BHRR’s Keg(& part of Bogart!)!
BHRR’s Bogart is under a PENDING ADOPTION
These fine boyz wanted to help me pass along the message that all winners of our 11th Annual “JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS” Online Auction have been contacted!
I am now collecting payments plus co-ordinating the pick-up arrangements between wonderful winners and the equally wonderful donators.
From there, I will begin to do a courtesy follow-up to those that have not yet responded to their congrats emails!
If you believe that you have won something and have not yet received a confirmation email, please do email.
Thank you’s extended once more from my heart to every person who donated, shared and/or participated in our Auction!
AND to those that have been rounding up their winning bids, I am further touched by your caring natures!
From our home to all of our friends, family and supporters, the best of good-night wishes being sent!