Happy New Year!
May 2025 be the best year ever for all of us!
Miss Amata(Amy) is having her move forward ortho surgical consult, possible repeat radiographs on January 9th now that our ortho surgeon at EVC is back. She has now had four trusted ortho specialists across three locations (EVC, Capital City & Dr. Philibert’s Mobile) review her case/situation. I do not make any decisions regarding her back leg lightly. The bottom line remains that only minimal/marginal improvement is likely by trying to ‘repair’ that back right leg.
I cannot thank Sara/Jeff and Gam enough for safe housing her this past almost month, and as of the 10th she will be safely homed in her new foster home.
I cannot wait to see Miss Amy again! I know many at my work shall be equally excited.
AND I want to also thank Sara/Jeff for offering to purchase her next bag of Large Breed Puppy food.
My heart is so warmed by so many kind people in this world!
I am also trying to think of possible fundraisers to raise the remaining thousands and thousands and thousands for her two surgeries.
Our Holiday Bottle Drive ends this weekend also, so please do consider donating your Empties!
Thanks so much!