AND this happened tonight!
BHRR’s Miss Mollie
(Saint Bernard/Standard PoodleX)
Miss Mollie, I know that you were worried and nervous tonight and wanted to be constantly by my side.
As I tell homes all the time, one should be more worried if a dog is not bonded to me over them demonstrating a strong bond…..
Miss Mollie, you have become this confident, happy, healthy uber filled with personality, wonderful mannered plus are such a gorgeous brilliant gal and please know that you will be ok! You are OK!
You have come so far during your time with me and we will always be connected and we will love forever more in each others fondest memories and in our hearts…..
You truly do not need me any longer and this is the start of a truly exciting new chapter in your life!
You now have a big canine brother, 2 sugar gliders siblings and a forever loving adoptive family that already loves you!!! You are going to have so many grand adventures plus fantastic experiences with them!
Parting is always such sweet and sometimes a bitter sorrow and you will be leaving an enormous hole in my home and soul and also for BHRR’s Burst.
Tango plus Irish will also dearly miss you too yet, they are equally over the moon thrilled for you. I know they are!
We want to thank your beautiful new family for all of their patience as we worked through our extremely detailed adoption process!
Thank you to Leanne for doing this home-visit with me, it was a pleasure!
This was my #423 foster that I have now had adopted….it truly does not get any easier….yet, it is always the right thing to do to let the ones go that no longer need you….
Congratulations Miss Mollie! You got this!!!