BHRR’s Dean!
5 year old Mantle male Great Dane
He was seen by the Vet today.
He weighed a lean 55.8 kgs(122.76 pounds). I LOVE lean dogs and if he went up to 125 pounds as we build up muscle mass plus tone; I would be ok too.
He was AMAZING! Loves the women and just being given some space by the one male Vet, he sniffed and relaxed.
He had a really great exam – he has a couple of skin tags that we will monitor and if need be, remove at the time of his neuter – now booked for December 18th.
As we have been told that he hates his feet touched, I will continue to work with him at home and we will get them as short as we can at the time of his neuter.
Did not do a thorough check in his mouth as he only just arrived and with him being a bit worried. As he settles in more, I will be able to better check his mouth and when he is under for his neuter, we can also be more thorough.
He was very brave for his blood-work – we are testing for heartworm plus tickborne diseases plus doing his pre-op bloodwork. His Vet will advise as to the results.
He did not co-operate in providing me with a fecal sample since his arrival yet, we proactively, preventatively de-worm all of our rescues.
We also picked up his flea/tick/heartworm medication to start once we have the results of his blood-work. As per our protocols, we keep the dogs on year round.
We did scan to check for a microchip, he did not have one; so, we will chip him at the time of his neuter.
I did ask his Vet for some Trazodone as he does exhibit some anxiety in the car – barks and become reactive as there is a barrier. He has lacked socialisation and important exposure to much prior to rescue and in the vehicle, his stress is noticeable. The stimulation is a lot for him to take in right now.
If there is not any barrier, he is fine. The meds will enable me to take his anxiety down and work on proper built up to outside stimulus.
Remember that a reactive dog is NOT trying to give us a hard time….they are trying to TELL us that THEY are having a hard time.
He is truly a super nice boy! Handsome and the sweetest of temperaments. He has been perfectly fine around my two Irish Wolfhounds plus BHRR’s Fred and BHRR’s Caramel here to date. Of course, BHRR’s Caramel thinks BHRR’s Dean want to eat him….that is BHRR’s Caramel’s thing with all new dogs/people.
For me, it was also super awesome to see how well he did and equally awesome to visit with some of my previous work family colleagues! Some sniffles and tears all around for a few…I miss you and I promise we shall get together once COVID-19 settles down!
Please do consider checking out the three flash auction items currently up for grabs – by scrolling down the page – Women’s comfy box, king duvet cover/sham/bed skirt PLUS an wonderful pet(up to 2 pets from the same household) photo session!
We are getting so close to the first of two incredible BHRR dogs having their big ortho surgeries – BHRR’s Symba’s is on November 18th and BHRR’s Coupe is December 1st – and we are still very short, thousands and thousands short…..your consideration would be heartfelt and deeply appreciative.