My last post of my night!
Well, these pictures sum up a good part of my day!
With it being so glorious, I took some time off from school (my day off from work), and Sean & I worked to get some pictures of BHRR’s Miss Jamila(going to be August Calendar Girl thanks to Carol Bruck‘s generosity!), BHRR’s Mr. Rocket & BHRR’s Mr. Romeo -so they could make their special announcements……
Yet, Mr. Rocket (deaf/visually impaired) had his own plans for today.
What a hoot he is!
I just wanted him to be still and ‘pose’ nicely for one….well, I wanted three great pics, yet, I would have settled for one good pic! LOL
I so love that goober head! Never a dull moment! JUST stay still and stop making faces for just…….bloody…..moment….PLEASE!
From our home to all of our friends, family, and supporters, the best of good night wishes are being sent!