BHRR’s The Mavie – Our Iron Man
~6.5 years of ageTonight, he was back at the Vet as we have to do a UPC – Urine Test – for despite being on tick protection year round, he tested positive for Lymes. So now we wait to see if he actually is tick borne disease positive. We have also switched up our tick protection to Simparica from Bravecto as with the Lone Star Tick having been discovered in Ontario, Bravecto does not cover that nasty aggressive tick!
He is as handsome as ever and weighed a solid 126.06 pounds!
Since he first arrived into Rescue, he has put on 30.14 pounds! WTG!
~6.5 years of ageTonight, he was back at the Vet as we have to do a UPC – Urine Test – for despite being on tick protection year round, he tested positive for Lymes. So now we wait to see if he actually is tick borne disease positive. We have also switched up our tick protection to Simparica from Bravecto as with the Lone Star Tick having been discovered in Ontario, Bravecto does not cover that nasty aggressive tick!

Once we figure out the tick disease status, he shall then have a dental cleaning. He has elevated globulins so his Vet has been trying to determine the cause.
With him having been placed on Detamaxx, his Vet felt that maybe as his comfort level increases from the arthritis being better managed, maybe his globulin levels will go down.
We are taking it all one step at a time and he rocked the car ride, the vet visit, the urine collection by cysto and well, he was just a ROCKSTAR as always!!
Our Iron Man is almost a $25,000 dog having had four leg surgeries and he has a fan club that spans the world!!