Summit UPDATE!
Thank you to all that have been so patient plus understanding that after a very long day – almost 13 hours – for their surgeries on Friday, that I have needed to be with the Dane Trio Pups 24/7.
They have had to be the priority yet, as promised, I am updating.
I am going to do the updates in three separate posts so that the Gwennie Novels are not as large!
First of all, I have so many to thank for making generous, loving and supportive donations along with sending the beautiful well wishes!
In having to obtain additional Buprenorphine to administer via their IV ports for pain control and fashionable cones too, their Vet Bills have increased from one of my last posts.
BHRR’s Sleet’s & BHRR’s Glacier’s Surgery Bills: $5,085.09
The original quote was for $4,000+tx.
BHRR’s Glaciers’ eye removal surgeries were also much more complicated due to the severity of the abnormal condition of his eyes. He was placed on antibiotics due to the extensive difficulty with his surgery and the amount of bleeding had.
I was able to put some of my own pay check on to their bills on Friday to also help do my part in helping them too!
STILL NEEDED: Just over $1,100
Donations can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848
(they cannot take Visa Debit or M/C Debit over the phone)
OR via PayPal to (Any Country can donate)
OR via Email Transfer to (Canadian based supporters only can contribute via email transfer as that is where we are located)
NOTE: I am covering Summit’s own bill of $2,503.63 completely out of my own pocket and will get that paid off as I can.
This picture is of BHRR’s Summit after his neuter and getting ready to have his right eye removed.
Dr. Philibert and I conversed in great depth re: the removal of both eyes and the decision was made to leave the left eye in with Summit for now.
If it does have to be removed in the future, then we will address it at that time.
His one Vet also checked his bite as all three puppies have had issues and they found marked improvement as he has been maturing plus with what they referred to as ‘ball therapy’ that we had been doing with them and not aware that it was helping that much!
The specialist Dr. Philibert felt his surgery went very well and out of the three puppies, he is bouncing back the best, easiest.
All three puppies pre-op bloodwork indicated lymphocytosis. Per Dr. Philbert, he believed it may be from the chronic abnormalities with the eyes for they have an inflammatory or secondary infection component.
We even repeated BHRR’s Sleets’ bloodwork the day of surgery as she was showing indicators of being anemic and she is the smallest and most DM affected of the three puppies. She may be feisty yet all three are quite fragile with their DM compromised auto immune systems.
We wanted to be sure it would be ok to proceed. Dr. Philibert had been considering after her first round of bloodwork to only do her eye eneucleations and then later spay plus address the umbilical hernia. Her bloodwork remained stable and the whole Vet team were in agreement that it would be safe to proceed.
Summit weighed 23.2 kgs(51.04 pounds) at 3.5 months of age.
I also microchipped all the puppies on Friday.
These puppies are not available for adoption. They will remain in our Haven program and they reside in our extremely experienced, knowledgeable loving home, NOT a cage or kennel.
Summit is eating and drinking well and other than being a bit grumpy, he is bombing along quite well with his recovery!
THANK you to Dr. Philibert, Chelsea, Simon, Holly, Dr. Ashdown, Nadine, Dr. Zak and Nadine for ALL they did on Friday. I work with such an amazing team of people.
AND thank you to anyone in advance for any consideration you may make to their so deserving cause!