BHRR’s Burst
From her day of arrival to BHRR to now…..
She is still painfully thin for sure, yet what a difference….
She is also happier, more confident and comfortable and I am not sure her exact history yet when I see dogs ‘hit the floor’ and crawl on their bellies to you, that makes me very sad and angry…..
She is a wee fireball of sheer loveliness and while she has a long way to go with her weight gain plus muscle mass & toning plus manners, she is 100% already awesomeness!
As mentioned before, homes that have children, this is the dog to watch!
Such a beautiful gem of a dog! What she loses in size, she more than makes up for in enormous incredible personality plus heart!
AND for those that keeping asking what she is….LabX is my best ‘educated’ guess…is there Dane?! Perhaps, yet, she is a mixture of at least two breeds in my humble opinion and to a right matched personality fit home, it shall not matter what she is….they will love her for who she is!