The foster home and I agree as do the home that BHRR’s Mr. Knox is not the right matched personality fit for him

Mr. Knox you are perfect in all of your imperfections, which is very few, and your right home is out there! We are not desperate to place our dogs, do not flip dogs, and we need to ensure that we do not set our dogs or a home up for failure. 

As I have always said, a dog coming into rescue once, is one time too many. We need to do right by our dogs. 

We also wish this home nothing but the best as they search for a new addition meant for them. Thank you to them for the generous donation of a bag of dog food for BHRR’s Knox too.

Thanks to Mr. Knox’s foster home in making the drive!

I took BHRR’s Knox in my car after the home-visit – to have the opportunity to get my hands on him per his foster’s request and my wish too! – and followed the foster to their hotel, and while Mr. Knox made three small squeaks, and panted some – he did have a busy night, he was a perfect travel companion. We passed cars, cars passed us, we passed two bicycles with them having a dog trotting beside them, numerous people walking and talking, people sitting on chairs on their lawns, so many red lights, and stop signs, and BHRR’s Knox just soaked up the scenery. He also had zero reaction to emergency lights or sirens. 

In the hotel parking lot – beside a busy Lone Star – people in cars/trucks driving by or sitting in their vehicles with music playing, people walking/talking and laughing loudly, a few with pets, and BHRR’s Knox once again just soaked everything up – stood patiently while his foster mama and I conversed, and was quiet plus acted like a gentleman.

He had a adventurous trip, and I wish him and his foster mama a sound nights sleep, and safe travels back to their home. For me, I reside much closer, and was home within 1.5 hours.