UPDATE Wednesday December 19th, 2012:
THEY HAVE RESTARTED THE FOOD VOTING CONTEST from scratch AND it began Tuesday December 18th, 2012 @ NOON AND shall END Thursday December 20th @ NOON!
PLEASE CONSIDER VOTING! You do not need to enter your email address or register, just one click of a button! AND please consider sharing. WE are in FIRST place by only TEN VOTES!
BHRR could use your DAILY Vote, yes, DAILY Vote up until Sunday December 16th before midnight to help us win some dog foodfor the BHRR animals.
As many know, BHRR goes through 120 pounds of dog food in ONE single day. YOUR DAILY vote for Birch Haven Rescue once a day until Sunday just before midnight, could help us win some food for the dogs. SO, please do consider voting and do remember to come back daily to vote!!!!
The incredible folks at La Maison Du Chien have kindly offered to donate $1100 worth of pet food to a deserving area rescue!
BHRR is currently in FIRST place by ONLY ONE VOTE…….AND as always, we would share with any other r/q groups in need……ALWAYS! We believe in working together to help as many animals as possible!
We do not have a regular food sponsor for donations of food and the cost of food per month can be over $4,000.
Thank you in advance for any consideration………
UPDATE Wednesday December 12th, 2012:
There seems to be a voting 'glitch' and some can and others cannot vote more than once YET, please do keep trying to vote DAILY and do share as BHRR could really really really use your assistance!
UPDATE: Friday December 14th, 2012:
You need to clear your cache/cookies on your iPhone(go to "Settings", then "Safari", then 'Clear Cookies/Cache' to be able to vote again daily AND you need to clear your cache on whatever browser you are using on your home or work computers to be able to vote again daily.
BHRR has slipped to SECOND place and this contest end Sunday just before Midnight! Please vote and share! 
UPDATE Sunday December 16th, 2012:
As many are aware from the public blanket statement posts I was making, as soon as I understood what was able to really occur with the voting in the food contest, I contacted MDB. This was not resulting in a fair contest to all r/q Rescues involved.
We have been in conversation for the last few days re: this contest and per the positioning of BHRR, we will only wish to operate with continued integrity plus honesty and no food is worth any compromising of that.
Either we all are able to vote once a day, only ever once, or multiple times daily. What was happening was not equal or fair to all involved. BHRR and it was so important that MDB be made aware of what was happening.
I am aware that they did a reset a couple of days ago to try and have people being able to only vote once every 24 hours and some could and others still could not vote again.
We have continued to support MDB in any successful resolution they felt was necessary and per their public post today, they have decided to do a reset from scratch – starting over.
I thank EACH of our supporters and believers that have campaigned so hard to assist the animals of BHRR and in sharing!
No words can tell you how much this has meant to BHRR for we do go through 120 POUNDS of dog food PER DAY.
AND good luck to all participating for round two!