BHRR's Dozer is THERE! He is ready to be placed up as AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION!!! YAY! WTG BIG Guy!
Our November 24th, 2012 BHRR 'EXPERIENCE' Mini Open House saw just shy of 50 registered guests come and go and from the moment the first 'guy' entered to the last 'guy' that left, BHRR's Dozer was in his element! I had put him in a 'safe spot', a crate when the first guests arrived to give him time to get used to things and his tail wagged nonstop and he could not wait to come out. So, not more than 5 minutes later, he was out and doing his thing…AND boy, he does it well!
People who were at our September 29th Dinner Event remarked JUST how far he had come even since there.
NOT one bark, not one fear moment and I am sooooooooooooooooo proud! He has ROCKED his rehab and he shall only go to a home that shall not set-him up for failure and understands what he has gone through plus the journey he has taken while at BHRR. He was scared of everything!
In public, a passively ignore approach and a calm, confident approach that is non threatening or arrogant is what he needs. Treats help.
He gets ALONG with all dogs at BHRR and he was the first to meet the newest addition to BHRR – BHRR's Bishop! NOW, that is how much I trust him! He is no longer scared of other dogs and reactive, because of it.
My heart is bursting for this was one messed up dog when he first arrived and he and I have traveled very FAR. I will not see him go somewhere where he is overwhelmed, flooded or on the other hand, kept secluded from a world that he has learned can be loving and kind and full of great things.
He can go to a home that has at least one right matched personality fit dog, or none at all as long as there is a proper dog social network in place to ensure that he has his doggie friends. He can go to a home that works full time, part time, semi retired, retired, works form home etc. AS he is yet, another amazing versatile dog!
BHRR's Dozer, it has been a pleasure. You have brought me to a whole new level of sheer appreciation for the dog you are and are the proof of just how much patience does pay off!