BHRR’s Booker aka Mr. Squishie 

Some things are just meant to be and this home-visit was as close to perfect as could be.

Emotional for all involved and BHRR’s Booker chose his forever loving adoptive mama. How it should always be…we may speak for the dogs yet we only say out loud what they are clearly expressing and he is now home! 

Kinsley, that you could love as fiercely as you do and be brave plus strong enough to let Mr. Squishie go makes me so proud of you. You are right when you said at the home-visit that so many of those you adore and those that adore you have left – most recently The Bakers Dozen of BHRR’s Sprocket, BHRR’s Carlsberg and now BHRR’s Booker. Your heart is huge and your compassion even more so.

Your selflessness to let these cherished animals go makes me love you all the more.  Today was very hard on you and your tears were shared by every single one of us today at that home-visit. I know there is so much happiness in those tears too for you only want what is best for each dog yet I know that today was extremely difficult.

You are so correct when you said that there shall never me another Squishie and you have helped make him that incredibly special pup that he is now. Thank you for that! 

Thank you and to so many others that stepped up in his time of need to help us help him!

We always wish that all home-visits could flow this easily and thank you to BHRR’s Booker’s new forever loving adoptive mama for going through the detailed adoption process and opening up your home to us today. Thank you for your time and openly welcoming kind presence!

As mentioned to this home, they are as close to perfect as we could have ever wished for this fabu DDB.

We are going to miss you something terrible and the tears flowed freely upon our walk back to our car with Lucie yet we must think to ourselves that we have not lost BHRR’s Booker, we have in fact gained an amazing soul that we are thrilled to have as our newest BHRR family member! 

This is not good-bye Mr. Squishie, this is the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your life…..many many many new chapters!

Thank you again Lucie for being with us today to do this home-visit, your caring support for Kinsley and now Kinsley and I are working our way slowly home….

For me on a side note – I am proud of myself for driving by the CN Tower!  Holy! This country gal does not know how city folk do it with all of the traffic and construction and speeding and people and….and…..