I brought BHRR's Porridge back to work with me at KAH tonight. Two of his Vet team examined him and, we sedated him – with Dorm/Torb this time as we know that at this time it is not a heart condition causing his distress. We did his mani/pedi also.
He has zero air flow through his right nostril. I have known this since last Tuesday and, it was confirmed with the Vets on Thursday night and, with him being completely sedated, could be investigated more thoroughly. He has limited air flow on the left side. His discharge is still clear and on the right side with a little on the left nostril.
His weight was down another 5 pounds – 73.3 Kgs since Saturday. 🙁 🙁 161.26 pounds is his current weight.
You can see more rib than one should and more of his spine. He has swelling on his muzzle and in being sedated, more detailed investigation could be done of his nose.
He has a nasal tumor and we discussed doing a MRI or CT and, as we all know, that is not a curative step. Additionally, we discussed skull and facial x-rays again for if we did see corrosion on the bone, we would know that his time is now to be crossed over. I also know that if bloody discharge begins to appear, that, is also time to cross him over. We discussed that there can be soft tissue findings on skull x-rays etc. and, both Vets continue to support that this is not really the best way to go for BHRR's Porridge.
We are going to proceed with treatment of quality of life and keep him on the Pred and put back on the Mirtazapine and, I explained to one of the Vets that I am not 100% convinced that giving him meds to 'make/force' him to drink and giving him meds to 'make/force' him to eat, so, that more time can be had with him is in his best interest.
I also said that when you have had this puppy when he was barely over 2 weeks of age, then having fought to save him and, his litter plus mom, and in the end, after a month of fighting with the courts to give me what I needed to get back into the home to get the mom/pups who were living outside(this litter was born March 30th) and, then finding out that all but 5 pups had died, plus mom had died and, then having to let go two of those surviving pups as they were in terrible shape, and, then fighting to save the remaining three pups(two had parvo – the females) plus discovering that the male(BHRR's Porridge) had MegaE – that, being objective is hard….yet, I have to think about not being selfish and, doing 'right' by him.
I am angry, I am devastated, I am upset beyond words, I am frustrated, I am at a loss, I am so beyond scared of losing him, I am so many things………yet, what I am not, is one to be selfish……….
To all that were here while I was away, he was fine up to Thursday March 13th and, then was not 'right' on the 14th yet, only had some mild wheezing sounds, and by, the time I came home on the 18th, he was really not well. Apparently, he was eating during those days, yet, not as of when I got home. Energy level was noted as going down and drinking level also, yet, nothing that anyone felt was of true deep concern from those that were staying here and, I trust them 100%……..whatever he has, is aggressive for, I have not yet been back one week, and, this dog is fading before my eyes and, time is running out fast as every test and exam and specialist possible has become involved in his case.
Yet, now we know and, now, with that knowledge of the 'knowing', does not come the 'peace' that we all talk about in the 'if only we knew what it was…it would be so much easier to handle.' Well, it is not easier…it makes me more mad and crushed and, scared and, frustrated. With each loss at BHRR(we have had two this year already in our Haven program), I feel a piece of me die………..I feel brought to my knees in such despair.
He needs his friends right now…he needs his fan club right now….and, I am hoping that he shall be here for our next walk/hike as THIS was one of his most fav things in the world to do and, I hope that some of his friends/fans will be there….we will most likely be poking slow at the end and, may leave early, yet, it is my deepest wish that he still be with me for that walk/hike. If he is not, that walk/hike shall be in his honour for that is the same day he will have celebrated his miraculous 6th Birthday.
Below is a photo taken at KAH tonight as we were bringing him out of sedation. Even under, there was one point that I became worried as his breathing really slowed down(more than I thought it should with the Dorm) and, it took three to four times as long getting him back up on his feet afterwards. I am also attaching some of his test results……none of which can help or save him at this time. 🙁
I would go $10,000 or more in debt to save any one of these incredible dogs, yet, when you cannot save them……….and, know that no amount of fundraising in the world could save them…………..it just rips you to bits……..
Please pray for my Papaya boy….dear sweet Porridge………I have not slept much since I arrived home as, you have found it difficult to rest yourself and, we shall pack all that we can into the remaining time we have left together…….
I do not like using the word 'hate' yet, I HATE this….
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Porridge’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees. 
BHRR’s Porridge Angels $357.50* donated to date & Bills are close to $3,500+ and rising
*Before PayPal fees
PV Stittsville Nail Trim/Grind Event
BHRR's Porridge, March 24th, 2014 – love how his ear flipped!
Biopsy Results
UA Results
Wellness Results

Wellness Results Continued – Realised that I cut off the left margin – will re-take a new picture to post
CardioPet proBNP Results