BHRR's Broker is doing FANTASTIC! What a social boy he is….his obedience is going well and he is quite the affectionate goofy boy. We have had no more marking incidents and he understands the rule about going outside FIRST before anything else when he gets up from a nap or rest or overnight sleepie or play or drinking etc.
I still crate him to sleep occasionally, just so that he is used to a crate in case if it is ever needed ie- hurt, surgery recovery, having to spend the day at the Vet in a run etc.
He has no issues going in and settles down great at night.
His best friend is now BHRR's Holden!!!
He has healed wonderfully from his neuter and I microchipped him last night. Not even a peep and he did not notice a thing. He felt he was just getting a treatie just 'because' LOL
Within the next week; he shall be placed up for adoption as his obedience manners can be continued on in his new home per the obedience clause in our adoption contract.
His chest booboo has also healed wonderfully and to him, he did not want anything slowing him down and we had to make sure he took things easy!
He is gentle about taking treats, you can handle his food bowl without issue, does not resource over water or other items and even is not a big drooler! LOL He does like to make a bit of a mess when drinking though…typical Saint B. 
Below is a photo that I took of him with my iPhone last night. GOOFY!
We would be seeking a home – previous Saint experience is not necessary even previous Giant Dog experience is not necessary; a home that has another dog that is a right matched personality fit would be ideal yet AS long as the home has a good social network in place with other dogs via friends, that would be ok; a home that works full or part-time; one that is retired; semi-retired; it does not matter. HE is a very versatile boy! He loves kids and all people plus other animals and I will be taking him back to work with me one day next week so that I can get a new weight on him and see how he now is with everyone.
My intent is to do this on Tuesday next week and if all goes well, he will then be placed up for adoption! I find it so hard to believe that he has been with us since July 3rd and we are already July 29th…time has flown by…he has been an absolute pleasure!

BHRR's Broker (on his back) with BHRR's Beau – July 28th, 2011