BHRR’s Miss Story UPDATE

Bills as of 2:46 pm July 21st: $4,364.79
Donations To Date: $1,100

For full disclosure, a copy of her billing to date is posted.

Story’s Angels:
Laura S.
Alex & Karen T.
Lynn F. – Costco Dog Bed – ETA July 23rd
Lucie L.
Janie W.(BHRR’s Simon’s Mama)
Stephanie B.(BHRR’s Keg’s Mama)

I went in yesterday afternoon and dropped off two toys and a large lamb stuffie for her to have.

She began eating a bit throughout the night yet it is greatly decreased.

She remains being fed through her NG tube plus getting some medications through that means.

Her comfort level appears good, so after I gave her latest dose of methadone, the plan is to discontinue it to see how she does.

She blew one of her catheters.

Her blood glucose levels have remained stable – lowest was just over 5 mmol/L and maintaining around 7.1 mmol/L.

She is on two anti-nausea medications.

She has lost weight – 6.46 kgs (14.2 pounds).

I have not seen her drink yet she remains on IV fluids for meds and hydration.

She has become a huge staff fav! What is not to love about that smoochable squishy face!

We are starting to see signs of her puppy personality coming out! 

We are doing repeat bloodwork in addition to her blood glucose levels.

Her PCV(packed cell volume) has remained steady in the mid 30s. 35-37%.

When she puts her head on my shoulder and snuggles, I tell her that we are doing all that we can for her, and that her village is surrounding her with so much support!

I put in an order for the largest bag of PVD large breed essential care puppy and two cases of the wet.

I am heading back in today to visit.

What we still need:

1) large and giant sizes appropriate toys for her. XL giant stuffies to act as a surrogate mama/littermates

2) Pinesol, paper towels and garbage bags – all sizes

3) A special collar and leash to call her very own – Wiggle Bumz (Jennifer Lindsay) has amazing ones. She has Facebook page and an Etsy store

12-14” size collar, 0.5” width and a quick release buckle

4) Please consider donating your Empties – either returning them yourself or dropping them off.

5) a copy of her current billing to date is attached below to remain giving full disclosure and being accountable. I am not seeking to fundraise more than what is needed.

Donations can be made via email transfer or PayPal to

OR direct to Eagleson Veterinary Clinic 613-383-8381 – ‘Story’ under Birch Haven Rescue & Rehabilitation Services.

They can take credit card over the phone or email transfer to or in person they will take cash, debit or credit card.

5) We need fundraising ideas for her!

As always, I have zero pride when it comes to begging for the animals and I sincerely appreciate any and all considerations for the assistance!