHRR's Ethel. Every other dog that she has met, large or small, male or female, intact or altered, has been thumbs up.

She has her own secret mission planned for Friday September 12th and, we shall make the big reveal not long after that! 😉 YET, if she does need any kind of eye surgeries, that reveal will have to wait until a later date.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $140.00* donated to date & Bills are: $193.90
*Before PayPal fees
Raina – Bark for Rescue Challenge

On September 3rd, I received the following email asking if we could step up to assist one of two dogs. The one was a very special puppy, see below. The other, we believe had a great chance of being picked up by another group(5 year old GS). Grew up with Sheps and, shall always own a single breed or GSx. My current GSx is is now over the age of 10.

After a few days of hoping and pleading that we may have an approved BHRR Volunteer step up to assist us with a temp foster of one of our current adoptables(which would give us a spot now) that are not yet in an approved temp foster home, we then blitzed our album on fb of our current adoptables in the hopes that by others sharing(we were almost 70 new shares the last I looked!), the right matched homes for the 23 dogs that we currently have up for adoption shall find them…….

Meanwhile, we have managed to buy some more more time to save this boy and, we committed to bringing him in on October 11th, 2014. BHRR's Hubert is ONLY the 8th dog that BHRR has been able to assist in 2014.

We are going to keep the name 'Hubert' that they were calling him. 🙂

"There is Hubert, a “small” three-month-old Old English Sheepdog and Bernese Mountain Dog mix. While he is affectionate, friendly, gentle and cuddly when he is in a quiet phase, he also has periods of intense excitement where he loses bite control – which could lead to unintended injuries. He has the clumsy walk of a puppy, and tends to bump into walls. This small teddy bear will need an experienced family without children

Unfortunately, a veterinary revaluation conducted on August 8 revealed that Hubert’s balance problems (and potential behavioral issues) are caused by a congenital brain injury. He will therefore need to be seen by a neurologist, and might require an MRI scan. Hubert’s ankles also make cracking sounds."

NOTE: UPDATE: For those inquiring about the extend of 'Hubert's' brain injury, the above is what was sent our way from the place that currently has him: One he arrives to BHRR, we will begin a work-up for him. He is stable and doing just fine at this time and, should, anything change, ie worsen, all can be assured, that he will be seen by another Vet immediately…..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Hubert’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Hubert's Angels Donations to Date: $00.00 & Bills To Date: $0.00
*Before PayPal fees

Hubert (2)

BHRR's Triumph is now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Another amazing versatile dog. He can go to a home that works pt, ft, semi-retired, works from home or, out of the home – even pt etc…he is that solid!

He has proven great with cats and, all dogs he has met to date. I would like to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Not mandatory, yet, would be lovely.

He has proven 100% trustworthy in our home and is about 9 months of age now. I do not recommend any home to allow him total free access, at first and, this is covered in our detailed adoption info. packages that each approved home receives, along with all Vet records.

The once terrified, emaciated, abused pup that was beaten, starved and left in an abandoned apartment is NO longer! He is still putting on some weight as he is quite lean still(may not look like it in this photo taken by the ever talented Liz Bradley on August 24th, 2014 BUT, he is still a bit thin) yet, no longer emaciated and, such a handsome man!

He is super sweet, eager to please, affectionate calm, and, with continued patience / encouragement from any right matched forever loving home that will keep building upon the strong foundation created at BHRR, he will remain wonderfully curious and open to take on the world. His manners and obedience are top notch!

A real 'old soul'. He has been such a true pleasure to have at BHRR and, watching him blossom has been a real honour!

BHRR's Triumph – August 24th, 2014

TriumphAugust24th, 2014Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_22-51-27      Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_16-04-08Triumph's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-01_22-50-56

Here is the Testimonial sent my way by the kind person who won the special picnic date with BHRR's Dyson. This individual is also a very valued BHRR Volunteer of ours.

Rachel Ng:

"Hi Gwen, this is my testimonial on BHRR Dyson.

I have known BHRR Dyson since the day he came to BHRR and he has certainly come a long way.

On that first day, I remember him being distrustful and uncertain of the outside world. With a loving environment and proper care, he has now blossomed into a goofy, playful and curious dog that has never met a dog/person he hasn't liked (that i have witnessed).  He greets everyday with the same excitement and joy.  Once he knows you are trusted, you have gained a friend.

I have seen Dyson interact with dogs of all ages and sizes; both familiar and unfamiliar to him. I have found that as long as an introduction is done properly, Dyson will have made an instant friend. Most recently, Dyson met my dog and got along famously with her. Through the day of hiking and picnicking, both seemed to enjoy each others company and even lay together for a rest. For my dog to accept an unfamiliar dog and be comfortable enough to lay beside and be touching the other dog is truly saying something about Dyson!

As for people, he seems to enjoy the company of everyone and anyone. I have only ever see him react to a few men. The reaction has always been the same: a low growl, no lunging, his tail wagging…it almost seems more like a curiosity reaction with a mix of unsure. That being said, these men have all been wearing hats and sunglasses, their face/features hidden. When this has happened, I have been able to easily divert his attention and continue with our activity.

Overall, Dyson is a great dog and would make a great companion to that right family. He has come a very long way from that distrustful and unsure dog. He still carries some of his past with him though, but in the proper hands, it will matter naught."



Another versatile dog! She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, away from home, retired or semi-retired. She is about ~5 years of age.

She can be an only dog or live with another right matched personality fit dog. It will be important for her to have continued exposure to other dogs for, with her being almost blind and, slightly hard of hearing, I do not want all the groundwork laid by BHRR to go by the wayside as, she lives in a multi-dog home and, is solid with all dogs. Meeting strange dogs can still be a bit worrisome to her and, as, it is important for us to have our friends, it is the same with dogs.

She is such a personality filled dog. She is NOT good with pocket pets and, I would not trust her with cats, yet, she has not had any issues with cats that we have seen at work, at the Hospital or at PetSmart, Pet Valu etc. I still would not feel it in a feline's best interest to approve a home with a cat or two or more.

She has proven 100% trustworthy in our home and, has full run of the house and, remains crate-trained(she loves going in a crate for quiet time) for as many know, it makes life so much less stressful on them and, the home and, a Vet Hospital should a dog have to go into a run or be on crate rest due to an illness or injury. We do not recommend any right matched home to leave her with full access until she has settled in and, all of this is covered in our very detailed adoption  info. packages sent out to all of our approved homes.

hank you to Liz Bradley for meeting with me to do this wonderful Rescue PAWTRAIT session on August 24th. YOU are so talented!!!
She is still putting on a bit of weight, and, though, she is almost blind and, slightly hard of hearing(some of that is selective!), she has just made me so proud of her accomplishments since her arrival to BHRR on April 27th, 2014.
She is going to make some lucky home a very personality filled and extremely affectionate one! WTG! Beautiful gal!
She has put on almost 35 pounds and, this once emaciated, puppymill Mama with an extremely severe UTI, with zero training is, beautifully rehabbed! She is a thrivor!!!

She is a riot! She may have had her body crushed and broken yet, they could not break her spirit or will to live…..how she survived being so starved, almost blind, hearing affected, severe and, I mean a severe UTI and, then dumped on a road to fend for herself when they had no more use for her, is a true testament to her backbone and strength…..she really did not have much more time though, and, I am so glad that she was picked up when she was and, we were contacted to assist her. She really is a hoot!

She and HQD are like two ol' mother hens! She has such a spritely springy step when she trots.

BHRR's Ethel – August 24th, 2014

EthelAugust 24th, 2014 Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-01-15Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-00-41 Ethel's Rescue Pawtraits - Message (HTML) _2014-09-02_00-01-00

BHRR's Dyson's Special Picnic Date Photo's!
Thank you to the lovely humans that gave him this very wonderful day experience!
He made a new friend and, from what I hear, Skittles is quite smitten back in turn with him! 😉

Yet, another great moment given to this lovely dog that continues to make him such a well balanced and solid bo


Photo's #1, #2 & #4 are courtesy of Rachel Ng.

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BHRR's Triumph(l), BHRR's Ethel(r), Mason and I went on a 'secret' mission today (big reveal early next week!) and, afterwards, we went to PetSmart at Kanata Centrum. Here are two photo's of their trip. 🙂

EthelTriumphAugust222014 EthelTriumphAugust2220142

These are the last photo's and 2 video's that I took of BHRR's Nessie dated from today. RIP you darling girl…… 🙁

VIDEO #1 BHRR's Nessie Car Ride Into KAH
VIDEO #2 BHRR's Nessie At KAH

BHRR's Nessie Photo's of her on the way in…such a happy dog….in so many ways…. wish I could have repaired her body….too much had happened to her in her past prior to coming to BHRR and, we just could not 'fix' her in the end……just devastated.
NessieAugust20th2014 NessieAugust20th2014.JPG1
BHRR's Nessie at KAH
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BHRR's Nessie's body condition on August 21st was superb! However, her leg, was not. 🙁 Her poor leg drained over her tail and feathers.
NessieAugust2120144 Nessielegaugust21

This is not an easy blog post to type. 🙁 BHRR's Nessie remained on antibiotics for over 4 months and, her leg/foot appeared to get better yet, could never quite get there and, then, would get worse and, slightly better and worse again. The other leg, responded fantastic and, there have been no further problems. We kept her on an extended period of time per the one Vet as, the cellulitis was being so persistent in resisting treatment yet, the c&s testing showed that the bacterium was to be sensitive to Clavamox and Doxy both.

So, I realised that, I was looking at something far more than chronic and intensive than, aggressive cellulitis. One of her Vets at KAH put her story plus photo's on the VIN(Veterinary Information Network) while I sought further opinions outside of KAH.

Below are lots of photo's from May 13th, July 15th, and July 25th(this visit with another Vet Hospital, Dr. Liston & consult with specialist Dr. Javinsky).

BHRR's Nessie – July 25th, 2014 on our way to see Dr. Liston. Her weight was 80.4 KGs(176.88 pounds). Much better!

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4

She had a Vet team of 4 at KAH trying to continue to figure out what was happening and, for a new look on things.

Dr. Liston reviewed her miles and miles of files and test results and, there were two things(interestingly enough, those were the exact two things, we found out later that the specialist on the VIN network suggested), he felt it could be. He disagreed from her team at KAH that a biopsy should be done as, he felt that there was virtually nothing to biopsy and, that we were not looking at a skin situation. The specialist on VIN(will have to get their name from the records), did recommend a skin biopsy and, the next step plans with Dr. Liston on July 25th, 2014 was as follows. The specialist was in agreement with Dr. Liston that, we were not looking at a condition of only cellulitis. We were looking at something far more serious and, gave me credit for continuing to try and figure things out for BHRR's Nessie for we have/had done so much for her over the past year and, have given her a great quality filled life. She has been to community education plus awareness events, went to Alcatel-Lucent last December for a lunch hour as part of www.Juliashelpinghand.ca  and, walks/hikes and, car rides and memory moment experiences etc. Her emotional and medical welfare were being addressed and, her structural obedience really saw her settle into a great dog. She came to work with me more than once to just hang!

Her thyroid testing had shown a level of 18. Quite low normal. One of the things that was presented by both Dr. Liston and the VIN specialist was Thyroid Lymphangitis .and, the other condition was Vasculitis. Both Vets, and Dr. Janvinsky concurred, had the following to impart as to their positioning.

1) As her thyroid was a low normal, detailed thyroid panel on Friday July 25th and, the recommendation was to keep her on her antibiotics until the results came on on the Monday.
2) If her thyroid was normal, then we were most likely looking at Vasculitis and, sadly, in animal medicine, there are no medical surgical options for veinous surgeries to make her better. AND, the rationale behind, this possible prognosis is that before she came to BHRR, she had bloated more than once, had a pexy surgery, had more than one obstruction and, when she was surrendered to us in August of 2013, she had an obstruction and was bloated. All of these bloats takes a huge toll on the heart and circulatory system and, being a giant breed dog, her system was greatly affected. AND, after she was surrendered to BHRR, we suspected that she may have also had Wobblers, we ruled out Addison's plus Cushing's and did receive the diagnosis of Wobblers. This, also greatly affects the circulatory system and, being a giant breed dog, even more so. So, this poor dog was being really whammied. AND, she was approaching age 5, not, being the most healthy or strongest of IW, her system was more sluggish than a younger, more healthy dog, and, being a giant breed dog, she was even more affected with the aging process.

All of us crossed our fingers that she fell into situation #1 and not, situation #2.

The results came in on Monday July 28th, and, sadly, her thyroid was completely normal. 🙁 One Vet and, two Specialists confirmed that BHRR's Nessie fell into #2 and, that, while the antibiotics were trying their best to control the cellulitis infection, it could no longer completely resolve things this time around. The blood was pooling, and not being able to circulate properly, was a breeding ground of bacteria and, even, in trying to keep her leg/foot shaved and clean, for, when it would 'track' and 'ooze', it was never healing. We were in fact, slowly losing the battle and, the situation was getting worse.

AND, most incredibly through all of this, BHRR's Nessie was happy, no fever AT all, eating, and drinking, and, doing her wobbly bobbly trotting and, being so affectionate. AMAZED were all the Vets involved, which were now 7 on her team, that included two specialists.

As, I listened to all that was being said my way, I knew that I had to keep quality of life prevalent and, it is hard. I have known this IW since she was a young pup. We have spent thousands and thousands of hours and, money and time and love and effort trying to make her world 'right' and, in the end, we were going to lose her. I was frustrated. She had so many medical issues when she was surrendered and, the toll by then on her body, just could not be reversed. As she aged, (AND, to me 5 is middle-age, not old by any means for an IW), her body was having a harder time. 🙁

I had a tough decision to make and, as, I talked to the Vets, asked more questions and, got their own professional input, it echoed my own thoughts and fears. Stop the antibiotics, keep up with the Deramaxx and, love her for as long as we can. 🙁 🙁 The medications while not, healing her, were doing some good yet, were slowly losing efficacy and, being on the antibiotics for 16+ weeks, was more than long enough. They were causing her to have some diarrhea and, were going to begin to cause damage to her internal organ function.

So, we, plan on giving her day by day loving and, quality of life and, she went back to her perma-foster for a few weeks, for them to say their good-byes also(she had been back with me since March 2014 as, we worked to figure things out for her) and, then come home to me and, I would cross her over. BHRR's Nessie has been back with me since late last week and, I almost let her go on Monday yet, I wanted(selfish perhaps) some more time with her and, for her to be with all her doggie friends for a few more days.

She is schedule to be held in my loving arms and crossed over when I work tomorrow – Thursday August 21st, 2014. It will be one of the longest and, most agonizing days of my life. The BHRR's Nessie that I know and love is not as well as she once was, you can tell that now being off all antibiotics, that she does not feel as good and, is not as energetic or happy. She has spent yesterday and today, laying on her favourite spot on our hill(just as many others before her have done – BHRR's Maggie May for one) watching and, enjoying her friends. She was not as playful as before I sent her back to her perma-foster home yet, you can tell how much she loved being back with all her buds and, us…….

There were so many stories and updates on her blog that I never put in as, we had to go legal per threats made our way by two in-laws(MIL and sister of the MIL) of the real O. of her that signed her over to us, in the presence of a licensed Vet and, had been given options discounts plus payment plans for them to keep her and, were told to think about it and, they took several hours to do so – left the Hospital and, came back. They had made it clear the day she was admitted to KAH, that, they would put her to sleep this time if she had an obstruction, were expecting their first child and, BHRR offered to take her the next AM, when things were not improving for this lovely IW after a night on fluids and, the barium series the next am, showed that things were not motile like they should be.

Yet, while, I did not post a lot on her, throughout her time with BHRR, I took photo's and video and, will fill in more of her journey and amazing life in our Haven program once, my heart lessens in pain.

She would have made a great therapy dog….I am finding myself gasping with air, even typing this blog. 🙁 🙁 Having just let one of my blind/deaf Great Danes go on July 8th, there shall be another raw gaping would blown into my heart and soul tomorrow.

BHRR's Nessie – First four photo's are from May 13th, 2014 – I am the one holding her & next two are from July 15th, 2014
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Here are two photo's of BHRR's Zayna at our 7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser! She charmed the pants of so many! 🙂 Though, she is a poorly bred EM, she is uber beautiful to all that know and love her. She is quickly gaining many fans and, I think our own fawn with black mask RIP beloved EM Guinness would be happy to note that we took her into our BHRR Haven Program.

She is enjoying her Canine Massage and Acupuncture yet, we have not made it to Hydrotherapy as the specialists are in a debate as to whether this is in her best interest or not. She is fully integrated with all at BHRR and, does have some excitement issues that we are working on. 😉

The specialists are worried about the upcoming winter as to how hard it will be on her hind end and, I just said, we will take it one day at a time. We have dealt with severe HD in the past, and, look at dogs like our Lion King BHRR's Pumbaa, and, my own RIP Newfx Kona lived to almost 13, with severe HD(we were told she would not live to see 1). With proper management and keeping quality of life in the forefront, we will give BHRR's Zayna all that we can. She is another wonderful BHRR M&M! 🙂

She has been fully dewormed, is on monthly heartworm preventative and, thanks to the wonderful group that contacted us to assist her, she is already utd on vaccines plus has had a heartworm test done for 2014. We have also performed a fecal on her.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Zayna’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Zayna's Angels  $70.00* donated to date & Bills are $310.09
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Zayna with BHRR's Triumph & BHRR's Angel Noelle – July 13th, 2014
04 03


I have been counting all my blessings that it has been a cooler summer! It has literally kept BHRR's Porridge alive. Just this past weekend, we hosted our latest GD & Honorary GD "GIANT AT HEART' Walk/Hike and, who would have thought that BHRR's Porridge could also attend! I thought for sure that March would have been his last one.

Miracle dog!!! Absolutely a miracle dog! His Vet Team including specialists are mind bloggled. 🙂 YAY! He continues to go in for regular check-ups plus bloodwork.

I am not trying to look ahead too far for him, yet, I am sincerely hoping that he shall still be with us for our upcoming ANNUAL 'BHRR DINE WITH THE DOGS' Event at the end of September. So many, are coming in from out of town and province, and, I know that would want to be able to pass along in person their own best wishes plus say any 'good-byes' for, we will have to then start worrying about the extreme cold for him. This boy is now almost 6.5 years of age and, he was not even given 18 months to live when I first rescued him as a wee babe that fit into the palm of my hands.

Here are two photo's from the walk/hike on Sunday. If anyone wishes to join our over 260 member distribution walk/hike list, please do EMAIL. ONLY Responsible dog owners are permitted.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $965.50* donated to date & Bills are: $5,145.53
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again

BHRR's Porridge, JS, Oatmeal and Sir-Bounce A Lots with Sean/Kinsley & BHRR's Porridge & JS – August 17th, 2014
Walk20143 WalkAugust2014



BHRR's Comet aka JAWS is settling in well. She no longer wants to eat me or my family yet, strangers are a different story. She will be with us for a long time. We still have to be quite careful about how we take her collar and lead her.

She is used to intimidating and 'getting her way' and, it has been a learning journey for us to learn when she is possibly nervous and, is just being a bully. She is spirited for sure! She is also so affectionate and, loving and, so, like a few others we have had at BHRR over the many years, she does not give herself of herself 'half measure'. She is still a bit skinny yet, putting on the weight nice and easy…slow is what we want.

She wants to 'listen' when she wants to and her recall, literally sucks a lot of the time still. LOL Day by day…..

She is most likely around 11 months of age and, prior to any first heat and, I am working hard to get her 'ready' for a Vet visit as, I do not want to see her go into a heat. I do not believe she has been spayed yet, we will lightly sedate her and check her stomach closely.

She has been fully de-wormed and is on Revolution monthly. It was a bit of a 'trial' yet, I have managed to get the tips of her nails. Once, she is under a light sedation, I will get them right back.

Here are two photo's taken from today of this lovely girl. AND, she is lovely. She just is going through an extremely long rehab process as we re-program her so to speak.

Several have been asking if she is going to be made as available for adoption and, there is no way to know that at this time. In the wrong hands, she would be a ticking time bomb. Hands down. We will not see her set-up for failure and, are giving her the absolutely best in structure, routine, obedience, consistency etc., under a positive yet, firm leadership. This is WHY we are here as experts in this field. Dogs like her.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $25.00 & Bills To Date: $295.78
*Before PayPal fees

CometAugust192014 CometAugust19212014

BHRR's August per a blog post made on August 2nd, 2014 is ONLY the 7th dog that BHRR has been able to commit to assist in 2014 to date.

BHRR's August(~3.5 year old female DEAF Merlequin GD) – August 19th, 2014 on a trail walk today!
Settling in and making friends! NOT one moment of integration worry. She has been fully integrated with all and, though, she will come back to us humans for re-assurance, she is becoming more and more brave
and, she plus JAWS(BHRR's Comet) are fast becoming play buds and, she really wuvs BHRR's Moncton….She is crushing big time on him! Younger man and all!
AND, BHRR's Treasure really has the 'eyes' for her and, so, this is shaping up to be a soap opera(not that I watch them!) AND, BHRR's Mr. Potterman thinks that 'she' is all his yet, being the 'playa'
he is, he will lose interest over the next 24 hours or so! LOL
She is with my IW Bunker, my Oatmeal, my PPSS, BHRR's Bishop, BHRR's Angel Noelle, Lion King BHRR's Pumbaa and, our Mr. Bubbles(Cambridge) in this photo.
She is such a lovely dog. She is vocal as, many Danes can be and, she has a mind of her own and, if a dog puts their paw on her back, she will not hesitate to say 'stop.' Yet, she is not over the top. We are not witnessing any resourcing or animal aggression at all. She is neck deep in Gwennie's Bootcamp and, doing fabu!
Cannot wait for the honeymoon period to end!
She had a wonderful night and, is eating and, drinking well.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees



I got her!! Just leaving the shelter now!! What a gorgeous girl. Not so great with men at this time yet, warmed up fairly well with me.
Treats and treats! Snagged a photo in the car photo is below. 🙂
We are calling her BHRR's August and, the shelter is going to keep me in mind for a blind pup they have here that just came in.
She is a strong minded girl and gives the best head bumps of affection.
Then to work on the resourcing aggression issues to rehab her. She is a bit thin yet, nothing terrible.
Welcome to BHRR life beautiful girl.

UPDATE: August 18th, 9 PM
BHRR's August(Deaf 3.5 year old GD) – SHE IS HERE! August 18th, 2014
Sprung from the shelter!
She has her tongue sticking out in the photo – 'bye bye shelter she says!'
She traveled home well and, she is settling into her crate. She has had a small bite to eat and, is now 'telling me off'
We shall look closer at her eyes for they are really running, she is beginning a de-worming protocol, will get her revolution and, we will do bw for HWT etc. shortly. She is sore need of a nail trim and, we will take care of that also.
She is in fair body condition – a bit thin, smelly(not surprising), scared of men more than women and, armed with lots of treats, she has bonded so fast to me.
Her story: O. died and she went to the shelter in April. She was adopted out and then returned in June as the home said she was resourcing and aggressive, to other animals.
She went back to the shelter and, they contacted another organization that, waited 6 weeks before saying they could not take her, and, major kennel stress set in.
On August 2nd, BHRR was contacted to assist and, we had to wait to we had a spot and, she was able to come into BHRR today.
She has obedience in some ways yet, no manners or respect in others and, I am so looking forward to this journey! The shelter said that she always does well with the dogs in the play yard there yet, the home said, she did not like other pets at all. The previous home told the shelter that their Vet advised them to bring her back to the shelter. The shelter did not want to see her pts and, she is now here with us!
She has shown no reaction to any of the dogs' here for now and, the only reaction is fear to Sean. She has pretty much now accepted Mason from being, so scared of him when she first met him. They had the long drive home to get acquainted.
FOR anyone wishing to donate to her bills, we will take email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org and, as of tomorrow, we shall have a file set up at Kanata Animal Hospital under the name of 'August' (613) 836-2848 and, they will take CC over the phone and CC and cash in person.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees


Before I go to catch a few hours winks of rest, here is today's emotionally powerful message!
Seems so fitting as later today, I am 'springing' a Deaf GD that has been looking out from bars for over 8 weeks….
We were first contacted to assist her on August 2nd, and, having to have her wait those 16 days until we had a spot, was hard enough on me, yet, I can only imagine what it has looked to her through those bars, for all of those weeks….AND, she does not even know yet, that she has slept her last night behind those bars….
TONIGHT, she shall know the taste of Freedom! 😀
AND, she is as of yet, still nameless…the shelter was calling her 'Dana', yet BHRR can only ever have one BHRR's Dana….may, she RIP, that sweet dollface who loved the ice machine and, I will see her again one day…
Happy Monday to all of our friends, family and BHRR extended family!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘August’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s August's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are: $101.16
*Before PayPal fees


BHRR's Triumph just waking up from his de-twinkling(neuter) at Kanata Animal Hospital today. Was a busy day with him and BHRR's Kaden.
He is very sleepie still and not too happy with his Momma Gwennie! 😉
Once, he recovers from his neuter, and, puts on more weight, he will make his special announcement!
So overflowing with such joy for this boy and, how proud I am of him! He was wagging his tail for everyone at work today….pre de-twinkling that is. 😉
To date, he has put on almost 30 pounds since he arrived into Rescue and, the once terrified GD puppy, starved, beaten and found in an abandoned apartment shall, never ever ever have a life like that again…..
A great future awaits him.
The mark/bump on his front leg is of no big concern to the two Vets that took a much closer look at it today. YAY! His ear infections are clearing up as well!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $472.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,290.78
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen
Winner of an online Auction in July held by Anna


BHRR's Kaden – August 13th, 2014


On our way to KAH – he is helping me drive!  He is making sure that all traffic rules are being followed. 😉

Today's weight was 56.60 KGs(124.52 pounds) and, he should now stay around this weight for now. He is just beginning to look like he may lose that wonderful waist line. 
He was not thrilled by the bath today to prepare for our trip for his annual at KAH.  
He LOVED the car ride! Just loved! 😀
We gave him a light sedation to make it less stressful for him(he urinated as he was worried) and, as he only received a year set of vaccines in 2013, he was given his three year vaccines, had his yearly HWT done, given his monthly revolution, a wonderful nail trim while he was dopey(he is terrified to get them done and, so, I go very slowly) AND, had a very thorough exam done. A+++ for him! YAY!
He will need that patient and understanding loving home that shall continue building upon the strong foundations that we keep putting in place at BHRR!
He is so affectionate and loving plus playful to all those he loves and trusts.  
So many commented on how uber soft he is…truly, like velvet all over. 🙂

photo (2)

Today's wonderful 'feel good' mushy moment for today! 😀

A Gwennie Novel one!  😉

BHRR's Triumph, the emaciated and terrified GD puppy that had been beaten, starved and found in an abandoned apartment building finally had enough bravery and courage to do what he has been slowly working up for some time….sleeping out of his crate and, coming into the master bedroom to spend the night. 

Over the past couple of weeks, you could tell he wanted to stay in the master bedroom and sleep there yet, when it came time for bed, he would look at the bedroom and at his crate on the main area and back, at the bedroom and, when quietly, calmly and positively encouraged to come in, he would take one or two steps towards the bedroom but, then would scurry towards his crate and lay down in the corner. We have been leaving the crate door open for some time now and, he has proven 100% trustworthy in our home, and, so, we would tell him we loved him and to have a good sleepie and, that we would see him in the AM. We would passively ignore and, make no big deal out of his fear.

The last several nights, he would come into the bedroom, lay down on a Costco dog bed or Kuranda bed and, just as we would urn the lights off(we do leave a night light on), he would get up and walk to the door and, sit watching us. We would then open up the door and, tell him that we loved him and, to have a good sleepie and, we would see him in the AM. We could see how torn he was and, in the AM, more often than not, he would be laying on a dog bed right outside our bedroom….compliments most likely of HQD(BHRR's Salma).  

Well, guess what he did last night?!!! He was so brave and full of courage!!! He went into the bedroom in determination with HQD right by his side and, we just knew that this time, it would be a different experience for all of us that night……for HQD to 'give up *her* couch' for a night(yes, I am well aware that she gets on the couch at night when we are asleep…heck, she does it right in front of my face!  ) LOL – we knew, that this night would be super special. 

In preparation, I did have to make one 'change' to the schedule and, that was to haul HQD's bed in and, she had her special blankets already in her mouth dragging them alongside her. It only took me 10 minutes to 'figure' it out(stupid human I know) just exactly where HQD wanted HER bed set-up….sigh….  Just how does she 'put up with me?!' 

AND, we were right….inside we may have been filled with excitement yet, on the outside, the norm it was in routine and, as we shut off the lights, we heard a motion and, then, as we turned on the lights, we saw HQD had moved from her own pile of special HQD blankets and, was laying on a Kuranda bed with BHRR's Triumph and, had a blanket half on him. 

AS, I apparently interrupted her progress, I got the 'stare' (ONLY how HQD can give!) and, then she turned her back on me, got BHRR's Triumph all tucked in and, then tucked herself in and, lay next to him….

Soon, snores from her could be heard and yes, she may be royalty BUT she sure can saw those logs!  😉

Wish I had my phone with me as, I would have snapped a photo. Then again, maybe, I do not wish to have had it with me for HQD would be most displeased to have her beauty sleep affected! LOL

He slept the whole night and, only got me up around 5 AM to begin the day.  

Beaming over here!!! Beaming! AND, HQD BHRR's Salma can put me in her bootcamp ALL she wants for, that she is one amazing dog!! 
I wonder what tomorrow shall bring?! Love my life!

Happy rainy duck weather Tuesday from BHRR and HQD and BHRR's Triumph!

BHRR's wonderful 'feel good' mushy moment for today! 
BHRR's Moncton, the terrified, almost catatonic Newf Puppy FINALLY initiated a little play with me! It was a bit 'rough' about the edges and, heavy on the mouth yet, he did it!!! 
I think he surprised himself that he actually did it!  🙂 cheeky
I just about burst into tears and, yup, I did well up….  😉
He just bounced up to me, snagged at my pant leg and promptly ran into the opposite direction and, 'rip' went the pants…..so worth it! He then came back and, was play mouthing with my hands and, even play bowed once. He did some clumsy puppy, a bit dysplastic and, flat footed zoomies around me and, did a dead stop and started again and, in a blink of an eye he was off running in his crooked style…..
HQD was right by his side doing her wobbly bobbly trot to make sure he was 'ok' for, he is sometimes a risk to himself as he figures out those legs, co-ordination and, the freedom of being able to use his feet and legs at will. 
It may only have been a few moments yet, it was beautiful!!!  
Happy sunshine Monday from BHRR's Moncton and BHRR. 

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,124.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,458.93
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

BHRR's Bishop is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again. The home was quite honest from the beginning that they had been looking at adopting from several places and, we had scheduled a hv on the 18th and, today, we received an email, that they wish to not proceed. WISHING them all the best, and BHRR's Bishop's home and BHRR's Cherry's home(we were going to bring her also) is out there! 🙂 We remain patient.



BHRR's Bishop is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION. I shall be bringing BHRR's Cherry and possibly one other BHRR canine to the hv.
Will update as we can.

BHRR's Triumph News: He came to work with me and now weighs 40.8 KGs(89.76 pounds)! Since his arrival on June 28th, he has now put on almost 30 pounds!! While he is skinny, he is no longer emaciated. 🙂 When he first arrived, his waist was measured at barely over 13". I re-measured his waist last night and he is 23".
The Vet commented on how his tail just thumps and thumps in happiness! They also noted that he became a bit worried when our male Vet approached yet, was wanting to be loved after some reassurance. He is no longer terrified and catatonic. 🙂
The Vet also admired how much muscle development he was getting in his hind end and, how gorgeous his coat was feeling and looking. 🙂
He was healthy enough to have his vaccines and, we did ear cytology's on him and, he is on meds for a yeast infection that has been brewing. We are running more bw on him also.
He is scheduled for his neuter August 13th and, about two weeks after that, he should be ready to make his special announcement!
This boy is going to make a special home feel so lucky!! 🙂

I ended up bringing him today over August 11th(did a swap for appointments with my 10+ year old Cherokee), so, I could schedule his neuter for August 13th, 2014.

Some photo's below AND a very short video(my Iphone just stopped recording 🙁 )

VIDEO BHRR's Triumph August 7th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $462.00* donated to date & Bills are $876.56
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen
Winner of an online Auction in July held by Anna

BHRR's Triumph with our now adopted BHRR's Torque(July 13th, 2014) & BHRR's Triumph August 7th, 2014 for the last three photo's
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BHRR's Ethel was spayed on July 30th and, everything went well. When it came time to remove that tiny growth/lump that had been discovered on July 15th to be on the bottom of her foot, there was not trace to be found of it….all, feet were double checked and triple checked and, it is gone. If it were not for four staff and, a Vet that witnessed it already, with it being there on July 15th, all of us would have thought we were mad! There is no sign of it anywhere…..clearly gone and, no sign of whatever it was coming back either. No one was concerned about it, yet, the Vet that did her spay is wondering if it was not some tiny sliver that, resolved. I am happy that there is no worry about there being a 'bad bump/lump/growth!' Never bothered her either.

I had a detailed conversation with the Vet who did her spay and, her uterus was definitely one of having had puppies in her past. 🙁 🙁 There were spots/marks, healed lesions where tiny placenta's had attached to her uterus and, her uterus was stretched. WELL, no more babies for her, and, I knew when she first arrived, that it would have been shocking to believe that she had been already spayed….picked up in a first nation community, starved, almost blind, with very noticeable breeding signs on her.

YET, those days are long gone…no more babies for her and, she has been developing lots of muscle mass/tone and, she really is so full of personality!!! 🙂

Some photo's below!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $403.17 & Bills To Date: $1,824.90
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)
Sarah D – Bath Mat

First three photo's are from July 30th, 2014 & last photo is from August 7th, 2014

EthelJuly30th2 EthelJuly30th3
EthelJuly30th1 EthelAugust72014

I cannot believe that I have not as of yet, posted BHRR's Cherry's traditional XMAS Eve photo! 🙂 Full of character EVEN in her photo's!

We continue to be patient that her right matched forever loving home shall find her. While she is crate trained, she has full run of our master bedroom and ensuite while we are away from the home. The master bedroom is 240 square feet and the ensuite is 243 square feet.

She has put on even more weight since her annual and, we are finally at the stage of cutting her back a wee bit on the food! 🙂

BHRR's Cherry – December 24th, 2013
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BHRR's Leroy is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again! After being under a pending adoption for 8 weeks as of today, and, doing a home-visit on July 17th, all members of the BHRR BOD, plus the two approved BHRR Volunteers that came to do the home-visit, are all in unanimous agreement that, this home is not meant for BHRR's Leroy after all and, so, he is staying with us. This means, that he is once again available for adoption to that right matched forever loving home that is meant for him.

BHRR's Leroy needs to go to a home that is not going to be away from home a lot. He needs a home that understands that consistency, patience, understanding, routine, rules and, obedience are going to be required to keep him being the amazing dog he is. He is a dog that now has wonderful manners, does not exude severe SA behaviours, is calm and, comfortable, social and, affectionate to all his friends plus loved ones. A home that knows that behaviour is not changed, it is modified and managed is what is necessary for BHRR's Leroy for set-up for success.

BHRR needs to approve homes that are going to be honest with us right from the beginning of the adoption process that shall enable relationships to be built up of mutual trust, respect, open communication and, what is in the best interest of the dog and their home. We need homes that are going to listen to us as the experts on these dogs and, understand that, it is not 'I' and, a BHRR dog, it is a BOD plus the BHRR Village/Community and each BHRR dog. There were 6 of us involved in this possible adoption process and, we are not desperate to adopt our dogs, never have and, never shall be. Nor, are we about bringing them in and pumping them out. We are a CHAIN OF SUCCESS family, and, we shall continue to be that way. We do all that we can to work towards a successful new chapter being developed, and, in this case, I went out of pocket over $600 to do the travel time, use of gas, hotel rooms for myself plus one for the BHRR approved Volunteer that traveled with myself from the Ottawa area, we spent a whole afternoon plus into the early evening doing this hv and, will gladly do so again, to best determine if a home is meant for one of our BHRR dogs. We spare nothing for any of the dogs under our authority.

We believe that each r/q group operates in the best interest of the dogs under their authority and, doing r/q rescue right is not about winning any popularity contests, never has been and never will be. We can only hope that the right matched home meant for him, has not been missed out on with him being listed as 'unavailable for 2 months'. 🙁

Below are some photo's of him plus a Video – BHRR's Leroy VIDEO July 17th, 2014

First picture is from May 31st, 2014 & second is from the hotel in London, Ontario in the wee early hours of July 18th, 2014

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BHRR's Maverick, our TRUE IRONMAN says 'I am AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!' HE did it! HE did it! YES! YES! YES!
Look at those straight front legs now AND, he is no longer emaciated!

Thank you to ALL of his angels that stood by our side and his and, never once felt he was not as deserving as other dogs to have a great future! His rehab journey was over $13,000 and, that is why BHRR is here, to help those special needs dogs that, others cannot or will not and, we could not have done it alone!

BHRR's Mav, your village & community is so strong and, you are surrounded by SO much love and warmth and, it makes me well up with tears that, you are now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

His adoption announcement was delayed as this boy is accident prone! If it was not a stubbed toe, then, it was a cut he gave himself and, any right matched forever loving home meant for him is going to have to understand, that this boy's HUGE zest and joy of living makes him almost a risk to himself as he smashes and plunges his way through(and, I meant, he literally thinks he can go through) trees and brush and bushes! What a gooberhead!!!

Yet, we are finally here!

He can go to a home that works pt, ft, either at home or away from home, semi-retired, retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog! 🙂 He has proven to be good with cats(yet, integration is KEY!), great with other dogs(he has a mischievous side and, you have to be on him to be 'gentle'), great with people of all shapes, sizes and ages and, needs a home that will understand that 'out of his element', he needs a few moments to just warm up as he watches to make sure it is 'ok'. Once, he decides that all is safe and wonderful, head long into things he will go!

He is so affectionate! He makes typing on a keyboard a very difficult task at times! 😉 😀 Any right matched home has to be there to remind him of his manners for, he can get caught up in the moment of just 'losing his brain' in playing or being a goob, that he can forget himself.

A copy of all of his x-rays, will go to his right matched forever loving home, in addition to a copy of all of his Vet records. We believe in full disclosure. This boy can do stairs and runs and plays and romps and zips and zooms. My ONLY worry and, that of his specialist is if he were to get 'smashed' in the leg in play. That would be quite painful. Yet, that is a worry for any dog. He lives in a large multi dog home on three plus fenced in acres and, has never had a problem. His legs are so strong now.

He is crate trained and housebroken and, going to a Vet Hospital is not his most fav thing to do, understandably. Yet, I keep bringing him to work and, he keep having good experiences by nobody doing anything other than love to him and, he goes on small play dates where he is picked up and dropped off at the Hospital.

I am deeply humbled and honored to have been on this journey with this amazing dog! He really is a special gift!

First three photo's are from June 4th, 2014 and, last photo is from June 22nd, 2014 at our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in our newly renovated sunroom! 🙂

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IMG_3537 (Medium) Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 063

Here are two photo's complimentary of A. McCoy from our 7th Annual KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser on July 13th. She continues to just 'steal' the show with her personality and charm…the wee manipulator! LOL

In the second photo she is with BHRR's Triumph! 🙂 As you can see, both are rocking their obedience training at BHRR!

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UPDATE: BHRR's Moncton – July 30th, 2014

He is now 35.3 KGS(77.66 pounds) and, still uber skinny YET, the good news is that with the growth he has done since arriving to BHRR, the dental specialist that saw him on July 30th said that, his canine teeth no longer bang/close on each other…some slight rubbing yet, he will not require any extractions at the time of neuter! He was not overly concerned with his lower jaw and, will take a much closer look when under anesthetic.

The Vet thought he could feel the undescended testicle under the skin and, that is also good news!

We are still trying to figure out the feeding and putting on weight and, almost all matts are gone now(only some on his elbows yet, he is letting me do more and more with him). His coat is becoming so soft and healthy looking!

He is a very small male Newf, possibly X and, as always, to that right matched home, it is not going to matter!

BHRR's Moncton was also SOOOOOO much more brave this time around at the Vet and, taking treats more from folks and, though, he looked towards me for comfort and guidance, he did not even have to sedated this time around and, yes, his hind end is not the best….but, he is getting more muscle tone/mass and, that is greatly helping! He is no where near ready to try and do alternative therapies like Canine Water Wellness to help at this time. He has a long road ahead with his emotional rehab and building up strength before that happens.

He is so quiet and, sweet and LOVES to dig tunnels to China….LOL

Pneumonia is all cleared up, eye infections resolved, feet are lifting and, he will always be eastie/westie due to breeding. Papilloma virus resolved and, making slow yet, great progress forward!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $1,014.00* donated to date & Bills are $1,458.93
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph
7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser

Photo's are from July 30th @ KAH
July302 July303

Two of the lovely BHRR ladies taken August 1st, 2014!
BHRR's FREEDOM Dane BHRR's Gretta(Available For Adoption!) & the one and ONLY HQD(BHRR's Salma, one of our amazing M&M's – working on 10.5 years young).
August 1st, 2014
AND yes, on my one couch….sigh…. 😉 cheeky

One a side note, BHRR's Gretta is doing well from when she was hurt under another's care back in March. Thank you to all that brought it to our attention while we were away and, Sarah D. for bringing her into KAH for treatment!


Today, I was contacted about a ~3.5 year old Female DEAF GD, Merlequin. She has had two names that we are aware of to date 'Daisy' & 'Dana'. She will have a new name for a new beginning. O. died and she went to the shelter in April. She was adopted out and then returned in June as the home said she was resourcing and aggressive, to other animals.
She went back to the shelter and, they contacted another organization that, waited 6 weeks before saying they could not take her, and, major kennel stress set in.
On August 2nd, BHRR was contacted to assist and, we had to wait to we had a spot and, we committed to bringing her into BHRR August 18th, 2014. She is ONLY the 7th dog that BHRR has been able to assist in 2014. Here is the email in part:


Hi Gwen,
I was passed along your information from X at X.

We are seeking placement for a deaf Great Dane named “Dana”. Dana is also spayed, and has no known health concerns.

Dana is requiring an only pet home, as she can be “possessive” of her people. She was originally placed with other animals in the home, but needed to be returned due to some aggression. She is great with other dogs in the shelter, in our play yard and enjoys their company outside of her home.

I have been in contact with X for over 6 weeks, however, they only just informed me that they could not take her into their care.

Unfortunately, due to Dana’s length of stay, she is increasingly becoming anxious in the shelter. She is cautious of new people, but is getting worse. Dana is fantastic with all of our staff and very loving, she does the classic dane trick and likes to sit right on your lap.

She is fully house trained, quiet, and very snuggly.

Please let us know if you’d be able to help Dana.

Thank you for your time,


Dana1 Dana2


BHRR's Triumph is scheduled for August 11th for his Rabies and a re-weigh and, from there, we shall book his neuter and, shortly after that, he can make his own special announcement!

Below are two more photo's, courtesy of A. McCoy of him from our 7th Annual KAH/BHRR Fundraiser on July 13th, 2014!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $362.00* donated to date & Bills are $478.09
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen
Winner of an online Auction in July held by Anna

06 07BHRR's Triumph – July 13, 2014

BHRR's Kaden's annual has been rescheduled to August 13th @ 5:30 PM at KAH.

BHRR's Ethel VIDEO FROM TODAY – July 29th, 2014

A wee bit blurry as BHRR's Ethel wanted to be right on top of me! 😀 Yet, look at her now! NO longer emaciated! 🙂 She has put on 30+ pounds of muscle mass/weight and, shall be spayed on the 30th of July. She was to be spayed today yet, the Vet rescheduled it to tomorrow.
From there, in about 10-14 weeks time, she will have her own special announcement to make! We are also removing a tiny wee growth we found between her toes on her hind left foot and will send off to pathology if necessary. At this time, no one seems to be overly concerned about it and, we hope that remains that way! 🙂
Just love this prancing and happy grand dame! Lack of eye sight DOES not hold her back at all!!!! 🙂 🙂 She practically springs when she moves as she is so happy now. 🙂 AND, she has a nice shiny glossy coat.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $393.17 & Bills To Date: $1,316.02
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)
Sarah D – Bath Mat

photoBHRR's Ethel – July 29th, 2014

BHRR's Triumph was one of the four BHRR dogs that came to our 7th annual KAH/BHRR Fundraiser and, in only having had him 15 days, I was a bit unsure if he was 100% ready, my gut and, all he has shown me to date has indicated that he is and, so, I felt that if for any reason that day(I also knew that we were getting rain and the crowds would not be the same as our past years of non-rain  -yet, thanks to our amazing village, over $6,600 was raised that day!), I had the runs inside KAH for him to relax and rest if needed.

Well, I was proven so correct in that he BLEW this day out of the park! HE ROCKED it! He was outstanding! He was no longer that terrified dog that first arrived to BHRR only 15 days earlier. His waist had also gone from 13" to 21" as taking pictures of an emaciated brindle just do not turn out well.

He was a massive hit to all that met him and, yes, while he was keen to come to me each time that he saw me, he was quite comfortable to allow others to hold and walk him. I assigned one specific BHRR approved Volunteer to him for the day and, when they had to leave at 2 PM, he transitioned perfectly to his second doggie lover. 🙂 His leash manners are amazing now! Proud of him!

We will be investigating further and, doing surgery when he is neutered on that one front paw for the one theory is that there could be a beebee in there. As he continues to put on weight, we will become closer to neutering him. HE is such a good dog! AND, from there, be placed up for adoption. He is so calm and another 'old soul' and, having been starved, his one vice is some dog to dog resourcing(mild) when there is kibble dropped on the floor.  He s a small male and, to the right matched forever loving home, that shall not matter. 😉

His tail has gone from been so tucked up under his belly in fear to wagging and getting  higher and higher. His head is held taller, he looks more towards your face and, he gives the softest of sweet kisses. His coat is coming in so soft and gleaming and no longer coarse and dull. His feet are lifting beautifully on the Ester C and, he just continues to make my heart thud with joy! 🙂

Below are some photo's of him from July 12th(you can see how skinny he still is if you look at his waist area) and on July 13th. I have so many awesome photo's of him!

Second photo is courtesy of A. McCoy! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $335.00* donated to date & Bills are $478.09
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen

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Photo taken, wee hours of the AM July 18th at the amazing Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre Best Western Plus in London, ON, where thanks to Tracy 's amazing recommendation – had a great few hours rest before pushing home from London!
BHRR's Leroy is moving to an ADOPTED STATUS and, he shall go to his new home in August 2014.
I will get a family photo of him then to post!
This was a very packed 24+ hours! Thank you to Margaret Aris for roadtripping with me, thank you to Lindsay Barbosa for meeting us in London to do this HV, thank you to the home for spending the afternoon with us, once we found your home , thank you to Kathy Rader-Cahill and Terry, Jacob and Tracy for hosting Margaret and I, the evening of the 17th with an incredible dinner plus dessert and, the great visit!
Thank you again Tracy for this fabu recommendation of a place to stay as Joyce at their reception, was so absolutely kind to me and my dogs. BHRR's Leroy had a great trip as, did my Oatmeal and, the weather was fantastic to drive in over the last 24+ hours!
BHRR's Leroy and Oatmeal rocked the trip and the hotel experience! We even had our own small courtyard to share with a few other rooms. WHAT a lovely trip!!! 🙂


BHRR's Ethel's spay has been scheduled for July 29th. About 10 days after that, she shall have a special announcement to make.

BHRR's Moncton shall see our dental expert at KAH on July 30th. They are on vacation up to then. I have figured out part of the reason why 'kibble' has not been eaten so well. He seemed to have no clue what kibble was. I went from softening up some kibble with wet canned food and then, some water to now gradually transitioning to just kibble and, though, he eats slowly, he is eating and putting on weight as we had to put a whole new collar on him. 🙂

We shall see what the Vet says about those canines and, if he should have any extractions and, how his lower jaw appears to be to him.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $829.00* donated to date & Bills are $979.87
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph

BHRR's Kaden's annual is on July 23rd!

BHRR's Ethel is at KAH with me today!
AND, her new weight is now 41.1 KGS(90.42 pounds). She was first rescued at barely 64 pounds and, this means that she has put on OVER 26.42 pounds since she arrived to us on April 27th, 2014! She still has about 10 pounds to go yet, THUMBS up Ethel!
We did her pre-surgical bw for her spay(we cannot find a spay incision to confirm already spayed), she got her latest revolution dose, had a mani/pedicure(ROCKED it), and, a very small growth was found between the toes of her back left foot. When she is spayed – scheduled for July 29th, we will remove it and send off to pathology if needed. The Vet looked at her eyes again and, she has limited menace capabilities and PRA is still the diagnosis for her almost complete blindness.
She also co-operated and, a current fecal shall be run.
She has blown through her touch and scent training and the flicking on and off the lights to come inside has been picked up like a pro for her.
The hard thing for me is to get updated photo's of her…she is so affectionate now and, likes to be really close to 'see' and feel you.
I will try again at the Hospital.
The Vet loved how nice and glossy and shiny her coat has become and though,. she still has some small dandruff here and there, her coat has really has made a beautiful turn!
After she recovers from her spay, she shall have her own special announcement to make! This gal was a MASSIVE hit at our June BHRR "EXPERIENCE' mini open house. 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $293.17 & Bills To Date: $1,316.02
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)
Sarah D – Bath Mat

Testimonial from BHRR Approved Volunteer Bruce J. Moquin:

BHRR Flint… An amazing puppy…

Honored as I am to write a testimonial on this Neo, whose primary job and role in life is to love everybody.  He does it so well. I begin to think back to the stories of where I have met this "cool dude" of the dog world.

I think back to late last year, where I was fortunate enough to watch Flint. We walked around Pet Valu, we walked around the parking lot. The entire time people stopped me, asked me if they could pet this wonderful dog. Flint's response was nothing but acceptance and encouragement.

The next time, I met this puppy was when I was helping to look after the BHRR clan while Gwen and family left on holiday in March. Flint was again there waiting for his turn, offering nothing but acceptance and an ear to scratch.  Then I heard that Flint had been adopted and a little piece of my heart broke, but I was super happy for him. Knowing that he was with his forever home. An amazing story for an amazing dog! What happens next – well you know!

In knowing that BHRR's Flint is coming to the microchip clinic, the entire trip from Casselman to Kanata, I was reminded with his recent experiences don't be surprised is a Flint is a little apprehensive to you. Understandably, however when he exits the car, and sees me he comes running towards me. Again that connection is made where a Flint offers nothing but acceptance and encouragement. 

How many puppies can say they have the ability to change someone's schedule just because they have a date in their calendar? If I arrive at the movie night first, perhaps I will be lucky enough to have BHRR as my "date" for the movies. I know Flint will offer up nothing but acceptance, love and that amazing ear for scratching…

BHRR Flint is an Neo , who has the ability to stop people on the street and offer his wonderful ear for scratching, and is ready for his forever home. 

BHRR's Flint – July 13th with Bruce at KAH/BHRR's Annual Event

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BHRR's Flint had a great time at our 7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser! Despite the rain that poured for 5 out of our 8 hour event(the first time ever, we had rain), over $6,500 was raised for the animals' of BHRR!

From the moment he arrived, he was snatched up by approved Adopters/Volunteers who also ran the PV Stittsville Tent(Dog Cooling and Treat Station plus our blow art tats and memory paws) and, he hung out there for the whole day. He was in Bre's hands and Bruce's hands and, did amazing! Like there was any doubt. 😉

I have asked for more testomonials to add to BHRR's Flint's blog. Below are some photo's of his WOW day! He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! Photo's below are from Ashley of AMB Photography with the third photo being compliments of B. Jacklin.

In the last photo, he is reunited with the same little boy that had his photo taken with him at the THANKS FOR GIVING Event that PV Stittsville hosted last fall. 🙂 Friends for life! 🙂

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Tomorrow, he has his special picnic date! Busy boy! When you are this social, you are in high demand. LOL On August 30th, should he not be adopted by then, he will be attending as one of our BHRR guests to the 3th annual movie in the park event in Ottawa, Ontario hosted by the Hintonburg Community Association and Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg. Each year, up to 25 of us get together, bring dogs, chairs, snacks and, watch a movie in the park. 🙂 I am told that he is being fought over by several to be 'their' special date. 😀 This event usually sees hundreds of responsible dog owners gather for a great evening under the stars.

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HAPPENING TODAY! Sunday July 13th!!! DO not forget mark your calendars!!! 🙂 RAIN OR SHINE!!!

BHRR ONLY hosts 4 planned Fundraisers a year. This is our 2nd one of 2014.
We know and accept that for the first time ever, that we shall be seeing some showers in 2014. BOO! 🙁
AND, we are prepared for the weather to make your day a blast! 🙂

AND Microchips, Nails per our protocol plus the Silent Auction & BOW WOW Butchers shall be inside the Hospital.
We have 8 tents with a spare on hand to keep everyone dry for ALL the outside activities! 🙂

Microchips for cats/dogs & Nails for cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits etc! 🙂

Rogers Community Cruiser shall be in attendance 9:30 – 11:30 AM with complimentary coffee/timbits

Dr. Amy Jewiss shall be present from 10 AM – 2 PM to discuss acupuncture and other services she now offers at Kanata Animal Hospital

Daryl of BOW WOW Butchers WILL also be in attendance!

Facebook 'PRE-EVENT' Mini Auction – 7 For 7! – AUCTION ENDED JULY 12th AT 12 NOON EST!

FaceBook Online Auction Album can be found HERE
There are 7 items(in honor of this being our 7th YEAR hosting this one of a kind Fundraiser) AND, shall be hosted for 7 days, that shall be available for bidding as of Saturday July 5th!
*The BHRR Auction will begin at 6:00 AM EST on Saturday July 5th, 2014. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
*The BHRR Auction will end at NOON(12) PM EST on Saturday July 12th, 2014.
*All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
*Bids must be done in $2.00 or Greater increments.
*S&H is available on all but one Item – Item #3
Any questions, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org or call (613) 725-4279

FINAL (Medium)

SO, I have the Blue Great Dane Female now in my care. She is almost certainly(always that chance she is not!) a single breed very small Blue Great Dane, young ~ 1, a pretty young thing and, has terrible leash manners A bit skinny. Not too bad. AND, has serious human aggression fear issues right now.
In 26 years in these trenches, I have never had a hand-over as strained/stressful as hers was. 🙁 THANK you so much to the person I met on the transport for their help in moving her to my vehicle! 🙂 I always like to see the person who has the dog, do the handling as, the dog has been with them for that leg of their journey. 🙂
I had one that came close….yet, she is top of my list. The poor thing. I handle a LOT aggressive dogs via BHRR and my Client base.
I have a VIDEO below of her that Kinsley took not long after arrival…she really is strong and pulls and yanks and, is a very dominant girl. In the video, I had to pull her back, twice quite firmly as, she was yanking both leashes right through my hands/fingers.
It took almost 40 minutes to get her moved to my vehicle and, even, then, she did not want me in the car. We had to tethered her quite snugly.
I asked the transporter how was she on the rest of her legs to meet me for I had not received any updates and, as there were other dogs with her, she was fine. She was NOT fine when we met the transport. She was lunging with serious intent to cause harm, growling, barking and, at the same, time, she was not backing down with strong eye contact and full frontal presentation. She would take treats if tossed her way and, leashes really set her off.
It was an uneventful drive home……….
AND, with much calm patience, I was able to get her out of the car upon arrival home, YET, thank goodness it is my standard protocol to double leash each dog for she was not wearing a martingale upon transport and, the quick release buckle snapped with her pulling outside the car.
With more time and, continued patience and, understanding, I was able to get the quick release back on her and, into the house and, she is settling well into a crate for now.
She has shown equal aggression to Sean and Kinsley. She has been fairly 'fine' with Mason. He came on the transport with me.

She has time to chill and relax and settle in now. How dogs are in shelters/pounds and, even on transports is not necessarily how they are going to be 'normally'.

She is no wall flower that is for sure!!

We will put together the best rehab program for her to set her up for success and once, the honeymoon period is over, we will see the 'real' her…..

She is deserving of having this great opportunity of a future and, we are going to give her all our best.

BHRR's Comet VIDEO July 12th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $0.00 & Bills To Date: $65.00
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Kaden is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! I was hoping to have him put up earlier, yet, it has been so hard to get any good photo's of him. The camera really makes him uncomfortable. 🙁

Like BHRR's Canvas, he will have a transitional adoption and, so prefer a home no more than 2.5 hours away from us. He will do best in a quiet home, a home that has a right matched personality fit dog in the home would be great for him, a patient, understanding home that shall continue to make him be the best dog he can be.

A home that works full time or part time or semi retired, works from home, or is retired ARE all acceptable possibilities. A home that is not going to try and make him into a social butterfly or plunk him in the middle of a dog park is what we are looking for. TO all that he knows and loves, he is so affectionate(Gosh, he can almost push you over with one of those amazing GD leans he has!). The way he looks at you with those eyes of his when he trusts you…..it is humbling…extremely.

He cannot be pushed or forced to do anything. This will set him back immensely and, we have worked far too long and hard, for his best interest to see any home treat him that way. Showing him boundaries, is one thing, pushing them slightly is another…crossing them, is unacceptable.

He is to be passively ignored when strangers are around, not unconsciously enabling him. IF you are quiet and calm and comfortable, so shall he be. When he let you into his world and heart, he is giving you the most precious gift of all and, it is not to be abused.

He will NOT go to a home that is not prepared to really read his blogs and, listen to what is in his best interest or to us as the experts on him. I would rather him stay as part of BHRR, living a grand life with his friends, human and canine, then ever see him go to a home that 'thinks they know better' and, destroys him'. He is so sensitive and soft and, remains one of the most incredibly softest of dogs that so many have ever touched and loved on. 🙂

He is 100% housebroken, still has a HUGE fetish for pillows LOL – so, I pick up mine very AM and, has proven 100% trustworthy outside of a crate for up to 4 hours at a time. He prefers to lay in an open crate at night or a Costco Dog bed or a Kuranda bed in our master bedroom. He is a creature of habit and, does not handle change well. To get him to want to be in different crates, open or closed, was a very difficult transition for him.

He has passed on to BHRR;s Angel Noelle the pillow fetish – oh yay! 😉

I still put him in a crate closed sometimes at night or when we are out – 4 hours or less still, just to keep him comfortable for as, many know, that I say so often, if more dogs were taught to feel comfortable in a crate – it makes life when they have to go to a Vet Hospital or if, they need to be on crate rest at home(injury, sick, post-op) go much easier. So much less stressful.

A home that has older children are fine – 12+

He is still so worried about seeing Vets and, doing nails is a very patience thing for him…..BUT, your patience is well rewarded!

BHRR's Kaden – July 10th, 2014 OTHER than the photo with Mason which is from March 20th, 2014

Here is a Video from March 20th, 2014 of him also! 🙂 VIDEO OF BHRR's KADEN MARCH 20th, 2014

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Today, has been a very emotional day for a number of reasons yet, I wanted to share a good and, in fact, great emotional moment with all….

This AM while laying in bed surrounded by such amazing therapy puppy loving, I look down and I see BHRR's Moncton standing quietly by the bed.

I reach down ever so careful with a hand and, he nudged it! This terrified and scared boy for the first time since he has arrived to BHRR, actually initiated physical contact and, actively sought it out……HUGE! Massive step forward…..
Inside I was jumping up and down in happiness plus excitement, outside I was casual and, calm and hoped my hand was not shaking too much.
When he had enough, he looked towards me(it shall be a long time before this poor boy will ever feel comfortable looking at the face, let alone eyes of someone ) – he has been that traumatized. One day, I hope he learns that when he gazes into the eyes of a loved one, that loved one will NEVER interpret it as dominance or challenging behaviour. Not all dogs who look upon their owners are staring and being dom…
AND overlooking the whole interaction was HQD and, I think – and, it could just be a trick of the light or my imagination – yet, I think I got a sign of rare approval from her!! LOL
I think she came with him for moral support for she walked right by his side as he came into the master bedroom and she, walked right by his side as he left…..
She is a real special miracle 10 year old Dogo!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $819.00* donated to date & Bills are $979.87
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
Dirty Dawg Wash – Split between him, BHRR's Zayna & BHRR's Triumph

On July 8th, the following details were sent my way and, I asked for some more photo's as I did not see any German Shorthaired Pointer and, when I received the side photo's, I very much suspect a possible single breed blue GD. We committed to assisting and transport was arranged for Saturday July 12th, 2014. She is the 6th Dog that we have helped in 2014. We are helping her in honor of losing one of my own on July 8th…RIP my Bleach(one of my blind and deaf Great Danes) – September 12, 2010 – July 8th, 2014

***IN NEED OF RESCUE*** Deadline Friday

German Shorthaired Pointer X Great Dane
1-2 years old
Found stray
OK with other dogs/playful
Fearful with strangers
Pulls a bit on leash
Fussy with food
Fearful/Unsure with physical manipulation

This dog can only be released to a rescue.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Comet’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Comet's Angels Donations to Date: $0.00 & Bills To Date: $65.00
*Before PayPal fees


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I CANNOT believe that I have not added BHRR's Bishops' Christmas Eve Photo's as part of our annual traditional fun at BHRR! OH my! 🙁

Men in hats can make him nervous at times yet, once the hat comes off, and, one passively ignores, he is such an affectionate love bug. 🙂

We remain patient that his right matched forever loving home shall find him. 🙂

BHRR's Bishop December 24th, 2013

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Two Photo's of BHRR's Bloom at our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' mini open house on June 22nd, 2014! All of us remain patient that her right matched forever loving home shall find her…..

Photo's are courtesy of S. Dowler. 🙂

Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 026 Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 027

BHRR's Ethel is scheduled for a re-weigh(CANNOT wait), a recheck including eyes, obtain her rabies(now that she is not emaciated) and, from there – hopefully to schedule her spay – on July 9th.

She was a HUGE HUGE HUGE fav at our June BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House. So many said that if they could take one dog home, it would be her. 🙂 She is a cranky ol' spry, likes to almost prance and bounce grand dame! 😀 Still think she is no more than age 5 with her energy level, teeth and overall conformation. 🙂

She is 100% housebroken and, no longer goes into a crate when we leave or at night. She likes to sleep in an open crate yet, has proven 100% trustworthy in our home.

She and HQD have an understanding….it is so funny! One climbs up on one couch and, the other, tries to climb up on the other. AND, I spend my time telling them about the 'no couch' rules! 😉

The only thing I am looking for her right now are pillows and fuzzy/soft bath mats with the good underside that 'sticks' for her balance. Please do let me know if you may have any to spare/donate her way. :)

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $233.17 & Bills To Date: $989.07
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)
Sarah D – Bath Mat

Remember this once terrified – head down, tail tucked, terrified(remember the video's of him cowering under a desk while at the shelter?! ) emaciated Great Dane that only weighed barely 96 pounds?!!!
LOOK at him now!!! No longer emaciated! Head up, relaxed, curious and, he does the best windmill of tail wags!
**He needs a quiet home, and, one that shall continue to keep building upon the strong foundation laid at BHRR.
This was taken at KAH on Friday June 27th, 2014!

BHRR's Canvas now weighs 55.1 KGs! 🙂 He did so well at the Vet. He was very brave and proud of him!!!! Below are some photo's of him! Heart and lungs are great and, the Vet LOVED how far he has come in rehab, both emotionally and physically. We work to keep making him the best dog he can be.

He received so many compliments on his glossy coat, tons of muscle mass and, how handsome he is. 🙂 He was not comfortable enough to take any treats from folks, yet, he was no longer that catatonic dog that first arrived to BHRR.

I ended up not bringing him to the hv as, I needed to see how BHRR's Groves did on his own as he, would be the only dog in the home. BHRR's Canvas got to hang out at KAH while we were off doing the home-visit.

BHRR's Canvas – June 27th, 2014

CanvasJune272014 photo 4


It was so nice to note that it went from half an hour to get him out of Arielle's car and into Cindy's car for the transport to coming out so much more readily when he arrived to KAH. I know it took 15 minutes to even get him out of the pound to begin the transport, he was so scared. He is doing well. Baby steps and his low and uncertain tail wags will become more frequent and higher with confidence. Thank you for being one of his rescue angels again!!!

Blood-work is shockingly normal (YAY!) and eating up to 8 small meals a day and, all those wounds are scabbed over except for one(there may be something in there – beebee perhaps…investigating further), drinking, being de-wormed, starting to play and, becoming very affectionate.

He likes to do a 'goat impression' by standing on my coffee table! cheeky

The Vet says that his heart and lungs are great! He is already lifting up on those pasterns and the flat feet are a smidge better. He is very eastie westie.

He weighed 39.90(70.18 pounds) on Saturday. He is about 15 kgs(33 pounds underweight) at least……

Thank to all the ANGELS stepping up to help us help him!!!


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $325.00* donated to date & Bills are $478.09
*Before PayPal fees
Alex & Karen



I pretty much knew heading into this home-visit that we would not do an adoption. Lovely home yet, I felt they needed an older and smaller GD, female or a much smaller male.

The home thought BHRR's Treasure was big and, for a male, he is not as large as many out there. 🙂 This home-visit was used as an education and q&a and, they could see just how 'big' he was in their home(another reason, that if a GD is what they want, they should consider a smaller male or even a female and one, that is a 'starter' kind of GD) and, how many bags it can take to pick up GD poop! 😀 We stayed for 1 hour and 15 minutes and, they got hands on exposure to an actual GD and, could really experience the Dane lean, the Dane sit, the 'in your face, cannot walk a straight line, no interpersonal space' Giant that Great Danes can be.

The home had wanted a male GD(Mr. did, Mrs. wanted a female) and, as a home that had never owned a dog before themselves, BHRR's Treasure is not that right matched fit dog. They also did not want a 'freaky.crazy colour' (their words)- so, wanted black or fawn preferably. They seemed more suited to a dog that loves to be around as opposed to being on top of you or following your every move. Though, they said one of their cats very much keeps their eye on them and follows them from room to room! 🙂

The suggestion was made to keep being patient, they were approved to adopt a bonded pair of Great Danes from another group yet, one fell ill. I passed along my professional opinion that I have no knowledge of the size of the two Great Danes they had been looking at, and, they could be small males. Each group out there has the processes and procedures they do that they believe to be in the best interest of the animals' under their authority. We are not an expert on the other groups out there nor are we an expert of the Danes' in other organizations' care.

I offered, if they would like, to bring more Danes over for them to visit and get to have more hands on with to help them best determine if a Great Dane is meant for them. I offered to bring over BHRR's Cherry and BHRR's Hailey – both are excellent with cats, are great 'starter' Great Danes and, solid temperaments, with BHRR's Hailey also being older and quite calm. I have always stated that I do not care if a dog is adopted from BHRR for as long, as a dog is adopted from a r/q Rescue program, I am in support for that will open up a spot in said program for another dog in need!

They need a calm, quieter personality than BHRR's Treasures' huge zest for life and, puppylike antics. 🙂

Wishing the home all the very best and, BHRR's Treasure, your right matched home is out there!

UPDATE 10:30 AM: BHRR's Triumph, the GD that had been beaten, starved and abandoned in an apartment is NOW on his way! Will update as we can. I have him scheduled to have a Vet appointment at work with me later today, right after he arrives……

UPDATE 2:07 PM: UPDATE: I got him! I would say that he is barely 7-9 months of age, not the 1-2 years originally thought….poor guy…has lots of scabs and, flat footed, splayed feet from severe malnutrition and so so so terrified.

No pictures could ever be captured to show just how emaciated he is…. I will take waist measurements and, as he rehabs, take new waist measurements as he fills out.

Thank you to ALL involved for helping to get him closer to me and, I am now off work at KAH and just waiting for my appointment with him for 2:30 PM. With him being beaten and starved, it was imperative that he see a Vet ASAP.


(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $125.00* donated to date & Bills are $478.09
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Triumph – Enroute to KAH!

1527103_684492364950931_1852811444181897077_n 10509609_684498498283651_8135496616737312196_n

BHRR's Groves – ADOPTED June 27th, 2014
Prior to our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House, this home had contacted myself inquiring about BHRR's Groves and, how they have been reading about him after falling in love with his beautiful eyes a few weeks prior.
We invited them to our June 22nd, event and, they had the opportunity to visit with us, other BHRR Approved Volunteers plus Supporters and, to witness first hand what is done at BHRR AND, of course, VISIT with BHRR's Groves!
This boy is VERY VERY VERY special to so many of us and, named in wonderful honorable memory of an incredible lady ' Debbie Groves' and, she saved him after she had passed away….his amazing story is on his blog – read from the bottom up!
YUP! A few tears welled up over this right matched forever loving home adoption!

BHRR's Groovy Groves with Kinsley June 27th, 2014 @ KAH & With His new forever adoptive Mom below Kinsley/Groves photos.

June271 photo 3
photo 1 photo 2

BHRR's Canvas has his annual scheduled for later today and, I cannot wait to find out what his current weight is, how he does back at the Vet Hospital and, he shall be heading with me to help with a hv later on also.

I am also working on lining up a possible temp foster – extended play date for up to 2 weeks – for him. 🙂 This will be so GOOD for him. 🙂

We remain patient that the right matched calm and quiet home shall find him. He is an absolute riot and goofball to all he knows and loves and, that windmill tail of his is awesome!!! 🙂 He will never be a dog meant to be thrown into the wilds of a busy social life, either in or out of a home. Yet, I also do not want to see all the hard work done at BHRR thrown out by someone wanting to adopt him and, then keeping him 'hidden' from the world. NO glass bubbles! 😉

Happy balance is needed.

BHRR's Treasure's home-visit for a possible approved adoption has been scheduled for Sunday June 29th. We will also be bringing along BHRR's Dyson. We shall be updating his blog as we can.

BHRR's Groves home visit for his possible pending adoption has been scheduled for today. We shall update his blog as we can.

This shall be ONLY the 5th dog that BHRR has been so fortunate to have been able to assist so far in 2014.

This is a Brindle(onyx) GD, male, about 1+, the O. moved and he was left in the apartment, emaciated, fearful, was beaten by O. and, fed cat food, so scared will not even walk on leash, really not doing well in shelter….
BHRR was contacted to assist and, the rest shall be history…..

We are naming him 'BHRR's Triumph' for, he shall *triumph and be triumphant* above and over all that someone has cruelly done to him with such terrible abuse plus neglect.

In this photo, he looks extremely flat footed. Ester C and proper nutrition will greatly aid that along with the correct exercise plus vetting procedures we shall implement at BHRR.

ETA to BHRR June 28th, 2014

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Triumph’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Triumph's Angels  $115.00* donated to date & Bills are $65.00
*Before PayPal fees




BHRR's Groves is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall update his blog as we can.

BHRR's Leroy's Home-Visit has been scheduled for July 17th. 🙂

BHRR`s Moncton had good first BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House on Sunday. He came out of his open crate a few times and, in just gently reminding our almost 40 guests per their inf. package, to just passively ignore, he treated everyone to his presence. 🙂 

He is still very mouthy with some of the other dogs and with me, yet, he is learning 'gentle' and, last night, he slept out of his crate for the first time. He kept wanting to get on my bed, and, that is a no-no. 😉 

He is eating softened kibble with wet right now, and, drinking well and, quite playful with his friends. 

BHRR remains extremely grateful for the support towards his cause He has a long way to go yet, what a great potential dog so deserving! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $519.00* donated to date & Bills are $890.76
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.
BHRR's 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House


BHRR's Zayna! Our newest M&M has arrived! She is a 17 month old Palliative English Mastiff
Thanks to Jane Smith, Tamee Osher-Diamonds, their Volunteers plus BHRR's Rachel Ng for helping to get her safely to BHRR!!!
She is settling in well and, definitely has a mind of her own!
Thank you as well for the donations of blankets etc. for BHRR Jane & Tamee!
***Photo courtesy of Rachel Ng!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Zayna’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Zayna's Angels  $0.00* donated to date & Bills are $
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Zayna – June 22nd, 2014

BHRR's Flint had an AMAZING BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House on June 22nd, 2014! He was always the first at the gate, sitting waiting for all the 'fresh meat' to arrive! 😉 He was a HUGE and, I mean HUGE hit to all 40+ folks that were in attendance. He was everything that I know he is and, what others know he is also! Just beaming over here! He was so well mannered and, a perfect gentleman.

We continue to bring him out everywhere so, that more and more people get to see and be witness to the 'real' him and, that us taking him back from this failed adoption was not any fault of his. This dog is not fear aggressive AT all. He does not have a mean bone in his body.

Below are some photo's from the BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open house compliments of S. Dowler.

He shall be coming to our upcoming 7th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser at Kanata Animal Hospital on July 13th, 2014. BHRR's Angel Noelle, BHRR's Zayna and BHRR's Triump shall also be in attendance. He will be left in the hands of three separate BHRR approved Volunteers throughout the 8 hours as additional documentation of how amazing he is. That we would trust him in our home with 40+ folks, many that he has never met and, then also bring him to what has become Canada's Largest Microchip Event is saying something so important about how trustworthy, fabu extreme and solid this boy is. 🙂

AND, his seroma was healing yet, still visible to all of our attendees.

BHRR's Flint & BHRR's Flint with friends including human friend Rachel at our BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – June 22nd, 2014

Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 033 Brynmoor and BHRR 2014 048

1) He has ortho issues – possibly a combination of genetic and neglect(poor nutrition, lack of proper exercise and Vet care)
2) He is collapsed in the pasterns and flat footed, bad hips, eastie westie, swollen legs/feet
3) He is battling pneumonia
4) He has the papilloma virus
5) He is inguinal cryptoid
6) Skinny
7) Full of matts
8) Possible Jaw Concern – Abuse? Genetics? Other Trauma?
9) Scared and depressed

UPDATE: BHRR's Moncton's in-house bw was normal, temp was 39.1(so no more fever! YAY!), he was microchipped, heart sounds normal, lungs are doing great on the Doxy for the pneumonia.

I shaved the hair between his toes and underneath his feet after s
edation and we could then see how raw the areas are from being licked. Food allergies? Seasonal? Boredom? Stress? Poor Grooming maintenance? We shall work on figuring things out as we go.

I did his nails and, got them nice and short. I took off some more surface matts on him and, will schedule a good grooming session for him as he becomes less stressed. The dry skin and, lots of dirt and, ickies that came off the areas I did on his elbows. Today, I was able to bathe him from his neck to his rump and slightly down his legs with some oatmeal based shampoo. More as he settles in.

The Vet watched him gait prior to sedation and his hips and gait is really wonky. It is too early to do proper x-rays on his hind end to determine a lot but, under sedation, his Vet got a great look at manipulating his hips and joints and no crepitus noted at this time.

With his collapsed pasterns, flat feet etc. the Ester C should help greatly. With good nutrition, proper vet care and exercise, we should see marked improvement yet, he is a victim to bad genetics(breeding), and sadly, neglected/abused.

His jaw plus teeth had a thorough exam also under sedation and, he has his upper two canines bumping his bottom two canines and, the Vet that is the Hospital pro will also exam him and quite possible, he may need two extractions. The Vet really did a lot of manipulation on his jaw and, it is not quite normal and, they will defer to the expertise of the resident dental pro at KAH.

His eyes are good, no ectropion noted and, the infections are clearly up! 🙂

He has a small growth on his muzzle – closer to his nose area and, that will be taken care of also.

Hope that the second testicle is right under the skin and not up in his abdomen. 🙁

I think that is it for this update…..

AND, thank you SOOOOOOO much to Cynthia, Geoffrey and Heather for donating to his Vet Bills to date!!! Thank you! BHRR's Moncton thanks you also!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $95.00* donated to date & Bills are
*Before PayPal fees
Heather H.

BHRR's Moncton – June 19th, 2014
{2E206013-C41C-45FA-82E2-255D70D3B26E} (Medium) {BE88C04A-7255-4DB9-8BE0-DD47E62FE081} (Medium) photo 3 photo

I am going to begin to add some of the testimonials sent my way on this incredible Neo. I am also going to post the three photo's that our approved Volunteer Rachel took on May 28th, 2014, when she picked him up and before, we met. I am looking forward to our upcoming BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House so, that another 40+ people can interact with him, either again or for the very first time and, obtain even more testimonials. It is so important for people to understand just who this boy actually is and, any dog at BHRR is like for that matter. Full disclosure, so important and, for people to know that none of that adoption failure is BHRR's Flint's fault…..none….

#1 Bre & Andrew Jacklin(BHRR Approved Adopters/Volunteers):
"No words can express how we feel about BHRR's Flint. I first met Flint shortly after his arrival at BHRR, he was a sweet boy, my little elephant!! Flint was quick to fall asleep in my lap  and stole my heart after lying with him for an hour or so. During that day he won over all who met him including children, adults and seniors everyone just couldn't get enough cuddles! Flint even let my 3 year old son walk him around and posed for a professional picture with him!

My husband and I recently had the opportunity to watch over and help with feedings for all the dogs at BHRR while the Boer's family was vacationing. We got to spend 10 days with Flint and fell even more in live with him! Every night we left my husband would try and convince me that we needed to adopt him and if it weren't for our current situation I would be completely on board! He was always so excited to see us and was always waiting for affection! Not once did he ever show any signs of fear or aggression towards us or any of the volunteers.

BHRR's Flint, My little elephant would make an amazing addition to the right family and bring so much love and joy  and affection to their lives."

#2 Tracy Barbe:
"I had the pleasure of meeting Flint at the BHRR Open house and the Pet Valu PAWS Event in (Stittsville) this year – April. The adorable Neapolitan Mastiff pup was cruising around the store with his very calm cool and collective stature. There wasn’t a person who didn’t stop to pet his ever so cute wrinkly body that he hasn’t quite grown into yet.  Very well behaved he just sat or laid there and pretty much let anyone of all ages get all the loving in they wanted with him.

 I would have to say he loves his treats… while in the store I offered to take him for a little walk around the store, and any chance he got to sniff or test a treat on a lower shelf he went for it, I couldn’t help but laugh and allow him to have one. He’s too cute to say no to!

While at the BHRR open house you truly got to see Flint in his element with his BHRR family, surrounded by the other dogs, some small and some so much bigger then him. To see Flint with the other dogs and interacting with Gwen and her family is a site to see, one big happy lovable family. It’s moments like these that are forever etched in my memory!! :)"

#3 Rachel Ng(BHRR Approved Volunteer):
"Where to begin in describing BHRR Flint??

I have had the privilege in meeting Flint on many occasions; at Birch Haven as well as at public events, in the hands of Gwen as well as in the hands of volunteers (including myself).

What first comes to mind is a goofy, eager to please puppy, who is still figuring out where his feet are in relation to his body. I picture giant drooly jowls flapping in the wind as he runs tail wagging. I also see a forgiving puppy who is trying to put his past behind him and learn that the world is not scary and out to get him.

Yes, I have heard a low uncertain growl from him, but he has been easily redirected. With a gentle touch and a calm "no" he settles fine. Treat in hand coupled with patience, and said scary person is now a new best friend to Flint. 

Under careful guidance, his eyes no longer show uncertainty, but rather, curiosity. His body is no longer tense with fear but relaxed and ready to take the world head on.  

With careful molding and shaping, Flint has big potential and he will be a great ambassador for Neapolitan mastiffs."

#4 BHRR BOD Mary Leung:

"Hi Gwen,

Please allow me to add my five cents' worth (okay, maybe a toonie) about Flint. Poor Flint.  What is being described is definitely not the sweet boy I was holding and walking. Flint accidentally stuck his head through the handle of an Easter basket, and he just continued to wander with it hanging from his neck without being fazed at all."

Flint has turned out to be such a sweet and gorgeous boy, and I just love him.  I first met him after the Dine with the Animals event last year shortly after he arrived at BHRR.  He was such shy little thing.  I could see he wanted some attention, but by being patient and waiting and not pushing, he eventually came to me and a couple of other late hangers on for a few pats.  

When I saw him again at the November open house, Flint was making the rounds going from person to person for some loving.  He was a huge hit, and I was happy to see that he was not showing any ill effects from the attack on him. There was such a major improvement in his friendliness and comfort level among so many people/strangers.  It was after everyone left that I got my one on one time with him.  What an amazing difference from our first meeting.  He was not shy about nudging me gently for his share of my attention and fell asleep with his huge head on my foot!  I believe I fell in love with him that night!

I didn't get to see Flint again until the Saturday of the Pet Valu Stittsville community awareness event in April, as the February open house was canceled.  I couldn't believe how huge he had gotten – that head and those paws! – and what a lovely boy he had become.  He was so open and friendly with all who came into the store and was especially excited to meet the children.  Flint would lay down to be at their level so that they could pet and fuss over him.  He was incredibly patient with the little ones and so gentle when taking treats from them.  Again, he was a huge hit with everyone from our volunteers to the store staff and customers.  Flint was just as happy to wander around the store and BBQ area while with me or to stay quietly behind the table as I dealt with questions from people interested in BHRR.  He was a fantastic ambassador that day!  On a personal level, Flint was a dream – he listened and walked so well while on leash, and he would look back at me when we were walking to check on me. 

My favourite memory of Flint that day was walking him around the store and letting him explore.  Easter baskets had been set up as part of the photo area, and Flint eagerly stuck his head in one to check what was inside.  When he lifted his head, the long handle of the basket slid over his head and onto his neck.  He looked up at me in surprise, and I told him it was 'okay'.  As I reached to remove it, Flint walked off to continue exploring with the basket hanging from his neck (think St, Bernard with a mini keg – LOL!).  There was no anxiety or fear at all.  A couple of store employees saw him and laughed.  Flint was so cute.  Unfortunately, the photographer was not there and we didn't have a camera/cellphone because I would have paid good money for that picture! 🙂  I let him wear the basket for a couple of minutes before taking it off.  

I had never thought about owning a Neopolitan Mastiff before being partial to black Great Danes as many know, but I decided that night to bid on Flint as my Date as the auction had just started. I checked with Gwen about my available day for the date should I win, but did not tell her who I would be bidding on as I wanted to surprise her (all my previous 3 dates had been with black Great Danes) .  I held off a bit before putting in my bid on him and had a couple of other bids in the works as well.  I ended up in a bidding war with other interested parties, but I was determined to have an exclusive date with Flint so much so that I forgot to monitor my other bids in the last fifteen minutes.  I can't tell you how excited I was to win the date with Flint and even more excited for him to learn that he could potentially be adopted before our date.  

Flint is a superb dog, and I have never encountered any aggressive or negative behaviour from him towards people or other dogs.  With consistent training and reinforcement of the groundwork laid by BHRR, I have no doubt that Flint will continue to be the fabulous well rounded dog that anyone would be proud to call their own as he matures.  When I am ready for my next dog, I will have to give serious consideration towards the Neopolitan Mastiff thanks to this wonderful, sweet puppy boy – for he is still very much one!

Mary Leung"

#5 J. Bethune (BHRR Approved Adopter/Volunteer:

I was so surprised to read that Flint is back at BHRR, but THANK GOODNESS he is!  Wow!  What that person wrote about him being fearful and growling just didn't sound one bit like the sweet Flint I met last fall!  He met so many people at the Dine With The Dogs and at the mini open house (me included) and was so friendly and so receptive of pats and loving!  When I read that he submissive peed when he saw Sean, my heart just broke.  Something bad must have happened in the short time he was at that adoptive home. 🙁  I'm glad Rachel was able to pick him up and get him to you right away!

Please give wee Flint a hug from all of us.


BHRR's Flint – May 28th, 2014

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

BHRR's Moncton is scheduled to go to KAH on Thursday for 5:10 PM. I am really wanting to get that jaw and front plus back end checked out. He is eating 'stew' canned food and homecooking yet, cannot eat kibble or anything hard. He is drinking, and playful and a bit 'rough' in the mouth and you can tell that he has used his mouth to try and 'intimidate' others and, we are working on that….. 😉  I want to get a second opinion on lungs etc. as well from one of the Vets I work with. I touched base with the shelter to ask when was the last time he ate, yet, all they were able to tell me is that he was not eating there.

I think he was also kept outdoors for that is where he feels most comfortable and, he is figuring out the a/c vent though…thanks to Mr. Bubbles teaching him ALL about that! LOL For safety he, will go right to the crate that was set-up for him and settle down. It is not KC that he has…he is long past that…he is on to the pneumonia. 🙁

I am de-worming him and he remains on the Doxy that was dispensed by the Shelter with a dose of 300 mg BID for 16 days.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $30.00* donated to date & Bills are
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Porridge came to work with me today and, I had a recheck(as I do not want to be putting under sedation without a current Vet approval status) and he was up 3.2 KGS(7.04 pounds!). To me, that is huge!!! The Vet noted that his muzzle was more swollen now than what it was yet, his lungs and heart sound good and clear still. 🙂 We discussed cyclosporin(atopica) again as a possible next step for him yet, he is doing great on his small dose of Pred – 50 mg SID – at this time. We re-visited laryngeal paralysis, or polyneuropathy complex and the probability of that happening to him.

One of the things I brought up was how hard BHRR's Porridge took to recovering from his last sedation at KAH and, the Vet that saw him tonight, was a bit worried about that and, felt that maybe a lower dose may be better. Yet, in looking through his file, they noted that he had been given that day via IV an IM dose of Dexdomitor / Torb and that was so frightening to have been told that. So, he received the proper dose of sedation via IV this time and, he bounced back like he always had when the ANTISEDAN (atipamezole) was given.

He is marveling the medical profession as to how he is still here and, I just leaned down and whispered in his ear, 'YOU GO my papaya!' 😀 I am keeping it real….I know that he is dying. Yet, we are doing all we can to give him quality of life. We installed a small window a/c unit in the ensuite to help in the hot days and, this is in addition to the a/c we have in the house.

I cannot make him better, yet, I can give him all I can in the time we have left……

He showed everyone how his energy level while, not normal for him, was back up on the 'hyper harle' end of the spectrum also! 😀

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $965.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $5,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser
Nairn again

Two BHRR Saints – Does anyone know WHO they are?!
BHRR's Cancun(Left) & BHRR's Lily Belle(right)
One(on the right) was adopted in December of 2011 AND the other(on the left) is currently at BHRR waiting for that right matched home to find them.
They are both a wee bit wet in this photo as BHRR's Cancun had his special picnic date today and, the home took them to Britannia to swim!
BHRR's Cancun had a GREAT time! The home commented on how impeccable his leash manners were, how great he traveled in a car, how obedient, social(gosh, he loves people!) and, mindful of his manners and just so affectionate he was! The home said how much more they fell in love with him and, he is such a love! He is STILL AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and, his home ran into a few folks, that were asking about him and, they are going to take him for some more play dates as they are one of our approved adoptive/volunteer homes.
This was the first time I had seen BHRR`s Lily Belle(the home has not managed to get to one of our GD & GIANT AT HEART Walks/hikes as of yet) and, she was sooooooooooo excited to see me! I was a bit excited to see her also. 😉

BHRR's Cancun(Available For Adoption) & BHRR's Lily Belle(Adopted December 2011)


Got him! Do not see any mix in him at all….100% Byber Newf. Thanks Karen!! Thanks Tammie!! He clearly will need x-rays and to consult with othro(hind and front end) – we were told yesterday that the Vet found an ortho defect(possibly congenital from the paperwork  and, needs, a specialist yet, nothing more is mentioned re: the findings and what leg or legs etc. There was a reference to the hips as well, yet, no further details provided) and, lots of green snot, possible eye infections and, will get a good grooming. Did not see too many Papilloma's upon initial looking him over and, I even got him to play a bit. Love those chipmunk cheeks and will get in their further to be sure there is nothing medical….another lovely boy being sent to BHRR! Yes, he was scared and shy and, so much potential!!

Last weight on file from shelter was 77.88 pounds and, he is quite lean.

These two photo's are from when I just picked him up….his eyes have been cleaned and, he will get a much deserved and needed bath within the next 24 hours. He has drank water, peed twice and, is not eating. I was told that he was not eating at the shelter. I am worried about early stages of pneumonia.

He will be headed to KAH on Thursday.

HE is ONLY the third dog that BHRR has brought into our programs since December of 2013.

He is going to need some angels to help with his Vet Bills that are going to come if anyone would possible consider his cause…. 🙁 He will need to also be neutered, vaccinated, have bloodwork etc. He is so sweet and, I would say that he is no more than 8 months of age, most likely around 7. Mason had him playing on the lawn in the pouring rain today. Typical Newf! 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Moncton’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Moncton's Angels  $30.00* donated to date & Bills are
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Moncton – June 17th, 2014
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On Saturday June 14th, 2014, Lion King BHRR's Pumbaa had his special picnic date with a very loving and beautiful family – he even was skyping!
(thank you for the comforter and CWW sessions for him and the other BHRR M&M's!)
After his special picnic date, he and I went to visit PVARDaryl Leonard, Stuart J Fraser) at PV Stittsville for a bit of a great chat AND, hung with the lovelies of Melissa Gingras-Lepage & Breanne Jacklin for another hour or so. He loved the cat there, rocked it with all dogs and, continues to just beyond adore every human he meets!
I snagged a very special photo of the PV angels for back in April 2014, BHRR was the recipient of their PAWS month and, their goal was to raise $5,000 for BHRR, well………between the PAWS sales, and the absolutely incredible PAWS weekend we had with them again this year, a check for $5,140 was given to BHRR yesterday…..Yes, my hands shook, my lower lip quivered and, tears sprang to my eyes….
BHRR is a giant dog rescue, horse rescue and focuses on the special needs. We go through over 100 pounds a food a day at a cost of over $6,000 a month, and, we only host four planned fundraisers a year and, we try never to burn out our community by asking, begging for donations…..and, we remain so humbled deeply by all that comes our way, be it $5 or $50 or a towel, a bag of food and, especially a kind word.
Most of our bills are covered via the pockets of Sean & I and, this check will go a LONG way to pay for another couple of weeks of food and, making a dent in our almost $8,000 in Vet Bills.
THANK you to everyone that helped make April an incredible month, not just for the animals of BHRR yet, for many other r/q Rescues chosen by other PV's in the community! Thank you for being a BIG part of the CHAIN OF SUCCESS! 😀

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BHRR's Maverick has his special picnic date on the 13th of June and, I was a bit worried leaving him at first(left lots of treats!) as, he was somewhat uneasy. Yet, my instincts told me that once he did not have me to rely on, he would settle in and, show all how WONDERFUL he really is and, a bit of a gooberhead goofball also! 😉

He was good with their cat, their other dog, their kids, and, the home's mother, got over his worry of her husband and, had a lovely afternoon!

I dropped him off for around 11:15 AM….

AND, here are the messages sent my way on his day:

At 12:26 PM: 
"Mav is already doing better, he's wandering around and he's been out in the backyard and pooped! I put out a blanket and toys for him but he prefers to sit on my knee LOL but he is much more relaxed now :)"

At 2:14 PM:
"Mav is taking a little nap after a nice walk 🙂 he's so good on a leash! He is going to make an awesome Addition to any family. He's great!!!! :D"

At 4:53 PM:
"Oh my gosh, if I could adopt him I totally would. He is such a sweetheart and soooo good about everything! {insert heart} thank you for the wonderful picnic lunch! And for bringing this fantastic boy for a visit :D"

At 4:59 PM:
"I think I got myself a new shadow hehe I can't go anywhere without him now lol"

Here are some photo's of his day! Thanks to Sean for taking one of the special lady who won this picnic date and, thanks to the special lady for the other photo's! 🙂

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Unfortunately, the HV for BHRR's Leroys' possible adoption has been rescheduled from today. Thank you Lindsay(BHRR's Apollo's fabu mom!) for being willing to do this one with me. 🙂

We shall reschedule for mid-July when the home is back from their own commitments.

BHRR's Treasure AKA Trouble is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!
The home was interested in BHRR's Dyson and in conversing with them, as we felt BHRR's Treasure 'could' be a better fit, they had also looked at him, so wonderful!!
We will bring both to the home-visit just in case.
Happy Friday to all!

On Monday June 9th, I received a message that a Newf Pup was in need of our assistance.

This little guy(Newf, could be pure backyard bred Newf or possibly a X with Berner or Bouv perhaps has been suggested) – I will see how he appears in person, about 35KGS (77 pounds) is a victim to divorce and, at around 7 months of age, is so depressed and scared at the shelter. He also has the papillomavirus.

BHRR has only brought in two dogs to date in 2014, April 5th, BHRR's Leroy and April 27th, BHRR's Ethel and, is working on the transport details for our third, the palliative EM, BHRR's Zayna(hoping for June 22nd).

With two dogs under a PENDING ADOPTION and very sadly, the ever closer loss coming up of a BHRR Haven dog, we feel comfortable committing to what shall only be our 4th dog for 2014 so far, into our programs. We may have another two BHRR dogs moving under a PENDING ADOPTION shortly. We will update the blogs as we can.

We may not be able to bring in the same numbers that many other r/q groups do, yet, the ones that we can help, it is our way of helping the 'next in need' of BHRR, that we can!

I am calling him BHRR's Moncton, in honor of loved ones tragically killed in Moncton, NB last Friday, lost not just to our own hearts yet, to our family's heart also – both on Sean and my own side  – that work as RCMP Officers in the line of duty daily – that their memories will live on in all the laughter, smiles, and, experiences had. A world mourns and, BHRR's Moncton by his very name, shall be a remembrance in honor of great special people that were not just RCMP Officers, yet, dear friends and family to so many of us in the community.

ETA is Tuesday June 17th, 2014


BHRR's Moncton – June 10th, 2014
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On Saturday May 24th, BHRR's Treasure had his own special picnic date. The home has shared a most wonderful written statement re: their date and some incredible photo's also. WordPress will not allow me to upload the word document, so, I have converted to a pdf and, double click on the lnk below! 🙂

This home humbles me deeply with such kind words in their date summary, yet, I thank them for being open to taking him @ 7 AM on a Saturday 😉 for the day and, for giving him this wonderful positive experience to keep making him well rounded and balanced.

As for, why he is called 'Trouble'…uhmmmmm, he showed them zero leash manners and, clearly sucked them in with his mischievous gorgeous eyes to get all the spoiling he could, AND, I do believe I see him on the couch(no-no yet, he clearly had no problem breaking rules!) and to lead this amazing home to believe that he was a 'good boy', a 'model citizen' LOL He is a great dog, not a mean bone in his body and, some days, I wonder about what is in his head though….air? rocks? maybe a genius and has us all fooled?

He is a love!

They also captured a short video of him and that is below also. Thanking them so much for all the awesome photo's as well that they took from May 24th!

MOVIE: Treasure May 24th, 2014

SUMMARY: Date With BHRR's Treasure!

Date with Treasure1

BHRR's Dyson came road tripping with myself and one of our amazing approved BHRR Volunteers, Margaret on June 1st, to do a home-visit in the TO, Ontario area. The home was really taken and smitten with BHRR's Jetta(they had met her at our November BHRR "EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House) and, we said we could bring another dog to this home visit and, they chose BHRR's Dyson.

He did great on the car ride, no surprise there! 😉 BHRR's Jetta was the car seat hog!

It was clear to see from the moment we arrived, that BHRR's Jetta was the right match hands down and BHRR's Dyson, was not as comfortable and was a bit stressed. This is why home-visits are so important. This ended up being a great experience for BHRR's Dyson for he was able to visit a new home, travel, try more at city life and, have even more hands love on him. We went for a walk to the boardwalk on the beach(gosh, that experience for me was second to none, as it was for Margaret too!) and, he demonstrated yet again, that there can be a dog or two that makes him not comfortable and, with positive correction(he will do a small bark and pull a bit), he carries forward on the walk without any issues. It is fear that makes him that way and, it is more male dogs than female dogs, size does not matter and, when he meets the dogs, no problem. However, if the dog starts barking and lunging at him first, he will bark back and stiffen in fear. In all the time that we have had him, I have only witnessed that once and, that is in an earlier blog. We do not allow him to meet a dog that, he will bark or do a small pull at. That can enable 'negative attention seeking behaviour' and, the meeting will be on our terms, not his. By taking this approach, this does not create a 'monster'.

This is why it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO important to get this otherwise, goofy boy in the hands / homes of a dog experienced home ONLY. Dane experience as posted previously is not the most important thing. He lives in complete harmony in my home and, has seen many a dog come in and out during his own time with us and is crate trained, housebroken, proven to be great with dogs of all sizes – even the 30 pound puppy here right now – the guinea pigs, horses etc. – yet, there can still be a dog or two upon our journeys' out and about that can make him uneasy and, a home needs to know how to positively, quickly and effectively handle this and, then passively ignore and move forward. We do not 'feed' into any anxiety and, we do not reward the behaviour. He is given a calming word/signal and, positive correction and we carry on. Since his time with us, I can count five dogs that he has barked at and, he has been to a LOT of places with us.

It is essential that anyone considered to adopt him be well aware of this, and, that we want him continuing to be the best dog he can be. He is not a dog that you just let loose in a dog park(most dogs and their owners do not belong at dog parks as is!).

As for cats, we were originally told her was great with cats and, he has not given me any reason to suspect he would not be good with cats, yet, integration is key for the success of all involved. He has not officially been cat tested at BHRR. He has been fine with the ones he has seen at work at the Hospital and, at Pet Valu when we were there. The cats that we saw on our walk in Toronto did not phase him. There was one flighty small dog that, I think he thought was a black squirrel that caught his attention and, he was reminded of his manners, and, we kept walking on the leash.

I do not want to see him in a busy city environment. A quiet neighbourhood in the city is fine yet, at this home visit in what is called 'the beaches' in Toronto, was way too much for him. He was alert and a bit strained. Yet, by the time we left many many delightful hours later, he was much more relaxed(not yawning or lip licking so much) and, asking for love. Before then, if he was not pacing, he was trying to stress sleep and, did not want me out of his sight. He was happy to explore the home, did great on the stairs and, had no issues with the three other dogs in the home.

Country or rural home is great too yet, I want to be assured that he would have continued exposure to new things – he did fine with air brakes in Toronto and alarms and sirens and crowds. Was not his 'thing' yet, he was not panicked or terrified. He is initially a bit reserved and aloof with people he does not know and, we just ask people to allow him to come to them. Once, he 'stakes out the land', he can be sitting in your lap if you blink too slow. 😀

He still resources over his kibble and he remains eating in a crate and, the resourcing is not to humans(we are always careful to make sure he knows we are there and, going to take his bowl) yet, to other dogs. This is not uncommon behaviour on a dog that was emaciated at one time. He is allowed to eat in peace and, he shares the water bowl without any issues.

With all the dogs here, he is not the dominant one by any means and, is quite an easy keeper, yet, we are a very experienced dog home, a multi dog experienced home also.

He can still pull on his leash in distraction types of settings yet, better and better!

He is a magnificent dog and in that right matched forever loving home is going to thrive yet, he is not a status symbol, a 'cool' colour of dog to have and nor is he perfect. He is 100% perfect in all of his imperfections though! 🙂

Below are two photo's from June 1st in Toronto, Ontario. I am still in awe that we were only 11 minutes away from the CN tower yet, the beach was right there off the lake, parks(three of them) and so much more. Felt so tropical!

  photo 2photo 1

BHRR's Aslan – ADOPTED June 12th, 2014
So, many came together to help save this boy and, each time I, think about
how miraculous he was to still be alive to come into BHRR, my heart just soars…(he was dumped at a very high kill shelter and, we did not have room when first asked and, when we did have room a few weeks later, I contacted the shelter, thinking that I was most likely going to hear he had been pts, yet, they saved him hoping that we would have a spot soon! They saw that he had that much potential!). He was to arrive in November and, then had to be quarantined at the shelter and did not get to us to December 7th, 2013. He went up for adoption January 21, 2014 and began to be temp fostered, February 20th, 2014 and, the rest is history!
AND, they were right. So, thank you Rose! Thank you Cheryl for contacting BHRR and, then helping me get the legs of the transport together plus filled AND, thank you to all that gave of their time and gas to get him closer to BHRR. Jenn Dingle, thank you again for your part in helping to transport him!
Thank you to his temp foster mom/dad, Bruce J. Moquin & Holly Surman for doing such a great job building upon the strong foundation created at BHRR. Thank you for being such amazing foster parents and, supporting BHRR. Each dog you have temp fostered for us, has just thrived. BHRR is better and stronger, because of your belief in what we do here!
Thank you to his new forever loving adoptive family, for opening up your heart and home to a BHRR dog in need of one to call their very own AND CONGRATULATIONS!
Thank you SO much Holly for doing this home visit with me also! 🙂
***It was so lovely to have seen BHRR's Aslan in May and overnight and, then again tonight. It really touched me to see how excited he was to see me and, yup, inside I had a tear or two welling up with how happy I am for him!!! I will miss you, yet, you are on to a wonderful new chapter in your life!**


BHRR's Leroy's home visit is now scheduled for Sunday June 15th. We will continue to update his blog as we can.

Here is BHRR's Leroy's 'reality' slide. We are still working through the adoption process to best determine if this is that right matched forever loving home for him. We promise to keep his blog updated as we can!


BHRR's Aslan's home visit is scheduled for Thursday June 12th. We promise to update his blog as we can!

BHRR's Leroy is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can.

This boy has put on almost 40 pounds since he first arrived to BHRR on April 5th, 2014!

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He absolutely loves his crate and, will actually paw at the crate, quite enthusiastically to get in! This is his safe spot and, at this time, we still have not tested him for any length of time out of the crate, when we go out. With everything we had been told about him having severe SA(I have not witnessed any form of major SA whatsoever), this is what works for him and, it works for us and, is safe for him and home.

He does have a slightly OCD behaviour that he will lick this one bar on his crate at times. Just the one bar and leaving a small drooling mass of slippery goob on the floor. We passively ignore and, make no big deal of it and, it stops within seconds. It is an intermittent thing, about 3 times a week. This started about a week ago and, looking at what may have changed in the home that, would have 'triggered' this. BHRR's Flint was adopted around that time and then returned. We shall see how things go. BHRR's Jetta is now adopted and, we will see if that has any impact also.

He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired etc. He can go to a home with another right matched dog as he is playful and, social, yet, as long as the home has a strong network in place for him to be able to continue to interact with other dogs(dogs need their friends too!), then, we will consider a home that does not have another dog at this time.

He still exhibits behaviour when out and about that, if he feels another dog is, getting too close to one of his doggie friends, he will still do the slight lip curl. He is positively corrected and then re-directed. Not with all dogs, yet more than a handful that we have seen to date and, this is something we want any possible future adoptive home to be aware of. He has not done this to any humans since his arrival to BHRR and, we continue to work with him on this. So important for each dog to have the full picture painted of them from good, to bad and great and ugly. This is an area that he shall continue to require consistent, positive routine and structure of acceptable demonstrations of behaviour.

He has never exhibited that behaviour at all in our multi dog home. Only out in public.

He is such an affectionate and playful nut here. He can really get the dane lean going and, you better brace yourself! 😀

He is 100% housebroken, is now down to eating two good meals a day, is happy and uber gorgeous!

I do not want him in a home with cats. While he was fine with the cats at the PV Stittsville PAWS Event, he gets excited over fast flighty movements. So, as long as the cats were in the cage and, not running around the floor, he paid them no mind or attention. Yet, we have seen at BHRR, that when the BHRR Flower Girl's run and race, he gets all excited and wants to chase. Better than he was yet, for comfort sake, no cats, in the home at this time. I will always remember the rabbit that raced across the parking lot at KAH and SOOOOOOOOO, glad I saw the rabbit first!

He travels great in the car and, he has been a joy to have here! He will definitely require more obedience(we have that in our adoption contract anyway for all of our dogs) for as much as he has bombed along here and shall continue to do so yet, if he sees something he really wants to visit, he will forget all of his distraction training and, prepare to do some skiing….Not as it was when he first arrived yet, still present at times. Considering where he started to where he is now, he is an angel….a gooberhead one right now! He will just get better and better with continue work. We have not even had him 8 weeks and, he has make amazing progress! 🙂

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BHRR's Hailey had her special picnic date on Saturday May 31st! Here are two photo's that I took of her at PV Stittsville, for after her date, I took her over there for a visit! Big hit! BIG! 🙂 She is still waiting ever patiently for her right matched forever loving home to find her. So, are we!

Here is what the home had to say about her:
"She has wowed everyone she has met today. Just got back from another walk and she is snoozing away again :D"

photo 2 photo 1May 31st, 2014


Much to update on BHRR's Flint. It has taken me almost a week to be able to write a blog update on this incredible dog and, thank you to everyone that has submitted testimonials on him to date. So important, for people to not just 'trust' my word, despite my education, experience, knowledge and that fact, that I have lived with this dog since September 19th, 2013. This boy has been exposed to hundreds and hundreds upon hundreds of folks – from friends, fans, strangers, vets, family, volunteers, adults, kids, seniors, infants, men, women etc.  from the time he has arrived, both in our home, at community education and public awareness events and, at work, play dates, play visits both in my hands and, with many others for all of the above. He is one of the most popular of BHRR's dogs. AND, for our third annual special picnic date online auction, BHRR's Flint was the biggest winner for funds raised and, had quite the bid war.

When I left this dog at the adoptive home on Sunday May 25th, 2014, I left a dog that was happy, wagging his tail, exploring the home and, going upstairs and downstairs friendly and calm. The only 'nerves' he showed was when he first met the adoptive home resident as that person is 6 foot 3 and 260 pounds and, when I asked that person to sit down(and, more than once), BHRR's Flint was right over wanting to make friends and be loved. He also spooked himself when he saw himself in a mirror yet, made 'friends' with himself in the mirror not long afterwards. 😀

I even left two types of bones, a collar, a leash, a bag of FROMM also with him.

Each dog that is adopted has a very detailed information package emailed to the home prior to the adoption. We also discuss over the phone the dog with the applicant.The blogs are very detailed on the journey our dogs go through and, nothing is hidden. The good, the bad, the great and the ugly are all posted.

We have been operating over 18.5 years now, and this is the 6th dog that we have taken back in that time. Our adoption success rates were 100% for over ten years of operating and were 99% up to last Wednesday May 28th, when I brought him back. Actually, the adoption failed on the 27th of May, not even 48 hours after the adoption occurred. It is so important that we do the best we can and 'right' by each dog that crosses our doors and set-up our dogs and any possible right matched homes for success. We did discuss with the home re: CM tactics as the home was a big fan of CM and, how we do not support any corporal or punitive practices and, sent on literature plus video of examples what CM has done to dogs in the past.

As per our follow-up protocols, I sent our a follow-up email on May 26th at 1:19 AM

At 9:30 AM on the 26th, I received the following email:

"Hey Gwen! 

I think its goin ok! Flint has met a couple new people already. He seems unsure when first meeting people but warms up fast. I've taken him for a few walks around the block, he tends to pull very hard on the leash. He sometimes does ok on correction but it will take awhile to be  good on leash.  He spent the night in the cage and did ok! I'm lookin forward to starting obedience training as I think that will solve a lot of issues. 

He misses you guys!"

So far, nothing really terrible in this email on the surface. BHRR's Flint is great on a leash yet, as I told the home, BHRR's Flint has to know that the home knows that BHRR's Flint knows about manners. Yet, I had planned on sending an email ASAP to address the leash manners for, he should not be taking time to be good on a leash. AND, the comment about 'solve a lot of issues', concerned us. This also was in the plan to delve further ASAP. Like all of those that Volunteer for BHRR, I am also a Volunteer of BHRR, and, do have two pt careers outside of my ft work at BHRR and, have a family and other commitments and, as so many are aware, I am up to 5 or 6 AM almost every day, working to help animals and people in need out there, as a Volunteer.

However, I did not even get the chance to respond, for, I then received the following and, I was stunned, shocked, deeply concerned and emailed back as soon as I could and also alerted the rest of the BHRR BOD. We have gone from the home stated as being 'seems unsure when first meeting people but warms up fast' in the first email to what is in no way BHRR's Flint. We have also gone from 'goin ok!' to this…..

AND, I am posted this as, for anyone else that may consider applying to adopt BHRR's Flint, do know that, we remain full of full disclosure and, want people to understand that this adoption failure is not BHRR's Flints fault.

On May 27, 2014, at 12:53 PM, this is what I received re: BHRR's Flint's behaviour in email and, it was similar in the vm left and the word 'aggressive' was also used.

I tried calling and left a message. I want to be honest with you and myself. The first couple days with flint have been hard. At times I see this happy go lucky softy. At other times I see a very fearful dog. I have had a couple instances where flint was very fearful especially when meeting new people at my home or on walks. Flint has growled at me (after waking up from a dream and you could tell he didn't know where he was or was unsure of his surroundings, it took more than 20 minutes for him to calm down), growled at visitors to my home, and growled and even showed his teeth at a passer by on a walk. I was afraid he would snap at the person, so I quickly just got out of the situation and apologized."

Though, per the adoptive homes signed contract, it was their responsibility to bring BHRR's Flint back to BHRR safely, I jumped on this. Something was seriously wrong. Thank you to Rachel for answering my request for assistance and, arrangements were made for her to get him on Wednesday and, I would then get BHRR's Flint from her. I am grateful to the home for emailing me so, we could act fast.

Our dog is back safe with us, and, we are keeping BHRR's Flint the priority.

When the BHRR approved Volunteer got BHRR's Flint, he was not nervous or scared to see her and, she then texted me to say that she was taking him to a dog park and, when I met her, she also told me she took him to PetSmart. This person had not seen BHRR's Flint since March, almost 10 weeks prior and, no signs of anything remotely negative to report. He met an elderly person, a pregnant person, kids and, all sorts of folks. God, he loves kids! The only unsure sign he gave was when they first walked in PetSmart and Rachel reminded him that he was ok and, off they went. She even purchased a big smoked dino bone for him.

There was no trying to lunge, eat, snap, growl or hurt anyone.  Some of us are not even sure how he could even bare his teeth with all those heavy long/big flews. 🙁

What was also pointed out to me was a very large fluid pocket area on BHRR's Flint's lower side when I met the BHRR approved Volunteer to get him and, I did email the home to ask how that could have happened as it would really benefit BHRR's Flint and the Vet to help treat him. It was bigger than a large fist in size, very promniant. I did not get an answer as to the cause from the home. BHRR's Flint is now on antibiotics for what was diagnosed as a seroma. 40 cc's were drained and, if need be, more will be drained if required.

Before I even met the Volunteer, I stopped a piece away from the meeting locale and, observed from a distance how he was with the BHRR Volunteer. He was great…curious with the cars that slowed down and looked and talked to him in the parking lot. He was sniffing the grass and trees and no problems noted. When I parked and, was walking over, and, he saw me….that greeting of his, just melted my heart….I sniffled back the tears, refused to 'baby' him and, greeted him with a smile and plenty of pats. Treated it as no big deal……yet, inside, I was sooooooooooo happy to have witnessed how great he was doing with Rachel. 🙂

When I arrived home that evening from making the drive to meet our BHRR approved Volunteer, BHRR's Flint was nervous of my 13 year old son Mason and I just handed him the leash and, all was fine again. What did distress me is that when he saw Sean, he submissive peed in the fading daylight. That disturbed all of us immensely to see that.

It took me until the wee early hours of Saturday May 31st and, was so worth only getting 2.5 hours sleep – to successfully integrate him back into the pack here. He would stand between my legs and shake. This dog does not have a mean bone in his body. Never has. It was heartbreaking……. 🙁 🙁 Yet, he is now back into the groove and, no longer wanting to hide in a crate or between my legs and is eating, drinking, and, playing back to normal again.

I shall add photo's taken last Wednesday by the BHRR approved Volunteer and the testimonials sent so far in another blog. This one has become long enough………..

BHRR's Aslan is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can.

On Sunday June 1st, 2014, BHRR did Adoption #364

Thank you to Auntie Margaret Aris for roadtripping with me, and, thank you to this lovely family for opening up their showcase home to us and, for being that right matched forever loving home for a BBBBB!

This home has loved BHRR's Jetta for some time, and, even met her at our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in November, yet, the timing was not right for their home to put in an application at that time to adopt.

BHRR's Dyson had a really great positive experience coming with us for this hv and, while the home had their hearts set on BHRR's Jetta, BHRR's Dyson was also one of possible interest and, he came with us to see if he could be a right matched fit, yet, he was not…..BUT, his home is out there! We know it is!

Congrats to you Jetta!! It was an emotional time on the drive home with such happiness and, a few tears of "I will deeply miss her'
WHAT I love about this photo is that each human member has their hand touching her!

Margaret got some stunning photo's with her more professional camera and, when she is back up and running on her own computer, she shall send our way….she got some incredible photo's of her and BHRR's Dyson! I have a couple from my iPhone of BHRR's Dyson and will post on his blog. 🙂

photo 1


BHRR's Porridge is long overdue for an update. I was waiting for all findings and testing to be back before posting. He is officially diagnosed with Inflammatory Nasal Disease. One of the things I felt he could have. I was not 100% convinced(LOVE my Vet team) re: the nasal tumor and yet, also did believe them that this could have been a nasal obstruction situation. They have been all on board and supportive with me looking for second and third and more in respect to opinions and, expertise to help me and, in turn, possibly help him.

Unfortunately, the IND is due to auto-immune reasons and I could move on to all sorts of biopsies and tissue samples and surgeries(IF he would even survive the anesthetic) and, knowing that there is nothing that can resolve his situation(I did not think by going down this further route of investigation that there was going to be some miracle cure or treatment yet, I wanted to know if there was something missing in the equation that could give him a longer better qualify filled life). Sadly, not really….he remains on the Pred with 50 mg SID and, we continue to love him, have play dates and spoiling visits with family and friends and tons of his fans!

The terrible part in all of this is, that with the warmer weather, he is struggling further and, my promise has always remained to him quality of life…qualify of life, no matter how much I am dying inside of pain over the inevitable and all too soon loss of his amazing presence.

With him struggling more when it is quite humid, he is at high risk of laryngeal paralysis, or polyneuropathy complex. He panics when he cannot breathe quite right(his right nostril is completely blocked), mostly in the middle of the night, AND, only on the extreme humid nights, even with a/c blasting. I was going to let him go this week, as, no way, did I want to see him in that state….through these two nights though, he has eaten(he has been off the mirtazapine for ages now), drank, played, rested(in his special resting position and, doing great!), energy level is pretty much back to normal and he has put on much of the weight he lost…still a wee bit spiny yet, he is now over the age of 6 and getting 'old man' spread as we call it. To watch him zip and zoom is like nothing is wrong with him…..

Then, the temperatures dropped again, and, he was all back on track…so, then, I did not bring him in to let him go. I have the three 24/7 emerge hospitals at my fingertips to bring him in on a moment's notice if need be for, we are facing a time clock that as much as I would like to turn to the fall, winter or even earlier spring, I cannot. So, as summer approaches, it is killing him and, while so many of us look forward to summer, to me, it is a death sentence for him and, for me, my nightmares coming closer to reality………… 🙁 🙁

The one and only 'acceptance of peace' that I have in my heart and soul is that I have covered all medical ground that I felt I needed to, and left no rock unturned to give him all that he deserves and, that is a peace that I did not have before…..

To be better informed of his condition, to know that aryngeal paralysis, or polyneuropathy complex is highly possible for him and, to know that there is nothing more than quality of time, tons of spoiling love and lots of treats, is all that I can give him is the only gift I have to cherish. He has been through enough and, the rest of his time is going to be ALL the things he loves and, all the people that he loves and that love him……what I tell many of my behavioural clients, is what I am going to embrace now….'no glass bubble' and 'do not mourn him as if he is already gone in the time I have left as, that time cannot be taken back and re-lived'….'live in the moment and to the fullest'…

AND, no one can believe that he is still with us and looking mighty fine!!! So, please keep him in your best of blessings, thoughts and well wishes…..he is one HECK of a special dog…..LOVE you BHRR's Porridge….I remember holding you in the palm of one hand and fighting for a month to save you and the rest of your litter plus mom from the freezing outside weather of March/April…..and, watching you put MegaE in its place – the specialists said you would die long before your reached adult hood! We watched you stare IS in the face AND, we watched you grow up to be 178 pounds of uber fantastical love. 🙂 🙂 You have given us so much….I can only hope in turn, that we gave back to you on iota of the heart, soul, joy, laughter and care that you bestowed upon us………..

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Porridge Angels  $955.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $5,000
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
Pam – PayPal took $0.59 in fees
Bob & Hazel – Pred donated on behalf of their RIP dear Eddie
BHRR's April 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House – Donations and 50/50 (split between BHRR's Porridge & BHRR's Coach
Wendi – 'Vegan Cupcakes To The Rescue' Easter Fundraiser

We were contacted on April 28th from a very lovely rescue soul re: an EM that was only 16 months of age and has severe HD. She is utd on vaccines, spayed and, is palliative……
BHRR has been saving our next spot for her. We have only brought in two dogs into BHRR to date in 2014 – April 5th with BHRR's Leroy and April 27th with BHRR's Ethel.
BHRR's Zayna will be the third and, with good blessings of more pending adoptions, we can bring her into BHRR for June 22nd.
She is safe at this time with a great foster via the rescue group that originally contacted us for assistance with her.


BHRR's Jetta's hv for her possible adoption is on Sunday. Here are some photo's of her from May 20th, 2014.

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BHRR's Aslan has his special picnic date on Saturday May 24th, and, below are some photo's courtesy of the extremely lovely family that had him for the day! AND, a bit of a blurb about their time with him!

I met up with his foster dad after he had his date and, mentioned to his foster dad what an absolutely wonderful job they were doing with him and, to just cut down his food slightly to get him less plump. He has been garnering some interest this past week and, we remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him!

Thank you for bringing Aslan by today.  We had a great visit.  As promised here are a few pics. I’ll send a few more in another email.  
He was a bit anxious after you dropped him off, but we brought him out to the backyard and he was distracted by his mission to pee on all of the plants (and BBQ) 🙂  He had one moment where he was a bit nervous when Andrew came down stairs after his shower, but after about 2 seconds he was fine.  We took him for a few walks today and he had fun sniffing around the neighbourhood and making a few new friends. He was a really good boy and a lot of fun to have for the day.  
Thanks again, Katy & Andrew

IMG_0932 (Medium) IMG_0926 (Medium)BHRR's Aslan May 24th

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BHRR's Flint has been ADOPTED!

***I held him close, whispered into BHRR's Flint's ear and told him just how proud I am of him, that he deserves nothing but the best and, to keep being such an incredible asset/ambassador to his breed!
I told him how brave he was, thanked him for making me a better person and enriching our home plus heart and, that I would miss him dearly yet, he does not need me any longer…….LOVE you so much BHRR's Flint! CONGRATS!

photo 3 photo 1Flintadopt1BHRR's Flint – May 25th

I now have BHRR's Aslan back under my care. I met up with his approved temp foster dad earlier tonight. It was so nice to see him again! I have not seen him in months!!! I have heard from the foster dad and three others that, my boy apparently, went on a walk organized by another person who had adopted from BHRR two years ago and did very well. Very proud of his temp foster home for continuing to build upon the strong foundation built at BHRR and, this dog has continued to prove how great he is with cats! AND, lovely to have our outstanding temp foster homes continue to give of themselves again and again to temp foster. This wonderful home has temp fostered three dogs for us to date! 🙂 I updated the temp foster dad on a dog that they temp fostered for us and had been adopted in December of 2011. 🙂 It is always nice to keep our foster homes in the loop on how the dogs they have helped are doing. 🙂

Below are four photo's that my daughter snagged with my iPhone in the car on our way home.

When we arrived home, he was once again nervous of Sean and Mason yet, settled down wonderfully with Mason and, not long after with Sean. AND, the two of them are 'bunking' it tonight! BHRR's Aslan has been glued to my side since I arrived home and with these temps, it is like having a 'fur' blanket….is he ever warm!!

BHRR's Aslan has his special picnic date on Saturday and after that, I will meet back up with his temp foster dad to have him go back to the home to be temp fostered. I gave the home three more bags of food for this sweet boy. He is looking great…a wee bit plump, yet, nothing terrible and, we have dogs in our own home that are also plump and it is a work in progress. As, long as we work to get the weight off and be cognizant of the weight gain, all will be fine. I am constantly managing even my own dogs' food intake etc. to try and keep them at an ideal weight. I am so grateful to BHRR's Aslans' temp foster home for everything!!

I could tell how much he cares for his temp foster dad and vice versa. That is so warm to see…… 🙂 Knowing that our dogs are in the best of hands, is so important and heart touching. 🙂

I know his special picnic date home is excited about seeing him on Saturday!!! He remains available for adoption, and, we remain patient!

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BHRR's Aslan May 23rd, 2014

BHRR's Angel Noelle had her special picnic date on Wednesday May 21st! 🙂 A lovely time was had by all! Below are some photo's of her and some words from the home. I had sent them an email in the afternoon just to touch base and, see how things were going. 🙂 Thank you SO much for giving her this wonderful positive experience. She was still very worried when I left yet, settled faster this time than, her first time without me and, with three children and, another dog(close in age) to play with this time around, she did so well!!! She was over the moon ecstatic to see me and, I missed her too BUT, she does not need me any longer and, hoping that her right matched forever loving home shall find her soon. 🙂 If not, we remain patient.

I did explain to the home that when BHRR's Noelle settles in, she is a lot less quiet and loves to play and interact. 😉 Photo's are courtesy of the home – Cherie M. Thank you!

"Actually, it is going really well.  My girls really love Angel Noelle.  Her tail is finally up and wagging!  🙂  (when she first got here, it was a little wag and tight to her bum)  Right now, the pups are outside.  Angel Noelle seems to be keeping X calm!!  🙂  At one point, I think X was jealous with all the attention Angel Noelle, so X flopped down in the hallway and gave a big sigh.  Angel Noelle went over and touch noses with her.  (like to say "what's wrong?")  Very cute. We are having such a great time.  She is such a lovely dog and so quiet!"

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BHRR's Flint's hv has now been scheduled for Sunday May 25th. Will update his blog as I can.

A. Thornback

Love the work that you do, so thankful that there are loving/caring people like you and all of your volunteers out there.  My partner and I are animal lovers who have taken in many rescues over the years we've been together. Will send you a pic of my four legged furballs.  Best wishes to you and your organization!

BHRR's Flint is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We will update his blog as we can. Everything crossed that this is that right matched forever loving home meant for him.

BHRR's Groves is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again as, the home did not pass their Vet Reference. For any home considering to adopt from BHRR, please do note that all current and past pets MUST be proactively and preventatively vetted. This means, spayed/neutered, utd on vaccines, heartworm testing, heartworm preventative, fecals, any required vetting as in surgeries – ie dentals, cruciates etc.

To spend all the dedication, commitment, love, heart, soul and finances on our dogs to successfully rehab them, we will not consider placing them into any home that does not also believe in proper preventative plus proactive vet care.

I had BHRR's Leroy scheduled to come into work with me on Wednesday yet, his one ear – right – seemed to be 'flaring' up on the outside, on Sunday and, I monitored and, decided that he should come into work with me today. We did an ear cytology on both ears yet, no yeast in either ears were found and, just some few cocci on the outside of the right ear. We are going to put him on Burrow's for the next while and, I plus his Vet are wondering about possible seasonal allergies.

The Vet did find his eyes to be very slightly 'weepy' and, in one of his arm pits, fairly red and when rubbing his back, seemed to really enjoy the rub. I have some medicated shampoo to help with any possible Seborrhea  brewing issues.

He is eating very well – he was up another 14.3 pounds and weighed 58.4 KGs(128.48 pounds) today. I would like to see another 10 on him or so. I am still feeding him three times a day.

He showed the Vet how he could sit, lay down, give one paw and, stay. He also showed all that if he really wants to visit, he still wants to just 'go' more often than staying focused! LOL His leash manners continue to improve!

He also had a mani/pedi today! 😀 AND, I think the hi-light for him was having Auntie Margaret come and visit him…me too! 😉 He was loved on and snuggled and cuddled and smooched by her!

I had wanted to place him up for adoption after the Vet visit tomorrow, and, with the reschedule and, now perhaps needing to determine if he 'may' have some mild seasonal allergies, he is going to stay unavailable for another week or so. I just want to be sure that we can give any possible future right matched home the best medical full disclosure we can. We are not like other groups for we are very proactive plus preventative in our Vet care. We do heartworm testing, put the dogs on heartworm preventative, de-worm, give vaccines including boosters and rabies and, not just the first set, we spay/neuter, we do all necessary and emergency surgeries that include amputations and dentals and cruciate repairs etc. We also do proper behavioural and temperament assessments/evaluations plus start obedience training so, we are not pumping the dogs in and, out. We want the best for each and every dog that comes under our authority.

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy’s Angels  $105.00* donated to date & Bills are $674.90
*Before PayPal fees

I am WAY overdue on photo's for BHRR's Canvas. Here are two taken today! We continue to be patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him. AND, if any of our approved BHRR Homes would like a playdate/playvisit with him, PLEASE EMAIL

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BHRR's Canvas – May 20th, 2014

BHRR's Maverick ended up not having a play date on April 19th yet, he did on April 26th. He was up another 3.3 pounds upon weigh-in that day! That is close to 30 pounds now since he first arrived yet, we still need more weight. Yet, YAY! YAY! for him! He was taken to PetSmart and CocoMutts and, had a nice walk with the kind people that took him out. He was a BIG hit yet again with all that met him. What a ham! 🙂 Apparently, he drew quite a big crowd at PetSmart as soon as he walked in the door and, nobody could move for some time.

Below are a few pictures of him in the car from that day! This is the bed that I gave to BHRR's Reese the day that I dropped her off for her last transitional adoption play date/sleep over. Special bed for special dogs!

He was to have his special picnic date on Mother's Day and, we had all picnic made(special Mother's Day treaties made also for the home) and, he hurt one of his toes. 🙁 He is back up and running, literally now and, so we will reschedule the picnic for June. I was hoping to do the picnic date prior to his special announcement yet, may make it earlier. 😉

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BHRR's Maverick – April 26th, 2014


We have a date for a hv, finally scheduled! YAY! Sunday June 1st! I shall be taking BHRR's Jetta and BHRR's Dyson with me to this hv. The home had been here at our November BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House and, they have always loved Jetta and, were happy to see that she was back safe with us and, they also enjoyed BHRR's Dyson. Will update her blog as we can!

Here are three photo's from right now taken of her in our still almost fully renovated sunroom! Sean hopes that we can finish it off this long weekend. I hope so as we have a couple of other big projects planned for 2014. We are renovating the rec room downstairs, now that we have our cottage shed (taking out the old solarium and putting in new doors and closing up the current door area) and, putting up a new wooden fence down most of the one stretch by the pond to the barn etc. We have also almost fully renovated the third bathroom, the powder room downstairs – we used the left over porcelain tile from the sunroom. I also need to put down more gravel and grade the laneway(done every two years) and, cut the horse pastures again(done yearly). 🙂

We are really excited for our upcoming June BHRR "EXPERIENCE" Mini Open House to have people 'experience' the latest renovations. 🙂 With the nice weather, I now have the screened in porch all set-up for summer, the pool is pretty much open and the, gorgeous ceramic tile fire-pit that Mason/Sean gave to me for XMAS is all ready to go by the pool for the enjoyment of our guests. New solar lights have also been put in from an auction item that I won in supporting another rescue. New solar lights also upfront on the walk-way, from another auction item that I won to support another group. 🙂

We continue to save up to get the whole main floor area re-done. Wear and tear from dogs and kids alike, is not good on the floors! 😀

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3BHRR's Jetta – May 16th, 2014

I touched base with BHRR's Aslan's temp foster home recently to see how things were going and, if they needed anything plus to make arrangements to get him to his special picnic date. 🙂 I will take some photo's at that time to update his blog. 🙂

Here is what they sent back on May 10th:

"Will be sure to give him an extra good bushing.  He has been shedding like crazy along with the other two here. Gotta love spring lol We are good to temp foster him again after his date, just let me know around what time and we can plan to be home. Thanks"


Here are some photo's of BHRR's Treasure from the PAWS event weekend in April! I still think I should have called him 'Trouble'! 😉

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BHRR's Treasure – April 13th, 2014
*Photo's courtesy of AMB Photography

Nevenka Rene

Thank you for everything you're doing. I know how much time and love giant breeds do request. I lost my Dane in February, this is my way to honor his memory and our ten years together.

Thank you again for all the amazing work you and yours are doing.



BHRRs' Groves is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! We shall update his blog as we can, and below are two photo's from our BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in November of 2013.

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BHRR's Groves – November 23rd, 2013
*Photo's courtesy of L. Evans

BHRR's Bloom refuses to be 'outdone' by HQD AND, so, here are her own photo shoot photo's from today! 😉

She remains available for adoption and, is a big hit for all those that come to BHRR yet, most homes have cats or are not in a position to take on a Dane that is a bit more on the 'diva', high maintenance side. 😀

She is a charmer!!!

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BHRR's Bloom – May 15th, 2014


HQD wants to share some photo's just taken! 🙂 Well, she may not want them even taken but, they are awesome, so, I am posting! She continues to go on strong and, I am keeping my eyes peeled for more special blankets for her. That is her biggest pleasure plus comfort and after being denied almost 9 years of her life from spoiling and loving care, she is going to get them! So, please, if, anyone, knows of where I can find some 'Salma' blankets, let me know!

At the age of now over 10, the Dogo that we thought we were going to lose late last year, has bounced back from what I discovered was a nasty UTI and not her Cancer and, she is looking great, doing great and, making me proud. Well, maybe, not for the 'Boot Camp' part! LOL She now has BHRR's Ethel trying to get up on the couch…sigh….LOL

We keep working on those long nails and through time, they are getting much shorter plus, the years of abuse of her licking her feet and legs are slowly beginning to lessen with the stains of her saliva. Underneath is a beautiful soft and glorious coat of a clean white dog. 🙂

The first photo is of her sleeping and the next is when she opened her eyes as I 'disturbed' her rest with my iPhone to snap the pictures. HEE! She is SOOOOOOOOOOOO expressive without even saying a word or making a sound.

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BHRR's Salma – May 15th, 2014


Once he figured out the 'use' your other senses more and what little eyesight he has, less; he has bombed along with his scent, touching and hearing training! 🙂 I had to blindfold him for he was trying to hard to use what very limited sight he had and, it was greatly delaying his development. He was bumping into things and, scaring himself and, setting himself up for failure and, really shaking his confidence, especially in new venues/arenas. He was also stressing himself out and becoming frustrated. NOT any longer!!! YAY! 🙂

He still does some head bobbing and head shaking yet he is so much more stable now, that he has honed his other senses and is 'aware' of his surroundings via those other senses and, is more comfortable and confident. He still is unsure in strange situations yet, his sister tends to give him the confidence he lacks in those settings. I would like to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. Special Needs, great. Not Special Needs, great. Matters naught. Male or female, as long as it is that right fit, that is what is most important.

Once he is comfortable, he is so much more brave and outgoing and, now takes on the 3+ acres with nary a worry. He does like to try and be one of the 'big boys' and, it is cute to witness. He likes to hang with the big guys, sauntering along, especially with my Big Blue Bronson, who is so tolerant and mindful of the 'wee' giant! He does have a bit of an 'excitement' drive with the BHRR Flower Girls as, they like to be fast and flighty. He also likes to chase the dogs as they are running in the field AND, he is sharpening up those stalking skills for, he is not far behind them now. He is tracking incredibly well and, I am very proud of him.

He does not like being alone and, so I really would like to not see him being an only dog. He has learned to like his own company yet, loving it is not there and, that is fine. I like my friends and, it is important for dogs to also have their own social friend/buddy network. He and his sister remain close yet, each has developed their own relationships with other dogs as they should for they are individuals and have had to be taught how to strengthen their weaknesses instead of relying on each other for that. He is great with all dogs of all sizes and, people too. He can even go to a home that has older – 7+ in age children.

He is so chill and calm and, loves to snuggle and can do that for hours and hours. On the couch, would make him even happier! 😉 He is so precious and a real piece of gold and, makes me feel quite protective of him(no glass bubbles though!) and, though, he is active, he is not a delightful handful of high maintenance like his sister. 😀

I want any home to understand that though, he does not require any medication for his heart at this time, ventricular arrhythmia, he may require some in his future or, he may never require any medication.

He is yet another BHRR versatile dog and can go to a home that works from home, pt, ft in or out of the home, semi-retired or retired. 🙂

Like his sister, BHRR's Coco Chanel, he can still test me with the leash yet, his is more that he is not comfortable and he loves his routine, structure and patience is necessary to keep him building on the strong foundation of him being the best dog he can be!

He travels like a pro on the car and, is housebroken, crate trained and has proven 100% reliable in the house(would not recommend that to any forever loving home to do that in the beginning) and, like his sister, his 'weakness' comes in with threads of throw rugs.

He likes to 'stalk' me when I am on the couch just, like his sister does and 'save' me from the blanket I try to use. LOL

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BHRR's Purse Puppy, Coach – May 13th, 2014

BHRR's Chanel is NOW AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!! I was waiting for a day that was not so rainy so, that we could take some wonderful new utd photo's! AND, I was not disappointed by the wait!!! Absolutely incredible photo's of both of the BHRR Purse Puppies were taken.

I would like to see her in a home that will continue to work with her as she is blind. She has excelled with scent plus touch training not to mention her listening skills. 🙂 She is a busy active feisty wee 'giant'! Sean continues to say that, if we did not have our own dogs, that she would be one that he really would love to have. THAT speaks volumes. I almost worry about her as she is such a big risk taker, no fear and, she would do wonderfully in obedience, or other active mentally stimulating activities. Physical activities, as long as they are adjusted to her visual impairment, is a thumbs up also! She needs a 'job'. She is a wonderful and delightful handful as I am known to say and, on the higher end of maintenance. 😀

She is a girl with a mind and no telling her that she should be slowing down! She can still 'test' me with the leash manners BUT, you want to see a stop, turn and recall on a dime motion, well, that is here. She can be in the 3+ fenced in acreage and, one single call and, she is BOOM! On her way back to me and, planting herself for a very solid 'sit' at my feet! THUMBS up BHRR's Purse Puppy! 🙂

She has developed this very high almost 'shriek' when she is over the top excited and oh, lord, thank goodness, it does not go 'off' too often!!! cheekyShe is crate trained, housebroken and, great with dogs of all sizes and people. She has also proven reliable outside of a crate yet, not recommended for any forever loving home to do that until she earns that trust for freedom. Her one weakness seems to be rugs with threads that she and her brother, BHRR's Coach can 'unravel'…. She is excellent in the car.

Who one thing remains is that she loves to be around you, touching you sometimes yet, DOES NOT like to be restrained for anything…nails, bw etc., makes her a wiggle worm monster. She has come a long way yet, still it is almost all hands on deck to do what we need to do. She is not aggressive, she is just not wanting to do anything like that unless it is on 'her' terms.

She is affectionate, loyal, sweet and, like several of the dogs that we have been blessed to have at BHRR she does nothing half measure. It is all in or nothing for this gem! I love that about her. Lack of eyesight does not hinder her at all. She is one of the most fearless dogs I know. As soon as she is comfortable, she is off and going. Does not take her too long to warm up in strange situations and, then, it is go, go and go.

She sleeps like a log at night and, please do not tell her yet, she does do some soft snorting in her sleep! I would like to see her in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog, male or female is not what is important. That best fit is what matters the most. She likes her friends.

If you can win over this young lady's heart, she will give you her soul and, work on giving you the stars plus moon. This is the kind of dog that, seriously would lay down her life for you. Without hesitation if she felt she had to. It humbles me immensely to think, I have earned that kind of trust from her.

I have photo's of her and her brother in a 'pointer' stance and, they both definitely love to 'stalk' and retrieve. I have been 'saved' from many a toy and blanket thanks to their diligence in making sure that they were snatched away from me just at the point of me being comfortable. LOL One, never knows when a blanket or toy may cause me serious harm as I sit on a couch. They will 'tag' team and, I have a photo of both of them on the stalking prowl on the lawn. They 'prey' was Mason!

She can go to a home with older children, a home that works from home pt, semi-retired, retired, a home that works ft in or out of the home…once, again, another very versatile BHRR dog.

When it is her turn to be adopted, gosh, she is going to leave a massive hole in our home and in Sean's heart…….

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BHRR's Coco Chanel – May 13th, 2014

BHRR's Reese has had a great few days with her potential new forever loving home. I am so filled with the best of tears and warmth to say that she is ADOPTED!!!

In my almost 30 years in these trenches, each dog has touched me in a special way….then, there is BHRR's Reese. There are almost no words to express what all of this means to me, and to me for her.

This is is the completely withdrawn, uncommunicative, almost 'autistic' dog that came to BHRR in July of 2013. Many that attended our 6th Annual  "JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser the day after her arrival witnessed firsthand how emotionally unavailable and unresponsive and closed in a world of her own, one of darkness she was.

NO longer! This is the Dobie Doll AKA Bambi Baby that counts, and can recall, and 'check-ins', that is crate trained and house broken and leash trained and, travels beautifully in a car…this is the amazing wee 'giant' that knows 'front feet up' 'door', 'stay close', 'wait' and 'come' and many many many more words! 😀 She could climb on the couch and HQD would tuck her all in.

The puppy that once was deaf and blind, had a smell impairment in addition to neuro issues has become the dog that is well balanced and quite social and while blind, she does hear 'tones' and 'sounds' and, as her inner ear infections cleared up, she was hearing more and more and, her smell is more focused – except when it comes to food and treats! The, she is in 'piggy' land! 😉 She can focus and she is not as OCD and she, does not resort back to stress behaviour of lip licking and, air grabbing…..

This girl is inspirational…I remember once thinking 'how do I help her'…and 'can I even help her'…..well, she helped me to help her….people say, I am to thank for saving this girl…well, you know what, she was equally if not more, the 'teacher' than I! She was an excellent teacher, and, I her pupil in so many ways…

Simply put, this dog is magnificent and, in doing a transitional adoption over the past few months, it has set her and the home up for success.

I am going to deeply miss my feisty, spunky monkey! AND, her play buddies(YES, she plays!) of the Purse Puppies, BHRR's Groves & Mr. Bubbles are sure going to miss her!!! AND, yes me too…..

I well up and spill tears of so much happiness for this incredible dog!!!! Through, those tears, I am beaming….just beaming…..

THANKS you BHRR's Reese….thank you for touching me so deeply, for being my instructor, for being a mentor, for helping me to help you and for being YOU!!! Thank your trust……I am humbled……….

My wish for her one day, would be to see this gift of a girl, be a therapy dog for, she has an aura about her….that is truly magical and soothing….yet, at the end of the day, my biggest wish of all has come true….a forever loving home of her very own to call 'family'……..

Below is a photo of BHRR's Reese on Saturday May 10th from the home, called 'nap time'. I sent off a new bed with BHRR's Reese, now, to get her to lay on it! One of her big 'siblings' is another BHRR dog and, blessed are we, that we could place another dog in this lovely home. Yes the photo is blurry yet, isn't it still precious!?!



BHRR's Leroy shall be coming into work with me one day within the next week or so, for a re-weigh, re-exam etc. He is putting on the weight really nicely and, it shall not be long now before he will have his own special announcement to make! 🙂 His lymph nodes etc. have all checked out clean to date! YAY!

He is down to eating three meals a day.

He also has the best in 'selective' hearing other than HQD that I have experienced in some time! LOL What a goofball!

Here are a couple of photo's from him the PAWS event on April 12th with Sean at the BBQ right by the truck. When he was tired, he just went into the back of the truck on the pile of dog beds and 'supervised'. What a ham!!! He is fully integrated with everyone here and, for a dog that was suppose to have severe SA, I have had no issues and, in fact, really should take a video of him 'pawing' and 'scratching' to get INTO his crate! LOL

Sean and I were just talking about that yesterday. In the right hands, this dog is going to make a home very very very very lucky! He still has a tendency to want to 'watch' over all of his friends at BHRR, especially BHRR's Angel Noelle and, she just thinks he is 'cramping' her style! LOL

AND, this Dane is no more than 3 years of age….no doubt!

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Leroy’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Leroy’s Angels  $60.00* donated to date & Bills are $423.17
*Before PayPal fees

BHRR's Leroy – April 12th, 2014 – photo's courtesy of AMB Photography

Here are a couple of photo's from today. She is going to keep getting better and better as she is fed a proper balanced diet, receives the top notch Vet care she had been denied in her life before r/q Rescue AND, good exercise with lots of fresh air, grass and trails! Cannot forget the large dose of love and spoiling that is a must 'add' for any successful ingredient of making her whole and happy!

Her leash manners are slowly coming along. She is a strong girl!

The only thing I am looking for her right now are pillows and fuzzy/soft bath mats with the good underside that 'sticks' for her balance. Please do let me know if you may have any to spare/donate her way. 🙂

(You do not need a PayPal account either)

A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Ethel’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. :(

BHRR’s Ethel's Angels Donations to Date: $233.17 & Bills To Date: $989.07
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Nessie)

photo 2photo 4
BHRR's Ethel – May 8th, 2014
**In the first picture – her waist is by my shoes – bottom of photo. That is how skinny she is. 🙁
**In the second photo, her head is where my son's bare foot is


Unfortunately, we could not successfully close off on the Vet reference for the home that had applied to be considered as a possible forever loving adoptive home for him. I have enjoyed conversing with the home over the past almost week, and do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best.

One more sleepie and BHRR's Reese is off to spend three nights back with her potential future adoptive home AND, if that goes well, to stay. 🙂

Below are some photo's of BHRR's Reese enjoying the outside on our front brick deck as I was pressuring washing it to keep getting rid of all that spring thaw/mud away. ISN'T she beautiful??!! So inspirational!!!

I just love her shiny healthy glossy coat AND, that she has her head up high, confident and comfortable! 🙂 Just how she has always met the world, head on yet, she is now relaxed and, happy for she knows how to to communicate and she, knows that she will be 'heard' and 'listened' to and, so she is not withdrawn the way she once was. She is not shutdown the way she once was. She is not OCD the way she once was. She is that feisty and spunky girl with some 'tude!

She is still battling the hygroma from her slip at this home yet, with proper continued management, it will heal fine.

It is BBBBB time for I see BHRR's Ethel, BHRR's Abby & BHRR's Jersey also! 🙂

photo 2 photo 1
BHRR's Reese with my almost 10 year old Cherokee & BHRR's Reese with BBBBB's! May 8th, 2014

BHRR's Nessie had all bw come back normal, she still is not battling a fever, her UA was normal and below are two of her five x-rays taken.

Her culture results came back on Friday May 2nd and, as we all thought, her chronic cellulitis was not responding to the cephalexin and the infection that ensured because of that resistance/ not sensitive to the cephalexin.

The culture results indicate that the bad beastie bugs are responsive to the Doxy and the Clav and, so, she remains on both for another 3 weeks at least. I should take a photo of the bill of 480 Doxy x 100 mg (she receives 7 BID) that I just picked up from the pharmacy – it was $350! NOT to mention how many hundreds of dollars her Clavamox of 375 mg of 3 BID costs. She still gets her Deramaxx daily also. 

I will also take a current photo of her poor foot/leg. While her other back leg has a very minor infection, the one leg she has normally had be affected is so sad. 🙁 Moving forward, for any future bouts of chronic cellulitis, she may have to go straight to the Clav/Doxy combo.

So, thank you to her village for being there for her and, the consideration for even $1 to her Vet care.

Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Nessie'. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario

You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:

Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)


BHRR's Nessie's LATEST Angels and Donations to Date: $178.18
*Before PayPal fees
PV Hazeldean Community Education/Awareness Event(50/50 split with BHRR's Ethel)

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BHRR's Nessie's right back leg – hock and toes x-rays – April 24th, 2014

Here is a blog post made recently made by the kind person who won the special date with BHRR's Angel Noelle's from her Breaking Bills Baking online auction. This picnic date was held on March 2nd, 2014.

Post can be read HERE!

She was at PV Hazeldean on Saturday for our 2nd Community Education/Public Awareness Event of 2014 and, as always, a very popular girl! She just keeps getting better and better AND, this time, she had very little worries about leaving with either one of the two BHRR approved Volunteers that came to assist that day! OR, with another person who visited, who had adopted from us in the past.

Next up for her is the special date won by the family from our 3rd ANNUAL 1-on-1 Date Auction! The family drove all the way from Orleans on Saturday to visit us at PV Hazeldean and, were so wonderfully surprised to find that BHRR's Angel Noelle was also in attendance. What a lovely family! Just lovely!