Mr. Symba was at the Vet on October 29th for his annual.
He weighed a wonderfully healthy lean 139.26 pounds(63.3 kgs)
He was updated on his yearly vaccines, we did his annual 4dx bloodwork to test for heartworm plus tickborne disease exposure – even though, we keep the dogs on preventative year-round, nothing is 100%. The results were negative.
His Vet checked out those new back legs of his and his right back leg is perfect, the left-back knee has some crepitus which considering both back legs had TPLO repairs, is really great. He is on Gabapentin plus Deramaxx as needed – has not needed them for some time – we did give him some that night after his visit as understandably after the exam manipulation, we did not want him feeling tender.
Come winter, he will be on his meds on a more regular basis with the cold. This dog runs, and plays, and is so happy, plus healthy with a fantabulous personality!
He remains available for adoption!
I snapped this picture when Sean drove up to work in the truck for his Vet visit, and I went out to get him. It was a gorgeous sunny fall day.
He had a A+ Vet visit!