I had posted briefly last week re: an ~4 year old deaf/blind Great Dane that had been tied up and abandoned with her brother and by the time the rescuers were notified of her plight, her brother was dead(caught up in the tether).
As she could no longer produce puppies, she and her brother were tied up and left to die.
She needs to go to the Vet – more than once in order to prepare her for travel to us – and the needed bloodwork alone is $300 USD
We are currently waiting to see what the cost of the transport to and from the Vet shall be.
She will require a lot more vetting to get her ready to travel plus the cost of her ticket to get to Canada. She will be flown.
She currently weighs 40 kgs(88 pounds).
We had an extremely generous donation sent our way by Tamee & Jane of Just Paws Rescue
*They were the rescue angels that reached out to us to advise us re: this Great Dane that was saved by another rescue angel Bilkes.
We have raised $169 CDA at our July 10th Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Fundraiser
We have raised $296.10 CDA (just waiting to find out the Empties raised to post final total) at our July 11th Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Fundraiser
All monies raised tomorrow at our July 17th Nail Trim/Ear Cleaning Fundraiser shall also go to her care.
She will need vaccines, further de-worming, is being treated for an infection right now, we need to do biopsies on no less than two lumps, requires flea/tick/hw meds, she may require unilateral or bilateral eye enucleation, we need to investigate her shaking her head, she needs her flight paperwork including her ticket plus quite possibly a custom crate.
She will also need to be spayed and being a mature female – pyo is a great concern – until that can be done and the cost once she arrives will be ~$850+tx
For those who stood by our sides while Maíra and I worked so hard to save BHRR’s Jackson and his siblings – deaf/blind Dane puppies dumped on the streets in Brazil – you understand that dogs do not understand borders or have countries. An animal in need is an animal in need.
Tragically, in the end we were only able to save 1 of the 5 Dane puppies from Brazil(1 was killed on the streets, 1 was picked up to be used for breeding and 2 of the 3 that we were able to get died of distemper in Brazil), yet, we are determined that this gorgeous girl will be saved.
Right now, her name is ‘Angel’. We are going to change it to BHRR’s Jamila(Arabic for ‘Beautiful’)
Things that we will need for this stunning girl who has never known kindness, love, a full belly, health and safety until she was picked up by Bilkes:
1) A collar – Wiggle Bumz – FILLED Thanks! Cassy Montgomery
2) An XL Costco or ortho bed
3) We urgently need financial donations for her mounting bills:
Donations can be made via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com
Once she arrives, she will be vetted at Liston Animal Hospital
*I have not yet set up a file for her at LAH and this will be done next week when I am back to work.
4) We need comforters, sleeping bags – no sheets, no pillows
5) We need Pinesol and Fabric Softener – Gain or Bounce
6) Fish based kibble for her – Acana, Fromm
BHRR is mostly funded out of our own pockets – Sean/I are two people, and we are greatly limited as to the fundraising that we can do thanks to COVID.
We remain humbled for any support shown towards this stunning girl who should have always been a cherished family member and not a ‘breeding machine’ for greed.
All I want to do is scoop her up and let her feel all of the love I have beating from my heart to hers……
ETA to Canada TBA