You are a legacy….you represent the heart of what BHRR is, why were are needed and what we do.
How another group would just walk past you as you were this skinny, broken black Dane to scoop up the ‘pretty’ coloured Dane you were surrendered with; still makes us shake our heads.
For your personality, your gorgeous colouring and those front legs of yours, endeared you to sooooooooo many!
We remain forever grateful that we were reached out to, to consider assisting you for you changed so many lives for the better. You were such a gift.
You are a BBBBB, now and forever…you were an amazing ambassador to your breed; you will be dearly missed.
We still find ourselves laying out your meals, calling your name to get a treat or to go for a stroll or car ride.
You are asked about when we go through the Timmie’s and we continue to take the plain timbit and lay it upon your final resting place at BHRR’s Rainbow bridge. These caring people know that you are now crossed over; yet, they still want you to have your fav timbit treatie.
We miss the unique sound of you talking!
I miss how you would push your head up under my arm as I am typing on the computer, telling me it is now ‘Mavie Time’.
I will miss how you would tell me off when it was food time! Goodness, we could never be late for meal time.
I miss the sunrises and sunsets that we would sit on the hill together to enjoy as a the beautiful special time between you and I.
I will miss how indignant you would look when I pulled out your winter coat and ‘tolerate’ me putting it on.
Such a ham, a hoot, a riot, a character!
That you were 9 years young and it was your time to go; makes me want to be selfish for it was not enough time…..it will never have been enough time…
I feel honoured and blessed that I was there to stroke your gorgeous frosted face plus chest. I will miss your front leg ‘telling’ me if I needed to shift my hand to a better spot.
I am honoured that even when the light of life was fading from your eyes and your spirit was leaving your body; you seemed to comforting me in your final moments….telling me that it is ok, that you are ok, that I will be ok…..
It was like your heart spoke to mine in that moment…..
It has been a true honour and privilege Mr. Mavie to have had you grace our heart plus home…..
Come spring, we will plant a special flower or bush in your final resting place.
I know the path to your resting spot will be a well worn one….
YOU, Mr. Mavie, have made not just me yet, so many others – of many species – better…..
BHRR’s Maverick, the true Iron Man! – Almost 9 years young now. He is not happy that I put an xpen around my desk so I could get some XMAS wrapping done!
My last post of my night!
Time for folks to think about what they plan on giving up for 14 days in our 9th Annual ‘Give it up 4 Autumn’ Fundraiser!
Starts Thursday November 5th and we already have 4 people signed up to date! Be creative! Some people have even done a swear jar in the past putting money each time they or someone in their office swears and then donating the monies raised at the end of the 14 days.
All money raised shall go towards helping BHRR’s Symba and BHRR’s Coupe!
More details in the poster and please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you would like to be part of our 9th annual event!
Here are the blog links to BHRR’s Symba:
AND for BHRR’s Coupe
For those who wish to consider making a financial donation to their worthy causes, you can do so via PayPal gwen@birchhaven.org or via email transfer to contactbhrr@gmail.com OR you can do so directly to Liston Animal Hospital 613-591-0966
We have many many many thousands of dollars to raise and we are now set back even further as sadly, BHRR’s Oslo has needed emergency care today…..
From our home to all of our friends, family & supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!
Unfortunately, we find ourselves having to address the below issues once again. Every few years it seems we must re-visit this despite being very clear on our website, Facebook and Petfinder as to how we operate.
This last 24 hours we have had not one yet, two extremely unpleasant moments.
Let us be extremely clear that if people continue to disrespect what is openly stated; we will involve legal and take the necessary action(s).
Our camera’s are running.
1) we are a foster based rescue that operates out of our home and our approved fosters. NOWHERE does it state that you can just drop by, visit or ‘get’ a dog because you want one.
It is NOT even ok to leave a voice message as a ‘courtesy heads up’ that you are on your way or will be on your way shortly to our PRIVATE property which is our home.
We would never do this to you; so do not expect it to be ok to do it to us. We get so little quality family time as it is and your blatant disregard for being mindful of our family time is not going to be tolerated.
We have a very thorough adoption process which is and has been posted over and over and over again in the last shy of 25 years.
All of the steps to be considered for a BHRR approved adoption is found on our websites and even in the application. We have done our job to have the information there. It is now up to you to read and follow the instructions.
We have posted many times over that only completed applications shall be considered/reviewed. We are NOT going to respond to ANY inquiries sent via email, text, voice message, Petfinder or Facebook. This is and has been posted many times over. So Stop. Spamming via email, text, phone, and/or Petfinder is not going to receive a response. They will be deleted and if you continue, marked as spam/junk/blocked. It is equally NOT acceptable for you to come uninvited; to our home, private property with or without any completed application in hand.
As we also post, if a dog is listed on Petfinder, on our Website or on Facebook page as being ‘Available For Adoption’, YES, that dog is still available. We directly state that we work to keep everything up to date.
We have equally posted many times over that we are not going to make exceptions to our adoption contract, processes, policies and procedures.
2) the steps to surrender a dog is also openly stated on our website.
Do NOT leave a message and then only a couple of hours later show up at our home expecting us to drop everything and put your request above all of the other needy dogs that are equally ‘urgent’.
This is our home. This is private property.
AND do not say to one of us that you left many emails or voice messages re: said dog when we communicate closely with each other and know that this is a lie.
YOU are making our work more difficult that it ever should be and trust me, operating a highly r/q Rescue is damn hard.
BHRR is not about you; it is about the animals and please allow us to do our jobs; our non paying, 24/7, 365 days a year jobs.
We have been doing this since 1996; know what we are doing, are the experts in what we do from rescue to transport, to rehabilitation to adoption, from feeding to vetting, to training to behavioural modification and so much more.
If you want to adopt; please follow the process. If you have a dog in need; please follow the process.
The Boerskins
1) In having a discussion with several members of the BHRR BOD; we shall be open as of Septermber 1st – subject to change if need be – for the intake of completed applications ONLY to consider for approved adoptions.
BHRR ONLY places per right matched personality fits and has an extremely thorough adoption screening process.
2) Unfortunately, again….in 2020 we will not be doing a BHRR Calendar. The cost is too high for what comes out of our personal pockets when that is monies that are desperately needed to keep BHRR open.
3) ISO: Auction Items for our upcoming 9th Annual Dine with the BHRR Doggies Event. Human, dogs, cat, gift baskets, gift certificates etc. ALL are welcome!
We also need draw prizes!
Please do not post your kind offers here, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
4) It is that time again! Time to think about being a special Secret Santa to the BHRR doggies! 2020 marks our 18th year doing this!!
As of today, we still have 21 deserving BHRR doggies in need of a special SS to call their very own!
To learn more and to sign up, please do visit the link!
5) BHRR is in urgent need of the following items:
Garbage bags – all sizes
Laundry soap
Fabric Softner
Fabric Softner Sheets
Giants Sized Dog Toys
XL Costco Dog Beds
Blankets, Duvets, Towels
Paper Towels
6) Please do reach out if you or someone you know has a Great Dane/Giant Breed Dog in need. We are also a highly/strongly focused special needs rescue so take in other breeds as we can that are also: Deaf and/or Blind, Sick, Senior, Neuro, Injured, Pregnant, Palliative, Nursing, Other Medical, Orphaned & Behavioural
It hurts our hearts to see dogs being put to sleep when there is an organization – we have been around since 1996 – OR to see these dogs end up in disreputable places.
Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you or someone that you know needs assistance.
THIS came on my radar last night!
Nicki is making handmade bracelets to benefit our Giant Breed Rescue & Rehabilitation Programs!
100% comes to BHRR and she is doing this indefinitely!
HOW creative, thoughtful and generous is this?!
I already bought mine!
CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS & to purchase yours:
“This bracelet is to support the Ottawa Birch Haven giant dog breed Rescue and Rehabilitation centre. (BHRR).
The unakite beads are a stone that is believed to help with feelings of abandonment and separation issues – very fitting as a representation for dogs that have lost their homes for various reasons. The cost of feeding, medicating, and housing giant breed dogs is much higher than rescues for smaller breeds so every little bit helps.
Paw print charm is made of brass”
More Monday Thanksgiving Photo’s!
October 14th, 2019
Two very familiar and deeply loved long-time fabu dogs of BHRR!
BHRR’s Iron Man, Maverick(AKA Million Dollar Man) & BHRR’s Gretta(One of our Freedom Danes from the PAWS R Us bust September 2011).
BHRR’s Mavie is now working on turning 8 years of age and BHRR’s Gretta will turn 9 years young in November.
Both are doing extremely well. Some understandable arthritis and while Mr. Mavie still loves the camera, Miss Gretta still remains very much terrified of camera’s, especially a flash.
While BHRR’s Gretta has a special Secret Santa, BHRR’s Maverick does not yet, have one of his very own. He is hoping that someone will step up.
Our 11th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction now has 109 amazing items up for bids!
We have just added our last wonderful 12 items!
Auction ends TOMORROW – Thursday November 29th @ 9 PM EST!
We have just added more of Kimberly’s incredible homemade vanilla and also Bailey’s fudge, kitchen towels, 3 x gorgeous The Crazy Dog House Key Chains plus a See Sawyer Run Web Master Harness!
Thank you’s extended once more FROM our hearts to Kimberly, Jan & Uta for their lovely donations!
To learn more and to bid on any of the wonderful gems up for grabs, you have to visit the Auction!
**NOTE: PLEASE note the pick up area(s) for any items you may be interested in. NOT all items can be shipped!**
For anyone that may have an item to donate, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com It is not too late to consider our cause. All monies raised shall go to the emaciated/severely neglected GD BHRR’s Char!
We remain so devastated that we could not save BHRR’s Bane yet are hoping that you may continue to consider supporting our rescue efforts so that we can help BHRR’s Char.
He is so happy! AND such a model!
So excited for his play date!
Play Date Time!
This is The Mavie’s face & reaction today when I told him we were going for a special car ride! It is his turn to have a Day play visit with a fabu person who won this date with him in our annual one of a kind date auction.
He is a true Iron Man – 4 front leg surgeries thanks to the expertise of D. Philibert and look what he can now do – run and run he still does! Almost 6.5 years of age and he is far more healthy plus happier now than when he first arrived to us as an adolescent.
Maverick (BHRR Haven Dog) – you are our now over $25,000 stunning BBBBB and the world would have missed out on such an amazing soul should you not have been helped. We feel honoured to have been asked to help you all those years ago….and we remain 100% committed to your wellbeing.
We adore you and that now frosted face of yours makes you even more handsome!
Have a great play date today you awesome boy!
Two handsome boys waiting for their turn at The Barkitorium to swim or what turned out to be ‘floating’ in my Matrix’s case, the big snuggle bug!
These two handsome men are at The Barkitorium in Kingston today to help upcoming students learning to be hydrotherapists.
BHRR’s Ironman The Mavie & My Matrix!
Thank you again for the invitation Canine Ripples.
UPDATE: BHRR’s Mavericks UPC results are in and he does NOT have Lymes disease. We just have to ensure that he does not any have further tick exposure and so we hope that by switching to Simparica from Bravecto will assist with that!
NOW, we move on to the Dental and then two weeks post dental, we will repeat his bloodwork and hopefully between the cleaning and the additional arthritis management regime, his globulin levels will have come back down to normal.
AND this photo was taken of him on our way into KAH! He loves to lay his head on the console.
He has done that every car right since his transport to Rescue in 2013.
Once we figure out the tick disease status, he shall then have a dental cleaning. He has elevated globulins so his Vet has been trying to determine the cause.
With him having been placed on Detamaxx, his Vet felt that maybe as his comfort level increases from the arthritis being better managed, maybe his globulin levels will go down.
We are taking it all one step at a time and he rocked the car ride, the vet visit, the urine collection by cysto and well, he was just a ROCKSTAR as always!!
Our Iron Man is almost a $25,000 dog having had four leg surgeries and he has a fan club that spans the world!!
AND we have a pic of Kinsley photo bombing with The Mav!
Here is his face on the way in to KAH and Rachel, you posted a picture of him yesterday – in literally the same pose from his Freedom Ride five years to the day earlier.
He has more frosting now!
BHRR’s Maverick – Our Real Iron Man
April 6th, 2018
Last night – April 6th – he had his annual at KAH and he had a fantastic Vet visit.
He weighs a magnificent 55.9 kgs(122.98 pounds)!
When he first arrived to BHRR April 6th, 2013, he weighed an emaciated 95.92 pounds.
He had to have a total of 4 leg surgeries on his front legs and he is now a happy, healthy, super affectionate, butt nipping if you ignore him and really life loving boy!
Several told us that he should have been killed – their words – and that it was not humane to give him what we felt strongly was the opportunity to have a great future.
Well, we believe in the dogs we assist…it was not BHRR’s Mavericks’ fault that others failed him….and, 5 years literally later, LOOK at him?!
MY heart just pounds with so much love and excitement for the life that this boy now leads!
He has human and canine friends. He has a 3+ acre fenced in yard to romp in, he has 148 trails to explore on, he gets to go for car rides to visit all of his favourite people and places and WINS hearts all over.
His name is legendary, his journey miraculous and we remain honoured to have been asked to assist him.
BHRR’s Maverick – you represent so much in goodness and heart plus soul!
You are literally an almost $25,000 dog and WORTH every penny, nickel and dime.
AND he is now sporting a new collar thanks to Julianne from onepawtwopaw who generously sent an extra one with the one I bought for my Wolfie Torin.
As soon as I saw the planes on the collar, I knew…I just knew that BHRR’s Maverick had to have it.
This boys’ soul sours…..and well, his brain is often in the clouds!
BHRR’s Maverick will need to go in for a dental and he has a lump on the top of his head that we need to biopsy – Vet was not overly concerned – and received a thumbs up for being a model patient!
Don’t you just love the frosting he is developing?!
AND he is also available for a special picnic snack play DAY date in our 7th Annual ‘1-on-1’ Special Date With A BHRR Dog Online Auction that is going on right now!
BHRR Winter Wonderland!
February 4th, 2018
We have some of our perma/temp foster dogs over for a play date today to hang out, visit and have fun in the snow!
They are waiting for other friends that just arrived to come into the 3+ acres fenced in yard to play with!
My Ice & Zero are also in this picture so excited to be able to hang out with their old buddies!
This is Gwennie!
Many of you may not know this face for she is always hiding from the lime-light.
Today is a very special day for today is Gwennie’s Birthday!
If it were not for this truly amazing woman, BHRR would not exist and thousands upon thousands of animals/people would not have been helped over the past 22+ years.
The truly broken physically and/or behaviourally…Danes, Giants and Honourary that have been saved thanks to her. Dogs & Horses that many others would not or could not help. 98% of the dogs that come to Gwen are special needs for this was her mandate for BHRR and are often the dogs’ last chance at having a future. AND Gwennie delivers. She gives these dogs the best of everything.
Many friendships would never have been formed if it were not for this great woman either.
She has not only brought many dogs and people together, she is the glue that keeps those links on her BHRR Chain of Success so strong and stable.
She is often giving credit to others, even when it should come to her….content to stay in the background and let others be the focus of attention. Humble, generous, thoughtful and caring, nothing Gwennie would not do for anyone she felt was worthy.
Loyal to a fault and though trust is hard earned, once earned it is steadfast and solid. Break that trust and that is a whole different story!
Where Gwennie does not take a back seat is when it comes to the animals and people in need. She has no hesitation in standing up for what is right, takes a zero tolerance approach and will go toe to toe in any situation that there is a need.
She has never once waivered in her vision over the past 22+ years for BHRR and has kept BHRR being a highly reputable, responsible and quality filled rescue. No animal lacks for anything and corners are never cut and she has kept BHRR small, personable with having second to none success rates.
She creates miracles every day…..many have born witness to this. She has never shied away from the difficult, heart wrenching and financially demanding animals in need. Even knowing that her heart will be ripped to shreds again and again, Gwennie continues to find strength and heart to save the next in need of her.
These animals are treated like cherished family members and anyone that visits BHRR has seen firsthand how the dogs follow and look for Gwennie. People can see how they look at Gwennie, the trust, the mutual respect, the love that they have. It is a beautiful and humbling thing to witness as these animals learn to be dogs and blossom plus grow under her care.
Time and time again, Gwennie has worked magic and has successfully rehabbed dogs to either be placed up for adoption or kept safe in BHRR’s Haven Program. She has given life to so many, great life.
Gwennie does without to ensure that the animals get everything…the big joke is how Gwennie does not even own a winter coat or boots!
It would be lovely if we could come together as her village and community and donate some funds to help Gwennie continue the extremely important work that she does.
**Email Transfer or PayPal: gwen@birchhaven.org**
Do also join us in wishing her a wonderful day as we celebrate her!
HAPPY Birthday Gwennie!
Your Loving BHRR Family/Team
**$410 Donated To Date**
As we head into New Years Eve, here is Sean’s end of year statement.
Sean is Co-Founder and a BHRR BOD Member of BHRR. This photo is of him and BHRR’s Daffodil from our traditional XMAS Even Photo shoot – December 24th, 2017! She remains Available For Adoption!
In Sean’s Words:
‘Here we are again – at the end of another year. Time to reflect on the great, the good, the bad and the ugly and set our sights on the year to come.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t specifically take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a positive contribution to BHRR. I couldn’t possibly name everyone – but you certainly know who you are!
The contributions you’ve made through time and effort, vet bills, food, auction donations, cleaning supplies, transport, etc. is precisely what allows us to do what we do! We are a community – and stronger because of it. I offer my most heartfelt thank-you to all of you. I count our interactions with all of you as part of the highlight reel.
So many wonderful people have come into our lives.
Together we’ve done a lot of great things in 2017. There are so many BHRR dogs in forever loving homes, there have been successful events for awareness, education and fundraising. One of the most significant and recent successes for this year is The Bakers Dozen and demonstrates perfectly how everyone came together as strong links on the BHRR “CHAIN OF SUCCESS’ when needed.
This was a huge outpouring of support!
It blows my mind to contemplate the amount of puppy formula that was donated and consumed! This would not have been achievable without the enormous outpouring of support given. Seriously – the amount of formula we went through would make several mortgage payments look like chump change!
And the ugly…… I’m not generally one to dwell on the negative – but I think it is important to acknowledge and address what I feel is a growing and unfortunate trend. Let’s address something that is very real yet seldom openly discussed.
A trend not just with us, but across the internet, business and personal interactions all around. Over the past several years, we’ve seen an increasing amount of destructive and abusive interactions.
This year we were subjected to a new low – as at least one person out there already knows – BHRR was subject to a malicious attack. In the end, we were proven/validated to be operating a stellar, highly responsible, excellent and much needed organization for the animals. As this was not based in fact or naive ignorance, they received a cautionary warning and we are now investigating possible further legal venues.
However, our initial response from the actions of this vindictive individual was a ‘Wow – never saw that one coming…’
We have hosted regular BHRR events here – 6 a year for over 2 decades – for people’s benefit and for the animal’s of BHRR.
We open up our home to the scrutiny of strangers and, we have done so gladly, and, openly for we have nothing to hide………..
We commit to giving up what could be very precious, valuable coveted family time for the sake of our guests. We feel it is so important for people to witness firsthand what we do and, why we do it and, that we are not like ‘every’ other group or org. out there…..
We have even had people from approved Volunteers, the curious, the interested, stay here overnight, for days and even weeks at a time.
We have always remained full of disclosure and have shared the ups, the downs, the good, the bad and the ugly with all of our followers, supporters, friends and family.
But to the individual responsible for a baseless complaint – thank you so much for putting our family on edge and under the microscope. I can’t tell you how much we appreciated the surprise and shock instead of an open dialogue with anyone who may have had questions or concerns.
So much better to lob a hand grenade from the bushes and run away. This doesn’t feel constructive, or motivated by the best interests of the animals – this feels very personal and malicious. We are very proud of what we’ve done with our lives – can you say the same?
While I’m also not prone to extolling our own efforts – we have dedicated almost 22 years of our life to the protection of animals, particularly the special needs dogs and the giant breeds – those least likely to be picked up by high turnover rescues. Animals others cannot or will not assist. 99% of those we help are the truly medical and/or behaviourally broken, We are small, personal and dedicated. We’re not trying to be dramatic when we say this – even those who know us have absolutely no idea the level of personal commitment and sacrifice this has taken from our family. The sheer amount of physical work, the hours night and day, the successes and the heartbreaks.
Responsible/quality rescue is 24/7. We do not ‘dabble’ in rescue, only do the ‘fun’ things, hang out, visit and then get to go home to relax and enjoy 9 hours of restful sleep. The stress, lack of sleep, financial drain and complete lack of freedom for something as simple as a family vacation – or even a movie or dinner night out is our lives day in and day out and we have done this gladly! The cyberbullying endured, the tens of thousands of pounds of food transported and stacked. Hydro bills – OVER $1,100/ month and enough laundry – up to 12 loads daily – to choke a laundry mat.
We’re not looking for the thanks, the praise, the accolades, or parades in our honor. We do this for the dogs, not the recognition or for any ‘pats on the back’.
At the same time, we have grown even less tolerant of the abuse, the hand grenades thrown from the sidelines, the armchair quarterbacks who find it so easy to second guess and criticize – to judge, without ever actually seeking to understand or becoming involved.
Cyberbullying is a very real problem and after much research and conversations held with cyberbullying experts, professors and lawyers, note that regardless of the occupation, paid or volunteer, everyone has the right to work in an environment free from personal threat, free from worry about emotional and/or physical harm and the right to not be bullied. This is punishable by law.
Social media is an amazing thing, it is also an awful thing that so many spanning across a vast amount of businesses, non-profits, other professional venues and personal arena’s have been enduring some level/form of bullying.
Those who want to blame, point fingers instead of learn and understand, shame on you. Those who want to take shortcuts and then foist their problems on us, shame on you. Those who want to be coddled and told they are doing everything properly when in fact they are the issue, not the animal, shame on you. Those who are turned down for an adoption and respond by spewing accusations, sour grapes and names, shame on you. Since our inception in 1996, we have retained a zero tolerance approach with the amount of nonsense, armchair quarterbacks and negativity endured.
Setting our sights on the year(s) to come – what’s next for Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services? Same wonderful people – same Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services – same strong rescue mission. Absolutely nothing will change
overnight – we will continue to do what we have always done. We continue to help the next dog in need – we continue to place adoptable dogs into their right matched forever homes and we continue to provide a safe haven for those animals that need us.
Over the coming years – we will gradually transition to our long held vision of more of a haven program (which is already a large part of what we do). We will always focus on the giant breeds and canines/horses with special needs. These are the ones that need us – these are the ones we feel we can provide the greatest benefit to with our education, experience, knowledge and heart.
As of January 2018, one of our changes shall be to our adoption area’s covered – we will adopt up to an including the Barrie and Cambridge, Ontario area’s from our location and into Quebec, we will cover up to the Montreal area. We will still rescue all across the world.
Over the next year, will also be implementing an ‘Advisory Round Table Board’ of like-minded BHRR approved Volunteers in addition to our BHRR BOD Team.
We will be adding two more BHRR approved Volunteers to our Community Education Liaison Member Team too.
I look forward to working with all of our supporters in 2018 – let us do as many wonderful things this coming year together as we were able to accomplish in 2017!
BHRR Co-Founder
BHRR BOD Team Member’
BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for 2 decades.
Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Friday December 22nd, 2018 to Wednesday January 3rd, 2018 inclusive.
Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed as of Thursday January 4th, 2018!
During this time, BHRR is always available 24/7 for requests for assistance of animals in need and we shall then network accordingly for as the local Great Dane/Giant Breed Rescue since 1996, the welfare of the animals are our top priority. We do not wish to see any animal end up in a disreputable place of which sadly there are far too many out there.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team
AND thank you to Xandria for surprising us so wonderfully wiith this fabu photo!
BHRR shall be closed for the intake of adoption applications and shall not approve any adoptions from Monday October 23rd to Wednesday November 1st inclusive.
We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many other Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.
We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will network these requests to r/q organisations for we remain closed for intake.
This photo is of BHRR’s Navy.
Sunday July 9th @ Pet Valu Stittsville – Our 10th Annual Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser AND So Much More!
*No appointments necessary
2017 marks our 10th year of hosting this exciting event!
BHRR has been precedent setting in the community in seeing more cats & dogs microchipped to give them the best chance possible to get home should they be lost or stolen.
More information in link above and in poster!
It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!
Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!
None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!! None of my photo’s are anything special! Lots of photo-bombing going on!
BHRR’s Maverick with BHRR’s Leroy!
It is a wild Winter Wonderland Day here! 30+ cms on its way!
Yet trying to take photo’s or video is proving to be an exercise in futility!
None of the doggies want to get more than a few inches away from me!!
This is everyone’s fav Ironman – BHRR’s Maverick!
Looking mighty distinguished with his ‘frosting’ yet he shall always be the biggest goofball!
He is doing fabu!!
That is also BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Ivy & BHRR’s purse Puppy Coach plus BHRR’s Raven in the photo too! All are visiting us this week!!
Gentle Reminder!
We are at Pet Valu Hazdeldean this Saturday November 26th from 10 AM – 4 PM for our last community education and public awareness event of 2016!
We are looking at bringing BHRR’s Kaos, BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Whisper for our famous Red Carpet Pooch Smooch Sessions!
We will be doing nails, ear cleanings and dog baths – ALL inside too!
More details in poster!
*CORRECTION: Location Address is: 5919 PERTH STREET, Richmond, Ontario*
Our next microchip clinic is being hosted with Dr. Zak at Pet Valu Richmond on Saturday September 10th!
Dr. Zak has now been with us for 8 microchip clinics to date and this is #9!
*No appointments necessary
*We are inside so rain or shine!
*10 AM – 4 PM
Our accreditation per CVO requirements to host this microchip clinic shall also be posted.
We shall also be doing dog baths, ear cleanings, nails for cats & dogs and will have some merchandise for sale! Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! More details in poster.
All monies raised shall go towards helping to pay off the bills for BHRR’s Dyson’s partial tail amputation that is scheduled for September 8th.
BHRR has been precedent setting/instrumental over the past almost 10 years with our Microchip Clinics in our efforts of having more dogs/cats hopefully find their way home should they become lost or stolen by being chipped.
We are just 5 SLEEPIES away to our biggest Fundraiser Event of the year. 🙂 July 10th!
Thank you to everyone that is making this a most promising and exciting event again for 2016!
What has traditionally been the largest microchip fundraiser in Canada!
Kanata Animal Hospital’s 9th ANNUAL Microchip, Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser!
There shall also be ear cleaning, a silent auction table, baked goodies for humans, doggie treats, Canine Water Wellness shall be there, Pet Valu shall have our dog cooling/treat station again in 2016, Pet photography, Face-painting and so much more!
Come meet some of the big dawgs of BHRR! 😀
No appointments necessary!
Rain or Shine!
9 AM – 4 PM
440 Hazeldean Road
Here is an update on what we are still needing:
BHRR is in search of the following items for our event for 2016!!!
Thank you in advance for any consideration!!
1) Volunteers to put up posters in their local community including training facilities, work, friends, family, neighbours etc. Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
2) Donations of pop, bottled water, & small bags of chips.
3) NEED DRAW PRIZES! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
4) Bags of ICE! ICE! ICE!
5) Silent Auction Items
6) Human Bakers
7) Dog Treat Bakers
8) Gift cards – please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
9) Coolers to borrow for pop/juice/ice
10) Tables
11) Chairs
12) 1 more Tent – I have three, PV Stittville will have one, CWW will have one, Doogie will have one, The Maracle Family will have one.
***This event is such a great time!***
Here is the Facebook Event Page to join and stay updated! 🙂
Coming up Saturday June 25th!!!
More details in poster!
BHRR’s Gentle Jake & BHRR’s Flame shall be with us on Saturday!
BHRR’s Salem shall be with us on the Sunday!
***UPDATE: 27 NEW Items Added Tuesday March 22nd to the Facebook Silent Auction***
The detailed rules of this Silent Auction are posted in the first photo in this album.
As many are now aware, Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.
The current size of it is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.
A short medical summary:
His third CT scan, this one on his chest has come back at this time clear of any enlarged lymph nodes and metastasis. His MRI not only confirmed that this was a complex surgery yet was even more complicated than once thought – ONLY two surgeries like he needs has ever been done to date by his two expert surgical oncologists.
His surgical team shall be upwards to 20 people now including his two surgical oncologists, his urologist and his ortho specialist plus supporting nursing team. His surgery is expected to be ~10-12 hours in length.
We now have a surgery date set of March 23rd.
We know that his one ureter is compromised, and that he may lose his one kidney. We know that he will have part of his colon removed and that his femoral nerve is at high risk of damage and./or removal. He will need to have his Psoas muscle completely removed and his Iliacus muscle will be partially removed.
He will also need to have the hernia repaired – the mass/tumour has herniated down his thigh and into his groin area.
They will send the whole mass/tumour off to histiopathology.
While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.
All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.
Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.
One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.
*The BHRR Auction will begin NOW
*The BHRR Auction will end at 9 PM EST on Sunday March 27th, 2016
*All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
*Bids must be done in $2.00 or Greater increments.
Any questions, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org or call (613) 725-4279
As many know, BHRR is a Great Dane & Giant Breed Rescue that focuses strongly on the special needs and has been around since 1996. We are federally registered and are an all Volunteer Rescue. We also work with Equines.
We have a second to none adoption success rate and also provide a safe haven for animals that are deemed unadoptable due to medical and/or behavioural reasons. BHRR also has a program that works with the homeless and their pets each XMAS – Operation D.O.G. – Donating our Goodness plus we have a Helping Haven of Hope and Happiness that works with women/children and their pets in domestic abuse situations. We have been operating these two programs for over 15 years as part of our way of continuing to help animals and people in our community.
We are a unique one of a kind program out there like none other.
While we should be celebrating our 20th anniversary of operating BHRR, instead BHRR now faces an uncertain future. BHRR does not receive any corporate, provincial or federal government support. We operate on the kindness of donations, adoption fees and we do several yearly fundraisers. However, 60% of the payment towards BHRR’s expenses comes from the pockets of Sean and myself.
With our wish to ensure that every penny that comes to BHRR goes direct to them for food and Vet bills or items of comfort like dog beds, Sean & I have been covering 100% exclusively all the rescue hydro bills -$1,040/month, Phone, Gas for transports, home-visits and vet visits etc. We cover almost 50% of all the food bills out of our own pockets – BHRR goes through almost 120 pounds of dog food a day. Vet Bills are the same.
As some are now aware, in September of 2015, my husband Sean was found to have a mass. It took until January of 2016 for the experts to diagnose said mass for he has an extremely rare cancer.
Sean has been diagnosed with a retro-peritoneal liposarcoma.
The current size of his mass is 8.2 cm x 10 cm x 21 cm. This is an extremely RARE cancer – less than 1%.
To further complicate matters, this mass has herniated down into his thigh and groin severely compromising his ureter and femoral nerve. He has had three CT scans of which his latest has shown that to date his chest remains clear of metastasis and his lymph nodes are not enlarged. His MRI has shown that his case is extremely complicated and the surgery he shall specifically require, scheduled for March 23rd has ONLY ever been done twice before by the two expert surgical oncologists assigned to him.
All of this is to say that we are not looking for sympathy or anyone to feel sorry for us.
Instead, what we are hoping to do to help ensure the future of BHRR is raise some monies to help with bills over the next three months for BHRR that we have always covered ourselves as Sean shall not be working and I myself am taking a month off without pay from my behavioural work plus shifts at the Hospital.
One way that we are hoping to cover bills is to do at least one Facebook silent auction. If anyone has an item or items that they would like to donate to this cause, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
If anyone wishes to make an independent monetary donation, they can do so via email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org or via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org – Please use the ‘Friends & Family’ option so that we are not charged fees.
Since Sean’s mass was first discovered in September, BHRR has remained operating with top notch quality hosting successful events such as our annual creative ‘Dine with the Dogs’, BHRR mini Open Houses, BHRR ‘Private’ Experiences, community education and public awareness events and even our annual XMAS ‘Chain of Success’ Potluck.
We have successfully rehabbed and adopted quite a few dogs and assisted many other groups also during this time.
The quality and stellar standard of care of the animals’ in our care has continued without interruption and as the date nears for Sean and I to stop work as he prepares to head into his 10-12 hour surgery on the 23rd of March, it is time to now ask the BHRR village and our community to please consider helping us continue to help those in need of our programs so that we can get through the next 12 weeks.
We want BHRR to be around another 20 years and we hope that people will consider a donation to help with the expenses of the next three months.
BHRR has only taken in three new deserving dogs since January 2016 and hopes to continue with assisting more dogs once Sean’s surgery is over etc.
Thank you in advance for reading this novel….
This is a picture of my husband Sean….BHRR would not be here today without him and please do keep him in your best wishes.
We sincerely hope we can host a couple of successful auctions on with your help!!
BHRR shall be closed from Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 to Sunday April 3rd, 2016 inclusive to the intake of adoption applications for processing.
Any applications received during that time will be reviewed in the order that they were received as of Monday April 4th, 2016.
Thanks for your understanding!
This Saturday and Sunday! PV Stittsville! 1250 Main Street!
BHRR’s Flame, BHRR’s Kaos and BHRR’s Steam will be with us on the Saturday!
BHRR’s Hercules will be with us on the Sunday!
The BHRR + Our Own dogs are SOOOOOOOO smart!
Or are they?!
They are waiting for the kids to come home from school…..
However…………it is a Snow Day today and the kids have spent the whole day with them at home!
The sure do love their routine!
BHRR’s Winter Wonder Land VIDEO #2!
Many other dogs are in VIDEO #1 and that will be on those dogs blogs and stated as VIDEO #1. This is VIDEO #2.
50+ cm of snow received today!
COMING up in four sleepies! Saturday February 13th & Sunday February 14th!
BHRR’s Steam and BHRR’s Flame shall be with us on Saturday and Sunday’s BIG DAWGS are as of yet TBA!
This is our FIRST Community Education and Public Awareness event of 2016! We have not been out since November of 2015!
No appointments are necessary and we are microchipping Saturday and Sunday and more details can be found in the poster below.
Cats and Dogs have to be minimally 8 weeks of age.
Thanks Regan and PV Kanata for hosting us that weekend! So touched as always to have your support!
ISO: Bakers! Our 3rd Annual “Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction begins Saturday January 16th, 2016 and shall run through until Sunday January 24th, 2016!
We are in search of bakers for human and/or doggie treats for this unique online auction!
All items do not need to be baked until the end of the auction to ensure freshness!
Last year we had 41 amazing goodies up for grabs! We are hoping for an equally wonderfully successful fundraiser to help a most deserving dog in our Great Dane Rescue.
If anyone may consider donating a baked goodie to our creative fundraiser, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org Please do NOT post on this thread for your kind and generous offer may be missed!
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’ Mavie’s Vet Bills. He was back at KAH on the 14th of December for a post op recheck and to exam the swelling that has begun to develop again on that left front leg of his. He was back to not eating as well and dropping weight again. Clear signs that something is brewing…..
His had swollen lymph nodes yet was not demonstrating a fever. He is back on the Baytril 150 mg – 3 Tablets BID and that is a cost of almost $300 for just over 8 days. We are also running more bloodwork.
So, our Iron Man is not yet out of the woods………..
Thanks in advance for any consideration………
Thank you SO much to all that are bidding and for the bid wars happening in our 8th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction that will end tonight at 8 pm EST! Just under three(3) hours to go!
What all of you angels are doing is so generous plus wonderful in raising much needed funds for BHRR’s Mavie.
Here is a photo of his leg from Saturday November 28th after I took his bandages off and before I cleaned it.
His surgery to remove the implant on his left front leg after a sudden rejection/infection with the plate screws was on September 24th. This is his fourth leg surgery. He had two surgeries on his front legs which were deformed when he first arrived to BHRR and then now he has had to have two more surgeries due to reacting to the Implants.
Thank you to all that are helping to pay off his now over $21,000 that have accumulated.
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $13,940.58 donated to date & Bills 21,609.87
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo’s PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR’s Merlin, BHRR’s Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo’s PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra’s MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR “EXPERIENCE” mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR’s Stafford)
2nd Annual “BREAKING BILLS BAKING’ Online Auction – $1,025.00
BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House – November
PV Stittville – $590.25
Kim T
BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.
Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Thursday December 17th, 2015 to Tuesday January 5th, 2016 inclusive.
Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 6th, 2016!
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team
We are now home!
Surgery started late yet all is done and The Mavie, our true Iron Man has his ‘new’ leg!
Everything went great for BHRR’s Maverick. His temp is low yet rising and the initial thought was to send him home on IV fluids yet, the end decision was to take him off as he is doing very well.
He had a tiny bite to eat earlier and I just gave him his Hydromorphone and then I pulled his IV line.
He is settling in for the night and he makes my heart burst full with so much love……he is truly one of my hero’s!
What an incredible boy and thank you from my heart for all the best wishes for him and to the angel that donated a most generous amount to his Vet bill tonight, you have my eternal gratitude! I almost burst into tears when I was told of your beautiful heart…..
We shall continue to fundraise to pay off his thousands of dollars in bills and I will sleep well tonight knowing that he is safely out of surgery and home!
Thanks must be extended hugely to his ortho specialist that has been by his side since summer of 2013 and to my fellow team-mates at KAH, you are so wonderful!!! I am full of so much appreciation and gratitude for all that you have done!
If anyone still wishes to donate to his bills, you can call Kanata at 613-836-2848 and he has a file under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account. We will be paying off his bills for some time to come and he is beyond worth every nickel and dime!
Good night from my home and The Mavie to all of our friends, family, supporters, believers plus extended family!!
AND someone was not happy to be asked to leave a warm bed to come into work with me!
Today is the day!
BHRR’s Mavie is having that front left leg implant removed. He developed a sudden infection and rejection of the plate/screws.
He will be in excellent hands as always and his surgery was scheduled for 1 pm yet has been moved to 3:30 pm.
If anyone may consider his cause and a donation to his mounting Vet Bills you can contact Kanata AH directly at 613-836-2848.
He has an account set up there under ‘Maverick’ under the Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services account.
We will update as we can!
Keep him in your best of thoughts!
BHRR’s 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction has now begun!
Runs through to Thursday December 3rd @ 8 PM EST!
Over 50 items listed to date and some more to come!
Please consider helping us help BHRR’s Mavie!
If anyone has any items that they would like to donate, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org FOR we would be so appreciative. We only host 5 planned Fundraisers a year and BHRR’s Mavie is going to deeply benefit from all money raised in this auction.
He has his surgery scheduled to remove that left front leg implant on Tuesday November 24th with his wonderful ortho specialist. He had a sudden rejection/infection to that left implant recently and now that the Baytril(almost $600 for 16 days worth of treatment) has worked its magic on the infection, he is ‘good to go’ for surgery!
Today’s post of immense thanks is extended to Lianne for continuing to be the Doggies bed angel! She donated a Costco Dog bed for Ms. Creme Brûlée and Mr. Miller! Thank you so much and also for the Pinesol!!
Thanks has to also be shouted out to the Maracle Family, Uta, Kim and Lianne for the offer of auction items to our upcoming – starts November 21st! – 8th Annual ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online Auction.
All monies raised shall go to help our dear BHRR’s Maverick, who is back again to KAH today to visit with his ortho specialist who emailed me last night(so appreciate him) saying that it does sound like an infection / rejection from the implant put in July 2013 and wants to see Mavie today.
If anyone else may consider making a donation for our auction, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thanks in advance!
Feeling truly blessed to know such kind and considerate people that love these dogs of BHRR as much as we do!!
Sean and BHRR’s Mavie ‘hamming’ it up at KAH while we wait for our appointment!
Two special ‘men’ in my life!
Weight today is 51.5 KGs! Yes….we are back up….
UPDATE: he has now started Baytril 3 x 150 mg Every 12 hours and is in tomorrow to see an ortho specialist and I will update his regular ortho specialist tomorrow with the findings of tonights’ visit to KAH.
It does appear that I may well be correct that after 2 years and four months plus from first having the original leg surgery, he is now rejecting this implant. He had this leg first operated on in July 2013. frown emoticon
Here is a photo of his foot tonight. The edema is all over the leg, into his chest and his one lymph node is huge. The vet reviewed his x-Rays taken on Friday and saw a darker area on the one bone, not the one with the plate/screws and wants the ortho specialist to take a closer look.
He will move up to a higher dose of Tramadol 100 mg x 2 TID and throughout everything he was goofy and being a ham with Sean! AND, the Vet found that he had a swollen area on his other foot in one of his toe areas. We are also running bloodwork and thankfully, he still does not have a fever.
If anyone wishes to consider donating to his bills, please do contact the wonderful folks at Kanata Animal Hospital 613-836-2848. His antibiotics alone are close to $300 and he will need more.
We are also still in search of auction items for our last planned fundraiser of 2015, our ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ online auction and all monies raised shall go direct to BHRR’s Mavie. Please do email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com
We would be so appreciative……beyond appreciative!
AND we are also using BHRR’s Haileys’ adoption fee of $250 to go towards his rising vet bills.
AND so important is our wish to all to keep him in their best wishes!
ISO: Auction Items! For our last planned Fundraiser of 2015!
Our 8th ANNUAL ‘JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS’ Online Auction!
Begins Saturday November 21st!
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR’s Mavie’s, our true Iron Man’s Vet Bills, that are accumulating rapidly again.
He is back tomorrow to the Vets tomorrow as his leg is much worse. Everything has also been sent to his ortho specialist for review and advisement.
Picture in the thread below of how his leg currently looks……..he remains on his medications and is back to eating well, no fever yet is not weight bearing on that leg and it is even more swollen….
BHRR’s Mavie, for those who are not familiar with his journey has had two surgeries on his front legs, ended up reacting to the fixator on the left front leg, then last November rejected the implant in the right front leg and now, is having symptoms very similar on the left front leg.
His Vet Bills are close to $17,000 and rising and to all that know this incredible Great Dane, they shall also state how worthy, deserving and wonderful he is……..
Any consideration of items for our Annual Fundraiser would be deeply appreciated….we only host 5 planned fundraisers each year and we have faced some unexpected emergencies such as almost $6,000 in bills trying to save BHRR’s Porridge in October.
If you may consider a donation of a dog, cat, human item, gift certificate etc., please do email us at contactbhrr@gmail.com
We humbly thank everyone for reading this post……….
AND, please keep this incredible BBBBB in your thoughts and well wishes……
Photo’s of his foot and leg just taken now.
He is back at KAH tomorrow for a 4:10 PM appointment.
If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org
Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org
Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON
BHRR’s Mavie – Everyone’s fav ‘Iron Man’
November 6th, 2015
Sadly, BHRR’s Maverick began to suddenly favour the left front leg that has the remaining implant in it last night. As of this AM, he was not weight bearing and though he did not have a fever, it was a bit warm and swollen and he was brought into KAH.
As many are aware, in November of 2014, BHRR’s Maverick, had a violent aggressive reaction to the implant in his right front leg and had to spend several months on strong antibiotics, had to have an emergency surgery to remove the plate/screws and was treated for a terrible abscess from reacting to the implant. His ortho specialist even cultured the implant to see what may be brewing on it…..
How it started with his right leg is how his left leg is now ‘appearing’ to be.
Needless to say, I was and am worried and a thorough exam was done, x-rays under sedation – HENCE, this lovely snoring sleepy photo of BHRR’s Mavie on the x-ray table!
At this time the integrity of the plate and leg look good, he is stil not running a fever and he will be on Tramadol and Deramaxx for pain and inflammation.
The concern for all is ‘if’ there is something possibly brewing in the leg….for he is favouring it and at times not even weight bearing at all.
Also, he was down 4.2 kgs from the last weight I had on him…. Poor man cannot afford to lose any weight. He was 103.84 pounds today. The last weight I had for him was over 51 KGS and gaining….
If anyone wishes to contribute to this stunning BBBBB, they can do so by calling Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848….the account is under his name ‘Maverick’ under Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR)
Or via email transfer gwen@birchhaven.org
Or via PayPal (please consider using the friend and family option) gwen@birchhaven.org
Tears freely flowing of deepest gratitude to all of his angels, ours too!!
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR you can call Kanata Animal Hospitals’ office directly to make a donation via credit card over the phone (613) 836-2848 OR in person with cash, debit or credit card to his account: Maverick under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services(BHRR
440 Hazeldean Road
Kanata, ON
He is our over $16,000 BHRR boy and rising.
Any consideration to his bills would be so appreciated……..
We also did ears and nails while he was under.
Love this boy….just love him….
Please keep him in your best wishes plus thoughts….
It SOON shall be time! You have been asking and patiently waiting…..get your thinking caps on!
It shall soon be time to sign-up for our 4th(FOURTH) ANNUAL GIVE it ‘UP’ 4 Autumn Event!
The deserving BHRR doggie in 2015 to benefit from this one-of-a-kind unique Fundraiser is BHRR’s Baby Kaos. Past years have seen BHRR’s Lord Stafford, BHRR’s Breen and of course, BHRR’s Autumn benefit from the kindness of others!
This Fundraiser shall run from Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 @ 12:01 AM to Tuesday November 17th, 2015 @ 11:59 PM.
WHAT will you consider to ‘give up’ for 14 days to help BHRR’s Baby Kaos?’
Please do EMAIL us contactbhrr@gmail.com with what you are ‘giving up’ to participate! We hope you may join us in ‘giving something up’ to help raise monies for BHRR’s Baby Kaos!
In the past some have given up treats or coffee and put that money away to donate, others are giving up what the money they would have spent on lessons such as riding or tennis(or putting the equivalent in a jar to donate!) AND, others have put in their jar, donations for cravings that they have – chocolate, cigarettes etc. Feel free to be creative!
More information to be found on the poster below and here is the link with all the details!
Thank you Barry for this outstanding poster!
Come VISIT us at PV Stittsville(1250 Main Street, Stittsville) for some HOWL-O-Ween Fun!
Saturday October 24th 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM &
Sunday October 25th 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Dog Baths $15,
Nails $10,
Ear Cleaning $10,
Microchips $40 including registration – Cats/Dogs must be minimally 8 weeks of age
Merchandise for Sale!
Visit some of the ‘big dawgs’ of BHRR! Dogs TBA
*No Appointments necessary!
**BHRR is still in search of a few approved Volunteers to lend a hand Saturday and/or Sunday! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if you can help!**
All monies raised shall go towards paying off our current accumulated Vet Bills for amazing deserving dogs like BHRR’s Kaos, BHRR’s Raven and just this past week BHRR’s Porridge.
From Monday October 19th to Monday November 2nd, 2015 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.
We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.
We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.
Here is an update received from BHRR’s Mavericks’ approved temp foster home. He is coming back to BHRR next week as his foster home is going away. We have missed him!
‘Good morning Gwen,
We would like to provide you an update on BHRR Maverick.
Things are going well. He is eating great, still the 6 cps morning and night, getting along still with the cats. He has learnt that they let him know when he gets to close or they are done being sniffed 🙂
One thing that we have noticed with Maverick is that we think Maverick is resourcing. His prized possession is ME!!
Another quick update, Mav is currently barking at the second Great Dane in the house. Yes he is barking at himself in the mirror.
NOTICE: BHRR shall be closed from today to Wednesday September 23rd, inclusive. Our facebook page shall also be unpublished during that time for thanks to an incredible angel dream team network of our solid top notch beautiful strong village and community, we are making a dream come true for an extremely special young lady.
Any adoption applications that come in during this time shall be processed in the order they arrive upon the re-opening of BHRR.
ONLY urgent requests for assistance shall be replied to as we are here 24/7 to help the Danes and other Giants in need! All non urgent matters will be addressed upon the re-opening of BHRR.
Requests can be emailed to gwen@birchhaven.org or contactbhrr@gmail.com or text to 613-725-4279 or calls can be made to the same number.
For any offers of items for our September 26th Annual Dine With THE BHRR DOGGIES Event, – looking for brochures, pens, pencils, key chains, promo materials for 40 Loot bags – AND more auction items, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org We would be beyond grateful for any consideration to our cause.
We are a small group and host very few planned fundraisers a year and would embrace any gift certificates or other items for human, animal – cat, dog, horse, bird etc. – with such sincere gratitude plus appreciation. Thank you from our hearts in advance!
We are also going to stop our unique 2016 BHRR calendar sales at this time. If you have not yet ordered yours, we shall see if we have any left when we re-open to be purchased.
I leave all with this great photo of BHRR’s Salem below from her special picnic play date with the Maracle family! Thank you for the photo!
BHRR’s Maverick is going to his own approved temp foster home tomorrow! This is going to be SOOOOOOOOO great for him!
This wonderful approved home has temp fostered three other dogs for us over the years.
Here is a photo of his soon-to-be foster dad and BHRR’s Mavie at our 8th annual Microchip Event held on July 12th!
This Saturday!
Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg very kindly asked if we would do one of our popular mini microchip clinics at their location and we shall be at their lovely location
Saturday August 22nd from 10 am – 4 pm!
*No appointments necessary
*Microchips $40 includes registration
*Nails $10
*Ear Cleaning $10
*Face Painting and Feathers by the ever talented and kind Dee Dick
*Famous Pooch Smooch Red Carpet Sessions $5
*Merchandise from sale
*Some baked goodies
We are still ISO: Three approved BHRR Volunteers to help out this day! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com if interested!
THANK you Global Pet Foods – Hintonburg for this great opportunity to see more cats/dogs(minimum 8 weeks of age) microchipped!
All monies raised shall go to BHRR’s Kaos’ mounting Vet Bills. He is the 6 week old Great Dane puppy that we were asked to assist that has a growth plate fracture and a knee concern.
AND here is the event page to join!
Two of our fabu BBBBB’s had their special dates today!
BHRR’s Mavie and BHRR’s Ani!
They were spoiled and, both of them were given brand new collars and leashes….
Thank you so much to their Angels today that gave them this wonderful experience!
In the hands of such loving people, the BHRR dogs continue becoming that much more well rounded and balanced! Love our visitation program and special dates!
This is BHRR’s Ani! Doesn’t she look wonderful?!??
Unfortunately, she is not a great candidate for the growths with partial mandible removal and, we have a Plan B to keep giving her the best quality of life possible. The growths cannot 100% be successfully removed and, the risk is too high for her to go through a removal of part of her jaw and, the prognosis is ‘fair’ at best for survival. She is not a spring chicken either….
As needed, she will have a mild sedation to cut back the growths so she can continue to have a big quality of life.
She has put on all the weight she lost and, in fact, could actually afford to lose a pound or two and is happy, affectionate and playful!!
Tomorrow is BHRR’s Porridge’s date and the private BHRR EXPERIENCE.
ENDS Thursday April 23rd @ 9 PM EST – We currently have $960 in bids to date!
To read all details and to bid, CLICK HERE!
Microchips $40 includes registration – for cats, dogs – minimum age is 8 weeks
Nails $10
Ear Cleaning 410
Saturday: BHRR Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Herbie-licious, The Love Bug, BHRR’s Angel Noelle and BHRR’s Riot
Sunday: BHRR’s Dogs Attending: BHRR’s Salem, BHRR’s Liberty and possibly BHRR’s Hercules – the third dog is not yet 100% determined.
BHRR's Maverick wants to say a BIG Thank You for helping to raise a hand tremling, amazingly generous and caring $1,025.00 in our recent 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKE' Online Auction!
We had 41 delightful items up for grabs and, thanks to everyone that shared, donated, participated and, sent notes/words of encouragement plus support, we have this unbelievable total to go towards his current Vet Bills that stand at over: $15,700.00
I sound like a broken record when I say that $5 is huge to us, what all of you have done for BHRR's Maverick in now raising over: $10,600 total to go towards his vetting that include three major leg surgeries, is beyond huge….
It touches us to our souls and, we are extremely filled with appreciation plus gratitude…..
Next year, we will host our 3rd ANNUAL one-of-a kind plus creative BHRR Breaking Bills Online Auction to assist another deserving dog at that time in need of an extra helping hand…..
I go to bed tonight, filled with so much warmth and light in my soul plus extreme thanks to ALL of you for making this happen for him!
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $10,640.58 donated to date & Bills 15,712.82
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)
2nd Annual "BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction – $1,025.00
GENTLE Reminder:
BHRR's Gretta's angels have been working quietly plus hard behind the scenes on a special Fundraiser event to help raise some much needed monies to help her with the bills from her cruciate repair surgery and rehab journey.
Thanks is appreciatively extended to Pet Valu – Manotick for helping us, AND, for hosting this event on Sunday February 15th, 2015 from 10 AM – 4 PM
This is the 'Grooming For Gretta – Sweetheart Spa' Fundraiser!
No APPOINTMENTS necessary!
BHRR is still ISO: two more approved BHRR Volunteers willing and open to helping lend a hand that day!
This is not a community education or public awareness event for BHRR yet, we will have some merchandise for sale such as our signature leash sleeves plus magnets. smile emoticon
Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
THANKS once again MUST be shouted out to BHRR BOD member B. Cole for such an amazing poster!
Everyone together now….Jumping UP and DOWN…AND, Jumping UP higher and DOWN!
BHRR's Maverick got the all thumbs up just now from his recheck and, he can now come off 'Medical Hold' and be made AVAILABLE for Adoption again!
Today's bills $142.38
Receiving the Official News That He is Healthy Again: PRICELESS!
He is a big fav to many at KAH and, he will be missed….
He first began to suddenly reject the plate/screws in his right front leg on November 26th, 2014 and, it has been another long journey for him(this is his third leg surgery….)
NOW, we remain patient for that right matched forever loving home to find him….. smile emoticon
If a smile could truly lighten up a room, mine would be lighting up a whole building right now!
Though, we still have over $6,000 in bills left to pay in his overall medical rehab, GOSH, I would not trade one hair on his head if it meant that he would have been pts over, us being able to assist him!
YOU did it BHRR's Maverick!!! AGAIN!!!!
Jumping up and down….up and down….. grin emoticon
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $9,615.58 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
50% Donations from our February 1st BHRR "EXPERIENCE" mini open House – $83.13(split with BHRR's Stafford)
Winter Wonderland At BHRR
February 3rd, 2015
It was time for a new and updated Photo!
All of them are waiting for the kids to come home from school – what they do not seem to realize is Mason was already home! 😉
Part of how I got to spend my Birthday….many of our approved temp fosters have come to spend the day to play and visit – my own car would not start – darn cold! – and, so, instead of meeting at a local 'best kept secret' walking place, they came here to play on our 148 acres!
Back in December, Fran from Global Pet Foods Bank Street (1176 Bank Street) phoned plus emailed us to inquire as to our thoughts in being the rescue to benefit from the annual Global 'Show Us Your Heart' Campaign.https://www.facebook.com/GlobalPetsBank
Fran said that they have been following some of the great work that BHRR has been doing and, wanted to direct funds raised during their annual campaign in 2015, our way.
To say that we felt humbled and deeply honoured, was putting it lightly. We feel so privileged to have been chosen by Global Pet Foods Bank Street, out of so many out there in the community doing such much needed and essential work helping animals…….
This exciting campaign begins January 31st and shall run through to February 14th, 2015
If you visit their store, you can make a donation in any amount you desire, and, you can write your name or that of your beloved pet(s) on a beautiful red heart and, it will be displayed with such pride and thanks at their store!
All monies raised shall go towards BHRR's Gretta's Vet Bills – she took a bad fall at her approved temp foster home and, we have to now repair the cruciate in her back left leg. Her surgery is January 29th at Liston Animal Hospital. It was the first surgical date we could get…….
Thank you Global Pet Foods Bank Street AGAIN for selecting our small r/q Rescue to support……be it $5 or $50 or more that is raised during your annual campaign, it will mean the world to us!!! AND, to BHRR's Gretta!
Barry, thank you SO much again for working with me on this poster. It is gorgeous!
Our 2nd ANNUAL 'Breaking Bills Baking' Online Auction' starts TODAY – Saturday January 17th, @ 7 AM EST!
We will have 40 extremely generously donated and, delicious items. THANKS to all the baking angels that are making this annual event possible!!!
All monies raised in this Annual Fundraiser shall go towards BHRR's Maverick's Vet Bills. His current Bills are over $15,300.00 which includes three leg surgeries.
To read more details about the auction(those darn rules!) and, to view the items up for grabs so far….please visit the below link and scroll down the page…….Our latest new delectable array of items include Rice Krispies, Macaroons and, at least 5 l of the special pasta sauce that we served at our annual September "DINE WITH THE BHRR DOGGIES' event.
If anyone else would like to donate a baked goodie or goodies, it is NOT too late…all items do not have to be made until the auction is over to ensure freshness for the winner(s), please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
Already 2015 is shaping up to be another extremely busy year for the special animals in need of us, as we have the Male Blue GD with the untreated broken leg and, have another Dane – BHRR's Gretta that will require a cruciate repair(Surgery is on January 29th) NOT to mention The Lord Stafford and his continued mounting Vet Bills.
We were able to assist 16 dogs in 2014, and, 24 dogs in 2013. We will assist as many as we can responsibly take on with quality and, resources in 2015.
THANK you Barry for working with me on this gorgeous poster!!!!
This is a photo of BHRR"s Mav's plate and screws from his plate removal surgery on December 16th, 2014.
It was put into the autoclave to be cleaned as, no one knew just what micro-organisms may be growing on it.
We are still getting the final touches put together on our 2nd ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' Online Auction that starts Saturday January 17th, 2015!
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $9,531.45 donated to date & Bills 15,591.05
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
Sandra's MIL
UPDATE: BHRR's Mav was back for a recheck today as it is the 14 day post-op mark.
The swelling is less(I did not grab a photo sorry….was busy….yet, will take a photo ASAP) yet, still quite marked in the one area.
His latest culture results came back negative for growth yet, having been on anitibiotics, a false reading is quite possible.
He has clear calcification on his joint and, while most of the area is now hard, he still has a soft section and is radiating heat. Everyone is concerned for yet, another brewing abscess – he has had two so far.
All staples but 6 were removed earlier today after his first check up and, after his Vets(2) took a much closer look the final 6 were then taken out as they felt comfortable.
He will remain on Baytril, 300 mg BID(normally given SID) for at least another week and, then have another recheck. He also remains on his Deramaxx 100 mg SID(as many know, we are not a huge fan of Metacam as an NSAIDS).
AND, his weight was down again…..
He is eating well three times a day and, he is still losing weight.
He has been such a trooper about his enforced crate rest and very short leash walks.
He has been such a great patient and, we hope to raise enough funds in our upcoming 2ND ANNUAL 'BREAKING BILLS BAKING' online auction to make a dent in his mounting bills. Since his arrival into our programs, and, having three leg surgeries amongst all of his other medical rehab, his Vet Bills are over $15,000.
AND, as I keep saying, he is worth every dime. We committed to him and, we are dedicated to giving him all that he needs and deserves as a BHRR dog.
Those that have met him and have become instantly smitten with him, would all also agree!
If anyone else may like to sign up with an offer to make a baked goodie or goodies, please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
No items have to be made until the online auction is over in mid-January so, that all items are fresh and delicious for the winnner(s)!
For me, as we head into a new year shortly, I feel extremely blessed that the new year will include BHRR's Mavie in the lives of so many of us!!! To think otherwise, is not a possibility I am going to even contemplate…..
BHRR's Maverick was at Kana(Kanata AH) today for a recheck, 7 days post-op as, I wanted him looked over before XMAS.
I could have removed the bandages five days post-op or kept the bandage on for the 14 days, yet, really wanted to keep the bandages on for a wee bit longer and, yet, have it looked sooner than 14 days.
He had put on a smidge of the almost 24 pounds he had lost and, from the moment we walked into KAH, he was surrounded by so many friendly caring faces!
Bruce and Margaret were there when I arrived, not to mention some of the best folks I work with!
Throughout the day, he had more loving visitors! Caren, Wendi & Cliff plus Lynn & Al!
All of these kind folks have given him such a good experience and, for a dog that has had so many not so pleasant vet hospital experiences, it was invaluable what these sweet people did for him today! Thank you!!!
The second culture(this one post-plate removal) came back without any growth yet, we are aware that having been on antibiotics, that this could affect his results.
Below is a photo of his leg after the bandages came off and, it was cleaned up.
While it is certainly better than it once looked, his Vet (all of us actually) were hoping/wishing that it would have looked better than it did.
Pictures will be sent to his ortho specialist to review.
Discussion was held in respect to doing another culture and, at this time, we will hold off.
An impression smear was done and, there are signs of eastie beasties for sure…..
We shall carry on with the Baytril and Deramaxx and, see what Dr. Philibert says and, keep monitoring the leg…..
Poor brave BHRR's Maverick……
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $9,271.45 donated to date & Bills $14,109.60
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
Amy & Family
Balsam Dental in honor of L. Evan
BHRR's Mavie
December 16th, 2014
Post-op…waiting to breathe on his own to then be extubated.
His weight has now dropped to 108.24 pounds.
Another culture is being done for the first one showed that the micro-organism of Beta Hemolytic Streptococci was sensitive to Clavamox.
Another culture is being done for the abscess had returned plus his infection worsened(DP removed dead tissue) despite being on Clavamox 375 mg BID and, on it since November 26th, 2014
Dr. Philibert also had to chisel the bone away from part of the plate as it had healed around the plate.
He is now going to be on Tramadol 100 mg TID, Baytril 300 mg BID and, also I have Buprenorphine 1 mg/ml (0.49 ml) per syringe TID for three days as extra comfort for him.
The plate/screws were put into the autoclave as no one knows what micro-organism may be on it and, I also have the plate/screws now!
He is resting well…..
I will be taking him home later tonight and will have him back in for a recheck in 5 days and, to take off the bandage – we could leave the bandage on until the staples come out yet, I want to be proactive and, make sure that his incision etc. can be checked before 10-14 days is up.
ANY considerations for donations – his bills today were $1,406.69 can be made direct to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and, they will take CC over the phone or, in person as well as cash/debit in person.
BHRR"s Mavie's leg
This AM – December 15th, 2014
I am SO glad his emergency urgent surgery is tomorrow with DP.
It has swelled so bad,again since the drain came out, that it has actually split along his old incision line.
The antibiotics and Deramaxx are barely holding things at bay and, it is now a losing battle. Nothing is going to help other than trying to get that plate/screws out NOW!
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $8,961.45 donated to date & Bills $13,920.23
*before paypal fees
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Santa Photo's PV Innes and Belcourt – split between BHRR's Merlin, BHRR's Stafford also – $135.33
Santa Photo's PV Stittsville – $320 – One person paid by PayPal – $0.88 in fees taken
BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.
Our XMAS Shut down period for this year is from Monday December 15th, 2014 to Tuesday January 6th 2015 inclusive.
Any applications received during this time will be processed/reviewed on Wednesday January 7th, 2015!
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need and will do intake.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team
BHRR's Mav UPDATE: Here is a photo I took last night(December 2nd) of his leg. He is back on Friday December 5th for a recheck at Kana(Kanata Animal Hospital) and, we will remove the penrose drain at that time.
The antibiotics are working their magic….for now, and, we will be booking that plate/screw removal in about another 2.5 weeks time.
For anyone that is seeking to donate to his mountingVet Bills: We are a grand total of $13,920.23 since his arrival into Rescue and SO, worth every penny! AND, for all of his fans, they will equally agree he is very deserving. We will be pulling him off the 'AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION' status at this time, until he has been successfully rehabbed…again….
AND, his bills shall continue to rise as we move towards his next surgery for his body has begun to reject the one plate in his leg.
We are committed to him and, shall be for life as we are with each of our BHRR dogs!
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ or 'friends & family' option)
How blessed are we that Chuck Desjardins Photography and, Pet Valu Innes & Belcourt(3838 Innes Road, Orleans, Ontario) chose our group as one of the two(Collie Rescue Network is the other r/q group) to benefit from their Christmas Photo's Fundraiser!
Photo's $15 Each OR 2 for $20
Date: Sunday December 7th, 2014
Time: 11 AM – 4 PM
***This is not a community education event yet, we shall be heading on our to just hang and bring some of the BHRR dawgs to thank people!
Just leaving Kana now! This is a photo of his right front leg after his surgical procedure today. Dr. Philibert put in a penrose drain for the next week and, he will remain on antibiotics for three weeks and, then he will have his next surgery.
Dr. P took out a whole bowl full of fluid including copious amounts of pus and, it contains to drain now with the assistance of the penrose drain. Dr. P said he had a massive sudden onset abscess from reacting / rejecting the plate / screws in his leg
We were looking at either Cancer and/or a plate rejection as all the x-Rays showed no trauma that compromised the plate/screws or bones.
We also sent off a sample for culture and, did bloodwork last night including calcium levels.
Dr. P believes that the leg will be strong enough without the plate/screws and, that his other iron leg will not be compromised…..
More updates on the past 48 hours soon…
Dr. P. did not understand and, was my question also as to how this abscess could have been missed when he was in emerge. *IF* I had waited three weeks to see if the inflammation let and, if not, follow-up with his othro specialist, he could be dead. 🙁
I am so happy that I brought him back to my own hospital the next day, did the bw and, emailed Dr. P.!
BHRR's Maverick's X-Rays under sedation from last night. Nothing is broken. The fact that he may have pawed at the crate as, he almost always does prior to going into to eat, we sheer coincidence. There is absolutely no trauma to be found on the x-rays. The swelling also did not occur to the next afternoon. It was so sudden.
The Emerge Vet feels 1) Plate/Screw rejection or 2) Cancer
He also said that he could be 'maybe' missing a cracked screw and if the inflammation does not dissipate within the next 3 weeks discuss with BHRR's Mav's ortho specialist Dr. Philibert.
He added Clavamox 375 mg BID to his med protocol in addition to continuing to use the Deramaxx 100 mg.
We discussed bw and, I will bring BHRR's Mav to KAH later today for the bw (possible UA if the Vet also believes) and, for my own comfort, send off the x-rays to Dr. Philibert to review as, I do not want to wait three weeks. *IF* this is Cancer or a plate/screw rejection, NO way am I waiting.
His weight was 54.3 KGs(119.46 pounds). Still quite lean and still working to put on the weight! Fever was around 40 degrees. He is clearly fighting off some infection and, the emerge Vet is worried that if he is on Deramaxx and, that this leg looks this bad…. 🙁 Plus, that he would have such a high fever while on the Deramaxx.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $7,294.12 donated to date & Bills $13,920.23
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
BHRR's Mav being such a brave and good boy as I ice his leg and, we waited for the Vet.
He is now in the back being sedated for X-Rays. I asked for the sedation as it is safer for everyone involved as this is going to hurt his leg to stretch it out to get the x-Rays done the best. The nice emerge Vet agreed and felt that was best. I believe he is seeing Dr. James….
He has now been taken to the back and, letting him go was tough….sigh….
I am going to grab a mint tea and come back and, that shall be equally difficult for the last time I was at the Timmie's near here was the day we lost BHRR's Dana.
Was such a great day up to a point…..
Please pray for good news…..the emerge vet is equally worried that when he wrenched his leg when he pawed to go into his crate for dinner, that something happened to the plate to affect his leg this badly…..
One step at a time….one breath at a time and…..I shall update as I can….
Thanks to all that called and texted with offers to be with me or bring me something. Touches me immensely…. I am good for now yet, THANKS!
To those that offered to make a donation at Alta Vista, I have the current estimate covered out of my recent pay check, and, if more is necessary, we will go from there. THANK you's being shouted out though!!
This Dane has touched so many and, I know in my heart that his village will be there in his time of need, if necessary.
Freak accident….. His legs have rehabbed so well….His Ortho specialist has marvelled at the strength of the legs and, his incredible healing rehab. journey.
Please say a prayer for BHRR's Maverick. I am on my way to emerge at Alta Vista AH with him….he hurt his right front leg…and, bad.
He has had both front legs operated on since his arrival to BHRR and, I am sick to my stomach with stress and worry.
I am just home with BHRR's Victory, dropped her off and, am now heading out with Mav…..
Keep him in your best thoughts…..
BHRR's 3rd ANNUAL unique 'GIVE IT UP 4 AUTUMN' Fundraiser shall benefit BHRR's Stafford!
WHAT will you 'give up' for 14 days to help BHRR's Stafford?'
Please do EMAIL us with what you are 'giving up' to participate! Some are giving up chips, wine, coffee, another is giving up chocolate, AND, one person is going to even put in their jar, donations for cravings that they have for the chocolate they are giving up. Feel free to be creative! 🙂
UPDATE: We have 21 participants so far!
Starts November 4th! Please consider 'giving something up' for a 14 day period and, then donating the funds saved to BHRR's Stafford's bills!
A file is set up at Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Stafford’. They will take Debit or Cash in person at 440 Hazeldean Road in Kanata, Ontario
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services C/O Gwendilin Boers 2425 Totem Ranch Road West RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal to gwen@birchhaven.org (please use the ‘gift’ option OR the ‘friends and family’ option) OR we shall have to pay service charge fees
Please consider going to the Helping Ottawa Fur Kids Facebook Page and, 'liking' our photo and, then putting in the comment section 'this amazing rescue gets my vote!' Contest ENDS Wednesday October 22nd at NOON and, each of the 6 rescues participating will receive a monetary donation, based upon where they rank upon the close of the contest. THANKS in advance for your consideration!
From Monday October 20th to Monday November 3rd, 2014 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.
We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.
We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.
BHRR shall be attending our THIRD of ONLY four community education & public awareness events for this year, on October 4th & October 5th! The last community education/public awareness event that we attended was in May!
Pet Valu Stittsville so very kindly has invited us back in 2014 to be at their locale on October 4th & October 5th for their 'THANKS FOR GIVING' Event and, shall help us host some great activities!
AND, we will have BHRR doggies in attendance! Please visit the below link to find out which amazing BHRR doggies are coming which day!
From October 1st – October 16th, Pet Valu Stittsville will be selling 'Paper Pumpkins' for a donation and, your name and/or that of your pet(s), will be proudly displayed on said pumpkin put up at Pet Valu! Pet Valu will also be collecting material donations for BHRR during this time – we are in need of xpens(36" & 48"), Pinesol, Paper Towels, Lysol Wipes, Costco Dog Beds and, bath mats!
BHRR is still seeking 1 BHRR approved Volunteers to hang with us and zee big dawgs on the Saturday and one to hang with us on the Sunday! Please do email contactbhrr@gmail.com
Thank you's must be extended from my heart to Bre and her fabu staff at Pet Valu Stittsville, to Melissa of Groomingdale's who is donated all nail trims and grinds(Friday/Saturday/Sunday) to BHRR AND, also to Ashley of AMB Photography!
AND, last but never least, thank you again to BHRR BOD member Barry for working with me on this great poster!
HERE is our poster for our NEXT Microchip Clinic! PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans contacted us months ago to see if we would host one of our established Microchip Clinics at their locale. Honored again to be able to have the opportunity to chip more dogs & cats to help ensure they have a better chance of finding their way home if they are lost or stolen. SO important to microchip!
PV Innes & Belcourt, Orleans, Microchip & Nail Trim happening on Sunday September 21st, 2014!
*NO appointments Necessary
**Cats & Dogs – as long as they can comfortably be held
*RAIN OR SHINE – We are indoors that day!
Here is a VIDEO from today. Never have been the best videographer! 😉
BHRR's Maverick, our TRUE IRONMAN says 'I am AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!' HE did it! HE did it! YES! YES! YES!
Look at those straight front legs now AND, he is no longer emaciated!
Thank you to ALL of his angels that stood by our side and his and, never once felt he was not as deserving as other dogs to have a great future! His rehab journey was over $13,000 and, that is why BHRR is here, to help those special needs dogs that, others cannot or will not and, we could not have done it alone!
BHRR's Mav, your village & community is so strong and, you are surrounded by SO much love and warmth and, it makes me well up with tears that, you are now AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!
His adoption announcement was delayed as this boy is accident prone! If it was not a stubbed toe, then, it was a cut he gave himself and, any right matched forever loving home meant for him is going to have to understand, that this boy's HUGE zest and joy of living makes him almost a risk to himself as he smashes and plunges his way through(and, I meant, he literally thinks he can go through) trees and brush and bushes! What a gooberhead!!!
Yet, we are finally here!
He can go to a home that works pt, ft, either at home or away from home, semi-retired, retired etc. He is another versatile BHRR dog! 🙂 He has proven to be good with cats(yet, integration is KEY!), great with other dogs(he has a mischievous side and, you have to be on him to be 'gentle'), great with people of all shapes, sizes and ages and, needs a home that will understand that 'out of his element', he needs a few moments to just warm up as he watches to make sure it is 'ok'. Once, he decides that all is safe and wonderful, head long into things he will go!
He is so affectionate! He makes typing on a keyboard a very difficult task at times! 😉 😀 Any right matched home has to be there to remind him of his manners for, he can get caught up in the moment of just 'losing his brain' in playing or being a goob, that he can forget himself.
A copy of all of his x-rays, will go to his right matched forever loving home, in addition to a copy of all of his Vet records. We believe in full disclosure. This boy can do stairs and runs and plays and romps and zips and zooms. My ONLY worry and, that of his specialist is if he were to get 'smashed' in the leg in play. That would be quite painful. Yet, that is a worry for any dog. He lives in a large multi dog home on three plus fenced in acres and, has never had a problem. His legs are so strong now.
He is crate trained and housebroken and, going to a Vet Hospital is not his most fav thing to do, understandably. Yet, I keep bringing him to work and, he keep having good experiences by nobody doing anything other than love to him and, he goes on small play dates where he is picked up and dropped off at the Hospital.
I am deeply humbled and honored to have been on this journey with this amazing dog! He really is a special gift!
First three photo's are from June 4th, 2014 and, last photo is from June 22nd, 2014 at our latest BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House in our newly renovated sunroom! 🙂
HAPPENING TODAY! Sunday July 13th!!! DO not forget mark your calendars!!! 🙂 RAIN OR SHINE!!!
BHRR ONLY hosts 4 planned Fundraisers a year. This is our 2nd one of 2014.
We know and accept that for the first time ever, that we shall be seeing some showers in 2014. BOO! 🙁
AND, we are prepared for the weather to make your day a blast! 🙂
AND Microchips, Nails per our protocol plus the Silent Auction & BOW WOW Butchers shall be inside the Hospital.
We have 8 tents with a spare on hand to keep everyone dry for ALL the outside activities! 🙂
Microchips for cats/dogs & Nails for cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits etc! 🙂
Rogers Community Cruiser shall be in attendance 9:30 – 11:30 AM with complimentary coffee/timbits
Dr. Amy Jewiss shall be present from 10 AM – 2 PM to discuss acupuncture and other services she now offers at Kanata Animal Hospital
Daryl of BOW WOW Butchers WILL also be in attendance!
Facebook 'PRE-EVENT' Mini Auction – 7 For 7! – AUCTION ENDED JULY 12th AT 12 NOON EST!
FaceBook Online Auction Album can be found HERE
There are 7 items(in honor of this being our 7th YEAR hosting this one of a kind Fundraiser) AND, shall be hosted for 7 days, that shall be available for bidding as of Saturday July 5th!
*The BHRR Auction will begin at 6:00 AM EST on Saturday July 5th, 2014. Unfortunately, bids submitted prior to this time cannot be considered.
*The BHRR Auction will end at NOON(12) PM EST on Saturday July 12th, 2014.
*All bid prices are in Canadian funds.
*Bids must be done in $2.00 or Greater increments.
*S&H is available on all but one Item – Item #3
Any questions, please do email gwen@birchhaven.org or call (613) 725-4279
BHRR's Maverick has his special picnic date on the 13th of June and, I was a bit worried leaving him at first(left lots of treats!) as, he was somewhat uneasy. Yet, my instincts told me that once he did not have me to rely on, he would settle in and, show all how WONDERFUL he really is and, a bit of a gooberhead goofball also! 😉
He was good with their cat, their other dog, their kids, and, the home's mother, got over his worry of her husband and, had a lovely afternoon!
I dropped him off for around 11:15 AM….
AND, here are the messages sent my way on his day:
At 12:26 PM:
"Mav is already doing better, he's wandering around and he's been out in the backyard and pooped! I put out a blanket and toys for him but he prefers to sit on my knee LOL but he is much more relaxed now :)"
At 2:14 PM:
"Mav is taking a little nap after a nice walk 🙂 he's so good on a leash! He is going to make an awesome Addition to any family. He's great!!!! :D"
At 4:53 PM:
"Oh my gosh, if I could adopt him I totally would. He is such a sweetheart and soooo good about everything! {insert heart} thank you for the wonderful picnic lunch! And for bringing this fantastic boy for a visit :D"
At 4:59 PM:
"I think I got myself a new shadow hehe I can't go anywhere without him now lol"
Here are some photo's of his day! Thanks to Sean for taking one of the special lady who won this picnic date and, thanks to the special lady for the other photo's! 🙂
BHRR's Maverick ended up not having a play date on April 19th yet, he did on April 26th. He was up another 3.3 pounds upon weigh-in that day! That is close to 30 pounds now since he first arrived yet, we still need more weight. Yet, YAY! YAY! for him! He was taken to PetSmart and CocoMutts and, had a nice walk with the kind people that took him out. He was a BIG hit yet again with all that met him. What a ham! 🙂 Apparently, he drew quite a big crowd at PetSmart as soon as he walked in the door and, nobody could move for some time.
Below are a few pictures of him in the car from that day! This is the bed that I gave to BHRR's Reese the day that I dropped her off for her last transitional adoption play date/sleep over. Special bed for special dogs!
He was to have his special picnic date on Mother's Day and, we had all picnic made(special Mother's Day treaties made also for the home) and, he hurt one of his toes. 🙁 He is back up and running, literally now and, so we will reschedule the picnic for June. I was hoping to do the picnic date prior to his special announcement yet, may make it earlier. 😉
BHRR's Maverick – April 26th, 2014
We are at PV Hazeldean – 457 Hazeldean Road on Saturday May 3rd from 10 AM – 3 PM!
This is s ONLY our second Community Education & Public Awareness Event for 2014 and, we are ONLY doing a total of 4!
MORE Details HERE!
In attendance representing BHRR shall be:
BHRR's Ethel
BHRR's Groves
& I will be bringing my own GD Matrix – I am neutering him on Friday and, so, he is going to be on Gwennie watch!
UPDATE: Below is the lovely board that Bre of PV Stittsville has put together in support of PAWS for BHRR!
Total of PAWS/Event Sales/Donations as of April 30th, 2014 – THANK YOU to all of the supporters: $5,140
*The goal that PV Stittsville has set for the month that includes the April 12/13 activity weekend: $5,000
We shall be bringing: Saturday April 12th, – BHRR's Flint, BHRR's Noelle and BHRR's Leroy
We shall be bringing: Sunday April 13th – BHRR's Torque, Mr. Bubbles and BHRR's Treasure
AND, the councilor shall be at PV Stittsville for around 11 AM – 12:30 PM along with the paper!
AND, we will be doing doggy tattoos for a $5 donation!
**Blow pens and stencils and non toxic materials to be used
ON Saturday April 12th – BHRR will be at their Store from 10 AM – 3 PM with BHRR Dogs TBD!
ON Sunday April 13th – BHRR will be at their Store from 11 AM – 4 PM with BHRR Dogs TBD!
MARK your calendars! HERE is the poster for PV Stittsville's annual PAWS Event! BHRR was so incredibly touched to have been chosen again in 2014 to be the recipients of this event! 🙂 If anyone wishes to have a copy of this poster to help crosspost and share this event, PLEASE EMAIL
We would be so grateful for all the assistance in getting the word out!
For the whole month of April, PV Stittsville(1250 Stittsville Main), for your kind and giving donation, will have 'PAWS' that your name OR your pet(s) name will be written on and put up in their store in BIG appreciation. Funds from this Event will be used to help pay for BHRR's Purse Puppy, Coach who has been diagnosed at this time with at minimum, a congenital heart condition AND BHRR's Porridge, diagnosed with a nasal tumor.
BHRR shall only be making a maximum of 6 Public Awareness & Community Education appearances in 2014 and this is our first! 🙂 We are booked for four to date, and, one more is in the works! COME on out, visit with us, some of the BIG DAWGS of BHRR and, have some fun! 🙂
BHRR shall be at PV Stittsville on Saturday April 12th(10-3 PM) & Sunday April 13(11-4)!
FOR more details of this MUST ATTEND Event, please visit HERE!
Thanks to BHRR BOD member Barry once again, for hammering out with me this incredible poster! So talented!!! AND, thank you being publicly extended to our much loved extended fam at PV Stittsville for inviting us back again in 2014!!! 🙂
HERE is the poster for our 3rd ANNUAL BHRR 'Special 1-on-1-Date' With A BHRR Dog Online Auction –
ENDS Thursday April 24th @ 9 PM EST! Details HERE!
Winners to be located in the Ottawa, Kanata, Gatineau, Orleans, Kemptville, Prescott, Brockville, Kingston areas ONLY
THANK you BHRR BOD member Barry AGAIN for this awesome poster!!! So talented!
If anyone would like to help us crosspost this event and share this poster, please EMAIL!
BHRR's Maverick is headed off for another play date on Saturday! We shall see how this one goes and, if it is goes as well as his last one, he may be one step closer to making his own special announcement! If not, he is scheduled for another play date the following Saturday and, we will go from there.
I want to see more weight on him….and, he is being so not co-operative in getting that weight on him! GOOBER! Praying for a good weight day on Saturday!
I am still holding off on that reality slide of his until he makes his special announcement post! 🙂 I know there shall be cheers galore from so many! He has quite the fan club! 😉 🙂
He really makes me so proud – the kanga-dane that came in with zero manners – to a really well adjusted and well mannered – even for a goober head! – boy. 🙂 He is high maintenance and any possible future adoptive home will need to be made aware that he has zero interpersonal space and expects you to be the same! LOL
Our play date, play visit and day trip Visitation Program at BHRR remains such an integral part of the CHAIN OF SUCCESS here! THANK you to each person that makes this possible.
BHRR's Mav came to work with me on Saturday and is up another 4.62 pounds! Still needing a heck of a lot more, after, losing weight while I was gone AND that he was still putting it back on from his last surgery, yet, so many beautiful comments plus compliments on his shiny black coat. We did his nails and other than being wiggly on the last 1.5, he was awesome! 🙂 AND, so many words said about how packed in muscle his butt and quads etc. were. 🙂
ALSO, received were many compliments on how FABU his 'iron man' legs are! 🙂 YAY! I have decided that when he makes his special announcement that I will reveal his 'reality slide'. 🙂
He had his special date yesterday and, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This home has taken out a number of our dogs and, it really warms my heart to hear the feedback on their day trips FOR, these are dogs that have come so far in their rehab and are beginning their journeys sans me and, makes me so proud to hear how 'model citizen' like the BHRR doggies are out and about in public! 🙂 From excellent leash manners(maybe not the 'do not' shop all you want skills with taking treats! LOL), to their dog to dog communication manners, social skills etc. YET, I always say, that a dog will blossom in the right hands and, this home has the right hands to help these inspirational dogs continue to heal and bloom. 🙂 THANK YOU!
He was only worried about two men yesterday – one was a cat person and loomed over the counter at KAH and, the other, just went in his face and for BHRR's Mav, that is not the right approach to take. You need to be non intrusive and, if you are patient, this dog will lean into you, be a total gooberhead, kiss and snuggle and sit on you. Many a person that has come to BHRR has born witness to just how much personality this boy has! He is a loud and rough player when he plays yet, his house manners are really wonderful. AND, when he is worried, he will step away and avoid. I keep telling people NOT to push him…this is a Kanga-Dane and when he trusts you, he will lay all of his heart out to you. 🙂
So, when the home came to take him out for a few hours, we sat on the benches at KAH, they fed him treats, were patient and well rewarded. I told them that once he left KAH(he has had so many procedures and much require vet visits….AND, even when I tried to bring him in just to visit, people were always looking/touching at his legs etc…), he will be a changed dog. AND, he was! 🙂
They took him to CocoMutts, B&F, to Timmie's and, even a bit of a walk. 🙂 WHAT a gift this home gave to him!
He is such a nosy parker…twice, he opened the door to one of the exam rooms, to say 'hello' to the Vet and the dog and person in there! LOL If someone was doing anything, he had to go investigate.
From them:
"….as he just kept moving around to sniff and visit! He is a wonderful boy Gwen and as said yesterday, would jump on a chance to take him out again. Sound gentleman to be with.
Thanks for entrusting him to us."
Once we left KAH, he came with me to do a HV and three hours later, was still impressing that home with how fabu he was! 🙂 HE was great with their two dogs, their wee human baby at just over 1 year of age and she accidentally stepped on his tail, toes and batted him gently with her wee hands, and, he was very patient and tolerant and, I think he crushed on her a bit! 🙂 AND, he did not try to snag one of her toys or drink the tea on the table yet, he did eye up those yummy cookies! 😉 Three hours went by in a flash! ANOTHER huge thank you being sent out to this home for all of their own patience, understanding and warmth.
By the time, we were leaving, he was feeling bold enough, to try and be on their couch. 😉 AND, he listened wonderfully, when he was asked by members of the home to get off.
He even had his first elevator rides and, what a pro! Walked right in, just some mild nerves when the elevator doors closed and began to move yet, was so proud of him and he was of himself too(I think!).
Two photo's of him from yesterday. 🙂 Now, that his legs are straight, he loves to lay with them out in front of him and rest his head on them. 🙂
I also know that from being away, one of the kind individuals that were here, made a comment in an email about how they were still secretly hoping that BHRR's Mav would submit an application to 'adopt them, the human'! LOL
BHRR's Maverick – KAH March 29th, 2014 – Don't you just want to kiss those tootsies! 🙂
GENTLE REMINDER & UPDATE – This event will NOW also be used to also help BHRR’s Porridge – Rushed into KAH March 19th for when I returned from being out of the country, he was not well. He had dropped 3 KGs(6.6 pounds) – he is down to 74 KGs, had a nasal discharge, flared nostrils, no temp yet, belly breathing and could not breathe with his mouth closed, had not drank anything in over 24 hours, minimal eating, lethargic, swollen lymph nodes and, could not rest on his side(his fav resting spot).
PORRIDGE VET RESULTS TO DATE: Full exam done, lungs sounded ok, did a full blood work up including a heart blood test(awaiting results, we could not use Dormitor(if he did have a heart condition, this would be not in his best interest) to sedate for x-rays and the Torb barely took his anxiety edge off(we were not able to do his nails as he needs the Dorm also to sedate him) and, we could only get the right lat for x-rays yet, the heart on that side look almost completely normal. There was no noticeable bulge or significant enlargement yet, we had to take four shots to get his full chest and lungs just of the one side and the left side could not be completed at this time. We took biopsies of his lymph nodes, heart rate was elevated. The staff there noted how poor his energy level was from his norm ‘must maim with my happy tail and enthusiasm hyper harle happy boy ‘tude’ and while, he did eat some wet canned food, he had a hard time trying to eat anything dry and could only take one dry piece of T/D that was offered to him. The Vet has prescribed Doxy for him 4 tabs BID of the 100 mg IN case it may be infection related yet, he would not be presented ‘classically’ if that were the case. Yet, we are being proactive from all angles.
He went down hill so fast while I was away and, I thank all for monitoring him and I have trusted and do trust that those that were here, did keep his best interest at heart and, did not see fit to bring him in. I was completely ok for hi to go in for peace of mind and, I had been told that he was eating and drinking well and energy level was ok, no nasal discharge and lungs were clear(one person here is a nurse). In discussing him in more depth tonight with some of the wonderful souls that were here, it was noted that a weight loss had been seen, that drinking levels had gone down and energy level had changed. He was apparently fine and completely normal up to late last week and, I arrived home on Tuesday early afternoon. Whatever he has, it is aggressive….. 🙁
AND, in the 24+ hours that I have been home, his condition from there worsened further and, I jumped in bringing him in ASAP. Even called KAH to change his appointment to an earlier time slot.
Possible diagnosis at this time range from early heart to early lymphoma to early nasal tumor. Good case scenario, an infection of some sort.
AND, here is the PV Stittsville, Nail Trim Event Poster! $15 for grinds/$10 for Trims on Saturday March 22nd from 10 am – 5 pm, and, all money shall benefit BHRR’s Coach, our ‘heart’ boy!
Purse Puppy Coach shall be coming with me after my work shift on March 22nd, – around 2:30 PM to visit and thank all those that will be there AND, he will be doing ‘KUDDLES 4 KASH’ to also help raise some money for his bills. AND, for those that have had the pleasure of hugging this boy, he is DELIGHTFUL! I may also bring BHRR’s Angel Noelle or perhaps BHRR’s Torque! 🙂
On Tuesday March 4th, BHRR’s Purse Puppy’s Coach weight was 14.9 KGs(37.78 pounds)! Since his arrival into Rescue, he has put on 34.28 pounds! 🙂 In just 14 weeks! 🙂
I have a huge blog post to make from this Vet visit and then coming back the next day for emergency x-rays and an ECG (the results were suppose to be back within 24 hours….) and, from there, the next steps for him. I have the report from the one Vet to post and, I have passed along all information and details to PVAR who have the other two puppies and who adopted the mom. At the minimum, it is believed that he has a congenital condition. 🙁 AND, the chances that HE is the only one in that large litter to have this condition is slim to none.
As I am heading offline for the next week+, blog updates will be to a minimum to none – SORRY! 🙁 I am going out of the country and later this year, also plan on going back out of the country as I have been invited to Costa Rica and Nicarauga to assist/train/mentor in a spay/neuter clinic and, to work with the strays etc. over there. So, I will post as I can and, thanks to all that follow the blogs!!! 🙂
Now, we just have to have those right matched forever loving homes find all of these great BHRR doggies that are AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! 🙂
Please consider heading to PV Stittsville to participate in our FIRST EVER(Annual or Bi-Annual – not decided as of yet) $5(Five) 4 Food Fundraiser – February 1st to February 28th inclusive!
$1,518.00 DONATED To Date as of February 22nd, 2014!
I want to thank PV Stittsville immensely for being so open and supportive for BHRR to have our unique and creative Fundraiser at their lovely store! All money donated is being used to buy Dog Food from their store. As the generous, kind and extremely thoughtful donations are coming in, the incredible staff at PV Stittsville are using the funds to buy dog food as we are in our food crisis now. Sean has already gone in to pick up what food has been bought to date and, I will be in on Saturday to pick up the next bags that thanks to the community's big hearts, more is continuing to be able to be purchased.
We are hoping that this Fundraiser shall be successful! We are so happy to be showing our own hearts in turn to the store that is making this all possible and to buy all the food we can with the monies that come in. THANK YOU to the village that is surrounding BHRR and, PV Stittsville!!
AND, the 2nd annual PV Stittsville Secret Admirer Sweetheart Knuckle Bones Event is in full swing! 11 have already been purchased to donate to the animals(each BHRR dog has a photo attached to one bone) of BHRR! TY! TY! Be sure to visit PV Stittsville, while BHRR DOGGIES LAST! 🙂
**As OF FEBRUARY 15th, 2014, ALL BHRR DOGGIES HAVE A Secret Admirer Sweetheart Knuckle Bone!**
AND thank you to BHRR BOD member Barry Cole for working with me again on this fabu poster!
HERE is the poster! THANKS Barry for working with me again! The final product has turned out wonderfully!
If anyone wishes to have a poster to put up at their work or share on fb etc., PLEASE EMAIL
A lovey note from one of BHRR’s Mav’s fans! 🙂
“I just wanted to send some congratulation hugs to you and Maverick! Such awesome news!” J.
So, DRUMROLLLLL……….BHRR’s Maverick got the BIG THUMBS up from Dr. Philbert on that leg! YES! YES! YES! Gold stars given to him! 🙂 WHAT a journey! Per, his specialist, there is no reason to think that he cannot live a normal and happy, healthy life….!!!! 🙂 YAY!
So, after he receives his boosters PLUS puts on a more weight, he will have a very big special announcement to make! THANK YOU to all that have stood by our side as we worked to rehabbed him so successfully AND, stood by his side, and were there for him!!! THANK YOU!
I will do his before and after reality slide for posting!
CONGRATS big boy!
Feb. 3rd(TODAY) is Gwennie’s Birthday!
Please consider a donation to help with one of the most precious of things to Gwennie! – DOG FOOD! FOOD = LIFE!
I asked her what she wanted for her Birthday and, as always, she said, nothing for herself.
Instead what Gwennie asked for people to consider is to make a $5.00 donation to a cause near and dear to their own hearts. Be it a r/q animal rescue, human or environmental etc. To make a group/organization have a much better plus brighter day thanks to said donation and also, for those that benefit from the work that the group/organization does!
BHRR’s Maverick went in for his next round of post-op x-rays on that right leg on Friday January 31st(it had to be rescheduled). He is still battling ‘skinny’ issues yet, hoping that with good x-rays results and, then, being able to have more freedom, he will be even happier and eat better and pack that weight back on and then some. His coat is so shiny, glossy and black now(not auburn!).
He was such a brave boy again heading into KAH and, this boy deserves a medal for his heart and courage!
As he was being x-rayed under sedation, I held my breath as, I was so worried that his leg would not have healed and, it would be like it was back on November 13th. I did not want more surgery for him….
Well, DRUMROLL! All of the patience, consistency, time and dedication on his part and ours, has paid off! I am waiting for the final word from Dr. Philibert, the ortho specialist, yet, the Vet that did review them at KAH and myself – we think it looks good and he can begin to have more freedom and play time with other dogs etc. 🙂 YAY! So, I should hear back this week the ‘final word’!
Below are two of his x-rays taken on Friday! LOOKING Good BHRR’s True IRON MAN!
In going through his blogs, I have some of his x-rays and other photo’s – posted on our now unpublished FB page – that have yet, to be added here and, I cannot wait to do his before and after slide ‘reality’ capture. AMAZING dog! Thank you Dr. Philibert for your expertise in giving this boy a wonderful quality filled future AND, thank you to ALL of those that have stood by him!!! STRONG and proud and filled with love for this BBBBB!
BHRR’s Maverick’s right leg – 2nd round of post-op surgery x-rays – January 31st, 2014
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $7,294.12 donated to date & Bills $13,345.27
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
Since December 22nd, 2013, Sean & I have been working to renovate our Sunroom. It was time. Though, we have re-painted it twice since we moved in, the tiles that we put in back in 2000 were worn and the room needed a ‘face lift’ in many ways.
Yet, it is very difficult doing renovations with animals and kids, especially when we installed radiant floor heating and we put it on and, the dogs took over in this cold! LOL
Below is a photo of them enjoying the new tile we laid(porcelain) with the radiant floor heating on. It has been so cold, that, even the Wolfies and Saints and Newfs are loving the floor! Makes it a bit hard to work around them to prime and paint and tile and, install a new door and a new fan and…and…and! I will be glad when it is is all done. IT has been a process. 😀
Those long legs on the right side are BHRR’s Maverick’s! He is back on January 31st for his latest x-rays to be sent off to Dr. Philibert to review.
BHRR – our ‘work in progress – we call our home ’25-life’ – sunroom – January 2014
OUR FIRST OF 2014* FOOD = LIFE for the animals of BHRR!
PLEASE consider our cause and donate a bag or funds for food! We thank you from our hearts for any consideration!
PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU CAN HELP US with our dog food fund/needs!
LESS than 6 hours to get your chance to bid/win on our first ever ‘Breaking Bills Bake’ Online Auction!
All items will be baked fresh! ENDS tonight(Thursday January 23rd @ 9 PM EST)
We have 32 amazing items up for grabs and this, shall be a yearly Fundraiser for BHRR moving forward!
BAKE SALE ONLINE Auction to assist with BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s(the beaten/abused puppy that was also picked up and thrown and had her one leg/elbow broken and was never treated that required a leg amputation) Vet Bills has begun!
Please consider participating and crossposting. THANK YOU!
She also has a YouCaring Fundraiser page!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s ‘BREAKING BILLS BAKE’ Online Auction Fundraiser
*Items do not need to be baked until the Online Auction is over. 🙂
ONLINE AUCTION: STARTS January 18th, 2014(7 AM EST) & ENDS January 23rd, 2014(9 PM EST) – We have 32 items to date!
Thank you to EACH person who has stepped up to help us with sharing this request for donations for this fundraiser, offering to make an item, sending those very precious notes of support and kindness AND, in believing in this very special ‘angel’! As always, thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU! What a brutal start to 2014, we have had at BHRR. 🙁 With being in a food crisis, BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s amputation and, BHRR’s Blooms’ gas bloat. 🙁
All monies raised in this Online Auction shall go towards paying for BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s Bills.
This sweet Rottiex puppy used to live in a crackhouse. She lived a life of constant abuse and, at 12 weeks of age, she was abused, picked up and thrown. Her leg/elbow was broken and left untreated for another 12 weeks. She received no medical treatment during this time as my leg worked to try and heal on its own. I was terrifed and in extreme pain.
On Christmas Eve, an ‘angel’ contacted Gwen and, asked if Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabiltition(BHRR) could assist. BHRR immediately stepped up and another ‘angel’ came to her rescue and took her from this very bad place as ‘because I whimpered in pain’, the Owners wanted me gone ASAP and would have killed me if I had stayed with them.
On Monday January 13th, 2014, her leg was amputated and her bills will be close to $5,000 once all of her rehab is finished. She still has to have post-off follow-ups/exams, vaccines, physiotherapy etc.
With the ice today, BHRR’s Mav’s x-rays have been postponed…ugh!
I will see if I can get him in with me on Friday. With Dr. Phlibert just back from holidays, maybe just as well. He is also going to be reviewing BHRR’s Angel Noelle’s x-rays for me.
*WE ARE IN A FOOD CRISIS AS OF JANUARY 5th, 2014 – OUR FIRST OF 2014* FOOD = LIFE for the animals of BHRR!
PLEASE consider our cause and donate a bag or funds for food! We thank you from our hearts for any consideration!
PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU CAN HELP US with our dog food fund/needs!
BHRR’s Mav says HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of his fans and friends and supporters! 🙂
He is in for his latest round of x-rays tomorrow – January 6th, 2013. MAY that Ulna on his right left be healing well. 🙁 Dr. Philibert said to wait a month from when he reviewed his last ones – Taken November 13th, 2013 (Reviewed November 21st), yet, with Dr. Philibert being off for the holidays, we held off until now to repeat them.
Below are his x-rays from November 13th, 2013 and two photo’s from our Annual KAH/BHRR Event on July 14th, 2013! Still so much to catch-up on posting here and moving from our BHRR FB page. 🙂
We are still paying of his Vet bills as the second surgery was more costly than anticipated, with the bigger plate and, with all the extra repeat x-rays that we have to do. Each X-Ray/Exam Visit is almost $900 in fees.
Sadly, the worst of his legs healed the best for, we are really struggling to get that right leg healed for him…… 🙁
HE also wants to thank his SS for helping to spoil him! 🙂
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of ‘Birch Haven Rescue’ for ‘Maverick’. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the ‘gift’ option)
BHRR’s Maverick’s Magnificent Angels $7,294.12 donated to date & Bills $12,537.87
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna’s “Where in the World Wedding Quiz” and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
Nairn Again
Rachel – SS
BHRR’s Maverick – Left Leg Surgery – 10 days post-op on his first leg surgery- left leg done first.
Post-Op X-rays from November 13th – from second leg surgery(the right leg operated on Sept. 26th, 2013) – 2 of the views taken
Here is a copy of a post that I made on our Birch Haven Facebook Page. For those that are inquiring as to ‘where’ the page went.
As we have many followers that are not on facebook, this is a post that can be ignored. 🙂 For those that do follow us on facebook and, missed this post, here is a copy….
This is the final post as part of the ‘end of year statement’ for the BHRR BOD….that absolute privilege has fallen upon my typing fingers…
So much to say, a Gwennie Novel that would be a Gwennie chapter to truly capture it all!!
It has been an incredible year for BHRR, 13 WOW adoptions, so many faces put to names of lovely folks near and far, friendships plus relationships that have strengthened further and increased those links on that BHRR CHAIN OF SUCCESS, new kind and beautiful faces that have chosen our cause to support and believe in, the miracles of so many that were considered by several to be ‘lost causes’, r/q rescues working side by side making an much bigger positive difference to animals out there in need, the laughs, the smiles, the fun(Yes, r/q rescue can be fun!), the public education and community education events, play dates and play visits, the fundraisers(the crossposting!) the walks/hikes, the animals plus people that have touched us to the core and made our hearts just burst in warmth and happiness, the donations of lifesaving food and, other material items, the financial hand to help pay for much needed bills and more dog food, the driving and the more driving and the more driving, and yes, the hugs!
We thank each you that has been there and we look forward to what we hope promises to be an even better year for all ahead. We are NOTHING without you…..AND, to my BHRR BOD, thank you!
It has been such a hard year in others ways, and we take those important life lessons learned and will work that much more diligently in making better decisions/choices in 2014 and onward….we are focused in letting go of the things that we cannot change and that are unhealthy in the name of r/q rescuing.
We endeavour to practise what we preach, research, stay updated and keep walking the talk!
We have cried and still do cry over those that shall no longer be with us – human and animal and, candles are lit in the most honourable plus respectful silence of those that we can no longer physically touch and talk to and embrace……We miss you and, we are better in the having been touched by you…..
We thank all those that have assisted us in not changing BHRR yet, in continuing to help make it a better version of itself! I stand up and applaud each of you and then, I kneel down in the most humblest of thanks in turn, for I appreciate each and every gesture from a dollar to an encouraging word to helping to do nails or helping me to keep making dogs more well balanced and set-up for success! You may not think you have done much, yet, you have…especially on those dark trench days….
2014 MARKS year #18 for our small r/q Rescue and, that moves me into an announcement that I have been slowly sharing with people over the past few months….
The BHRR BOD has been discussing this for close to a 1 year now….
As of 11:59 PM on Wednesday January 1st, 2014; we shall be unpublishing our page….and, deactivating the BHRR BOD account.
This was not an easy step to take by any means for we understand how key networking and social media is….this page has brought us soooooooooooo much goodness and kindness and, we go into this knowing that we shall find ourselves most likely struggling even more financially and with food needs than we ever have had to date…..13 dogs were adopted in 2013, 17 in 2012 and this page is to be credited with these success stories…..
We are a small group and like many groups, we are Volunteers and lead busy lives outside of r/q rescue and, in frequent discussions with members of the BHRR BOD, the bandwidth is just not there right now for me to keep up the pace of this page plus what so many have originally been attracted plus loved about BHRR, the detailed blogs…that is very much a ‘signature’ BHRR arena and, it has had to take a backseat more often than I would have liked in 2013.
2014, is also year of much excitement(and some stress!) in my own professional and personal life – I will be defending in 2014 in re: to my PhD that I have worked pt on for too many years now…, I am furthering my training to do more work internationally with strays, street dogs and spay/neuter clinics and teaching and being mentored….I have been invited to Costa Rica and Nicaragua and, I will also begin to shadow at other Hospitals to increase my own skill set and education with qualifications plus experience. AND, I also look forward to my time at the ES when I can get there. As a result, I shall also be deleting/deactivating my personal account. Barry, Catalina and Mary will remain our eyes and ears out there in fb land.
My priority has always been to the animals under our authority and being hands on and keeping our success rates unparalled out there….that, shall not change.
It is my sincerest of wishes that by this time next year, we can publish this page again….it has become such a staple to my day and, I look forward to coming back to post of daily tips and questions and quotes and all things BHRR plus beyond to help other groups also network their own events/animals and throw our support into their corner!
I have sincerely enjoyed sharing the ups and the downs as part of our commitment to full disclosure and that, we are only perfect in our imperfections as humans….
So, it is will deepest regret that this shall be my last post on this page for some time……..
The BHRR BOD is still trying to figure out how best put forth our requests for assistance and right now, we shall go back to using the website for postings…so, please do visit uswww.birchhaven.org for YOU are the real hearts and souls of BHRR, along with the animals…..
May love, happiness and health find their way and stay with you and yours in 2014….that is my wish for you!
Raising my glass to all of you in a toast of my heart to you!
FROM myself, words truly do fail me with how beautiful these cards are plus the stamps AND Anna’s heart…..Thank you! THANK YOU!
From Anna G-h:
“We are delighted to announce that we have note-cards and matching stamps (domestic permanent) available with all funds donated to Birch Haven to assist in vetting and food costs. Each are 4 for $5. Please let me(Anna) know if you would like to order any. We can mail free of charge once we have received payment for your order. These are blank inside so are perfect for many occasions.”
Anna can be contacted at: anna.goofy@rogers.com OR email HERE.
Payment can be made via PayPal ‘GIFT’ or via email transfer.
Simply stunning! The person in the photo for those that are not aware is Anna’s husband, Peter and the two lovely Danes are Kaitlyn and Kassie. 🙂
BHRR does not adopt out during the XMAS season due to our position that it is not in the best interest of any new addition being added during such a busy, exciting and somewhat stressful time for many.
Quite a few other Rescues, Shelters, Pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol to what we have been doing for so many years.
Our XMAS Shutdown period for this year is from Saturday December 14th, 2013 to Tuesday January 7th 2013 inclusive.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.
Thank you for your continued understanding – The BHRR Team
Our 6th ANNUAL 'JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS' Online Auction HAS started! 🙂 We NOW have 87 items posted – LINK BELOW – and more to come daily! This is not a facebook auction. As we have supporters not on fb, we use a wp plug-in app on our home website.
YOU have to go visit daily to see just what is there! 🙂 THANKS to all that have donated so kindly, generously and the animals thank you too! 🙂
The BHRR Auction began at 7:00 AM EST on Saturday November 23rd, 2013.
The BHRR Auction will end at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday December 5th, 2013
UPDATE: So, DP, BHRR’s Mav’s ortho specialist has reviewed the latest x-rays and wants BHRR’s Mav to stay on crate rest and leash walking for another month and to then re-do the x-rays.
Hoping for more healing by then and not him requiring more surgery.
So, BHRR’s Mav is staying with us into 2014.
UPDATE: So, it appears that BHRR’s Mav’s worst leg(the left) healed the best of the two…..
His right leg(the better leg) in the ulna area looks terrible on x-rays, complete non union. AND, while the rest of his leg is healing, it is way behind where he was with the first surgery on the left left…..you can clearly still see the ‘cut’ area.
The one thing that the external fixator did for that left leg is give it more stability. So, is it perhaps so much movement that has caused the ulna to be this way? He so rocked this surgery over his last one…AND, he is not in discomfort, does not lick or chew his leg. His Vet and I are so surprised to see the x-rays.
We have sent on to DP, his ortho specialist to review and advise…maybe, he needs more time? Maybe, DP will not be concerned as being the specialist surgeon, he would know better than the rest of us. Even his Vet here said the same thing….
I know that when we did his very first x-rays and we found his broken leg that had never unioned, DP was not worried at all…the rest of us at KAH were quite concerned. AND, DP did say that the same area may not union again yet, that was on his left leg and in a different spot than his ulna…..
So, I am not going to panic, or get too worried(OR, try not to), until DP looks at the x-rays and advises……..
In the meantime, continued leash walks and crate rest for dear BHRR’s Mav. People marvelled at his glossy shiny black coat coming in AND, the weight gain today and his fabu temperament AND, how straighter his legs are AND, the muscle tone/mass(especially in his back legs, thighs and butt) that this boy has even been so lean….WISH, all the walking, did that to my own body!
Also, per his wonderful Vet at KAH sent to DP:
“The end of the plate near the tarsus has caused a fibrous lump & the ulnar non-union is another lump.”
Today is THE Day!! BHRR’s Mav has his post-op x-rays from his second leg surgery that was done on September 26th!!
He truly has rocked this second surgery and everything crossed that things are healing inside well!
Should he get the thumbs up, he will have a very special picnic date on Satirday and after, he puts back on the weight he has lost throughout his recovery, he will be placed up for adoption!!!
So, hoping he has a good post-op exam and x-day results today!!
Auntie Madgaret is suppose to drop by to not only pick up her 2014 limited edition BHRR Calendar yet, give him som gentle loving!
Think of our real Iron Man today!! 🙂
AND, we have a date! DRUMMMMMM ROLL!
BHRR's Maverick's second surgery post-op x-rays and exam has been scheduled! JUST off the phone with Dr. P. and Wednesday 13th is the special day!!!
I could not be MORE happy for this very magical boy!!!
His one knuckle is larger than the 'normal' and we will determine if it is just because of the larger plate put in this time and not using the external fixator as he had just a bad reaction last time OR is it something more serious…..
He is not chewing or licking or bothered by it and that is all excellent!
THEN, the focus shall be to get that weight packed back on him and then OMG! THIS is so exciting…he can make a very important and wonderful announcement!
THE journey this very very very incredible boy has taken and brought me along has been miraculous!
He is literally our IRON MAN!
From Friday October 18th to Sunday November 3rd, 2013 inclusive, BHRR will not be open for adoptions or the intake of adoption applications.
We do not adopt out around the Halloween season and many others Rescues, shelters, pounds etc. have also begun to follow a similar protocol.
We do not believe it is in the best interest of the animals in our program, especially for dark coloured dogs.
During this time, BHRR is available 24/7 as always for requests for assistance of animals in need.
AND, BHRR's Mav is with me today at KAH to take off his bandages and to get a recheck sans bandages on that leg. His weight is down 1.4 kgs from his surgery…. This happened last time too…my poor boy is getting skinny all over again.
UPDATE: OK! Bandages are now off of BHRR's Mav and the Vet says 'it is beautiful!!' More gold stars to BHRR's Maverick and me!
Another Vet remarked on how well we were able to keep his bandages clean etc. They said it looked so clean when I arrived with BHRR's Mav today. Sean & I take post-op care very seriously.
There is one area that keeps bleeding yet, the Vet was not overly worried and this time around, he wanted to lick and lick, so, BHRR's Mav is now sporting a very fashionable 'lamp shade'
His antibtioics ends on Thursday and the Vet did not feel there was more need at this time to continue the meds past then. The swelling is still substantial in some spots yet, I am so impressed with how it all looks!
AND, poor boy just has no love for the Hospital. Quiet as a mouse yet, just resists going even into the Hospital more and more. I will keep doing visits where we go in, get treats and the. leave again….he used to be fantastic and this is very understandable.
I continue to be in awe….almost 25 years working in medicine between human and animal and BHRR's Mav's legs continue to amaze me – DP said that he could give him 'significant improvement' – HOLY! He was not kidding!
THIS is nothing short of a miracle!
HE has staples on the top and all along the outside of his right leg. AND, you can barely see the scar from his July 4th, 2013 surgery on the left leg – the shaving is from the IV.
We are still paying of his Vet bills as the second surgery was more costly than anticipated, with the bigger plate and we also needed to re-direct some much needed funds towards food purchasing as we were running dangerously low.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $7,224.12 donated to date & Bills $11,836.90
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Julie/Sable – Anna's "Where in the World Wedding Quiz" and selected BHRR to receive the $25 prize.
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
TODAY is the DAY! I cannot believe it is here!
BHRR's Maverick's SECOND leg surgery! Sean dropped him off an as the car drove away, all the dogs began to howl….it was a bit of an unsettling moment….
SO, please, everyone…..can, I ask for extra special positive vibes and thoughts sent his way for a great successful outcome?
HE is in the best hands with Dr. P……
Will update as I can………….
UPDATE: he is prepped and surgery shall begin shortly….as those who know me can say, I am not a nervous sort….this surgery has me worried…he put on over 30 pounds before his first one, lost almost all of that in recovery/rehab and we have battled to get him back up and my stomach is anxious. That type of howling we have heard only twice before…..
I love all my dogs….BHRR's Mav is a really super special boy to so many of us. He is in the best of hands….he has been told how much I love him….will update more as I can….
UPDATE: HE IS OUT OF SURGERY! OMG! YES! I cannot recall the last time I was this 'unsteady'….and uneasy….EVER!
There is no external fixator this time as Dr. P. put in a larger plate from when he did his first surgery. SO, IRON MAN he definitely is now!
He is just waking up……………photo's and copies of x-rays to post shall come soon!
THANK YOU everyone for being there today!!! My hands are trembling in relief and sheer gratitude!!!
UPDATE: 10:30 PM
I have him home and he is now resting….the dogs howled in a very similar way when Sean was helping me get him inside the house….very goosebumply…..
He was given at my request some buprenorphine before heading home. Dr. P. was so supportive in my desire to have him have stronger meds than he did the first time around. Cannot say enough about Dr. P. and all my lovelies at KAH! I truly work with some of the best of the best! Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $6,599.12 donated to date & Bills $11,836.90
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 15th TTP donations from Lemon-Aid Stand by Chew-That
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
BHRR's Maverick – PRE & Post-Op – September 26th, 2013
*first photo courtesy of L. Smith
BHRR's Maverick – September Post-Op @ Kanata Animal Hospital
BHRR's Maverick's blog is now updated to July 8th, 2013! 😉
I will add July 14th, August 8th and August 28th shortly. WITH photos…make it worth your patience! 😉
A short time ago, I received an email from the most talented and I want to say also, very beautiful and special Liz Bradley of The Ottawa Dog Blog.
As many are aware, there was a voting contest recently for the Most Influential Dog Blog online and the competition was quite tough AND, thanks to such an incredible surrounding community The Ottawa Dog Blog WON! By taking 60% of the votes!
HUGE Congratulations Liz & Jane!!! Extremely well deserved! Your blog is quite important and valued deeply by so many and you make a BIG difference daily with all your efforts! I have loved watching your amazing 'baby' grow plus develop!
AND, what so humbly surprised me(AND, made me grab yet, another tissue…this time with a welling up of good tears!), was that Liz/Jane was awarded a lifesaving generous gift of $500 donation to the charity of her choice AND they chose BHRR!! As they have posted about, there are SO many great r/q Rescues deserving and in need and, I am touched, humbled and feel privileged to have our small rescue chosen to be the recipient of such an incredible gesture……Just honoured! Immensely!
There really needs to be more words to express THANK YOU! I am MORE thank thankful! I am genuinely appreciative plus grateful and filled with intense gratitude…….
"It was a difficult decision as to the charity who we would pick to receive the donation as all of the Ottawa charities work so hard.
We decided on Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation to receive the $500 donation! BHRR is an amazing rescue who is in need of money to feed the large and giant breeds they rescue – this money will go a long way towards food and vet bills for them!
Thank you again to all who voted. I am so very proud to live in this great city surrounded by fellow dog lovers.
With love and belly rubs,
Liz (and Jane)"
**Could I please ask our fans/supporters/family/friends to take a moment and go over and CONGRATULATE Liz/Jane immensely and tell them HOW uber awesome they are with what they do daily!!!**
AND, here is what I wrote on their lovely Blog post!
HUGE Congratulations Liz & Jane!!! Extremely well deserved! Your blog is quite important and valued deeply by so many and you make a BIG difference daily with all your efforts! I have loved watching your amazing ‘baby’ grow plus develop!
As Liz/Jane have posted, there are SO many great r/q Rescues deserving and in need and, I am touched, humbled and feel immensely privileged to have had our small rescue of Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services chosen to be the recipient of such an incredible gesture……Just honoured! Immensely!
I also wish to publicly thank Camp Cookstown from my heart, for having such a great contest, for helping to get the word out regarding so many fantastic online blogs and for supporting the work done in animal rescue with this very generous and lifesaving gift of $500.
There really needs to be more words to express THANK YOU! I am MORE thank thankful! I am genuinely appreciative plus humbled and filled with intense gratitude…….
Thank you sooooooooooo much to Ginnette & CJ for having us back again this year!!!
I absolutely LOVE this event! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Saturday July 27th
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Min. $10 Donation
*Microchips $40 includes registration, merchandise AND Nail Trims too!
*Thanks to BHRR BOD member Barry for working with me on this poster!
COMING UP ON Sunday July 14th, 2013! Our 6th ANNUAL KAH/BHRR Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser!
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
In 2012, we did 56 MICROCHIPS(ALL by qualified Veterinary professionals) & 94 nail trims!
We shall have our silent auction table again, human plus doggie baked table, draws, facepainting, caricatures AND so much more!
NO APPOINTMENTS necessary! For more information, please visit HERE:
OR follow all the exciting updates on our BHRR/KAH Facebook EVENT PAGE!
Thank you in advance for any consideration!!
1) More volunteers to put up posters in their local community including training facilities
2) People open to emailing and promoting this event poster at their work and with friends, family and neighbours. I can email the poster to all willing to assist. 🙂
3) Donations of pop, juice, bottled water & hotdogs/buns & hamburger/buns
4) NEED MORE DRAW PRIZES! Please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
6) NEED MORE Silent Auction Items
7) Gift cards – please email contactbhrr@gmail.com
8) We need people to assist us with cross-posting this event and getting the word out! We have some huge Vet bills right now and more in the pipe.
PLEASE EMAIL if you can assist with any of the above!
***This event is such a great time!***
THANK you again to BHRR's Cosette's fabu mom for working with members of the BHRR BOD on this poster!
On Monday July 8th, BHRR's Maverick was back to have a check on that leg and we removed the bandages . OMG! IT looks fabu!!!! Just fabu!
I am so impressed with how straight it is and how well it is healing! Just a couple of small areas that are still oozing. Yes, it is swollen but WOW! Looking great! 🙂
Will remove the staples in about another 10 days or so.
you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly to talk to the Call Centre (613) 836-2848
OR Via Paypal 'gift' to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
He has been so taking hearts with his paws today!!
Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $6,499.12 donated to date & Bills $5,502.02
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraisers x 2
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
Kristin – PayPal took a fee
On Sunday July 7th, BHRR's Maverick came to the WAG Pet SHOP 'GRILLING FOR GIANTS' Fundraiser. He is sporting a t-shirt as he has been really botherd by the shaved area on his shoulder and leg. He is more occupied with that, than he is of the surgical site.
BHRR's Maverick – "GRILLING FOR GIANTS" Fundraiser – Sunday July 7th, 2013
*Photos courtesy of M. Aris
HERE is a VIDEO of BHRR's Maverick on our way home from KAH after his surgery.
AND, no night would be complete without a BHRR's Salma story!!!!
Just as Sean was helping me get BHRR's Maverick settled, and, I am all bent over almost completely inside the colossal crate, I fear hot air breathing on me…..
I take a peek over my shoulder and there is BHRR's Salma – no word of a lie! – with one of Vivian's special made with sheer love and talent blankets AKA Rupert Wrap – in her mouth.
I am thinking fast and the light bulb goes off and I am like ' NO way, you want me to put it on BHRR's Maverick…NO way!'
So, I reach out to go and take it(Sean is my witness!) and she backs away. I reach back a bit further, contorting my body half in and half out of the crate and she takes another step back.
I then begin that thinking rush pattern again 'Think, Gwennie….THINK'.
I could only think of one thing, she wanted to give BHRR's Maverick the blanket herself…..I did not want her walking in and accidentally stepping on him and I was almost going to just go back to settling in BHRR's Maverick and let her be and well, I KNOW HQD….very well!
So, I untangle myself from the crate, straighten up a bit(yet, still in full alert mode to make a dive if needed to save BHRR's Maverick) and just give a sweeping motion of my hand, bend my head and say "OK, YOUR QUEENSHIP DIVINE…do your thing."
GOD! The looks this dog can shoot my way…OMG! LOL
As she walks past me, she gives one more 'parting shot look' at me, she steps very carefully into the crate and I am now thinking 'where is my phone…where is my phone, I have to tape this' and she pulls the blanket in and she pulls it over as gently as can be(with me hovering like a mother hen) over his operated leg….as one last measure, she used her nose so softly to push the sides of the blanket at his foot to make it closer to his leg….I guess she does not want him having drafty toes….
She then backs out, gives me THAT priceless SALMA LOOK and yup, you got it….walks right over in her wobbly bobbly way and climbs up NOT on the doggie couch yet, the human one and lay down with one sheer sigh of contentment… LOL
AND, just to add more HQD flavour/style, she did not USE one of her own blankets, she had snagged BHRR's Promise's donated so lovingly to her when Vivian transported her last week my way! LOL LOL
Oh, Salma…let me count the ways that I love you…'denture chatter mouth' and all!
BHRR's Maverick, TTP – June 15th, 2013 & BHRR's Maverick – July 4th, post-op surgery
*first photo courtesy of B. Element
AND, here are his x-rays!
UPDATE: BHRR's Maverick's surgery was a THUMBS up! I have copy of x-rays to post when I get home from work and took a couple of post-op photos. He is so freaking adorable and amazing! 🙂
As soon as he became 'aware' that I was there, he was working to pull his head up and move. I WUV him so much!
THANKS Auntie Margaret for dropping by KAH and for giving him some special loving! He will be your 'date' for Sunday and I may put another approved BHRR Volunteer with him too to ensure he stays quiet.
Per DP, he did the most deformed leg first and as he is such a big dog, and still growing, he put an external stabilizer bar to help keep things in place and that he does not exactly have another great front leg to help him out right now. He has a plate and pins on the inside once DP performed the osteoctomy surgery.
He was so scared at reception when he was first dropped off, yet, fared better as time went on…..
I will take his bandages and packing off in about 5 days time(unless I need to re-pack and re-bandage before that time) and going to keep him on fluids until just before I leave tonight.
ALL those well wishes are working!!!
NOW, he needs healing vibes….he has a LONG road ahead and I will bring him back in 8 weeks for post-op x-rays, first post-op follow-up and to possibly remove the external stabilizer then too under a light sedation.
I am sooooooooooooooooooooo relieved and thanks everyone for the blanket donations and Fiona Cousineau those homemade 'pads' are going to be great for drainage.
For all those that have been texting, emailing plus calling as to what he needs – his biggest thing is time….quiet time and the obvious is donations to help pay off his thousands and thousands and thousands of Vet bills, yet, my priority and biggest worry is to just take it one day at a time to get him back up on his feet, healing well and moving forward in his rehab!
I will be looking into possible massage and hydrotherapy if he proves to be a good candidate.
In 12 weeks time, hopefully, we can do the second deformed leg!
SOOOOOOOOOO appreciative and feeling blessed by our BHRR village today! SUCH good folks standing beside us!!
AND, Lion King BHRR's Timon is going to be JUST thrilled to see his best bud tonight! THEY are two peas in a pod!
AND, BHRR's Maverick put on another 9.24 pounds!!!! 😀
**Though, there is a photo below from July 8th and the blog post is for July 4th, I wanted to do a before and after shot for all to see! AND, I am including Fundraising monies that have come our way after July 4th on this post too….
FOR those that have been inquiring about making donations, his bills for today were $3,265.77 and you can call Kanata Animal Hospital directly to talk to the Call Centre (613) 836-2848
OR Via Paypal 'gift' to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
He has been so taking hearts with his paws today!!
Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $6,489.12 donated to date & Bills $5,502.02
Rachel – Plus a Collar
TTP Basket
June 22nd, BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House
PV Stittsville Nail Trim Fundraiser
July 14th 6th ANNUAL BHRR/KAH Microchip/Nail Trim & BBQ Fundraiser
BHRR's Maverick – TTP June 15th, 2013 & BHRR's Maverick – July 8th, 2013(Post bandage removal)
*LOOK how straight that left leg looks now!!*
My last post of the night – my night – is to please ask everyone to keep BHRR's Maverick in their positive thoughts and blessings…..
He has the first of two very invasive surgeries today(July 4th) and it has been a long road to reach the point of him being healthy and strong enough since he arrived to BHRR to undergo surgery.
Being the Momma Gwennie that I am, I am worried that he has not put on enough weight and that he keeps getting taller and worried about those growth plates and then…..I just take that deep breath and trust in his specialist and our Vet Team and hoping that his BHRR village of friends, fan and family shall surround him with all their best energy and healing vibes…..
Dr. P believes continues to believe that while he cannot completely straighten his legs(victim of neglect, improper exercise and nutrition), he can give him significant improvement. He is going to do repeat ostectomies in both legs and use plates and pins. His second surgery, should all go well, will be in about 12 weeks time.
So much heart ache and sadness to our hearts and home this past week and I would be so devastated should something also happen to BHRR's Maverick. I love them all…heart, soul and beyond….
His bills shall top $8,000 before he is successfully rehabbed and BHRR remains committed to him being deserving of nothing but the best! ALWAYS!
He and I are going to watch the sun come up shortly and snuggle and though, he cannot have food nor treats, I am going to keep giving him the best in kisses and hugs to fill him up!
Will update as I can and the page shall be a wee bit quiet July 4th…..apologizing in advance!
Katoby Distribution is having their FIRST even Campaign For Rescue Voting Contest!
This contest was created via nominations and on Monday July 1st, BHRR received an email regarding this voting contest and what a surprise PLUS honour to note that we were one of the organizations chosen to participate!
They have 4 prize packs totaling over $4000 in valuable food and products to give to the rescue groups you think deserve it! Top 3 dog rescues and the top cat rescue will each win a prize pack (as determined by votes). One lucky voter will also receive a price pack worth over $250!
Voting ends July 15 at noon – one vote per day per person!
UPDATE: BHRR's Maverick has now been scheduled for his first of two needs leg surgeries!!
Dr. Philibert shall be at KAH on July 4th to do his one leg and then after about 12 weeks appr., we shall do the other leg!!
In the meantime, he keeps putting on that much needed weight and those deformed let's certainly do not hold him back!!
THIS is my latest GOOD WITH CATS UPDATE post!
This lovely Canine has proven to be 'good' with cats. YET, as always, careful integration is an VERY important key and the personalities also!
I also want to stress that THE Hobbits of BHRR's Baggins & BHRR's Bilbo are only mere puppies right now….their 'cat' goodness could well change as they mature.
We cat test our dogs as we can. Sean is allergic to cats and most of our own dogs are scared of cats and yet, doing thorough evaluations plus assessments and getting to know the BHRR dogs thoroughly, my knowledge of them and experience with them and gut/instinct have gone a long way in helping to determine if the dogs may or may not be good. Others do remain an 'unknown'.
As I sit warmly hunkered down with a hot chocolate at Timmie's in Orleans waiting for rush hour traffic to lessen(took me just under two hours to get here but so worth the trip thank you GDR!); it is a good time to update all on BHRR's Maverick News!
BHRR's Maverick did amazing on Sunday at the Pet Valu Appreciation event in Stittsville!! He has come a long way in such a short period of time and yes, he is very bonded to me already….hauling some of our approved Volunteers closer to me if he felt I was too far away….working on ensuring he does not develop SA. We raised $170 from his 50/50 raffle for his bills over the weekend!!
On Monday, his wonderful Vet at KAH conversed with Dr. Philibert and surprising to both of us, he was not concerned with the unhealed leg from his surgery from last November done by his past Owner. In asking why, it was a question his Vet at KAH would re-visit on Tuesday for they were so busy as was Dr. P. Dr. P. from reviewing his x-rays believes that while he would not be able to completely straighten both legs, he could give BHRR's significant improvement. He would repeat ostectomies in both legs and use plates and pins.
I had a question re: doing this before him reaching maturity and that question was to be re-visited on Tuesday as well. Dr. P. was to be at KAH on Wednesday and we scheduled to have BHRR's Maverick in so that Dr. P. could examine him himself.
I am so grateful to his Vet at KAH and Dr. P.! We do not deal with the easy 'cases' at BHRR and they have been so good to the animals!! AND to me!!
I was told today that BHRR's Maverick was even more outgoing and social and curious today than when he was there last Thursday and was more comfortable with all the lovely ladies this time around and was just a bit nervous of Dr. P. and the male Vet at KAH. I was really happy to hear this news – thanks Shannon! – as he is making wonderful emotional progress in his rehab!
Dr. P. reviewed his x-rays again(I still need to post his right leg) and examined BHRR's Maverick.
He feels that both legs can be done and he explained that it is not abnormal for full healing or a closure to not happen with the type of surgery BHRR's Maverick had last November. He also says that he is not worried and to possibly expect that even after the repeat surgeries, this time with plates and screws; that full closure may not happen then either. News for myself and his Vet at KAH for sure!! We have never had a non healed case in our own history and so, this is new ground for us from the surgery his O. had last November for him.
Dr. P. would not do both at once either like what BHRR's Maverick had last November . Something I am happy to support for that is a lot at one time.
In regards to waiting, all are in agreement with me to wait until BHRR's Maverick is more healthy and weighs more. 🙂
AND in respect to his age and waiting until maturity, per Dr. Philibert, his growth plates fused early already and does not believe there will be significant growth from the age he is at now that would be essential to having to wait until he is older.
I am so grateful in having my questions and concerns answered plus addressed and all the patience and time that has been taken with BHRR's Maverick.
I was given Dr. Philibert's cost per leg that is just for the surgery. It does not cover all the other fees associated with any surgery plus meds etc. So, when all is said and done, we are looking at probably close to $6,000 for his bills. This boy is worth every dime and then some!! Only the best for the BHRR dogs!! AND Dr. P. is one of the best!
When I was first contacted to assist this GD and the one he was left at the shelter with, I 'knew' he needed BHRR…at that time, we were told about one deformed leg plus that he was black and he turned out to have two and after today, my heart tells me even more that this boy needs BHRR!!
This is why, I founded BHRR back in 1996 and why I get up everyday and why I work the hours I do…for all those like him that would not have had this opportunity for a great future and I already know that he is taking me on adventures and a journey that will enrich my soul tenfold!!
He is so sweet….so precious and it is not his fault that he ended up with two deformed front legs and I am so over the moon, knowing that he has a surgical option!!! YAY!!
Ok…huge Gwennie novel!! 🙂
Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $345 donated to date & Bills $1861.13
Rachel – Plus a Collar
BHRR's Maverick – April 6th, 2013 – on route to BHRR
THOSE long nails are LONG GONE!
*photo courtesy of R. & B. Ng
BHRR's Maverick's bloodwork was normal, his hwt was negative, his fecal smear was negative and his fecal was negative! YAY!
Here are his x-rays from April 18th, 2013
*the news was not good – one leg(left) may need a plate/pins as it had never healed from the ostectomy surgery his previous O. had done on it last November and I have the x-rays to show the area that is 'broken'/not yet healed/closed & the other leg most likely shall need another corrective ostectomy.*
We are awaiting word from Dr. Philibert for his expert opinion and recommendations.
The O. never did post-op 6 week x-rays from when they gave him osteotomy surgery in November of 2012 and Maverick has been literally walking around with his leg like this. 🙁
You can see how bowed his bones are…..
On April 18th, 2013 – BHRR's Maverick weighed 95.92 pounds at the Vet tonight! He has gone up 11 pounds!
We had to wait until he had more weight on him and was less skittish for handling before I could bring him in and we could really do what needed to be done. I also do not like putting dogs THAT skinny, even under a sedation.
He had a thorough exam, fecal smear, fecal, was sedated for x-rays, microchipped, given revolution, had bloodwork including hwt and had a mani/pedicure done.
We dewormed him upon arrival to BHRR. His heart and lungs are THUMBS up!
Some photos below of our time at KAH AND here is a VIDEO
Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $345 donated to date & Bills $1861.13
Rachel – Plus a Collar
Once BHRR's Maverick arrived on April 6th, 2013, it was clearly noted that he had not one deformed leg, yet two front severely deformed legs.
Many have asked what my expert positioning is and I suspect nutitional, genetics and possible improper exercise when he was younger.
He is a tall boy….and he LOVES teenage boyz! LOL Kanga-Dane! Kanga-Dane…we are working on that! 😉
He is scheduled to see the Vet on Thursday April 18th, when I am working. We will x-ray those legs, have a full exam, do bw including hwt, microchip and he is already being dewormed at BHRR. He has also been placed on Revolution.
His vaccines are not due until June 1st, 2013. We will update them when we believe he is deemed healthy enough. If he is growing and has bone growth issues, we would not feel comfortable giving him any vaccines in June. He will be with us for some time to come. He has a long journey ahead of him.
In going through his medical records sent with him:
"Maverick, 9 month old castrated Great Dane, originally presented to the OVC for evaluation of a bilateral forelimb angular deformity on September 25th, 2012. Ut was first appreciated by the owners several months ago, and has been getting progressively worse since then. No treatments or diangostics had yet been perforrmed. Maverick was sedated, and radiographs of both antebrachia were taken, reveaing bilateral angular deformity consistent with premature closure of the distal ulna physes. Surgical options for correction as well as potential complications were discussed."
"Radiographs indicate that Maverick has had a closure of the distal growth plates in both of his ulnas. This 'tethers' down that part of the carpus(wrist), and then as the radius continues to grow, resulting in asynchronous growth of the radius and ulna and the deformity seen in his forelimbs. The surgery we recommend releases the ulna, which then should allow the radius to grow normally and correct the limb deformity."
"……the surgery will need to be repeated if the ulna bridges with new bone, or the need for a corrective osteotomy after Maverick reaches skeletal maturity if his normal growth to that point had not corrected his limb deformity."
"We recommend surgery(bilateral ulnar ostectomy) to help correct Mavericks angular limb deformity. This is best performed as soon as possible to allow the best chance for the remaining growth in his radius to correct his deformity."
"On November 20th, 2012, Maverick was admitted to the care of the OVC Orthopaedic Surgery Service for surgical correction of his angular limb dermormities and for a neuter.(WHAT confuses me is that on September 25th, 2012 HE was stated above in the Vet records as already having being NEUTERED)
On presentation Maverick was bright alert and responsive, his physical exam was unremarkable other than his previously noted bilateral angular forelimb deformities. Packed cell volume, blood urea, and total solids were performed and found to be within normal limits."(I do not have a copy of any of this bloodwork being sent with him).
"On November 21st, 2012, Maverick was routinely anesthetized. A bilateral ulnar ostectomy was performed, at which time approximately 4 cm from each distal ulna was removed. A routine castration was also performed on Maverick. Post-operative radiographs were evaluated, confirming desired ulnar ostectomies. Soft padded bandages were applied to both forelimbs.
Maverick recovered uneventfully and was closely monitored. He was placed on antibiotics, analgesics, and the nueter incision site was cold packed until discharge."
On November 22nd, 2012, Maverick was discharged to the care of his owners with the above instructions and prescibed medications.
What is also confusing is that per the paperwork, it clearly states:
"Thank you very much for bringing Maverick in. He is a handsome boy and was a pleasure to work with. Please feel free to contact Dr. Tom Gibson or Dr. Evan Crawford at 519-823-8830 if ou have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to book Maverick in for the surgery."
AND, the estimate given for the surgeries was $2,500 – $3,000 for both sides and the copy of a receipt that I have was for only $1,500.
AND, per the paperwork:
"Please schedule an appointment in 6 weeks from now at the Ontario Veterinary College Surgery Service for radiographic evaluation of Maverick's ulnar ostectomies and re-evaluation of the bilateral angular limb deformities. Further surgeries(repeated ular ostectomies, closed wedge radial osteotomies) in the future may be recommended pending Maverick's clinical status and degree of thoracic angular limb defmormity."
**I have no paperwork that any follow-up was done and it is very hard to determine what was and is an estimate and what really was performed surgically for Maverick.**
When BHRR's Maverick is in with me on Thursday, we for sure, shall be doing X-Rays and go from there. They should give us some answers as to what is going on inside of him. I will place a call with the OVC yet, sometimes it is very hard to obtain
Thank you from my soul and beyond for any possible consideration to his care……even a $1 donation is super!! His Bills shall be extensive! Yet, he is as deserving as any other dog out there of a helping hand.
(You do not need a PayPal account either)
People can donate to Kanata Animal Hospital (613) 836-2848 and they will take Visa, M/C and AMEX over the phone under the account of 'Birch Haven Rescue' for 'Maverick'. They will take Debit or Cash in person too!
You can also mail donations via a Bank Draft to:
Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services
C/O Gwendilin Boers
2425 Totem Ranch Road West
RR#1 Oxford Station, Ontario
K0G 1T0
OR email transfer to gwen@birchhaven.org
OR via PayPal(please use the 'gift' option)
BHRR's Maverick's Magnificent Angels $295 donated to date & Bills $227.63
Rachel – Plus a Collar
UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Jenn:
9:45 am. Update
Passing Milton. Maverick is really friendly and nice, but spooks easily, much like a horse, which is fitting, considering his size. 🙂
He is STRONG, handlers can't let their guard down in case he spooks and bolts.
A little restless so far, but ok. If he wasn't bolted in, I think he'd be in my lap 🙂
Very drooly, bring towels!
UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Monique:
11:43 AM
Safely transferred to Sonya maverick is a gem
UPDATE: April 6th from one Transporter Rachel:
2:56 PM
Hi everyone!
What a great traveller he is. We are now at BHRR and he is safely in the hands of Gwen
Photo below taken by Deb during his transport from Belleville to Kingston.
On March 30th, I was contacted about 2 Great Danes that were surrendered to a pound in the SWO area. I was informed that this lovely rescue soul that works closely with the pound was heading out later that date to assess them and wanted to give me a heads up.
I was then contacted later that day by another person to see if I could assist them.
I waited for the write-ups(photos were optional for me…as colour or sex does not matter) and determined that the one – female, fawn, cropped with docked tail would have no trouble finding a Rescue and she did. She went to another Rescue and the update that I had received was that she was placed into a permanent home within 24 hours.
However, the other one, I knew would have trouble and I wanted to help him 'Maverick'. He was not only that 'common' black colour, he was more reserved and lacking in confidence and we were told he had one deformed front leg. Info. blurb is below:
"Great Dane, NEUTERED male, 1 year (birth date Feb 14/12), black, "Maverick". Came in with dog #4. Poor Maverick has front leg deformity which causes him to have very bowed legs. He is able to walk and get around without pain though and does quite well for himself. We have been told that he had surgery at OVC for his legs but are awaiting proof of that. The owner stated it was because he grew too fast during puppyhood. Maverick is the more reserved one, gaining his confidence from Vida. BUt although slightly shy Maverick was still very affectionate and had no issues with handling. He weighs approx 85lbs. His vaccines are up to date until June and he is neutered. He has natural ears and a full tail. Both these Danes are good natured and loving. These dogs are the product of divorce and neither person can take the dogs. The female owner cared enough about her dogs to make sure that she turned them in to a pound that deals with rescues "
We committed to taking him in and transport was arranged for April 6th, 2013.