My last post of my night…..
I want to extend the most sincerest of thanks to all that came together to make this rescue transport happen today.
This was a rescue that I first began working on over 4 months ago and today; in spite of further blips; they have finally arrived safely.
The 3 special needs Great Danes that we have affectionally dubbed The Three Musketeers are finally here!
Special additional thanks to Lucy Moye, Jane Smith, Theresa Penfield, Rochonne Simons(and her mom!) plus Jo-Anne for everything. Any ommision of names is not intentional and please do forgive me….it truly has taken an army and a village to make this rescue plus transport happen.
From my heart; I am deeply grateful to everyone that gives of themselves in so many ways and in stepping up to make rescue magic occur…….
After the brutal day that I have had, I am now calling it a day….and going to spend the rest of my night with my family and animals!
From our home to all of our friends, families and supporters, the warmest of good night wishes are being sent AND appears tomorrow shall be our first big BHRR Winter Wonderland Day!