The home-visit to determine if this was a right matched personality fit home for Mr. Knox was last night.
Unfortunately, this is not the right home for BHRR’s Knox. A determination that was mutual from myself, his foster plus the home.
Mr. Knox, we remain patient!
When we are entrusted with these amazing creatures, we must do right by them.
We are not sure why many groups would rather flip dogs, charging exorbitant adoption fees, not have proper screening or care for the well being of the dogs they have in their care, not properly vet or allow dogs to decompress, nor with regards to setting not only the dogs yet adoptive homes up for success over failure.
As I have said many times over the past almost 30 years, a dog coming into rescue once is one time too many.
AND to also re-affirm, that we do not keep the non refundable application fees – a mere $20 – on applications sent our way unless we reach an advance stage of the application process.
AND to also state again, we are also not receiving hundreds of applications daily for the dogs. We have received only four applications for Mr. Knox, and kept only one non refundable application fee.
The other three applications failed their vet references. We are very clear on our adoption applications about the proper proactive and preventative vet care needed, yet we still receive applications that do/have not adhered to doing vaccines etc.
To also re-state, our application process is thorough and detailed for a reason. That reason is for the dogs. We are responsible to do right by them, and shall continue to do so.
As I have said many times over the decades, responsible/quality rescue is hard, damn hard and the toll on emotions, relationships, health and finances is all too harsh. The sacrifices are real.
I do not even own a winter coat or boots.
Before judging, people should really try walking in our shoes…. 
No one more than his foster mama and I would have loved to have had this be the right home for Mr. Knox. It is not.
We now look forward to the next day of adventures for him and building upon his resume! 
You are safe with us, and we are committed to you for life.