BHRR’s Jack(Blind/Severely Hearing Impaired) – one of our Three’s Company dogs.
We had to do two separate eye enucleation surgeries, and he has thrived!
AND as always, foster failures are the best kind of failures!
He has an older dog sister, Phoebe, cats, and rabbits to call family in addition to his wonderful humans.
This home has fostered quite a few amazing dogs for us over the years including, but not limited to BHRR’s Olive, BHRR’s Penelope, BHRR’s Walter & BHRR’s Simon. BHRR’s Jack is their first foster failure, and he is going to make a truly incredible permanent addition to their home.
Home visits like this are really lovely ones to do!
We are really excited for the fantabulous future he shall have!
You keep showing the world Mr. Jack how awesome and normal you really are!
Thank you Janie once again for helping to do this HV with me!