We want thank everyone that has come out AND, also to those that are still here from our latest BHRR ‘EXPERIENCE’ mini open house. 🙂
April is such an icky time here yet, the day has turned out lovely in weather and folks!
The 50/50 was won by you Clifford Chan! $132.50! There was no phone number on the ticket yet, we have Lianne’s! 🙂
People and dogs did great in the space and, only one moment of excitement that quickly was gotten under control and, what is an ‘EXPERIENCE’ without that!
Full moon per the calendar!!!
Dogs are flaked out and, grand total to be announced later of what was raised today once Mary counts all yet, the loving hands and caring hearts were felt all over!
AND, the food!! AMAZING!
We want to thank everyone for coming and, spending time here and, registration shall open up for our June ‘EXPERIENCE’ shortly. Love BHRR in June!
Tonight I get to enjoy all the doggies together before 21 of them head back to their approved temp fosters AND, we can then dismantle all the crates!
BHRR’s Angel Noelle says thank you also!!