Liquorice was suppose to go in for her annual exam tonight yet my beloved grandmother passed away on May 13th and I will need to reschedule. Liquorice is doing quite well and other than appearing to be a little more stiff some days; she is eating, drinking and sleeping well. I plan on talking to my Vets about her heats. She went into one in December; had a small one in March and is now again beginning to look like she is coming into heat again. I worry about pyro with any unspayed female and to date have not felt 100% comfortable in trying to spay her with all of her existing serious medical conditions. It worries me deeply to think that I could lose her in the process of spaying her yet I want her to be healthy and not lose her to something because I did not spay her. I will need to re-visit this and perhaps talk to some specialists about the risks etc. She has amazed everyone that she is still here having a wonderful quality of life five months after all of her diagnosis! She is just like Frost ‘T’ in that she is going to prove the medical world wrong in that she is also a miracle survivor! She remains my ‘grumpy yet terrifically sweet old doll of a gal’.