Kaitlyn Clark-Bidgood has been organizing a food drive for BHRR since May of 2009. We are so humbled and beyond touched by this show of support from her, her family and friends. This is Kaitlyn’s post and please contact Kaitlyn directly if you can assist. THANKS in advance as always for any consideration for we are in urgent need.
A local shelter called Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation, which specializes in the rescue and care of giant breed dogs (mostly great danes) has begun a grim count down of the number of days worth of food they have left. Right now they are down to only 6 days left. They are desperately in need of donations of both food and money. Because of this my friends, family and I (I am a local college student) have started a sort of food drive called ‘Five 4 Food’;. We are asking people in the community to donate $5 (or however much they can and want to give) to Birch Haven. I have put information up on Used Ottawa, Kijiji, Ottawa Dog Blog and Hoobly, I have emailed two local news stations and am trying to contact a few radio stations.
$ TOTAL TO DATE: $780.00 has been sent via PayPal for food
$ Cash/Checks TO DATE: $40.00 in cash has been sent for food
Dog Food Donation TO DATE: 22 large bags, 2 medium bag & 7 small bags of food; 23 x 142g sample bags & 45 cans
Kanata Animal Hospital $ TO DATE: $145.00
Canadian Tire Money TO DATE: $4.80