I am behind posting about Miss Story!
Here is a video of her playing with a toy I bought and the wee gift basket(in two dog bowls) I put together to give to her foster mama once we busted her out of isolation jail!
So many more posts to make yet going to try and keep it chronological for her fans and blog.
I want to shout out thanks to Kelly P. for also buying her an 8 kg bag of PVD Essential Care large breed puppy kibble. 
We have had $1,770.90 donated/raised to date & her bills to date are over $6,500.
Donations to her care can be made via email transfer or PayPal to contactbhrr@gmail.com or you can call Eagleson Veterinary Clinic to make a donation over the phone or even send an email transfer direct to them for Miss Story.
This week, Mr. Ernie is heading in for his next eye surgeries and rectal polyp.
I keep plugging away as I can from my own pocket by picking up extra shifts as I can.
We have been able to only have two fundraisers this spring/summer and two more are scheduled for the fall.
I am still thinking of some others to do for her and Mr. Ernie, and Miss Jamila etc. 
From my home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent.