This handsome man was back at the Vet today, this time for diarrhea. BHRR’s Capone.
Thank you to Kanata Animal Hospital in being so accommodating in getting us in! Thank you to Sean for coming with me to take him in and his amazing Vet agrees that it is him settling in plus the normal stress that comes with that….causing his diarrhea.
Always so better to be safe than sorry, so he was seen by KAH and he is now on metronidazole 5 tablets twice daily for ten days, Forti Flora and put on a bland diet to help make his gut feel better. His poor rump is so red from the diarrhea.
His temp was high normal and so important for him to keep drinking.
He weighed 77.7 Kgs today.
Always a big love and hit at Kanata Animal Hospital. I enjoyed seeing him again as I have not seen him since I dropped him off at his temp foster home last Thursday – April 27th, after having him thoroughly vetted at KAH.
Thanks to his wonderful temp foster for keeping me posted on him and doing her very best by him! He just has your ‘number’ and does not want to go in your car!
She takes him on several ten minute walks per day and he loves them….squirrels too! He is building up muscle tone and mass and endurance plus losing some of that much needed weight! The obese dog that once could only walk two minutes is up to several ten minute walks daily! Yay!!
This picture is of him from his previous home prior to coming into rescue.