Miss Olive Update:
She had a very busy day! She was at the Vet today and also had her great spoiling spa adventure.
Thank you to all of the encouraging, supportive staff at the Vet that surrounded her for the big weigh-in!
Thank you to Becca Terri N for taking this great photo!!! We just had to put a heart around her weight shown on the scale!
Her weight today was 70.2 kgs(154.44 pounds)! YES! We have been working so carefully on a slow, even weight loss for her. 17.66 pounds lost since December 7th! WTG Miss Olive!
As many are aware; she had put on significant weight between September 29th & December 7th. She went from 62 KGs(136.4 pounds) to 78 KGs(171.6 pounds).
The Vet that saw her December 7th, advised that should her weight not get back on track; after closely evaluating what/how much food/treats she was being given in addition to her moving regime of walks; we should then consider doing a T4 blood-test.
This is documented by her Vet in her file and received by text and in addition a vm was left with BHRR as Miss Olive was in a foster situation. There was also an in-person discussion when Gwen was at the Vet later that day for a Vet apt.
Once we evaluated what she was being fed – we learned that she was getting a lot more in food items than we realised or had advised.
As a palliative Saint due to her extremely poor hips, keeping her lean is of the absolute necessity and importance. The concern for her was felt by many. Miss Olive is NOT a surgical candidate and she had been entrusted to our care to do right by her and we remain determined to do so.
She came back to our care December 12th and since then, we have kept her strictly to the feeding/treat/moving schedule required.
1) She gets her 8 cups of food daily – divided into two meals
2) She eats fantastic all on her own, no hand-feeding or enticing her with supplemental items on her food
3) She gets one Benny Bully treat 2-3 times a week or 3 Mini Zuk’s Rabbit or Salmon treats 2-3 times a week
We have started to even give her some of her kibble as her treats during the day – so less kibble at meal time – and she is responding beautifully.
She is moving so much better now. She is no longer chuffing and huffing/puffing like she once was She is no longer struggling with a high degree of difficulty to get up on her feet or go up the small ramp to our home.
Her bff play buddy is a GSP….who would have thought?!
She is happy – look at that face! She looks gorgeous – look at that coat!
AND she had great visits with so many human people between the Doggie Spa and the Hospital. She had been cloistered, like many of us due to the COVID shutdown and it was such a gorgeous day – 17 degrees – to be out today.
She remains on her Proin, Gabapentin and Deramaxx regime.
Miss Olive, thumbs up to you!!!!
AND per our previous post, her next professional groom session shall be in 8 weeks as spring is coming and her coat is going to blow big time!