Someone says that he had a pretty good play day overall! Lion King Pumbaa was understandably not quite himself yet, he was in familiar hands and, a familiar home with loving goodness. Thank you wonderful home of angels for doing this for him!!
After his play visit, Sean & I picked him up, and, we went off to visit his friends at PV Stittsville and, we know for sure that NO cats are in his future! Way too excited……did not help that the kitty was teasing him!
So, Calypso Farm and, also Brent's home, sadly, that rules out your amazing places for additional great experiences. Boo! 🙁
I want to really express from my heart what this means to me that so many are being there for him!
The photo below is of him telling me to stop trying to take his photo while we were at PV Stittsville!
The only thing that is so hard is seeing that incredible sadness in his eyes in this photo that I cannot simply make better for him…..