BHRR’s Oslo!
He was also at the Vet on the 25th for a recheck.
The Vet did a very thorough knee and hip exam and we discussed repeating x-rays and we agreed that when we can neuter him – age and seizure control dependent – we can re-take some x-rays then. We know that he is getting worse….that is apparent and all of us are monitoring his QOL closely.
Additionally, with his IS, we will have to be very careful with his sedation protocol when/if we do proceed.
Per his Vet, we all know that both hips and both of his knees are bad yet, he struggles more on the back right hind end side. With his medical conditions, he understandably lacks muscle mass/tone in his hind end yet, his chest is very strong and his coat looks wonderful too!
He will remain on the 50 mg of Deramaxx daily along with the 120 mg of Phenobarbital every 12 hours.
We have a refill request in for his Keppra – he is now getting 1500 mg, every 8 hours.
We still plan on doing alternative therapies with him as COVID 19 will allow us.
The intent and goal is and always has been to give him quality of life and his Vet(who also does othro and has been part of his story from the beginning) believes that for how bad his knees plus hips present, that his quality of life remains good at this time.
We shall never see him or any of our dogs suffer. We will make the horribly difficult and painful decision when we need to as it has to be always about QOL not quantity of life.
He weighed 47.2 kg(103.84 pounds). He was just a wee bit on the plump side; not by much and his excellent foster home is doing an incredible job with and for him!!!!
We will be back in three months time – barring any emergencies for another recheck etc. He has remained seizure free since December 30th, 2021 and his pattern has been to have cluster seizures monthly at the present time.
If anyone may consider his so deserving cause to support, donations can be made direct to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966 or Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381
OR via PayPal to
*we just need to know the password.
Thank you in advance for any consideration to his bills.
Finances remain beyond tight for BHRR and we do not receive any corporate or government funding.
We must extend a public THANK YOU to the RESCUE angel that made a donation of $100! We are so so so so grateful!
This is a hoot of a picture sent from his lovely foster mama! The stories and pictures of him and his daily journey’s crack me up!
I was so tickled to see him myself on Monday as I had not seen him since December. He is such a softie and in some ways he is losing that baby face yet, in other ways, he remains having that adorable wee monkey face!
On a side note: we have a date for BHRR’s Symba’s second TPLO surgery – May 4th. This will give us time to continue to fundraise and come April, we will be back doing our 2nd year of popular Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Drive-Way events!!!