BHRR’s Big Ben(Benjamin AKA Gentle Ben)
January 7th, 2010 – January 12th, 2019
*Picture is from December 24th, 2018*
As many are aware we made a post re: BHRR’s Big Ben in May 2018 re: how he had been diagnosed with an inoperable nasal tumour.
He had been having nosebleeds since that March and after many diagnostics plus seeing a specialist, he was diagnosed with this horrible tumour.
Other than the intermittent nose bleeds,one would not know at that time that something horrible was growing inside of him…..
Due to his age, he was not considered a great candidate for radiation or chemo either. We wanted the time that he had left to be the best that we can give him and we did whatever was recommended for him by the experts.
BHRR’s Big Ben was also placed on the Chinese Herb, Yunnan Baiyao. We have used this herb many times over the past almost 10 years with great success and it was to also prove to be the case for BHRR’s Big Ben.
While we were not given a set time line to expect to say our good-byes to this really wonderful plus handsome black/tan Great Dane, we were told that it would be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
Our wish was to see him be with us as long as possible and miraculously he was with us for our June BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ Mini Open House, our annual September ‘DINE WITH THE BHRR Doggies’, our annual December Potluck and on December 30th, we had friends over – Aaron/Cherie – for dinner and he remained happy, healthy as could be and strong.
Unfortunately, after celebrating his 9th Birthday, his nose bleeds came back with a vengeance, his muzzle became swollen almost overnight and his breathing began to be a bit wheezy.
We would never see any of our dogs suffer and we knew that it was time….as difficult as this decision was to make, we knew that it had to be done.
BHRR’s Big Benjamin, you were laid to rest held so warmly in our loving embrace and though I tried so hard to choke back the tears, they fell in ever increasing drops on to your soft fur as my heart began to shatter into ever increasing pieces in having to finally say our good-byes.
I have been connected to BHRR’s Benjamin for many years….I watched him be put up for sale again and again since 2010.
He had been kept outside in the freezing cold, had frost bite, had untreated diarrhea and it was said that he could never be trained.
I have never met a dog yet that could not be trained….
It broke my heart over and over as this person refused to hand him over to rescue. They wanted to get money for him. Over and over again he was sold and returned to them.
AND it broke my heart when we learned after the fact of a person who was aware of his story and how hard we had been working to get him, bought him and then returned him right back to his original owner, a couple of days later as they said they could not handle him, instead of doing the right thing.
Then, he disappeared off our radar and the next thing I knew, I was receiving an email from another rescue that he had been surrendered to.
They felt they were not in the best position to help him and on January 29th, 2011, I picked him up.
The dog that was said could not be trained entered an obedience competition with myself after his rehabilitation. We came 3rd out of a field of 25 entered. I knew we could do better yet there was a boxer in the ring and well, BHRR’s Potter – a boxer in our Haven Program and BHRR’s Ben were best buds – so, when the Boxer that was in the obedience competition saw BHRR’s Big Ben and vice versa, I knew we had lost! Those two became quite focused with each other and later I learned that this Boxer lived in a home with a Dane all of their very own so it was fate that these two would lose focus in the ring together! FOND memories!
We did end up adopting out BHRR’s Big Ben yet sadly he came back to BHRR in 2016 – 4 years and 7 months after his approved adoption due to a divorce.
We made the decision that he had gone through more than enough in his life and he became a treasured Haven Dog.
He was an outstanding ambassador for his breed and a big favourite for so many BHRR supporters. He had a massive fan club and was a very popular boy for play dates!
BHRR’s Big Ben, going to bed last night was painful….every night I would tell you how much I loved my “Benny Boy”, gave you your treatie, said for you to have a good sleepies plus that I would see you in the morning. I always made sure that you were tucked in with your favourite blanket on your bed.
When I woke up this AM, the cold reality of you no longer being here set right back in….
Gentle, kind, caring, sweet, gorgeous inside and out, loving and so forgiving of all that had transpired in your life, you really are a gem of a dog.
I so wish I could have given you longer in this world….to show your more, to give you more and to make you whole again and my heart breaks that this is not the way things are…..
Please forgive me dear sweet Benny….I wanted so badly to give you so much more…..
Until we meet again, you and I will continue to meet in our dreams as I do with all those that crossed before you. I love you with all that I am….