Today before going to bed, I decided to do some ‘face’ shots of some of the BHRR Dogs. As I have not posted any new pictures of BHRR’s Mindy since her arrival to BHRR, I am adding two new pictures to her slideshow, #5 & #6 plus I am going to add one of those below. This girl is just so booootiful! She is extremely low maintenance these days now that the house rules are in place and Gwennie’s Doggie BootCamp went into full swing and she has come along really well with the sharing. You will often see her drinking at the same time for a dog bowl with at least one or two others now. YAY! She is also learning to not be so disgusted in her looks with how the antics of the young ones can be and she is really close to BHRR’s Shiva and they play a LOT together. Just do not tell Mindy that we can see her while she is playing like this! LOL It might upset her ‘princess’ tudness! 😛 Once she had order in her life, she just has settled down really well and is no longer as unsure or nervous about things. Like all animals, she needs structured, routine and consistency plus training to giver her strong foundations to be built upon. She knows what is expected of her and she has responded wonderfully. She still is a bit handshy and will squint her eyes shut sometimes yet has gotten a lot better. She has discovered my kingsize bed and can often be found just lounging there. She continues to have full run of the house and has not destroyed or touched anything she should not. May her right matched home come along and she will be missed as she is a really lovely Great Dane!!!

BHRR’s Mindy – March 9th, 2010 – 4 years old