Loved your site…made me miss my two, one of whom was a rescue of 11 months when we brought him home. Nothing like two young danes months romping around which is why I so enjoyed your photoalbums. I must say that your policy of obedience class within 4 months is a bit harsh. Do you really enforce it? When I got my second Dane,a pup, I was anxious to get him into obedience. In Montreal, classes are not as abundant as you think in each area and most are on weeknights making travelling distances not feasible. I waited and waited. People took summer vacation and fall sessions were full, reserved months in advance by repeat customers who knew classes shut down a couple times a year. He was about 10 months before we finally found him some classes and registered him for basic and advanced sets as he needed it (headstrong fellow that one). I had tried for more than four months before a space was open. I would say six months is more realistic. I would hate to see a dog lose a good home for the sake of a month or two.
Anyways, congrats to you for the work you do. I know, they make it easy. Horses and Danes, what a life you have! My 23 year old, who adopted an SPCA Harlequin a year ago, would be in 7th heaven working for you. We will always love Danes and will enjoy watching your work.
***In response to your question(of which you did not submit an email address by which you could be contacted directly to provide you with our BHRR position on this matter)about our 4 month obedience clause; should someone contact us and is proactive about actively searching for classes(and I am very familiar with the province of Quebec and all the best PM Training Facilities); we can sit down and discuss. The onus is not on BHRR to do the follow-up on this. However; over 20+ years of experience has taught us that if you give an inch; some people will try to take a mile and with lack of obedience being one of the top reasons why animals are surrendered to Rescues in the first place; I do not desire to see all the great building blocks and foundations built; just fade away. It is my responsibility to ensure that the animals NEVER end up in Rescue again and people are more than welcome not to apply to our program, if they are not in agreement with our adoption mandates, policies plus processes. Honestly, we could give people a year to do the obedience and the reality is that over 85%(and we do keep statistics)of our approved adoptive homes(and our screening process is very thorough) always wait until the last minute DESPITE them being clearly aware of their signed contract stipulations and for legal purposes; as depending on the locale of the adoption; there are statuatory limitations for cases to be brought to court. You can think it harsh and that is unfortunate yet those that seek to adopt from us shall know that we will hold homes to this legally binding condition with their signature. If a home requires an extension or flexibility; they need to discuss with us and the time for them to discuss this with us is not when the obedience completion records are due as has been the case in the past with some homes. Good homes will honour their contract and great homes will not need to be followed up on this mandate by a member of BHRR.***