On October 23rd, I received the following request for assistance. I was online at the time and responded back within moments of receiving the email that yes, absolutely, BHRR could assist this Great Dane as we had a spot and he was the next in need of our programs. ETA was scheduled for Halloween weekend.

“We are currently looking for a rescue placement for a giant guy in our care. X is approximately 1.5 years old, black, intact, and approximately 120lbs. He still seems a bit underweight, but we are working on that slowly.

We have had X in our care for almost two weeks. He has been a pretty standard Dane-in-a-shelter type. He was standoffish initially with most staff. He would display the typical barking, growling, stiff body behaviours. He did air snap twice in his first few days while staff were taking his leash off. However, no contact was made.

He has since settled in better, but we still feel that a foster placement and Dane-educated group are in his best interest. He doesn’t seem to mind the company of other dogs, and was quite tolerant of a boisterous lab mix friend. He has bonded with a few of our staff members, and he will act like his silly, goofy self with them outside. He loves stuffed toys. He is very eager for attention outside of his kennel.”
