BHRR’s Pearl learning to enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Like the wind in her hair!
July 5th, 2015
*NOT yet available for adoption
*She had a good experience today at the home-visit for BHRR’s Jersey’s adoption and one day BHRR’S Pearl shall be where BHRR’s Jersey is now. BHRR’s Pearl did so well coming out and having more helping hands show her love and care plus kindness….in time, when she is ready, she will make her own special announcement. For now, her rehab is coming along nicely!
Both Danes came to BHRR crawling on their bellies. BHRR’s Jersey is now confident, has learned to love herself, happy, bouncy, affectionate, curious, social and such a fabu special BBBBB!
BHRR’s Pearl, one day, your own inner beauty will shine to the surface and burst forth and that right matched special home shall also find you!
You are doing so well with your rehabilitation!
Proud of both BHRR beauties today!