BHRR’s Jamila!
We found some masses in her mouth, and she had to have them removed. At the same time, we did a good dental clean.
She had begun not to eat as well, and I became a bit concerned.
The masses have been sent off for pathology.
Her legs are all drooled up from the saliva/blood.
I brought her home on fluids to keep her hydrated for another 12 hours, as she made it clear that she was done being at the Hospital! She speaks volumes often without saying a word….this time, she was quite vocal!
Everything crossed for good news….
I love this girl!
Our 5th Annual “WON’T YOU BE MY VALENTINE” Fundraiser! February 1st – February 15th, 2024
Please help us give each doggie a special Valentine!
Thank you to everyone who has become a Valentine Angel to date, and to those asking, here is our email transfer address to send the vet bill part of your generous donation: contactbhrr@gmail.com
Please let us know if you would like to be a Secret Valentine!
Thanks in advance for any consideration!
These are the doggies still in need of a Secret Valentine Admirer:
Miss Jamila!
Deaf & Blind Great Dane
December 25th, 2023
Our Egyptian queen!
She is a miracle herself. She arrived at the rescue severely ill. Shockingly so.
We had to do multiple biopsies, mass removals, a bilateral eye enucleation, treat her for pneumonia and bronchitis and to spay her, etc.
She is a survivor! She has a backbone of steel while not having a mean bone in her body at the same time! She makes me smile every day and is deeply bonded to me. When she picks up my scent, she becomes super excited and makes the best sounds! My heart beats with so much love for her!
She is great with all of the dogs, is such an easy keeper, and speaks volumes without even making a sound!
Her rescue was incredibly stressful, and we remained strong that she was the one who mattered and she was the priority. The dogs always come first.
She lacked for nothing and still doesn’t, and we sincerely hope that she reigns as the gorgeous queen she is for a very long time to come!
Our 4th Annual ‘Won’t You Be My Valentine’ Fundraiser is live!
Our Annual ‘Won’t You Be My Valentine’ Fundraiser is live!
Running through until the end of the day tomorrow, February 15!
Please help us give each doggie a special Valentine!
Thank you to everyone that has become a Valentine Angel to date, and to those asking, here is our email transfer address to send the vet bill part of your generous donation: contactbhrr@gmail.com
Please let us know if you would like to be a Secret Valentine!
Thanks in advance for any consideration!
Over 200 items!
Post from the wonderful organizers!
Miss Jamila’s results are in!
Her thyroid is also normal. Yes! So, it is the weather making her sluggish, and we shall have to further manage her food intake. She is not a big lover of treats yet, some tweaking will happen across the board.
It is important to be aware and on top of sudden or significant unplanned weight gain, or loss, changes in behaviour, and to monitor food/treat intake so that if medical intervention is needed, it is done or if it is only a matter of making some lifestyle tweaking.
We will work on getting her to move a bit more and shall lengthen her very early am and evening walks/play times – as those parts of the day are the coolest in this hot summer weather. She loves playing with the young pups Miss Agatha, Miss Chrissy, Mr. Romeo, and my 7-month-old Dane.
I plan on using the scent work training I have been doing with her to have her track and move to eat her breakfast plus dinner meals over eating in a bowl.
She was just under 115 pounds(51.9 kgs) per the scale, yet she must have been leaning as when we did her spay, bilateral eye enucleation, plus lump removals – she weighed a still needed to gain 117 pounds.
Regardless of what the scale reads, there is no hiding the fact that she is a wee bit plump right now. Much better than her anorexic skinny body condition when she first arrived in rescue, yet she needs to lose a few pounds.
We want her to live her best life possible, and being a giant, the wear plus tear on her joints, heart, plus lungs are already harder.
We got this, Miss Jamila! With my foot almost 100%, time for us both to get moving more!
BETTY WHITE CHALLENGE: January 17th, 2022!
TO DONATE TO BHRR IN HONOUR OF A TRUE ANIMAL HERO: PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org OR Email Transfer contactbhrr@gmail.com
Even $5 would mean the world to the animals AND us!
Thank you in advance for any consideration to help us in 2022 to continue to help those in need of our highly specialised programs!
Another picture from December 11th of Miss Jamila
This will be Miss Jamilas first XMAS full of so much love, proper shelter, food, water, kindness, and warmth! She resides in our home, one that cherishes her each and every day.
It is hard to get pictures of her as she literally wants to be part of me!
The reality of rescue is that you cannot save them all, no matter how much you may want to.
We have been in deep discussion re: finances for BHRR – as many know most of BHRR is financed mainly out of our own pockets – and, unfortunately, with the bills that we have currently at BHRR plus with Miss Jamila’s almost $10,000 in bills for upcoming surgeries, Miss Olive’s monthly almost $1,000 in bills, Miss Rosie’s to date almost $1,100 in bills with more to come – she needs to be spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, cherry eye repaired, COHAT, more bloodwork, etc., with BHRR going through almost 120 pounds of food per day and the list goes on…..we cannot take in the Mastiff.
We are posting the most current two bills for Miss Rosie; as suspected she has thyroid issues, and not just allergies. This means daily medication for her and regular bloodwork to be sure that she is being given the right dose of Thyro-Tabs.
We have blacked out her foster home’s contact information for privacy.
Miss Jamila!
A copy of her two x-rays.
Please assist us in surrounding her with a village of support and love!
Here is her GOFUNDME PAGE!
You can also donate by PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org OR via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com