LAST Gentle Reminder: The FACEBOOK BHRR Discussion Group has MOVED to! –


This is just a last gentle reminder that our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Group has moved!


With the 'upgrade' and 'archiving' of the current discussion groups on Facebook, we believe that the needs of our Rescue & Rehab organization cannot sufficiently be met any longer and hence the change to a BHRR FAN PAGE Format.

As of June 1st; the current Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) Facebook DISCUSSION GROUP had all members deleted and then the group was permanently disabled and so as of the evening of Thursday May 5th, 2011 we have since moved to a Facebook Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE format instead.

Our BHRR FAN Page is very interactive, user friendly and fosters great networking plus social friendships and it also feeds into our BHRR Twitter account! We already have had some good discussions with insightful comments happening!

So, to stay abreast of all things uniquely BHRR including requests for assistance, Event/Fundraiser Announcements, upcoming 'EXPERIENCE' Open Houses, GD & Honourary GD Walks/Hikes INCLUDING any Lost & Found Animals, interesting tidbits, Animal Welfare topics, courtesy postings for other reputable/quality organizations/groups, community events etc.; do come and 'LIKE' our Birch Haven Rescue and Rehabilitation Services(BHRR) FAN PAGE –

Sorry for any inconvenience caused! 🙁 is the URL to crosspost! As of now, we have 226 Supporters & counting! Thanks for joining the migration! 🙂

Thanks everyone for your understanding plus patience as we make this necessary transition to continue to have the best network in place to continue to assist animals in need of our programs with your strong 'CHAIN OF SUCCESS' support!

The BHRR Team