Meg now has both Danes from the drug situation and is enroute.

The Male is in the worst shape per Meg.

Here is a pic….and if photos are said to put 20 pounds on, he is in dire straits.  Per Meg ‘this is so bad.’ 

I have Vet appointments made for tomorrow yet, if need be, will take them direct to emergency tonight.

If, anyone may have some change to spare to assist in what will be a very long medical, physical rehabilitation, let alone their emotional healing journey, donations can be made:

PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*note, there are two different addresses depending on method of donation*

I promise to update ASAP and thank you to anyone that may consider their cause. 

Drive safe Meg….tell them they are already loved and that I am on my way!


We have been working around the clock on an urgent situation with another group – 2 Danes from a drug situation. ETA to BHRR is tonight.

A man bought the two Danes for $100 to save them and has been keeping them in a horse trailer. However, this person is not comfortable around giants plus is not in a position to medically/behaviourally assist them. They need out ASAP.

They need urgent medical attention and this is a picture is of one of them – severely emaciated.

We are seeking emerge temp fosters for two of our current fully vetted & successfully rehabbed available for adoption dogs so I can bring these other two direct to me:

1) BHRR’s Sawyer – Saint/Pyr – good with cats/dogs
2) BHRR’s Miss Holly – BoxerX – good with dogs, no small animals

Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if YOU ARE a BHRR Approved Home – any Approved adoptive home is also a BHRR Approved Volunteer!

This is extremely URGENT!

Thanks in advance….

*NOTE: We are not seeking new applications for consideration. We are seeking already approved BHRR Volunteers!*

The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 of Granite is at his own overnight play date tonight!

You were such a great boy at work today and have a wonderful date night!

You have come SOOOOOOO far and I am bursting with pride for you…..

She really is not impressed with my efforts for photo taking! 

Yet, look at her amazing muscle tone! 

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood is off with Kinsley & I for her annual.

She is not impressed with me trying to get pictures of her! 


AND if anyone may consider donating a new collar for her; please do let me know. She really could use a new super pretty one…..

She is truly quite silly! Her face when I asked her if she could at least try and sit like a lady for only a moment for me to take a pic! 

BHRR’s Silly Tilly – from a hoarding situation – came to work with me today! 

What an amazing passenger and she was so fantastic in the run at work.

Her weight is just over 92 pounds. Therefore, she has now put on almost 10 pounds since she first came under our care. She is nice and lean and looks stunning! 

She had boosters and her heart plus lungs listened to, teeth checked and we looked closely for a spay incision plus her Vet palpated to see if she could feel anything. 

Per what was passed along to us, we had been told she was spayed and if she had been spayed it had to have been a paediatric spay as she is so immature in her vulva area. With her being very young – ~1, there should also be a scar.

We did pre-op bloodwork – thank you to the beautiful lovelies I work with in making it easy! – and we will book surgery to know for sure.

We have done u/s in the past plus exams and x-rays and hormones tests and over the many many many years we have been doing this, surgery is the only way to know without a doubt. 

AND in over 23 years of operating, we have never opened up a dog to then find out that they had already been spayed.

We have had two Danes – BHRR’s Cosette and BHRR’s Giselle alone that we had been told were spayed, we showed proper due diligence with progesterone testing, u/s, x-rays and exams to confirm spay – were informed that results indicated they were spayed AND both proved to not be spayed not all that long afterwards by going into heat. 

We had even had BHRR’s Giselle on the surgery table to be spayed, when the surgeon found a scar and felt definitively that it was a spay scar and we did hormone testing and were given the news she was spayed yet she went into heat the next month. 

AND later, we shall be posting a pic with another enormous thank you to a family that held an early birthday party for their handsome twins and donated the funds raised to BHRR. Those funds have enabled us to pay for all of BHRR’s Tilly’s Vet Bills up to today!  

That is extremely generous, humbling, caring and incredibly touching! 




Today, we have two BHRR doggies on their own date auction play dates!

The GD/IW Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Juniper and also one of her brothers – BHRR’s Fletcher.

This is BHRR’s Fletcher when I told him we were going for a car drive! 

He had a good drop-off and the home has had a date with him in the past and knows to just passively ignore him. He always takes about 30-45 minutes to settle in, realise he is going to be ok and then he actually enjoys himself.

He and BHRR’s Everly remain the two most genetically affected in this litter with their anxiety, fear plus shy behaviour, just like their Mama Gem. 

If ever there were the best examples of how much genetics plays a role in temperament plus behaviour, this litter is hands down proof. We use the environment to make their behaviour the best it can be. 

Thank you’s being extended to Sean for helping me to get BHRR’s Juniper to her date while I took BHRR’s Fletcher to his! 

My three blind/deaf mice are growing up!

They are now 7 months of age and not much difference between them and my special needs GD ‘Salt’, who turned 4 in April. 

AND all are never far from where I am…..even dragging blankets around to be near me! They find it hard to drag the XL Costco dog beds around….for now! 

AND yes, Summit is a bit dirty – lots of fun digging with BHRR’s Volt in the dirt! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Meadow! 
~18 months of age

Getting ‘still’ shots of this now uber happy full of zest for life girl is hard! 

While she still can be a bit shy/uncertain in new surroundings/people, give her a few moments and her desire to want to make friends, be curious and get loved on comes out…..

AND the longer you are around her, her bubbly sweet, kind, gentle, calm, beautiful personality just shines.

She is such a goofy gal…..and loves her walks/hikes and being with her humans!

The way that she will lift her head and look at me, humbles me immensely. It has been a real privilege bearing witness to her coming into her own, developing confidence, learning to love herself and helping her develop into this truly stunning soul!

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog.

She is wonderful to wash plus do nails!

We do not wish to see her in a home with children under the age of 12. A home with children 10 or 11, that are mature, may be considered for that right matched forever loving home.

Fast flighty movements can initially spook her a bit so calm and steady is the way to go! A million times better that she once was and she will continue to get better and better.

A far cry from the life in a pen that she once was in, this girl is living the life now and we want her to go that right matched forever loving home that is quietly social – not over the top yet has small groups of people over and visits friends/family from time to time. 

We do not want her in a home that are strict home-bodies as that will not continue to show her that the world can be her big amazing oyster full of the best experiences and loving hands.

So, a home that is balanced. Not one that are social butterflies yet not a home that are hermits either. 

She can be the only dog in a home or a home that has a right matched pesonality fit dog is equally wonderful. It is most important for her to have a strong social doggie social friend network. We need friends, so does she!

She is great in the car and crate trained plus 100% housebroken. 

She is amazing and for those that are not aware she is the Mama to my 3 blind/deaf mice, the Dane Trio. 

Sean says that if there was a dog that he would want to keep, it would be her. 

For a girl that had little to no exposure to men prior to coming to BHRR, she is fabu!

Though, my heart remains saddened that the home that has the Dane Trio’s Dad still will not let him go….I am happy that this lovely Miss will no longer be having babies – babies having babies is not right – and can be cherished as she is meant to be for the rest of her life.

AND as always, should her right matched personality fit home not come along, she is living an awesome life with us and that is OK by us!

Miss Meadow, I am incredibly proud of you and all that you have accomplished and you shall be yet another dear BHRR dog that we will sorely miss!

AND for anyone that is interested in her, please do read her extremely detailed blog and our adoption processes, procedures plus policies. 

Should you then believe that you may be that right matched personality fit home meant for her; you would be most welcome to submit an application to the members of the BHRR BOD to consider. 

CONGRATS to you Miss Meadow!

The boss – Sean has spoken – BHRR’s Tilly shall be her name!

*Silly Tilly* 

Got her! 

She will need a name! Name guru’s! 

She is uber sweet and petite – just over 83 pounds (lean) – and such a beautiful temperament. Cannot wait to watch her blossom and see her monkey side really shine! ?

This lovely girl is now safe and out of the horrible hoarding conditions she once lived in.

Going to now make my way home and she will have 3+ acres to romp in shortly! 

Her home shall no longer be an outside pen filled with feces plus mud and a shelter way too small for her being exposed to the elements. 

She will have dogs beds, live inside being cherished, fed plus watered properly and have doggie friends to play with plus have so many loving hands to show her how important, worthy and cared about she is! 

Thank you Samantha, Karen and Jane for working with me again on another rescue. It is a true honour doing this life saving work with you! 

Happy Sunday to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

UPDATE: Miss Volt is moving under a “PENDING” for an approved temp foster to adopt situation.

We shall update as we can!

BHRR’s Volt (7 months old)

As many that follow BHRR’s Volts’ blog are aware, she will not be ready for final approval of an adoption until such time as her specialist, Dr. Philibert advises that her vulva conformity issues have been successfully addressed/resolved.

When she is spayed, her one incisor will be extracted and dental x-rays done to determine the health of her other teeth. If she needs more than the one extraction, it shall also be taken care of by BHRR. 

After much conversation, Sean and I have decided to make a rare exception and place her in a right matched personality fit home for a foster to adopt situation. 

*Said Foster To Adopt Home Must Be Within 2 Hours Of Us*

As many can attest to, she is deeply bonded to me and I work hard to make our dogs the most well balanced plus rounded that they can be. 

She is more than ready for this next step, even if she thinks she is not!

There shall be conditions put in place in her foster to adopt contract to ensure that while we wait for her to have that heat to see how much it may mature her vulva; that she is placed at zero risk of any accidental pregnancy.

BHRR has been operating for over 23 years and we have NEVER had any dogs become pregnant on our watch and we are not about to start! That is not part of r/q Rescue. 

Should that right matched home not find her and she remains with us, like all of our dogs, that is 100% ok with us too!

We are seeking a home that ideally has at least one other right matched personality fit dog for Miss Volt is uber social. 

We will consider homes with children as young as 5 and prior Rottie experience is not required.

If a home already has children, we do not wish to see her placed in a home that has more than 2 children. 

Previous dog experience is ideal yet not required if that right matched home is set up for success.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or retired etc. She is another versatile BHRR dog!

She has proven to be fantastic with cats too!

She will NOT go to a home that seeks to make her fat or obese – yup, one of my biggest pet peeves! She is lean and looks fantastic!

She is a dream to wash, do nails and through extensive rehab, she actually will get into the car on her own and even enjoys the car rides to a point now…..she more tolerates them as a means to get from point A to B to socialise!

She is housebroken and while not 100% proven trustworthy in our home on her own – she has a paper towel fetish! – at just 7 months of age, she is a ROCK star!

She is smart and we would love to see her go to a home that will consider therapy work with her. She has the perfect temperament!

She loves her walks/hikes and to snuggle and cuddle and her one vice is hooking her front legs around yours and almost tripping you!

Or, she has been known to take the bottom of your pant leg as you walk too! Working on it!

OK, she has another vice….she LOVES to dig holes…..big ones, gigantic ones….not quite sure where she is going for she digs them in every direction!

Is she the perfect dog? No…no dog is yet she is as close to bomb proof as any dog can be.

We encourage her to be curious and passively ignore anything that she may show initial uncertainty at….such as the flowers growing at the event we were at last week. 

Being born in October, she did not see many flowers in bloom last year. How people handle things and act is how she is going to react and the second time she saw them, no big deal!

To Miss Volt, as much as she loves people, places and things….she loves home the best! Walks on our trails and snacks by the fireplace/tv are her evening big moment of happiness.

OH, yeah, she still wants to climb in my shower more often than not too! LOL

We recommend anyone that may be interested in BHRR’s Volt, to read her extremely detailed blog and our adoption processes, policies and procedures prior to submitting an application to the BHRR BOD to consider.

BHRR’s Volt is almost a $15,000 dog to date in our efforts to get her physically healthy and if, Dr. Philibert requires her to have a vulvaplasty along with a ‘nip & tuck’ with the dental when she is spayed, she will be much closer to a $25,000+ dog.

To us at BHRR, she is MORE than worth every dime and to all that have met her to date, they can confirm that this girl is a WOW dog….super special, smart, affectionate, deserving and have I mentioned how stunning she is?!

She is a small female Rottie and yes, her tail was incorrectly docked and to us, she is perfect in all of her imperfections. 

BHRR’s Volt, it has been a true honour, privilege and joy having you with us……I shall shed many a tear when it is your time to go yet they will be so worth it!

You are a gift and we know that you will leave an incredible mark on the world!

My final note is a special thanks being shouted out to Alta Vista Animal Hospital…..without you, she would not have even had this opportunity. THANK you for saving her and then entrusting her to BHRR.


Gwennie shall kill me for posting yet, this is just one candid picture among several taken over the years that demonstrate just how special this woman is to many!

That includes people as well as animals. Gwennie you are dearly loved, respected and valued.

I know you are hurting right now Gwennie, yet, know that you are amazing, inspirational, generous to a fault, dedicated, selfless, humble, brilliant, full of integrity and a whole hell of a lot more not to mention you remain my hero…. 

Here is the THREAD for all of the wonderful posts and likes/loves for The Gwennie!

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Clay to our Haven Program.

He has major issues with holding his collar. He will be fine 90% of the time and then when he is not, he will snap. 

There are no known triggers or pattern at this time that we have been able to narrow down as to the ‘why’ in order for us to successfully address this behaviour. He has not demonstrated reliable well rounded nor well balanced behaviour when it comes to gently taking his collar or even after holding his collar for a bit. 

It is in his best interest to be moved to our Haven program where we can continue to assess, monitor and work with modifying this behaviour as we can.  


These two beauties – BHRR’s Meadow & BHRR’s Volt are very excited to share some news!

It has touched my heart immensely with how far these two incredible dogs have come in not just their physical yet their emotional and behavioural rehabilitation.

I have spent over 14 years working on my formal education – and continue to take courses – to help dogs like these and I am beyond proud of them and so many others that we have been incredibly fortunate to have assisted since our inception in 1996.

AND she is on her way!

The GD from the hoarding situation is on transport.

What a sweet big personality filled girl she appears to be! 

DRIVE safe wishes being sent out to everyone involved…..

AND goodnight wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!

UPDATE: AND BHRR’s Burst is now tucked into her Approved temp foster home! 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right match forever loving home! 

Going to miss this dynamo of a girl! 

AND we are on our way

We are going to see if this home is a right matched temp foster for BHRR’s Burst!

Everything crossed! 

NOTE: we are still seeking an approved BHRR temp foster home for BHRR’s Sawyer also.

Remember, if you are an Approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved temp foster home plus Volunteer. 


Animal bylaw/control has picked up the ~1 year old female Great Dane from the hoarding situation.

Transport from their facilities to us is now being worked on.

She finally has proper shelter, food/water, love and will be going to the Vet prior to transport for initial assessment plus to begin proactive/preventive treatment.


The biggest of thank you’s much be extended from my heart to Karen & Samantha!  This girl is in excellent hands with them!

I hear that she is strong, precious and appears super friendly.

Cannot wait to meet you dear girl!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!


Here is a pic of her ‘shelter’. Way smaller than her. 

AND the colour of her loose diarrhea stool. 🙁

~ 1 year old female GD

Victim of a hoarding situation 

This is her current ‘home’. 

Tonight, will be her last night in these conditions.

Tomorrow, she shall be safe…….

Thank you to Karen & Samantha, her incredible lifesaving rescue angels and thank you to Jane of Just Paws Recue for working with me to help get her to BHRR.

This is what your generosity with donations of dog beds, cleaning supplies, bowls, collars, leashes and especially financial contributions for Vetting enable us to do.

To SAVE dogs like her.

Donations to her care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

She is going to need some serious TLC

I could not wish for a more fitting Mothers Day gift….to be able to help another in urgent need of BHRR.


We are at Pet Valu Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road – to 4 pm!

Miss Volt is also here with us!

AND we are on our way!

We are off to Pet Valu Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road – for our second community education & public awareness event of 2019!

AND Miss Volt shall be in appearance from 10-4 pm

This is how she likes to hang in my car when I first load her up! 

Then, we have the ‘conversation’ about her needing to be safely tethered when we drive and that she cannot be on my back dashboard! 

It is part of our travel routine and after much sighing, she comes down and then is safely secured for driving….

What a hoot she is! 

What a gorgeous day it shall be today too! The sun, which has been rare of late is out in full force.

We are doing nails, ear cleanings, we shall have some merchandise/baking for sale and we will also have our pup Sponsor Board.

BHRR’s Sleet – One of our Dane Trio (3 blind/deaf mice) 
QUEEN of the castle!

Best seat in the house! 

They are now 6.5 months of age. In a few more months we shall be back at the Vet to determine if they shall need those extractions – we need all of their adult teeth to come in first.

From our home to all of our friends, families plus supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent…..

May 1st, 2019
ALL I wanted was to do a weekly clean/purge of the fridge prior to making dinner….brought the garbage can in and thought that I could throw a load of laundry in before I started….

Had the kitchen free and clear and came back to this….Salt even grabbed a blanket and dragged it in to lay on! 

Had a few (8) supervisors overseeing my work!

Talk about ‘laying down on the job’ though! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters warmest good night wishes being sent!

The Dane Trio(My 3 blind/deaf mice)
March 24th, 2019

BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet are smelling something wonderful – no idea what!? – and Summit is loving the ice/snow! 

They are looking fabu in their Wiggle Bumz Collars!

Thanks SO much Ellie & Jennifer!

Miss Flower UPDATE: 

Unfortunately, I must sincerely apologise that quite a few of our supporters are already aware before BHRR had the proper opportunity to post that Miss Flower was euthanised today.

Sadly, I was at work today when she was taken to the Vet by Poet’s Vision due to rapidly declining health – stopped eating, drinking and walking – and I was not in a position to post an update on our page. 

We believe in full disclosure and our intent was to make a post ASAP. I remain so sorry that our post on our page is coming at this time. 

I truly cannot express to all of our friends, family plus supporters what it has meant to our hearts to have had you rally so strongly around this 7 week old Maremma baby in our efforts to give her the best chance possible. 

We never even made it to the MRI stage. 

An already horrible day has just been that much more devastating with this wee pups loss. 

To the kind angel that donated funds for an XL Costco dog bed, you have now been refunded.

To the other kind angel that donated yesterday, your monies have also now been refunded.

All other generous loving donations that came directly to BHRR for Miss Flower were used towards her Vet Bills including for a fecal, food, de-worming etc. and please do know how incredibly appreciative we remain for your kindness. 

Once, we obtain the credit for the food return – wet & dry, should anyone wish to have their beautiful donation returned, please do not hesitate to let me know – gwen@birchhaven.org

Please do join me in lighting a candle for a sweet soul whose life was over far too soon….

What a really brutally terrible day it has been……

BHRR’s Miss Meadow
Rescued Mama to my rescued three blind/deaf mice
April 24th, 2019 – on our way back into KAH today


As I was shopping for the family groceries yesterday afternoon, Sean called me to say that Meadow was suddenly actively bleeding from her privates.

Per Sean, there were not any signs of trauma and if, Sean says a dog is actively bleeding, I am going to move fast.

I immediately abandoned my cart of groceries and asked Sean to pack her up and meet me in Kemptville.

I called KAH and an appointment was made. I passed along what I knew to date from Sean.

Sean met me in Kemptville, we loaded her up into my car and on my way to KAH, I called them and updated re: her status.

Mentioned that she was passing massive blood clots and that I was taking her in through the side door as she was covered in blood.

Arrived to KAH and I shall be forever grateful to Dr. Ashdown, Cailey and to my *blood* partner Nadine who spent ages helping me to clean up after Miss Meadow…..the blood was everywhere and I mean everywhere..splattered and splashed and pooled and smudged.

Miss Meadow was throwing clots 5-7 cms in diameter and the amount of frank blood that was coming from her vulva was alarming.

Miss Meadow had not had any trauma, she was not exposed to any rodenticide on our property – neighbours do use yet her exposure to it was remote, we do not have her exposed to any intact males and she had been spayed elsewhere 13 days prior. Her spay incision was also nicely healed by this time.

She was having acute m3 vulval hemorrhage and every few minutes passing these huge blood clots.

No evidence of free abdominal fluid/hemorrhage seen on a brief ultrasound, PCV normal, bloodwork normal, elevated HR/BP – understandable.

She was placed on IVF and much discussion was had as to whether she should be transferred immediately to emerge – may need an exploratory.

Over the next couple of hours the bleeding slowed down once we got her into a run and quiet and the fairly probable cause of her hemorrhaging was narrowed down to a complication from her spay done elsewhere 13 days prior.

Possible erosion of uterine stump vessels or uterine stump ligature issue – so, complication from recent spay most likely the cause.

She ended up coming home on IV fluids as by the time 8:20 PM rolled around, the bleeding had pretty much completely subsided and though she had a clot protruding from her vulva, she was not passing any more clots.

The plan was that if she began to actively bleed again, we were heading straight to emergency.

She had a good night on fluids, drank, ate some small amounts of food & we were back first thing this AM.Temperature remained normal.

If there was limited improvement an emergency exploratory would have been done today at KAH or even at the Emerge Hospital.

PCV was repeated this AM and was normal and her personality while not quite back to normal, was getting back there…..

We wanted to keep her on IV fluids today at KAH yet she had other ideas…she pulled it right out from underneathe her bandages!

I am SOOOOOOOO grateful to her Vet Team at KAH for being there for her and I. So, a very special shout out to Dr. Ashdown, Cailey and Nadine. I could not have had her in better hands and as always you were amazing to work with!

AND she remains being closely monitored and should anything deteriorate, we will be into the Hospital or Emerge in a blink of an eye…..

What is so miraculous about this is that we were informed that these kinds of complications rarely resolve without surgical intervention and so we are all staying positive that she will not have to have surgery…..she is doing amazingly well. 

I also much thank the anonymous donor who took a HUGE financial pressure strain off of me by making an incredibly generous and loving donation….you are truly a life saver.

While I have so much to do – lost last night, was up all night with Miss Meadow, worked an extremely long day, had to get those groceries to feed the family and the list goes on and on….tonight, I am calling it quits early, going to snuggle this beautiful gem of a dog that has come so far in her time with us and going to hold close to my chest that an angel was watching over her….

From my home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent…..

As Nadine and I began to clean up one area & an example of the blood clots she was passing.

Miss Flower! UPDATE:

Held lovingly in my arms at Alta Vista Emerge.

She had her consult with the neurologist yesterday and Dr. Jull feels she has either hydrocephalus and/or a cyst located in or near the cerebella that is causing pressure on the brain stem.

There is a possible condition that can cause increased pressure and a random pain response they are wondering if that is why there is so much vocalisation. At this time, I do not have the name of that condition. I was not able to be at the consult yesterday and I am very thankful to Tanya for being able to take her and then coming to see me at KAH afterwards!

Her weight was 7.1 kgs at KAH. She has not yet gained since she came into rescue and we are hoping that this shall come shortly. For she is quite skinny.

At the moment they do not feel there is a malformation of the brain stem itself.

Doing a MRI is the next step for Miss Flower.

Depending on what they see – potentially having a stint placed or medical management.

They also found what they believe is none related pain at the thoracic and lumbar spine, at the moment it’s nothing concerning but they needed to mention it.

Attached in the thread is a copy of the estimate provided….there is also a cerebral spinal fluid tap on the estimate.

We did run a fecal, she is being de-wormed and her special food should be arriving today.

I am in touch with Wigglebumz to have a custom balance harness made for her. With her blindness, neuro issues and severe hearing impairment, this is most safe for her.

I am sending to Tanya who is going to temp foster her moving forward – thank you again to Randy/Emily FOR all you have done as her temp fosters!, a Giant stuffie donated to us by the truly lovely Martina.

I am also stealing one of my XL Costco dog beds from one of the dogs here for her yet, if anyone may consider donating one for her, we would be so so so appreciative. Do let me know!

We also picked up another week of meds for her from the neurologist- Keppra, Omeprazole and Trazodone. We will order those moving forward from KAH.

Tanya from Poet’s Vision is hosting a flash auction so please do consider looking over the beautiful items! Link below.


If anyone may consider this 7 week old Maremma’s cause, donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

On behalf of Tanya, Miss Flower and myself, a million thanks many times over for the love plus support that has been given to date! 

This puppy needs her Army to give her everything that she needs…..we remain deeply humbled for any consideration given.


Having a wonderful roll….the simplest of things give him so much pleasure. 

We had an ECHO, X-rays & an u/s done – he got a big thumbs up as being a reactive dog, it was not easy on him yet I am so proud of him.

Trazodone has been a big aid in assisting in bringing down his anxiety and stress levels.

For we needed to do these diagnostics and ASAP. Confirmation is that yes, he does have a Grade 3 HM & a mass/tumour in his intestines.

Information shared with us……

German Shepherds are one of two breeds – Collies are the other that are most represented for intestinal tumours. Males also being most represented in respect to intestinal tumours.

Bloodwork indicates an abnormally low level of protein plus elevated liver enzymes. A calcium test showed elevated levels.

Xrays show that his lungs are clear at this time yet his liver and spleen are enlarged.

We are waiting on the interpretation report yet possible lymphoma has been discussed.

Still so surprised and saddened that we were not provided with the paperwork/information of the HM and the mass prior to his arrival. We received a hardcopy of these medical findings when we met the transport to pick him up.

While it makes nor would have made a difference re: our commitment to him, it would have helped us be better prepared for his arrival to ensure that whatever he needed was done even more promptly.

His skin issues and allergies are the least of his problems….

Treating each day as a gift with him! 

Thank you to every generous plus caring angel that has made a donation to date for his mounting Vet Bills.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Oh behalf of BHRR’s Juneau sending good night wishes to all of our friends, family plus supporters….

Easter dinner is best when it is pulled off the stand and then shared with family! ??

Two of my three blind/deaf mice! They turned 6 months old today too!

Miss *Flower* UPDATE & Video #2

As promised, we are now providing the second video and most recent update on the 7 week old Maremma puppy.

At Alta Vista Animal Emergency, the truly wonderful Dr. Jones did a thorough exam including a neuro assessment. She then conversed with Tanya, myself and her amazing temp fosters Randy/Emily.

The next step was for Dr. Jones to reach out to Dr. Jull, the neurologist and discuss a plan to be put in place.

Miss Flower has now been scheduled to see Dr. Jull @ 11:30 AM tomorrow.

Miss Flower was placed on the following medications to help ‘slow’ down the firing of her brain, to calm her down re: agitation and she was also placed on Omeprazole 5 mg – 1 BID. She was put on Keppra 250 mg ½ tablet TID and Trazodone 50 mg ½-3/4 tablet to be given BID and can be given up to TID.

We received the results of her bloodwork a few minutes ago and they are normal for a puppy of her age. Tanya will be dropping off a urine sample as part of the panel that we paid for over the next several days.

I will be ordering special food for her tomorrow and once a copy of her Vet Records are sent to KAH, we can begin her de-worming protocols plus do a fecal test.

This Video was taken the next day after being at Alta Vista Animal Emerge.

She still turns right and she still does cry YET nothing like she was!

Please take note that NONE of this would be possible without EACH of you, her incredible rescue angels that have stood up to help us in her extreme urgent time of need! You are inspirational, you are awesome and you are lifesaving with your kindness plus generosity. Thank you!

Is this a puppy that should have been instantly killed? Does this look like a puppy that does not deserve the opportunity for Poet’s Vision and BHRR and her ever growing team of Vets plus Specialists to first find out what is going on so that we can make the best informed decision re: her future?

AND to the one person that felt that the Breeder was doing the right thing in wanting to kill her…that Breeder did NOTHING for her, other than threaten to kill her if Rescue did not step up. Puppies are to be de-wormed beginning at 2 weeks of age and every two weeks up to 10 weeks of age after that for starters – this was not done; there were not any fecals done, no progress Vet exams, no monitoring to see if she was gaining/thriving etc. She was kept in a barn. This is not a r/q Breeder that cares about preserving the Maremma breed and to continue to improve upon their own lines.

Thanks to Poet’s Vision and BHRR coming together to step up to help this wee doll, she will lack for nothing and be given all that she needs and any decision regarding her welfare shall only be made based upon all the information possible to be gathered.

Both of our Rescues are special needs groups and we deal with heartache, devastation and horrors daily and we remain deeply humbled plus forever indebted to all those that continue to believe in not just the efforts of our respective organizations YET also believe that animals like Miss Flower deserve this chance…..

For anyone that may consider her cause; donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

I am working tomorrow so shall not be at the neurologist appointment yet Tanya shall be there and we will then update ASAP after that. After the appointment, with my own home being full right now, Tanya shall take over the temp fostering of Miss Flower for this puppy is clearly not ‘just’ blind as originally told to us. There is a lot more going on. THANK you Randy/Emily for ALL that you have done for her! You are both absolutely fantastic fosters!

Play Date Today!
April 20th, 2019Today, we had a play date @ our home and ONE of these dogs – our own GSD named Denali – is NOT like the others!  

Some are looking at Sean, some at me and some are looking for their friends that were driving in when I snapped this picture! 
We had a total of 27 dogs come out to play/visit! It brought me so much joy to see quite a few of our Fosters & Haven Dogs come out….

***EDITING to add as several seem to think that this GSD is BHRR’s Juneau, he is NOT. This is our own GSD Denali, a PTSD in training. 

Anyone that has been following BHRR’s Juneau would be aware that any interaction of this kind would have been disastrous.***

*Flower* UPDATE

This is Video #1. There shall be TWO Video’s posted of Miss Flower.

This video is to demonstrate why we were at the really amazing VCA Canada Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital yesterday.

I took this video(her lovely foster Mama Emily is holding/rocking her – Miss Flower has already scented off her). Emily and Randy are her wonderful foster parents.

This is her crying and as mentioned in our first URGENT EMERGENCY Post; she cries like this when she is awake, all the time and also continually goes to her right. That is what brought all of us straight to the Emergency Room yesterday.

She is a 7 week old Maremma puppy and two special needs rescues – Poet’s Vision plus BHRR have come together to step up and work together as a team to assist her.

AND THANK you from our hearts to her temp foster parents, to the truly wonderful Dr. Jones and to the equally wonderful tech Kristina at Alta Vista AND to each of YOU, her beautiful supporters of both Poet’s Vision plus BHRR that have come together to surround this girl with love and kindness with your caring words plus life saving donations in her big time of need! 

Both BHRR and Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue are in a huge financial strain right now and by working together, we work to give Miss Flower the absolute best of both groups.

We were informed by the Breeder that this puppy was blind and it quickly became apparent that there is a lot more going on than just blindness. The Breeder was planning on killing her should she not be taken in by Rescue. We did not even know if she could hear and both Tanya plus I greatly suspected that something neurological was playing a big factor.

Her Vet at Alta Vista concurs – per their notes – 
‘Presenting Concern – Neurological
Diagnosis- open – infection, congenital brain disease, hydrocephalus’

A plan was put into place and we will post our second video to demonstrate in more detail what that plan is and how the implementation of it is going……

Donations to her care can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com AND I also know that Tanya is posting on her Rescue page – Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue.

AND to assure all that our focus in our respective organisations is always about quality over quantity and all decisions being made are informed ones.



Upon his arrival to myself on Wednesday evening, I was handed a folder. In said folder was what I believed to be the records for what we had been informed to date on him.

We had already received a soft copy of his owner surrender plus the vaccines that he was given in March. We were missing all of the documentation re: why he was on pred, cefaseptin, special diet etc. and felt that the Vet’s findings and notes would be in the hardcopies given.

Unfortunately, those records were not given yet we were given records re: medical concerns that we had not been aware of. He has a Grade 2/3 HM and also a mass/tumour was felt in his caudal abdomen. The words of tumour, lymphoma and intestinal tumour were used and the recommendation to have an Echo and further diagnostics were given. We also were not aware that he had originally been surrendered to one pound on March 7 and transferred to another pound in April – the day after he was neutered.

We had stepped up to commit to this GS and if we had known about these additional medical conditions, we could have better prepared for his arrival and get everything needed in place for him.

We were heading into a long weekend and now are incredibly concerned re: these findings in that paperwork.

I brought him to work with me yesterday and we got a weight on him – he is down and he is quite thin.

The other thing I wanted and anyone that knows me knows I am not a Med pusher and rarely use, then only as necessary and this poor dog needed more Trazadone. We need to get him to a level that he can focus again and go back to basics and build him back up.

I do not believe in using these meds as a crutch. I believe in his case – and I deal with the severely behavioural dogs – that the meds’ that they had him on at the pound should continue and we can take it one step at a time to get him to a good place and go from there.

He is so messed up in his head. He does not know if he is coming or going nor what is expected of him. He is confused, scared, lacks confidence and has been trying to understand and take care of himself in a world where he has not been given any choices and is emotionally hurting. His anxiety level is high yet already we are coming down…..used classical music at work for him too when he was in the run there and very proud of him!

I do not know what his exercise level was before he was dumped at the pound – I could make an expert input position statement on that – for his mental and physical stimulation plus wellbeing yet since March 7, I can guarantee that he did not have those needs fulfilled.

He is frustrated…..so today, and while it rained like a holy terror – we are getting up to 60 mm of rain today – it was perfect for him and I to go to a small subdivision near us and walk….

Not too much outside stimulus in this weather and we got to know each other better – he loves water and he also got to roll in what at some point in time, I believe shall turn into grass! 

We got back to nature and the first loop we did, you could see his mixture of hyper alertness with lack of confidence mixing in with the sheer joy of a walk, even in this brutal rainfall. Yet, the more we walked, the more confident he became…his head came up higher, his tail and body posture relaxed and he began to do a more beautiful typical GS movement over slinking/crouching.

We took lots of opportunities to sniff – not overly interested yet he rolled on the ground and splashed in puddles and by the time we finished our second loop, he was enjoying himself a bit. Each time he saw my car he wanted to pull me over yet, a small word plus touch of reassurance, passively ignoring and I was patient. He would then proceed in the direction I asked of him.

I am not getting into a tug of war match nor going to force him or any dog yet I presented him with opportunities and at times, he got to choose what we did or rather he did – I was NOT rolling in the dead grass or puddles! – and at times, I made the decision. What this did for his mental state was huge….he will realise he is important and that I am not going to bully him or drag him.

He was fine with what few cars went by other than one and he made a half sorta effort attempt to jump yet collected well under direction.

I was told how strong he was on his transport and as someone who deals daily with 150+ Pound idjit brained untrained Giants, he was a kitten…. Yet, manners 101 is what we want and by the time our soggy walk was over, there was virtually zero pulling.

Tons of praise for him!

AND tons of praise to him for there is this one home that does not keep their dog in check and on our last loop, the dog came right for BHRR’s Juneau and was barking and circling him and not one peep or lunge from BHRR’s Juneau. I made sure I placed myself accordingly too.

The owner came out, hauled their dog back across the street to their property and stupidly enough, let their dog go yet I was ready and so was BHRR’s Juneau. Not a peep, body stance very aware and he did a re-direction jump towards me as he was trying to keep his eye on the dog and his stress level began to escalate and I remained calm and told him three times he was ok and what a good boy he was. The owner dragged his dog back again and throughout it all, I said not one word to the Owner or his dog.

My focus and attention was solely on BHRR’s Juneau and he handled this pressure moment exceedingly well.

People may note his muzzle….this is a basket muzzle and it gives him impulse control plus self-control. It is also not a crutch. It is an excellent training and behavioural aid.

Dogs can wear basket muzzles for many reasons ranging from those that hoover everything in sight when they are out, to medical – recovering from surgery or in BHRR’s Juneau’s case, to keep him away from his skin to breed bans – which I do not agree with breed bans.

This boy is reactive and this gives him a measure of calm and it is amazing how he just relaxes when it comes out. I associate it with something good when it goes on – PB and leash for a car ride or walk – and is not a punishment.

This boy needs a lot of work to get him to a point of liking himself, being able to make good choices – and he may well never 100% get to that point in all scenarios and that is ok!, having the proper level of confidence, to learn how to trust and for him to know that I shall never lay a hurting hand on him. Ever. No one ever shall again.

We have much to figure out more re: his heart and that tumour/mass and today was his first step in learning how to be a dog and seeing that I gave him a good experience and I was open in my clear plus effective communication that hopefully shall make tomorrow an even better day….

There will be many steps backwards yet this boy has tons of potential and I commit myself to him with my whole heart in helping him become the best dog he can be.

Gwennie Novel yet to all of his growing fan club and to even those who think GS are evil, it is important to update you! For without our supporters, we are nothing…..I could not do this without your belief…..

Thank you with sheer humbled warmth from my heart for that…. 


Yesterday, fellow rescuer Tanya of special needs dogs – Poet’s Vision reached out to myself asking if BHRR could take in a blind 7 week old Maremma pup.

Poet’s Vision is in the same position as BHRR, a big financial crisis yet, together we made the commitment that we would work as a team to give this baby the best chance – we were told that the Breeder was planning on killing the pup – and so we would dig deep and then even deeper to step up to help. We then put a plan in place to rescue this puppy.

Poet’s Vision, if you do not already know them, takes in dogs like BHRR, as their mandate is also to assist special needs dogs – we focus on the giants and they the smaller dogs & we both have the same goal at heart. 98% of the dogs we help are special needs and same goes for them. There are extreme few groups that do this and we are so appreciative of all those that surround these dogs in our respective groups with their caring support…. 

With this kind of rescue comes not just huge time plus emotional responsibilities yet big financial responsibilities too. The commitment and heart that it takes to do this to the quality level necessary is immense.

This little girl was picked up yesterday and not long after it became very apparent that there was more than just blindness going on. She screams constantly while she is awake and turns to the right continually. We are not even sure at this point if she can hear. Her head is misshapen and almost swollen.

On behalf of this sweet baby if anyone has anything they may be able to spare, with the most heartfelt humbled thanks from my heart, we would be immensely thankful plus forever indebted….

Donations can be made to PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Alta Vista Animal Hospital does not collect donations directly any longer.

This pic is of *Flower* laying on my chest at Alta Vista. The only time she is not screaming is when she sleeps….

We are also doing a thorough blood panel on her including UA.

We will post an update ASAP and I know Tanya has also posted a plea on her own group page – Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue.

I know it is Good Friday and it is time to be with friends plus family and today, I am with part of my cherished rescue family at the Emergency Hospital and thank you to my human family at home for being understanding of where I am needed right now….

R/q rescue is about sacrifice and thank you Sean, Mason & Kinsley for being who you are…. 

Got him!

Thanks so MUCH Maira and to all of the Freedom Driver transport angels for helping to get him closer to me…..

On my way home now…

GS Transport UPDATE:

Maira has him – we are going to call him BHRR’s Juneau – and I will be leaving shortly to meet up with her.

Maira found him to be ‘super friendly and not aggressive at all’.

It is so disturbing how people can label dogs. This has cost many a dog their life and that is beyond tragic.

People need to remember that a reactive dog is not trying to GIVE us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are HAVING a hard time. If, we as humans do not listen to this, they ‘can’ cross that threshold into aggressiveness. Therefore, we MUST listen and act accordingly.

As someone that has put 14 years of post secondary education into behaviour plus psychology; is the expert behavioural consult for several pounds, shelters plus busts, who takes CE courses, seminars plus classes yearly, it really distresses plus frustrates me to see so many amazing dogs ‘given up on’ by having been given a label.

Labeling is dangerous…….this dog almost died April 10th and if I, by sheer chance did not see the final plea post by those angels working so hard to save him, he would have been killed. This happens daily to thousands of dogs across North America, they are destroyed. 

Remember that behaviour is not just genetic in nature, environment plays a huge part.

Soon….very soon we shall meet….at last BHRR’s Juneau. 

You may not be a Great Dane/Giant yet you fall well within our mandate as you are a special needs – medical and behavioural. AND that is why we are here!

He is ON his way!

To all involved, please drive safe and Maira see you tonight! 

Maira – an extra special shout out of thanks being sent to you for offering to do the extra legs so that he can be in the least amount of hands possible. 

We have been told that since he was dumped at the pound, he has air snapped – at a Vet while two staff were restraining him, hates his collar/neck touched and in general being manipulated.

This is VERY revealing plus important information re: his current level of high stress and also his past……

He has medical issues of allergies, skin infections and is on meds – antibiotics and pred.

Soon dear boy….soon…..I cannot wait to meet you! It has been a very long week….

AND thank you to all of the rescue angels that have made a donation to date…..

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org OR via Email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

AND a gentle reminder to anyone that feels that as a GS he is not worthy of being helped and think that he should have just been destroyed as he is a ‘bad’ dog; that really is not a fair or kind statement.

As always, people are welcome to their own opinions yet our page is not the forum that will be used for anyone to promote breed fear or false information re: GS or any other breed for that matter.

His breed does not automatically make him a bad, evil or what one person said ‘a baby killer’ breed type of dog. That is such an awful, horrible comment to have seen someone make the other night. His breed should not automatically mean he should have been put to sleep.

Thank you also to those that continue to support our efforts and believe as strongly as we do that this 1 year old boy was deserving to have us offer to help him in his final moments of life for his time was up at the pound….. 

GSD Update:

Transport is being attempted for Wednesday….everything crossed. 

This rescue will be burned in my soul forever…..he literally had run out of time…..

For those who did not see my original post on April 10th, here is a copy:

1 year old Male GS – Not a Dane/Giant yet he is special needs

This is whose time was up today and at the tender age of just barely 1 was to be put to sleep.

His crime? Being special needs – like many Sheps, he has skin issues – allergies and is on special food, antibiotics plus Pred. His other crimes? Being smarter than his previous owner and being a GS.

He has inappropriate displays of behaviour and medical needs. Nothing that should have given him a death sentence…..he deserved a proper opportunity re: having a great future.

His story is not a new one for many dogs out there and his time ran out today….

I was actually shocked to note that no group had stepped up for him previously and today he came on my radar as not having been saved as of yet….

AND we posted an urgent call for one of our BHRR approved Volunteer homes to please consider emergency temp fostering one of the following dogs so we could step up to assist – BHRR’s Burst(Lab/Dane), BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) or BHRR’s Char(Dane) – and for the first time in over 23 years no one stepped up…. 

I knew that going to bed tonight with the knowledge that this dear young GS, like so many others was going to be put to sleep with his last days having been in a pound….his anxiety levels had greatly increased over the days spent there and he would not have a loving soul hold him as he took his last breaths, tormented plus haunted me.

So, I did step up to help him in his final hours of life and even though none of our approved homes reached out in this urgent time of need to emerge temp foster, I could not let this boy be killed.

So, what we are asking at this time is if anyone may consider making a donation so we can pay for temporary boarding for one of our BHRR dogs….

Any donation can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Thank you in advance for any consideration for not only would I be deeply humbled, I know if this young GS could talk – with manners! – he would equally like to thank you for helping to save his life….

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters may all of us be able to rest our heads in relative peace tonight…..

*Photo is one that was sent to us of him*

My last post of my night….

We are calling the newest addition to the BHRR Family – BHRR’s Clay.

This is for a number of reasons and I shall not bore all with a Gwennie novel as to why! 

Yet, one only has to look up some of the definitions to get a glimpse into why we chose that name for this really precious boy. 

No more basements, starvation – I am told that he has put on 20 pounds since he was first taken from living in the basement – neglect, being bred etc. for you sweet man. NEVER again shall you know anything but a loving caring supportive hand. 

We will post an update after his Vet visit tomorrow…….

BHRR’s Clay would also like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of $775! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night and try to stay dry wishes being sent!


These are double merles Danes. Mother is a heavily blanketed Harle and Dad is white. 

For Dalmations it is the ‘Piebald’ gene and in Aussies is also the ‘Merle’ gene.

Dogs with the merle, piebald, or extreme white piebald genes can all be special needs.

Congenital deafness has been found in over 80 different breeds, but it may be found in any breed. Those dogs with spots, dapples, or merle coats or those with white skin or fur are predisposed to congenital deafness. The most commonly affected breed is the Dalmatian, of which there are almost 30% that are deaf.

Congenital Blindness

Affected dogs have prominent third eyelids and small eyes which appear recessed in the eye socket (enophthalmos). A defect early in development results in the smaller than normal eye (microphthalmia).This is often associated with other eye abnormalities, including defects of the cornea, anterior chamber, lens and/or retina. Microphthalmia is also seen with coloboma – a cleft in a portion of the eye, particularly the iris.

Microphthalmia with multiple defects (ocular dysgenesis) is often seen in dogs with a merle hair coat with excessive amounts of white or all white.These dogs are frequently blind.

There is no treatment for the structural defects. Complications that may develop are things like glaucoma

 Ocular abnormalities that may be seen with ocular dysgenesis and merling with excessive white in the coat, include microphthalmia, microcornea, heterochromia irides, cataract, staphyloma, retinal detachment, irregular pupil, white to blue iris (albino), angle dysgenesis, iris coloboma, and blindness.

Anterior cleavage syndrome,or anterior ocular dysgenesis, has been seen in association with microphthalmia. In addition to other ocular abnormalities as seen above, the anterior chamber, pupil and iridocorneal angle are not formed. The anterior uvea is continuous with the posterior cornea. Pups are blind.

Got him!

In the extreme weather system coming in fast, I drove out for the 3 year old Dane that had been living his life in a basement.

Thank you to Jane of Just Paws for reaching out to us and thank you to Donna & Roger for taking him in, loving on him and then meeting me today! 

From additional information I have been given, apparently he was starved during his time in that basement plus that the conditions were deplorable. 

Dear sweet man, though I know you are nervous – that you pulled to come to me when you first saw me makes my heart hurt knowing that you were missing out in so much love, proper care, attention and social experiences.

Tomorrow, he shall come to work with me and we shall walk your rehab journey together ……you are not alone…..

My last post of my night….

BHRR’s Volt!
April 11th, 2019

She had her latest recheck yesterday. She now weighs 25.2 kgs(55.44 pounds).

Unfortunately, she is still battling an infection and will be on antibiotics (Simplicef 200 mg SID) for another 2 weeks.

We remain using a cone, Cortravance plus a thin layer of Vaseline every morning.

Then we shall do another recheck. She is a $12,000 puppy and counting and we shall continue to host small flash auctions plus do whatever is needed to make sure that she is properly taken care of.

As those that follow her know, the specialist, Dr. Philibert saw her on March 27th – same day he saw BHRR’s Connery – to look at her vulva conformity issue.

He wants to see her mature more and yes, have a heat to see if that may develop her vulva area so that she does not have so many ‘tight folds’ and then may not require as invasive of a surgery with a vulvaplasty and the ‘nip & tuck’.

So, while we now have her electrocuted mouth all healed up – five surgeries later and she will require one tooth extracted, we remain working on her vulva.

The tooth will be extracted when she is spayed. Dr. Philibert was not worried about it – it is an incisor.

Miss Volt is a huge fav at KAH & more than person would love to steal her away!

She has gone from super skittish to social queen!

Miss Volt would also like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of almost $700! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!


1 year old Male GSD – Not a Dane/Giant yet he is special needs
This is whose time was up today and at the tender age of just barely 1 was to be put to sleep.
His crime? Being special needs – like many Sheps, he has skin issues – allergies and is on special food, antibiotics plus Pred. His other crimes? Being smarter than his previous owner and being a GS.
He has inappropriate displays of behaviour and medical needs. Nothing that should have given him a death sentence…..he deserved a proper opportunity re: having a great future.
His story is not a new one for many dogs out there and his time ran out today….
I was actually shocked to note that no group had stepped up for him previously and today he came on my radar as not having been saved as of yet….
AND we posted an urgent call for one of our BHRR approved Volunteer homes to please consider emergency temp fostering one of the following dogs so we could step up to assist – BHRR’s Burst(Lab/Dane), BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) or BHRR’s Char(Dane) – and for the first time in over 23 years no one stepped up….
I knew that going to bed tonight with the knowledge that this dear young GS, like so many others was going to be put to sleep with his last days having been in a pound….his anxiety levels had greatly increased over the days spent there and he would not have a loving soul hold him as he took his last breaths, tormented plus haunted me.
So, I did step up to help him in his final hours of life and even though none of our approved homes reached out in this urgent time of need to emerge temp foster, I could not let this boy be killed.
So, what we are asking at this time is if anyone may consider making a donation so we can pay for temporary boarding for one of our BHRR dogs….
Any donation can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thank you in advance for any consideration for not only would I be deeply humbled, I know if this young GS could talk – with manners! – he would equally like to thank you for helping to save his life….
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters may all of us be able to rest our heads in relative peace tonight…..

As they get ready to go to bed shortly – they are hanging out by my computer snoozing! – The Dane Trio(6 months old now) would like to gently remind everyone about our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction!

To view the 26 amazing dates that we have up for grabs – we have DAY and OVERNIGHT Dates – please do visit THIS LINK for all of the details and to bid!

We currently have bids of $600! 

Our unique Date Auction Event ends 9:00 PM EST on Thursday April 18th, 2019!

The next in need of us!

As already stated, while I am not giving up on the special needs sire to The Dane Trio(my amazing three blind/deaf mice), I am no longer as positive that he will come to us. 

In the meantime, we must move forward in helping the next that we can assist and is in need of us.

This is a 3 year old Male fawn GD that was once kept in a basement. He was then given to someone and is now residing temporarily with a friend of the person he was given to. 

Thank you to Jane of Just Paws Animal Rescue for reaching out to us. 

ETA being worked on……


BHRR’s Connery

Waiting patiently in line for his timbits for being such a good boy!

Per the recommendation made, we did both a CT and a MRI for while CT images will identify most meningiomas and choroid plexus papillomas but can fail to identify gliomas. They did not offer a CT biopsy option so that we could biopsy the tumour at that time to determine just what tumour.

It had been suggested to us that the BHRR’s Connery had a brain tumour and so we proceeded to doing the further diagnostics required. 

From there palliative care based upon his physical symptoms and behaviour was strongly recommended.  

We will be continuing to host small flash auctions as we can for we now have two MRI’s and one CT scan as part of our mounting Vet Bills. 

My heart does break for this handsome boy…..he was once emaciated – he has put on over 40 pounds to date, neglected, abused, had parasites, eye infections, skin and wound infections, trauma from being a HBC and then finally being diagnosed as having a brain tumour. 

This year has seen us assist dogs that came to us as special needs as that is what we do and upon arrival they were far more special needs than originally indicated.

Well that looks awkward!!! 

The Dane Trio of BHRR’s Glacier had a great play session in this glorious weather & is now out like a light! 

Crashed out right on top of the giant turtle stuffie donated so generously by Martina. 

BHRR’s Volt in the latest snowstorm! A VIDEO!

My super happy rotten Rottie baby! 

However, I am not so happy and am done with the ice and freezing rain and snow and cold….please bring on spring!! 

BHRR’s Volt is soooooo excited! A VIDEO!

Why do you ask?!

We are expecting another 10 cms of snow, heavy at times tonight…..she just LOVES the snow and it has begun to fall! 

Gwennie on the other hand is done…totally done with winter!

Once the snow passes through, another 25 mm of freezing rain is heading our way….then an additional 15 mm of rain.

We will update all shortly in re: to her specialist apt. held with Dr. Philibert last Wednesday.

AND to the few that felt she should have been put to sleep when she came into our care from having been electrocuted in her past home and was left untreated for two days, may you clearly now see the sheer joy of her living her best life daily! 

May you now also see that she is worthy and we are going to keep helping her become healthy….one day and one Vet visit at a time! 


Summit was not far behind though! 

WTG!! Very proud of their target practise results! 

BHRR’s Glacier was still snoozing away in the back seat at this point! 

AND the moment BHRR’s Sleet *scented* off Kinsley when she got off the bus! 

Immediate ‘hit’ on target! Yes!

Good girl BHRR’s Sleet! 

Summit was still busy nuzzling me! 

Summit & BHRR’s Sleet would like to gently remind everyone that our flash auction ends tonight – Friday March 29th @ 9 PM EST. 
*this pic was taken as we waited at the end of our laneway for Kinsley*

Like many groups we have unexpected medical costs associated with several additions to our program and as a highly focused special needs rescue – especially with the Giants, those bills are running very high.

BHRR’s Connery saw Dr. Philibert today for his ortho consult. 

We will be now moving to a neurological consult and will have an appointment sent up with Dr. Jull.

I had sent four video’s to Dr. Philibert of BHRR’s Connery walking, trotting and almost running plus the pictures of the x-rays that we took at the time of his neuter in February.

Per Dr. Philibert today:

“He seems to have mild muscle atrophy on his left hind limb compared to the right. However I cannot find an explanation on orthopedic exam. Radiographs of the hips look normal. The stifles are also normal although I see mild small flattening of lateral femoral condyles but that flattening is actually more obvious in the right stifle. The possible cause of this, if not normal for him, would be Osteochodrosis. But since there is no swelling or effusion and palpation of his knees is normal, I doubt it is a significant source of pain or lameness. 

What worries me more is his wide stance on the hind legs, and poor placing of his hind feet. I recommend you have a consult with Dr Jull to see if he agrees that his problem may be more neurological, like Wobblers, and if it is, what work up would be needed.” 

We are determined to keep quality of life first and foremost as a priority for him and will keep everyone posted as we can.

This photo is of him batting at me to rub his chest over taking a picture! 

AND we now have 51 items in our latest flash auction to keep working on raising the much needed funds to pay for the mounting Vet Bills……

AND we will keep working to host flash auctions in our efforts to pay for the mounting Vet Bills. 

Miss Volt was at the Vet today for her recheck.

She weighed 23.7 kgs(52.14 pounds).

Unfortunately, it was not the great Vet visit that we wanted….

1) She will have to have a tooth extracted yet the good news is that other than some scarring inside her mouth, she has finally healed up from the electrocution.

2) Her Vulva conformity issue has not improved with her growing. In conversing with two Vets today, it is not just a vulvoplasty that she will need and this has been discussed before…the folds around her vulva are very tight plus she has a lot of folds.

3) She is back on antibiotics and we will be using the Cortravance again.

I reached out after her apt. to Dr. Philibert, the Specialist who is seeing BHRR’s Connery tomorrow @ KAH and he has been so kind as to also fit BHRR’s Volt in to examine her.

I took pics today of her ‘female bits’ for her file and emailed them to Dr. Philibert.

Pictures I will not post here as Miss Volt should be allowed to have some modesty…. 

We drew blood today for her pre-op in preparation for her spay, ‘nip & tuck’ and whatever else Dr. Philibert may feel she needs.

So, our $11,000+ Miss Volt is seeing her Vet bills continue to mount as we work to get her healthy…..

So, we have added 3 more items to our latest flash auction and we will work to keep holding them as we can to keep paying off the bills of these amazing dogs…..

HERE IS THE LINK to see all of the amazing items – 50 that are currently up for grabs to help her and BHRR’s Barney.

AND this is what happens when your shoelace comes undone and you trip on it….falling on your tush! 

You become ‘fresh meat’ for the extremely affectionate deaf/blind Dane Trio Puppies! They all think they are lap babies and want to be in my lap and snuggled plus lick my face….the problem is they are too big now.

AND there are three of them and only one lap of mine!

AND thanks so much Sean for taking a picture FIRST before coming to “rescue” me! LOL

I have to say though that one of my most precious moments is at night when BHRR’s Sleet comes on to my lap, puts her head on my shoulder and just wants to be held and rocked….it is so soothing to her. No matter how big she gets, we will continue to have this nightly moment of love!

I shall update after they have their latest recheck at the Vet today. 

Happy Sunny Monday to all!

Another great walking pic of them.

Tell me how many hearing/seeing dogs, especially at the age of 5 months can walk so well all at once! 

That is a lot of training, time, patience, love, understanding, structure, consistency, routine, knowledge and experience put into helping these deaf/blind Dane babies reach their full potential. 

The Dane Trio – AKA my gorgeous Three Blind/Deaf Mice.
March 24th, 2019

5 months of age!

THIS is what your incredibly generous plus much needed support enables us to do.

They are all deaf/blind and we had to do double eye eneucleations on both BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet.

At this time, I only removed the one eye on Summit based upon detailed conversations with his Vet Team plus Specialist, Dr. Philibert. We all well know that we may end up having to remove that eye at some point due to continued chronic eye infections.

Today was a glorious day for a walk!

They are wearing their Wiggle Bumz collars!

We cannot do what we do without the truly amazing support of our friends, family plus supporters.

Thank you in not only believing in us yet in believing in all of these really inspirational special needs dogs that we are here to help live the best in quality filled lives.

Tomorrow, they are back at the Vets for their next recheck and we will be doing their next nail trims at that time too for as many who know me, know that I am always putting the dogs into the hands of others when they are ready! While it is a breeze for me to do their nails at home, even all by myself, I want and need them to keep being handled by others.

This is so important to help them become the most well rounded plus balanced dogs they can be!

Their training is going fantastic and they have been excellent students!

I think I need larger stuffies soon….what size comes after Giant?! 

After a lovely outside play, a nice nap is in order… 

The adorable ‘three blind mice’ AKA The deaf/blind Dane Trio.

They are 5 months old now!

Monday March 25th
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: KAH

~1.5 hours needed.

Happy sunny Sunday wishes being sent to all!

BHRR’s Barney VIDEO!

75% Lab / 25% Saint Bernard puppy, very visually impaired & after arrival he was diagnosed with Grand mal seizures. Attempting to reach his previous owner to obtain any information / prior knowledge that could help his Vet Team including Neurologist proved futile.

It is not that we would have turned our backs on him if we had known re: his seizure activity…it just would helped us be that much more proactive right from the start of his owner surrender in helping him.

We love the special needs, 98% of the dogs we help are special needs, it is why I Founded BHRR in 1996 to be there for those others cannot or will not….it is BHRR’s Barney’s well-being that we want as a priority.

We still need another $2,500 for his MRI and our next flash auction shall be helping him and also BHRR’s Volt who is back at the Vet next week herself.

Next week shall be a busy one as BHRR’s Connery sees the ortho Specialist & The Dane Trio pups are also back to see the Vet for their own next recheck.

I so adore BHRR’s Barney and we continue to work hard on controlling his seizures and he deserves everything great that the world can offer! 

He is no longer sad or confused or abused….he is so cherished. Helping hands only…

We received another 15 cms of snow overnight and he is a hoot!

This is BHRR’s Meadow at KAH yesterday….those eyes….one day they will not be filled with so much worry……

BHRR’s Miss Meadow!

Today, at KAH, she weighed a fairly solid – some wiggling going on – understandable due to her level of anxiety 51.8 kgs(113.96 pounds). That she even went up on to the scale was a wonderful thing.

She is out of shape and lacks muscle tone yet that will come!

She did not have the best of nights, neither did The Boerskins yet we are used to that with a new rescue like her in the home. As her Vet said today, dogs like her ‘is not our first rodeo.’

I always tell my adoptive plus temp fosters in addition to my behavioural clients that as bad as the first night is, the second night is always worse and then there is that light at the end of the tunnel – you just have to hunker down and keep up the ‘tough love’ of passively ignoring and get into the house routine ASAP.

You cannot feel sorry for these dogs….you may want to cry on the inside, yet you cannot on the outside. You need to do right by them. You do not wish to create or enable SA behaviours and we start from the get go about teaching her to like herself and that it is important for her to have her alone time.

AND while today, I questioned a thing or two that happened at work, I do not ever question why I founded BHRR and why I am still doing this 23+ years later.

I only have to look at her and all the others like her over the years to know why I am still doing this.

I am extremely proud of her and as explained to one person today, a wagging tail does not mean that a dog is happy.

A low tail wag or a tail between the legs wag is not the sign of a dog that is 100% comfortable or happy. They are anxious, unsure and fearful. It is a communication sign to be cognizant of and to act appropriately.

Where the success was had in seeing that small low tail wag, is that her tail went from curled up to her belly and lowered as she began to feel a bit more confident and secure.

She remained panting and paced. These remain signs of a dog that is not 100% comfortable with what is going on.

She did eventually lick up some treats too. That was good!

She went from barking at all people to by the time I left, not barking at anyone. Yet, she did bark off and on in her run and that was very present throughout last night.

She has gone through a lot of change over the last 24 hours and this is a lot of stimuli she is being exposed too – car rides, people, dogs, sounds, sights and smells she has never had before.

She does not like getting into the car as that stresses her out – another understandable thing. However, in leaving the Hospital after work, it was just her and me and she did eventually put her front end in the car on her own and I hoisted up her back end. She is always tethered for safety.

She had a good exam – her Vet believes that she is not pregnant from examining her – yet, this is not 100%. We have moved forward with her bloodwork – what a good girl she was! – to do a pre-op plus her tickborne disease and heartworm testing.

I am waiting for her to give me a fecal sample to test. She has not had a bm since she has arrived yet with her minimal eating, not surprising. She is drinking better and better though!

Her Vet took her heart rate at two different times and it had greatly come down as she was becoming less tense.

Her ears were fine and her mouth will be looked at closely at a future Vet visit. There was no need to stress her out any further than necessary to get what was really pressing to be done today.

She began her vaccine protocol – rabies will be done later – and we will start de-worming her plus place her on flea/tick meds.

The earliest we could get her booked in for a spay – for if she ‘is’ pregnant, it would be super early – is April 3rd. I called LAH and their earliest is April 5th with Dr. Liston, so April 3rd at KAH it is!

This post is not a discussion as to if it is or is not right to be spaying a dog if they are pregnant. This Dane had babies when she was 10 months of age. Babies should not be having babies.

AND she is not going to be having any more babies if at all possible. There are so many dogs already in the world that need homes and many dogs are being put to sleep daily as there are not enough homes, that we do not need to be deliberately bringing into this world even more puppies.

AND in this case, we already know that any babies would be at big risk of being high special needs – the five that survived the last litter she had are all special needs – the three that I have are extremely special needs. The other five died from what had been told to us. Dad is a white Great Dane special needs himself.

This is a picture I captured of her today when leaving the Hospital.

Baby steps young lady….You will be just fine in time and as I said to some of the lovelies I work with, when we go back, you will be much more of an sassy goofy baby! It is in there, I already see glimpses. Your daughter is very much in your splitting personality image!


BHRR’s Meadow
March 17th, 2019

Sadly, my day did not yield what I hoped it would…..

After over 2 months of working so hard to investigate, research and then locate the Mama and as a result finding the Dad…then trying to get the parents of The Dane Trio Pups – whole story on how I found them on the Puppies blogs – with constant cancellations and re-scheduling, today was to be the ‘new’ day that I was to get both Danes.

I made the three hour drive and waited….and waited and waited some more. I kept their emerge temp foster homes updated and shared my anxiety and worries the more time ticked on by and still no Danes.

After almost 1.5 hours, no responses to my texts, calls or emails, I was getting ready to leave and then a vehicle finally pulled up. Like many o/s, the home did not want me to go to their place of residence and desired to meet in a gas station parking lot.

Yet, there was only one Dane inside, not two. 

The Mama was inside, yet not the Dad(special needs white male). 

I was told that in a couple of weeks, they would meet up for me to get the male.

This is the female – 15 month old heavily blanketed harle and extremely terrified. Undersocialised and I was also told upon pick-up that she did not like men. She has had very limited exposure to them.

We are calling her BHRR’s Meadow.

She came with a choke chain knotted on a lead and I asked the O. to place this martingale on her. It is a Wiggle Bumz collar that was won by Annette S. who then donated it so generously to BHRR. I then asked the O. to hook up my leash to the martingale, help get her into my car and distract her so I could tether her up for her safety….and mine.

She is SO scared and I spent the whole time on our long drive home, alternating between praising her for being such a good plus pretty girl, passively ignoring her and telling her that she will be ok.

By the time I got her home, I was able to remove the choke and knotted leash. I would like to shorten up the martingale a bit more yet I have invaded her space more than enough for now and she has tolerated things as well as can be expected so, it can wait another day.

I have tried to find out when her last heat was and if there was a chance she was pregnant again or if she is in a false pregnancy. I was not given any response to assist me in that area. She was housed with the intact male……

As scared as she is of me, she is ten times more of Sean and Mason.

This pic is one that Sean took when we got home – I was now her ‘safe person’ and she leaned into me and looked at me for guidance yet only barely in her absolute fear.

Her tail can be seen tucked up and this was before it reached her belly as that is where she wrapped it up tightly to.

I reached out to who was to be her lovely emerge temp foster Mama and we always have to take what information comes our way with a grain of salt and mentioned that perhaps we should switch up who goes to their home as this girl is going to need a lot of extensive rehabilitation.

She barks a lot with her stress and the one dog that seems to be ‘soothing’ her from a distance is BHRR’s Connery.

She is a long way away from being integrated with anyone….

Tomorrow, I will take her to work with me so that we can begin her vetting protocol and see if we can better rule out any possible pregnancy.

As soon as I saw her, I could see BHRR’s Sleet in her face and already I can see that Mama and daughter share some obvious similar temperament/behaviour traits.

We will post more as we know more and do promise to keep everyone updated re: the Dad – we did hear that he is blind yet, he mostly likely is deaf too. I worry about what health issues he has.

Today, was just not the day I had hoped it would be….I am distressed that I did not get both Danes yet I remain steadfast that BHRR’s Falco(the name that we are giving the Dad) will be safe with us in a matter of weeks too.


Also, a gentle reminder that our latest Flash Auction ends Tuesday March 19th @ 9 PM EST. HERE IS THE LINK!

BHRR’s Colt

This is adoption #416 for BHRR. Small & mighty we remain, 23+ years later. Focusing on the next one in need of us with each and every rescue.

BHRR’s Colt – you are right where I had hoped you would end up for when I learned the truly devastating news that BHRR’s Capone – adopted in 2017 – was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in late 2018, my heart broke for his Approved adoptive home and for all of us that adored him – I had stated to Sean(not a word said to this home for when they were ready they could reach out to us) that this is the home I wanted BHRR’s Colt in.

If/when said home was ready & if BHRR’s Colt was still with us, then we could talk more.

How cruel the fates were to steal BHRR’s Capone away so soon after he was adopted, yet, if you believe in fate also dealing some kindness, BHRR’s Colt is now where I feel he should be, in this BHRR Approved home! 

That they would seek to adopt from BHRR again is special, that they would be so patient as we had to reschedule this home-visit is very understanding, that they would be open to meeting who I believe was such a strong great match for their home is humbling for they felt I got it so right the first time – they had been interested in a couple of other Danes when they first reached out in 2017, and they are wonderful dogs, yet not meant as good starter Danes. 

This home gave BHRR’s Capone such an amazing life and tonight I was able to see even more pictures and have shared with me loving stories plus memories of him. The gift that was given to this home – charcoal portrait of BHRR’s Capone – is stunning. That
boy was so loved….so cherished and so missed.

No dog can ever replace another yet BHRR’s Colt will make his own big amazing paw prints in their hearts and they will give him an equally outstanding life.

Thank you to this fabu home for going through the adoption process again plus for everything you did for BHRR’s Capone.

BHRR’s Colt, I am so going to miss you as is your emerge temp foster mama also yet I am proud of you!

You have come far my dear handsome pony snorting dear man!

Now, I make the drive home and may tomorrow bring good news re: two Danes I have been fighting to save for over two months….

BHRR’s Colt!

It is time….time to make the drive to see if this is your right matched personality fit Approved adoptive home…..

As many may not be aware, his home-visit was rescheduled from Wednesday due to the extreme white out & ice conditons that hit our area.

What many others may not know is that it is not just my area yet many outlying areas that have been tragically and dangerously affected by all of the rain and thaw and yet more rain, including freezing rain creating terrible icy conditions.

It is not just humans that are being injured. Livestock have been lost and many animals are suffering injuries, quite a few serious, including death.

We are in a huge salt plus sand shortage in my neck of the woods and our home has been using straw and our great fall back has always been kibble. So, today, over many hours with our spikes on, we laid out yet another 700+ pounds of kibble on our drive plus laneway – almost 1 km long.

We have been paying for out of our pockets and stocking up on kibble to work to make things much safer here. Straw for the fenced in areas to help with their own safety.

To all of our neighbours, friends and family who are suffering the same horrible conditions, please know we are here to lend a hand.

We will update as we can re: BHRR’s Colt’s home-visit and a possible Approved adoption.

They are now 4 months of age and yes, they still like to Puppy Pile on top of each other for nap time!

I think I am going to need biggie Stuffies soon! 

We are in yet another brutal snow storm right now.

15+ cms of snow and ice coming down and this is BHRR’s Miss Volt!

LOVING every minute of it….this is her when I said it was time to come in….She sat down and just looked at me.

The puppy stand off was ‘on’ and well, after some ‘conversations’ back and forth, she is now having a great snooze in front of one of the fireplaces! 

What a hoot of a pup she is!

At her last Vet Visit, she weighed 41.8 pounds and her mouth is finally scarring up and her private parts are a lot less raw/irritated. She was able to have her first vaccines and continues to charm all that meet her.

I have spent a lot of time working with her skittishness and she now just takes the world by storm! That tail could not wag any harder or faster with her wonderful happiness at meeting new people and dogs etc.

When I tend to the horses, she loves to lay on the bales and just keep me company. She is truly a WOW pup!

She is NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION and when/if that time comes, as with all of our dogs, she will only be placed per a right matched personality fit.

Like quite a few of our dogs over the past 23+ years of operating, she is another popular one yet BHRR does not flip dogs, we do not place on a first come first served basis, we only place per right matched personality fit which has enabled us to have a second to none adoption success rate.

100% for over 10 years of operating and now 98% as we go through year 23.

For those interested in her, please do understand that there is only one of her and we must and will only do right by her!

We also want to sincerely thank everyone that has donated items to our flash auctions, shared the auctions and/or participated or may participate!

Your support in words, donations be it items or financial has meant more than you could possibly know.

BHRR’s Volts bills are close to $11,000 right now and she still has several more Vet visits plus procedures to come including addressing her vulva conformity issue – better as she has grown!

Her next Vet Visit is March 26th and we shall re-visit her mouth again and her vulva…lots of close monitoring going on.

Someone recently posted on our facebook page after seeing the Video re: housebreaking and if we are still paper training them. Here is my response:

We never paper trained BHRR’s Sleet or BHRR’s Glacier. 

As Summit came to me super young – barely 6 weeks, he had pee pads for all of 24 hours for he picked up housetraining super fast. A friend of mine took care of him while I had to be away and she also found him really brill with his housetraining too. 

Do the puppies still have the occasional accident, yes, but rare. They are only four months old and any accidents they do have is not their fault, it is the fault of the humans. 

Like any new rescue, regardless of age that comes to us – for many 1, 3 or even older dogs often come to us not housebroken – they all go through the same training for housebreaking. After every play session, nap, eating or first thing in the morning or time-wise – we start at every 20-30 minutes and work our way in ever increasing time increments, they go outside. 

We teach scent training and use a faint scent on the door we want them to use to ‘ask’ to go outside and it is a soft fruity scent. So, they learn on their own first by scent and then also by sensation – temp changes, breezes, sun, rain, snow etc., 

Most of these rare accidents will often be right in front of that door.

The Dane Trio rarely even messes in their crates either as I got up every couple of hours to let them out when they first arrived and now they sleep 6 hours straight wonderfully. 

They all go out right before bed, are given their special yummy treats – often I will find them already in their crates waiting for me after I open up the door to let them back in and go get their treat, if I had not taken any with me when letting them back in.

What any dog needs is consistency, patience, time, structure, routine and clear open communication in a positive balanced learning and supportive environment. 

In the mornings, they all now trot out the door and do their thing.

It was longer to teach then how to use the small ramp that Sean built for our mobility challenged dogs than it was to housebreak them. 

Now, they think the ramp is a big game – up and down! 

I always tell my behavioural and training clients, if you put all of the necessary efforts and work into things right from the start, you avoid bad habits developing.

We want dogs to be assets to home plus community and the Dane Trio are wonderful pups!

Someone recently posted on our facebook page after seeing the Video – and has not been the first time – re: their hearing and here is my posted response:

BHRR’s Sleet is 100% deaf

BHRR’s Glacier & Summit hear less than 5% – they can only extremely faintly hear some ‘tones’ and even then have no idea where it is coming from. They fall well under the definition of being defined as legally deaf.

It is the vibration they love of the squeaker & the mouth sensation of ‘squishing’ the squeakers.

They have a wide variety of toys that squish and crinkle and even rattle and some ball & KONG toys that even squeak.

They just loved this skinless stuffie that squeaked. 

They have skinless stuffies yet none of them squeak and it is a new toy to them, so a big novelty.

I rotate toys every two weeks for all of the dogs to keep things fresh and stimulating.

Someone recently posted – and has not been the first time – on our facebook about how can I tell the Dane Trio Pups apart. Here is my posted response:

As the saying goes, ‘A mother knows’. They are all their own individuals with different personalities, likes/dislikes and they look quite different and are all uniquely their own dog. They are much more/different than just predominantly the colour of white.

They are all different sizes with BHRR’s Sleet being my small, feisty yet mighty girl and will take none of Summits’ ‘crap’. Such a beautiful girl. She is a survivor all the way. She is the most special needs of all three and no one better ever think about putting her into a bubble for she will burst out of it, offended and ready to prove to the world that she is no different than any other dog. 

When things get too exciting for her or she feels overwhelmed, I have been the only one to be able to get her to sit, take the deep breaths in, re-collect and be able to come back and focus. When she is overwhelmed, she would grab and shake things to try and release her tension….she is so much better already.

She was really closed and shut in, frustrated that no one could understand or speak her language and now, she has been relaxing and being able to love life in ways that were once closed off.

She is a thinker, does not like to be told ‘no’ and can solve puzzles so fast. She is brilliant! She has done more for Summit’s bad boy ‘tude in a short period of time than I have done in many weeks. She so rules!

She has learned how to open xpens and crates and when she sets her mind to something….watch out! 

She is a big risk taker….no fear this one! 

She has taken a long time to love to snuggle and cuddle and now, she loves it and is alway crawling on my lap and laying her head on my shoulder. She loves to be rocked. Many special needs dogs can feel threatened by being held and I have worked very hard to demonstrate that touches are good and hands are loving and helpful, not hurtful.

She has had the most anxiety in the car almost from day one and so much improvement being made one baby step at a time.

BHRR’s Glacier is my ‘soft’ boy. Loves everyone and everything. He is happy from the moment he gets up to the moment he falls asleep. His world is full of so much sunshine and rainbows and happiness. 

He is very smart in his own special way and he is incredibly loving.

He is my sensitive one. I have worked to build up his comfort and confidence and he is the follower, not the leader. Every time he does do something all on his own, he is praised and encouraged. 

Due to his lowered confidence level, he has been the resourcer of the Trio and much patience, consistency, understanding plus time has and remains going into his training program in regards to this. Sharing the communal water bowls is pretty much a non issue now and the rest will come. He is only 4 months old and has already made wonderful progress. With no structure prior to myself getting them, it was a ‘fend’ for yourself mentality and now he is learning, we are here….we will take care of things and no one will lack for anything. He is learning he will get enough food and water and love and things will be ok.

If he could, he would be held in your arms all day, 24/7. He loves human contact and all of the dogs – his loves everything! – and he is the one that relies most strongly on finding my scent and needs to know I am ‘close to him & very around’ yet he is becoming more independent as learns that he is ok on his own four feet. 

He is the one that will come to me to ‘tell’ me if one of his siblings has been doing something they should not – ie Summit grabbing a paper towel roll. He is getting so much better at being part of the mischief these days and that is fantastic!

He is honest and soft and so sweet. He just melts your heart in a million ways. He has a monkey side that we are seeing more and more of and he is getting much better at holding his own against his siblings. 

We have been working on his excitement level for when he is excited, he wants to grab and jump and that is a big growing Dane. He is a big baby and so proud of his progress too!

Summit – he is my ‘bad’ boy! Very intelligent and loves being cuddled only on his terms and when he is done, he is done! 

No fear for this boy! Another big risk taker and as he has been maturing, he is settling into a fine young man. 

He was a bit of an inside out bully as I term it and he has come a long way with his manners and he is a star pupil – most days now! 

If there is trouble to be had or mischief to be done, you can bet that this fine young man had something to do with it! 

He is a delight mix of ‘old’ soul and bratty baby and I have a feeling that he was the one to ‘look’ out for his surviving siblings – 5 of them – and we have been working on showing him that he can be a puppy and let us be the ones to take care of him.

He can be so serious and grown up many times over. Pulls at your heart in some ways and it warms my heart to see him be a puppy. 

I could write Gwennie novels about them all, all day long. They have their similarities yet they are very very much their own dogs.

It would be so wrong and it would be doing them an injustice to say they were all the same. 

I am so proud of them all!

They are all treated and trained to help each of them reach their incredibly amazing full potential.

The Dane Trio VIDEO 
4 months of age – March 9th, 2019

Today was so gorgeous that I began to do kitchen spring cleaning – right before the next big snow & ice storm hits tomorrow – 15+ cms expected! – and I had the whole kitchen dismantled with cupboards emptied, doors off, counter tops piled high as I wiped out, purged and got all tidied up again!

That being said, The Dane Trio kept me company and supervised my efforts! 

They are never far away from me…..they always find me! They have been excellent pupils with their scent training!

AND like typical children, they all wanted the same toy – one that squeaks and was given to BHRR’s Connery by his emerge temp foster family! My three beautiful blind mice clearly stole it from him!

I will have to go out and buy The Dane Trio their own squeaker stuffies! 


All I wanted to do is make a lunch snack and then load the dishwasher and my gorgeous Dane Trio just had to ‘supervise’.

They dragged toys and giant stuffies into the kitchen and got all settled in!

Sleeping on the job they are and no way am I going to be able to get into the dishwasher now to load it up!

Took me almost 25 minutes just to make a sandwich….and loved every minute of the adventure! 

They are now 4 months of age and we will be posting our next flash auction shortly.

Happy Thursday to all of our friends, family plus supporters…… 

On a side note: I think my rugs are shrinking for no way can I accept that the Dane Trio babies are growing up! 

The blind/deaf Dane Trio Puppies!
February 15th, 2019

This picture is one that I took after I got them home from their eye eneucleation surgeries.

Despite all of the comfy dog beds, they wanted to be by my feet as I prepared the other dogs’ night time snacks.

I had promised to update and while I would have liked to have done this sooner, they needed me round the clock.

As always, they have very detailed blogs for anyone that is still not familiar with their story and may think that we just decided to take out their eyes without just cause.

The day of surgery:

BHRR’s Glacier weighed: 20.9 kgs
Summit weighed: 23.2 kgs
BHRR’s Sleet weighed 19.1 kgs

I have already made an extremely detailed post re: Summit and he continues to do quite well.

BHRR’s Glacier – The specialist had the hardest time with his eyes.

They were extremely deformed and difficult to remove. BHRR’s Glacier had to have his eye sockets packed in efforts to stop the bleeding.

Dr. Philibert had felt at one point that he might wrap his face/eyes yet then decided that it may bother BHRR’s Glacier more.

BHRR’s Glacier was the only one – at that time placed on antibiotics also and all three puppies had their fashionable cones to work to prevent them getting at their own eyes, alter incisions and BHRR’s Sleet her umbilical hernia repair.

BHRR’s Glacier did not wake up from his anesthetic well. As soon as I heard the screaming, I went back, put my hand to his nose so he could scent off me and stroked his back and neck soothingly….in a matter of moments after some deep breaths, he settled, was given more pain meds and went back to sleep.

If ever there was a valid reason for scent training, this was it! I am ‘home’ to him and I mean ‘safety’ and he trusts that he will be ok.

More than one staff was in awe of how fast he picked up my scent and relaxed yet I have worked so hard preparing these puppies for this day…I had been working on them being near each other yet apart and having their Giant Stuffies for comfort and all three puppies ROCKED their very long day at the Hospital.

THEY just rocked it! They were calm and quite comfortable. VERY proud of them!

Not even 48 hours post surgery and BHRR’s Glacier bumped into the kitchen island and he, too began to throw some blood clots from his nose.

He managed to get his cone at just the right angle and pull out a couple of his sutures by rubbing…..

BHRR’s Sleet – she kept throwing big blood clots from her nose in post-op recovery and it was monitored closely.

Over the net 48 hours, the clots started to resolve.

She has been the most resourceful one and has managed to use her own cone to rub out some of her own eye sutures plus on her alter/hernia repair site.

So, Miss Sleet also went on antibiotics.

The first night, their IV ports were left in so I could administer their Buprenorphine via IV and I stayed with them all night.

The ONLY time I was away from them was to go to the bathroom and BHRR’s Sleet, the wee monkey managed to get at some of her Vet Wrap covering the PRN(IV catheter plug) off and then get the PRN out.

So, I came back a few minutes later to well….a small scene any horror movie would have been proud of.

So, a bigger cone was put on Miss Sleet and I pulled her catheter out.

AND it was ice packs all around from eyes to private parts and BHRR’s Sleet’s belly to work on getting the swelling down. 

Their sutures were to come out between Day 10-14 yet they did not come out until today as being special needs, their healing process has been slow.

We remain incredibly indebted to all that stepped up to help contribute to their mounting Vet Bills.

With their ensuing Vet Visits, additional antibiotics, pain meds etc., we still owe $900 yet will continue to host flash auctions in our efforts to cover those bills.

AND, with BHRR’s Connery, BHRR’s Volt and BHRR’s Barney’s own pressing medical bills, not to mention myself managing to track down the mother of the Dane Trio and as a result, also finding their special needs father – still working on getting them into BHRR; we continue to battle huge bills yet are taking it one breath at a time……

FOR anyone that may think we did not know what we were doing when we had their eyes removed, you would be 100% incorrect. We are the experts with special needs Danes/Dogs as are their incredible Vet Team including their excellent Specialist.

They had a large team at KAH the day of their surgeries including three Vets, one being their Specialist, Dr. Philibert. They were in the best hands possible. 


If anyone may consider donating an item to one of our upcoming flash auctions, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

If anyone may consider donating directly to the Vet Bills of these beautiful dogs; you can contact Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 directly as we have an account there

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org(friend and family option please so we do not pay fees)

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

*Please note that yes, there is a different address for email transfer over PayPal.

For all of those that have been blessed to meet the Dane Trio puppies to date, remember how happy they were? Even being in such chronic brutal pain, battling constant eye infections?

WAIT, until you meet them now…….even more happy, healthy and normal to them and to all those that love them!

Remember, they did not know life as hearing/seeing dogs to begin with, this is their normal…..now, they will know a future pain-free too!

From our home to all of our friends, families plus supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Barney Update
75% Lab / 25% Saint

Not long after BHRR’s Barney arrived to BHRR, he became to have grand mal seizures.

In attempting to reach out to his previous owner, no response was had – not surprising – and we are scheduled to see a neurologist as part of the next steps.

All of BHRR’s Barney’s bloodwork had come back normal from what we had done upon his arrival to BHRR and the suspicion is that these seizures are trauma based.

May also explain his visual impairment, he is quite visually impaired yet, and as demonstrated in the one video we posted, is doing fabu with his scent plus touch training. As his confidence level increases, his comfort level and trust in himself also has increased and his movement, even in our 3+ acre fenced is almost completely natural now.

In what little information that I was able to obtain re: his previous vet history paperwork, there is not one mention of any visual concerns or problems at all….really odd for if his previous home ‘got him that way’ and had him at the Vet for exams twice(paperwork indicates they have had him since he was a pup – not 6 weeks as previously indicated), his Vet would would have noted it in the medical records.

LOVE this young man!! 

AND we are still ISO: items for our next flash auction as BHRR’s Barney’s own Vet Bills continue to mount.

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may have something to donate. 

As always, thank you from our hearts for any consideration!

FINAL Call! LESS than 6 hours to go!

Sleepy BHRR’s Volt wants to make sure that you know that our Flash Auction ends tonight – Thursday February 28th @ 9 PM EST!

She is trying hard to stay awake until the exciting close! 

She also wanted to make sure that everyone knows how appreciative she plus her fellow BHRR dogmates are for the caring support shown with the donation of items, the sharing and/or the participating in our most recent Flash Auction! 

AND if anyone may have something they would consider donating to our next flash auction, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

To view the 12 amazing items that are available and to bid, please do visit THE LINK!

GOOD luck & THANK you for the beautiful generous support! 


BHRR’s Connery! 
February 27th, 2019

Waking up for surgery! That tongue!  Freakin’ awesome adorable!

Current Weight: 130.68 pounds

So, as he is finally at a healthy weight, we could move forward in putting him under to begin the diagnosis process on those hips and knees.

From when we were first contacted to assist him and he was at the Vet in Tenn., this once emaciated boy has put on 28.82 pounds. Does he still need more weight, for sure yet as he is also a young maturing Dane, that will come in time.

Thumbs up to his emerge foster home for doing such a great job! As I told them again last night when I picked up BHRR’s Connery, while his foster mama felt so terrible about what had happened, BHRR’s Connery was saved because they had stepped up to emerge temp him when we posted our urgent need.

While we all may wish that what happened did not, it did and we must move forward. He has been placed in our Haven Program and while he was not scheduled to come back to me for another 5 weeks, he has settled back into my home so well.

Today, we did his x-rays on his hips plus knees and some of his lower back was also captured. His hips plus knees were also thoroughly examined by his lovely surgeon and their findings plus the x-rays shall be sent off to our favourite specialist, Dr. Philibert to also review.

In the meantime, we can post that he does have some notable spondylosis in what was captured in his spine x-rays and Dr. Philibert may ask us, after reviewing them, to bring him back in for further x-rays of his spine and we will gladly do so.

Dr. Philibert shall advise as to his own findings re: BHRR’s Connery’s knees and hips etc. We need to diagnose why his hind end is the way it is plus that back left leg.

BHRR’s Connery is the emaciated Great Dane that two Vets also believed had been hit by a car and was untreated prior to his rescue angels picking him up and then reaching out to BHRR. Samantha and Karen are his first rescue angels and I am truly so appreciative to them! 

This boy came from a horrendous location and how awful that he was left so neglected and abused….

BHRR’s Connery’s wounds have now all healed up and he is almost done his course of antibiotics for his one leg wound and his eyes look good, so those meds are now stopped. 

We de-twinkled him today and he was microchipped. He was such a good boy!

As he weighs more, to keep him on a great pain management regime, his dosing of Gabapentin has gone up and we have an order of almost $300 in more meds placed. He will remain on the Deramaxx daily too.

His Vet Bills including his meds are over $1,000 for today and if anyone may consider his cause, you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

AND gentle reminder that our Flash Auction #2 ends tomorrow night – Thursday February 28th @ 9 PM EST!

CLICK Here to view the 12 amazing items is below and if anyone may have something they may consider donating to our next flash auction, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

As always, thank you’s being shouted out for any consideration! 

BHRR’s Connery

He is the Emaciated, HBC Great Dane.

We want to thank his truly amazing emerge temp foster home immensely for all that they have done for him since he went to their home on February 4th. You have done so much for him and we will forever be so grateful. 

We also wish to impart that he is coming back to us tomorrow night and we shall continue to work on his rehabilitation journey here.

While he was to stay with them for 2 months, due to an unfortunate incident that occurred in the home, he is coming back to us early.

BHRR believes in full disclosure and has always worked to post the good, the great, the bad, the ugly and all that is the reality of a situation.

Let me also preface the following by saying that we will be taking a zero tolerance approach to anyone that may wish to blame BHRR’s Connery or blame the home for what transpired four days after they opened up their hearts plus home to him.

This is an emaciated, neglected, abused, untrained, adolescent giant breed dog that if he had wanted to, could have caused significant damage. He was only four days into his newest pain management protocol also. This is a giant breed dog with a giant breed mouth.

He is not a bad dog and the home is most certainly not a bad home. Both are amazing and wonderful and we are standing strong by all.

He was warning in the only way that he knew how to communicate in being in pain and startled. He growled and snapped and he made a connection and made several punctures, breaking skin. At the end of the day, this is an animal, a giant breed one at that.

The fostermom did not require sutures yet she did go on antibiotics as a precaution, as the one puncture was near a joint on her ring finger.

His home quarantine period is now up and no one feels more horrible than his wonderful temp foster and this is not an inexperienced home – they had even adopted from BHRR in the past.

We have worked to support all 24/7 in whatever was needed during this difficult time.

BHRR’s Connery will not be placed up for adoption once his rehabilitation journey has been completed. He will remain safe and loved in our Haven Program for what we sincerely hope is a very long, quality filled life.

This Danes past was horrendous, where he came from was horrendous and we shall continue to work on making his future one of him reaching his full potential.

He has touched many lives from across the USA and Canada as quite a few came together to help him. He was an extremely popular transport companion.

Even his Vet team has found him to be friendly and I look forward to seeing him again tomorrow night.

Drive safe wishes being sent to all…….

One spoiled rotten Rottie baby named BHRR’s Volt & Mama Gwennie are very excited to share some news from her latest Vet Visit! ? Stay tuned!

AND please do consider participating and/or sharing our Flash Auction #2 to help with the mounting Vet Bills of several amazing and deserving BHRR dogs! ?

BHRR’s Volts’ own continued successful rehabilitation bills are over $10,000 to date and she has been worth every nickel, dime and dollar!

I so needed this beautiful welcome me home greeting today…..

They make every day special and today even more so.

BHRR’s Colt!

He is moving under a PENDING Adoption!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Barney had a grand mal seizure on Wednesday February 13th, another one on Saturday February 16th, another one on Wednesday February 20th and another one on Thursday February 21st.

All of the detailed bloodwork that we did on BHRR’s Barney on February 11th can back normal.

We have been referred to a neurologist for it is believed that this seizure activity is neuro in origin – not chemical as his potassium levels etc. were completely normal. The one thought process is past trauma that may well also explain his vision impairment in that it may not be genetically related; it may be trauma.

Pheno has not been able to control his seizures at this time and Potassium Bromide is being added.

My last post of my night!

BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet!

Their heads are pink from the prep solution for their surgeries on Friday.

Snuggled up with their giant stuffies – as people at work can attest to – each one had a giant stuffie when they were dropped off and in post-op! 

Thanks Gail for the donation of more stuffies!

Tomorrow, I shall give updates on BHRR’s Glacier and BHRR’s Sleet.

THANK you to all of the rescue angels that have been there for these deaf/blind puppies! 

Donations can be made to Kanata Animal Hospital
613-836-2848(They cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Donations can be made from any Country)

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com (For Canadian Supporters only as we are located in Canada)

We do not have a gofundme page as they take a sizeable percentage and we will not see any funds be taken away from the animals.

Note: As more people come on to follow our page, please do know that BHRR is a highly focused special needs rescue.

We are federally registered and have been around since 1996. This is what we do, why we are here and we are not newbies nor do we dabble in rescue. We have dedicated our lives to rescue and to doing it the right way.

We are not here for the quantity, we are here for the quality!

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warm good night wishes are being sent!

Summit UPDATE!

Thank you to all that have been so patient plus understanding that after a very long day – almost 13 hours – for their surgeries on Friday, that I have needed to be with the Dane Trio Pups 24/7.

They have had to be the priority yet, as promised, I am updating.

I am going to do the updates in three separate posts so that the Gwennie Novels are not as large! 

First of all, I have so many to thank for making generous, loving and supportive donations along with sending the beautiful well wishes! 

In having to obtain additional Buprenorphine to administer via their IV ports for pain control and fashionable cones too, their Vet Bills have increased from one of my last posts.

BHRR’s Sleet’s & BHRR’s Glacier’s Surgery Bills: $5,085.09

The original quote was for $4,000+tx.

BHRR’s Glaciers’ eye removal surgeries were also much more complicated due to the severity of the abnormal condition of his eyes. He was placed on antibiotics due to the extensive difficulty with his surgery and the amount of bleeding had.

I was able to put some of my own pay check on to their bills on Friday to also help do my part in helping them too!

STILL NEEDED: Just over $1,100

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848
(they cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Any Country can donate)

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com (Canadian based supporters only can contribute via email transfer as that is where we are located)

NOTE: I am covering Summit’s own bill of $2,503.63 completely out of my own pocket and will get that paid off as I can.

This picture is of BHRR’s Summit after his neuter and getting ready to have his right eye removed.

Dr. Philibert and I conversed in great depth re: the removal of both eyes and the decision was made to leave the left eye in with Summit for now.

If it does have to be removed in the future, then we will address it at that time.

His one Vet also checked his bite as all three puppies have had issues and they found marked improvement as he has been maturing plus with what they referred to as ‘ball therapy’ that we had been doing with them and not aware that it was helping that much!

The specialist Dr. Philibert felt his surgery went very well and out of the three puppies, he is bouncing back the best, easiest.

All three puppies pre-op bloodwork indicated lymphocytosis. Per Dr. Philbert, he believed it may be from the chronic abnormalities with the eyes for they have an inflammatory or secondary infection component.

We even repeated BHRR’s Sleets’ bloodwork the day of surgery as she was showing indicators of being anemic and she is the smallest and most DM affected of the three puppies. She may be feisty yet all three are quite fragile with their DM compromised auto immune systems.

We wanted to be sure it would be ok to proceed. Dr. Philibert had been considering after her first round of bloodwork to only do her eye eneucleations and then later spay plus address the umbilical hernia. Her bloodwork remained stable and the whole Vet team were in agreement that it would be safe to proceed.

Summit weighed 23.2 kgs(51.04 pounds) at 3.5 months of age.

I also microchipped all the puppies on Friday.

These puppies are not available for adoption. They will remain in our Haven program and they reside in our extremely experienced, knowledgeable loving home, NOT a cage or kennel.

Summit is eating and drinking well and other than being a bit grumpy, he is bombing along quite well with his recovery!

THANK you to Dr. Philibert, Chelsea, Simon, Holly, Dr. Ashdown, Nadine, Dr. Zak and Nadine for ALL they did on Friday. I work with such an amazing team of people. 

AND thank you to anyone in advance for any consideration you may make to their so deserving cause!

The 3.5 month old deaf/blind Dane Trio Puppies are now dropped off! 

They will be under the experts hands of Dr. Philibert, whom many know as one of Ottawa’s incredible specialists. 

He shall also be under super tech Chelsea’s care plus Holly and I am so grateful to them both too! 

We have had a total of just under $2,100 come their way to date for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia repair. 

We are still short $1,900+tx as we were given a quote of $4,000+ for their surgeries.

We will be working on a flash auction ASAP and please if anyone may have even $5.00 to spare to go their way, we would be so so so touched.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 

OR via email transfer contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Please with all of my heart and who I am, if you may consider their truly deserving cause to support, I would be beyond humbled….

Thank you in advance…. 

Please also keep them in your best wishes….it is going to be a really tough day on me too….

NOTE: We have posted this many times over and posting it again:

These three deaf/blind puppies not only have recessed pupils, they have severe Microphthalmia. They also have extreme Entropion and not just the lower lids.

This causes their eyelids plus lashes to fold in and are scratching their eyes, causing constant infections not to mention giving them a brutal level of pain.

People need to stop making erroneous assumptions about what they believe to be in the best interest of these puppies. 

We have been doing this for almost 30 years as a highly experienced plus knowledgeable special needs Great Dane Rescue, they also have an incredible experienced Vet team including a specialist deeply involved in their lives.

BHRR’s Potter
August 2008 – February 14th, 2019

Deaf/Visually Impaired and a LEGEND!

BHRR’s Potter, you beat so many odds…yet, in the end, your failing body could not beat the passing of time. 

I will never forget that day in 2009, when I made the drive with Kinsley to pick you up….

No one wanted you – every rescue that had been contacted did not want you for any number of reasons, we were told – you were natural earred, natural tailed, deaf, visually impaired and had been abused plus neglected.

Well, without even seeing a picture of you, I was already in love like many other dogs that we are contacted to assist….

Broke my heart when I went to pick you up and I promised you then that you would never know another day of anything but helping loving hands.

After getting you, I learned that you had a bite history – perfectly understandable and we knew that you would remain in our Haven program, loved, understood and accepted.

I also knew that you were testing me….the way you looked at me, I knew that you were just waiting to see if I was ‘just like those that you knew in your past.’

You did not have a name for we were told ‘why give a name to just a dumb dog.’ You were allowed to run on the I81 in New York and I cannot believe that you never were hit. Makes me sick to my stomach.

NO wonder transports terrified you for so long. YET, you learned to love car rides and opening up a car door was how we could get you to stop doing your walk-abouts after your ever famous ‘houdini escapes’ that became a huge fav for all of our guests at events here!

AND I knew that you picked up the sign for sitting and so much more so fast yet you needed to know that you could trust me…..

It took one month and one day, I looked over and you were sitting by the treat bin with a half hoping and half defiant look on your face.

Inside, I was welling up with tears at the trust that you so badly wanted to give….outside, I was calm and went over and gave you your treat…..and then another one.

From the kids soccer games – oh man were you a hit! – to dismantling crates to prove to me that you had no need of one, to you deciding when you were ready to integrate with the other dogs and leading the charge thundering with such joy through my house, you have left your mark on our hearts plus home forever.

You are a true legend that at barely three months of being with us, I found a small lump in November 2009 and I was so worried that it may be a MCT and it was. 

Within one week, your leg was amputated at barely one year of age and we were told that you had an 85% chance of it coming back within a year and that you would mostly likely not see your second birthday.

Well, you challenged that! BIG time!

AND you ran faster than the Danes with four legs!

AND, in 2016, that nasty cancer beast came back to try and steal you again from us and you again proved them wrong!

You have beaten the odds in so many ways dear Potterman.

We shall never look at tennis balls in the same way for that was your ‘thing’….the sheer joy you took from a simple tennis ball really made us smile.

AND as much as you loved me, when you could get over Sean’s snoring, you and Sean were true family.

As much as my heart pains me and it surely does….it shatters so much more for Sean and the heart ache that he is experiencing.

You were there for Sean’s own Cancer surgery and as he battles that horrible monster too and to see Sean look over to the bed beside his computer and realise again and again that you are no longer there, makes me sob so much.

While many people spent their Valentine’s Day in a much different way, this day will forever hold special that we were with you in our loving embrace, being able to let you cross over with dignity and adoration in our tears.

It is so distressing to see how much your heart and mind are all there yet your poor failing body could no longer properly support your hind end…you tried, you tried so hard…..

You had spondylosis from before you were 1 and to then add in being a tripod with degenerative myelopathy, this was a fight that would in the end take you away from us……

I feel I never do any of our dogs the true justice they deserve with their memorial posts and yours is no different.

We really cannot believe that another era has ended with your devastating loss…..

You almost made it to age 11….miraculous, I know…yet, we want to be greedy and have had so many more years with you….

We promised you quality of life from the moment you came to us and we refused to be selfish…..we needed to do right by you and this picture taken January 20th, 2019 during one of our BHRR Winter Wonderlands – something you always had to be a part of and they shall also never be the same moving forward! – will hold a special place in our hearts…we will remember how much you loved people and meeting new dogs and your ‘tude!

Your ‘tude shall be missed dear Potterman….you sure packed a WOW punch with your personality plus heart….

Each and every new dog that came into our home, you were always so excited….for about 10 minutes! Then, they were simply enfolded into your heart as a valued member of your family pack.

SO much to remember and no more time left to make new memories with you…that is a horrible blow, that there shall be no more memories made or experiences had with or for you…. 

RIP BHRR’s Potter…..

BHRR’s Connery! 

You are so undeniably handsome! 

Thank you to his wonderful foster mama Lindsay for this adorable picture of him!

Note: he does not have a cherry eye….he has haws, common with many Danes and their breeding – especialy those with genetic lines of large flews(lips). It is his third eyelid.

BHRR’s Volt!
My adorable spoiled rotten rottie baby! 
February 12th, 2019

Someone else is enjoying this veritable blizzard of a snow storm that is smashing into our area right now!

Our area is expected to get 45+cms of snow by the time it is all said and done.

BHRR’s Volt is a blur in her sheer joy and with the snow pounding down! 

Every day sees her become more happy, secure, comfortable, confident and every day she captures so many more hearts….you are very special my dear baby girl!

She still has a long way to go in her own rehabilitation journey yet I will be by her side every step of the way…..

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, please be safe out there, stay warm and please keep those that are less fortunate in your thoughts……so many do not have shelter tonight from the blistering cold winds plus snow……

BHRR’s Barney!
February 12th, 2019 
Winter Wonderland Video

He is loving the start of the 45+ cms of snow that is expected!

He is severely visually impaired and in just a matter of days, his confidence is such that he can now do this and feel safe in our 3+ acre fenced in yard!

Yes, he demonstrates some clumsiness – he is also a puppy! – yet, as he is learning his world, he is flying! He just needed some encouragement and to know that he was not alone.

He has picked up scent training like a pro and now he is ‘off to the races’ as the expression goes. Big objects, he sees their shapes and for the most part their exact position. Small objects or when something is mid or higher or to the sides of his eye level is nil.

He is making such wonderful progress! 

He was at KAH with me on Monday and weighed 69.96 pounds – in really good body condition considering.

His fecal was negative yet that does not mean that he does not have parasites, it just means at the time that the fecal test was done, that the sample that was done did not note any parasites.

So, he remains being proactively/preventatively dewormed.

His bloodwork came back great including that he is negative for heartworm plus tickborne diseases.

I also microchipped him on Monday.

He is a super sweet boy that is just starved for affection and is slowly learning that it is ok to ask for it….poor boy….so worried about rejection.

Baby steps dear man…baby steps! You will get there and understand that you are worthy, that you are surrounded ONLY by helping hands and not one hurting hand shall touch you again…..


For the last few days, BHRR’s Volt has been trying so hard to get into the shower with me….

She has always wanted to be in the bathroom with me while I was showering yet over the last few days, she has been wanting/trying to also get into the shower with me!

Being really small, she could not quite master getting into the tub….

Well, today; I felt a cold breeze and turned around and this is the sight I had…. 

My phone was on the back of the toilet playing music, so I snagged it and took this picture!

The next picture is when I said it was time to go and let me shower solo….that face, it just kills me!

I fear that my showers moving forward shall include a wee spoiled rotten rottie baby! 

Go figure, like many dogs, baths are tolerated yet getting into the tub on their own terms is a blast!

Veronica – she looks so pretty in that collar you donated! 

Words from his emerge temp foster Mama and Transport Angel; Gail, who helped get him closer to me:

“He is a handsome boy….so loving. I couldn’t help myself, i fell hard and fast in love with Barney. Miss you already.”

BHRR’s Barney!


Today, I made the drive – the third time in just a week that I have made a drive for a BHRR dog in need!

No wonder my 2017 Mazda is almost at 120,000 kms!

This is the 75% Lab & 25% Saint that is said to see about 10% – in having him now in my care, yes, he is visually impaired yet he does sees more than that.

There is not a vision test available to date that can actually test for percentages of how much a dog can see. Other tools plus expertise are used to help determine visual impairment. This boy gets around very well though.

He is the 8 month old puppy that I had worked so hard to find an emerge temp foster spot for and then put into place transport arrangements for February 9th.

Then, on February 6th a message went out to the approved BHRR Volunteer that was going to pick him up and meet me on the 9th – I had put the two of them in touch to confirm pick-up time – that the O. had ‘lost it’ on this puppy(they had been very open about at least one of them in the home hating this puppy).

They had threatened for some time to not just our group yet others that they would dump him, including in the bush and stated again that they would do so if he were not picked up that very day.

As of the 6th, he has been in emerge temp foster care with Gail and with everything that happened to BHRR’s Fletcher, I met her today to pick him up instead of yesterday.

Thank you Gail for dropping everything, re-arranging your schedule and keeping him safe for me.

You are an exemplary example of how invaluable our BHRR Approved Volunteers are. You have made these past few days, a lot less stressful.

Knowing he was in such capable caring hands that would work to set him up for success, giving him loving positive experiences, being patient, kind and just accepting what he could give as he could give it; makes me feel truly indebted to you. 

You are the first strong link of what shall be a truly amazing BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” in his rehabilitation journey moving forward.

This boy is so low maintenance, calm and sweet and though quite skittish now, that will change in time…..

AND yes, he is small!  He was 75 pounds earlier this week.

Other than his forehead and something about his tail plus back feet, he is literally all lab, no Saint and 100% stunningly handsome. 

He will come to work with me tomorrow to continue with his vetting protocol.

We gave him the name of BHRR’s Barney for a new name for the start of the rest of his amazing life that we have promised him that he deserves and shall have.

From there, after he settles a bit, he will head off to Bob/Hazel, who are going to be his fabu temp foster family!

Welcome to BHRR Barney!

You are safe….you are loved…..you are special!


BHRR’s Volt & all of the puppies at one of our amazing puppy love valentine event visits today! 

Thank you to Jane, Gerry, Cathy & Bruce plus all of their lovely friends plus supporters for coming out!

Zack and Finnigan at Home is such a beautiful place!

My heart is filled with so much warmth with all of these truly special puppy love valentine visits!

AND puppy love valentine date #2 is now complete!

On to #3!

Thank you SO much Canadawide Scientific for a great visit!

This is BHRR’s Sleet!

AND we are at our first puppy love visit!!

Thanks Veronica & Elizabeth & Amelie etc.!! 

What a riot of a visit!

Thanks for hosting us ixceed Packaging Solutions!

This is BHRR’s Glacier!

BHRR’s Sleet!
3 months old!

She says that TOMORROW is the day and on behalf of her siblings plus BHRR’s Volt, they cannot wait!

Tomorrow is our twist on our 8th Annual BHRR Doggie Date Event – it is our Puppy Love Valentine Event!

Our day shall begin bright and early with their first date happening at 8 AM and their last date ends just before 5 PM!

Thank you to all that are participating to help us raise much needed money to go towards the $4,000+tx required for their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus BHRR’s Sleets umbilical hernia.

If anyone may wish to donate to their cause; you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as Dr. Philibert, the specialist is coming into KAH to do their surgeries on February 15th.

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via Email Transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

Like many groups, Vet bills are mounting and food is decreasing yet we will do whatever we need to in order to make sure that each and every dog in our care is done right by. 

We know that our efforts cannot be successful without the BHRR village!

BHRR focuses strongly on the special needs and 98% of the dogs/horses we assist are those that others cannot or will not assist. 

It is our position that that these animals are equally deserving and are so worthy!

AND tomorrow, BHRR’s Volt and The deaf/blind Dane Trio are going to not only love on so many people, yet we know that they will inspire so many too! 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warmest of good night wishes are being sent!

As promised….The Next Gwennie Novel update on Miss Volt! 

I wish I could shout out so much in great news yet while I cannot give great news, I can give some good news and promise to continue to regularly update everyone on this sweet Rottie baby that was electrocuted on January 25th. 

She has a very detailed blog on our home website also for people to follow if people wish.

*Her weight is now up to 16.4 kgs
*She continues to eat and drink well – she has had to adjust slightly how she does this due to the amount of nerve/tissue damage 
*Her face is still swollen yet less so
*She is no longer as skittish or nervous as we work to teach her about helping hands and give her so many positive experiences 
*She loves going to KAH as she is loved and handled with such care 
*She is becoming more playful – has to be careful and people need to be careful with her

*That right side of her mouth – even after four sedation surgical procedures is just proving to be so difficult to resolve yet we are not giving up! From Friday to today, there has been slow yet some marked improvement. Yay! I am taking this as a small victory. 
*Her current round of antibiotics was to end on the 11th yet another week has been added due to the sheer persistence of this infection and ulcerated mouth from the burns 
*She will remain on pain meds – increased dosing as she is bigger! 
*I asked her wonderful Vet to check both of her eyes as they appeared to be infected and not just red and after doing a thorough exam and a fluroescein eye exam, she is on Isthal meds twice a day. With her weakened immune system, makes her prone to picking up other infections.
*The irritation to her Vulva is greatly improved with being on the antibiotics, spraying Cortravance, using a bit of Vaseline as a protective barrier plus a cone. Yet, this remains a conformation issue and we will continue to let her mature to see how much that will improve her vulva and her Vet said at the time of her spay this can also most likely be surgically addressed. 
Per her Vet she would need more than just a vulvoplasty and we would refer to a specialist to do that plus her spay. 

So the rehab journey for this wee beauty is a long way from being over and she really really really needs your help to get better. 

Please consider donating to her ever mounting Vet Bills. Please with all that I am, please consider her very deserving cause to support.

You can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to: contactbhrr@gmail.com 

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org 

This is a pic that Britney took of her at KAH today! 

She is so sweet and smart and we are working so hard to get her healthy!



Last post of my night!

It has been an incredibly busy day!

BHRR’s Connery is settling in well to his emerge temp foster home. I so miss him yet he is in excellent hands! 

This is the ~15 month old emaciated Great Dane that was picked up as a stray in a really bad area(O. believed to be known and never claimed him) and is suffering trauma – believed to be a hit by car. 

His detailed bloodwork has come back as excellent and no surprises to note. it demonstrates that yes, he is battling an infection and he is on antibiotics – one for his eye infections and one for the back right hock that has the wound on it.

He is Deramaxx along with Gabapentin for his hind end and the strongly suspected blown cruciate and once he is no longer emaciated, we can move forward to sedation and doing x-rays as part of our further diagnostics.

His emerge temp foster home will take him in for regular weigh-ins, is feeding him small frequent meals and is providing him with so much love and acceptance, patience, understanding, structure plus consistency.

As his fecal tested positive for whips and hooks, the de-worming protocol is causing him to have some diarrhea and it is being monitored closely. 

He is eating and drinking and his emerge temp foster home finds him equally sweet, lacking manners and are loving their time with him. 

AND I remain completely and truly indebted to them for stepping up to emerge temp foster him after we could get him here, vetted him again – we had him vetted in January with his original rescue angels!

For I have the Dane Trio deaf/blind puppies that will have their eye removal surgeries on the 15th plus have BHRR’s Volt here too. 

From our home to all of our friends, family plus friends, good night wishes being sent! Be safe out there! It is a veritable ice rink at my place right now and for those who know our laneway/hill; it is not fun!

BHRR’s Volt
3 month old Rottie Baby that had been electrocuted January 25th
*Not Available For Adoption*

We feel that she deserves to be our next Cover Girl Model!

This pic was taken of her hanging out at work with Mama Gwennie @ KAH!

We will post another update after her next recheck February 7th.

We remain truly so touched, humbled and incredibly thankful for the kind caring support being shown to her….

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as when she was released from the care of the incredible Alta Vista’s Emergency, she went to KAH for her Urgent Care and will remain with them for all of her proactive/preventative care too.

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
*please let us know the password – we will not do an auto deposit set up as the Royal would take $0.50 per transaction*

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option)

Doesn’t she just melt your heart!

This is her extremely detailed individual blog for those that may not yet be familiar with her story….be prepared to fall deeply in love 

UPDATE: On the 7-8 month old Lab/Saintx Puppy 
75% Lab & 25% Saint 
Blind – Sees about 10%

I had everything ready to go and organised for this Saturday for him to be picked up – I then put the O. directly in touch with our BHRR Volunter to confirm pick-up time – and today I received a call from the wonderful BHRR Approved Volunteer going to help get him closer to me.

Per what I was told, the owner stated that he ‘lost it’ on this puppy last night and if he were not gone by today, he was going to dump him. Threats had already been made in the past to our group and to other groups, that if he was not rescued shortly as one partner in the house ‘hates’ him, that they would dump him – even in the bush.

Thanks to our amazing Volunteer, she re-arranged her own schedule, picked him up and he is safe with her until we meet on Saturday. 

When it is said that fostering saves lives, a more truer statement could not be real for this handsome young pup……

I had so much worry re: finding a spot to save him in the first place and then after getting this call today, my heart just sank.

Yet, he is now out of that home and in the warm loving embrace of the angel who literally worked magic to open up her own schedule to get him out of this home so fast.

Here is a wonderful perfect example of the BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ in action. The strong beating heart of any r/q organisation are their fabu Volunteers and all of ours are so appreciated plus deeply valued! We cannot do this alone! 

Thank you Gail!

Another Update on BHRR’s Volt!

She is the 3 month old Rottie Baby that was electrocuted.

She has severe oral burns to her mouth, gums and lips. She had a lot of necrotic tissue that was removed and continues to be removed. She had her fourth round of sedation and necrotic tissue removal on Friday. 

She is back on Thursday for her next recheck.

Behind her back molars and both sides of her mouth were very ulcerated. The right side of her mouth is the area that is still causing most of the concern at this time as it is not healing as well as the rest of her mouth. Though, now she rarely has any bloody drool/saliva plus the putrid smell is almost all gone!

Her pain was so extreme that she could not eat and she also became dehydrated. She is eating and drinking almost like a pro now! She has had to adjust how she eats just a bit for her tongue is still slightly swollen and due to the damage caused.

She had received no prior Vet care and a fecal test diagnosed her with roundworms plus exposure to Giarrdia. She is being proactively/preventatively dewormed.

She remains on Metacam, Gabapentin as well as Clavaseptin plus her mouth is rinsed out twice daily with DentaChlor.

I had been told that she may have permanent nerve/tissue damage yet nothing that would be of any major concern and she is gorgeous regardless of how she looks!

I have also recently been told that her teeth may be also affected yet as her baby teeth come out, and as her adult teeth come, they shall be monitored.

Her swelling on her face has also greatly reduced too!

He tongue still sticks out as it is too big for her wee mouth yet we also have begun to believe that due to some nerve/tissue damage, her little tongue will always stick out a small bit. It just makes her look all that much more adorable.

When I had picked her up from the Alta Vista Emergency, I did note that she was licking at her vulva.

Two Vets examined her at KAH and it is not that her vulva is just ‘hooded’, it is not quite conformationally where it should be placed and it is very ‘tight’ into the folds. She had clear irritation and you can tell it pained her to urinate. 

As she develops, it is believed that some of her issues will resolve and her Vet also thought that perhaps she had some puppy vaginitis prior to us getting her and with being on the antibiotics, it will help resolve some of her irritation. 

When the Vet would touch this area to examine it, sedated or not, she would react as she was in quite the level of discomfort. 

She wears a cone when unsupervised, we spray the area with cortavance and one of the Vets at KAH recommended using some vaseline in the area to provide a protective layer.

If she requires a vulvoplasty, we will ensure that it is done.

She really could use your love plus support! 

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as when she was released from the care of the wonderful Alta Vista’s Emergency, she went to KAH for her Urgent Care and will remain with them for all of her proactive/preventative care too.

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

On behalf of this sweet baby, thank you for any consideration and good night wishes being sent from her to her loving village!

She is worthy, her prognosis is excellent and this is what BHRR does, to be there for amazing worthy dogs like her! 98% of the dogs plus horses we assist are special needs. 



BHRR’s Connery!

I have just dropped him off with his emerge foster mama to be for the next couple of months and it was so hard yet he will be in excellent hands! 

I fell in love with him when we were first asked to assist in January and when I finally got to meet him yesterday when meeting the transport to pick him up, I loved him even more….if that were even possible! 

He just loves everyone and everything!

He is an absolutely incredible young man, about 15 months of age and his body tells the story of what a hard life he has has to date. 

He is full of pressure sores/callouses, healing wounds, scrapes and raw area’s.

He is emaciated at 109.78 pounds today. He has put on almost 10 pounds since he was first rescued by his angels and he has a long way still to go. That is his hip bone in the pic and if you enlarge it you can see every vertebrae plus rib.

The ulcer in his one eye – the right has now healed and his Vet today, did another flurorescein eye stain and also froze his eye to get a really great look at it. 

He is still battling horrible eye infections so more eye meds were dispensed. 

He has an infection on his back right hock from some trauma – agreement seems to be hit by car – and so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days.

His ears are super waxxy and will be cleaned. He is in sore need of a bath too and I told his emerge temp foster mama that I will pay for him to be done once he settles in more.

As many know 98% of the dogs we help are really special needs and this sweet boy is no different. 

Both of his front legs/feet bother him and the left side of his body is worse – his back left hip pains him dearly and his Vet concurs that with his thickened left knee, that we are looking at a blown cruciate. 

His back right hip does not pain him as much yet he has severe atrophy happening in his hind end. He shifts his weight constantly and alternates holding a leg – front and back – up to attempt to get some relief. 

His Vet has put together a great pain management program for him – Gabapentin- and once we get the blood panel back that we did today – we will know more if we can also add Deramaxx as an NSAIDS to his pain management program. 

AND throughout all of his much needed poking and prodding plus blood work, he was incredible. To know that the level of discomfort that he is in has to be brutal and for him to be so good natured, is a true testament to his WOW personality.

As he is still so emaciated, it is not safe to sedate him to X-ray to determine the exact nature of his injuries etc. 

So, while I am worried re: any kinds of fractures, I am reassured by the expertise of his wonderful Vet that we need to keep getting him more physically healthy and then proceed with the next diagnostics steps. 

His Vet Bills between two Hospitals to date are just under $1,000 and this is just the beginning of his own long rehabilitation journey. 

Lindsay – thank you again so very much for meeting me partway tonight so I could hand him off to you for you and Josh to be his Emerge temp foster loving home for me. 

As I work to get the Dane Trio plus BHRR’s Volt healthy themselves, I am so grateful that BHRR’s Connery will have all that he needs with Josh & Lindsay! 

Fostering saves lives!! 

As I work my way back home in yet more freezing rain, good night wishes are being sent to all of our friends, family & supporters! It has been a very long day between work, BHRR’s Connery’s 1.25 hour Vet appointment and now the round trip drive to ensure that he got to Lindsay safely!



BHRR’s Connery!

He is here! Finally!

While most people have birthday breakfasts in bed, visit spa’s, have lunch out with friends, go shopping and/or have a romantic dinner with their partner to enjoy their special day, what I did today was drive in the freezing rain to meet the next leg of his transport to bring him home! 

I could not have wished for a better birthday present to see BHRR’s Connery here at last! 

He is no more than 15 – 18 months of age tops, most likely closer to 15 months of age. He has SO much maturing to do and he is still so emaciated.

He has been in safe keeping with his rescue angels for almost a month and I remain so grateful to them for saving his life.

He was picked up in a really bad area and while his owner was believed to be known, they never claimed him, which to me is a big relief as he is in terrible shape.

AND I must thank Jane of Just Paws also once again for helping to get him here!

Though, we had him vetted in January, it was hard to handle him at that time – just unsettled, not reactive or aggressive at ALL – and as he was in poor body condition, further diagnostics were not possible. The Vet believes that he was a HBC and/or has HD.

He was placed on a pain management regime and treated for eye infections. Bloodwork indicated that he was tick borne disease plus heartworm negative.

His fecal was positive for whips and hooks and he has been placed on treatment. He was also put on flea/tick meds.

He is coming to work with me tomorrow and we will get a treatment plan together for him. He bunny hops on the hind end, he is more ‘off’ on his left knee than his right – yet his right is not much better and his front legs, especially his left leg plus foot bothers him too.

THANK you’s sent out also to Lucy AND to all of his transport plus overnighting angels that helped him get here!

AND thank you to Lindsay plus Josh for stepping up to be his emerge temp foster parents for the next two months!

AND last but not least I wish to extend a deep thanks to The Maracles for the generous birthday donation. It was so touching and with Vet bills running high and food running at a crisis for us right now, it was so appreciated.

This is BHRR’s Connery! He put his head by the through the space of my barrier cage and was my co-pilot all the way home!

AND another comment from Natasha who met him last night on one of his transport legs:

“I met him last night . Oh he is so sweet .

From another of his transport driving angels – Laura – that helped get him closer to us:

“We were also one of his transporters – London to Guelph. He is what we consider a “teddy Dane” & as he rested his giraffe-sized head on my shoulder during transport, we wished him the best in his new life. TY BHRR for all that you do for these giant breeds & wishing (and will follow) his journey.”

From one of his transport driving angels – Jacquie – that helped get him closer to me:

“I was one of his drivers on his freedom run on Saturday. He was certainly a transport favourite. Wishing him all the best in his new life in Canada.”

Please NOTE: 

We understand that this young pup is popular to many to want to adopt. 

She is not available for adoption.

She is at the beginning of a very long rehab journey and BHRR does not flip dogs. 

When/if she is ever ready, members of the BHRR BOD will place only per right match personality fit via our extremely thorough adoption screening process.

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our website too. 

Anyone is most welcome to follow her detailed individual blog to stay updated on her! 

AND to those reaching out stating they would make a donation to her care in ‘exchange’ for the guarantee that they would ‘get her’, you could not be more wrong in how we operate.

Donate because you care and you want to help and may have a few extra dollars to spare.

This is not the first time someone has thought they could get one of our dogs with this approach and we will never ever place one of our dogs in such a manner. 

Placing one of our dogs when/if they are ready is about the right match fit for them and a home, nothing less will be acceptable to us!

****REQUEST is FILLED! Thanks Hazel/Bob!**

ISO: BHRR Approved Emerge Temp Foster

Male, ~8 months old
75% Lab & 25% Saint
Dad(chocolate lab) & Mom(Saint/Lab)

This sweet boy only sees about 10% and his home does not feel equipped to best take that on. He gets around quite well so do not let his lack of eyesight deter you from stepping up. We will be with you in support, guidance, assistance 100% 24/7!

We have had four people reach out to us re: him including his present home.

He currently lives with three cats and another dog without any issues. Weight is ~75 pounds.

Good with kids and is silly, playful and loving.

BHRR cannot help him unless we have a BHRR Approved Volunteer Home step up to assist. Remember, if you are an approved adoptive home, you are also an approved Volunteer and if your circumstances allow for temp fostering, you are welcome to step up!

We need a commitment of 12 weeks from the time he arrives for this emerge temp foster and location to me is not as important as ensuring that he is safe for he is at huge risk right now for the one person in the home really does not want him. The other member is trying so hard to find a spot for him so that he is not dumped somewhere – even in the bush.

Please if we have any of our approved homes able to assist, please do advise ASAP for this is so time sensitive.

We will provide food, bowls, stand, collar, leash, dog beds and vetting etc.

We need you to provide a warm, caring, positive balanced, consistent structured plus safe home for him.

We cannot commit unless we have a spot for him as I cannot bring him into my own home right now with four special needs puppies needing me!

Thank you for any consideration!

AND we are going to call him BHRR’s Barney – you are getting a new name for the beginning of a new life that you deserve young man!

AND he is finally on his way!

The GD that we are calling BHRR’s Connery. 

He had been in safe keeping for us by his rescue angels Samantha and Karen for weeks and now he is ready to finally make the journey to BHRR.

Thank you also Jane for everything you have done to help get him to us safely! 

He started this AM and from what I am told, is safely in his first of two overnighter homes. 

Thank you to Lindsay and Josh for stepping up to be his emerge temp fosters for the next couple of months!

He has been battling eye infections and the Vet that saw him to date is not sure if his hind end is painful due to a possible HBC or if it is HD.

He was picked up as a stray(O. is believed to be known and he is always left by himself) and O.’s never claimed him. He was from a bad area. 

As he was so unsettled and emaciated(weight was barely over 100 pounds when first picked up and now is 113 pounds), it was best not to sedate him to investigate his back end further at that time.

He was placed on meds for his eyes and put on a pain management regime. 

He will be vetted again on February 4th at KAH. His ETA to BHRR is Sunday February 3rd – AND I could not imagine a better birthday present than driving to pick him up, another boy in huge need! 



As Promised! An Update on BHRR’s Volt!
She is the 3 month old Rottie Baby that was electrocuted.
She has severe oral burns to her mouth, gums and lips. She had a lot of necrotic tissue that was removed and continues to be removed.
Behind her back molars and both sides of her mouth are very ulcerated. The right side of her mouth is the area that is causing the most concern at this time as it is not healing as well as the rest of her mouth. She is still having some bloody drool/saliva yet a lot less than it was along with the putrid smell.
Her pain was so extreme that she could not eat and she also became dehydrated.
This adorable photo is of her enjoying her excellent pain meds plus sedation so that her mouth could be re-examined and the dead/dying tissue addressed again.
She had received no prior Vet care and a fecal test diagnosed her with roundworms plus exposure to Giarrdia. She is being proactively/preventatively dewormed.
She remains on Metacam, Gabapentin as well as Clavaseptin plus her mouth is rinsed out twice daily with DentaChlor.
She went from 13.7 kg on Tuesday to a weight of 14.8 kgs on Wednesday now that she is eating and drinking better as her pain management regime is making her comfortable as she heals.
I had been told that she may have permanent nerve/tissue damage yet nothing that would be of any major concern and she is gorgeous regardless of how she looks!
Right now, she looks like she swallowed a bunch of bees and was stung, her wee face and her tongue are that swollen.
He tongue even sticks out as it is too big for her wee mouth right now.
She really could use your love plus support! 
Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 as when she was released from the care of the wonderful Alta Vista’s Emergency, she went to KAH for her Urgent Care and will remain with them for all of her proactive/preventative care too.
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
On behalf of this sweet baby, thank you for any consideration and good night wishes being sent from her to her loving village!

The Dane Trio pups were at KAH tonight for their boosters plus pre-op bloodwork and latest exams! 

I want to thank Martina with all that I am for I could not have done this without her! She also helped clean up two pees plus one poop and anyone that would do that is a superstar great person in my books! 

They are now three months old! 

Summit was 19.1 Kgs(42.02 pounds)
BHRR’s Sleet was 15 Kgs(33 pounds) 
BHRR’s Glacier was 16.4kgs(36.08 pounds)

I am so proud of my babies as they were so great with everything! Poked, prodded, examined and I even did nails. 

Per their truly lovely Vet, she feels that it also may be best to remove Summits second eye too. I will reach out to the specialist, Dr. Philibert to let him know and when he examines them the day of surgery, if, for any reason he thinks that eye could be saved, he can advise.

This picture is of the extremely affectionate, snuggle bunny handsome BHRR’s Glacier with the beautiful Martina. 

Even their Vet commented on how much better yet, again from their last Vet visit they were with handling, touching and all of the sights, smells etc. 

Their noses picked up the scent of treats in a nano second as soon as we got into the one room! 

We are still needing just under $2,700+tx for their eye eneucleation surgeries which will include their alters plus BHRR’s Sleet’s hernia repair. 

We will have our flash auction up and running by Sunday night and there are still three spots left in our February 8th business and/or home puppy love Valentine Event!



We wish everyone to meet BHRR’s Volt. 

She is the 3 month old Rottie Puppy that was electrocuted on Friday January 25th and was brought to the wonderful Alta Vista Emergency on Sunday January 27th.

I have had three lovely conversations with Dr. McIsaac of Alta Vista’s ER today. She is a Vet that I have known for a long time and is one that I deeply respect, trust and love!

She passed along some additional history on this puppy whom we have renamed to *Volt*. A new name for a wonderful new beginning!

Apparently, she chewed on a microwave cord on Friday.

From her records:

“When she presented to Alta Vista on the Sunday; her face was swollen, she had notable bleeding from her mouth, a foul odour was eminating from it and burn marks and ulcerations were noted on her lips and gums.”

She was placed on fluid therapy, given pain relieving medication including codeine, antibiotics and oral rinses.

BHRR’s Volt is on Clavaseptin, Gabapentin, Metacam plus her mouth is rinsed with Detachlor and also a mixture called “Pink Lady Oral Rinse” – a mix of Sulcrafate, Lidocaine etc.

Per Dr. McIsaac, as she was beginning to eat a bit of soft food and drink some – as her pain was being better controlled – poor baby; she released her into my arms tonight for continued supportive care.

BHRR’s Volt will then come to work with me to Kanata Animal Hospital tomorrow as her care is being transferred over to our equally amazing Vet team there. So, she was booted from Emergency Level Care and will enter the care of KAH for the remainder of her urgent care plus all proactive/preventative care.

Per Dr. McIsaac, she has necrosis mostly behind her back molars yet her right side of her mouth is quite ulcerated, more so than the left side.

WHAT a brave girl! So brave!

Than you again to the truly lovely and compassionate Dr. Jones for reaching out to us last night asking if we could assist this sweet Rottie Baby…..

BHRR had to act fast and thank you to Sean for being supportive in having us step up to save her. Like many groups, the bills run high, the food runs low yet……yet….

Sometimes, the right thing to do is dig deep and keep having faith that she will have a village surround her with what she needs.

Kanata Animal Hospital will take direct donations and can be reached at 613-836-2848

If anyone can spare even $5, please from the bottom of our hearts, donations can be made:

Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option so we do not pay fees)

We promise to continue to update as we can and from my heart, my soul and with all that I am, please know that your consideration is truly lifesaving…..

NOTE: With everything that has come to pass so fast, I am way behind in connecting with all of the winners of our 6th Annual Breaking Bills Online Auction. I thank you for your patience and understanding as it will take me a few days to complete. 

LAST CALL! Auction ENDS in 20 minutes!

BHRR’s Glacier is pulling out the cuteness factor hoping that you may consider bidding in our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end TONIGHT – Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST. 

We have 76 absolutely incredible item in this year’s Online Auction!

To view all of the lovely items available and to bid, please visit the below link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!

There are goodies that can be picked up in Oshawa, Pickering, Kingston, Oxford Station, Kanata, Orleans, Ottawa, Vernon and so many more locations!

Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.

Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.

AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies! 

Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April!


BHRR has just been contacted by one of the wonderful emergency hospitals that we work with – Alta Vista – about a 3-4 month old Rottie puppy that has been electrocuted.

From what we have been told, this happened on Friday and she was brought to the emergency today.

She has severe oral burns and per the Vet, has a significant amount of dying/dead flesh, not to mention pain. 

Per the emergency Vet, Dr. Jones – she was our amazing intake Vet when we transferred Bane to Alta Vista – they believe that she has a good prognosis and that is why they reached out. 

This sweet puppy will need to be there for a couple of days, have a feeding tube, antibiotics, fluids, pain meds and her mouth wounds addressed etc. She has had zero preventative/proactive care in her life to date either yet all of that can be dealt with later. We need to get her healthy first. 

BHRR had to act fast and thank you to Sean for being supportive in having us step up to save her. Like many groups, the bills run high, the food runs low yet……yet….

Sometimes, the right thing to do is dig deep and keep having faith that she will have a village surround her with what she needs. 

The Emergency Hospital – Alta Vista – does not take direct donations any longer, therefore….

If anyone can spare even $5, please from the bottom of our hearts, donations can be made:

Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option)

We promise to update as we can and from my heart, my soul and with all that I am, please know that your consideration is truly lifesaving…..



The Final Countdown is on! Less than 6 hours to go!

BHRR’s Sleet of The BHRR Dane Trio says time is running out! So move quickly to get your bids in before it is too late!  She moved in on me so fast with her tracking, picked up my scent, honed in and I only managed to snap one shot before she knocked me flat on my rump! 

Our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST.

BHRR worked so hard to come up with our truly unique, one-of-a-kind Fundraisers and we ONLY host 4 a year, so we remain so thankful to everyone for supporting our efforts!

We have 76 absolutely incredible item in this year’s Online Auction!

We have nut free items, we have gluten free goodies, we have vegan delights, we have goodies for doggies, we have delicious cupcakes, pies, cookies, cakes, perogies and so much more plus we even have a private dining experience @ BHRR too! 

To view all of the lovely items available and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!

Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.

Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.

AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies! 

Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April! 



BHRR has just been contacted by one of the wonderful emergency hospitals that we work with – Alta Vista – about a 3-4 month old Rottie puppy that has been electrocuted.

From what we have been told, this happened on Friday and she was brought to the emergency today.

She has severe oral burns and per the Vet, has a significant amount of dying/dead flesh, not to mention pain.

Per the emergency Vet, Dr. Jones – she was our amazing intake Vet when we transferred Bane to Alta Vista – they believe that she has a good prognosis and that is why they reached out.

This sweet puppy will need to be there for a couple of days, have a feeding tube, antibiotics, fluids, pain meds and her mouth wounds addressed etc. She has had zero preventative/proactive care in her life to date either yet all of that can be dealt with later. We need to get her healthy first.

BHRR had to act fast and thank you to Sean for being supportive in having us step up to save her. Like many groups, the bills run high, the food runs low yet……yet….

Sometimes, the right thing to do is dig deep and keep having faith that she will have a village surround her with what she needs.

The Emergency Hospital – Alta Vista – does not take direct donations any longer, therefore….

If anyone can spare even $5, please from the bottom of our hearts, donations can be made:

Email Transfer: contactbhrr@gmail.com


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option)

We promise to update as we can and from my heart, my soul and with all that I am, please know that your consideration is truly lifesaving…..


BHRR’s Glacier of The BHRR Dane Trio!

He says that he has to take a power snooze from all of the excitement of our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction that shall end Sunday January 27th @ 9:00 PM EST.

BHRR worked so hard to come up with our truly unique, one-of-a-kind Fundraisers and we ONLY host 4 a year, so we remain so appreciative to everyone that supports our efforts! ?

We have just added Item #76 to this Online Auction!

We have decided to add a ‘take’ on our extremely popular BHRR PRIVATE ‘EXPERIENCE’.

This shall be an intimate, relaxed casual dining experience evening(~4.5 hours) at BHRR. We will make you a homemade Dinner including our famous Boerskins Cinnamon Buns for dessert. This special dining experience is for up to 4 to come to BHRR and to be surrounded by ~20 amazing Giants including the Dane Trio!

To view all of the lovely items and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!

Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.

Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.

AND we will be posting shortly re: our special twist on our 8th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction. We will be doing a Puppy Love Valentine Event for the special needs Dane Babies! 

Yet, do not worry, we will be still hosting our usual fabu 8th Annual BHRR Date Fundraiser in April!

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Oliver were at the Vet today for their annual!

BHRR’s Everly weighed a very lean 102.08 pounds and still growing.

BHRR’s Oliver weighed a big boy 124.96 pounds!

BHRR’s Everly, you were so brave and the progress you have made has been truly outstanding. You are a complete goofy over the top affectionate girl around your small trusted set up for success circle.

Today, with even more loving hands to show you just how safe and ok you are, you took yet another big step forward.

Very proud! Baby steps my dear and you are doing it!

BHRR’s Oliver, you and BHRR’s Juniper have made the most progress of all in this litter and you continue to reach your full incredible potential more and more each day!

You certainly do not have any interpersonal space issues when you are comfortable! You soaked it all up today, meeting and greeting everyone and what a social ham!

While you started off a bit ‘wolfie’ aloof, the Dane in you did not take long to come out and the leans and the loving came on in earnest!

Getting pictures was not that easy yet here are two from their well deserved run after we got back home!

Special shout out of thanks to Holly at KAH for being truly awesome in helping me with them both and with poor BHRR’s Everly’s stress bm. THANK you again from my heart Holly! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Oliver were at the Vet today for their annual!

BHRR’s Everly weighed a very lean 102.08 pounds and still growing.

BHRR’s Oliver weighed a big boy 124.96 pounds!

BHRR’s Everly, you were so brave and the progress you have made has been truly outstanding. You are a complete goofy over the top affectionate girl around your small trusted set up for success circle.

Today, with even more loving hands to show you just how safe and ok you are, you took yet another big step forward.

Very proud! Baby steps my dear and you are doing it!

BHRR’s Oliver, you and BHRR’s Juniper have made the most progress of all in this litter and you continue to reach your full incredible potential more and more each day!

You certainly do not have any interpersonal space issues when you are comfortable! You soaked it all up today, meeting and greeting everyone and what a social ham!

While you started off a bit ‘wolfie’ aloof, the Dane in you did not take long to come out and the leans and the loving came on in earnest!

Getting pictures was not that easy yet here are two from their well deserved run after we got back home!

Special shout out of thanks to Holly at KAH for being truly awesome in helping me with them both and with poor BHRR’s Everly’s stress bm. THANK you again from my heart Holly! 

Tonight, BHRR’s Glacier of The Dane Trio would like to be the one to send everyone good night wishes and for all still on the roads, to please drive carefully!

This is him *tracking* me and the moment when he picked up my scent and honed in on my exact location! He was so proud of himself and what a happy, sweet, easy going, huge cuddly baby he is! 

AND I am so proud of him and his litter-mates with all of the progress they are making and believe me housebreaking puppies is hard enough, let alone puppies that no one did anything with for 9 weeks of their lives, puppies that are both deaf & blind and training them flash in and out of the house because of -40C temps.

They have been super stars!

AND, BHRR’s Glacier wants to share that as we end our fourth day of our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction, we have had bids of over $750 to date!

We remain feeling so blessed and fortunate to everyone for helping to make our creative one-of-a-kind Fundraiser so successful!

To view all of the items and to bid, please visit the link. Please also note the pick-up location(s) of any item(s) you may be interested in!

Your assistance to raise the $4,000+tx that we need for the deaf/blind Dane Babies to have their eye removal surgeries, their alters plus for BHRR’s Sleet to have her umbilical hernia also repaired is so appreciated.

Their urgent surgeries are scheduled for February 15th.

We will also be posting a small flash auction plus we are working behind the scenes on what I am calling a ‘Puppy Love Valentine’ Event to hopefully help raise more of the much need monies we need for these surgeries. 

BHRR’s Keg(My Keg-Keggie!)

This is adoption #1 for BHRR in 2019 and adoption #415 since our inception in 1996! Small yet mighty!

Thank you so very much again to Aaron plus Cherie for assisting at this home-visit.

BHRR’s Keg, this approved adoption was so meant to be, such a smooth process from beginning to end and what a truly warm welcoming home!

AND he has a ‘big’ sister that brings me full circle as she is a rescue from GRR that used to be seen at the Vet Hospital I work at!

It shall be the lovely homes like this that shall be missed when we are almost exclusively transitioned over to our Haven Program. 

BHRR’s Keg – YOU did it! Dr. Chauvet & Dr. Schwartz, look at him now!! 

BHRR’s Keg, your approved adoption makes my heart smile and yes, weep a bit too for the journey you and I went on during your rehabilitation was miraculous, memorable and so rewarding. 

It is just so sad how your breed is being so horribly exploited and that so many wanted you for all of the wrong reasons…..

Yet, I promised you we would do right by you and while the beautiful chapters with myself ends, the next chapters of what we know shall be a truly amazing high quality filled life is now just beginning…..

You touched my soul deeply and forever shall have your paws around my heart! 

To all of our friends, family plus supporters, please do remember to check out our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills’ Bake Online Auction!

We are now two days in and have almost $525 in bids. So humbled! 

Please visit the link to view all of the items plus the auction details. Also, a gentle reminder to please note the location of the item(s) you are interested in! 

Posted in Keg

AND our 6th Annual “Breaking Bills Bake” Online Auction is now LIVE!

We have 75 absolutely amazing delicious items!

**Also, please NOTE the location pick-up on the item(s) you are interested in!**

AND in our first day of bidding, we have had a beautiful $396 in bids! 

Our unique creative Online Auction ends Sunday January 27th @ 9 PM EST

We have items up for grabs located in Oshawa, Kingston, Pickering, Belleville, Ottawa, Orleans, Oxford Station, Kanata, Stittsville AND more!

AND this is who you are helping with your very generous donations, the sharing and/or the bidding on this auction – deaf/blind Dane Babies that require their eyes to be removed, their altering, and also for BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia to be repaired.

SO THANK you with all that I am for your help!

Their Bill for their urgent surgeries scheduled for February 15th – as their eyes greatly pain them and are constantly infected – is $4,000+tx.

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, warmest good night wishes are being sent!


BHRR’s Maple
January 20th, 2019

As we continue to get pounded with the snow – 40+ cms and still coming….and we are battling temperatures of -35, she prefers to ‘chill’ on the bench in our sunroom.

Radiant floor heating and comfy Costco Dog Beds and the bench is her ‘thing.’

She was basking in some of the winter sun that was streaming through the window…..

This girl once was so terrified plus skinny and she could not easily be touched. She was slated to be put to sleep yet we were contacted and the rest is history! 

She has such a personality presence at all gatherings here! 🙂

She may have her quirks, yet she is super affectionate with a very happy tail that actually does circles when she wags it! Which is almost always, even in her sleep. 

Still ISO: Bakers for human and/or doggie treats for our 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Online Auction’.

Begins Saturday!

Items do not need to be made until the Auction is over – so after January 27th.

Location does not matter for we have supporters all over! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may consider an item to donate!

We currently have 20 generous bakers! 

All monies raised shall go towards the eye enucleations, altering plus repairing BHRR’s Sleet’s umbilical hernia.

We have an estimate – $4,000+tx and their surgeries are scheduled for Friday February 15th. Their Microphthalmia eyes, including having deep recessed pupils are greatly paining these deaf/blind babies. They remain being treated for infections. We need to move on their surgeries as an urgent situation for their well being.

They will have their boosters spaced out between two appointments and then have their pre-op bloodwork done in preparation for their big surgeries on February 15th.

Dr. Philibert will be their specialist surgeon and they will be in excellent hands. 

So between now and then, we need to figure out our fundraising for them…..

I will have one flash auction item and working on another idea, that I am calling “Puppy Love”.

Donations to their bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital as Dr. Philibert will be doing their surgeries there 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (Use the Friend & Family option please so we do not pay fees)

On behalf of the amazing 11 week old Dane Trio, to all of our friends, family plus supporters, stay warm and good night wishes being sent!


Mantle GD – Male, ~2-3 years of age

Picked up as a stray in a bad area, emaciated(102 pounds – we had him at the Vet yesterday), trauma to his hind end – possible HBC.

Said to be ‘amazing.’ 

We are calling him BHRR’s Connery.

Thanks to Samantha & Karen for saving his life and picking him up! AND also getting him to the Vet so fast!


This picture is from December 24th, 2018 at our annual Christmas Eve Photo shoot.

BHRR’s Keg’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is Sunday January 20th.

Posted in Keg

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Mama Eve to our Haven Program.

She will continue to be cherished plus done right by.

Posted in Eve

BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin AKA Gentle Ben)
January 7th, 2010 – January 12th, 2019
*Picture is from December 24th, 2018*

As many are aware we made a post re: BHRR’s Big Ben in May 2018 re: how he had been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumour.

He had been having nosebleeds since that March and after many diagnostics plus seeing a specialist, he was diagnosed with this horrible tumour.

Other than the intermittent nose bleeds,one would not know at that time that something horrible was growing inside of him…..

Due to his age, he was not considered a great candidate for radiation or chemo either. We wanted the time that he had left to be the best that we can give him and we did whatever was recommended for him by the experts.

BHRR’s Big Ben was also placed on the Chinese Herb, Yunnan Baiyao. We have used this herb many times over the past almost 10 years with great success and it was to also prove to be the case for BHRR’s Big Ben.

While we were not given a set time line to expect to say our good-byes to this really wonderful plus handsome black/tan Great Dane, we were told that it would be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Our wish was to see him be with us as long as possible and miraculously he was with us for our June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House, our annual September ‘DINE WITH THE BHRR Doggies’, our annual December Potluck and on December 30th, we had friends over – Aaron/Cherie – for dinner and he remained happy, healthy as could be and strong.

Unfortunately, after celebrating his 9th Birthday, his nose bleeds came back with a vengeance, his muzzle became swollen almost overnight and his breathing began to be a bit wheezy.

We would never see any of our dogs suffer and we knew that it was time….as difficult as this decision was to make, we knew that it had to be done.

BHRR’s Big Benjamin, you were laid to rest held so warmly in our loving embrace and though I tried so hard to choke back the tears, they fell in ever increasing drops on to your soft fur as my heart began to shatter into ever increasing pieces in having to finally say our good-byes.

I have been connected to BHRR’s Benjamin for many years….I watched him be put up for sale again and again since 2010.

He had been kept outside in the freezing cold, had frost bite, had untreated diarrhea and it was said that he could never be trained.

I have never met a dog yet that could not be trained….

It broke my heart over and over as this person refused to hand him over to rescue. They wanted to get money for him. Over and over again he was sold and returned to them.

AND it broke my heart when we learned after the fact of a person who was aware of his story and how hard we had been working to get him, bought him and then returned him right back to his original owner, a couple of days later as they said they could not handle him, instead of doing the right thing.

Then, he disappeared off our radar and the next thing I knew, I was receiving an email from another rescue that he had been surrendered to.

They felt they were not in the best position to help him and on January 29th, 2011, I picked him up.

The dog that was said could not be trained entered an obedience competition with myself after his rehabilitation. We came 3rd out of a field of 25 entered. I knew we could do better yet there was a boxer in the ring and well, BHRR’s Potter – a boxer in our Haven Program and BHRR’s Ben were best buds – so, when the Boxer that was in the obedience competition saw BHRR’s Big Ben and vice versa, I knew we had lost! Those two became quite focused with each other and later I learned that this Boxer lived in a home with a Dane all of their very own so it was fate that these two would lose focus in the ring together! FOND memories!

We did end up adopting out BHRR’s Big Ben yet sadly he came back to BHRR in 2016 – 4 years and 7 months after his approved adoption due to a divorce.

We made the decision that he had gone through more than enough in his life and he became a treasured Haven Dog.

He was an outstanding ambassador for his breed and a big favourite for so many BHRR supporters. He had a massive fan club and was a very popular boy for play dates!

BHRR’s Big Ben, going to bed last night was painful….every night I would tell you how much I loved my “Benny Boy”, gave you your treatie, said for you to have a good sleepies plus that I would see you in the morning.  I always made sure that you were tucked in with your favourite blanket on your bed.

When I woke up this AM, the cold reality of you no longer being here set right back in….

Gentle, kind, caring, sweet, gorgeous inside and out, loving and so forgiving of all that had transpired in your life, you really are a gem of a dog.

I so wish I could have given you longer in this world….to show your more, to give you more and to make you whole again and my heart breaks that this is not the way things are…..

Please forgive me dear sweet Benny….I wanted so badly to give you so much more…..

Until we meet again, you and I will continue to meet in our dreams as I do with all those that crossed before you. I love you with all that I am….

Special Needs Dane Trio Update!

First of THANK you’s sent out to both Elaine plus Kathryn for the puppy wrangling help tonight at their next Vet Visit! 

BHRR’s Sleet – 23.76 pounds(Up 5.94 pounds since January 2nd so gaining really well!)

Her anxiety was better in the car this time around – she lasted 15 minutes before it set in and she was the most ‘busy’ of the three tonight at KAH due to her level of stress/anxiety. 

When she crashed, she crashed big time….she is better than she was and in having her such a short period of time, she has really made progress!

Her small abscess on the top of her head is healing well – we still do not know how she came to BHRR that way.

She will require a double enucleation (both eyes to be removed as they are paining her and causing constant infections).

She was healthy enough for her boosters and I also did a nail trim. 

Her teeth appear to be placed in her mouth ok and she has an immature digestive system.

She is completely blind/deaf. 

BHRR’s Glacier – 25.52 pounds(Up 5.94 pounds too! AND gaining wonderfully.)

Such a love….big cuddler, wants to be held and the sweetest boy. 

He will also require a double enucleation(both eyes to be removed as they are paining him and causing constant infections).

We know that BHRR’s Glacier can hear a very tiny wee amount of ”sounds.’ Has to be at a certain tone/level and he has zero idea where it is coming from and is considered 98% deaf. 

He is also blind. 

We did a nail trim,had boosters and he has one side of his mouth that his teeth are embedding into his gums. We will see how his adult teeth come in and if need be, do extractions.

Summit – 28.16 pounds(So YUP!, he is also exactly 5.94 pounds more than January 2nd!) HOLY! Talk about freaky! 

All three puppies are up exactly the same amount of weight, 5.94 pounds! What are the chances?!

He will require one eye to be removed, we will continue to monitor that twisting left front leg that also twitches. 

He is deaf and can see out of one eye about 1-2%, so is also blind. 

He has both sides of his mouth with bad teeth alignment and we will see how his adult teeth come in to determine how many extractions are required. 

I also did his nails plus he had boosters.

I want to thank Emily again for the cupcake collars for BHRR’s Sleet and BHRR’s Summit!

I also wish to thank Holly once more for the toys for the Dane Trio!

BHRR’s Sleet & BHRR’s Glacier were so much better with their handling – they had zero prior to myself getting them – and were much easier to exam tonight. 

AND thanks sent to Jen for coming into Kanata Animal Hospital yesterday and putting on to their account a truly caring generous donation to go towards their Vet bills which will amount in to the many many many thousands. 

I will be putting together a flash auction on an item that I have and we will be brainstorming on how best to fundraise for these puppies that were so wrongly done by.

I am also working on our next BHRR Information Get Together to give people the opportunity to learn more re DM Danes and BHRR plus to meet/learn more about them. 

Gwennie Novel and here is another photo of the Dane Trio konked out! Hard to capture them awake…they are just white blurs! 

As always, from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, stay warm and good night wishes being sent as we head into a deep freeze!


Summit & BHRR’s Sleet!
10 week old Deaf/Blind Great Dane Puppies
Power napping! 😀

The Dane Trio are scheduled for their next Vet Visit tomorrow.

AND we currently have 17 amazing people that have signed up for our upcoming 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction.’ THANK you!

Still ISO: More baking Angels to make human and/or doggie baked goodies!

Starts January 17th!

All money raised shall help the newest additions to BHRR – BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet – two of the special needs 10 week old Dane puppies.

The baked goodies do not have to be made until the auction is over, which is January 27th!

If you would be interested in donating an item or more, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as your lovely offer may be missed!

Your location does not need to be near us! People support us from all over and this unique, one-of-a-kind fundraiser gives so many people the chance to participate!

Thank you in advance for your consideration and good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters!


ISO: Bakers to make human and/or doggie treats for our upcoming 6th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction.’

Starts January 17th!

All money raised shall help the newest additions to BHRR – BHRR’s Glacier & BHRR’s Sleet – two of the special needs 10 week old Dane puppies.

Both are back at the Vet again this week – January 10th as we continue putting together the best medical treatment plans for them.

The baked goodies do not have to be made until the auction is over, which is January 27th!

If you would be interested in donating an item or more, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as your lovely offer may be missed!

Your location does not need to be near us! People support us from all over and this unique, one-of-a-kind fundraiser gives so many people the chance to participate! 

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

Dane Puppies Cupcake #1 & #2 thank you as do I!

This is them in their gently used beautiful cupcake collars that were generously donated to them by Emily!

They are now 10 weeks old and these are deaf/bind Great Dane Puppies.

BHRR’s Glacier, Summit & BHRR’s Sleet.

From our home to all of our friends, friends plus supporters, good night wishes being sent!

AND another picture of BHRR’s Char!

Another photo of this gorgeous BBBBB!

AND yes, her tail is up and wagging happily behind her.

BHRR’s Char!
~15 months of age

She told me that she is finally ready to make her own special announcement!

ISN’T this BBBBB just gorgeous?!

Her scars are her badge of survival…a symbol of her incredible strength.

Though, others tried to break her, she is a thrivor.

She had her latest Vet Visit yesterday and she was deemed healthy for her third boosters and though she could still gain a bit more muscle mass and weight – she has put on almost 30 pounds to date – it is nothing that cannot be done in a right matched personality fit home.

THIS girl should not EVER weigh more than 100-105 tops, she should be lean and obese dogs remain one of my biggest pet peeves.

She is not skinny, she is no longer emaciated, she is looking beautiful…really stunning!

She can go to a home that works full time, part time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. She is another incredible versatile BHRR dog.

We will NOT consider any homes with children under the age of 12.

We do not know how she is with cats yet we would prefer a no cat home for her with how her play style is – can be quite rough – better than it was yet this is also her personality. She is a princess in many ways yet a tomboy in others.

She needs a quietly social home, one that is active for she loves her walks/hikes and car rides and she needs to have the proper level of mental plus physical stiumation.

She is young, happy, healthy and wonderfully busy girl.

At her Vet visit yesterday she was fantastic with EVERYONE!

She only did one moment of inappropriate attention seeking behaviour by giving some barks to a couple that were there to drop off some Empties for our Holiday Season Drive.

She corrected well and felt quite proud of herself, which while it makes me smile on the inside is not acceptable.

We would love to see her in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog. We need friends, so does she yet what is most important is that she has a strong social doggie friend network. Therefore, if that right matched personality fit home did not have another dog, they must have a network in place for her.

She is playful, affectionate, has learned to love herself and that her own company is ok, can be a bit pushy and when gently reminded, remembers her manners.

She is full of life, crate trained, washes well and is wonderful to do nails.

Her leash manners are now at a level of ‘diamond in the rough’ and she is very eager to please. So attentive almost 75-80% of the time now. WTG!

She sure has discovered the comforts of the couch and for a dog that was chained up outside in the mud, good for her!

She is not for the faint of heart. She has spirit and backbone and is sweet, saucy with a healthy dash of spicy mixed in.

She will never go to a home that would not accept her for who she is, work to help her reach her WOW potential and she needs a home that is patient, has a good sense of humour and will give her that positive balanced approach to living that she so needs.

She may be a smaller female Giant yet she is massive in personality…you know when BHRR’s Char enters the room.

She is a great companion to watch a movie or read a book and cuddling up with a cup of tea by the fireplace.

She is equally a great companion for walks/hikes and car rides are a thrill for her!

She took some time to settle in as she packed so much into each day as if it was her last of freedom and now she ‘gets’ that she will have so much time in our 3+ acre fenced in yard to run/play.

She ‘gets’ that she will not be starved and will be fed on time, fed enough food and that no other dog or person is going to take her food.

She ‘gets’ that leashes are not scary horrible things that will tie her up outside and leave her all alone.

She ‘gets’ that she will not be left outside and never be allowed to come in for warmth, love and comfort. That did break my heart when she first arrived…..she was so worried about not being allowed to come in. She needed reassurance that she is important and that she lives inside the home and can come in and out as needed.

BHRR’s Char ‘gets’ that she is worthy and her head is now held up high, her tail is not tucked tight up to her belly, that she does not have to slink around or rush from A to B as close to the ground as possible.

She is proud and happy and healthy and I am bursting with so much happiness for her.

She did it Karen and Samantha and Jane! She DID it! Thank you for entrusting her to us……

She is going to make that right matched personality fit home a really blessed addition.

Sean is calling the Dane Puppy Trio ‘Pinwheel Puppies! 

ISO: 2 BHRR Approved Puppy Wranglers for January 10th @ 4:15 pm @ KAH for their next Vet Visit!

Please email gwen@birchhaven.org over posting here as your kind offer may be missed. 

Good night wishes being sent from these three really incredible, super amazing blind/deaf 9 week old Dane Babies!


My last Gwennie Novel post of my night!

The amazing 9 week old Dane Trio were at KAH tonight.

First off, thank you SO much to Cherie & Holly for meeting me there to lend caring and much needed hands for the lovely trio! Could not have done this without you both!

BHRR’s Sleet – she weighed 8.1 KGs(17.82 pounds). She was confirmed as having an umbilical hernia, infected eyes and she provided a stool sample so we will test her loose stools. Her eyes will be monitored as she grows to best determine if she also needs an enucleation or two.

It was not easy for the Vet to examine her eyes too closely as she was a squirmy worm.

On a side note, these two puppies were not handled or socialized properly prior to us getting them. That is very obvious.

No attempts were made to housebreak them either and going outside is completely foreign.

They have been given zero direction or guidance and are so lost and confused yet already a big improvement from yesterday and they are quickly becoming more confident!

Both were dirty and reeked of heavy smoke when we picked them up.

BHRR’s Sleet will be on a gastro food, de-wormed with Panacur, placed on Interceptor Plus and we are already giving her Forti Flora and shall continue to do so.

BHRR’s Glacier – he weighed 8.9 KGs(19.58 pounds). He was also confirmed as having infected eyes and his eyes shall also be monitored as he grows to best determine if he also needs an eneucleation or two. He has one eye worse than the other yet both eyes are horrible just as with his litter-mates.

Same thing as he was quite squirmy, harder for the Vet to properly examine him.

He also will be placed on Panacur plus Interceptor Plus and has been getting the Forti Flora.

Temps were normal for both, good heart, lungs and in a couple of days, their Vet advised to let them know how BHRR’s Sleets’ stools are doing in case we need to add metronidazole.

As for Summit, he came out for the ride and now weighs 10.1 KGs(22.22 pounds). At 6 weeks he was 12.01 pounds.

He will have his own next round of Panacur plus Interceptor Plus. He remains on Forti Flora himself.

They have files set up at Kanata Animal Hospital and anyone wishing to make a donation to BHRR’s Sleet’s and BHRR’s Glacier’s care can do so directly to the Hospital: 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

All three puppies are quite lean and had some wonderful cuddles and loving by Holly, Cherie and their Vet. This is so important for all of them……

Now home, they have had a snack, water, played and are slowly crashing….

Tomorrow is another day with so much for them to learn and do and explore and for me to learn and do and explore with them!

Good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

PS: We are still in search of Volunteers to make human and/or doggie baked goodies for our upcoming 6th Annual Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction!

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you wish to donate an item or two!



BHRR’s thorough adoption contract application is very specific about what we require re: vetting etc. and the application process is essential to building up a strong trusting relationship with any approved home.

Posted in Keg

My last post of my night as it has been a truly exhausting, stressful plus worrisome journey to save these puppies…..for many many weeks.

Three of the five that survived in this litter are now reunited, all five are special needs. BHRR’s Glacier, BHRR’s Sleet & Summit.

I think they remembered each other! 

To all reaching out to us asking what they need, at this time we could really use no slip bowls for the floor and after we have our own trusted team of Vets examine BHRR’s Sleet & BHRR’s Glacier tomorrow night, we will know more re: their Vet Bills.

As people may remember from an earlier post, we will be removing Summits one eye, he battles constant eye infections – and are monitoring his other eye closely, have to remove at least four teeth and those are just his baby ones…we will have to see re: his adult ones plus he has his left front leg twisting. He has IBS issues too. He is deaf/blind.

These are special needs Dane puppies and they can come with a whole list of medical concerns ranging from skin, heart, neuro, eye, ear, auto immune, have IS etc.

Summits litter-mates are also deaf/blind, both have eye infections, BHRR’s Sleet has an umbilical hernia, has a small amount of coloured nasal discharge and her brother is also a bit wonky on his hind end.

White Great Danes are not rare. They are all too common and it breaks my heart that people Breed to line their pockets and care not for what happens to these puppies when they are born. 

Our first fundraiser of 2019 is coming up soon and all monies shall go towards their mounting bills. We are ISO of Bakers for human and/or doggie goodies for this Annual Fundraiser. It is our 6th Annual Breaking Bills Baking Online Auction! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you would like to donate an item or more!

Nothing needs to be made until the online auction is over, so it is fresh and your location does not have to be near us as people support us from all over and gives people a chance to bid on goodies in their own area(s)! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, Happy New Year to you and good night wishes being sent….I know I shall have some peace in my heart tonight…

Happy New Year! 

Instead of posting my own rescue year end statement, I am going to post my rescue beginning year picture…..while many were at home enjoying the New Year’s day with family and/or friends, we were out doing our first rescue of the year…..

Rescue is 24/7, 365 days a year! 

AND! We got them! Both Special Needs Great Dane Puppies. This picture is moments after we got them and gave them some food. 

Thank you’s extended to Elizabeth once more for coming with me on such short notice to bear witness plus to help. We ended up paying $300 for the one puppy, not $600. We had $250 in rescue saving donations given and I covered the remainder from my own pocket. What we wanted or ideal? No, not at all. Do I worry about this being a dangerous precedent yes, yet, we now have both puppies safe from harm. 

Both will be heading to KAH tomorrow for vetting. Both have eye infections, both are deaf plus blind, the female also has an umbilical hernia plus we have to get a closer look at his hind end. Both have now had much needed baths and will be getting their extremely long nails trimmed shortly. They will receive thorough exams, have their next de-wormings plus fecals also done. 

ISO: a BHRR Approved Volunteer for extra hands tomorrow night at KAH 6:45 PM to help love and hold them. Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do not post here as we may miss your kind offer!

Before anyone asks…..They are NOT available For Adoption. 

These puppies are barely 9 weeks old and what they have gone through to date has been so wrong. We will right that wrong…..

Her name is BHRR’s Sleet & his name is BHRR’s Glacier. Sean has spoken! 

Welcome to BHRR Babies!

UPDATE: On the 2 special needs Dane puppies.

The one home is still prepared at this time to surrender their shelter foster puppy without payment and the other home remains holding strong to wanting $600. 🙁

Thank you to the three angels that donated a combined $200 to date to assist towards going towards this puppy if it came down to it. We really do not wish to find ourselves in the position of having to pay and to go down what I have already termed setting a dangerous precedent. 🙁

Copy of Original Post:

These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR

2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
9 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On

This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.

Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.

BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.

When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.

The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.

Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.

The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.

Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.

It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.

BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.

At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.

The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.

The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.

We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.

Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.

This is an extremely stressful time right now. 

We will continue to update as we can…..and may 2019 bring both puppies safely into our care.

Merry Christmas! We hope all are having a safe, healthy & happy Day!

These are the next two in urgent need of BHRR

2 x Special Needs Great Dane Puppies
8.5 weeks old
1 Male & 1 Female
ETA Being Worked On

This was a litter of five that I had been asked to assist since they were 2 weeks of age.

Their mother had died and a litter of 10 was put into a shelter. Sadly, 5 of the puppies passed away.

BHRR was then reached out to as a strongly focused special needs Great Dane Rescue. We were more than happy to step up to assist.

When the puppies were 6 weeks of age, the shelter placed two into foster to adopt homes; I took in one as my own the one assessed as being the worse and the other two were placed into foster care by the shelter.

The shelter was happy that BHRR was here to assist in any way needed and I gladly made the almost 6.5 hour round trip drive pretty much daily to help with feedings and care up to when they were placed into separate fosters.

Unfortunately, the two puppies that were placed by the shelter into foster homes felt understandably overwhelmed – these are special needs puppies and with that comes special care and special dedication plus special big responsibility.

The shelter indicated to the fosters that they were not in a position to take them back into their own care and directed these two homes to reach out to BHRR.

Both homes wanted BHRR to pay for these puppies when all vetting, food, toys, formula, supplies etc. to date had been paid for by the shelter along with BHRR.

It has been a big touch & go difficult situation as both homes stressed that they would put the puppies to sleep unless BHRR paid for them.

BHRR does not believe in paying for animals to bring into rescue and has spent a lot of time conversing with the homes in this delicate situation.

At the present, we now have one home willing to surrender their special needs puppy without BHRR paying for it.

The other home is still insisting that we pay $600 for the puppy and we continue to attempt to get the home to do the right thing. We are walking a very fine delicate line right now.

The Shelter feels that they they cannot enforce their contract with this home as they had already told them that they could not take the puppy back.

We truly do not want to be getting into a situation that we would be forced to pay $600 to save this puppy. That sets up a dangerous precedent.

Of course, we want to make sure that the puppy is not put to sleep, dumped outside somewhere etc. either.

This is an extremely stressful time right now. ?

We will continue to update as we can…..

BHRR’s Flyn  – A picture from our annual XMAS Eve photo shoot!

Sean and BHRR’s Potterman – December 24th, 2018

Part of our traditional Christmas Eve Photo Shoot.

BHRR’s Colt

Annual XMAS Eve Photo Shoot!

BHRR’s Char
December 24th, 2018Another sneak peek photo from our annual Christmas Eve Photo Shoot.

She is a hoot! When she does remember to focus, her obedience skills and manners have become impeccable!

She is a fiesty, pushy, mind all of her own kind of gal yet that has helped make her a survivor. She is affectionate, likes to often ‘talk back’, makes me laugh and giggle and keeps me delightfully on my toes with her antics.

She is a giant puppy and has come a long way in such a short time and her progress from emaciated, terrified, could not be touched to now is truly remarkable.

Love her very much!

She is a big personality filled girl in a small ‘giant’ Great Dane package!

She will be having vaccines soon and then not long after should be ready to make her own special announcement!

She is a bit of a black blur in almost every photo we took that evening!

Love this one with her tongue sticking out!

BHRR’s Bogart!

Tonight, our BHRR family grew! BHRR’s Bogart was adopted to a really beautiful couple and we could not be more thrilled.

They have been patient as we did not one, not two yet four rounds of detailed bloodwork since his arrival to BHRR, to be 100% sure he was healthy. AND he is! 

BHRR goes up and beyond with the care of our dogs and this home has been truly wonderful to work with.Though, we officially closed yesterday for our annual shutdown, we had no hesitation, even in the freezing rain! – about making the drive out to do this home-visit tonight. 

Though, my last couple of days have been filled with so much hard plus strong emotion, my night brought a measure of comfort knowing another BHRR dog was successfully rehabbed and adopted to their right matched forever loving home. 

Sean, thank you again for coming with me to do this home-visit and for your caring support. 

BHRR’s Bogart, this was another extremely difficult adoption for me….you are out of this world fabulous yet you do not need me any longer and you will bring so much in laughter, joy and great memories plus experiences to your new family. 

They even so wonderfully donated a Special Care Package of much needed cleaning items to BHRR! 

To this amazing outstanding home, welcome to the BHRR family! 


Our adoption application contract is very clear about the proactive/preventative type of vetting that we require to approve a home and so, we have placed BHRR’s Sawyer back up as being available for adoption.

BHRR’s Bowen – Severely Neglected Great Dane needs your continued help….

Yesterday, he had his second urgent surgery – this one on his mouth.

First picture is of his badly broken tooth extracted and he had a really great cleaning done. He had to have a long surgery to get his mouth into a healthy condition. So tragic the neglect that this poor boy experienced in his past.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bowen has not bounced back well and he ended up seeing a Vet last night and was back at KAH this AM, not able to walk plus with a fever of over 40 degrees. Understandably, he has not wanted to eat or drink.

He has been placed on fluids, being given his pain meds and even has a fan on him. His fever went down a bit and then went back up later this afternoon.

His wonderful Vet does not know why he has this fever – we have been told by two Vets that it is too earlier for it to be infection related.

May we please ask everyone to keep him in their best wishes and if anyone may be willing to be one of his Christmas Miracle Angels, his Vet Bills are mounting even further…..

Donations to his care can be made directly to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848. He remains under their amazing care and I will be back there later tonight to see him.

OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

AND as mentioned, please send him tons of get well wishes too!

After losing BHRR’s Bane who had been horribly abused/neglected, my heart is extremely extra emotional re: dear Mr. Bowen right now. 

Thank you to everyone that came out today to our last 2018 hosted event at BHRR!

Our 7th Annual Chain of Success Thank You Pooch/People Potluck.

We had a total of 31 folks come out to spend the afternoon and evening with The Boerskins! Sadly, we had three homes reach out to us to say that they were sick and could no longer attend and we sincerely hope that you feel better soon!

We feel deeply honoured to have had so many wonderful folks grace our home and thank you Bruce for the donation of your 50/50 winnings back to BHRR! That will all go towards BHRR’s Char’s mounting Vet Bills.

Thank you from our hearts for the paper towels, the laundry detergent, the fabric softener and the Lysol Wipes….so desperately needed and deeply appreciated!

Each of you are truly lovely and we are privileged plus humbled to have your support.

We hope everyone has a really wonderful and safe Holiday Season!

A pic – the others would not post so will post on the thread instead! – from when most people other than Mary, Jacob & Nate had left!

Warmest good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

BHRR’s Sawyer is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Char
Today, she was up another 3.6 kgs(7.92 pounds) and weighed 87.12 pounds. She is now healthy enough to spay! 
With her body frame/structure and current young age, she should ideally be around 100 pounds and she has put on so much muscle mass/weight from when she was first rescued from being chained up outside in the mud. WTG!
While thin, you are no longer emaciated.
We had a plan in place based upon her past understandable anxiety/stress at work when she was first there yet other than a few ‘uhmm hey, I want attention’ barks, she was magnificent!
Calm, settled, happy and exhibited minimal stress. BHRR’s Char, the progress that you have made in your rehab journey to date has many of us beaming hugely!
I knew you would be greatly improved and relaxed as you have come to trust, yet today, you were beyond a rock star, you were a super star! My heart just burst open with such incredible pride over how far you have already come. You are really something amazing and we will keep showing you daily that there are a lot of helping hands to love on you and there shall never be any hurting hands in your present or future. 
You are learning to like yourself and from there, you will come to love yourself. You are self-soothing plus self-comforting in such a positive balanced manner and needing to do less and less of it!
A lovable personality filled goof to all but the surgeon…you were a bit nervous, made a few soft growls yet thumbs up to you!!!
Her Vet got a thorough look in her ears and we were able to really see the damage to those front legs from when she was hit by a transport. So brutal…poor girl.
Her spay went great and thanks again to all of the angels that donated, shared and/or participated in our recent 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction!
Sadly, we still have bids of $115 outstanding, two winners and we continue to follow-up….this is an enormous amount of money for us and BHRR’s Char’s Bills are now almost $1,800. 
AND she still has more Vetting to be done including Vaccines.
AND I want to shout out big time to the KAH lovelies for taking such fabu care of her today!!! 

BHRR’s Keg

We shall update as we can.

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Keg(& part of Bogart!)! 
BHRR’s Bogart is under a PENDING ADOPTION
These fine boyz wanted to help me pass along the message that all winners of our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction have been contacted!
I am now collecting payments plus co-ordinating the pick-up arrangements between wonderful winners and the equally wonderful donators.
From there, I will begin to do a courtesy follow-up to those that have not yet responded to their congrats emails!
If you believe that you have won something and have not yet received a confirmation email, please do email.
Thank you’s extended once more from my heart to every person who donated, shared and/or participated in our Auction! 
AND to those that have been rounding up their winning bids, I am further touched by your caring natures! 
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good-night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Singe!
~3.5 years of age

All of our adoption processes, policies & procedures:
FAQ’s & Information: 

For those who saw this emaciated, collapsed in the hind boy upon arrival and even as recently as September, LOOK at him now!?!

We never gave up!!! 

After almost 30 years working with the Danes/Giants and focusing so strongly on the special needs, as much as I am an expert on them…each one continues to teach me SO much!

We struggled for so long to get that weight on him…so long….

AND what worked the best is what always worked with my cherished beloved now RIP Big Blue Bronson – NOT just offering him many smaller meals through the morning/day/evening YET giving him a bowl during the night before my own bedtime – around 3:00 AM!

Sounds so simple….just the one extra small meal between the hours of 3:00 – 5:30 AM made ALL the difference. 

LOOK at him?!!! 

Head up, regal, uber handsome and so much stronger in the hind end and has put on so much muscle mass/weight!

This boy is amazing! Full of personality, loves the car, so affectionate and full of drool with those flews of his!

He such a mixture of emotions from calm to spastic puppy when running and that he will be so persistent asking for love is just fantastic!

He used to stand so quietly and hopefully by my elbow while I typed on the computer waiting patiently and looking so soulful for me to notice him and notice him I would do! Yet, I wanted to help build him up so that he knew it was ok to ask for love and not feel rejected and yup, he has that down pack now! 

He can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. 

He is great with the other dogs, fascinated by cats – can be a bit playfully rough and loves to leave drool all over and did I mention yet how handsome he is?

He is an absolute DREAM to do nails! Such a dream. Bathes easily and likes to ‘chat’. 

He will only go to a home, should said right matched personality fit home have children no less than age 8. 

He would be fine as the only dog in the home as long as he retained a good strong doggie network to have friends. We all need some friends in our world. 

He will ONLY go to that right match personality fit home that understands that he needs to eat smaller more frequent meals throughout a 24 hour period still.

We will also be doing a transitional adoption for when he first arrived to BHRR, he would not eat and then he would ONLY eat for me and it took a very long time for him to feel comfortable eating for the rest of The Boerkskins.

We will not SEE him go backwards in his journey to health and happiness. 

Therefore, we will ONLY consider homes within 1 hour of our location in Oxford Station so that we can do the proper transitional adoption that this boy requires. We have had to do transitional adoptions on many a BHRR doggie over the years and we need to have set up for success for home and our dogs. 

He is so sensitive, gentle, slobbery and LOVES his butt rubbed….and be careful when you sit down for he is a pro at spinning and getting that butt of his plunked into your lap fast. 

BHRR’s Singe, we talked much about whether we should place you up for adoption yet I strongly feel that should that right matched personality fit home find you tha they will continue to build upon all of the strong foundations we have put in place for you here to keep you set up for success.

You do not need me any longer and it has been an absolute pleasure having you in my home and you will forever be in my heart. 

AND if that right matched forever loving home never finds you, our home will always be your home! Forever…..

You have caused me to have many a grey hair yet together we figured out what worked best for you and LOOK at you now…as they say…you have come far baby!


He is such a hoot! He LOVES his car rides! 

The dangers of calling out ‘Singe! Car Ride!’

Yet, managed to take a quick pic – blurry yet there! – and still get out of the way…barely JUST in time! 

How such a big boy can contort like that?!!!

He is all floppy uncoordinated Giant puppy when he runs!

THIS photo is not doctored in ANY way!

Sean snapped this photo of a special someone who will be making their own special announcement tonight! 

BHRR’s Sawyer!
He had his annual tonight and weighed a solid 60.2kgs(132.44 pounds).
He was amazing!
For a boy that can be nervous out and about in strange situations, he really was a big rock star!
He is so friendly and affectionate to those that he trusts and just needs a few moments to just relax and soak up the atmosphere.
When he is in his element he is a real ham and he was showing that side off tonight in the exam room. Such a hoot! A bit of show-off actually! LOL
Sharing the hand shakes, the drool and the loving! 
He was great around all the people, other dogs and even a cat. He was only unsure of a really tall gentleman that was there and only gave a very soft, almost unheard release of air that could barely be described as a ‘woof’.
He reassured beautifully and felt most safe snuggled between my arms/legs WHICH I did not allow him to do for longer than a moment, as I do not enable inappropriate behaviour.
We have worked long and hard for him to stand comfortably and with the proper level and amount of confidence and he responded so wonderfully tonight!
His Vet commented on his lovely coat and how gentle he was to take treats. 
Great car ride in, great vet visit and what a great dog!
On a side note; per my post last night, please do be patient as I work to co-ordinate all of the auction items.
I do have other careers and a family and many rescue priorities and am only one person. So, please do bear with me as I am doing my very best to make sure all winners are reached out to by Sunday night.
So, I promise to make contact with you. 

BHRR’s Char – ~12-15 month GD
November 2018

She is slowly and so wonderfully putting on the much needed muscle mass and weight that she needs.

Yes, the way she is standing ‘hides’ quite a bit of her still current state of emaciation yet I love this photo as you can see how truly gorgeous she is! 

She is no longer cowering with tail tucked tight up to her body from the first pictures sent our way of her. 

Yes, she has scars on her face and on her body and survived being hit by a moving vehicle – one note stated train and AC who remembers the call have told us it was a transport – and also survived being chained up outside in the mud, starved plus neglected.

This BBBB is amazing! She is absolutely a beautiful girl…inside and out! Strong, feisty, a real character, small, mighty, playful and has been amazing with all the dogs to date.

Her eyes no longer hold terror and confusion. 

She does suffer from understandable SA and we are working through that one day at a time. 

Her manners are also greatly lacking yet baby steps….

I remain so grateful to Sam, Karen & Jane for all that they have done to help save her! 

Our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction shall have all monies raised go towards her mounting Vet Bills. Auction ends Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST

Bills To Date: $645.33

Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 109 amazing items up for bids!

We have just added our last wonderful 12 items!

Auction ends TOMORROW – Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST!

We have just added more of Kimberly’s incredible homemade vanilla and also Bailey’s fudge, kitchen towels, 3 x gorgeous The Crazy Dog House Key Chains plus a See Sawyer Run Web Master Harness!

Thank you’s extended once more FROM our hearts to Kimberly, Jan & Uta for their lovely donations!

To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the Auction!

**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**

For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD BHRR’s Char!

We remain so devastated that we could not save BHRR’s Bane yet are hoping that you may continue to consider supporting our rescue efforts so that we can help BHRR’s Char.


BHRR’s Bane

BHRR’s Bane, this post is so unbelievably difficult to make yet it must to be done. I will continue to do my best in doing right by you.

I am so sorry that so many failed you….I am so sorry that I could not save you in the end and I have been working so hard behind the scenes working to get what justice I can for you.

You touched a community BHRR’s Bane….and that community needs to know that your story continues, even after you were laid to rest at BHRR. Letting you go was positively horrible. Your life was hell before you came into Rescue and we wanted to give you a future full of promise, free of pain and one of health, happiness plus spoiling hands.

To update everyone – we have not one yet two cases that have taken much time to pull together for I cannot sleep at night, I cannot eat well, I have nightmares for what BHRR’s Bane went through, not just in the hands of those who severely neglected/abused him; yet in the hands of supposed medical professionals in TO. It was wrong on so many levels.

This is not a post to honour your incredible memory, dear sweet BHRR’s Bane….that will come for you deserve a post dedicated all to you and not to the things that this post shall be addressing. You deserve a post not of anger, pain, disappointment, frustration, etc…you deserve so much better/more. That will come….you will never be forgotten. I promise you that… 

To all of our supporters, friends plus family, thank you immensely for your understanding that even though we had not yet made a post re: this precious boy, that if one had not yet been made that there had to be very valid reasons why. Thank you also to all of our supporters, friends plus family that know us well and that since 1996 we have always made the tough posts that needed and should be made, believing 100% in transparency and full disclosure.

We have always made the good, the bad, the great and the ugly in updates as we believe that we are accountable not just to the animals in need of us, or to those that have asked us to assist these special animals yet to all those that have given of themselves in time, well wishes, donations be it financial and/or otherwise plus have been there for us/the dogs. We are nothing without our BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS” links and you have proven to be so strong and kind many times over since our inception in 1996.

To those closest to BHRR’s Bane’s unbelievable fight for his life, they had also been kept regularly updated of all the ups, downs, heartaches, the amazing, the truly brutal and the reality of his story.

When we were asked to assist this boy, he had already been to a Vet and this should have been a ‘straight forward’ severe emaciation case. What none of his rescuers knew at the time was that he was far sicker and far more abused/neglected. He is literally one of the worst cases I have ever worked to help save in almost 30 years in rescue AND we focus on the truly broken/in need animals. With that one first Vet prior to us assisting him not properly vetting him, unfortunately, and unbelievably another Hospital in TO – one we never used before and never shall again – also did not do right by him. We are hoping for a ruling in our favour from the one case we have worked hard to pull together to submit. We will share more on this as we can.

To think that anyone would believe that we would never update re: BHRR’s Bane yet would ‘take money’ after he was crossed over, when we well knew how many came together to root and cheer and cry along with us, no longer shocks us.

AND to state very clearly there was only one donation accepted AFTER the decision was made with his wonderful Vet voicing what Sean/I had already discussed to humanely cross over BHRR’s Bane. That was from Maia who sent us an email for a Hospital Staff member had told her when she was at a Vet Hospital about BHRR’s Bane. This kind soul emailed us and insisted that we still accept this caring donation and we put it towards the still outstanding almost $4,000 in his Vet Bills. They had reached out to us saying they understood why we had not collected the donation and wanted us to still collect it.

We have NEVER taken one nickel, dime, quarter or otherwise since he was let go. Sean/I have been working to pay off his remaining almost $4,000 Vet bills out of our own pockets. Anyone who contacted us wishing to make a donation or did make a donation, was informed that we were no longer taking donations and the appropriate action taken.

We will NEVER see any dog suffer and when it became clear that an infection had spread to his lungs – one possible cause was that the bad infection from his spine – and it was believed that he had the infection in his spine from the horrible infection spreading from his bladder/kidneys etc. – was the reason why – and that his chances of survival became beyond a poor prognosis, he was humanely crossed over. To see him go downhill so fast was very hard and in looking into his eyes, I knew what his heart was telling me. Would he keep fighting, I know he would for me yet he could no longer breathe easily and it was getting worse so fast. In the space of less than 24 hours, this quick deterioration had occurred.

I have always given credit where credit is due. I have always thanked with all of my heart and with truest genuine thanks as that is how I feel and felt with each and every life saving gift that was sent to help us help this sweet poor Dane OR any animal.

I wish to thank again each and every WOW angel that came together to help BHRR’s Bane for the right reasons. The angels that did not make this about them, wanted the pats on their back, felt they were more entitled or were important than all others who gave of their own selves to help.

To us, every person who shared a well wish, shared his story, cried with us, smiled with us, cheered/rooted for him, donated material items and/or made financial donations – ALL of you deserve our deepest thanks, our forever indebted gratitude, our appreciation, our humbled words of the biggest kind for all you did for him. To us $5 is huge and whether it was $5 or $500 that came his way, you made a BIG difference towards his over $12,000+ to give him all that he would need for this fight, to show him loving hands over hurting hands etc.

I remain so beyond filled with warmth over your hearts…..

BHRR’s Bane, please forgive me that you could not be saved….I wanted so much more for you….you deserved it.

PS: To anyone that has physical contact information for those responsible for his condition, as always, please do email it to contactbhrr@gmail.com First hand witness accounts also still being accepted.

Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 86 amazing items up for bids!

We have just added a Kobot RV353 Robotic Vacuum!
Description: Entry-level robotic vacuum. Can be programmed to run at a scheduled time. Includes charging station and pad for wet or dry sweeping.

Donated so generously by Dolores! Thank you!

To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the below link! 

**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**

For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD that arrived on last week!

BHRR’s Char weighs just under 80 pounds and though she may be emaciated plus on antibiotics for healing wounds etc., she is absolutely stunning!

BHRR’s Bowen!
November 23rd, 2018

He has put on another small amount of excellent weight plus muscle mass gain and he got the thumbs up to have his boosters and the ok to move forward with his second surgery! 

His coat looks even better and the strength he has developed in his hind end since his arrival is so fantastic. Plus, his rectal area looks fabu now! We will take more pics when he is under for his urgent dental surgery. 

So much stronger, healthier and happier! 

WTG you flirt of a man! You may not see well yet you still can easily find the pretty ladies! 

Thank you Britney at KAH for the photo and yes, he is wearing a coat….finally he  & I came to an agreement! With the brutal cold temps here right now, he really needs a coat, even for the few moments he has to be outside to go to the bathroom.

Ellie White – remember when he could barely stand the night we picked him up? How his hind end would shake and he would stumble and sink down?

Look how strong he is in the hind end now! His Vet has been so impressed with his weight/muscle mass/toning! 

November 16th, 2018

BHRR’s Bowen(Severely Neglected Senior Great Dane)
November 16th, 2018
BHRR Winter Wonderland Day 

His face when I wanted to put a Dog Coat on him! LOL 

He is back at the Vet on Friday for a recheck and his second surgery is scheduled for November 28th. 

Vet Bills To Date: Over $3,000

BHRR’s Char, our newest BBBBB was at the Vet Today.

Yes, that is a scar on her face from some past trauma and she has many scars on her body. Does not detract from her stunning beauty though! 

She now weighs 79.2 pounds!

She has put on significant weight since she was first rescued and needs at this time – for her current age ~12-15 months and body frame – about another 20 pounds of muscle mass/weight gain. 

She did so well for her exam, especially for a Dane that recently could not even be touched. 

We could not get a great look in her mouth or ears yet nothing was alarming with what was seen and as she settles, her Vet will be able to examine her even more thoroughly. 

She has been placed on antibiotics for the wounds on her feet and we do not want her to develop any behavioural inclination towards continuing to lick at the sores. So, she wears a cone and we have Cortavance Spray to help with soothing the area’s. 

We did a more detailed blood panel on her today and it came back with great results! Once she has put on more weight plus muscle mass and is less stressed/anxious, she will be spayed.

To date, she has been tested for heartworm plus tickborne diseases, had pre-op blood work done, a fecal done, was de-wormed twice and we are de-worming again, was treated for fleas and shall remain on flea medication, has been placed on tick and heartworm meds, has been microchipped etc.

Her Vet noted in her records that it states that she was actually hit by a train and not a vehicle that caused that leg injury. This poor girl certainly has gone through a lot in her life. 

Her leash manners basically are non-existent and that will all change. 

She does some inappropriate displays of behaviour such as barking twice in the car on the drive in to get people to notice her plus in her run at the Hospital. 

She has anxiety mixed into the mix and a reminder to all to remember about a reactive dog is that they are not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us they are having a hard time. 

I called Sean and he left work early – Gosh, how I LOVE that man! – to pick her up and bring her home so that she did not have to stay any longer than necessary.

She is excellent in her colossal crate at home and her rehab journey is just beginning…

Her personality is vast like the universe and she has already determined that she is to be integrated with the other dogs! She is a force to be reckoned with this one and not going to be for the faint of heart! 

She is already working to keep me on my toes and I absolutely am loving every minute! ?

Just a reminder that our 11th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction is running and all money raised shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills.

We currently have 74 WOW items up for grabs!

Please pay attention to the pick-up location(s) as NOT all items can be shipped – and to bid!

We will continue to try and add items daily! Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you may consider BHRR’s Char’s cause to support and wish to donate an item! 

Vet Bills To Date: $645.33


BHRR’s Bowen along with the newest addition taking a walk about!

He has completely taken her under his wing…if anyone understands what it is like to be severely neglected, BHRR’s Bowen does….

He is scheduled for his next recheck on Friday and then is scheduled to have his next surgery on the 28th. We continue to forward on all documentation to the SPCA of Welland. He has an investigator assigned to his case. 

I do not believe our newest beauty is 18 months of age. I believe that she is younger. Once she settles more, I will get a good look at her molars etc. 

She makes my heart just pitter patter. She is so precious and to think that someone would knowingly chain her up outside and starve her is so heart breaking. This young lady already had a prior history of being hit by a car and the locale humane society paid to fix her leg. 

A special shout out to Karen plus Samantha of Coffee County AC plus to Just Paws for tagging us to assist her! 

Thank you to each and every angel that helped transport her, to those that overnighted her on Friday, to Sandy for overnighting her last night AND also for your generous donation of that lovely coat to help cover up that poor emaciated body in this cold. 

To whomever gave her that cute collar, THANK YOU! 

AND here is the link to our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction to help with her bills. Currently, we have 70 items up for bidding! 

All money raised shall go towards her mounting Vet Bills. She is back at the Vet on Tuesday. She has lick granuloma’s, we want a re-weigh and to do a more detailed blood panel on her etc.

The progress this girl has already made has been amazing! Just amazing! When she was first rescued, she could not be touched at all……and the weight gain she has already had. YOU go sweet girl!

She is still nameless…so keep the great name suggestions coming! 

Got her! 

I finally get to put my loving hands on her!

She will need a name also! Name guru’s?! 

More soon as there are so many to thank and my first post went MIA! 

Not the best pics yet here she is! 

AND here is the link to our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction to help with her bills. Currently, we have 53 items up for bidding! 














This gorgeous picture was take by Sandy who so kindly did one of her overnights!

THANK you also to Sandy for her generous donations towards our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction whereby all monies raised will go towards her care. 

Per Sandy, she was incredible with their dogs, loved to play and even sat on their laps! Well, that sounds like a true GD! 

A photo courtesy of Holly taken on one of her legs of her transport!

I have been hearing how sweet and smitten people are with her. 

BHRR’s Bogart is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

AND she is on her way….

The severely neglected/emaciated ~18 month old Female Great Dane. Where once she could not even be touched, amazing progress has been made – Thanks Karen, Jane & Samantha for all you have done for her! – and she has put on significant weight.

She had been chained up outside and starved. 

Last weight was just over 80 pounds. 

Safe travels pretty girl….I cannot wait to meet you. 


Vet Bills To Date: $230

November is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month. 

It is such a sad reality that these great animals are often overlooked to be adopted.

As November is Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month, we hope, with your help, to assist these amazing older pets by spreading their stories in the wish that their right matched forever loving homes may find them.

Available For Adoption is BHRR’s Eve! 

Age: 8.5 years young
Loves: Her butt rubbed/scratched – she will instantly become your best friend! Talk about an ice breaker with her! 
Hobbies: 1) Stealth mode approaching and standing quietly by your elbow as you type & staring at you until you get the feeling you are being ‘creeped on!’ 
2) Master at food sneaking in a nano second 
Dislikes: Not being fed on time and it is like she can count. She knows if someone may get two treats and she only gets one! She does not care if the two small treats are the same size as the one she gets. 
Health Issues: NONE

As is said, ‘you have come a long way baby’ and she has. Very proud of you, gorgeous girl.

Her very thorough blog journals her whole story from the very beginning. It will answer all of your questions.

All of our adoption processes, policies and criteria can be found on our home website too. – www.birchhaven.org

After reading all of the detailed information, should any home feel that they may qualify to adopt her, please do feel free to submit an application to the BHRR BOD to review.

Posted in Eve

GENTLE Reminder!

Ends tonight!

We know of 25 peopled signed up to date! Every year, we have several others that then surprise with their own contributions!

More details in the poster!

All monies raised shall go to assist BHRR’s Bowen with his bills. He is back in for a recheck on November 23rd and is then scheduled for his next surgery November 28th – this one on his mouth – he has at least one tooth broken at the gum-line, one cracked tooth and until he has his dental x-rays, we will not know how many extractions he shall require.

All documentation continues to be sent to the SPCA of Welland who has informed us that an investigator is assigned to his case.


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for over 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Thursday December 13th, 2018 to Thursday January 3rd, 2019 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Friday January 4th, 2019!

As always during this time, BHRR is available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need. We shall also network accordingly for, as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there.

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

This December 24th, 2017 picture is of Mason & his Dane, Dynamo(Cookie Dough Dynamo) 

BHRR’s Whisper!

There really are no better words to say other than that she is now in her right matched personality fit loving forever adoptive home. She is where she is meant to be.

With BHRR’s Rubble’s adoption, I welled up outside my car when leaving, as he also had waited so patiently for so long; so after his emotional adoption yesterday to my heart; I could not quite hold back the spring of tears in my eyes while I was still at the home-visit for BHRR’s Whisper. Yet, none spilled over and everyone was so gracious to forgive my lapse…. ?

I mean I am so so so happy for them both and while this ends my own story of several years journey with them both…they will begin amazing new chapters in their lives.

Two big personalities have now left my home and I am very proud of both of these Danes! From where they started to where they are now, is light years away and my hearts bursts with so much love for them both. ?

BHRR’s Whisper, I know BHRR’s Steam will also be smiling with incredible joy for you as she took you right under her wee wing when you first arrived!

BHRR’s Whisper & BHRR’s Rubble, we never gave up, we remained patient and even if you both were never adopted, home would be with us as we will only place to the right homes meant for you and it has now happened!

BHRR’s Whisper, we do not look upon this adoption as losing you….what we have gained instead is an amazing WOW home to be added to our beautiful BHRR Family! ? Welcome to them!

All home-visits should feel this natural for while it may have taken this long for this lovely home to find you, the wait has been SO worth it!

You will bring extensive laughter, some head shaking ? and total warmth to all that you will touch with your gorgeous spirit and character filled soul in your new life. I know that our paths shall cross again in the future and I look forward to seeing you and your ‘big’ brother….

Congratulations to this wonderful home and truly who does not love a home that likes to rescue and owns a tripod! ??

I now make the drive home filled with vast peace knowing she is home and only that measure of sadness for the part of me that will miss her….

Thank you again Cindy for doing this home-visit with me.


AND we are on our way!

On our way to do BHRR’s Whisper’s Home-Visit for her own possible approved adoption!

We will post as we can.

She just kills me!! ? Her facial expressions are the best ever! ?


Unfortunately, this home is in fact, not in a position to adopt at this time and we all agree that BHRR’s Burst needs to go to that right match personality fit home meant for her! 🙂 She is happy, healthy, active, uber affectionate and very social….

BHRR’s Bogart, The Weim! 

Today, he weighed a wonderful 71.72 pounds! 

He is hanging out at work with me and is NONE too impressed! I feel eyes burning into my back! 

BHRR’s Rubble

Thank you to this wonderful home for considering to adopt from BHRR again! They adopted from us in 2009 & then again in 2010 and now in 2018!

BHRR’s Rubble had their hearts for a long time and they even said that if they had been looking for a second Dane, BHRR’s Giselle would be the one.

BHRR’s Giselle, your own right matched personality fit forever loving home is out there and thank you SO much to this home for giving them both a great overnight special play date last night! 🙂

Every play date and visit just helps us help make our dogs that much more well rounded and balanced! ? It teaches them more about helping hands and gives them more positive experiences.

Mr. Rubble, you waited so patiently for so long for that right matched forever loving home to find you and I am beyond happy…few tears for me outside my car upon leaving yet they are mostly over the moon ecstatic ones. As so many know, he was super bonded to me and I have worked hard to set him up right for just this moment, as he is a highly adoptable boy and will thrive in this home! Lord knows, I shall deeply miss you yet I so wanted you to have an incredible home to adopt you and you feel you still need me, yet, you do not…..you are going to be totally ok! Trust me…just one more time, trust me dear Mr. Rubble!

Thank you again to Gail – who also adores BHRR’s Rubble – for assisting at this home-visit!

BHRR’s Giselle & I are now on our way to make the shy of 5 hour drive home and tomorrow night is BHRR’s Whispers own home-visit for a possible Approved adoption. She also has been patiently waiting a very long time as have we for that right home to find her.

Happy Sunday everyone!

So, these two gorgeous Danes are now dropped off for a special overnight play date!

Then tomorrow, I shall be doing a home-visit in the Guelph, Ontario area to see if one may be a right matched personality fit for a possible approved adoption.

Have a great play date BHRR’s Giselle & BHRR’s Rubble!

On September 2nd, we received an email from BHRR’s Hollywood’s adoptive home to say:

‘I am sorry to say that I do not believe that I am the owner for Holly. I  have come to realise that I do not have the energy or patience required to bring out the best in a puppy.’

The home went on to say that she did not trust her around her grandchildren. We had made it very clear from the moment this application was received that BHRR’s Holly was not to be set up for failure and be around young children. She was to have extreme little exposure. She is young, very active, extremely affectionate and we also were full of disclosure re: her tendency to want to resource guard at times. 

Throughout, the complete adoption process that included a home-visit, this home had been conversed with in respect to the above.

We also made it very clear that we would not adopt her to a home with young children or a home that would have young children frequently visiting. We were assured many times over that this would not be the case. We stressed that we were aware that they had grandchildren that lived nearby and that we did not wish to have BHRR’s Holly nor any human set up for failure. We continued to be assured that this would not happen.

We emphasised the big need for her to be kept active and mentally plus physically stimulated. We were informed re: their plans for walks, off leash time etc. 

We were full of disclosure re: BHRR’s Holly. We feel seeing a dog end up in rescue one time is one time too many and this breaks our hearts when a dog comes back to us. BHRR has a second to none adoption success rate and this is because we know these dogs inside out and we work to be beyond thorough in our adoption processes. 

Yet, unfortunately, in this case, BHRR’s Holly came back to BHRR on September 4th and this is through NO fault of her own. We must stress this. She did not do anything wrong in the home and we have kept her in our rehab program allowing her to settle back in. When she first arrived back to us, she was doing a bit of growling at The Boerskins plus the dogs. 

However, it did not take much time for her to relax back into our house. We then spent many weeks discussing if we should place her back up for adoption and we do feel hopeful that there is a right matched personality fit home meant for her out there so, she is now back as AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

We wanted to share that this poor female Dane is the next one in urgent need of BHRR.

She was chained up outside and brutally starved after being sold. She is barely 18 months of age, horribly emaciated, extremely terrified and we are working with two other organisations to get her safely to BHRR.

Being an unspayed female, we do also have to worry about a possible pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard enough on a healthy dog yet we know firsthand how hard it is on an emaciated dog and the last two Rescue litters we had to whelp, were to badly emaciated danes.

I had noted a leg injury and was told that prior to going to this home, she had been hit by a car in her previous home and that her local humane society paid for the repair.

I am also told that she was one of many dogs kept in such deplorable condition on the property.

Poor girl…. 

Thank you to Just Paws & to Coffee County AC for all that they do! Feel truly fortunate to be working with you both. 

BHRR’s Bogart is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION again! We will not be proceeding further with this current application. We wish the home all the best!

BHRR’s Whisper is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION! 

We shall update as we can.

This great photo was taken by the wonderful home who had a recent play date with her! ?

Thank you’s sent out to them again for giving her such a lovely day! 

We made the decision to move BHRR’s Raven to our Haven Program. 

BHRR’s Whisper!

Sleeping Beauty before she went on her own special play date today! ?

Her sheer love of life and zest for zoomies makes me smile so much each day! ?? She even loves to play fetch!

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched personality fit home!

Have a great play date sweet girl…

BHRR’s Keg – 8 month old Berner Pup

He is going on his own special play date today!

We know that he has garnered a lot of interest and we continue to gently remind people:

1) he has a very detailed individual blog that people are directed to read – from the very bottom upwards – that documents his whole journey

2) that all of our adoption processes, polices and procedures are clearly posted on our website and this includes:

a) our adoption areas
b) our fencing requirements
c) our child age adoption policy
d) that a completed adoption application contract must be submitted to the BHRR BOD for review in order to be considered for him
e) that BHRR is NOT a facility, pound or shelter
f) our adoption fees

3) he does not languish in a kennel or crate. He lives in a loving home on almost 148 acres of which 3+ is safely fenced in for his enjoyment. He has wonderful friends to play with and is so happy plus thriving. 

4) he does NOT need to be rescued. We already did that and have successfully rehabbed him. We are seeking that right matched personality fit forever loving adoptive home for him.

5) we ONLY place per right match personality fit and our thorough adoption screening process helps us determine if a home is or is not that right matched home for one of our dogs.

For those homes that feel that after reading the information provided on his individual blog plus all of our adoption criteria that they think they may be approved to adopt him, you are most welcome to submit an application to the BHRR BOD Team to review.

Have a great play date today BHRR’s Keg! ??

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Bane – Severely Neglected/Abused GD
Kanata Animal Hospital

After having his latest x-rays. Recovering from his sedation. 

He deserves to be our Cover Boy.

You are so dearly loved……….

I shall post an update shortly and thank you to all of his amazing supporters, his incredible army plus his beautiful KAH family for everything….

AND thank you to those closest to his story for allowing us to post as we can.

His Bills are over $12,000 & we still owe almost $4,100 on them.

BHRR’s Burst is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Bogart is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can.

BHRR’s Keg
8 month old Berner(Born February 5th, 2018)

He is ready to make his own special announcement!

Thank you again to his incredible Vet Team at KAH and also to his fabu Neurologist Dr. Chauvet plus the lovely Dr. Schwartz of Alta Vista AH for everything that was done to medically assist him in becoming healthy!

THANK you to each and every angel that donated funds and supported him so strongly so that he could become this happy, ham of a personality filled puppy!

The puppy that had Ultrasound, X-rays, a CT Scan, exams, IV fluids, meds, bloodwork etc. is now this really monkey man of a healthy pup!

He is crate trained, house-broken, great on leash and makes an awesome car traveller!

He likes to talk and welcomes me home with the best filled with joy sounds! 

He is great with other dogs, has proven fine with cats – integration is key though! and though he is still unsure at times of some people – treats and passively ignoring quickly wins over his curious side plus tummy!

This boy could easily become obese WHICH is not good for his hind end at all – handsome to all that know and love him, like so many berners, he was not bred well and suffers from poor conformation in the hind end – little rear angulation. This does not hold him back and it is us that have to make sure that he does not overdo it! No dog should ever become fat.

He is a charmer, a flirt with a big mischievous side. AND oh, he has that wonderful giggle provoking ‘selective hearing’. He is a real hoot!

Patience, time, consistency, understanding with a positive balanced structure has has allowed him to flourish.

No dog should ever be man-handled and this sweet boy would just be broken if someone rushed or used anything less than the positive balanced approach he needs.

He is not overly active. Loves to play and tussle with his bff our Denali and can be quite the talker during play. Chasing is not his forte…face-planting tends to be the result as he cannot go the same speed as the other dogs yet he does try…his heart is so in love with life. 

He likes to nibble other dogs butts during play and we have worked on the ‘gentle’ command.

He can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is retired or semi-retired.

He can got to a home with children as young as 8 if said right matched personality fit home has kids.

We would love to see him in a home with at least one right matched personality fit dog yet we would consider homes without any dogs as long as the home had a strong social doggie network in place for him. He needs friends too!

Eash to wash, do nails, ears and even easier to adore this boy! 

So happy for your BHRRs’ Keg! You also DID it! You overcame SO much in your rehabilitation to be able to make your own special announcement!

Equally immensely proud of you ‘Keggie’!

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Bogart!
The amazing Weim – ~5 years of age

He is ready to make his own special announcement!

This sweet amazing boy has reached deep into my heart plus soul. He is such a WOW dog!

He can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, is semi-retired, retired etc. as he is yet another versatile BHRR dog.

He is great with other dogs and can go to a home that already has a right matched personality fit dog or as an only dog – as long as he has his own strong social doggie network with friends for just as we need friends, he does too!

I LOVE how he seems to smile and when he greets me, the special way he opens his mouth and makes the softest of sounds, melts my heart even further.

He is calm – yes, a calm weim!, sweet, social, kind, gentle, loves people and it is unknown 100% how he is with cats – integration would be key yet he has proven excellent with those he has met to date. 

We do not wish to see him in a home with children under the age of 10. He is so chill and quiet and we want a home that is just like him! 

A home that will NOT make him become obese like so many weims we see out there. He is lean and has developed much in the way of much needed muscle mass plus tone. He loves his walks and play time and is a low to very low moderately active boy. 

He is playful – loves to play fetch! – yet he is not an overly active dog, loves to keep me company while I work on the computer and a better movie/tv companion, you would be hard pressed to find!

He has excellent manners, is bilingual and travels beautifully in a car. 

He no longer suffers from SA and needs a right matched personality fit home that will not set him up for failure, creating triggers that will bring this up and bubbling over. 

He is crate trained, house broken and great to do nails plus baths. He is tolerant of his ears being cleaned – not his fav thing but the treats he gets afterwards, wins him over!  😀

His coat is gorgeous plus healthy now and he is a very happy dog. No longer confused, terrifed and worried….

Letting this dear man go will bring much in the way of tears my way yet he does not me any longer and he deserves to make another home feel so bright, warm and make them full of smiles! His personality is excellent and he is extremely well balanced plus rounded. 

I cannot measure in words my love for you BHRR’s Bogart and thank you for gracing my heart and home! 

Your rescue pulled so many wonderful people together and though I was out of the country, I was determined along with so many others that you would be saved….

Always remember my dear Bogie, that you are worthy, you are deserving and you are so loved!

YOU DID it Bogie! You did it! I am so proud of you!

He had his own recheck exam on October 11th and I shall post more re: that soon! He did get the thumbs up that he is healthy enough to go in for his second much needed surgery – he has one tooth broken at the gumline, at least one cracked tooth and severely worn front teeth. He shall require extractions and dental x-rays will be done to determine just how many are needed to be removed. Poor old sweet man.

AND we have received confirmation that an investigator has been assigned to his case for I reached out to the Welland SPCA as his condition was absolutely brutal upon arrival into our Rescue.

AND please do let this posted picture speak volumes as to how he is rehabbing with us! 

TOTAL DONATED: $1,474.73
BILLS TO DATE: $2,906.59

BHRR’s Bane

We are watching him closely and most likely shall end up back in emerge shortly for I do not like the sounds of his ‘productive’ breathing. 

On Monday October 8th, Alta Vista felt that BHRR’s Bane was clinically medically ready to leave the ICU – he had been in the ICU for 8 days.

When I went to get him, I asked what his current weight was and I was told 45 kgs, which was down from the 45.2 kgs and that was down from the previous weight and so on….

I asked when was the last time he was weighed and I was told he was due to be weighed again and I weighed him and he was ONLY 43 kgs. I was incredibly alarmed.

The amazing team at Alta Vista felt that clinically he was doing better and that they were not in a position to give him the 24/7 TLC he now needed.

So, on Tuesday October 9th, he was transferred to the wonderful Kanata Animal Hospital where I put him in a coat – body score 1/9 – as he has zero fat and no cushion.

He spends his days at KAH on IV fluids and Burprenorphine was added IV as the Tramadol plus Gabapentin being given orally is not covering his back pain. He remains on antibiotics and metro, forti flora etc. too.

He spends his nights with me on fluids/meds(second photo) so I can continue his 24/7 round the clock care. We have the radiant floor heating on for him and he is toasty warm and does not need the coat at home.

His first reading of his CT scan – done on October 6th – had a re-reading with the results sent to KAH on the 11th.

One of the Vets on his team at KAH called to discuss the results and the Vet also reviewed in depth his x-rays taken during his time at VEC Toronto and stated that he can see Discospondylitis. Discospondylitis, also spelled as diskospondylitis, is an infection of the vertebrae and the surrounding cartilaginous discs. It is also referred to as vertebral osteomyelitis and the swelling created by this disease can cause severe pain as well as nerve damage in afflicted dogs if left untreated.

He had the CT Scan due to the crepitus and extreme pain he was in and suspected trauma. The CT Scan also revealed some compression and disc herniation.

We need to know if the organism found in his U&C testing for his severe UTI/Kidney/Bladder infection (he also has battled sepsis) is the same one that is in his spine. We were told that an infection can travel from the kidneys to the spine if it was bad enough. 

If it is a different organism, he will require an additional antibiotic.

He will require antibiotics for up to 6 months to treat that infection from what both Alta Vista AH and KAH informed me.

We also need to know re: his back for possible surgery.

He is scheduled to see Dr. Jull, the Neurologist – the only one in Ottawa – to figure out the next steps based upon his CT results.

This dog was severely neglected and abused and it has been like pieces of a truly difficult puzzle working to fit them together to figure out how to best assist him. He does not have just one or two things that have been wrongly done to him.

He has a team of Vets/Specialists that span 4 Hospitals to date.

AND every single person that has met him has fallen so in love with him….

He certainly can tell you what he wants and is thinking without saying one word!

NO dog deserves to have been treated so badly and his bills to date are now over $10,500 and will continue to rise as we help him fight this good fight.

We remain incredibly humbled plus forever indebted to everyone that has shared their best wishes and/or sent a donation.

At this time donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital – they will take donations in person or over the phone) 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org(please use the friend & family option so we do not pay fees).

We will be repeating his bloodwork on Tuesday too.

AND to those that think he is not worthy, I am sorry but he is…he did not ask for anything bad to happen to him….he did not ask to be treated so horribly and when I see his tail wag for me and I get a slobby kiss, I become that much more committed in doing what is in his best interest.

I value immensely what his Vet Team has been advising and no one feels that he should be given up on. NO one.

Today, was a good eating and drinking on his own day and we will take the small victories as they come our/his way.

AND we shall continue to fundraise for his cause and our rescue doors shall remain closed as he needs everything we can give him……


I aplogise to all that I have not had time for much more than giving updates as I can on this incredible fighter….

We wanted to have two amazing BHRR dogs make their own special announcements this weekend yet do forgive me as I need to give all that I am and have to BHRR’s Bane right now.

He 100% represents the mandate of our special needs Great Dane/Giant Breed organisation and we need to give him everything for him to have the best chance of surviving.

Last night when I went back to visit with him – Thanks Kinsley for coming and thanks Martina for offering to come! – the lovely staff at Alta Vista let me visit him in a room over ICU, so we could spend some truly private/quality uninterrupted time together.

The first thing he did when he saw me as he wobbled and bobbled his way in, was give me the best, and I mean the best of a small tail wag! As weak as he is, he knew who I was and yup, my heart fell in love all over again. 

We put down a nice big thick comfy blanket, he slowly lowered himself down and immediately put his head on my legs….then within moments, he shifted, layed out along my side and fell fast asleep…. If I moved even an inch, I got his small talkative ‘groan’ of protest! I had lots of tingling numbness when we left but so worth it! 

His latest update is that he continues to eat and drink on his own quite well and his overseeing Vet Team is working on weaning him off the high dose of IV pain meds – Hydro and switching to Gabapentin plus Tramadol as oral meds.

His urine C&S is back and his nasty UTI/Bladder bug has proven to be susceptible to the antibiotics being given and they are leaving him on just the one antibiotic and taking him off the IV Baytril.

He is urinating and having bowel movements and starting to wobble his way better outside to go to the bathroom and the Vet talked about de-worming him which was on our list from when he first arrived. I asked re: the fecal sample I brought in on Friday and the Vet had not been aware one was in the fridge and will collect a fresh sample to send to the lab.

The last weight I have is now up to 99.44 pounds (from two nights ago). Body score 1/9.

Our bills are now over $9,000 to date since October 1st for his ICU care.

Sean & I reached out to our bank and can skip two mortgage payments and we remain so beyond thankful to each and every person who has sent a donation for his care!  Please also keep the well wishes coming!! I share them all with him! I tell him he has an army standing so strongly by his side and he can lean on all of us….

We do desperately need to raise another $2,000 (his CT scan was $2,000 alone) over the next couple of days. Our coffers have been emptied with not one but two severely neglected Danes coming into BHRR over a 10 day period and we had no idea until they arrived, just how bad they were medically. Both are very extreme cases. 

Please please please with so much gratitude in my heart plus soul and tears in my eyes, if you have any change to spare, we would embrace your support with eternal gratitude. So so so indebted to so many to date for their kindness demonstrated. THANK YOU!

We do have a second pair of Hockey Tickets up for grabs in a flash auction that ends tomorrow – Tuesday night @ 9 PM EST, link below & then will have a $500 value gift basket available in another flash auction.


Please save your EMPTIES for us too!

I also want to shout out a thank you to my family who has without complaint, sacrificed our plans for this Thanksgiving long weekend to allow me to be where I am needed most. I love you all so very much!

Donations to BHRR’s Bane’s care – as Alta Vista will not take direct donations – can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

My heart also goes out to the family plus to the 6 month old GSx HBC puppy last night for they reached out to us – they went to Alta Vista AH last night – to see if we could take on the $7,000+ plus surgery that puppy needs. Unfortunately, our doors remain closed and will remain closed for a long time to come……I made several recommendations to them. 

BHRR’s Bane – Severely Neglected Great Dane
October 6th, 2018Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital & Speciality Services 
Emaciated(Body Score 1/9), Severe Bladder/UTI & Sepsis plus skin issues 
Suspected trauma due to extreme pain & crepitus (on Fentanyl & Hydro) – CT Scan done yesterday & we are awaiting results

VIDEO OF BHRR’S BANE October 6th, 2018 @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital 

He has be in ICU since October 1st.

Bills are over $8,000 & mounting

Sean & I went last night after his CT scan($2,000) and spent time with this really super sweet precious boy. While many are having turkey and ham with family & friends – please tell your loved ones how thankful you are for them  – I gladly re-arranged my life to be in the ICU with him this long weekend. I will be back again today and tomorrow and for however long it takes.

This boy has a hell of a rehab journey ahead of him and please pray for good CT results so that we can give him this deserving opportunity. Per a previous post & above he had the CT scan due to suspected trauma for ‘crepitus and referred pain.’

He is a victim of horrendous neglect/abuse and we desperately need your assistance to help him. We really do. I am begging with all that I am to please consider donating to his cause. 

I sound like a broken record yet even $5 is not too small. Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to these innocent creatures, I would grovel, plead and sell a kidney if I had to. Please consider giving him a donation as a gift of life….

We have been helping Danes like BHRR’s Bane since 1996 and he really is one of the worst cases ever. Just horrendous what was done to him. 

He is in the ICU at a Alta Vista Animal Emergency & Speciality Services Hospital.

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Alta Vista Animal Hospital has confirmed that donations cannot be made direct to them yet I will post a copy in this thread of his current bills there(he has had a many multi thousand bill in TO too) as of last night.

Please accept my heartfelt gratitude and humbled forever indebted thanks for your consideration. 

We will update as we can….

AND copy of his invoice as of last night at Alta Vista AH

BHRR’s Bane

On our way to be transferred Alta Vista Animal Hospital Emergency & Specialty Hospital yesterday.

Also attaching an estimate for his first two days in ICU there. He has a many multi thousand bill remaining at VEC Toronto also.

Alta Vista AH has also confirmed that donations cannot be made direct to them and we remain so eternally grateful for anything his surrounding village can make to help him!

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We will update as we can.

Please keep this truly sweet emaciated battling for his life boy in your thoughts for in meeting him myself for the first time yesterday, he never deserved any of this horrible neglect….he is as precious as Lindsay, his emerge temp foster Mama says he is….

This is the weekend of Thanksgiving and please do know how thankful we are for everything that you have been helping us do for him. 

This handsome boy shall soon be making his own special announcement! 

BHRR’s Bogart!

No longer terrifed, skinny nor has SA or skin issues any longer! YOU have rocked your rehab you fine man and forever will have my heart deeply wrapped up in your paws….you are truly amazing.

Isn’t he so fantastically handsome?!

BHRR’s Bane – ~ 5 year old GD
VEC Toronto ICU 
*Under the care of the Internal Medicine Specialist

We are going to be transferring his care to one of the most trusted places we have ever felt privileged and blessed to have worked with – Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital & Specialty Services.

Alta Vista AH has been there for many of our dogs since 1996.

We have been working hard behind the scenes and for Lindsay and myself it has been a brutal week.

This emaciated 98.4 pound Great Dane is currently being treated for a severe UTI & Bladder infection along with Sepsis.

VEC Toronto has now done two u/s, a UA, a Urine Culture & Sensitivity, blood-work, X-rays of abdomen and hips, tested for Addison’s, ruled our ruptured spleen, tumours/masses and any FB or sliding obstruction etc.

Yesterday, a Neurologist ruled out any ataxia related to neuro issues and his neuro testing response is normal. Therefore, his weakness and current body plus medical condition/state are due to his severely neglected condition.

Cortisol was added to the antibiotic and fluid therapy he is on and a feeding tube was inserted.

The great news – his urine is not as bloody looking, he is back to eating his small meals every 2 hours and drinking water on his own. He does still have a feeding tube at this time though.

He is slowly being moved off the Fentanyl to Tramadol & Gabapentin etc for pain management.

Lindsay – I will have to rely on you a bit to make sure that I have missed nothing big for your updates from being there in person have been far easier to obtain than mine from home.

As of yesterday, his invoice said his bills were already $4,639.68

YOU have helped raise a beautiful tear welling up of $2,010 at this time.

We continue to beg for him and are putting on our thinking caps re: fundraising.

Per a previous post, I had called the VEC Toronto Hospital and they said they will not take donations over the phone.

Donations to this severely neglected Great Dane can be made direct to email transfer of gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We have been also collecting and holding into safekeeping all documentation sent our way re: those that have any factual prior knowledge of this Great Dane.

Once we get to Alta Vista AH, we hope to be in a much better position to pull aside the official veterinary documentation we shall also require to move forward in opening up a case with the OSPCA.

Just as BHRR’s Bowen did not deserve to be severely neglected, neither does BHRR’s Bane OR any dog….and we will do right by these Danes.

Please continue to keep this dear sweet boy in your best wishes AND know that even if you can spare $5, that to us and to BHRR’s Bane, it is helping us to save his life……

AND Lindsay, I am a broken record I know yet you are exceptional as his emerge temp foster Mama. You have put your own work and private life on hold to be with him throughout each day and night, you have also donated to his cause via financial contribution and equally important is you are ‘his person’ and he continues fighting strongly!

You are outstanding….simply an incredible person who I admire and am honoured to know. You are selflish, dedicated and caring! THANK YOU and in a matter of hours I can finally kiss this sweet boys’ face myself in person….I cannot wait….

From our home to all of our friends, family plus supporters, we are sending the best of good night wishes along with our tears of thanks for standing by this special Dane.

He is such a ham! 🙂

Posted in Keg


We have made the decision that we shall not be proceeding further with this particular applicant. We need to ensure that any dog that is placed in a home is that right matched personality fit and we do not feel this home is meant for him. 

BHRR’s Keg 
8 month old Berner!

He is excited to finally be able to make his own special announcement shortly! 

What a journey this handsome, full of amazing personality pup has gone on!

So many incredibly loving angels to thank for helping him along his rehab path!

Posted in Keg

UPDATE: to date $1,706.80 has been raised for BHRR’s Bane including $510 from our recent flash auction. I rounded that up and as Gracie Honalulu – his emerge temp foster Mama who has been with him at the emerge Hospital of VEC Toronto – can confirm $1,200 was sent yesterday and just now another $510 has been sent towards his mounting Vet Bills.

The flash auction was going to be split between both severely neglected Danes yet we need to direct all funds to BHRR’s Bane as he is currently in ICU and has been there since he was admitted via emerge yesterday.

This is a pic taken of him tonight at the emerge hospital. He is in ICU and was transferred to the care of the internal medicine team today.

Today, truly has been a brutal day and Lindsay can also vouch for how sick I am right now trying to make sure that both of these neglected Danes are done right by. So many obstacles and opposing forces that needlessly have had and remain to be overcome just to make sure they get what they need and deserve. 

Gracie Honalulu – I have said it before, yet let me say it again, you are BHRR’s Bane’s person right now and you are as much a part of his fight to live as all of the medical diagnostics, testing, exams, consults, medications and procedures have been. You have been solid in your strength, strong in your conviction and dedication to his wellbeing.  You give him the will and you give him such love.

BHRR’s Bane – we have not yet met, yet I love you with all that I am and I promise that I am doing all I can to save you…..please keep fighting the good fight….

Tomorrow, I sincerely hope to update all on the status of things to date….

Tonight, I am positively drained….

For any that may consider his cause thank you , I have asked the VEC Toronto Hospital and they will not take donations directly, so our email address and PayPal address is below:

Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

I sincerely hope my deepest appreciation and sincerest of humbled thanks is felt by each and every one that has donated to his care and/or has passed along best wishes. I am humbled, I am touched, I am filled with tears of the biggest gratitude. 

No Dane deserves to be put in a state of being emaciated to the point of being barely 100 pounds….  He was given a body score of 1/9.

UPDATE: we are going to do an ultrasound and should know even more in a couple of hours. 

He is running a fever and per the VEC Toronto ER Vet is very sick…which all of us know. 

We will know more in a couple of hours based upon the ultrasound and the repeat plus additional detailed blood panels etc., what we are looking at so we can make the best decision for him. 

They do not have a critical care specialist at their Hospital any longer so we would have to transfer him. 

They are going to converse with their internal medicine team also.

My heart is so heavy….

We have had him at the Vet three times in four days trying to figure things out and help him. 

UPDATE: he has been transferred to emergency in TO and we will update more as we can. 

If I have to drive through the night to pick him up and bring him to Alta Vista Animal Emergency & Speciality Hospital I will. They have worked with me on many a severe case over the years. 

We are now awaiting the results of repeat diagnostics and further testing….

Please keep him in your hearts and thought…

My heart hurts so much and please keep his emerge temp foster Mama also in your best wishes. She has stepped up to the plate in such a difficult situation without hesitation when asked. 

BHRR’s Bane

When you are nothing but a skeleton, it is painful to lay down so couches make for a great resting place for your head…..

Also, he was to be back at the Vet today for a recheck, re-weigh, re-visit that hind end/left back leg plus toe and further diagnostics including possible anitibiotics, a better de-wormer etc…yet this is his urine. Per his emerge temp foster home when I asked when she picked him up and for updates since then, his urine has been concentrated yet not like this.

He has also stopped eating….

This boy has so many medical concerns and his strength is not there as we would wish it to be…while he is no longer falling down and over, his poor neglected body has faced so much adversity to date…..

We will update as we can and please keep him in your thoughts.

We are still very much collecting donations for his and BHRR’s Bowen’s ever mounting vet bills.

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use the friends & Family option) so we do not pay fees….

We will not see him or any dog suffer and we keep his best interest in mind at all times…..

BHRR’s Bowen, the sweet Senior
One of the two severely neglected Danes we have taken in over a 10 day period.

This is him 1 Day post op from his first surgery on Thursday September 27th. 

Loving his pain meds!  He was able to lay out in the sun and soak up some wonderful fall sunshine. 

His second surgery shall be in a few weeks time once he is healed and becomes stronger. He also had put on almost 1 kg in just a week from when he arrived into our care. 

His second surgery shall address that poorly kept mouth of his. He has one tooth completely broken at the gumline, another tooth cracked and the front of his mouth have all worn down teeth. He will have dental x-rays taken at that time to determine just how many extractions he will need. 

As his BP had dropped a bit during his first surgery, his surgeon felt it best to let him recover and get stronger before going back in to address his horrible mouth. 

His histio report on the mass removed from his anal area was benign so excellent news and now that he is neutered, his perianal masses should continue to improve. A picture is attached of what his rectum looks like after 9 days of antibiotics and care. Great improvement! He will be on antibiotics for three weeks.

His second fecal test also came back negative – he was proactively/ preventatively treated with Interceptor Plus and also has been treated with Panacur and regular Interceptor.

We are still waiting the results of his fungal culture which should be in over the next week or so.

We continue to send copies of all Vet findings plus test results and photo’s to the Welland SPCA.

We also received a surprising call from our local HD that apparently the Niagara region HD – which Mr. Burnett never said anything to us during his call to us on September 25th re: a bite incident. 

The strange thing is that this Dane could not have bitten anyone in Wainfleet September 17th or 18th as he was in our care at that time – with witness, Vet and photo documented proof. Regardless, we were so open and invited Mr. Moussa out to our home 1) confirm that this Dane was alive and 2) do a visual inspection. This was all done on Friday September 28th. The HD acknowledged that there did seem to be some contradictory reporting and I left a vm with the Mr. Burnett of Niagara region HD to contact me when he is back in the office so I can ask why was this not stated to me when he called me on September 25th. Even Mr. Moussa felt it odd that I had not been told about this ‘incident’. 

AND when I first stepped up to assist this Dane, I had asked re: any prior bite history and had been told ‘no’. All of it is so odd and disturbing….

AND as far as we had been aware, this dog was not in this region since September 14th….

To all that have met this sweet old man, he does not have a mean bone in his body….he has gone through so much neglect and has been extremely tolerant, patient and even tempered throughout all of his exams plus treatments to date.

Donations for his continued care can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

His Current Active Medical Concerns:
Perianal gland adenoma 
Otitis externa 
Fractured tooth 
Worn teeth
Cracked tooth
highly concentrated urine 
Serum globulin concentration increased above normal
Defecation painful 
Hindlimb conscious proprioception deficit

BILLS TO DATE: $1,912.90

Victim of a separation & passed around.

Surrendered to the amazing rescue group of Just Paws on Sunday September 23rd.

They were not made aware upon intake of just how bad his shape was. Pictures sent their way were of a supposed ‘160 pound Dane’. So, imagine their shock when he arrived in an emaciated neglected state. 

They had him vetted on September 24th and reached out to us on September 26th asking if BHRR could assist him and we felt honoured to have been asked. We specialise in the special needs Danes/Giants and were so touched to work with Just Paws to bring him into our care.

He was taken to the Vet on September 28th and his weight was 100 pounds.

His waist measurement is 53 cms and can be spanned by two hands.

His bw indicates that he is battling inflammation and an infection plus has a badly broken/ slightly infected toe nail, something going on with his back left leg, diarrhea and until he is more stable, we cannot do x-rays. He also has some skin issues.

He is back on Monday October 1st to the Vet for a recheck, to see if he is healthy enough to now go on antibiotics and to obtain a new weight. We do not feel that he will be stable enough to do x-rays yet we will see. He is now listed as ‘critically stable’.

He is eating 8 small meals a day – slows down the later the day becomes and is exhasuted. We have to slowly teach his system what food is. He is sleeping lots which will be excellent for his rehab plus taking very short strolls to help build up some strength.

He is on meds for diarrhea, forti-flora as a probiotic, a special shampoo for his skin and antihistamines. He also has hibitane for that toe area for now.

On Monday, we will pick up Interceptor to better de-worm him.

IF it were not for Just Paws Animal Rescue, this boy would have been dead within a week or so. He is in that bad of shape. THANK you Just Paws! AND thank you to your beautiful network for supporting your efforts!

He is weak, can barely stand and he is now the second severely neglected Dane that we have taken in over the last 10 days.

YOUR support means the world to us and to dogs like BHRR’s Bane and BHRR’s Bowen.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital


OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal(please use the friend & family option so we do not pay fees) gwen@birchhaven.org



We have now moved the Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher and BHRR’s Everly to our Haven Program.

We will continue to keep The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Juniper up for adoption for awhile longer and should their right matched personality fit homes not find them, then, we will also move them to our Haven Program.

We have had another $100 in donations sent for his care and we are really thankful plus humbled….

This is BHRR’s Bowen in post op recovery….will update more tomorrow.

He will have his second surgery in a few weeks time once he recovers from this one and is even stronger….

BILLS TO DATE: $1,789.87

BHRR’s Bowen – severely neglected Great Dane

In surgery – the lump on his side was full of blood, so a hematoma related to trauma is suspected.

His ears had cytologies and were cleaned – they were full of dark waxy yeasty debris with the one ear also having rods present so both ears will be treated with medication.

His one eye was running and will be monitored plus he had a good nail trim.

He had one of his anal masses removed and it will be sent off for biopsy.

He has one tooth broken at the gumline and another is cracked and he has his front row of teeth severely worn down – per his surgeon, these shall need to be addressed / extracted in a separate surgery as he had enough done today and we will also do dental x-rays at that time. His BP dropped a bit in surgery so to be safe, it is recommended to give him a few weeks to recover and then go back in.

Skin scrapings done and he was also neutered to help with his perianal masses

His surgeon also gave him a head to toe detailed exam including his legs/hips.

Donations can be sent direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 – he has a file under our Rescue account OR

Email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

All of the Vet Records & findings will be forwarded on to the Welland SPCA.

Please keep this truly sweet amazing senior Dane in your thoughts!

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to his cause to date and he still could use a XL Costco Dog Bed of his very own.

Thank you to everyone at KAH for taking such wonderful care of him today!! You are amazing!

This is ‘Bane’
~5 year old Great Dane
Severely Emaciated, Rashes

We were asked by a truly wonderful Rescue group to step up to assist him.

Just Paws Animal Rescue saved his life by taking him into their group on Sunday and then reached out to us last night to see if we could help him.

We have stepped up without hesitation and thanks to Lindsay for being so willing to emerge temp foster him – she picked him up today – and thanks again to Just Paws Animal Rescue for saving his life!

He is barely 102 pounds and he is the victim of a relationship breakup and was passed around. Apparently, he once weighed 160 pounds and I do not know if that was a healthy weight for him yet I do know that his current emaciated weight is horrific.

She is going to be feeding him 8 small meals a day to help get his body used to food and to jump start his gut again.

BHRR specialises in emaciation cases, especially with the giants and we remain forever grateful to Jane Smith & Tamee Osher-Diamonds of Just Paws plus their incredible support system by taking him in last Sunday.

I am also deeply indebted to Lindsay for stepping up….again in our time of need to emerge temp foster for BHRR.

Lindsay has said that no picture shall truly capture how terrible this sweet boy’s body condition is.

With the enormous needs of *Bowen* and now with this sweet boy, BHRR is having to shut our doors to others in need as the bills shall be enormous by the time these two are properly and successfully rehabilitated.

Bane, like Bowen has an account set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 for any consideration to their bills.

OR donations can be made via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We shall post more re: dear Bowen tomorrow and to keep you updated on Bane.

Thank you as always to everyone that may consider our efforts to support for BHRR focuses strongly and almost exclusively on the special needs as that is our mandate since our inception in 1996.

Please know how much your kindness means to not just us but to all the animals in desperate need of help.

We have some long roads to help these dear boys travel and cannot do it alone….

*First picture is what he used to look like, second two pictures were taken today by Lindsay*


This is *Bowen* – The Senior Great Dane from the Roadside Zoo of Ringtail Ranch & Rescue in Wainfleet, Ontario

This case has been sent to the Welland SPCA for further investigation. He has experienced severe neglect.

The night Ellie & I picked him up, he was even bleeding from his rectum area.

We were also contacted on September 25th by John Burnett, Team Leader at Niagara Regional Public Health Department. He reached out to make sure that we were aware of Echinococcus multilocularis(Coyote Tapeworm). He had intimate knowledge of this sweet senior boy and wished him well.

This Coyote Tapeworm is quite prevalent on this property from what we were informed by the HD AND does not exist in our neck of the woods. As recently as July, several cases of this parasite were found on the property. This is a very dangerous parasite.

We have been proactive/preventative with his fecal testing – will be sending out a special sample – a second one to be tested and he was put on Panacur, Interceptor and now Interceptor+ will be used for two treatments.

He also was placed on Revolution for possible mange plus for HW/Flea/Tick preventative.

We are going to let the legal governing bodies do their investigations and we are going to focus on what we do best, rehab.

Due to the high level of his medical concerns, his Vet had discussed with us on September 18th, if humanely euthanizing was in his best interest.

No one wishes to see a dog suffer and we dialogued in much depth with his amazing Vet and it was decided that we would wait to see what his bloodwork and UA indicated.

In the meantime, we ran a fecal, did a Woods lamp test, began de-worming, put him on antibiotics, Revolution, pain meds and began using a special shampoo.

His results came back that he was strong enough for us to proceed further and we put him on NSAIDS – Deramaxx, scheduled surgery for him – neutering is the only way to deal with his one perianal mass – along with antibiotics etc. and while he is under, we can further investigate those ears, mouth masses – two seen upon initial exam, rectal masses – do biopsies as needed on both mouth and rectal area, ear cytologies/cultures, more skin scrapings, check the lump on his side etc.

We have a fungal culture also sent off.


Highly concentrated urine – to be rechecked later
Serum globulin concentration increased above normal
Defecation painful
Hindlimb conscious proprioception deficit
gum masses
Perianal lumps
Nuclear sclerosis
Healing Punctures
Lump on right side

BHRR has taken on cyberbullying plus threats by 2 people in respect to our intake of this Great Dane and we have also been collecting all of this documentation. Legal council can address as the experts in those matters.

BHRR operates with a zero tolerance policy and we shall continue to do so.

These animals cannot speak for themselves and we encourage/urge anyone with firsthand knowledge of any animal being neglected and/or abused, to please use your own voice to stand up for them. They need you to do right by them. There are legal governing bodies that you can reach out to in re: to addressing these matters.

FOR ANYONE THAT MAY CONSIDER HELPING THIS DEAR SWEET SENIOR, donations to his care can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:


OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thanks Ellie for coming with me to pick him up and for letting him sit in your lap! 

He has been scheduled to see the Vet tomorrow. 

AND BHRR’s Bogart, the Weim is now on his own special picnic play date!

Oh, how my heart loves this truly magnificent boy!

He was a bit worried upon drop-off and as this is his very first time on a date, understandable and the home will be sure to set him up for success. 

He may not think he is ready to get into the hands of other loving folks, but he is and he will have a wonderful day! 

We work so hard to help our dogs become the best they can be in becoming as well rounded plus balanced as possible. Our extremely successful and highly popular play date/visitation program has been instrumental in ensuring that this happens for our amazing dogs. 

He only needs a few more pounds and his weight will be perfect too. I am not sure why of late, we are seeing so many truly obese Weims out and about. We were at the drive-in a couple of weeks ago and the size of the Weim and also two Mastiffs there that night not only broke my heart yet peeved me off. No excuse for any dog to ever become morbidly obese. For those who know me, overweight dogs really bothers me. ?

See you later today BHRR’s Bogart, you Uber gorgeous creature! 

On a side note, all of his bloodwork came back normal. 

Sabine McConnell – he is wearing one of the collars from PP that I bought! 

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We will update as we can.

As many that follow our page are aware, BHRR’s Keg was at the Vet on the 11th of September for a neuter, to be microchipped and to have his stifles plus hips further examined under anaesthetic.

The x-rays indicated that he has effusion on his stifles and they were sent off to the wonderful ortho specialist Dr. Parker to review – after two Vets looked them over at KAH – and I also had two other Vets, one also being an ortho specialist to get their expert thoughts too.

His hips do not appear to be abnormal at this time.

The feedback that came back:

1) for a dog his age to check other joints for inflammation. Rule outs also include OCD of the femurs. Nothing was obvious on the x-rays but can be a difficult diagnosis. Joint taps may be indicated.

2) wait to see the new neurologist – waiting for the referral – as Dr. Chauvet, the one he was with is no longer at Alta Vista  as four Vets note the stifle effusion yet did not find anything completely scary, or cause for immediate panic at this time and feel that his hind end is quite possibly related to his neuro issues(he does have some ataxia) and could explain why he limps at times – more on left over right – and can cry.

So after much talking with the Vets plus specialists we will re-visit with neurology and go from there as to whether we need to do the joint taps etc.

His Vet Bills to date:

A copy of his invoice from the 11th is also attached. That invoice does not include the cone that he was sent home in. That was another $10 or so.

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

He was such a good boy and in the pic is all sleepy in prep for his procedures. Thanks Cailey for the photo! 

Posted in Keg

What a ham! She makes me smile so much! After a good roll she was ready for her car ride to go to her special picnic day date! 

BHRR News Weekend!

My weekend took a change of plans yesterday when I had to bring in BHRR’s Rubble as he was shaking his head late Thursday night. So, the home-visit scheduled for a possible approved adoption on Sunday has been delayed. I take the proper proactive/preventative care of all of our dogs seriously and no dog will be adopted until they are in the best of health that they can be. BHRR shall continue to absorb the costs of his care while we treat that ear and wait for the culture to come back. While he hung out at work, I did his next Heartworm/Tickborne Disease test – was negative & he had a manicure/pedicure.

BHRR’s Rubble, you have made outstanding rehab process since you first arrived skinny, scared, traumatised, untrained and feeling confused plus unloved. You are a rock star!

So, this meant that instead of Sean dropping off this Merle beauty on her own special picnic date today, I got to! AND this meant that I was able to finally meet face-to-face one of the most caring plus genuine women ever! 

Thank you to this lovely home for being so open to giving BHRR’s Daffodil this special spoiling time today. She is always overlooked and she is such a beautiful girl! Inside & outside.

Her world is truly full of sunshine and daffodils! 

BHRR’s Daffodil, who once was a victim to greed for what her body could give her previous owner in puppies, neglected with none of her medical plus emotional needs taken care of, is now living the life of a princess. She is such an amazing dog and she remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched fit forever loving home.

She is kind, gentle, calm – except when it comes to her biggest life’s pleasure – rolling in the grass, then she is all puppy happiness! – sweet and precious. 

She is such a wonderful companion with a gorgeous personality!

Have an incredible time today you awesome girl! You deserve this! You are important and you are deeply loved.

In just under 1 hour from now, 1 year ago today….I began one of the most difficult yet one of the most rewarding rescue moments of my life.

I began to whelp The Bakers Dozen – 1st puppy born 10:13 PM on September 12th, 2017 – BHRR’s Poppy & the last puppy was born 9:29 AM on September 13th, 2017 – BHRR’s Fletcher.

Tragically, emaciated, traumatized, terrorized puppymill Mama Gem(once only known as D211 to her greedy breeders) rejected her puppies. The smallest puppy, wee BB was barely even 9.7 oz. Giant Breed puppies, when healthy should be born 1-1.5 pounds each. She gave all she had to ensure that we had 13 live births.

Thank you SO much to Mason who worked with me to help whelp them and to stimulate them as several were quite blue.

From tube to dropper to bottle feeding to there being a manufacturer shortage of Esbilac, Sean & I experienced the absolute best in people yet sadly, the absolute worse in one person also during this life and death 24/7 journey for this litter/Mama.

I want to wish The Bakers Dozen a beautiful and special 1st Birthday! 

You have touched my heart and soul like no other time in my life has and while FPS tried to steal you all away; you fought hard to live. I was not giving up on this litter or Mama. So many health issues and so many battles won….and with tears in my eyes, some battles lost. 

RIP to those of my wee angels that were stolen away all too soon. I remain confused, hurt, devastated and so angry that you were taken away from so many that love you like The Boerskins do.

THANK you to every Bakers Dozen Angel that donated goods, monies & hands to help us assist them in their plus Mama Gem’s biggest times of need. Thanks also to our Vet Team that was right by their/my side every step necessary.

This is a bittersweet Happy Birthday moment for me…..I am so happy yet my heart is also very heavy with sadness.

BHRR’s Bogart!
The ~5/6 year old Weim

When I dropped off BHRR’s Keg for his surgery/x-rays/exam/microchip this AM, I brought along this precious boy to obtain a current weight and to have his blood re-submitted – it had been lost August 31st when he was last in.

This dear sweet boy has a big hold on my heart……massive….

Remember the pics of him so scared plus worried? That is no more! He is happy and it is said dogs do not smile yet I know he does! 

So many people came together to help us save him and he is absolutely fabu! Incredible! Awesome! Amazing and a really special boy.

He is sitting so focused at work this AM waiting for his liver treat.

BHRR’s Bogart, my mind continues to be blown away that you were failed so miserably by a lot of people and for many years in different homes and then dumped in a pound after your latest home did not want you after having you for only a year.

You are a WOW dog and I adore you!

BHRR’s Keg!

This 7 month old handsome ham of a character Berner was dropped off at KAH this AM to have his hips/knees further investigated under anaesthetic plus to be de-twinkled.

I was very hush hush about the second part of his visit  so in this picture he remains very happy! 

Unfortunately, his incredible Neurologist is no longer at Alta Vista AH so we have had to be referred elsewhere.

His weight is now 33.& kgs(74.36 pounds) and he goes on to the scale and sits like a pro! Completely on his own.

We also had him in for a good grooming session and the mats that he arrived with are all removed and he is looking mighty fine! 

Donations to his continued mounting Vet Bills can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848


Via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friends & family option)

Have a great Tuesday!

Posted in Keg

BHRR’s Flyn!

This stunning BBBBB had her annual today and weighed almost a slightly plump 50.3 kg (110.66 pounds). Since her arrival she has put on almost 17 pounds and has gone from quite skinny to needing no more weight to be put on! 

She remains our ‘mysterious’ woman….cloaked in secrecy with her many depths and layers. 

She had a great day hanging out at KAH today while I worked and her Vet visit was a total thumbs up. I also did her ears plus had her nails done and she was so rock solid. 

Her Vet marvelled at how shiny/glossy her coat was and that she had shades of brown within it. This picture was taken in the rain when we got home so she is not as gleaming….

She is still a bit nervous/cautious in new situations yet from where we were first asked to assist her, her anxiety level was 8/10 then and now we are maybe a weak 2/10! WTG BHRR’s Flyn!

She remains Available For Adoption to that right matched forever loving home and has an extremely detailed individual blog that outlines the home that we are seeking for her. 

She is so lovely and that masking gene is becoming even more prevalent on her face! Makes her look all the more gorgeous. 

BHRR’s Bogart, the Weim was at the Vet on Friday August 31st! 

Was a super star! 

We strongly feel is is between 5-6 years of age and so, we are going with 5.5 years…could he be a bit younger, sure…could he be a bit older, sure yet nothing so extreme that would make any difference to a right matched personality fit home. 

He weighed a skinny 67.32 pounds yet already the weight is coming on nicely. He is developing much neeed muscle tone plus mass also. He is eating plus drinking well too.

He travelled wonderfully in the car – you could tell he was a little worried as he has had so much change in his life prior to his Rescue.

He had a great Vet visit – had his vaccines, an ear cleaning, lungs are great and his Vet listened thoroughly to his heart to be sure that what they were hearing was normal. 

We ran bloodwork yet unfortunately, it was lost and so I will bring in more blood to be sent to the lab for testing. 

He is being proactively/preventatively de-wormed and is now on heartworm/flea/tick meds.

He was curious, quietly social and such a solid boy at his visit.

This boy is another WOW dog! Does he have some SA, yes but it is not severe and he is better and better every day. The more we demonstrate consistency, give him structure and have clear open communication he is thriving. He needs stability and he is learning that he can like himself, self-soothe and comfort and that it is ok to be by himself. He does fantastic in his crate and I am very proud of him. 

His hips, while having some mild arthritis did not give his Vet any great alarm or cause for concern that he had any HD, let alone any severe HD.

Re: his skin & coat – His Vet stated that now that he is on excellent food and care and the stress will reduce in his life, his coat will become healthy and less dull and coarse.

The more he settles in, the happier he is becoming. He is such an easy, calm and wonderful dog. He loves keeping me company as I work on my computer and when he is ready, he is going to make that right matched forever loving home an amazing addition to their family. 

He has gotten along beautifully with all the dogs and his playful side is adorable and gentle.

That this poor dog was bounced around in his life and then dumped at a pound baffles me. He is simply stupendous! 

BHRR’s Bogart, while others did not want you and while even others turned their backs to you in your time of need, we want you so much and we will make sure that you are cherished plus cared for! 

I apologise for how quiet it has been on our page this past week.

It has been a very rough and trying time with not 1 but two BHRR losses and then dealing with an adoption situation YET today, we have some good news to share……

BHRR’s Rubble is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We work so hard doing things the right way all the time, believe in total full disclosure on all of our dogs and wait very patiently for those right matched forever loving homes to come along.

We will update as we can re: BHRR’s Rubble and Happy Labour Day Monday to all of our friends, family and supporters…..you make doing r/q Rescue easier to bear when there are those moments of hell.. 

UPDATE: His surgery went well yet the undescended testicle was in his abdomen, poor boy.

I picked him up from LAH and then ended up driving immediately to KAH as on the drive home, he became very nauseous. A cerenia injection later and some tender loving, he is now tucked back into my car and we will continue to head home. 

He will be on antibiotics and pain meds for the next while along with tons of extra loving! 

**Graphic photo yet part of his incision…if extends up to his abdomen**

Thank you to both Hospitals for taking such wonderful care of my boy! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Furry Murray! 
*DNA Proven GD/IW

He was full of so much zipping and zooming this AM when I told him we were going for a special car ride! Was hard to even get any pics of this furry lean mean running machine!

I did not have the heart to tell him that this special car ride was going to be to the Vet for his de-twinkling apt… 

AND that means, he did it!! He beat Puppy Strangles not once but twice since November 2nd, 2017! 

It was a long, rocky and sometimes scary road yet he did it!! WTG! I adore this wee Giant with all that I am….he, as with quite a few of his litter, battled medical issues since they were born – he also had bone issues and could not walk at one time yet look at him now!

AND he is also now healthy enough to be de-twinkled today.

Three in his litter were cryptorchid and while BHRR’s Fletcher’s one testicle dropped prior to being altered, BHRR’s Mortimer and BHRR’s Furrry Murray’s did not.

This wee giant weighed 96.8 pounds today! He remains the smallest in his litter yet one of the mightiest. His personality is massive and his sheer love of life enormous. 

He will remain in our Haven Program yet he still has four litter-mates still available for adoption to those right matched personality fit homes. As with all of our dogs, only the right matched fit homes shall be approved and they need extremely specific homes.

BHRR’s Bogart, The Male Weim.

Got him!!!

He now has a name for all those that have been following his detailed Individual blog, BHRR’s Bogart. 

There are SO many to thank for the saving of this truly exquisite boy….any errors made in omission are completely unintentional. Please forgive me for any error. OLC, PP, the SPA Beauceville, Winchester Kennels & the Freedom Drivers! All of you are his angel network! 

So many us came together to help make this Rescue happen and while I will always remain so disappointed in all those who failed him in his past – his most recent owners had him about 1 year and then dumped him in a pound despite knowing people were working on r/q rescue assistance, thank goodness that pound is Rescue friendly and from there this amazing boy is now safe! R/q Rescue often experiences the positively best in people and not just the wretched behaviour of the worst of some in the world.

Said to have severe SA & HD, I have spent the last 2 weeks just waiting to meet him and having now gotten him in my hands, this boy is going to be just fine in time! He is exceptional and I honestly do not think he is ~8 either. Maybe 6 yet we will get him healthy and learn more about him, do proper diagnostics on him and give him time….time to learn so much about caring loving supportive hands. 

An honorary Dane he shall be and yes, he is thin….I love lean as so many know yet he is a bit skinny yet we will also work on that plus building up his muscle tone and mass.

Everyone who has crossed his path over the past two weeks has said he is super calm and sweet and yup, only took a few moments after meeting him to concur! Friendly and so handsome to boot! 

I was going to take him to work tonight to begin his proper proactive/preventative Vet care protocol yet he is so exhausted, has had a lot going on over the past two weeks just in working to have him saved and I am going to give him tonight to chill and relax and tomorrow is a new day. As with any of our dogs, he will lack for nothing! Never again shall anyone fail him….that I promise him as I do every dog that we are entrusted with.

To those who turned their back on him in his big time of need, shame on you and he is your loss and our and so many others that are waiting to spoil/love him gain.

I am now on my way to pick up poor Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Furry Murray. That undescended testicle was in his abdomen, the poor boy. This could have caused him serious future medical concerns so I am very happy to know that he will have one less possible medical issue in his future.

Everything we are hearing about this dog – from the first pound and his current placement is how sweet, calm and what a love bug he is!

Soon, I get to meet you soon BHRR’s Bogart – He now has a name and already is looking happier!  

Playing with Ranger at her special Play Date today!

BHRR’s Burst 
August 25th, 2018

She had her own special DAY date today!

Thank you to her play date human Heather again for the great pictures and for giving her this really special spoiling time!

BHRR’s Burst remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION which surprises so many of us!

She is fabu with dogs – even got to hang with a senior PM and play with Ranger(Lab/Husky) at her play date today – great with people and *bursts* with so much happiness, personality and affection!

She is friendly, eager to please, social, active and the best snuggle partner for movies or reading a book that you could ever wish for! 

She loves hikes and walks and car rides and truly is a WOW dog! 

Wonderful with kids, great to wash, do nails and those eyes of hers are positively stunning!

She may be small – Labx – possibly has Dane – yet she is mighty and wonderful and incredibly gorgeous!

We remain patient for her right matched forever loving home to find her!

BHRR’s ??? – Needs A Name!
~8 year old Male Weim
Severe HD & SA

O. dumped him at a pound even though they were aware that people were working on finding a r/q Rescue for him. Then, apparently another group was to help him and from what we were told stepped down.

He may not be a Dane or a Giant yet BHRR has taken in so many honourary Giants over the past 22.5 years and as we focused on the special needs, he needed us badly. ETA to BHRR TBA.

So, between rare moments of spotty reception during my time away working and worrying about if he was or was not safe, this boy is now safe for sure! Thanks from my heart is shouted out to OLC and PP for all that they did to ensure his safety until I arrived home.

We sincerely hope that everyone has had a great couple of weeks!!

On our part, even though our FB and Website were pulled offline for the last 2 weeks, r/q Rescue is always 24/7!

Since being on *vacation* as of August 8th, I have addressed over 14,000 emails, helped find r/q rescue placement for 52 dogs and we committed to bringing this sweet dear boy into our program at BHRR.

I would love to find an emerge temp foster for him for a few weeks in our neck of the woods! If not, he will be bunking in with The Boerskins. 

We provide the food, bowls, dog bed, collar, leash, vetting etc. YOU provide the spoiling love!

Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com over posting here as we may miss your kind offer.

AND note if you are an approved BHRR Adoptive home, you are also an approved temp foster home should your circumstances allow for it!

AND from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent!

I am up with the birds tomorrow to go back to work for a bit and then off for the rest of the day for another surgical procedure! UGH! With the horrible attempts to get home from our first vacation in 19 years, it is now major cuddle time tonight with my kids and the animals!

On August 15th, an email came out with an Urgent Request for assistance for a Weim. I had emailed back and we then learned that the O. had dumped this poor by at a pound even though they knew others were trying to find a r/q Rescue placement.

Then after we stepped up, a breed rescue offered to take him and we stepped down and then learned shortly afterwards that they decided not to assist him. They did not even want to assess him. 

We were asked to step back up as we knew he needed us and urgently. Without hesitation, we stepped back up. We assess our dogs upon arrival to BHRR. Assessing/evaluating in shelter/pound environments can often be misleading and dogs can and do fail many a SAFER or other Temperament Test. 

So, an honorary Giant he shall be! As a highly focused, educated, knowledgeable plus experienced Special Needs Rescue, he represents the dogs we work so hard to step up to help. 

He was pulled from this pound and placed in another safe spot and then as of August 26th, he will be moved to a boarding place closer to our location and on August 29th, I will make the drive to pick him up to bring back to BHRR.

Here is a copy of that information sent out:


Owner is considering euthanasia this week. The information below is according to the owner.

Owner surrender, not at pound
roughly 8 years
hip dysplasia, severe separation anxiety
roughly 70 lbs
tartar level: 2/10
housebroken, but has accidents on occasion
listens well to commands
good with physical manipulations except hip
friendly, affectionate, energetic
used to live with another dog according to current owner (who adopted this Weim roughly a year ago)
unknown with cats
lives with 2 children (ages unknown)
no aggression, no bite history known to current owner
does not jump
no food or toy protection
has never hurt another animal
pulls a little on leash
good in car
energy level 5/10 but restrained because of hip problems
needs company and walks instead of running
unknown if on medication for hip issue
severe anxiety
excessive hair loss
drooling when female occupant leaves the house

BHRR’s Colt & 6 year old Emma – they watched many a TV show together when he was emerge temp fostered! 

BHRR’s Colt!

This fine handsome amazing boy is ready to make his own special announcement!

He is ~4 years of age and so sweet, precious and loving!

He can go to a home that works part-time, ft, is semi-retired or retired or works from home. Another versatile BHRR dog! 

He travels wonderfully in the car and his leash manners, while not 100% perfect gentleman style, are mountains better than they once were! He is kind, willing to please and gentle and such a soft personality. 

He still huffs plus snorts when he is not comfortable and reassures beautifully with a soft word and/or touch.

Easy to wash and do nails plus clean ears.

Low maintenance and such a charmer!

Takes him a few moments to feel comfortable around strangers yet if you are patient, he will relax and his curiousity and social sides will see him quietly approach and want to be your friend.

He is such a kind boy….

He has been a true delight to have with us! 

He can be the only dog in an approved adoptive home or if a home already has a dog, it has to be a right matched personality fit. We have friends and so should he!

Great with dogs and he has been excellent with cats too!

We wish for him to be in a home that is not overly active or busy social butterflies. A social home for sure yet nothing over the top for him to thrive and be happy. He loves when we have small numbers of friends plus family over and he loves visiting small numbers in others homes. 

We will consider homes with children as young as 6 for him as long as said home has responsible adults plus kids. His emerge temp foster home has a 6 year old daughter. 

He is house broken, crate trained and makes an incredible best friend companion! Small walks, short hikes, cuddling watching a movie or TV show, keeping you company for trips to the Timmie’s Drive Thru, laying by your side on a dog bed while you work on the computer are all things he loves to do…..he is a true BFF! 

He loves just being around his humans, not being part of them like some Danes! 

The way he pushes his head into my side or stomach is positively adorable and endearing. 

It has taken him some time to feel comfortable asking for affection and we make sure that he is given love both when he does and does not ask….

He is a real gentle giant and Ellie White thank you again for emerge temp fostering him for us until we had a spot and thank you and Brooke again for the stunning photo’s of him!

He is an amazing dog and Meg, thank you again for asking us to help! 

For anyone interested in him, please do read his detailed blog and our adoption processes, policies plus procedures. For those who feel that they then may be approved to adopt him, you are more than welcome to submit a completed adoption application contract to members of the BHRR BOD to review. 

Good Morning!

This gorgeous girl continues to just shine and is keeping her incredible emerge temp foster on her toes! 

She is loving everything and everyone and was up ready and determined to take on the whole world today!

I am enjoying the updates plus the *giggle* moment stories shared my way and Tracey – you are so amazing!

She now has a name and thank you to Melissa for the idea – keeping in line with the beer theme was perfect and in also wanting to honour The Bakers Dozen of Baby Carlsberg……BHRR’s Denmark shall be her name!

The beer Carlsberg is believed by many to have been named after the district located in Denmark….. 

Good Sunday AM to all from BHRR’s Denmark!

Cuddling with her rescue angel Tracey!

BHRR’s ??
Needs a name!

I am thinking that she is no more than 15-18 months of age from what I have seen to date and I am hearing that she is sweet, gives the best kisses, loves to play fetch, loves her turtle toy and is a true goofy goober! 

I remain so grateful to Tracey for stepping up to get her pulled from this pound so fast! 

She will need a name and I know this picture is a bit blurry/dark – lightened it up as I could – yet I love it! She is so so so adorable!

She was picked up as a stray and has a scar on one of her cheeks yet that only makes her more endearing!

Name guru’s help!

Tracey HAS her!

Look at the three lovely ladies! 

Thank you SO much Tracey! My heart is so at peace now knowing she is out of the pound and safe with you!

Tracey shall emerge temp foster her until the 12th and then we shall get her transported to her next foster rescue angel Ellie!

Thank you again to Kim for contacting us to help her!

WHAT a great rescue Saturday!

BHRR’s Bear – Amost 9.5 year old Saint
Born: May 9th, 2009

A picture that Sean took of him today with his Canon 77D!

More to post on this uber handsome Senior boy tomorrow.

I picked him up from his emerge temp foster family last night(have not seen him since I picked him up, vetted him and dropped him off to them June 21st) & GOT to visit with BHRR’s Peanut also – Adopted September 2012 and I have not seen her since then…HUGE HUGE HUGE hi-light for me! 

THANK you to The Janzens for letting me love and be loved on by her….AND for emerge temp fostering this big lug of love! You helped save his life…..so grateful.

He came to work with me to KAH today and more to come!

He deserves to be our Cover Boy and from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent!



Thanks to Tracey for stepping up, this girl will have a safe place to rest her head as of tomorrow night!

Tracey will emerge temp foster her until the 12th so that she can get out of the pound and then she will go to her second rescue temp foster angel – Ellie from there….

THANK YOU to you both for saving her life!!!

I can now rest more easily tonight and yes, I also suspect she is not a singlebred Dane. Does not matter…she is scared/stressed in this very rural pound and needed to be saved.

We have heard that once she is out of the pound she is so happy and goofy and in seeing this photo, what a mug!

Thank you to Kim for reaching out to see if we could assist.

This is Rescue #10 for BHRR for 2018!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent!



~2 year old female Great Dane
*Scared in pound yet goofy and friendly and happy when taken outside
*Has proven fine with dog testing – initiated play

As some are aware, I am trying…and trying hard…LOL to have my first Vacation with Sean in 19 years and we urgently need an emerge temp foster home for her. 

Looking for ~3 weeks – Until August 26th, 2018

If you are able to assist us with an emerge temp foster of this lovely Dane, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org ASAP

Please do not post your kind offer here, it may be missed. 

We supply the food, stand, bowls, collar, leash, beds, crate if needed etc…you supply the loving stable home! 

NOTE: If you are an approved adoptive home, you are already an approved volunteer and if your home circumstances allow for it, you can temp foster too! 

Thanks in advance for the consideration!


Good Thursday AM!

BHRR’s Colt on our drive in to KAH this AM!

I had cleaned my car over the weekend and he got to put drool and dog hair back over it! 

He gets to hang out at work all day…lucky him!

His weight is now hanging around 135 pounds. He still needs about another 10-15 pounds yet he is getting there and after battling some post-neuter complications, which caused him to drop some of his post rescue put on weight, he is back on track!

After he has his Vet Visit, we are keeping everything positively crossed that he can make his own special announcement! 

BHRR’s Colt!

This is my last post of my night!

Another great photo taken by Brooke while he was being emerge temp fostered by Elisabeth! These incredibly stunning surpise photo’s have been such a joy to me! So thankful!

Thank you also to The BHRR Bakers Dozen for continuing to lend him one of their gorgeous OnePawTwoPaw Collars….it looks amazing on him! 

Meg – ‘your’ boy looks awesome!

This handsome man shall hopefully have his own special announcement to make shortly….he is back at the Vet tomorrow and if all goes well…..stay tuned! 

BHRR’s Gravel! 
~6.5-7 years old

Mel & Danya, you would not recognise this boy now from when he first arrived – emaciated, terrified and almost never made it out of the high kill pound!

Danya – this is the boy that you left work to help out and get him on a transport to us.

He has put on over 62 pounds since he first arrived into Rescue of much needed muscle mass and weight. He now weighs just under 117 pounds. 

While he much rather prefer to be a home body, he travels great in the car and once he has some time to settle when we are out and about, his tail will begin to wag once more.

The days of his tail being all tucked up tight to his belly are no more…..

He continues to love teenage girls and puppies! Just adores them!

He had a great annual vet visit tonight!

VJ – ‘your boy says hello!’ 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher had a GREAT DAY date!
DNA Proven GD/IW

The home did as requested….passively ignored him and sure enough in his usual ~1 hour time frame had self soothed and realised that he was ok and had that confidence!

By the time I picked him up Elaine was getting tons of kisses, paw requests for more belly rubs and layed right by her side. AND when he stood up, the Dane leans were in full swing! 

He went for a short walk in their neighborhood too! What a rock star! 

This is this particular homes third date with a BHRR dog in 2018 – his sister BHRR’s Everly had her own date as did Mr. Squishie.

Thank you SO much Elaine and to your mom again for everything!!

This is what it is all about….getting these fabu dogs into the hands of other people to help make them that much more well rounded plus balanced.

We continue to wait patiently for that right matched forever loving adoptive home to find him and should they not come along over the next couple of months, we shall move him to our Haven Program. We are committed to him as with all of our dogs for life…..he lacks for nothing and is deeply loved by us. 

He was #13 born on September 13th, 2017 @ 9:29 AM!


Good Sunday AM!

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher (GD/IW) is off to have his own special DAY date won in our 7th annual unique date auction! 

With every wonderful positive experience in the hands of kind caring souls, he continues to reach his amazing potential more and more……

He will always be Fletcher yet we work to help him be the best Fletcher he can be and as with all the dogs, he is one mighty fine young man. 

BHRR’s Keg(He now has a name!) 
Born: February 5th, 2018

He is a ‘barrel’ of giving us smiles, laughs, affection and full of such love plus potential. 

As posted yesterday, he was transferred to Kanata Animal Hospitals’ care and had a recheck.

He weighed a thin almost 65 pounds. He is still slowly eating small frequent meals and while we wish he would eat better, he remains eating and that is a good sign! 

He is drinking and urinating well yet his stools remain liquid diarrhea with some bits and pieces of ‘material or ribbon’. His temperature is normal and he is bright, alert and responsive and an adorable patient! 

He remains on the Gastro for possible IBD and/or gastroenteritis and is still on cerenia, metronidazole, omeprazole and panacur. 

His is conformationally built lacking serious rear angulation and on the left side in particular appears a bit ataxic. I have been texting with Dr. Chauvet at Alta Vista Speciality Services and she recommends giving him more time as I was so open to bringing him back in to see her as his neurologist. When we can get him healthy and he is age appropriate, we will further exam those hips and knees when he is neutered. We suspect HD at the minimum with him. Poor breeding. 

From reviewing all of his files from the very beginning of his Vet journey, he has had unresolved diarrhea since at least May and so we will be looking at diet as a possible cause plus he continues to be properly de-wormed in our care. 

He was adored by all of the lovelies I work with KAH and thank you to three particular women for between the three of them they have donated a combined $250 to his mounting vet bills. 

VET BILLS TO DATE: $1,771.53

PayPal Fees: $2.11

Donations to his care can be made:

Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org
*please use the friends & family option so that we do not pay fees. 

OR direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 
440 Hazeldean Road

Thank you’s must be sent out to his most recent beautiful Rescue Angels! ?

Ashley D.
Sharon W.
Sue B.
Lisa G.
Angela S.
Jamie L.
D. Lacey-Wyman
Michele S.

To all that have also been sending him best wishes, thank you! He is doing really well and we will be having a small flash online auction to help towards his care! 

Happy Friday to everyone!

Posted in Keg

He is so happy! AND such a model! 

So excited for his play date!

Play Date Time!

This is The Mavie’s face & reaction today when I told him we were going for a special car ride!  It is his turn to have a Day play visit with a fabu person who won this date with him in our annual one of a kind date auction. 

He is a true Iron Man – 4 front leg surgeries thanks to the expertise of D. Philibert and look what he can now do – run and run he still does! Almost 6.5 years of age and he is far more healthy plus happier now than when he first arrived to us as an adolescent. 

Maverick (BHRR Haven Dog) – you are our now over $25,000 stunning BBBBB and the world would have missed out on such an amazing soul should you not have been helped. We feel honoured to have been asked to help you all those years ago….and we remain 100% committed to your wellbeing.

We adore you and that now frosted face of yours makes you even more handsome!

Have a great play date today you awesome boy!

Good Early Morning To All! 

This young man(Born February 5th, 2018) – my co-pilot – is being transferred under Kanata Animal Hospitals Care and we want to immensely thank Dr. Chauvet, Dr. Schwartz and all of the amazing team members of Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital once more for all that they have done for this adorable 5 month old Berner! We could not have asked for better care, kindness and support! 

PayPal: $0.88 in fees taken 

BILLS TO DATE: $1,547.78

After he has his next recheck exam – scheduled for 11:30 AM @ KAH – we will then update as we can. 

Since June – a brief history – it was suspected that he had meningitis and O. declined to do diagnostics to confirm, so he was treated symptomatically. 

He has been to Alta Vista Emerge for unresolved neck pain too and was also there for vomiting – left without been seen and then came back the next morning. 

Then when he was brought back into emerge for vomiting, excessive drooling, unable to settle, not eating etc., Intussusception was also suspected. O. surrendered and we took over his care when approached to assist.

Ultrasound, X-rays, a CT Scan, exams, IV fluids, meds, bloodwork and sedation were all done as part of the proactive diagnostics. 

One tech said in his diarrhoea yesterday, they saw what they believed to be a piece of red ribbon. He has had one diarrhea stool since I first got my hands on him last evening and there is definitely small bits and pieces of ‘something’ in it. 

He is urinating very well – three since 6 pm last night, drinking fine and having small meals of Gastro – could be eating better yet he is at least eating. 

He was prescribed the Gastro for possible IBD and/or gastroenteritis and is on cerenia, metronidazole, omeprazole and panacur. He was given a B12 injection plus droncit too.

This sweet boy has had several visits to Alta Vista Animal Emergency since June. 

Donations to his care can be made via: 

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Kanata Animal Hospital
440 Hazeldean Road 
*he has a file under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Account – listed as ‘No Name’ right now – so, he needs a name! 

His most recent Rescue Angels are:
Allison J.
John G.
Catalin N. 

Thank you to each and every person that is rooting for him and also to those that may consider donating to his cause – even $5 is unbelievably generous.

Having finally had the pleasure of meeting him for the first time last night, he is what Dr. Chauvet and so many others have stated – A GEM!

Posted in Keg

5 Month Old Berner Pup

PayPal Fees: $0.88


He was suspected as having intussusception and was surrendered to the Emergency Hospital. We were contacted to assist.

CT Scan was clear. He remains on fluids, meds including de-worming meds per Dr. Chauvet.

As of this AM, he ate some breakfast and there has been no more vomiting!

I will be heading to Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital after work today and I want to SHOUT out the biggest thanks again to Dr. Chauvet, the whole treatment team there plus to Dr. Schwartz for ALL that they have done for him to date!

I also want to thank Steph for the newest photo’s…she works in the ICU at Alta Vista and also tells me this boy is super adorable plus sweet!

Donations to his care can be made:

Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org
*Please use the friend/family option so we do not pay fees


Direct to Alta Vista Animal Emergency:
2616 Bank Street
*He has an account there under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Account – 613-725-4279

His most recent rescue angels are:
Alison G.
Holly C.
Mary Elaine F.

Please accept our deepest thanks and appreciation plus sheer gratitude for any and all consideration to his mounting bills.

Even $5 is not too small AND he also needs great positive thoughts too!

I truly cannot wait to meet him…..

Just 5 months of age and so much life yet to lead….he is so deserving!

Posted in Keg


I am so so so happy to say that BHRR’s Bear(Almost 9.5 year old Saint) has had an amazing BHRR approved home step up to temp foster him from August 7th – August 25th inclusive!

This home has adopted three BHRR dogs over the past many years yet this shall be there first temp foster for us!

THANK you to The Bethunes! SO much! 

He shall be getting his boosters on August 4th, then he shall be neutered. After that, he shall then head to his temp foster home for some new wonderful positive experiences including lots of love!

So grateful to this home for stepping up! Incredibly so!

BHRR’s Colt
June 2018

Another one of the amazing photo’s that his emerge temp foster Ellie White and her extremely talented friend Brooke took to wonderfully suprise me! Thank you both immensely again for such cherished pictures of such a gorgeous boy. 

Soon he will be ready to make his own special announcement!

He had some post neuter complications that are finally resolving and he had also lost a bit of weight from his post neuter recovery. For a boy that came into rescue emaciated, every pound put on is not a pound that we wished to see him drop back off yet we are gaining back well again! 

Isn’t he incredibly handsome?!

Meg – he is doing great now and what a LOVE bug! The way he just pushes his head into you, just melts your heart. Thank you very much again for reaching out to us to assist him and being a great ‘rescue partner’ 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent….it has been a very long month for us and the next two weeks do not appear to be any less so yet truly, I would not have it any other way when it means that we can help a dog in need of us!

5 Month Old Male Berner Pup
July 24th, 2018

Donations To Date: $265
PayPal Fees: $0.88

He is suspected as having intussusception and was surrendered to a wonderful Emergency Hospital – Alta Vista – that then reached out to us for assistance.

He has now had his CT Imaging and the results were being interpreted.

He is on fluids and meds at this time.

Donations to his care can be made via:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
*please send via the friend & family option so that we do not pay fees*


We have an account set up for him at the Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account(613-725-4279)

Alta Vista Emerge Contact For Direct Donations:
2616 Bank Street

He is in excellent hands and thank you again to Dr. G. Schwartz(used to work at KAH with this amazing soul!) for reaching out to us and also immensely to Dr. A. Chauvet(our favourite Neurologist!) for all that they have done and are doing for this adorable wee man.

Thank you ALSO to all of his rescue angels to date for their life saving donations to help get him healthy. We are truly forever indebted to you for your caring hearts and generosity!

1) Holly S.
2) Deborah H.
3) Lisa K.
4) Jan B.
5) Cassy M.
6) Cailey K.

At 5 months of age, he has barely even begun to live his life!

Please help us help him!

Thanks Dr. Chauvet for the pic of him!

Posted in Keg


We have been contacted with an emergency situation on a 5 month old Male Berner pup.

He is suspected as having Intussusception and the home has surrendered him to the emergency Hospital. My heart just breaks. ?

We were contacted to assist by the Emergency Hospital and he is the next one urgently in need of us.

We have absolutely stepped up to assist and we are now awaiting on a CT scan to confirm the suspected diagnosis.

He will require emergency surgery if so as treatment needs to happen fast and we are asking our BHRR village to please surround him with your support.

Donations for his care can be sent at this time to:

Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

AND we are working at getting him set up at the emergency Hospital with his name under our account there…..and once all is set-up, donations can be made direct to them too and we shall post the contact information.

All of this is coming together fast as time is of the absolute urgency plus necessity.

Please accept our deepest thanks in advance for any and all consideration to his bills.

We will update as we can….

Posted in Keg

Two more photo’s!

BHRR’s Burst!
(~2 year old Lab/Danex)

This girl is a WOW dog! Just WOW!Almost 80 pounds – and still gaining….only needs a few more pounds – of sheer awesomeness and she is now ready to make her own special announcement! Emaciated no longer – almost 30 pounds of muscle mass and weight put on! 

For those who fell in love with BHRR’s Calla, this girl is equally as fabu! Great with all people and dogs and so affectionate, loving and eager to please. 

She is completely housebroken, crate trained, travels wonderfully in a car, great to do nails and ears plus to bathe. 

She is a ‘burst’ of love for life and happiness and active when it is time to be and snuggly when it is time to be! Her personality is enormous and her heart even bigger. 

She loves to zip and zoom in the grass and it makes me smile widely and laugh to see her have such joy. 

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time or works from home or is semi-retired or retired….another amazing versatile BHRR dog. 

We will consider homes that have children 10 and over if said right matched fit home has kids.

BHRR’s Burst was neglected and not well loved in her past and her one thing is still seeing her sometimes at night drop to her belly and crawl as she is worried about going outside. Poor sweet girl. The other dogs – especially The Bakers Dozen pups & BHRR’s Sawyer – have taught her much in regards to it being ok and that she is safe to go outside. 

Otherwise, we give her a calming word, touch and gently take her collar and she then gets up. We have worked hard to teach her that being outside is full of so much fun and adventure plus great experiences! 

She melts my heart…those eyes!

Her obedience has made incredible progress and her leash manners can go from 100 to zero in a flash yet she is so much more consistent than she once was! She is so caught up in all of the awesome scents and sights of the world around her! 

When it came for her professional photo shoot, she ROCKED it! Sat, stood, stayed like a pro! 

We do not know how she is with cats yet she has not shown any signs of anything negative to the ones she has seen at work. Integration is key!

We would love to see her in a home with another dog, a right matched one that she can have as a bff! This is not a deal breaker if that right matched personality fit home does not have a dog….as long as they have a strong doggie social network for her, that is what is most important! 

BHRR’s Burst, I shall forever be grateful that I was tagged on your photo as an urgent in need in your 11th hour for I could not imagine the world without you in it and my own life would not have been so beautifully enriched if you had been put to sleep. 

You shall never be bred again, starved or hurt again in your life….you will be forever cherished! 

Sean & I find you positively outstanding and it has been a true honour taking this journey together…..

This stunning BBBBB is a true dream of a dog! You did it BHRR’s Burst! You are a survivor and never again shall you want for anything….love you very much my dear Bursty-Girl!


BHRR’s Bear(9+ year old Saint) & BHRR’s Peanut(Freedom Dane from Paws R Us Seizure)

BHRR’s Peanut was ADOPTED September 13th, 2012!

BHRR’s Peanut has been showing BHRR’s Bear the ‘ropes’ and I have heard that he recently did his first play bow to her trying to get her to play! WTG BHRR’s Bear!

LOVE this photo of the two of them! 

URGENT NEED: STILL ISO: A Temp Foster Home for BHRR’s Bear (9+ year old Saint) from August 7th – August 25th, 2018

He shall be having his boosters and will be neutered at the beginning of August, then I am seeking a wonderful BHRR approved temp foster home from August 7th – August 25th! 

Please EMAIL




This is her as of yesterday at her professional photo shoot – sneak peek! 

Almost 30 pounds of muscle mass and weight put on and she is happy, healthy and her coat just gleams now! It is no longer brown and red from dead, coarse plus sunbleached and poor diet care.

BHRR’s Burst!
July 17th, 2018

On July 3rd she was spayed and then after that she had her one shoulder looked at more closely for she had hurt her shoulder on a play date with a home. She is all healed up now! Yay!

Yesterday, she had her professional photo shoot, then we removed her surgery staples and her weight was 77.66 pounds! She has put on another 5+ pounds and she is one lean muscled machine now. 

Stay tuned as this absolutely breathtaking BBBBB shall be making her own special announcement shortly! 

This girl is a WOW dog! Just WOW! 

ISO: A Temp Foster Home for BHRR’s Bear (9+ year old Saint) from August 7th – August 25th, 2018

He shall be having his boosters and will be neutered at the beginning of August, then I am seeking a wonderful BHRR approved temp foster home from August 7th – August 25th! 

NOTE: If you are a BHRR approved adoptive home, you are already a BHRR approved Volunteer and can temp foster if your circumstances allow for it. 

Please do EMAIL


Somebody has finally figured out how the bed works! 

BHRR’s Bear
(Born: May 9th, 2009)

Please do keep him in your best thoughts as his emerge temp foster home reached out to me yesterday to say that he started to suddenly limp on one of his hind legs. So, something unfortunately happened and he is scheduled to see a Vet today @ 4 pm.

We will update as we can…back leg injuries in Giant Breed Dogs can be very serious yet one step at a time and we are thinking positive thoughts! 

We shall update as we can……

On a side note: I know many are waiting patiently still for our final totals of our biggest fundraiser of each year yet, sadly, I am still trying to make a connection with 10 people on their silent auction items. This will make a different of $154 should we not obtain successful closure so I will try for a few more days before calling it.

BHRR’s Colt!
July 2018

Today he was de-twinkled, had a good nail trim, had his ears looked at while under – cleaned plus a cytology was done to be sure it was just waxy debris, had a needle biopsy on that lump on his leg and it was mostly fat cells, had his hips & knees thoroughly examined and was given a thumbs up! 

So, how he walks and stands in the hind end is mostly likely due to some poor conformation and lack of muscle mass plus tone which is improving daily. 

This boy is so chill and while still quite skittish to people he does not know, what a lovebug to those he does trust!  He will become more comfortable with others in time and with patience. He is doing fantastic. 

He is playful yet so calm and quiet when it is time, loves to bury his head into you, has the Dane lean down to a perfection and the affection he has to give, touches my soul. His eyes are full of such stories and beginning to have less confusion, worry and stress and becoming happy with a sparkle of mischievousness in them! 

He was a bit stressed upon drop-off yet I went back to his run a few times and he began to settle down well….so proud of you brave boy! 

The picture is one I took of him on July 3rd at his first vet visit. He has been living with me since July 4th when I picked him up from his emerge temp foster Mama and this boy is just WOW! 

One of the things I love most about him is his horse like blowing/huffing and snorting when he is unsure….he makes it very clear he is not 100% sure yet reassures so beautifully. 

Thank you to his lovely Vet at KAH for being so wonderful!



BHRR’s Colt & His Emerge Temp Foster Angel Ellie White
June 2018Elisabeth suprised me so beautifully this AM with some stunning photo’s of BHRR’s Colt taken by Brooke during his time with her. 

They are gorgeous and this one I thought was incredibly beautiful of them both….for if it were not for Elisabeth stepping up when we posted for an urgent request….this boy’s future would not be one of such promise and hope and of a great life ahead of him…..
BHRR’s Colt has been living with me since July 4th when I picked him up from Elisabeth and there is not one day that does not go by that I do not feel such gratitude and thanks for all that she did for him/BHRR!Thank you!

I truly love this photo! Just love it!

Fostering saves lives…it makes a life/death difference.

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood!
ADOPTED!So happy for her and her wonderful new forever loving adoptive family! 

They have been approved Volunteers for many years and we feel honoured that they would consider going through the adoption process to adopt a BHRR dog! 

She has a 9 year old ‘big’ brother Grissom and she really loved running around with him! 

We shall miss her yet she does not need us any longer and the home will ensure that she is properly loved and taken care of! 

She looks so pretty in pink!

Congratulations again!!

I am just getting ready to now make the drive home and wishing all of our friends, family & supporters a wonderful good night!


SHORT Notice:

ISO: A BHRR Approved Volunteer to assist in doing a home-visit with me on Friday July 6th.

Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Russell, Ontario

This is for BHRR’s Hollywood’s possible Approved Adoption.

Please do not post your kind offer here as it may be missed! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

Note: if you are a BHRR Approved Adoptive home, you are already a BHRR Volunteer too! 

BHRR’s Colt!
July 2018
His emerge temp foster Mama gave him a bath at one of the DIYS Dog Washes!

This picture is the best!

He was at KAH yesterday and weighed 60.4 kgs(132.88 pounds)

He was understandably nervous yet was very brave. it was awesome to see him again!

Heart and lungs given a thumbs up! Eyes look good, temperature normal and he was so good about doing bloodwork for his pre-op and also heartworm/tickborne disease testing.

With how naturally worried he was, it was not possible for his Vet to get a good examination on his hind end(BHRR’s Singe was the same way the first time he went in!) nor to properly investigate that lump on his back right leg. 

He also has a bit of a hygroma on his one front elbow.

Things that his Vet was not overly concerned about right now and we would be back in a month and he will be just that much more comfortable. We shall also look better in his mouth next time to see if he needs any requied dental work.

AND when he is under for his Neuter, his Vet said we could take the lump off at that time if necessary. 

We will monitor it and if it gets larger etc., we will get him back in ASAP. 

He had his first vaccines and was deeply admired by many! He was put on preventative/proactive de-worming, flea/tick plus heartworm protection when he first arrived. 

He has proven to be good with his emerge temp foster mama’s cats, other foster dog through another rescue, people and loves kids. She has a young child herself. 

We shall continue to work on those leash manners AND he is putting that much needed weight on and we will keep building up his muscle mass/tone. 

To his emerge temp foster Mama…thank you for keeping him safe since I dropped him off to you last Wednesday night and I will see you both tonight! 

LOVE this picture that Ellie White sent! Just LOVE it!

A close-up of that uber handsome mug! 

This how BHRR’s Bear spent his own Canada Day! 
(Born May 9th, 2009) 

Thank you to his emerge temp foster home for taking such excellent care of this fine senior gent that looks/acts way younger than 9+! 

With how amazing he is doing – he is no longer nervous of their own dog, BHRR’s Peanut, he now loves her plus he has always adored people – a huge social king to humans – we are becoming even more sure that there should be no reason for him not to be placed up for adoption to a right match personality fit home. 

He had extremely limited to zero exposure to dogs for many years prior to Rescue and he has been great to go on walks – ‘walking and talking’ does not give him time to think as much about his worry of dogs – and is learning all about the good things canine friends can provide in companionship with BHRR’s Peanut. 

With patience, consistency, time, stability, understanding and structure, he will be an excellent wonderful addition to a home. A home that will make sure he has frequent/regular access to water as he loves laying in it, is going to be a must! That is his favourite thing and we are not going to deny him this life pleasure. 

Yet, we will shall see how the next few weeks go – he has more vetting to come and I want to see more weight on him. 

He is so incredibly handsome! 



Another awesome picture taken by Elisabeth! 

He is so much more relaxed and calm and happy! 

BHRR’s Colt says Happy Canada  Day!

He is doing so well with Elisabeth, his emerge temp foster Mama!

The more he settles in, the more comfortable he is becoming and he is proving to be great with people and demonstrating a lovely interest in dogs on walks – no direct interactions as of yet yet no negative or reactive behaviours witnessed – and the one cat he saw out and about had him doing his nervous horse ‘huff and snort’.

I am being told the squirrels get him all excited  and day by day his leash manners are improving.

He has not yet been introduced to Elisabeth’s own cats yet even when I had dropped him off he had zero fixation on their scent.

He appears to love Elisabeth’s dad when he has come over and has done wonderfully with her young daughter.

He was nervous of the storms and fireworks that came through last night yet I am told that he managed well.

I am loving the great updates being sent my way and he is eating fantastic plus his SA is rehabbing wonderfully.

He is booked in at KAH for July 3rd and looking forward to seeing him again! 

Here is a great picture of the handsome man taken by Ellie White and we are also going to take this opportunity to send out a gentle reminder to all to please watch your pets with this extreme heat.

Today, my area is going up to 49 degrees and no Pet should be out in these brutal temps.

Make sure that fresh water is readily available and even at night with these record breaking temps, be mindful of their paws for they can burn in mere moments.

Thank you again to Meg and Elizabeth for helping us to save BHRR’s Colt!


BHRR’s Miss Hollywood is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can…..

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood
8 Months Old

She is ready to make her own special announcement!

This girl is incredibly happy, social and has the best ‘wiggle butt’ in the world!

She travels great in a car, loves people, has been mostly indifferent to dogs – yet loves BHRR’s Burst & The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Juniper!

Her leash manners have come a LONG way and she can still pull in distraction situations.

She is so eager to please, loves to lean right into you or sit on your lap – right Liz? 

She is incredibly beautiful with soul reaching eyes. 

She is tolerant of baths and ear cleanings plus nails.

You cannot push this girl….she has been manhandled in her past and that will cause her to have so much stress. 

Patience, understanding, consistency, clear open communication so she is not confused about expectations is so important!

Structure, obedience and a ton of love are additional ingredients needed to set her up for success!

Her biggest thing is to not feel worried that someone is going to mess with her bowls or anything that she believes is high value – ie some toys. We have worked hard for her to trust us to be able to take away from her the things that we need to – ie at this professional photo shoot there was shredded pieces of material and I had zero issues removing it from her mouth and praised her hugely!

She is fed in her crate and she is relaxed. 

She has learned to share some toys and the communal water bowls yet there are still some days that are a bit of a work in progress yet HUGE HUGE HUGE strides taken.

She is housebroken and crate trained but still as a baby is not ready for full run of the house. 

She loves her ‘humans’ yet so as to not set her up for failure, we do not wish to see her adopted to a home with children under the age of 10. 

I cannot say in words just how happy this stunning girl is. She just packs so much life into her little body! 

She is a big personality and likes her long walks, short hikes and is playful, affectionate and extremely loving.

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. for she is another versatile BHRR dog. She is a baby still and has a lot of emotional maturing left to do. She is pretty much full grown in body size – she may grow another 1″, most likely not. She will fill out more yet any right matched personality fit home will ensure that she remains lean and fit. 

Where once she was skittish of things like collar holding or strange places – now she shows interest in them and we encourage her to be curious and explore. 

We do not know how she is around cats. 

We want her to be in a home that is calmly social.

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood – you have been a dream to have with us! 

AND to that right matched personality fit home, they will continue to set you up for success and keep developing upon the strong foundations we have put in place…she is comfortable, she has confidence she has learned that her own company is ok and to self-soothe. She has learned that she will not be forced, bullied or man handled.

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood, you have realised that you are not a wallflower and your strength of personality is amazing!

Thank you again Liz for the wonderful photo’s!

BHRR’s Miss Hollywood
June 26th, 2018

This is her waiting for her professional photo shoot!

SHE shall have her special announcement to make later today….stay tuned! 

AND I am now on my way home….successful drop-off at his emerge temp foster home! 

By the time I arrived, I could take off the old smelly leash and attach him to my nice new red one for him. AND by the time I left about one hour plus later from the emerge temp foster, I was able with Ellie’s distraction to get the martingale on him – borrowed from one of our Bakers Dozen – as the collar he hadon was not on right and was super loose plus was a quick release buckle and he is a huge flight risk.

Both his emerge temp foster mom and I breathed so much easier when we accomplished that. 

By the time I left, we both could pet and stroke him and we were getting some nice tail wags and he had many pees plus a poop plus ate some treats!

He shall settle in completely fine and looking forward to the updates on him and with his ‘horse like snorts’, I agree with Ellie – he needs a horse type name….perhaps! 

I am now on my way home….I worked a full day at the Hospital, then have been on the road over 5 hours doing this urgent rescue and I have yet to even eat any dinner! 

AND for those who do not think rescuers make sacrifices to do these urgent saves, today was my son’s high school graduation and I was not there….for those who wish to judge the rescuers who do things the right way and have dedicated their lives to helping those who cannot speak for themselves, please know it is not only sleep we give up….it is precious never to have quality time with family plus friends. 

Reputable/quality rescue is not easy.

Wishing all of our friends, family plus supporters, a good night and thank you again to Meg plus Elisabeth for helping us save this boy! 



Got the Great Dane!

Thanks Meg for everything and Ellie, I am now on my way to you!

Crappy weather, crappy driving yet this boy is now SAFE! Makes all the worry plus stress fade away knowing he is safe…..

So skittish and very afraid, poor boy…skinny and we have to investigate that hind end.

He shall NEVER spend another day or night tied up outside…..

A picture of the Dane in need tied up outside at his current location.

So today this gorgeous happy creature and I are off taking a tour of the city and to do her professional photo shoot! ?

Miss Hollywood! 

Within the week – as soon as her professional photo’s come back – she will be making her own special announcement! 

What a doll of an 8+ month old puppy she is! She just needed someone to set her up for success and learn that we were not going to torment or tease her with her food, water or toys and the moment she realised that, she completely relaxed, all tension left her body and what a WOW puppy! There is absolutely zero reason why anyone should man handle or stress out a dog in situations that clearly they are not comfortable with. 

She is full of so much life and personality!



BHRR’s Bear!
(Born May 9th, 2009)


His amazing emerge foster home is keeping us regularly updated and he is starting to settle in beautifully.  Their time plus patience is setting him up for success!

He just adores people!!

He is booked for a good grooming session in early July, once he relaxes even more – yet, you can see he is starting to figure out the whole bed thing!  – and he is being treated for a broken nail and being such a good boy….

He absolutely loves the water and likes to lay down in it. 

We are not yet sure if we will be placing this amazing handsome senior gent up for adoption at some point or have him placed in our Haven Program and cherished in one of our incredible perma-foster homes…..still really early to know one way or another. Stability is so important for any dog and we want what is best for all of our dogs. 

Thanks shouted out again to the Janzen’s (& BHRR’s Peanut) for stepping up to temp foster him! This is their second foster for BHRR and we are truly thankful….


We have been contacted to assist a Great Dane in HUGE urgent need. 
Time is of the absolute essence.

We are seeking any of our already BHRR approved temp foster homes for an emerge temp foster situation for several days and yes, we are aware that this is the Canada long weekend yet we are still hoping! We are working on mobilising fast.

NOTE: if you are an approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved Volunteer.

For any of our ALREADY approved BHRR homes, if you are able to open up your home for a few days to assist, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org ASAP!

We provide everything – food, bed, stand, collar, leash etc., we just need someone to provide a safe place for a few days! NO more than a week!

We will consider any of our BHRR approved homes from the Oshawa to Montreal area if they can help!

*More details will be shared via email. We will not post on our public fb page any specifics.*

AND a picture that Sue Barclay took at our BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House! BHRR’s Whisper, Skor and of course, no one sees BHRR’s Potter on the couch!

AND BHRR’s Rubble is flaked out….right near one of the a/c vents as it is cooler! Thanks to the Maracles for this photo too!

A picture snapped by The Maracles at our BHRR “EXPERIENCE” Mini Open House!

BHRR’s Giselle thinks my Matrix makes a GREAT Pillow! 😀

BHRR’s Bear! (Born: May 9th, 2009)

At just before 3:30 pm today, I did the hand off to Judy, his emerge temp foster home in Westport and she then took this handsome 9+ year old man back to her place in Kingston.

He had a really busy day and I am so proud of him from me picking him up in Quebec and bringing him to my work to see the Vet @ KAH and from there making the drive to Westport.  He loved every person! He travelled well – & hair bombed my car!

So gentle in taking treats too! It did not take him long to begin to bond with me and he takes a piece of my heart with him already! 

I have heard that he has already been in the lake at Judy’s and seems to know what the king size bed is for! 

I am so grateful to Judy, Ron & BHRR’s Peanut for stepping up to emerge temp foster him.

I shall update further once his bloodwork returns from his thorough Vet visit today.

We would appreciate any consideration to his mounting Vet Bills – he has more Vet visits plus a good grooming session to come – and he has a file ‘Bear’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation account at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR you can donate via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR you can donate via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

My own day has been extremely long and a cold has suddenly come upon me during my driving today – I was on the road by 6:00 AM and got home just before 5 PM tonight yet so worth it all to see BHRR’s Bear all safely tucked into his emerge temp foster home. 

On that note from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes are being sent!

BHRR’s Bear – at Kanata Animal Hospital 

What we know so far:
Age: 9+ (Birth Date May 9th, 2009)
*Owners owned him for his whole life 
Reason For Surrender: They are moving to an apt.

Last Vetted: September 12th, 2009 from the Vet Records surrendered with him

At KAH Today:

*Weight: 59.5 kg(130.9 pounds) 
*Not Neutered 
*Overgrown nails – yet, with all else we were able to do today, they can wait 
*Needs Grooming – home had washed him yet he needs a good groom session 
*Heart & Lungs sound good 
*great teeth for a 9+ year old 
*Very straight angled in the hind end yet moves incredibly well for a 9+ year old giant senior 
*mild arthritis in his hind end – remarkably so 
*we did a thorough clean on both of his ears as they were filled with debris 
*we did blood work to test for tickborne diseases plus heartworm 
*we did blood work for internal organ function and pre-op
*no presence of any skin conditions 
*thorough exam
*he had his first vaccines 
*he will begin a proactive/preventative de-worming protocol 
*he will begin a proactive/preventative heartworm/flea/tick protocol

Great with all people he has met – movers at the home, people at work
Travelled great in the car from his pick-up in Quebec to KAH

Now on my way to meet up with his emerge temp foster home Judy in Westport. She will then bring him to her home in Kingston. Thank you again so much Judy, Ron & BHRR’s Peanut for stepping up so we could save him! 

I have a new leash for him from my stash and a gently used collar for him for a new beginning.

I am told he loves water so he is going to adore Judy’s place! 

If anyone would like to donate to his mounting Vet Bills, you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly at 613-836-2848 – he has an account ‘Bear’ under the Birch Haven Rescue account.

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & Family option).

Good Morning!

Long before many were even awake today, I was on the road driving to Quebec to pick up this handsome 10 year old Saint Bernard…’Bear’ 

We are now on our way to Kanata Animal Hospital to begin his vetting.

Will update as I can!

Testimonial From The Home Who Had The Special Picnic Play Date With BHRR’s Granite:

“Mr. Granite has been nothing but a gentleman. The house is very calm and quiet, which I didn’t expect with Saffy’s boundless energy. Granite seems to have a very calming effect over both dogs. We had a strange dog go by as well as the mailman and there was not a peep or reaction out of any dog. They have been spending a good time outside exploring the backyard and getting some sun as well as lots of rubdowns.

I am working upstairs, so Granite has made Cherie is human. All the dogs are resting comfortably and Granite keeps a watch outside for you. His bum keeps winding up on the couch. 😉 He is very much a leaner so I think he likes a place to take a load off while looking out the window. Such a great guest.

He was so good at the high school today. Saffy and him had their heads stuck out the window waiting for the girls and they didn’t bark or make strange with anyone.”

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy
ADOPTED April 29th, 2018

With one of her litter-mates BHRR’s Furry Murray – Blue Fawn(Haven Dog). Not the best picture yet she was zooming and zipping and staying still was not easily in her vocabulary for she was so over the moon happy to see her litter-mate.

Last night Sean & I were able to visit and hang with BHRR’s Poppy’s wonderful forever loving adoptive home and the two siblings had a lot of fun together!

Thank you to this home for working and wanting to do right by BHRR’s Poppy and for giving her such a wonderful home.

We heard about how attached she is to their cat too! 

BHRR’s Poppy was extremely happy to see us, yet she knows ‘who’ home is and that made Sean plus I feel so thrilled.

BHRR’s Furry Murray was incredibly fascinated by their lovely drink tray by their patrol furniture! 

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Ivy to our Haven Program. If that right matched forever loving right match fit home does find her, then we can/would still consider a possible approved adoption – as we did with BHRR’s Ani – yet for now, we feel she is best loved and cared for plus lacks for absolultey nothing with us.

While no one to date has wanted her for the right reasons nor has a right match personality fit home found her – for she is NOT a guard dog, none of our dogs shall ever be; she is not a ‘status’ symbol’ and she deserves to be part of an adoring home, which she gets with BHRR. 

Posted in Ivy

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Salem to our Haven Program. If that right matched forever loving right match fit home does find her, then we can/would still consider a possible approved adoption – as we did with BHRR’s Ani – yet for now, we feel she is best loved and cared for plus lacks for absolultey nothing with us.

While no one to date has wanted her for the right reasons nor has a right match personality fit home found her – for she is NOT a guard dog, none of our dogs shall ever be; she is not a ‘status’ symbol’ and she deserves to be part of an adoring home, which she gets with BHRR. 

Testimonial From The Home Who Had The Special Picnic Play Date With BHRR’s Oliver Today:

“He was an excellent guest. Very chill and loving fellow. He was quite content to follow us and receive pets. He loved Ms Sally and made an excellent companion to watch the World Cup with. 


AND they are getting ready for another round of play…he is blowing his blue puppy coat so looks a bit brown in places. Lord knows how much I hated showing my own blue boyz in the ring when they were not blue but brown splotched dogs during this phase! 

AND it was a fabu drop-off! A picture I took. So so so proud of the progress this gorgeous young man has made! 

New friend! This is BHRR Puppy Pile Sapphire! He loves their Pugx girl too, Sally. You can see Sally laying down!

AND BHRR’s Whisper got in on the action – she ended up having a sleepover at this home last night after her own day play date with another home.

AND on my way with special picnic play Date #4 of 5 for this weekend! Well, not a weekend for us but for others it is! ?

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Oliver!

This is what he thinks of early AM’s!  While he loves getting up between 5-5:30 AM, he likes his routine and after going out, he slowly wakes up, he eats breakfast, and then goes for a snooze around this time…. 

AND this is The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Everly! 

She had a good play date visit herself today! Nervous for the first ten minutes or so and for her very first play date completely without me, she truly did so well overall. Proud of you! 

She plunked down on their couch and spent a quiet day and thank you to the home that won this special date with her and giving her another amazing positive experience in her life. 

She comes away knowing that she was ok, that there are loving hands surrounding her and that Mama Gwennie set her up for success. 

She then came with me to pick up her brother BHRR’s Oliver from his own special picnic play date and hung out for a bit.

They are funny siblings as both want to be the first in the car and if they are not, the other one does not want to go in. 

This weekend turned out to see 6 dates had! WOW! 

BHRR’s Granite, BHRR’s Whisper(overnight) as I had to pick up BHRR’s Burst early for she hurt her shoulder playing on her own date & BHRR’s Oliver – thanks to the Maracle Family!
BHRR’s Whisper – thanks Sue B.!
BHRR’s Everly – thanks Elaine & to your Mom!

AND Denali also got to hang out and drain the kiddie pool at the Maracle’s when I dropped off BHRR’s Granite. 

I am so wonderfully exhausted from a busy weekend – between work at the Hospital, taking BHRR’s Burst to the Hospital x 2, Denali had his own Vet visit, visiting PV Stittsville, 6 play dates, 4 picnics, several errands, filling up with gas over and over, time at the drive-in with Kinsley and driving NO less than 2,000 kms between Friday AM & now!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent for I am heading home to spend some time with Sean as it is Fathers Day too! 

Testimonial From The Home Who Had The Special Picnic Play Date With BHRR’s Oliver Today:

“Today we have a very special guest from BHRR: Ms. Burst. She is our second date for this weekend and will be spending the night with our family as part of a special auction.

Burst is not a giant breed or a Dane, but BHRR stepped up to save her when asked. She is a playful, bouncy girl who adores people and cannot get enough love. Our Dane and Pug get along very well with her. She needs to put on more weight and she will be an amazing looking dog when she does.

 Burst is a sweetie. Her and Sapphire played chase for a bit. Then, Burst played with a few balls, chasing after them and picking them up. She even let Cherie brush out her coat. All three dogs are getting along well. Sapphire seems to know that Burst is unsure of play and is trying various tricks to get her to play, which is working. 🙂

So happy to open our home to Burst.”

Someone found the sunroof! 

This BBBBB had her own special picnic play date today!

BHRR’s Burst!  This is her as my co-pilot today.

Look at this girl now!!! Just stunning!

Thank you to the home who gave her this extra special spoiling time. AND for her very own beautiful collar plus matching leash and the food for her.  So grateful for your continued humbling support.

This was Date #3 out of 5 for the weekend!

She shall be spayed shortly and from there once she heals, she can make her own special announcement!

Testimonial From The Home Who Had The Special Picnic DAY Play Date With BHRR’s Whisper:

“She is such a sweet lady. I called her princess because she was always on the most comfortable seating. Loved having her visit us. I had a great visit and really enjoyed your lunch. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.”

BHRR’s Whisper is having her own special picnic play date today and she looks wonderfully settled in with a new canine friend!  This is Date #2 out of 5 dates scheduled for this weekend! 

2018 saw a total of 16 dates won in our 7th annual ever unique and popular fundraiser! 

So stunned that this truly awesome gorgeous girl has yet to have her right matched forever loving home find her….so, she remain AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION

NOTE: She is deaf & visually impaired and 100% normal to her and to all that adore her!

My last post of my night!

This is BHRR’s Granite(One of our Haven Danes) – One of our BHRR Puppy Pile x 7. Hard to believe this litter is now over 2!

He was on his own special picnic play date today and I heard that he was such a gentleman! 

This weekend is a busy one for us for we have not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 BUT 5 play dates scheduled with one of them also being an overnight one.

BHRR’s Burst, BHRR’s Whisper, BHRR’s Everly AND BHRR’s Oliver also have play dates this weekend!

Going to be a busy weekend yet a FANTASTIC one for the BHRR doggies!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent!


THANK you Judy, BHRR’s Peanuts’ amazing forever loving adoptive Mama! 

This shall be their second temp foster for BHRR!

Another Picture of the handsome boy!

The next in need of us! 
10 year old Male Saint Bernard 
Reason For Surrender: O’s are moving to take care of sick grandparents & are going into an apt.

ISO: Emergency Temp Foster for him for ~6 weeks from one of our ALREADY approved BHRR Volunteer homes.
**Note: if you are an approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved BHRR Volunteer. So timeline is to about August 1st.

Said to be: Good with other dogs, good with Kids, loves everyone.

We provide all the vetting, food, stand, bowls, dog bed, collar and leash etc.! You provide the love! 

You can email gwen@birchhaven.org if you are interested and wish to know more details.

ETA being worked on

BHRR’s Rain(Haven Dog) with BHRR’s Sawyer(AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION) & Aurora(She turns 15 this year!) 

This photo is one I took when I went to pick up BHRR’s Sawyer from his Overnight Play Date! 

This amazing home has now fostered 6 dogs to date for BHRR and we remain so grateful to them! BHRR’s Rain is loving them as her perma-foster Family! 

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) remains Available For Adoption to that right match personality first home! 

Thank you SO much to Bruce & Holly for all that they do for the animals of BHRR AS we could not do what we do so successfully without our fabu approved temp, emerge & perma-foster homes! 

Two handsome boys waiting for their turn at The Barkitorium to swim or what turned out to be ‘floating’ in my Matrix’s case, the big snuggle bug! 

These two handsome men are at The Barkitorium in Kingston today to help upcoming students learning to be hydrotherapists. 

BHRR’s Ironman The Mavie & My Matrix! 

Thank you again for the invitation Canine Ripples.

Today BHRR’s Burst was at the Vet!

AND she continues to live up to the name we gave her! Bursting with friendliness, social and so much eagerness, enthusiasm and while her manners are coming along – still bursting with ‘bull in the china shop’ antics! AND I remain adoring her for all that she represents and is for she is so awesome despite all of the neglect/abuse of her past.

Took awhile to get a weight yet I was not in a hurry, was not going to rush a dog who has had no clear structure or balance in her life until her rescue May 27th.

She is hanging around a really skinny 73 pounds now yet no longer emaciated and will look much better once she reaches what I think is a lovely lean muscled weight of about 85-90 pounds tops. She is muscling up amazingly well! So a small honorary giant of BHRR and 100% larger than life in personality. 

She has learned the word ‘focus’ and is beginning to respond so well in distraction type situations which for her is still a large part of her day yet when she can stop for a moment, ‘focus’ then her manners are impeccable. Her sit and stick is outstanding and she is so eager to please.

She is catching up on a lifetime of experiences and memories and moments that she never had and now is getting daily. 

Those eyes hold a mountain of stories of her past yet no longer do I see confusion and only now see worry when it is night time. She is quite nervous still to go outside when it is dark and the other dogs are helping her immensely about learning that it is ok and that there is fun in a night time game of tag, a stroll and just sitting out enjoying the sounds of the turtles plus frogs from the spring fed ponds. 

She came to us not housebroken and she learned so fast and she is now completely housebroken!

She still hits the floor and will crawl on her belly yet this is less than it was. She becomes so submissive when she thinks she has done something wrong or stesses out when she realises that she should have listened and did not. She is learning that we are not going to man handle her, we do not rule by fear, we guide by positive balanced training, consistency, routine, lead by example and are full of praise with tons of patience. We do not ask her to give more than she can give. We do not try to make her into something she is not and we work daily to help her become the best dog she can be and man she is so freakin’ awesome! To expect something from her that she is not yet ready to give or force her is only going to set her up for failure….there is so much time to help her get to where we know she can go….one day at a time and I am loving this journey with her! She makes me laugh, shake my head and melts my heart!

We are giving her reasons daily to trust us…..and are open in our communication with and to her.

No dog is perfect…they are only perfect in their imperfections and she is going to make a right match forever loving matched home one beautiful addition when it is her time!

Today, she was weighed, examined – all thumbs up – she had vaccines, and we took blood to test for heartworm plus tick borne diseases and did pre-op bloodwork for her spay once she has more weight on her. We will microchip her at that time too.

Her coat is coming in so shiny and black as we get rid of that dark auburn sun exposed and neglected dead coat. With proper exercise, nutrition and love, her coat is growing in gorgeous.

Her Vet agrees that she has had at least one litter in her past, the poor girl and we promised her that she never ever be a breeding machine again. She will be cherished and loved and treated like a precious family member. She will be valued for who she is….

We continue to peg her age around 2 years, no more than 2.5 years and she is such a puppy in so many giggle moment ways! Those eyes though…they are wise and ‘old soul’!

Though she is not a Dane or a Giant, BHRR will never turn away a dog in need of us if we have a spot and this girl needed serious help…she no longer is vomiting or having diarrhoea and she becomes more happy and healthy each day! 

I am so happy that we were tagged to help you dear lady for you enrich my life!

This beautiful Dane lady – BHRR’s Daffodil – had her annual last night and it was a great Vet visit!

She is hanging around a lean 110 pounds and since her arrival has now lost 29 pounds. She has toned plus muscled up, that overbred poor body that had boobs almost hanging to the ground is long gone, that had a mammary mass removed and sent off to histiopathology is now a fit and healthy and gorgeous gal!

No more overgrown nails or ear infections or skin issues either!

AND yes, she has one blue and one brown eye. 

She was given a thumbs up on heart and lungs and was a total gem at her appointment. She has a slightly stubborn sassy side and I love her all the more for it as 98% of the time she is unbelievably sweet, accommodating and charming and loving and gentle….then she has super rare moments where she is just all ‘uh no…not happening, no way….’ 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right match personality fit forever loving home. 

Note: She is hearing and visually impaired and like all our amazing special needs dogs, nothing holds her back! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Murray!

May 11th, 2018 Professional Photo – Thanks Liz!

Furry Murray Update!

**$690 Donated To Date**
**$2,700+ Vet Bills To Date**

UPDATE: BHRR’s Murray has now been weaned down to 7.5 mg of Pred EOD and next week, should he continue to do well, go down to 5 mg and this is when he had his last relapse. So, in the weaning of his pred this time around, his Vet is going even slower and to date, BHRR’s Murray is responding great!

His bones continue to cause him issues and we have intermittent swelling plus limping on one of his front legs that is being monitored closely. 

AND through it all, Mr. Furry Murray has been a rock star! 

He may be a LOT smaller than his litter-mates yet he is mighty and strong and a thrivor.  Plus, he is so freakin’ adorable. 

Once he is healthy, we can then neuter this cryptorchid boy. 

His Story:

Unfortunately, as can happen with Puppy Strangles, BHRR’s Murray had a relapse and the relapse was worse. 

He was back at the Vet February 26th when he had the relapse. So, we had to increase the Pred(he has been on it since November 2nd, 2017) and he went back up to 25 mg BID from 5 mg EOD.

He was also losing weight.

His lymph nodes were still swollen. So, he was not able to be neutered at this time. He also remains cryptorchid.

AND once he gets into the exam room, he tries to jump and climb on to the exam table as this is where he has been examined since he was a wee squeaker.

Tried telling him that at over 75-80 pounds, perhaps the exam table is not ideal for being examined any longer yet, he feels differently! So, on the exam table he continues to go! LOL

He is responding well to the increased Pred and every two weeks, the dose has been dropping by 2.5-5 mg.

Since November 2nd, 2017 –

He was first rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd, 2017.

Then he has had appointments:
Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th 
Kanata Animal Hospital November 16th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 21st
Kanata Animal Hospital November 28th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 5th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 18th
Liston Animal Hospital January 18th, 2018
Kanata Animal Hospital February 12th
Kanata Animal Hospital February 26th
Kanata Animal Hospital March 6th

Months ago, we made the decision to move Monsieur Furry Murray to our Haven Program. He has had medical issues since he was born and has overcome much with his hind end and to all that meet him, he is not conformationally built like his siblings.

We adore him and his fan club adores him and we are committed to him and he will be given the best of lives….. 

For anyone who may consider helping us with his ongoing care:

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:
*Murray has an extensive file under the “Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ account


Via Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Another pic of this brindle beauty!

Miss Hollywood was at KAH tonight and we went strolling and did a walk-about too!

She weighed 30.4 kgs(66.88 pounds).

For a dog that we were informed was terrified of men, she does back flips to love on them and loves women – only slightly less than men and teenagers too!  She is totally enamoured with people! So excited to greet and love on them.

She has proven excellent with all the dogs to date – mostly indifferent yet has chosen BHRR’s Burst as her play pal and plays rough, so we are working on being more gentle. She is a ball of sheer vibrating love of life!

We did bloodwork and a thorough exam while she was here and she did fantastic. Her leash manners are a big work in process yet she would sit and lay down and stay when I asked and overall I am giving her an ‘A’ for being such a great girl when we were out.

She travels great in the car and Miss Social she is.

She needs a lot of work still on her obedience and manners and she is not yet fully housebroken yet these things shall come. She has only been with us since May 26th and incredible progress made.

She is happy, a big wiggle butt and she is slowly learning about sharing too. 

We may DNA this girl for she is very BoxerX – just for fun and sheer curiousity for what her papers say is not what she resembles, at least not as a single bred dog. As always, does not matter….she will be adored for who she is, not what she is. 


Another photo of BHRR’s Burst.

BHRR’s Burst

From her day of arrival to BHRR to now…..

She is still painfully thin for sure, yet what a difference….

She is also happier, more confident and comfortable and I am not sure her exact history yet when I see dogs ‘hit the floor’ and crawl on their bellies to you, that makes me very sad and angry…..

She is a wee fireball of sheer loveliness and while she has a long way to go with her weight gain plus muscle mass & toning plus manners, she is 100% already awesomeness!

As mentioned before, homes that have children, this is the dog to watch! 

Such a beautiful gem of a dog! What she loses in size, she more than makes up for in enormous incredible personality plus heart!

AND for those that keeping asking what she is….LabX is my best ‘educated’ guess…is there Dane?! Perhaps, yet, she is a mixture of at least two breeds in my humble opinion and to a right matched personality fit home, it shall not matter what she is….they will love her for who she is! 


The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly
Almost 8 Months Old – May 11th, 2018
DNA Proven GD/IW

This is from their latest professional photo shoot! Thank you Liz SO much for doing this for BHRR. I know you are super busy!

BHRR’s Everly remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.


May 11th, 2018

This is a Bakers Dozen Pup – BHRR’s Everyl! 

Right up close and personal with Liz Bradley at their latest professional photo shoot! 

Sean has chosen a name!
BHRR’s Burst as she is just bursting with happiness, friendliness, enthusiasm and sheer zest for life…..not to mention at this time, bursting with zero leash manners YET that part shall change! 🙂
She is excellent on her sit, smart, truly lovely and those eyes….they would melt your soul…..
She may well be another one that people who have or are planning on having children should watch as she rehabs.
I know size is relative yet she is small….AND for such a small girl, she has a personality as big as the universe. She is a very memorable girl. Truly special.
Welcome to the family BHRR’s Burst.

She has a Vet apt. for June 9th. 

he Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Fletcher 
Almost 8 Months Old – May 11th, 2018
DNA Proven GD/IWThis is from their latest professional photo shoot! Thank you Liz SO much for doing this for BHRR. I know you are super busy!

BHRR’s Fletcher remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.


Another picture of BHRR’s Oliver!

Tonight BHRR’s Giselle had her annual and BHRR’s Singe had a recheck on his ear infection and to have possible boosters.

BHRR’s Giselle weighs 52.7 KG(115.94)

The muscle BHRR’s Singe is putting on has made his Vet very impressed.  He still has a long way to go in the weight gaining department and we keep working on it.

BHRR’s Giselle has come a long way since her arrival to BHRR in manners and health and remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

BHRR’s Singe remains in our rehab program at this time.

In the picture he is using her as a pillow! 

Also a reminder that our Flash Auction ends tonight – in 40 minutes!! All monies raised shall continue to help us help the animals! 

Link HERE:

BHRR’s Calla is ADOPTED! 

This is our 410th Adoption since our inception in 1996! Small, focused on quality over quantity and helping the next in need of us, one dog at a time! 

What a truly wonderful home this is and BHRR’s Calla also has a big sister with Winnie, the lab! Two playful peas in a pod! 

Thank you to Sandra for helping out at this Home-Visit and on such short notice!

Thank you to Jane for asking us to assist this stunning BBBBB!

My family is going to miss her yet we are so so so happy for her and she gets to have two lovely kids – 8 & 10 – also to call Family!! 

As I get ready to make the drive home, I am wishing all of our friends, family and & supporters a good night! It has been an incredibly busy weekend and I am back up and at ‘er again tomorrow with zee birds! 



The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver
Almost 8 Months Old – May 11th, 2018
DNA Proven GD/IW

This is from their latest professional photo shoot! Thank you Liz SO much for doing this for BHRR. I know you are super busy!

BHRR’s Oliver remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.

She is here and I also am in the camp of a DaneX & about 18 months – 2 years of age – with lab or flat coated retriever and she is 100% amazing!  

A small girl – all relative I know!  – and happy and so enthusiastic about life! She needs to learn some manners including leash ones! 

Her paperwork says that she is not even housebroken….poor girl…..


Two pics taken by Sean when he picked her up…her body condition.  Yet, we specialise in emaciation cases, have a 100% rehab success rate and she will lack for nothing….. 

For those who remember BHRR’s Bloom, a singlebred blue fireball of a Dane, Sean says she is small like her yet much taller. We actually ended up doing two separate DNA tests on BHRR’s Bloom and she was a wee thing in body for a Dane & huge in personality! 

Sean says that she is also much younger than the believed ~3 years of ageand I am so excited to meet what Sean has said is a ‘Crazy friendly andenergetic’ girl! 

Thank you to Mel and to all of the rescue transport angels that made today happen!! Thank you to Annie for tagging us about this girl needing help. In noting that she was posted for quite some time needing urgent help, we knew we had to do everything we could to find a spot for her….we love the the black beauties and the special needs ones and we are so glad that we ended up being tagged in her post needing assistance as otherwise we may never have known about her….she deserves so much more better the terrible neglect she suffered in her past….

Welcome to the BHRR family, you yet to be named BBBBB! 

AND this girl is on her way now!

Sean should have her soon as due to a last minute change, I am home with Miss Hollywood….

Once we have her, we may know more re: if she is singlebred Dane or Dane/Lab for she is super wee in the pictures! Does not matter to us! 

We have been told she has travelled well and has the Dane ‘whine’ down to a tee! 

Pictures compliments of her transport angels!


BHRR’s Calla’s Home-Visit for a possible approved adoption is scheduled for Sunday May 27th. We will update as we can!

Got her! On my way home now!

Wee pretty thing! 

Thank to SO many for making this transport happen!! 

The face that I saw upon her arrival to KAH!

Picture credit to Christine T., one of her Transport Angels

Two more transport angel photo’s!

AND Miss Hollywood is on her way – She has been travelling since early this AM.

I have been told that she is travelling very well and in about one hour, I should have her in my own hands.

I look forward to meeting her, having her settle in and being able to properly assess/evaluate her and work on her training, social and resourcing needs and/or whatever else we learn/she needs when the honeymoon period ends!

My remaining Bakers Dozen will do so much in guiding and teaching her also!

Thank you again Annie for asking us to assist her….. 

The beautiful photo credits are to the Transport Angels that are helping to get her closer to me! 

BIRTHDAY: October 6th, 2017

More Information Given:

Very easy to handle
No bite history
Resource guarding w/ toys sometimes as per owner. Have not noticed that here.
Seems friendly with all dogs here. Owner states good with males
Unknown w/ cats
Unknown w/ kids
Super friendly w/ strangers
Outgoing, energetic, happy disposition
Medium energy level
Pulls on leash
Knows basic command: sit
Good teeth condition
Surrendered as vomiting and diarrhea. Thought maybe mild megaesophogas but vomit WAS digested well, not vomiting water. Has since stopped being sick once we put her on good food, several small meals a day of puppy kibble to bring her weight up and runs have cleared up. Skinny.
Mya! Was surrendered by someone who was caring for her the owners didn’t want her back so limited info. Approx 3 years old, Dane/Lab X, intact female (that we know of, looks like has had puppies too before). Was neglected by a previous owner, is underweight (will have to get her weight, she’s pretty big). They said she is possessive over her rope/squeaky toys. Good with men, male dogs, women and strangers. Female dogs and cats unknown. She was vomiting but is in good spirits with a lot of energy. We are feeding her elevated to see if that is the issue. She just came in two days ago so monitoring for now. Vomit present this morning was digested so it’s not immediate after feeding, at this point don’t think it’s megaesophagus as our last dog that had that would vomit shortly after eating as well as drinking. Strong, energetic but really friendly.
UPDATE: Doing better on a raised dish. Has stopped vomiting and her runs have cleared up. Is being fed several small meals a day of soaked puppy food


“She hasn’t vomited for days, stool is also now normal. 🙂 Staff believes she was on super crappy food, was obviously not getting her nutritional needs met as she is bony, and wasn’t being fed out of a raised dish in her home.”

BHRR’s Calla is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

The next in need of need of us….we love the Black Beauties too!

What we have been informed about to date:

“Surrendered as vomiting and diarrhea. Thought maybe mild megaesophogas but vomit WAS digested well, not vomiting water. Has since stopped being sick once we put her on good food, several small meals a day of puppy kibble to bring her weight up and runs have cleared up. Skinny.
Was surrendered by someone who was caring for her the owners didn’t want her back so limited info. Approx 3 years old, Dane, intact female (that we know of, looks like has had puppies too before). Was neglected by a previous owner….”

Those nails are equally awful…. 

ETA to BHRR Sunday May 27th

Testimonal Sent From The Home Who Had The Special Overnight Play Date with BHRR’s Juniper:

“Juniper was a blast to have over. Once she settled and got comfortable she was quite the love bug. Not a fan of stairs but she loved bellyrubs and ear scratches. She barely even noticed the cats and chickens, too busy exploring the yard and house.  She is an independent fiery girl that will make a Fab addition to a loving family.”

What do you do when you are at the Doctor’s?

You take a seat, make yourself comfortable and patiently wait your turn! 

He was not able to have his boosters tonight as he is battling an ear infection. His Vet is hoping that by next week he shall be able to have his boosters. 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Juniper! 
*DNA Proven To Be GD/Wolfie

She had an awesome OVERNIGHT special picnic play date! 

When I arrived to pick her up, she was totally relaxed, social, happy and very comfortable.

I am so freaking proud of her progress!!!

She fit right into their home – they are perma fostering a BHRR dog, have another dog of their own and cats plus chickens and an over 10 year old human ? – and BHRR’s Juniper did fantastic!! 

A little wobbly on their stairs yet she got the job done!

Thank you again to this home for giving her this incredibly positive personal experience and in being open in sending us a testimonial for her blog.

We work so hard to set our dogs up for success and thank you for helping us do this for BHRR’s Juniper. 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving adoptive home!

In the second picture, you can really see her beautiful Wolfie coat coming out. 

AND here is The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher on his own OVERNIGHT special picnic play date!

I hear that he is doing well! Took about an hour of them being patient and passively ignoring him and then he settled in and was comfortable exploring and is now like their shadow. 

This home also has cats as did the home of his last play date.

I remain very grateful to so many for helping us help these incredible BHRR dogs become that much more well rounded plus balanced! It is so important for them to keep getting into the hands of other kind souls.

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!


Two of The Bakers Dozen Pups are on their own special OVERNIGHT picnic play dates.

We have a total 16 special Dates for 2018! 

BHRR’s Juniper – featured in the below photo and the home having the date says she is ‘adorable!’

BHRR’s Fletcher – is also on his own date and we have not yet received any update/photo’s and I shall touch base shortly with them to see how things are going!


BHRR’s Hollywood
The next in need of us!

She is a 7 month old CC. Surrendered as snapped at an adult over food – no contact made. The pound has found her to be uneasy when tested yet no snapping etc. noted.

She is undersocialised, resources and has territorial tendencies plus is shy. 



My last post for my night….

I sincerely wish it was a good news one….

BHRR’s Big Benjamin, one of our Haven Dogs had been having some sneezing with resulting nose bleeds. After being referred to a specialist, it has been confirmed and he has been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumour.

This fine man is just shy of 8.5 years young and this saddens us immensely. 

We always shall remain about quality of life and at this time, he is happy Big Ben, eating, drinking, breathing and resting well. Other than the intermittent nose bleeds,one would not know at this moment that something horrible is growing inside of him…..

Due to his age, he was not considered a great candidate for radiation or chemo either. We want the time that he has left to be the best that we can give him and we would do whatever was recommended for him by the experts.

We sincerely hope that he shall be going strong for our upcoming annual June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house so that so many can love on him one more time……

As with the tradition that we started way back in the day, we are ensuring that he is visiting all of his favourite people and places and having extra special play dates plus visits.

This boy is truly exceptional and this is so unfair…..

On behalf of Big Ben, we ask that you hug your loved ones extra longer tonight and tell people/pets how much you do care, for no one knows what tomorrow shall bring….

UPDATE: BHRR’s Mavericks UPC results are in and he does NOT have Lymes disease. We just have to ensure that he does not any have further tick exposure and so we hope that by switching to Simparica from Bravecto will assist with that! 

NOW, we move on to the Dental and then two weeks post dental, we will repeat his bloodwork and hopefully between the cleaning and the additional arthritis management regime, his globulin levels will have come back down to normal. 

AND this photo was taken of him on our way into KAH! He loves to lay his head on the console. 

He has done that every car right since his transport to Rescue in 2013.

AND then there were FIVE, 4 of which are still Available For Adoption!

The Bakers Dozen had their next professional photo shoot today! 

Thank you to Elaine, Ashley & The Boerskins for helping to puppy wrangle! 

This is a candid that I took! 

BHRR’s Oliver you thrived under the quiet calm and kind touch of Ashley as I knew you would! While slightly anxious, you were so much more relaxed this time. 

BHRR’s Fletcher, while you still had some anxiety, you rocked this session a million times better than February’s and the camera was not as scary to you! Good boy! You even allowed me to take more than a step away from you for your pictures as the camera made you not as nervous.

BHRR’s Furry Murray – what can I say?! You remain the class clown and a true ham! Content to do whatever as long as I remained within your sight….while you wanted to be closer to me, you were great at being Mr. Independent overall. 

BHRR’s Everly – as gorgeous as ever and as busy as ever! You gave Elaine quite the work out!  Such a delightful handful! 

BHRR’s Juniper – the queen of selective hearing and you are quite the busy bee yourself. 

You and your sister are not for the faint of heart and to all of my GD/Wolfie Babies, you did so well today….we can see where the distraction training has greatly improved from February’s professional photo’s and where work is still needed yet as almost 8 month old puppies, I remain very proud of your emotional and behavioural development! We battle your genetics every day and use the environment to help to make you the best dogs that you can be in being as well rounded plus balanced as possible!! 

Happy Friday to all!

BHRR’s The Mavie – Our Iron Man
~6.5 years of ageTonight, he was back at the Vet as we have to do a UPC – Urine Test – for despite being on tick protection year round, he tested positive for Lymes. So now we wait to see if he actually is tick borne disease positive. We have also switched up our tick protection to Simparica from Bravecto as with the Lone Star Tick having been discovered in Ontario, Bravecto does not cover that nasty aggressive tick! He is as handsome as ever and weighed a solid 126.06 pounds!  Since he first arrived into Rescue, he has put on 30.14 pounds! WTG!

Once we figure out the tick disease status, he shall then have a dental cleaning. He has elevated globulins so his Vet has been trying to determine the cause. 

With him having been placed on Detamaxx, his Vet felt that maybe as his comfort level increases from the arthritis being better managed, maybe his globulin levels will go down.

We are taking it all one step at a time and he rocked the car ride, the vet visit, the urine collection by cysto and well, he was just a ROCKSTAR as always!!

Our Iron Man is almost a $25,000 dog having had four leg surgeries and he has a fan club that spans the world!! 

A BIG shout out to the Deon Family (Ashley Deon, Lisa Jenkins Deon)!

They so generously collected beer bottles and cashed them in with the monies coming to BHRR! 

They raised $45! WOW! Amazing!

Thank YOU! SO very much!

Your kindness shall go towards helping BHRR’s Singe, the newest addition to BHRR!

For anyone that may consider donating their Empties to a good cause, BHRR’s Singe would be extremely appreciative!

Here are our drop-off locations if you wish to drop off your Empties instead of cashing them in and then donating the monies.

1. Rachel – 42 Stocks Lane, Aurora, ON L4G 0Y3
2. Rachel’s Parents – 885 Surin Crt, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8R3
3. Dawn – 424 Pickford Drive, Kanata, ON K2L 3R4
*’people can drop off at house anytime & just leave it on the front steps*
4. Gail – 47 Taylor Road, Ajax, ON L1S 2X5
5. The Maracles – 1728 Harvest Cres, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1V4
6. Maggie -391 Tillbury Avenue, Apt. #4, Ottawa, Ontario – EMAIL
7. The Boerskins – 2425 Totem Ranch Road West, Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1TO
*people can drop off in the donation shed across from the mailbox at road

Thank you SO much again to the beautiful Deon Family for your caring donation to BHRR!

BHRR’s Booker aka Mr. Squishie 

Some things are just meant to be and this home-visit was as close to perfect as could be.

Emotional for all involved and BHRR’s Booker chose his forever loving adoptive mama. How it should always be…we may speak for the dogs yet we only say out loud what they are clearly expressing and he is now home! 

Kinsley, that you could love as fiercely as you do and be brave plus strong enough to let Mr. Squishie go makes me so proud of you. You are right when you said at the home-visit that so many of those you adore and those that adore you have left – most recently The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Sprocket, BHRR’s Carlsberg and now BHRR’s Booker. Your heart is huge and your compassion even more so.

Your selflessness to let these cherished animals go makes me love you all the more.  Today was very hard on you and your tears were shared by every single one of us today at that home-visit. I know there is so much happiness in those tears too for you only want what is best for each dog yet I know that today was extremely difficult.

You are so correct when you said that there shall never me another Squishie and you have helped make him that incredibly special pup that he is now. Thank you for that! 

Thank you and to so many others that stepped up in his time of need to help us help him!

We always wish that all home-visits could flow this easily and thank you to BHRR’s Booker’s new forever loving adoptive mama for going through the detailed adoption process and opening up your home to us today. Thank you for your time and openly welcoming kind presence!

As mentioned to this home, they are as close to perfect as we could have ever wished for this fabu DDB.

We are going to miss you something terrible and the tears flowed freely upon our walk back to our car with Lucie yet we must think to ourselves that we have not lost BHRR’s Booker, we have in fact gained an amazing soul that we are thrilled to have as our newest BHRR family member! 

This is not good-bye Mr. Squishie, this is the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your life…..many many many new chapters!

Thank you again Lucie for being with us today to do this home-visit, your caring support for Kinsley and now Kinsley and I are working our way slowly home….

For me on a side note – I am proud of myself for driving by the CN Tower!  Holy! This country gal does not know how city folk do it with all of the traffic and construction and speeding and people and….and….. 

Good Morning!

Mr. Squishie had a good night! A bit restless yet ate his supper and breakfast great and has settled in well at the hotel. Very proud of you! 

We are off shortly to do the home-visit and I know so many of us are filled with deep and mixed emotions as we all adore The Books….yet please be assured that unless this is the right matched personality fit for him, he will not be adopted. 

Good Sunday AM to everyone!

Mr. Squishie is doing well. He has been a bit unsure with the hotel so we have gone up to several groups of people at the hotel, asking if they would not mind giving him treats and spending some time talking and being around him and when BHRR’s Booker was ready, give him some loving gentle touches.

Very proud of Mr. Squishie and so thankful to so many – three separate groups and one person came back to see us later and brought their wife – I heard she was jealous that she had not gotten the chance to meet him! – to talk and love on Mr. Squishie! They used to own an EM just like our sweet RIP Guinness.  There are truly so many wonderful people in the world!

Thank you to all that helped us set him up for success and demonstrated patience and understanding and so much kindness!

He is now crashed out on Kinsley’s bed and I am not ‘noticing’ it at all…  As this could well be the last night the two of them have together, let them be as close together as can be. 

From our hotel room to all of our friends, family and supporters good night wishes being sent!

We will update as we can!

AND we are here!!

Someone is being quite watchful over ‘his’ kid with the people around and needing some gentle reminders that this is not necessary. 

Tomorrow, from here – only place close enough that had a room available to take a large breed dog – we will make the remainder (just under 1 hour) drive to do the home-visit!

Pit Stop!

Port Hope!

Mr. Squishie & his kid!! 

AND we are on our way!! 

Tomorrow is the home-visit for Mr. Squishie’s possible approved adoption. We will update once we arrive to our hotel!

What a glorious day for a drive!

BHRR’s Calla – ~8.5 months of age
May 3rd, 2018


She is ready to make her own special announcement! 

This girl is all lean solid muscle and full of Kanga-Dane love! She is smart, beautiful, playful – loves toys like I have not seen a Dane love to this level in some time! – and is so affectionate. 

She is extremely patient, tolerant – she puts up with The Bakers Dozen pack mentality activities with grace and acceptance! 

We will consider a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired as she is another BHRR versatile dog! 

We wish to see her in a quietly social home. A home that will not closet her away from the world yet a home that does visit friends and family and has small numbers of friends and family over here and there. We do not want her overwhelmed yet we want her part of the world, living to her absolute fullest.

She is house broken and crate trained and her SA is virtually no longer present due to her being set up for success. Any right matched personality fit forever loving home will need to be cognisant on making sure she is not consciously or unconsciously enabled. We have worked so hard to help make her realise that she is not going to be left alone for unreasonable periods of time, we have taught her that she can enjoy life being a cherished dog, we have shown her that she is important and would be ‘listened’ to and she has thrived!

She has learned that all of her needs will be more than met, that she is given attention when appropriate displays of behaviour are exhibited and that is is more than ok to ask to love! 

This girl is magnificent! Easy to wash, clean ears and do nails. Where once she was so anxious in a car, she now readily gets in and settles down so well. We give her a calming word and touch here and there if/when needed to reassure her that she is fine, then she is passively ignored and she is quite content to lay down or look out the windows. She just needs to know that someone is aware of her and that her worries matter. 

She loves to please and she is easy to please too! 

I am so proud of her!!! 

She can go to a home without children or we will consider homes that have children – no more than 2 – and will consider children as young as age 5. 

While we would love to see her in a home with one other right matched dog, as long as she has a strong social doggie network in place – that is what is most important. She needs to have her doggie friends and be able to play and interact to help her continue to be the best dog she can be. As we have friends, she needs her friends too!

She is good with dogs and cats and she is 100% adorable! 

Love this girl! Sean and I have said it before, if we were ever looking for a solid, well balanced and rounded amazing dog, she would be it! She is simply amazing! AND in the right hands, she will only keep becoming more awesome! 

I am so excited for you BHRR’s Calla to begin this next chapter of your wonderful life! 

Thank you to Jane Smith for reaching out to us to assist her and to Liz for the gorgeous photo’s as always! 

BHRR’s Raven! 
May 2nd, 2018

This is the first really dry day that we have had to be able to work on spring cleanup on the property from all of the brutal winter damage and BHRR’s Raven is royally supervising our slow painstaking efforts!

Still so much water and snow in places yet we can at least begin in earnest now.

What a slave driver! 

I picked up this handsome dude this AM from his OVERNIGHT special picnic snack Date. 

I heard that he did really well…excellent manners and so loved all the teenage girls he met….no surprise there! 

After picking him up, I headed over to KAH to get a current weight on him. I suspected that he weighed around 75 pounds and he is 75.24 pounds! He is lean, muscled and can never be allowed to become overweight. With that back leg having been broken prior to Rescue, we do not want it further comprised.

After KAH we went over to PV Stittsville to visit and he got treats, wanted to become friends with the cat and got to love on and be loved on by a female Weim. 

We also made a $25 donation on behalf of an anonymous angel to PV Stittsville’s heart warming PAW Appreciation efforts.  They are collecting donations until May 5th! 

It is going to be so important to Mr. Squishie’s future approved right matched forever adoptive home to make sure he is continually socialised to keep him developing into the best dog he can be. 

Now, we are on our way home! Someone is pooped!

Testamonial From The Home That Had The Date – Thanks Dawn & Family!

“he was a dream guest. Loved everyone he met on his walks and has excellent leash manners. Thor is also exhausted but a good exhausted. He will be an excellent addition to the right home.”

Mr. Squishie was dropped off for his special OVERNIGHT picnic play date around 6:15 pm.

I hear that he is being a good boy in demonstrating his excellent leash manners and respecting the ‘no couch’ rule. 

I also heard that he has brought out the ‘puppy’ in the homes own handsome dog! 

Kinsley misses her boy yet he is in great hands! 

Have a good night BHRR’s Booker! 

PS: Thanks for all of the drool & hair in my car! LOL


This gorgeous DDB is heading off later today for his own special OVERNIGHT picnic play date!

Mr. Squishie!

This year we had 16 dates won in our annual one of a kind incredibly unique BHRR Doggie Date Auction. Tonight is the 2nd of those dates and this fundraiser is so much fun plus gives these amazing BHRR doggies additional positive experiences that continue to help them become even more well balanced and rounded. 

On Sunday May 6th, the home-visit for BHRR’s Booker’s possible approved adoption shall be happening and we will post an update as we can!

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy was ADOPTED today. 

This was a particularly emotional one for me yet I managed to not shed one tear at the home! 

This litter and I went through so much since they were born in September 2017 and I had a really long battle to fight to save this wee girl and she has thrived! 

She chose the home….BHRR’s Sawyer was just not interested and was quite uncomfortable which is not his norm and that is completely ok. He got confidence from BHRR’s Poppy and by the end of the visit was more interactive and his own right match fit personality home is out there! 

BHRR’s Poppy loved their 11 year old son and was totally fine with their cat. 

I want to thank this really lovely home for being so patient as we went through the detailed adoption process and for their hospitality in opening up their house to us today. Thank you for considering a BHRR dog to adopt!

Thank you to Aaron & Cherie for assisting at this home-visit – BHRR’s Sawyer was excited to see you again Cherie! 

I go home with so much happiness in my heart….some sadness too as my time with the gorgeous inside and out BHRR’s Poppy has ended yet this is what I worked so hard to give her…a future in a wonderful approved adoptive home! 

While she may look more Dane in the pic – she is very much also Wolfie with her wonderful hair and tail! 

Good Sunday AM!

AND we are on now our way to do the home-visit to see if one of these two incredible BHRR pups may be a possible right match personality fit.

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy – sporting her ‘poppy’ collar by Onepawtwopaw thanks also to Annette – and BHRR’s Sawyer. 

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr) had a great overnight picnic play date.

Tomorrow he and BHRR’s Poppy are coming with me to do a home-visit to see if one of them may be a right match personality fit for an application received.

We shall update as we can!

AND here is a Testimonial From The Home That Had The Play Date::

“Sawyer was a great car traveller for the drive.
He met 3 cats and was respectful of all. He got along great with BHRR’s Rain and our senior lab. He enjoyed the large backyard and exploring.
In the morning he did amazing with 3 strangers coming in to do house repairs. He wasn’t even phased with the noise and front door opening.
A great date for sure!!”

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good-night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Singe is grateful – as are we – for all of the well wishes and best thoughts being sent his way!

You can see how his ribs show in this photo….

As his story unfolds, we will post updates…..

BHRR’s Singe!

I captured this lovely shot of him during one of our walks today! 

At the Vet tonight, he weighed a skinny 58.3 kgs(128.26 pounds). This boy should easily weigh 150 or so pounds and when he puts on more weight including much needed muscle mass/tone, he will look magnificent. 

You can see from how he stands/moves that his hind end is a bit of a concern. The Vet agreed and also found that his left side was worse than his right and they wish for us to have him develop more muscle mass and tone prior to further investigation such as x-rays etc.

The Vet did not believe that he had any cruciate issues yet it is hard to truly manipulate a giant breed dog’s stifles without sedation. The plan is to let him settle in more before re-visiting. He went through a lot tonight and was AMAZING!

The one growth is as I thought, a skin tag, nothing that needs to be addressed unless it changes size, colour, bothers him etc.

The growth on his penis is not able to be determined without a biopsy and as he went through more than enough today, we will hold off until his next visit – when he has boosters. His hind end will be re-examined at that time. The Vet did not feel that it was cancerous yet no way to really tell without sending to histiopathology. 

His resting heart rate was 20! He was so chill…laid on his side and pretty much almost fell asleep! 

Heart, lungs, ears, all given a thumbs up! 

According to the paperwork that was given to me upon his surrender – he was at a shelter in November and this previous home got him from there – he had bad ear infections yet his ears look good now.

Some tartar buildup on his teeth yet nothing that is urgent that needs to be addressed right now.

The raw area on his left rump area has new hair growth and his Vet was not overly concerned at the present time. 

We did bloodwork that includes tick borne disease and heartworm testing.

Per his shelter paperwork, he was only given bordetella and so, we began his vaccine protocol. 

Tomorrow, we will begin his de-worming protocol and put him on proper heartworm, flea/tick preventative. 

When he is more settled, we will do a much needed nail trim too. 

I truly cannot believe that this sweet boy had at least 3-4 prior homes AND also ended up in a shelter in his short life to date.  I really cannot believe it….

AND we are on our way to the Vet!

Will update as I can….

I have put a new collar on him….one I have had for a very long time waiting for the right special BHRR dog meant for it. 

BHRR’s Sawyer is on his special picnic OVERNIGHT play date tonight!

This year we have 16 dates and as he is one of two dogs that could be a possible right match personality fit for a home, that we are doing a visit with on Sunday, he is having his date tonight. 

I hear that the BHRR Saint that is being perma-fostered by this lovely home LOVES him! WHAT is not to love?!

My last post of my night – going to spend time with this handsome brindle boy – BHRR’s Singe – for the rest of the night.

He is scheduled to see the Vet on Friday.

We need to do a thorough investigation on his hind end – hips & knees, do bloodwork, check his teeth, exam two growths – one on his penis and one behind a front leg – plus a raw area on his rump, do bloodwork, check heart/lungs/eyes run a fecal and when he is healthy, vaccines, de-worm and put him on proper hw/flea/tick preventative etc.

He is quite skinny. A good 20+ pounds more needed on him plus he needs to develop muscle mass/tone.

He is a super sweet boy who likes to sit on my lap and gently paw me for more love when I stop. 

He also loves looking out of the windows and with a house built for passive solar heating, our whole front of our house is wall to wall windows for him to enjoy.

He is currently hanging out with me by my computer on a Costco dog bed donated to BHRR with such genuine kindness from BHRR’s Cagney’s Mama/her friend’s. 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Welcome to BHRR BHRR’s Singe.

We got him!! 

We are now on our way home!

He will need to see the Vet for a few concerns and he is booked for Friday.

He is ~37″ at the whithers, quite skinny, has a skin tag and another growth on his penis that we will get investigated, He has a raw area on his back left rump and his hips plus back knees need further investigation.

He needs an Accuplex – heartworm and tickborne disease testing, those teeth checked out, and he has not had all of his vaccines from the paperwork we were given. He will go on flea/tick and HW preventative also. We will de-worm him plus do a fecal on him too as part of proper proactive/preventative Vet Care. 

Thanks again to Elizabeth for coming with me to pick him up! 

Sean has named him ‘Singe’. 

Just waiting for Elizabeth to arrive and then we will be on our way to road trip to pick up this handsome brindle boy we were asked to assist……

We shall post an update once we have him!

We now have an ETA! 

This handsome brindle boy will be arriving April 25th!

Here is his story – copied from a previous post:

The next in need of BHRR! 

He is only the 4th dog that we have been able to assist to date in 2018 as we work hard to be able about quality, not quantity. 

We have been asked to assist an ~3 year old Male Brindle Great Dane.

This is his third known home plus at one time he had ended up at a Shelter.

This home has an 18 month old child and has had him since just before XMAS and while he has proven to be so patient with her, the home does not wish to set him or their small child up for failure. He is currently living with a friend of the family and has been for the last while as the home worked to find the best solution for him. 

Said to be good with dogs – lived with a female pug and cats are unknown and said to weigh about 150+ pounds.


Our 2018 Annual BHRR Doggie Date Auction is NOW Closed!

I will be in touch with all Winners by end of my day(night) on Sunday. Please bear with me and please be patient! 

In 2018; it looks like we will have 16 Dates and over $1,300 raised to help the BHRR Animals! I shall confirm final total raised once all the monies have come in. 

This is BHRR’s Calla on our way home from her spay today….a wee bit drugged still!

Thank you to Chelsea, Holly, Cailey, Nadine and Dr. Wright for all of the love and care given to her today at KAH! 

She has had a big pee, gotten her Gabapentin and Deramaxx for the evening and is now all tucked in for the night…I will be joining her shortly….

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Bookers’ HV for a possible approved adoption is Sunday May 6th. 

We will post an update as we can.

Everything went well and here is the BBBBB in recovery. 

This gorgeous BBBBB pup is in for her spay plus Microchip today.

BHRR’s Calla! 

She has put on another 3 kgs and is now just shy of 85 pounds.  Lean, muscled and looking so beautiful. She is putting the weight on nice and even and yay!

She was totally fine with the cat that was there too – a staff members kitty hanging out!

She is Ms. Kanga-Dane and her drop-off went great! While she initially bawked at going into her run, she then trusted me and went in calmly. After a small amount of anxious whining, she stopped and all was then quiet. I am so proud of her!!! Beaming proud! She has done so so so well with her SA and will need a home to help her to keep thriving and not allow the SA Monster to read its ugly head.

Once she recovers from her spay, she will be ready to make her special announcement! 

Another amazing dog that I am going to miss something fierce….she is incredible.

This pic is a sneak peek preview from her recent professional photo shoot. Thanks so much again Liz Bradley!!!

The next in need of BHRR! 

He is only the 4th dog that we have been able to assist to date in 2018 as we work hard to be able about quality, not quantity. 

We have been asked to assist an ~3 year old Male Brindle Great Dane.

This is his third known home plus at one time he had ended up at a Shelter.

This home has an 18 month old child and has had him since just before XMAS and while he has proven to be so patient with her, the home does not wish to set him or their small child up for failure. He is currently living with a friend of the family and has been for the last while as the home worked to find the best solution for him. 

Said to be good with dogs – lived with a female pug and cats are unknown and said to weigh about 150+ pounds. 

ETA being worked on now.

Happy 2nd Birthday wishes being sent to the BHRR Puppy Pile x 7!

BHRR’s Granite & Cookie Dough Dynamo. Being engulfed in the snow storm going on today – yes, April 14th, 2018!

Mr. Squishie (BHRR’s Booker) is moving under a Pending Adoption!
6 month old DDB

We shall update things as we can.

This BBBBB had her professional photo shoot today!

BHRR’s Calla! 

She is such a character! A Kanga-Dane, smart, beautiful, loving and a really happy girl! 

We were done our session in 10 minutes as she was so amazing!! 

She was to be spayed this week yet I would still like to see a few more pounds on this once incredibly sadly skinny, now an 8 month old still growing giant puppy so I rescheduled her spay to next Thursday instead.

From there, once she heals from her spay, she can make her special announcement! 

Sean & I both agree that if we were in the search for a new addition, BHRR’s Calla would be the type of Dane we would loved to have had….she is the total package and her SA is virtually non existent as she has learned so much about confidence, comfort, security and safety. In that right matched fit forever loving home she will continue to thrive! 

I adore you to the stars and back BHRR’s Calla! 

Mr. Squishie!
6 month old DDB

He says it has been a really wonderfully busy day and time to go to bed….he can barely keep his eyes open!

Being this cute is hard! 

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched personality fit home!

He has an extremely detailed blog and all of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our home website, including an application for those that then feel they may qualify to adopt him.

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes being sent!


AND we have a pic of Kinsley photo bombing with The Mav! 

Here is his face on the way in to KAH and Rachel, you posted a picture of him yesterday – in literally the same pose from his Freedom Ride five years to the day earlier.

He has more frosting now! 

BHRR’s Maverick – Our Real Iron Man
April 6th, 2018

Last night – April 6th – he had his annual at KAH and he had a fantastic Vet visit.

He weighs a magnificent 55.9 kgs(122.98 pounds)!

When he first arrived to BHRR April 6th, 2013, he weighed an emaciated 95.92 pounds.

He had to have a total of 4 leg surgeries on his front legs and he is now a happy, healthy, super affectionate, butt nipping if you ignore him and really life loving boy!

Several told us that he should have been killed – their words – and that it was not humane to give him what we felt strongly was the opportunity to have a great future.

Well, we believe in the dogs we assist…it was not BHRR’s Mavericks’ fault that others failed him….and, 5 years literally later, LOOK at him?!

MY heart just pounds with so much love and excitement for the life that this boy now leads!

He has human and canine friends. He has a 3+ acre fenced in yard to romp in, he has 148 trails to explore on, he gets to go for car rides to visit all of his favourite people and places and WINS hearts all over.

His name is legendary, his journey miraculous and we remain honoured to have been asked to assist him.

BHRR’s Maverick – you represent so much in goodness and heart plus soul!

You are literally an almost $25,000 dog and WORTH every penny, nickel and dime.

AND he is now sporting a new collar thanks to Julianne from onepawtwopaw who generously sent an extra one with the one I bought for my Wolfie Torin.

As soon as I saw the planes on the collar, I knew…I just knew that BHRR’s Maverick had to have it.

This boys’ soul sours…..and well, his brain is often in the clouds!  

BHRR’s Maverick will need to go in for a dental and he has a lump on the top of his head that we need to biopsy – Vet was not overly concerned – and received a thumbs up for being a model patient!

Don’t you just love the frosting he is developing?!

AND he is also available for a special picnic snack play DAY date in our 7th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction that is going on right now!

We made the decision to move BHRR’s Dickens into our Haven Program and he now resides in a great match fit perma-foster home. 

These pictures are from his professional photo shoot that I had done on February 8th. 

This boy is what I call a ‘mirror image’ reactive dog and he has made leaps and bounds with his rehab journey. He will be what I also call a wonderful ‘lifetime labour of love’ and we will ensure that he lives the best quality filled life. 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Furry Murray Update!
**$690 Donated To Date**
**$2,500+ Vet Bills To Date**

Unfortunately, as can happen with Puppy Strangles, BHRR’s Murray had a relapse and the relapse was worse. 

He was back at the Vet February 26th when he had the relapse and first picture is of his tail. So, we had to increase the Pred(he has been on it since November 2nd) back up to 25 mg BID from 5 mg EOD.

He was also losing weight.

His lymph nodes were still swollen. So, he is not able to be neutered at this time. He also remains cryptorchid.

Second picture is from March 6th at one of his recheck visits – the wee hamburger!  He thinks the benches are for him as it is an Animal Hospital after all.

AND once he gets into the exam room, he tries to jump and climb on to the exam table as this is where he has been examined since he was a wee squeaker.

Tried telling him that at over 75 pounds, perhaps the exam table is not ideal for being examined any longer yet, he feels differently!  So, on the exam table he continues to go! LOL

He is responding well to the increased Pred and every two weeks, the dose has been dropping by 5 mg and as of tonight, he can go to 15 mg daily.

Since November 2nd, 2017 –

He was first rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd, 2017.

Then he has had appointments:
Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th 
Kanata Animal Hospital November 16th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 21st
Kanata Animal Hospital November 28th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 5th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 18th
Liston Animal Hospital January 18th, 2018
Kanata Animal Hospital February 12th
Kanata Animal Hospital February 26th
Kanata Animal Hospital March 6th

We have made the decision to move Monsieur Furry Murray to our Haven Program. He has had medical issues since he was born and has overcome much with his hind end and to all that meet him, he is not conformationally built like his siblings.

We adore him and his fan club adores him and we are committed to him and he will be given the best of lives….. 

For anyone who may consider helping us with his ongoing care:

Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:
*Murray has an extensive file under the “Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services’ account


Via Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

UPDATE: Well, we now know for sure that she has raging eye infections. Here is a picture that Lindsay just sent…..

I have advised Lindsay that if for any reason she needs to take her to the emergency, to please just take her and we will get her seen sooner than tomorrow. 

I will not see any dog suffer….

Lindsay has been gently cleaning them. 

Poor girl…

An Easter Sunday Rescue happened this AM.

People talk about the Easter Bunny coming….well for this sweet Harlequin Great Dane, it was an Easter Angel that stepped up and came to her rescue.

Lindsay – I have said this several times already yet I must say it again, thank you deeply from my heart for offering to help us save this girl. What should have been a smooth owner surrender turned out to be a bit bumpy and I am so grateful to you in picking her up. So so so thankful to you.

This girl already has a Vet appointment scheduled tomorrow for 2:15 pm and will have a thorough exam – heart/lungs etc. – and we shall begin all proactive plus preventative Vet Care.

We want her eyes looked closely at – yes, she has heavy haws yet I am also suspecting possible infections – have skin, feet, hydration levels, those poor nipples(she was used for breeding) all checked. The daughter of the O. who is moving back to Slovakia today – said they were breeding for over 40 years. 

She is underweight, lacks muscle tone/mass, has calloused elbows and needs a nice pampered spa day when she is ready.

Undersocialised and skititsh yet already following Lindsay around – who wouldn’t follow such a caring soul?! 

She is only the third dog that we have been able to assist in 2018 to date and she is the perfect example as to why BHRR was founded back in 1996….for all the special needs animals just like her.

98% of those BHRR helps are the truly broken physically and/or behaviourally. Why we are here….

I cannot wait to meet this pretty ~5 year old beauty and in the meantime she could not be in more excellent hands with Lindsay. 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, we hope that everyone is having a safe, happy and wonderful Easter Sunday.

We are calling her ‘Sunday’.

We thought about “Easter” as it was Easter Sunday that she is to be picked up, yet, Sunday feels like the right fit name for her.

“Sunday is a day of rest in most Western countries, as a part of the weekend. For most observant Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest”

For us, we feel that she shall be worshipped and cherished from this day forward and that she can now rest as she is safe with BHRR. 

BHRR’s Booker AKA Mr. Squishie! (5.5 month old DDB)

For those who see this handsome young man now and compare him to the video I posted of him & his back left leg during his intensive rehab at BHRR, they remain in awe of how ‘normal’ he has become! 

This boy has made miraculous progress according to his Ortho Specialist Team! Simply miraculous. 

AND now that his leg is as almost like new again and he is fully vetted, neutered, microchipped, de-wormed, on proper flea/tick & heartworm preventive plus has had bloodwork etc. all completed….he is ready!

Ready to make his special announcement!

This fine handsome young man can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another versatile BHRR dog!

He can go to a home that has no children or a home that has children aged 8 or up. No young children for him as they still make him scared.

He loves dogs and people and even cats – though cats do not always love him. He needs to be reminded at times to be gentle around them and for a 5.5 month old pup, he has done exceptionally well!

He loves being around his humans…laying by my computer or sitting on my feet yet he is not an in your face pup. He has his independent side for sure! AND a mind all of his own! 

We would love to see him in a home that already has a right match personality fit dog in it, yet would consider a home where he would be the only dog as long as he has a strong doggie social network for he loves his friends….he just loves them!

He is crate and house trained and his manners are almost perfection…..almost! Obedience is fabu and travels wonderfully in the car.

A dream to wash, do nails and clean ears and still has some worry with the soft rubber curry brush but once I begin, he relaxes and enjoys the massaging. 

He is so social, playful, low maintenance on the activity level yet loves and needs his walks and strolls – not a huge runner – more of a trotter when he is motivated! He needs a home that is not over the top social and active yet one that does like the outdoors and will continue to expose him to public places and people and things with great experiences. He has not yet hit the stranger danger phase and we want to minimise any strain to him from that natural development part of growing up by continuing on this great path he is on.

He loves his outdoor fun and loves his comfort of home too! A home that is calmly socially active in their home too would be fabu for him.

He is such a fantastic puppy and needs a home that shall not consciously or unconsciously enable the few, yet they are still there, displays of nervousness behaviour he can demonstrate….for example – school buses. AND how the home handles this in acting is how he shall react. Treat it as no big deal and a calming word and/or touch, then passively ignoring will be the set up for success he needs!

This boy is a flirt, an adorable manipulator, so smart – I have taught him things like ‘front feet up’ – and thrives on being properly mentally and physically stimulated.

He snores, drools and sheds and that right match personality fit home is going to not care and will be prepared!

He will not be a big boy and that is wonderful for his back left leg will benefit from that and a home will have to be cognisant about keeping him lean. Almost all the DDB’s that I see are not just fat yet obese and this is so wrong. That would ruin this pup. He has overcome so much with that leg.

He does not need a breed specific experienced home. He needs a responsible home -all dogs do! – that at least understands his breed. We will consider first time dog owner homes if it is that right matched personality fit home.

AND we know he is popular so we ask that people that may be interested in him to please read his extremely thorough blog and our adoption policies to see if they may qualify to be approved to adopt him. 

Mr. Squishie, what can I say?! What a thrill you are and a blast you are and an honour it has been. The last three plus months have seen you truly take a miraculous journey and Kinsley and I shall miss you something fierce when it is your time to leave us! 

Thank you to Liz Bradley again for her photography skills and to Aaron Maracle plus Cherie Barnes Maracle in helping to puppy love wrangle at this professional photo shoot.

Her owner is moving back to Slovakia on Sunday April 1st as her husband recently passed away and we have to get her no later than by early afternoon that day.

Unfortunately, we cannot get her on Saturday or any day earlier. The daughter – who does not drive – is picking up the Owner – who also does not drive – on Saturday with help from a friend and bringing her and this Dane back to her place in Scarborough.

Our window is Sunday up to 3 PM.

We have been told she is very timid, not socialised – rarely had visitors in the home nor was taken out of the home.

I have also been told that she was used for breeding and has been used for breeding.

She shall ONLY be the third dog that we have been able to assist in 2018 to date.

BHRR’s Sawyer – Saint Bernard/Great Pyr
Born: June 11th, 2017(9 months of age)
AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! He is ready! He is more than ready for that right matched forever loving home to find him. A home that believes strongly in a positive balanced approach to training and ‘walks the talk’.

This boy needs his structure, obedience, consistency, routine and clear open communication so that he can continue to thrive. 

He is no longer confused and not sure what is expected of him and his anxiety is virtually non existent as he lacks for nothing in anything that he needs which includes so much love. His SA level was quite high when he first arrived. 

He does not need a home that is going to get caught up in his looks, he needs a home that understands both the Saint and the Pyr temperament.

He is so affectionate, playful, kind and a big goof YET he is also strong minded, both independent and dependent in different ways and he needs that right matched forever loving home that is not going to be punitive, harsh or forceful. 

He needs a home that is going to stick to the rules and not waiver and then set him up for failure making him unsure and then have him trying to step up to take the role of a postive balanced leader. 

While we are not requiring specific breed experience for him, we want an extremely experienced dog home for him. 

We would love to see him in a home with at least one other right matched personality fit dog for he loves other dogs and is built for endurance.  We may consider an only dog home if everything else is the right fit. 

He is socially active and loves his outdoor time and when it is time for settling down inside, he is content to cuddle and snuggle and be merry. 

He is a happy, healthy and beautiful puppy. 

He requires a home that shall be dedicated to his grooming needs to maintain that gorgeous coat he has. 

He can scale 6 foot brick walls without any hesitation so a properly, safely and securely fenced in yard is a must. 

We do not find him high energy or high maintenance and that home meant for him shall not find the same.

He has been fine around traffic from school and city buses to garbage trucks and bikes and more. 

He is curious and outgoing and we have worked so hard on him also feeling comfortable travelling in a car – gets in and out without any issues now! He loves car rides now! 

A home that works away from home or at home, ft, pt, semi-retired, retired are all good fits as we have set him up for success. He is another versatile BHRR dog in this way. 

How he is around cats is unknown. 

He is wonderful to wash and brush and do nails and clean ears. Less is more with him…..he is not to be man handled, no dog should be.

His leash manners have improved 150% since he first arrived and he is very much a growing giant breed puppy still. Patience and a sense of humour go far with this character!

His rehab progress has just flowed so smoothly. He is eager to please, gets excited to see me when I come home, is crate trained and very gentle with treats.

A home that does not mind DROOL is a must! For he can drool – mostly when he is excited or stressed.

We would be fine considering a home with no more than 2 children age 10+ OR a home without children is equally wonderful. 

This boy has truly been an absolute pleasure to have in our progam and his personality is as large as the world, he is just that amazing……

There is not one MEAN bone in this stunning young man’s body and I am so excited for his future. 

You did it BHRR’s Sawyer! You did it!!!! I love you so freakin’ much!

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for her incredible talent and time in taking the fabu pictures and to Aaron Maracle & Cherie Barnes Maracle for the extra hands at his and BHRR’s Booker’s professional photo session March 23rd!


These two unbelievably handsome young puppy dudes had their professional photo shoot on Friday March 23rd!

BHRR’s Booker (5.5 months) & BHRR’s Sawyer (9 months).

In the one photo, Mr. Squishie is falling asleep sitting up! He does that often! 

Thank you to Aaron Maracle & Cherie Barnes Maracle for the extra hands and to Liz Bradley for her time plus talent again!

The weather was gorgeous and the boyz blew their sessions out of the water! Great photo shoot for them both and their manners were almost impeccable. Once again, I am bursting with such pride over their progress to date. 

Once I receive their professional pictures, both will be ready to make their own special announcements.

We know both are popular and we continue to stress that we shall only approve right match personality fit homes. Their blogs are detailed and we will post even more re: the homes we are seeking for them during their special announcements. 

Thank you to Aaron & Cherie for the two blankets and their auction items also!! Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up July 8th – traditionally also Canada’s largest microchip Clinic – and these items are so appreciated for our silent auction part of that day! 

Happy gorgeous Sunday to everyone!

BHRR’s Calla – 7 month old Great Dane

She weighed 77.22 pounds tonight, had an exam – heart/lungs thumbs up, had her boosters and is no longer a body condition of 2.5/9! WTG!

She is doing fantastic with her SA and obedience and within the next month she should be ready to make her own special announcement. 

She is scheduled for her spay/microchip at the beginning of April and then her professional photo shoot is booked for April 11th. 

This girl is a real character! Social, active, affectionate, playful and a puppy that will do well in a home that is either planning to have kids or already have responsible children.


AND BHRR’s Calla (7 months) & I are on our way to her Vet appointment!

I cannot wait to see what she weighs now! 

She is so beautiful inside and out!

AND this is him after I went to do a load of laundry……basking in some sun rays and drool marks already drying on the couch too! 

Mr. Squishie is healing well after his neuter plus two deciduous teeth extractions.

He did react negatively to the Gabapentin so we stuck to Deramaxx only after that.

Today is a big day for him and BHRR’s Sawyer as they shall be getting their professional photo’s done! Thanks again to Cherie for offering to help puppy wrangle!

Tonight, BHRR’s Calla is at KAH for a re-weigh, exam, boosters and to prepare for her own spay plus microchip.

This is BHRR’s Bookers face when he was told ‘no couch’. His right matched personality fit home is going to have to have a strong constitution to resist such a face….wee handsome manipulative adorable squishie he is! 

To update, we only have 13 spots left for our June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House and from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good Friday wishes being sent!

Special Snack Play Date Summary from his human date below. They have been involved in his life since he was almost 3.5 weeks of age. 

“I love him so much 

Respecting the no couch rule!  Photo compliments of his human date!

Close-up! Picture also complimentary of his human date.

BHRR’s Fletcher proves that he is cat friendly. 

Picture compliments of his human date. 

AND The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Fletcher is on his own special picnic snack play date!

This date was won by someone in our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction and they asked if it could be given to someone else as a surprise gift. We were in 100% support of who they wished to gift this date to and we reached out to them. They chose BHRR’s Fletcher for their special date. 

What worked for them was March 11th yet that AM, BHRR’s Fletcher did a face plant on the ice and came up lame. So, his date was rescheduled to today and now he has been dropped off!

I am very proud of his progress….we had a good drop-off. He was happy and excited to have his collar and leash put on and pranced out of the yard, jumped into the car without issues and his anxiety in the car lasted no more than 10 minutes.

He took a few mini Natural treats and was given a calming word/touch and had a great drive in!

Some anxiety upon drop-off yet he is in good hands and already I am told his whining stopped shortly after I left and he was then off exploring.

In the right hands, this boy will thrive…in the wrong hands an anxiety ridden monster would be created/encouraged. He and BHRR’s Oliver have come a long way with their genetics of inherent anxiety and we have worked so hard to set them up for success with the right environment to help them to develop into the best dogs they can be! They ooze with so much potential!

He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home and if they never find him, he lives a super amazing quality filled life with us. 

His human Date for the day remarked on how wolfie he is turning into and yup…the hair and face for all of The Bakers Dozen pups are really maturing into wolfie. Their wee beards are adorable!

Have a great day to you BHRR’s Fletcher and to your human! This date is going to be so fabu for you to help you become that much more well rounded plus balanced!


Please consider saving your Empties to donate OR return your Empties and consider sending the funds to help us help BHRR’s Valentine!

She is the 5 month old special needs Harle Great Dane in Brazil that we are working hard behind the scenes to save. She requires surgery on her hind end and is visually impaired. This is our second ever biggest rescue mission and she needs a village to surround her! 

She is currently being treated for KC and boarding alone is $30/day.

This is a picture of the Empties that Sean picked up – he made the almost 2.5 hour roundtrip – from Suzanne S. today!  So worth it! Thank you Suzanne!

He returned them and $41.60 was raised!

Our drop-off locations are:

1. Rachel – 42 Stocks Lane, Aurora, ON L4G 0Y3
2. Rachel’s Parents – 885 Surin Crt, Newmarket, ON L3Y 8R3
3. Dawn – 424 Pickford Drive, Kanata, ON K2L 3R4
*’people can drop off at house anytime & just leave it on the front steps*
4. Gail – 47 Taylor Road, Ajax, ON L1S 2X5
5. The Maracles – 1728 Harvest Cres, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1V4
Maggie -391 Tillbury Avenue, Apt. #4, Ottawa, Ontario

For those that may wish to donate to BHRR’s Valentine’s cause:

PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org

AND here is her YouCaring Page

Updates are being posted there and also on our Brazilian Dane Baby To Canadians Group

We need another $6,000+ and we are not giving up on her!


Someone is waking up post op! 

So freakin’ adorable he is….

AND BHRR’s Booker(Mr. Squishie) is almost all prepped & ready to go for his neuter! 

He has some loose deciduous teeth that they shall also take out while he is under. 

He is just so handsome no matter what picture is taken of him! 

Mr. Squishie has now been successfully dropped off for a Take 2 for his de-twinkling & microchip! 

Weight: 25.7 kg(57.54 pounds)

On the 23rd, he and BHRR’s Sawyer shall then have their professional photo shoot – Thanks Cherie Barnes Maracle for offering to puppy wrangle! 

Happy Friday!

UPDATE: Mr. Squishie’s Neuter/Microchip Apt. has been rescheduled to Friday. 

After his surgeon did two other procedures today – they have been sick – they asked me if it would be ok to move his surgery. 

Absolutely! So, BHRR’s Booker is going to be de-twinkled on Friday instead. 

AND he gets to hang out with all of the lovelies at KAH today! 

Feel better wishes being sent out…..

Mr. Squishie!

His face when he was gently ‘reminded’ that tomorrow was his own de-twinkling and microchipping day!  

His professional photo shoot was to have been the 9th of March yet due to two recent human losses to The Boerskins Family, this had to be rescheduled.

He is now scheduled along with BHRR’s Sawyer for March 23rd.

ISO: An Approved Volunteer to lend a hand that day – MUST be strong as BHRR’s Sawyer can still be a puller – Location: Nepean, Time: 2 PM. Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can assist with puppy wrangling for 2 pups that day! 
*Please do not post your kind offer here*

Once he heals, he should be ready to make his own special announcement!

He shall literally be a $4,000 dog by the time he has been successfully rehabbed and we are still accepting donations to help pay for his mounting bills – tomorrow will be another $350+.

He is worth every dime and donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital:



Via Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good-night wishes being sent!

Donated To Date: $2,166.50

Some things are just meant to be challenging I guess!
Today we learned that her birthdate is ~October 5th, 2017 and that she weighs 70.2 pounds(36 kg).
We are still waiting re: her height and figuring out vaccines and other proactive/preventative vetting schedule FOR we found out today that she has KC and cannot be boarded at the Vet Hospital. 🙁
The Vet has said that she has an ‘inverted knee’ and this is why she will need surgery. We also believe that she is at least visually impaired in the left eye.
This is a picture of her and a ‘puppy’ friend prior to Miss Valentine being picked up.
*we are rolling up sleeves and refusing to be beaten down!* 
Donations can also be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
We are a long way off from what we need for her and working on a flash auction item to help raise funds.


March 12th, 2018

On the 5 month old beautiful female Harl puppy we were contacted to assist in Brazil. We are calling her BHRR’s Valentine – first came on our radar February 14th – and she needs surgery on her hind end and appears to also be visually impaired.

Unfortunately, we were unable to get our hands on her last week. 

YET….we got her today! We were able to pick her up today! YES! YES! YES!

She does not stand much of future in Brazil and we believe that dogs do not know borders or countries.

I have just sent over to Maira $700 to help cover 14 days of boarding – $30/day, $100 for food and the rest for vetting to start.

We are trying to move as fast as we can to get her safely to Canada.

We are going to need some help to make this next miracle happen…..we really need Brazilian Rescue Angels to please surround her with support and help us help her. 

Thank you in advance for any consideration to her cause.

The earliest that I have been told that she can come is third week of April and here is the link to her Fundraising Page via YouCaring.

OR Donations can be made:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

ANYTHING would be SO appreciated….Even $5 is not too little.

She now has a name!

BHRR’s Calla. 

This is a very rare Greek name and it means: ‘beautiful in Greek. Very original and unique, very sweet, kind, individual. Extremely creative, extremely funny and crazy.’ 

This beautiful girl is so exquisite, unique, sweet and rare plus funny in so many incredible ways….. 

BHRR’s Mama GD Gem
Beautiful Mama to The Bakers Dozen
March 2nd, 2018

So hard to believe that she was once so emaciated and heavily pregant at only 99 pounds with 13 babies. 

Then, after giving birth she dropped down to 84 pounds and today she is now a happier, healthier almost 112 pounds.

Liz, her talented, patient and caring professional photographer marvelled as to how she could have even carried that many babies….

I love this photo as she is truly such a ‘goofy gal’ to her small set up for success network of family/friends.

She contorts her body in all sorts of really awkward ways and oozes personality!

She can now hold her head up more often, does not always cower in a corner with sheer terror to be found in her eyes with body shaking…..she is no longer slinking around looking over her shoulder and the darkness does not make her whimper in fear.

She has a full bellly, is warm, lacks for nothing in comfort, love, consistency and vetting! She has many layers of comforters that she likes to ‘nest’ them into a big pile and bury herself into…how she just rubs her head with sheer pleasure amongst the blankets touches my heart deeply.

She shall be a BHRR Haven Dog and be cherished, kept safe and we will help her continue to be the best dog that she can be!

Once she relaxed around Liz – Liz was very respectful and gave BHRR’s Gem lots of space, she then began to show some of her goofball antics and contorsionist moves! 

Thank you again Liz Bradley for the photo’s for this BBBB deserved her own professional photo session!

Each day we try to show her that she is so wonderful, deserving and should have always been treated as a princess!

The Dane that was once only known as D211, being bred for greed, living in terror, neglected, abused, freezing and starved is a terrible thing of her past….never shall it be her present nor her bright future…my promise to her is that she will lack for nothing ever again.

Posted in Gem


The 7 month old black female Great Dane! I have been told she did not even know the name that she had been once called and for sure we are giving her a new name for a new beginning! 

She is thin/quite ribby plus naturally worried/stressed and those ears! What a wee beauty she is.

My pictures are not great with it being dark and snow squall conditions yet she is a beautiful BBBBB!

Per her one Amazing Rescuer Angel, She has proven to be excellent with cats, and young children, older children and teenagers – she had been emerge temp fostered with a home with three kids and also this angel has a 6 & 8 year old herself.

I am so looking forward to getting to know her and helping her become healthy, happy and to overcome her large anxiety issues – she was once owned by a really young couple who split up and the female moved in with her father. She was then mostly left alone in a bedroom as the female got a job.

We are now making our way home and welcome to BHRR you stunning young lady!

Thank you again Jane for recommending BHRR to assist her…. 

For those with responsible children wanting to be approved to adopt from BHRR, this is the amazing puppy to watch throughout her rehab journey…..

Such a petite, refined boned and truly lovely BBBBB!

This big lug of love was de-twinkled & microchipped this AM and I have been told that he was up and ready to go shortly afterwards!

BHRR’s Sawyer(Saint/Pyr)!

I heard he did so well – was a total bull in the china shop and hilarious and also such a good boy! 

He is slowly improving on his manners and truly there is not a mean bone in his body. He just lacked training and proper house rule structure and we are slowly getting there!

He is such a character, a strong minded one yet a total affectionate sometimes drooling fluff ball at the same time.

He really is a ham and such a handsome boy.

Today, he weighed 47.4 kgs(104.28 pounds). He will be 9 months old on the 11th. A lot of growing/maturing left to do for this fine young man!

He is having his own professional photo shoot on March 23rd and shortly after that – around early April – he should be ready to make his own special announcement!

Under the right calm, comfortable and positive balanced confident hands with his continued obedience and manners, he is going to thrive and be such an asset to that right match personality fit forever loving home and surrounding community. His SA has been well managed during his time with us to date and is almost non existent for we have made him feel safe, given him clear open communication on expectations plus have provided him with structure, consistency and routine.

In that right home, he shall flourish!

He has loved every dog he has met to date, been very curious yet respectful to cats – does wish to chase them and with people while a bit unsure and aloof at first to some, the offering of a yummy treat quickly warms him up and he has become a fast drooling friend to many! 

Loving my time with this big personality young man!

I must shout out the warmest of thanks to Kanata Animal Hospital for not only taking this picture yet for taking such amazing care of him and so many of our other dogs over the past shy of 14 years! 

Mr. Squishie!
March 2018

His face when he was being told it is ‘nail trim time’ and that he is NOT suppose to be on the new couches!  

His face is so full of expression…..

He has his professional photo shoot on Friday the 9th and then on the 14th, he shall be de-twinkled plus microchipped.

Hopefully by March 28th, he may be ready to make his own special announcement! 

BHRR’s Ryder has another apt. scheduled with Dr. Liston on Tuesday March 13th as that part of his one eye has ‘failed’ again. 🙁 

His eye is not as bad as it was originally yet, part of that area has ‘popped out’ again. 🙁 

We now have two photo’s! Thanks Jane!

She is a gorgeous soon to be BBBBB!

UPDATE: ETA to BHRR Friday March 9th!

Coming To BHRR! Working on ETA now….

7 month old female Great Dane

She has anxiety issues and due to the family’s situation was left alone for long hours daily. She was surrendered to an Animal Hospital and we were then contacted to assist.

She is the second dog that we have now been able to step up to assist in 2018 and is the next in need of us….

More information coming soon and as she shares the same name as another BHRR dog, she will need a new name….

I hear she is lovely!


The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Fletcher 
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Juniper
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly
DNA Proven to be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018
*Next professional Photo Shoot and THANKS again Liz*


Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.


She has a ‘ham’ side….it comes out here and there and more and more and this is her face when I said no more treats for now! 

She was ‘working’ it for more treats! 

Posted in Gem

This stunning BBBBB rocked her own professional photo shoot today….. 

I use the word ‘proud’ often and I am! I am so beyond proud of the progress made by these once deeply broken and battered dogs.

For those who do not recognise this stunning girl, it is Mama GD Gem, once known only as D211. She is the mama to The Bakers Dozen. As Liz said today, it is so hard to believe that she carried 13 babies, she is so tiny. 

She went from an emaciated 99 pounds heavily pregnant to 84 pounds after giving birth and now is hanging around 110 pounds. Dainty in physical appearance yet strong in survival skills.

Mama Gem you ‘done good’ as it is said…though you were so emaciated – barely 99 pounds and heavily pregnant with 13 pups – you gave all you had to them and though you were never meant to be a Mama, to me, you are amazing.

The impact that this beautiful Dane has had on my heart and soul cannot be measured in words…..a mere baby herself to have lived the life she did prior to her Rescue, no dog should ever have experienced that kind of hell.

From being catatonic & terrified to trusting me and blossoming slowly like the most precious of flowers into what Liz saw today – cautious plus still worried around strangers yet bouncing and happy and so affectionate to me and open to displaying that love she is developing for life in front of Liz. 

While it has bothered some that so many ask about and want her pups – and to date only a mere handful have ever asked about Mama Gem – to me, I want BHRR’s Gem – wanted her since we were first asked to assist her – and she will remain safe in our Haven program for life….we will travel far together as there is so much that I want to slowly introduce her to and show her about the loving helping hands of the world….slowly take away the memories of the hurting hands that tortured and neglected and used her for their own greed.

BHRR’s Gem, your body, heart and soul may bear the scars of so many wounds of your past yet it is my life commitment to you to give you new memories and experiences, ones of so much joy, happiness and spoiling! I promise to keep you safe and cherish you forever. 

You shall never know another day of pain or sorrow….you shall never know another day without a soft bed to lay in, never know another day starving with a stomach empty of food, having a bruised and bleeding body, freezing and alone and being afraid of every sound and person…..the darkness shall not scare you any longer….

I adore you..accept you….understand you and am here for you…..

I love you and you are a gift….one day, may you know just how much of a gift you truly are. 

So today, BHRR’s GD Mama Gem had her own professional photo shoot and it was all about her and the princess she is and she deserved her own special time in front of Liz’s camera! 

She just shined!

Thank you Liz for your generous time and talent again today!

BHRR’s Gem, we founded BHRR for dogs like you and we are honoured to have you with us… 

Posted in Gem

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray
DNA Proven To Be GD/IW
February 15th, 2018 Professional Photo Shoot

*Sneak Peek* Photo!

Today, Liz sent me The Bakers Dozen’s latest professional pictures! Thanks so much Liz Bradleyfor everything that you do for so many! 

As things continue to unfold – and not as we would wish for BHRR’s Murray  – we shall update.

The scars on his face are from his continued battle since November 2nd, 2017 with Puppy Strangles.

Scars or not, he is one uber handsome boy, inside and out!



So, Andrea, Maíra & I are an all go on our end to try and make another miracle happen…..

We are going to try a YouCaring Fundraiser Page this time as the fees are ‘less’ than the GoFundMe page. BHRR used YouCaring for BHRR’s Angel Noelle many years ago…..

It is going to cost us $30/day JUST to board her and she has to board at a Vet Hospital. Andrea is not able to board her.

We are also asking people to please consider donating their Empties to her cause.

I am working on a flash auction item to help with costs and we have a lot of work ahead of us yet Team ‘Valentine’ is ready and we hope that she will have a village step up to help us help her too! 

Here is her YouCaring Page and we shall update as we can…..

More details to be posted as we go along re: her story…..

Mr. Squishie was at the Vet on Monday February 26th!

He is now 21.4kg(47.08 pounds) and will soon be 5 months of age. 

This is his face after the other dogs told him what ‘de-twinkling’ was.  

BHRR’s Booker is now healthy to be neutered(de-twinkled) and he is scheduled for March 14th. We will microchip at that time too. 

His pre-op bw was done on Monday night and all has come back normal! 

He is also scheduled for his professional photo shoot on March 9th! 

If all goes well, within the next month, he will be ready to make his own special announcement! 

This is one amazing special pup that has a huge hold on my heart and I know was also in his bff’s own heart….BHRR’s Carlsberg and vice versa… 

We know some things already yet all will be posted on his adoption availability announcement. 

Two examples:

1) He will not go to a home with children under the age of 8 or to homes planning/wanting children. Infants, toddlers and small children terrify him. 

They do not make him feel 100% comfortable, safe or relaxed. He is deeply stressed. 

2) With all of the rehab done on his back left leg, he will also not be approved to go to a home that is super active. That would ruin him.

February 28th, 2018

We are Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) located in Eastern Ontario, Canada. We are a federally registered Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue that has been operating since 1996. We focus strongly on the special needs and provide a safe Haven for those dogs that are deemed unadoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons. 

The purpose of this page is for supporters of the Brazil to Canada – Dane Angel Network to come together to help rescue/save another special needs Dane puppy. 

This sweet girl came on our radar February 14th and we are now in a position to mobilize to assist her!

We would like to call her ‘Valentine’ or ‘Cupid’. She is ~5 months of age, a female Harle GD. 

She comes from a horrific situation and she will require surgery on her hind end. She is also visually impaired. 

This is second biggest rescue effort to date and we need your support to make a miracle happen for this deserving puppy!

She is currently residing with an *independent* rescuer in Brazil and her chance of a quality filled future is slim. 

We will need to move her to a Vet Clinic to be boarded until we can organize all of her Vetting prior to transport such as Vaccines, De-worming – more than once, Fecals – more than once, Heartworm Preventative – monthly, Flea/Tick Preventative and she will need to have pre-operative blood-work in order for her to be spayed prior to transport. We will also need to test her for Distemper and make sure she is free from screwworm. 

We will need to pay for food, toys, blankets and other comforts too.

Boarding is $30/Day. She will need to be boarded for at least one month. 

AND we will need to figure out her crates size, Health Certificates that includes an International one and all Custom plus other legal paperwork required. 

Our strong position is that dogs do not know countries or borders. A dog in need is a dog in need and these are the next in need of our specialised programs. This is why we were founded in 1996.

We will be working with a local Pet Transport Company as we want to ensure that everything is done by experts to ensure her safe passage from Brazil to Canada. 

We know this shall be a costly rescue mission and our goal is to have her here within 6-8 weeks after we meet all vetting and paperwork requirements. So we have a tight deadline!

This You Caring Page is for angels to come together in support with  fundraising to help this sweet baby – we are told that she is really uber sweet! – that is deep in need of the BHRR Village to come together to surround her with kindness & helping hands.

For her to have any quality filled life – most dogs, not all – in Brazil are also kept outside, she will need a Haven such as Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) that can help her live to their full potential of happy quality filled lives! We will ensure that all of her medical, emotional and comfort needs/wants are committed to for her life!

Donations can also be made via email transfer too! gwen@birchhaven.org

Donations can also be made via PayPal too! gwen@birchhaven.org

Please also consider donating your Empties! 

Please help us help her…..with sincerest gratitude and humble thanks, please work with us to get them to Canada. 

BHRR’s Sawyer was at the Vet tonight.

He weighed a nice and slim/lean 45.8 kg(100.76 pounds) at 8 months of age. 

He did fantastic meeting everyone and was a good boy for his pre-op bloodwork including testing for Heartworm plus Tickborne Diseases. 

He had a thorough exam and was given a thumbs up to be scheduled for his neuter – which shall be March 8th!

He will be microchipped at that time and given a good nail trim. 

He is now on Bravecto for fleas/ticks preventative and also being proactively/preventatively de-wormed. 

His leash manners are a heck of a lot better than when he first arrived February 22nd and his car ride to the Vet tonight was AMAZING! 

He really has come a LONG way in such a short time and as per my one post, that is not all because of me…my Bakers Dozen Pups have been teaching him so MUCH! 

He is letting me groom him and we are getting lots of loose hair, drool mats etc. out of him and I was even able to give him a small bath today…MASSIVE progress. 

He wanted to toss his weight around a bit when his Vet checked his ears, yet he settled down well and the Vet had a good look at his ears. 

Heart/lungs all wonderful and everyone remarked on what a handsome boy he is! AND he is! 

I ordered a DNA kit for fun last week yet in person, you can truly see the Pyr in him…so, I am going to stick with Saint/Pyr for now as the obvious choices for him per his previous homes’ documention. At the end of the day, it truly does not matter….for the right matched personality fit home, it shall not matter either. 

He is going to need a home – once he is ready for adoption – that is experienced, and for all of our dogs takes a positive balanced approach to good manners/obedience. 

Cannot state it enough…consistency, structure, routine and clear open communication is so intregral to any dog’s set up for success story. 

He also will need a home that does not mind drool for he is a drooling monster! 

As he was never properly allowed to run and did not obtain enough exercise – emotional and physical, especially off-leash – in his previous home, within less of 24 hours of being in our our home, he had scaled our brick wall and just wanted to run and run he did! When he was done racing and zipping plus zooming, he was so happy! 

The reality for people to know is that he can scale 6 foot walls without any effort! 

BHRR’s Rain – 7+ years old
*One of our Perma-Fosters*

Her brother, BHRR’s Beau was successfully rehabbed at BHRR and then adopted March 7th, 2012.

Today, BHRR’s Rain was one of three BHRR dogs at the Vets…..fun times!

She is battling ear infections, so she was seen at LAH today.

AND while she was there, I was off with BHRR’s Booker and The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Murray to KAH – I will do another update on them….yet, poor BHRR’s Murray has taken a HUGE slide backwards as can happen with Puppy Strangles. They can and do often have a re-lapse. More on that shortly.

Also a small update on BHRR’s Rain from her perma-foster mom:

Here is a mini update on BHRR Rain.She had a blast on Christmas opening up her Secret Santa gift. She was spoiled again this year.

She has been loving the snow, hikes in the forest and checking on her chickens.”

Thank you to her amazing perma-foster home for loving on her and keeping her safe and happy!


Sneak Peek as to ‘who’ we are seeing if we can assist next from Brazil.

This is a 5 month old female Harle GD pup.

She first came on my radar February 14th and I would love to call her “Valentine” ? That is one big name though!

She will require surgery on her hind end and appears to be visually impaired from what we can see.

Much for Maíra Souza Monteiro, Andrea Glaucia C. Peixoto, Sean Boers & I to converse in respect to…….

Her past was horrific…..

I will be spending a lot of time on this tomorrow to see if we have a great chance of successfully being able to get her to Canada.

She does not have much of any future without BHRR.

UPDATE: thank you Lucie for assisting Sean & I at this home-visit today! 

Unfortunately, this truly wonderful home is not the right match fit for BHRR’s Poppy. BHRR’s Poppy cannot go to a home that has kids under the age of 10 and this home does plan on a future that includes kids. 

This home is truly lovely and this was both a good home-visit and also a hard one. 

BHRR just does not have that right match fit dog in our program for them at this time. 

Sean & I are thankful and grateful to them in spending this time today with us and in giving BHRR’s Poppy another great positive experience. 

We have reached out to our r/q network to see if we can assist them in having the one meant for them found….they are going to give a great dog a great home!


Someone made use of all of the furniture in our hotel room! 

She ROCKED her first hotel experience and thank you to the kind couple that were patient and understanding and did not force themselves upon her to give her the time she needed to size things up and then let them give her some gentle loving. 

She then came back for a little bit more more and then again for a little bit more! 

BHRR’s Poppy you are amazing!! 

We are now on our way to go to the home- visit. 

BHRR’s Poppy will let us know if this home is meant to be her new forever loving adoptive family! 

As we get ready to settle in for the night with some special snacks and cuddles, The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy & I wish all of our friends, family & supporters wonderful good night wishes! 

We shall update as we can and as per usual, regardless if this is the right matched personality fit forever loving home meant for her or not, what BHRR’s Poppy gets out this is another great experience to continue to help make her the best well rounded and balanced girl she can be. 

BHRR has never focused on adoptions…we have always focused on helping the next in need of us and will remain doing so.

I truly am so proud of this BBBBB and of all of her litter-mates. We have travelled extremely far together and what an honour…as I have said before, this fight to help them and their Mama GD Gem has been one of the top five most difficult and one of the top five most rewarding times of my Rescue Career and life. The deep impact of the amazing miracle making highs to the devastating crushing lows will forever be carved into my heart and soul….


Hmmmm…I have evidence that says otherwise! This is her when I came out of the bathroom!

We have arrived safely at our hotel and I have The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy all set up with plush comfort and amusement AND guess what she is eyeing up?!!

My bed!! 


We had a great drive down! So proud of her! Right now she is ‘chatting up’ the gorgeous BBBBB she sees in the mirror! 

AND we are NOW on our way!!

On our way to the TO area to prepare for a home-visit tomorrow AM for a possible Approved adoption of one of our Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy.

She was the first one born in this litter and survived miraculous odds. The second smallest in the litter and now bigger than many of her siblings!

She is wearing Brazilian Dane Baby BHRR’s Jackson’s old half check martingale. She is so pretty in purple. 

You can really see her Wolfie genes coming out to mingle with her Mama GD Gem genes.

This litter has been DNA Proven To Be GD/IW

We will update more after we settle into our hotel. 

I GOT Him!

Thank you sent out to Holly again for meeting me to help make the transfer go so smoothly!

This photo is also one sent my way from the Home as it was pitch black when I arrived. 

I asked the home to confirm his Breed mix for he did not look like a Saint/Shep and he is in fact a Saint/Pyr. 

The one O. said Shep in error. 

This 8 month old boy has huge anxiety issues….

The home mentioned that he was not good in the car and in fact around cars at all and he was certainly stressed in the car. I gave him a calming word and then passively ignored and he settled down well other than a moment or two here and there of a whine or a bark on our 1 hour drive home. 

I even made a point of just going through a drive thru in Kemptville and by then, he was content to just look quietly around and received praise for being a good boy and then passively ignored again. 

The home mentioned that he stresses out around strangers and that they have not walked him much. 

He does lack serious manners and proper social communication skills. Like all dogs, they need a positively balanced, structured and consistent environment with clear open communcation of the expectations being asked of them. He is confused and has been running the home. The one person did say that he does not listen well to them at all and only a bit better to the other. AND most certainly, he has also been putting himself above the two children in the home. 

He clearly has ‘had’ his way for some time and I did not need to see a picture to know that he had been allowed ‘high value’ item privileges and that all stops now. Yet, I do have a picture of him not just on their couch yet laying completely on top of one of their kids and not in a cuddling manner either. 

All of that ended the moment we left….he is now in a new world…mine and as much as I will be teaching/guiding him….who is going to teach him the most is my Bakers Dozen Pups. They are going to teach him SO much about proper behaviour and communication. 

He is a strong minded, strong willed, full of personality, a true character, a smart plus loyal boy and inside I know there is a mushball of a wee lost giant pup – still a strong boy yet a vulnerable one – that needs to find his way back on course…..

Tomorrow is a brand new day for a brand new beginning….

From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, warm good-night wishes being sent!

BHRR’s Poppy’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption is now scheduled for Sunday February 25th. We will update as we can. 

BHRR’s Sawyer – He now has a name!

8 month old Male SaintX
Born June 11th, 2017 


HE is uber handsome!

He will be our first Rescue of 2018 and is the next in need of us.

Reason For Surrendering:
“He lacks manners/obedience, is nipping at the 2 children in the home – one has CP, plays too rough and requires too much attention.”

They are not in a position to give him what he needs and want to do right by him.

As we have stated many times in the past, BHRR is not here to judge….we are here to assist and we ask that our supporters, followers and fans also do the same.

This home wanted what was best for this boy and their family and are doing everything right in having reached out to BHRR for assistance.

Please join us in supporting them as this was not an easy decision for them.

ETA to BHRR: February 22nd

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Poppy is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION.

This litter was DNA Proven To Be GD/IW.

We will update as we can.

BHRR will ONLY approve a right matched personality fit home for any of our dogs and she needs a very specific forever loving home to set her up for a life-time of success. We have worked so hard to have this litter work towards achieving their full potential and this must continue in their future approved homes.



BHRR’s Booker
February 18th, 2018

He had his second special Date!

This date was won by a sweet person in our annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction. They wished to have the date organised after January 25th and when that time came, they no longer felt in a position to have this Date and asked if it could be gifted to another with our permission. 

We then reached out to said person they wanted to donate this date to! What a beautiful gesture made by the first home! 

The home gifted this date chose Mr. Squishie as their date of choice and also invited Kinsley, myself and Sir-Bounce-A-Lots to spend the day/early evening with them.  We came armed with food, snacks, drinks and dogs! AND the home also so deliciously made their famous meatballs & rice.

There was no lack of amazing things to eat or to talk about or dogs to love on for this home also has two dogs of their own. Truly, an amazing time spent….

What a beautiful day it was! As people are aware we are an all Volunteer group and I am in these Rescue trenches 24/7. Sunday was a delightful treat to share good food with good company and wonderful dogs! Thanks for inviting us! 

Here are some pictures I took from this special Play date yesterday! BHRR’s Booker is looking at me and clearly saying ‘the no couch rule does not apply today Gwennie’ 

Thank you to this lovely home for a great day and further great experiences for Mr. Squishie! 

Today is Family Day and in observation of such and that my family gets extreme little quality family time, we are doing….well….special family things! 

We hope all of our friends, family & supporters are having an equally fabu day!

Mr. Squishie!
February 17th, 2018

He had his first play date away from me today! 

This was a special picnic snack play DAY date that was won in our recent auction. 

THANK you to the wonderful home that won this date and for giving him a truly amazing day!

THANK you also for the toys for him! SO generous and loving!

I heard he had a really fabu day!! 

AND I am a broken record I know yet this is why we have our extremely popular program for it is essential and so important to have our dogs get into the right hands of others helping to make them the most well rounded and balanced dogs possible!

AND tomorrow he is on another special DAY Date! More about that then…..

AND we have a BHRR dog ready to make his special announcement tomorrow and we have some EVENT news to share too! 

I also need to share an update on The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Murray’s latest Vet Visit. 

This photo was taken after I picked up Kinsley and before he was safely tethered in the back again….he needed to say HELLO first! 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters….warmest good night wishes being sent!

We have made the decision to move BHRR’s Leroy into our BHRR Haven Program.

He shall continue be cherished, adored, spoiled and done right by for the rest of his days…which we hope is for many more years to come!

The Bakers Dozen!
February 15th, 2018

They had their latest professional photo shoot today and what a shoot it was!  Here is a candid I took!

Thank you to all of the Volunteers that spent about 35 minutes with Sean & I, puppy loving and puppy wrangling! Record time! Thanks Anne, Annette, Elizabeth, John, Meaghan, Sean & Brenna!

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as their heads were ‘not in the game’ and in the clouds instead! 

Annette you get the prize – and I will find something for you!  – for the true meaning of puppy wrangling!  You rocked that wrangle tackle on BHRR’s Juniper! 

This is why I love martingale’s so much for unlike the quick release buckles, they provide security and safety. NOT that BHRR’s Juniper would have gone far – super pack oriented to her siblings she is – yet case in point about the martingale’s being a much better collar. Unfortunately, we just do not have enough of them for their current size.

Thank you also Annette for the home-made treats! These pups were really distracted today and overall I plus Liz have to express how much more calm & less busy BHRR’s Everly was compared to November!  It was BHRR’s Juniper – who is known to be a busy bee herself – that truly was everywhere and anywhere!

BHRR’s Oliver – you have come so far with your anxiety and shyness!!  You were so much more solid.

BHRR’s Fletcher -yes, well…what can I say?! You remain such a suck and this is why you remain paired up with the person who will not unconsciously enable your own anxiety & shyness. While you would prefer to be glued to my side, from the moment you were old enough – barely 2 weeks – was never allowed to happen as I want you to become the best dog you can be! 

BHRR’s Poppy – wallflower you are no longer!

BHRR’s Furry Murray – you were so in your element!

This litter has been in the hands of others consistently since they were 2 weeks of age and have gone to public education/awareness events, have had five professional photo shoots to date, have been to so many Vet visits since they were born interacting with many and experienced plenty of dates both in and out of our home.

Anyone who knows me is very aware of our BHRR play date and visitation programs – around for over 22 years now – and how much they mean in assisting to help make our dogs the most well rounded plus balanced they can be. I am always putting our dogs into the hands of others as soon as the dogs are ready and we have now seen over the past five years just how many other groups have been following our lead to do the same.

Temperament is very much genetically oriented and we have to use the proper set up for success in environment to help these dogs reach their full potential. Therefore, I am always handing off our dogs – when they are ready – to right matched people to help the doggies. So many think all puppies are bouncey and naturally social and over the top friendly and that could not be further from the truth. They are a big product of their genetics- Mama Gem’s genes live strong in these pups – and we have worked and remaining working hard to guide plus develop this litter into the Best Dogs they can be.

As such, like any of our dogs, they will only be approved to the right matched personality fit forever loving homes. Period. We provide so much detail in their blogs about the homes we want for each of our dogs and we do not want to see our dogs set up for failure. We will not compromise on what we know is in their best interest.

Five currently remain available for adoption and BHRR’s Murray could be available for adoption by April.

Thank you to Brenna for the amazing $16.20 from the returning of Empties! AND for the generous $20 donation to add to our Sunday Event total! 

We are asking people to please do consider donating your Empties to help the BHRR animals! 

Thank you again to Liz for her time and own patience to try and capture these wiggling, distracted and really amazing 5 month old Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane pups!

Any one else see the perfect ‘7’ on BHRR’s Everly’s chest?! 

Too bad she was the 2nd born, not the 7th as that would be freaky!

We wish to SHOUT out the best and biggest thanks to so many that made our Sweetheart SPA event ‘pawsitively’ wonderful and so successful! 

DRUMROLL: $813 Raised! – $103 was from Empties!

Thank you to Bre of Pet Valu Stittsville in hosting us on Sunday and to her really lovely staff in being so patient with the BHRR invasion of dogs and humans! 

We want to thank our fabu BHRR Approved Volunteers who gave up a Sunday to spend it with us and with BHRR’s Booker & The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Murray! Aaron, Cherie, Gracie, Margaret and Doogie plus Sean & Kinsley, I remain really grateful for your support.

Thank you to every fabu dog and their human(s) that came out to visit us! At one point we had a line-up of incredible dogs waiting for us to pamper them! Thank you everyone for your amazing patience as we worked to give each and every gorgeous animal individual love and attention….their humans too! 

The smooching that went on, the roses that were given out – should have bought more as 24 were gone in a flash! – the baking was equally popular – Kendra I still think that your baking is a work of art!  – AND the tears that flowed….

This was a very emotional day for quite a few of us. The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg should have been there….and while his brother BHRR’s Murray, our puppy strangles pup – more on his own latest vet visit last night – rocked the day making me immensely proud – it was also such a heart wrenching day too. Thank you to so many kind and caring folks for the ‘gentle kicks, punches & hugs’ of support.  I remain so raw over his loss.

For those who have not yet seen the memorial movie or post I made February 7th, here is THE MOVIE LINK

Thank you to Jan B. who won our famous BHRR raffle basket & donated it back to BHRR. 

Thank you to Pauline for donating a doggie wheelchair to help us with a future BHRR doggie in need of one. 

Thank you to Doogie in making lunch for the Volunteers and staff at Pet Valu Stittsville. 

Thank you to those that donated their Empties – we still have to bring them back and will add them to the final total raised. 

Thank you to Jan H. & Jenny for donating new age appropriate toys for The Bakers Dozen and two toy storage bins. We were running very low on toys. 

Thank you to Margaret for the donating of future auction items that she bought in Florida – for our upcoming 11th Annual Microchip Clinic. 

Thank you to all of the BHRR Alumni adopters and doggies that came out – it always warms my heart and BHRR’s LT, I cannot believe that we are coming up on 10 years in June since your own meant to be approved adoption. We continue to work hard to dispel so many wrong beliefs and myths that Danes only live to age 7. This does our breed a huge disservice.

Too much in wrong information remains out there re: life expectancy, what constitutes proper diet, weight and exercise plus not all Vets should be seeing the giants so many of us adore. Giants are not like other size or breeds of dogs and as such need to be fed, exercised and vetted appropriately. That is why events like Sunday are so great….they provide a necessary and much needed invaluable opportunity to publicly educate and create the correct awareness re: Giants. Almost 30 years and thousands upon thousands of Giants we have been deeply involved with and our work shall never end.

AND as a small personable special needs strongly focused Rescue, we work extra hard to demonstrate to others how normal they are and how precious they are as beloved and cherished family members. No animal or person is perfect and we are all perfect in our imperfections!

AND if I am forgetting anything, that error is completely mine and please do forgive me. I was not operating at my absolute best on Sunday for a number of reasons and yesterday was equally stressful. 

The money raised will make another dent into what we owe in Vet Bills and we remain deeply thankful to so many for assisting us in helping those in need of our specialised programs. As people know, we have not taken in an Animal since 2017 for we must remain about the high standard of quality of our programs to each and every dog in our care.

When we can, we will re-open for intake and again help the next in need of BHRR. We cannot nor will not compromise on what each and every animal needs.

Some have been asking about our next event and at this time, we do not have anything concrete planned for March. We will be doing one more Flash Auction item and then have our annual BHRR date auction coming up in April etc. 

BHRR’s Murray was at KAH for a recheck and pre-operative bloodwork in anticipation of being neutered if he was deemeed healthy enough. He remains cyrptorchid. He is getting ready to reduce his Pred to 5 mg EOD. He has been on Pred since November 2nd, 2017.

His Vet remarked on how much better his skin looked and noted that his lymph nodes are about 1 cm. So, still swollen. He was given the thumbs up to reduce his Pred to 5 mg EOD. 

Isn’t he so handsome?!

My GD Salt, Mr. Squishie & BHRR’s Potter
February 10th, 2018

Mr. Squishie is getting his beauty rest for tomorrow!

This is my final post of my night as we are in big preparation for tomorrow for our Sweetheart SPA Event at Pet Valu Stittsville!

Mr. Squishie and The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Furry Murray shall be on hand to love on our visitors!

They are doing pooch smooch sessions on the famous BHRR Red carpet!

We are also doing dog washes, ear cleanings and nails! Doogie will be on hand with feathers for you or your pet!

We will have some baked goodies for sale – we are baking up a storm right now! – some merchandise for sale and have one of the BHRR famous raffle baskets up for grabs!

For those coming out tomorrow and they have Empties or Canadian Tire $ they would like to donate…we are collecting!

The weather promises to be great in the AM yet in the afternoon, not so pleasant so just as a heads up to those planning on attending. 

AND for those asking, my Salt who has always been there for all the dogs….has stepped up BIG time to help Mr. Squishie after he lost his bff of The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Carlsberg and so has BHRR’s Potter. 

AND for those who know this ‘tudy boxer, they KNOW that this is huge…..he has taken this DDB puppy under his paw…both of them have.

AND BHRR’s Furry Murray has stepped up hugely in being one of BHRR’s Bookers’ besties when it comes to playing as has Salt. 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good-night wishes being sent!



ISO: 4 MORE BHRR Approved Puppy Loving Wranglers!

For The Bakers Dozen’s next Professional Photo Shoot!

Date: Thursday February 15th, 2018
Time: 3 PM
Location: Nepean

Please do NOT post your kind offer here, it may be missed! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can help!

This photo is a throwback of The Bakers Dozen at their 4th professional photo shoot on November 24th, 2017! 

Five are curently Available For Adoption to ONLY the right matched personality fit homes and BHRR’s Furry Murray shall hopefully be available over the next 6 weeks or so!

He is doing SO well with his battling of the Puppy Strangles since November 2nd, 2017.

All the puppies were at LAH on January 19th for vaccines and re-weighs plus rechecks. THANKS to all of the approved BHRR Volunteers who helped wrangle that day!

BHRR’s Dickens!

On our way to his professional photo shoot! He will have his special announcement to make shortly.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
September 13th, 2017 – January 21st, 2018
His Memorial Movie

A post that I have been absolutely sick to my stomach to write for it makes the reality of his short life final…..

I wish to thank the few that were aware of his final chapter and allowed/respected us to have the time to try and grieve – it shall never end this horrible pain – and to collect ourselves to be able to post in his honour plus extend our incredible thanks to Team Carlsberg, his Fans & Supporters.

Dr. Chauvet – We could not have asked for a better Neurologist. From Day 1, you called yourself his ‘godmother’ and he could not have had a better one.

Nancy – You were his Rehab Angel at Alta Vista SS. Though, we wished you came into our lives a different way, we remain so grateful to know you.

Dr. McIsaac – I could not have asked for any better to be there when I rushed him back into Emerge January 21st. I know we keep saying to each other that we need to meet under better circumstances….and we really do. Thank you for your compassion and kindness.

If love alone could have saved this sweet boy, he would still be thriving.

As a few are aware, my goal in 2018 was to begin to make movies of all of the BHRR doggies and this is not how I wanted to do my first movie…. 

As Sean knows, I still wake up saying that I have to flip him, offer him water and food, make sure he is warm enough, make sure that he is clean and comfy, to do his rehab exercises, to love on him etc…

AND BHRR’s Booker does the same, looks for him and then cries…he was so distressed that his bff did not come home. My Salt has been helping him go through his own grieving process.

Kinsley, no pup could wish for a better ‘kid’ to have on their side, no mother either. You rarely missed a rehab appointment – always wanting to be there – and could always be counted on. You were his snuggle and cuddle person and on the days when he would not eat for me, he would for you and vice versa! Thank you for being you……your strength to be there to help him cross-over was powerful.

Baby Carlsberg and I have been closely together since I helped him take his first breaths – September 13th @ 12:15 AM – and 24/7 since December 10th, 2017.

Sean can attest to the night I woke up, just panicked as I could not find BHRR’s Carlsberg. He could only hold me until I fully woke up to realise that Baby Carlsberg was no longer there…

As with many of our BHRR doggies, to find the right words to truly honour them is a struggle and I sincerely do hope that one day I can honour this fine young man and how he honoured my life…what a gift he was.

This litter & Mama Gem were way behind the 8 ball from Day 1 and they had/have a Vet Team including specialists that spanned four Hospitals from the moment Mama Gem came into BHRR.

Responsible/Quality Rescue is not easy…in fact, it is hell in a lot of ways yet regardless of the evil and maliciousness of some in the world, I would not trade one moment, despite this pain that makes even taking one breath difficult. For without BHRR so many would never have been given a chance at a great QOL filled future.

We need to keep finding the strength to pick up the pieces and help the next one in need of us for so many others will not or cannot.

It is just so devastating that you cannot save them all…no matter how hard you try.

Baby Carlsberg….I was there by your side helping you take your very first breaths and I was there by your side when you took your last…..there is no greater love of selflessness to give than to embrace you with such adoring tears to ensure that you are not in any pain or suffering…..

You were surrounded by those that loved you and then you took your final ride to come home and be laid to rest next to my Big Blue Bronson who as Sean said ‘will watch over you and take care of you as he is doing for your siblings that passed away from FPS shortly after birth.’


I hope I came even close to giving justice to this beautiful boy…my heart bleeds……just shattered.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Now 4.5 months of age

At 4 months of age – January 18th – She weighed 22.7 kgs(49.94 pounds)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*

Photo is from November 24th @ her 4th Professional Photo Shoot

Her next professional photo shoot is on February 15th.

She will ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home and we will not compromise on that requirement for her or for any of our dogs.

All of our adoption proceses, policies plus procedures can be found on the below link.

Should any home feel after reading her extremely thorough blog and our adoption criteria that they may qualify to adopt her, they are more than welcome to submit a fully completed application to the BHRR BOD for review. 


*THANK you to Liz again for the stunning photo’s!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Now 4.5 months of age

At 4 months of age – January 18th – He weighed 29.2 kgs(64.24 pounds)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*

Photo is from November 24th @ his 4th Professional Photo Shoot

His next professional photo shoot is on February 15th.

His very detailed blog:


He will ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home and we will not compromise on that requirement for him or for any of our dogs.

All of our adoption proceses, policies plus procedures can be found on the below link.

Should any home feel after reading his extremely thorough blog and our adoption criteria that they may qualify to adopt him, they are more than welcome to submit a fully completed application to the BHRR BOD for review. 


*THANK you to Liz again for the stunning photo’s!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Juniper (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Now 4.5 months of age

At 4 months of age – January 18th – She weighed 21.8 kgs(47.96 pounds)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*

Photo is from November 24th @ her 4th Professional Photo Shoot

Her next professional photo shoot is on February 15th.

She will ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home and we will not compromise on that requirement for her or for any of our dogs.

All of our adoption proceses, policies plus procedures can be found on the below link.

Should any home feel after reading her extremely thorough blog and our adoption criteria that they may qualify to adopt her, they are more than welcome to submit a fully completed application to the BHRR BOD for review. 


*THANK you to Liz again for the stunning photo’s!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Fletcher (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Now 4.5 months of age

At 4 months of age – January 18th – He weighed 26.3 kgs(57.86 pounds)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*

Photo is from November 24th @ his 4th Professional Photo Shoot

His next professional photo shoot is on February 15th.

He will ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home and we will not compromise on that requirement for him or for any of our dogs.

All of our adoption proceses, policies plus procedures can be found on the below link.

Should any home feel after reading his extremely thorough blog and our adoption criteria that they may qualify to adopt him, they are more than welcome to submit a fully completed application to the BHRR BOD for review. 


*THANK you to Liz again for the stunning photo’s!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Now 4.5 months of age

At 4 months of age – January 18th – She weighed 23.5 kgs(51.7 pounds)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*

Photo’s are from November 24th @ her 4th Professional Photo Shoot

Her next professional photo shoot is on February 15th.

Her very detailed blog:


She will ONLY go to a right matched personality fit home and we will not compromise on that requirement for her or for any of our dogs.

All of our adoption proceses, policies plus procedures can be found on the below link.

Should any home feel after reading her extremely thorough blog and our adoption criteria that they may qualify to adopt her, they are more than welcome to submit a fully completed application to the BHRR BOD for review.

*THANK you to Liz again for the stunning photo’s!

BHRR’s Booker
February 4th, 2018!

He wishes to thank ALL of our BHRR supporters, fans, friends plus family for all of the assistance given to make our 5th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction our most successful year yet! 

In 2018; TOTAL RAISED $1,203.00 on 54 amazing items!

My fingers are trembling and tears are in my eyes in just typing that grand total!

For the moment, this has taken an enormous amount of weight off of our shoulders for while the bills shall continue to mount, we cannot thank everyone enough for your kindness, caring hearts and generous natures in helping!

THANKS to so many, we have been able to pay off what we currently owed at both Alta Vista Animal Hospital AND Liston Animal Hospital! 

I sincerely do aologize for the delay in posting this final total as I had to do gentle follow-ups on some items….

THANK you from my heart also to each winner that rounded up or donated extra funds! So heart-warming….

Just a gentle reminder that we are at Pet Valu Stittsville on 
Sunday February 11th from 10 AM – 4 PM for our exciting Sweetheart SPA Fundraiser!

This will be our first public awareness event / community eduation event since 2017!

More details in the poster in this thread yet we are doing nail trims – cats/dogs/exotics, dog washes and ear cleanings for $10

Dee Dick shall be on hand for a $5 donation to take photo’s on the Red Carpet for our famous Pooch Smooch Sessions or to put feathers in human or canine friends hair!

We will have some baked goodies and other merchandise for sale too!

We will also have one of our famous BHRR Raffle Baskets up for grabs plus we will be collecting Canadian Tire Money plus Empties that day.

BHRR Winter Wonderland!
February 4th, 2018

We have some of our perma/temp foster dogs over for a play date today to hang out, visit and have fun in the snow!

They are waiting for other friends that just arrived to come into the 3+ acres fenced in yard to play with! 

My Ice & Zero are also in this picture so excited to be able to hang out with their old buddies!

This is Gwennie!

Many of you may not know this face for she is always hiding from the lime-light.

Today is a very special day for today is Gwennie’s Birthday! 

If it were not for this truly amazing woman, BHRR would not exist and thousands upon thousands of animals/people would not have been helped over the past 22+ years.

The truly broken physically and/or behaviourally…Danes, Giants and Honourary that have been saved thanks to her. Dogs & Horses that many others would not or could not help. 98% of the dogs that come to Gwen are special needs for this was her mandate for BHRR and are often the dogs’ last chance at having a future. AND Gwennie delivers. She gives these dogs the best of everything.

Many friendships would never have been formed if it were not for this great woman either.

She has not only brought many dogs and people together, she is the glue that keeps those links on her BHRR Chain of Success so strong and stable.

She is often giving credit to others, even when it should come to her….content to stay in the background and let others be the focus of attention. Humble, generous, thoughtful and caring, nothing Gwennie would not do for anyone she felt was worthy.

Loyal to a fault and though trust is hard earned, once earned it is steadfast and solid. Break that trust and that is a whole different story! 

Where Gwennie does not take a back seat is when it comes to the animals and people in need. She has no hesitation in standing up for what is right, takes a zero tolerance approach and will go toe to toe in any situation that there is a need.

She has never once waivered in her vision over the past 22+ years for BHRR and has kept BHRR being a highly reputable, responsible and quality filled rescue. No animal lacks for anything and corners are never cut and she has kept BHRR small, personable with having second to none success rates.

She creates miracles every day…..many have born witness to this. She has never shied away from the difficult, heart wrenching and financially demanding animals in need. Even knowing that her heart will be ripped to shreds again and again, Gwennie continues to find strength and heart to save the next in need of her.

These animals are treated like cherished family members and anyone that visits BHRR has seen firsthand how the dogs follow and look for Gwennie. People can see how they look at Gwennie, the trust, the mutual respect, the love that they have. It is a beautiful and humbling thing to witness as these animals learn to be dogs and blossom plus grow under her care.

Time and time again, Gwennie has worked magic and has successfully rehabbed dogs to either be placed up for adoption or kept safe in BHRR’s Haven Program. She has given life to so many, great life.

Gwennie does without to ensure that the animals get everything…the big joke is how Gwennie does not even own a winter coat or boots!

It would be lovely if we could come together as her village and community and donate some funds to help Gwennie continue the extremely important work that she does.

**Email Transfer or PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org**

Do also join us in wishing her a wonderful day as we celebrate her!

HAPPY Birthday Gwennie! 

Your Loving BHRR Family/Team

**$410 Donated To Date**

Mr. Squishie! (3.5 months old)
January 30th, 2018

On our way into Liston Animal Hospital for his latest recheck, re-weigh and boosters.

He now weighs 15.7 kgs(34.54 Pounds) and is still quite lean and we continue to work on slowly getting the muscle mass and weight on him. With his healing back broken leg, being lean is in his best interest yet we all would like to now see some more pounds put on. 

His Vet was really impressed with how far that leg has come along since he was last seen and having to pull the cast off so we could focus on the ankle. Many may remember the video I took the day his latest cast came off.

I have been doing three times daily small sessions of massage, thermal therapy, ROM and flexion exercises at home and his Vet is so pleased with his progress! 

He says that BHRR’s Booker’s leg is now about 80% healed and he is extremely happy with the muscle tone and symmetry between both of his back legs now. 

That back leg shall never be perfect yet Dr. Liston feels that the integrity shall continue to come with strength, time and he will be as close to normal as possible!

Dr. Liston says that his healing is way ahead of where he felt he would be at this time and yay! 

We still have a ways to go yet step by step we are getting there! 

Isn’t he so freakin’ handsome!! 

Just a reminder: For those wishing to meet him, he shall be at Pet Valu Stittsville February 11th at our Sweetheart Spa Event from 10 AM – 4 PM giving out roses and smooches as part of our famous red carpet sessions!

Donated To Date: $1,916.50 

This gorgeous BBBBB was back at KAH tonight for his boosters, a re-weigh, next exam etc.
BHRR’s Dickens!
He is up another kg(2.2 pounds) and while he still has another 10 or so pounds to go, he is looking really good overall now. The muscle mass and tone that he is getting is wonderful.
As a young growing boy – ~ 125-130 pounds should be a great ideal end weight for him when he has finished maturing. He is so nicely in propotion. Beautiful head on this boy and those ears…..
His Vet commented on how gorgeous and shiny and healthy plus glossy his coat is now looking. ? It was so coarse, dry, dull, flaky when he first arrived.
He is now fully integrated with all of the dogs and for a dog that we were told was ‘aggressive’ to other dogs, he has not had one issue. He jockeyed for position with BHRR’s Ryder a bit as both are the same gooberhead age and that has all settled down nicely.
His BFF is BHRR’s Rubble! Those two are such hamburgers! They will hang out and play all day together. Two very ‘manly’ dogs that seem to forget their tough big boy image when it comes time to play. They are awesome together!
His one thing is men in hats…that stresses him out and he still does have some barrier reactivity in the car so tonight, we again drove through as many drive-thru’s as we could and by the third one, he did not have a care in the world.
Remember that a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time….they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time. There is a big difference and people often mis-use the word ‘aggressive.’
He has also come a LONG way with his obedience. His Vet was deeply impressed that he is actually almost a gentleman now! ? He showed how nice he could sit and takes treats gently and while another dog in the waiting room was barking and pulling, BHRR’s Dickens sat on the bench beside me calm and quiet and watched passively. PROUD of you!
The inside of his ears are still not something he enjoys having touched yet since he first arrived he has make leaps and bounds. We could even do two ear swabs on the left ear and other than some rare yeast found, both ears are healthy!
Temperature taking was a no-go via the ears.
He was a bit unimpressed with his back feet being lifted up yet realised that he was not going to be man handled and relaxed.
He has a super thin coat and his skin is quite pink, normal yet pink and so he wears a doggie coat.
He is scheduled for his professional photo shoot next week – the 8th of February and after some more obedience – his leash manners are coming along well too! – and manners 101 plus weight gain, he will then be ready to make his own special announcement.
He will go to an experienced home only. His personality is huge and he needs someone to be positively balanced in their approach to handling him. A calm, quietly confident home that is going to help him continue to be the best dog he can be and call him out when he is being a total boob yet know the difference between what makes him stressed and when he is just being an idjit.
He enjoys getting a reaction from people and a bit of an honest manipulator he is! LOVE him for it….if people are going to let him take an inch, he is going to take it and then try for more!
He is becoming more and more affectionate as he learns about helping hands not hurting manhandling hands.
He is so wonderful……and not for the faint of heart!
He is perfect in all of his imperfections and has a ton of potential that we are only just beginning to truly tap into as he allows us more and more into his world!

Our 5th ANNUAL ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction is NOW Closed!

THANK you to all of the generous and loving donators for their contributions to our unique and creative Fundraiser!

THANK you to everyone that kindly bid, shared and also otherwise wonderfully supported our Event!

I shall be in touch OVER the next 72 hours with all of the winners to confirm their auction items per the master logged auction list as stamped/documented by the wp software.

Please be patient as I co-ordinate everything! 

We are feeling so much in blessings and appreciation tonight…..in a time that has brought deep despair and grief this past week, tonight, we feel the support of our village strongly surrounding us.

There shall never ever be the right words to express to everyone how much that has meant. 

My GD Salt is crashed out from all of the excitement while Mr. Squishie is taking everything in stride as per his style! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the warmest of good-night wishes are being sent.

My last post of my night!

Mr. Squishie News!

My GD Salt(Almost 3) and Mr. Squishie(14 weeks)!

BHRR’s Booker wants to shout out a HUGE thanks to Doogie and her friends plus family! 

Doogie had asked for people to possibly consider making a donation to his cause in honour of her upcoming Birthday. 

To date: $125 has come to BHRR for Mr. Squishie’s mounting Vet Bills. So heartwarming! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at LAH on September 30th for his next exam, repeat x-rays and re-weigh plus boosters!. 

I have been doing ROM and flexion exercises at home on that ankle along with massage and some conditioning exercise etc. 

Thank you Doogie for choosing BHRR to support and what a wonderful soul that I am privileged to share my own Birthday with! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good night wishes are being sent!



The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
January 19th, 2018
His Hyperbaric Chamber Session @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital Specialty Services.

After over a month of waiting patiently…it is finally up and operational….

He also made Canadian History that day!

He is the first ever to use the first Canadian installed Hyperbaric Chamber. The inaugural patient!

We are now calling it ‘Carlsberg’s Chamber!’ 

Thank you to Dr. Chauvet, his Neurologist for everything!

We shall post more re: this truly inspirational and adored puppy shortly…..

**NOTE: We ask that those few that do know more of his journey to please respect our wishes and allow us to post when we are ready.**

Thank you to his Rehab Angel Nancy for the pictures and for her own incredibly special and invaluable part of his life story.

He is in the chamber in both pictures!

I have now paid $1,626.08 at Alta Vista Animal Hospital for his mounting Vet Bills since being admitted through emerge last night.

Donated To Date: $300 


UPDATE: I called for another update – long hold so I know they are busy (10:25 AM)

Apparently the Vet on duty will call us when they are done rounds yet we are concerned.

The person I talked to said ‘he has not been up for a walk yet’ and when he went on to say ‘that could just be because…’ and I stepped in and said he cannot walk! He is paralysed. So now my own worry levels are elevated further for does this mean they stopped flipping him?! 

I am going to have to wait until I talk to the Vet there and hope it is soon. 

He also said that he ate last night and once more since yet the person I talked to at 4:00 AM said he has refused all food to that point and was not interested. The times that they are offered food and when they eat should be documented. 

He then also said they are re-wrapping his IV yet did not tell me why they are doing so. 

All will be ok….we keep saying that to ourselves.

I just called for an update (4:00 AM). 

Vitals are stable. They are manually expressing his bladder, they are flipping him every four hours – I do every 2-4 hours here. They plan on doing some thermaltherapy on the right shoulder and I dialogued againthat this is great yet his left front leg is what needs it the most. ? We know that his right front leg is not able to be saved and other than making sure his circulation remains intact, the big focus from all of us on his team is to get him ambulatory on his other three legs…and if his left front leg which has its own concerns since his FCE cannot become strong enough to support him being a front end tripod then…. 

He is getting his already mentioned meds via IV plus is being given Pepcid and Sulcrate too. 

I am told he is BAR – bright, alert and responsive yet very quiet.

No interest in food. He cannot afford to lose more weight. 

He is such a soft boy and I was told that he was watching them and he does that….very soul reaching observant eyes. 

I may try to lay down for a bit myself…feeling lost without him here for me to watch sleep and to ‘chat’ me up when he wants something. 


6 of The Bakers Dozen were at LAH today for their latest exams, to get updated weights and for vaccines!

BHRR’s Murray while still being weaned of off his pred  from his puppy pyoderma – now getting 10 mg daily – is finally healthy to begin his own vaccine protocol! YAY!

Here are their weights from today. For those not kg savvy, just multiply by 2.2 to get their weights in pounds. 🙂

Unfortunately, there is no group photo as Sean forgot to get one and as I had to be at Alta Vista AH as BHRR’s Carlsberg(one of their litter-mates) had been admitted the night before through emerge there, I could not take one myself.

BHRR’s Juniper was noted as having some slightly swollen lymph nodes on her face and the Vet felt it was due to teething.

BHRR’s Murray is still unilaterally cryptorchid(three in this litter were – BHRR’s Fletchers dropped prior to his neuter yet BHRR’s Morty’s did not and per his Vet once he was in doing the surgery, it never would have as it was stuck in the inguinal ring). So, definitely a genetic component with three males all having an Un-descended testicle!

He has been put on IV fluids, he is receiving IV meds for vomiting along with antibiotics. We are running detailed blood-work and another urinalysis (did one on Monday along with a specific gravity test). 

A fecal smear was also done. 

I am now home and it feels really empty…. 

Please keep The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg in your best wishes.

I rushed him into Alta Vista Animal Emergency tonight. 

They wanted to rule out Parvo which I would have been shocked/surprised if it was and it was negative.

So, they are treating for gastroenteritis and he will stay there for now….

The journey that he and I have taken together since the day I whelped him (and his litter-mates) and helped him take his first breaths on September 13th to now has been a huge roller coaster…..

I have also been with him 24/7 with only a rare exception since his FCE on December 10th and to have to leave him in Emerge was not easy yet he is in the best of hands.

His ‘kid’ Kinsley is beside herself too. She had to stay at home so could not come with me to Emerge.

Thank you to the absolutely amazing staff at Alta Vista Animal Hospital for being there for me and him and making me feel not so alone. Thank you to the lovely couple for sitting and chatting – they had to admit their own precious pet tonight and their Boy is keeping BHRR’s Carlsberg company overnight….

As mentioned to his lovely Vet in Emerge, we will figure out the bills….I must have faith…I do have faith….

I put down $800 before I left and the current estimate given was up to $1,782.26

I have also been in contact and have updated his Neurologist and his Rehab Specialist.

BHRR’s Carlsberg – I will meet you in my dreams tonight – if I can sleep at all – and I know the staff are going to flip you as needed and massage your legs, do ROM and will love on you…. 


BHRR’s Bookers latest x-ray

BHRR’s Booker VIDEO – 3 month old DDB with a back broken leg(Tibia & Fibula Affected) 
January 16th, 2018 This is a short video taken after his latest cast was removed today. 

Unfortunately, this is his leg….
*He leg was broken December 8th @ 8 weeks of age
*He was not seen by a Vet until the 9th so proper treatment was not immediately given
*He had then been put in a temporary cast that had not been properly placed
*Then the cast had not been changed weekly, with assessments/x-Rays NOR was surgery given to repair the leg 
*By time we were asked to assist arriving to BHRR December 23rd and we got him in immediately to see our own Vet & Specialist Team, surgery was no longer considered the best option. 
*So, weekly Vet visits, regular x-rays and cast changes were being done
*From his first Vet Visit here on December 27th, concern was had over his ankle due to the improper placement of the first cast plus lack of weekly x-Rays & cast replacements being done. Corrections were made to all future weekly cast placements under our care to work to ensure proper healing was happening
*January 16th’s x-rays indicate that his leg continues to heal slowly and well where the breaks are. However, the integrity to that ankle is still compromised. 
*Though, his breaks are not fully healed, we need to shift the focus to his ankle and the recommendations have been to keep a cast off for the next two weeks and work on rehabilitation with the ankle and working on him planting his foot/leg into a normal walking/standing position
*He also remains having swollen toes that with removal of the cast the hope is that the swelling may successfully resolveHe has a long journey still ahead of him.

Donations to his care can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org or direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

I will post a pic of his latest x-ray in his album and on his blog.

Donated To Date: $1,761.50


Today at his rehab session at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals’ Speciality Services.

It was not a great day yet tomorrow is another day!

Last post of my night and due to popular demand….we will post another Mr. Squishie pic! 

This photo was taken Friday January 12th by Elizabeth at Alta Vista Animal Hospital during BHRR’s Carlsbergs’ rehab session. Great photo! Thank you again Elizabeth, Anne & Mike for helping me out that day! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at Liston Animal Hospital on Tuesday and for those wanting to meet him, he will be a guest of honour at our special ‘Sweetheart Spa’ Event on Sunday February 11th at Pet Valu Stittsville. 

Additionally, having had not one, not two yet three people either post on our Facebook page or reach out to members of the BHRR BOD, offering to make a donation if we would then ensure that we put this pup into their own home, we would like to publicly state the following:

BHRR does not operate in such a substandard manner. We have an extremely thorough adoption screening process. It is also concerning that people would only consider making a donation ‘if’ they got BHRR’s Booker in exchange.

We only place per right match personality fits to our dogs that are determined to be adoptable. They also do not go up for adoption until they are successfully rehabilitated and assessed as being adoptable. 

All of our adoption processes, policies and procedures can be found on our website and he has a wonderfully detailed blog that people can follow his journey at BHRR! 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Today we went to visit a possible new rehab location for The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg to frequent along with his bff and motivator Mr. Squishie BHRR’s Booker.

BHRR’s Carlsberg’s last intensive rehab session at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals Specialty Services shall be on the 19th as his fabu and much adored rehab angel Nancy is going on maternity leave.

We will be seeing Dr. Chauvet, his incredible Neurologist on the 19th as well for his latest re-evaluation/assessment.

So, today we headed off to visit a new place on Carling and to have them meet us/BHRR’s Carlsberg etc. Nancy Couillard thank you immensely again from our hearts for being there with us today! 

The plan is to do another 15 intensive rehab sessions to start and we are looking at $1,000 to do so. Whatever our FCE puppy needs to give him the best opportunity at a ‘new’ normal for quality of life, we are committed in doing. He has been going three times a week to date and without hesitation I make the three hour roundtrip drive (in good traffic/weather – much longer otherwise) to make sure BHRR’s Carlsberg gets to these extremely important and necessary appointments. 

I am also only working one day a week at the Hospital and am not taking on new behavioural clients to make sure BHRR’s Carlsberg’s 24/7 care and appointments are met. In turn, the loss of income means on our personal pockets less that we can financially give to his bills. BHRR is mostly funded personally from Sean/I. We receive no corporate, provincial or government support.

So, we remain asking people to please consider donating their Empties to his cause and all monies raised from our upcoming annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction shall be divided up between his and BHRR’s Bookers Vet Bills.

If anyone may consider making a human or doggie goodie for our Bake Auction, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Items do not have to be made until the auction is over and all winners shall be put in touch with the donators. 

We shall also be doing a small flash online auction and both puppies will be at Pet Valu Stittsville on Sunday February 11th as part of our special ‘Sweetheart Spa’ event! We are just awaiting the poster from Gracie to share all of the details. 

Donations to their bills can also be made:

Email transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


BHRR’s Carlsberg – Direct to Alta Vista Animal Hospital

BHRR’s Booker – Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-691-0966

These photo’s were taken on Friday January 12th at Alta Vista Animal Hospital. BHRR’s Carlsberg had just finished his underwater treadmill session and Nancy was getting ready to do his laser treatment.

BHRR’s Booker is never far from his bff!  These two puppies bonded fiercely and fast and are an extremely rare true complementary bonded pair. 

Just three weeks apart in age.

AND this is what happens when you leave the baking alone for 1 minute!

Thanks BHRR’s Ryder! 

That has always been his ‘thing’ and it is NOT his fault.

Having been rescued at 48 pounds @ 10 months of age….food is his ‘vice’.

He is a countersurfer expert and is the first Dane in close to 30 years of working, owning, rescuing, training, rehabilitating them etc. that has ever been able to swipe food off the top of our fridge.

He was kind enough to leave 4 intact so, dessert can still be had for The Boerskins!  

My last post of my night and we will make it a Mr. Squishie post!

He is back at Liston Animal Hospital on January 16th for his next re-exam, repeat x-rays, a re-weigh and a re-casting of his back broken leg.

AND I do not think he ever takes a bad picture! 

This is him on Monday January 8th at Alta Vista Animal Hospital ‘helping’ his bff The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg at one of his intensive rehab sessions…..

We are working in the background on a couple of Fundraisers to help with their mounting Vet Bills….stay tuned! 

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

RE: his temperament to date: 

He is a ‘man with vision and on a mission!’ In his mind he has places to go, mountains to conquer, things to discover, people to see and mostly in his books it is more like dogs to visit! 

When he does settle down to snuggle….it is a piece of heaven. Trying to keep him quiet is a feat…and we work very hard at it!

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to: gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

Donated To Date: $1,599


The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Carlsberg & BHRR’s Booker
January 11th @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital’s Speciality Services for BHRR’s Carlsberg’s session today.

No ONE can motivate BHRR’s Carlsberg the way that Kinsley & his bff BHRR’s Booker can! 
Thank you again Aaron Maracle for being with us today! The extra hands and loving on these two amazing puppies is so appreciative!

The second photo is of The BFFS!

Nancy is trying to do the laser treatment on BHRR’s Carlsberg after his underwater treadmill work and BHRR’s Booker says, ‘ok, you will just have to work around me as I am not leaving my buddy!.’ 

SHORT NOTICE: ISO: A BHRR approved Volunteer to assist me on Thursday January 11th @ Alta Vista Animal Hospital from 10:45 am – 12:45 pm!

Sadly, I got a call just now from the Hospital to say that Nancy is sick and is not able to do BHRR’s Carlsberg’s (our 3.5 month old FCE Puppy) intensive rehab session tomorrow. So he has been rescheduled to Thursday.

I need assistance getting his items in as I shall be carrying him. To have someone on hand to help encourage and root for him and love on him would be awesome!

I plan to also have Mr. Squishie BHRR’s Booker in tow so the extra hands would be amazing!

Please EMAIL if you can help! Thanks! 

Feel better soon Nancy! 

ISO: Human and/or Doggie Treatie Bakers!
Our 5th ANNUAL ‘Breaking Bills Bake Online’ Auction is coming up fast! Starts Saturday January 20th!
Last year we had 67 incredibly donated yummy items and $1,158 was raised to help Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! ??
Monies raised in our 2018 extremely unique & 1-of-a-kind annual event shall be divided up between BHRR’s Booker(DDB Puppy with the back broken leg) & our FCE Puppy, The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg. ?
If anyone may consider donating an item or more of either a Canine and/or Human baked goodie – does not need to be made until after the fundraiser is over – so is fresh! – please do EMAIL
We only host five planned fundraisers a year and this is our first one of 2018.
Thank you deeply from our hearts if you may consider their worthy causes to support!
More details re: our amazing fundraiser can be found in this LINK.

A picture of BHRR’s Carlsberg working on the underwater treadmill today!

Another photo from Monday. As BHRR’s Carlsberg was receiving laser treatment after his underwater treadmill session – hence the towels, this is where his bff plunked himself down….right by his side! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg(FCE Puppy) & BHRR’s Booker(Broken Back Left Leg)
Best FrIends!

This photo is from today at BHRR’s Carlsberg’s latest intensive Rehab Session at Alta Vista Animal Hospital’s Specialty Services. As BHRR’s Carlsberg was getting his e-muscle stimulation on his hind end, BHRR’s Booker came right over and laid down close to him.

Mr. Squishie looks out for his bud, BHRR’s Carlsberg and every chance he got he was right by his side…..and Monsieur Carlsberg is encouraged, motivated and reassured by his bff. 

Thank you again Aaron Maracle for coming out today and for the extra hands, the love and support given! It meant a lot!

May we ask that people please please please consider donating your Empties for their causes!

Also Still ISO: a BHRR approved Volunteer to help on Wednesday January 17th from 10:45 AM – 12:45 PM to help me carry items in for BHRR’s Carlsberg’s session that day and to help cheer him on!

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Underwater Treadmill VIDEO

BHRR’s Dickens was scheduled to have his Vet Visit on December 28th yet due to another client at the Hospital needing to be seen, we rescheduled to Saturday December 30th.

He is just over 110 pounds now! Having put on almost 12 pounds since his arrival on December 7th. He is looking good! Some more pounds and more muscle mass plus tone and he is going to look even more handsome! He still has quite a bit of dander yet his coat is finally becoming more sleek and shiny. Excellent food, proper exercise, grooming and love is going to make his coat be very glossy. 

He was a good boy at the Vets. Did well for everything other than ear checking and the taking of his temperature in his ears. Having had ear infections when he was dumped at the pound, and not having had a good history of proper handling, he is understandably stressed and also due to lack of manners, he liked to try and ‘throw’ his weight around.

His leash manners are also still a bit of a bull in a china shop yet improving daily! Managed to get a weight without any issues though. WTG BHRR’s Dickens…baby steps. 

He was fantastic for his bloodwork and vaccines!

We are back in a month for boosters and a re-weigh, recheck and with even more handling and love and patience and time and consistency, will be even better. 

I was so proud of him for he trusted Sean & I and while a bit nervous here and there, overall was quite solid. For a dog that was dumped at the pound said to be ‘aggressive’, not one aggressive bone to be found in his body to date. Such an overused and wrongly used term for so many dogs. He is what I call ‘mirror reactive’ and as we are calm, positively confident and being open with our expectations plus communications, he is not confused and is equally calm and settled and a happy, goofy, affectionate boy he is demonstrating to be. 

He has had zero issues with any of the dogs here other than being a bit ‘woofy’ at BHRR’s Ryder and vice versus yet with both being around the same age….they are both ‘jockeying’ for a spot higher than each other in the hierarchy. Nothing serious yet being monitored closely. 

BHRR’s Dickens best friend is BHRR’s Mama GD Gem though. She likes to push/boss him around yet god forbid he goes too far away from her and then she is right at him giving him a piece of her mind for leaving her….and he is quite happy to have her devoted attention…she is such a tiny explosive kanga-dane now to all in her small set up for success circle. The public arena’s terrify her so much still yet one small step at a time….

This picture is of BHRR’s Dickens from our annual traditional Christmas Eve Photo shoot on December 24th, 2017. He did so well! 

BHRR’s Booker AKA ‘The Squishie’.

How he spent the -40 C degree weather today while Mama Gwennie had to brave the frigid temps to work!

He is practically melted into the Costco Dog Bed!

Please consider donating your Empties for him & BHRR’s Carlsberg. 

Monetary donations can be made:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct To Liston Animal Hospital – 613-591-0966

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night and stay warm wishes are being sent….

A photo collage from today’s rehab session.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg (3.5 months old)
January 5th, 2018

He is truly inspirational AND shall be our new Cover Boy!

Here is the original post re: BHRR’s Carlsberg and having a FCE – A fibrocartilaginous embolism – on December 10th, 2017


It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s Speciality Services has ever seen.

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with very young IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:


‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible Neurologist. Dr. Chauvet at Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital/Specialty Services since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to (had been scheduled to be adopted to this home December 11th). In addition, we are working closely with Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire at Alta Vista’s Animal Hospitals Specialty Services.

In short – all four legs were affected – paralysed – and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

I happily make the 3 hour roundtrip drive, three times weekly to make sure that BHRR’s Carlsberg receives his intensive rehab.

As of January 3rd, we have had confirmation that there is no possiblity of saving that right front leg and his rehab team/us continue to work hard on getting him ambulatory to walk on his other three legs for QOL. . If that can be done, then we will amputate the right front leg.

We also continue to wait patiently for the hyperbaric chamber to get up and running at Alta Vista for him.


BHRR’s Booker
January 4th, 2018

At Liston Animal Hospital after his re-exam, boosters and in having a new cast/splint put on. He weighed 11 kgs(24.2 pounds)

GREAT photo Becca! Took us awhile to get it! LOL

He is back on the 16th of January for repeat x-rays, a new cast/splint and re-assessment. His x-rays shall be reviewed by Dr. Liston and also Dr. Philibert(Orth Specialist). 

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to: gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

Donated To Date: $1,599

BHRR’s Booker!
January 4th, 2018

On our way to LAH for his next recheck, possible vaccines and to have a new cast/splint put on.

YUP! Kinsley seriously put him in a pink collar! 

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer to: gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg!

We wish to thank Robyn for her amazing donation of Empties! Sean brought ours and Robyn’s in today to the Beer Store and $18.00 has been raised! 

Please consider donating your Holiday & ALL Empties to two incredible BHRR Puppies in need.

This is a photo from BHRR’s Carlsberg’s rehab visit today at Alta Vista Animal Hospitals’ Speciality Services. He goes three times a week.

AND, STILL ISO: extra hands for the following dates/times to help me with BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

As I will be carrying BHRR’s Carlsberg, I need a pair of loving hands to help close the car door behind me, carry his blanket etc. and just to hang during his appointment. Offering him encouragement and affection would be great too!

Here are the following shifts I need assistance with & if an approved BHRR Volunteer can do even one or more, please do email me at gwen@birchhaven.org

I truly would be so so so grateful! 

Monday January 8th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 10th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Friday January 12th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Monday January 15th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 17th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm

Underwater Treadmill Video From Today

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg – 3 months old.

Our FCE Puppy is hoping that people are saving their Empties for him & for his fellow puppy buddy 11 week old BHRR’s Booker! Both could really use the extra help. 

Today BHRR’s Carlsberg was back at Alta Vista Speciality Services for his next intensive rehab session with Nancy.

He goes three times a week until Nancy leaves for Maternity leave on January 19th.

On that note, with Kinsley back to school next week, I am ISO: extra hands for the following dates/times to help me with BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Hospital.

As I will be carrying BHRR’s Carlsberg, I need a pair of loving hands to help close the car door behind me, carry his blanket etc. and to hang during his appointment to give him encouragement and affection!

Here are the following shifts I need assistance with & if anyone can do even one or more, please do email me at gwen@birchhaven.org

I truly would be so so so grateful! 

Monday January 8th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 10th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Friday January 12th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Monday January 15th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm
Wednesday January 17th – 10:45 AM – 12:45 pm

Kinsley will be hanging on the 19th so that shift is covered!

We are sparing nothing to give him the opportunity he deserves and he is in expert hands with his Neurologist Dr. Chauvet – who calls herself his Godmother – and with Nancy.

We work hard at home doing exercises, suspension work and I flip him every 2-4 hours. I am only working Saturdays in January at the Hospital so I can be with him and BHRR’s Booker 24/7.

While the loss in income is hard, what would be much harder is if he did not have the time needed for a proper rehabilitation program to be had. He is surrounded by so much love and dedication….

Underwater Treadmill Video From Today

Happy New Year!

BHRR’s Booker, DDB Monkey looks like he had a busy New Year and is now having a nice nap! 

Please do consider donating your Holiday Empties to help him & The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg, our FCE Puppy! 

BHRR’s Booker is back at LAH for a cast change & exam on January 4th. 

BHRR’s Carlsberg is back at Alta Vista Specialty Services for his intensive rehab Wednesday, Thursday & Friday this week. 

Donations for BHRR’s Booker Care can be made:

Via Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

One Estimate Given: $3,500-$4,000

Donated To Date: $1,590

As we head into New Years Eve, here is Sean’s end of year statement.

Sean is Co-Founder and a BHRR BOD Member of BHRR. This photo is of him and BHRR’s Daffodil from our traditional XMAS Even Photo shoot – December 24th, 2017! She remains Available For Adoption!

In Sean’s Words:

‘Here we are again – at the end of another year. Time to reflect on the great, the good, the bad and the ugly and set our sights on the year to come.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t specifically take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a positive contribution to BHRR. I couldn’t possibly name everyone – but you certainly know who you are!

The contributions you’ve made through time and effort, vet bills, food, auction donations, cleaning supplies, transport, etc. is precisely what allows us to do what we do! We are a community – and stronger because of it. I offer my most heartfelt thank-you to all of you. I count our interactions with all of you as part of the highlight reel.

So many wonderful people have come into our lives.

Together we’ve done a lot of great things in 2017. There are so many BHRR dogs in forever loving homes, there have been successful events for awareness, education and fundraising. One of the most significant and recent successes for this year is The Bakers Dozen and demonstrates perfectly how everyone came together as strong links on the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ when needed.

This was a huge outpouring of support!

It blows my mind to contemplate the amount of puppy formula that was donated and consumed! This would not have been achievable without the enormous outpouring of support given. Seriously – the amount of formula we went through would make several mortgage payments look like chump change!

And the ugly…… I’m not generally one to dwell on the negative – but I think it is important to acknowledge and address what I feel is a growing and unfortunate trend. Let’s address something that is very real yet seldom openly discussed.

A trend not just with us, but across the internet, business and personal interactions all around. Over the past several years, we’ve seen an increasing amount of destructive and abusive interactions.

This year we were subjected to a new low – as at least one person out there already knows – BHRR was subject to a malicious attack. In the end, we were proven/validated to be operating a stellar, highly responsible, excellent and much needed organization for the animals. As this was not based in fact or naive ignorance, they received a cautionary warning and we are now investigating possible further legal venues.

However, our initial response from the actions of this vindictive individual was a ‘Wow – never saw that one coming…’

We have hosted regular BHRR events here – 6 a year for over 2 decades – for people’s benefit and for the animal’s of BHRR.

We open up our home to the scrutiny of strangers and, we have done so gladly, and, openly for we have nothing to hide………..

We commit to giving up what could be very precious, valuable coveted family time for the sake of our guests. We feel it is so important for people to witness firsthand what we do and, why we do it and, that we are not like ‘every’ other group or org. out there…..

We have even had people from approved Volunteers, the curious, the interested, stay here overnight, for days and even weeks at a time.

We have always remained full of disclosure and have shared the ups, the downs, the good, the bad and the ugly with all of our followers, supporters, friends and family.

But to the individual responsible for a baseless complaint – thank you so much for putting our family on edge and under the microscope. I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the surprise and shock instead of an open dialogue with anyone who may have had questions or concerns.

So much better to lob a hand grenade from the bushes and run away. This doesn’t feel constructive, or motivated by the best interests of the animals – this feels very personal and malicious. We are very proud of what we’ve done with our lives – can you say the same?

While I’m also not prone to extolling our own efforts – we have dedicated almost 22 years of our life to the protection of animals, particularly the special needs dogs and the giant breeds – those least likely to be picked up by high turnover rescues. Animals others cannot or will not assist. 99% of those we help are the truly medical and/or behaviourally broken, We are small, personal and dedicated. We’re not trying to be dramatic when we say this – even those who know us have absolutely no idea the level of personal commitment and sacrifice this has taken from our family. The sheer amount of physical work, the hours night and day, the successes and the heartbreaks.

Responsible/quality rescue is 24/7. We do not ‘dabble’ in rescue, only do the ‘fun’ things, hang out, visit and then get to go home to relax and enjoy 9 hours of restful sleep. The stress, lack of sleep, financial drain and complete lack of freedom for something as simple as a family vacation – or even a movie or dinner night out is our lives day in and day out and we have done this gladly! The cyberbullying endured, the tens of thousands of pounds of food transported and stacked. Hydro bills – OVER $1,100/ month and enough laundry – up to 12 loads daily – to choke a laundry mat.

We’re not looking for the thanks, the praise, the accolades, or parades in our honor. We do this for the dogs, not the recognition or for any ‘pats on the back’.

At the same time, we have grown even less tolerant of the abuse, the hand grenades thrown from the sidelines, the armchair quarterbacks who find it so easy to second guess and criticize – to judge, without ever actually seeking to understand or becoming involved.

Cyberbullying is a very real problem and after much research and conversations held with cyberbullying experts, professors and lawyers, note that regardless of the occupation, paid or volunteer, everyone has the right to work in an environment free from personal threat, free from worry about emotional and/or physical harm and the right to not be bullied. This is punishable by law.

Social media is an amazing thing, it is also an awful thing that so many spanning across a vast amount of businesses, non-profits, other professional venues and personal arena’s have been enduring some level/form of bullying.

Those who want to blame, point fingers instead of learn and understand, shame on you. Those who want to take shortcuts and then foist their problems on us, shame on you. Those who want to be coddled and told they are doing everything properly when in fact they are the issue, not the animal, shame on you. Those who are turned down for an adoption and respond by spewing accusations, sour grapes and names, shame on you. Since our inception in 1996, we have retained a zero tolerance approach with the amount of nonsense, armchair quarterbacks and negativity endured.

Setting our sights on the year(s) to come – what’s next for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services? Same wonderful people – same Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services – same strong rescue mission. Absolutely nothing will change 
overnight – we will continue to do what we have always done. We continue to help the next dog in need – we continue to place adoptable dogs into their right matched forever homes and we continue to provide a safe haven for those animals that need us.

Over the coming years – we will gradually transition to our long held vision of more of a haven program (which is already a large part of what we do). We will always focus on the giant breeds and canines/horses with special needs. These are the ones that need us – these are the ones we feel we can provide the greatest benefit to with our education, experience, knowledge and heart.

As of January 2018, one of our changes shall be to our adoption area’s covered – we will adopt up to an including the Barrie and Cambridge, Ontario area’s from our location and into Quebec, we will cover up to the Montreal area. We will still rescue all across the world.

Over the next year, will also be implementing an ‘Advisory Round Table Board’ of like-minded BHRR approved Volunteers in addition to our BHRR BOD Team.

We will be adding two more BHRR approved Volunteers to our Community Education Liaison Member Team too.

I look forward to working with all of our supporters in 2018 – let us do as many wonderful things this coming year together as we were able to accomplish in 2017!

BHRR Co-Founder
BHRR BOD Team Member’

BHRR’s Puppy Pile x 7 – Granite (BHRR Haven Dog)
Born: April 14th, 2016

*Another Sneak Peek Traditional XMAS Eve Photo Shoot Pic – December 24th, 2017*

UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

Donated To Date: $650
His Bills Are Almost $1,500

This is BHRR’s Murray. He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd.

Then he has had appointments:
Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th 
Kanata Animal Hospital November 16th
Kanata Animal Hospital November 21st
Kanata Animal Hospital November 28th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 5th
Kanata Animal Hospital December 18th

He weighed 14.4 kgs(31.68 pounds) on December 5th and then weighed 16.9 kgs(37.18 pounds) at 12 weeks of age.

He remains on Pred and now we are finally reducing the dosing over the next 8 weeks.

As long as he progresses and does not have a relapse, he can have vaccines around January 18th at his next recheck! He may have scarring on his face for life yet he shall always be super handsome to those who love him! 

WTG BHRR’s Murray!

First picture is from December 5th and the second picture is from December 18th!


I had rushed him into Kanata AH on Thursday November 2nd for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.

This is NOT contagious.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for many weeks.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). 

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama…. ??We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration….. 

BHRR’s Booker! 
December 27th, 2017

He had a busy day today!

We were off to Liston Animal Hospital for repeat x-rays and an exam and his back leg was re-splinted/re-casted.

He weighed 9.4 kgs(20.68 pounds) and while still quite skinny, much better than when he first arrived December 23rd.

The splint/cast that had been placed on his leg on December 9th – was never changed weekly before he arrived in our care – was noted to have not been in the right position and also as a growing puppy, some concern over it.

Once removed, we were so fortunate not to find any pressure sores or other bandage/splint complications.

His ankle joint is quite stiff from the wrong placement of the splint and Dr. Liston with massage and manipulation was able to get it to bend. BHRR’s Booker was so brave!

Repeat x-rays were done and due to the original splint, the alignment of his bones were not perfectly straight and as a result, he has some ‘bowing’ in that leg. There is clear calcification going on as the bones are healing and he may always have some permanent bowing in that leg.

X-rays are now sent off to Dr. Philibert, the ortho specialist to review.

Dr. Liston said that if we had gotten this puppy right when the break had happened – December 8th – a much better surgical candidate he would have been – screws/plates etc. AND we knew this already – yet with us not getting him until we did, we shall have to wait and see what Dr. Philibert says.

Being young is in his big benefit and for now in our care we will be re-splinting/casting on a regular schedule!

After we left LAH – we left them a thank you card and some famous homemade Boerskins Cinnamon Buns, we headed to KAH for a fun visit and thanks Allison again for the nail trim and to also drop off cinnamon buns to our wonderful friends there! ??

He had such a great experience! When he first arrived to BHRR, he was nervous of people and since his arrival we have been having people hold and squish and love on him!

In this picture, he is helping Becca, who works at LAH and is awesomeness personified, make his next appointment! He will be going in weekly for progress exams, re-splinting/casting and to be spoiled! ?

I am so grateful to so many that stand by our dogs and are so open to holding, petting, talking to them, offering them treats and helping us to make these dogs the best dogs they can be! We work hard to make them as well rounded and balanced as possible! We cannot do what we do without such strong links on our ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’! ??

Donated To Date: $1,390

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

BHRR’s Booker is already ‘watchful’ over his best bud, BHRR’s Carlsberg. Neither can be with the ‘big dawgs’ – even the remaining Bakers Dozen are too much for BHRR’s Carlsberg right now. They play so well together despite BHRR’s Carlsberg inability to walk.

They nap and share toys and water and food and both are so mentally happy/stimulated to have each other. Being together is so healthy for both of them! 

Both have been with my own outstanding GD Salt yet Salt is amazing with all dogs and has helped ‘raise’ his share of dogs! 

These two pups are so special and we will make sure both are done right by….my heart is so in love with them both as I take these medical journey’s with them…..they are both gifts and both deserve the best chance possible at having the happiest and fullest of quality of lives!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
December 24th, 2017 – 13 weeks of age

*Another SNEAK Peek Photo from our traditional annual XMAS Eve Photo Shoot!*

Here is the original post re: BHRR’s Carlsberg and having a FCE – A fibrocartilaginous embolism – on December 10th, 2017

BHRR’s Carlsberg MEDICAL Situation 

It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s Speciality Services has ever seen. 

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with very young IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:


‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible Neurologist. Dr. Chauvet at Alta Vista Animal Emergency Hospital/Specialty Services since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to (had been scheduled to be adopted to this home December 11th). In addition, we are working closely with Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire at Alta Vista’s Animal Hospitals Specialty Services.

In short – all four legs were affected and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

Kinsley & BHRR’s Booker
December 24th, 2017

Donated To Date: $1,340
One Estimate: $3,500 – $4,000

*SNEAK Peek at our annual traditional Xmas Eve Photo Shoot with the Doggies!*

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, we wish EACH of you a safe, happy, healthy and truly most wonderful XMAS Holiday Season and New Year!

May Santa spoil each of you rotten!

This is BHRR’s Carlsberg, one of our Bakers Dozen. 
DNA Proven To Be IW/Great Dane


We will be sharing much more on his medical situation shortly and continue to do so as things unfold.

On December 10th, as I was in Hamilton getting ready to do BHRR’s Cagney’s home-visit for a possible approved adoption, Sean called to say that BHRR’s Carlsberg was not walking.

After asking some questions, Sean rushed to Alta Vista Animal Emergency while I called them to set up BHRR’s Carlsberg’s file and give them a heads up that Sean/Kinsley were on their way. After that, I reached out to his future adoptive home(he was to be adopted December 11th) to pass along what I knew to date and they also went to the emergency hospital.

After exams and x-rays – no trauma could be seen – plus more testing was done, a neurologist, Dr. Chauvet was called into the emergency to do a consult. Further testing (MRI) ruled out definitively that there was zero trauma and that this was a Fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE), otherwise known as a ‘spinal stroke’.

At 11.5 weeks of age, BHRR’s Carlsberg has had FCE.

It is NOT known what causes a FCE and BHRR’s Carlsberg is the youngest that the rehabilitation department at Alta Vista’s speciality Services has ever seen.

There has been some thought amongst r/q Irish Wolfhound Breeders that there is a possible strong genetic link with IW pups & FCE. In reaching out to several in my own show network, this has been a strong consensus that there is much merit in this thought.

Also one article:


‘A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a fairly common disorder in which a piece of fibrous cartilage obstructs the blood supply to the spinal cord. It is suspected that fibrocartilage from the soft gel like center (the nucleus pulposus) of an intervertebral disc enters a vertebral blood vessel, blocks the vessel and causes a “stroke” to the spinal cord. When the flow of blood is reduced or stopped, that part of the spinal cord goes without oxygen and nutrients and the neurons in the spinal cord become dysfunctional and can die off.’

There are no surgical procedures in existence that can remove the blockage.

We have been working side by side with his incredible neurologist since the spinal stroke on December 10th as well as with the wonderful home he had been approved to be adopted to in addition to Nancy, the rehabilitation fabu woman extraordinaire.

In short – all four legs were affected and this was what was called an ‘ascending stroke’, the worst kind to have.

Right from the beginning his neurologist has called herself BHRR’s Carlsberg’s ‘godmother’ and has urged none of us to be rash in making any tough decisions and to remain patient.

To those ‘armchair quarterbacks’ who may feel they know more or better than the expert team on his case, let Sean, myself, the home he was to be adopted to and Kinsley be very clear, you do not and could not ever know more or better. They know his case best and we know BHRR’s Carlsberg best.

The delay in making his first post was for several reasons:

1) we truly did not know what that first week would bring and still do not have a crystal ball yet we have much better/more direction and a much more positive prognosis now. We are taking one day and one appointment at a time.

2) as the OHS so wonderfully recently stated…what has been their biggest/greatest blessing has also been their curse and as the numbers increase on our own page, there are going to be one or two or even more that are not going to agree with the move forward treatment plan put in place and that is fine.

However, since our inception in 1996, our position stands strong that we shall retain a zero tolerance approach to ‘armchair quarterbacks’. So, to those who think BHRR’s Carlsberg should have been immediately euthanised & wish to express themselves in an inappropriate manner, think twice.

Agree or disagree or agree to disagree is totally fine. Yet, unless you are his neurologist and rehab team and BHRR and the home he was to be adopted to, which makes us the experts on him and we know what is or is not in his best interest. Please respect that.

First and foremost is always quality of life for our dogs and he deserves the opportunity to have this…AND the prognosis is that he WILL walk again and while he may well require that right front leg to be amputated, we will take those steps as they come along.

3) we wanted to group closely together as a network with the home he was to have been adopted to. How things shall unfold moving forward re: this adoption is between them and us and of course we already offered them their adoption monies back should BHRR’s Carlsberg have to remain in our Haven Program or if a worse decision needs to be made. AND being the amazing home they are, they insisted it be kept for BHRR’s Carlsbergs’ care – was then used to go towards his neuter/Microchip Bills.

They also have stood solid beside BHRR’s Carlsberg and picked up half of his emergency Vet bill on December 10th. 

The goal was to try and get BHRR’s Carlsberg immediately into the hyperbaric chamber being installed at Alta Vista on the 12th, yet there was a delay due to the bad weather and then further delays for the 14th and again on the 18th.

Starting on December 18th, BHRR’s Carlsberg has been going to intensive rehab three days this week and after next weeks closure, he shall be going back three times/weekly until Nancy leaves for her mat leave. We will figure out where he will go after that.

He is doing treadmill work, ball work, having u/s and laser treatments and doing ROM plus flexion exercises and also having massages. We are doing everything for him.

We are doing exercises at home since day 1 and Sean even cut a hole in the ceiling so we can do suspension work. I flip him every 2-4 hours – yes, even at night.

His individual blog will be updated with all of the pics and videos of his progress and while donations to his rehabilitation would be lovely – Sean and I have pulled together from our own pockets/Xmas spending etc. $1,000 to cover the start of this journey – we just would like to ask if people at this time may consider donating their Empties this holiday season!  We have several drop-off spots if you do not wish to cash in your own Empties!

All funds raised from our upcoming end of January annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction will also go to his mounting Vet Bills. We shall figure out future fundraising as necessary.

AND may we please ask that people wish for Santa to help us spoil him this Holiday Season! 



BHRR’s Rickards XMAS Eve Photo – part of our annual traditional candid photo shoot!

BHRR’s Booker is settling in and while quite skinny, with the broken leg, he is in great condition overall!

As we battle horrible roads, traffic and weather, this is BHRR’s Booker! 

 What is most important is that he is now safe and shall be properly taken care of.

 What is most important is that he is now safe and shall be properly taken care of.

Got him!

First photo is with him & one of his transport angels Kathy & the second is now on our way home!!

Roads are brutal, the weather sucks, it is cold out yet our hearts are so warmed that so many are helping us pull together a Christmas miracle for this wee squishie! 

Tears in my eyes that one more can be saved…..

Donations can be made:

Email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 

Wee squishie is travelling well per Kathy! 

Roads are brutal….

401 has long sections in both directions just backed up….

Kathy/Terry are equally battling brutal weather/traffic.

BHRR’s Booker – the 10 week old DDB with the broken back left leg is ON his way!

The weather is not the best…slow driving with freezing rain and I am on my way shortly to meet up with his lovely transport angels of Kathy/Terry!

They were the same angels that transported our first rescue of 2017 & are now helping to transport our last rescue of 2017! 

Donated To Date: $1,190
One Estimate: $3,500-$4,000

Donations can be made via:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
He is scheduled to see Dr. Liston on December 27th

X-Rays of broken back left leg taken December 9th, 2017 prior to surrender this week to BHRR. Tibia & Fibula affected

Arrival to BHRR: December 23rd, 2017

Donations can be made:

1) Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

One Estimate Given: $3,500-$4,000

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Morty(Mortimer)!
DNA Proven – Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
13 weeks of age
Today’s Weight: 20.3 kgs( 44.66 pounds )

He has now also left us for his forever loving adoptive home….

This is on our way in for him to officially fly Mama Gwennie’s embrace and while he also did not exactly fly or race or even walk easily to leave me, he will be ok…..the home’s time and love and consistency plus patience etc. will help him reach his full potential! 

I want to thank each and every Bakers Dozen Angel that has stood so solid and strong beside them and us during their intense rollercoaster of incredible highs and devastating lows. We have witnessed first hand how strong our BHRR village remains! What a heart touching and significant validation that all our round the clock efforts, our willing and enormous sacrifices of time, money, heart and sleep is acknowledged plus supported. Thank you! 

Thank you to those that have remained sensitive to how emotional this bittersweet sorrow of parting ways is for The Boerskins. These precious creatures are part of our 24/7 lives and saying good-bye is never easy.

We do what we do for the right of the animals and each one carves a deep wonderful PawPrint in our hearts and souls……no matter how long or short our journey’s are with them…. 

BHRR’s Morty….only the best right match homes are meant for our dogs and you are in a most wonderful home and shall lack for nothing! You are already so dearly loved by your new family and I am so happy for you and them. Excited too!

Yes, I had a tear or two on my way in – and a few more of happiness/bittersweet tears of parting shared with his wonderful adoptive mom(she did warn me that she would cry!!) -knowing that our chapter ends together yet in that tear or two or three was an equal mixture of a lot of happiness to see another one of our fabu BHRR dogs end up where they are meant to be! 

The Bakers Dozen have faced so much in medical adversity and two continue to do so and we stand armed as a village right by their sides…..


MEET BHRR’s Booker!
A 9 week old Dogue de Bordeaux Puppy 
Born October 7th, 2017

A Vet Hospital highly recommended our Rescue Program for this wee dude has a broken back leg – Tibia & Fibula. 

He needed his own XMAS Miracle.

His ETA to BHRR is Saturday December 23rd.

He is already scheduled to see Dr. Liston on Wednesday December 27th for an assessment and referal to Dr. Philibert, ortho specialist extraordinaire to get things moving….

His leg was broken December 8th so time is of the absolute urgency.

Thank you to all of his angels to date that have donated to help us assist him.

One estimate was $3,500 – $4,000

He needs the BHRR Village to surround him….. 

TO the anonymous angel that made a $500 generous, wonderfully overwhelming and loving donation direct to Liston Animal Hospital, you have my most humble thanks….you have touched our hearts, incredibly so. 

Donations to his care can be made via:

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org


PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use friend & family option)


Direct to Liston Animal Hospital

Thank you on behalf on what we have been told is a truly sweet, precious wee DDB!



BHRR’s Dickens is scheduled to have his Vet visit on December 28th! He is going to make a truly lucky home an amazing addition! HE is so awesome!

Two more pictures of this amazing boy!


The Bakers Dozen were at LAH tonight for their next exams, boosters and here are their weights in kgs!

BHRR’s Murray came to hang out at LAH – he is not ready for vaccines and I have two updates to do on him! After hanging out with his litter-mates at LAH, he had his own appointment, for a recheck at KAH. He weighed 16.9 kgs(37.18 pounds). 

BHRR’s ??? 
Needs a name!
9 weeks old (Born October 7th, 2017) 
Male, Dogue de Bordeaux

BHRR came highly recommended by the Vet Hospital he was seen at and after Sean & I dialogued, BHRR will also become this wee dude’s XMAS Miracle.

You see he has a broken leg – broke over a week ago – tibia & fibula and needs our immediate assistance… 

A really kind angel has been taking care of him since his leg broke.

Thank you to Rachel Ng in offering to be his special XMAS Angel Secret Santa & to Kathy Rader-Cahill/Terry for being his caring Transport Angels as we move efficiently behind the scenes to make the necessary arrangements. 

BHRR was founded as a Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue that focuses strongly on the special needs and this wee pup needs medical attention/surgery immediately in order for us to have the best chance of saving that leg. If it is not possible to save the leg, it will be amputated and like all of our fabu tripods, he will go on to live an amazing painfree quality filled life. 

I know we are heading fast into XMAS and we hope that he will have a village surround him in his time of huge need and be the XMAS Miracle he needs…..

One quote was $3,500-$4,000

Donations can be made:

1) Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

2) PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (friend & family option)

3) As of tomorrow, he shall have an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 – ‘No Name’ and mention Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services

4) Please consider keeping your Empties this Holiday Season to donate to BHRR to help him too! 

This is a stock photo of a 2 month old DDB!

I think our DDB Lion Kings would be happy to see us help this DDB…. 

BHRR’s Carlsberg – 2 days post FCE


BHRR’s Carlsberg and his ‘kid’ 

1 day post FCE


BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.

Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.

Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 22nd, 2018 to Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 inclusive.

Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Thursday January 4th, 2018!

During this time, BHRR is always available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need and we shall then network accordingly for as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there. 

Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team

AND thank you to Xandria for surprising us so wonderfully wiith this fabu photo! 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg at Alta Vista Animal Emergency and then later that same night at home.

He suffered a FCE – fibrocartilagenous embolism or fibrocartilagenous embolic myelopathy AKA as a Spinal Stroke. X-Rays and exams along with further testing was done and then a Neurologist was called in, Dr. Chauvet and a MRI confirmed a FCE. 

Trauma was RULED out as there was zero trauma found. It is not known exactly what causes a FCE. BHRR’s Carlsberg had all four limbs affected and had what is known as an ‘ascending’ stroke, the worst kind. 

More information found on a later blog post made on December 24th, 2017



BHRR’s Cagney
December 10th, 2017

I apologise for the delay in making this truly wonderful post! More on why ASAP….

The Saint Lady of BHRR’s Cagney is now adopted! Her equally beautiful Saint sister BHRR’s Lacey was adopted on December 3rd to her own incredible forever loving home!

This is our 14th approved adoption for 2017 and for a small highly specialised Rescue, fantastic news!  This also marks our 407th approved adoption since our inception in 1996! 

I wish to thank BHRR’s Cagney’s new forever loving adoptive Mama for their understanding as I had to step away from this home-visit three times to take calls from one of the Animal Emergency Hospitals. Your compassion and patience meant a lot to Mason/myself for being so far away in Hamilton from the emergency was extremely emotionally difficult. You were really kind, so thank you! 

Thank you for also going through our detailed adoption process and in considering a BHRR dog to adopt!

To see both of our Saint Lady Sisters in caring homes for the fast approaching Holiday Season is so heart-warming!

As last week was our last approved adoption to the London, Ontario area, this weeks approved adoption is our last one to the Hamilton, Ontario area as The Boerskins continue to move forward into 2018 with the vision set forth for BHRR. 

BHRR’s Cagney, you also rocked our hotel experience and met your own police officers with two cruisers! As per your usual take in stride everything, the lights and sirens fazed you naught! It was an experience for Mason and I for these police officers were specifically looking for a masked man and we had to go under hotel confinement immediately upon arrival! ? BHRR’s Cagney would have been happy though to go with them on their manhunt as she loved them! 

Always an adventure to be found!

I dearly miss both of my Saint Ladies yet they do not need me any longer…..they will bring so much happiness and smiles and laughter and love to a lot of other people they will touch with their amazing gifts!

We are now here!

In Hamilton, Ontario in preparation for BHRR’s Cagney’s home-visit tomorrow!

This day has been so incredible in so many ways from being at Pet Valu Stittsville for their annual Santa Paws event surrounded by so many amazing people and pets! 

42 Santa Paws Photo’s were done with a truly fabu Santa! I even had 6 of The Bakers Dozen pups done! 

Between photo’s, donations and what was raised in the Raffle Basket(we added an amazing dog bed to BHRR BOD members Mary’s beautiful basket!) – $876.85 was so humbly raised to help The Bakers Dozen & their Puppymill GD Mama Gem. 

Congratulations to Hazel (Bob) for winning the basket/bed and then donating the basket back! They needed a new dog bed and now they have one!!

Thank you to Isabel for the Empties and we will take them back and add to the total.

AND $13.20 Canadian Tire money was donated!

Thank you to Bre, Rachel and the rest of the lovely staff at Pet Valu Stittsville for hosting us today!

Thank you to the wonderful Santa and his wife and his fabu helper Jack – love those costume changes as much as I did last year Jack! 

Thank you to all of the awesome people and their pets that came out today to see us, take photo’s, love on The Bakers Dozen and talk r/q Rescue etc.

Thank you to Sean, Kinsley, Serena, Isabel, Cherie, Elaine and Aaron for spending today with me and being the best of puppy wranglers and cuddlers ever!!

I was so over the moon to see BHRR’s L.T. & his sweet Mama again – he is our oldest living BHRR alumni – a GD – now 11.5 years of age. He was adopted June 1st, 2008.

What a heart-warming day today!

This is BHRR’s Cagney settling in very well on Mason bed at the hotel.  We are having our own adventures which is best saved for another Gwennie Novel Post! 

We shall post an update on her status as we can….

From us to all of our supporters, fans and supporters, good night wishes being sent!

Sean has decided on a name!

BHRR’s Dickens!

He had a fantastic night! 

He has been out in our 3+ acres of fenced in yard…..sniffing and exploring and strolling around. After about 10 minutes he came to the door -Sean & I stood outside on the brick deck observing him – and saw Sean and skittishly skittered away.

Naturally worried re: Sean and lets me gently take his collar and pet him slowly and softly with a few strokes. 

AND is now having a little bit of breakfast. Has not drank anything to date yet his breakfast has some canned food in it and he has access to fresh water. Not unusual behaviour. 

Today is the first day of his new beginning and learning more about each other.

Sean will go over all of the name suggestions to date made in both threads and we all wait with bated breath as to his final decision! Keep up the great name suggestions!

Today at her spay, BHRR’s Everly – 11 weeks of age – weighed 16.1 kgs(35.42 pounds). 
Today at his neuter, BHRR’s Morty  – 11 weeks of age – weighed 17 kgs(37.4 pounds).

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Sprocket!
DNA Proven – Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
11 weeks of age

She is the first of The Bakers Dozen to leave us for her forever loving adoptive home….

This is on our way in for her to officially fly Mama Gwennie’s Nest and while she did not exactly fly or race or even walk to leave me, she will be ok…..their time and love and consistency plus patience etc. will help her reach her full potential! 

I want to thank each and every Bakers Dozen Angel that has stood so solid and strong beside them and us during their intense rollercoaster of incredible highs and devastating lows. We have witnessed first hand how strong our BHRR village remains! What a heart touching and significant validation that all our round the clock efforts, our willing and enormous sacrifices of time, money, heart and sleep is acknowledged plus supported. Thank you!  

Thank you to those that have remained sensitive to how emotional this bittersweet sorrow of parting ways is for The Boerskins. These precious creatures are part of our 24/7 lives and saying good-bye is never easy.

We do what we do for the right of the animals and each one carves a deep wonderful PawPrint in our hearts and souls……no matter how long or short our journey’s are with them…. 

BHRR’s Sprocket only the best right match homes are meant for our dogs and you are in a most wonderful home and shall lack for nothing! You are already so dearly loved by your new family and I am so happy for you and them. Excited too!

Yes, I had a tear or two on my way in knowing that our chapter ends together yet in that tear or two was an equal mixture of a lot of happiness to see another one of our fabu BHRR dogs end up where they are meant to be! 

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg leaves us on Monday….another truly amazing filled with joy and also sadness day to come for all of us…..and we know he will truly be adored in his own forever loving home! 

AND we are finally home!

BHRR’s Mr. X is settling in quite well.

It was a rocky start at the shelter and as I figured out quite quickly in watching the video Maira sent, he is what I call a ‘mirror image’ Dane.

If someone is nervous, he is nervous.
If someone is calm and quietly assured, he is calm and quietly assured
If a dog reacts and barks or lunges, he reacts and backs and lunges

I watched the short video Maira sent to me when they went to pick him up at the shelter and in the run, he was just being an adolescent gooberhead.

Yet, as the Shelter staff was nervous of him, he became nervous. Once he was away from them, he settled beautifully. He was very treat motivated for Maira.

Dogs reacted to him, so he reacted back at the shelter yet now at my home, he is in his collosal crate settling in.

He was more scared of Maira’s Male travel buddy than her and by the time I met them in Cornwall, all were fast friends!  I asked him to be the one to load Mr. X up as Mr. X knew them some and I was now the stranger. Yet, there was some leash malfunctions and I ended up tethering him without issue…he had some little grumps and I just took my hands away, showed him I was a non threat and got back to the business of tethering him. Travelled wonderfully on the way home!

Understandably stranger danger in seeing Sean and Mason outside and not a peep from him when we were inside and they will spend time with him once daylight comes and he can decompress from his journey tonight.

Both Sean and I thought the same thing in only being around him a few moments – he reminds us of BHRR’s Rubble in quite a few ways. Looking forward to learning more about him and taking this rehab path with him!

His body condition is actually quite good….he lacks muscle mass and tone yet he is not thin or skinny or emaciated. A rarity for us at BHRR as we specialise heavily in dogs in such poor physical condition.

This BBBBB is behaviourally in big need of us….

He is a smaller Male Great Dane yet nicely in proportion! Really handsome.  I would say he is between 120-125 right now. Love his ears and head and those eyes! Yup…another ‘do not look too deep into the eyes kind of dog or you may be sunk!’ 

I am deeply indebted to Maira for helping to get him closer to me! 

We did not think we could help another Dane/Giant or Honourary Giant until 2018 yet with 7 Approved adoptions since October 1st, 1 Pending Adoption – Home-Visit on Sunday and sadly the loss of two of our 9 year old amazing Seniors, we felt we could help one more in need of us in 2017 and this boy needed a XMAS miracle. He is emotionally and behaviourally mixed/messed up, lacks proper human and dog social skills not to mention obedience. He really has zero idea that you are talking to him and trying to communicate with him….all that shall change!

Welcome to BHRR, Mr. X and thanks Maira for the pics as I could not get any! Way too dark and I was all by myself.

Mr. X still needs a name!

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, good night wishes being sent!

AND Maira has Mr. X!

It was a rocky start yet she now has him!

I am making the drive to meet up with her shortly in Cornwall! A long night for all of us – after a long day as we both worked – yet we are this boy’s XMAS Miracle and thanks to the dedication and big heart of Maira, we are going to make this happen for him! 

Drive safe Maira and see you soon!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver
DNA Proven to Be Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
9 weeks of age
November 24th, 2017

He is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to the right matched personality fit forever loving home.

He has this individual blog & people interested in being considered for him are strongly recommended to read his whole detailed individual blog which documents his story from before he was even born!

AND to read our adoption processes, polices and procedures. We do not MAKE exceptions. 

Additionally, he does not languish in a kennel or pound or shelter environment. He resides in a loving home, is socialised, being trained and adored!

Thank you to Liz again for taking this fabu photo at his fourth professional photo shoot!

BHRR’s ??
Needs A Name! Name Guru’s?!

He is a 1 year old black Male Great Dane. Dumped as the Owners say he is not good with other dogs(was ‘ok’ with their own and as been fine at the pound) and clearly lacks manners and proper socialisation. Plus, from what has come my way, he was ‘man-handled’, so is *quirky*. The Pound workers do not trust him and are not comfortable around him.

It never ceases to make us cringe over the high number of Great Danes/Giants:

1) that are purchased from backyard yard breeders and puppymillers
2) that never were properly socialised
3) that never were properly positively balanced trained 
4) that people think that man handling and forcing a dog through harsh, punitive and painful methods is an acceptable and successful method of training 
5) that people think are a disposable commodity 
6) that when they have kids it is ok to get rid of their pets 
7) that get a dog whether they do or do not have kids and they do not get a dog based upon what is the best match personality fit for their home and then the dog is labelled – often incorrectly -in any number of ways and then gotten rid of
AND the list goes on and on….. 

The genetic personality and temperament of a dog is present since birth and the right environment is necessary to help make any dog reach their full potential and become an asset to home plus community.

We will be stepping up to assist this soon to be BBBBB as he needed his own XMAS Miracle.

Thank you to BHRR BOD member Mary for offering to be his special Secret Santa! 

Thank you to Maira for being so willing to help transport him closer to me! 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*
9 weeks of age (November 24th, 2017)

Puppy #1 – Born First September 12th, 2017 @ 10:13 PM
Black Female #1

Birth Weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: 13 days old: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds
November 7th: 7 weeks of age: 7.8 Kgs(17.16 pounds)
November 30th: 9 weeks of age: 12.2 kgs(26.84 pounds) – She is lean and healthy.

She is as sweet plus gentle as they come! She was once so tiny and mighty and is a true miracle survivor. I spent 10 days dropper feeding her and look at her now! There is not even 9 pounds difference between her and BHRR’s Oliver – the biggest of the litter at this time. She has really caught up! This litter is average/top average for Giant Breed puppies now! GO PUPS GO!

She is truly precious. Quiet, calm, sweet, soft, loves to snuggle and possesses a name that is feminine yet one that demonstrates inner strength for she has overcome unbelievable odds. Thanks again Allie for this amazing name for her! In honour of Remembrance Day also.

She cannot be rushed….to do so would have meant her demise. She needs to feel comfortable and then she will eat well. She needs to sniff and taste test and come back and do it all over again. She sizes things up before she makes any decision. When she commits, she is all in!

She is playful, kind and has a small side to her that is cutely feisty and my heart just flip flops with such warmth with how well she is doing!

Her coat is among the most softest I have ever felt and I have felt many soft furs of amazing dogs over decades! She is the best snuggle buddy. Her personality is equally soft….

She is smart and loves to watch TV with Kinsley! She was one of the first pups to pick up the TV and is simply adorable. She is patient and resourceful in getting what she wants from her litter-mates. While we may wish to put her in a glass bubble to ‘protect’ her that is serving her no benefit. It has been like watching when our kids were learning how to bike….there were spills and falls and we remained their safety net when/if needed and that is what we have done with BHRR’s Poppy and she was not babied. She has used her intelligence when she did not have the size of her bigger siblings – even though she was the first born, she was the smallest – to get what she wanted, be it prime real estate on a dog bed or a toy. She has been positively fascinating to watch in action!

She is such an easy keeper. Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears! Travels great in a car!

If you do not have time to commit to a dog, please do not consider applying. She deserves a home that will take her for walks, strolls, new places, visiting friends and family and we are not seeking a super busy home. One that is average/normal in social activity both in and out of their home. A home that will commit to her needs and ensure that she is part of the family. She loves her ‘pack’.

She can go to a home with children over the age of 10 and homes that feel it is ok for their children to ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate behaviour.

We could only afford to do three DNA kits and we did a draw as to which three puppies would be done and the results came back supporting that all three pups done were Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane. This does not surprise me in knowing what the puppymiller was breeding.

Knows words such as her name, sleepies, outside, snack, come, good and girl and sit and no plus treat and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she have a strong dog social network. We have friends and so should she and it will help keep her well balanced & rounded. These puppies are very much a product of their genetics. If she is an only dog, she really would benefit from having a Giant stuffie.

She is beyond incredibly beautiful! She is a true BBBBB!

NOTE: Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org in addition to BHRR’s Poppy’s detailed individual blog.

Photo is from her fourth professional photo shoot on November 24th at 9 weeks of age.

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017.Her first vaccines were November 7th.

Thank you to Liz for the great professional photo’s!

The Saint Lady – BHRR’s Lacey

Happy 1st Birthday BHRR’s Lacey Lace! 

So worth the 7 hour drive down and the almost 8.5 hour dive back to see another one of our BHRR doggies end up in a wonderful right match personality fit home meant for them! 

This was a hard one! Well, ok….they are all hard on me yet BHRR’s Lacey….as per so many blog posts, she is a HUGE gift….just like her sister! 

Incredible girls! What a privilege it has been to assist them and thank you to Tracey for helping Kinsley/I to do this home-visit. 

Tracey, it made me so happy that you could see BHRR’s Lacey again! Thank you again for picking up The Saint Ladies and emergency temp fostering them for us until we could get them transported. 

Thank you to Frank & Tanya for also temp fostering them and loving on them until they came back to me. 

I always say that it comes down to if you would not put one of your dogs into a home, do not consider putting one of mine…..

So, it is always so lovely to see our great dogs end up in good homes!

I am missing this sweet lady fiercely and I know that my Brogan will also…they were chase buddies…Lacey ran and Brogan chased and both were ecstatic! 

We thank this home very much for going through our extremely thorough adoption process to help us ensure that we are only approving the best homes meant for our dogs. Thank you for considering to adopt a rescue!

On a side note, BHRR’s Lacey is our 5th approved adoption in just under 2 weeks and our 6th home-visit in exactly 2 weeks now completed. 

AND so, after a brutal whirlwind of a drive to London last night and then back home not all that long ago, I amheading off to bed shortly as I am back to work for 7:30 AM tomorrow!

I have also taken some time to send more confirmation emails to the winners of our 10th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Auction and winners please do check your emails…we have only had one response back to date! 

I will finish the rest of tomorrow night after I am back from the Vet with one of my own dogs…

Thank you again Tracey for helping today and Kinsley. As mentioned to the home and to Tracey, come 2018, The BHRR BOD will be making some announcements re: our continued move forward vision for BHRR which includes reducing the vast adoption area’s we currently cover. 

While we will remain rescuing all over the world as needed, we will be limiting our adoption area’s covered. So, this is the last approved adoption we are doing in London. The home said that they feel very lucky that they got their app in before the change! We do too! 

From our home to all of our friends, family and adopters, the best of good night wishes being sent!

Good Sunday AM!

We are leaving soon to go to the home-visit for BHRR’s Lacey.

I went to take a shower and someone made herself quite comfy on my bed! 

She had a great night!! She has been so drawn to this really lovely soul in a motorised wheelchair since last night and has loved all the Kids she has met too.

She was a bit unsure of one man – stranger danger phase – and after a small calming word/and the offer of a treat, all was fine.

She even met a police officer in their cruiser last night.

She has been exploring the luggage dollies, hallways, rooms and has drawn quite the fan club during our short time here….

This is the kind of canine that dreams are made out of….

Today is also The Saint Ladies first Birthday! 

We shall update as we can as to her status…..

It is a glorious only slightly chilly day under sunny skies in London today! We hope everyone has a great day!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly
DNA Proven to Be Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane
9 weeks of age
Picture is from November 24th, 2017. This was taken at their 4th professional photo shoot!

She is still AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to the right matched personality fit forever loving home.
Thank to you Liz Bradley for another great shot! 


AND we are finally here!

In London, Ontario for the scheduled home-visit for BHRR’s Lacey’s possible Approved adoption. 

What a drive!

BHRR’s Lacey has settled into our room like a pro! Took the elevator without hesitation and after only her second time in, automatically now turns and lays down. We teach the dogs this when they go into the vehicles so their tails do not accidentally get caught in doors.

She is now munching on a smoked Butchery bone after having a bit of dinner / drink. We had a small walk shortly after we arrived and we will do so again just before bed.

Great car traveller and there are apparently four teams here this weekend for some sport event and she is soaking the attention up! 

We will update as we can!

On a side note: about half of the winners have now been contacted re: their auction winnings and once I am back from London, I shall finish the rest. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience and once you are confirmed as a winner, per the posted rules, payment is expected within 72 hours. 


ND this photo was from The Bakers Dozen’s first professional photo shoot at 3.5 weeks of age!

I paired up specific humans with specific pups for two reasons – the humans had special gifts to pass to certain pups and vice versa….the pups had special gifts to pass to certain humans. 

This pic of BHRR’s Morty’s with his soon to be new forever loving adoptive Mama shall always be one of my favs. 

Thanks Melissa Roy for capturing ‘love at first touch’.

BHRR’s Cagney – our other Saint Lady is now also moving under a Pending Adoption!

So at this time both sisters are now under pendings to homes. 

We shall update as to her status as we can.

The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Mortimer (Morty) – DNA Proven To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound 
10 weeks of age.

Should all go well, BHRR’s Morty shall go to his own forever loving approved home around December 21st!

Thank you to this incredibly wonderful home for considering to adopt from BHRR! They have been approved Volunteers of BHRR for some time and have been involved with The Bakers Dozen since they were almost 3.5 weeks of age at their first professional photo visit!

Thank you for going through our detailed adoption procedure process too.

I truly did a good job pairing up homes/pups from that first professional photo shoot onward! 

This special boy will have a ‘big sister’ who already just adores him! 

We feel deeply blessed to have such lovely people as part of our BHRR Village! BHRR’s Morty is going to have a fabu life in their home!

I am so excited for him and them!

From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes being sent.

Today at her spay, BHRR’s Juniper – 10 weeks of age – weighed 13.1 kgs(28.82 pounds).

Today at her spay, BHRR’s Poppy – 10 weeks of age – weighed 12.2 kgs(26.84 pounds).

3 Hour Count Down Reminder!

Our 10th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction ends tonight- Thursday November 30th @ 9 PM EST

We currently have 136 amazing items up for grabs!

All money raised goes to help The Bakers Dozen and their Puppymill Mama GD Gem!

It is going to cost many thousands to spay/neuter and to microchip all of these special creatures….

This is a photo of BHRR’s Fletcher at KAH yesterday in recovery from his neuter. Thanks KAH for the picture!

6 of the Bakers Dozen were altered this week with more to be done next week.

To see all of the items we have up for grabs so far AND to bid, please USE THIS LINK!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: When bidding please bid per the rules with your full name and contact information AND NOTE the location for pick-up as not all items can be shipped or are available in our neck of the woods!



2 Hour Count Down Reminder!

Our 10th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction ends tonight- Thursday November 30th @ 9 PM EST

We currently have 136 amazing items up for grabs! So many beautiful items thanks to our Auction Angels! 

All money raised goes to help The Bakers Dozen and their Puppymill Mama GD Gem!

It is going to cost many thousands to spay/neuter and to microchip all of these special creatures….not to mention the over $10,000 spent to date to care for all….

This is a photo of Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem, mere hours before she began to whelp The Bakers Dozen….this is where she felt safe and nested and wanted to have her babies….on the double futon bed in our recreational room, I was sleeping on beside her since she arrived into our care.

She weighed 99 pounds heavily pregnant and after giving birth to 13 babies, she dropped down to barely 85 pounds and now weighs a wonderful 115 pounds!  Her physical wounds have healed, and scars or not she will always be a stunning BBBBB to us! My heart is just wrapped up so tightly in her soft paws…..tears will jump so easily to my eyes when I think of her….I love her that much! Emotionally, she was broken and she has a long way to go…..I am beside her every step she takes in her rehab journey.

She will never know another bad day, never be forced to breed, be hurt, beaten, starved and she shall never know another night or day in a place of hell with no light and surrounded by death and pain of hundreds upon hundreds of others That suffered like her.

Known only as D211 to the puppymillers, to us we named her BHRR’s Gem….To us she is so special. When she is emotionally ready, she will have her own professional photo shoot.

6 of the Bakers Dozen were altered this week with more to be done next week.

To see all of the items we have up for grabs so far AND to bid, please visit the below link!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: When bidding please bid per the rules with your full name and contact information AND NOTE the location for pick-up as not all items can be shipped or are available in our neck of the woods!


Posted in Gem

Today at his neuter, BHRR’s Oliver – 10 weeks of age weighed 15.6 ks(34.32 pounds)
Today at his neuter, BHRR’s Fletcher – 10 weeks of age weighed 14.7 kgs(32.34 pounds) – I noted that the one undescended testicle had dropped when I checked on Sunday and so, BHRR’s Fletcher was good to be neutered today. 

BHRR’s Fletcher – photo sent my way by KAH.

Another picture of this stunning BBBBB! 

BHRR’s Ryder!
~16 months


He is ready to make his own special announcement!

He is the Great Dane that was rescued at around 10 months of age weighing barely 48 pounds and with a medical eye condition.

To those who felt sorry for him, look at him now! He did not need people to feel sorry for him. He needed people to understand and help him and we are forever grateful to those who helped transport him and have stood by his and our side during his extensive rehabilitation!

What was once thought to be a cherry eye was actually eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane. The first eye surgery he when he was neutered failed and he required a second surgery in September. Which if you look at his photo was successful!

Can you even tell which eye had the two surgeries?! 

His coat, once brown, dull, full of dead hair and so thin not to mention full of dander is now sleek and black and glossy and so shiny! 

He is currently ~115-120 pounds and as a young now healthy growing Dane, he is still gaining.

This boy has personality!! Oh! How I love his temperament. He is a true character and if people just give him a few moments to size up a room/situation, he relaxes and is the class clown. With all that he went through prior to Rescue, who can blame him for wanting to be sure everything was ok before jumping in.

He is friendly, happy, goofy and so loyal…..the way he looks at me once again, has me feeling incredibly humbled.

His biggest vice remains counter surfing. I cannot stress it enough that this is the biggest thing that we continue to patiently work on. He will need a home that shall remain consistent and positive balanced based in their approach to this behaviour. For a Dane that has been starved, who can blame him for wanting the goodies to be found yet, we are making slow but steady progress.

He can still be strong on a leash yet also has greatly improved. He is an adolescent that did not have much to no training prior to his rescue and he is equally doing so well in this area!

Fine to bathe, do nails and clean ears.

He still has some mild anxiety here and there in his crate when he first goes in at night and we passively ignore and he settles beautifully.

Travels amazing in a car now and no longer tries to climb the seats…even when tethered/seat belted, he would try and these days is most content to look out the windows or lay down to chomp a Butchery marrow bone etc.

We prefer a home with children no younger than 13, if said right matched home had children.

He can go to a home with or without a dog already residing in it and male or female does not matter as it is always about the right match fit personality, not the sex of the dog. He is not a wallflower and does still take some pleasure in attempting to push the softer Dogs a bit, like one of my own Wolfies Brogan. That being said, on the inside he really is a big softie that is working on his proper manners.

He has learned so much since he first arrived to us in July and while he is very much a gorgeous diamond in the rough in some ways, he does not have need of me any longer and that right match fit forever loving home can continue to build upon the strong foundation we have worked so hard to build for him.

He is not a high maintenance Dane to us….more of a low middle end kind of boy and for us a true riot!

He needs a home that walks three times a day, has a good sized fenced in backyard and has a strong small social network in place both people and dog wise for BHRR’s Ryder to keep moving forward in his manners and social skills. He loves his close few friends and needs his set up for success circle.

He can be adopted to a home that works full time, or part-time or works from home or is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR dog. 

I am so going to miss this stunning BBBBB when it is his time to leave me….he has been an absolute delight to have been asked to assist and like all the BHRR Dogs over the last shy of 22 years, will be a part of my heart forever!

I am over the moon proud of you BHRR’s Ryder! We also sincerely hope that the select few who could not look past his emaciation/eye/coat to what he had the potential to be now see why BHRR exists and are the experts we are in these situations. ?

This boy deserved the opportunity as any other dog does to live a super quality filled life filled with so much care and surrounded by so much love!  He is happy and healthy and lives his every day to the fullest….

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for the gorgeous pics!

UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
His wolfie coat is slowly coming in! 🙂
Donated To Date: $570
His Bills Are Already Over $1,400
He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd and then was at Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th.
He was then seen at Kanata Animal Hospital:
November 9th and again on
November 16th and agan on
November 21st and again on
November 28th.
He weighed 13.2kgs (29.04 pounds) at 10 weeks of age at KAH
The day after he originally seen at KAH, Forti Flora was added to his food, as he was having bloody mucousy stool due to the meds dispensed the night before – more info. below.
November 28th, he was re-weighed, examined, temp remains normal, still has slightly swollen lymph nodes and ear cytologies were again done on both ears. He will remain on the Ottomax ear drops twice a day as he still is showing some rods in his results.
He remains on Pred(27.5 mg total daily) and Clavamox.(250 mg total daily)
The latest fecal we did – November 16th was negative as was the first one we did when the litter was 2 weeks of age as we have been following proper Vet protocol in de-worming this litter at 2,4,6 & 8 weeks. They will be de-wormed again at 10 weeks and then monthly after that.
I also did his nails again tonight.
We will be back next week for his next recheck.
I had rushed him into Kanata AH on Thursday November 2nd for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!
When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.
I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.
I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.
By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.
Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.
We also did skin scrapings.
Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.
Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.
Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.
This is NOT contagious.
Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for many weeks.
BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). ?
This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama…. ??We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….
The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.
OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
We remain so grateful for any and all consideration…..

Today at her spay, BHRR’s Sprocket – 10 weeks of age – weighed 13.5 kgs(29.7 pounds). 
Today at his neuter, BHRR’s Carlsberg – 10 weeks of age – weighed 13.2 kgs(29.04 pounds).

BHRR’s Lacey is moving under a PENDING Adoption!

We shall update on her status as we can.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Sprocket
9 weeks of age (DNA Proven To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound) 

Thank you to her amazing new forever loving adoptive home for welcoming us into your gorgeous place and with such hospitality!

I have known this home for about 10 years now and from the first moment they were involved in assisting The Bakers Dozen at one of their many Vet Visits, we were honoured that they would consider to adopt from BHRR!

Thank you immensely from our hearts for all of your patience as we worked through BHRR’s thorough adoption process to determine/confirm if this was a right match fit for everyone.

BHRR’s Sprocket is one of the puppies in this litter that BHRR would have considered a home with children and their one son and Sprocket took to each other as if they remembered when they first met at the Vets. 

I am so happy for the future that this home shall give this incredible puppy and it is going to be a true delight watching her grow up and reach her full potential under their love plus care.

If all goes well, BHRR’s Sprocket shall go to her new home on December 8th.

This was a tough one for Kinsley…BHRR’s Carlsberg’s own approved adoption also….she has had a deep bond and it has been so mutual with these two….BHRR’s Fletcher plus BHRR’s Oliver are not far behind in their own strong bonds with Kinsley!

On Friday, BHRR’s Morty will have his own home-visit and we are in the early stages of possibly seeing if one of the Saint Ladies may be in their own right match fit home before we shut down for XMAS as we do not adopt over the Holidays.

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, Happy Grey Cup Sunday and if you have to be on the roads, be safe….it was not a pretty drive home for us.

AND we are on our way!

This is for the home-visit for a possible future approved adoption of The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Sprocket.
9 weeks old
(DNA Proven To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

We shall update as we can.

The Bakers Dozen – 5 of them!
DNA Prove To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound
9 weeks of age
November 24th, 2017

This is at their fourth professional photo shoot!

Thanks so much again Liz Bradley for your time and patience as the puppies were being wrangled…

BHRR’s Poppy, BHRR’s Juniper, BHRR’s Everly, BHRR’s Fletcher & BHRR’s Oliver

These five are still available for future approved adoptions.

BHRR ONLY places per right match personality fits and each of these amazing pups have extremely detailed blogs from even before they were born!

Sadly, we also still have people not reading our adoption process/policies and procedures that includes our adoption area covered etc.

We remain patient…..

THANK you to Melissa Anne, Gracie Walker(AND your lovely mom, Ellen for stepping up at the last minute as we had two Volunteers end up not being in attendance), Kayla Baxter & Mason Ross Boers! – Thanks Mason also for stepping in when needed!

We are NOTHING without our absolutely incredible approved BHRR Volunteer team and so so so so grateful!

Liz & BHRR’s Oliver(Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane)
9 weeks of age
September 24th, 2017
Available For Future Approved Adoption!

Today 5 of The Bakers Dozen had their 4th Professional Photo Shoot!

BHRR’s Oliver took to Liz Bradley so fast and strongly! 

She asked me to snap a few photo’s of them and this is one of the pics! 

AREN’T they adorable?

I want to share this photo as Liz is a huge part of BHRR’s “CHAIN OF SUCCESS”

Her time and talent with professional photo’s has enabled BHRR to see so many of our BHRR animals’ *captured* so beautifully!

She is a strong link on our ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ and we are deeply blessed.

I love this photo! 

Thank you to all of the BHRR Volunteers that braved a windy day today to help puppy wrangle!

Thank you LIz for everything you do for so many in the community that has enabled more animals’ to be adopted from many r/q groups!

BHRR’s Fletcher – Fourth Professional Photo Shoot! 9 weeks of age.

BHRR’s Ryder had his professional photo shoot today!

As soon as the pictures are back, he will be ready to make his own special announcement!

This is the Great Dane that was rescued weighing 48 pounds at only 10 months of age.

He is now a gorgeous BBBBB weighing almost 115 and after needing two eye surgeries, he is happy and healthy! AND he has learned a lot about manners yet he still likes to counter surf if ever given the chance! ?

Jane, your boy is doing fabu! ?

I am off shortly to make the drive do a third home-visit this week for a possible Approved adoption with another one planned for Sunday! Tonights home-visit is for The Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Carlsberg. We will update as we can!


Th Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Carlsberg!
(Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound) 

He shall be going to his new forever loving adoptive home ~December 11th once he recovers from his neuter that is scheduled for next week. He will be microchipped at the same time.

Thank you to this absolutely lovely home for having us over tonight for this home-visit! Your new home is beautiful and very warm plus inviting.

They have been approved BHRR Volunteers for many years and now after going through our very thorough adoption process, shall welcome the amazing Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Carlsberg into their caring home!

We are deeply blessed to have such kind people as part of our BHRR family and it shall be a true joy watching BHRR’s Carlsberg grow up and living an extremely wonderful life! We shall miss him so much yet he does not need us any longer.

This home has been part of his life since he was barely 3.5 weeks old helping out from his very first professional photo shoot! I guess I paired up The Bakers Dozen puppies quite well! 

We could not be more thrilled with this approved adoption! 

This photo is of the humans with BHRR’s Carlsberg. It was too precious to not share! In the thread I shall post a photo of the whole family…BHRR’s Carlsberg shall have a big brother named Cooper.

Good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

Donated To Date: $550
His Bills Are Already Over $1,200

This is BHRR’s Murray. He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd and then was at Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th and then he was at Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th and again on November 16th.

Tonight – November 21st, he was back for another recheck at KAH.

He weighed 12.1 kgs(26.62 pounds) at 9 weeks of age at KAH

The day after he was at KAH, Forti Flora was added to his food, as he was having bloody mucousy stool due to the meds dispensed the night before – more info. below.

Tonight, he was re-weighed, examined, temp remains normal, still has swollen lymph nodes and in doing a ‘tape’ test on the lesions on his face, no yeast was found and only mild cocci.

He remains on Pred and Clavamox and also the ear drops he began last Friday for the cocci/rods found.

The latest fecal we did – November 16th was negative as was the first one we did when the litter was 2 weeks of age as we have been following proper Vet protocol in de-worming this litter at 2,4,6 & 8 weeks. They will be de-wormed again at 10 weeks and then monthly after that.

I also did his nails again tonight.

We will be back next week for his next recheck.

I had rushed him into Kanata AH on Thursday November 2nd for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.

This is NOT contagious.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for many weeks.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). 

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama….  We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration….. 

BHRR’s Steam Boat!

We absolutely love when home-visits and homes are as simply delightful and awesome as this one! 

This home is what we have been so patiently waiting for so long…..as has BHRR’s Steam.

Anyone who knows us, knows we work so hard to adopt to right match personality fit homes and we are never desperate to adopt our dogs.

For BHRR’s Steam it took until this application for her right matched forever loving to find her and so worth the wait.

She is right where she is meant to be and Karen & Jane you would be equally just thrilled to see where BHRR’s Steam now calls home.

Going through this application process with this home was so lovely and from the moment we arrived, we were welcomed warmly, BHRR’s Steam was comfortable and happy – when is she not! – and they are meant to be her new forever loving adoptive home.

This was an approved adoption that I am beaming over! I am so going to miss this special needs Mini Aussie that we called BHRR’s Steam Boat as she is a huge beautiful presence, a gentle, loves life, a ham, a stubborn goof at times, a survivor of being emaciated that learned manners – shall never be a perfect Lady yet is perfect in all of her imperfections!

My back of my couch is going to miss you, the XL Giant stuffies one of my own special needs Danes – Salt – shall miss being laid upon, our visitors will miss being in awe of how normal you are and how you ‘ruled’ the Giants!  My Salt shall also miss his play bud! You two were so close….

I shall miss your huge zest of life and how happiness could be found in everything! You wake up every day so excited to see what the day shall bring your way! Social butterfly is putting it lightly to describe you! So photogenic also! I do not think I ever took a bad pic of you! ?

BHRR’s Steam, my final chapter with you has now been written yet you have books yet to be written with the incredible future you shall have!

I love you and am so happy for you and this home and thank you to this home for everything!

Now, Kinsley & I are working our way home and have stopped for a very late supper in Brockville and we wish all of our friends, family and supporters a most wonderful Monday night!

This litter was DNA proven to be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound.


The home turned out to not be the one meant for her. 

BHRR works so hard to place per right matched personality fits and we still have three of The Bakers Dozen currently under possible future pending adoptions.

Happy Sunday to all of friends, family and supporters!

UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)

Donated To Date: $450
His Bills Are Already Over $1,000

This is BHRR’s Murray. He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital on Thursday November 2nd and then was at Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th and then he was at Kanata Animal Hospital November 9th.

Tonight – November 16th, he was back for another recheck at KAH.

He weighed 11.3 kgs(24.86 pounds) at 8 weeks of age at KAH

The day after he was at KAH, Forti Flora was added to his food, as he was having bloody mucousy stool due to the meds dispensed the night before – more info. below.

Tonight, he was re-weighed, examined, temp remains normal, still has swollen lymph nodes and is now having his Prednisolone increased and had ear cytologies done again and he has cocci and rods in the one ear.  I did his nails again also tonight. 

He will begin ear medication and his dosing of pred will be increased again this week. He was put on interceptor and we are running a fecal as it is time for another fecal for The Bakers Dozen! Fecals done to date have been negative and all puppies have been de-wormed per proper Vet Protocal at 2,4,6,8 and then will be de-wormed again at 10 weeks.

We will be back next Tuesday to KAH for another recheck, re-weigh etc.

I had rushed him into Kanata AH last Thursday for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different puppy canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal. This is NOT contagious.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for several weeks.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). 

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama…. ??We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration….. 

ISO: 4 BHRR Approved Puppy Wranglers!

This is for a fourth professional photo shoot for five of The Bakers Dozen(DNA Proven To Be Great Dane/Irish Wolfhounds).

They will then be 9 weeks of age and five are still available for future approved adoptions to right matched personality fit homes.

BHRR’s Everly
BHRR’s Juniper
BHRR’s Oliver
BHRR’s Fletcher
BHRR’s Poppy

Location: Nepean
Time: 2:30 pm for about 20-30 minutes 
Date: Friday November 24th

Please do not post here as we may miss your lovely offer!

Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

This photo is of Kinsley and BHRR’s Carlsberg before we got on our way to the Vets on November 7th.  A quick snuggle before he was safely secured for transport.

At this time, BHRR’s Carlsberg is under a PENDING Adoption and we will update as we know more re: the status of if this application is going to be approved.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Fletcher-Fletch (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*
8 weeks of age

Puppy #13 – Thirteenth Born – September 13th, 2017 @ 9:29 AM
Brindle Boy

Birth Weight: 475 g(1.04 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 9 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 3 pounds, 3 oz
November 7th: 7 weeks: 9.5 kgs(20.9 pounds)

This boy is hilarious! On the move! LOVES to eat and it is like he does not have a ‘full’ button and you have to monitor him closely.

He can be busy at times yet when it is time to settle down, he is a dream. He is a lot less busy than he used to be too! So much more calm and settled and he loves to be picked up by Kinsley and snuggled. He is far less active than BHRR’s Everly and BHRR’s Juniper!

As of last Saturday, we have created/renovated a 750+ square foot area in our rec room for the puppies and they also now have almost 3/4’s of an acre safely fenced in just for them with direct access from our rec room. They have wall to wall windows and French doors with so much wonderful sun light. They even have their own 54” TV and two fireplaces!

With the additional space and freedom, he is receiving all of the necessary physical stimulation he is currently needing in addition to the continued obedience and emotional stimulation plus oodles of love!

He has some anxiety issues that we have been working through and he is responding so well. New things have made him a bit nervous yet he is beginning to take more things in instant stride now. We are getting the right people to assist in holding and loving on him at the Vets/Photo Shoots to enable me to help him reach his full potential and he is doing great! He really is!

His true small anxiety moments come when his ‘kid’ or we leave him when it is time for quiet time or night time sleepies. He will sit and give a few whines and then he is over it….so much better than what it used to be.

When he makes up his mind that he wants to do something or go somewhere, watch out! LOL He will do all he can to meet that goal he has taken upon himself to do! He is a true hoot!

He is so much fun!

He is no longer a rough player…..he is learning to be gentle yet again, he is a big boy – second biggest in the litter as of 7 weeks of age on November 7th and he has learned much about the power of his paws and puppy teeth. He has learned ‘kisses only’ and ‘no biting’ and is smart!

You could not ask for a better snuggler when the time comes and he is ready for a snooze!

He is not high energy, just when he sets his mind to something & is comfortable, he just wants to do it! Then, he becomes a ‘man on the go!’ It is a real delight watching him think and ponder things through to trying to do what he wants and going where he wants!

This litter is average/top average for Giant Breed puppies now! GO PUPS GO!

He playful, shares well with his litter-mates and has made friends with both of the BHRR Saint Ladies, BHRR’s Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson along with three of my own dogs – my almost 13.5 year old GSx Cherokee and my own two Wolfies.

He is so handsome and while not a totally pushover in temperament, he is a team player, quite soft in personality over all and just loves his ‘pack’! A really sweet boy.  He loves being around his humans.

He is such an easy keeper to us. Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears! Travels great in a car!

If you do not have time to commit to a dog, please do not consider applying. He deserves a home that will take him for walks, strolls, new places, visiting friends and family and we are not seeking a super busy/active home. One that is average/normal in social activity both in and out of their home. A home that will commit to his needs and ensure that he is part of the family.

He can go to a home with children over the age of 10 and homes that feel it is ok for their children to ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate behaviour.

We could only afford to do three DNA kits and we did a draw as to which three puppies would be done and the results came back supporting that all three pups done were Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane. This does not surprise me in knowing what the puppymiller was breeding.

Knows words such as his name, good and boy and sit and no plus treat/snack and so many others!

He, like his litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

He can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that he have a strong dog social network. We have friends and so should he and it will help keep him well balanced & rounded. These puppies are very much a product of their genetics. If he is an only dog, he really would benefit from having a Giant stuffie.

A home that shall not cater/enable to his small amounts of anxiety and one that has the experience/knowledge to be a proper positive balanced home for him.

Before applying to adopt him, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

We are getting many inquiries on The Bakers Dozen litter from all over the States for example and our adoption area is clearly posted on our websites and in the adoption application.

People are also getting caught up in looks and their breeds and are not reading The Bakers Dozen’s detailed blogs about the homes we are seeking for the remaining pups in this litter. We go to great lengths to provide this information that shall answer almost all of your questions. ?

Photo is from his second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age. His third professional photo shoot was on November 5th!

He will be ready to go to his approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. He and his siblings are scheduled to be altered between November 28th & December 8th. His first vaccines were November 7th.

He also has this individual blog: 

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s & to Ellie White for being his amazing puppy wrangler at the professional photo shoots and at the Vet!



We will update as we can!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Poppy (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*
8 weeks of age
Puppy #1 – Born First September 12th, 2017 @ 10:13 PM
Tiny Black Female

Birth Weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds
November 7th: 7 weeks of age: 7.8 Kgs(17.16 pounds)

She is as sweet plus gentle as they come! She was once so tiny and mighty and is a true miracle survivor. I spent 10 days dropper feeding her and look at her now! There is not even 5 pounds between her and BHRR’s Oliver – the biggest of the litter as of November 7th. She has really caught up! This litter is average/top average for Giant Breed puppies now! GO PUPS GO!

She is truly precious. Quiet, calm, sweet, soft, loves to snuggle and possesses a name that is feminine yet one that demonstrates inner strength for she has overcome unbelievable odds. Thanks again Allie for this amazing name for her! In honour of Remembrance Day also.

She cannot be rushed….to do so would have meant her demise. She needs to feel comfortable and then she will eat well. She needs to sniff and taste test and come back and do it all over again. She sizes things up before she makes any decision. When she commits, she is all in!

She is playful, kind and has a small side to her that is cutely feisty and my heart just flip flops with such warmth with how well she is doing!

Her coat is among the most softest I have ever felt and I have felt many soft furs of amazing dogs over decades! She is the best snuggle buddy.

She is smart and loves to watch TV with Kinsley! She was one of the first pups to pick up the TV and is simply adorable. She is patient and resourceful in getting what she wants from her litter-mates. While we may wish to put her in a glass bubble to ‘protect’ her that is serving her no benefit. It has been like watching when our kids were learning how to bike….there were spills and falls and we remained their safety net when/if needed and that is what we have done with BHRR’s Poppy and she was not babied. She has used her intelligence when she did not have the size of her bigger siblings – even though she was the first born, she was the smallest – to get what she wanted, be it prime real estate on a dog bed or a toy. She has been positively fascinating to watch in action!

She is such an easy keeper. Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears! Travels great in a car!

If you do not have time to commit to a dog, please do not consider applying. She deserves a home that will take her for walks, strolls, new places, visiting friends and family and we are not seeking a super busy home. One that is average/normal in social activity both in and out of their home. A home that will commit to her needs and ensure that she is part of the family. She loves her ‘pack’.

She can go to a home with children over the age of 10 and homes that feel it is ok for their children to ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate behaviour.

We could only afford to do three DNA kits and we did a draw as to which three puppies would be done and the results came back supporting that all three pups done were Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane. This does not surprise me in knowing what the puppymiller was breeding.

Knows words such as her name, good and girl and sit and no plus treat and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she have a strong dog social network. We have friends and so should she and it will help keep her well balanced & rounded. These puppies are very much a product of their genetics. If she is an only dog, she really would benefit from having a Giant stuffie.

She is beyond incredibly beautiful! She is a true BBBBB!

Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from her second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age. Her third professional photo shoot was on November 5th!

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. She and her siblings are scheduled to be altered between November 27th & December 8th. Her first vaccines were November 7th.

She also has this individual blog: 

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s!

BHRR’s Steam Boat, one of our honorary Great Danes  is going under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can…..


BHRR’s Every’s DNA Certificate. All three in the litter that we randomly did came back as Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound like we strongly suspected this litter was based upon what we were told the puppymiller was breeding.

BHRR’s Carlsbergs’ DNA Certificate. All three in the litter that we randomly did came back as Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound like we strongly suspected this litter was based upon what we were told the puppymiller was breeding.

BHRR’s Oliver’s DNA Certificate. All three in the litter that we randomly did came back as Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound like we strongly suspected this litter was based upon what we were told the puppymiller was breeding.


We will update as we can!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Sprocket (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
*This litter has Been DNA Proven to be GD/IW*
7 weeks of age

Puppy #11 – Eleventh Born – September 13th, 2017 @ 3:03 AM
Brindle Female

Birth Weight: 410 g(0.90 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 15 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 2 pounds, 15 oz
November 7th: 7 weeks: 9.2 Kgs(20.24 pounds)

This girl is a big mix of ‘spice’ and ‘sugar’!

She can still be a bit a small princess here and there and had once demonstrated some resourcing over the ‘slurry’ when she was wee yet with lots of patience and positive reinforcement she has zero issues any longer. She shares everything now!

BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Juniper, two of her sisters are far stronger in personalities and temperament than she is. She has really settled down and is so even tempered now. She shall require a home that is patient, consistent and we only support positive reinforcement homes for we never want to see any of our dogs ruined. She is so easy to correct and quite eager to please.

She is also so brilliantly smart!

She is was once a rough player! AND has learned ‘gentle’ and is really a softie overall.

Her world used to be ALL about her! She is now realising that there is more to the world than just her! She has come so far. She now has patience and knows she will get her turn in everything and allows BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Juniper to ‘steal’ the lime-light yet we continue to show BHRR’s Sprocket she is equally important. She is so much more content and settled these days and really has mellowed and evened out beautifully.

She can also be super sweet, cuddly, precious and loving….she loves to be cuddled and snuggled for short periods and then being not only 50% Wolfie, yet 50% Dane, she loves it best to be near and touching her humans slightly.

If you are a home that has interpersonal space issues, she and Danes are not for you! AND this is a serious statement. She would not thrive in a home that does not accept that she wants to be near and often touching her humans – their feet, legs, knees, sides if you are laying down on the floor watching TV etc. She and Kinsley are quite close and a home with older children will be considered for BHRR’s Sprocket.

If you are a home that thinks it is ok for children to lay on or ride dogs, you need not bother applying. This is extremely unacceptable behaviour.

Once you have a Dane, you can never walk a straight line again! She also will not be a small girl – 110-120 pounds most likely. Nice and lean is what she should be.

She demonstrates amazing patience during feed time and has also learned that her time will come and again and again. She used to fall asleep due to the stress of having to wait yet now understands better that she is not going to be left out.

She no longer also falls asleep in the car due to stress like she once did. We have worked incredibly hard to make her feel comfortable traveling and while she will still take to escape stress by sleeping, she does it a lot less. This is also very much a Dane trait.

She is so pretty….sassy yet quiet calm if that makes sense.

Where once she was vocal, she is quiet and very rarely makes sounds now.

She has a mind all of her own and I love her for that!

She is much less on the high maintenance side than she once was…..so much less…to us she is an easy keeper now and the more matures and we work together, the more comfortable and confident she has become in herself and to her surroundings.

If you do not have time to commit to a dog, please do not consider applying. She deserves a home that will take her for walks, strolls, new places, visiting friends and family and we are not seeking a super busy home. One that is average/normal in social activity both in and out of their home. A home that will commit to her needs and ensure that she is part of the family.

We could only afford to do three DNA kits and we did a draw as to which three puppies would be done and the results came back supporting that all three pups done were Irish Wolfhound/Great Dane. This does not surprise me in knowing what the puppymiller was breeding.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears!

Knows words such as her name, good and girl and sit and no plus treat and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she have a strong dog social network. We have friends and so should she and it will help keep her well balanced & rounded. These puppies are very much a product of their genetics. If she is an only dog, she really would benefit from having a Giant stuffie.

She is beyond incredibly beautiful! Her face may be brindle marked – both Danes and Wolfies come in brindle – yet, it is very much like her Mama Gem. Those eyes….are a dead ringer and the shape of her face…..just melts my heart as Mama Gem means the world to me.

Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from her second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age. Her third professional photo shoot on was on November 5th!

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. She and her siblings are scheduled to be altered between November 26th & December 8th. Her first vaccines were November 7th.

She also has this individual blog: 

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s and to Alex for naming her and to all who have snuggled and cuddled with her during her professional photo shoots/Vet visit!

Here is a picture of BHRR’s Morty from his third professional photo shoot on November 5th between the rain drops! 

He remains under a PENDING ADOPTION at this time and a gentle reminder to all that have been asking, we are not at liberty to discuss any aspect of any of our dogs pending adoptions due to the Canadian Privacy Laws.

Should said pending homes with to discuss their application and status that is up to them. 

BHRR only places per right match personality fits.


UPDATE: The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Murray (Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound)
Donated To Date: $330

This is BHRR’s Murray. He was rushed into Kanata Animal Hospital last Thursday and then was at Liston Animal Hospital on November 7 and now he was back at Kanata Animal Hospital tonight – November 9th.

He weighed 8.3 kgs(18.26 pounds) at almost 6.5 weeks of age at KAH

The day after he was at KAH, Forti Flora was added to his food, as he was having bloody mucousy stool due to the meds dispensed the night before – more info. below.

He weighed 9.2 KGs(20.24 pounds) at 7 weeks of age at LAH November 7th – he had ear cytologies, temp taken – still normal – and ears cleaned/ointment put in them and he still had swollen lymph nodes and had been re-weighed. His ear cytologies showed skins cells from inflammation.

Tonight he weighed 9.9 KGs(21.78 pounds) at 7 weeks of age at KAH – he had 3 more skin scrapings, was re-weighed, examined by two Vets, temp remains normal, still has swollen lymph nodes and is now having his Prednisolone increased and is being changed from clavaseptin to clavamox and dose is also increasing.

We will be back next Thursday to KAH for another recheck, re-weigh etc.

I had rushed him into Kanata AH last Thursday for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly from her own recheck and repeat x-rays at LAH, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We had opened up a new pack of Pee pads that day and they were now getting a different puppy canned food transitioning as of the day before for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

Two Vets diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He had swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal. This is NOT contagious.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for several weeks. He was prescribed clavaseptin and prednisolone.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho). 

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama….  We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration….. 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Oliver – Great Dane/Irish Wolfhound
7 weeks of age

Puppy #10 – Born Tenth – September 13th, 2017 @ 2:45 AM
Blue with White Male
Birth Weight: 501 g(1.11 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: 1 pound
September 29th: 2 weeks old: 3 pounds, 4 oz
November 7th: 7 weeks old: 9.8 kgs(21.56 pounds)

He is a big uber handsome boy! He is not the bravest of souls…..has some anxietty that has been coming along famously! We are seeking a proper dog experienced home for him. 

His confidence is improving daily and we are working on getting the right people to hold and love him when we are out at Vet visits/photo shoots etc…as each positive experience is making him reach his full potential.

He is not a leader….he is content to eat, be held and be loved on! He and Kinsley take many naps together! 😀

He will lay by my feet when it is feeding time…not demanding attention, yet making his presence known. He used to fall asleep due to stress for he did not understnad why he was fed some food and then he had to wait and be fed more food etc. Now, he is right in there making sure that he gets his turn!

He is learning so much and is a gentle player….he is not a rough and tumble boy….at least not yet!

Stability, routine and consistency is what he needs….and he is thriving so well.

New situations make him a bit nervous yet once he gathers up his courage and realises that he is ‘ok’, he will take the world in stride.

Just needs a few minutes to size up the world and then his off to the races!

He is so sweet….so loveable. Patient, kind, quiet, totally sweet.
This boy is so chill. Extremely quiet, calm and we have worked to make sure that he gets more than his share of love and not be overshadowed by the more ‘in your face’ puppies.

He is going to be a big boy and this litter though born emaciated and tiny is thriving! He is the biggest in the litter right now.

We did DNA testing on three of these puppies, BHRR’s Everly, BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Carlsberg. We could only afford three DNA kits, did a draw and the results have come back for BHRR’s Everyl & BHRR’s Carlsberg to date and they are GD/IW pups. Based upon what the puppymiller was breeding, this does not suprise me.

We will approve a home for him that is not always on the go. He needs a stable, calm, structured, consistent home. Quietly social with smaller groups of friends and family both in the home and out, yet not flittering here and there and everywhere.Walks, strolls, small hikes are good and having a good social doggie network is important yet he is not a puppy that loves ton of action. Playful yet not overly.

He is relaxed and will do best in a home that is equally relaxed and while that home is social, there is ‘no place like home’ kind of family is ideal for him.

Rain days with a good book or a movie in front of the fireplace on after a short walk is this boyz cup of tea!

He will not be approved to be adopted to a home that has children UNDER the age of 10. Homes with more than 2 children also shall not be considered.

Homes that feel it is acceptable to have their children ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate and painful to the dog.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears!

Travels wonderfully in a car and at 7 weeks of age, knows words such as his name, good. sit, snack and boy and so many others!

He, like his litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. He really does. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

He can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that he remains having exposure to other dogs and like we have friends, he should have a few good friends too.

He is so handsome and mellow.

He is very even tempered.

Before applying to adopt him, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from his second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age.

He will be ready to go to his approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. He and his siblings are scheduled for their spays/neuters between the end of November and the beginning of December.

He had his first vaccines November 7th.

He also has this individual blog:

Thank you to Melissa for her time/talent capturing The Bakers Dozen and to Bob for being his professional Photo/Vet Cuddle Buddy!

It has been a Bakers Dozen week and it is not over yet! 

We still have four more to be placed up for adoption and I shall continue that tomorrow. BHRR’s Murray remains on medical hold. 

All puppies(DNA Proven To Be Dane/Irish Wolfhound pups) were at LAH tonight for 5 pm for their next progress/recheck exams and vaccines, other than BHRR’s Murray due to his compromised immune system. 

It was a BHRR small yet mighty village invasion and before we went in, I snapped a quick group photo – MIA are Elizabeth & Christine who had not yet arrived. 

They are 7 weeks of age and weights ranged from(I have all of their weights and will put into their blogs) from 7.8 kgs(17.16 pounds) with BHRR’s Poppy, next smallest was BHRR’s Juniper at 8.1 kgs(17.82 pounds) and the biggest was BHRR’s Oliver at 9.8 kgs(21.56 pounds) and the second biggest was BHRR’s Fletcher at 9.5 kgs(20.9 kgs)! 

While born super tiny and emaciated, they are not any longer! They are mid to above average now for Giants. Go Babies Go! 

BHRR’s Fletcher’s dark brindling colouring is deceiving as many think he is one of the smallest but he is the second biggest. 

We will need to re-arrange the currently booked spay/neuter schedule as both BHRR’s Morty & BHRR’s Fletcher still have one undescended testicle and Dr. Liston recommends doing them last on the list – so December 8th – to give them more time to ‘drop’ if they are going to.

BHRR’s Murray had his temp taken – remains normal, had cytologies done on his ears – just skin cells, no infections and he is back at KAH on Thursday for another recheck, re-weigh and new dosing of his clavaseptin antibiotics & Pred meds. He is stronger in the hind end than he was with the strengthening exercises we have been doing and Dr. Parker, the ortho specialist will continue to monitor him as he grows as will Dr. Liston.

Dr. Liston found BHRR’s Oliver to not be as bad as BHRR’s Murray with his eastie eastie stance and ‘loosey goosey’ hind end yet noted that until he actually begins to move, he has some weakening in the hind end yet Dr. Liston did note that the slippery floor did hinder things. We will monitor and work on his own strengthening and stimulation further.

BHRR’s Poppy’s eyes were given a thumbs up so she will also be placed up for adoption shortly. 

I did all of their nails other than BHRR’s Murray as I just did them last Thursday and will do them again this Thursday at KAH.

We were in and out within 1.25 hours and none of this would have been possible without all of the amazing Volunteers who came to help me or the staff at LAH and Dr. Liston himself! 

This litter as with all that we have helped over the past almost 22 years has a village helping to raise them and thank you! Thank you for giving them different hands of love and kindness in touching and holding them.

Thank you for giving them further amazing wonderful experiences helping us help them become the best dogs they can be.

Thank you for the compliments on how calm and easy going and relaxed and social these puppies are….we have worked so hard as we do with all of the dogs we are entrusted with to do right by….

We remain truly forever touched by our committed and dedicated supporters for standing strong beside the animals! 

We are continuing to think of creative ways to pay for their mounting vet bills too!



Both puppies of The Bakers Dozen  – BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Carlsberg are: Drumroll…..
Great Dane AKA German Mastiff(Mama Gem) & Irish Wolfhound(Dad)

Guessing TIME!

DNA Results are in for The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Carlsberg! We are still waiting for BHRR’s Olivers’ results. We could only afford to do three out of the litter and did a draw as to which three would be done.

Some of you are going to be surprised! 

Any guesses as to what they are? Are they single bred Danes? Are they mixes? If so, with what breed or breeds? Are they dual sired?

Any guesses?

As many know, I had my own strong suspicions of what they may be…and did the DNA Results prove me wrong? 

Pictures of BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Carlsberg in this post for people to guess.

The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Everly, BHRR’s Morty & BHRR’s Poppy wish all a good-night from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters! 

That is also BHRR’s Oliver in the picture!

They are now 7 weeks of age and tomorrow they are at Liston Animal Hospital for their recheck exams and vaccines – other than BHRR’s Murray who will not be having vaccines for a long time to come. He will just have a recheck….and he is back at KAH for another recheck on Thursday, re-weigh again and to obtain more prednisolone plus clavaseptin for his puppy strangles.

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Juniper

 7 weeks of age

Puppy #9 – Born Ninth – September 13th, 2017 @ 2:10 AM
Black Female #2

Birth Weight: 480g(1.05 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 2 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 2 pounds, 13 oz
November 7th: 7 weeks of age: 7.8 kgs(17.16 pounds)

This BBBB is not like most of her siblings. She has her own agenda and while not as much as she used to be…she used to be a bit of a loner….she sure has come a long way!

She is feisty, adventurous and quite the explorer these days!

Out of all of the puppies, she is the one that looks most like her stunning Puppymill Mama Great Dane Gem and also is so like her with her ‘KangaDane’ antics plus her vocalisation in greeting me in the AM or at feeding time. ??

She is more interactive with the other pups than she was when she was first born, playful and yet, she is clearly her own woman. This girl is smart! Not as brilliant as her sister BHRR’s Everly yet not far behind! She is a thinker and she also observes a lot…she watches things closely, sizes things up and then makes whatever ‘move’ she feels is best.

She is one of the first of the litter to discover the TV along with BHRR’s Poppy and can be found sitting along with the kids watching whatever show they are! ?

Quiet and calm and also mixed with feistiness plus sassiness, she no longer tends to let most others take the attention as she has had to learn that she is equally important and deserves love/time and attention too!

She so often comes to us on her own bidding and I love how her wee paw comes out to reach for me and I am so proud of her in learning that she is deserving too! She can now be downright insistent times to get her share of attention and good for her!

She is not a wallflower….she is just unique….she is a thinker….totally loving, gentle and sweet and does not seem to ‘get’ what all the fuss is about from some of the more ‘in your face pups’! She is patience personified!

AND, I love the wee white tip on her tail! 

We are doing DNA testing on three of her siblings, BHRR’s Everly, BHRR’s Carlsberg & BHRR’s Oliver. We could only afford three DNA kits, did a draw and we are looking forward to the results. I suspect from being told what this puppymiller was breeding that she is is a Dane/Irish Wolfhound. We shall see!

We will approve a home for her that is not always on the go. She needs a consistent, stable home that while active is not extremely busy and will understand that she really needs a ‘job’. She is so super smart that it would be a shame to see that wasted.

She can go to a home that does have children over the age of 8 yet no more than two children in the home, if the home does have kids.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears!

Travels wonderfully in a car and at 7 weeks of age, knows words such as her name, good, sit and girl and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she has a strong dog social network. Our preference would be to see her in a home with a right match personality fit dog in it yet not a deal breaker. One that is balanced, one that shall compliment BHRR’s Juniper and one that shall continue to help BHRR’s Juniper be the best dog she can be for she just overflows with so much potential!

Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from her second professional photo shoot on October 22nd, at almost 5.5 weeks.

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. She and her three sisters are scheduled to be spayed December 6th & December 8 (2 & 2 on those days). Her first vaccines are scheduled for November 7th.

She also has this individual blog:

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s and to Holly for naming her!


A picture of BHRR’s Poppy from her thrid professional photo shoot today!


We will update as we can!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Carlsberg
Almost 7 weeks of age!

Puppy #4 – Born Fourth – September 13th, 2017 @ 12:15 AM
Blue Brindle Male

Birth Weight: 515 g(1.13 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week of age: 1 pound, 5 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds, 9 oz
October 24th: Almost 6 weeks of age: 12.1 pounds

This boy is so calm! He often has allowed the more ‘attention seeking’ puppies work to get the attention and in his eyes you know that he wants a piece of the action, and even looks a bit worried that he may be missed yet we have always ensured that this never happens. BHRR’s Carlsberg gets attention sometimes before the others, sometimes second or third etc. and we have encouraged him that it is ‘ok’ to ask for attention and he is getting so much better!

It warms our hearts to see him asking to be picked up and snuggled and cuddled. He has come a long way in such a short time! He loves to be close to his humans. If you have interpersonal space issues, while Danes are not meant for you, this boy most certainly is not meant for you!

He is so ‘soft’ in temperament yet it is so important for that right matched personality fit home to NOT ever baby him. This will set him up for big failure and that will ruin all of what we worked so hard to do for him to help him reach his full potential. He needs to continue to be exposed to safe, new situations of people, places and solid personality temperament dogs etc. This is extremely essential to his emotional and behavioural development. He has no clue just how many amazing experiences the world has to offer in sights, smells etc. and we want to make sure he is placed in that home that shall give this to him without flooding or overwhelming him. At the same time, he cannot go to a home that are homebodies or couch potatoes. He would be missing out on so much and become stunted in so many ways.

A home that is quietly social and while they go out, they are not busy bees or social butterflies. A strong and proper community of people/dogs are going to be key to this boys’ QOL.

He is not to be catered to in respect to his small anxiety or worry issues either as that will only create a ‘monster’. He is given a calming word/touch and he is learning so well that he is ‘ok’ and can self-soothe and self-comfort and that he can do these things not only by himself yet being surrounded by his siblings. We LOVE seeing him interact and engage with the other puppies and be a ‘pot disturber’ at times! GO BHRR”S CARLSBERG GO! He never would have done that prior to us encouraging and helping to build up a strong foundation for him to develop.

He no longer pulls himself to the corner of the stimulation area to lay down and peer at his litter-mates playing, wanting to be part of the action – the quieter, calm, sane action. He is actively engaging! He is so much more confident in play tug of war with toys instead of just letting go and laying down.

He is feeling more comfortable faster in new surroundings and while seeing Dr. Liston from LAH on the 24th and then going to visit KAH afterwards, he ROCKED it! So so so proud of him!

He was exploring and was curious and while always social to people – does best as one-on-one or in very small groups, he is was more outgoing social and a true adventurer! YAY!

Some homes may feel the urge to ‘coddle’ and ‘smother’ him and that will not help BHRR’s Carlsberg be the best dog he can be and while one mighty fine pup now, he is blossoming daily and makes my heart burst with such happiness for him! He is a HUGE favourite to so many for his kind, sweet temperament.

There is a true ‘ham’ inside of him and it emerges more and more and it just makes me smile!!

Many may overlook this handsome man for he does not live in the lime-light yet to me, as with his brother BHRR’s Morty, he speaks volumes if you just ‘listen’ to his non verbal communication.

His eyes truly are the windows to his soul….they also reach deep into others souls…he has a gift…he makes people feel calm and comfortable and no trying to hide your deepest darkest secrets from him. It is like he can ‘see’ deep within you and he accepts you for who you are…never judging….

He is a bit of an ‘old soul’ and very wise beyond his tender weeks of age!

We are doing DNA testing on him and two of his siblings, BHRR’s Everly & BHRR’s Oliver. We could only afford three DNA kits, did a draw and we are looking forward to the results. I suspect from being told what this puppymiller was breeding that he is is a Dane/Irish Wolfhound. We shall see!

We will approve a home for him that is not always on the go. He needs a settled, chill in human personalities and home environment to truly thrive in.

He will not be approved to be adopted to a home that has children or are planning on having children.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears!

Travels wonderfully in a car and at almost 7 weeks of age, knows words such as his name, good, sit and boy and so many others!

He, like his litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. He really does…he more than many of his litter-mates has really needed them. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

He can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that he has a strong dog social network. Our preference would be to see him in a home with a right match personality fit dog in it. One that is balanced, one that shall compliment BHRR’s Carlsberg and one that shall continue to ‘show’ BHRR’s Carlsberg the wonderful ways of the world.

Before applying to adopt him, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from his third professional photo shoot on November 5th at one day shy of 7 weeks of age!

He will be ready to go to his approved right match fit forever loving home by December 14th, 2017. He and his four brothers are scheduled to be neutered November 26th & November 28th(3 & then 2 on those days). His first vaccines are scheduled for November 7th.

He also has this individual blog:

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s and to Melissa/Raine for naming him and also in being his photo cuddle buds. Also thanks to Gracie for being his photo bud today!

Today The Bakers Dozen had their third professional photo shoot!

We managed to get pictures between the raindrops and at the very end, we all went under a tree for a quick human/dog group photo as the rain began to come down. Would have been nice to have gotten an all Bakers Dozen photo again yet the rain coming was not going to let that happen! 

We were in and out all within 20-25 minutes and thank you to all that showed up to help puppy wrangle! Could not have done it without each of you and Christine thank you for bringing John for in the end as we had another Volunteer not come, the extra hands were SO appreciated and needed! John, thank you again for loving on BHRR’s Oliver.

This is BHRR’s Carlsberg ( blue Brindle boy ) on the way home! What a cutie! This last week has seen them grow up in height…the legs some of them now have! Models would be jealous.  Three of them turn 7 weeks of age later tonight and the rest of their siblings turn 7 weeks of age tomorrow.

Each day I am putting one of these miracle pups up for adoption and already we have a Pending Adoption for one of the babies. 

I know we shall have more shortly too…. 

Melissa – thank you once more for your time plus talent!

Brenna, thank you for your incredibly generous donation and also to your friend for the comfy duvets for The Bakers Dozen!

Happy soggy Sunday to all of our friends/family & supporters!

We are now home, delicious afternoon snack given to the puppies and a nice cup of mint tea for me and presently, I have an adorable pack of puppies snoozing all around me. 

BHRR’s Fletcher’s third professional photo shoot between the rain drops on November 5th!

A picture of BHRR’s Juniper from the third professional photo shoot on November 5th, between the rain drops. 


A picture from BHRR’s Everly’s third professional photo shoot between the rain drops on November 5th. 

She remains AVAILABLE FOR FUTURE ADOPTION to a right matched forever loving home.

BHRR’s Oliver from The Bakers Dozen’s third professional photo shoot on November 5th. Between all the rain drops!

Two pictures of BHRR’s Sprocket from The Bakers Dozen third professional photo shoot on November 5th between the rain drops that day!


We will update as we can!

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Mortimer(Morty) – Great DaneX
6.5 weeks of age
Puppy #3 – Born Third – September 12th, 2017 @ 11:26 PM
Blue Fawn Male
Birch Weight: 450 g(0.99 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: 1 pound, 4 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks old: 2 pounds, 12 oz

This boy beat astounding odds. This litter already had so much racked up against them….and he had even more…he survived pneumonia. He was not given a great prognosis yet he did it! He more than did it!

He took his Clavamox drops like a champ, was also placed on yogurt to help with the good bacteria in his gut and to assist with minimizing diarrhea.

He is so sweet….so loveable. Patient, kind, quiet, totally sweet.

This boy is so chill. Extremely quiet, calm and we have worked hard for him to feel it is ‘ok’ to ask for love for he is one to sit back and allow the more ‘in your face’ pups to grab the attention…yet, in his eyes, you know he wants his share too and we have made sure that he has more than his share of loving, snuggles and cuddles.

He likes to be loved on for a bit and then is most content to lay next to you…he wants to be near his humans and his siblings. He is so ‘pack oriented’.

He is going to be a big boy and this litter though born emaciated and tiny is thriving!

We are doing DNA testing on three of his siblings, BHRR’s Everly, BHRR’s Oliver and BHRR’s Carlsberg. We could only afford three DNA kits, did a draw and we are looking forward to the results.

We will approve a home for him that is not always on the go. He is so precious and is a stroll in the park, do some romping and playing and then a movie at home or dinner on the beach, small intimate groups of friends being hosted, quiet cottage weekender sort of boy. 🙂 The lazy hazy days of summer are all meant for him!

He is relaxed and will do best in a home that is equally relaxed and while that home is social, there is ‘no place like home’ kind of family is ideal for him.

He will not be approved to be adopted to a home that has children UNDER the age of 8. Homes with more than 2 children also shall not be considered.

Homes that feel it is acceptable to have their children ride or lay on dogs, need not bother applying. This is completely inappropriate and painful to the dog.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears!

Travels wonderfully in a car and at 6.5 weeks of age, knows words such as his name, good and boy and so many others!

He, like his litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. He really does. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

He can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that he has a strong dog social network.

He is so handsome and gives the best facial expressions! Ever since he was born. If you look at his 3.5 week old professional photo’s to these….nothing has changed! He still has the best facial expressions! He speaks volumes with his soft, wistful, soulful eyes and face….

He is so even tempered.

Before applying to adopt him, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from his second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age.

He will be ready to go to his approved right match fit forever loving home by December 14th, 2017. He and his four brothers are scheduled to be neutered November 26th & November 28th(3 & then 2 on those days). His first vaccines are scheduled for November 7th.

He also has this individual blog:

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s and to Gracie for naming him and also in being his photo cuddle bud.


ISO: two puppy wranglers for tomorrow for The Bakers Dozen third professional photo shoot! 

Sunday in Manotick for 11:45 AM

We had two Volunteers having to cancel and please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can assist. Please do not post here as we may miss your offer!

They are now 6.5 weeks of age. 

This picture is from their second professional photo shoot on October 22nd. 

The Bakers Dozen – BHRR’s Everly (Great DaneX)
6.5 weeks of age

Puppy #2 – Born Second September 12th, 2017 @ 10:56 PM
Blue Fawn Female
Birth Weight: 470 g(1.03 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight: 1 pound, 3 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds, 10 oz
October 12th: 4 weeks old: Weight: 3 pounds, 1 oz
November 2nd: 6.5 weeks of age: weight 7.4 kgs(16.28 pounds)

This girl could walk out of a mud pile clean! She is always super clean. Such a soft coat and she is one of the three that we are waiting for DNA results on. We could only afford three DNA kits and her name was drawn and we are looking forward to the results. I am suspecting based upon what the puppymiller was breeding that they are Dane/Irish Wolfhound pups.

It would never cross BHRR’s Everly mind to step on anything dirty! She is a wee bit of a princess.

We will approve a home for her that is experienced for she is a strong minded girl, sweet as they come yet can be bossy. She is smart and needs to be properly mentally and physically stimulated. She is active and I love how she gets all feisty after eating! Prances and trots and is so proud of herself.

We are not seeking an overly active home for her. She will deeply benefit from calm and quiet and a home that while goes for walks, short hikes and is social, yet is not a home that are social butterflies and always on the move/go. She needs stability and consistency and structure plus routine.

She will need a home who understands the importance of not being too active after eating and staying quiet for 1-2 hours post eating.

She will not be approved to be adopted to a home that already has children or are planning to have children. This is not in her best interest.

Easy to do nails and to bathe plus clean ears and loves to be held with her body cradled in hands yet not touching ones body…yup…she is different!

Travels wonderfully in a car and at 6.5 weeks of age, knows words such as her name, good and girl and sit and no plus treat and so many others!

She, like her litter-mates love their giant stuffies to and cuddle with. Much comfort has been given by these stuffies as their Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem sadly rejected them shortly after birth.

She can go to a home either as an only dog or to a home that already has a right matched fit dog already in it. It is most essential that she have a strong dog social network.

Her face is the ultimate in feminine looks, her coat is super soft and she is incredibly beautiful! She is more outgoing and curious plus more adventurous than almost all of her siblings. She is quite a solid tempered personality filled gal.

Regal and poised she is!

Before applying to adopt her, please read our adoption processes and policies on our www.birchhaven.org

Photo is from her second professional photo shoot on October 22nd at almost 5.5 weeks of age. Her third professional photo shoot is on November 5th.

She will be ready to go to her approved right match fit forever loving home by December 22nd, 2017. She and her three sisters are scheduled to be spayed December 6th & December 8th(2 each day). Her first vaccines are scheduled for November 7th.

She also has this individual blog.

Thank you to Melissa for the great professional photo’s and to Tracey for naming her and to Elaine for being her photo/Pet Valu cuddle bud

Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Everly had her recheck with Dr. Liston today!

She weighed 7.4 kgs(16.28 pounds). For a litter born so emaciated and tiny they have made immense progress and now at 6.5 weeks of age are mid to top average for Giant Breed Puppy growth. Go babies go!

Her repeat x-rays showed that her green stick fracture is now 80% healed and that she is doing fabu! Yay!

Per Dr. Liston, she can also go up for adoption for application taking today also! So, stay tuned…we will have 7 of The Bakers Dozen making their special announcements tonight.

Next week, we hope to have another one ready for future adoption application taking after the whole litter has their next progress exams plus vaccines. It shall be a BHRR invasion at LAH on the 7th!

AND all of their spays/neuters are now booked as per the court they wanted the litter done by 8 weeks yet due to my excellent standing with those legally involved with this case, we are able to do 10.5-11.5 weeks of age.

If all goes well and we have right match fit personality homes for all of them – they will be in their forever loving homes no later than December 22nd – which is also when we shut down each year for XMAS for we do not adopt our during the holiday season.

NOTE: all of our adoption processes and policies can be found on our www.birchhaven.org home website including the application.

We can also say that none of these puppies shall be adopted to a home with children under the age of 8 plus to homes with more than two children if said interested homes do have children.

Additionally, a number of the puppies will not be approved to be adopted to homes with any children.

This is BHRR’s Murray. He and I are at Kanata Animal Hospital right now. He weighs 8.3 kgs(18.26 pounds) at almost 6.5 weeks of age.

I rushed him into Kanata AH for when I got home with BHRR’s Everly, we were getting ready to feed and the pups had been moved to their stimulation area – Sean and Kids were home ahead of me and had most things ready – and BHRR’s Murray LOVES his food!

When he did not rush in BHRR’s Murray’s style to get dinner, I knew something was immediately wrong.

I took a look at him and his eyes – left more than right was swollen – and he had hives plus he was quite ‘flat’.

I immediately called KAH as I suspected a possible allergic reaction – to what I had no idea as they have limited exposure to things. We did open up a new pack of Pee pads today and they were now getting a different puppy canned food transitioning as of yesterday for they stopped liking the PVD Essential Care Canned. Nothing else has changed for The Bakers Dozen.

By the time I got to KAH – his ears and tummy and even penis had lesions and his lips and muzzle were swollen.

We are now at KAH and as I am here, there will be a delay of the 7 of The Bakers Dozen that were going to go up tonight for adoption.

He has had an initial assessment and two Vets have diagnosed juvenile cellulitis. He also now has swollen lymph nodes. Per his Vets, onset is very sudden and often mistaken by many as being an allergic reaction.

We also did skin scrapings.

Juvenile cellulitis is also sometimes called puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma. This is an IDIOPATHIC skin disease occurring in 3-16 week old puppies. No etiologic agent has been identified per the Pediatric Emergencies II research paper found on VIN – Veterinary Information Network – that his one Vet printed out for me.

Further to this paper published by Douglass K. Macintire, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, this disease is characterised by facial swelling, lymphadenopathy, deep pyoderma of the head and face, fever, depression etc.

Juvenile cellulitis appears to have an auto-immune mediated cause. Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.

Treatment involves topical therapy with antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics and prednisolone. This treatment will be continued for several weeks. He has been prescribed clavaseptin and prednisolone and I gave him his first doses and we now await for the Vet to come back.

BHRR’s Murray has had his recent share of stress for sure with being under the care for his hind end with both Dr. Liston and Dr. Parker(Ortho).

This Bakers Dozen has had so many odds stacked against them being born to an emaciated Puppymill Mama…. We pretty much have lived at the Vets at least once a week with them fighting so hard for them….

The bills continue to rise for The Bakers Dozen and if anyone may consider a donation you can donate direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 – we are here now!

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

We remain so grateful for any and all consideration…..

Bakers Dozen BHRR’s Oliver wishes all of our friends, family & supporters a good night!

Tomorrow, after BHRR’s Everly’s recheck visit with Dr. Liston, we are hoping to have 7 of these amazing puppies available for future adoptions and will be back open from our annual Halloween closure for the intake of applications to consider for them.

All puppies are back at Liston Animal Hospital(LAH) on the 7th and we then hope to be able to place one more as available for a future adoption.

BHRR’s Murray shall remain on ‘hold’ as we watch him mature & develop. As some are aware he and BHRR’s Carlsberg were at LAH on the 24th of October and on the 26th of October, Dr. Parker, an ortho specialist(he was the specialist that amputated BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s leg and also did Matrix’s eye enunciation) reviewed the x-rays we did on the 24th.

The Bakers Dozen are now a miraculous almost 6.5 weeks of age (born September 12/13) and their third professional photo shoot is this Sunday November 5th.

BHRR’S Murray
5.5 weeks of age
October 22nd 2017

He was 14.08 pounds on October 24th, 2017

Kinsley & BHRR’s Carlsberg at LAH October 24th!

He weighed 12.1 pounds!

Another photo!

BHRR’s Capone!
October 22nd, 2017

This is approved adoption #401 for BHRR! 

I am so sorry that I did not get this posted last night as I am usually so prompt and immediate with my postings!

With having to get Kinsley, my home-visit partner home and then to feed kids plus Sean as he is sporting his own broken arm, and I needed to get back to The Bakers Dozen for their next feeding etc., I truly did not have the amount of time last night that this great post is incredibly deserving to have in making!

Thank you to this lovely home for going through our detailed adoption process and opening up their beautiful home to us last night.

It was such an easy and wonderful experience for us and we are so thrilled that we were correct in choosing that right match dog meant for their home. They loved BHRR’s Rubble and BHRR’s Flynn which are amazing Danes themselves yet I knew that BHRR’s Capone was the much better fit for their home and they agreed as did BHRR’s Capone. 

We shall never approve an adoption on one of our dogs that we know is not meant for a home and we will never force a home to take on a dog that while we know is that right match personality fit, yet the home may not see the same. AND that is ok! It is about building up strong relationships throughout the detailed adoption process and at the end of it, hopefully having a great BHRR dog adopted to a great home.

Our adoption success rates are second to none for the very reason that we work hard to only adopt per right match personality fit each and every time. BHRR was also founded on the mission statement that we are here to help the next one in need of us, not to adopt as our focus. If we have a dog that turns out to be adoptable, wonderful yet that is not what our programs are about. They are always about helping the next in need of us. We also have our Haven and Perma-Foster programs where many of the dogs that come our way, especially as a special needs focused Dane/Giant Breed Rescue reside and live quality filled amazing lives!

BHRR’s Capone, you came to us seriously obese and out of shape, barely able to walk 2 minutes and by the time you were adopted you were fit, fab and happy plus healthy! 

You are so well balanced plus solid and while still a huge Dane at 165 pounds, you are just a lap loving mush boy at the end of the day!

We are positively delighted to bear witness to the beginning of what shall be a most magnificent future for you and while I shall miss you dearly – so much to miss! – you have not needed me for some time and to see a home open up their own hearts plus home to a stunning big black beauty makes me like them all that much more!

They did not care about your colour or your ‘butt high’ conformation, they only saw and cared about you and it was love at first sight! You walked into their home already at ease and yes, I know you have missed us since we left – your new home has told us this also – yet you shall be more than ok! I promise you that! 

Thank you again to Christine for offering to emerge temp foster him until we had a spot in our own home so we could save him! I am truly forever indebted….

BHRR’s Capone, I love you in a million plus ways and thank you so much for touching my family and carving your own special place in my heart!

BHRR’S Carlsberg 
5.5 weeks of age 
October 22nd 2017

Two more pictures of BHRR’s Fletcher from October 22nd’s professional photo shoot – their second one!

Another photo of this gorgeous beauty from October 22nd!

The Bakers Dozen
October 22nd., 2017
*5.5 weeks of age

Their second professional photo shoot!

I captured this candid with my iPhone! A bit blurry I know. 

Adore them with all that I am…..what a journey we have all taken together…..I am so beyond proud of them! So beyond proud…not a day goes by that I do not think of their lost to FPS Siblings and they will forever be known as the Miraculous Bakers Dozen! 

It was a glorious fall AM with amazing BHRR Approved Volunteers, Friends, Family and so much fun!

All have names other than the first one born – the wee black beauty who is not far off from some of her siblings now and the last born – the Brindle Boy. 

We hope that the winners of their Name Game Bid Auction have names for them soon! 










AND we are on our way!

Road trip to Kingston to do the home-visit for BHRR’s Capone’s possible approved adoption.

We will post an update as we can!

BHRR’s Daffodil!
Mismarked Merle Mantle, Female, -5.5 years of age Great Dane
Available For Adoption 

This stunning girl has been ready for adoption for a bit of time yet with The Bakers Dozen we held off posting as when we posted regarding BHRR’s Daffodil, we wanted all of the attention to be on her! 

She is hearing and visually impaired yet 100% normal to her and to us!

She is stunning and after losing significant weight, having her vaccines updated, doing bloodwork, putting her on flea/tick/heartworm preventative, being spayed and her mammary mass addressed, developed muscle tone plus mass etc., she is finally ready to make her own wonderful announcement!

She is so affectionate, quiet, calm and as sweet as they come!

So low maintenance, precious, house-broken, crate trained, great with dogs and people and travels wonderfully in a car.

Easy to wash and do nails and such a solid well balanced beauty.

She is loyal, just beyond lovely this gal is!

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired or retired. Another versatile BHRR dog.

We will not consider homes with children under the age of 8. This girl was bred so much in her life that now, she deserves to have so much in attention, love, time focused very much on her.

She can go to a home with another right matched personality fit dog yet can also be an only dog residing in the home. She does deeply enjoy the company of other dogs and as long as she has a strong social doggie network, that is what is most important.

This girl has been a true delight to have with us! 

She is a real treat of a dog and one very lucky home that is her right matched forever loving home is going to get the best of dogs!

I am so happy for you BHRR’s Daffodil! You may not have had an easy & loving past yet there are many more chapters yet to be written in your life and we will continue to ensure that they are the best ever!!

Thank you Liz Bradley once again for your talent and time to get such gorgeous photo’s! 

Please consider sharing her post so that her right matched forever loving home may find her!


BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve any adoptions from Monday October 23rd to Wednesday November 1st inclusive.

We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many other Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.

We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.

During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will network these requests to r/q organisations for we remain closed for intake. 

This photo is of BHRR’s Navy. 

This BBBBB had his second surgery today at LAH to see if we can get that one eye fixed once and for all!

Dr. Liston called me to say that his several further attempts today to ‘tuck’ that third eyelid of BHRR’s Ryder’s back down did not work….it just kept rolling right back up.

So, Dr. Liston did some research and wanted to try cauterising several area’s to then ‘tighten’ things up. If that failed, he would have no choice but to remove the third eyelid as was discussed previously.

Dr. Liston says there is also a malformation of some sort that makes his third eyelid almost too big for his eye.

Dr. Liston feels that the cauterising should work and now we are on our way home after this surgery. His eye is incredibly swollen which Dr. Liston told me it would be and would remain that way for a good 5 days or so.

We have more eye drops – maxitrol to use three times a day for a week and we will monitor.

He is so handsome regardless of his swollen running eye and still dopey from the anesthetic! 

We will post updates as we can.

We are at Pet Valu Stittsville to 4 pm today!

The Bakers Dozen (no touching allowed) are on hand to thank so many for helping them to date!

This is the handsome Blue Boy – Puppy #10!  They are now 4.5 weeks of age!

Thank you to so many for standing by our and their side assisting with their needs!

We are collecting Pee Pads, Giant Breed Puppy toys, Empties & Canadian Tire $!

Thank you to Bre & her fabu staff for inviting us to their lovely location today! Thank you to all of the BHRR Volunteers for your caring hands!!

Thank you to all of our amazing Visitors so far today for coming. You touch my heart deeply!

Thank you Aaron Maracle for this great pic!

Another picture of this awesome and uber handsome Big Blue Baby Boy!

Here is a totally sweet photo Melissa took with her talent of Margaret and this BBBBB at this professional photo shoot! 

Another photo of this gorgeous beauty. This one in Sean’s arms when we were at LAH.

Bob Levesque – here is a great photo of the two of you at their Professional Photo Shoot on the 10th!

 I think Miss Blue Fawn understands it was a total accident too….

This is in our drive-way before we headed to the Vet and I put her safely in her carrier to travel. 

Sean is one of the kindest people ever.

Puppy #4 – Born Fourth – September 13th, 2017 @ 12:15 AM
Blue Fawn Male – Definitely has brindling coming in!
Weight: 515 g(1.13 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week of age: 1 pound, 5 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks of age: 2 pounds, 9 oz

This boy is so chill! Laid back, nothing seems to faze him much, takes life in stride, patient, he watches quielty as some of the more ‘attention seeking’ puppies work to get the attention and in his eyes you know that he wants a piece of the action, yet remains content to wait his turn….

What is MOST important is that he gets his turn and then some. Many may overlook this handsome man for he does not live in the lime-light yet to me, he speaks volumes if you just ‘listen’ to his non verbal communication

Puppy #12 – Twelveth Born – September 13th, 2017 @ 4:04 AM 
Blue Fawn Male
Weight: 450 g(0.99 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 4 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 2 pounds, 13 oz

This boy loves his food! OH my, does he ever! LOL

He is so worried about missing any meal and is quite vocal to tell me that he is there….

Once he has had the first round, he settles down and is content to lay by my chair and wait his turn.

He can be a bit of a rough player yet that is because he just does not know his own strength. He is learning about being gentle…he snuggles so well with Blue and Tan collar Boyz…they are his ‘buds’. He likes to spoon with them!

Cuddly, kind, loving and so handsome he is!

A big mushball when it comes down to it!

Puppy #13 – Thirteenth Born – September 13th, 2017 @ 9:29 AM
Brindle Boy
Weight: 475 g(1.04 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 9 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 3 pounds, 3 oz

This boy is hilarious! On the move! LOVES to eat and it is like he does not have a ‘full’ button and you have to monitor him closely.

He can be busy yet when it is time to settle down, he is a dream.

He has some anxiety issues that we have been working through and he is responding so well. New things have made him a bit nervous yet he is beginning to take more things in instant stride now. We are getting the right people to assist in holding and loving on hiim at the Vets/Photo Shoots to enable me to help him reach his full potential and he is doing great!

When he makes up his mind that he wants to do something or go somewhere, watch out! LOL He will do all he can to meet that goal he has taken upon himself to do! 

He is so much fun! 

He is a rough player…..he is learning to be gentle yet again, he is a big boy and only 4 weeks old -rock solid – and has much to learn about the power of his paws and puppy teeth. 

You could not ask for a better snuggler when the time comes and he is ready for a snooze! 

He is not high energy, just when he sets his mind to something, he just wants to do it! Then, he becomes a ‘man on the go!’

Puppy #10 – Born Tenth – September 13th, 2017 @ 2:45 AM 
Blue with White Male
Weight: 501 g(1.11 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: 1 pounds
September 29th: 2 weeks old: 3 pounds, 4 oz

He is a big uber handsome boy! He is not the bravest of souls…..has some anxietty that is coming along nicely. 

His confidence is improving daily and we are working on getting the right people to hold and love him when we are out at Vet visits/photo shoots etc…as each positive experience is making him reach his full potential.

He is not a leader….he is content to eat, be held and be loved on! 

He will lay by my feet when it is feeding time…not demanding attention, yet making his presence known. He used to fall asleep due to stress for he did not understnad why he was fed some food and then he had to wait and be fed more food etc. 

He is learning so much and is a gentle player….he is not a rough and tumble boy….at least not yet!

Stability, routine and consistency is what he needs….and he is thriving so well.

New situations make him a bit nervous yet once he gathers up his courage and realises that he is ‘ok’, he will take the world in stride.

Just needs a few minutes to size up the world and then his off to the races!

I am sad to make this post…..Sean feels just awful.

Today, The Bakers Dozen – Miss Blue Fawn had to go to the Vet as an emergency.

Sean was wonderfully overseeing The Bakers Dozen as I had to be out and I received a call.

When he was done feeding her, he was putting her back into the puppies pen and she wiggled and dropped about 18 inches. 

Her right front elbow area was in pain and she was not weight bearing. Minimal swelling, not hot to the touch.

I rushed home and on the way, scheduled to get her in immediately see the Vet yet then we had to be rescheduled as another emergency took priority. Another dog had an obstruction and needed emergency surgery, that poor doggie.

This is Miss Blue Fawn in Sean’s arms at Liston Animal Hospital….he feels absolutely wretched. Accidents can and do happen no matter how careful one is.

She weighed 3.1 pounds today and is 4 weeks of age.

She has what the Vet called a ‘Green Stick Fracture'(In Children it is often called a ‘Buckle Fracture’). Being a Giant Breed puppy with such big growth plates and bone still developing, this could have been a lot worse scenario.

She cannot go on pain meds as she is too young so no burprenorphine, tramadol, gabapentin or Deramaxx etc., for her. She can have the area iced.

She has to be segregated from her siblings – we are allowing the quieter, calm ones – such as big Blue boy and wee black girl to sleep with her.

The Vet says casting or splinting is of no big benefit and she is to come back in three weeks for a re-visit and repeat x-rays to be sure that all is healing well/properly. The Vet took several views to determine if there were several area’s of concern for she did have a slightly swollen toe too yet all appears to be isolated to this one fracture on her right leg.

Her Vet said that within three weeks, she should heal up beautifully being so young and fast maturing. Yet, we will be monitoring as shall her Vet, Dr. Liston.

Lots of TLC given….

I am now in need of an extra approved BHRR Volunteer for our event on Sunday October 15th to be with her exclusively. Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you want a beautiful young puppy to be in charge of from 10-4 pm this Sunday @ Pet Valu Stittsville.

It has been a brutal worrisome day and I keep saying tomorrow shall be better…



Puppy #2 – Born Second September 12th, 2017 @ 10:56 PM
Blue Fawn Female
Weight: 470 g(1.03 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight: 1 pound, 3 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds, 10 oz
October 12th: 4 weeks old: Weight: 3 pounds, 1 oz

This girl could walk out of a mud pile clean! No matter the amount of ‘slurry’ that gets slung around, she is always super clean. 

It would never cross her mind to step on a dirty pee pad either. 

When we first started to introduce ‘slurry’, she was a bit possessive yet has settled down wonderfully. 

Her face is the ultimate in feminine looks, coat is super soft and she is incredibly beautiful!

Regal and poised she is!

Puppy #1 – Born First September 12th, 2017 @ 10:13 PM
Tiny Black Female
Weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds

She is as sweet plus gentle as they come! Tiny and a survivor. I spent 10 days dropper feeding her and look at her now! 

She is truly precious. Quiet, calm, loves to snuggle and she needs a name that is feminine yet one that demonstrates inner strength for she has overcome unbelievable odds. 

She cannot be rushed….to do so would have meant her demise. She needs to feel comfortable and then she will eat well. She needs to sniff and taste test and come back and do it all over again. She sizes things up before she makes any decision. When she commits, she is all in! 

The Bakers Dozen – First Professional Photo Shoot!
October 10th, 2017

Almost 4 weeks of age! Born September 12th & September 13th, 2017

There are 5 boyz and 4 girls.

Sadly, FPS stole from our hearts/arms our two handsome black boyz and a blue girl and a brindle girl on September 20th, September 23rd, September 24th & September 25h.

They will always be The miraculous Baker’s Dozen!

The odds they and their puppymill GD Mama Gem have overcome and continue to overcome is nothing sort of amazing…..

Puppy #11 – Eleventh Born – September 13th, 2017 @ 3:03 AM
Brindle Female
Weight: 410 g(0.90 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week: 1 pound, 15 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 2 pounds, 15 oz

This girl is a big mix of ‘spice’ and ‘sugar’!

She can be a bit of a diva, has demonstrated some resourcing over the ‘slurry’ yet has greatly improved.

She is so brilliantly smart! 

She is a rough player! AND has been learning ‘gentle’.

Her world used to be ALL about her! She is now realising that there is more to the world than just her!

She can then be super sweet, cuddly, precious and loving….

She demonstrates amazing patience during feed time and has also learned that her time will come and again and again. She used to fall asleep due to the stress of having to wait yet now understands better that she is not going to be left out. 

She is so pretty….sassy yet quiet calm if that makes sense.

She travels wonderfully in the car….yet, part of that is that it has stressed her out a bit at first and so she would go to sleep…what many dogs do to escape the stress. 

Now, she can be as vocal as the others to show her displeasure about not being able to go and do what she wants when she wants!

She has a mind all of her own and I love her for that!

She is a bit more on the high maintenance side yet she is settling more and more as she matures and we work together. 

Puppy #9 – Born Ninth – September 13th, 2017 @ 2:10 AM
Black Female #2
Weight: 480g(1.05 pounds)

September 20th: 1 week: Weight: 1 pound, 2 oz
September 29th: 2 weeks: 2 pounds, 13 oz

This BBBB is not like many of her siblings. She has her own agenda and while not as much as she used to be…she was a bit of a loner….

She is more interactive with the other pups now, playful and yet, she is clearly her own woman.

Quiet and calm, she tends to let most others take the attention and she has had to learn that she is equally important and deserves love/time and attention too!

She is now more likely to come to me on her own bidding and I love how her wee paw comes out to reach for me and I am so proud of her in learning that she is desrving too!

She is not a wallflower….she just is unique….she is a thinker….totally loving, gentle and sweet and does not seem to ‘get’ what all the fuss is about from some of the more ‘in your face pups’! She is patience personafied!

AND, I love the wee white tip on her tail! 

First professional photo shoot!


Sneak Peek!

One of the Candids I managed to snap tonight at The Bakers Dozen’s (almost 4 weeks old) first professional photo shoot! 

There are so many reasons why I love this photo and one of the biggest is that these amazing kind generous souls represent some of our small yet mighty fabu village that makes the heart beat so strongly for BHRR!

Thank you for coming out tonight to spend 1.5 hours giving these precious wee babies a positive experience! This is so essential to their proper development and reaching their full potential as they mature!

It is not ‘I’ that deserve any credit….it is all of you that are there for BHRR for you have done & do so much!

You are those strong links on BHRR’s ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ and The Bakers Dozen would not be doing as well as they are without such rescue angels giving of themselves by donating their hard earned money, much needed items and/or time to assist us…..YOU DONE SO GOOD as the expression goes! 

I am so grateful to all of you. I am blessed as are all the animals of BHRR for I cannot do this alone and my family’s belief and your belief has enabled us to be here almost 22 years later helping the truly broken, the urgent, the underdogs that others cannot or will not assist and helping them have such wonderful futures.

Each of you have helped write the next beautiful chapters for the journey’s of so many over the years….

You have my eternal gratitude, my humbled thanks and my forever appreciation….

From my home to all of our friends, family & supporters, Good Night!


AND we are on our way……shortly!

First a late afternoon snack on the porch of our cottage building. 

Tonight, The Bakers Dozen are having their first professional photo shoot! They shall be four weeks old very soon! Another huge milestone!

From there, we will do our name game fundraiser and begin to take applications for possible future approved adoptions when they are ready to go!

Blue Whelping Collar Boy – Is turning more into a blue fawn brindle as he grows!

BHRR Breaking News / Updates / Alerts!

1) I wanted to extend the biggest and most sincerest and incredibly humbled thanks to so many Powdered Esbilac Angels!  I have been witness to a lot of amazing and touching acts of kindness over the past 21.5 years BHRR has been around and what has come this way to The Bakers Dozen has warmed me right to my soul. I was so fearful of having our needs for Powdered Esbilac for The Bakers Dozen filled and when we posted our urgency, a wonderfully strong community of caring hearts came together to assist us. I am deeply and forever indebted to each of you….  Thank you everyone for helping us!! I have always said it takes a village to raise children and it is no different for a litter of puppies, especially those sadly rejected by a broken emaciated Puppymill GD Mama. She is doing quite well physically herself now and emotionally it shall be a lot longer to rehab. One day at at time!

Our remaining urgent needs are Pee Pads, appropriate Giant Breed puppy toys and donations towards their Vet Bills which will be into the many thousands.

PVD Essential Care Puppy canned & Kibble are also in big need – Vet Food

Accounts are set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 under their Mama Gem.

The Bakers Dozen are all back to Liston Animal Hospital on November 7th!

2) We ONLY have 7 more BHRR Custom, One-of-kind 2018 Calendars left available for ordering! $30 each and s&h if needed is $7 Email gwen@birchhaven.org 
We will take orders until October 12th @ 9 pm.

3) I hope to get the Flash Auction up soon. I am doing my best!

4) The Bakers Dozen have their next Vet visit scheduled for Tuesday November 7th @ 5 pm at LAH and I am seeking 8 more approved BHRR Volunteers for extra puppy wrangling…..I mean loving hands to assist me at this Vet visit! Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can help! Please do not post in this thread for we may miss your wonderful offer!

5) The Bakers Dozen shall be at Pet Valu Stittsville – 1250 Main Street – (if all is going well!) on Sunday October 15th from 10 AM – 4 PM as part of Pet Valu’s annual Thanks For Giving Event. We will be doing nails, dog baths, ear cleanings, have cotton candy, popcorn and baked goodies for sale too!

6) YES! By popular demand!  The tickets for our 2018 Annual Dine With The BHRR Doggies are now on sale! We are already more than 50% SOLD Out! 
This is a limited registration attendee event.
Date: Saturday September 22nd, 2018 – same place BHRR! Same times – 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
We are not raising our ticket costs. They have been the same price for many years and we shall keep the prices the same for 2018! 
$45/per ticket or $85/pair
Please email gwen@birchhaven.org to purchase yours! More information found in the below link. This year’s total raised is still being calculated yet I can say we are over $3,400 and counting!! How deeply humbling! 

7) Yes, we shall be hosting our annual popular November BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House. Please email gwen@birchhaven.org for date/times! Attendance is by registration only and this is a limited attendee event. Attendance is a $10/pp donation fee to be paid at the time of registration. Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if interested! We feel it is so important for people to experience first hand what we do, why we do it and why we are so needed in the community.

8) BHRR’s 15th Annual SS(Secret Santa) to the BHRR Doggies is coming up fast! More information on our unique and creative annual event can be found in this link. At this time, BHRR has 31 more amazing dogs in need of a special secret Santa to call their own! Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can help us give the BHRR Doggies a most wonderful XMAS spoiling time!

9) Our 6th Annual BHRR’s CHAIN OF SUCCESS “THANK YOU” Potluck is Saturday December 16th from 2 PM – 8 PM. 
FREE YET PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED & You can join our facebook group for more information and all the fun details!

This picture is of The Bakers Dozen today – 3.5 weeks of age – in the ‘feed’ part of their 8 x 5 x 4 pen. They are now devouring 38.5 cups of Powdered Esbilac a day!

We have also been introducing them to ‘slurry’ once a day – two cans of PVD Essential Care Puppy Food extremely well mixed into 6 cups of Esbilac with a dollop of corn syrup etc. They are not quite developmentally ready yet they are being exposed to it as no less than two puppies are quite texture phobic!

The area on the left that you see a crate piece covering is a hole we have in the custom pen Sean & Mason built that allows us to put one of the electric fireplaces on to add additional heat if needed into their pen. We have not had to do so since they were first born as they are regulating their bodies wonderfully!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, Happy Thanksgiving! We feel we have so much to be thankful for, even in the days we are feeling so much darkness….we know we have many blessings, even if we do not realise it at the time…

One Of The Bakers Dozen – October 6th, 2017
*3 weeks of age*

Puppy #10 Blue Male Born: 2:45 AM on September 13th, 2017
Weight: 501 g

On September 29th, at 2 weeks of age he weighed 3 pounds, 4 ounces

I use a receiving blanket or thick towel across my lap when I bottle feed them and he likes to hang by my feet on the side of my chair.

My towel fell down as I was putting his brother – Brindle Boy down and he crawled right in it and fell asleep…

DID not have the heart to disturb him! I just got another towel and kept feeding…

This litter has me so emotioinally tied to them….ADORE them!

PS: Puppies are born with really long nails as that is what they need to ‘claw’ their way around to feed as they cannot walk. THEY sure are sharp as the marks on my arms and fingers can attest too!

Next week when they are 4 weeks of age, I will do a small trim on them as they are all up and rolling and wobbling and bobbling and getting stronger every day.

Mark Your Calendars! One Day ONLY!

We shall be at Pet Valu Stittsville (1250 Main Street) on Sunday October 15th from 10-4 pm!

The Bakers Dozen shall be there – no touching shall be possible yet they will be on hand to help us thank so many in the community for stepping up on an urgent basis to help us help them! Puppymill Mama Gem understandably shall not be in attendance.

We will be doing nails and dog baths and ear cleanings for $10 AND we are hoping to have some kind people step up to help us bake some goodies to offer visitors as this is all about The Bakers Dozen! ?? Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you would consider baking something.

We will have our signature/tradition of having popcorn & cotton candy for sale too!

We could use one more approved BHRR Volunteer for that day. Please email!

Thank you to Gail/Ryan for the spectacular poster and to Bre of Pet Valu Stittsville for inviting us to their beautiful store!

We will also be collecting Canadian Tire money, Empties, Pee Pads, Pet Valu Gift Cards at this event!

BHRR attends very few community education & public awareness events each year and this will be our second last of 2017!

ISO: Puppy Wranglers!

The Bakers Dozen shall be a miraculous 3 weeks of age shortly!!  Three pups were back at the Vet today – Liston Animal Hospital – for various reasons and all of The Bakers Dozen are doing so well….truly, one of the most exhausting and difficult top five things I have ever done in my almost three decades in rescue and also one of the most rewarding…..

As they come close to 4 weeks of age next week, we are preparing for their first photo shoot – at just shy of 4 weeks of age at that time – with the ever talented Melissa! She assisted us in documenting the BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 born into rescue in 2016 and it was a wonderful journey doing this with Melissa.

I am in need of 9….YUP! 9 BHRR Approved Volunteers to help love on and keep track of The Bakers Dozen puppies at this professional photo shoot.

Date: Tuesday October 10th
Location: Manotick – I will send the link to those that sign up
Time: 5:45 pm

Please do not post here for I may well miss your kind offer of help! Please email gwen@birchhaven.org

*NOTE: if you have a sick dog at home, please do not sign up….The Bakers Dozen are vulnerable.*

I posted this picture earlier in another thread yet this is of one of the Blue Fawn boyz(blue whelping collar) after a good feed at the milk bottle bar. 

Once we have the professional photo’s, we will do our name game fundraiser to help raise much needed monies for their care which is going to cost many many many thousands of dollars.

At that time, we shall also then consider applications for possible future approved adoptions. Note: We only place per right match personality fit and their temperaments have been present from birth and we have a whole range again in this rescue litter.

Puppymill Mama Gem will be with us a very long time before she will be ready to make her own special announcement…..one day at a time….


BHRR’s Gus, The Neo! 
This is our 400th Adoption For BHRR. 

Thank you to his new lovely forever loving adoptive home in going through our detailed and thorough adoption process. Thank you for opening up your home on this glorious fall day for the home-visit and spending time with us.

Thank you to Allie for helping to do this home-visit with me and to Kinsley for being my road trip partner. 

BHRR’s Gus, I have been doing road trips for home-visits for over two decades and you were literally one of the best travel and hotel buddies ever!! You rocked the whole experience and for a dog that came to me with anxiety issues, this was a huge accomplishment for you! 

I already miss you and your big loving mushball personality and huge zest for life. Everyone knows when you walk into a room…..

This is what we must do…..adopt the ones that we can so that we then can assist others in need of our programs.

I so look forward to watching the exciting chapters of your future unfold.

You have been a true joy and a real hoot to have had in our home/rescue and I shall forever remain humbled by how you looked at me with those soul reaching eyes….thank you for your trust, your loyalty, your eagerness to please, your continued attempts to always get your way, your smarts, your great ability to ‘work’ a room and most of all for your enormous heart….the world is your big playground and you are a gift that so many are going to be touched to receive…..

You are deeply loving and affectionate….I adore that about you and how proud you are of yourself when you have done something that once made you a bit worried and now makes you so happy!

The only limits you shall ever have in life are those that people will impose upon you and those limits should be so few and far between….you are brimming with so much potential.

Kinsley & I are off for a well earned lunch and then to make the long drive home…cannot wait to see my Bakers Dozen, Sean, Mason, my other dogs and horses again! No place like home!

Posted in Gus

DESPERATELY NEED Powdered Esbilac!

Here are three of The Bakers Dozen! After a good feed at the milk bottle bar! 

Unfortunately, we are in a panic situation right now. Even though we have had several posts and/or emails of kind people offering to assist us and donate Powdered Esbilac, we have not yet had any come our way from our latest urgent request…. 

I did manage to find two large 794 g containers of powdered Esbilac in Barrie, Ontario today after doing the hv for BHRR’s Gus and that will enable us to have enough for The Bakers Dozen until Tuesday night.

This is a terrifying situation to be in and I am sincerely hoping with all my heart that some angels may help us with our urgent need of more Powdered Esbilac for The Bakers Dozen.

They are not yet even three weeks old and we need another 3.5-4 weeks worth…..

Please please please consider their cause….

**DROP-OFF – Powdered Esbilac can be dropped off to 424 Pickford Drive, Kanata – Anytime**

Email transfer or PayPal funds – gwen@birchhaven.org

First picture is Brindle Female, Second picture is Blue Fawn Boy(Whelping Collar Yellow) & Blue Fawn Female. 

We are finally here! After a five+ hour drive! 

BHRR’s Gus had an amazing drive down!! I am so proud of him! We have worked extensively to make him feel safe and comfortable in the car as he has anxiety and abandonment issues.

He chomped on his new smoked knuckle bone, snoozed, snored, put his head on my shoulder to help supervise my driving and looked out the window. He was the best of travel companions! WTG Gus-Gus!! 

The only anxiety he showed was when Kinsley & I were apart – such as when I was filling up the car with gas or we took turns going to the bathroom. He settled down great with a positive reinforcement assurance correction and then passively ignored. He loves his ‘pack’.

He had a huge pee when we arrived, drank and slobbered water, ate his supper and has crashed on the bed and is only half on! LOL

Love him…so much…

Tomorrow, we will determine if this home is that right matched home meant for him. He needs patience, understanding, consistency, a home that will not Baby him yet will properly provide the quiet calm signals/words/touches he needs and then passively ignore. He is not to be man handled, he positive corrects beautifully. He is so special and such a big personality! An adolescent Giant who is still learning and needs his obedience. He is not for the faint of heart and he makes me laugh daily with his antics!! 

We shall update as we can tomorrow!

From all of us to our friends, family & friends….good night wishes being sent!

Posted in Gus

AND we are on our way!

Road trip to Barrie, Ontario! This is for the home-visit for BHRR’s Gus’ potential approved adoption.

We shall update as we can!

I already miss my Bakers Dozen!  They are in excellent hands with Sean yet I still miss them….

Posted in Gus

September 12th: Birth weight: 400 g(0.88 pounds)
September 20th: 1 week old: Weight 1 pound 4 oz
September 25th: Weight: 0.9 kg(1.9 pounds)
September 29th: 2 weeks old: Weight: 2 pounds

Happy HUGE Milestone Birthday to BHRR’s The Bakers Dozen!

2 weeks old!  Happy Birthday!!

They are enjoying one of the last days of late summer in the rays/warmth of the setting sun getting some vitamins.

We remain taking it one feeding at a time….one step at a time….one breath at a time….

So many to thank, so many that we are deeply indebted to for the donations of everything from fitted flannel sheets, blankets, paper towels, laundry soap, Pinesol, towels, pee Pads, stuffies, toys, powdered Esbilac and monies to help us purchase what we urgently need.

We have a long road still to travel and I remain exhausted yet so dedicated/committed to doing all that needs to be done. Having been doing 12 loads of laundry a day for the last two weeks nonstop(we usually do 5-7 daily), our washer and dryer – not even that old – decided to die and to us, it is just one more thing thrown into our path as another obstacle that we shall overcome and keep going forward….we will not just lay down and give up…

This weekend, if all goes well, we can begin to introduce some soupy mush to the stronger babies.

They are currently drinking anywhere from 70 mls(wee baby black girl) to 140 MLS per feeding and I am now feeding every 2.5-3 hours with each feeding lasting about 1-1.5 hours. This means Gwennie gets to eat with the family, take a shower and nap….oh, those naps are so awesome! 

They are quickly outgrowing their latest sleeping tote and by Friday, we will have them 24/7 in their stimulation pen as they are beginning to really motor around – some more wobbly bobbly than others.

Most have at least one of their peepers now open and three remain on eye drops.

3 boys also remain on polysporin for their privates from their litter-mates sucking on them. Dr. Liston did say that this should stop once all of their eyes are open.

The one boy who is on Clavamox antibiotic drops plus yogurt as he had an aspiration during a feed on Monday is doing well. So easy for them to aspirate and develop pneumonia.

Their next Vet visit Road Trip has been booked and I shall post our Volunteer needs for it will be a wild adventure at that visit! 

AND in two weeks, we hope to do their first professional photo session with the uber wonderful Melissa and from there do our Name Game Fundraiser to help raise much needed funds for their care.

We still have URGENT Needs….

1) Powdered Esbilac 
2) PVD Essential Care canned Puppy – Vet Food
3) PVD Essential Care Kibble Puppy – Vet Food
4) Giant Breed puppy appropriate toys – we are going to need a lot!

Puppymill Mama GD Gem is eating a bit better now and drinking quite well and hopefully we can get the weight coming on her soon. Such a pretty wee thing and the little black female pup looks just like her Mama. 

Accounts are set up at both Kanata AH 613-836-2848 & Liston AH 613-591-0966 and

Email transfer or PayPal consideration can be sent to gwen@birchhaven.org

I am still slowly getting back on track with emails etc., so thank you to all that have been patient and so understanding! All urgent and emergency requests and calls etc., are being promptly handled and the rest I am addressing as I can.

From The Bakers Dozen and their Mama Gem, good night wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters. Please know how truly grateful I am to all…..

URGENT: I know I am a broken record yet we urgently need more Powdered Esbilac. We only have 9 days left at the current rate they are eating and that amount increases daily…..

Please consider helping us! 

Sadly, puppymill Mama Gem rejected them shortly after birth and we have had to go from tube feeding to dropper and bottle feeding with powdered Esbilac. 

9 days sounds like a lot yet it is not…they need to be on the Powdered Esbilac via bottle and then in their mush until they are on straight Kibble around 7 weeks of age. 

We need 5 weeks more of Powdered Esbilac to fill their needs….

Thank you for any consideration…..

The Bakers Dozen also thanks you…..this photo is of 12 of them on Wednesday September 20th. 1 week of age. Late summer warmth of the setting sun getting some important vitamins.

BHRR’s Capone is moving under a Pending Adoption!

We will update as we can…


The Bakers Dozen – first road trip!

They will be turning 14 days old on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week! Big milestone. 

Off to Liston Animal Hospital!

All had thorough exams 
3 puppies are going on eye meds for a slightly goopy eye – eyes are just starting to open.
1 puppy is going on antibiotics & plain yogurt for he aspirated during a feed and is now sounding a bit raspy 
2 puppies weights are on the lower end of where all of us would like to see yet considering how emaciated they were when born….
All puppies were de-wormed 
A fecal was done on one of the puppies – clear at this time yet per their Vet, things like roundworms will not be found at this young of an age. If one puppy had something, all would as they share the same environment.
My wee black female that FPS has been trying to steal from me also was given a positive review today.  I am fighting hard as is she.
3 of the males need a bit of polysporin on their privates as their litter-mates have been sucking in that area. Dr. Liston said that will stop once all of their eyes are opened.

Here is a picture and as I have posted before those who have been stolen from our loving embrace all too soon, will never be forgotten and remain forever honoured as they are all part of The Bakers Dozen – a miracle birth story of survival for them and their puppymill GD Mama Gem.

Our URGENT NEEDS remain:

1) Powdered Esbilac – when I started to feed them, I was feeding 5 scoops per feeding and as of today, they are now getting 20 scoops per feeding. Mama rejected them shortly after birth so we have been hand rearing them. 
2) PVD Essential Care canned puppy – Vet food 
2) PVS Essential Care Kibble puppy – Vet food

Their is an account set up at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under Mama Gem

Email transfer or PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org


BHRR’s Leroy had his special picnic auction Day Date today.


Lucky special handsome boy had one in July and now another one today.

BHRR had 23 dates for 2017 and we only have one left to do! BHRR’s Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has another special picnic snack day date to come.

Thank you to so many in giving our BHRR dogs extra special loving and time plus experiences in your hands….truly does help them become even more well rounded and balanced and live up to their full potential.

BHRR’s Lacey – 9 month old Saint Bernard – born December 3rd, 2016
She is the second of the two Saint Ladies – sisters!


She is as lovely, beautiful and as special as her sister!

She is great with all people of all ages and dogs of all sizes and nothing fazes her either! She is rock solid! She has proven good with cats also and integration is always key.

Strollers, wheelchairs, sirens, traffic including motorcycles, air brakes she takes all in stride! She is bomb proof, which is so rare.

She travels wonderfully in a car yet it is best not to have her travel too soon after a meal. She has had the occasional/rare puke in the car so I no longer have her fed within two hours prior to going anywhere.

She loves going to visit new people and places and also to visit old friends and great familiar haunts. She will only go to a home that is social and will take her to have new public experiences and meet new people and animals etc. She is calm in the house with appropriate indoor play and loves her outdoor time too – she does wonderfully with her present 3 x 1.5 km walks a day and also plenty of free run time in our 3+ acre fenced in yard!

We will consider right matched homes with children as young as 5 for her as long as all of our other child policies and adoption criteria are met. Homes that allow their children to lay on, sit on or ride dogs NEED not bother applying. That is totally inappropriate behaviour.

While our preference is to see her in a home with at least one other right matched fit dog, it is not a deal breaker. That right matched forever loving home must have a strong doggie social network in place for her though. She loves to play chase and is so dog social.

She adores all humans of all ages, sizes as mentioned above her yet if you are male, you may get a tiny bit of a slight edge over everyone else for men are just a tiny slight more of an attraction for her.

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, from home, is semi-retired, retired etc., for she is another versatile BHRR dog!

She has not proven 100% reliable in our home unsupervised as of yet but she is a mere baby still. She is a smaller female Saint, weighing ~90 pounds and will not be done growing until close to 3 and then her brain will be mature by age 5. She ‘may’ make 115-120 pounds when done growing and that is at a lean, healthy weight. Not fat or obese with no waistline. Dogs are not meant to have protruding stomachs or be one straight line. Huge pet peeve of mine…..we want her and all of the dogs to live long, happy, healthy lives and being at an appropriate weight is deeply beneficial to have said wonderful long life!

She is easy to wash, do nails and clean ears. She is crate trained and house broken.

She is eager to please, quite obedient overall and her leash manners have come a long way! She truly is an asset to home and community!

She, like her sister have been an absolute joy to have assisted!

She would also make a truly amazing certified therapy dog.

As always, as my time with her also comes to a close, I am filled with mixed emotions yet mostly such happiness plus excitement as she gets ready to enter a new awesome chapter in her life!


Good AM! Or is it Good-Night?! 

The days and night are all blended into one! 

This cutie is Blue Fawn Girl – Born September 12th @ 10:56 pm. She was the second pup born out of The Baker’s Dozen. She weighed 460 g(1.03 pounds). 

All but 1 pup are reliably on the bottle now. BB – Brindle Baby Girl remains on the dropper.

Puppies are fed every 2-2.5 hours and feeding now takes me just under two hours each time. So, in doing the math…..I am always feeding. BB is offered food every 45 minutes to an hour….

So, there are times that I push the next feeding to the 2.5 hour mark so I can get a power snooze. Today, I am going to take a shower….Gwennie Goal #156 for the day to accomplish! 

Thank you to Sean for making me the best sandwich last night that I could munch at my leisure. Sean also ran out to Pet Valu Kemptville to pick up their remaining nursing kits. 

Puppies are eating anywhere from 15 MLS – 60 MLS per feeding. BB is about 5 MLS each time. She is feisty, vocal at times as she does have a bit of a mind of her own and continues to pee and poop and as long as she has fight, so do I. 

Mason and Kinsley feel that with each feeding, the puppies are getting bigger! They would be right. Three puppies were born really late on the 12th making them shy of five days at the time I type this. The remaining 10 puppies are just in the 4 day old range now. 

That all 13 were born alive and are still here is a miracle in so many ways….so many things can go wrong in such a large litter and also born without Mama having any proper prenatal care until we got her and Mama having rejected them quite fast. Yet, all are still here and I hold no false illusion that at any moment, one or more could devastatingly pass away. For now, I fight the great fight with them and can only express again my thanks to those who understand why we do not want all of these pairs of loving yet also very much stranger, germ hands here. They are so fragile, tiny and need quiet, calm and stability and they know my touch and scent and are feeding very well, reliably so. 

I know how each one wants to be held when feeding, I know how each one likes their Formula temperature-wise – some like it warmer then others and others like Brindle Boy born #13 could care less! As long as it is food, he is happy! Others like theirs cooler or even on the cold side. 

I know how much pee and poop each one is producing and which puppy tends to want to aspirate when feeding and how each puppy likes to be burped. Sean has become an expert burper and he is offen now doing that role for the harder pups so I can move to feeding the next one.

By having absolute control and consistency as to who is doing the feeding, any minute changes can caught fast and handled appropriately. Having people not love and hold them and try to assist in feeding has nothing to do with us not wanting to share! 

For those that know anything about me, they know just how much importance I stress on our dogs getting into the hands of others. Our popular and well copied play visitation and play date programs attest to that! Believe me, when they are ready, I shall be sounding the bell and pleading for people to handle them, love them, spend time with them etc. They just need time…time to get stronger and healthier. 

Feeding them is like a roller coaster…hi-lights and low-lights. My heart stops and my breath catches every time I look into their tote and does not start again until I know all are breathing and alive…..so stressful as I adore them all so much already and would give my left arm if it meant they would all thrive….

I know I sound like a broken record yet taking care of 13 vulnerable babies puts us into a position of having urgent needs….a few of them are below and vet files for Mama GD Gem 
& The Bakers Dozen are set up at:

Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 – first Vet visit is on the 25th! Sean, Kinsley & I have this visit all covered yet their 4 week one is going to be all hands on deck! We will post for Volunteers when that date/time has been booked. 

AND also set up at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

Email and PayPal donations can be made to gwen@birchhaven.org

Properly Vetting & caring for them shall cost easily $15,000-$20,000+ for we do not cut corners at BHRR. They all shall have proper de-worming at 2,4,6,8 weeks etc., Exams at 2,4,8,12 weeks etc., vaccines at 4,8,12 & 16 weeks, fecals, and all shall be spayed and neutered – courts wanted by 8 weeks of age and once again based upon my excellent long standing relationship with the authorities, we shall be able to alter this litter as we did with the Puppy Pile in 2016 closer to 10-12 weeks. Food, Esbilac, treats and more shall also add to their care bills. 

Everything I beg and plead for is for the animals….everything donated goes to them…and some our URGENT NEEDS are below:

1) POWDERED Esbilac 794 g containers if possible – I am going through 2 x 340 g containers a day. They are eating more and more with every feeding and at the present, this means I only have 6 days left of Esbilac. They will be on it until 7-8 weeks of age between now, in their mush and until they are consistently eating kibble well. 

2) Pee Pads

3) PVD Essential Care Canned Puppy – Vet Food

4) PVD Essential Care Kibble Puppy – Vet Food 

5) Pet Valu Gift Cards OR Costco Gift Cards(thanks Amy for the great idea!)

6) Pinesol 

As always, please know how much every email or text of support means, every phone message, every donation of every nickel sent our way and every item! 

My worry and stress is lessened with each kind and caring gesture shown…we are the little guys doing big things for special Giants and we cannot do it alone…

BHRR’s Chain Of Success links are being proven strong thanks to so many in our village!!  We are only at the beginning of this miraculous journey with The Bakers Dozen and not to be forgotten about Great Dane Mama Gem. I sincerely look forward to doing it with our supporters, family plus friends walking by our/their sides….

I am humbled and feeling so many blessings….

BHRR’s Gus, the 18 month old Neo is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

We shall update as we can!

Posted in Gus

Note: I am going through 340g – one small container – of powdered Esbilac every 6 feedings. That means two small containers a day right now for they feed every 2 hours and as they get stronger and bigger, that shall greatly increase. 

They will be on Esbilac as a milk replacer and then in their mush & then kibble for up to 8 weeks of age.

My last post for tonight! Gwennie Novel Style! 

I am working hard to respond to people’s messages ASAP and please forgive for taking longer than usual for I am 24/7 on puppy duty right now. Thank you. 

We are still ISO: the items below as well as auction items, draw prizes and surprise loot bag items for our upcoming popular Annual Dine With The BHRR Doggies fundraiser coming up super fast! This year may be more about dining with the BHRR Baker’s Dozen! Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you have an item for our cause. All money raised will be going to the Puppymill Great Dane Mama Gem and her 13 puppies born between September 12/13th. 

Sean and I had our 21st wedding anniversary yesterday and we said to each other that the best celebration would be seeing all 13 babies thrive. No time for flowers, cards or dinner yet what was most important and special, we were both together last night doing something truly needed and amazing….helping Mama Gem & Her Babies. 

As promised, I am going to share the birth details and posting some of the same information shared earlier today. 

This photo is of BB – Baby Brindle Girl – #6 born weighing only 276 g(9.7 ounces) 

While Mama Gem will not feed them nor does she even have enough to feed 13 puppies even if she did….she will at least let 5 of them snuggle around her now for a bit of time. This is great for the babies. 

She is not the best herself, not eating well nor drinking well yet she just had 13 babies in under 12 hours. 

1:00 pm today was their first attempt with the bottle from tube feeding and I got at least 1 ml into each Baby with the stronger one getting 15 ml. The whole process took 2.5 hours. 

The next feeding, more progress was made and fast forward onward and I now have 9 babies strong on the bottle – I always worry re: aspiration- and 4 still not faring as well.

The more time passes, those getting stronger are pulling farther away from those not thriving as well.  I am not giving up….as long as they have fight so do I!

Gearing up for the next feeding and staying positive. Thank you to Sean and Kinsley for being the best wingmen ever in helping me! 

**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. This is a public page for all to see. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another. Please email Gwen directly at contactbhrr@gmail.com OR gwen@birchhaven.org if you have anything to donate.**

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups

We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!! We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 

Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.

May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off, Dawn in Kanata has also kindly offered up her home and if people email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com, additional arrangements can be made. Please DO not drop off items/monies to anyone that we have not put you in touch with….

Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies. 

gwen@birchhaven.org is for email transfers AND
gwen@birchhaven.org is for PayPal Donations 

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
10) Auction items for our September 23rd Annual Fundraiser 

From our home to all of our supporters, family & friends, good night wishes being sent! Someone get a wee bit of sleep for me too please! 

**’NOTICE: For those seeking to drop-off items, unless Gwennie has put you in direct contact with exact details of where items can become be dropped off to, no other place/s are approved. Unbeknownst until just now is that we have had someone taken advantage of and now much needed items & $225 cash has been stolen by another.  

Please email Gwen directly at contactbhrr@gmail.com OR gwen@birchhaven.org if you have anything to donate.**

We have 13 babies born and with Mama rejecting them, all are tube fed. 5 will be ready to go to bottle soon.

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS: BHRR’s Mama Gem & The Baker’s Dozen Pups

First and most important, we really want to take a moment to thank those that have reached out to us after learning that the puppymill Mama Gem gave birth to 13 puppies.  Angels! Just so many wonderful people in the community! I truly do have tears in my eyes for the love that is pouring out our way in messages of well wishes etc.

Please know that each and every offer/message has been appreciated and touches our hearts more deeply than you shall ever know.

I do want to explain why we cannot have strange hands coming in – as kind as I know they would be – and handling these really small babies – wee pup #6 BB girl was born at only 9.7 ounces and her litter-mates not a heck of a lot bigger. Average Dane puppies should be a birth weight of 1-1.5 pounds. That we had all 13 born live is a miracle unto itself considering the conditions Mama came from prior to rescue. Big thanks must again be shouted out to my 17 year old son Mason who stood solid by my side from mere moments after I whelped the first pup – a gorgeous BBBBB girl – and if it were not for him helping to tag team with me – we know that at least 6 babies may well not have survived much past birth. We had puppies coming as fast as every 6 minutes at one point and three puppies in a row were not good upon birth and need much stimulation.

Thank you Mason! We have 13 babies still alive and while none are even remotely out of the woods, all 13 are still here and we are working so hard to ensure their thrival.

We just cannot have these babies exposed to germs and the stress of outside hands plus smells. They need stability and quiet/calm and to be handled by so very few people right now to give them the best chances of survival. They are extremely vulnerable and fragile right now and I hope that people can understand that we all should want what is in their best interest. 

The Boerskins are not new to Danes or whelping rescue puppies, dealing with round the clock feedings – tube feedings at that and while we do not have a crystal ball to say how many or if all of these puppies will surivive, we have almost 22 years of experience through BHRR with rescue litters and in particular litters born to Mama’s that have had no prenatal care. We want to ask to please understand and let us do what we are experienced/knowledgeable at and know that as these babies age and get stronger plus healthier, we are going to need your kind, caring plus loving hands SO much as we did in April of 2016 and December of 2015 for example for other rescue litters we have assisted. ?

Prior to the litter being born, I had already lined up the fabu Melissa Roy for their professional photo’s development journey’s like we did with Mama Marbles’ litter. We shall need many hands to make that magic happen at 4, 6 & 8 weeks etc.

We will need an army of kind souls to help me get them to their Vet visits starting at 2 weeks of age! That is always an adventure unto itself! 

We will need our community to help us socialise and expose them to the fabu wonders of the world when it is time.

We shall need so much and we are already incredibly grateful knowing that there are a lot of beautiful folks wanting to step up at a moment’s notice!! We promise to update as we can, when we can on their progress. 

I am sharing this picture of the BHRR’s Bakers’s Dozen taken last night. A bit blurry as they were moving!

Here is a list of our current urgent needs and we remain forever indebted to anyone that may consider our cause. I will update on the litter and have pictures, birth weights etc. later today. Every puppy shall have their own individual blog page too. NONE of them are available for adoption at this time and will not be for a long time.

May we also ask for people not to just drop by with donations. That is equally stressful on puppymill Mama Gem and if we are feeding at that time, greatly disrupts the stability we are trying to keep here. We have a super person in Ottawa – Brenda(lives near Bayshore) that generously offered up her home for donation drop-off and if people email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com, additional arrangements can be made. ?

Mama Gem does has a file set-up at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and also at Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 for anyone that may wish to donate direct to the Vet Clinics for the care of her and her babies.

gwen@birchhaven.org is for email transfers AND
gwen@birchhaven.org is for PayPal Donations

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
3) Pee Pads
4) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
5) Large to XL Stuffies
6) Pinesol
7) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
8) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
9) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
10) **Very Urgent: 4 x New Born Nursing Kits For Milk Replacers – PetSmart – picture in post**



Please know I am not ignoring calls, emails, messages etc.  I have been up since 5 AM Tuesday and after whelping puppies throughout the night/early AM then had to go to work for 8 hours, pick up some wonderful donations for the pups afterwards and have since been back home with family and puppies etc. I also spayed BHRR’s Daffodil! 

I am hoping that tonight I can get some rest between feedings and will post more re: our needs and on the pups plus Mama Gem tomorrow. 

We will be having a flash auction to help raise urgent funds for their care. 13 Giant Breed puppies to properly vet which includes de-worming from 2 weeks onward, their vaccines plus boosters, spays/neuters, fecals, food, etc…shall cost thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars. We do not cut corners at BHRR. Each puppy plus Mama Gem will receive everything they need plus more. 

I will say that right now all 13 puppies are hanging strong as can be.  Wee brindle baby girl born at only 9.7 ounces too.  Mason and I had spent a lot of time on her when she was first born and almost as much time on 5 other of the 13 babies to help them survive plus thrive. 

I leave all with a picture of the BHRR’s Baker’s Dozen taken a couple of hours ago. 

A bit blurry as they move about!

Update: another puppy born 9:29 AM 

That makes 6 girls and 7 boys and 13 puppies so far.

This is a Baker’s Dozen and they are going to need their village as are we to help ensure their survival. 

Mason and I had to spend some working on 6 of the puppies born and the smallest is only 276 g and so tiny….all the puppies are small. 

I am worried about all surviving….. 

UPDATE: we are now at 10 puppies and this photo is of when we had 8. 
FINAL PUPPY COUNT: 13! & all born alive!

Individual pictures and weights to come later.

Mama is doing well….Mama Gwennie also and to think I have to be up in a few hours to go to work! This was not the night I wanted them to be born! 

Do not think Mama Gem is done and the smallest is only 276 g a wee female

Puppy #7 Black Male Born 12:45 AM

Weight: 360 g

Puppy #6 Brindle Female born 12:35 AM

Weight: 276 g

Puppy #5 Black Boy born 12:21 AM

Weight: 450 g

Puppy #4 Blue Fawn Male Born September 13th @ 12:15 AM

Weight: 515 g

Puppy #13 Male Brindle Born: 9:29 AM

Weight: 475 g

Puppy #12 Blue Fawn Boy Born: 4:04 AM

Weight: 450 g

Puppy #11 Brindle Female Born: 3:03 AM

Weight: 410 g

Puppy #10 Blue Male Born: 2:45 AM

Weight: 501 g

Puppy #9 Black Female Born: 2:10 AM

Weight: 370 g 

Puppy #8 Blue Female Born 1:24 AM 

Weight: 480 g

Puppy #3 blue fawn male Born September 12th @ 11:26 PM

Weight 450 g

Puppy #1 black female born 10:13 pm

Weight 400 g

Mama has rejected her. 

Puppy #2 blue female born 10:56 pm

Weight 470 g

BHRR’s Gem Update:

The stunning BBBBB once known a D211 – puppymill Dane #211 and we have called BHRR’s Gem is getting closer and closer to giving birth.

Yup…she was just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out. 

She is barely picking at her food, nesting and Annette – one of the toys you sent our way, a Stuffie Penquin has become her ‘baby’.

She is finding it harder to get comfortable, doing some pacing, a little panting from time to time and has decided that instead of the 8 x 5 x 4 custom whelping box Sean & Mason made for her comfort( BHRR’s Marbles was made 6 x 5 x 3), she wants the futon bed I have beside her whelping box and have been sleeping on to be by her side. I am trying to have some casual dialogue with her that this would not be my preference! 

BHRR’s Marbles had wanted to have her own rescue litter in April 2016 under my desk and she & I had a few conversations about that not being ideal!

BHRR’s Gem’s wounds have been healing wonderfully yet her spirit, soul and heart shall take much longer to heal. While she still does some flinching when my fingers trail gently across her mid-back when she walks by me – she will now want to be around me, not too close yet she does watch me – she no longer drops to the ground or cowers. I just go about my day and passively ignore her and she is getting used to me being around and the trust earned is slow yet rewarding….

She really feels comforted with the three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson still ‘watches’ over her and she does derive peace in having him around.

Per a couple posts made, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting soon.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting an update of what we still need in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause: 

1) Flannel FITTED Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Duvets/Comforters/Sleeping Bags
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards 
5) Pee Pads
6) POWDERED Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 bags of 8 kg PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org 
PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

BHRR’s Cagney – 9 month old Saint Lady! Born Dec. 3rd, 2016
Available For Adoption!
She is ready to make her own special announcement!

She is such an amazing girl! One of those extreme rare bomb proof dogs. She is fantastic with dogs of all sizes and ages. She is excellent as well with people/kids regardless of age and health – wheelchairs, crutches, strollers bother her not one bit.

BHRR will consider homes with children as young as age 5 for BHRR’s Cagney. Homes that allow children to sit or ride on dogs, please do not bother applying. This is completely unacceptable behaviour.

City life and country life are both in her elements! Busy traffic, air brakes, sirens or crickets, horses, cows nor barking dogs bother her.

She travels wonderfully in a car, is great at the Vet and is incredibly well balanced plus solid.

She is extremely reliable in her obedience – sits before eating and before the leash goes on etc.

She is eager to please me, is deeply affectionate while at the same time independent to simply also loving being around her humans and not always on top of them!

She loves her walks plus hikes and is perfect about proper inside play vs. proper outside play. She is not high energy yet as a puppy she has puppy exuberance and sometimes forgets her spacial awareness and our knees get bumped/taken out in play.

She likes to play chase with other dogs yet loves the tug and war plus wrestling the most type of play.

She is crate and house trained and has not yet proven 100% reliable in our home unsupervised yet as a baby – Giants grow up for two years, fill out in year three and then the brain by five – understandable.

No issues to bathe, do nails, clean ears etc.

She is a smaller female smooth coat Saint – ~95 pounds – and we will not see her adopted to a home that does not understand what a dog should look like and have her become obese. As so many are well aware, one of my biggest pet peeves is people getting their dogs overweight and obese. There is no excuse for this. Even our thyroid dogs are all in great weight health.

Dogs are not meant to be one straight line or to have protruding stomachs. They are to have waistlines. These Saint Ladies are lean and muscled and look amazing. To have them become obese, is more weight and tear on their hearts and joints etc. We want BHRR’s Cagney as with all of our dogs to live very long, happy and healthy lives.

We would prefer BHRR’s Cagney to be placed in a home with at least one other right match personality fit dog. This is not a ‘deal breaker’ yet our strong preference. Being such a social creature, she deserves and needs to have all of the right matched doggie friends possible. If the right match fit home does not have any other dogs in their home that are perfect for BHRR’s Cagney, they must have a thorough regular doggie social network in place.

Same with people. She will be approved to be adopted to a home that is social, outgoing and will not allow her to be a couch potatoe home body. She loves home too, that is not the point I am making. ?She also super loves people and places and new experiences and dogs and fun and going out and we want to makes sure she has a home that can do this for her!

She also does not require tons of exercise and is so satisfied with our three walks per day of about 1.5 kms each. This is in addition to her play time throughout the day!

Cats are not 100% known yet she has not had an issue with any that she has met at work nor when we have been out visiting friends and family. Integration is always key.

She is respectful and so bonded to me. I am head over heels impressed with her! She and her sister have been a positive delight to have had with us.

She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another great versatile BHRR dog!

She would make an outstanding certified therapy dog.

BHRR’s Cagney, as our time together comes ever closer to an end, let me tell you once again how absolutely magnificent you are. You have brought so much sunshine and stars, not to mention smiles, the best face washes and cuddles to my life!!

You are the candy, the gorgeous wrapping and beautiful bow all in one stunning package!

So BHRR’s Ryder was back at Liston Animal Hospital (613-591-0966) today for his eye as a post op check to his surgery on August 31st as it is no better and in fact, looks worse post op.

Sadly, as per our other post, the repair of what was not Cherry Eye as we know it yet, was eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane was not successful. As you can see in the photo taken today on our way in to see Dr. Liston, his eye is not good.

Today, to see what may be going on, Dr. Liston put a local freezing on his eye and pulled up the third eyelid yet the one corner with every attempt made kept rolling back down within moments and the cartilage pops back up and is exposed. 

Dr. Liston will operate again at the end of the month – when he also has his first opening and if the surgery fails again, he shall do a third surgery and remove the third eyelid. We discussed the long term effects of having the third eyelid removed and I was told that ‘he could be more prone to eye infections in his future.’ No crystal ball. He would not need eye drops as the tear duct would not be affected.

We will do whatever is in his best interest.

He is healing well from his neuter though – also done on August 31st – and is now almost 103 pounds! Where once he was an emaciated barely 48 pounds at 10 months of age, is now lean and muscled and has a fabu glossy shiny healthy black coat. 

He will not be making his special announcement until we can get that eye of his properly repaired.

I shall update on Puppymill Mama BHRR’s Gem tomorrow and I know we have a Saint Lady excited to make her special announcement tomorrow too. 

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, we wish you a good night!


BHRR’s Gus! 
Available For Adoption!

He was at KAH tonight for his annual. He sure made his presence known that we were there! 

He is now almost 120 pounds of solid lean muscle mass. He is a power house of a boy with not one mean bone in his body. Exhuberant and not happy when dogs and people alike did not flock immediately to his side for him to be loved on. 

He still is a bit mouthy when he is asked to do something and he does not want to. We work through it and he resorts back to being an eager to please and demonstrating his excellent sit, lay down and stay plus gentle commands in manners. He still has moments where he will almost throw himself on the floor, swim a bit with his legs and be quite dramatic. When he realises that we are not going to entertain or cater to his wee bratty moments, he settles beautifully. Kudos to him for continuing to try and keep me on my toes here and there to see if he can wear me down. 

He was complimented on his really nice shiny healthy coat and received a thumbs up on his Vet visit. 

His anxiety in the car while greatly lessened is still somewhat present and I give him a smoked knuckle bone to chew on while we travel. Going home is always a breeze…The going out is what is hard on him. Gets into the car no issues and is happy to go for a ride yet once we are on the road longer than about ten minutes, you can still witness his anxiety levels and we give him a calming word and then passively ignore. He goes from then having periods of some whining to being happy to look out the windows or chomp on his knuckle bone. Good boy! Huge progress!

He had similar anxiety moments in the waiting room at KAH for all in close range to hear.  Being quiet to then whining and then settling well and then whining a bit again. He has his abandonment issues.

Thank you so much to one Vet for taking a few precious moments to love on him before BHRR’s Gus went into his apt. with another Vet. BHRR’s Gus soaked it all up and was so happy!

He loves attention – in his mind it should always be about him! – and he received lots of positive attention when he showed us proper displays of behaviour. More than one client at the Hospital wanted to visit with him and I only asked them to please wait until he was exhibiting the right behaviours and then they could love on him all they wanted.  So many kind people in the world so open and willing to help us set the dogs up for success and thank you to each and every one of these wonderful souls tonight!

We remain wanting to see BHRR’s Gus in an extremely experienced dog home. One that is not going to cater to his negative seeking behaviours and know how to properly handle his still sometimes mouthy behaviour with a positive balanced approach plus understand his SA moments and will be patient, understanding and effective with that plus his freight training leash manners that still crop up in distracted moments.

He was ‘babied’ in his past and that shows big time in how he works to manipulate a situation with his weight and mouth and in his SA moments.

He is such a nice boy. A mush and so affectionate and with the right continued directed guidance is going to keep reaching his full potential. Just a really amazing boy that is just a wee bit rough around the edges.  Aren’t we all in our own ways?! 

Posted in Gus

BHRR’s Ryder! He was supervising me getting gas on the way in for his surgery consult. 

He had his neuter and eye repair done on August 31st.

Per his surgeon, once he was operating, he told us that it was not Cherry Eye as we know it. What BHRR’s Ryder had was eversion of the cartilage of the nictitating membrane.

This was repaired and his surgeon told Sean upon pick-up that his eye would look bad for at least five days. Sadly, we have seen zero improvement in these five days and BHRR’s Ryder has been getting his eye drops every 8 hours plus wearing a cone. 

He is scheduled to go back to the surgeon on Thursday for a recheck.

In other BHRR news – BHRR’s Lacey was spayed today and charmed all as these Saint Ladies tend to do!  Once she has recovered, she will be ready to make her own special announcement. She is such an adorable patient! 

This now leaves us remaining to do BHRR’s Daffodil’s own Spay and mass removal and this was originally scheduled for September 13th yet we are now on active baby watch with BHRR’s Gem at this time too so, day by day!

We do remain ISO: auction items, draw prizes plus surprise loot bag goodies(40) for our upcoming annual popular and incredibly unique BHRR ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies!’ We only host 4 planned fundraisers a year and this year’s monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Gem and her unborn babies.

Any consideration as always would be so appreciated…..

From our home to all of our supporters, friends & family, good night wishes being sent…

This stunning BBBBB was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babies they forced her to pump out.  

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds – and this is while heavily pregnant, covered in wounds/scars – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck in the one photo I will post in her thread, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus has Giardia and is petrified of the dark.

She now has three night lights to help her feel a little more safe at night.

Yesterday, we were finally able to trim her nails back – her first nail trim in her life. Yesterday, we also managed to give her her very first ear cleaning.

Scared and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20+ hour round trip to assist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND It took two days before she finally rested. He is her Guardian Dane and he is going to help her heal a lot.

She paces a lot less now than she did upon arrival and depending on the time of day, either wants to stay outside or refuses to go outside.

Per another post, we have been busy working quietly behind the scenes as we ready everything for the litter of babies she is expecting within 7-10 days. The object you see to the right is her custom whelping box that Sean’s & Mason made – 8 x 5 x 4. The one made for BHRR’s Marbles was 6 x 5 x 3 and BHRR’s Gem needs more room to feel comfortable.

We did an u/s the day after she arrived and I quickly saw ~5 babies and the Vet when they looked up, caught at least 3 before she became overwhelmed and we understandably stopped. We also attempted after giving her a break to get x-rays to gauge just how many babies she is expecting & to get a better idea of due date so we could best prepare yet in her fear, this was not possible. She lost control of her bowels, anal glands and urinated herself and I asked for the x-ray attempts to stop as nothing is worth seeing any dog that way. We know she is pregnant and will have to take things as they come. The x-rays that they managed to take were not useful and so be it. Her stress level needs to be lowered not further raised. I worry about her needing a c-section as she is so tiny yet her belly is so huge. Yet, one step at a time….I have been lining up my ducks in a row and several Hospitals, depending on time of day are aware that we may be calling upon them for their surgical assistance. We would also Spay her at the same time she had the c-section.

We did run a fecal and she is on treatment for Giardia and being proactively de-wormed. She is on antibiotics for her wounds.

She is only the 15th dog for us to assist in 2017. She most likely shall be the last we can assist in 2017 along with her unborn babies for we have to remain about quality, not quantity. Unless, we have more approved adoptions, our doors shall remain closed for intake until 2018.

In going through the list of items we still need for her and her puppies, I am posting here in case someone may have what what we are looking for or may consider our cause:

1) Flannel Fitted Sheets – Queen or Twin
2) Pillows
3) Blankets/Duvets/Comforters
4) Pet Valu Gift Cards
5) Pee Pads
6) Powdered Esbilac – 794 g is the better value
7) Large to XL Stuffies
8) Pinesol
9) 7 cases of PVD Essential Care Puppy canned food – Vet Food
10) 9 x 8 kg bags of PVD Essential Care Puppy Kibble – Vet Food 
11) XL Costco Dog Bed
12) Dane sized durable/appropriate puppy play toys 
13) Laundry Soap
14) Fabric Softener

BHRR’s Gem has a file set up at both Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 as well as Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848.

Email Transfer: gwen@birchhaven.org 
PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org

We will keep everyone updated as we can….

Thank so in advance to all for any consideration as always! 

She is naturally camera shy so pictures are not easy to get….

UPDATE: we now have an 8 panel plastic playpen to arrive Thursday(2 panel extension) & the 6 panel play pen to arrive Friday!  Thank you again Brenda! 

We are still ISO: wire/metal xpens in height from 34″-44″. 

ISO: a 10-panel Super Yard Play Pen.

We have one that we bought 17 years ago and it is done. Sadly, it will not stand another pack of rescue Dane Babies! The BHRR Puppy Pile x 7 did it in!

We truly did not expect that 18 months after assisting Mama Marbles, we would be asked to assist so soon another cruelty/neglect case pregnant Dane. 

We are working hard behind the scenes to get everything in order for the puppymill Mama Dane and her soon to arrive Babies.

The cost for a 6 panel pen at Babies R Us is $139.99+ tax and so we are hoping someone may have one they no longer need and would consider our cause for a reasonable price.

Seeking a 10 panel one preferably yet 8 panels would be ok.

We are also seeking wire/metal xpens in height of anywhere between 34″ – 44″ in height once the puppies are big enough.

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you can help us out with either request above.

We are in the big countdown…puppies should be arriving within the next 7-10 days max. Mama Dane Gem is doing well…getting some weight on her and building up much needed muscle mass and tone to help her become as strong and healthy as possible for her sake and her unborn babies.

Her awful wounds are healing as she remains on antibiotics and today we were actually able to do her nails. The very first time they have been done in her life. She also let me clean her ears which is also the first time they have been done in her life.


Another Photo!

BHRR’s Cagney(l) & BHRR’s Lacey(r)

Sneak Peek! 

One of the absolutely gorgeous photo’s Liz took of the Saint Ladies at their professional photo shoot last Tuesday! ??

I asked Liz if we could grab some pictures of the ladies together and here is one of them!

Stay tuned! 

BHRR’s Cagney(l) will be making her special announcement shortly and after BHRR’s Lacey(r) recovers from her spay – scheduled for Tuesday September 5th – then she will have her own special announcement to make! They turn 9 months old tomorrow. 

Thanks again to Gayle, Neil and Kinsley for the extra hands and love at this photo shoot. 

Happy long weekend wishes being sent from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters.

ISO: Auction Items!

Our popular Annual one-of-a-kind unique ‘Dine With The BHRR Doggies’ is coming up in September!

We are in need of auction items for both our live & silent part of our evening. Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets etc., would be so appreciated!

We are also seeking draw prizes and items(40 of each) to place in our surprise loot bags.

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may consider our cause to donate to. Please do not post here for we may miss your most generous offer. 

This is always a SOLD out night and one that we love hosting! BHRR has only five planned fundraisers each year and this is #4 for 2017.

All monies raised in this year’s event will go towards helping another deserving Dane in need of our highly specialised programs. I will post more about her shortly.

She is a puppymill Dane, riddled with so many wounds and scars. She is emotionally and physically beaten. Even after almost 22 years assisting in busts and helping these beautiful animals, I am still shaken to my core with how cruel and neglectful people can be.

Where once she was just a number to produce as many babies as possible to line the greedy pockets of others, to us we have called this lovely girl – BBBBB ‘Gem’. She has an identity now and she will learn she is important and valuable and not disposable trash.

In honour of BHRR’s Sambuca and my beloved Bronson, we will help the next one in need of us. She is only the 15th dog we will have been able to assist in 2017. We remain about quality not quantity with our efforts.

She is precious as is the special ‘cargo’ she is carrying. In just less than 2 years, we have now been asked three times to help a New Mama with her surviving pups(BHRR’s Eve) or a Mama-Soon-To-Be(BHRR’s Marbles) and now BHRR’s Gem. Breaks my heart as to how so many animals are used for profit instead of being altered and cherished as beloved family members…. 

Your donations enable us to continue in these rescue trenches, helping those that have no voice and cannot step up to protect themselves.

We hope that you may help us assist BHRR’s Gem by donating an item to our upcoming Fundraiser. We would truly be so grateful…..

BHRR’s Cagney(l) & BHRR’s Lacey(r) – the two 8 month old Saints – had their professional photo’s taken today.

Thank you to Gayle & Neil for the extra hands to love on them and I know I sound like a broken record yet it is always so important to get the dogs into as many hands as possible to keep helping to make them as well rounded plus balanced as possible. Thank you both for giving them yet more positive and wonderful experiences.

They are great puppies and we want them to become the best dogs they can – assets to home and community.

Thanks to Liz for her time plus talent once more!

BHRR’s Cagney rocked her session and BHRR’s Lacey demonstrated further that she is still a bit of a diamond in the rough!  She was so distracted by the man banging around with recycle bins that it took a bit of time before she could settle plus focus on the task at hand.

While both pups did not like all of the rectal temperature taking they have had to have done during their recovery, BHRR’s Lacey was the most displeased and she is still is sensitive around her rump and so we have been working on lots of touching, gentle pushing on her hind end etc….she did so well today with all of that!

Both also showed that while they would walk quite well with me….listening to others with leash manners not so much….this is why our obedience clause is so important in our adoption contracts. Just because they listen to me does not mean they shall to others and having them handled by different people is important as shall be the obedience classes.

BHRR’s Lacey is scheduled to be spayed on September 5th and once I have their professional photo’s, both will be ready to make their special announcements!

Going to miss them….they will only be approved to right matched forever loving homes that are equally outgoing and publicly social for these two pups love everyone and everything!  They are not home-bodies and couch potatoes….they are happy, active, young, healthy and fit pups that are going to be such gifts to some wonderful homes.

To state again they shall NOT be adopted together. That is not in their best interests.


This is how special Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson is….

The BBBBB that is with him was once known a D211 – Dane #211. Yup…just a number to track how much money was made off the babiesthey forced her to pump out. 

She is safe now and while D211 was her identity to her horrific puppymillers, to us we have called her *BHRR’s Gem*. For she is one…precious and valuable.

Terrified, not even 100 pounds, covered in wounds – you can even see some of them along her side, chest and neck, oozing infection, horrible overgrown nails plus riddled with parasites (we will post more on her story on our Facebook page shortly). We will share with everyone just how special this girl is and that Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson knew instantly how special she was….for he is super special himself!

Terrified and ranging from catatonic to major flight mode, Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has not left her side since I made the 20 hour round trip toassist in this bust and then took her home with me as she needs us so badly right now….AND after two days, she finally rested. He is her GuardianDane and he is going to help her heal a lot…..

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson wishes all a good night…..he is so fabu!

BHRR’s Sambuca – Almost 10.5 years of age

Passed away peacefully in his sleep August 23rd and I still cannot bring myself to type a proper honourable memorial for him…. 

For now, some Gwennie words and photo’s shared from his blog of a most inspirational, outstanding special boy….

In the time that he came into rescue, he went from head down, weak in the hind and scared – of feet and raised voices in particular to head up, telling me exactly how he felt with the best sounds ever, developing strength and muscle tone that he could run and race! We would do 2 x 1.5 km walks daily and he loved those walks…he loved them best wth my own 10 plus year old Dane and Wolfie by his side…he would trot and prance!

He went from not being able to poop without pain and avoiding going to the bathroom to comfort and ease once that horrible mass was removed.

He went from having the worst teeth his Vet and dental surgeon plus myself had ever see in our combined 56 plus years around rescue and bad teeth to once he had 22 removed, a great dental cleaning and months of antibiotics being able to eat more than just wet yet almost exclusively high quality kibble.

BHRR’s Sambuca did not have a mean bone in body. He was so quiet – until he saw me coming home! – and stoic and had an almost defeated look about him when he first arrived to being so happy and healthy and fit and asking for love plus knowing he was so worthy…..

Why he chose me as his human, I shall never know yet what an honour and privilege it was to have such a gift of him giving me such love and trust and saucy ‘tude!

Having not had time to grieve the loss on August 11th of my own amazing Double Digit Dane fabu boy – and I have not yet shared my boys tragic loss with many nor can do his own deserving tribute yet – as I have been so busy getting the Saint Ladies healthy again….now I have even more grief and pain tearing through my heart plus soul with BHRR’s Sambuca’s own loss….  Both you and my boy shared so many of the most noblest of gentleman qualities ever existed and neither one of you are now around for me to hold any longer, talk to, love on and to have you gently paw at me to keep rubbing your chest when I stop etc…..

BHRR’s Sambuca – choosing just one photo to honour you is not possible……it is not fitting for such an awesome boy.

I will post several in your facdebook thread and I decided on this picture (already is in your blog) for this post for you found the biggest pleasure out of the simplest of things that so many others take for granted…prior to rescue you had so limited time outside over the past 18 months at least….extreme little to none in fact that just being able to bask in the warm rays of the welcoming sun brought you so much joy. ?You and I would sit for as long as you wanted to in beautiful companionable silence…no words or sounds were ever necessary….

Car rides became a delight and you would become almost indignant when I went to assist you getting in for once you became strong and healthy, you loved your independence.  So proud you were of so many things you could now do and I was proud of you and so happy for you!

You would come to work and brought much peace to the hearts of others at the Hospital.

I knew you and My Wolfie Brogan were so sad when my Big Blue Bronson tragically died and you are both in heaven for I do have to believe there is one and one day I will see you both again….and, as I say always when we have a loss… for now, I will meet and see you in my dreams….

May I one day be able to do a tribute worthy of the truly superb Dane you are…..for now, my tears blurr my eyes and sobs threatened to pour forth from my soul as I am deeply and immensely shattered over losing two of the most WOW dogs ever….

As Mason said, ‘ one in a million’ for my own 10+ year old Dane Bronson and for you and so, we really did win the lottery having both of you grace our lives….

Thank you BHRR’s Sambuca for your gifts, your sense of humour, your slightly defiant bouncy ham movements when you wanted to go one way and the Boerskins wanted to go another! 

Thank you for the laughter and the enrichment you have given to my home….though our time together is measured not in years but months, that precious time proved that it did not matter how long we had known you…that love was instant and solid and is forever….

RIP Sammy AKA Sam-Sam…..

Thank you to all of his beautiful comfort angels in giving him such quality of life for the time he did have left. I can assure all that he lived each day as if it was his last….and passed away peacefully sleeping by my side……


BHRR’s Cagney(r) & BHRR’s Lacey(l) – (8 month old Saints) are at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg today to 4 pm!

They are here to love on and thank everyone for helping to save them!!

Thank you Kayla and Global Pet Foods Hintonburg for this unforgettable and special opportunity to be here!! What a beautiful day we are having!

We have already gotten to visit with so many wonderful people and their pets! We have even gotten to love on BHRR’s Limerick and BHRR’s Sapphire also today!!

Grand Total Raised Today:
$298.30 – this includes a most generous online donation from a home that could not make it today
$5.00 USD
$9.45 Canadian Tire Money 

We are really humbled by today and there is now less than $400 remaining owed on their Bills. So touched by all that rallied so strongly around them when they were rushed into emerge. 

I also will be making a separate post re: BHRR’s Sambuca and I did not wish to post before having the chance to talk to so many of his fans in person today…having the ability and opportunity to share him with quite a few people today face-to-face meant a lot….what an incredibly inspirational Dane that has so many of his own Comfort Angels. 

Kayla & To Your Great Team – please accept my heartfelt thanks once more in having us at your beautiful location. 

Dawn, thanks for coming out and hanging with The Boerskins today. You are such a great person to have as part of our BHRR team/family.

Thank you to all of the awesome people – we had cars stopping, people crossing the road etc… – who dropped by to visit. 

Thank you to all of the fabu animals that came by too! BHRR’s Cagney had the best play with Stan and she says she would love a play date! ?

The Saint Ladies proved/showed to so many just how bomb proof they are – air brakes, sirens, strollers, wheelchairs – two were motorised, skateboards, bikes, people of all ages and kids and dogs, screams and car tires squealing and motorcycles plus more fazed them NOT one bit. The roads plus side walks were so busy and they did not have a care in the world other than hoping for some love from folks….and a play moment with another dog or twice or three!

They are rock solid – from wee babies to the very elderly, they were kind and gentle and so calm plus quiet. 

I even asked Kayla to do their nails this time so that they continue to be in the hands of others and BHRR’s Cagney stellar and BHRR’s Lacey once I had her lay down and go on her side – she actually began dozing off! 

These two girls deserve homes that will continue to let them shine…they are extremely social beings and when they are ready to be placed up for adoption, they will only be approved to right match forever loving homes that will ensure they get to be in the public loving and being loved on by others…..they are exquisite. 

BHRR’s Whisper
Available For Adoption!

I picked her up after our event today from her overnight play date and my RIP PPSS(Soul) would have been so proud of her!  She discovered the sunroof! Finally! LOL That was always my Souls’ ‘thing’ and he taught so many the joy of the sunroof….and it also brought back some really great memories from the almost 9 years we had together. He passed away three years ago.

BHRR’s Whisper had a great time from what I have been told and thank you Mandie & Justin once more for giving her a super experience and for all of your flexibility plus understanding in organizing this date! 

Anyone who knows me, knows my vehicles must have a sunroof for the Danes/Giants! 

My last post for tonight!

AND Auction Date #19 – an overnight one! – is now on!

BHRR’s Whisper! 
Available For Adoption!

We have a total of 23 dates scheduled for 2017!

We also look forward to seeing many visitors tomorrow – Sunday August 27th at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg from 11-4 pm

The two 8 month old Saint Ladies shall be on hand at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg to love on people and to say a BIG Thank You for everything done by the community to help us pay off their Vet Bills.

We still owe just over $700 and we remain humbled by so many that have stood by their sides!

Tomorrow – Sunday – we will be collecting Empties plus Canadian Tire $ and also towels, laundry soap, blankets, XL garbage bags plus Pinesol should anyone consider our cause.

From our home to all of our supporters, family and friends….wishing all a good-night.

*Photo is from BHRR’s Whisper’s other recent overnight auction play date in another home*

BHRR’s Daffodil’s mature spay and mass excision is scheduled for September 13th, 2017.

ISO: an extra set of doggie loving hands to help hold/love on the two 8 month old Saint pups – BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey for their professional photo shoot!

Date: Tuesday August 29th
Time: 2:45 pm – for about 20 minutes
Location: Nepean, Ontario

This is for their professional photo shoot and I just need a loving pair of hands to hold one girl while I get the others pictures taken and vice versa. I can guarantee that you will fall instantly in love with them!!

If you can assist at this photo session, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org over posting here as we may miss your generous offer!

BHRR’s Lacey is doing fabu and is now scheduled for her spay for Tuesday September 5th and about two weeks after that should be ready to make her special announcement. She is already up to date on vaccines, microchipped, pre-op bloodwork is done, latest fecal is negative, de-wormed etc.

BHRR’s Cagney is not far behind BHRR’s Lacey in her own journey to complete health and she also should be ready over the next few weeks to make her own special announcement. She is already spayed plus pexied and up to date on vaccines, microchipped, de-wormed etc. We will be running a repeat fecal shortly.

Both Saint Ladies will be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM as part of our THANK YOU Event!

We remain truly grateful to every angel out there that has stepped up to donate, shared our urgent request for donations to assist them when they needed a helping hand and has kept them in their best wishes!

It has been 24/7 care for 1 day shy of two weeks since they were rushed from their foster home to emerge and though, I am exhausted, I am now so happy that they both are doing great…..

Donated To Date: $2,693
Bills To Date: $3,365.02

You can call Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Image may contain: dog and outdoor

Special picnic snack auction Date #18 is now happening! 

I am told the ‘no couch rule is going strong’ – same home having this date as they did with BHRR’s Granite yesterday and my response was ‘I can see that!’ 

Thanks for the evidence….I mean photo Elizabeth White! 

I think Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson(he is blind and can only hear 11% between both ears) believes that if he makes himself as small as possible, no one shall notice!  

He is doing really well and has learned the touch and also louder verbal signals for right/left/straight and I have been teaching him sensitivity training via a long leash and we are now up to two long leashes connected. He is a rock star!! 

He also knows ‘car’ & ‘stairs’ & ‘door’ and of course he knows his name and ‘no’ and ‘good’ and ‘boy’ and so many other wonderful words!!! He also knows ‘final pee’ before bed and is proud of himself!! AND we are so proud of him! 

So many Brazilian Angels came together to help save him and try to save his two remaining litter-mates – all special needs and dumped on the streets. 

Here is the group link detailing his journey/story and our continued efforts in now working to try and save another special needs there.


AND special picnic snack dates #16 & #17 are now in full swing!

This is Haven Dog BHRR’s Granite – one of the GD Puppy Pile x 7

Per his lovely date – ‘technically his feet are on the floor’ in re: to the no couch rule! 

Thanks for the great photo of him, Elizabeth!

BHRR’s Steam aka Steamboat (Available For Adoption) is also on her own special day date today and from what I am being told she is having a blast!

Tomorrow we have another special picnic snack date – #18 for 2017 – Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! 

Special Auction Date #17 – BHRR’s Steam AKA Steamboat
Available For Adoption 

This is her and *Sailer*. They had a great day together!! Apparently, she loves his lampchop stuffie! 

Thank you Brooke once more in giving her this fabu experience!

UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month old Saint pups.

Donated To Date: $2,398
Bills To Date: $3,365.02

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

BHRR’s Lacey:
Almost normal! 
Eating and drinking well
Stools are slightly soft yet formed
Urine is normal 
Energy level is playful and affectionate 
Remains on famotidine, sulcrate, metronidazole, S250 and will start Panacur tomorrow
Off the cerenia 
Eating 5 small meals a day of Gastro wet/dry and will be transitioning over to her regular food as of tomorrow
Still eating the Forti Flora daily

BHRR’s Cagney(in photo)
Catching up to her sister slow but sure!
Eating and drinking much better!
Some diarrhea noted yet her stools are most often soft yet formed
Urine is only slightly concentrated 
Energy level is alert, she has small bouts of playful!
She tires more easily than her sister and then likes to settle done with my own Wolfie Brogan in his custom made bed now that they are home with me. 
She is not 100% yet getting there!
Remains on Cerenia, famotidine, sulcrate, metronidazole, S250’s and will start Panacur shortly 
She is eating so well her own five smaller meals per day of gastro wet/dry plus a/d
She will remain on this food for awhile before transitioning over to her regular food

I cannot express enough thanks and warmth of appreciation to so many that have stepped up to our desperate cry for assistance to help them…..all of you are Saints…Saint Angels! 

Tanya & Frank – your foster babies are doing great.

We still have almost $1,000 to pay off in bills since August 12th and even $5.00 is huge to us if you may consider helping us with their emergency bills…

We have our already planned Vet bills of BHRR’s Ryder’s neuter/Cherry eye surgery coming up on August 31st – he saw the surgeon today and we have had to delay a bit BHRR’s Daffodils’ own spay/mass removal etc. as we get The Saint Ladies emergency bills paid off. 

From our home to all of our supporters, family and friends, we wish all a good night!


BHRR’s Gus – ~18 month old Neo

BHRR’s Gus is ready to make his own special announcement! He is ready for adoption!

He can go to a home that works full time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog.

He can go to a home that already has a right matched personality fit dog in it or as an only dog yet what he must have is a strong dog social network for he loves his friends! Doggie friends with help also with his emotional, mental and not just his physical stimulation.

He is an amazing boy! This stunning blue bomber boy needs a home with a sense of humour and lots of patience for he will make you laugh every day with his antics yet also needs consistency with his obedience. Plenty of fun to be had and needed during his training sessions and he is eager to please….himself first to try and get what he wants, then others next.  However, he has become much more balanced in that regard. ? He is a real huge ham and a character and needs a home that shall take the time to continue to build upon the strong foundation we have given him with his manners.

He can still be a freight train on the leash and a home that is going to use proper positive balanced training with an accredited facility is required per our mandatory obedience clause. He does not have a mean or bad bone in his body and we will not see a home approved for him that will become frustrated. No dog ever deserves to have someone that will not be dedicated to their wellbeing and remain patient and consistent and committed.

He sits, stays, lays down and is wonderful with all of his commands but he becomes distracted easily at times. He has learned a lot re: focus and self-control yet he is very much a young boy still and has had so much to learn and is still learning.

To him the world is full of so many wonderful discoveries…he is like a child at Xmas or a kid in a candy store…so curious….he makes me smile so much with the absolute pleasure he takes out of so many things! 

He is not ever to be man-handled. This was done in his past and that is not how any dog is ever to be handled. He was confused when he arrived, not knowing what he should or should not be doing and all he needed was someone to communicate with him in clear openly positive plus supportive ways. How unfortunate that someone would ever wish to hurt any dog out there…..

He is so proud of himself in listening once he understood what was/is being asked of him. He is a total teddy bear mushball boy.

He still can get mouthy yet not to be mean and he rarely does that now, yet, he can still forget himself and mouth to get attention…not hard but it happens. Lots of drool can be involved!

He is great with other dogs and people and is so excited to go places. He is a lot better about relaxing and chilling in the car. He is always just so thrilled to go places and experience things!

He is so loveable and people will want him because he is so handsome, yet he will only be approved to be adopted to a home that will do right by him with his obedience and give him structure, consistency, time and has loads of patience. Not to mention, giving him oodles of love!

To me, he is awesome….to many others, he would be way too much of a dog and that is fine. He is not meant for everyone.

He is a boy that you will know when he walks/lumbers into a room! A presence plus heart as big as the world! He greets every day with the biggest joy and happiness.

His is mischievous and so honest about what he wants and has become so much better in being patient.

He drools and boy, does he snore! 

He did have SA upon arrival and he has learned that his own company is ok. A calming word and/or touch and then passively ignoring any inappropriate displays of behaviour is important. In the wrong hands, this behaviour would resort right back to where he started from or worse.

He requires a large/giant breed dog experienced home. One that is not necessarily a Neo experienced home.

It is unknown how he is with cats.

He is fine to wash and to do nails. He is not a jumper.

He is cratetrained and has not yet proven himself 100% reliable unsupervised.

He is quiet and the only sounds he tends to make are when it is food time!

This boy is fabu!! Absolutely fantastic…..

Proud of all that you have accomplished BHRR’s Gus and you are going to make that right matched forever loving home the most incredible of family member additions. 

Thanks Liz again for the gorgeous photo’s! He is extremely photogenic!

Posted in Gus

UPDATE: Test Results Are Back:

BHRR’s Granite’s Heartworm results were negative yet he tested positive for Lymes. He was on Revolution last year as he was too young for Bravecto and then placed on Bravecto for 2017. 

We are moving to doing a UPC test as the next step and ensuring that he stays on preventative in our efforts to prevent further exposure. 

Dynamo’s results were all negative.

UPDATE: Look at BHRR’s Lacey(l) & BHRR’s Cagney(r)?! 
The two 8 month old Saint Pups!

Donations To Date: $1,565 
Bills To Date Between Alta Vista, Pharmacies, KAH etc.: $3,190.09

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

BHRR’s Lacey
*on a great upward path
*still having some loose stool yet mostly formed now
*putting on weight 
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia, S250’s etc. 
*on Forti Flora
*eating small meals of Gastro wet/dry & a/d
*drinking well and urine is only slightly concentrated
*no vomiting or nausea 
*energy level almost normal and she has many periods of playful behaviour 
*bright, alert and is so happy  This lovely lady is a ‘gentleman’s girl’! She loves all humans yet the males she is drawn to even more like a magnet!

BHRR’s Cagney
*amazing turn upwards
*no vomiting or nausea 
*putting on much needed lost weight 
*still having some bouts of diarrhea yet stool is firming up
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia, S250’s etc.
*she is eating small frequent meals of a\d with Gastro wet/dry
*drinking well and urine is only slightly concentrated
*energy level is alert, bright and she has playful moments 
*she is so much happier and uber affectionate – so bonded to me. Loves everyone!

I have remained in constant contact with their temp foster home and The Ladies are going to remain with me at this time. I am much closer to an animal emergency hospital if needed(1 hour drive over their almost 1.5 hours) and as we do not know what they were exposed to, safest for them to stay here.

We wish to be clear that throughout this whole nightmare over the past week, their temp foster home and we have worked closely together and have had the same goal in mind, the welfare of these two Saint pups. They are wonderful people, not new to dogs or puppies and have operated their own responsible/quality rescue for 7 years now.

Casting blame or pointing fingers serves no purpose and all of us have worked wonderfully together to attempt to figure out what the Saint pups got into and why BHRR’s Cagney also had a partial obstruction.

I want to publicly thank Tanya and Frank for stepping up to temp foster them when a foster home was urgently needed for them in July to be able to assist them.

We also remain so grateful to all that have donated and/or shared to date and we still have a huge vet bill that we need to get paid off.

Any consideration to their cause would be beyond touching and we would be so incredibly filled with gratitude… 

With two already planned spays, a neuter, a mass removal and a cherry eye plus now BHRR’s Granite’s Lyme’s disease diagnosis/treatment on our upcoming schedule, any assistance with The Saint Ladies emergency bills would truly be so appreciated…..we really would be thankful for anything….

From our home to all of our family, friends & supporters AND on behalf of The Ladies, good night wishes being sent…..


Reminder! We are at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th!

From 11-4 pm!
BHRR’s Sambuca will be on hand to sincerely thank all of the Visitors for what has been done to assist him in becoming happy & healthy! ??

Kayla shall be doing Nail Trims and we will also have ear cleanings plus some merchandise for sale!

We shall be collecting Empties and Canadian Tire $ that day too!

BHRR’s Sambuca, the 10+ year old inspirational and uber handsome boy and us are so appreciative to so many for standing by his side!

Thank you to Gail for the beautiful poster!

Cookie Dough Dynamo & BHRR’s Granite had their Annual today!
They are two of the BHRR Great Dane Puppy Pile x 7 born April 14th, 201

She weighed 50.3 kgs(116.6 pounds) & he weighed 60.5 kg(133.10 kgs).

Both are lean, healthy and received thumbs up at their Vet visits! Hard to believe they are 16 months old now….

The photo makes it appear that Dynamo is the same height as her brother yet he has a good 3.5-4″ on her in height. He is just holding his head lower than normal in the photo’s. 



Stay Tuned!

BHRR’s Gus will be making his own special announcement shortly!

Thank you again Liz for the positively stunning photo’s of this goofy loveable blue bomber boy! He is an absolute hoot!!!

Posted in Gus

UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month old Saint Pups

Donations To Date: $1,495
Bills To Date Between Alta Vista, Pharmacies, KAH etc.: $3,012.71

Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

BHRR’s Lacey(in picture)
*was on a great upswing until last night and then had a big vomit at just past 11 pm
*still having diarrhea
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia etc.
*refuses to eat the progut, so back on Forti Flora
*after a bit of a rough night, this afternoon is back to eating small amounts of Gastro wet/dry & a/d
*drinking yet urine is still concentrated
*energy level goes from being almost normal to quiet and subdued

BHRR’s Cagney
*passed a 5″ block of stool that had bits of tree pieces like twigs – long and narrow and a small irregular shaped object that is either a stone or piece of cement/concrete.
*explosive and now slightly bloody diarrhea
*after not vomiting since Saturday at Alta Vista Animal Emergency vomited once late last night – 11:30 pm and then again just before 12:30 AM
*continues on meds like sulcrate, famotidine, metronidazole, cerenia etc.
*does not like the progut yet also did not like the Forti Flora
*as of this afternoon, she is back to eating tiny amounts of a\d with a sprinkle of Gastro dry
*IV fluids required as she is not drinking well and urine is concentrated
*energy level is flat

I have dialogued in depth and many times over with their temp foster home re: possible causes of the toxin exposure and the partial obstruction and the Vets continue to treat the pups the best that they can….

The way they wag their tails slowly when they see me, shows me both how crappy they feel yet that they are also happy to see me…

We remain so grateful to all that have donated and/or shared to date and these pups really need their BHRR village/community to rally round them….they really do…

I have had so little to no sleep for some time now and I know I will not be able to rest until they are healthy again….breaks my heart…

This last week has truly been a nightmare in several ways yet I wanted to take a moment to share a warm photo…..does not take the stress, worry for the Saint pups nor the painful heartache of a personal loss away yet just seeing this photo gives me a moment to experience something happy during a horrendous time.

Mason fell asleep watching TV and when he woke up, this was the scene he faced….a no couch rule all the way here and they are listening so well aren’t they?!!! 

Thanks Mason for the photo….. 

UPDATE: On BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey – the two 8 month Saint pups. 
URGENT NEED For Donations! 

Both have been transferred to under Kanata Animal Hospitals care this AM.
613-836-2848 for donations

OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Donations To Date: $1,000 – Tears of sheer gratitude being sent out!
Total Bills To Date: $2,852.73

BHRR’s Lacey – in picture 
*fecal smear done
*had fecal done last Thursday so was not repeated and was negative
*recheck exam
*remains on Famotidine, Sulcrate 
*prescription special ordered for more meds 
*will be de-worming yet again with Interceptor & Panacur once stomach/gut settles
*Progut will be started and she will be taken off of Forti Flora 
*she is eating Gastro wet and dry and doing well
*she has gained weight since Saturday – now 39.2 kgs
*her Vet @ KAH also believes a toxin exposure is the cause of her being ill
*she is being taken off the Benadryl from the allergic reaction she developed in hospital at Alta Vista Emergency 
*Vet does not want her to be on clindamycin for her mouth – the Vet has found three of these granulating wounds in her mouth – there was 2 noted by Alta Vista on Saturday – cause is not known – inflammed, some pus yet with all the stomach/gut issues, feels it is too much for her right now. Her Vet at KAH says that one is a puncture wound. Fostermom did say that one of their own puppies they own has grabbed her on the mouth. 
*has not vomited since Saturday and is drinking some. Urine is concentrated.
*still has diarrhea

BHRR’s Cagney – not doing as well as her sister
*recheck exam
*fecal smear
*had fecal done last Thursday so was not repeated – was positive for Coccidia
*remains on Famotidine and Sulcrate
*repeat x-rays done to confirm is partial obstruction and is moving and yes….deep in colon now and no longer in cecum area – will continue to be monitored and surgical measures taken if necessary 
*prescription meds special ordered 
*will be de-worming yet again with Interceptor and Panacur once stomach/gut settles
*Progut will be started and she will be taken off Forti Flora – which she has not eaten as is
*as of late last night, she has begun to nibble at some wet a\d food and now today she has eaten some wet a\d food twice and now some dry Gastro kibble has been offered around 1 pm and she ate that too.
*she has lost weight since Saturday – 37.6 kg now 
*her Vet @ KAH also believes that there has been a toxin exposure 
*she is being taken off of Benadryl from the allergic reaction she developed while in hospital at Alta Vista Emergency 
*is drinking some, urine is concentrated 
*still having diarrhea
*has not vomited since Saturday. Did have one small nauseous moment on Sunday late afternoon yet only a small amount of drool noted 
*subdued and quieter than her sister

We truly would be so humbled and forever filled with appreciation for any consideration to their bills…..

One other thread link is below of their story…..and I promise to update as I can.

Another picture of BHRR’s Big Ben at his special picnic play date. Apparently, this was how Sean & Mason saw him when they went to pick him up! Looks like he had a fabu day! 


BHRR’s Rubble is on his own special picnic date! This is date #15! We have four more special picnic dates scheduled for July. We have a total of 23 planned for 2017! 

Thanks Gail & Lisa for giving him a wonderful day!

Looks like he has been settling in well! 

BHRR’s Rubble is Available For Adoption!

While I have been at Alta Vista Animal Emergency with The Ladies, BHRR’s Big Ben had his own special picnic snack date on Saturday, the 12th.

This was Auction Date #14 and thank you to Sean & Mason for making sure he got to and from his date location.

Thank you to his special date for giving him a most wonderful day and for these sweet photo’s!

BHRR’s Rubble(special auction picnic play date #15) is today, the 13th.


UPDATE: BHRR’s Lacey & BHRR’s Cagney, the two 8 month old Saint Pups

Donations To Date: $880.00
Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital Bills To Date: $1,051.15 – Invoice Attached & Posted on FB also
Additional Bills – Special Gastro Food, Forti Flora, Pharmacy for Benadryl & Famotidine To Date: $267.14
Further Treatment & Diagnostics Estimate – 12-24 hours $1,300 – $2,000 per Pup

Donations can be made via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Picture of the girls as we wait for the Vet after our arrival at Alta Vista and the one invoice.

BHRR’s Cagney – weight 38.5 kg
*Subdued and quiet and vomited 6 times in hospital before Cerenia injection was given. 
*Has not vomited since the Cerenia and zero interest when offered a small amount of Gastro wet food about five minutes ago. ?
*x-rays cannot rule out a FB – possibility of a foreign body
*possible toxin ingestion
*no concern re: bloat at this moment
*was given Benadryl injection shortly after demonstrating that she was having an allergic reaction some time after arriving at Emerge 
*Sulcrate, Famotidine and Forti Flora also part of her treatment plan
*Given fluids 
*monitoring and not doing as well as her sister 
*urine is normal and had one soft yet well formed stool and then has been back to diarrhea again

BHRR’s Lacey – weight 38.3 kgs
*Quiet and subdued
*Vomited three times in hospital before Cerenia injection was given 
*Has now eaten a small amount of wet Gastro food with Forti Flora and doing well
*no worry at this time re: FB(foreign body)
*toxin exposure cannot be ruled out
*no concern re: bloat at this moment
*was given Benadryl injection shortly after demonstrating that she was having an allergic reaction some time after arriving at Emerge 
*Sulcrate, Famotidine and Forti Flora also part of her treatment plan
*Given fluids 
*small granulating yet inflamed with some pus wound found in her mouth – on Antirobe/Clindamycin antibiotics now
*urine is fine and no diarrhea had – has not had a bowel movement at all

Thank you on behalf of their temp foster parents – Frank & Tanya, the Saint Ladies and myself for all of the beautiful well wishes and most generous and caring donations to date.


UPDATE: BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey, the two 8 month old Saint pups are still at Alta Vista Emerge Animal Hospital 

DONATED TO DATE: $290 – Thank you…..so very much! 

While both were here they developed an allergic reaction while in Hospital. Both have been treated with Benadryl, Cerenia and are being given fluids. X-rays also have been done. No obvious FB yet cannot be ruled out. I have dialogued with the Vet re: toxicity as a possibility too.

Sadly, their condition has deteriorated since we first arrived – lots of retching and vomiting and then both of them are having this allergic reaction. Needless to say, Foster Parents are incredibly distressed as am I. 

We would be beyond grateful for any donation to their cause. We really would be so grateful.

Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital Number:


File for both of them is under our Rescue name and the phone number of 613-725-4279.

Donations can be made direct to the Hospital by credit card or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org

I am so sorry to be begging for funds yet we are in huge need and I promise to post an update as I learn more and also costs of their Vet visit….

Please keep them in your thoughts….

If you click on the picture you will learn more re: why we rushed in……

URGENT: we are in need of any immediate donation consideration. 

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey, the 8 month old Saint pups are both being rushed off to Alta Vista Emergency Animal Hospital.


I received an email and vm from their temp foster home that BHRR’s Cagney was vomiting, bringing up bile, burping and was restless plus whining. Then, now I have been told BHRR’s Lacey is also doing the same…

I am now enroute to Alta Vista Emerge Hospital to meet their temp foster mom/dad there – Tanya & Frank (of Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue) -and I have called and set up files for both of them under our Rescue name and phone number of 613-725-4279.

Donations can be made direct to the Hospital by credit card or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org

I am so sorry to be begging for funds yet we are in huge need and I promise to post an update as I learn more and also costs of their Vet visit….

Please keep them in your thoughts….

BHRR’s Gus! The 18 month old Neo!
NOT Yet Available For Adoption!

Today he had his own professional photo shoot! He knocked it right out of the park!! His manners were amazing….sitting, laying down, staying and I cannot wait to see his photo’s from the truly talented Liz! He listened to Liz beautifully and not only Mason & I.

His leash manners are still a work in progress. He is like a freight train when he forgets himself. So much better than he was upon arrival though! Big difference yet he still needs a lot of work. Lots of consistency and patience and time. He loves his training sessions and even today he began showing off as he thought it was a fun game and moved between sit and lay down and putting his head down and standing and doing it all over again in various ways. He was so pleased with himself! He makes me smile….a lot! 

He is very praise motivated and so happy when he knows he has done a good thing. ? Treats are a huge hit too and we do not give him treats every time. It is completely random these days as to when he is given a goodie so it remains a truly special item.

He is such a handsome loveable ham! Friendly, happy, social and not at all pleased when people go by him and do not give him attention! A man went by on his bike and the back yard gate to the man’s home was nearby where we were having the photo shoot and BHRR’s Gus was really good at the beginning. He observed, was curious and as the man got closer, he became excited yet never broke his lay stay position – good boy! – and as the man walked behind Liz taking the pictures, his tail began in overdrive wag mode and then the whine started and when the man paused as he was going through his back gate, BHRR’s Gus realised it was not all about him and began to make some small barks. The man smiled at him and went into his yard.

He corrected well and we do not wish to see him rewarded for inappropriate attention seeking behaviours.

He is such a good boy. He really is. Just had been treated and spoiled as a ‘baby’ and never taught manners. He is still mouthy, not a mean bone in his body yet we continue to discourage that attention seeking behaviour also.

He did clearly have some SA behaviours when he arrived and still has a bit in the car or when we are out in public as he has a deep worry about being abandoned and left alone. He will do some crying and whining yet takes to a calming word/touch well and from there passively ignored. We continue to work on him liking and loving his own company and that he does not need his humans always around to amuse, stimulate and comfort him. He has been rocking this part of his rehab journey and will need an experienced home that will not cater to this behaviour or it will set him up for failure.

I am in the process of finding some play dates for him and I to visit people’s homes to hang and build up his confidence so that he learns that he will not be left behind when it is time to leave. He clearly was traumatised being left at the pound….from being sold to one home from another and then only a month after that put into a pound…poor boy.

If any of our approved BHRR Volunteers are open to a blue bomber tail wagging life loving Neo coming by for a small visit, please let me know! ?

He is crate trained and loves to go into his crate each night for bed and as Mason says ‘he is asleep before his body hits the bed’ 

The right matched personality fit forever loving home that is meant for him is going to have to accept that this boy snores….OMG! LOL We have been rescuing dogs for almost 29 years and have owned them for even longer and BHRR’s Gus has to be a top five snorer!! He is a champion snorer!

We are anticipating that within the next few weeks, he shall be ready to make his own special announcement!

He is such a solid boy….a real treat of a dog! Friendly, good with dogs and people and so social!

His big vice….drooling as one will see what my shoulder looks like in the photo’s I shall post in the thread. ?

Love this boy….he is incredibly full of huge heart and soul plus his personality is a hoot and a dream!

Posted in Gus

BHRR’s Gravel

He is ready to make his own special announcement and I could not be more proud of him or happy for him!

He came to us reactive to humans – note: a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time – and almost did not make it out of the pound as no one could get near him, he was so fearful. Well, someone special did manage to get near him and we are forever grateful to them for not only asking us to assist yet jumped right into action and went straight to the pound to get him to us! 

Dogs like BHRR’s Gravel are common and he needed structure, consistency, patience, love, time and obedience to help him realise that he was not alone, could like himself, to build up his confidence in the correct manner, give him the tools he needed to learn self-control, that it was ok to trust, that we understood him and would not set him up for failure…..

Fast forward several months later and look at this boy now! Relaxed body, calm, happy, head up and so unbelievably handsome! No longer skinny and stressed.

He is wonderful. From degrees of being shutdown to fearful to asking for attention and taking treats and even at the Vets, though nervous, he is super brave and no longer as stoic as he once was.

All he wanted was to be left alone when he first came in….the videos I was sent of him at the pound, curled up either in a tight ball on the hard floor or crammed tightly into a corner of the run really broke my heart. He worked so hard to communicate and kudos to the people that listened…heard his need and ensured he would be safe! 

He travels great in a car!

He is quiet other than at dinner time as he gets so adorably excited and goes back and forth between the Xpen where he eats and us and that butt of his is up and down and up and down as he works hard to stick his sit.

He is crate and xpen trained and now has earned the trust to have freedom in our home yet as always, we never recommend a home giving any dog too much freedom to start. It is important for a dog to feel comfortable in a crate or xpen should they ever have to be on crate rest for injury or sickness and a great safe spot for them too!

He is great with other dogs and can go to a home as an only dog or to a home with an already right matched personality fit dog. Cats are unknown!

He is fine to do nails, ears and bathe and his leash manners are still a work in progress yet greatly improved.

He is wary yet curious in new surrounding now. We have worked to encourage him to make new friends and to check out new things.

Where once he would not take treats from strangers, he will upon occasion…rarely but it does happen these days. He does not growl or bark at strangers. He watches and observes.

He needs a very experienced, knowledgeable dog home, not necesssarily one that is also Dane savvy. We have earned his hard won trust and he must never be set up for failure. That would see him take huge steps backwards.

We do not find him a high maintenance dog. One just has to be educated on nonverbal body language and understand when he is getting uncomfortable. We deliberately stop to talk to people when we are out and just ask people to not touch or talk to him….just be around him and let him just soak up the positive safe vibes and BHRR’s Gravel will actually look for people now. 

He is learning about so many amazing things this world has to offer and that we do not expect anything from him that he is not ready to give. We do not want to make him into a dog he is not. We want to help him be the best dog he can be and truly, he is something pretty special!

While he loves kids, we do not feel that he should be in a home with them. Fast flighty unpredictable movements are not what he should be surrounded by. Yet, he really adores kids and young teens. He does cry as he wants to see them. He did come from a home with children and he adores my own two teenage kids.

He can be adopted to a home that works full-time, pt, from home, semi-retired, retired etc., as he is another fabu versatile BHRR dog.

He has so soaked up the comforts of Costco dog beds!! More than once, you can see him drag over a bed to put on top of another Costco Bed! LOL

We do not wish to portray him as being a dog that lunges, barks or snaps at people. He has never barked at me and the only lunge and lip curl I ever got from him was when I was trying to get him out of the run at work that day he arrived. I was able to take him without any issue from the car of the angel who helped transport him to me and put him in no problems into the run for the final 15-20 minutes it took to get ready to leave. Once he was in the run, he was terrified again and that took patience and understanding to get him out and once he was out, no more lip curling in fear.

He has never done any of these behaviours to anyone else throughout his whole rehab journey and we would never want him to ever experience the level of terror he has felt in his past. The fear growling is long gone too. That is why we want him in an experienced dog owner home. We never want him to ever feel that scared again.

Love this boy….I really do. He is a smaller male yet full of so much affection and those eyes….whenever he comes over to me when I am on the computer and gently bumps my elbow, I stop whatever I am doing….praise him softly and give him all the time he wants for he finally realises that he is worthy and it is ok to ask for what he wants! 

I know that this post shall chase away a lot of homes that may well be a great match for him yet I want to ensure with all of my heart that he is only set up for success.

To my home he is really a wonderful boy and has been no trouble in our home…..he is perfect in all of his imperfections which is no more than the flaws many out there have!

I adore you BHRR’s Gravel and we are all hunkering down to be patient for that home that is meant for you to find you!

Thank you Liz yet again for the gorgeous photo’s!

BHRR’s Flyn

She is ready to make her own special announcement!

This gorgeous BBBBB is such a delight. Low maintenance, calm, quiet, social and where once she was so nervous, she is now cautious yet curious.

In her time with us, she has only met two men that have made her nervous and we just asked them to give her some space. One was the Vet that spayed her and that is already an emotionally charged situation. The other was when she was at the Vet Hospital for her boosters. A large tall man wearing a hat came into the Hospital and was quite loud along with his female counterpart. We wanted to post these two experiences for people to be aware.

She likes to size things up first and nothing wrong with that. Just give her a few moments to take in new surroundings or people…..she will then feel right at home. She is not an in your face as soon as you get in the door kinda gal.

When we come home you can see how happy she is to see us yet she is not the jumping all over, noisy ‘where have you been!’ Dog. She comes over and graces us with a tail wag and a sniff and loves a gentle touch or two and then she wants to just be around her humans.

She is a true mysterious BBBBB! She has so many lawyers and depths that we are still being cautiously allowed into her most inner soul. She is beauty, brains and many may think what you see is all there is to her, but you could not be more wrong.

This lovely girl is deep….and full of so much character and heart plus soul.

It is almost hard to describe into words just how filled with depth BHRR’s Flyn is.

She is not complicated. She is not difficult. She just has an incredible intangible to her that is fascinating, compelling and so endearing along with that mysteries allure! She has a way and means about her to just make those in her presence relax and feel good. That is a special gift that she possesses.

She is great to travel in a car.

Patient and gentle with dogs of all sizes and people. We do not feel that any dog should be tightly hugged or see humans hang off their necks and that is so not for her. It would make her so uncomfortable….would make me uncomfortable if anyone did that to me!

She is good to bathe, clean ears, do nails and is crate-trained and has earned trust in our home that she has free rein these days yet our approved adoptive homes are always strongly recommended to not give any dog too much freedom to start. She still goes into a crate here and there to make sure that she feels good.

She is a good eater and has put on over 20 pounds of muscle mass & weight since she has arrived.

She has had no issues sharing the communal water bowls and has a playful side that is adorable.

She can go to a home as an only dog or be placed in a home that has a right matched personality fit dog already in it. As long as she has a proper doggie friend social network, that is what is most important.

She can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired, retired etc. Another versatile BHRR dog!

Her leash manners have greatly improved and her biggest vice – and to many they feel would not be a problem – is constantly climbing on the couch. We discourage couch dogs  and she has become a lot better.

She has been a real sweetheart of a Dane to have with us and to that right matched forever loving home, she is going to be a precious jewel!

AND I cannot say enough about those ears!! This picture has one of her amazing ears in action and in the comments, I will post a photo of both of her ears! They are the best!!

Her coat is nice and glossy and sleek now and I am over the moon excited for all the wonderful things her future shall hold for her!

Thanks again Liz for your amazing talent with the professional photo’s!

Please consider sharing this post in the hopes that her right matched adoring home may find her! Thanks in advance!

Tonight’s good night wishes are from BHRR’s Gravel!

He shall soon be making his own special announcement! Still working on getting a few more pounds on him and his rehab progress has been truly inspirational. What a really wonderful dog!

As soon as he arrived and he knew we understood that he was reactive and was not aggressive, he has just made huge leaps with his journey….as I have typed many times, a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time.

He is reactive no longer for we worked to set him up for success and not have him set up for failure. We do not leave him alone in situations with adult humans that do not wish to learn to understand him and how nervous and uncomfortable he may end up feeling. His first reaction is to shut down….to then avoid and walk away and if feeling that no one is listening to him, to lip curl/growl in his escalating efforts to communicate his level of anixety, fear and nervousness.

He has learned to relax, trust and is so stoic in some ways….such a brave boy. He had to truly been pushed to his limits of his comfort zone to have been so reactive upon arrival, the poor thing. He does remain enthralled with kids, young teenage girls in particular yet with his nervous tendencies, we prefer a no kid home. He is so solid in our home….Great with the dogs and with us.

At dinner time, he is a complete goof! Bouncy all the way to his xpen and long before his bowl is placed in front of him, he is sitting in the most awesome attentive sits!

Danya & Mel – look at this magnificent boy now!!

Liz – thank you again for such stunning photo’s. 

BHRR’s Gravel is sending good night wishes to all of our friends, family & supporters!

Stay Tuned!

This absolutely breathtaking BBBBB with the adorable and totally best ears shall be making her special announcement shortly! She is still recovering from her spay and then…..stay tuned! 

BHRR’s Flyn!

Thank you again Liz for her time, talent and generous heart for the wonderful photo’s!


Tonight’s good night wishes are from BHRR’s Sambuca! 10+ years old and 100% awesomeness!

We went for almost a km stroll tonight with Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson along with my Wolfie Brogan and own 10+ year old Dane Bronson. While it was no longer scorching hot and very pleasant temps, the deer flies plus mosquitoes were out in full force and all of us are sporting some bad bites….you can see on Sambuca’s ear and near his one eye where the deer flies found him delicious. 

He remains Available For Adoption and is now having a well deserved post stroll nap!

Gentle Reminder that he shall be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th to thank all of his visitors for everything done for him. 

Good night to all of our friends, family & supporters!


A couple of photo’s from their temp foster home – THANKS Tanya/Frank of Poet’s Vision Aussie Rescue for loving on them and being their emerge temp foster home!

BBBBB’s Ryder!

Where once he was a 10 month old emaciated barely 48 pound cherry eyed Great Dane listed as free on an online ad, tonight at the Vet he now weighs 43 kgs(94.6 pounds)! WTG!

When he is done maturing and filling out, he should weigh 100-110 max. He is a small male Great Dane and 100% stunning and that right matched forever loving home shall not care about his size….or colour….we love the blacks!

Where once his coat was bare, thin, sun dried, dull, dead and coarse, it is now growing in sleek and shiny and glossy black. He still has bare/bald area’s along his back and tail yet greatly improving. He may never develop hair on all the rub spots on his tail and rump from being kept confined in some small space for prolonged periods. He has a big callous on the tip of his tail that we are moisturising so that it does not crack and bleed.

The Ester C has lifted those collapsed pasterns beautifully! His front feet are genetically in an eastie westie position yet front and back feet are looking strong and he stands in an upright normal position on them.

The muscle mass and tone in his rump now is solid!

We did pre-op blood work and also for his Heartworm and Tickborne disease testing. I had asked for the heartworm/tick testing to be done prior to transport yet I never received paperwork stating it was done nor was it on the invoice I paid for his vetting.

His heart and lungs were giving a thumbs up! His teeth look good…the right side has some very minor tartar on his back molars and now that he is with us, he has plenty of excellent kibble plus appropriate toys/bones to chew.

He showed pretty good manners as well at the Hospital. He wanted to play and greet all the dogs and he is learning that not all dogs are going to like him and want to be friends. His leash manners are improving daily!

He was given treats and love and while we waited for our turn to be seen, he enjoyed laying on the benches, half in my lap and if I was not by myself, I would have snapped a pic of him!

Once his bloodwork comes back, we shall know if he is healthy enough to be neutered and to address that Cherry eye.

He loves everything and everyone! Only once was he a bit nervous and I said ‘we are going to make a new friend’, he got a small treat or two and he was perfectly fine after that.

His bad habit is counter surfing and one cannot blame him as he was so starved and he is also making leaps and bounds on that front. He is learning that he is going to be fed on time, fed enough food and that his food is his and his alone.

Amazingly enough, he has no resourcing issues over toys or the communal water bowls.

One photo is from being at the Hospital waiting our turn to go in. His head is high and body relaxed and comfortable. Another photo is of BHRR’s Ryder ‘supervising’ me putting gas in the car and the final one is why I shall always have a sunroof in my vehicles. ??

On the way home, I stopped on the laneway and BHRR’s Ryder & I watched the sunset and the horses in the pasture as the light faded gently away to dusk….

This boy will make a home a truly WOW addition. He travels great in a car(travelled all the way from Ohio), is great with people, kids, dogs of all sizes and cats.

In the meantime, I am so loving our time together as he rehabilitates.



These two beauties had their professional photo shoot today!

BHRR’s Gravel & BHRR’s Flyn. 

BHRR’s Gravel still needs a few pounds yet is doing awesome! So amazing. He came from a home with kids. While adults once terrified him and he felt threatened, he has loved children. He soaks up all the love given to him when Kinsley is here with her friends.

BHRR’s Flyn has had a really tough recovery from her mature spay last week and I almost thought we may have to forego her own photo taking today yet over the last 24 hours she is finally bouncing back. She was put on a new pain management regime and that seems to working for her. She remains such a mysterious girl and love it! AND Liz captured her fabu ears in full action!

Cannot wait to see the pics of them both and if all goes well within the next 10 days or so both could have their own special announcements to make!

On a side note, I know many have been waiting to read what we know shall be a thumbs up report of BHRR’s Ryder’s Vet visit.  Tonight, he was to have his own Vet visit yet that has been postponed and we do promise to update once he is seen for we are all excited to see what he weighs now – no longer an emaciated 48 pounds for sure!  AND we want to move not just on his neuter but to have his eye surgically addressed. He is a true love…..his coat improves daily and it is becoming so shiny and glossy as he sheds the old, dull, coarse, sun exposed, poor nutrition fur he once had.

AND the Saint pups, BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey are equally doing great in their emerge temp foster home. 

BHRR’s Gus the Neo is learning much needed manners, is a total ham of a character and is recovering well from a wasp sting to one side of his mouth. Puffed up his lip and flew to look like an adorable hippo on that side. Such a trooper and gosh, he is going to make a right matched forever loving home the best of additions! He is outstanding!

Yesterday was a busy day!

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey came to work with me and were vetted, loved on and admired by many! After work, I drove them to their emerge temp foster home where they shall stay until September 1st.

Thank you again to Tracey and to her incredible family for all that they did for them from Tuesday night to Sunday AM until I could get them. She would not even let me pay for her gas or reimburse her for the toys she bought them….

I only had these two beautifies less than 36 hours yet I fell in love, hook, line & sinker. Incredible Saint babies….just so sweet!

Their Vet bills came to $799.16 yesterday.

BHRR’s Cagney – 36.8 kg
BHRR’s Lacey – 36.1 kg
*Both are nice and lean and yes, small female Saints. When Tracey picked them up, they were a bit on the thin side, so we upped what they were eating in their previous home.

Both are battling ear concerns in all of their ears. Ear cytologies were done on both girls ears and both girls began treatment in their ears at KAH. BHRR’s Lacey’s right ear which was deeply inflamed will get a second treatment next Monday.

They both were given a Bravecto for fleas/ticks and also Heartworm protection via Interceptor which also has a de-worming component.

BHRR’s Cagney has a bad bacterial skin infection and is now on Cephalexin 750 mg, every 12 hours for 3 weeks.

BHRR’s Lacey had pre-op bloodwork done and was microchipped. BHRR’s Cagney had already been spayed(pexied also on July 3rd) plus microchipped prior to us getting them both. BHRR’s Lacey will be spayed when she is more age appropriate to spay a giant breed.  BHRR’s Lacey’s spay/pexy incision is mildly infected. Her previous home mentioned to their Vet Hospital and to us that they had trouble keeping her quiet/calm. 

Both had Nail Trims and thorough exams. They stole the hearts of all they met at KAH yesterday! Such wonderful pups….

I began crate training when I arrived home with them on Sunday and by the time I got to work with them yesterday, they made nary a peep in the big run they hung out in off and on during my shift.

Not one accident in my home, only one in Tracey’s and none to date in Tanya’s.

They are learning to play and obtaining more manners – Tracey you truly did an amazing job with them for they barely pulled with me. They just like to zigzag on their leashes and that is easily corrected!

They sit before their leashes go on, they sit before eating, they sit before going out – all important safety things and both are responding beautifully.

Thank you to Tanya for stepping up to love on them and continue their public socialisation and training while in your care as this is so crucial for them to remain positively balanced and well rounded. We want them to be assets to home and community.

To state again, they are NOT YET Available For Adoption. They will not be for at least five weeks and people are welcome to follow their detailed individual blogs that shall be set-up.

BHRR ONLY places per right match personality fits and we are never desperate to adopt our dogs, we do not flip dogs and we remain patient for the right homes to find our dogs.

Our goal is to do right by every dog in our care and we have 14 amazing dogs that are available for adoption right now for those seeking to adopt at this time.

HERE IS A VIDEO of these lovely ladies playing at their emerge temp foster home this AM. Thanks again Tanya!


 AND to post here as we have on facebook: No, both Saint pups will NOT be adopted together. That is not in the best interest nor is it in the best interest of most siblings unless they are not just a bonded pair yet truly are a pair that really complement each other. 

Already I can see where each one shall benefit in time from being adopted away from each other. For right now, they should have each other and as they settle in, they will make strong friendships with other dogs more suited to their own individual personalities and be worked with to build up a wonderful foundation plus where they are weak instead of depending on each other to compensate for their own weaknesses.

Got them!

BHRR’s Cagney & BHRR’s Lacey!

Two small yet truly lovely 7.5 month old Saint Pups.

Thank you Tracey & Kathy for everything! 


his handsome boy is sending this evenings good night wishes!

BHRR’s Sambuca(10+ years old) and Available For Adoption!

Still putting his pre-bloat weight back on and doing great! 

This is his face when I asked him if he was ready for dinner! The second photo is of him off to get dinner….much purpose in his stride! AND look at the strength plus muscle in his hind end now! 

Good night from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

PS: he shall be at Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg on Sunday August 27th from 11-4 pm to thank all Visitors for everything that was done to help him become healthy and happy! 


ISO: someone between Port Hope and Spencerville, Ontario who may be open to myself having a bit of a pit stop tomorrow afternoon with two lovely 7 month old Saint Pups for about 30-45 minutes.

They are doing a lot of travelling tomorrow and would love to give them a special adventure break after I meet the transport to pick them up in Port Hope.

Please email gwen@birchhaven.org if you may be open to myself crashing for a 30-45 minute visit tomorrow afternoon with two gorgeous Saints.

*Fenced in yard a MUST*

Thanks in advance for any consideration!

Finally! A ‘still’ moment for Miss Y!  Miss X – BHRR’s Lacey is also in the photo.

So, tonight’s good night wishes are from Miss Y – BHRR’s Cagney, the 7 month old Saint Pup.

Sean has not yet decided on their names…I think he is waiting until I pick them up on Sunday. 

Thanks Tracey for the great photo yet again and for today’s adventure update!

You have doing an amazing job with them to keep them social and interacting with humans plus other animals. Thank you! They remain in a maturing crucial social development stage plus pre-stranger danger age and you are giving them such a solid foundation!

‘They had a good day today. Took a trip to PetsMart and they picked out a Dino bone each. Left lots of goober on many staff and customers 
I tried to get a pic of them each chewing on an end of this toy but of course as soon as the camera comes out they stop! At least they are playing with it. Also finally a pic of Miss Y sitting still.’

onight’s Good-Night wishes are being sent from Miss X! 

Isn’t she so adorable?! Her Sister Miss Y is never still long enough for a great photo! 

All the great names are being reviewed and gone over and when Sean makes the final decision, we shall post! 

Thanks again Tracey for the wonderful updates plus photo’s on these two beautiful 7 month old Saint pups. 

This stunning BBBBB was spayed & microchipped today.

BHRR’s Flyn. She did great!

She and my Wolfie Brogan are at home recovering together from their individual surgeries this week.

BHRR’s Flyn & BHRR’s Gravel are both scheduled for their professional photo shoots next Tuesday – had to be rescheduled from the 18th due to heat – and in a couple more weeks, both may be ready to make their own special announcements! 

Cutie #1 & Cutie #2! The 7 month old Saint Pups. 

Per Tracey:

‘So for their morning adventure the girls and I went downtown to visit my coworkers. They all fell in love of course. We left behind lots of drool and hair for them to be remembered by 
We then went for a walk around the park which is overrun with squirrels! My arms are now a few inches longer but at least they are even LOL! They want to greet everyone who passes but were good about sitting for the meeting. Once they are tired they walk like a dream!’

They were also have some loose/softer stools this AM yet per Tracey that seems to be resolving. Excitement and some stress over the past 24 hours for these two girls.

Both are booked in at KAH to see our Vets on Monday and from there shall be heading off to their emerge temp foster home until September 1st.

Still nameless…..one(left in picture) is super sassy, spicy, on the go, places to go, people to see, busy be, fearless, keeps you on your toes and the other(right in picture) is calmer, more chill, content to smell the roses, takes life in stride, does not sweat the small stuff or even the big stuff….

Need a ‘match set’ pair of names to fit their very distinct great personalities! Awesome suggestions made to date on the other thread and nothing is counted out as of yet!

Thanks Tracey for this great photo!


Another photo. Already I can tell them apart for one has more dark masking on the right side of her face plus less white on her sides yet the biggest difference is their personalities. 

One is a busy wee bee and the other more likely to sit back and smell the roses! 

Guess which one this is?! ?

Thank you Tracey for keeping them safe and keeping me posted!

Another busy day for us at BHRR with another good night story….

Thanks to Tracey & Kathy being ready to mobilise so fast, we were able to pick up both female Saint puppies tonight.

They are actually 7.5 months of age – Born December 3rd, 2016 and will be in safe hands until I can make the drive to pick them up on Sunday, then begin to Vet them on Monday and from there drop off to their emerge temp foster home which they shall stay with until September 1st.

As always, it takes a village and the BHRR village came together fast and strong for these two wee beauties. Thank you again Tracey, Kathy and also to Tanya! 

We will be giving them new names for a number of reasons including that a dog in their current safe haven spot has the same name as one of them.

We like names that ‘go together’ and in the past we have named Saint litter-mates:

Frank and Bean
Rain and Beau

And other pairs we have named at BHRR:
Bilbo and Baggins
Timon and Pumbaa
Rose and Petal
Sugar and Spice
Coco Chanel and Coach etc..

So, name guru’s looking for a ‘match set’ pair of names for these two smooth coat Saint Babies.

Kathy and Tracey have suggested ‘Thelma’ and ‘Louise’. As always, Sean has the final say and bring on the suggestions!

Thanks Kathy for the pics!


Tomorrow night I shall also be sending out the next round of availability for the special auction dates. Only 10 more to book!

AND on that wonderful note, from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, we wish all a good night….

These two cuties were at Kanata Animal Hospital last night!

BHRR’s Gravel – he has put on another five pounds! He is now 48.3 kgs(106.23 pounds). He could still use another 7 pounds or so. Mel & Danya, remember the terrified reactive boy at the pound?! Remember how you had to rush down to the pound Danya?! Look at him now. Chilling, relaxed and comfortable as he waits his turn to see the Vet.  He can be a real ham at times now. Love when he has those moments as he is really enjoying life when he does.

BHRR’s Flyn – she has put on 11 more pounds! She now weighs 47.3 kgs(103.4 pounds) She needs about 5 or more pounds herself. She is a super quiet and calm girl. Very mysterious in many ways as she slowly continues to reveal herself to us. Really liking this girl….she is so much more than meets the eye and earning her trust has been sure and steady.

Both are doing great! Their Vet just loves their coats. BHRR’s Gravel’s once dry, seborrhoea coarse unhealthy coat is now shiny and healthy!

BHRR’s Flyn’s is slowly turning into a glossy shiny black herself! All that old sun exposed, dull hair is leaving!

Both have gained beautiful muscle tone and mass and are really gorgeous Danes!

Both were quite easy going for their boosters plus exams and BHRR’s Flyn can now safely have her spay now that she is healthy.

Today, they were to have their professional photo’s done in prep for their future special announcements yet the heat was really unbearable. They have both been rescheduled to next Tuesday.

Soon, my amazing journey’s with these two gorgeous Danes shall begin a new chapter….

Thanks again Mason for coming with me with them last night!

BHRR’s Capone has his special announcement to make!

He is Available For Adoption!

This boy is da bomb!

He is a total whole awesome special package deal all wrapped up with a gorgeous ribbon!

Having arrived to BHRR seriously overweight and out of shape, he is now fit, lean handsome hanging around 165 pounds. He still does some back leg trembling yet none of his Vets are concerned and it has greatly decreased the stronger he has become.

A tall boy, about 37-38″ at the whithers and a real gentleman.

He is good with cats, dogs, people and kids. He came from a home with kids & cats and was emerge temp fostered in a home with an under 10 year old and is in my home with my own two now teenagers.

He can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, semi-retired or is retired. Another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

We did a lot of investigation into his hind end, with exams/visits with two Vets, x-rays and also consulting an ortho specialist. He does have mild HD, extremely common and per Dr. P.:

‘Per Dr. Philibert, nothing surgical needs or can be done. Capone has some arthritis in his knees. It is unknown if at any given point in his future he may need his cruciates addressed due to any arthritis changes that may occur in his knees. No crystal ball.

Capone’s issues are conformation based(genetics) – high in the back end, straight angled back legs and surgery is not a feasible option for Capone.

Dr. Philibert said that physio or hydro rehab in his future could help manage any arthritic changes and continue to aid his muscle mass/tone build-up and then maintenance.

At this time, Capone is not a surgical candidate and is considered healthy to be placed up for adoption!’

BHRR’s Capone can go to a home as an only dog or be placed in a home that already has a right matched fit dog.

He travels great in a car and while we have never had an issue getting him in, others have for he will demonstrate his ‘monkey side’, lay down on the ground and look at them to say ‘now what?!’ He is a quiet and calm car traveller.

Great to bathe, do nails and super social plus friendly.

He has come a long way with leash manners yet can and does pull at times when distracted but no longer the freight train he once was!

He loves his walks….he is now strong and healthy to walk up to 20-25 minutes each walk and doing that 3 times a day. To think that once he could not even do 2-3 minutes before chuffing and puffing as he was so obese and out of shape is sad. He truly loves his walks.

Due to his conformation of being butt high, and his calm easy going temperament, he is not a dog that runs much. He trots and to him that is him going at full speed.  He is never in a rush to go anywhere and is a ‘don’t worry, he happy’ kinda of boy.

He has been such a true pleasure to have had in our programs and to that right matched forever loving home, that fact that is is black, will not matter. To us, his shiny, healthy, stunning black fur is a bonus yet for many, that BBDS – Big Black Dog Syndrome – lives strong.  That just means my kind and handsome man that those people which think that way do not deserve you!

BHRR’s Capone – you really are da bomb! All sugar with a bit of dicey spice mixed in! Love you… 

Thank you so much again to his emerge temp foster home for loving on him until I could get him to me….you literally saved his life….forever grateful Christine.

UPDATE: FILLED! thanks again Tanya!

ISO: Emegency BHRR Approved Temp Fosters – we have an urgent request for not 1 but 2 Saint puppies. 6 months of age.

I cannot bring direct into my own home right now as I just took in BHRR’s Ryder & BHRR’s Gus plus BHRR’s Daffodil is having surgery next week and my own Wolfie, Brogan is being neutered plus pexied next week.

I would be seeking 4-6 weeks for emergency temp fostering. BHRR provides everything – crates, bowls, food, collar, leash, vetting etc.

Location: Kingston to Montreal area

If any of our of our approved BHRR volunteer homes can assist, please do email me for more details….gwen@birchhaven.org

NOTE: if you are an approved adoptive home, you are also an approved temp foster home if your circumstances allow for it!

Thanks in advance….

This truly handsome yet untrained bull in a China shop powerhouse arrived today!

Meet BHRR’s Gus, The Neo!

He is 16 months of age, and after he arrived at KAH today, he had an exam – he has a bit of a yeast infection along the sides of his face and under his chin, we did his Heartworm and tick borne disease testing too. He was already updated on his DAPP & Rabies vaccines(due September 6th, 2017) and was neutered in March plus was microchipped.

This is the Neo that was spoiled and treated as a ‘baby’ and it shows. He is used to ‘throwing his weight around’ and welcome to Gwennie’s Doggie boot camp manners 101 Gus!  He had been sold about two months ago and then ended up at a pound in Quebec.

He is super handsome, a small male Neo and temperament is confident with a small measure of nervousness mixed in yet stands solid in the face of change and uncertainty. Some anxiety in the car yet understandable.

So much potential and one can see the big suck that bubbles beneathe the surface! Both Margaret & Jan got to meet him today also.  The right place at the right time!

Welcome to BHRR BHRR’s Gus! I can tell that you and I are going to go for a bit of a wild ride and am so thrilled to do so with you! 

Thanks being shouted out again to all that made this rescue happen! 

PS: we are still desperate for two more approved Volunteers to help Saturday July 15th from 10:30 – 3:30 pm for dog loving and washing at Critter Jungle – 1405 Carling Avenue! Please please please consider helping us…..dogs like BHRR’s Gus thank you in advance!

Posted in Gus

Though, I have been as sick as can be, after leaving work early, I layed down for a few hours and then had to drive to pick up this uber handsome young man.

Thanks so much Jane in meeting up with me! Thanks to Gen for emergency temp fostering him too. 

BHRR’s Ryder is the 10 month old Great Dane that was only 48 pounds and listed for free on an online ad. He also needs eye surgery.

His coat is not pretty right now – old dull coarse hair with sun bleached fur and his tail plus top of his back show major signs of having been kept in a small crate/spot. He has a growth on his tail we need to investigate further. He has one nipple that is abnormal and his left front lower leg has a ‘bulge’. I am not going to guess what it may be. He has some area’s on his body that look like healed injures too.

He is a handsome wee dude regardless and already is singing me a song in the sunroom!

I have heard from others how amazing he is and is super solid in temperament and that is always an amazing thing for a dog to go through what he has and be this friendly, social and lovely.

We shall see how it goes on the small dog front as he was grabbed on the nose by a small dog and we have been told he now barks at them. He is going to have a blast with the big dawgs, I can already tell!

When he is healthy, he will be neutered and microchipped and I am looking forward to our journey together. I can already tell he is going to make me laugh so much and carve his own big space all of his own in my heart. 

He travelled great over the weekend to get to Shannonville from Ohio and welcome to Canada dear man!

On a BIG side note: we are desperately in need of 3 more approved Volunteers to help out on Saturday July 15th for dog loving/washing at Critter Jungles awesome Dirty Dawg Wash! Please consider our cause to support….this shall be our 6th incredible opportunity to be at their location and we need your help!

We need events like this to help raise much needed funds to keep our rescue efforts strong.

Special Date Auction #12 is well under way!


Enjoy sweet man! You so deserve this special spoiling time!

BHRR’s Sambuca is ready to make his special announcement!

He is now Available For Adoption!

You have done amazing BHRR’s Sambuca since your arrival into Rescue.

You had a terrible huge mass removed, were neutered, had to undergo a second surgery to remove 22 teeth, beat bloat and you are inspirational to so many!

Though your body bears the wear and tear of your ten plus years of age, in other ways looking at you, you are mighty fine for a 10+ year old gent. 

Strong, healthy, active and have all of your wits about you as the expression goes.

You bring wisdom, kindness, gentleness and so much affection to the lives you have touched.

You have honoured me immensely in choosing me as your human and I know you think that you still need me yet I keep assuring you that you do not.

You are ready…ready to be loved, enjoyed, spoiled and treated like the amazing soul you are by a right matched forever loving home! One of your very own. A home that shall continue with all the proper preventive/proactive vet care we have been doing, giving you the right nutrition and a nice stroll or two daily plus so much love! 

Something you clearly did not get your fair share of in your past….yet, we look forward now. Never backwards.

You can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, is retired, or is semi-retired as you are so versatile.

You can go to a home with another right matched canine companion or be adopted as an only dog.

You have been fine with cats, travel great in a car – need some help at times getting in yet no biggie, love going to new places and what you love best is tons of soft bedding with the fireplace on or laying in the warm(not hot) sun on a cushy dog bed soaking up the beautiful rays. Things that seem so simple and taken granted by others are things that bring you the biggest joy.

You love late nights and later mornings!  Rainy days are for snoozing and cuddling and breakfast in bed.

BHRR’s Sambuca, our time together has meant so much to me and has been so special and even if your right matched forever loving home does not find you, you are most welcome to lay your head in my home. You are a big part of my heart.

Adore you….

AND you are going to make someone laugh and smile for underneathe that gentleman charm is a monkey with a mind all of his own and love you for that too!

So proud of you!

Thanks Liz Bradley for the stunning photo’s again!

This is how BHRR’s Sambuca feels about early rainy Saturday mornings!  Best to just stay in bed he thinks!!

He has a special announcement to make later today…..once he is ready to get up and face the day! 

Couple more hours to go on the road for today yet he is doing great! 

That poor eye also looks infected.

Apparently he is a real love!

He is travelling well! 

AND ‘Ryder’ is on his way! Thanks Jane for the photo and safe travels to all! 

He will then be emergency temp fostered for BHRR until I can drive to pick him up and do the final leg of his journey early next week. 

Ryder was the emaciated 10 month old Great Dane, that weighed only 48 pounds and was listed as free on an online ad. He also is in serious need of eye surgery. 

Cannot wait to meet this adorable dude!


Sunday July 9th @ Pet Valu Stittsville – Our 10th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser AND So Much More!
*No appointments necessary

2017 marks our 10th year of hosting this exciting event!

BHRR has been precedent setting in the community in seeing more cats & dogs microchipped to give them the best chance possible to get home should they be lost or stolen.

More information in link above and in poster!

BHRR’s Leroy

With the truly heart warming and wonderful story ending of BHRR’s Abby’s forever loving home having finally found her, we are hoping that by asking people to share/cross-post BHRR’s Leroy, that his right matched forever home will also find him. 

Like BHRR’s Abby, he has been waiting a really really long time, has been so patient, as have we and we just know that his own home is out there too!

They just have not found him yet!

BHRR’s Leroy came to us emaciated – he has put on 50+ pounds in muscle mass and weight, and suffered from severe SA. His previous home also docked his tail as they did not wish to work through his ‘happy tail’ woes.

I know this photo is a XMAS Eve Photo yet I love it of him!

This fine man is now ~ 6 years of age, affectionate, uber handsome and incredibly loyal.

He is good with dogs of all sizes yet no small dogs would be our preference as he can play rough, unknown re: cats, and travels great in a car, is crate-trained, obedient – can still sometimes pull if distracted and is a quiet boy.

He can be an only dog in a home or be adopted to a home that has a right personality fit dog. He can be adopted to a home that works full-time, part-time or is semi-retired etc.

He has a special play date coming up on July 10th and we will obtain some new photo’s of him then to share!

Thank you in advance to all that may share this post!

This is *Gus*
18 month old Male Neo

*Headed to our way the week of July 10th
*Was given away to a family 2 months ago and then dumped at a pound
*Lacks manners – was spoiled and treated like a ‘baby’
*Playful and excited with other dogs
*Outgoing disposition 
*Outgoing and affectionate with strangers
*Can be territorial


Posted in Gus

It happened for BHRR’s Abby today!

It finally happened!!

This stunning BBBBB was ADOPTED!

Yes, I had tears in my eyes yet, as mentioned to the home, they are the best kind of tears!

BHRR’s Pearl would have done equally well in this home yet BHRR’s Abby edged her out and BHRR’s Pearl, your own time shall come. Adding this also to BHRR’s Pearl’s blog so people can see the update on this home-visit that both dogs attended.

Thank you to this amazing home in having such kind understanding and patience as we went through our thorough adoption process. Thank you for being so open in your hearts to wanting a senior Dane to adopt.

Thank you for seeing BHRR’s Abby when so many others did not. So many looked past her and we kept saying that we were patient as was she and we took some criticism over the years as we refused to have her be adopted to a wrong home.

She needed that right matched forever loving home, one that did not care that she was a smaller female, one that did not care that she was black – full of beautiful frosting now!, one that did not care that she was older, one that did not have cats and felt they could ‘train’ the prey drive out of her….AND that home finally came along! 

My dear sweet Abbies….how proud I am of you, how much love I have for you, how happy I am for you, how just so incredibly you have touched my heart plus soul…..

We never gave up, you never gave up and to all of our friends, families plus supporters, thank you also in not giving up on her or the work that we do at BHRR!

You survived being dumped in big bear and coyote country, you survived bloat, you survived so many walking past you at BHRR Events and ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open houses and every time this happened, I said to myself, those people do not deserve you…yet, one home out there will…they shall see you for the gem and precious jewel you truly are!

AND it finally happened….

BHRR’s Abby, we walked many a mile together yet now even though our paths shall change course, you shall forever have your paws entrenched upon my heart and soul.

Congrats BHRR’s Abby! Congrats to a truly lovely home as well! Your adoptive family is really awesome!

This is adoption #399 for BHRR!

What a really great ending to my weekend!


BHRR’s Daffodil’s Histiopathology results

Kanata Animal Hospital Accession No. MIBB00027532
ANTECH Acct No. 500285 Received 06/28/2017
Reported 06/30/2017 07:40 AM

Owner Pet Name Species Breed Sex Pet Age Chart#
Test Requested Results Reference Range Units

Mammary tissue. A 4-year-old intact bitch that presented for spay,
but was found to have a plum-sized (7 cm), firm mass on the left
caudal abdominal gland. Was not noted a month ago by 2 different vets,
so must be a fast-growing tumour.

Received: 0.8 cm tissue – all processed.



The biopsy was hemi-sectioned and embedded in toto. The mass is an
area of mammary lobular hyperplasia. All acini are lined by plump
cuboidal epithelial cells with moderate amounts of vacuolated
eosinophilic cytoplasm, and they are all distended with eosinophilic
secretion. The surrounding stroma is mildly edematous and congested.
Affected tissue is at the cut borders of these sections.


Good news! This is a benign lesion of mammary lobular hyperplasia.
The prognosis following excision and ovariohysterectomy is good.


Erin Locke, DVM, DVSc, Dip ACVP

Veterinarians: Questions? Please call directly at (519)767-2116, or
email at erin.locke@antechmail.com

Two updates to post re: BHRR dogs yet I am going to start with a thumbs up update first!

Who does not love good news?!

Everyone’s fav ol’ gent, 10+ year old BHRR’s Sambuca came to hang out at work today and had his next recheck.

While still 3 kgs off his pre-bloat weight, he is putting all of the lost weight back on slow and steady.  He was up almost 2.5 kg since his bloat.

I cleaned his ears and he had a manicure/pedicure and got a thumbs up on his recheck!!

So, he was ready to have his vaccines and Hello Kibble, here we come! Will start to slowly integrate high quality kibble into his diet along with his 24 cans per day and slowly work towards a more even split between the two.

It will greatly help with the already building up of tartar on his teeth from when he had a detailed dental cleaning plus had 22 teeth removed. He still has halitosis yet nothing like he once did.

This boy truly is a piece of heaven and thank you to all of his Comfort Angels again for believing in him and the work we do at BHRR!

This is a photo of him hanging out at reception tonight.  Always a big hit no matter where he goes. Such a handsome gentleman.


Second BHRR dog update.

This is not such a wonderful update.

BHRR’s Daffodil went in yesterday for her spay and when she was on the table, an orange size mass was discovered.

Her spay procedure was aborted and the mass was biopsied and sent to histiopathology to advise if it is benign or malignant.

Her surgeon said it is a 50/50 as to if it is or is not cancerous. All of her pre-op blood work was normal yet we well know that this does not mean that this mass is not cancerous.

We shall update as we know more.

Her total Vet bill was $547.66 and even if it was twice that amount, we would ensure that it would get paid. I will post a copy of it on her individual blog as it is in PDF format and Facebook is not allowing me to upload it.

Please keep this beautiful angel in your best thoughts.

We are staying positive plus optimistic over here.

This young male Great Dane is ‘Ryder’.

At just 10 months of age, he weighed only 48 pounds and was listed as ‘Free’ online. He was severely emaciated and close to death.
A truly Good Samaritan managed to get him and he is now safe in their hands. He has been putting on much needed weight over the past weeks and has even started to play.

We were contacted by three separate wonderful rescue sources asking if we could assist him.

No hesitation made…..without a doubt he is the next in need of us and we are so thankful to the angel that saw the ad and then saved him.
Once he is healthy, we will neuter him and also take care of his Cherry eye. All proactive plus preventative Vet Care that he needs will be done.

We noted in the photo his right hip and right lower leg…some injuries there.

ETA to BHRR the weekend of July 8th. With a possible approved adoption to occur shortly, our next spot will be for this boy, who we have been told is just the sweetest thing. He is good with cats, goats, dogs(though he was grabbed on the nose by a Doxie and now barks back at super small dogs and we will address), also good with the two year old child that lives in the home.

He is nervous of strangers, especially men and will bark plus growl.

Cannot wait to meet him….BHRR was founded for all the dogs just like him…..

Terrifies me to think of where he could have ended up being listed as ‘free’ 🙁

AND Miss BHRR’s Whisper is heading on her way for another play date!

This is special Date Auction #11!

Another photo of this beautiful girl from her date on June 23rd. 

Someone had a great date yesterday!

BHRR’s Pearl!

Thanks VERY much Heather in bidding on this date with her and giving her this very special spoiling time!

I heard that there was lots of cuddling and even a snooze together. 

AND thank you for all of the truly gorgeous pictures.

ISO: A BHRR Approved Volunteer for Sunday July 2nd to assist in doing a home-visit with me.

I understand it is a long weekend for many and know this may be a hard request to fill. At BHRR, we operate 24/7, 365 days a year! No weekends at all for us.

Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Gatineau, Quebec

This is for a possible approved adoption of either BHRR’s Pearl or BHRR’s Abby.

Please email gwen@birchhaven.org

Please do not post here, as we may miss your offer!


BHRR’s Whisper is a really lucky girl this weekend!

Due to a last minute change of dates, BHRR’s Whisper instead of BHRR’s Ivy had Auction Picnic Snack Date #10 today. Both BHRR’s Ivy and BHRR’s Whisper have had special dates in this home in the past yet now that they have two dogs and looking at play styles etc., we felt BHRR’s Whisper would be a better fit. They agreed and so BHRR’s Whisper had a date today AND has one tomorrow.

It did not take long from what I heard to see BHRR’s Whisper in her ‘loved window spot!’

AND BHRR’s Whisper has another date tomorrow!


Thank you’s sent out to the Maracle Family AGAIN for giving a BHRR doggie an incredible day! Thank you also for this awesome photo!

Words from the home that gave her this great play date:

“It was our pleasure to have Whisper as our guest… and not just because she loves us! The first hour was zoomie play and then we settled into some quiet time that filled the home with snores of love. She is a wonderful dog that we love very much.”

Another photo, this time of BHRR’s Granite’s handsome profile. 

AND BHRR’s Pearl is now having her own special play date!

This is Date Auction #8!

We have a total of four special picnic play dates scheduled for this weekend! Yay!

This picture is as I drive slowly down our laneway as she loves the sights and smells of the country. ?
*Yes, those are some of our horses in the background!

AND Special Picnic Auction Date #9 is now underway!

BHRR’s Puppy Pile x 7, BHRR’s Granite!

He gets to see another one of his siblings, BHRR’s Sapphire and their other fabu canine, Sally. This is an overnight date and he had a great drop-off!

BHRR’s Pearl also stayed for a bit of a visit as I picked her up on my way in to drop off BHRR’s Granite for his own special date. She sure has come a long way since she first arrived to BHRR.

Thank you to The Maracle’s again for bidding on this date with BHRR’s Baby Granite.

At BHRR we work so hard to make these dogs the best dogs possible and our play date visitation plus play date programs are integral to our ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’! So grateful.

We have two more dates scheduled this weekend and thank you to Sean for helping me tomorrow with the pick-up and drop-off on the AM as I am working.

Guess who?!

BHRR’s Gravel!

He was finally ready emotionally and physically to go to the Vet.

AND he rocked it! This once severe fear barrier aggressive boy was just solid.

Zero issues getting into the car, travelled great – was fairly relaxed and quite calm, looking curiously at the world around him. Leash manners were almost impeccable too.

He weighed 46.1 kgs (101.42 pounds) tonight. That means since his arrival to BHRR on April 17th, he has now put on 45.42 pounds and while still skinny, he is no longer emaciated. WTG! Well done BHRR’s Gravel! He has been developing much needed muscle tone and mass and he will need another good 12-15 pounds of weight before being considered at an ideal weight. So, for him, weighing around 115 pounds would be great. He is a smaller male Great Dane yet big in heart this sweet boy is.

He was a bit nervous when we first arrived yet such a solid boy overall. We had blood drawn for Heartworm plus Tickborne Borne disease testing and he stood on the scale like a champ.

He was calm and tail wagged stronger and more confidently the longer we were there. He laid down in the reception area and looked with wonderful interest at the other dogs that were also waiting for their own apts. He had zero worries with dogs or people and while he was not comfortable enough to take treats from anyone at the Hospital tonight, he at least smelled them.

His Vet had so many wonderful comments re: his coat and how shiny plus healthy it looked. ? No longer filled with tons of dander, old hair, dust and dirt.

His Vet agrees with me after doing their exam that he is most likely younger than 7. Perhaps 5 max. His eyes in particular did not indicate to be the eyes of a 7 year old dog.

His heart plus lungs were given a thumbs up and he was deemed healthy to begin his vaccine protocol.

We had de-wormed him upon arrival to our Rescue and he was placed on Heartworm/flea plus tick preventative at that time.

He was so quiet and accepting of the examination and I am deeply proud of him and the progress he has made since he arrived.

Mel & Danya, remember his transport from the pound? How you had to go down to the pound to try and get him out of the run Danya and attempting to get him into the car was a momentous feat. Look at him now?!

He really is a sweetie and when he buries his head gently into my lap or lays his head quietly upon my knee, my heart melts…..into total mush.

He is getting better and better at holding himself up with head held high with beautiful confidence and he is truly one uber handsome boy! When he lifts his head up and stands with belief in himself and trust in those around him, one really can see just how magnificent he is. His eyes shine with so much wisdom and heart. There is so much depth to this boys soul and every day feels like he trusts a bit more and is allowing us into his world.

To see him be happy almost 90% of the time now is a thing of beauty…..In time, it shall be 100%.

Dr. Philibert called re: Ortho Specialist Opinion

Per Dr. Philibert, nothing surgical needs or can be done. Capone has some arthritis in his knees. It is unknown if at any given point in his future he may need his cruciates addressed due to any arthritis changes that may occur in his knees. No crystal ball.

Capone’s issues are conformation based(genetics) – high in the back end, straight angled back legs and surgery is not a feasible option for Capone.

Dr. Philibert said that physio or hydro rehab in his future could help manage any arthritic changes and continue to aid his muscle mass/tone build-up and then maintenance.

At this time, Capone is not a surgical candidate and is considered healthy to be placed up for adoption!

Stay tuned!

This stunning BBBBB – BHRR’s Capone – will have a special announcement to make shortly!

This is a sneak peek at his professional photo shoot thanks to Liz giving of her time and talent once again to help capture an amazing dog.

I also had BHRR’s Daffodil’s photo’s done the same day and once she is spayed after losing more weight and also developing more muscle mass plus tone, she will have her own special announcement to make!

I got her!

Here is the newest addition to BHRR!

Still needs a name!

She is quite skinny, terrible coat that is shedding a lot, is dull and full of dander. A nice oatmeal bath or two plus proper diet, getting healthier and taking a rubber curry brush will make all the difference to get her coat nice and shiny black!

She is just over 94 pounds and has a long body with ears that I fell instantly in love with! Not one yet two flying nun ears!

She is sorely in need of a nail trim yet enough was done to her today. She had her first Vet visit and lungs plus heart were given a thumbs up. While nervous, she already does already exhibit tons of potential to be a good solid dog.

What was so sad for us to observe was how she flinched and slunk down as you ran your hand gently down her back or across her sides. She would really tremble and shrink away. She would not stand for an abdominal or hind end exam and that is fine. That will come later when she goes back for a recheck and her boosters.

She had her initial vaccines today, and we took blood for her Heartworm plus tickborne disease testing and pre-op blood work in preparation to spay her.

When she is spayed, we will Microchip her at that time.

Now that she is home with me, she is beginning her de-worming protocol and will be placed on flea/tick & Heartworm medication.

She is drinking well and I could tell at work how hungry she was as she was eating all the grass and even dirt she could get a hold of. That was stopped fast. She will be fed four meals a day to help get her used to being fed and not feeling like she is starving and get her system back on track plus show her that she will be fed, be fed enough and that no one will take her food away. That it is hers.

She was very brave and her Vet even got a good look into her ears, took her temperature and had an initial quick peek at her eyes. Nothing abnormal noted.

When I put her back into the run while I got ready to leave with her, she was already more sassy.

I can tell….give her a few weeks. I think we may have a bit of a wee devil on our hands! Manners 101 coming up for her!

She also showed no reaction when another dog barked and yapped at her.

As she was ‘said’ to have been attacked at a dog park at a water bowl there, we will be monitoring things very closely as she becomes integrated. Apparently, she is reactive now around water bowls.

She did not come with a collar so she is wearing BHRR’s Capone’s old one…..made way smaller!

In one day shy of three months since she first arrived she is ready….once this girl began to move forward, just never looked back! ??

Welcome to BHRR you stunning BBBBB!

BHRR’s Black Diamond is ready to make her special announcement!


You have come a far way beautiful girl!

BHRR never professes to be miracle workers.

We work to assess/evaluate each dog we are asked to help and to give each dog the individual program they need to help them become the best dogs they can be via our rehabilitation programs.

To us, rehabilitate does not mean to make normal in the sense that many would term as ‘cured’.

As we say so often, behaviour cannot be changed. Behaviour can be successfully modified and managed to be the best behaviour possible.

BHRR’s Black Diamond came to us reactive. A leash could not even properly be placed upon her, she was was not even part of the land of the living, she was so scared and shutdown. I know I have said this several times yet a reactive dog is not trying to give us a hard time, they are trying to tell us that they are having a hard time.

As we have helped her heal as she clearly was emotionally, behaviourally broken, she has gained comfidence, self-control and manners.

We gave her time, consistency, love, patience, understanding, obedience, structure to help her learn to like and love herself, make good decisions, to trust, to play, have self-control and once she decided that we were worthy of her trust and respect, her progress just made leaps and bounds.

To be clear, if she ended up in a situation that would trigger all that she overcame, she would absolutely resort back to demonstrating fear, lack of trust, and stress in the manner that she did upon arrival.

She is not ‘cured’, no dog is. She is a magnificent dog that needs to continue to be set up for success and in that right match forever loving home, she shall be!

She is great with people….just needs to be given a bit of space for her to size things up and treats also can help. That she may or may not take the treat is not what is important. What is important is the offering of the treat and it being associated with a positive experience.

She has had zero issues at the Vet when she was ready to go or when she had her professional photo’s done or when we have had people visiting us.

She can go to a home that works full time, part time, works from home, is retired or even semi-retired. Another amazing versatile BHRR dog.

We would prefer a home without kids under the age of 13 as children can and are often spastic plus flighty in their movements. She needs stability, clear open communication and to feel safe.

She can go to a home with or without another dog. What is most important is her having right matched personality fit friends to play with. She is great with the dogs at our home yet does seem to prefer when it comes down to it, males over females. She has been working her way up the doggie hierarchy where the girls are concerned with subtle body movements.

She is not a wallflower. This girl has strength plus backbone and needs a really dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home.

It is unknown how she is with cats.

She travels wonderfully in the vehicle and is crate plus x-pen trained.

She is quiet and sweet and incredibly affectionate!

Each morning she just lights up when I say ‘Good Morning’ and is ready to take on all the adventures of the day! ?

She is truly wonderful and has taught me much and I remain humbled by her being willing to take the necessary steps to come to the land of the living…

She is a ham! A real character and she is going to make the home that is meant for her a truly amazing addition!

Proud of you, you gorgeous BBBBB!

Thank you again to Elizabeth for the help in getting her and BHRR’s Sambuca’s professional photo’s done and also thank you to Liz again for the gorgeous pictures!

BHRR’s Daffodil & BHRR’s Capone both had their professional photo’s today and not the best pics of them from in the car ride in….yet sharing all the same! ?

Yes, that is dried doggie drool that now needs to be cleaned up on the seat! 

BHRR’s Daffodil needs to lose more weight and then she will be spayed and from there, once she heals, she will make her special announcement.

BHRR’s Capone is just waiting for the ‘all clear’ word from the ortho specialists and if all confirms what his Vet Team found last Friday at his x-rays, he will then make his own special announcement once I have his prof photo’s.

Both are such solid, amazing great dogs!

BHRR’s ???
NEEDS a name!

Female GD, ~2 years of age

Reasons for Surrender Given: Divorce & Cannot Exercise Her Enough

*Scared of Thunderstorms
*Was bit by another dog at a dog park at a water bowl and is now reactive to other dogs around water bowls
*Lived with a Pug & was fine
*’Said’ to be selective in liking other dogs yet at the same time, the information given stated she was fine with other animals.
*Wary & Nervous around Strangers
*Anxiety level at Shelter is 8/10

ETA to BHRR June 12th

Someone is up and about, enjoying the sunshine by having a small stroll.

BHRR’s Sambuca(10+ years old) with my own now older gent Big Blue Bronson(turns 10 years old June 11th).

Love these fine gentlemen!

We are working on the flash auction now and we will have ~20 dog beds up for grabs! All monies raised will go towards BHRR’s Sambuca’s bloat bills….

BHRR’s Sambuca (10+ years) is almost 1 week post-bloat and still defying the odds! 

His Vet Team is astounded by his progress, calling it almost miraculous and have felt that the 24/7 dedicated care we have been giving has been instrumental to his post bloat success to date.

As I told BHRR’s Sambuca’s Vet Team, it is not me – as much as he has chosen me as his human!, or Sean…..it is BHRR’s Sambuca himself that deserves all of the credit! 

He has taken his meds without complaint, he has got up when encouraged to take small strolls, after almost 48 hours he has begun to eat his small meals when offered every 3 hours, he has continued to drink when asked, he has continued to fight the good fight when I told him how much he was loved and that he has so many more beautiful experiences that I want him to have! So many more caring hands to touch him and to spoil him to experience. 

His prognosis is more than just cautiously optimistic, it is a positive feeling of the expectation that he will keep moving forward! 

Can you see me jumping?! Can you see me saying ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’? Can you feel my relief and my joy?!

BHRR’s Sambuca, I always knew you were amazing…..now you are a superhero to me! 

You keep proving the naysayers wrong! You are worthy! You are deserving! You are loved!

Tonight, I shall go to bed for the first time in almost a week and be able to actually sleep….to really rest…..

Tomorrow night BHRR’s Sambuca is hoping to offer up some items as part of a flash auction to help with his bills. Stay tuned! 

From our home & on behalf of BHRR’s Sambuca to all of our friends, family & supporters…..we are wishing all a Good Night!


UPDATE: Some have requested a separate post for BHRR’s Sambuca’s current status.

As per a previous post, he bloated Wednesday night.

At the present, he is eating and drinking small amounts every 2.5 hours and is urinating well. He had his first bowel movement late last night since his bloat. He can get up and while somewhat wobbly, gets a tiny bit of walking every few hours too.

He was making steady improvement throughout yesterday plus early evening and then he had a set back late last night with him back to bringing up more white foam.

He is on meds to help with nausea & pain.

He has had as good as of night as could be expected and today while I as working, Sean was with him and BHRR’s Sambuca first refused to eat/drink for Sean. Yet, around 9:30 AM, he decided that it was ok and has since had two more small amounts of food and drank some.

I am now home and he has had a bit more water to drink and he is far more alert and even more happy to see me than he was when I arrived home last night after BHRR’s Navy’s Vet Appointment. Yay!

While this improvement is positive and great to witness, his age of 10+ years is not to his benefit, having a poorer vascular system than a much younger dog. We remain optimistic!

Yet, he has more than beaten the odds to date and he is stronger than he once was!

For those ‘chiding’ me saying I should have posted asking for donations, thank you deeply for caring yet I do stand by the post I did make that I do not want anyone to feel that we were always begging for donations for him.  His Comfort Angels have done so much for him to date and I am humbled by that support. 

Additionally, to those who pointed out that I should be leaving it up to people to decide for themselves if they want to donate or not; I have heard you!  Soooooo……

Here is the information if anyone does wish to donate to his continued care. Anyone who has ever had to deal with a bloat, well understands the several thousands of dollars it can cost.

He is presently under the care of Kanata Animal Hospital:
They will take credit card over the phone or debit/credit card & cash in person. He has his own account there under ‘Sambuca’, under the Birch Haven Rescue Account.

via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Yet, never do I want anyone feeling obligated or pressured to make a donation.

BHRR does not receive any corporate or government funding nor do we have any sponsors and BHRR operates mainly from the pockets of Sean & I.

BHRR’s Sambuca says that well wishes are equally important and thanks all of his Angel Network for the love…..

BHRR’s Sambuca bloated Wednesday night. 

I have a 100% success rate catching bloat fast.

Sadly, the success of survival from bloat and/or tort is not as high, not even remotely close to 100%. 

Being a 10+ year old gent, his vascular system is just not as strong as a much younger dog.

He is up and moving and drinking. 

I am now so happy to say that he finally had a small bite to eat. 

I did not post earlier as I did not want anyone thinking I was begging for yet more donations for him. His Comfort Angels have done so much for him and we still do not know what the outcome shall be. It is still too early.

It is important to us for people to know about his updates and when we felt the time was right, we are now sharing.

Somehow, we will get his bills paid off. Things somehow always seem to work out and I have faith and trust. 

He is worth every dime and nickel spent on his wellbeing. He should have been taken care of properly since he was born yet he was not and it is our place to make sure he is now done right by. 

AND when I see his tail wag for me and he lifts his head up to look at me as he recovers, I know he is feeling better and also staying positive…..

BHRR’s Capone was in today for his x-rays of hips & hocks plus to have his stifles thoroughly examined while he was sedated. 

Great news overall! – he does have quite mild HD which HD is very common in his breed(unfortunate that it is this way with poorly bred danes), his stifles are normal and his hocks look equally wonderful! Everything will be sent over to one of our ortho specialists to put their own expert input on the x-rays also. 

So, it appears that as he is conformationally built poorly – straight black legs – lack of angulation, butt high – he is just who he is based upon his body structure. So, for him, his normal is a slightly ‘off’ back end gait. There is no crystal ball to say if / when his HD may worsen and as with any dog and human as they age, having the right supplements will be important to keep promoting good health. 

With the continued loss of weight and building up of muscle tone/mass, he is stronger, healthier, has more endurance, is happier, and looks fabu! 

So, unless something majorly differently comes back from the ortho specialist, after he has his professional photo shoot, he will be making his own special announcement.

While he was under sedation, he had a wonderful nail time plus was also microchipped. 

He was fawned over by all the lovelies at work and so many remarks about what an WOW & tall dog he is. AND he is! 

AND my final post for tonight – another busy day for us!

Remember this picture of BHRR’s Navy? Posted May 15th, 2017? AND remember the following blurb re: him at that time?

“…..I am going to post this picture(when they say that pictures put on ’20 pounds’….that will say how much this picture does not truly capture this boys’ body condition) of when he arrived yesterday and the below information.

When he first arrived at the shelter on April 8th, they had him weighing 57.4 ks(126.88 pounds). Their last weight in early May had him weighing 43kgs(94.6 kgs).

He arrived into Rescue yesterday and I had him at the Vet’s today. He only weighed 40.1 kgs(88.22 pounds).

That means that he lost 38.06 pounds during his time at the shelter.

In his records from the shelter, after he was neutered there on April 19th, he was given Rimadyl and he had a severe reaction to it…..diarrhea and a gastric ulcer plus ate poorly for a period of time.”

Well, tonight BHRR’s Navy was back at KAH for a recheck and guess what?! He now weighs 117.26 pounds. That means he has put on 20.04 pounds since May 15th – in just 18 days.

WTG!! Our rescue specialises & has a 100% success rate in helping emaciation cases and he was being fed 8 small meals a day of a proper balanced diet to get his system properly started and going in the right direction.

This boy was sick & hurt upon arrival. He was and still is battling terrible pressure sores plus calluses. His back right – the outside callus – still bleeds as it struggles to heal. He will always have scars and raised calluses on his back feet. He had spent far too long on hard surfaces and not given soft bedding to lay upon.

He had been put on strong antibiotics for 10 days to resolve the infection that his feet carried and showed up in his blood work.

His back left leg was swollen as were his lymph nodes in his groin. I did ask on May 15th if his Vet thought possible osteosarcoma and it could not be ruled out that night they said BUT it can now! Yay!

His Vet had thought May 15th that he could have cellulitis yet no signs of anything like that any longer! 

Tonight, at his recheck, his back left hock and lower limb is now normal. His lymph nodes are almost completely normal too and there is no sign of any issues with his hips as we had been told that he had a hip issue in the request of assistance to us.

His happy tail is also healed – he came to us May 14th with a tightly wrapped up tail in tape and Vet wrap of which Sean plus I promptly removed as it was a breeding ground for bacteria & infection.

He was quite uncomfortable upon examination May 15th and tonight, not a peep, tail wagged nonstop and he was so happy!

He is a goofy, busy, nosey boy! LOL AND so vocal….about all of his feelings! 

He has bounced back to health from the severe reaction that he had at the shelter from the Rimadyl that he had been given by them when they neutered him back in April – prior to us being aware of him.

He was microchipped tonight and showed off all of his new found (taught!) manners with sitting, taking a treat gently etc. 

Leash manners are getting there and though still thin, he is not a rack of bones any longer and the rest of the weight shall come on…..and he is developing marvellous muscle tone and mass.

His Vet was very impressed with his progress and we microchipped him tonight, he obtained his Rabies and DAPP booster. He will go back to see his Vet again in 3-4 weeks for another recheck, re-weigh, booster and we will repeat his bloodwork to see where all of that stands now.

The bloodwork we did May 15th did at least provide good news in that he is Heartworm plus Lymes disease negative so neither one of those diseases were the cause of his medical condition concerns.

He is getting much better at sharing water bowls and toys! He gets along famously with the other dogs and a busy active boy he is! Really affectionate and a ham!

So so so proud of him as no matter that he was feeling pretty poopy, he was friendly and social and still quite happy.

From my home to all of our friends, family & supporters, may everyone have a good night! I know I am looking forward to my own bed……I am up and at ‘er bright and early again tomorrow!

Another photo. I think she approves of my latest hair colours! 

This beauty was at KAH today for a re-weigh and her boosters.

BHRR’s Daffodil is down every slightly from her arrival weight of almost 139 pounds and it is going to be a slow steady work in progress to get her to her ideal weight of closer to 120 pounds.

She had her boosters and what a sweet girl. Heart and lungs given a thumbs up and she was so good hanging out at the Hospital all morning! Her Vet loved her markings. 

Once we can get more weight off her, she will be spayed. AND once she heals from her spay, she will have her own special announcement to make!

She is extremely severely hearing impaired plus has some vision impairment and she is picking up hand signals plus learning to read body language like a pro!

She has ‘chosen’ Sean as her human and that is the only time that she will do some resourcing. She is learning to ‘share’ him and other than this at times resourcing over him, butter would not melt in her mouth, she is just that soft and sweet.

Her world is full of happiness and rainbows! What you see is what you get and she is a lovely and charming girl who believes strongly in the KISS principle. Easy-going, calm, quiet and the one thing that she just takes the biggest pleasure/enjoyment out of is rolling in the grass….the simple pleasures in life she takes the deepest joy out of! She gets excited over grass!

Love this about her….humans could learn a lot from her…. 


This handsome BBBBB was at the Vet tonight for a recheck and to have his booster.

BHRR’s Capone!

He hanging around 170 pounds right now and with the wonderful much needed development of muscle tone/mass combined with the loss of fat, he is looking quite good.   Some more weight loss needed yet WTG Capone!

He was such a good boy at the Vet….he is always a good boy! Solid on the scale, calm and charming in the exam room and was a rock during his thorough exam.

Thumbs up on his heart and lungs and his coat is coming in so black and shiny! All of that old dull brown/auburn hair is disappearing with him being on a proper food regime and becoming healthier.

Now that he is fitter, leaner and stronger plus healthier, he is scheduled for x-rays of his hips and hocks this Friday June 2nd and while he is sedated a much better exam – all three of his Vet visits to date have not been easy as he is a Giant dog to effectively assess the drawer movement in his stifles nor adequately evaluate his hips – can be done re: also determining any possible cruciate concerns.

He is a gorgeous rescue boy and not conformed to proper GD standard and is so high in the back end, heavy on the forehand and he is extremely straight in his back legs lacking any rear angulatuion at all. With his conformation it is hard to tell by exam alone what is and may not be his ‘natural’ backyard bred make-up and it is what it is and what may or may not need or even be possible to have surgical intervention to improve his current conformation.

His Vet suspects it is his hocks that may be the ‘problem’ and there is nothing surgical that can be done for that.

All of this to say it is not that he does not have a current high standard of quality of health or life. What we always want to do is address everything necessary to ensure that a dogs quality of life is as it should be and anything that should and needs to be surgically addressed shall be.

We want to do these x-rays and planned for it since we first saw a video of him after we were approached & happily agreed to bring him into our rescue.

They will then be sent off for interpretation to one of our ortho specialists.

While he is under sedation on Friday, we will Microchip him and do his nails.

He is truly a magnificent boy!

BHRR’s Sambuca on a small stroll tonight. He really is thankful! He will have a recheck exam over the next 10 days and hoping for good news on that stubborn infection on the one side of his mouth.

AND BHRR’s Latte is now home!

What a sincere pleasure it has been to have this incredible dog in our program. Thank you Danya for reaching out to us for our assistance.

Elizabeth, thank you for coming with me in truly awful weather of freezing rain, fog, extreme poor visibility, terrible driving conditions, equally horrible truck drivers to pick this girl up. An ‘adventure’ it was….

In just over 5 weeks from having been placed up for adoption after being successfully rehabbed, BHRR’s Latte is now in her forever loving adoptive home.

Going to miss her….in so many ways. My Great Dane Salt & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson are also going to miss their wonderful play pal.

My heart is truly happy for her. She went through so much prior to rescue and deserves the world! She is smart, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, loyal, social and also special. Her ears are amongst the softest I and many others have ever felt!

My heart twangs in so many ways for your amazing future and the chapters that shall be written in great memories plus experiences.

Congratulations to her truly wonderful approved adoptive home for going through the adoption application process and giving their heart to a rescue dog!

This is adoption #398 for BHRR and we can now help another in need of our programs….

BHRR’s ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ in action and a warm welcome to our strong links family BHRR’s Latte’s *Dad*.

AND we are on our way!

To do the home-visit for BHRR’s Latte’s possible approved adoption!

We shall post an update as we can.

Yes, she has some dirt on her nose from ‘helping’ me garden this AM.

BHRR’s Sambuca on a small stroll tonight. He really is thankful! He will have a recheck exam over the next 10 days and hoping for good news on that stubborn infection on the one side of his mouth.

BHRR’s Giselle 

She is ready to make her special announcement! 

Making this post brings many lumps of strong emotion to my throat. The journey that this stunning fabu creature and I took together since the day she arrived in our care on September 7th, 2016 has been one of the biggest privileges of my life. 

That she even had to take this journey is awful but that she overcome all that she has to in order to blossom into this healthy, happy, uber affectionate, ham of a dog makes me full of such pride for her. She is a real character!

I met her rescue transport in Hawkesbury and as I knew she was in bad shape, I had an appointment already set up for her at KAH and rushed her right in. 

She was one swollen, bleeding, raw, pain filled, lacking almost all of her hair, with urine burns, severe eye/ear infections plus a UTI, had entropion, had sarcoptic mange and the list went on and on….she was a medical hot mess and had zero manners, communication or social skills and through it all, she was this strong independent female that had had only herself to rely on with zero clue that we were here to help her. 

Earning that trust from her was hard won and we had our share of stand-offs plus tough moments yet I ‘got it’. I understood where she was coming from and why and I needed to prove to her that I was worthy of her trust and she needed to learn that I was not there to hurt her….make her have all of these babies, that I was there to help make her healthy and whole and demsontrate to her that someone was listening while at the same time guiding plus directing her incredible spirit to flourish in the proper ways.

She put on much needed muscle mass/weight and the tone that she now possesss is wonderful. 

This girl has heart….in spades….

She needs a dog experienced home, not necessarily a Dane experienced home. 

We wish to have a home with either no children at all or no children under the age of 12. She deserves to be the ‘baby’ in the home after all of her own years being forced to have babies. 

When she trusts, her loyalty will make tears spring to your eyes she is that special with the giving of her heart and soul. 

She is quirky in that she does not see everyone as a friend and can be cautious/wary around some and that is fine. She does not have to love everyone. I know I do not and she exhibits wonderful self-control and just literally will walk away or better yet, ignore – has broken a few hearts of people wanting to love on her and she was completely indifferent to them  – from those she does not feel is worthy out there. She clearly has her reasons to be that way and her quirky twist is part of her make-up.

She is honest and with each Vet visit we went to – often twice a month yet at least once a month over the past 8 months – improvements were made in being able to handle her more easily for each visit saw her being in less pain and feeling stronger plus healthier and she understood more and more that she was not going to be hurt. Yes, we had to cause her some discomfort to treat her eyes and ears and skin and all of the other infections and sores on her etc. to heal her, yet she was never hurt. 

That first visit even trying to get her on to a scale….to now she walks right on and stands rock solid. Huge accomplishment. 

As her stunning coat came in(the back of her neck may always remain having some bald patches per her Vet due to all of the damage), so did she come into her own with proper directed confidence and manners – maybe still not 100% lady-like  yet pretty darn close! – and her social plus communication skills. 

All of that same set up for success recipe was followed – patience, time, consistency, obedience, structure, love and understanding…. 

She can go to a home as an only dog or a home that has a right matched personality fit dog. Most important is for her to have a strong network for her to have her own canine friends too.

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, works from home, is semi or fully retired. Another versatile dog!

Travels fantastic in a car too.

A NO cat home and a NO really small dog home is wanted for her as she is a quite interested plus focused on them. She lives in harmony with BHRR’s Steam in our home yet she has other canine friends to interact with, play with and be distracted by. 

A huge Gwennie Novel re: her as there is so much to say! She has a very detailed individual blog on our home website and to whomever her forever loving adoptive home shall turn out to be, you will be getting an exceptional dog. 

She has overcome SO much and for her to still be willing to trust and love and be so affectionate plus playful is a big testament to her and her breed! 

Love you with all that I am BHRR’s Giselle. Thank you for all of your gifts, lessons, the stand-offs, the laughs, the trust, the heart plus backbone that make you, so uniquely you! You have matured and blossomed into an outstanding girl. 

You did it! You refused to be broken prior to rescue and you refused to let your horrible past stop you…..

Testamoninal from BHRR’s Whispers OVERNIGHT date home & a picture: 

“Hi Gwen,

Its going well. The relaxing in that previous photo didn’t last too long. 🙂 Then she had supper, a poo and then we went for a walk.  She’s been exploring the house. And she’s been telling me a lot of stories. I don’t respond to her until she stops singing so as to not reinforce a negative habit. Once she’s calm, i have been petting her. She’s had a little trouble settling but seems to have now calmed down. Maybe that’s what the singing was about.”

AND then this update sent the next AM:

‘She had a good night. And we are having a good morning.

A very lovable goofball.’

I took some of BHRR’s Sambuca by the patio furniture at the ponds and the mosquitoes were positively brutal! He and I were out of there in a flash!

I will stick with either the lawn or pool patio furniture for photo taking & hanging out for no27w! LOL

HRR’s Capone is on a special picnic DAY Date himself today – #6 Date Auction in lieu of BHRR’s Raven. 
*NOT Yet Available For Adoption*

AND tomorrow the home-visit for BHRR’s Latte’s possible approved adoption shall be happening!

For those who actually have weekends, enjoy this one for me!! Wonderful busy times as always for us here! 

AND Auction Date #5 is now well under way!

BHRR’s Whisper is on her special overnight picnic Play Date! 
*Available For Adoption – Deaf/Visually Impaired & 100% Normal To Her & All Who Know Her*

She is licking her lips in anticipation as we drove in to drop her off! 

BHRR’s Capone, who is replacing BHRR’s Raven’s Date that was won in the auction is having a special picnic snack DAY date tomorrow.

On a side note, a shout out is being given to our Ottawa Senators Hockey Team! You should hold your heads up high. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments!

From a BHRR Approved Volunteer from her experience yesterday in helping to hold/love on BHRR’s Sambuca & BHRR’s Black Diamond while I got each dogs’ professional photo’s done.

“I’ve been thinking of her so much since yesterday… once again I am in utter awe (but not in the least bit surprised) at the change in BHRR’s Black Diamond since coming into your care. You have let her see past the fear and become being the best dog she can be. From the photos of her at the beginning, to seeing her yesterday.. I would not think it was the same dog.. to go from not being able to be touched to leaning on a total stranger and getting pets, and bouncing through the grass in an unfamiliar place… you amaze me Gwen and I am eternally so grateful for the chances you give these dogs at a life of true happiness. <3”

2 Tickets to our creative, unique and one of a kind annual ‘Dine with the BHRR Doggies’ Event

Date: Saturday September 23rd, 2017
Time: 5:30 onward 
Location: BHRR

We had someone recently contact us who bought their tickets last October for 2017’s Event that now can no longer attend.

This is always a SOLD OUT Event and we only sell a limited number of tickets to maximise the personal blast of a time awesome experience for our guests! We have many of our attendees that come back year after year to what is truly a big signature special BHRR Fundraiser. 

To learn more about our annual ‘Dine with the BHRR Doggies’ Fundraiser, please visit the link and if you would like to purchase these 2 tickets $85/pair, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

BHRR’s Sambuca is excited for whomever purchases these tickets and gets to visit plus dine where he and so many other deserving dogs have had their rehabilitation & call ‘Home’.

100% of the money raised to the animals’ in need of our specialised programs.


BHRR’s Latte(Neo) is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Home-visit is scheduled for Sunday May 28th.

This is the home that had three possible right match fits and after visiting the home when BHRR’s Rubble was dropped off for his special overnight picnic play date, their place is sadly small to properly accommodate his size/happy tail….and, the space would equally be small for BHRR’s Salem.

This home fell in love with BHRR’s Latte when they met her at an event April 22nd – what is not to love! – and then fell in love when they had their overnight date with BHRR’s Rubble last Friday – again what is not to love! – and had originally fallen in love with BHRR’s Salem from the moment they found her detailed blog – truly, what is not to love?!!

Yet, for the space of their lovely cozy apt. plus yard and that BHRR’s Latte does not have any happy tail concerns – she is docked – at this time, she appears to be the best of the three for a possible right match fit and we shall update as we can.

Some more pictures of this ever so handsome dude!

BBBBB’s Capone!
NOT YET Available For Adoption!

He has settled in so beautifully!

Thank you again to his emerge temp foster home for loving on him for three weeks until we we could get him here.  I picked him up May 18th from Christine, Gavin & Murphy. Forever grateful to them for taking such great care of him.

He shall be having his next recheck plus booster apt. on May 30th. We will be re-assessing his hips plus cruciates and getting a re-weigh on him as he has been on a weight loss program. We have been working on building up his muscle mass/tone also. Last weight was just over 171 pounds, which is wonderfully down from the 178+ pounds he arrived at.

Isn’t he so handsome?!!

BHRR’s Sambuca hopes everyone has had a wonderful, safe, happy plus healthy holiday long weekend!

The Boerskins took yesterday plus today to spend some much needed, rare plus highly coveted family time together and getting a lot of spring stuff done on the property. Tomorrow all of us are back at this crazy thing called beyond busy life again! 

BHRR’s Sambuca is enjoying freshly washed sheets and what is his fav dog blanket! 

He is now sporting the collar that was donated by his Transport Angels of Alex & Karen and tomorrow he has his professional photo shoot along with BHRR’s Black Diamond. She is then off to her temp foster home until July 3rd and we will re-evaluate her progress at that time. She is ready for this next step in her rehab journey and we are excited for her to have this adventure in the hands of another. It will be an adjustment for her to start yet in order for us to help these dogs be the best they can be, we need them to also be handled and loved by others to assist in helping them be as well rounded plus balanced as possible. 

BHRR’s Sambuca remains on his Antirobe meds battling that infection on the one side of his mouth yet he is doing so well overall. The rainy weather is causing his arthritis to be more active yet when it was sunny, my Salt – adore that dog….he does so much to help the other dogs – and he were running and playing in the 3+ fenced in acreage.

Quality of life always….. 

Good night from our home to all of our friends, family & supporters!

Some words sent our way from BHRR’s Latte’s special picnic snack DAY Date on May 16th:


Thank you so much for allowing me to spend the day with the amazing Latte. I had a great day. When she looked at me my heart melted. Know that if things were different, you would be reading my adoption application now instead of this email.

Whomever gets the privilege of bringing her into their family will be getting a solid loving addition. 

Latte took a little piece of my heart with her when she left.

Thank you again!


AND Date Auction #2 has now ended and there are two very happy Date partners!

Thank you again Sandra for giving BHRR’s Latte this special day and for the treats, collar, leash and all of the love plus positive experiences you bestowed upon her.

On a side note, BHRR’s Latte is one of three dogs being considered as a possible right match personality fit for an application we are currently reviewing – BHRR’s Salem & BHRR’s Rubble are the other two. We would be so happy for any one of them should this applicant home be meant for them…..

In the meantime, our ongoing play date & play visitation program plus our unique one of a kind annual date auction, continues to give the BHRR dogs more and more positive experiences with helping hands plus love.

Thank you Sandra so much for we want to keep helping the dogs become as well rounded and balanced as possible and live up to their full potential. BHRR’s Latte is a great dog, perfect in all of her imperfections!



Auction Picnic Date #2 is today!

BHRR’s Latte has now been dropped off for her special DAY picnic snack date!
*She remains Available For Adoption.*

She did great with her drop-off and no ‘Mama Gwennieitis’! She has even already thoroughly drooled on a person!

Thank you again to this home for giving her this special time of caring hands and it sounds like she is going to have a great day….lots of grass to roll in, some wonderful trail walking and treats plus lots of loving! What a great weather day to be had too.

We have 23 dates plus two Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ for 2017 and later this week we have three more dates and one of the Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ scheduled!

Busy times yet ever so much fun these dates are!

AND both of the new Dane additions heading to BHRR are on their way. Both of the these Danes are medical and cannot wait to meet them.

This is the ~9 year female Merle Mantle, who has an infection from a C-Section. Thank you to Alison for the picture.

May everyone have a safe drive.

Gracie found a couple of great spots to scratch/massage on BHRR’s Sambuca while we were at Pet Valu Hazeldean yesterday. 

He loves the area under his chin to be softly caressed.


BHRR’s Sambuca says ‘Come closer…..he has something to say!’
*Yes, he has dried canned food on his face.

He wants to thank Marg and her lovely staff at Pet Valu Hazeldean for their hospitality and gracious hosting of us every May & November! This was our last community education/public awareness event until November.

BHRR’s Sambuca wants to thank all of our visitors that came out for dog washes and their understanding for the dog wash stations were closed, in need of repairs. Thank you to those that so sweetly plus generously made a donation anyway!

Thank you to Gracie, Margaret, Kinsley & Sean for being on hand today to help out! Gracie, you made a great masseuse for BHRR’s Sambuca and throughout the day, while he still watched for me when I had to leave for nails and/or ears, he became more content to lay with you.  Always great plus important to get the dogs into the hands of others as we go through their rehab journeys!

Thank you to all the visitors that came out to see us….well, mostly to see BHRR’s Sambuca!  He brought smiles to the faces of many and also his share of tears to others as they wanted to meet the dog that pulled so many together, so fast and with such strength in the belief that he deserved to have the best quality filled life as any other dog out there, despite being 10 years of age.  Age is but a number and he made people believe in him in his own special way!! He is so gentle and precious.

We feel incredibly blessed to have the village we do and $269.05 was raised today!

That money shall be used towards the two medical Danes arriving tomorrow:

1) Approximately 9 year old female Merle Mantle with a C-Section Infection
2) Approximately 3/4 year old male Blue with a back right hip issue
* Both were believed to be surrendered from the same home

Once I know more re: them, I shall post.

Thank you so much to all for making today so lovely and from our home to our friends, family & supporters Good Night!

Plus Go Sens Go!

AND we are at Pet Valu Hazeldean today to 4 pm!!

BHRR’s Sambuca is also hanging out with us!!

BHRR’s Sambuca says ‘While at the Vet Office, it is all about the animals being comfortable as they wait!’

I think KAH needs a bigger bench seat though….

He had his recheck from his May 4th, 22 teeth removal and sadly, as I thought…he is still battling an infection on the one side of his mouth.  So many teeth needing to be removed, makes him have a lot of ‘pockets’ trying to heal and food plus hair are getting stuck. Not all the holes could be sutured…..

AND as his mouth was truly horrible to begin with, not surprising in a way to know he is still fighting off infection.

His weight was down another 5 pounds.  He is now 61.1 kgs. We will try and get him to eat even more canned food. We cannot move as mentioned in another post to kibble or even softened kibble for him at this time for a number of reasons.

So, as he is battling infection, he is going to continue on the antirobe and when I went to pick up the called in prescription, it was not there. I had been told by the Hospital that the pharmacy had some and the rest would be ordered. Then, I was told when I arrived that it was on back order and they would have to call around and find more for him. The Vet wants him on for another 14 days.

So, tomorrow I will go back to the pharmacy.

We microchipped him tonight and he had a thorough cleaning of both ears. Just waxy debris.

As his system is not healthy as of yet, no vaccines for him. We will have him back in 2 weeks time for another recheck and go from there.

He is scheduled for his professional photo shoot for May 23rd and I will just hold on to the photo’s for when he is ready to make that special announcement.

Temperature, heart and lungs all normal and his remaining teeth were admired by many as they are so clean and nice looking now after his long dental.

He is such a love……

BHRR’s Capone! You lovable goof that you are!

Thank you to his truly lovely temp foster home in taking such great care of him!

His last weight when I brought him to the Vet was down to 77.7 kgs from the 80.1 kgs that I first had him weighed at when he arrived….so all steps in the right direction on him losing some much needed weight. He is now 170.94 pounds.

See you again soon you big lug of love!!

AND some words from his approved temp foster home:

“He is a hoot. Someone is going to be really lucky to adopt this big goof

This is the second of the medical case Great Danes heading our way tomorrow.

She is ~9 years old and has an infection from having had a c-section…..

She shall be coming directly into my home as we continue to network to find a BHRR approved temp foster for her 3 year old male companion that I posted about earlier.

If any of our approved BHRR homes can assist with that emerge temp foster request, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org

Two more pictures taken at KAH!

I know! Lots of posts flying today!!

This is my last post of my night and what a great post to end a magnificent sunny spring day….the last we are to see again for some time with yet more rain heading our way.

Many may remember the photo of a terrified Great Dane, that I posted March 9th. A picture of a Dane completely overcome with fear….here are some of the words from that post….words sent our way when we were asked to help her. They could not even get a leash on her.

‘This stunning girl is absolutely and extremely terrified plus severely anxious….to the point that she cannot be properly handled, she cannot be examined and is very defensive plus protective of her space. The Dane is so fearful to the point of being assessed by the shelter as being aggressive.’

We were asked to assist her as it is our mandate to be here for dogs like her. We focus on behaviours such as this and I am going to quote what Steve Frost, an Animal Enrichment & Behaviour Manager in Chicago stated best. For, he sums up well what we knew BHRR’s Black Diamond was demonstrating, she was being reactive.

You see, many people will label a dog as aggressive when in fact, they are actually ‘reactive’. There is a difference.

Bear with me….as this is a Gwennie Novel!

Per Steve, ‘A dog displaying reactive behaviours isn’t giving us a hard time; he’s letting us know he’s having a hard time.’

He goes on to add that he ’empathises that the goal is not to stigmatise, label or oversimplify. In the average animal shelter, in fact, reactive signs are on display almost daily.’

Many dogs are under extreme stress in shelters and it can cause them to ‘cross over’ from acceptable to unacceptable behaviours aka thresholds.

So, all of this to say that, we ‘understood’ BHRR’s Black Diamond and we needed to make sure we provided a stable, safe, consistent, positive, structured environment; one that included so much time, patience and obedience also.

Fast forward to exactly 8 weeks later – she arrived to BHRR March 12th – to tonight at Kanata Animal Hospital and look at her now?!

She has become a true goober at our home….she plays and she asks for affection, she leans on you, sits on you, more than once she has put her front legs on my shoulders to look me in the eye….yup, she will look into our eyes now and I have to say ‘off my shoulders!’ LOL

She grinds her head into you, she is so excited every morning when I say ‘Good Morning’ to her for she is ready to take on the day and what adventures that day shall bring!

Does she still have a long way to go….yes, in some ways she does and she shall always be a product of her genetics plus past and our roles are to help her become the best dog she can be and man, she is fabu!

Was she nervous getting into the car tonight, yes. We also had BHRR’s Sambuca so that made her more comfortable. I asked Sean to come with me so she had two humans and BHRR’s Sambuca – a truly solid dog, surrounding her with support to set her up for success.

She was weighed – 37.8 kgs – 83.16 pounds. She will never be a ‘Giant Dane’ in size but she is Giant in heart plus personality! When she is done maturing and eats even better, she ‘may’ make 90-95 pounds yet any more than that and she would be fat.

To those with Danes 120 pounds, that is not small…..and it is never about the actual number, it is about their health and what is the ideal for them.

BHRR’s Black Diamond did SO well at KAH. We did her bloodwork for Heartworm plus Tickborne diseases. We microchipped her. She had her heart, lungs, eyes, ears looked at and a thumbs up given! She had her vaccines and took treats from both the Vet and other Staff.

She even voluntarily went up to one of the staff and accepted some pats.

Huge huge huge progress made!!

Leashes still scare her and so, we will keep working on that.

This is such a wonderful BBBBB and her Vet found her to be lean, smart, loved her coat and in great health. She said she was a pretty little thing and quite nice.

BHRR’s Black Diamond, our journey together is going to take a different path shortly……for soon you shall go to another for almost 6 weeks to be temp fostered plus to help us bring you to the next stage of your rehab journey! From there we will re-evaluate and go forward….

Proud of you….love you! You are one of the bravest dogs ever and we knew you were not a wallflower for you had to have had backbone somewhere in you to have not given up.

You came back to the land of the living….you gave humans another chance to do right by you as you were failed in your past….you trusted again….and our promise remains to you that we will not see you failed….we will see you flourish and blossom and become the best dog you can be and we know that you are already one incredible girl!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters and on behalf of BHRR’s Diamond, Good- Night!

ISO: A BHRR Approved Emerge Temp Foster
*Note: if you are an approved adoptive home, you are already an approved temp foster if your circumstances allows for it.
Location: Ottawa & Immediate Surrounding Area

Male, ~3,
*Neutered, was living with cats, dogs & kids and was good. He is listed as being calm, affectionate and does drool!
*He has a back right hip issue plus some happy tail that we will ensure our Vet Team addresses*

We have a request to help two medical case Great Danes(believed to come from the same home.

Just seeking an approved BHRR foster home for 2-4 weeks until we have at least one of our possible pending adoptions finalized.

We have been working behind the scenes on this request over the past 24-48 hours and we have a temp foster lined up for BHRR’s Black Diamond (yup! She is ready!  so that I can bring direct into my home what appears to be the more urgent of the two Danes. She is a ~9 year old female that has had a recent c-section – yup puppies at age 9….and it is infected.

The transport is being lined up for tomorrow so time is of the absolute essence.

If any one of our approved BHRR temp foster homes can assist in taking in this lovely boy for 2-4 weeks, I would be so grateful.

We provide all the food, beds, bowls, leashes, collars etc. and support! Plus pay for all of the dogs’ vetting.

Please do not post here, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org


From BHRR’s Abby’s special picnic play date human:

“I just wanted to say a big thank you for organizing my date with Abby today, for driving her and preparing the delicious picnic. It’s always been my dream to have a Great Dane and we had a great time together today! She’s such a sweet dog.”



AND the special picnic play dates have officially begun!

We have a total of 23 dates (DAY and OVERNIGHT) plus 2 Private BHRR ‘EXPERIENCES’ in 2017!

7 Dates & 1 PRIVATE ‘EXPERIENCE’ have been booked for May so far! Going to be a busy summer!

First up is BHRR’s Abby! She has a DAY date today and she helped me make this special picnic snack! Well…..ok…..she supervised!

Next up shall be BHRR’s Latte’s own DAY date on May 16th.

Someone is now home from her eye/spay surgeries and all tucked in!

BHRR’s Giselle has her ‘new’ eyes and is spayed – for sure!

Her poor eyes are naturally swollen and she is now resting after receiving more pain meds.

My heart sure is uber mushy when it comes to this beauty….we have travelled far together since September and moving into this next stage of her journey brings me both excitement and some melancholy feelings…..yet so much happiness too for her wonderful future special announcement.

From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, Good-Night!


UPDATE: She is now out of surgery!! Everything went great and both her eyes were fixed from what we have wanted for her for many many many months & she is now properly spayed!

I will pick her up later tonight and in a few weeks, stay tuned for her special announcement!

AND BHRR’s Giselle is now dropped off at Liston Animal Hospital for her entropion surgery on her eyes plus spay…..

This gorgeous girl and I have made at least one journey to the Vets per month since she first arrived in our care back in September, this month is two visits already and it is like tradition for me to get a car face pic of her now!

She weighed 120.12 pounds which is different than her weight from KAH last Friday and she was solid on the scale….yet, she looks great so that is what matters most!

Will post an update when we hear something…

This girl is extremely dear to my heart….she has made an incredible rehab journey physically, emotionally, behaviourally and with her obedience plus manners….she has a big piece of my heart and love her quirkiness!

I am deeply proud of her. She has overcome so much and her best play buddy is BHRR’s Black Diamond. They play for hours and her best buddy watching over her is our Skor. When BHRR’s Giselle sleeps, Skor can always been seen laying right by her side watching over her…..very interesting dynamics.


Guess who?!

BHRR’s Sambuca!

Age is but a number and he runs and bounces plus is happy and getting healthier every day! He is slightly older than my own soon to be 10 year old Dane, Bronson and both are so active and full of life.

I can only hope that when I am his age that I am just like him!

Yes, he has some arthritis, yes, he has old age neuro issues in his hind end, especially on the left back leg yet, WOW! Not much is holding him back with the muscle mass and tone he is now building up.

As he feels better too, he is stronger and able to do longer walks and is incredibly playful with me….the affection he shows me is WOW!

He makes my heart sing and my soul ring with so many smiles!

We are still in urgent need of canned wet food for him – Merrick & FROMM are two types he is currently eating. He eats 24 cans a day as he heals from his May 4th surgery of having 22 teeth removed.

That horrible mass that was removed April 13th is like it never happened and he can now poop without any issues! No more discomfort or hindrance.

Comfort Angels THANK you again for standing by him and believing in our efforts at BHRR as we think dogs like him in need are so worthy!

He really is a slice of heaven….the way he looks at me, I feel that he can see deep inside me and is privy to all of my deepest feelings…..humbling and makes one feel vulnerable yet also strong for I am being gifted with a precious gift that is him!

From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, good-night and GO SENS GO!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Jan B.
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Cindy + A Donation to help buy Canned Dog Food
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique
Judy J. + Donation of 18 Cans of Dog Food
Pam S. 
Kim T.
Angela S.
Gail H.
Micheline M. of Ottawa Help Fur Kids
Gwen B.
Anni Y.

BHRR’s Sambuca wishes all a good-night and is thinking of everyone affected by the flooding….we are also watching our two spring fed ponds closely over here…

Tomorrow after a session at CHEO with our daughter, I will be back out again myself to help with whatever needs to be done to help those affected by the floods…..

We must stand together, united in this time of need of others…..

SHOUT out of thanks being sent to Pet Valu Stittsville for the food donations AND also to Cindy who bought a bag of food plus donated funds that allowed me to buy 60 cans of wet for BHRR’s Sambuca today!

He goes through 24 cans each day and this gives us 2.5 more days of canned food for him!

So grateful!!

He is healing slowly from the removal of 22 of his teeth….yet, already a difference noted in him. He is eating much better, and is even looking for food now….

He has a long way to go before we can offer him up softened kibble mixed with wet yet I remain incredibly humbled plus touched by all of his Comfort Angels that made his two urgent surgeries possible…..thank you….so thankful.

I cannot wait for him to be healthy enough to thank people in person also….

If anyone would like to contribute to his cause, he has Vet Bills still outstanding at both Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 and Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR cans of high quality wet canned food would be so appreciated for him!

BHRR’s Giselle had her boosters tonight and another recheck. She weighed 117.92 pounds. Looking really good!

Her Vet, who has been seeing her from the day she arrived right off the transport once again said that the area on the back of her neck may well stay bald due to all the damage that had been done in the past. Her skin is healthy and pink in that area and she got a BIG thumbs up at her Vet visit.

Her Vet remarked again about what a long rehab journey BHRR’s Giselle has been on and what an incredible physical plus emotional and obedient transformation for her over the past shy of 8 months.

BHRR’s Giselle is scheduled for her entropion plus ovarian remnant spay surgeries next week and in about two weeks after that she may well have her own special announcement to make!

She is such a character….quirky and a huge ham to all she knows and trusts!


AND he is now resting more comfortably….yes, that is fresh blood smeared on his leg from his mouth. I will clean him up tomorrow….he has had enough done to him today…..

AND after a long day Sean is now home with BHRR’s Sambuca!

He was out of surgery around noon yet his Vet wished to keep him longer for like his surgery on April 13th for his huge mass/neuter, he took a long time to recover.

I am not one for exaggerating and when I said his mouth was bad, it really was atrocious ….adult dogs have 42 teeth…..BHRR’s Sambuca had to have 22 removed!

Just over 50% of his teeth had to come out. To me, to have a dog left in such pain with all of that pus and infection for as long as he had prior to coming into rescue, is truly awful.

My heart breaks for how much agony he was living in for so long.

22 horrible teeth had to be removed, not all of the holes could be stitched and just as with his mass removal, he bled profusely. His remaining teeth were then cleaned up.

This poor dog to have lived this way……

Yet, I keep looking forward. He is now home, and each day going forward will be better and better.

Sean has a copy of his bill and we owe a remainder of $209.80 more on his bills at Liston Animal Hospital.

AND we still owe $697.39 at Kanata Animal Hospital from his urgent/emergency mass removal plus neuter.

Donations can be made direct to either Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966

OR Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848

OR via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

AND we need many many many cans of high quality wet food for him too!

This photo is of him all tucked in…..yup on a couch and the Gwennie ‘no couch’ rule is being overlooked for now….after having a small drink of water.

As soon as he saw me when Sean arrived home….I was out the door in a flash and BHRR’s Sambuca was out of the truck, all wobbly bobbly but pulling Sean and making it clear he was coming with me.

Simone, your handmade special made with love blanket has him all nice plus cozy! ?There is so much heart and healing power in your blanket….from Sean’s rare Cancer surgery for his retro peritoneal liposarcoma to my acute pancreatitis and then resulting surgery to helping Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson through his eye enucleation and now dear sweet 10 year old Sambuca.

Love this dog…..love everything about him and as happy/healthy as he was becoming here, he is going to be even more happier now and healthier plus stronger and may he have years experiencing the true joys plus pleasures that life holds!

A diagram of the teeth BHRR’s Sambuca had removed.

From our home to all of our friends and family plus supporters THANK You….good night, sleep well and GO Sens Go!


BHRR’s Sambuca is now dropped off at Liston Animal Hospital! He weighed 64.5 kgs this AM.

We were able to put down a most touching total of $775 as a good faith surgery deposit thanks to his positively outstanding and supportive Comfort Angel Network. $100 was already wonderfully anonymously on his account at Liston Animal Hospital and others in his fabu village came together to see another $675 donated! Picture is of the grand total of $775 on his account at Liston Animal Hospital.

Once we have his final bill post surgery, we will post that too.

I am heading back out later to purchase more wet canned food for him. He is going through 24 cans a day all by himself! Hopefully, once his mouth heals, he can eat more kibble – he is eating about a cup a day total right now mixed into the canned….when we did his bloodwork upon arrival into rescue, whatever canned he was eating prior to coming into BHRR had his chloesterol levels super high. 🙁

If anyone else would consider his cause, you can donate direct to Liston Animal Hospital – Rebecca would be so happy to assist you – 613-591-0966

OR you can donate via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

OR you can donate via PayPal (friends & family option) to gwen@birchhaven.org

Please keep him in your well wishes….he was confused & a bit worried when I dropped him off this AM yet I know he is in excellent hands!

Will post pics of his new mouth post op when I can snag some! I also asked if his nails could be trimmed as I last did them April 13th when he had his first urgent emergency surgery for that mass removal plus neither.

A photo from our drive in! He is such a good boy….handsome too!

Going to be a long day……

BHRR’s Sambuca thanks all of our Comfort Angel helping his cause.

****$125 Still Needed****
BHRR’s Sambuca UPDATE!

Here is a photo of this handsome gent soaking up the sun/fresh air the day after his urgent/emergency mass removal surgery on April 13th. It took until the 14th before I could get his temp back up into the normal range….the glorious sunshine greatly assisted with that!

He had not been outside to enjoy the sunshine from what I have been told in many months prior to his rescue.

We then waited patiently for his histiopathology report to come in from the sample part of the mass that submitted.

On April 19th, his Vet called to pass along the ever so relieving news that this is a Benign Perianal Adenoma!!! Full report in thread…..

So this meant that we could then move on that awful smelling mouth/black teeth for him! Yay! Yes! Yes!!

So on Tuesday April 25th, we were off to Liston Animal Hospital to get a professional opinion on BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth. We went in prepared to hear ‘no, sorry nothing can be done’ or that the Vet was not comfortable instead we were asked what were our expectations ‘if’ a surgery was done.

I said what I have always said….I want to give BHRR’s Sambuca the best quality filled life possible and that he has to be in terrible pain right now. Will re-post a pic of his left side of his mouth below. I said I did not have any expectations, only hope that we can do better for BHRR’s Sambuca than what he has been given to date in life and that if he needed extractions, a detailed cleaning and that if only a partial treatment could be done for him that would improve his life, then that is what I wish. I said I defer to the experts, the Vets and if no one was comfortable proceeding, we understood and would proceed accordingly.

The Vet took a good look at his mouth and if it were even possible, his right side is even worse than his left. 🙁 His Vet said that he has a ton of pus, several obviously loose teeth and they would have to get tons of tartar off first before really seeing what else needs to be done.

I felt the tears choking the back of my throat as I asked, ‘so, you think you can do something to help him?’ and the Vet replied yes, and until they get in there, not sure how many teeth needed to come out etc. I was told it was a ‘hot mess’ yet BHRR’s Sambuca can have significant relief from pain and improvement in quality of life with this big dental procedure.

We are now scheduled for surgery for Thursday May 4th as we needed to give him time to recover from his mass removal – a whole new back end without that terrible painful mass now gone and he can poop without trouble now! – and also heal from his neuter.

I also asked if the Vet could check out his hind end, especially on the left as he knuckles over and it stays that way for an extended period of time. It is old age neuro issues setting in and his right back leg responds well went bent under yet his left leg takes some time to respond. The joys of getting older…

He bounces and jumps playful around me and yes, as he has developed more muscle tone and mass, he can run….he has chosen me as his human/person and the happiness he expresses when he sees me, makes my heart flutter!

Vet Bills UPDATE:
Remaining owed at Kanata Animal Hospital: $697.39

Not sure how much his Bills shall be at Liston Animal Hospital yet we are trying to pull together a $500 surgery deposit for him. Dentals are not cheap….especially what he needs.

We know….we have no right to ask for a helping hand as no dog is more deserving than another out there yet, I know I need to ask for at the age of 10, his past humans failed him. I have made him a promise that we shall not fail him.

Already in his time with us, he is happier, healthier, stronger and he has so much to give in love plus heart…..

Who wanted a 10 year old Dane…..well, BHRR did….he is an incredible dog…he is no more deserving than any other dog in need….yet, as a dog in need himself, we would be grateful for even a $5 consideration….

Donations can be made direct to:
Liston Animal Hospital – 613-591-0966 and he has an account there under ‘Sambuca’


Via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org


Via Email Transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

Sorry for the Gwennie Novel…my time has not been my own this past 10 days.

Thank you to ALL of his Comfort Angels to date that helped make his first urgent/emergency surgery happen & for helping us to make his second surgery possible!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Jan B.
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Cindy + A Donation to help buy Canned Dog Food
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique
Judy J. + Donation of 18 Cans of Dog Food
Pam S. 
Kim T.
Angela S.
Gail H.
Micheline M. of Ottawa Help Fur Kids
Gwen B.

This handsome man was back at the Vet today, this time for diarrhea. BHRR’s Capone.

Thank you to Kanata Animal Hospital in being so accommodating in getting us in! Thank you to Sean for coming with me to take him in and his amazing Vet agrees that it is him settling in plus the normal stress that comes with that….causing his diarrhea.

Always so better to be safe than sorry, so he was seen by KAH and he is now on metronidazole 5 tablets twice daily for ten days, Forti Flora and put on a bland diet to help make his gut feel better. His poor rump is so red from the diarrhea.

His temp was high normal and so important for him to keep drinking.

He weighed 77.7 Kgs today.

Always a big love and hit at Kanata Animal Hospital. I enjoyed seeing him again as I have not seen him since I dropped him off at his temp foster home last Thursday – April 27th, after having him thoroughly vetted at KAH.

Thanks to his wonderful temp foster for keeping me posted on him and doing her very best by him! He just has your ‘number’ and does not want to go in your car!

She takes him on several ten minute walks per day and he loves them….squirrels too! He is building up muscle tone and mass and endurance plus losing some of that much needed weight! The obese dog that once could only walk two minutes is up to several ten minute walks daily! Yay!!

This picture is of him from his previous home prior to coming into rescue.

His histiopathology report from his first urgent/emergency surgery to remove that large mass.


Look who is also doing great in her own foster home!

BHRR’s Rain!

Thanks so much to her fantastic foster fam for sharing this photo our way! They have now fostered 6 BHRR dogs to date helping these fabu dogs become that much more well rounded plus balanced!

They love her to bits and is so wonderful with their cats and own dog.  I heard the two dogs love to snooze in the sun beams together….

Guess who just ran around outside playing for the last half hour….YUP! BHRR’s Gravel!

Oh yeah! Yay! Yipppeee!

BHRR’s Baby Griffin is now home!

He did great! All of the rehab and training and patience has led us to this moment! All successful home-visits take anywhere from 2.5-3 hours and we just left!

Baby Griffie – your heart and personality are just huge, massive! You light up a room!

You are eager to please, obedient and so proud of yourself when you accomplish what you once thought was a big deal….

You are handsome beyond words, so loyal and affectionate!

You are extremely smart and while your trust is hard won, once earned is incredibly humbling. That really is a precious gift to be handled with care.

You are going to be dearly missed….you are a ham, BHRR’s Kaden taught you all about the ‘joy’ of de-stuffing Costco dog beds and you liked to keep us on our feet never knowing when that imp inside you took root and another bed bit the dust!

I adore you, I already miss you yet you chose them to be your forever loving adoptive family, letting them in slowly to your world and we are so happy……

Thank you to this lovely home in going through this process with us and opening up your heart and home to an ever so deserving dog…..

Thank you to Jan for helping out and to Sean too! Sean rarely does home-visits and it is always a treat when he comes.

Congratulations to all!

I think someone is settling in very well at his foster home!! Danes and couches…..make the perfect Dane bed in his mind LOL

Though his foster mom said that after she came back from a meeting today, he had been a good boy and was laying on his dog bed….. She did put chairs on the couch to help deter him.

Things are going really well per his fabu foster mom! We are working on getting him to eat more than a few nibbles but he has not even been there 24 hours and has had a lot of change happen since Monday.

His bloodwork came back negative for Tickborne diseases and Heartworm – YAY!

AND his T4 for thyroid is normal so he is just obese due to improper diet and inappropriate level of exercise and he will be monitored not to overdue things for those hips right now. I was told he had a great short 10 minute walk this AM and then flaked out on the floor afterwards. He has now had another 10 minute walk and is loving them.

His fostermom says the same thing his Vet did yesterday, that he is one friendly boy. I know I found him to be a real love too.

So happy for him and he is in really wonderful hands.


AND we are off!

Off for the home-visit for BHRR’s Griffin’s possible approved adoption.

We will update as we can.

Thanks Jan & Sean for coming with me to do this hv for Baby Griffie.

I so love this boy…to all that are part of his trusted circle for set up for success, he is happy, friendly, goofy, and so loving. Eager to please and such a big personality.

AND someone is now safely dropped off at his emerge temp foster home!

StIll nameless!

He weighed 80.1 kgs(176.22 pounds) and needs to lose significant weight. Tall boy and super handsome!

At KAH today, we did Heartworm/Tickborne disease testing, and he is now on Heartworm meds and will start flea/tick meds plus de-worming tomorrow as he is not eating right now. Understandable.

We are also testing his thyroid to determine if he is grossly overweight due to his thyroid and/or is it just too many treats/wrong food etc. and not the appropriate level of exercise. We were told they did not walk him very far as he tired out and panted heavily.

Drinking well and his heart plus lungs sound good! He is lacking serious muscle tone/mass and is now on a weight reduction program. Both his back legs shake as he has so little muscle/strength.

Per his Vet re: hips – it is observed that his right side is worse than his left and once he loses much needed weight, develops better muscle tone/mass they can better assess at that time. Being stronger may eliminate the appearance of his hips, especially the right side appearing to be this way.

Being healthier shall also make it easier to sedate for possible x-rays. His Vet was not overly concerned with his cruciates at this time and I also showed them the video that had been sent my way and at his next vet visit shall be re-assessed for hips/cruciates. His Vet does not believe he has cruciate issues yet will re-assess when he comes back and is more relaxed/settled in. He is extremely straight angled in the hind end plus butt high so, perhaps the video made it seem like things were worse than they are.

His teeth were in great shape and the Vet did feel that he is easily only 3 years of age. Just out of shape.

The vet noted that he was a really nice dog! Would give one paw and then another when asked and responds so well to commands in French. He was excellent in the run at KAH today and so well behaved.

Thanks again Christine for temp fostering him.

BHRR’s Rickards is moving to a “HOLD” Pattern Status right now. We will update his blog as we can.

UPDATE: BHRR’s ??? has now been picked up and will be in safe hands until transport to us happens on Thursday.

I have a Vet appointment set up on Thursday for a thorough exam, blood-work including Heartworm, Tickborne diseases plus T4. He will be weighed for flea/tick meds plus to begin de-worming etc.

I saw a video and his hips are bad, especially his back right and I suspect he is also quite possibly bilaterally affected with cruciate issues. We will begin a pain management program, proper diet will be implemented and if the Vet deems him healthy enough for vaccines – for he has no paperwork surrendered with him to prove any current utd Vaccine status.

He will have to lose significant weight prior to any necessary/required surgery and thanks to Christine again for emerge temp fostering him until May 18th for BHRR.

Yet, one step at a time!

UPDATE: Request Filled! Thanks Christine!

ISO: BHRR Approved Volunteer For EMERGENCY Temp Foster for 3 weeks

Owner Surrender: Home is splitting up.

Starting April 27th to May 18th for a 3 year old Male neutered Great Dane, good with cats, good with dogs, good with people. Affectionate, house-broken. Said to be up to date on vaccines and we shall ensure that he is plus that he is properly de-wormed with all proactive/preventative vetting.

He is severely obese and can barely walk.

BHRR provides all of the food, bowls, dog beds, collar, leash etc., and we shall pay for all the Vet Bills while in this emerge temp foster.

Location: Ottawa and immediate surrounding area.

If we have any of our BHRR approved Volunteers able to assist – remember if you are an approved BHRR adoptive home, you are also an approved BHRR Volunteer and can temp foster if your circumstances allow for it – please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com

ETA: April 27th to BHRR’s Care. He shall be #7 that we have been able to assist to date in 2017.

Gail & Maira – BHRR’s Sambuca says he loves that you both have ‘money’ jars started for him! He is worthy of a bid war!!

Our 6th Annual 1 of a kind, unique and creative Date Auction is NOW Closed!

What a finish!

I will be in touch by end of night Sunday to ALL winners via email to confirm their wins with the Master log made by wp.

Please bear with me and be patient as I have 24 Dates plus the Dine Tickets to reach the Winners about!

Do not send money until I have contacted you. Thanks!

Thanks everyone for sharing, and/or participating and I look forward to scheduling these dates with the winners.

NOTE: BHRR reserves the right to decline any winner(s) on a date bid

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson says after this exciting finish, he needs to go to bed!!


UPDATE: Tonight was a big step backwards yet that is also not abnormal or unexpected. I am the only one that can now handle him and he is suddenly depressed.

If he is not back to being more perked up tomorrow AM, I will have to stress him out somewhat as I do not want him getting dehydrated and will bring him into work with me. The poor boy does not have much in ‘spares’ in his body and as long as he was eating and drinking even some….those were positive ‘move forward’ signs….

When I pet him, even his shoulder blades are prominent.

As has been my motto for years, tomorrow is another day. He and I took a small stroll outside and he is resting in his crate now.

Sean has made a decision!

He has named him BHRR’s Gravel!

AND the fecal that I ran was negative yet we still de-worm as that does not necessarily mean his parasite free.

Still nameless and the push is on o get him named by end of today. A NEW name befitting his new amazing future!

UPDATE: He had another good night! Easy to take in and out of his colossal crate, no issues with collar handling – we are gentle and slow, goes outside, comes back inside, and eating plus drinking is still very minimal.

Not uncommon and the more settled and safe he feels, the more he will relax and begin to eat/drink.

He has been out in the 3+ fenced in yard twice so far this AM and the second time, he felt most comfortable with me near him – YAY! Yet, what I do not desire to happen is SA behaviours, so will find that right happy medium as we move forward.

AND, I got a small tail wag this AM. Very small BUT it was there, a little more than the tip….YAY!

Danya & Mel  – he is doing thumbs up, all things considered! What a rescue this was and thanks to you both plus Daniele again.

I am hoping to be able to bring him to work with me on Monday to start his full proactive/preventative vetting protocol yet we will see how he feels by then.

Another day together and getting to know each other!

He will get there…..and I have all the time and patience with love in the world for him. This is what we do!

BHRR’s Latte is ready to make her special announcement!
~4 year old Neo

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, is semi-retired or retired! Another amazing versatile BHRR dog!

She travels wonderfully in a car, is good with most dogs! She can be an only dog in the home or be with a right matched personality fit dog – male or female. She loves to play with my own 2 year old Dane, Salt and is a hoot! She can and has been selective with dogs outside our home as to whether she wanted to like them or not….so she has a quirky side to her re: some dogs. 

She is an amazing companion keeping me company while I work on the computer or folding laundry. Almost a foot warmer!

She is excellent to do nails and ears and bathing is coming along nicely. She tolerates it.

She has fairly good leash manners now. She is still coming along and our mandatory obedience clause shall deeply assist with this plus for her to bond.

She is a calm and confident dog and only becomes nervous if someone rushes into her space/face. She may take a few moments to warm up to strangers as she is diva female and treats are a fantastic ice breaker.

She loves to goes for strolls and lay in the shade on a sunny day enjoying all the sights, smells and sounds about her. She is an excellent Picnic partner.

We would prefer a home with children aged 10 and up, and if not mature kids, 12 and up.

She drools! Be warned! She likes to hide bits of treats in her lips, take a big drink of water and then share parts of it with her human….in this case, she has chosen ‘me’ as her main focus of such affection!

She is really loving to her human family and loyal, almost to a fault. She would truly lay her life down for her family. Humbling.

If you give her reasons to trust and respect you, you will have earned it in spades…..

Her trust is a gift to be treasured and her right matched forever loving adoptive home will nurse this and cradle this trust forever.

This dog is truly da bomb! Gorgeous to boot and if a home is looking for a low maintenance, outstanding companion to be a cherished member of their home, she is the one!

Her eyes are so soulful and one needs to remember to not fall for her charm or you shall be in hook, line and sinker as you will find yourself with a wee devil on your hands….a delightful one!

Obedience, structure, consistency, patience and a big dosing of love has ensured that the SA she had upon arrival has been squelched. She likes herself now and can self-soothe and self-comfort and a home has to be aware that should they not handle things properly and spends all their time with her, they will bring this SA bubbling to the surface and it will spill over.

She is a wonderful dog, truly magnificent and we want her to keep being the best dog she can be!

WTG beautiful girl!

Thank you again to Elizabeth White for the extra hands at this photo shoot and to Liz Bradley once again for her talent plus time to take these photo’s!

On a side note: BHRR’s Black Diamond began playing on the weekend for the first time and my 9 month old Wolfie Brogan is like ice cream, chocolate plus a whole desert buffet in her mind! An update for another post!

I shall not share the video’s taken of him in the pound. We need to look towards his future and give him the present he deserves. He is extremely fearful and I now have to give him reasons to trust me….I need to earn that from him and the other dogs here will help him too with that.

BHRR was founded to help the dogs just like him……and we shall…..

AND I now have the newest addition to BHRR, the ~7 year old male Merle Dane.

Thank you to Danya – for rushing to the pound to safely get him out of the run and Daniele – for driving him all the way to KAH as I was working – to get him to me. This would have been his last day if it were not for you both today. I am forever grateful and indebted.

This boy still needs a name and he is almost a mirror image to BHRR’s Black Diamond in terror, lack of socialisation plus handling. This boy is also pretty close to being emaciated and I would say it is a fair statement to say he is. All hips, ribs and spine really showing. I was not able to capture in pictures truly how painful he looks.

I was told that he had also not eaten in three days…..

Nails, bath, exams, vaccines, blood-work etc., shall all have to wait for he needs to settle in first. He did provide me with a fecal sample out of fear – he also did that at the gas pound – and so we are sending it to the lab to test.

This is a photo of him & I are our way home. Not a great photo as he is so scared.

I am in urgent need of high quality canned dog food. For him and BHRR’s Sambuca. If anyone may consider assisting us in filling this need, please do let me know.

Thank you in advance for any consideration.

This boy is seriously emotionally broken….yet, as with BHRR’s Diamond, tomorrow is a new day. One step…..one day….at a time.

Welcome to BHRR you dear sweet boy…….This boy was dumped as the home has kids….he was skinny before he was even dumped….undersocialised and lacking training.

All that white hair and drool is from BHRR’s Sambuca! Car to be detailed again soon!



BHRR’s Baby Griffin is moving under a Pending Adoption!

We will update as we can.

BHRR’s ????
As always, so many in need and never enough spots.

This 7 year Male Merle GD has ended up in a high kill gas pound and had only four days to get out. We were contacted to assist and the rest shall soon be history.

He is said to be skinny, not up to date on vaccines, and was dumped as the home has kids. He is undersocialised and fearful.

To those that question many groups position re: their child adoption policy, here is another recent drop off to a high kill place – BHRR’s Rickards is another example. Homes having kids is one of the top five reasons why dogs are given up, especially for Giants and the child adoption polices that groups have in place are there for excellent reasons.

Lack of obedience and socialisation are other top five reasons for a dog being dumped.

This boy is a poster dog for no less than three of these top reasons.

How could we turn away from him in his time of need?!

ETA to BHRR being worked on.

He shall be #6 for BHRR to be able to help this year.

Thank you to the angel that donated towards his pull fee. I was in surgery yesterday with BHRR’s Sambuca and offered to pay it all yet saw a posting later with this person’s generous contribution and when I was able to, I paid the remaining $50 owed to get him out of the pound.

UPDATE: BHRR’s Sambuca’s surgery began at 3 pm and he was out about half an hour ago.

He is such an awesome dog!

He was quick to sedate and slow to wake up……and is now recovering with both hugger and iv fluid warmer on as his temp is low. It is now up to 35.5 degrees yet still low.

Everything went well. That mass was super vascular, holy! So many bleeders. About 1/3 of it will be sent off to pathology. While his surgeon was in the general area, he was also neutered…

Once he was sedated, it could be determined that it was not growing from his rectrum. However, it sure did interfere with his ability to have bowel movements the poor soul.

We did nails and I got one ear cleaned and will do the other when he is on his other side.

We will remain on Anitrobe every 12 hours for another 7 days and continue his daily Deramaxx regime of 150 mg once daily.

In today’s surgery, BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth/teeth could not be touched to attempt any dental work. The pictures in the thread show just how bad they are – this is only the left side of his mouth. His right is equally brutal.

The worry is that the bacteria that would be released into his system from any dental procedure would be disastrous when he is already under for a mass removal/neuter. He will see a surgeon who specialises in dental issues. This poor dog’s breath is truly horrible and that pain he must be feeling.

Yet, only so much could be done today with the neuter and mass removal. We cannot compromise his welbeing for the sake of trying to get everything done in one surgery. We will find ways to raise the monies for his second surgery and make the second surgery possible for him!

As he recovers and we wait to get the pathology back on the mass, we will figure out the next best steps for him for that mouth.

To say that we are grateful to so many for being his Comfort Angels is putting it mildly. I am deeply appreciative and thankful more than anything for you are helping to give him the life he should have always had…..one free of pain and one full of quality!!

He is such a wonderful boy!!



BHRR’s Sambuca’s ‘new’ tail! It is wrapped up to help prevent fecal matter getting on it to avoid infection.

Pictures of the left side of BHRR’s Sambuca’s mouth. In 28 years of rescue I have never seen a whole mouth look this bad. The same for his Vet surgeon today in her ~30 years of being a Vet.

We knew they were bad when I got him in first thing on Monday yet this… this is truly horrific.

It was not safe for him to have his mouth addressed today in addition to his mass removal/neuter.

He has several loose teeth right now and will need those extracted at minimum plus a cleaning yet until the dental surgeon gets a good exam on his mouth plus they will do dental x-rays, we shall not know how many teeth need to go…..and what the overall treatment plan may be…..I am pretty sure a lot more antibiotics are on the agenda too.

All I know is that this is bad, deeply painful for him, smells awful and we are going to consult a dental expert for advise plus recommendations as we take that next step for him.

This poor dog….no animal should suffer….this just breaks my heart.

This poor dog…….

BHRR’s Sambuca getting ready for surgery and his mass.

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Mrs. Milne
Karen M.
Margaret G.
Unique Custom Design Boutique

BHRR’s Sambuca and I are off shortly for his urgent surgery at KAH.

I will post updates as I can. Please keep this fine gent in your best wishes and thoughts!

Donations to his urgent emergency surgery can also be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under his name under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account

or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org

or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thank you TO all of his Comfort Angels that have surrounded him with so much love to date!

Thank you very much for helping us to give him a future free of the suffering he is currently experiencing with that horrible huge mass and his painful mouth/teeth.

Even $5 would mean so much…..thank you!

Amidst the rain coming down, BHRR’s Latte & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson had professional photo’s done!

Sunny at home and on the way in, the rain decided to come as I arrived!

Thank you again to Elizabeth for her loving hands as I had their photo’s done and also to Liz for her wonderful patience and time once more!!

As soon as I have the photo’s BHRR’s Latte shall be ready to make her own special announcement!

Time to also get the car detailed again!!

It is OFFICIAL! BHRR just approved Adoption #396!
BHRR’s Ani – ADOPTED April 12th, 2017

We have always said that if a right matched forever loving home came along and all fell into place, that we would adopt out one of our Haven Dogs. We have never said it would never be or ever happen and here we are!

We have had dogs move to our Haven Program and then moved to our Adoptable Program for they wonderfully defied so many odds yet this is a first to have an actual Haven Dog adopted and we could not be more thrilled, touched and excited….for home and BHRR’s Ani!

This home first heard about BHRR in 2010, they then first adopted from us in 2012 and since that time, have been truly caring to the BHRR animals.

They became in my opinion, the beautiful Fairy GodParents to BHRR’s Ani. They have provided for her in love, donations and being her special SS more than one year since 2012.

I truly do believe that some things are meant to be and I feel that I have been this gorgeous BBBBB’s Guardian Mama over the years and now she is right where she is meant be…..into the arms of this home!

From Fairy Godparents to her Adoring Mom & Dad!

They are prepared to take on and continue as needed her mouth surgeries – BHRR’s Ani has had three now since she was first diagnosed with fibromatous epulides of the periodontal ligament in April 2015.

I know they will be committed and dedicated to her proper wellbeing as they were with their previous BHRR adoptive GD(sadly passed away in March 2017) for they have stood by BHRR’s Ani & BHRR since fall of 2012 in so many ways!

As Approved Volunteers, they took BHRR’s Ani for an extended play date on Saturday April 8th and she stayed with them until her adoption was finalised tonight!

I am touched from my nose to my toes and to my soul to make this post about BHRR’s Happy Ani’s Adoption!

Congratulations to her parents and to her and yes, I do have tears yet they are mostly of the great kind….I shall miss her….very much, how could I not?! Yet, I know I shall see her again and I am in complete peace in knowing that this is her right matched forever home with two adoring humans and a handsome cat named Rusty to call ‘brother’!

Her adoption fee will go towards helping another incredible BHRR dog, BHRR’s Sambuca.

Posted in Ani

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

Signing off early tonight! Has been a busy & glorious day here AND tomorrow BHRR’s Latte plus Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson are having their professional photo shoots!

Soon, BHRR’s Latte will have her own special announcement to make!

Please do not forget about our one of a kind unique and creative 6th Annual BHRR Doggie Date Auction going on until April 20th @ 9 pm EST! Link below…..


For now, I leave our dear family, friends and BHRR fans the following picture and a big deep appreciative thanks is being extended again to all of BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels….donations to his urgent emergency surgery on Thursday can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848 under his name under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) account or via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org Thank you for making it possible for this sweet ol’ gent to have a future free of the suffering he is currently experiencing with that horrIble huge mass and his painful mouth/teeth. ?Even $5 would mean so much…..thank you!

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson would approve of this photo! Monkey see, Monkey do!

BHRR’s Sambuca took several tries to get up, but he did it and has sunk deep into the softness of the one couch and is snoring….I mean sleeping!

When he has his urgent/emergency surgery on Thursday, I will trim back those long nasty nails….a true fine gent this 10 year old man is!

Other than, Jackson teaching him fast about ignoring the no couch rules, BHRR’s Sambuca is a model in excellent behaviour….for now!

Goodnight from our home to all of you…..sweet dreams……

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees
Mrs. Milne

It is just a FEEL good kind of day in so many ways! Gwennie Novel…again…run while you can! 😀
My heart is floating……..
Talk about a HUGE step forward with BHRR’s Black Diamond today with me.
We have gotten into this rhythm together that when she comes out of her crate – the door is left open other than eating and sleeping and she has free run of the sunroom or more, it is up to her – that as she quickly raced out, my hand would just lightly float along her back. Then, I would open up the front door and do the same thing with my hand as she would almost slink out the door.
Throughout this past week, the time of her rushing out and my hand gently gliding along her back has increased until today!
Today, she did not just pause, she stopped. She actually stopped let me gently stroke her from back of head to tail and more than once heading out the door! YAY!
AND, what is truly exciting and wonderful and melts my heart is that when she came in, she did not run to a corner or into her open crate. She stopped, looked at me with those beautiful dark eyes of hers and I mean looked at me At my face.
I took a careful step towards her and while her head lowered a bit, her body did not tremble and shake like has been her habit.
I took another careful step towards her, making sure my body was angled sideways yet what I have learned not long after she arrived to BHRR is that she needs to see people’s faces and eyes. She becomes really stressed if she cannot. She wants to see people, so I have always looked around her face area and then briefly in her eyes and then back around her face as I do not want to make her further uncomfortable by staring into her eyes.
I reached out my hand every so softly, knuckles first as she feels less intimidated than with an open palm.
I gave her a few back of neck to lower back touches and stopped….what happened next is what is truly beautiful.
She moved her heads towards me and I gently ran my hand again along her lovely black fur.
When I stopped, she moved her head again towards me and took a side step. I then quietly took a step closer to her and repeated the petting.
Soon, I was right by her side and she did the Dane lean! She did the Dane lean!! YES! YES! Right into my side!
We spent several cherished moments of leans, love and looks exchanged between us. She always made sure that she had at least a corner of an eye looking at me and I made sure my head was craned back so she could see my face.
OMG! We have made a massive break through her and I! Massive, huge, enormous and she has given me that first show of trust and man, was it a big show!
When I would go to take a small step backwards, she would lean a bit more…..her tail while not in a normal relaxed position was almost flat, the tail tip tucked under a bit. Her body did not flinch with each touch and her body was more relaxed.
When I felt that her body seemed to tense, I whispered what an amazing girl she was and let her go…..she then did not scurry into her crate, she walked, almost normal and turned sat down and the look I was given…..I will never forget….I had tears spring to my eyes.
IT is the first sign of true ‘life’ I have seen in her eyes since she arrived. She fully was registering the moment we shared….
Oh YES! So proud of you Black Diamond! So so so proud…..
All of our the time, patience, consistency, structure and being there for her, passively ignoring when needed and not leaving when needed, is finally paying off….
May her and I reach this place again soon…..may there be less steps backwards and more forwards yet as always, if there are, no worries…we have all the time in the world……..

The photo below is of this BBBBB from when Maira/Tom helped transport her closer to me.

Happy Tuesday!


*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

This was my response on our fb page when someone thanked me for helping him.

I think he is equally helping me…..all dogs teach me things, give me gifts, life lessons plus reminders and in his case…he has the special ability to make one feel at peace, an almost healing feeling…..that what matters the most is what is happening right now, in front of you…that do not sweat the things one cannot change, find enjoyment in as many things as possible. He has the beautiful aura of calmness about him. You feel yourself taking pause, tsking a deep breath and feeling better when you did not even know you needed to feel better! 🙂 He makes me smile.

He is not in a rush. He is already telling me & giving me that excellent reminder to slow down, smell the spring air, feel the spring grass between ones toes, take pleasure in all the beautiful things spring can bring, the sights, the smells, the sun rays with the sunroof open and car rides! We took the scenic route home yesterday just soaking up the gorgeous day plus experience!

He looks at me and I am reminded that we only have one life…..live it to the fullest, no regrets.

This boy is a gem and this rehab journey with him is going to be a long one to get him healthier and he is ready and I am right by his side.

I cannot wait for people to meet him. They are going to come away after being around him having felt touched….magic…he is so wise and going to share so much wisdom with so many!!

Yup! He is helping me too!

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels + Donation Direct to KAH
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees

My last post of my night is short and ever so sweet…..well, Gwennie Novel Style short! 😉

When I came inside from doing poop patrol and other chores tonight, I looked over and BHRR’s Sambuca stood up(not a fast or easy feat with his current lack of muscle mass/tone and arthritis) and he looked right at me with those amazing eyes of his….

Soft, wistful, still a bit confused and nervous yet, he was looking at me with his head up…..he has been half mast with his head since he arrived yesterday….

Well, as I took a step towards him, his head went up higher and I began to hear the sound of a soft *thump*….another step and another soft *thump* and so the pattern went until I was right near him and guess what he was doing for the very first time?!!!?

He was very slowly, and not a full all heart in tail wag yet he was wagging his tail for me!!! Not a lot yet more than enough to make my heart flip and flop and yup….I looked deep into those stunning eyes and was ‘gone’….sunk.

While I loved him from the moment we were asked to help him, sight unseen, no idea what he looked like, no idea what his personality was like for none of it mattered, we are here to help the next in need of us, when I first saw him in the photo Alex & Karen sent my way after they picked him up….my heart began to patter and when I met him for the first time in Kingston my heart began to thud….his personality is incredibly precious.

At work today, while we poked and prodded and he was so brave and tolerant yet had to be in pain as he was examined and a plan formed on how best to proceed plus treat him, my heart began to pump harder….he was so amazing. Just a truly special boy.

In the car on the way home, my sunroof open(a must for me in any car!) and the sun streaming in and seeing him then stretch out on his side, sigh with contentment and put his four feet way up on my back seat, my heart began to race seeing his sheer joy of a simple pleasure he has not had in a heck of a long time, if ever?….being able to lay in the warmth of sun!

Yet, after the thumps of his tail and seeing him lift his head up, search me out and look at me, not around me or in my general area but at me….well, my heart thudded with so much more love and he has my number!! Gladly so! 😀 He is a charmer, with a mind of his own yet a true gent overall and uber dignified and I am so so so so happy we were asked to help him. I cannot wait to see all the layers that make him, him….I just feel there has to also be a monkey side in there somewhere…I really do!

I cannot take away his past yet with the help plus love of his Comfort Angels, I can promise him a much better today, an even better tomorrow and while no one knows how his urgent emergency surgery shall go on Thursday or what the histiopathology report will say, I can promise him that he will lack for nothing. I can promise that he shall only know kindness, love, as many sunbeams and car rides as he wants and that he will be given as many great experiences plus moments that the world has to offer….quality my dear man….tons and tons of quality living and loving is to be yours!

*Paypal did take $11.90 in fees*

Goodnight from BHRR’s Sambuca to all of you!!


BHRR’s Sambuca came to work with me today as it was a priority for him to be seen, the poor old man.

He weighed 64.5 kgs(141.90 pounds) and his heart plus lungs sound good.

His temperature is normal which is so surprising as his mouth is the worst that I have ever seen in almost 28 years of rescuing and also in his Vets almost 30 years of experience. Almost all of his teeth that he still has are black, broken/chipped and his gums….bloody. The smell is just atrocious.

That huge mass on his hind end (photo again posted in thread) was investigated and what a amazing boy. The pain he has to be in from his mouth and that mass.

We did a needle biopsy on another much smaller lump on his penis. It is a sebaceous cyst.

This 10 year old gorgeous boy needs some serious love…..

We are doing pre-op bloodwork – including Heartworm and Tickborne disease testing. He is going on antibiotics – Antirobe 300 mg BID – for his mouth and his mass in preparation for his urgent emergency surgery now scheduled for Thursday. He shall remain on antibiotics post-op too.

We began de-worming him last night and he will start Heartworm/flea/tick preventative also.

When he gives me a fresh stool sample, we will also run that through the lab.

In our opinion, just because he is an older gent does not mean that he does not deserve to have a life of dignity and quality plus one free of this awful pain he is in. Breaks my heart.

He is such a sweet boy…so sweet. He is going to steal many people’s hearts, he is just that precious….

He is also going on 150 mg of Deramaxx daily to assist in making him more comfortable.

What BHRR’s Sambuca really needs are Angels of Comfort….his Vet bills today were over $400 and he is heading into urgent surgery on Thursday. While he has this large mass removed and sent to histio, and his surgeon is in the same general area, they will neuter him.

If anyone would please consider helping BHRR’s Sambuca, they can donate directly on to his bills at Kanata Animal Hospital – 613-836-2848 and he has an account under ‘Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)’ under his name *Sambuca*.

OR people can donate via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org

OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org

Thank you in advance for any consideration to his very worthy cause…..his bills will be in the thousands….

BHRR’s Sambuca’s Comfort Angels:
Alex & Karen – Collar, 2 Costco Dog Beds & Towels
Lucie -*PayPal took $11.90 in fees

Got him! On our way home.

Thanks for the visit Alex & Karen, the donations of towels and two Costco dog beds and for driving him! Gorgeous day to have met up with you both….

Plus, thank you for the stunning collar for him!

I was told this home had him 6-9 months and this home told Alex & Karen they had him about a year.

I shall be bringing him into work with me tomorrow for a full work-up and to address the large mass(pic in the other post) he has. His mouth also smells horrible, the poor dog.

Welcome to BHRR Sambuca!

AND he is on his way!

BHRR’s Sambuca, the 10+ year old Harle Male Dane.

Alex & Karen have been on the road since ~9:30 AM and I am well on my way to meet up with them in Kingston. Photo courtesy of Alex & Karen. 🙂

I have been told he is nervous and is quiet yet doing ok.

Drive safe and thank you SO much again for picking him up and helping to get him closer to me….

Cannot wait to meet him…..

Will post more as I can.

This gorgeous BBBBB is having a very special play date visit!

BHRR’s Ani!

She weighed 48 kgs(105.60 pounds today) at KAH.

Have a lovely time you filled with sparkle and personality girl!! Such a ham!

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Rickards says ‘I am ready to make my special announcement!’
~2 year old English Mastiff


BHRR’s Rickards was dumped a very rural pound as his owners were having a baby.

BHRR’s Rickards is such a great dog! He is housebroken, crate trained and very obedient. His leash manners are now outstanding.

He is affectionate, loyal, kind and uber handsome!

He has such a big head for his body yet it only makes him more adorable plus endearing. He is lean, muscled, happy and healthy and we do not want to see him become fat like so many dogs of his breed and what we see happen to many dogs out there.

He travels beautifully in a car, is great with cats, excellent with dogs of all shapes and sizes yet we feel it best that he be either an only dog or be placed with a right matched personality fit female dog or with cats. He has mostly been indifferent to the males here and yet, still likes to sometimes get pushy with my now 9 month old male Wolfie, Brogan. He seems to almost flirt with the ladies though! He corrects well and we think he would be happiest as either an only dog, in a home with a right matched cat or two or with a female fit dog. He loves the companionship of the dogs and is such a low maintenance boy!

He is amazing to do nails, wash and go to the Vet. He is pretty darn close to being bomb proof. He is extremely well balanced and rounded. His temperament is rock solid.

A smaller EM yet to that right matched forever loving home, it will not matter. He can go to a home without or with kids(prefer 10 and up if the home does have children). He is calm, quiet – except when I come home and he has these amazing wee squeals of ‘she’s home! Gwennie is home!’ and truly a well adjusted kind gentle giant.

He can be adopted to a home that works ft or pt, or works from home, is semi-retired or retired. He is another ever so versatile BHRR dog.

He has been a gem to have with us. Makes us miss our own two EM’s dearly and he is going to make a lucky home a fabu addition!

BHRR’s Rickards, I cannot believe that someone would dump you…you are a treasure….a true fine specimen of model behaviour and goodness and that home did not deserve you. You deserve a home that will demonstrate to you daily just how special and worthy you are!!

I love you so much and thank you for being you!

Thank you again to Liz Bradley for her time and talent on April 5th to do these professional photo’s! Thank you also to Elizabeth White for your extra loving hands so that I could get his and BHRR’s Giselle’s pictures done!

SNEAK Peek Photo’s!
Taken April 5th, 2017

BHRR’s Rickards (EM) shall be making his special announcement later tonight – April 7th, 2017!

Stay Tuned!

Thanks to Elizabeth White for helping me get these professional photo’s done on April 5th AND to Liz Bradley for all of her talent, patience and time for doing these incredible Rescue Pawtraits!

He is looking at me waiting patiently for his treat for being such a good boy!


BHRR’s Latte, our beautiful Neo had her recheck last night!

She is now 45.8 kgs and at an ideal weight for her.

She had a recheck on her eyes and they are so much better…infections gone! The one eye that has the tiny growth per her Vet can remain as long as it does not ulcerate, change in size, bother her etc…

Her eyes do not need surgical correction either as with the infections gone, they are looking good.

Her foot is also so much better! Now healthy pink over inflamed and nasty. Same thing, as long as it no longer bothers her, no more needs to be done.

Her teeth are not lovely as they are so short in many areas and do have tartar yet her Vet said that it is an elective at this time, nothing urgent – Her Vet stated that in her future she will would benefit from a dental cleaning. We are making sure this is in her file at the Hospital and in her blog for any possible future approved home to be aware of.

Did her nails again and she was completely over the top awesome at the Vet!!

Ears look great, heart and lungs are normal and her skin/coat is lovely…

Here is a picture on our way in…she is wet from having to go outside to pee in this horrible downpour (50+mm of rain!) yet we also gave her a fresh bath while she did not appreciate, she at least tolerated! LOL

I am now going to schedule her professional photo shoot and from there after I get them, she will be placed up for adoption!

A huge huge huge hit at the Hospital she was!

My one Great Dane Salt has taught her how to play and she is a hoot to watch! He is so wonderful with the dogs….teaching them so much!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Latte will hopefully be making her own special announcement in a couple of weeks!

Aren’t they both so freakin’ fabu!?!? AND stunning?!

BHRR’s Rickards and BHRR’s Giselle when they caught sight of the kids when they got off the bus!!


AND we are on our way! Professional photo time for BHRR’s Rickards and BHRR’s Giselle!

Here I am all super excited and BHRR’s Rickards is like all chill and calm!

Stay tuned for BHRR’s Rickards special announcement over the next week or so once I get his professional photo’s back!

BHRR’s Giselle was back at KAH tonight and weighs a healthy just under 121 pounds now!

She was so outstanding! Stepped without issues on the scale, curious, social, outgoing and had the Dane lean going on strong! 😀 She has also become a dream to do nails. Lots and lots of handling and patience and time and consistency and effort to get her to this point. I make sure I am not the only one trimming her nails so that she keeps getting handled by others to help make her that well rounded plus balanced dog!

She minded her manners beautifully when I said she could not romp and rumble with the Golden also waiting to be seen by another Vet and laid down at my feet, crossed her pretty feet and looked like the Queen she is! She is not always the bull in the China shop now!

She even rocked her obedience! Leash manners are almost to perfection. Sitting when asked, laid down when asked and even rolled to her side when I asked so her Vet could take a good look at her skin on her belly and inner legs!

She is a far cry from the extremely painful, full of infections, lacking manners girl that was battling so many issues when she first arrived in September.

Her hair has been growing in shiny and soft and gorgeous! However, she does have a few area’s on the back of her neck/head that her Vet agrees with me that so much damage had been done to her skin/hair follicles that she most likely shall never have the hair come back. The skin is now such a nice healthy pink and to that right matched forever loving home, it will not matter if she is missing some hair.

She was able to get her vaccines tonight now that she is healthy enough and from here, in about a months time, we shall have surgery to look for that ovarian remnant plus fix her one eye – entropion. We had wanted her eyes done in January when she was in to be spayed yet her surgeon did not believe that it was that bad to require surgical intervention but her one eye in particular bothers her still and I want her in complete comfort. Her regular Vet is in huge support of us doing so.

She is still a bit yeasty – the damp weather does not help with her feet yet the Malecetic wipes works wonders for her and we keep her feet as dry as we can.

I am proud of all our dogs yet some dogs have to take an even bigger rehab journey than others. BHRR’s Giselle was so medically a ‘hot mess’ that she was in such awful pain plus discomfort not to mention lacking trust & obedience, had misdirected confidence and really did not know a lot regarding how lovely a caring touch could feel…..that touching did not have to painful and to me, this almost 7 months with her has made me beyond proud of her progress.

This is one unforgettable Girl!

I need to shout out to her Vet team that has been by her side, pretty much at least once a month since September….you have helped her not just medically but emotionally as well. Thank you for being part of her set-up for success team for every time I asked if you could do her nails this time over me doing them, give her a treat, ask her do do something, pet her….you have helped her realise that she is awesome! This dog has so much potential!!

Flaked out waiting for her turn to see her Vet! Not a care in the world and look at her beautiful fur!!

Wish I could have snagged photo’s of her on her back with her legs up in the air, almost snoring!


*Sambuca* – 10+ year old Harlequin Male Great Dane
**Do not have an actual photo to share**

As is the case in rescue, there are always so many more dogs in need over spots in rescue.

As mentioned to BHRR’s Limericks forever adoptive home yesterday, her approved adoption will allow us to assist another in need and this boy is the next in need of BHRR.

This is what I was told:

Sambuca’s original owner died – Sambuca was used for breeding – and Sambuca was posted all over Facebook about 9 months ago as the parents whom his Owner lived with, in their 80’s were not in a position to care for Sambuca.

A friend of a friend of the now deceased Owner stepped up to take Sambuca and has had him for about 9 months.

I was contacted by a recommendation made to this new Owner by one of the wonderful Humane Societies in the SWO area that we have assisted throughout the many years.

This home has moved to a new place and it does not have a fenced in yard. With the Owner having M.S., they are not able to walk him and he will not go outside without her and is not getting the exercise and stimulation he needs.

He has also begun to urinate all over their carpets(their other home did not have carpets), his dog bed plus the dog bed of their other dog, a female standard poodle.

When asked if we could assist Sambuca, there was no hesitation. There are always groups to step up to take the puppies and the already healthy out there….our focus is to be there for the ‘underdogs’! The sick, the injured, the senior, the palliative, the deaf and/or blind, the neuro, the behavioural etc. We are here for the next in need of us regardless of age, sex or colour.

Sambuca shall be only the 5th dog we have been able to assist in 2017 and we remain about quality, not quantity.

Sambuca’s ETA April 9th, 2017

BHRR’s Limerick is ADOPTED!

Thank you again to this really great home in hosting us today and to their four feline family members also! 🙂

Thank you to Elizabeth for her assistance at this home-visit too!

BHRR’s Limerick! You are night and day from what you were like when you first arrived! You are now a pleasantly ever so slightly plump 99.88 pounds, curious, social, playful, affectionate, not much fazes you and you are so dear to so many! I love your quirkiness!!

You rocked your obedience and today you proved that the busy streets and buses are truly nothing to worry about! You did not have one care in the world as you sniffed your way around all of the fabu smells the city has to offer!

You are gracious, gentle and you took a crime of opportunity to show your incredible mischievous side by stealing an oatmeal waffle!! 😀 :p You are a stunning blue beauty girl inside and out!

I love your big personality! I love your heart and how you slowly let me into your world of fear, anxiety and stress plus confusion so we could walk together showing you that you can like yourself, self-soothe, that hands are here to help and that you can trust & love again…..

Thank you for gifting me with your deep loyalty, big beautiful heart and giving me the trust that allowed me to help you so that you can now stand in your forever loving adoptive home and say ‘I am worthy…..I am deserving and I am important!’ For you are! You are so deserving and worthy of all the best this vast world has to offer! You are very important!

You hold your head up, you tilt your head as you tend to do with that endearing ear of yours and you shine!!

A big light has now left my home yet you are going to bring so much happiness to your adoptive home!! You will keep them on their toes, give them adventures and experiences and in turn they will protect you, love you as much as we do plus give you your own adventures!!

Miss you already yet gosh….I am beaming! Took 6 months but that right matched forever loving family found you! They were smitten with you at our February BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house and in mid March they applied to adopt you and you are now home!!

Congrats to all!!



AND we are on our way! BHRR’s Limerick’s home-visit is today!

We will update as we can!

Someone seems very happy to have yet another Winter Wonderland Day! The now a bit plump BHRR’s Limerick – trying to blend into the tree trunk!

This nasty spring storm began late afternoon yesterday and appears it shall not be stopping until tomorrow AM.

On a side note: We have rescheduled the professional photo’s for BHRR’s Rickards & BHRR’s Giselle to next Wednesday and BHRR’s Limericks’ home-visit has been rescheduled for tomorrow.

Like many, I often have to drive in terrible nasty horrible weather (December’s home-visit of Puppy Pile BHRR’s Corbin’s in New Market will stay with me for a long time) & also when extremely unwell(BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ home-visit in February in Owen Sound with zero voice to boot!) and I well understand how bad the roads can be……

I work hard to put these home-visits as a priority over myself yet safety for my dogs will always be the most important. So, last night & today, we are staying extremely close to home……yet, for those having to be on the roads today, do be careful!

The Home-Visit for BHRR’s Limerick’s possible approved Adoption was post-phoned from yesterday (Sunday March 26th) due to freezing rain.

It has now been rescheduled to Thursday March 31st @ 6:30 PM and we shall post an update as we can.

Having to go outside to pee in the freezing rain does not make me happy! I am still pouting at Mama Gwennie!

Maira was able to get her hands on *Jade* today. Two beautiful photo’s of Maira & Jade.

Two lovely gals!

*Jade* looks quite good! So happy to say that part. However, her hips and knees are really bad though….really bad per what I can see in the short video’s and with Maira’s own eye witness account. HD with blown cruciates perhaps? Poor nutrition & genetics are culprits too.

*Jade* is no longer emaciated at this time and I am so happy that Maira could see *Jade* firsthand. She says that she is sweet, loving and has the Dane lean down!

*Jade* was dumped the same time the Brazilian Dane Babies were and we were not able to get to her to help her too nor in the position to assist as much as we wanted. Plus, we were not 100% sure when we were finally asked if we wanted to take her, if we could get the proper access.

Things are complicated in this area / place as we well know firsthand from our almost four month battle for The Brazilian Dane Babies.

We had been told over the last months that we could take her and then ‘no’ and then ‘yes’ and then ‘no’ and now it is a ‘yes’ again….yet for how long? Maira and I are talking and have talked off and on re: *Jade*

AND why cannot things come more easily?! For Maira took *Jade’s* toe to head height today. She is 94 cms(just over 37″).

The crate made for Jackson is 99.06 cms(39″) in height yet per international regulations to fly, we need 7.62 cms(3″) of clearance above her head. So, our crate is just over 2.54 cms too short. Ugh!

I talked to Sean and he said no, we cannot make the crate we have taller. He is going to look into seeing if he can build one now that we have the custom one that was made in Brazil and can see with our own eyes what they will accept as customized for travel from there to Canada. Sean feels that with such a small difference in her height and the crate with what is required for ‘clearance’ that perhaps no one would notice as she would be lifting and lowering her head and it would be so hard to tell such a small difference.

We all have much more talking to do……

Flash Blast of Winter today….and managed to capture BHRR’s Black Diamond in the blur of the falling snow…..still not a great picture yet camera’s do make her nervous as she cannot see ones facial expression….

She does not like us too close to her outside and she comes back with the calling of her name amazingly reliably and with so much enthusiasm now. The closer she gets to the house, the slower and more nervous she gets yet she is more brave and now ‘meets her fear’. That is such a big thing!!

If I go out to visit her in the 3+ fenced in yard, she comes closer than she once did yet still stays within a good distance. Yet, when I turn around and walk back to the house, she is right on my heels closely following me!


Still much more comfortable with Sean and Mason yet, improving so much with me. Kinsley is the one helping to prepare her food so that her scent becomes known to Black Diamond too.

She has met Cookie Dough Dynamo and also BHRR’s Abby outside and her desire is to flee. No worries. She is not ready…..

Inside, she prefers to hang in the sunroom and that is where we also have her colossal crate and leave the crate door open unless feeding or sleeptime.

When she knows Sean is around she has now begun to do some Kanga-Daning so that she can see him over the 3/4 door. Yet, when he approaches she will go to the corner….as she does when anyone first goes into the sunroom.

She still shakes and quivers as you sit and turn slightly sideways and passively ignore her yet less than it once was.

You slowly reach out a hand and she still flinches yet is more accepting of the touch and will look at you if you stop gently stroking her fur. She still sometimes will move away yet more and more she will inch and lean more towards us to get us to keep going when we stop…

Or will pace back and forth across our outstretched fingers and if we drop our hand, she pauses in front of us, looking at us out of the corner of her eye…..so, we lift our fingertips again and she will brush up and down them again.

She is so pretty…the look in her eyes is still quite terrified, yet less confused and yesterday I actually saw her race and bounce outside in the glorious sunshine for a really small bit!!!! Makes me smile and feel so good inside……

As I end most of her posts….tomorrow is another day!

AND here is BHRR’s Black Diamond wearing the gorgeous collar sent by Margaret with East Coast healing love! Good-bye to that awful choke chain that she arrived in…..

The beautiful collar arrived last night and per my previous post, she trusted Mason enough to allow him to place it on her…..

What a gorgeous BBBBB she is! She is uneasy with her photo being taken so not the best photo yet one can still see how gorgeous she looks!

One baby step at a time Black Diamond…..Rome was not built in a day and your rehab shall be as long as it takes…you are surrounded by a village that is patient, kind and caring.

We shall show you helping kind hands…not hurtful ones. Your trust is a gift and we are patient…..

She trusts Sean/Mason the most and that does not say too much.

She shall reliably come in for them when they let her out and for for me, I am batting about 85-95% on that front.

The first day she arrived, she was leaning into me, letting me gently touch her several hours after her arrival and then every AM is back to the beginning all over again. She is back to her shutdown survivor mode.

Even if you have to go to the bathroom and come out again, it is right back to step 1.

When you are with her long enough, her eyes begin to register things….when you leave to do a load of laundry for example, her eyes are right back,,,,,unfocused, not seeing anything, filled with terror.

She does not whimper in fear, she will almost scream softly in fear if she feels intimidated and threatened, which thank goodness is less and less.

Yesterday, two times I did have to circle around her again in the fenced in yard to gently guide her inside. We are a long way off from using a lunge line etc. Leashes terrify her.

Today, so far she is back to the progress I made days ago with opening up the door and passively ignoring her and she comes in.

She will at least drink in front of us and around us now. Eating was not there when she first arrive – not abnormal – then she was eating and then she went off eating.

We are now mixing wet and she eats best when everyone is asleep.

Once she lets you touch her, she begins almost frozen to the spot and then over time will stand up and pace back and forth just within reach of your fingertips. If you let you hand fall down, she will step a bit closer, not much and you know that she wants you to lift your hand again and let her walk past them letting them gently drift across her fur.

When we also let our hand fall back down, she will look towards you, so that is when you know she is registering and in the depths of her fear, is on the edge of the land of the living.

She is wonderful in her crate and is housebroken and this is why BHRR exists…for her, for dogs like her…..

AND as long as it takes….we are patient…..very patient….we have demonstrated that many times over the past 21+ years.

ND it is now off!

Thanks to Mason. BHRR’s Black Diamond trusted him enough to allow him to remove the horrible choke collar that she arrived into rescue with. It is finally gone!

BHRR’s Black Diamond is now sporting this gorgeous collar sent all the way from the East Coast. It was donated so generously and with such love by M. Gladstone. A matching leash is also being sent her way.

Thank you again…..SO much! It is stunning on her.

Per Margaret: “I believe the warm colours and fun zany pattern will help her spirit heal.”

We will take some photo’s of her modelling her new fashion-wear shortly.

This stunning blue beauty is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

BHRR’s Limerick!

We shall post updates as we can!

This is BHRR’s Black Diamond. She arrived to BHRR March 12th and is truly one of the more heartbreaking Danes we have seen and we have seen many over the past 21 years.

I was going to post a video I took of her yesterday AM and I decided not to. For those who have followed her since the first picture was posted at the pound of her terrified, tail tucked up, eyes wide and almost frozen with fear to the spot and read about how she was impossible to leash or examine etc., already know that she has a long rehab journey ahead of her.

So, I want to focus on the positives since her arrival and not just the real terror she feels and that every touch no matter how slight makes her flinch….that is when you can get close enough to touch her.

Every step forward or two forward is met with a step or two backwards once we are out of her presence and sight…..then we start from the beginning again.

So positive first:
1) she finally started eating and drinking last night!
2) she actually munched and crunched on a smoked marrow bone from the butchery today
3) she has learned where the door is and will come back to the door now
4) she will allow us sometimes to take her by her collar and lead her gently to her crate
5) she will more easily go into her crate
6) she spends her time now 75% open crate and 25% on her own volition in our sunroom that has 6 Costco dog beds and the radiant floor heating on
7) when you can touch her and you leave your hand on her gently, while she is still extremely tense she is less posed for flight
8) she looks at you with such terror in her eyes yet she has now begun to actually ‘see’ & ‘notice’ other things around her – this is excellent….she is so lost within herself right now that she is in survival shutdown mode
9) while there are still small fear growls and whimpers of being scared it is less
10) when we are outside, she will actually take a few steps in our direction and not just bolt first
11) she is panting less in stress than she was
12) she has only made one attempt to snap at the leash and that was on Sunday night
13) when she does come in, she no longer makes a beeline to a corner of the sun-room
14) she has so much potential!
15) in both pictures posted her tail is not tucked up right under her belly!

She has only been with us just over 48 hours….this is good!

The heartbreaking reality….for now:
1) so undersocialised
2) she has not felt caring loving gentle touches for she flinches and tenses up at every touch and begins to panic yet she is a lot less likely to bolt – she has been neglected & hurt
3) there was a lot of trouble leashing her at the pound and even when Tom/Maira went to pick her up, she lunged and bit at the leash in complete fear & she did that once so far here
4) we cannot as of yet get that oversized terrible choke collar off her….but that time will come!
5) she was so scared on Sunday – Maira told me that she was having a lot of gas & she was – that she fear pooped once – only the one time
6) the leash is still quite scary to her and I show it to her so she gets to see it and will learn it means something so good/exciting and not something horrible. We no longer loop leash her as we can get her in and out without a leash now.
7) Up until today, I had to circle around her in the 3+ fenced acreage as she would run to the far corner and cower – two of our 2011 Freedom Danes also did this when they first arrived BHRR’s Gretta & her sister BHRR’s Peanut – and she would run away from me and I just walked behind her slowly guiding her in the direction I wanted her to go….towards the house
8) this girl is broken…her spirit crushed
9) she is confused and clearly has had a lack of structure, consistency and very little true love in her short life to date
10) she wrenches at my heart yet we must continue forward. I do not show her pity or sorrow….I keep that deep within me for that is doing her zero favours. She is doing things at her pace and on her terms with us giving her opportunities and guiding her in the move forward direction she needs in order to come back to the land of the living

This is BHRR’s Black Diamond today as part of her first BHRR Winter Wonderland. I got as close to her as I could so she did not feel intimidated and then was so pleased to see her come even closer to me!

The photo in the thread shows her posed to take flight and proud of her that she did not! BHRR’s Black Diamond you are doing great! I ask from you no more than I know you can give and we do have some tough love as we take your rehab journey for there is much to show you and for you to experience as you are ready….to help you realise what an amazing girl you are!

Tomorrow is Day three….another day and the path of new steps to be taken forward and back and in time more forward than back and then just forward onward we go!

You will learn that you can like yourself and that you are worthy and deserving!

Notice that as nervous as she is, her tail is not tucked up right to her belly like it was at the shelter!



BHRR Winter Wonderland – 40+ cms of snow!
March 14th, 2017
*They are looking for the kids?! No one told the doggies that it is the March Break!

They love their routine!


BHRR’s Rickards – EM

Winter Wonderland Day
March 14th, 2017


This beautiful lady was at the Vet on Monday night for her latest recheck! BHRR’s Giselle!

Look at her gorgeous coat coming in!!

I think she loves to be touched and loved on now!! The more she has healed and the better she has felt, the more affectionate she is becoming! She is rocking her obedience and will now even walk on to the scale and sit pretty! Her Vet is impressed with her almost ladylike manners now….a far cry from the wild jungle beast that first arrived.

She is so passionate about expressing her affection and love of things now and I adore that about her! No china tea cups for this gal! She also remains so open and honest about when she has had enough and I respect her 100% for that. She has had so many exams and been poked, prodded and had to have meds since she arrived in September and she is a true warrior for taking it all as well as she has…..

When she first arrived, she was one raw hurting wound with sores and in major pain, urine burns and with serious eye/ear infections, sarcoptic mange, a bacterial skin infection, an UTI etc…..

She is still battling some skin/ear issues and when she goes in for that ovarian remnant surgery, my request to address her one eye with the entropion will be corrected. Her Vet agrees that it should be done…..we had wanted it done when she was there January 10th for her spay but the surgeon did not find it that bad. That eye clearly is bothering her again and is swollen again so we have the go ahead once again to make it better for her surgically!

She did fabu even with her nails too! You sure have come far BHRR’s Giselle!

We did KT ear treatments on both ears and we will keep up with the malacetic wipes on her feet. Her back feet are worse than her front but significant improvement over her last recheck.

Still yeasty yet she has come a long way! A really long way with her rehab journey….both emotionally and in training plus medical wise.

This once ‘hot mess’ girl is now more of a ‘warm mess’….we are very slowly getting her back to health!

We have been scaling back her food for she is chunky monkey…..she loves to eat now and will eat her food and then want to eat The Lion Kings food too! She currently eats all by herself.

This handsome boy was also at KAH tonight with BHRR’s Giselle!

He had his latest recheck exam and the two rounds of antibiotics have finally worked its magic! His skin looks good, his eyes and ears look good and he received a thumbs up! I would like to see a bit more weight and his Vet agrees, yet it is not anything that would hold him back from being placed up for adoption anytime soon.

BHRR’s Rickards is scheduled for his professional photo shoot on March 31st and once those photos are in, he will have his special announcement to make! Gives him a few more weeks to put on some more weight too.

So stay tuned over the next three weeks for his special announcement!

WTG! BHRR’s Rickards!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Rubble!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Pearl with BHRR’s Latte!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Leroy and BHRR’s Ivy’s butt!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Purse Puppy Coco Chanel!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Freedom Dane Gretta & BHRR’s Comet!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

BHRR’s Maverick with BHRR’s Leroy!


It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!

Here is BHRR’s Baby Griffin with Matrix photo crashing and also BHRR’s Purse Puppy Chanel with one of my own special needs GD’s Ice! AND that is BHRR’s Raven’s butt!

We are now home!!

For those who had the pleasure of meeting BHRR’s Cherry and BHRR’s Blossom – two amazing, equally terrified BBBBB’s that came into BHRR over the years and were successfully rehabbed. Both also were from the same area of Quebec and I would almost bet my bottom dollar they are all related……

BHRR’s Black Diamond is a small, lovely in porpotion, beautiful Dane about 1 year of age. She is shedding a lot and has lots of dander, gas too! Yet, per a post I made on her first photo, her body condition is quite good overall. She is not skinny. I wish more people understood a skinny dog over one that is nice & lean!

I am already receiving signs of trust with some leans and being able to touch her from head, side of face to rump. She watches me and will follow me. Always so humbling….

First line of business when she lets me is to take off that horrible choke chain.

Thank you again to Maira & Tom for picking her up from the pound and safely transporting her closer to me! Thank you for the leash and the two blankets for her also!! Maira kept declining my offer to reimburse her for fuel too….so darn lucky to know such kind good and generous people!

We are settling in and more soon!

Welcome to BHRR Black Diamond!

It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!

Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!

None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!!

This is everyone’s fav Ironman – BHRR’s Maverick!

Looking mighty distinguished with his ‘frosting’ yet he shall always be the biggest goofball!

He is doing fabu!!

That is also BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Ivy & BHRR’s purse Puppy Coach plus BHRR’s Raven in the photo too! All are visiting us this week!!

@ 9:00 AM Maira & Tom had BHRR’s Black Diamond in their safe keeping and I am on my way to meet them!

Will update again as I can!

Maira says she is travelling well!

Per Maira, they had trouble getting the leash on at the pound and we knew that would be the case as they found it impossible to leash her nor were able to exam her.

She did lunge and bite at the leash….all expected plus understood behaviour.

Why I have called her BHRR’s Black Diamond. Several reasons for this:

1) she is a beautiful diamond in the rough
2) black diamonds are most valued for their artistic beauty and dark allure
3) natural Black diamonds are somewhat different from most other diamonds in that these stones are incredibly precious, absolutely beautiful, and considered quite valuable.
4) Found in very few locations – Brazil being one of them. For you Maira as her rescue transport angel meeting me!
5) the mesmerising color is received from Mother Nature.
6) Natural Fancy Black Diamonds are rare and beautiful

So, BHRR’s Black Diamond aka Diamond she is named!

AND it is official!

BHRR’s Hercules, our ever so handsome Blue GD tripod is now ADOPTED!
March 10th, 2017

This is a special story to my heart as this home has now adopted three dogs from BHRR over the years. Wonderful homes like this are truly an important part of the strong beating heart of our CHAIN OF SUCCESS!

Sadly, the BBBBB Dane that they had adopted from us in 2011, passed away in November 2016, just shy of his 11th Birthday. 🙁 🙁

After mourning and healing, they were ready to open up their hearts and home to another BHRR Dane, and this home takes after my own heart for the special needs are equally dear to them. 🙂

AND to make this story more special, they had helped transport BHRR’s Hercules from the MSPCA closer to me and met me for the transfer of him so he could then begin his rehab journey. He lost close to 60 necessary pounds and we had to amputate that horrible leg that was causing him such chronic pain. Plus, we got his thyroid on track.

To think that he is now back in their hands now as his forever loving adoptive home, is touching!

Some things are just meant to be!

I think they have created a tradition now of adopting dogs they have helped transport as BHRR’s Hercules is not the first……some will recognise this awesome Dobie in the picture….BHRR’s Reese(blind/hearing impaired & neuro) adopted May 2014!

They have seen BHRR’s Hercules a few times since he arrived into our care and a couple of weeks ago, took him for a play date as they are also approved BHRR Volunteers. On Wednesday March 8th, they picked him up again for an overnight play date and well, the rest is history! He is now home!

Congratulations to them and to BHRR’s Hercules! You waited a long time Herc for someone to see you for you and not a dog with three legs and your personality, heart, love plus zest of life continues to just shine! Not to mention how freakin’ handsome you are!

A big personality has now LEFT the building and I am filled with tears of such happiness and yes, maybe one or two of having to say good-bye yet this is what we do!

We are now able to help another in need of us….for BHRR’s Hercules you have not needed us in ages.


BHRR’s Latte – ~4.5 year old Neo

March 10th, 2017

BHRR’s Latte was at the Vet last night.

She weighed 92.84 pounds. The two Vets that saw her are in complete agreement with me that she needs muscle tone/mass and to put on another 10-12 pounds of weight and she will be fabu.

Her heart and lungs sound good. YAY!

We investigated the wart on her right front foot, the two skin tags on her back left foot and the scar on her right elbow area.

We did a needle biopsy of the sizeable mass on her left scapulae area and it is a sebaceous cyst. So as long as it does not enlarge(much smaller now that we removed some contents) or get infected, it does not need to be surgically removed. Same with her wart and skin tags.

Her ears were heavily waxy and we lightly cleaned them and will more thoroughly clean them as she gets settled in.

Her teeth are so worn the poor thing. So worn they are super small and non existent in many areas ….the left side is worse than the right and we need to re-visit this later as we did a lot to her.

She had vaccines and will go back in four weeks for a booster.

In having her nails done a mass/lump on her left front foot was discovered. It is really inflamed(picture in thread below) and as she had had more than enough of poking and prodding, when she goes back for a recheck we will re-visit.

The one Vet feels that with the way that she walks – eastie westie almost and with her nails having been so long that she was walking abnormally on her pads. She would like us to monitor and observe to see if now that she is on a grass and sand foundation plus with her nails really short if that improves. If not, we shall biopsy via a needle to start and go from there. Her right front foot has a smaller less irritated area yet does not appear to have the same type of lump/mass.

Her eyes are bad. Her right one has a strong suspicion of a cataract. We did a fluorescein eye stain on both eyes for her Vet to better view the eye and we shall also re-visit this at her recheck and go to a specialist if required.

Her left eye has a small growth in the corner under the lids.

Both eyes are red, irritated and infected. She is now on Tobradex, 1-2 drops every 12 hours until we recheck in a couple of weeks.

Once the infections and inflammation goes down it can be better determined if her entropion requires surgical correction or is it the growth and cataract causing her eyes to be this bad and the entropion is not as severe as it looks right now. Her left eye is worse than her right.

She does shake on her back right leg. Hoping that increased muscle mass/tone shall greatly help that and we will check for hip and knee dysplasia the next time she is in…she did more than enough!

I also microchipped her and we are running a fecal.

She is being de-wormed and is on Revolution and shall start Bravecto shortly.

I think that is about it…she did so well!!

Her crate training is going excellent and her leash manners are improving! She is one of the nicest/sweetest Neo’s we have ever had and we have had many incredible ones!

BHRR’s Hercules is moving under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Our handsome blue tripod who has waited so patiently for so long as has all of his friends/fans, is finally moving under a Pending Adoption!

We shall update as we can!

This gorgeous adolescent black beauty (no more than 18 months old) is waiting in the wings to come to BHRR as the next in need of our highly specialised rescue assistance.

She shall be only the 4th dog to date in 2017 that we have been able to step up to assist. We have to always be about quality not quantity.

With BHRR’s expertise being on the special needs, medical and/or behavioural, 95%+ of the Danes/Giant & honorary Giants we take in are the really broken, the severely neglected and/or abused, the emaciated, the hurt, the terrified, the untrained, the dying, the deaf and/or the blind, the misunderstood, the sick and the almost destroyed etc….

Dogs, others will not or cannot assist and this has been our mandate since our inception in 1996 to be there for these dogs as we believe that they to deserve the best of lives as it is not their fault they have been let down by humans.

Our Haven program has been the safe home to so many over the past 21 years and we always adopt out those we can and continue to protect plus adore those for life that are not able to be adopted out.

We are not miracle workers, and do not pretend to be. We are committed, experienced, highly educated plus knowledgeable humans that have dedicated our lives to be there for those that cannot speak or stand up for themselves.

This stunning girl is absolutely and extremely terrified plus severely anxious….to the point that she cannot be properly handled, she cannot be examined and is very defensive plus protective of her space. The Dane is so fearful to the point of being assessed by the shelter as being aggressive.

This is why we were contacted to see if we could help her.

With the possibility of more approved adoptions on the horizon, how could we not step up ……she needs so much…..

She will need a name….she will need to learn about helping hands, not hurting hands and we have promised to do right by her…..

ETA to BHRR Sunday March 12th.


Thank you SO much to everyone that has reached out asking if BHRR’s Latte is in need of anything! So kind and caring.

What she could use is a Costco dog bed to call her own. I have a leash and a collar from extra’s donated at XMAS to BHRR. I took off the choke collar that she was wearing when we picked her up and now she has a martingale.

We are good for all else other than we could use more XL dog bowls.

We will post what her Vet Bills are after her Vet visit tomorrow!

So many amazing angels in the world….BHRR’s Latte, you will experience so much in loving hands and never shall you be hurt or neglected ever again!

Another photo of her!

We are now home!!! Close to midnight!

At just before 5:30 pm Tuesday night, Elizabeth – thank you again! – & I began our adventurous and not so fun in quite a few ways drive to pick up this beauty. We battled fog and rain and transports in the dark, not to mention Montreal traffic!

This lovely lady is the next in need of us! She is a Neo, ~4.5 years of age.

We were told she was 30-40 pounds underweight. For she was being fed human scraps and as she was hungry and went into the pantry, had been ‘punished’ and then was kept outside in these winter temps.

This is the second home that we are told that she had been in and the first home used to leave her all alone for extreme long periods of time, often only seeing her human briefly once daily.

I have a Vet appointment already set up for her to be seen and we will go from there….she will begin her de-worming protocol tomorrow and we will put her on Revolution to start.

She travelled wonderfully in a car. We had been told that she has not been in a car in close to two years and she truly did great!

Welcome to BHRR sweet girl!

Goodnight from our home to all of our friends, family and supporters!



Having Littermates/Multiple Puppies

Original Post: March 29th, 2011
Edited: March 6h, 2017

Since 1996; I have had a 4 sets of litter-mate puppies; (2 Golden Retriever Rescues- full brothers, different litters, 7 months apart – and 3 pairs of same litter Great Danes puppies – one being brother/sister(2004) and two being brother/brother(2006 & 2014) – of which my present Dane pair – Ice & Zero are brothers  and are now almost 3. They will turn 3 in June.

At the time that I did add these boyz to my heart/home in 2014, I did have older Great Danes too(My oldest Dane is now almost 10 – Multi CH Bronson tuns 10 in June 2017 and my GSx tuns 13 in July 2017).

Additionally, I added a new show puppy to my home when my 2 littermate brothers, of Dyce and Soul were both only 14 months of age and Bronson was almost 4 years old. When Bronson was 16 months, I added my third show puppy; TAIN who has long since crossed over. In September of 2010; I added another Great Dane – Sir Maestro; my last show prospect who is now turning 7 in July 2017 and in November of 2010; I then added another Special Needs – Bleach(Blind/Deaf) who has also now sadly crossed over. We have been a multi dog home since 1996.

I have not found it all that much harder in the housebreaking, training, socialisation etc. in having two pups/dogs over one. BUT one has to be committed, dedicated, do proper integration, training, socialisation etc. and is not wearing blinders or lazy; and only then; would I say that having two at the same time is perfectly fine for the right person/people in the right home.

I am also aware that I am also not the ‘typical’ dog owner home with what I do professionally. 😉

I have also not found that they have necessarily bonded more to each other than to myself (though they are close) and when I do their training/socialisation; I do it in groups, just them and also as individuals. In regards to Vet bills, one must be prepared IMHO to ensure that they can afford the bills for vetting, altering, microchipping(important in my opinion), emergencies etc. for the additions including the higher food bills costs.

It is definitely not something for everyone and not something I would recommend that everyone out there rush out to do and I stand by that ONLY in the right home with the right personality pups; two can be wonderfully busy.

If the whole family is not on board with the idea of having two, that is a big ‘red’ flag to me that it is best to wait at this time. It can be hard to be patient BUT it will be so worth it in the end if things are done the ‘right’ way and people are not setting themselves, their current Dane(s) and any possible new addition up for failure. My general recommendation for most homes is to wait until their current addition is at least 12-18 months.

Time, patience, consistency, obedience, love and structure are your best tools/aids along with a properly qualified Training Professional of which sadly, is one of the least regulated professions in Canada.

Just my two cent’s worth as always.

This handsome young man was neutered & microchipped today. BHRR’s Rickards.

His repeat bloodwork after finishing his first round of antibiotics plus completing his de-worming protocol gave him the thumbs up to be neutered.

All the pics Sean took were fuzzy of him today so no new photo’s to share of him yet we will get professional ones done of him in March.

He is hovering just under 120 pounds and is still slowly putting on the weight.

He remains on antibiotics for his skin and he shall have a recheck in mid-March to see where things stand.

If all goes well, perhaps by end of March, BHRR’s Rickards will have his own special announcement to make!

He has been great with all the females here yet has wanted to bully two males – twice now of my 7 month old Wolfie and once, BHRR’s Rubble(AVAILABLE For Adoption). We are working on acceptable / appropriate manners and he is responding beautifully….

Play Date #2!

What a wonderfully crazy busy day today!

While I had to work, this handsome man, our fabu tripod BHRR’s Hercules had his regular T4 test plus had a mani/pedi and then he went on his first of two play dates today! He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!

He was loved on and snuggled and cuddled and after this sweet play date was over, he went to another approved BHRR Volunteer and hung out and snoozed and was further loved! Thank you Karen for thiese super photo’s!

After work, Sean & I then attended an amazing birthday party hosted by a truly kind lady, Christa whose son Jackson turned 8 and in lieu of Birthday pressies, he chose our deaf/blind Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson to support! He had his right eye removed February 6th. For those that follow this awesome Dane pup on his group, a Gwennie novel was posted with tons of photo’s of Jackson meeting Jackson at the TD Centre where the birthday party was hosted! It was such a special moment seeing both Jacksons meet!!

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson rocked it! He is such a sound plus well balanced pup that saw nothing phase him… two elevator rides, stairs, people, kids, the hockey game, the underground parking garage, buses and busy traffic etc….he is excelling in his scent plus touch training!

AND we also approved a new BHRR Volunteer today! Welcome to the BHRR fam….officially Gracie!

When I arrived home, a deeply heartwarming email by one of our great approved homes, was waiting for me to say we had been chosen as the recipient of a work Valentine’s Day Fundraiser and $475 shall come our way! This will go towards our ever increasing vet bills!

What little voice I had coming back is now long gone yet what a deeply inspiring day thanks to so many!!

I say this often yet truly the animals’ of BHRR are majorly blessed…..

There will be several photo’s posted in this thread of BHRR’s Hercules & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson’s day!

Good night wishes being sent from my home to all of our friends, family and supporters!

This is BHRR’s Giselle on the way home from a Vet visit at LAH!

She is now a wiggly 58.5 kgs(128.70 pounds!). Hard to believe the once emaciated Dane is now reaching the chunky monkey stage! She has put on 25+ pounds of muscle mass & weight since her arrival! WTG!

AND her personality! Amazing…she has really settled down the healthier she has become with that skin, ears/eyes, feet etc….she is not yet 100% yet no longer one raw wound. She is a real class clown….one still with a strong mind of her own for sure though! Major obedience, consistency and structure has also helped her too….a lot!

As we prepare for the next steps with her per my one fairly recent post…. the Vet did end up doing an ultrasound today. The Vet had told us this already weeks ago, finding an ovary remnant is so difficult to do via an u/s. We also know this as being factual from the one and only case we have had to date in our over 21 years with BHRR, of a Dane having an ovary remnant from a spay (spay was prior to coming into rescue). We did an u/s and no uterus/ovaries were seen as we wanted to be sure she was spayed and then mere days later she did go into a heat and so, the surgical search was then on for the ovarian remnant and it was found. She was subsequently adopted when healed!

What BHRR’s Giselle’s Vet did today was check that she did not have an uterus or ovaries that could be seen. This would support the ‘scar’ found January 10th when she was brought in to be spayed and also support the virtually non-existent progesterone level testing we were recommended to do the same day the scar was found.

BHRR’s Giselle is now officially confirmed as having no uterus or noticeable ovaries.

So, surgery it shall be for her to find that ovary remnant. Our 2nd Dane in 21+ years of operating that will have had an ovary remnant. AND BHRR’s Maple could be our third…..per that same fairly recent post. We are in a hold pattern with her right now.

At the time BHRR’s Giselle has her surgery, I also would like to have the one eye with the mild entropion addressed again for possible surgical correction for it still bothers her even with the eye infections resolved plus swelling greatly reduced.

BHRR’s Giselle…..we work hard to do right by all of our dogs and so sorry for all the poking & prodding…….to get to the same end result we were at January 10th….that this is a spay scar and then on February 5th….that you do indeed have some remnant of an ovary, it shall be surgically removed and your UTI is gone!


Her Vet cauterizing and making her comfortable again!

Posted in Ani

Her mouth during surgery – *graphic* and one of the nasty growths removed!


Posted in Ani

This BBBBB – Haven Dog BHRR’s Ani had her third mouth surgery today….I did her pre-op bloodwork and recheck exam last week in prep for her surgery.

Isn’t she gorgeous?!

We will be hosting another small flash auction to help pay for her surgery bills, BHRR’s Maple(who has one, yet possibly two more surgeries ahead of her), BHRR’s Giselle’s own surgery and BHRR’s Rickards latest round of antibiotics and his neuter!

Busy times….yet the BHRR doggies shall never lack for anything…..whatever they need….

Posted in Ani

BHRR’s Baby Kaos is ‘home’. ADOPTED!

From having this wee squishie in my heart and home since he was 6 weeks of age, a big emotional felt day yet we knew what we wanted for him from the day we were asked to assist…..that we could rehab him successfully so that he could have that right matched personality fit forever loving home to call his very own!

In just a matter of weeks since he was finally ready to be placed up for adoption, he is now where he is meant to be! ADOPTED!

It was a long road to health my dear little man yet you did it! You make us feel so much joy in thinking about the future you will have and I will tell Salt, who shall also dearly miss you that you are truly happy!

Congrats to BHRR’s Kaos and to his really lovely and special home!! It was a true pleasure going through this adoption process with them and in meeting them today. Really kind people that join the ‘BHRR Fam’.

Thank you’s sent to them for the donation of towels too!

Thank you to Julie for helping me to do this home-visit. Sure wish I felt better and we could have spent some visiting time together!! Having you there was great! Thank you for the donation of paper towels and the stunning flowers plus those delicious delights! You are so giving and caring.

Thank you to Sean for all of your help to assist me get to this home-visit with me feeling so icky! You are a great man and I am blessed!!

BHRR’s Baby Kaos, may you fill this home with as much happiness, laughter, antics and gooberness as you have done to our own home!! A big personality has now officially ‘left the building!’

If I had been feeling better I would have loved to have seen more of this gorgeous area called Blue Mountains that BHRR’s Kaos was adopted to….another time!

Happy Sunday wishes being sent to all!

Time to drive home……

HRR’s Baby Kaos’ Bed is now moved beside mine and we are signing off for the night!

AND yes, that is actually Fawn along his ear.


We are here!

Tired yet safe! A long day that began at 6:00 AM, saw a full day at work and then did the drive here.

BHRR’s Baby Kaos had an excellent trip down! He just ate a light snack of food, drank plenty of water, explored every inch of the hotel grounds and now is happily chomping on his Dino bone with a special blanket to suck on(he loves to steal throws to just suck on!), comfy bed and two toys to play with!

Going to crash soon as I am still very much under the weather and no longer have a voice. Made checking in fun!

Lovely front end person when I checked in as booking.com did not pass on that I had a dog and so she waived the pet fee! She also loved my hair so she has excellent taste!

I will update all of BHRR’s Baby Kaos’ fans and friends tomorrow as I can and the most important thing is ensuring if this is his right matched forever loving home. If it is not, then it is not and he comes back home with me and to his bff that he grew up with, my Salt!

Has to always be about the right home fit!

Good night from Owen Sound, Ontario to all of you!

 AND we are on our way!

We shall post again after we arrive at our hotel in Owen Sound, Ontario


Busy times at BHRR!

BHRR’s Ani was at KAH last night for a quick exam and repeat bloodwork as we prepare for her third epulus ligament surgery.

Today BHRR’s Rain, one of our amazing Haven dogs went to her approved temp foster while BHRR’s Rickards left that same approved foster home to come to me. Thank you to them for stepping up to be his emerge temp foster for the last just shy of 6 weeks!

BHRR’s Rickards had a recheck today, we also did repeat bloodwork, he had his booster and another refill on antibiotics was given as his face/muzzle are battling some new area’s of rawness….he had finished his last round of meds February 8th. He was fawned and loved on by many and what a Mr. Nosey he is!! LOL It is great to finally meet him myself….I had been hearing from quite a few how fabu he is and he sure is!

Tomorrow, after work at the Hospital, I am making the long drive to Blue Mountains, Ontario with Mason and BHRR’s Baby Kaos to prepare for his home-visit for a possible approved adoption on the Sunday.

Thank you as well to Kelley for the donation of empty wine bottles and other goodies our way that Sean picked up today on his way home from work!

This picture is of the beautiful BHRR’s Rain in her approved temp foster home!

From our home to all of our friends and family, we hope that all of you have a most wonderful good night!



This handsome man, BHRR’s Rickards(EM) is leaving his emerge BHRR approved temp foster home on Friday to come to us.

Thank you to this wonderful BHRR approved temp foster home in stepping up to assist us in helping him, for keeping him safe plus loving on him for the last almost 6 weeks!

We were in urgent need of spot for him in so that he could get out of the rural pound he was in and we are truly grateful for their assistance! This boy was dumped as their home was having a baby and we gave him a new name for a fresh new beginning….

This home shall then temp foster their 6th foster for us – BHRR’s Rain as of Friday!

I will be repeating blood-work plus having a re-recheck on BHRR’s Rickards and hopefully we get normal results this time around and he can then be neutered!

Since his arrival in our rescue care, he has been de-wormed, put on revolution, had an exam, had pre-op bloodwork and heartworm plus tickborne testing done, was put on antibiotics for his skin and has received tons of love!

Thank you also to his rescue transport angels for sending me this photo of the handsome man! You both were there for us/him in an instant and we are so appreciative!

So looking forward in finally meeting this boy!

My last post of tonight! Been a busy day!

We are now taking registration for our next BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House – will be in April!

Please do email gwen@birchhaven.org if you are interested in learning the date/details as we never post publicly as this is a limited registration event!

BHRR’s Eragon(Haven Dog) – says ‘GET’ your registration in early as we always fill up!

He is so enjoying the Winter Wonderland Day here!

3+ fenced in acres to safely run, romp and rip plus play in!

Many may remember that we were asked in November 2016 to assist BHRR’s Eragon as he had a court rap sheet and his O. could not longer keep him….not his fault, he had been abused yet, he paid the price for no longer wanting to be hurt….he is doing well……he is safe with us…..

He is so bonded to me and what can I say?! My heart is smitten with him also!

His face has been healing – he will always have a scar from that muzzle he once wore prior to rescue.

He has also put on much needed muscle mass & weight and looking mighty handsome! His tongue hanging out makes him even more endearing!

We will provide him all the best in quality of health, happiness and love!!

From our home to all of those that stand strong by us, that belief in what we do, why we exist and are needed, thank you and good night!

BHRR’s Steam Boat(Deaf/Visually Impaired)
One of our Honourary Great Danes/Giants
February 12th, 2017

Winter Wonderland Day Here!

BHRR’s Pearl!

She is ready to make her own special announcement!


She can go to a home with or without another dog as what is most important is for her to have a strong network in the community of doggie friends to hang with!

She needs to be reminded now and again about ‘sharing’ as she did not want to share water bowls upon arrival for example. She has zero issues now!

She can go to a home that works ft, pt, from home, sermi-retired or retired as she is another versatile BHRR Dog!

She is excellent with dogs and cats and people of all ages!

She is proof that age is truly only a number. She is fit, active, lean, healthy and uber affectionate! One lovely soul at our Community Education Event at PV Stittsville yesterday even thought she was a young pup! 😀

She is crate trained and has also proven trustworthy unsupervised.

She is fabu to do nails and to bathe and is an excellent passenger in a car.

She can take a few moments to warm up to strangers yet she is no longer painfully shy, or scared and if just offered a treat or passively ignored, she is quite the social bee! She is a quiet girl who has the most endearing ‘paw’ shake…she turns a bit sideways to do it. 🙂

She did fabu at our February 5th BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open house and also attended our February 11th Community Education event at PV Stittsivlle and ROCKED it!

At first, she derived confidence from BHRR’s Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson at our PV Sttittsville event and once she felt in her element, she was content to meet and greet people and be spoiled with treats plus loving. 🙂

To think that when she first arrived to BHRR she was so terrified that she could not be touched and was scared of her own shadow is still distressing yet to see her now….amazing!

WTG BHRR’s Pearl! WTG Pretty Pearl!

You are such a love and I am so proud of all that you represent!

BHRR is here for the Danes/Giants with a strong focus on the special needs that others cannot or will not assist and we are honoured to help!

First BHRR Winter Wonderland Day of 2017! 25+ cm of snow and counting!

BHRR’s Lion King Pumbaa!



Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson!
8 months of age – Deaf/Blind
6 days post right eye enucleation and nothing is holding him back!

He has been rocking his scent plus touch training and look at him go with such confidence!

Winter Wonderland Day February 12th, 2017

For Jackson, he knows no limits as we have not set any for him! He is happy, healthy and living a wonderful life thanks to so many Brazilian Rescue Angels standing by his and our side!

If you know of a Great Dane in need, please do not hesitate to contact us at contactbhrr@gmail.com

We are a federally registered NPO that has been operating for over 21 years! We have a strong focus on the special needs Danes/Giants.

We also provide a safe haven for life for those that are deemed non adoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons.

What a truly special day today @ Pet Valu Stittsville for our 3rd Annual Grooming For Gretta Event!!

Thank you to Bre and her really amazing staff yet again for being the perfect hosts!! No matter how many times I asked, they would not allow me to clean up after ourselves upon leaving either!!

Thank you to Manon of Groomingdale’s for helping to do nails plus ear cleanings! We did nails ranging from 8 week old Ranger, the lab to almost 9 year old Scotty the Saint Bernard! What a delight meeting so many great pets!!

Thank you to the Maracle Family x 4, The Boerskins x 3 & also to you dear Gracie for lending a hand today to talk to our lovely visitors, to wash doggies and to help handle the beautiful BHRR’s Pearl(she has an announcement to make soon!) & Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson! Each of you continue to inspire me with your caring hearts with all that you do for BHRR!!

Thank you to each kind and generous visitor that stopped by to spend some time with us! I apologise again as I was not feeling my best and had a cracking voice.

Thank you to PV for the donations, and to each loving soul that donated. It was extremely generous! Be it food, treats, a toy for Jackson and/or monies to our cause, items to auction off and even for the couple of beautiful gifts for us….we remain humbled and honoured by your belief and support in our Rescue work! Thank you for giving our Danes such a great experience!

Thank you Jan and Jenny for the Timmie’s treats too!

This photo is of Brenna, one of Jacksons’ Brazilian Rescue Angels. In December she bought him his very own Costco Dog Bed for him to have upon his arrival to BHRR… which was January 7th. She is holding her rose of thanks from him!!

The animals’ of BHRR are blessed and all of you helped raise $614 to help pay for Vet Bills of BHRR’s Maple & The Brazilian Dane Baby!

Despite it being a cold winter day, my heart is deeply warmed thanks to so many!!!

We are at Pet Valu Stittsville today to 4 pm!

Doing nails, ear cleaning and dog baths!

We have some merchandise for sale and Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson has been giving away roses!

This is BHRR’s Pearl looking out for our next guests!!

Thanks PV Stittsville for this amazing opportunity!!



BHRR’s Baby Kaos wants to say something!!

As of February 11th, he is now under a PENDING ADOPTION!

He was finally given the thumbs up by his ortho team to be placed up for adoption and we made that announcement January 1st, 2017 AND now less than 6 weeks later, he is under a PENDING ADOPTION!

Many have followed his journey to health very closely and have stood by his side every step of the way!!!

We shall update everyone as we can…..



BHRR’s Rain shall actually be heading to her perma-foster home February 17th.

This approved Volunteer home stepped up in our time of need to emerge temp foster BHRR’s Rickards from January 7th until the 18th of February(he is now coming the 17th to our home) and they will then take BHRR’s Rain.

This shall be their 6th foster for BHRR!



This is BHRR’s Giselle!

She went in to KAH for her spay on January 10th and this is what was found when she was shaved…a scar….I was so surprised to see this scar once she was shaved as the shelter had insisted that she was not spayed…..I went back and forth a few times on her case with the shelter as we wanted to be sure to spay her if she was not already spayed.

We dialogued if this was a c-section scar, umbilical hernia scar etc…I was told that ‘no, this was almost without doubt a spay scar.’

We were advised to do a progesterone test(expensive… ) to rule out via hormones if she was or was not spayed….we believe in doing all proactive and preventive vetting required/necessary on our dogs and without hesitation agreed. We go up and beyond as we want the very best for the dogs….

We did the bloodwork that same day and were told the next day that the results indicated that BHRR’s Giselle was in fact spayed.

Fast forward to Sunday February 5th and at our BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house, and some of the Pet Valu Stittsville lovelies that were visiting, grabbed me to say they thought she was in heat.

I go over and sure enough there are drips of blood and they do not ‘appear’ to be typical heat drops and ‘seemed’ possible it could be UTI related. Her last UTI was successfully resolved upon arrival to BHRR in September. BHRR’s Giselle was not doing any straining or frequent urination, there was no odour to her urine and her urine looks normal. Yet, still could not rule out another UTI.

So, I mentioned to all that I would get her back to KAH and so I had her there tonight.

As BHRR’s Giselle is on specific meds, most UTI’s, not all, yet most would be being treated soooooooooo, the Vet believes that quite possibly BHRR’s Giselle has a remnant of an ovary or that this scar is from another scenario including those listed above and another option could have been from an enterotomy. We do not know her past….we have no records of what she had and did not have prior to rescue.

Once BHRR’s Giselle stops her drips, we will go in and ‘explore’ her women bit area….

For us, we have only ever had one other Dane in 21 years have a remnant of an ovary and now we have possibly BHRR’s Giselle AND in dialoguing via email and also in person earlier today with BHRR’s Maple’s surgeon re: her own histio results, there is the strong possibility that she also has a remnant of an ovary as her medical condition(mammary masses) per the specialist is ‘hormone dependent’. BHRR’s Maple was spayed in August of 2016, the same day I also had BHRR’s Limerick spayed and BHRR’s Rubble neutered.

What are the chances that we have not one but two Danes with the exact same medical situation?!!!

So, yes….I am confused and a bit frustrated as we work so hard to do right by all of our Danes and now, more surgeries and more $$$ plus healing time for these sweet Danes shall be required…..

The last thing I want to do is put BHRR’s Maple through her third surgery since August and now BHRR’s Giselle to have to get back on the table herself….



Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson says ‘I am home…..took my pain meds and antibiotics like a champ, drank a bit, ate a bit and had tons of reassuring cuddles.’

He is now snoozing…..his eye area is naturally bruised plus swollen yet he is as handsome as ever!

So happy he is now home!!!

Thank you Brazilian Rescue Angels!

oday, this handsome young man met several of his amazing Brazilian Rescue Angels, and he and I met Maira for the first time…..

Another almost surreal moment that Jackson and Maira finally were able to meet!

Thank you Maira for coming today from Montreal and meeting us and other dogs in our program in need of us plus meeting other people who believed in what you and I plus Andrea were trying so hard to do and supported our rescue efforts for these Brazilian Dane Babies….

This was one of the beautiful moments caught today at our first BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house of 2017!

Maira, I hope you found him to be well and happy plus healthy!

$352 was raised today to help him with his eye removal surgery tomorrow!



BHRR’s Rickards(EM) – NOT Yet Available For Adoption & JL Pickard the kittie!

BHRR’s Rickards lovely emerge temp foster family sent this adorable picture my way yesterday!

They both snuggle and play together!

BHRR’s Rickards will be back into the Vet once his antibiotics are completed for a recheck and to do repeat bloodwork. If all goes well, we can then look towards booking his neuter.

I have been told that BHRR’s Rickards is doing fabu with his recall in their large yard and the ‘no kitchen’ when cooking rule is getting there.

He has gone through a bout of resourcing which is very common and back to boot camp basics! Now that the honeymoon period is ending – different lengths of times for different dogs – he is feeling comfortable.

I am working with his amazing emerge temp foster home on this and also on his minor SA and he is in great hands!

He will be heading to BHRR February 18th and cannot wait to meet him.

Truly, forever grateful to this home for stepping up and offering to emerge temp foster him plus to his transport BHRR angels in offering to help me mobilise fast to get him out of the rural pound he was in….thank you’s also to his first rescue angel, Kim in reaching out to us and asking if we could help him!

Always heartwarming to note how many people come together, and quickly when needed, all with the same goal in mind to help an animal in need….truly blessed as is this wonderful EM to have this amazing kind network as part of our BHRR village!

Happy Friday wishes to all!


BHRR’s Skye(Neo)
BHRR Haven Dog
Such a beautiful girl!
February 1st, 2017

All snuggled up and dozing in front of one of the fireplaces.

BHRR’s Lion King Pumbaa is scheduled for his annual on Thursday February 16th.

BHRR’s Hercules is scheduled for his next T4 test and a re-weigh on Saturday February 25th. He remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home.

Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson(Deaf/Blind)

Every night before bed (AND we continue to work on the no couch & bed rules!) he ducks his head down and thinks that if we cannot see him, so that must mean….not yet time for bed!

He is partly on the futon bed and partly on the couch in this picture and has easily corrupted one of my own Danes to join him on the futon bed!!

What an adorable ham!

He thanks all of his new friends, fans plus supporters for helping us and working to raise the much needed funds to remove that one eye of his on February 6th that is causing him chronic pain…..

He is so touched to be told that the special picnic date with him offered on our 4th Annual ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Auction is up to a $120 bid!! He is feeling so much love and for those that have already had the joy of meeting this sole survivor of his litter, you shall agree that he is such a special soul deserving of all the great things the world has to offer!!

This happy and energetic goofball of a gem also had her annual at KAH tonight!

BHRR’s Whisper! Yes, she is deaf plus visually impaired yet normal to her and to all of us that adore her and she weighed a slightly plump(her approved temp foster is very aware of the ‘too many treats’ and working on it!) 87.56 pounds.

She is such a happy, loves everyone and everything active gal! Not a mean bone in her body and she knows nothing but joy and happiness and expresses so much positiveness to all around her!

She makes people not just smile but laugh and is a total lovebug!! Enthusiastic and playful and kind plus filled with a total goofy mischievous side!!

Her exam was a great one also. Her skin, common in many whites to have skin issues, was given a thumbs up. She is washed every couple of weeks with a special medicated shampoo and the seborrhoea is now only along some spots on her back. Her coat is so soft and a clean crisp healthy white over all.

Heart and lungs, A+ and she also was a doll to do nails.

Another dog that I truly adore!


Both she and BHRR’s Abby shall be with us at our next upcoming BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house!

This gorgeous BBBBB had her annual at KAH tonight! BHRR’s Abby!!

She weighed a most wonderful 45.4 Kgs(99.88 pounds)! She looks amazing!! She was overweight at one point during her time in her approved temp foster home yet now has dropped all that excess weight(4+ Kgs) once she came back to BHRR to get back in shape.

Her Vet had many compliments on this grand dame’s (she turns 8 very soon), coat and how shiny plus healthy it looks and how her temperament was truly lovely!! She was fabu for her whole exam! She is even a dream to do nails….

She got an A+ checkup and remains AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION to that right matched forever loving home – one that does not have cats!

Love this beautiful Dane so much!

UPDATE: Dr. Liston called me prior to them beginning to operate.

He does not feel confident that this just a mastitis mammary mass. He believes that it is cancer.

She has also begun to now develop small lumps on the other side.

We have discussed in great detail over what do to and we have decided to remove this mass and send it to histio/pathology. We want to make her as comfortable as possible and give her as much time of QOL as possible.

He cannot remove all masses(this and the small new ones developing) on both sides in one surgery either. There is just not enough skin.

We agreed that for her comfort sake that we will take off the whole mass that she has now and if this comes back as malignant, then we will provide palliative care as her lymph nodes are affected.

Should this come back as benign, we will go back in and remove the other growing lumps.

Sadly, her one lymph node is enlarged and that along with the mass shall be removed. Dr. Liston says that this is not presenting well.

BHRR’s Maple’s histio/pathology report from her December 9th biopsies surgery is in a previous blog post. No mention at all of any possible cancer. It was a large mass back in December and it is possible that the malignant part of this mass was not in the biopsies submitted. She had been placed on strong antibiotics back in December to treat the infection and to decrease the mass and to then do a removal.

Keep this beauty in your thoughts.

This beautiful girl is having her mass removed today!

Keep BHRR’s Maple in your best wishes and thoughts!

We shall update as we can!

Thank you Elizabeth for the extra hands this AM with Brazilian Baby Jackson while I dealt with Miss Quirky Entertaining Pants!


As the night comes upon us even deeper, this is my last post of my night….

It is one filled with such warmth(as always after an event!) and incredible thanks plus hope!

Warmth due to the wonderful hospitality of Pet Valu Kemptville who hosted us today at their location. Helpful, supportive and truly lovely to converse with.

Warmth due to the Maracle family for once again giving up a precious Saturday to hang with The Boerskins, my dear Brogan and also Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson plus BHRR’s Steam!

Warmth due to so many that came to visit with us…we had a truly special couple drive all the way from Woodstock, Ontario to come meet us and talk…..thank you….

Warmth due to the wonderful dogs, cats and even Timothy, the bunny who was like NO bunny ever….I wanted to steal him!

Incredible thanks due to the above and to all of our supporters, believers and friends/family that stand by us daily helping us to keep assisting those in need of our programs….you have no idea what each of you do has meant and does continue to mean to us….21 years we have now been in operation and that is THANKS to each and every strong link on that BHRR ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’!

AND I am filled with hope that we are going to raise what we need to help Jackson live the life he should have always had(and we remain filled with deepest sorrow that we could not get to *Safira* in time nor save *Nala*, two of his litter-mates nor the litter-mate that had been killed by dogs in Brazil prior to our knowledge of these deaf/blind puppies).

Today’s very touching total raised to help us with bills – BHRR’s Maple is having her mass removed January 25th and Jackson’s eye is being removed February 6th AND we have BHRR’s Rickards’ bills also to take care of – he is now on antibiotics for an infection as his blood-work revealed an elevated WBC.

This is a photo that Aaron took today of my Wolfie Brogan(who ended up at KAH on an emergency basis himself yesterday) and Brazilian Dane Baby Jackson – bff’s from the moment they met after Jackson miraculous arrival finally on January 7th! Snuggled up to each other and my feet.

I truly well up thinking of what also would have happened to Jackson should he not have been saved in time….that we managed to save one, while it was not the whole litter, that we were able to save one we have to hold dear to our hearts that can give him all that he deserves and needs for the best of futures……

AND all of that is thanks again to ALL of you….thank you! Thank you for understanding that we are here to always help the next in need of us and that sometimes means not in our back yard…Jackson does not know boundaries or borders and neither did Maira, Andrea or I….we stood together with our Brazilian Dane Angel Army and he is here safe/sound and happy plus healthy….he needed us, they all did….so badly….

THANK you to Jackson for showing so many today how normal a deaf/blind dog is and can be and that he is a gift! He taught and shall continue to teach a lot of people some fabu life lessons…

BHRR’s Steam….what can I say! LOL You are a flirt and we all remain patient….that right matched forever loving home shall find you one day….and if they never do, you are adored by all The Boerskins and your big fan club!

BHRR’s Steam, you surprised more than one person yourself with the completely normalcy of your own deafness/visual impairment. LOVE it…..love how people learn to not feel sorry for you and others like you….love how you show and teach them these valuable and important lessons!

Gwennie novel almost over…..please just know how grateful, humbled and truly thankful I am to a village, an community, an army for being there!

$292.35 was raised today!

Good night from my home to all of yours….

Brazilian Baby Jackson says we are at Pet Valu Kemptville today until 4 pm!

We are doing nails for cats/dogs/rabbits!
We are doing ear cleaning for dogs
We have some merchandise for sale AND
We have BHRR’s Steam also here and both of them are doing their Pooch Smooch Red Carpet Sessions!

We have already had dogs and one amazing bunny named Timothy so far for nails today!!

Thank you again Pet Valu Kemptville for this amazing opportunity to talk to people about what we do, to have them meet some of our fabu special needs dogs in our program and to talk responsible dog ownership etc.!

Thank you Aaron for this great pic!

BHRR’s Rickards bloodwork came back negative for Heartworm and Tick-Borne Diseases yet he has an elevated WBC and Globulin levels.

His Vet is putting him on Simplicef antibiotics and I learned that he has been rubbing at his face and he has a mark on his face that is healing. The Vet thinks that this could be a possible cause for his elevated WBC.

As he is being de-wormed with Panacur, that will assist with other aspects of his bw that were indicative of possible parasites.

We shall repeat his bloodwork at some point in the future prior to neutering him.

He remains on Revolution – January 7th, then again January 21st and then again February 7th.

Cannot wait to meet him myself! 🙂

BHRR’s Whisper & BHRR’s Abby’s annual are scheduled for Friday January 27th.

I obtained copies from his Vet file of the two pictures taken of BHRR’s Rickards face/muzzle on January 13th apt. at KAH. I can see some ‘goop’ in his eyes also.

BHRR’s Rickards was at the Vet today!

He weighed 54 kgs(118.80 pounds). Per his emerge temp foster home, he was skinny when he arrived to them January 7th yet they are getting the weight on him nice and even/slow. I asked them to feed him 3-4 smaller meals per day.

Thank you to them for bringing him to KAH today for an exam, pre-op bw in preparation for his neuter when he is ready, heartworm/tickborne testing, nails, and if the Vet felt he was healthy enough – vaccines.

He was being de-wormed as of January 7th and also placed on Revolution. We believe in proper proactive/preventative Vet care ensuring that he is happy and healthy plus keeping all members of the home – pets/humans healthy also and not exposed to parasites/fleas and in the warmer weather ticks etc. One never knows what a dog with an unknown vaccine/vetting history may have.

We had been told he was utd on everything yet I took that with a grain of salt and sure enough…he has had zero documented vetting prior to being dumped at this pound as his home was having a child.

I heard he was a big hit with all and looking forward to meeting him around February 18th myself!

Thank you to his wonderful emerge temp foster home in sending this picture and sending updates my way! This home believes him to more around age 2, not even close to age 4.

Today BHRR’s Maple headed to LAH to see about the removal of this mass since she is now done her course of antibiotics.

Upon exam, Dr. Liston noted her one lymp node by the mass was swollen. He was also able to extract some ‘amber’ fluid with his fingers on one of her teats.

The mass has shrunk since her antibiotic course has ended yet is still substantial as noted in the picture below.

He felt that she still most likely had some infection left and explained his theory on how BHRR’s Maple as a spayed female had mastitis. He believes that she most likely had been close to having a false pregnancy at the time of her spay in August of 2016 and that this could be the possible underlying cause of her current mass condition. There is no definitive answer of course yet a theory given.

We had done blood-work in December and her mass removal surgery has been scheduled for January 25th.

BHRR’s Kaos in action!

It has been a wonderfully busy weekend!

This is a photo shared by the lovely generous angels that picked up BHRR’s Rickards(He NOW has a name!), the English Mastiff from a rural pound and have spent the day transporting him to his equally lovely emerge temp foster home!

Safe journey and thank you ALL deeply again!!!

***As I strongly suspected, he was not utd on vaccines etc….it is a rare Owner Surrender that has done the proper proactive/preventative Vetting required for a healthy dog. An appointment is setup for Friday January 13th for him to be thorough vetted. This home lied about taking him to a Vet to the Pound. I checked the Vet information myself and this Vet Hospital does not even have a pet of his former name or the O.’s last name on file.***

He will also begin his de-worming protocol at his emerge temp foster home and shall be placed on Revolution.

His emerge temp foster home after receiving him noted how skinny he was….four ribs clearly seen when only the last two should faintly be seen.

The foster home also strongly suspects him to be a lot younger than 4 years of age. About 2 years max. We also received confirmation that he is not neutered. We shall ensure that he is also neutered plus microchipped per our protocols.

A miracle happened last night….after just shy of four months of so much effort, *Jack* – the only remaining surviving special needs – blind/deaf Brazilian Dane puppy – arrived safe into my arms in Toronto at 11 pm last night….

He began his journey to us around 10:45 AM on January 5th….and I had him in my arms by 11 PM January 6th.

He is now 7 months old.

Welcome home Jack!!

Once again sending to all of his fans/supporters that have followed this journey closely on the Brazilian Dane Baby Group a huge Thank You! Thank you for being there throughout so many trials and tribulations plus what was a journey through hell yet we prevailed! Special thanks to my amazing rescue partners Maira & Andrea once more!

We shall also never forget his two special needs sisters *Safira* & *Nala*…..we tried….we tried so hard to also bring them to Canada for a better life….sadly, Safira died before we could get all three to a better place and one of safety and Nala died November 11th. We also think often of the fourth deaf/blind sibling that was killed by dogs prior to us being aware of these puppies AND we think also of the fifth blind/deaf sibling who is now on a chain going to spend the rest of his days being bred. 🙁

Dogs do not know borders or countries and neither do we…..a dog in need of us is who we are here to help as we have space….and Jack is alive and well! His future is one of happiness, health and overflowing with so much love!

From one of the two kind souls that picked up BHRR’s Rickards from the Pound and drove him all the way to his emerge temp foster home. I also asked them to advise if he was neutered or not when they picked him up so we can plan and prepare for all of his preventative/proactive Vet work.

The picture in the January 10th blog post is from the the same kind souls who picked him up to transport.

“Hi Gwen,

BHRR’S Rickards is safely in our backseat. He’s a gentle boy and seems to be taking it all in stride! He is not neutered.”

Someone woke up Thursday January 5th so happy & ready to greet the day!

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIFTH & Final instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remained in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days almost 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIFTH & Final instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remained in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days almost 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIFTH & Final instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remained in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days almost 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

Posted in Ani

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIFTH & Final instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remained in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days almost 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIFTH & Final instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remained in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days almost 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


BHRR’s Baby Kaos – A New Year & finally ready to make his special announcement!
http://www.birchhaven.org/archives/category/bhrr-rehab-dogs/kaosHe did it! Thank you to his amazing ortho team for monitoring him so closely, doing his surgery and on December 9th, Dr. P said that this boy is a thumbs up to move forward! We waited until after the Holiday Season to then have him make his announcement. :For those that may be interested in BHRR’s Baby Kaos, they need to read his whole blog and understand the very few limitations he has.

He has arthritis in that leg/knee and he requires Deramaxx as needed on super cold AM’s for example.

He runs, he plays, he is a normal dog in all ways yet that back right leg is not as strong as his other three. It is mighty strong yet whatever happened to him as a wee pup did cause its damage.

Per his ortho specialist, he may need further treatment in his future yet after so much in depth discussions, exams etc., he feels that there is nothing further at this time holding up BHRR’s Baby Kaos from being placed up for adoption!

BHRR’s Baby Kaos can go to a home with other dogs as he is great with them – he is going through his adolescent ‘turkey’ stage right now and needs reminding sometimes that the world is NOT all about him!

He is great with people of all ages…AND any possible future adoptive home needs to be aware of that happy tail of his! It will whip and whap and whack you in his happiness! LOL

He has been an absolute joy to have had with us and he is such a great dog – great to wash, do nails, clean ears and part of that is a testament to his fabu personality and also to the training and handling he has received since his arrival to BHRR as a ‘wee’ handsome squishie!

He can go to a home that works pt, ft, from home, semi-retired etc. as we have set him up for success for many types of possible right matched forever loving homes.

He is good with cats and horses also!

A home with or without another right matched dog is fine as long as he has a wonderful network of other doggie friends to interact with as he is social, young, healthy and loves his socializing.

I cannot express how much joy(some heart twanging also!) and excitement I have for this truly incredible young man.

YOU did it! You have been an incredible trooper throughout everything and you are a ham, a true ‘class clown’ and a big riot to be around BHRR’s Baby Kaos!

You make people smile and laugh and giggle and feel better about their day! That is a special gift….you are a special gift and I hope that 2017 brings you hat right matched forever loving adoptive home!

Thank you to Elizabeth White & Brooke for helping me to get some photo’s of this gorgeous boy. He is hard to capture as he is active, busy and a ‘man on the go’ in many ways.

Yet, you could also not ask for a bigger lapdop, snuggler and cuddler watching tv or a movie.

Love you so much BHRR’s Kaos….seeing you move on to the next chapters in your beautiful life is going to be awesome!

Parting shall be a sweet sorrow for our home though yet this is what we are about!!! You do not need us anymore!



BHRR’s ???
*Do not like the name he was being called*
Small Male English Mastiff – Shelter was told ~4 yet bylaw thinks younger as his build is very adolescent.

He was dumped at a very rural shelter as the home is having a baby.

He’s UTD on vaccines, housetrained, good with dogs/cats, playful and is great to handle.

Thank you to Holly/Bruce for offering to emerge temp foster him over the next 4-6 weeks.

Thank you to Kathy/Terry for also offering up their assistance.

We are working out the details of his transport now.

Holiday Miracle in the making……feeling so blessed to know such rescue angels!


Someone had a special overnight picnic play date!

BHRR’s Big Ben!

Our play dates are an integral part of our programs at BHRR. Extremely popular and so highly successful. We want to help each dog reach their full potential and be the best well rounded plus balanced dogs they can be and our approved Volunteers aid us immensely in achieving this goal. Thank you!

Thank you to this lovely home in giving him this wonderful experience! AND for the great photo’s.

Thank you also to Sean & Mason for dropping off and also picking BHRR’s Big Ben up as I was working.

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We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FOURTH instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!
*8 more photo’s just added! To see all 30 pictures to date that have been posted, click on the actual album!*

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_4930 img_4931

Posted in Eve

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FOURTH instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!
*8 more photo’s just added! To see all 30 pictures to date that have been posted, click on the actual album!*

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_4911 img_4912

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FOURTH instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!
*8 more photo’s just added! To see all 30 pictures to date that have been posted, click on the actual album!*

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!




This is BHRR’s Pearl. She sadly came back to BHRR tonight.
She was adopted February 12th, 2016 and due to medical reasons for her Owner, she sadly had to come back to BHRR.
She will remain in our rehab program for at least the next 5 weeks per our protocols, allowing her to settle back in and for us to determine if she will be able to be placed back up for adoption or be a Haven Dog.
This is one of several professional photo’s that we had taken of BHRR’s Pearl during her time at BHRR prior to her adoption.
It is never easy seeing an Owner part with a dog that they truly love and please join me in keeping BHRR’s Pearl”s lovely Adoptive Owner in our thoughts and hearts……
This was a tough and rough night for all of us. 🙁

Someone had his first picnic snack play date today!

BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite! He is one of our Haven Dogs.

Thank you to this wonderful home for giving him and so many of the BHRR doggies a great experience.

This was BHRR’s Granite’s first play date without me and he did so well. He was great with their own three dogs and received love from the adults and kids both in this home.

We are always about helping to make the BHRR dogs the best that they can be and experiences like this keeps them becoming so well rounded plus balanced.

Truly grateful! AND for the extremely generous food donation!!!

We really are so blessed to have the BHRR Village that we do. So many strong links on that BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS”!

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We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the THIRD instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_4189 img_4202

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the THIRD instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_4279 img_4282

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the THIRD instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the THIRD instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_4213 img_4251

We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the SECOND installment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the SECOND installment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the SECOND installment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the SECOND installment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!
*7 more photo’s just added! To see all 14 pictures to date that have been posted, click on the actual album!*

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could! We will be posting over the next few days over 50 photo’s of BHRR doggies & a few of our own!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!

img_3901 img_3912


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIRST instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are traveling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!



We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIRST instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are traveling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


We know many have been patiently….or, not so patiently waiting!!!

Here is the FIRST instalment of our 2016 Traditional December 24th XMAS Eve Photo’s!

As most dogs remain in their approved Temp Fosters, not all doggies could have their photo’s done BUT, we got those that we could!

We have had quite a few come back for the Holidays as their families are travelling.

ALWAYS a blast for us at BHRR!

We cannot SHOUT out enough big thanks of our deepest appreciation to ALL those that stepped up to be part of our 14th ANNUAL SS to the BHRR dogs!

Another amazing successful year THANKS to so many angels that made it possible!!!

We only had 1 person not send their SS’s yet, as we had other kind plus thoughtful generous people send extra goodies to help cover any that were missed, we are so BLESSED to say that, each BHRR dog had something special to call their own this XMAS!!!

Many of these dogs are experiencing their very first XMAS of love, shelter, with enough food and, tons of helping hands, not hurtful or neglectful ones…. THANK you’s being sent out again to every wonderful and lovely Secret Santa that made this possible!!!

I am inspired by your caring, giving and, incredibly beautiful hearts!!! A million thank you’s being sent again!


Someone has fallen fast asleep while waiting for Santa to come! So much excitement and anticipation!!

BHRR’s Steam AKA Steam Boat has fallen asleep on top of BHRR’s Puppy Pile Granite’s giant stuffie that was given to him by his special SS!

Thank you to all of our special SS’s this year! Sadly, we did have one person not honour their offer to be a Secret Santa. SO, THANK you to all that donated extra so we could give this BHRR doggie a wonderful spoiling XMAS also…..I am deeply thankful to know such beautiful Santa Angels.

I have also been receiving many messages re: our traditional annual XMAS Eve Photo’s and they shall be coming!!!  

From our home to all of our wonderful family and friends, may Santa truly spoil each of you rotten!!! We hope that you are safe, happy and surrounded by so much love……

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THANK you to all that came out yesterday to attend our 5th Annual ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ Thank you Pooch/People Potluck!

Here are 13 of the dogs waiting for our almost 40 guests to arrive!

AND, here is part of the post I made in the Potluck Group to all of our attendees!

“Now that the horses and dogs have been fed plus watered and rotated and are settling down for the night….it gives me the proper opportunity to say thank you to our 35 absolutely amazing and incredible guests!

Thank you for the laughs, the conversation, the memories made, the food and the kindness of Secret Santa gifts for the BHRR dogs and to BHRR!

Thank you for the great experiences given to our BHRR dogs as so many have come to BHRR broken, beaten, scared and lost….what you give to them with loving touches and kind words, I shall truly be forever indebted to all for. So many have never had a gentle caring hand or heard a soft loving word prior to our rescue and each of you are showing them that not everyone is cruel and are assisting in building up their confidence plus helping them heal….

I am so grateful of your time and this is a gift that you are giving each BHRR dog when you visit. Thank you for that!

Thank you to Brooke and Elizabeth for their time, patience and sense of humour with spastic Baby BHRR’S Kaos as we attempted photo’s of him to make his own long awaited, much anticipated and truly wonderful special announcement!! You did it sweet precious boy!!!

Our 50/50 was $205 and Elizabeth with her beautiful heart donated her winnings back($102.50) for us to help pay off BHRR’s Maple’s Emergency Surgery bills! Thank you also to those who dropped monies into the donation jar – $50 CDA & $120 USA. Humbling….

Thank you to BHRR BOD Mary for being such a great treasurer!

After a tough week and a bit – so much worry & and stress on a couple of *fronts*, so, having today with all of you was really wonderful……just to be around all of you is comforting and inspirational and motivating…..in my darkest rescue moments, it is days like this I hold close to my heart and gives me the strength to fight again for what is right…….please know that you give me this special gift when you come to visit!

Thank you to everyone that made today the WOW & amazing day it was!

Until next year….may Santa spoil all rotten!”


As of January 2017, BHRR’s Rain shall be off to be perma-fostered. This shall be a wonderful experience for her! This home has temp fostered 5 times for BHRR in the past and she will be in excellent hands!

We have made the decision that BHRR’s Skye shall be moving to our BHRR Haven Program. We believe this to be in her best interest.

We have made the decision that BHRR’s Big Ben is going to move to our BHRR Haven Program. We feel it is in his best interest.

Here is a photo of BHRR’s Rubble and one of his ‘fav’ humans, Gail at our 5th ANNUAL ‘CHAIN OF SUCCESS THANK YOU POTLUCK’ for Pooch/People yesterday!

Another amazing event! Almost 40 people in attendance and great times, memories, food plus conversations!
