BHRR’s Cagney – 9 month old Saint Lady! Born Dec. 3rd, 2016
Available For Adoption!
She is ready to make her own special announcement!
She is such an amazing girl! One of those extreme rare bomb proof dogs. She is fantastic with dogs of all sizes and ages. She is excellent as well with people/kids regardless of age and health – wheelchairs, crutches, strollers bother her not one bit.
BHRR will consider homes with children as young as age 5 for BHRR’s Cagney. Homes that allow children to sit or ride on dogs, please do not bother applying. This is completely unacceptable behaviour.
City life and country life are both in her elements! Busy traffic, air brakes, sirens or crickets, horses, cows nor barking dogs bother her.
She travels wonderfully in a car, is great at the Vet and is incredibly well balanced plus solid.
She is extremely reliable in her obedience – sits before eating and before the leash goes on etc.
She is eager to please me, is deeply affectionate while at the same time independent to simply also loving being around her humans and not always on top of them!
She loves her walks plus hikes and is perfect about proper inside play vs. proper outside play. She is not high energy yet as a puppy she has puppy exuberance and sometimes forgets her spacial awareness and our knees get bumped/taken out in play.
She likes to play chase with other dogs yet loves the tug and war plus wrestling the most type of play.
She is crate and house trained and has not yet proven 100% reliable in our home unsupervised yet as a baby – Giants grow up for two years, fill out in year three and then the brain by five – understandable.
No issues to bathe, do nails, clean ears etc.
She is a smaller female smooth coat Saint – ~95 pounds – and we will not see her adopted to a home that does not understand what a dog should look like and have her become obese. As so many are well aware, one of my biggest pet peeves is people getting their dogs overweight and obese. There is no excuse for this. Even our thyroid dogs are all in great weight health.
Dogs are not meant to be one straight line or to have protruding stomachs. They are to have waistlines. These Saint Ladies are lean and muscled and look amazing. To have them become obese, is more weight and tear on their hearts and joints etc. We want BHRR’s Cagney as with all of our dogs to live very long, happy and healthy lives.
We would prefer BHRR’s Cagney to be placed in a home with at least one other right match personality fit dog. This is not a ‘deal breaker’ yet our strong preference. Being such a social creature, she deserves and needs to have all of the right matched doggie friends possible. If the right match fit home does not have any other dogs in their home that are perfect for BHRR’s Cagney, they must have a thorough regular doggie social network in place.
Same with people. She will be approved to be adopted to a home that is social, outgoing and will not allow her to be a couch potatoe home body. She loves home too, that is not the point I am making.
?She also super loves people and places and new experiences and dogs and fun and going out and we want to makes sure she has a home that can do this for her!
She also does not require tons of exercise and is so satisfied with our three walks per day of about 1.5 kms each. This is in addition to her play time throughout the day!
Cats are not 100% known yet she has not had an issue with any that she has met at work nor when we have been out visiting friends and family. Integration is always key.
She is respectful and so bonded to me. I am head over heels impressed with her! She and her sister have been a positive delight to have had with us.
She can go to a home that works full-time, part-time, works from home, is semi-retired or is retired. Another great versatile BHRR dog!
She would make an outstanding certified therapy dog.
BHRR’s Cagney, as our time together comes ever closer to an end, let me tell you once again how absolutely magnificent you are. You have brought so much sunshine and stars, not to mention smiles, the best face washes and cuddles to my life!!
You are the candy, the gorgeous wrapping and beautiful bow all in one stunning package!