It has been awhile since I updated Jenni’s page and I have uploaded pictures #37-#41 into the slideshow of Jenni. She is doing great! She and her sisters still do not love their collars ONE bit and will even still do some submissive peeing when you go to take them off or put them on. When it comes to nail trimming, Jenni will also do a bit of submissive peeing just in the very beginning when we go to hold here and we know it is the ‘wind up’ that is causing her some stress. So when it is time to do nails; we will do her first on one day; Abbi another and Mudslide on yet another so all three are not done on the same day and also avoid causing them undo angst. Jenni continues to work on her obedience and still is that powerful package of mischief! The DBB’s are not due for their vaccines until July but I really want to get them in for updated weights PLUS the extra ‘outside’ socialization is only going to benefit them. Jenni has free run of the house at night and is only crated when we are out. At night she likes to sleep on one of the Kuranda beds that were donated. Jenni can be a bit possessive over her food bowl if another dog(other than Bronson, Mudslide, Hamilton or Abii)get a bit too close and show interest. We continue to work on NILIF(what we call Doggy Boot Camp)and she has to share toys and the water bowls of which she has no issues in doing so. Jenni also is also beginning to show some possessiveness over her crate and it is being worked on. She is a very strong personality and we remain strong in our beliefs that Jenni needs to go to a home that is very experienced with Danes and her personality type. She is very strong willed, yet a bit of a coward inside and relies on Abbi to ‘build’ her up. We are working on her independence and that she does not have to be a ‘goober’ to express herself.
She is truly a beautiful girl with some rough diamond edges and we continue to work with her.