BHRR's Shiva came today on one of our regular GD Walk/Hikes & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes and SHE had so much fun! We can be as few as 6 at times and we have had as many as 40+ in attendance and our distribution list for these walks are now up to 83!!!! For anyone wishing to join us; please email and we only take responsible dog owners and their dogs. In having held these walks for almost 15 years now; we have never had an incident and we are all very diligent, committed owners and there is always room for more. Nothing like seeing all of these Giants and 'honourary' giants out and about. We also regularly change up the locations so that we have different venues.  We have meet ups in areas such as Orleans, Ottawa, Kanata, Sittesville, Constance Bay, Carleton Place and even in the Kemptville area. We have another group that regularly meets up on the Brockville and Kingston areas too! Pictures below are of some that attended the walk plus one of BHRR's Shiva. BHRR's Ava Marie was also there! BHRR's Shiva remains under a "PENDING ADOPTION" at this time and things should be determined within the next couple of weeks. We know that we have put further inquiries and applications on hold at this time and we will not delay a decision on this much longer. We want what is in her best interest and we do not desire to miss out on that 'right' matched home by taking any longer than necessary in making that final decision should this not be the right personality fit home for her. This has been one of our longer 'pending' and we thank people for their patience and understanding. By the time we lift our "From Friday October 22nd to Friday November 5th inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications. We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing. We do not believe it is on the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs." closing we will post whether she has been adopted or if she shall be placed back up for adoption. This should be made by Saturday November 6th, 2010.

BHRR's Shiva – Sunday October 17th, 2010 – Great Dane Walk/Honourary Great Dane Walk