I have just dropped him off with his emerge foster mama to be for the next couple of months and it was so hard yet he will be in excellent hands!
I fell in love with him when we were first asked to assist in January and when I finally got to meet him yesterday when meeting the transport to pick him up, I loved him even more….if that were even possible!
He just loves everyone and everything!
He is an absolutely incredible young man, about 15 months of age and his body tells the story of what a hard life he has has to date.
He is full of pressure sores/callouses, healing wounds, scrapes and raw area’s.
He is emaciated at 109.78 pounds today. He has put on almost 10 pounds since he was first rescued by his angels and he has a long way still to go. That is his hip bone in the pic and if you enlarge it you can see every vertebrae plus rib.
The ulcer in his one eye – the right has now healed and his Vet today, did another flurorescein eye stain and also froze his eye to get a really great look at it.
He is still battling horrible eye infections so more eye meds were dispensed.
He has an infection on his back right hock from some trauma – agreement seems to be hit by car – and so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days.
His ears are super waxxy and will be cleaned. He is in sore need of a bath too and I told his emerge temp foster mama that I will pay for him to be done once he settles in more.
As many know 98% of the dogs we help are really special needs and this sweet boy is no different.
Both of his front legs/feet bother him and the left side of his body is worse – his back left hip pains him dearly and his Vet concurs that with his thickened left knee, that we are looking at a blown cruciate.
His back right hip does not pain him as much yet he has severe atrophy happening in his hind end. He shifts his weight constantly and alternates holding a leg – front and back – up to attempt to get some relief.
His Vet has put together a great pain management program for him – Gabapentin- and once we get the blood panel back that we did today – we will know more if we can also add Deramaxx as an NSAIDS to his pain management program.
AND throughout all of his much needed poking and prodding plus blood work, he was incredible. To know that the level of discomfort that he is in has to be brutal and for him to be so good natured, is a true testament to his WOW personality.
As he is still so emaciated, it is not safe to sedate him to X-ray to determine the exact nature of his injuries etc.
So, while I am worried re: any kinds of fractures, I am reassured by the expertise of his wonderful Vet that we need to keep getting him more physically healthy and then proceed with the next diagnostics steps.
His Vet Bills between two Hospitals to date are just under $1,000 and this is just the beginning of his own long rehabilitation journey.
Lindsay – thank you again so very much for meeting me partway tonight so I could hand him off to you for you and Josh to be his Emerge temp foster loving home for me.
As I work to get the Dane Trio plus BHRR’s Volt healthy themselves, I am so grateful that BHRR’s Connery will have all that he needs with Josh & Lindsay!
Fostering saves lives!!
As I work my way back home in yet more freezing rain, good night wishes are being sent to all of our friends, family & supporters! It has been a very long day between work, BHRR’s Connery’s 1.25 hour Vet appointment and now the round trip drive to ensure that he got to Lindsay safely!